Information table doc

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\\hgs6\users$\staff\astone\My Documents\Sort me out soon\Work for website\Work for website\ Year 8\Data Use and Misuse\Information table doc.doc

2012 Olympics - Who has whose information,

Data Use and Misuse Yr8

Place/ Location




Olympia Hotel

Card Details

Loss of data, Information stolen,

Trustworthy Staff, Transaction is carefully
monitored, PIN is entered privately

London Eye

Name, (maybe credit card details.)

Credit card details stolen, fraud.

Trustworthy staff, covered pin.

Olympic Stadium

Name, credit card details, address,

Credit card details stolen, address found

Buy tickets with cash. Tell address over

London underground

Name, credit card details,

Tickets stolen with personal information

Put somewhere safe.

Wembley Stadium

Credit card details , address , phone

Personal information might be found out

Order over internet.

Stanford bridge

Credit card details , address , phone

Personal information might be found out

Order over internet

London Bridge

Falling off

Walk in the middle

Olympic Village

Hotel would need personal information
e.g. name

Personal data being found out

Say personal dat a over the phone


Would need all the data they could get


t all been found out

Say it all in private

Car hire company

Drivers licence, credit card details, your
car keys.

Car keys been stolen, drivers licence
taken, credit card details found out.

Put keys , drivers licence in a safe and
pay with cash.


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