e4l elementary test14

for Life
14 Name Date
Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.
1  Do you like (a beef b carrots c butter)?  No, I never eat them.
2 How many (a potatoes b pork c potato) do you want?
3 I usually have a (a piece b box c cup) of tea for breakfast.
4 Could we have (a the b  c some) bill, please?
5 Can I have an (a rice b apple c chicken), please?
6 I don t eat (a a b much c many) rice.
7 (a Are ready you b Ready you are c Are you ready) to order?
8  How much honey would you like?  Not (a much b lot c some).
9 Do you want white or brown (a lettuce b bread c peas)?
10 I eat (a lot b a lot c a lot of) cheese.
11 Children don t like (a much b many c a lot) vegetables.
12 Coffee and (a an b a c many) orange juice, please.
13 My favourite drink is cold (a milk b chicken c grapes).
14 How much (a pen b bag c money) have you got with you?
15 Can you give me a (a bowl b piece c glass) of paper, please?
16  Tea for me.  Could I (a have b make c eat) the same, please?
17 The (a cheese b wine c eggs) are in the fridge.
18 I d like (a lot b many c some) lettuce in my sandwich.
19 Would you like (a petrol b jam c soap) on your toast?
20  (a Was OK? b OK was everything? c Was everything OK?)  Fine, thanks.
14 © Oxford University Press. PHOTOCOPIABLE


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