e4l elementary test04

for Life
4 Name Date
Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.
1 John (a listens to b listens c listening) the radio in the mornings.
2 Ken (a doesn t like cook b doesn t like cooking c don t like cook).
3 What sports (a like you b you like c do you like)?
4  Would you like a cup of tea?  Yes, (a I like. b I do c please).
5 What do you do in your (a free time b time free c free times)?
6 Magda (a goes b does c plays) yoga every day.
7  (a Everything b Is everything c Is that everything)?  Yes, thank you.
8 Where (a does Eddie work b Eddie does work c works Eddie)?
9 Do you go (a do swim b swim c swimming)?
10 (a Can I b Can I have c I can have) a large coffee, please?
11 (a Does she reads b Does she read c Do she read) a lot of books?
12 I (a like eating b like eat c do like eat) Chinese food.
13 When do you (a do the b go c go to the) cinema?
14 (a Those are Ł8 all b They re Ł8 all c That s Ł8) altogether.
15  Do you play tennis?  No, (a I don t b I doesn t c not).
16 Andrew doesn t (a go b play c do) karate now.
17 Where (a do they live b they live c live they)?
18  Do you like watching TV?  Yes, (a do b I do c I like).
19 Would you like (a anything else b thing else c else anything)?
20  Do John and Anna go jogging?  No, they (a aren t b don t c doesn t).
4 Oxford University Press. PHOTOCOPIABLE


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