e4l elementary test19

for Life
19 Name Date
Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.
1 What (a are you mean b do you meaning c do you mean)?
2  Have you sent the email?  Yes, I (a do b have c send).
3 Dear Sue  we ve (a gone b done c made) to the cinema. See you later.
4 I always (a lay b make c go) the beds in the morning.
5 What are you (a taking b making c talking) about, Ryan?
6 I ve (a eat b drunk c had) my dinner. See you later.
7 Tess (a has cooked b is cooked c do cook) dinner. It s great.
8 Dad doesn t like (a going b doing c do) the shopping.
9 (a How does b What s the c How the) problem?
10 Have you (a paid b said c pay) the bills this month?
11 We ve (a gone b been c had) to the market. We ve got lots of food.
12 Can you (a go b pay c take) out the rubbish, please?
13 I m sorry. I (a  m not b haven t c don t) understand.
14 Mike. I haven t (a booked b book c books) a table. Sorry.
15  Has Ella bought the CDs?  No, she (a doesn t b hasn t c didn t).
16 When is James going to (a cook b lay c clean) the windows?
17 Lucy s unhappy, and it s (a all you b all your c the you) fault.
18 Oh, dear. Jack s (a misses b miss c missed) the train.
19 I ve done the washing. I (a haven t b didn t c hasn t) done the ironing.
20 Your brother has to (a tidy b tidies c tidying) his room now!
19 © Oxford University Press. PHOTOCOPIABLE


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