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Everyday Romances 1

The Billionaire’s Boyfriend

After being jobless for months, Joshua Fort finally finds himself

interviewing for the position of assistant to Adlib's CEO, Jack

Liberty. Joshua is gay, and boy, does he know when he finds a

sexy man in Jack. The only problem is Jack is straight—or is he?

Jack is a man who has always gone after what he wants when he

wants it. Now he sees someone he desires more than any other,

but he can't have him.

When a trip to New York comes up for the two, Jack must put his

ego aside and allow Joshua to help him out of what could be a

financially ruining situation for Adlib.

Joshua’s feelings for Jack begin to eat away at him until one

amazing day. Will their new relationship work out, or is it doomed

to end before it even begins?

Will the billionaire ever have a boyfriend?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 30,954 words

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Everyday Romances 1

Christine Shaw



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

Copyright © 2012 by Christine Shaw
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-678-0

First E-book Publication: June 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Everyday Romances 1


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

Joshua made his way to the three identical elevators that lined one

wall of the reception area. The room was magnificent, for lack of a
better term. Marble flooring, gold painted extravagancies in the high-
reach ceilings and the mirrored elevator doors were only the
background features compared to the people who surrounded him.
They were all dressed in their finest. He noticed Armani, Dolce &
Gabbana, Hugo Boss, and many more suits all but march past him on
their way in and out the building.

He walked as fast as he could in the direction of the elevators. He

knew only one went to the top floor and that it was the very first one
in the row. As he reached the mirrored doors, one opened, allowing its
passengers out and new ones in. He wanted the top floor, number
twenty-four, the executive office.

He pressed twenty-four as he passed to stand in the back of the

tight space, allowing others to enter after him, but by the time the
elevator reached his floor, Joshua was the only person left in the
confined space. For that he was grateful, as every second that passed
by he grew more and more nervous. He began to sweat slightly as a

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sound pinged, and the doors to floor twenty-four opened to reveal an
unbelievable space.

His mind was momentarily distracted from his fraying nerves as

he looked around the space. A large conference-style table sat to the
right of the room, overlooking Chicago’s downtown area. A single
door sat directly opposite him, and Joshua immediately knew this was
where he had to go. But one thing that intrigued him was the one desk
in the shape of a right angle that sat looking rather lonely to the left-
hand side of the room.

He remembered sitting at home in his small one-bedroom

apartment, close to tears as he moped around after losing his previous
job, the former JFY advertising company. His dream was to one day
learn the entire field from bottom to top , rising through the ranks
until one day there was nothing left for him to do other than start his
own agency. Unfortunately, he had just become secretary to the head
of the art department when the owner had declared the business

Since then he had spent every day searching for any job he could

find and scrimping and saving every valuable penny until finally it
had come along.

Sitting at his modestly small kitchen table one morning with the

paper, he came across a job opening for one of, if not the leading,
advertising agency in Chicago called “Adlib.” The ad was for a job as
an assistant, and after ringing the number provided, and after speaking
with the human resources team, he found it was the position as
assistant to the CEO of the company, Jack Liberty.

Now he stood in the space before Jack Liberty’s office. He took

numerous deep, calming breaths to pluck up enough courage to go
ahead with his interview.

Thankfully, when he had rung about the position, human

resources had expressed how desperate the CEO of the company was
to replace the position of his assistant and straight away scheduled
him an interview with the man himself. Before he could knock the

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door, another man dressed what Joshua could only interpret as an
Armani knockoff walked from the room straight ahead. If anyone
knew brand name clothing, it was Joshua. He was a gay man after all.

The knockoff man walked passed him, purposely brushing past

his shoulder as he threw Joshua a smug smile as if to say go home
’cause this job’s mine
. Joshua clutched his portfolio toward his chest
as he attempted to remain his balance. Joshua looked toward the
elevators where the smug, knockoff man stood when the doors closed
and the chime sounded to remind whoever present the elevator had

He stood there watching as the electronic numbers above the

elevator doors changed, descending with each floor the elevator

After a few seconds, Joshua turned back to see the most incredibly

handsome man he had ever laid eyes upon. The finest specimen of
manly power stood in the doorway to the office with a huge smirk on
his face as if realizing the direction of Joshua’s thoughts. The man
relaxed his muscular frame against the one of the doorway, his legs
crossed at the ankles and his muscular arms folded across an ample

His golden eyes bore red-hot holes into Joshua as he felt his face

flame. Usually he would have had no problem in asking the man out,
but unfortunately he wanted this man to be his boss, and crossing that
line from being friendly to outright flirting was definitely off the
cards. Knowing this, he thanked the gods that no flush covered his
pale face when he looked up at the man who exuded power and

“You must be Joshua Fort, correct?” the man asked him, and if

that deep tone didn’t unhinge him right there. His voice was a deep
baritone, and Joshua couldn’t help his thoughts straying toward the
idea that that voice belonged in the bedroom where he could dominate
a body just as well as he ran his business. Joshua nodded almost
frantically to hide the fact his mouth was dry, and his natural reaction

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was to gulp several times as his body convulsed slightly from the
sound of the man’s voice.

“That’s correct,” he said once he felt some semblance of control

reach his brain a moment later, and stepped up to the man. Joshua
held out his hand in greeting, and the man took it. He didn’t imagine
the spark of electricity that ran up and through his arm and all the way
down to his groin to pool there when he touched the other man.

“I’m Jack Liberty, CEO of Adlib. How about we step into my

office and begin the interview.”

Joshua again nodded as the man motioned for him to enter the

room first, and what he was greeted with startled him.

* * * *

That hadn’t gone well at all.
Quite frankly, it had gone terribly, disastrously, horrendously, and

any other word along those lines. Jack couldn’t believe he had
interviewed such an idiot for the position as his assistant. He normally
wasn’t a man to say anything bad about an individual, but by god if
there was ever a time to do it, it was that moment.

The man, Frank, had answered every single one of his questions

wrong. Normally his questions when hiring anyone wouldn’t have a
correct and incorrect way of answering, but this man had somehow
proved his logic wrong. It had taken all his energy to not tell the man
to leave his office, his floor, and his building and to retain some level
of composure to keep going through the interview.

Thankfully, he had soon found reason to complete the interview

and politely tell Frank that he would be in touch. And he still had one
interview left.

Now he walked into his office and closed the door behind him.

Joshua Fort stood still with shock in the middle of his huge office. It
was exactly the way he had wanted it when he designed his floor. His
office covered over half the space of the entire floor, including his

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personal bathroom and mini walk-in wardrobe. It was sleek and
modern, yet it gave an air of comfort for him and whoever he liked.
When he had to address anything negative toward anyone, his office
soon became a cold environment where he could break even the
manliest of men.

Joshua then turned to him with wide eyes, and Jack had to

suppress a chuckle. Everybody had that reaction when they saw his
space for the first time.

“Please take a seat, Joshua, and we will begin the interview.”

Normally when he called a prospective employee by their first name it
unnerved them. It was how Jack preferred it when interviewing. It
showed the interviewee who was going to be the boss and who had
final say in his status as employee of his or not. This didn’t seem to
prove good logic with Joshua as the man smiled at him and sat down.
Jack noticed the man’s shoulders visibly relax yet still remain square
with good posture as he perched on one of the two leather seats in
front of his desk.

He was tired, so very tired. A full day of interviewing and not one

person had shone out above the rest. Then he had interviewed Frank,
and he felt as if the day had been for naught.

He didn’t realize his intentions until he found himself standing in

the corner of his office pulling the crystal decanter from its perch on
the tray to pour himself a glass of bourbon. It was all he drank except
for once a year at Thanksgiving when he would drink beer with his
friends as he watched football.

He half-turned, seeing Joshua attempt to look to see what he was

doing without actually turning his head. Turning back, he pulled a
second glass of bourbon and took it to Joshua. Joshua initially shook
his head as he began wringing his hands. It must be nerves, Jack
thought, and suddenly realized it must be a nerve-racking thing to be
interviewed by someone of his stature within a highly respected

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Christine Shaw

“I insist,” he said, pushing the glass closer to Joshua. The man

looked Jack in the eye and quirked a brow as if to say are you for
. He knew it was unorthodox to have a glass of bourbon at an
interview, but he was the CEO and he prided his company on being
unorthodox in their advertising campaigns.

Joshua took the drink and hesitantly took a sip. Jack took the seat

at the opposite side of his desk and sat back as he sipped the amber
liquid. He placed the glass down to the side of his closed laptop but
kept his fingers wrapped around the glass lightly.

“I apologize if this offends you in any way, but I really needed

one after that last interview,” he said by way of apology for him
looking like an alcoholic in front of a potential assistant.

Joshua smiled kindly at Jack and replied, “It’s no problem. I saw

the man myself, and if in your shoes, I would have done exactly the
same thing, if not sooner.” Jack felt much better suddenly, and it
wasn’t because Joshua was okay with a little drink during their
interview. Well, he supposed it was partially, but mainly it was what
he saw in Joshua’s eyes that made Jack think so highly of him.

Jack didn’t see pity or any other negative-related emotion in the

man’s eyes. Instead, the man had a smile on his face, and the only
emotion Jack recognized in the man’s eyes was acceptance. Jack took
another sip at the same time Joshua did and this time let the glass go
and laced his hands together on top of his desk.

“I appreciate that. So how about we begin?” he said.
“I would like that.” Joshua said and also placed his glass down

and handed Jack a folder.

Jack gladly took the folder from the man and looked at it

questioningly and then at Joshua. “It’s my portfolio. It includes pieces
of work I have been a part of in my previous positions within
advertising, my résumé, and also a number of references from my
different supervisors, including one from the CEO of the company of
my previous position.”

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The Billionaire’s Boyfriend


Jack opened the folder to immediately see an entire folder full of

work. It was organized according to importance. Résumé on top,
references below that, and finally, any work he had been involved in.
He was impressed with what he was seeing. Not only had Joshua
graduated three years previous with a bachelor’s degree in marketing
and advertising but also had gathered five years work experience with
JFY, one of the leading advertising companies in Chicago, at least
until they went broke.

It turned out Joshua had started off early as an unpaid intern and

worked his way through the ranks until reaching secretary to the head
of their art department. Since then, of course, that same man, the head
of JFY’s human resources team, an ad exec for the company, and the
CEO of the company had all given Joshua raving references,
commenting on how Joshua was hardworking and motivated in the

Then he looked through the work Joshua said he had been a part

of creating, and it was some of JFY’s best work, the high-profile
companies who in the past two months created campaigns with Adlib.
Jack knew right then he didn’t need to or even want to interview
Joshua in the proper sense. His folder alone spoke volumes for him,
and Jack knew a star man with a brain for advertising when he saw

“I just have one question,” he said as he closed the folder and

handed it back to Joshua.

“If you were to be the winner, so to speak, and I hired you as my

assistant, how would you benefit my work life on a day-to-day
basis?” He knew it was a difficult question. One that could be
answered in a multitude of ways, it was the same question he had
asked every person before Joshua that day, and not one had answered
it the way Jack was hoping.

Joshua seemed to be pondering on the correct way to answer, and

Jack suddenly found himself mentally cheering Joshua along.

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“Well, first-off I would benefit in many ways. I have experience

with human resources as well as the art department within an
advertising agency. Because of this, I have also sat in on many
meetings throughout my five-year career with JFY, including with
some of their big-name clients in order to gain experience and to learn
firsthand how a successful pitch is made to all different clients. This
knowledge will help me benefit you in creating meetings with clients
as well as dealing with them when you are indisposed.

“Secondly, I am incredibly organized and efficient in my ability to

modify your schedule so you will be able to handle your workload at
a much higher rate. Any calls other than those of the utmost
importance I more than likely would be able to deal with, therefore
allowing you an undisturbed time in order to complete your work.
With also officially being your assistant, but much rather one with
advertising experience rather than just secretary experience, I will be
able to relieve you of the more mundane workload you have, giving
you longer periods of time with the clients or working on a new pitch
for a client. My experience would also allow for a second opinion, if
you saw fit, with an honest and academic response.

“Last of all, I would also benefit your work life by doing your

bidding, if you would choose such a crass term. Consider the amount
of time that you probably waste between running to and from the art
department with updates to a pitch when instead it would make sense
to send me in your stead, enabling you to work, stay one step ahead,
and focus your attention on another client.”

Joshua retrieved his glass from the desk and took a small sip of his

drink before swallowing and placing it back on the desk.

“All in all, I would not only provide you with a right hand in

every aspect of your work life but also save you time and make your
work schedule a lot more efficient, hopefully creating a wider revenue
for your business.”

Jack was stunned. Eighteen people he had interviewed all day and

only one of them, the last one, had answered that question correctly.

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There were people who had, in his book, been overqualified for the
position he was interviewing for, but they hadn’t experience within an
advertising agency. Then there were others who had experience in
advertising but in a part of the business that held no relevance to the
position as assistant to him or the duties involved. Then there was the
idiot who in a weird way seemed rather stalker-cum-serial killer in
Jack’s eyes.

But Joshua. Joshua Fort was everything he needed for the

position. He was smart and educated in the likes of advertising and
marketing. He had relevant experience in numerous departments, as
well as with the clients, and so would be very a valuable part in
organising his work load. Since he had to fire his previous assistant,
his workload had been thrown around in a muddled mess. And that
was putting it lightly.

He held his glass up and shot the liquid back, blinking rapidly as

water gathered in his eyes from the potency of the drink. When he
recovered, he looked Joshua in the eye and smiled.

“When can you start?”

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Christine Shaw

Chapter 2

Joshua slammed his hand down on the snooze button of his alarm.

It was way too early to get up. Six thirty was something he hadn’t
been used to in months, but now, now it was different.

Realization that today was his first day as the assistant to Jack

Liberty dawned on him. Joshua rolled around in his bed, flailing and
kicking in his haste to get up and out of the warm cocoon he often
made while asleep. He managed to kick the heavy blanket from his
body, and the cool air whispered around his warm, naked body. He
pushed his way to the end of the bed to stretch his back out. He
always slept on his side, his knees tucked up into his chest, and
somehow his comforter was always cocooned around him and under
every part of his body. It amazed him how that happened while his
mind and body were supposed to be sleeping. Eventually though, he
managed to pry himself away from the sheets.

The air around his bedroom was cool, and Joshua rose from the

bed and made his way to the bathroom across the small hallway. As
he reached the doorway, he tripped and fell. “Fuck,” he screamed as
he turned over, realizing the reason for his fall. Somehow during the
night his foot had for some strange reason tucked itself inside the
blanket and now caused him to fall. It was all he needed for his first
day of the new job.

Thankfully the rest of his morning went uneventfully as he

showered, dressed, ate breakfast, and walked to work. He lived not
five minutes outside the main business area of Chicago, and so the
walk to his new job provided him with a short twenty minute walk to
Adlib's downtown Chicago building.

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The Billionaire’s Boyfriend


On his way, he patted his chest, remembering the new ID badge

Jack had phoned down for. He remembered how he had gotten the

“When can you start?” Jack had asked him before the man had

stood to replenish his drink. Joshua hadn’t thought any less of his new
boss for having cheeky afternoon bourbon while he was interviewing.
He had seen the person who Jack had interviewed before him, and
Joshua knew if it had been him, he would have been reaching for the
entire bottle. The knockoff idiot seemed smug yet just as equally
stupid. Plus, Jack Liberty was only in his late twenties, just four years
older than Joshua was. Joshua knew Jack had started out early and
now Jack owned his own advertising agency. The man was entitled to
a four p.m. bourbon if he so pleased.

“Monday sounds good,” he had said instantly, knowing he wasn’t

going to turn down the job if his life depended on it. The opportunity
was just that, an opportunity, and Joshua was going to grab it with
both arms and legs. The smile that had crept upon Jack’s face then
was one Joshua worked out to be of relief. Who knew how long the
man had gone without an assistant, and now he had one.

Jack hadn’t said a word as he picked up the phone on his desk and

dialed a number he obviously knew by heart. “Hello, Jenny? It’s Jack.
I need to ask you a giant favor.”

“Can you get me a brand-new ID badge made up for one Joshua

Fort? He will be joining our company as of Monday morning, and he
will be in need of ID to get past security.”

Jack had then made a few incoherent noises, and then a few ahhs

as if in agreement with this Jenny character until finally Jack had said,
“Brilliant I will see you in ten.” Then the man had hung up before
addressing Joshua.

“That was our human resources department. Jenny, the head, will

deal with your ID badge now and should be up shortly to present it to

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Joshua had been too shocked for words. Jack had promised that he

would get his legal team to write up his contract and on Monday
morning he could sign them. The salary wasn’t too bad either.
Seventy thousand a year plus a bonus after one year, and because the
job would include the occasional traveling with Jack, he would be
paid overtime for the entire time they were away on business. It was
the perfect setup.

And sure to his word, Jenny from human resources walked

through Jack’s office doors not ten minutes later with a small credit
card-sized ID with his name and position stamped onto it. His official
ID badge. He had wondered why no picture was necessary, but
apparently in order to log onto any business computer each employee
had a unique number that would correspond with a picture that would
be uploaded onto the company’s database.

Now he stood in front of the building.
He looked around nonchalantly, wondering if turning up an entire

half hour early for work would look good or desperate on his part. A
coffee shop sat directly opposite the building, and Joshua decided to
grab a coffee for him and his new boss. Showing up thirty minutes
early may look desperate, but showing up fifteen minutes early and
with a cup of coffee said eager. Eager was better than desperate right?

Before he could make a coherent decision, Joshua found himself

on the opposite side of the road and walking into the coffee shop. The
smell of coffee beans soon reached his nose, and he inhaled deeply.
He had been too preoccupied with grooming himself appropriately to
worry about brewing himself a cup of the caffeinated goodness. Now
he realized he had felt sluggish without his morning java.

The queue had about five people before him, so Joshua stood

patiently, waiting for his turn to be served. When he was next, the
acne-covered kid asked what he wanted.

“Two tall coffees, no cream,” he requested and handed the kid

five dollars, telling him to keep the change. Joshua had no idea how

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The Billionaire’s Boyfriend


Jack liked his coffee, but he decided getting it plain was better than
messing it up.

When the kid handed him the two drinks, Joshua nodded and

made his way back across the street. It was now seven forty and
suddenly the streets had grown a lot busier in the ten minutes he had
been getting his coffee. He took a small tentative sip of his and all but
moaned as the taste burst across his tongue. Without the sugar it was
perfect, not too sweet, yet the right balance of beans didn’t make it
bitter either. It was heaven.

The elevator’s chime pinged in that now-familiar tune to say he

had arrived at his floor just before the doors slid open. Joshua walked
through the doors and immediately turned around when the sound
chimed again, indicating the doors were closing once again. Turning
back to the space that was now his work space Joshua noticed Jack’s
door was wide open in invitation and the sound of the man’s voice
calling, “Is that you Joshua?” He didn’t bother with a reply as he
walked straight into his boss’s office.

“Yep. It’s me bearing coffee,” he announced as he walked toward

the large vintage wooden desk. Normally it would have looked out of
place, a large piece such as it was in the middle of a room that held so
many modernized furnishings within it, but in Jack’s office it
belonged. A look that would normally be wrong in every sense of the
word was pulled off by that one man. Just like the suit the man
currently wore.

He had an all-black Dolce & Gabbana suit on. The blazer was

slung over the man’s chair, but the matching slacks were sleek and
pressed to perfection. He imagined they tightened around the man’s
ass deliciously, showing off both perfect round mounds that
demanded he grab onto them.

So the man didn’t notice his action, he shook his one-track mind

slightly to rid him of the thoughts that would surely drive him wild
with arousal and need. His asshole tightened and relaxed as if it was
begging to be filled. The shirt Jack wore was a more dull black,

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almost a really dark gray but not quite pushing the boundary, and a
nice black silk tie hung from his neck. It was a look that presented
wealth, power, and professionalism all in one go.

He handed Jack the other coffee cup, and the man took a small

sip. Joshua was enthralled at the action he saw happening in the man’s
throat. Again he shook his mind of the dirty thoughts as he focused on
his first day of work.

“Thanks,” Jack said as he finished taking another sip of the hot


“No problem,” he said as he took a drink of the java himself. His

mouth was dry, and he needed something to moisten it with.

“How about I show you the software and your duties, huh?” Jack

asked, and Joshua nodded as he swallowed another sip.

Jack directed him back outside of the man’s office and closed the

door behind him. It was then Joshua noticed the stack of files piled on
his new desk. He figured Jack had gotten a head start on giving him
some work to do. Despite the pile being almost as high as his coffee
cup, he didn’t begrudge it. This was what he thrived at. Every piece of
paper, every copy he would have to make, and every call he would
have to make would give him more and new experiences in

“Sit down.” The way Jack said that was almost like an order, and

Joshua hurried to comply. He put his briefcase down and placed his
blazer on the back of the seat so he was comfortable. When he had sat
down, Jack hovered over him as the computer started up. Once they
had all the security measures dealt with, Jack began to speak.

“Don’t worry about the pile just yet. Use as much of today as you

need to become familiar with our software and the different clients we
have. As my assistant, you will definitely come in contact with each
client at some point and will definitely be involved in the meetings. I
will depend on you to make each client feel welcome when they walk
through those doors and to help them with any questions regarding

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meetings and appointments, so become very familiar with who have
the biggest campaigns with us. All right?”

“All right,” he replied instantly. It sounded easy enough. Make the

clients happy and Jack will be happy too. Know the clients, their
campaigns, and the amount of money they give the business and he
will be successful in his job. Joshua made a mental note to study each
client, each business, and their former campaigns thoroughly so it
would be obvious he knew what he was talking about when he was in
contact with each client.

“Great, if you need me, just shout, okay?” Then Jack walked off

and into his own office, closing the door in the process. Joshua set to

* * * *

It was just after one when Joshua knocked on Jack’s door. He

hadn’t seen his boss since the man wandered back into his office
some five hours ago. He knew the man must be hungry, so he had
appointed himself to go and grab lunch for him on his way back to the
office. “Come in” was distantly said, and Joshua walked in.

He was right. The man had obviously been at his desk the entire

morning and the whole of lunch. His boss still looked impeccable, not
a hair out of place, yet his eyes danced from screen to screen as his
fingers typed a million miles a second. He gathered the man had gone
without an assistant for quite a while and so was used to doing
everything he needed to himself. It was his duty to liberate the man
from that habit.

“Stop,” he almost shouted. Instead, it came out a stern order, and

immediately Jack looked up as his fingers stopped, almost ghosting
over the keyboards. They twitched as if the man had been in the
middle of typing a sentence, and they itched to finish the thought.
Joshua wouldn’t have any of it.

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“Save your work and minimize the screen. It’s time for you to

eat,” he said, again sternly, and he saw the indecision cross over
Jack’s face, but he knew better. As Jack’s assistant, it was his job to
make sure the man performed to the best of his ability, to make sure
Jack could run his business efficiently and resourcefully. That
included eating and drinking at regular intervals.

He watched as a reluctant Jack saved his work and clicked

something that must have been minimize because by the time he made
it round the desk, any and all windows had been temporarily closed.
He placed the packages down in front of the man.

“Chicken salad, banana, and water, a healthy lunch. It will give

you strength and energy to work for the next three hours before it’s
home time. So eat this in peace, and when you’re done, you come find
me outside.” He didn’t give the man any chance to talk back but
rather swiftly left the office and closed the door. He heard the sound
of the sandwich wrapper opening and was content that he had made
the man eat.

He knew the type well. The businessmen that ran an entire team or

the entire business and felt they had too much work to do in order to
have proper breaks. Instead, they opted for working through their
breaks to get as much out of every working minute possible, and that
included working overtime. But those were the times when one could
make mistakes, and when dealing with advertising, every little nook
and cranny mattered, at least it did to the public who would be buying
the product.

Joshua sat down at his desk and switched his phone back on. It

hadn’t taken him long to work out how to change his phone from on
and live to the pre-recorded voicemail message, which again was
simple enough to figure out. Immediately he had a call through, some
demanding hick of a woman claiming she needed to speak with Jack
urgently. Her name didn’t ring any bells as client and neither was it
on his list of acceptance for the people who didn’t need to be
screened. He told her swiftly, “Mr. Liberty is currently on his lunch

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break and is not taking any calls right now, but I would be happy to
take a message.” He smiled when his “kind voice,” as his friends
often called it, angered her, and she screeched before a loud bang
sounded on the other end of the line and the dial tone rang through his
ear. Women, he thought.

Ten minutes later, Jack stepped through his door, a healthy colour

now evident on the man’s face, which Joshua smiled at. “See now.
Don’t you feel better?” he teased. He knew what the answer would be
because he had had the same lunch. The perfect chicken salad on
whole wheat bread from Subway was to die for.

“Okay. Stop bragging or I’ll have to kill you.” Jack laughed, and

the fact the man was laughing showed what a good lunch can do for
one. He gathered being CEO of one’s own business must be hard,
tiring work and even just a few minutes break for something to eat
must be as relaxing as anything. And not a working break either.

“Sure, sure.” He laughed.
“Okay. So what have you got to show me?” Jack asked, and this

Joshua was pleased about. He had spent all morning working on it,
and he was pretty darn pleased with it himself.

“Come pull up a chair,” he invited and scooted over slightly as

Jack went over to the conference table and brought the chair over to
Joshua’s desk.

“Okay. I looked over your original files, and quite frankly,

nothing made sense, so I deleted them. I don’t know who your
previous assistant was, but he or she didn’t do a very good job at it.
Now everything is updated and actually organized.

“First off, I’ve changed your appointment times. Instead of hourly

appointments, I’ve cut them down to forty-five. Technically a pitch
only lasts a half hour, and the few questions the client has shouldn’t
take more than fifteen minutes, tops. With the new timeline, you can
either afford to spend more time in your office or you can afford last-
minute appointments if the situations arise.

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“Secondly, all your files are now organized, first alphabetically

and then chronologically by the amount the client spends on their
campaigns with us. There is also a color code saying who is in charge
of that account personally. Yours is blue for future reference and
every other account exec we have has another colour. Each person
and his or her color is clearly labeled above for easy access.

“I have also had my brother in here today. He is a wiz with

computers and owns his own store about twenty minutes from here. I
got him to calibrate my computer so any changes made on it will
automatically be updated on yours also. Not that you should have any
reason to distrust me, but I’m gathering since you didn’t have one
when I came by Friday that you had to fire your old assistant for one
reason or another, and so I took preliminary measures by hooking up
my computer with yours. I will do the same to yours in a minute so
any changes either one of us makes will be seen by the other instantly.

“Last of all, I’ve also incorporated a daily schedule for you. I

looked over all our clients and how many of them you personally deal
with more than the others compared to how many meetings you have
weekly. Your new lunch break will be twelve till one. During this
time you are free to go out and chill out, eat, walk, hell go have a pint
for all I care, just as long as you aren’t working. Of course, I have
kept this space clear on your schedule so if the problem should arise
you are allowed a working lunch, but this will need to be clarified and
okayed by yourself before eleven. Just a preliminary measure of

“Of course then your own time is yours to do as you please,

whether you wish to work or not.”

Joshua then shut up. He knew he had begun to ramble on as he

sometimes did in order to fill the void of the other person not talking.
He looked over at Jack to see the man studying the daily schedule he
had brought up on his computer screen. He had no idea what was
going through the other man’s mind, but he wanted in. He needed to
know he had done well. Then suddenly Jack pointed to the screen.

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“So this schedule. It’s programmed into the computer and I’m

guessing with some sort of backup file somewhere?” he asked, and
Joshua blew out a breath of relief. Rejections he couldn’t handle, but
questions, yes he could.

“Yes. Its primary location is on this computer, and once I have

hooked your computer with mine, you can see it there also as soon as
I have made the changes. I have also taken measures in uploading an
identical software to my own phone and will do the same to yours so
both of us can view the schedule at any time and at any place in case
you are away and need to keep in contact with your files. Each system
will have a backup as well with them in case the system goes AWOL
and deletes the primary file.”

Jack seemed to ponder the information for a moment, and the

waiting drove him nuts with anticipation. Then a smile came along
Jack’s face, and he broadened it for Joshua.

“You did well, Josh. I agree that my life was a mess before you,

and what intuition you have about my former assistant, but we
needn’t talk about her. I’m very confident that my life will now be
organized and allow me to run my business with more efficiency,”
Jack complimented, and Joshua smiled widely. Jack had called him
Josh. Only his friends called him Josh, and he smiled at thinking of
Jack as a friend. It would make working with the man a lot easier,
especially considering how close they would be in the upcoming
weeks and months.

* * * *

Joshua had been home all of thirty minutes, only having time for a

shower before his doorbell rang. He lived in one of the older buildings
where there wasn’t a buzzer at the bottom of the building, but rather
anyone could just wander in and out.

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He made his way to the door in nothing but a towel, and as he

neared his destination, he recognized the shriek of his best friend,

He and Matt had been best friends since high school. His family

had relocated to Illinois at the beginning of their freshman year and
immediately the two had formed a close bond. They had both gone to
University of Chicago and spent every waking moment outside of
classes together. Joshua had taken up advertising and marketing as
Matt had decided to take up art. His friend was incredibly talented but
unfortunately was going through a dry spell currently where nobody
was buying artwork in abundance, forcing Matt to get a mundane job
at a supermarket in which he worked odd shifts.

He smiled as he opened the door and his longtime friend slammed

into him, hugging him enthusiastically and giving him a peck on the

Matt had been the first person Joshua had told he was gay.

Ironically, Matt had then confessed the same thing. It had then caused
them both to begin exploring the wonders of gay sex. Figuring out
blow job techniques, anal sex, and so much more and comparing
notes. Joshua had never slept with Matt. He knew it would only serve
as a point to ruin their relationship as best friends. Instead, they kept
to being each other’s wing man and to setting the other up on dates
constantly. They were gay after all, and Matt had always made it a
point to behave promiscuously as gay men are perceived.

“Hey, darrrrrling.” Matt rolled his Rs. Despite his lack of funds,

he had had no problem disappearing on holiday to Mexico the past
two weeks. Now Joshua knew he would be in for an entire evening of
Matt saying anything possible in order to roll his Rs. He knew he
would go though. He couldn’t deny his friend so obvious enjoyment,
even if it was over something so simple.

“Hey, señor.” He laughed. He might as well have fun and keep up

the Mexican theme even if just for the evening. “Wanna come for a

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“I can’t. I’ve been at work all day and back in at eight tomorrow.”

That seemed to do it. Matt squealed long and hard and right in
Joshua’s ear as Joshua found himself in a bear hug that belied the size
of his best friend.

“You got a job. Where? Doing what? How much are you


“Yes. Adlib as the assistant to the CEO and seventy.” Another

shriek sounded, this one much, much louder.

“You’re Jack Liberty’s assistant? Since when?” Of course leave it

to Matthew Hearth to pick up on who he was working directly under.
His friend had a worse one-track mind than he did. He often feared
how bad that actually was.

“Yes and today. He interviewed me this past Friday, and he asked

when I could start. Now here I am.”

“That’s it, my best friend. Get dressed, now! You and me are

going for a celebratory drink. We need to celebrate you working for
Adlib and with a job of utmost importance. Now go.” Matt patted him
on the ass as he twirled Joshua around, giving him a slight push in the
direction of the bedroom. He resigned himself to allowing one night
to have some fun. It had been a long time since they had gone out for
a drink together, and now he could more than afford it.

Soon he was dressed in worn jeans and his favorite top, peach-

coloured with a slogan that read “sex with me is like a candy apple,
sweet and hard.” It was something Matt had picked out for him on his
first birthday as an official gay man. Despite the joke it was meant to
be, Joshua loved the shirt, and now it was tight on his body. It showed
off his belly button and gripped tight across his entire body. It should
really be called his lucky shirt because he never failed to pull a hot,
horny man whenever he wore it out.

The bar they went to was their favorite. It was an all-gay bar that

allowed its patrons to drink to their hearts’ content and chat away
with friends or dance the night away on the smallish dance floor

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where they had a jukebox playing almost every song ever made as
well. Gay men were the ones who knew how to party.

The evening sped by in a hurry, and before he knew it he had

consumed five sour shots, each a different flavor than the next, and
four cosmos. The best part about the bar was instead of happy hour
that one often found in straight bars, they had cocktail hour. Buy any
cocktail pitcher for seven dollars and get another free.

It proved very popular with the gays of Chicago.
“Arrre you rrrready forrrrr anotherrrrrr?” Matt slurred. At least

Joshua wished he was slurring. The man had had just as much as he
had, but every word that had an R in it was rolled, and as each R was
rolled, it got longer and longer. It had gone well past annoying and
straight into hilariousville.

Joshua poured another drink each and came up with an empty

pitcher. At least it was empty of anything alcoholic. The only thing
left was the bucket full of ice they added to each pitcher.

“After this we need to go eat, Matt.” He groaned. He hadn’t eaten

anything since his lunch and that had been oh... however many hours
ago. He was really craving a burger.

“I wanna burrrrger,” he said, and damn if he hadn’t started rolling

his Rs now. He was going to kill Matt before the night’s end—he
could feel it.

“Sounds gurrrrrrrd.”
It was now nine in the evening, and Joshua just wanted to take a

burger home and eat before crashing for the night. Thank god he had
thought ahead to set his alarm, knowing full well Matt would get him
drunk good and proper.

That was exactly how he concluded his evening. He and Matt

stumbled from the bar arm in arm and walked to the nearest Burger
King to order two extra-large bacon double cheeseburgers, two large
fries, and an extra cheeseburger each before making their way back to
Joshua’s. Often when they went out, one would stay at the other’s,
and Joshua didn’t mind. His friend always had the couch to sleep on.

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Chapter 3

The next month whizzed by in a whirl. Each day passed Joshua by

without a second thought. It made him take a step back to figure out
why time passed so quickly.

It was nearing time for him to go home when his phone rang. It

was Jack. He knew this even before answering because he had set the
phone to three separate rings. One for outside the building, second for
inside the building, and third for Jack’s line solo. It helped him
categorize each call. If it was outside the office, he had to answer it
and prepare to deal with a client. If it was inside the building, he
didn’t necessarily have to answer if he was busy, but if it was Jack’s
line he always answered.

Now it was Jack calling, and Joshua immediately picked it up.
“What can I do for you?”
“Step into my office.” Then the dial tone sounded, telling Joshua

Jack had hung up. He had this foreboding feeling enter his body as he
rose from his chair and walked straight into Jack’s office.

The man had him a glass of bourbon at the ready when he walked

into the room. Joshua immediately picked it up out of courtesy and
took a sip. He knew he wouldn’t get drunk off one small tumbler, but
the liquid was expensive and Joshua knew not to gulp the amber

“I want to talk to you about something. Well, actually I want to

request something of you, Joshua,” Jack began, and Joshua placed his
drink back down, looking his boss in the eye.

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“I have to go out of town on business, for a week. I don’t know if

you know this, but I expanded a little last year. I opened a secondary
base in New York, just a small space of five floors, but they have
been doing well so far.

“The thing is the guy I have running the New York offices has

requested I be there. A client there requests my meeting with him. I
was hoping you would join me.”

Joshua sat there perplexed and rather honored. Jack could have

said “make sure to keep me posted on any mail” or “keep up the good
work, see you in a week,” but he didn’t. Jack was asking if he could
go with him. To New York. Joshua had never been, and the chance to
spend an entire week with Jack was too good an opportunity to pass

He tried to play it cool. “Of course. If you need me that is, I would

love to go.” That didn’t happen. He ended up conveying in one simple
sentence that he wanted to go. If his words hadn’t let Jack in on that,
then Joshua’s voice increasing in pitch from excitement definitely did.
Jack smiled fondly at him as the man always did.

“Brilliant. Our plane leaves this evening. I’ll pick you up at seven.

Make sure you’re packed and ready. You’re free to go home if you

Joshua finished his drink and briskly left Jack’s office to shut

down his computer and leave for home. He needed to pack.

* * * *

Jack shut down his computer. He had already packed, knowing he

would be leaving for New York that evening. He hoped the limo
would already be outside waiting on him.

He put his jacket on, buttoning it up as he locked his office and

made his way to the elevator. Once inside, he mentally checked off
everything he had packed. His cleaning lady had already been given

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explicit instructions to hand it to the limo driver when the man
appeared at his home in uptown Chicago.

As he neared the front doors, he noticed the limo driver stood

there next to the back door. Jack laughed momentarily as he pictured
Joshua’s face when he would see the limousine. He gathered the
young man had never been near a limo in his life, let alone inside one.
Jack would change all that. He knew there was nothing like a
limousine ride through a major city. Once felt that feeling of power
and being almighty never left a person. He never had the champagne
or caviar quite simply because he hated the stuff, but he knew Joshua
would love the ride.

When the driver noticed him, the man opened the door and

indicated he should get in the vehicle. Jack did, politely saying hello
in the process.

Before he knew it the driver was pulling away from the curb and

into the rush hour traffic. Their plane didn’t leave until ten, so he
knew they had plenty of time to get to Joshua’s and then to the
airport. It was only six thirty after all.

About five minutes later the driver pulled up outside Joshua’s

apartment building. The place wasn’t much. In fact, it was terrible.
The building looked to be a hundred years old, and he bet the places
were tiny and claustrophobic. It had been years since he had lived in a
place like this. It had been before he landed his first executive role in
advertising, almost eight years ago now. For some reason he didn’t
like the idea of Joshua living there in such a place.

Despite his resistance, he stood out of the car, intent on going to

call for Joshua himself. Another reason he didn’t like the building,
there was no buzzer on the bottom door. Instead, it just pushed open
just like the one at the twenty-four-hour supermarket does. He knew
Joshua lived at number fourteen, and so Jack set about walking up the

He found number fourteen on the sixth floor and knocked on the

door. It wasn’t long before his assistant answered. He still wore the

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same suit he had worn to work, obviously deciding against changing
clothing. It was a smart choice because the hotel Jack had booked up
at was considered one of the best in all of New York and nothing
other than pristine suits would be acknowledged in the establishment.

“Hey,” he greeted enthusiastically, the way they always greeted

one another.

“Hey. Be one second, I’m just finishing up,” Joshua said. “Come

on in,” and Joshua turned back toward what Jack assumed was the
bedroom. Jack walked into what was the living-cum–kitchen-cum-
dining area and noticed it was rather small. He knew one bedroom
and one bathroom wouldn’t make it any bigger if the length of the
hallway was anything. He wasn’t adverse to small apartments. In fact,
he found them charming in a way, but it had been so long since he
lived in one that he found it hard to remember.

Instead of remembering a long-lost memory, he went in search of

what things his friend had. He noticed the man didn’t have a lot. A
few DVDs and a laptop case sat on the coffee table. Everything else
seemed to be in disarray. The only thing not in disarray was a
bookshelf. A double bookshelf sat against the wall next to the
window, and it intrigued Jack. It was the only thing that looked well
kept compared to everything else. He noticed a few of the classics
were there, such as Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, and authors alike,
but he was shocked at the abundance of gay romance novels that sat
on the shelves.

He couldn’t believe it.
Jack had shared quite a few break time conversations with Joshua.

Enough that Jack felt comfortable calling the man a friend. It made
sense now that the topic of conversation had never turned toward how
the other spent his free time.

It all seemed so obvious now. Now he had seen those books, he

could tell the man was gay. But if someone had asked him before now
he would have said no way. The man didn’t give off any gay vibes
unless he went down and sucked on a man’s cock right in front of

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him. He guessed it kind of made sense. Any time he would bring up
the topic of women or sex, Joshua would turn away from him,
claiming he had work to do. He didn’t begrudge the man not telling
him about his sexuality. He was the man’s boss, not his best friend,
and Joshua held no loyalty to tell him about his sexual orientation.

“You ready?” Joshua asked from behind, and Jack turned to see

the man had a large suitcase beside him. He was just placing the
laptop bag over his shoulder when Jack found himself walking toward
the man and picking the bag up for him.

“I can do that.” Jack heard the protest in the man’s voice, but he

didn’t care. They were going to be within close contact for the entire
time for the next week, so Joshua would have to learn they would be
equals on this trip.

* * * *

The fly to Newark airport was quick and uneventful. Jack had

spoken about the small office in the city. Apparently it wasn’t much,
nowhere near as big as the one run in Chicago, but they had a number
of high end clients, all having campaigns worth around thirty million
to fifty million.

The way Joshua noticed the man talk about his business was

inspiring. The man truly loved what he did for a living. It was evident
in the way he spoke about his clients.

Jack had said they were due to meet with one of the New York

office’s biggest clients. A company that manufactured car parts for
the big time races such as Formula One, Indy 500, et cetera. Now they
were looking into shops for the average folk to buy parts and required
an outstanding campaign to make sure their shops would be a
booming success.

For that to happen, the CEO of the company, a Mr. Garth Harold,

whose headquarters were centered in the Big Apple, wanted to meet
and have his campaign made by the man who owned Adlib. Joshua

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was excited about it. He would, for the first time, get to see the great
Jack Liberty working and creating something nothing short of

The limo that had picked them up from the airport pulled up to the

curb. Because of the blacked-out windows in the back, Joshua
couldn’t distinguish where they were. Jack hadn’t told him where they
were staying, claiming it was going to be a surprise.

He waited until he saw the familiar driver pull open the door on

his side so they could both get out onto the pavement. When he
stepped out, he was gleefully shocked. He was in Times Square. The
hotel was the Crowne Plaza. Right on Broadway, the place was
simply amazing. His first time in the Big Apple and here he was
staying at such a grand hotel. He couldn’t help how he excitedly
jumped from foot to foot in anticipation. He wanted to know if they
really did the whole “mint on the pillow” thing. He felt like a little kid
again experiencing something new and fun. It excited him.

Jack stepped out of the car to stand beside him as Joshua numbly

noticed the driver retrieving their bags from the trunk. He couldn’t
help but stare at the luscious hotel before him. He had heard of it and
even tortured himself like many others with the pictures and
imagining himself lying in the room, having a shower in the walk-in
unit and steam surrounding him, clean crisp sheets waiting for him
every day. It was his idea of pure heaven, at least for a vacation or
business trip.

The inside was like no other place. Pictures hadn’t and probably

couldn’t do the place justice. The reception area was modernized with
its marble flooring and contrasting colors.

The two men walked up to the reception desk and checked in. The

clerk handed Jack two keys. A thought then came to mind.

“Where’s our luggage?” he asked as he turned to his companion.

Jack smiled in a way that shot daggers of arousal straight to his cock.
He couldn’t wait to get inside his hotel room and have a shower while

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jacking off about the man who made his body come alive with need
and desire. It was a reaction he was powerless to stop.

The past month of working with Jack had been one of the best and

most frustrating ones ever. Never before had he felt the need to go
home and jack off, thinking about his incredibly hot boss. That had
soon changed with Jack Liberty. The entire time they spent together
in the office was filled with sexual innuendoes but Joshua had known
better than to believe that Jack was actually flirting with him. It was
ridiculous. The man was rich, sexy and more importantly, straight.
They couldn’t mix well in an intimate relationship.

Jack turned and looked at something behind Joshua, and when he

looked, he saw a bell boy carrying both their suitcases. They each had
their laptop bags, and Jack had his briefcase with him also. The bell
boy then directed them to one of the elevators. Joshua just followed
the man as he had no idea where their rooms were. He just wanted to
eat and sleep for now, knowing they would be working tomorrow.

They rode the elevator to the absolute top. Joshua noticed how

Jack had a smile on his face and the bell boy remained silent, but the
looks he gave Jack and him were something he couldn’t decipher. He
didn’t know if the man thought they were together and was therefore
disturbed by the thought and disgusted or whether he was silently
impressed with the successful businessman riding with them.

Then they came to the room.
He had a dark sense of foreboding as he realized they would be

sharing. There were only two doors on this floor, and one was
currently occupied with other businessmen and a woman stepping out
with them. It didn’t take a genius to do that math. He didn’t think he
could share a suite with the man. Surely, the man would hear every
sound he made and question him. No. He couldn’t and wouldn’t
afford risking his job like that. Surely jacking off over the boss while
he was in the next room would constitute a reason for dismissal of his
employment, right? He could refrain from blowing his load for just
one week.

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Then they stepped into the suite.
The place was beautiful. A fabric corner unit occupied the main

living space, surrounding a wooden coffee table. It faced an entire
wall of glass, allowing its occupant to see a panoramic view of Times
Square. The room was perfectly stunning. A small wooden desk sat
off to the left of the room while a table and mini-fridge mirrored it to
the right. A bar area of sorts where the occupant could use to mix
drinks, et cetera.

“Where should I put the bags, sirs?” The man may have addressed

them both with the plural sirs, but the man was obviously talking to

“Just right there will be fine. We can handle it ourselves.”
Then Jack dug into his pocket and fished out a twenty, handing it

over to the bell boy, and the man then disappeared. Jack closed the
door, and Joshua knew he didn’t miss the sigh from the man. Then
what happened next completely startled Joshua.

Jack let out a whoopee sound and ran to the corner unit, jumping

and diving over the back of the fabric to land on the other side
completely lying flat. Joshua laughed at the child’s play from such a
highly respected businessman like Jack Liberty. This was obviously
the side of Jack that could relax and have fun, rather than be the stiff
businessman everybody knew him to be.

“Well?” Jack asked, indicating the fabric.
“Aren’t you going to come and relax, or are you going to stand

there all week? Let your hair down. This is NYC after all.”

Joshua wanted to say something more, but he couldn’t find the

words. There was no argument to that logic. With that in mind, he let
out a whoopee of his own and jumped the other side of the unit,
landing so their heads were mere inches apart.

From that position, Joshua took stock of the man who was his

boss’s body. He wore the same all-black suit, but now as he was lying
down the fabric had flattened to accommodate Jack’s every contour.

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Joshua wasn’t a muscle-bound guy. He didn’t even go to the gym, but
he did have a slim body. Jack, on the other hand, had a splendid body.
He could see a perfectly toned chest and sculpted six-pack lying
directly underneath that dark gray shirt. Then it was as if his
imagination ran wild.

Joshua imagined that body, naked, and his hands roaming every

inch of available flesh. He wondered if the man he fantasized about
night and day would have a sprinkling of chest hair or not. He
wondered if there was a delicious snail trail leading from his boss’s
belly button and descending past the waistband of the man’s slacks,
pointing the way to his cock. He wondered if Jack’s cock would be
long or wide or, even better, both, that would fill Joshua up to the
brim, making him surrender to the pleasure he knew the man would
be capable of creating. Joshua wondered what it would feel like to
have Jack’s cock pulse and throb uncontrollably inside him as he shot
his load deep into Joshua’s body.

Then his cock went rock solid. He knew from the way his slacks

felt that Jack would only have to catch a quick glimpse and he would
be able to see Joshua’s hard-on. Right there in the middle of the hotel
suite they were sharing, it would provide no doubt about who
occupied his thoughts. He just couldn’t figure out if he wanted the
man to see it or not.

* * * *

Later that evening as Joshua finished his shower and began his

nightly ritual for bed, he contemplated the time since arriving at the

Both men had checked out the rooms deciding they were pretty

evenly matched. The only difference between the two besides that
they were the opposite to each other was that the bathroom for one
room had a bathtub in it plus the shower stall as the other only had a

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shower stall. Joshua gladly let Jack have the one with the bath,
considering he was the one paying for it.

Dinner had been a rather simple affair, although he would admit it

reminded him of the early twentieth century. They enjoyed a rather
simple three-course meal that filled Joshua up to the brim. A starter of
scallop salad with some speciality dressing was delicious. The entree
consisted of a ten-pound steak, sweet potato mash, and a creamy
pepper sauce, and a dessert of chocolate cake with single cream had
hit the spot. Jack had even gone so far as to indulge in a bottle of red
wine. He wouldn’t know where to begin in pronouncing the name, but
it tasted vaguely of a merlot, so it went down fine with him. He did
realize though the bottle was probably more expensive than a month’s
rent on his small apartment.

Then once they had returned to the suite, they had indulged in a

sneaky night cap before going into their respective bedrooms.

Looking into the mirror, Joshua realized he looked different. He

couldn’t place where it came from exactly, but something about his
reflection appeared brighter, maybe it was the way his eyes shone as
if a tiny star sat right in the center of each, reflecting the bathrooms
light. Or maybe it was the way his skin so delicately flushed from all
the laughter that made him look like someone else had taken over his
body. Whatever it was it seemed to be for the better. He quickly
pushed the thoughts back and completed his bathroom ritual before
moving into the bedroom.

Joshua didn’t want to get into the bed because it looked so clean

and crisp. Not a wrinkle and not a dent were on the perfectly made
spread. It was so perfect Joshua reckoned he could literally bounce a
quarter off of the comforter. But he was too tired to find out.

Instead, he unceremoniously threw the additional pillows and

cushions that he wouldn’t need on the floor and snuggled up
underneath the comforter. He hadn’t brought any sleepwear with him,
purely for the reason he didn’t own any. Ever since moving into his
own apartment seven years ago when he had moved to the city and
begun college, he had forgone with the itchy and annoying sleepwear
in favor of sleeping in the buff.

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Chapter 4

The next day Jack sat in the conference room of his New York

office. It was great to be back within these walls and to see the man
who he trusted more than anything to run the New York office in his
stead. When he had decided to set up a New York base for his
business, he had spent a little over six months living in the city that
never sleeps and decidedly hated New York life.

Chicago was where he was meant to be, running his headquarters

in the city. Chicago was much like New York, he thought to himself,
but where New York was loud and often one couldn’t get any sleep,
Chicago was the polar opposite. Of course, unlike any other place,
Chicago was loud during the day, but as soon as evening came along
and most of the city’s businessmen and women had gone home, the
area was almost deadly silent. Especially where he lived in uptown
Chicago, where the houses have begun to appear and apartment
buildings were few and far between, the place was eerily quiet. That
was the purpose after all.

Seeing his main man enter now, Jack stood up. He noticed Joshua

standing up also and taking up the position to his flank. Joshua had
proved to be an outstanding assistant. He always made sure of who
was calling him before screening them through, and when he did
screen a call in, it was only in the direst of circumstances. The rest he
wrote down in a special notepad and handed them to him just an hour
before finishing time if he couldn’t help the client himself.

Joshua had also made sure that Jack got out for an hour every

lunch. He only allowed for one working lunch a week, making sure
that Jack got a decent rest before heading back to the office. He would

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also make sure to periodically bring Jack a drink or a snack to help
fuel him through the day. And he couldn’t be more thankful.

His mother had always admonished him for not eating right and

living off of nothing but take out, alcohol, and protein shakes. Now
that was completely different, and Jack had to admit he felt better for
it. Joshua, every morning at seven fifty, would bring him a cup of
coffee, plain, just the way he liked it, and something to eat. It was
often a bagel or something from the bakery across the road, and he
would then leave him to eat in peace. Then around nine thirty or ten
o’clock, he would demand Jack eat fruit or a yogurt. It was always his
choice, but he had to have one or the other. The other choice was then
presented to him around three. It was a shame he couldn’t cook, or
else Jack would have a great diet. Instead, he still ordered in or just
had his protein shake after his workout.

He shook Phillip Gerald’s hand when the man was in touching

distance and exchanged pleasantries.

“Phillip, I would like to introduce you to my new assistant, Joshua

Fort. Joshua, this is Phillip Gerald, the man I was telling you runs the
New York base for me.”

The men shook hands and began conversing about the company

which he had built from the ground up. He noticed how both men
began talking quickly, and although they seemed to know what they
were talking about, he couldn’t distinguish anything apart from noise
and sounds from their conversation. But the delighted look on
Joshua’s face made Jack smile. He had realized quickly that Joshua
had a passion so much like his own for the advertising industry. It was
amazing to watch the man grow as he gained more knowledge of the
business from a high level in the business.

“So when is Mr. Harold due here?” he asked, cutting into Phillip

and Joshua’s conversation.

“Any moment now. Shelby has been given specific instructions to

escort Mr. Harold here.”

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Just as he finished the sentence, Jack turned toward the door

where a young girl’s head popped in after knocking. Jack had never
seen her before, so he assumed this must be Shelby. Apparently it
was, because Phillip turned at the same time and ushered her in.

A man with salt-and-pepper hair walked in with her, and he

assumed he was Garth Harold with a slightly younger man that was
apparently his lawyer.

Once the introductions were all made, the five men and one

woman sat down around the average-sized conference table and began
their meeting.

“So, Mr. Harold, you requested my presence here?” Jack started.
“Yes, and please call me Garth.”
“Okay, Garth. What can I do for you?”
“Well, as you are probably aware, my company Harold Motors is

doing extremely well as of late, and in the previous ten years I have
increased my profit almost three times over. I, along with my sons
and the rest of my board of directors, have decided expansion will be
great for business.

“I have decided to open numerous shops across the country within

the next six months. What I require of you is to come up with a
fantastic ad campaign to ensure my business venture is successful.”

“Okay. That is doable. I just have a few questions that aren’t with

the information I received.”

Jack sat back and looked Garth straight in the eye to determine

what kind of man he was. To look at, he didn’t seem like much—
average build, average height, a small beer belly under his shirt. But
his face was one that reminded Jack of a stern businessman, typical in
New York. Just another reason why he was adamant he stay in
Chicago when he opened up in NYC. He just couldn’t make his mind
up over which guy this man was.

“What would those be, Mr. Liberty?”
“Please, it’s Jack. You say you wish to open the stores in six

months, so when did you wish to start advertising?”

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“Straight away, as we speak I have my IT department working on

an addition to our website. It’s an online shop where anyone can
purchase parts and they will be delivered straight to your door. I wish
for the campaign to incorporate this method of purchase along with
the shops across the country.”

Jack noticed Joshua fish out a pad and pen from his briefcase and

begin writing something down. He didn’t mind because that was all
about being an assistant. Learning from the person above you
firsthand and taking notes was definitely a part of learning.

“Okay. How much are you willing to spend on this campaign of


“That depends.”
“Please clarify.”
“My finance department has budgeted a grand total of forty. Of

course if it is cheaper, then that is great news, but forty is the top

Again Jack noticed Joshua scribbling on the pad quickly.
“Okay. So if we are assuming your ideal campaign, we want to try

and get as much business as possible and make sure they keep coming
back for more. What kind of people do you wish to direct your
campaign at? Your notes don’t suggest a specific population.”

“I’m afraid I don’t get what you mean, Jack.”
“You say you are opening numerous shops around this great

nation of ours. Plus you are in the process of installing a shopping
website so your customers shall be able to purchase online and have
the parts delivered straight to their door, correct?”

Garth raised a brow in confusion and hesitantly nodded his head.
“So are we saying that you wish to target individuals? Men and

women alone. Or would you be running special rates for large orders
to other businesses such as garages?”

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“Well, we were thinking of primarily targeting men and women as

individuals.” Jack stared intently at the man, trying to assess his
intentions in this campaign.

“You see, the thing is, Mr. Harold, you can target individuals just

fine, but with that comes limitations. By targeting men and women
solely, you will effectively be saying fuck off to those garages who
wish to purchase your products.” Wincing, Jack realized he didn’t
normally use such crass terms during meetings with clients but he
wouldn’t apologize, especially when he saw the use of such vulgar
words worked in his favor with Garth Harold.

“I suggest you prioritize your goals. To gain maximum revenue

from this campaign, you should aim to look at all ranges of people.
Garages alone would pay in the bundle to purchase your products.

“Your company has a strong reputation for being reliable, and the

country realizes this. The people aren’t stupid. They know quality
when they see it. For them to purchase something that has the quality
added with the name, you are set to make a fortune. This will include
garages and other motoring businesses.”

Garth seemed to be contemplating his words, but Jack, for the life

of him, couldn’t figure out why the man hadn’t thought of it before
now. He knew if the man told him to create the campaign, he would,
but for them both to profit from the ad, they had to contemplate every
population. To isolate one population could effectively lose millions
in the long run.

“Make the ad. Make it as you feel will create the most revenue.”
“Yeah?” Jack was shocked it was that easy.
“Yes. I have researched your company, your previous campaigns,

yours especially, Jack, and I was very pleased with what I saw. The
profits you have made are inspiring, and so I give you complete trust.
My business lawyer is here to ensure the paperwork gets signed
accordingly, of course, and as a witness.”

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Jack then got down to signing the relevant paperwork that Phillip

had already had drawn up. The contract was one that stated Jack had
all creative rights but Garth had the final decision over which ad he
wanted printed.

Another stated that Adlib would receive twenty percent of all

gross profits and Jack individually would receive ten. It was a
standard price tag in advertising and based on a forty million dollar
campaign that would create a lot of revenue for Adlib.

Jack stood and shook hands with Garth after the meeting had

finished. But just as the man reached the door with the lawyer still
behind him, he turned back to Jack.

“Oh, by the way, Jack, I shall stop by around three p.m. Monday

afternoon, and I wish for the initial concept of the campaign
completed by then. See you gentleman and young lady.” Then the
man was gone.

* * * *

“Ahhhhh,” Jack screamed and loudly at that as he threw the

notepad at the wall.

He had come back to the hotel straight after the meeting. He had

two days to complete an initial concept for the Harold Motors ad
campaign. That meant he had more like a day and a half because he
would need the art department to print off his designs by Monday
morning. He was having no such luck.

He looked around the entire span of the room and noticed pages

after pages of paper lying all around him. He had yet to come up with
even just a sliver of an idea. It usually took him at least three or four
days to come up with an initial concept, a procedure his clients paid
heftily for.

He usually spent his time researching other campaigns, loads of

them in the same area, and seeing the strengths and weaknesses of
those campaigns. It was how he had made his millions in his

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relatively short career. He made his money by taking advantage of the
strengths and turning the weaknesses into strengths. It had created his
reputation, and he would be damned if this one campaign would ruin

He reluctantly walked over to the wall and picked up his pad

before taking his seat once again. He had no idea how long he stared
at it for, but Jack wasn’t any closer to an idea when he heard the door
open and he watched his assistant walk through it.

* * * *

Joshua walked through the door of their hotel suite. The look of

the communal room shocked him. The floor was full of scrap paper,
all of which were wadded up and more than likely thrown around the
room in frustration.

Once they had left the office, Jack had turned to Joshua and said,

“Go have some fun. Go see the city.” That was what he had done.
There was no argument in him. He had wanted to see New York for
the first time.

He realized he may have gone a little overboard, but it couldn’t

have been helped. Joshua had gone straight for Fifth Avenue and
shopped for hours. He was now the new proud owner of two Armani
suits—his firsts—a bunch of shirts and tees, a pair of Dolce &
Gabbana skinny jeans, and a Hugo Boss leather jacket.

Since working for Jack, he had been able to pay his bills with ease

and still have a lot of money left over. Now it was all in his hands in
the form of clothing. Then he remembered his star prize. His favorite
buy of the day, Ralph Lauren Northumber boots. They were
completely stunning, and he couldn’t wait to show them to Matt. The
man would be sure to freak when he saw Joshua wearing them.

Of course his day hadn’t all been shopping.

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As he took in the mess, he noticed Jack sitting there staring at a

pad with no paper. Joshua had been sure to bring three pads with him
and wondered how the man could have gotten through one already.

“Hey.” He spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb his boss in case it

made him lose concentration. But what happened he didn’t expect.
Jack huffed as he threw the pad across the room. It collided with the
wall and landed with a light thud on the ground. He figured the man
was pissed off or angry, but he didn’t expect it to be to such an extent.

Joshua placed his bags down and made his way to Jack’s side on

the couch. The pages were worse this side of the corner unit. He could
barely see the floor on that section of the room. Every time he took a
step, the paper would crunch and give way under his weight.

The other man didn’t recognize his presence until he sat down

next to Jack.

“Hey,” his boss replied to his earlier greeting.
“What’s all this?” he asked as he waved a hand to the floor of


“I redecorated.” Jack laughed. It wasn’t a humorous laugh but

more of a cynical laugh, almost bordering on hysterical. Joshua knew
something was wrong and was afraid to pry, but he couldn’t sit back
and watch Jack lose it like that.

“What’s really wrong?” he asked. He really wanted to console the

guy, encourage him because he figured he already knew the problem,
but he had to wait to see if Jack would tell him first. Turned out it
wasn’t long in coming.

“I can’t do it.”
“Can’t do what?”
“It’s too hard.”
“What is? The campaign?”
Joshua couldn’t bear to see the man berate himself. He had to do

something to make the man feel good about himself once again, and
there was only one way that would happen right now.

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* * * *

Jack watched as Joshua stood and walked over to the drinks’

table. His assistant poured two large glasses of bourbon and brought
one to him.

“Drink,” was all that was said to him. Jack gladly obeyed and

sipped the amber liquid.

He sat there as he felt the familiar warmth of the drink slide down

his throat to pool in the bottom of his stomach. It was a welcoming
feeling as he closed his eyes and dropped his head to the cushions. It
worked to relieve some of the tension in the front of his head. Then he
heard rustling.

He cracked one eye open to see Joshua going around the room and

picking up pieces of paper that went further than Jack remembered
throwing them. Once all the papers were put away, he watched Joshua
as he moved to the small table again to retrieve his drink and pick up
a small laminated card.

“Okay, what you want to eat?” Joshua asked as he handed the

menu to Jack. He wanted to say thanks but no thanks, but he knew his
assistant by now, and the man wouldn’t let up until he ate something.
Sometimes the man knew him perhaps too well. It had become an
easy occurrence with them. Joshua always seemed to know when to
help Jack and what would help him. He figured he would trust the
man this once.

Skimming through the menu, Jack noticed it was practically the

entire evening menu from the restaurant, just on wheels.

“Pizza, Hawaiian,” he said and handed the menu back to Joshua.

He took another sip and distantly heard Joshua ordering two Hawaiian
pizzas for room service. Before he knew it, the man was going into
his designated bedroom.

“Is that it?” he asked and mentally cursed himself. He had meant

to think that, not say it aloud, and now Joshua had heard him. He

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slowly looked up to see the man turn back to him before carrying on
into his room and closing the door.

Well, that had gone just peachy. Now he had no idea for the ad

campaign and had just pissed off his assistant. Or had he?

Joshua reopened the door from his bedroom and walked in the

room to once again sit beside Jack. Jack watched as the man booted
up his laptop and opened up a small notepad. The same one from the
meeting, Jack thought.

Joshua then took a sip of his own bourbon and pushed the pad

over to Jack. He picked it up and looked at it.

“This is the information Garth gave us earlier,” he said. He

already knew this information, so why was Joshua showing it to him

“I know.”
“Then why are you showing it me?” Damn, he was starting to get

pissed, but not at Joshua. He kept reminding himself to be calm and to
take deep breaths so he wouldn’t have a go at his assistant.

“I always find it better to visualize everything. Don’t you, boss?”

Jack knew Joshua was being cocky right then but for the life of him
Jack couldn’t berate the man for being so.

“Joshua, what is this?
It was the notes Joshua had taken in the meeting. But it was just

that, notations. Notations of information Jack already knew, and a
little doodling of a racing car in the top right hand corner.

“It’s an idea. Well part of an idea. Nowhere near perfect enough

to pitch, but with both of us it could be great.”

“And what is this soon-to-be great idea?”

* * * *

Joshua was amazed. They had done it. Eight hours of continuous

work and the initial idea was completed. In fact, it was more than an
initial idea. It was perfection. He couldn’t believe they had done it

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and in so little time. They had long ago finished their pizzas and were
just about to finish the small bottle of bourbon off.

He had a nice buzz from the drink and currently sat back against

the couch seat. He had been sitting on the floor as they drew some
ideas for the ad both on paper and on his laptop.

Jack sat next to him as they both finished off their bourbon, and

Joshua shut down his laptop for the evening. It had long since turned
fully dark and now was about three in the morning. It was the latest
Joshua had stayed up in a long while, and surprisingly, he didn’t feel

He suddenly froze as Jack put his arm around his shoulders and

grasped onto his arm with his other hand.

“Thanks for helping me out. I was put on the spot to come up with

a great ad campaign, and you saved me. You actually saved me.”
Then suddenly Jack’s lips were on his. He was frozen solid. But the
more his brain came out of the shock of being kissed by the man he
had spent the past month fancying and the lust-filled haze from being
openly touched by the man, he began to kiss back.

He moaned, and Jack took the opportunity to slide his tongue deep

into Joshua’s mouth. Joshua felt giddy with arousal as he snaked his
arms around the man. Jack’s strong hands gripped his waist and
pulled him up and over, so he straddled Jack’s powerful thighs.

His cock hardened to proportionate amounts, and he felt his soon-

to-be lover’s erection rub against his. They were both still fully
dressed, although long ago they had foregone with the blazer and ties
and opened the first two buttons of their shirts. Joshua couldn’t
believe he was kissing Jack Liberty.

His hands shook as he tried to unbutton the man’s shirt, but it was

a useless, futile attempt at best, and he growled, long and low into the
other man’s mouth, and ripped. He heard the buttons popping as they
flew all over the place. The shirt fell effortlessly open, allowing
Joshua access to skin. He was right. He lifted from the kiss and gazed
into his lover’s eyes, seeing only raw passion and lust there. His own

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passion for the man beneath him increased tenfold as his gaze
wandered down to Jack’s now-naked torso.

Jack had a smooth, yet ample, chest, as it was so obviously gym

chiselled, and the abs to match. The man even sported the sexiest V
ever that sat on opposite sides of a dark brown snail trail that traveled
below the man’s waistband. He so wanted to rip those slacks off, but
before the thought could transfer into a bodily command, Jack had
him up in the air effortlessly. The man carried him into Jack’s

Jack attacked his mouth once again as he walked with Joshua in

his strong arms. He unceremoniously dropped Joshua in the middle of
the huge king-size bed. Joshua bounced twice until he stilled on the
mattress. He wondered what was taking his lover so long to join him,
but as he looked toward the man, he saw Jack just removing his

The huge cock that bounced free startled Joshua, and then his

mouth began to water. He wanted that huge specimen of manliness in
his mouth. He wanted the blunt head of Jack’s cock to hit the back of
his throat as the man came in his mouth. It seemed the decision was
taken from him.

Once Jack was stark naked in front of him, the man stalked

Joshua. Joshua vibrated with his arousal. His cock tenting his slacks,
it jerked involuntary as he wondered about having sex with his man
for the very first time. His man. The image didn’t startle him but
much rather settled him as he thought of the big powerful man as all

Confusion crossed Jack’s handsome face, and a look of indecision

made its way to the man’s golden-colored eyes. Joshua thought the
man was going to change his mind. After all, Jack wasn’t gay, at least
not to his knowledge, and suddenly finding himself naked and
aroused from kissing another guy was a big deal. One that might even
put a damper on one’s state of arousal.

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Luckily though, he kept one eye on the man’s cock, and it only

seemed to fill out more. When he was satisfied the shaft wasn’t
shrinking, he dared a look into Jack’s eyes. The man had an almost
feral look to him now, and suddenly he growled. It was primal and so
very sexy to hear from the man’s deep timbre of a voice. Then the
man pounced.

He landed square on Joshua’s groin, and Joshua groaned loudly as

his slacks-clad cock hit his lover’s ass. He wanted the man to fuck
him and fuck him good. It had been too long since he had last had sex
that excited him this much, and then it had turned out to be nothing
special. But something told him that Jack would take good care of
him and give him the best fucking he had ever received.

Then he heard a tear, and buttons went flying once again. Only

this time it was Joshua’s shirt that was being ripped from his body.
His slacks and boxers were soon to follow until he lay beneath Jack
just as naked as he was.

“What do you want, oh lover of mine?” Jack crooned, and it

almost caused Joshua to swoon. Thank god he was already lying

“I nee–I need,” he begged. He wasn’t above begging a lover to

fuck him. He didn’t care how they did it, just as long as he got
maximum pleasure from it. That didn’t happen a whole lot.

“What my lover wants, my lover shall get.” Then the man began

to inch down his body, licking, sucking, and kissing a blazing hot trail
from Joshua’s mouth and neck to his nipples, where Jack spent a few
minutes sucking each one to a stiff peak before moving onto the other.
Then the man dipped his tongue inside Joshua’s belly button, and
Joshua nearly came unglued there.

His lover tongue fucked his belly button as Joshua arched his back

and pre-cum leaked from his cock slit. He needed to come so very
badly, but the man above him was doing wicked things to his body.
Joshua tried so very hard to keep the approaching orgasm from

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Then Jack was there.
The man lapped at his cockhead like it was some damn popsicle.

Over and over Jack licked at the pre-cum that seemed never ending.
Joshua watched as his cock turned from its regular reddish color to an
ugly dark purple. He knew how it felt. He was frustrated as well at the
teasing but for the life in him couldn’t muster up a protest. It felt too
damned good.

“Jack,” he panted between moans. He needed his lover right now.

He needed Jack. The man just looked up at him with sweet, innocent
eyes that made Joshua growl menacingly at the other man. He wanted
some. He didn’t want Jack to be the only one to give pleasure with his
mouth. He wanted to reciprocate.

He hadn’t realized he had verbalized his inner thoughts until he

saw Jack leave his cock and crawl over him. At the last minute, the
man who was firmly now his lover turned, and his hot, hard cock
hung between his strong, powerful legs. Joshua didn’t waste any time.
He sucked Jack’s cock deep into his throat and was immediately
rewarded with a deep groan from the man above him.

He had long ago perfected the art of fellatio and now was glad for

it. He was able to suck down Jack’s nine inches of pure hard muscle
without gagging. His nose buried deep against the man’s closely-
shaven balls, and he began to hum. He immediately got a response
from his lover as the man began to squirm above him, probably trying
to get away from the sinfully delightful pleasures Joshua was creating.

He held on tight to the man’s hips to hold him in place, and

suddenly he was the one to groan. His generous eight inches were
completely swallowed by his lover’s eager mouth and the man began
to hum right alongside him. Jack was playing an evil game right back
at him. He snickered around the cock in his mouth as if to say let the
games begin.
And boy were they on now.

Using all his strength, he twisted his body so they both ended up

on their sides, dicks still encased in each other’s mouths. Now Joshua

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could see what his lover did to his cock as well as feel it. End-of-the-
day men work better when visualizing, don’t they?

Joshua watched his lover’s eyes widen in shock and then close in

ecstasy as Joshua hollowed out his cheeks and created a vacuum-like
suction around Jack’s shaft. He bobbed his head as he sucked the
man’s cock dry.

They had competed like this for god knew how long when Joshua

felt Jack stiffen up. The man’s cock throbbed between his lips as more
pre-cum slid down his tender throat. Then he was shocked.

Jack’s finger thrust into his eager asshole all the way and instantly

Joshua came. He screamed around the huge cock in his mouth as he
shot his seed down Jack’s throat, which the man swallowed entirely.
His hips bucked as Jack released his cock but kept the finger in his
ass. In fact, Jack began to thrust that thick digit in and out of his eager

He kept on sucking his lover’s cock until a minute later he felt the

man stiffen once more and let out a cry of Joshua’s name as the man
came down his throat. He eagerly drank it down, enjoying the oddly
sweet taste of his lover’s cum on his taste buds. But he didn’t let go.
He kept right on sucking until Jack was fully hard once more in his
mouth before letting go.

“Fuck me,” he said, voice raspy as he looked into his lover’s

twinkling eyes. They were dark now, almost the color of fudge as he
looked back at Joshua.

“Fuck yeah,” the man said and immediately reached up and into

the night side table. The man found the condom he had been looking
for. The man sheathed his still-hard cock and twisted Joshua, bringing
him up onto all fours.

He felt the blunt head of the cock at his hole when he said, “You

got any lube, babe?”

“Yeah, it will be painful for me otherwise.”

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He didn’t want to interrupt their love play, but it truly would hurt

if they didn’t use some sort of lubrication.

“I haven’t got any.” Joshua thought he almost heard a whine in

there somewhere but let it go quickly.

“Go to my room. It should be on top the nightstand,” he told his


“Be quick.”
Soon Jack was back with the bottle of lube and immediately went

to lubing up his cock and Joshua’s asshole. Joshua felt two thick
fingers invaded his hole, and he went completely crazy. His cock
hardened once again as he felt Jack scissor his finger’s inside Joshua’s
ass. Then a third was entered.

When Jack was thrusting the three fingers quite easily into his

eager, quivering hole, Joshua stilled his lover’s hand.

“It’s time.” He groaned as Jack pulled his fingers from his ass. A

moment later he felt the blunt head of Jack’s cock push its way into
his ass. The fit was tight with Jack’s wide girth, but the feeling of
being full, the fullest he had ever been stuffed, was amazing. He rode
the pleasure as Jack slowly sank into his ass.

Joshua growled low at the too-slow pace and took measures into

his own hands. He pushed back. He was penetrated so quickly from
the force of his thrust, and then suddenly he felt the other man’s balls
slap against his. The sensation was incredible as he heard Jack
groaning as an impossible hold became paramount on his hips. He
figured it was so Joshua couldn’t fuck himself on Jack’s cock until the
man was ready. Jack was obviously trying to stave off his orgasm.

Both hands left his hips in order to snake around his body. One on

his waist, the other around his chest, then Jack pulled. The man pulled
him up until Joshua’s upper back was flush against Jack’s chest. He
felt the smooth mounds pressing into his skin. They felt hot as if
searing a brand into his back, marking Joshua as his. His back was
arched, providing the perfect position for fucking.

Then Jack thrust.

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Jack pulled out until only the head of his cock remained inside

Joshua’s tight hole before thrusting back in, deep and fast. They kept
up the punishing rhythm over and over until Joshua felt the familiar
tingles of an impending orgasm creep up through his body. His balls
drew up tight to his perineum as Jack kept up the thrusting. One, two,
three more thrusts and suddenly Joshua ejaculated. He came all over
the sheets beneath him as he felt his ass quiver before clenching tight,
its desperate attempt to keep his lover’s hard cock deep inside his
asshole forever.

Jack’s thrusting faltered when he came. The man shoved his cock

deep inside Joshua’s ass as he came. Joshua felt the familiar throb of
the man’s cock and an involuntary jerk that told him the man was
spurting his cum into the latex-sheathed pouch. He wished he could
have felt it spraying his insides, but unfortunately he couldn’t, at least
not yet.

As the final few aftershocks dwindled down, Joshua felt Jack pull

his softened cock out of his ass. Joshua immediately felt the loss as
cool air ghosted across his abused hole. He loved nothing more than
the feeling he had right now. It felt so amazing he rolled over onto his
back as Jack left him and his cock returned to half size.

He was still horny as fuck. Jack soon took notice as he wandered

back into the bedroom after disposing of the condom. The man lay on
his side next to Joshua’s almost limp form. He lowered his head to
Joshua’s ear and crooned.

“My lover still horny?”
Joshua knew the man didn’t need an answer because the words

and Jack’s breath against the shell of his ear brought his cock back to
full mass.

“I guess he is.” Then Jack took Joshua’s cock into his hand and

began jacking him off.

“My baby wants me to fuck him again and again? I bet he wants

me to fuck him again, and as I come inside his gorgeous asshole, I
deny him his release. Then I go again and again, teasing him to no

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end, until he writhing beneath me with need, shivering from his too-
high arousal. His lust pushed passed its limits and beyond. Then I
relent and whisper against the shell of his ear, ‘Come,’ and he
immediately obeys. He comes right then, his ass strangling my cock
until I shoot one more load into his well-lubed-up ass. Would my
baby like that?”

Joshua’s only answer was to cry out as he came for a third time

that evening, spraying his chest and Jack’s hand with the proof of his
climax. Only when he felt as if his climax had begun to ebb could
Joshua bring much-needed oxygen into his lungs. He took gulp after
gulp until his heart rate began to slow down, returning to its normal

Once his orgasm ebbed, Joshua wondered what would happen in

the morning. Would Jack fire him and leave him abandoned in New
York City? Or would the man break Joshua’s heart and pretend it
never happened. These thoughts flittered through his mind as he fell

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Chapter 5

All day Sunday had been filled with Jack and Joshua working on

the campaign. Even though they had come up with the idea, they still
had to draw up some boards and ideas. Jack knew that pictures spoke
a thousand words when it came to advertising a product. Especially
when pitching the idea to the company themselves, words could be
droning and boring, but pictures said something that words could
never say. They gave meaning and understanding. They also gave the
company an idea of what their campaign was going to be. For Jack
and Adlib, this was a necessity. They were in a bad economic state as
it was.

By the time three p.m. came, Jack had gone through his pitch time

and again. He knew a forty-million-dollar account was big stakes
even in New York. He wanted to impress this man and quickly. He
wanted to take his little assistant back to their hotel suite and fuck him
any which way possible. The man who he had the pleasure of having
was delectable and oh-so satisfying between the sheets that Jack
wanted nothing more than to get out of the meeting room.

Just as he thought this, the man himself came into the conference

room, with his lawyer in toe. Jack detested any lawyer other than his
own. His lawyer could be trusted, but others couldn’t. He had had too
many bad experiences with lawyers either gypping him for more
money or just delaying his services so Jack’s end bill became much
higher than normal. Jack may be rich, but he still liked to keep a tight
lid on his cash.

Jack stood up to shake Garth Harold’s hand and waved the man to

take a seat.

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“I hope you have something spectacular for me Jack,” Garth said

by way of greeting. Man, was he annoying. Jack wanted to throttle
Garth right there and then. He had spent his Saturday evening coming
up with the perfect campaign, thanks to Joshua, rather than relaxing
and having fun. But he couldn’t do that, so he resigned himself to
pitching his initial idea.

He gave the nod for Joshua, who stood near the boards to unveil


“Okay, Garth. First of all, we had to think ‘What is Harold

Motors?’ The answer is the best motoring manufacturer in the
country. The company most races use. No doubt people have heard of
Harold Motors and would love nothing more than to have a car that
runs as smoothly as one that uses your parts. So we come up with

Jack moved to the side to show off the first design.
“We will use the fact that every racing car in most races has your

parts in them. We select a few of the better known cars as well as the
drivers themselves, and we use that for advertising. We put the ad on
the side of the cars so everybody watching not only at the grounds but
also at home will see it.”

“Well, Jack. I didn’t expect this from you. I was expecting

something big, explosive, much like majority of your campaigns but
this. This is simple, sleek, and very good. It’s advertises who we are,
allowing its simplicity and the line ‘you want a car like mine?’ to
make people want to buy our products. But one question, where is the
advertisements for the shops themselves?”

“These are introduced in the second wave of the campaign. Once

the initial idea has been brought forward by the car advertisements,
we will introduce commercials. You sponsor your own driver in the
race, yes? We use the driver in commercials, talking about how
amazing the car runs with Harold Motors parts inside and perhaps,
even comparing it to average car parts in the same model of car. Right
at the end the commercial reads ‘You want a car like mine? Get down

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to your local Harold Motors store.’ With the end showing film-type
credits listing every store opening in the country.

“The final part of the campaign will be billboards everywhere

stating Harold Motors stores as well as the online store will be
opening. Of course in each state the billboard will direct people to
their nearest Harold Motors store.”

“I like it, Jack. It’s again simple, something nobody will be

expecting, yet from the looks of it so far, very appealing. I love it.”

Jack was relieved. He knew he had Joshua to thank for lending

him such a brilliant idea, but he couldn’t have pictured it to come out
so amazingly. It shocked him how brilliantly the man could draw. He
suddenly had ideas of letting Joshua in on a few of his other projects,
those that could use a second opinion. He knew in his heart that
Joshua would always give him an honest opinion and help better the

He felt a slight pang when he thought about Joshua working so

closely to him. Saturday night had been amazing when they had made
love, and Jack had no doubt in his mind that it had been making love
rather than fucking. The way they had complemented each other in
every single way, how Joshua had completely opened up to him—in
more ways than one—had blown Jack away.

They hadn’t spoken a word to each other of what happened. He

knew Joshua didn’t want to talk about it. He had woken up Sunday
morning looking forward to seeing Joshua’s brown eyes open from
sleep and to kiss him good morning, but unfortunately he had woken
up alone. He had noticed the man had gone back to his own room and
taken a shower when he saw the man with wet hair out in the
communal area of their hotel suite when his shower was bone dry.

He knew the man was gay. Why else would he have let Jack slip

his cock into his tight asshole if he wasn’t? He just didn’t know if
Joshua just thought of it as a one-night stand, a bit of fun, or
something more meaningful. Jack suddenly realized that he wanted
something real. He wanted it with Joshua.

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Joshua was caring, funny, and sexy and the best sex Jack had ever

had. He just didn’t know how to approach the man. Did the man
prefer the romantic notion of flowers and chocolate, or did he prefer a
more primal declaration of interest? This is where he hated being gay.
Women were easy to figure out. Flowers and a teddy bear usually did
the trick. But men, men were completely different.

He looked to the side when he noticed a light shining into his eye,

only to realize it was sunlight. He had somehow been on autopilot as
he left the office and got into the limo with Joshua back to their hotel.

He slid out of the car and walked side by side with Joshua to the

elevators. Once inside, he pressed the button for their top floor while
he went back to his musings.

“Would Joshua like flowers and dinner or a film and sex?” he

wondered. Joshua seemed to live a pretty simple life. His apartment
wasn’t much, but he seemed to like it that way. Joshua was the sort of
person who was down-to-earth and truly great company. The past five
years for Jack had been nonstop rich folk, benefits, and all sorts of
parties where the highest of Chicago’s society met. He hated it. His
idea of the perfect evening sure as hell wasn’t a penguin-style suit
with its too-tight bow tie, champagne that just made his stomach ill,
and itty bitty finger foods that sure as hell didn’t satisfy his rumbling

He was a man and a man that preferred a different kind of

evening. He preferred sitting in a bar where he could eat pounds upon
pounds of buffalo chicken wings and enjoy a few shorts of bourbon.

Jack watched as the man of his dreams walked through the door of

their hotel suite and took a dramatic right into his own bedroom. Jack
sighed disappointedly, but then not a minute later the man walked
back through the door changed from his expensive Dolce & Gabbana
suit into shorts and a tee.

Jack all but salivated. All that creamy white skin on display made

his cock rock hard, and he wanted nothing more than to walk over to

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the man and fuck him silly. Joshua in casual clothing was much
different to the man in business clothing.

When Joshua appeared at work, he always looked impeccable. His

brown hair was always slicked back and combed with a perfection an
artist would desire. It showed off his brown sparkling eyes. His suit
always looked pressed and ironed in a way that made it look as if he
paid the best dry cleaner in the country to do his laundry. But Jack
knew the man did it all himself.

But now, this was the first time Jack was seeing the man dressed

in casual clothing, and boy did he prefer this look. Joshua wore tight
denim shorts that cut off at the top of his thighs, and that big package
he knew the man sported looked trapped to the left of his pelvis. His
tee was a light green and looked to have been home modified. It had
obviously been cut along the neckline, so instead of a small hole for
his head to go through, it was cut much bigger so one side hung off of
his shoulder. The bottom of the tee also looked cut off just above his
belly button so his belly button ring was shown off.

Usually the look would have repulsed Jack. He would have

thought it was too much, slutty, or just plain stupid to wear such a
skimpy outfit, but on Joshua it worked. It made his average height
look taller than it was with all that long, beautiful leg on display. His
bubble butt was also proudly on display, and a slight sway of the
man’s hips was hypnotizing. He could have watched that ass sway all
day long, but it would have been too much of agonizing torture for

Joshua was by no means muscular or toned, but the man still had a

great body on him and what he could see of the man’s abs was
wonderful. He had a little V going down into his pelvis as if pointing
the way for Jack to look. In the position they were in, Jack knew
Joshua couldn’t see him ogle his delectable body.

Joshua sat on the corner unit so his back was to Jack, his feet

planted up on the table in front of him as he slouched down and read a
book. That’s it. And suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He had no way

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of knowing if Joshua regretted what they had done together the other
night or if the man thought Jack had regretted the decision to sleep
together, but Jack knew of a way to make sure they were on the same

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Chapter 6

Joshua sat down as he tried to read his book. Since coming back

from the office, he had sat down reading his book. The pitch had gone
brilliantly and Garth Harold had fallen in love with the campaign. He
couldn’t have been prouder. He was just waiting for the declaration of
proudest to come from the man who occupied his every waking
thought and his every nightly dream.

Saturday night had been so completely amazing. His ass still felt

sore from the right pounding Jack had given him, but he couldn’t be
happier with it. It had been so long since he felt that ache that came
from a good ass-fucking that he had almost forgotten what it felt like.
Now the feeling was more prominent than ever before.

But ever since that first moment when he woke up Sunday

morning, he couldn’t help but feel that maybe Jack would regret the
decision. It was obvious the man was gay. They say drunken actions
are sober thoughts. Joshua had woken up to his back completely
covered in a red hot heat and a hard cock still embedded inside his

He had felt happy at the feeling. He could have woken up like that

every single morning until the day he died, but he didn’t know how to
ask for it. Did he seduce the man back into his bed and demand they
be together? Or did he plead and beg the man who was so obviously
the alpha male between them to love him? He knew he was in love
with Jack. Had been since the day they met.

What made him freeze in his tracks was, what if the man who was

fast becoming just more than his boss or a friend only thought of him
as a one-night stand? As a drunken fuck to release tension.

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He stared at the same page he had been reading since Jack had left

him all alone.

On the way back from the office, he had devised a plan to seduce

the man. If it hadn’t worked, then he could always just say he always
dressed that way. So that was how he came to wear his denim short
shorts and his favorite home-cut top that showed off his belly ring and
the majority of his skin. Unfortunately it hadn’t worked, and he had
heard Jack run straight back out the room, banging the door closed as
he went.

Everything flashed through his mind, and he felt himself sink

further into himself as every second went by. He didn’t know how
long he had been left all on his own, but suddenly he heard the distant
sound of the elevator chime ringing and the mechanism of the door
opening. He didn’t want to hold his breath to see if it was Jack or
those from the other presidential suite, but he found his breath being
held anyway.

Fortunately, he didn’t have to hold it long as he heard the slick

sound of the key card being swiped to open the door to their hotel
suite. He suddenly felt on fire. He refused to look up at the man as he
pretended to read. He wasn’t a clingy person, at least not out in the
open, but he wasn’t about to torture himself if the man had brought
somebody else back to their room. It sprung on him that he didn’t
know Jack all that well and maybe the man loved his casual hook-ups.
Maybe Jack couldn’t do loving relationships, the kind that Joshua
wanted. Jack hadn’t said anything, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t
thought anything.

A one-night stand he could deal with, but to watch the man he

loved like nothing else bring somebody else into his life was a
thought that had Joshua on verge of tears. He hadn’t heard anybody
come in with Jack, but the way the man said nothing at all to him and
just walked into his room wasn’t a positive thought he wanted to
process right then. He resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t going to
have the concentration to read, so he picked up his bookmark and

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closed the book. Just as he placed the book onto the table beside his
feet, he heard the bedroom door behind him open for the first time
since Jack walked went in.

As Jack walked into his line of sight, Joshua noticed the man had

changed clothes. Instead of his impeccable brand name suit he usually
sported, now he wore faded jeans and a tee that looked a size or two
too small for him. It showed off every muscle, every ridge, and every
contour of that delectable body.

He quickly averted his eyes when he realized he had been

perusing his boss’s body right in front of the man. Instead of scowling
though, Jack smiled broadly as if he knew Joshua had been checking
him out. Joshua felt like a little kid as he looked up into Jack’s bright
golden gaze.

It was then he noticed Jack had both hands behind his back, and it

made Joshua kind of nervous. Jack looked at him with an
undecipherable look. Despite Jack’s knowing smile, his eyes were
those of a feral animal that couldn’t be tamed. And that feral animal
looked to be going after his prey, namely Joshua.

“Hey, baby.” Jack crooned as the man sat down and kissed Joshua

on the cheek, his arms still firmly behind his back.

“Hi.” Joshua was split. He wanted to jump up and do a happy

dance at the sound of Jack calling him “baby” but also wanted to sit
still and see what Jack was going to say or do next. Either way he
found himself holding his breath for a second time in ten minutes.

“What’s this—”
Jack brought his hands from behind his back to reveal a package

of sorts. It was wrapped up beautifully, and Joshua wondered what
was going on as Jack handed him the gift.

“For me?” he asked incredulously.
“Yeah, for you.”
Joshua began to rip at the paper. He hadn’t been open to receive

many presents as of the past few years, but Joshua loved to rip open

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the presents. He didn’t care if they were empty boxes or just Bubble
Wrap, he just loved ripping into things that were wrapped up. But this
didn’t feel like an empty box or Bubble Wrap. It was too solid to be
any of those things.

When he tore the final piece of paper from the object, he threw it

away to land somewhere in front of him. The breath he had been
holding blew out quickly, leaving him breathless as he stared at the

It was a first edition of Moby Dick by Herman Melville. It was a

hardback and light blue in color, and it read Moby Dick along the
spine with three small anchors. He knew this must have cost a
fortune, and he dared rip his eyes from the book to look up into Jack’s
smiling gaze.

Jack smile softly at him and brought his thumb to Joshua’s face. It

was then Joshua realized he was crying and tears had spilled from his
eyes. Jack wiped away the few stray tears and leaned in once again to
kiss him softly on his cheek. Joshua involuntary tightened his grip on
the book and brought it up to his chest to hold on dearly to when he
felt Jack slouch down and place his arm around Joshua.

He looked at Jack with confusion. Jack didn’t seem fazed as he

placed his free hand on Joshua’s naked thigh, and the feel of the
man’s hands on him once again ignited a flame of lust that sent a
spark of electricity straight to his cock and balls. He knew his shorts
wouldn’t hide his soft cock, let alone his cock when hard like it was
now. But Jack didn’t seem as though he was in the mood to fuck, yet.

“I like you, Joshua. In fact, I’m probably infatuated with you at

the moment. You are completely amazing. You have the sexiest body
I have ever seen. But you are more than just a pretty face. You are
smart, funny, and very intuitive. It’s what attracts me to you. Saturday
was amazing and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but I don’t want
it to be a onetime deal. I want us to be more than boss and assistant
with benefits. I want us to be comfortable around each other.

“Joshua, I want to date you.”

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Joshua stared at Jack with a slackened jaw. He didn’t know what

to say. He had been worrying he was the only one feeling like that,
but to hear that Jack wanted to date him was so completely
unexpected he hadn’t really contemplated how he would respond.
Luckily for him though, his body knew exactly how to respond.

He placed the book down and turned over, straddling his boss’s

lap as he began heating up. He felt like a bitch in heat as he rubbed his
scarcely covered erection and suddenly quivering hole against Jack’s
cock. The friction his denim was giving him was going to prove to be
too much as he felt Jack skim his fingers underneath Joshua’s tee and
pull the garment from his body, leaving his entire upper body naked.

He cried out in ecstasy as he felt Jack latch onto a nipple with his

mouth and teeth as he rolled the other between his thumb and
forefinger. He couldn’t help grinding against the turgid flesh of the
man’s cock harder as he began mewling incoherent thoughts. Jack
pulled Joshua closer and slipped a hand into the waistband of his
shorts to hold onto his ass. His hole suddenly clenched around air
when the man began kneading his flesh as he tortured Joshua’s
nipples to hard peaks. It felt wonderful. Being held in the strong
embrace of a man who had just declared he belonged to Joshua. It felt
empowering to be adored so much that the man would go out and buy
him an original copy of a true American classic.

He placed his hands on Jack’s all-powerful chest, feeling the

muscles ripple underneath the tight shirt and the near-frantic beat of
his lover’s heart. He suddenly felt over dressed and pulled away from
the man’s lap. He smiled seductively at the low growl that left his
man’s throat when he pulled away. But Joshua wasn’t going far.

He turned so his back was to Jack and hoped he looked seductive.

He unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down. As he did, his cock
bounced free, and he moaned as clear liquid pooled at the top of his
dick slit when the cool air around him caressed his hot flesh. His back
arched and his head bowed back onto his shoulders at the feeling of
his strained cock being released from its confines.

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He wiggled his ass as he removed his shorts slowly, revealing his

ass bit by bit. He wanted the man to fuck him into the table right now,
but he knew they would play this one out. This bout of lovemaking
would go on for hours, torturing them both to high ends without
release before they went crazy and fucked like two bucking broncos.

He heard the man behind him groan as he bent far enough so his

ass cheeks parted, showing off his puckered, quivering hole. He knew
Jack wanted to sink into him so bad that the idea spurred him on. He
began to pull his shorts back up until they rested over his hips. He left
the buttons open and his cock and balls out as he heard the man growl
and mutter something about his shorts being ripped from his body.
His cock jerked at the thought and began leaking copious amounts of

He leaned back until he sat on Jack’s lap. He rolled his hips,

teasing his man but also giving him a lap dance he was sure Jack
would never forget. Jack’s arms slid around him as if going to still his
movements, but Joshua refused to allow his lover to end his fun right

He grabbed onto both his man’s wrists and gently directed them

above Jack’s head, indicating he keep his hands off of Joshua for
now. The low rumbling Joshua felt go into his back made him smile.
He knew it was coming from Jack and could tell the man was barely
holding onto his restraint. He wanted it like that. He wanted to push
Jack so far that when he finally allowed the man to touch him and kiss
him and anything else the man wanted to do to him, his lover would
go crazy all over his body. He wanted to know what it felt like to be
the center of the man’s world and the only one Jack thought of as he
pleasured his body.

He pulled his ass up, giving Jack a sight of his cock bobbing

between his legs as he rotated his hips. He moved his arms so his
hands linked together at the back of Jacks neck.

The growls got louder and rumbling grew, and it was then Joshua

knew he had his man exactly where he wanted him.

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“Touch me,” he whispered to the air and knew Jack would have

heard him. He yelped when he felt Jack turn him over and lift him
over his shoulder like a caveman and march into Jack’s bedroom.
Jack kicked the door closed before throwing Joshua down onto the
bed. He landed with a bounce as he saw Jack pull a bag he hadn’t
seen before from the drawer. But that was the last Joshua saw of it
when Jack turned him over once again so he lay on his stomach and
pulled Joshua’s knees under him.

He felt the big body of his lover cover him from behind as he felt

the man lick his ear before whispering.

“I’m going to fuck you so good you won’t know which way is up

and which way is down.”

The promise sent a chill all over his incredibly hot body before he

jerked to a standstill. The sound of ripping material sounded nearby,
and he distantly realized Jack had ripped a hole in the back of his
shorts. The rip was strategically placed as he felt cool, slickened
fingers probe at his asshole before the sound truly registered in his

Two fingers were violently shoved into his hole, and instantly he

began moaning. He writhed as the slight burn expanded to cover his
entire body as he heated up further with want and need. He wanted to
fuck so badly, but he hadn’t expected Jack to be so rough with him.
He loved this side of the man. Jack was usually a very calm person,
always gentle when he said or did anything. But this side of Jack
Liberty, the side that was sex starved and hungry for some ass was
liberating. He began pumping back onto the fingers, trying to get a
deeper penetration, but a sharp swat landed to his ass as he felt the
digits pull away from his body.

He felt something cold against his cock and balls as well as his ass

simultaneously. He felt a metal ring click into place around his cock
and balls, squeezing them together and staving off any chance of his
release. He then felt the cold head of something press into his ass. The
head of a dildo pressed against his anus and slipped past the first ring

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of muscle. It was a large dildo as the burn he felt was imminent, and
he groaned and he fisted the blankets beneath his body.

Jack didn’t give him any time to get used to the object. His lover

shoved the dildo in one quick thrust to the hilt and began thrusting the
phallus in and out of his ass at rapid speed. The feelings he got from
being fucked by the object in his ass was amazing. He was so
incredibly horny and the memory that Jack had ripped himself an
easy-access hole into Joshua’s shorts was driving him nuts with need.

Joshua couldn’t think while he was being fucked so roughly by his

lover. Jack pounded the dildo in and out of him and it drove all other
thoughts far away from his mind. Joshua couldn’t even come. His
cock and balls trapped inside the metal ring stopped all signs of his
coming climax from surfacing. He didn’t even have any pre-cum
dribbling out now as he looked down at his cock, but his climax was
growing higher and higher and he knew he was about to experience
his first ever dry orgasm.

“That’s it, baby. Come around the dildo in your tight little asshole.

You know you love me fucking you with it.”

The dirty words from Jack’s deep voice drove him over the edge,

and he screamed out as his ass clenched and sucked in the dildo
further. His climax kept on going with no sign of slowing down for
several moments. He kept on screaming as he rocked and fucked the
air. Despite his climax, he couldn’t find any satisfaction in it as his
cock remained dry. He looked down between his legs and noticed the
head was an angry-looking purple. It seemed as though his cock was
agreeing with his mind, for once. He needed to come. He needed to
see his release soaking the sheets below him.

“Ride it through, baby,” Jack crooned, and Joshua nodded

absently as his climax finally began to ebb. When he felt his ass relax
slightly, Jack pulled the dildo from his well-stretched hole. But
Joshua wasn’t getting rest as he cried out when he noticed Jack’s
intentions were now to fuck him into the mattress.

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Joshua felt Jack push his long, thick cock into his ass and push

between his shoulder blades, indicating Joshua lie down. He did.
Joshua lay flat on the bed as Jack rode him, fucking his ass just as
hard as he had fucked him with the dildo.

The scent of sex permeated the air all around Joshua as he moaned

and mewled below Jack. He almost sobbed as he felt the foretelling
tingles that suggested his upcoming orgasm. He didn’t want another
dry orgasm as it would more than likely knock him into
unconsciousness. He noticed Jack moving above him to get a better
angle, and this new position hit Joshua in his prostate on every single
upward thrust. It drove him wild as he began banging the mattress
below him. The new position was definitely going to make him pass
out, and he readied himself as much as possible for his upcoming

Instead, Jack pulled him up until his pelvis was off of the

blankets. Joshua’s lover’s hand moved from his hip around to his
cock and began stroking his cock with need. It was the first time his
cock had been touched since they began in the communal area, and
his body responded to the sensation of being jacked off as he was
fucked with wild abandon.

He screamed as his second climax exploded throughout him. His

body trembled with need as his screams quieted into a sob. His cock
then exploded and cum shot out of his slit to hit his chin, Jack’s hand,
and the cover beneath them. He screamed again as semen kept on
shooting from his cock, soaking the sheets beneath him as he had
wished. His ass clenched around Jack’s cock, and he felt the man
stiffen behind him as the cock in his ass jerked and throbbed. Joshua
knew Jack was coming in his ass through the condom, and he loved
the feeling of all that hot lava scorching his inner walls. It extended
his own orgasm for several moments before his climax finally began
to ebb.

His cock became incredibly sensitive then, but Jack wouldn’t let


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He rolled them to the side while Jack’s half-hard cock remained

buried to the hilt. Jack kept on pumping Joshua’s cock, even after he
removed the cock ring. He wept silently into the blankets when his
cock ignited with newfound arousal, but he couldn’t go for another
round if he tried. Jack had literally fucked him good and proper.
Thankfully though, the man then decided to show him mercy and
removed his hand from Joshua’s cock.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.”

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Chapter 7

Jack walked into his house after dropping Joshua off at his

apartment. Jack hadn’t wanted to leave his new lover alone. Joshua
had told him though they had work the next morning and they both
needed their rest.

Jack walked through his townhouse. It was in the Upper East Side

of Chicago. The houses were all beautiful and expensive. Jack should

When he had first moved into his home two years previous from

his apartment right in the city center, Jack had hired the best interior
decorator in the state. He hadn’t really cared for its furnishings back
then because he was always working. Back then he would easily be
working twelve- or fourteen-hour days before sleeping. But now, now
he had Joshua to think about. He knew he was in love with the man
and would want nothing more than to have the man move into his
house with him. But he looked around and wondered if the man
would like its decorations.

He thought not.
The hallway at the top of the stairs and above his garage was

literally covered in marble besides the small glass table against the
wall. He had never brought a man home before, at least not to his
house here, but Jack knew what most people would see. They would
see wealth beyond extraordinary measures. Before Jack would have
agreed with those people, but now he saw it for what it truly was.
Cold. It was cold and lonely and looked more like a show house than
a home. It had to go.

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He walked into his kitchen and dining area, seeing it was again

cold. Every appliance one would ever need in the kitchen was in this
room, but the funny part was he hadn’t ever used most of them. He
usually ordered takeout or stopped for it on his way home. Hell, most
of them still had the tags on them. Although there was room for a
dining table that could fit three or four comfortably, he always sat at
the breakfast bar to eat. The memories of sitting on the small stool at
eleven or twelve at night eating Chinese food for the millionth time
out of plastic containers depressed Jack.

His living room was sparse and the number of personal

belongings limited.

His family had disowned him when he had come out to them at

the age of eighteen. He remembered as he readied himself for college
that his father had been talking about fraternities and parties but also
studying hard to get ahead in the world. His mother had spoken about
just being himself. He still remembered her talk to this day.

“Jack, honey, college will be amazing. You will meet new people

and have experiences you will never imagine you could possibly have
before now. But remember one thing, be yourself. Don’t let nobody
make you do something that you don’t really want to do. They can
make their own mistakes, but if you let them drag you down, then you
will have to live with those same mistakes.”

He remembered feeling a sudden weight on his shoulders and he

writhed there on the seat he sat on at the kitchen table. The stares of
his parents and siblings around him got to him, and he had begun to
sweat profusely. He looked up into the aged eyes of his father, the
man he had admired all his life.

“Is that right, Father? Do I be myself no matter what anybody says

or thinks?”

“Yes, son. Always remember that. The fact it comes from your

mother’s mouth is proof it is the right thing to do.”

He had smiled at that. The first warm-hearted smile he could

remember in years. He had looked at each of his family members in

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turn and saw their love for him outshine everything else. With that
reassurance, he had admitted something he had never thought of

“I’m gay,” he blurted out.
He looked down at the tablecloth, refusing to look his parents in

the eye. Silence hung over them, and he wondered why his parents
weren’t reassuring him they still loved him and that he would always
have a special place in their hearts as his parents’ firstborn.

He risked a look up at his father to see the man angry, the love

suddenly gone, replaced by sheer anger. His mother looked confused
as her eyes shone with fresh tears.

“I’m sorry, what, dear?” his mother had said. This time Jack knew

he couldn’t blurt it out. He had to admit everything that had been
haunting him for the past three years. Everything that had made him
feel like he was different than everybody else came crashing back.
His mother’s words about being himself rang in his ears, and it
plucked at his courage to look his parents in the eye and admit the
truth about himself.

“Mother, Father, I’m gay. I am attracted to other men. I’ve tried to

be straight, but women don’t appeal to me the same way men do.”

If he had thought he saw anger before in his father’s eyes, it was

pure hatred now. Jack senior stood up from the table and shouted
down at him.

“You are not gay. I will not have a gay son. Gay men should be

shot dead upon sight. Men are on this planet to protect our beautiful
women and to give them the babies they so desire. A man cannot give
that to another man. Now, son, are you going to be a bottom feeder?”

When Jack didn’t reply his father’s roar had been stifling, and it

rang through his ears and bounced off of the walls in the room as his
father stomped from the room. He was scared, so scared that he
thought his father has gone to get his gun from his bedroom. He saw
his mother now visibly shaking and crying as his kid sister hugged her
from the side.

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Not two minutes later and his father came back into the room,

picked Jack up by the scruff of his neck, and threw him toward the
door. His bags had been thrown just outside, and his father shouted,
“Get out, now. I shall not have a gay son. You are to never come back
here again or see any of us again. I will not have you insult my wife
that way or corrupt my children against me. You will stay far away.

Jack remembered the tears he had felt spring forth as he was

shoved outside as the door slammed in his face.

He had long ago mourned and gotten over being rejected by his

family for his sexual preferences. He hadn’t been able to afford
college after that so ended up having to quit since his father had
refused to pay his tuition.

For a new start, he had decided to move to Chicago. As an

eighteen-year-old, he was happy to answer the call of the big city. He
had soon gotten a job at an advertising agency as an intern. He had
annually gotten promoted into a higher position and every year earned
a bonus. Now he owned his own business. The ultimate promotion.

Now standing in his living room, he felt plain and loveless. His

living room made him feel worse for some reason. The room was
decorated in nothing but the creams and off-whites painted onto his
walls around the room and the house. All he had were a TV and the
sofa that, quite frankly, gave him a backache after two minutes of
sitting down. It was that hard. He couldn’t imagine Joshua having him
while he lived in this place as it was. He loved the house and didn’t
want to move. It was the inside that he hated.

He refused to think about that as he went to bed.

* * * *

The next morning Joshua was running late. He grabbed his and

Jack’s coffees as per usual and ran across the quieting street toward
work. Even though outside seemed to quieting down some, inside,

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however, was an entirely different matter. He waved to people he
knew and smiled at those he didn’t as he walked toward the elevators.
There was only one that went all the way to the top floor and so he
waited patiently. Unfortunately it seemed to be the one that everybody
was using this morning.

The trip to New York had been amazing and not only for the fact

he had finally gotten with Jack there.

Finally the elevator doors opened and allowed him entrance.

Typical now that he was in it he was the only one. Otherwise Joshua
rode until the very top and walked through when the doors opened.

He shrugged off his overcoat and blazer and dumped them in the

small closet off to the side of his desk. He noticed Jack’s door was
wide open. Joshua smiled at that. Jack always left his office door open
until Joshua came in so he would know to walk straight through
without knocking. Today was different though. He knew the door was
being left open as Jack’s way of welcoming Joshua in as his lover.

It had taken Joshua forever to get to sleep the previous evening

after Jack had dropped him off. He couldn’t help but feel lonely after
spending the past six nights in his lover’s arms as he slept. It had
quickly become his favorite pastime, besides the sex.

Joshua saw his lover sitting hunched over some papers and smiled

as he walked around the desk to sit on the corner. Jack looked up as
he deposited both their coffees on the desk before pulling Joshua into
his lap. The man kissed him with so much love and passion that
Joshua felt his toes curl and his cock rise at the sensation of his
lover’s tongue grazing his in a slow, languid kiss.

Joshua brought his hands up to tie around the back of his lover,

and Jack moved his round the bulge growing impossibly hard in
Joshua’s slacks.

“Hmmm, that for me?” Jack said into Joshua’s mouth. Joshua was

unable to speak as he deepened the kiss, demanding more of his lover
than the sensual kiss he was giving him. Joshua wanted a hot

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passionate kiss that devoured them both of everything other than each

Unfortunately Jack pulled away from the kiss before they could

get sucked into anything too steamy.

“You trying to seduce the boss?” Jack asked with a drawl that

sounded so sexy on his tongue it had Joshua salivating.

“Uh-huh,” he answered as he began grounding his ass against the

man’s powerful thighs.

“Maybe I need to teach you a lesson.”
Joshua inwardly groaned as Jack pulled him up and slouched him

over desk.

Jack pulled his slacks down to his thighs and immediately zoned

in on his puckered hole. His lover rimmed his ass, spitting on it
numerous times to get his hole nice and slick before shoving a finger
inside. Joshua moaned as Jack began stretching his ass. The delicious
feeling drove his need higher and higher as another finger was pressed
inside his tight sphincter. When a third could saw easily in and out of
Joshua’s ass, Jack pulled them away.

Joshua braced himself for Jack to enter his ass, but it never came.

He didn’t even hear the sound of the man’s zipper open. Instead, he
felt something else press at his ass, and it wasn’t Jack’s cock.

“Joshua, you have to realize that I am the alpha here. You want to

seduce the boss at work then you will get a lesson taught.”

Joshua then felt the object press into his ass. It was huge. It was

wider than the dildos Jack had used on him in New York and Jack’s
cock. He thought it wouldn’t fit. It couldn’t because it was so big, but
then it popped in and he felt the end suddenly reduce in girth. Butt
plug. Jack was using a butt plug on him, and he would be damned if
the feeling didn’t make him weep pre-cum.

Jack then pulled up his slacks and fastened them before pulling

Joshua down onto his lap. When he landed on Jack’s lap, Joshua
groaned. The butt plug jostled inside of him at the contact and made
his cock jerk. It was pleasurable torture.

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“When we finish work at four, you will come back to my home

with me. You will wear this butt plug all day without pleasuring
yourself until I allow you to.” Jack kissed him with so much passion
Joshua thought he might faint from it. “Now get to work, baby.”

When Joshua stood up, Jack patted him on the ass right between

cheeks as to jostle the plug once again.

The rest of the morning was pure agony for Joshua. It seemed as

though everybody was calling him, making him swivel his chair that
would always wiggle the plug in his ass. Twice he was called down to
the art department on the sixteenth and seventeenth floors. Every step
he took would make the plug rub against his prostate. It kept his dick
permanently hard, and the little bit about not being able to find
pleasure was just pure torture. He could have defied Jack’s orders, but
he knew he wouldn’t. The trust in his lover’s eyes was important to
him, and Joshua was determined to keep it that way.

Around two p.m. Joshua was just about getting used to the plug

deep inside his ass when he suddenly dropped to the ground in front
of his filing cabinet. The plug had begun to vibrate inside his ass and
began massaging his prostate. He moaned, and he tried to readjust it
so it didn’t rub against the swollen gland inside his ass, but it didn’t
work. It just provided a passage to reach him in deeper. It drove him
stir crazy, but for the life in him he couldn’t move.

A sweat broke out on his brow as he felt a body press up against

his back. Jack’s voice whispered into his ear with mock concern.

“My baby okay?”
Then laughter filled the air as Jack took him into his arms, sitting

him in his chair. The vibrations increased then, and Joshua doubled
over. He couldn’t talk, the pleasure was that intense. He needed to be
fucked, long and hard.

It felt like hours since they had begun, but finally the vibrations

faded away and allowed Joshua some rest from the torturous pleasure.
Then Jack began talking business as if nothing had just happened.

“How’s our schedule look for tomorrow?”

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Mock anger welled up inside Joshua as he stood and pointed a

finger at his laughing man.

“Who gives a shit about the schedule? You just damn near killed

me there. Why didn’t you tell me it was a vibrating one? I could have
been on the phone or in a meeting when you decided to play your
little trick. What do you have to say about it, huh?”

“You look hot when in the throes of passion?” Jack shrugged, and

Joshua burst out laughing. Jack looked so serious he couldn’t help
himself. He looked up into the man’s golden eyes that he loved so
much before pecking him on the cheek and sitting back down.

“Okay. Tomorrow you have three meetings back to back between

eleven and two. The final of which is a working lunch at Jade’s, the
Chinese place on Fifth. The others are here. Before and after that,
however, is completely free. Why?”

“Just wanted to know.” Then Jack sauntered back into his office.

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Chapter 8

Jack walked Joshua into his home. He knew Joshua was nervous.

The man had been trembling since they turned onto his road. He
gathered it seemed pretty intimidating to someone who wasn’t used to
having a lot of money. The houses were all magnificently built and
would probably stand the test of time with their stone facades.

Of course this wasn’t the reason for Jack’s nerves.
This was the first time he was bringing anybody back to his home,

and Jack couldn’t have been more scared. He knew that a person’s
home usually reveals one’s true personality, and if that was indeed
fact, then he was cold and empty inside. That was just not true.
Maybe it had been in the not-so-distant past, but now he wasn’t
empty. He had so much love for Joshua that he felt he would explode
from the sheer amount of it locked up inside him. The cold, well, that
may still be true in some aspects, but at least he now had a lover to
warm him up.

Jack sneaked a peek at the man who stood beside him. He saw

Joshua wriggle as if the butt plug he still had inside was rubbing
against him. He smiled. Jack knew how that plug must have felt
rubbing against his prostate, but one look down and Jack knew his
lover was enjoying it. His cock was rock hard and had been since he
put it in almost nine hours ago now.

Joshua released his hand and took a tentative step into the hallway

as if memorizing where everything was. Jack didn’t want him to
remember where anything was. He intended to throw every last thing
away and start afresh.

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He wanted a comfortable fabric sofa in his living room, a TV

where he could watch the game, photos hung up on the walls and on
random pieces of furniture of him and his lover. He wanted a wall full
of books from top to bottom with all genres and authors from
different time periods adorning them. He wanted to come home after
work to a home-cooked meal by his partner before they settled down
in bed and made love before falling asleep for the night.

He wanted Joshua.
Joshua appeared right before him as if concerned with something,

and it was when Jack had an epiphany. He wanted to make a life with
Joshua, in this very house. He didn’t want some mindless, nameless
person who was only after his money and an easy kept lifestyle where
they would want for nothing. He wanted the man who stood right in
front of him. He wanted to go to sleep with this very man in his arms,
as he had all the week previous, every night. He wanted to wake up
beside the man, watch his eyes flutter open from sleep and smile as
Jack was the first thing he would see every morning. He wanted to
kiss the sleep right from his lover’s mind and take care of his morning
wood before they shared a shower and readied themselves for a day of

He didn’t want to be without this man.
“You okay?” Joshua asked, concern lacing his voice as he placed

his hands on Jack’s shoulders. Jack knew he wouldn’t say anything
just yet. The timing had to be perfect, although one thing was for sure.
He would do it that very night.

“Yeah. I’m fine, baby. Come on I’ll give you the tour.”
Jack went around the tour of his home, half-composed as he

watched Joshua repeatedly run away from his side to touch or pick up
something that caught his eye. He remembered laughing most of the
time as it reminded him of a little child in a toy store for the first time.
So many things, so little time, and he wanted to touch everything.

He knew how that felt.

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Joshua would constantly bend down to pick something up,

showing off his delectable ass every time. It made him hard thinking
about how his cock had and would sink into that hole again to fuck
Joshua’s brains out. He couldn’t get enough. He was addicted to sex
with the man in his home, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Whether it was by sheer coincidence or just luck, Jack didn’t

realize he had left his bedroom until last to show the man. Jack knew
this was the only room in the entire house in which he had decorated.
His decorator had originally wanted to put in marble flooring, granite
drawers, and a low-rise bed. He had been one hundred percent against
it. Instead, it had a rich chocolate brown carpet, red-terracotta painted
walls, and every piece of furniture was of a varnished pine, including
the bed, which was a huge queen four-poster. Each post was
intricately designed in spirals that curved magnificently into the head-
rest of the bed.

It was fit for a king.
Apparently that king was Joshua Fort as the man squealed with

joy upon first look and ran for the bed, diving into the piles upon piles
of cushions and pillows as he did. Jack would have been worried the
man would get lost under there had the man been any smaller, but as
it was Joshua popped his head up and lay back against them.

“I love this bed.” Joshua pronounced each syllable slowly, but by

the time he finished it was nothing more than a breathy whisper.

Jack looked at the man who held him in every which way

emotionally. The man was worse than Hitler in the office. He made
sure Jack was always the first to leave the office, if not with Joshua.
He always made sure Jack got out the office for an hour and made
sure he ate and drank on a regular basis. Of course he couldn’t blame
the man. If he hadn’t had Joshua, he would be working from dawn to
dusk without as much as a toilet break in between. It was amazing
how Jack actually felt refreshed in the morning and was getting more
work finished between the hours of eight and four than he ever did
working six until eight.

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Jack pulled his suit jacket off, throwing it on the floor somewhere

behind him as he reached for his silk tie. He removed it one-handed,
followed closely by undoing the top two buttons of his shirt.

He watched as Joshua began drooling, and Jack noticed the man’s

thigh muscles clench and knew the man was also clenching his ass
muscles. That plug must be playing havoc with the gland. He smiled
at Joshua as he made his way to the bed, stalking his prey like a wild
animal being let out from captivity.

He noticed Joshua’s cock twitch and poke out from the waistband

of his slacks. He wanted to suck it into his mouth, but not before he
got a taste of that glorious mouth.

Joshua’s breathing became labored as Jack covered Joshua’s slim

body with his thicker, wider, more muscular one. Jack nestled himself
between his lover’s thighs and let his weight fall on top of the other
man. He had found out the other day that Joshua loved having Jack’s
weight on him, and Jack was only too eager to comply with whatever
his man wanted. He wouldn’t give just anybody anything, but this
man he would give the world and the stars if he could.

Jack brushed his lips against Joshua’s, and instantly it felt like

coming home. Kissing his man on his bed while the man moaned and
whimpered for him was the biggest turn-on ever, and his heart
clenched at the possibility of never having it had he not taken the
plunge back in New York.

Joshua’s mouth opened up for him, and Jack took the offered

invitation to push his tongue in.

The next few minutes were a contest of pushing, pulling, and

sucking at each other’s tongues as they dueled for dominance of the
kiss. It drove him wild to feel his lover responding to him in ways no
other person ever had. It made his cock ache to slide into his man’s
stretched hole.

Jack released from the kiss, distantly hearing the man beneath him

moan in protest, but Jack didn’t relent. Instead, he kissed his way to
the man’s ear, sucking a lobe into his mouth and swirling his tongue

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around it before kissing his way down the man’s neck and to the other
side. He felt the man’s pulse against his lips as he made his way down
to the man’s chest, removing buttons as he went.

Joshua’s tie had already been removed back in Jack’s car. He

tightened his lips around the brown areola and suckled it into his
mouth. Joshua’s hips jerked, his hard cock thrusting up into Jack’s
stomach. Jack pushed his hands into his excited lover’s hips,
effectively pinning them to the soft mattress so the man couldn’t
move. It had the desired effect as it made Joshua moan in protest once
again, but it quickly turned into one of pleasure as Jack sucked the
opposite nipple into his mouth.

Goose bumps appeared on Joshua’s skin as Jack lowered himself

to the sparkly green belly button bar Joshua was wearing. He tongue
fucked the little bar, flicking it around inside his mouth as he
continued to hold his wayward lover beneath him.

He moved lower once again, hoping to suck that hot, hard cock

that was now leaking pre-cum all over the man’s stomach. The one
thing they hadn’t done in New York was this.

Taking their time.
They had always rushed it, becoming so needy and hot with

arousal that neither of them could stand the idea of taking it slow, to
appreciate each other’s bodies. That had all changed now, and Jack
was thankful he had taken the time to feel and caress every inch of the
man’s delectable body. Whether clothes were on or not.

Jack unsnapped the buttons to his lover’s slacks. One, two, and

undid the zipper as slowly as possible, drawing out Joshua’s pleasure,
and he was immediately rewarded with the man’s cock bouncing free
from its confines, slapping him in the chin.

A trail of pre-cum lined the space between Jack’s chin and

Joshua’s cock, and Jack took the opportunity to taste the salty liquid.
He grabbed Joshua’s hand, getting a finger liberally coated in the
man’s own pre-release before sucking the appendage into his mouth.

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Jack watched as his lover’s eyes widened and become heavy with
arousal. Joshua’s eyes darkened almost black as his lust overtook him.

Just as Jack went to take the tip of Joshua’s cock into his mouth,

the most horrendous sound entered his ears. It was a bell chime
signaling somebody was at his front door. He growled low, low
enough so nobody but himself knew it ever existed, and decided to
ignore the idiot who vowed to interrupt his and his lover’s fun.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.
The blasted chime rang again and again, not allowing Jack any

peace whatsoever with his lover. He looked up apologetically into
Joshua’s eyes, conveying how sorry he was for the disruption.

He reluctantly got up from the bed, taking one last look at his

lover’s delicious body. The wet trail from his tongue still shined
brightly on the man’s body, and the hard cock jutting between his legs
only served to fuel his anger toward whoever had decided to interrupt

Jack opened his front door and was immediately hit with a blast

from the past.

A man who looked so much like himself stood at his front door, a

large duffel bag at his feet. But it wasn’t a man. No. It was a boy no
more than fifteen or sixteen at the most. The golden eyes were ones so
much like his own there was no doubt who this kid was. Theo. His
little brother who, the last time he had saw him, had been a tiny six-
year-old with so much innocence about him it was almost

Theo shuffled nervously from foot to foot as if unsure whether he

would be welcomed there or not. Jack didn’t know how to respond,
but a gasp from behind made Jack cringe. He guessed Joshua was
behind him and had seen Jack’s little brother standing there. Theo
would have been far too young to remember the reason why he left all
those years ago, and now seeing a pretty much half-naked man in his
house would definitely make Theo realize why his big brother hadn’t
come back home.

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Somewhere between this Jack had found himself turning to see his

lover and sure enough the man was half naked and simply delicious
with all that skin on display for him. He turned back to see Theo
staring straight at Joshua. His lover hadn’t bothered making himself
look presentable. He had buttoned up his slacks, but the man’s shirt
was still open, showing off the belly bar decorating his lover’s
stomach. Theo’s eyes returned to Jack, and immediately his baby
brother’s face flushed as if caught with his hand in the proverbial
cookie jar.

“Theo?” Jack asked. If it was possible, Theo blushed even more

and averted his eyes to the ground. His face scrunched up as if
waiting for something. It was then Jack noticed the bruise on his
brother’s cheek. He meekly reached out and placed two fingers gently
underneath Theo’s cheek, lifting it up into the light. It was definitely a
bruise, a large dark purple, almost black, across his cheek and eye.

Jack felt his anger boiling once again but not for the same reason.

This time it was pure hatred at whoever had done this to his brother.
Because Theo had turned up at his doorstep, he figured he knew who
had given his kid brother the black eye. His father.

Although his father hadn’t been violent with him when he told his

family about his attraction to men rather than women, it didn’t mean
he wouldn’t be violent to any others. It was quite obvious to Jack that
Theo was indeed gay. The man wore black eyeliner and mascara,
something not many straight men wore these days. His clothes were
also that of a twink’s. It reminded him of how Joshua dressed outside
of work. He loved the short shorts and tight shirts on his lover, but his
brother definitely shouldn’t be wearing them. He wanted to pull a
sheet around his body to cover the man up.

He was kicked into protective big brother mode.
“How about we invite your guest in, huh, Jack?” Joshua said as he

placed his hands around Jack’s waist. It proved effective in calming
his raging, boiling blood down a few degrees as he sidestepped to

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allow his brother entry. He took the bag from Theo as the man
stepped past him and into his home.

* * * *

Joshua sat at the breakfast bar in Jack’s kitchen with the man

himself next to him. The kid with the black eye opposite them still
hadn’t spoken a word.

Joshua had heard his lover call the kid Theo. It suggested Jack

already knew him, but from where Joshua hadn’t a clue. From the
golden eyes that shone just like Jack’s, he would bet they were
brothers. But the kid couldn’t have been more than fifteen at the most.
The black eye certainly didn’t sit well with Joshua.

He took a sip of his steaming coffee as he looked at Theo. The kid

looked up at the same time, and their eyes connected. Joshua swore he
saw anxiety in the kid’s scared eyes. The silence was when abruptly
ended when Jack asked, “Did Dad do that to you?”

So they were brothers, Joshua thought. He still had no idea why

Theo was even there when the kid nodded his answer. Jack hadn’t
spoken a word of his childhood, preferring to talk business or about
things more current. He had never mentioned a thing about a family.
Although they hadn’t been together for that long, so it was

“What happened?” Joshua found himself asking. He said it slowly

and very calmly as to not scare the kid anymore than he already was.
The kid still seemed a bit reluctant to give them an answer, so he tried
a different tactic. “How about we get some food, yeah? Jack, how
about you order us some Chinese. You like Chinese, right, Theo?”

Theo looked up at him as if he had grown a second and third head,

but the growling of the kid’s stomach told him he hadn’t had any food
in a while. He looked up at Jack and pleaded with his eyes for the
man to go and phone for delivery. He knew there were only two

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phones in the entire house, one in the living area and the second in
Jack’s bedroom.

Only when his lover was out of earshot did he speak to Theo.

“You know you’re safe here. Jack and I will not do a thing you do not
wish for. You obviously needed your big brother, or else you
wouldn’t have knocked at his door. We won’t judge you, okay?”

“Okay.” Theo spoke in a small voice, nothing above a whisper,

but it was enough for Joshua.

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Chapter 9

Jack walked back into the kitchen to see Joshua gently petting

Theo’s hand. It seemed to work in calming his brother down before he
looked up at Jack with a sad smile.

“Come sit down,” Joshua said to him, and Jack numbly obeyed.

He wanted to know what had happened to his brother. When he had
phoned for Chinese food, he had promised himself he would remain
calm—at least until after Theo finished with his story and ate

“It’s okay,” Joshua said as he looked up at Jack, but Jack knew

that his lover spoke to Theo only.

Jack watched his little brother wring his hands together. He

couldn’t sit here and watch his little brother go through what he had
some nine years ago. “How did you find me?” he asked instead. He
gathered if he asked simple questions then Theo would calm down
enough to talk about what happened. He had known the second he
recognized the kid on his front door as his baby brother, whom he
hadn’t seen in a long time, that he would make sure he had a place
here and at a local school. He wouldn’t and couldn’t see his brother
on the street like his father had done to him.

The question brought a smile to Theo’s face, one that did reach his

eyes. “Everybody knows you own Adlib, and it was pretty easy to get
into your security files. You do realize that anybody can access
everything right?”

A little gleam entered Theo’s eyes, and although Jack knew he

should be angry his brother had hacked into his business files to find

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out his personal address, he couldn’t find it in him. He was glad they
were back together.

“You’re not mad are you?”
“Of course not. I’m shocked that it could be so easy to log into the

businesses files, but I’m not mad. I’m glad you found me.” Jack
reached over and placed a hand on Theo’s. “You will always have a
place here with me.”

Theo’s smile was brighter than anything, and Jack knew it had

been the right thing to do. Theo had always been innocent and a
gentle creature. He didn’t deserve to be abandoned for whatever
reason. He had a feeling Theo didn’t wish to tell him of the reason
why he was here and had no clue if Theo knew about him.

“You’re gay.” It wasn’t a question but a statement of fact. The

reaction from Theo proved just as much, and a frown came onto his
face. Tears looked as though ready to burst from his brother, but the
kid managed to contain them enough to speak.

“Yes. I am gay, and Dad didn’t take it too well.” That sad smile

returned on Theo’s face. “I knew a few years ago that I was gay, but I
didn’t know what it meant or what to do about it. I swear I hadn’t
done anything... until last week that was. I had been partnered to do a
science project with one of the other kids in my class, and we had
been working on it forever. We would work in the science labs until
as late as possible before we would go to either one of our houses.

“Mom and Dad were out on their regular date night. Usually they

don’t come back until about one in the morning, if they do at all. I
was shocked when Dan put his arm around me and began kissing me
as most guys would kiss their girlfriends. I won’t say all the details,
only it was just past nine and I wanted it to continue, so I kissed him
back. I didn’t expect it to be the moment I straddled Dan that Dad
would walk into my room.

“There was a lot of yelling, screaming until he was almost blue in

the face. Dan quickly hurried out the door, for which I don’t blame
him. Dad asked me if I was queer, a fag, a fairy. I knew of the terms

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and had no idea the significance of being gay, so I nodded. I told him
I was gay and asked what the big problem was. It was then I realized
through the cold gaze he shot me and the fact you hadn’t been round
in years that you were also gay, and then he said that he couldn’t
believe both his sons were queers.

“Then he got angry. He looked at me with his face full of anger as

he marched right up to me and punched me. I think he would have
kept hitting me had it not been for Mom, who managed to restrain
him. Dad threw the duffel bag in my face and told me to get out and
to never come back.”

Jack watched as Theo ran a hand through his hair as if he was

reliving the entire situation in his mind. He stood up and walked
around the breakfast table. He brought his kid brother into a hug and
kept a tight hold as Theo finally let the tears fall. He knew it was a
daunting thing, and Jack silently vowed that he would make it as easy
on Theo as possible. At least they were together now and Jack was
able to look after Theo.

“How about we get you settled into a room and wait for our

food?” Jack asked, looking up at Theo.

“Yeah, okay.” Then Theo pulled from his embrace and took a sip

of his now-cold coffee. “Hey, Jack. Where’s your friend gone?”

Jack spun round, looking to where Joshua had been sitting. The

man wasn’t there. He ran out of the room and looked in every room
he passed. When he walked into his room, he noticed the man wasn’t
there. His clothes were gone, and a quick trip into the hallway showed
the man’s briefcase was gone also. He couldn’t help but wonder why
Joshua had left.

Did Joshua not want to deal with Jack’s baggage and a younger

brother who obviously needed him? No. He wouldn’t think that.
Joshua probably just left to give them time to catch up with one
another. But why would he need to leave the house for that? He
couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong with his lover.

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He ran back into the kitchen, putting on his shoes as he did, to

where he had left Theo.

“I hate to leave you so soon, but I need to pop out for a bit. Here’s

fifty, should be enough for the food. Take whichever of the rooms
you want, and we will discuss redecorating to your tastes, okay?”

“I didn’t do anything to scare him off, did I? I can leave if it will

cause problems.”

No! You are not leaving. I put my foot down. This is now your

home, and we will see about keys and everything in the morning. I
will deal with Joshua. You just make yourself at home. Within reason
of course,” he said the last bit with a bit of humour. He knew Theo
wouldn’t do anything wrong, and Jack would understand most of
what Theo might do.

He was now an openly gay man for the first time. The world was

going to become strange as if just taking off the rose-colored glasses
for the first time ever. He would notice things, things about men that
would intrigue him. He would no more than likely learn about true
gay sex and what it felt like. And Jack was powerless to stop it.

After all, when he had first moved to the city after being thrown

out, he came to realize that men would often look at him in ways that
he never would have dreamed of. Men had looked at him with lust
and desire, and he had indulged in a few of those men.

He knew Theo was going to do that, and rules needed to be placed

up just so his brother was careful. Hopefully, he kept to kids his own
age to experiment with.

Jack hadn’t even felt himself get into the car, but yet here he was

as if on autopilot pulling up outside Joshua’s building. He knew
Joshua’s apartment was on the fifth floor and overlooked the street.
Luckily lights were on, suggesting he was home. Jack managed to
catch the door before it closed for an elderly woman just leaving the

Running up the stairs, he finally came to Joshua’s door and began

knocking incessantly. He heard the man he wanted more than

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anything moan out that he was coming. Jack ironically thought, yes
you will be,
but managed to taper down his arousal for the moment as
he kept on knocking. When Joshua opened the door, he didn’t expect
to see tears streaming down the man’s face. His lover looked shocked
to see him there, but Jack didn’t care. He barged his way into the

* * * *

Joshua stood eyes wide open as he saw Jack standing at his front

door. He didn’t know what to say. When Theo had turned up at Jack’s
door, Joshua had begun to think that maybe Jack wouldn’t need him
now. It was obvious the man had been lonely, but now he had his
brother and just moved him in, Joshua thought that maybe Jack
wouldn’t need him any longer.

So that was when he had walked. He never really did deal with

rejection all that well and thought he best disappear before Jack broke
his heart. He had well and truly fallen in love with the man, and
although Joshua would have continued to work for Jack, he just
resigned himself to knowing that he wouldn’t be Jack’s lover

Now Jack walked toward him, causing Joshua to step back until

Jack was firmly in the apartment. Jack shut and locked the door
without even looking back at it. Joshua moaned long and hard as Jack
grabbed him around the scruff of his shirt collar and pressed him
against the door. Jack held him around the neck and waist, and the
man’s larger body covered all of Joshua’s.

Joshua suddenly became needy as his cock filled and throbbed

against the zipper of his slacks. Jack bent down and pressed his lips
into Joshua’s. Joshua moaned into the kiss, immediately opening up
for the man who would forever make him feel hotter and more
aroused than any other. Joshua placed his hands on Jack’s hips, trying
to mesh their cocks together. Joshua cried out, the sound muffled by

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Jack’s mouth as the man lifted him and carried him toward the

As Jack lowered them both Joshua moaned when he felt cool air

caress his flushed skin. Jack was undressing them both while still in
the embrace, arms and legs twirled together. Joshua moaned as he felt
Jack’s hands moving across his skin as if becoming familiar with it
once again. Then he felt the man still as his hands came across
Joshua’s ass.

“You’re still wearing the butt plug?” Jack asked, shock lacing his

question, and Joshua suddenly felt hot. With all the things on his
mind, he had completely forgotten that he had the butt plug in his ass
all day long, and they hadn’t removed it since he came back from

His eyes fluttered closed when Jack began pressing on the butt

plug, making the silicone toy press against his prostate even more. His
now-exposed cock jumped at the feel.

Jack rolled them onto their sides so they lay face-to-face still, but

now Jack could play with the plug more. The man began pulling the
plug out of his body, ever so slowly, and Joshua’s ass clenched
tightly, trying to keep the delicious feeling of having the toy inside his
ass for longer. Then Jack thrust it back in. He cried out at the
sensation and how hot it felt to be fucked by a butt plug. Jack
continued to thrust it in a few more times until the man pulled it out
entirely. Joshua mourned the loss but didn’t have chance as Jack
turned him over so they were spooning, back to chest.

“You negative?” Jack whispered into his ear, and Joshua nodded

enthusiastically. Although all the previous week they had been
fucking, they had never done it raw, bareback as they call it. Joshua
wanted nothing more than to feel the man come inside his ass. He
vaguely heard Jack grunt something out, but it was muffled by his
scream as Jack thrust home in one sweep.

“Ohmygod.” He moaned. The feel of Jack’s cock inside his ass

was wonderful. Joshua could feel every ridge, every contour of the

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man’s cock, and he wanted nothing more than to feel it coming inside
of him.

Jack then began thrusting to a fierce pace. Jack was hammering

away at his needy hole, and Joshua couldn’t keep up. As much as he
tried to thrust back into his lover’s hips, he couldn’t keep up with the
pace the man had set for them. He knew they wouldn’t last long. The
sensations were too much for Joshua to handle without crying out his

Then Jack grabbed onto his cock with one hand, his balls with the

other. His lover tugged on both with delirious pain-pleasure that drove
Joshua crazy with need.

“Jack—” He was abruptly cut off as Jack pressed his mouth to

Joshua’s once again and pressed his tongue into his mouth. There was
too much going on. Jack was now half on top and half off Joshua, and
the new position made the crisp cotton of the bed sheets rub against
Joshua’s nipples, turning them into tiny nubs of pleasure. The feeling
of having his cock jerked, his balls tugged and fondled, his ass
pummelled, and his nipples rubbing against the sheets all sent him
above and beyond. He screamed, literally screamed, into Jack’s
mouth as his orgasm took hold of him and he came. He felt his ass
clench ever so tightly around Jack’s cock he felt the thing would rip
from his lover’s body. But then he felt the man who was responsible
for his prolonged climax orgasm, too.

He felt hot lava get pumped into his ass and paint his inner walls.

The feeling and knowledge that Jack’s seed now lay inside his body,
physically touching with his well-used channel, drove him over the
edge once again, and he came for a second time in perhaps three
minutes as more cum splashed out from his cock slit and onto the
covers beneath him.

He shivered, and his body shook violently as he sobbed. His

orgasm had been too intense for him to deal with. Jack held on tightly
to him for several minutes until he felt himself gain control over his
body once again.

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“You’re coming home with me, Joshua Fort.” Then he pulled

Joshua tighter to his chest and whispered, “I want you to live with

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Chapter 10

Jack sat in his home office. He couldn’t concentrate one single bit.
After he had told Joshua he wanted the man to move in with him,

his lover had been more than happy to oblige him. Now he sat with a
banging headache wishing he had gone into the office to work instead
of staying at home.

There were workmen all over the place, redecorating everything

in sight. His kitchen wall had been demolished some three days ago to
make the space into an open-plan kitchen, dining, and living area.
There were interior decorators with Theo in his room making it into
the safe haven every boy needs growing up. Jack had ended up giving
up all control except for the small part of paying the check.

The marble flooring was completely gone, save for his master

bathroom, which, ironically, was the only place Joshua liked the
marble flooring. Instead, it was now a pine finish with Joshua going
rug-crazy for it. His house was now starting to look like a home. The
warm colors, the picture frames going up, and the welcoming sight of
an actual dining table in his kitchen where he imagined loads of
family meals was a welcome sight.

He had been trying to find a school for Theo, but since it was now

the summer holidays, they had a little time to find one. He wanted
Theo to go to a private school, but Joshua and Theo had ganged up on
him and said public. So now he was trying to find the best public
school in Chicago for his little brother to attend.

The official papers for the fostering had come through not two

days before, declaring Jack and Joshua the legal guardians of Theo
until he turned eighteen. They had done it so nobody, especially not

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Jack and Theo’s father, could take Theo away from him. He would
never allow the bigot to come between him and his brother again.

“Jack, Jack,” he heard Joshua call him. His lover ran through his

office door, almost tripping up over the rug just inside the room as he
did so. It would have been funny any other time, but Jack had
purposely turned the vibrating butt plug up at the time. They had
become fascinated with using the butt plug on Joshua most days. It
helped keep his lover open and stretched for him whenever Jack
wanted to sink his cock into Joshua’s ass.

Joshua glared at him as if he had done something wrong before

waving it off as nothing important.

Jack walked around his desk and perched on the corner and

welcomed his lover into his embrace. Joshua was so perfect for him
he had a hard time wondering why he couldn’t have met the man long
before now. It didn’t last long as Joshua pulled from it after a few
moments. A bright smile was on his face, but Jack saw shock in the
man’s eyes.

“What’s up, baby?” he asked.
“You’ll never believe it.”
“Not if you don’t tell me.”
Jack smiled at the mock glare Joshua sent his way before the man

before him grew serious once again.

“I just got off the phone with Dave, from the finance department

at the office. You will never believe the ballpark figure he just quoted
me on for last quarter.”

“And, Mr. Smart-arse, you have just made one billion dollars in


“What?” Did he just hear correctly or did Joshua—
“You’re a billionaire, Jack.”
Yep, he heard correctly. Jack was shocked. He had been a

millionaire for a couple of years now, and most people never even
made it to five hundred million, even for the big time companies, but

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now, now he was a billionaire. He had one billion dollars in profits
sitting in his account at this very moment. Then he smiled as he
brought Joshua in for another embrace.

“And you’re the billionaire’s boyfriend.”


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As a woman, Christine is the typical romantic. Long walks on the

beach, and a man or men to keep her warm in the cold winter months
of England is her idea of perfection.

Falling in love with Erotic Romance from the first page was a

calling beyond no other and suddenly twenty years of what she calls
an “overactive imagination” finally paid off. Her mind races ahead
two or three books. She always has new and exciting ideas waiting to
be written. She loves the idea of pushing the boundary on the typical
male and female relationship as something new and exciting,
something she will never grow old of.

Still waiting for that Mr. Perfect of her own, she will just have to

sit back and write about others finding theirs. Those select few may
even get lucky and find two.

Christine wishes you will find your Mr. Perfect(s).

Also by Christine Shaw

Ménage Amour ManLove: Dark Times 1: The Dom for His Alpha

Siren Allure ManLove: Dark Times 2: River’s Pet, Angel

Siren Classic ManLove: Dark Times 3: Trip’s Fury

Siren Classic ManLove: Dark Times 4: Sweetly Addictive

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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