Hidden Hills Shifters 1 An Unexpected Diversion Vella Day

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An Unexpected Diversion

Hidden Hills Shifters

Book 1

Vella Day

Copyright © 2015 Vella Day

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Copyright © 2015 by Vella Day
Kindle Edition


Cover Art by Sloan Winters
Edited by Rebecca Cartee and Carol Adcock-Bezzo
Published in the United States of America
E-book ISBN: 978-1-941835-07-4
Print ISBN: 978-1-941835-08-1

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of
the author except in the case of brief questions embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Other Books by the Author

About the Author

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Chapter One






asked as she wiped a hand towel across the bar.

“Sure.” Cheyenne Snow propped her elbows up on the scarred wood and sighed. “Though what I

really need is a freaking miracle.”

Lilly tossed her a wan smile. “I know, sweetie, but those are in short supply in Hidden Hills.

You’ll have to settle for your usual mojito.” A minute later, the bouncy redhead placed the drink in
front of Chey. “Your dad’s ultimatum sucks, but you’ll get through it. You’re strong.”

“I hope so.” Chey checked her cell again to see if her best friend had messaged her, but there

wasn’t a text. Tasha Wilder had promised to meet her at the Cove Bar twenty minutes ago, and Chey
was worried something bad might have happened. A few chatty people entered the bar through the
door to her right, but Tasha wasn’t among them.

Pushing back her stool, she picked up her drink. “I’m going to grab a table. I’m meeting Tasha. If

you see her first, could you send her my way?” Chey nodded to an empty table against the far, left
hand side the bar.

“Sure, sweetie. Good luck.”
“I need it.” Chey slid what she owed onto the bar, plus a generous tip to Lilly for being a good

sounding board.

Easing her way around the twenty or so round tables that took up over half of the rustic bar, Chey

carried her drink to the table in the corner where the light was dimmer. She also wanted the seclusion
so that the whole town didn’t overhear what was going on in her Clan, though in truth, the canned
country music from the DJ booth in the back would probably prevent anyone from overhearing.

It wasn’t yet five p.m., but the place was already half full. Most customers were shifters, but there

were a fair number of humans who’d congregated on the east side of the bar closer to the door, away
from the undesirables—i.e. the shifter community.

Once she got settled, Chey texted Tasha to check on her. No sooner had she pressed send than the

bar door swung open and Tasha loped in. Chey relaxed now that her friend had arrived. Lilly smiled
at Tasha and pointed toward Cheyenne.

When Tasha looked in her direction and waved, she bumped into one of the wooden chairs that

hadn’t been stowed properly, and winced. She made it across the rest of the large room without
mishap and dropped onto the chair with a thud. She was wearing the cutest T-shirt. On the front was
printed, I love to read.

“Sorry, I’m late.” She rubbed her thigh and sighed.
“You didn’t have to rush on my account.”
Tasha’s eyes widened. “You said it was an emergency.”
Now Chey felt bad. “It is, but I hope you didn’t stop in the middle of reading a story or anything.”

Tasha was the local librarian who had reading hour for the little kids three times a week.

“That’s why I was late. They asked more than their usual share of questions.” She waved to Lilly

and formed a letter “T” with her fingers, her signal for her usual iced tea. “So, tell me what’s going

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Chey’s stomach twisted into another knot. “Dad’s giving me until August to find a husband.”
“What? Why?”
“He said it’s time for him to step down as Alpha. It surprised the hell out of me, too. He’s still


Tasha nodded and moved her purse from her lap to the empty seat next to her. “I’m lucky. At least

I have a brother who’ll take over when my dad decides it’s time to retire.” She leaned forward on her
elbows. “What happens if you don’t find someone in the next four months?”

“He’ll make me marry Chuck Lord. Blah.” She didn’t think she could even say those terrible

words—wed Chuck Lord.

Tasha stilled. “Ew. Wasn’t he the one who recently got into a fight with a wolf shifter?”
His list of offenses ran a lot deeper than that. “Yup, that’s him. Worse, Chuck is mean and doesn’t

respect women. He also has yellow teeth, bad breath, and a big belly that he claims is all muscle.
Trust me, it’s not.”

Tasha scrunched up her face. “I’m so sorry.”
Chey downed her drink and then groaned, the depression weighing heavily on her. “I’m still in


“Why did your dad pick Chuck of all people? Surely there are more acceptable mates.”
Chey propped her elbow on the table, planted her cheek on her palm, and sighed. “Seems I’ve

turned down all the good ones at one time or another. Dad said since I haven’t found a Clan member
for myself, as my father and Alpha, he’s doing it for me.” She sat back up. “Dad’s rather pleased with
his choice. He thinks Chuck will make the perfect Alpha. I know my father wants me to be happy, but
he said he has to think of the Clan’s future.”

If only her mother were still alive, she could convince her father this was all a mistake. The

thought of having sex with scummy Chuck made her teeth hurt.

“What are you going to do? August will be here before you know it.”
“Tell me about it.”
Lilly brought over Tasha’s iced tea. “Have you been able to cheer up Chey?”
Tasha smiled. “I’m working on it.”
“I’d like another one, please.” Chey handed her the empty glass. Lilly’s brows rose, but she didn’t

say a word.

As soon as the bartender ducked behind the bar, Tasha leaned forward again as if to tell a secret.

“The solution is obvious. You have to find a husband.”

Chey glanced at the beamed ceiling. “Just like that? What do you think I’ve been doing for fifteen

years? It’s not like Mr. Perfect is going to just waltz into this Podunk, North Carolina town in the next
few days. I’ve even read over our archaic bylaws more times than I can count, looking for a loophole,
but I can’t find anything.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m thinking of just leaving town.”

That drew a chuckle from her friend. “You know you could never leave your animals at the clinic.

They need you.”

Chey was the town’s only small animal veterinarian and took care of all the town folks’ pets.


Tasha lifted the straw to her lips. “Describe your perfect man. Maybe there’s someone like that in

my Clan.”

It was Chey’s turn to object. “Can you see me with a bear shifter? He’d squish me. I’m all of five-

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feet tall and weigh only a hundred pounds.”

She shook her head. “At least he’d make a formidable Alpha. I bet not many of the cheetahs would

challenge him.”

“Probably not.”
“As for being too big, our men are careful. But if you’re set against someone large, what about a


“Wolves hate cheetahs, though I don’t recall if an Alpha can be from another Clan.” This was

getting worse by the minute.

Tasha shrugged. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“This is where I need your help. Tell me if I’m crazy, but I was thinking about expanding my

search to include humans.” She waited for the litany of objections.

This time Tasha laughed. “A human?” she whispered. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t know if

someone other than a cheetah could be an Alpha?”

“Humans aren’t really part of any clan. Given they’re considered superior to us shifters, it might


“The issue of his species aside, what makes you think you can snare one of them? Not that you

aren’t a catch, hon, but there have been a ton of our women who’ve tried and almost all have failed.”

She loved Tasha and her blunt ways, but sometimes, it hurt to hear the truth. “You’re right. Who

am I kidding?”

Tasha gave her usual look of sympathy, and then grabbed Chey’s hand. “Don’t listen to me. What

do I know? Any man would be lucky to have you. At least you’re not fat, like me, with tits so big they

“Oh, please! You look fabulous. I’m the one with no boobs. What man wants that?” She waved a

finger at her friend. “As for you, Missy, I’ve seen the way the men at the bar look at you.”

Chey had always been a bit envious of Tasha’s long brown hair, beautiful big brown eyes, and

curves that guys couldn’t keep their eyes off of. Chey liked herself just fine, but having a bit more up
top wouldn’t have been a hardship for her.

Tasha shook her head. “Ogle, is closer to the truth. I’m content with who I am and am very happy

in my world of books, but if I end up single, then so be it.”

Chey wasn’t fooled by Tasha’s bravado. “I just wish you could find someone. I know your time

will come.”

“Let’s find a solution to your situation first.” Tasha always did enjoy being the problem solver.
Wondering where her drink was, Chey looked over at Lilly to remind her about her order, but she

was talking with someone. The bartender made eye contact, and then held up a finger to indicate she’d
be a minute.

“You sure you should have another one?” Tasha asked. “You know you can’t hold your liquor.”
“I’m good.” Chey’s lids closed a little, so she sat up straighter and inhaled. “I need to get drunk

since I think better that way.”

“No, you don’t. Remember the time you tied one on and propositioned Trip Holbrook?”
“Good old Trip, I remember him. Boy, was he a cutie. He was celebrating his twenty-first

birthday. Too bad when I finally got him into bed, he didn’t know which hole was which.” They both
laughed, recognizing her choice of men had never been the best. “So tell me, Oh Wise One, if you
were in my shoes, what would you do?”

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Tasha pointed a finger at her. “I told you. Assuming someone other than a cheetah can be an

Alpha, try another Clan. I can’t imagine your people accepting a non-shifter as their leader.”

“You’re right. Dad would never allow a human to take over, that’s for sure, and I doubt any other

cheetah would either.”

Lilly placed another mojito on the table. “Sorry it took me so long. Want me to run a tab for you,


Picturing Trip again, Chey shook her head. She didn’t need to get any drunker. “This one will do.”
Lilly glanced back at the bar. “There’s a newcomer in town at the counter. He appears lonely.”

She winked.

Chey lifted a brow but didn’t turn around. “Oh, yeah?”
“He seems perfect for you. He’s quite sexy, if I do say so myself. Hell, if I weren’t married, I’d

go after him.”

“Thanks, I’ll check him out.” She waited until Lilly left before glancing over at her friend whose

eyes were wide. “What are you looking at?”

“Only the hottest creature on earth. That is if you like the big brawny type who wears a leather

jacket and carries a motorcycle helmet.”

Chey’s heart jumped. “He sounds like my kind of bad boy.”
“You can check him out now. He’s speaking with Lilly.”
Chey chanced a look, and her pulse shot up. Hot was right. His profile was stunning. She liked his

cheek stubble and dark, military short hair. “Wow! Even if he’s not husband material, I sure could use
a diversion.”

“Hell, yeah. Go meet him.”
Chey looked down at her outfit. “I’m not walking up to him looking like this.” She should have

thought about her attire before she came to the bar, but she’d hurried straight from work. At the vet
clinic, comfort was key, so she never worried about what she wore under her lab coat. Now, she
wished she had. Slumping against her seat, she huffed out a breath. “Never mind. I’m not in the mood
for another rejection tonight.”

“Nonsense. You won’t know until you try, and you look just fine. Okay, the tank top is a little

revealing and the holes in the jeans are a bit slutty, but hey, why not have fun for the next four

Make that four months until all chance of happiness evaporated. “You’re right again. If I have to

spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Chuck Lord, I might as well go out with a bang.” The idea appealed
to her. “It’s spring, after all.” Maybe that was why she was experiencing this strong hormonal surge—
it was mating season.

“Absolutely. Have a fling. Our hot biker might not be the answer to your problems, but he

certainly will take your mind off your impending nuptials.”

“I can do this. Can you watch my stuff?”
“I’ll casually saunter up to the empty seat next to him and ask for another drink.” Chey inhaled

deeply. “On second thought, let me grab my purse. It’ll look like I just came in. That way, he won’t
think I have a hidden agenda.”

“Will you be here for a bit?”

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“I’ll stay for fifteen minutes. If he seems interested, you won’t need me hanging around.”
Chey hugged her. “Love you.”
“Just be careful.”
“I will.”
Let the fun begin!

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Chapter Two






no idea if he’d be a good fit in this town, but when his ideal job had opened up in

Hidden Hills, he’d decided to take a chance. The fast pace of city life had taken a toll on his peace of
mind, and he’d figured coming to this small town might allow him to enjoy things more. Being in the
North Carolina mountains would also afford him the chance to hike, fish, and ride his motorcycle up
the winding roads—activities he rarely found the time for or the ability to pursue in Maryland.

He took a long drag on his beer to finish it off, letting the cold brew relax his muscles. It was a bit

warm in the bar, so he slipped off his leather jacket and placed it on his lap. He was about to turn
around to get a feel for the locals when the softest, sweetest voice floated toward him.

“Are you new around here?”
He’d been so focused on his concerns that he actually jerked at the intrusion. Turning to face the

slip of a woman sliding onto the bar stool next to him, his hormones shot through the roof, a
phenomenon that hadn’t occurred in forever. His first instinct had been to laugh at her pickup line, but
from the serious look on her face, he was glad he hadn’t. At least she hadn’t added “big boy” to her

The woman was tiny, yet she had the biggest hazel eyes he’d ever seen, and blonde hair like spun

gold that caressed her shoulders. Her skin, too, was bronzed, as if she spent a lot of time outside.

“I am new. Name’s Storm Durant.”
Her chin tucked under. “Storm? That’s an unusual name, but I like it.” She swallowed. “A lot.”
He’d been picked on for years because of it. Though, once he’d shot past six foot and put on

muscle, the taunts had stopped. “Thanks. And you are?” he asked, holding out his hand.

She rubbed her palms on jeans that looked as if they could use a few patches, especially since he

could detect a hint of red panties under one of the rips. Jesus. She was fucking hot and totally

The mystery woman finally shook his hand. “I’m Chey.”
“You don’t need to be shy around me.” Storm was surprised by the strength in her fingers.

Perhaps she worked construction, holding one of those caution signs when the work crews were
doing road repairs.

She laughed, and the sound rumbled deep in his chest. Clearly, it had been too long since he’d

spent time with a woman outside of work.

“My name’s Cheyenne Snow, but my friends call me Chey.” She looked off to the side, acting as if

she weren’t sure she should even be talking with him.

Now, he looked like the fool. “My mistake. Don’t we make a good pair?”
She quirked a brow. “We do?”
“Snow Storm? Get it?”
The groan was expected but nonetheless charming.
“Cute. So, Storm, what are you doing in Hidden Hills?” She wiggled her bottom on the seat and

leaned an elbow on the counter. “It’s not exactly a tourist destination.”

He wasn’t ready to spill the beans about what he did for a living. “I’m relocating here.” Storm

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wasn’t sure why her shoulders slumped, but it concerned him. “It’s that bad?”

“No. Well, actually, I’ve lived here my whole life, so I guess I’m not a good person to ask. To

me, Hidden Hills is your basic small town with a few specialty shops, along with the usual grocery
store, pharmacy, and bank.”

Somehow, he doubted that was all it was. “I think you’re lucky to be so settled. I’ve moved more

times than I can count, though I was lucky my dad stayed on the east coast for the most part.” As much
as he thought Cheyenne was date potential, he wasn’t ready to ask her out. He had to see how the job
worked out first. “Tell me. What’s there to do around here?”

The chatty bartender, Lilly, came over with a soda for Cheyenne and another beer for him,

retrieving his empty. The service around here was a nice change from the busy city bars he was used
to. Cheyenne squinted her eyes at Lilly but then chugged the drink. From the smirk on the bartender’s
face, his welcoming committee of one had just been cut off.

She looked so distraught that he pushed his beer toward her. “Want mine?”
Her fingers tightened around her glass. “Thanks, I’m good.”
Storm brought the bottle to his lips. “You were about to recommend some activities?”
She smiled and refocused. “If you’re into the outdoors, your options are endless. We aren’t on the

ocean, but we do have a few lakes where you can swim or boat. That is, if you can stand the cold
water.” She looked up at him with a challenge in her eyes.

“I can handle it. Can you?”
“I’m not much for the water.”
Interesting. Perhaps she’d had a bad experience on it or witnessed a drowning. He’d rescued two

people from near death when they’d wandered in the ocean too far. Both had survived, but the fear he
could have been too late would forever be burned into his brain.

She tapped his helmet. “I see you like motorcycles. May I recommend the Blue Ridge Parkway?”
“I’ve driven a fair part of it. It’s exhilarating and has wonderful curves, but I was looking for

something with a little less traffic.” Great. Now he sounded like he was afraid of cars. In truth, he
loved the solitude and the connection with nature.

“Have you been on SR256 or SR12? They’re winding and rather isolated.”
“No, but I’ll check them out.” He was excited to try them.
“Do you like to ride horses?” Her cute chin lifted.
He hadn’t expected that question. “I’m not really sure.”
She chuckled. “How can you not know?”
“Only rode one once, and that was a long time ago.” Her clear eyes sharpened, but he couldn’t

identify the exact emotion. “Let’s just say the experience ended with a bruised butt and sore thighs.
My dad said horses were too expensive to own or rent, which was why I didn’t ride. Besides, city
living wasn’t conducive to being an equestrian.”

Her chin tucked in. “Where did you say you were from?”
“I didn’t, but I was born in Florida, raised in Boston, then moved to Maryland –Baltimore to be

precise. I’ve lived in Georgia and Mississippi for a small stretch of time, too.” He didn’t need to be
discussing his background. He was here to learn about the people of Hidden Hills. “I’m guessing
you’re quite the horsewoman?” She wouldn’t have asked otherwise.

Her eyes glowed. “Yes. I’m an animal person of every kind, actually. I was raised with pigs,

cows, horses, dogs, cats, you name it.”

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“I take it you grew up on a farm?”
She grinned, looking so cute. “Give the man a cigar. Actually, it’s more of a ranch than anything,

but we have our share of barn animals.”

Storm wasn’t sure what it was about this woman that he liked. Maybe it was her sense of humor

or her charm. Or possibly her defiance. She definitely oozed an innocence that he liked, but he sensed
she was savvy about many aspects of life. Her fingers tapped the bar as she glanced to the side. She
was probably deciding whether or to stay or leave.

“I had a dog once,” he added, wanting to keep her from leaving, “but he ran away when I was

seven. My dad said I couldn’t have another one because I wasn’t responsible enough to keep the first
one.” Storm was hoping to find a rescue once he settled here.

“That wasn’t fair. You were only a kid!”
“Still should have been more careful about closing the back door.”
“If you want to try again, Hidden Hills has a few dogs at the animal clinic awaiting foster care

before they’re placed with a family.”

“I’ll definitely check it out, though I’m not sure I have any good references. After all, I didn’t

handle my last dog very well.” He winked.

She pressed her lips together, clearly trying to stop herself from smiling. “You’ll just have to

convince the vet that you’d make a good owner.”

Her smile then broke free and his cock sat up and took notice. His thoughts wanted to run in an

inappropriate direction, so he grabbed his drink and downed a few swallows to keep the lust at bay.

Cheyenne looked behind her at the men setting up their instruments on a makeshift stage at the

back of the bar, and he followed her gaze. He loved country music, but given the men’s long hair and
lack of cowboy hats, they could just as easily be rockers.

An amp screeched, nearly blasting his eardrums. “Do they play here every night or just on

occasion?” he asked once his ears stopped ringing.

He might need to find another bar to frequent if they played too loudly, as he preferred to have a

conversation without shouting. The problem was that on his pass through town, this had been the only
bar he’d spotted.

“It depends on when the mood strikes them.”
Typical of a small town, he supposed. Before he could question her again, one of the men from the

group stepped up to the mic and began strumming a fairly good rendition of a Garth Brooks’ song.
Cheyenne slipped off the stool, grabbed his hand, and tugged. “Let’s dance.”

Whoa. While he loved a woman who took initiative, especially in bed, he liked to be the one in

control on most occasions. It was in his nature. “I’ll look like a fool if I step out there. I’m not much
of a dancer.”

Not one to tear up the dance floor was an understatement. Hell, he barely knew his right foot from

his left.

“That’s okay, I am. You can follow my lead.” For some reason his lack of experience seemed to

please her.

Storm almost laughed. He wasn’t ready to be taken out of his comfort zone by this spitfire. “I need

to warn you. I might step on your foot.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll get out of your way.” She checked him out from his mouth to chest. Her eyes

lowered, pausing briefly at his groin before continuing down to his boots and back up until she locked

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her gaze with him. Her look was so scorching, her eyes might be hot lasers. “I’m fast.”

“Good to know.” He didn’t want to think about whether her comment had a double meaning.
“I think you’re just afraid to dance.” She held up a palm and smiled. “You needn’t be. I won’t hurt

or embarrass you.”

He laughed. He had the urge to pick her up and squeeze her tight to show her that being afraid had

nothing to do with it. This was about pride.

A few loud-mouthed men and raucous women took to the floor. The men were large and looked

like they could run over someone if they weren’t careful. None appeared to be good dancers, which
made him feel better. “Don’t you worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

He found Cheyenne refreshing, and she’d already captivated his imagination. He was used to slick

professional women—women who were conservative, analytical, and perhaps afraid to let loose.
Cheyenne was feistier than those he’d met and seemed much less deceitful.

She pulled on his arm again. “Let’s go before the dance floor fills up.”
Fill up? Really? Half the place was empty. Her dragging him around the tightly packed tables to

the end of the room had him laughing at her determination. She must really love to dance. The song
was a two-step, and he silently groaned. He’d dated a woman who insisted he take some lessons.
That lasted about a month—the lessons and the woman. About all he mastered was the basic six count
of quick, quick, slow, slow. If his partner was good, he might manage a twirl or two, but that was all.

“I don’t bite,” Cheyenne said with a playful grin.
He must have looked a bit tentative. “You couldn’t harm me if you tried, kitten.” At six foot four

and about two hundred and fifty pounds, he worried he might harm her.

Perhaps he’d overstepped his bounds. “Do you prefer the moniker ‘ma’am?’”
She grinned then picked up his hands, placed one palm on her back and held the other at her face-

level. “Kitten’s good. Relax. Have fun. It’s spring—a time to rejoice.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He couldn’t hold back his chuckle at her firmed lips.
To his surprise, after a few small missteps, he picked up the rhythm rather well. Cheyenne was a

natural teacher, guiding him, and even going so far as to count the steps for him when he faltered. No
sooner had the song ended than the band crooned out a slow tune. He thought Cheyenne would want to
take a seat back at the bar, but she looked up at him as if he were prey—hers. His cock turned harder
than the wooden dance floor. This wasn’t good.

As if he wasn’t excited enough, she had to go and plaster her face against his breastbone and then

reach high to clasp her arms around his neck. Holy shit did she feel good. Too bad he wore a thick
flannel shirt that reduced the pressure from her tits. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he
pictured them skin to skin, sizzles of desire tripped up his spine.

Storm didn’t know whether to blame the beer, the smell of the rich cedar walls, or Cheyenne’s

perfume, but his senses had come alive. Add in the throbbing in his groin and the heat pouring off her
body, and he crowned himself a man in lust.

Storm could picture it now. The headlines would read: Newcomer comes to town and ravages

local woman. He’d lose his practice faster than he could say, “Hidden Hills.”

“You okay?” his little animal lover asked.
“Sure.” As if to prove his point, he lowered his hands to her butt and lifted her up until they were

eye-to-eye. “That’s better. Now I can’t step on your toes.”

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She dropped her head back and laughed. “You’re silly, Storm Durant. Now put me down.”
Not wanting to embarrass her or himself, he lowered her to the floor. The problem was that

because he was holding her so tightly, her belly slid over his hard cock. Damned if her eyes didn’t
widen with interest.

“I’m glad to see you’re enjoying this dance so much,” she said with an impish grin.
What a vixen. “I am. It must be the company.”
Instead of wrapping her arms around his neck, she dragged her hands up his back and placed her

face on his chest again. She was so light and fragile that he had no idea what to do with her. He
feared he might bruise her if he hugged her back.

She looked up at him with quirky little grin. “People are staring.”
“At us?”
“Yes. You’re supposed to be moving your feet.” She giggled and gave him a little nudge.
Oh, shit. It was her fault for distracting him. Determined not to draw any more attention to them,

he rested his chin on Cheyenne’s head and tried to remember the steps, but the softness of her hair and
her delicious scent that he couldn’t quite identify, made it almost impossible to focus.

The song mercifully ended. He hoped the respite, regardless how short, would give his libido a

chance to settle down. Doctors were supposed to stay calm under all circumstances. If these lapses
continued, he might have to turn in his medical license.

“I need another drink,” he blurted.
She looked up at him. “So do I.”
Holding her hand, Storm escorted her to their stools at the bar. When Lilly came over, he placed a

twenty on the counter. “What will you have?” he asked Cheyenne.

“A mojito, please.”
“Another Amstel for me.”
Lilly retreated and fixed their drinks. Once she delivered them, Cheyenne twisted toward him and

leaned forward. While her tits weren’t large, the tops of her breasts were easy to see in the low cut
shirt. He licked his lips, wanting nothing more than to taste them. Christ. He needed to control
himself. Proof positive that he’d been working way too hard these past few years.

“What’s the story behind your name?” she asked, bringing her drink to her pretty pink lips. “I’ve

never known anyone named Storm before.”

He’d told the tale to only a few people, but she seemed genuinely curious. As long as they didn’t

talk about sex, he’d be fine. “It’s not all that fascinating.”

“How about you let me be the judge?” As she was about to take another sip, her tongue peeked

out, and his cock stood back up at attention.

He couldn’t quite tell if she was trying to drive him wild or just looking to connect with him.

Hidden Hills was such a small town that he bet it didn’t get a lot of visitors. If she’d spent her whole
life there, a fresh face might be a much-needed distraction.

“You asked for it.” He tipped back his beer. Boy, had he needed that. All the dancing had made

him thirsty. Actually, it was his lustful thoughts that had brought on the fierce need. “When my dad
finished college, he wanted to do a bit of traveling before he had to get a job, so he went to Europe.
He started in England and then headed south. It was in France where he met my mother, and according
to him, it was love at first sight.”

She placed a hand on her chest and sighed. “That’s so romantic.”

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He smiled at her reaction. “I always thought so. Anyway, after a whirlwind courtship, my dad

convinced my mother to come back with him to America. When he couldn’t find a job, he enlisted in
the service. A month later, she became pregnant with me, and then Dad was shipped overseas shortly

“Oh no. I can’t imagine being pregnant and alone.”
He nodded. “Dad was supposed to be home before she delivered, but she went into early labor.

Some claim it was a hurricane off the Florida coast that caused a change in air pressure that brought
on my early delivery. During the storm’s peak, power was temporarily lost and the roads were
clogged with people trying to evacuate. My mom’s OBGYN was stuck in the flooded streets and
couldn’t make it to the hospital on time. I was in distress, and to this day I think the new doctor
handling the delivery was ill equipped to deal with a breached birth, my mom’s elevated blood
pressure, her low red blood cell count, and a host of other issues.”

Cheyenne chewed on her bottom lip and her brows pinched. “That’s terrible.”
“Mom was in and out of consciousness, or so I’m told. With her poor mastery of English, she kept

calling out the word storm. In the end, the trauma of my birth was too much and she bled out. After
she passed, the nurses had to name me something.”

Cheyenne grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry. That’s so sad. The staff named you Storm?”
“Your dad didn’t try to change it?”
Her empathy warmed him. “No. If that was what mom wanted to call me, Dad wanted to honor

her wish.”

Cheyenne swiveled back to the counter and guzzled her mojito before facing him again. “Let’s get

out of here.”

He nearly jerked. “Are you sure? You don’t even know me.”
She looked around, and he swore she shook her head slightly. “Yes, I do. Let’s go.”
He was no fool. It was what he’d been wanting since their dance. “Where do you have in mind?”
“Anywhere we can be alone.”
Holy shit.

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Chapter Three






Chey shouldn’t have made it so obvious that she liked Storm, but shit. When he’d

picked her up then set her down on the dance floor, her entire front had rubbed against his cock, and
all rational thought had flown from her head. A human wouldn’t be interested in her in the long run,
but she saw nothing wrong with enjoying him for as long as she could.

“Where do you want to go?” Storm asked again as he escorted her out of the bar.
“It’s six, and I haven’t eaten. I thought maybe we could stop at the grocery store and pick up

something for a picnic. They have a buffet with super good food.”

The weather was balmy enough now, but it would turn colder as soon as the sun set. As a cheetah

shifter, she liked the cold and was rather resistant to its effects, but Storm might not be. Good thing he
was dressed warmly.

“Sounds great.”
He handed her his helmet. “It might be a little big, but you need to wear it.”
“No. It’s yours.” Besides, if they crashed, she could shift and land on all fours pretty damn quick.

He’d be the one who’d get injured.

“Then I guess you’re driving.” He looked around the parking lot as if he knew which vehicle was


She hadn’t pictured him to be such a stickler, but she appreciated he was concerned for her

welfare. If she hadn’t wanted to ride on the back of his motorcycle so much, she would have driven.

Chey snatched the helmet out of his hands and plopped it onto her head. The moment she inhaled,

she nearly swooned. His scent surrounded the inside of the helmet, putting her acute sense of smell
into overdrive. Her need to mate soared. Spring might be upon them, but she thought her body would
only go into heat with another cheetah.

Storm swung his long, muscular leg over the seat. “Get on and hold tight, kitten.”
There he went again with that nickname. It set her nerves on edge. Perhaps he knew she was a

cheetah shifter. If he didn’t and she mentioned it, he might dump her on the side of the road and drive
off, leaving her to race home.

Stop it. Enjoy him!
Holding onto his shoulders, she climbed behind him, her feet barely reaching the foot pegs. Chey

wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed as much of her chest as she could against his leather
jacket. Even through the thick material, she could feel his back muscles flex. Her panties dampened.
Man, was she a mess. If only she could get this excited about A-hole Chuck, her problems would

“Ready?” he asked.
“Yes.” She was more than ready to get under way. She’d never been on a motorcycle, but she

wasn’t scared. Her father’s brother had died on one, which was why Dad had forbidden her to even
go for a spin. But Dad wasn’t here. “The store is on Dale and Fur.”

“Fur? That’s a funny name for a street.”

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Yup. He didn’t know about shifters. “Sure is.” She gave him directions, having to shout because

of the stupid helmet.

They arrived in about ten minutes, but it would have taken them only five if he hadn’t driven

below the speed limit. Once inside, Chey forced herself to relax, but it was hard. His scent, his
smooth movements, and his large powerful body made her want to purr and touch him all over.

On one side of the store was an amazing deli. Not only did they have several counters where they

sold meats, salads, and some dishes one could heat up at home, there was also a ten-foot long buffet
in the aisle that contained hot and cold prepared food. One could take as little or as much as one
liked, but the price was based on weight.

“This looks amazing,” Storm said. He picked up a plastic food container and filled it with an

array of choices from mac and cheese to pulled pork and stuffed grape leaves.

He glanced at her empty container. “You aren’t eating? I thought you were hungry.”
She’d been so busy thinking about what she wanted to do with his body that she’d not moved.

“Sorry. No, I’m starving.” With heat racing up her face, she dumped a ton of different meats on her

When they brought their meals to the cash register, Storm insisted he pay.
“But I invited you. I should pay.” He was new in town. Though his motorcycle looked expensive,

if he was in between jobs, he might be short on cash.

“That’s not how I’m wired. I accepted this date with the understanding that I’m taking you out.

You’re just the guide.”

Oooh. She liked a man who took control. Too bad he was human, because she could get feisty

when pushed, and humans usually had no idea how to handle her. “Works for me.”

After the clerk swiped his credit card and bagged their meals, Storm escorted her back outside

where he placed the delicious smelling food and two bottles of water in the case in the back of his

“Where to?” he asked.
“I thought we’d take SR12 to a place where we can hike. It’s nice and secluded there.” She

elongated the word “secluded” to make sure he understood her intentions. That way, if he weren’t up
for a small dalliance, he’d have a chance to suggest a different location.

He smiled. Oh, yeah. Once more her body shivered in anticipation. Chey had to take the seduction

slow, though—a kiss or two to test him out. After all, she’d never made out with a human like Storm

After she put on the helmet he insisted she wear, she gave him directions.
He patted her leg that was pressed tightly against his hard thigh. “I got this. Leave the driving to


Through town, Storm followed the speed limit. She’d been tempted to tell him the deputy was a

member of her Clan and would never ticket them, but she wisely kept quiet.

As soon as the sign for SR12 appeared, Chey pointed to the turnoff, and he nodded. The moment

his tires touched the gravel road, he gunned the engine, spitting gravel, tires sliding, and then slowed
a bit. Adrenaline soared through her. Oh, my God, this was amazing.

She’d already figured out she needed to lean when he did. What she wouldn’t give to take off the

helmet so she could have the wind on her face and smell the pine and mossy dampness of the
surrounding forest.

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She hugged Storm tightly, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. If she didn’t have

plans for him, she wouldn’t have pointed to the small space along the side of the road designed for
parking. He eased to a stop and cut the engine. No one was there. Good.

When she hopped off, her blood thrummed with excitement, and her body vibrated from the

massive engine.

“What did you think?” Storm asked.
She raised her arms over her head and looked to the sky. “I want to ride forever. That was the

coolest thing.”

He laughed and his deep brown eyes sparkled. What a shame he wasn’t a shifter. Strike that. If he

were, every female shifter in Hidden Hills would be after him.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he said.
“It was better than I expected.” She told him about her uncle and the reason why she’d never

ridden before.

“I’m sorry. No matter how careful we are, accidents do happen.” He retrieved their meals from

the saddlebags. “You have a specific place in mind or are we just on an adventure?”

“I want to show you one of my favorite spots. You up for a twenty-minute hike?”
“I’m up for anything.”
He understood exactly why they were there. Oh, God. Those eyes. That smile. The way he spoke.

“Follow me.”

The path was narrow, which meant they’d have to go single file. She wished she could have him

lead, because if she’d been in back, she could have enjoyed his nice ass. Since Chey had grown up in
these hills and knew every nook and cranny, it made sense for her to go first.

Wanting dramatic scenery to enhance the romantic mood, she chose a spot that overlooked the

Blue Ridge Mountains instead of the secluded alcove she’d first planned on. She got the sense Storm
was onboard with the idea of a seduction, but he might not want to go out with her again if he thought
she was too easy. That meant she’d have to ease into it. Too bad her body was begging her to indulge.
The timing was so right.

Twenty minutes later, she stopped. “Here’s the path to the best view in the park.”
They had to fight their way through some low hanging branches—Storm more so than her—but it

was worth it. A grassy knoll edged a granite slab that overlooked the mountain vista.

As soon as Storm caught sight of the view, he stopped. “Wow. This is amazing. I can tell I’m

going to love living here.” He faced her and dragged his gaze from her chest to her face.

She had to assume he was talking about the location and not because he found her intriguing. “I

love coming here, too.”

Storm dropped onto the lush greenery and tugged on her leg. “You going to join me?”
Chey giggled, something she hadn’t done in a long time. His comment hadn’t been funny, so what

was it about this man that pushed her off balance? It couldn’t be the high altitude since she thrived in
these hills. She sat next to him and retrieved her container of food.

He smiled, got out his meal, too, and waved his fork. “Great idea, by the way.”
“Thanks. After a hike, I’m even hungrier.”
A ton of questions about who he was, what he liked, and what he was looking for in life, wanted

to burst out, but she needed to eat first—and eat she did.

Storm looked up. “You weren’t kidding that you were starving.”

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“I’m always hungry.” No one understood how she could stuff so much into her small body and

stay so thin. Cheetah metabolism, she guessed.

Chey finished her meal before Storm was halfway through his. As much as she loved to listen to

the wind blowing through the trees and hear the birds squawking as they rode the air, she wanted to
learn about him more.

“You said you were relocating. What brought you here?”
“I was hired on at a local clinic. Someone by the name of Doc Rapello is retiring.”
What? “You’re a doctor?”
He laughed. “Yes. What were you thinking? I’m always curious what kind of impression I give.”
She put him in his mid-thirties, so he’d had time to earn a medical degree. He was sharp-witted

and well-spoken, so that was consistent. “I probably would have said lawyer or maybe accountant.”

“Ouch. I’m that much of a straight-laced stickler?”
“Well, you did drive a little below the speed limit in town.”
He leaned back and laughed. “I didn’t want to draw attention to us. One of your admirers might

have tried to run us off the road.”

“Ha, ha.”
“What? You don’t have admirers?” He tossed her a forlorn look.
He’s fishing . She shrugged, not wanting to look like a loser. As Alpha of the pack, her father

induced fear into half the men in town, which didn’t help her dating prospects. “I’m too busy to date.”

His eyes widened as he scooped the last of his meal into his mouth. He then plucked a bottle of

water from the plastic shopping bag and chugged a good amount. “Yet here you are.”

Because I need to have some happiness in my life before I have to give up my freedom. She

shrugged. “It’s only one night.”

He swallowed a chuckle. “Wow. I didn’t think the date was going that poorly. You wouldn’t

consider another one, would you? I’m new and don’t really know anyone.”

She smiled as demurely as she knew how, but inside, every cell was jumping for joy. “Well,

since you put it that way, I’d love to go out again.” Though, this date was far from over if she had any

Storm stuffed the remnants of dinner back in the bag, and then stretched onto his side, supporting

his head with his hand. Without a doubt, he was one incredible looking man—just the way she liked a
guy—dark hair, dark eyes, and a smile that would stop any woman in her tracks. She’d have to
consider getting sick just to have him examine her. Oh, yeah. She sure picked the right man to try out.
Why hadn’t she thought to go after a human before? Because she needed a shifter mate. Damn.

Storm reached out and slipped her tank top strap back onto her shoulder, and the intimate touch

sent sparks down her arms, increasing her heart rate.

“You never told me what you do for a living,” he said.
Two could play at this game. “Guess.”
His brows rose as if he liked her challenging ways. “My first thought was that you worked


She often exercised the animals. “I do sometimes.”
“You look toned, sleek, and strong. Construction perhaps?”
He must be kidding. “Hardly.”
He slapped the ground. “I got it. You’re a farmer. You milk the cows, birth the calves, fix the

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Now he was just teasing her. “Actually, I’m a stripper.” She had no idea how or why those words

left her mouth, but she wanted to shock him. Perhaps she wanted to see if it made a difference to him
how she made a living.

His face gave nothing away. “Do you like it?”
“Like what?” His question had surprised the words right out of her.
“Dancing. Stripping.”
Chey wanted to continue with the lie, but his look of adorable innocence cracked her up. She fell

back and laughed so hard, tears leaked out.

“What’s so funny? I asked a reasonable question.”
Storm was a dear man. She rolled onto her side to face him, their lips close. “I just made that up

to see what you would say.”

“I knew that. I was just playing with you.”
She punched him in the shoulder. “You did not.”
He grabbed her hand and brought her fist to his lips. When he kissed a knuckle, her body sizzled

with overwhelming desire. Their eyes locked and an intense need swamped her. As if they were
opposite magnets, they leaned in at the same time and kissed, and her body ignited. One minute, they
were inches from each other, and the next, she was in his arms, cuddled against his body, fitting

Don’t think. Just feel.
The scientific part of her mind wanted to say her intense reaction was dumb since nothing could

come of this, but the female half told quite a different story. He excited her beyond reason. Not to
mention, being out in the open where anyone could chance upon them, added to her heightened
awareness. None of that seemed to matter, because clearly, her brain wasn’t connected to her body.
Her hands cupped his stubbled cheeks. Storm exuded strength and an animal magnetism she couldn’t

When he dragged his tongue along the seam of her mouth begging for entrance, instinct took over,

and she opened up. Good thing he wasn’t an animal, or he’d have been able to smell her arousal. The
moment their tongues touched, she moaned and pressed closer. It was as if she needed his breath to
live. Perhaps this insanity was because she’d gone so long without a man’s touch, but damn, if it
didn’t feel right.

As she reached between them to grab his cock, three bursts of blue light splintered the woods. Are

you kidding me? She jerked back.

“What’s wrong?” Storm asked.
Her pulse skyrocketed as anger flooded her veins. “Ah. Nothing. I, ah, smell rain.”
His brows rose. “You’re a weatherman, or rather, a weatherwoman?” His incredulity implied he

saw through her ruse.

Embarrassment mixed with laughter. “No, but I know these woods. Would you mind terribly

coming back to my place?”

“What about your car?”
She had to think a moment about how to deal with that. “Let me rephrase my question. Can you

drive me back to the bar and then follow me home?” She drew in her bottom lip and inhaled.

Please say yes.

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Chapter Four





back in town to pick up Chey’s car, Storm kept a safe distance behind her as he

followed her home. He asked himself what the fuck he was doing taking her up on her invitation. The
doing part he understood, it was the why that haunted him. He was a doctor—controlled, logical,
safe, yet, he could no more stay away from this woman than he could watch a child drown. She had
this eerie pull on him that he couldn’t ignore.

The image of her drawing away from him while they were lying face-to-face on the overlook

remained a mystery. It was as if she’d seen a ghost. With the way she kissed, however, she was no
innocent, so his only conclusion was that she came with baggage, but hell, who didn’t?

She did a quick right turn. No signal. Nothing. Yet that fit who she was. Cheyenne Snow was

bold, determined, and a fighter. Obstacles seemed to be for going around, not for stopping her.

She pulled into a drive and he followed. Her home wasn’t large, but the grounds were neat. It was

one story, painted in a cheery gold with brown trim, though in the dimming light, the border color
might have been a dark green. He dismounted and stowed his helmet. When she motioned for him to
follow her inside, his cock jumped.

Storm was by her side in three strides. Not wanting to break the sensual mood, he grabbed her

hand and followed her up the steps. From the way she fumbled with her key, she was nervous, and he
found that endearing. Finally, she managed to unlock the door, and he stepped inside.

The living space was small but cozy—living room on the right, dining room on the left. There was

a small pass through to the right of the dining room that he guessed was the kitchen.

He didn’t get a chance to take in more because the moment she stepped next him, he was

overwhelmed with the need to possess her. It was as if she’d cast a sensual spell on him. His little
kitten looked up at him with eyes that blazed a delicate gold, but because her walls were painted
yellow, he decided the golden hue must be a reflection.

When she reached out and grabbed his crotch, his breath caught and his dick pulsed, sending

hormones and adrenaline straight to his heart.

“I want you,” she whispered in the sexiest voice he’d ever heard.
“Back at ya.” His response didn’t come close to being suave, but it was all he could come up with

at the moment.

Storm wanted to be a gentle lover, one who took his time to bring her to the peak of her climax

before he found his own release, but a sexual haze blocked his thoughts. He clamped his fingers onto
her waist and plastered her against those pretty yellow walls. Right now, she was his, and he meant to
claim her. The second her lips parted, he dove in, tasting, plunging, thrilling to the taste of spice.

Bending over to kiss her didn’t allow him to do what he really wanted to do—which was to make

her his own. With his hands on her waist, he lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me.” His words came
out fast and hard.

She did, and her pussy pressed against his straining erection, causing his balls to tighten even

more. With her back firmly against the wall, he kissed her again, this time attempting to use more
restraint. He might have succeeded had Cheyenne not broken the connection and whipped off her top.

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“Holy fuck, woman.”
Her mouth opened, and she covered her breasts with one arm. “They’re too small, aren’t they?”
Her insecurity sliced a groove in his heart. “No. They’re perfect. You’re perfect.”
Storm tried to convince himself he was building her confidence when he leaned over and suckled

one tiny nub that hardened under his licks and tugs, but he’d be lying. He wanted her more than
anything. How this little woman had gotten to him so fast, he’d never understand. It could have been
the effect of the full moon or perhaps the exertion from the hike. Then again, he found her scent
stimulating and enticing.

As he nipped and tugged on her sensitive nipples, she moaned. Her fingers tightened on his

shoulders, and the urgency to take her stunned him. Storm walked them over to the couch, placed his
knee on the cushion, and then sat her down. “I need all of you. To taste, kiss, and to touch.”

Her fingers shot to his jeans and had them unbuttoned and unzipped in a flash. If he had to say one

thing about her, it was that she knew what she wanted and went after it. That in and of itself was a
huge turn on.

Needing to be inside her, he undid her jeans and tugged them down, exposing a sensuous body.

“You are fucking hot, kitten.”

She smiled and nodded to his dick. “I can’t wait to try it out.”
Was she for real? He’d never met anyone like her. His cock pushed hard against his briefs.

Cheyenne gazed up at him from the couch and licked her lips. Sweet chaos swirled inside him. He
stepped back, kicked off his boots and socks, and then slid off his jeans. The relief almost made him

She laughed.
“What?” He looked down. His dick had snaked out above the waistband. Perhaps that was what

had made her chuckle.

“You look funny in a jacket and no pants,” she said.
He hadn’t thought about his stage of undress. “You reduce me to a teenager, you know that?” She

seemed to like his comment. With no fanfare, he stripped, dropped his clothes on the floor, and
returned to the sofa to climb on top of her. The seat wasn’t very wide, but he’d make do. He ran a
finger around the rim of her panties. “Red suits you.”

She nodded to his dick. “Naked suits you.”
“I bet you’d look better naked, too,” he said, needing to stall. If he acted on his instincts, he’d

impale her with his stiff cock right now, which would make him no better than an insensitive A-hole.
She hooked her thumbs in her panties, teasing him to the point of nearly breaking him. His pulse
increased and sweat beaded on his forehead. “You are a temptress.”

“Wanna see more?” She then grinned and lowered the panties an inch.
Holy fuck. Her pussy was shaved bare. “You trying to kill me?” When his damn voice cracked, he

clenched his fists.

“I want to see you squirm.”
Cheyenne was a definite she-devil who might be his undoing. He’d stayed a bachelor all these

years for a reason. Women messed with the minds of men, but right now, he wouldn’t object to a little
brain scrambling.

Normally, he needed weeks of dating a woman before he even came close to being this excited.

“Trust me. I’m squirming.”

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He wasn’t sure what a good squirm move would look like, but he wiggled his butt, hoping that

would do.

“You got a condom?” she asked.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Never in his wildest dream did he think he’d have sex tonight. “No.”
She nodded to an end table. “I have one in there.”
Thank God she was prepared. “Does that mean I have to move?” Storm wanted to keep watching

her, but he had to get the protection.

“Yes, silly.”
Apparently, that was his new nickname—silly. At the moment, it seemed to fit. He dashed to the

drawer and yanked it open so hard the whole thing came off its sliders. It would have landed on the
floor had he not been holding it. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

“Just get the condom and hurry back. I need your cock—bad.”
Storm never had a woman beg before, but it twisted his insides. He rushed back and ripped open

the top with his teeth.

“Don’t put it on yet. I want to suck on your dick.”
“That isn’t a good idea.” One lick and his cum would be on her ceiling—or down her throat. “I’m


She giggled. “In that case, at least let me put this on you. I’m not sure you’re capable.”
“You’re right.” He could have done it, but he wanted her hands on his cock too much.
As if she wanted him to come unhinged, she slowly lifted the condom from the packet, and then

licked her lips. “Hmm. I’m not sure if it will fit.”

“Keep stalling and you might not be happy with what happens next.”
Once more, she laughed. The happier she appeared, the hornier he became.
“You sure I can’t suck on it?” she asked with such innocence he almost gave in.
“It’s up to you, but is it worth it if I blow too soon?” He really only needed a minute to go again,

but he enjoyed teasing her.

She bit down on her bottom lip. “No.”
With a bit of fumbling, she managed to sheath his cock. He was about to ask if she planned on

taking off her panties but then decided he wanted the pleasure. The problem was there wasn’t enough
room on the too-short sofa.

“Hold that thought.” Storm stood and lifted her to a stand.
“What’s wrong?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he tossed the sofa cushions on the floor, dropped to his knees, and

opened his arms. Without a word, Cheyenne crawled into his embrace, leaned back a bit, and offered
him her breasts. No man could turn down that invitation. Storm nabbed one taut nipple between his
teeth and cupped her other breast. In one swift move, he flipped her on her back, crawled on top, and
rested on his elbows, gazing down at her pure loveliness.

He studied her adorable face for a moment then dragged his gaze down to her tits. “I feel like a

kid in a candy store. Eeny meeny miney mo.”

“You got three seconds. Eat fast then fuck me hard.”
Those words shattered any composure he might have had. Storm slid down onto his stomach and

his knees hit the floor behind the cushion. He inhaled her arousal and almost shot his wad. Damn, but
this sprite of a woman had reduced him to a pile of lust.

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With a quick tug, he removed her lace panties. Correction—lace, thong panties—red ones. He

was dying from wanting her. The desire to pleasure her was strong, but the urge to claim her was
even more intense. Knowing he couldn’t last but a minute once he tasted her, he worked to resist his
baser needs, but he failed. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and licked her sweetness. His balls
drew up, and the pressure in his cock multiplied.

Cheyenne clasped his biceps and dug her nails into his skin. “Please. That feels so good. Take me


He didn’t need her to ask again. Storm climbed between her legs and aimed his dick right at her

sweet pussy. As much as he wanted to ease into her, he couldn’t. Once the head of his dick touched
her slickness, he jackhammered into her. Her eyes widened and he swore she growled at him.

Cheyenne reached up and tugged on his neck to bring his lips to hers. The kiss that followed

nearly undid him, their thrusting tongues matching their pounding bodies. He couldn’t get enough of
her. Cheyenne was like a drug that he could easily become addicted to.

He threaded his fingers through her silken hair, formed a fist, and then yanked hard. When he

broke the kiss to nuzzle her neck, she scraped her sharp nails down his back. His wildcat was alive.
There’d be marks, but he’d consider them badges of honor.

Cheyenne lifted her hips and tightened her pussy walls.
As her climax claimed her, she yelled his name. Cheyenne said something else, but the blood

pounding in his ears made it impossible to hear. She thrust upward again, and that one movement sent
him over the edge. His cock expanded, pulsed, and throbbed to the beat of his heart, his hot cum
shooting out.

It took a few minutes before they both began to calm. Gathering her in his arms, he rolled them

over so that she was on top of him. He dragged his palms down her silken smooth back and fought to
catch his breath—and to regain his mind and soul.

“That was truly an incredible experience.” He hoped it didn’t sound rehearsed, but no romantic

words would form.

She lifted up on her elbows. “Welcome to Hidden Hills.”

* * *





with him?” Tasha’s loud whisper reverberated off the walls of the Hidden Hills Café.

Chey sipped her Coke. “Why are you surprised? You said he was my spring diversion.”
“I know, but you slept with him within an hour of meeting him?”
“I slept with him on and off all night long, but technically, the first time had been closer to two

hours after we met.” Chey had tried to convince herself that it was the season for love, and that her
body had driven her to it. In truth, she’d lived through fifteen spring seasons of being in heat and had
never once experienced anything like that. “He was hot. And smart, nice, sexy… and everything a
woman could want in a man.”

“I want the 411. Where were you when the earth moved?”
Chey explained about his love of winding roads. “First, I took him to Hanson’s Overlook.”
“Nice. I haven’t been there in years, but that’s quite a hike.”
“That was the point. To have some privacy, but did we? No.”
Tasha clamped a hand over her mouth. “Someone came upon you?” The waitress delivered their

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lunch. Tasha only had a forty-five minute break, so they couldn’t stay long.

As soon as their server was out of earshot, Chey continued. “Picture this. Storm and I are on the

spongy moss groundcover, arm in arm, kissing, touching… you get the picture…when over his
shoulder I see not one but three bright blue flashes.”

“No shit. Do you know who they were?”
“My dad’s three watchdogs—Harmon Anderson, Carter Velasquez, and Duncan Kenzie. They

must have followed in their human form, and then shifted once they were near. I was so pissed. I’m
sure they followed to make sure nothing bad happened to me, but shit, when they saw what Storm and
I were doing, they should have moved away. Instead, they watched!”

“Are you going to talk with them?”
She shook her head. “The damage is done. I’m sure Dad already knows. Probably Chuck does,


“That sucks, but you said you had sex with Storm.”
Good old Tasha, always wanting the juicy details. “I did. Afterwards. I gave Storm some lame

excuse about how I thought it was going to rain and invited him back to my place. Thankfully, he
understood. The second we walked into my house, I couldn’t keep my hands off him. He seemed as
out of his mind as I was.”

Tasha clapped. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Me, too. But I’m afraid of getting attached.”
“Because it will be hard to leave him in four months?”
“You nailed it.”
Tasha shoveled down the rest of her salad. “Does he know about your other talent?”
“Do you mean did I tell him I’m a cheetah shifter? Hell, no. I mean, I might have if he hadn’t

suggested we go out Saturday.”

Tasha smiled. “Ooh. This sounds serious, with a side of potential.”
Chey chuckled then wiped her lips with her napkin. “Wouldn’t that be nice, but we barely know

each other. Besides, he’s human.”

“A human who has no idea who you are. Seems to me, girl, you better get busy. Three months and

twenty-seven days until you have to tie the knot with you-know-who.”

Chey stomach churned. “You’re a downer.”
Her friend laughed then waved for the check. “If I were in the same spot, what would you tell


She didn’t have to think twice. “Enjoy every minute you can.”
“Amen, girlfriend.”

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Chapter Five





of the day setting up his office—or rather, going through Doc Rapello’s files—

trying to figure out his system. His predecessor had gone into detail about the existence of shifters
when they’d spoken over the phone, saying that in their human form, their physiology was basically
the same, and that Storm should have no difficulty treating them. He warned, however, that female
shifters were strongly affected by their cycles, more so than their human counterparts, especially in
the spring. Men shifters weren’t much better.

Storm had almost laughed thinking about that time frame. He’d probably have a bunch of shifter

moms dragging their teenage daughters into the clinic asking for birth control pills because their girls
couldn’t restrain themselves.

If he didn’t know better, given the way he’d been all over Cheyenne, he might think he was part

shifter. At one point, when they were getting into it hot and heavy, he wondered if Cheyenne might be,
too, but then nixed that idea. She would have mentioned it up front.

Storm dropped down onto his office chair and thought about her again, wishing he could figure out

why he couldn’t get enough of her.

They were going out Saturday. He’d debated suggesting something other than horseback riding,

but she’d been so excited that he couldn’t say no to her. He just hoped he wouldn’t make too big of a
fool of himself. This time he had to make sure they didn’t have sex. He didn’t want her to believe that
he was only attracted to her physically. While he adored touching and making love with her, he was
also intrigued by her intelligence and sense of adventure.

A knock sounded on his office door, and his secretary and part-time nurse, Martha Delgado,

poked her head inside. “I’m taking my lunch break, Doc. Do you need me for anything?”

Storm smiled. “No, go ahead.”
The white-haired woman nodded and ducked back out. He was surprised she wanted to continue

working once Doc Rapello retired, but he was happy for the help. He was just as surprised that she
bothered telling him she was heading out to lunch since the office wouldn’t be open for patients until

Two other doctors worked in the triplex—an eye, nose, and throat specialist, along with a

cardiologist. They told him if he needed more help, they’d be happy to suggest the names of other

Storm drummed his fingers on his desk. He wasn’t hungry yet, but since Martha was gone, he

decided to check out the vet’s office for a rescue animal. He hadn’t planned on getting a dog so soon
after moving here, but it wouldn’t hurt to see what they had.

He wrote his assistant a note where he’d be in case he was delayed, and after looking up the vet’s

location, headed out. The spring day was balmy so he decided to walk, especially since he’d been
restless today. His unusual energy level could be a result of the office officially opening in a few days
or because he’d get to see Cheyenne tomorrow. He’d debated asking her to dinner tonight, but he
didn’t want to rush whatever they had between them. New relationships were like fine wine—they
needed time to breathe.

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The half-mile hike helped clear his head. Without a doubt, moving away from the congestion of

Baltimore had definitely been the right choice.

As he neared the vet’s entrance, he spotted kennels in the back, but a small fence blocked his

view of the animals. He stepped inside the office. Two women sat in the waiting room—one rubbing
a Dalmatian’s head and another seemed to be waiting for her pet to be brought out to her. No one was
manning the reception desk.

Voices sounded down the hall, and a moment later, the door opened and a young man, around

twenty, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a Hidden Hills Vet Clinic T-shirt bounded out with a cat in a

Storm strode up to him. “Is there any chance I could take a look at your selection of rescues?”
He smiled. “Down the hall. First door on the right.”
He thanked the young man and headed toward the rescue center. Storm personally thought it odd

that a prospective owner had to walk through the back offices, but perhaps space was an issue. The
door opposite the one where he was headed opened, and a petite woman in a white lab coat walked
out with her face averted. Her blonde hair was twisted into a bun and she wore leopard designer
glasses. She stepped right in front of him, and had he not been paying attention, he might have bumped
into her.

She must have caught his shadow because she stopped short, looked up, and tore the frames off

her face. “Storm?” She planted a hand over her mouth. “Are you here to see about the dog?”

He was speechless. The name on her coat clearly stated she was Dr. Snow, rather than some

assistant. “You never told me you were a vet.”

She smiled. “I figured if you didn’t believe I was a stripper, why should you believe I was a


This kept getting better and better. She moved closer and her flower scent completely unnerved

him. “Good point.” She smiled and every touch and kiss from last night came rushing back.

“If memory serves me right, I was about to tell you what I did for a living when we were

distracted. I think it was when you kissed me.” Thankfully, she kept her voice low.

“I kissed you? I believe you leaned in first.” Teasing her was just plain fun.
She lifted her chin. “That’s not how I recall our first encounter.”
The young vet tech entered the hallway. “Mrs. Galloway is waiting for you in room 2, Doc.”
“I’ll be right in.” She looked back at him. “Sorry, but I’m a bit swamped.”
“No worries. I understand.” He could spend hours sparring with her, but now wasn’t the time.
“Can you come back on Monday? I’ve received word from another shelter that we’ll be receiving

a Vizsla mutt who would be perfect for you.”

How sweet of her to think of him. “Most definitely.”
He couldn’t leave just yet. Behind him was the hallway to the kennel, so he grabbed the good

doctor’s hand and dragged her inside. He kicked the door closed and devoured her lips. Storm had
promised himself that the next time they were together he wouldn’t go all hormonal on her, but he
couldn’t help it. Her eyes closed and she clutched his shoulders. It was the moan that nearly undid
him. A dog barked, and she broke the kiss but then licked her lips. That was mean.

Glancing toward her office, she said, “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow at the ranch at noon.

You still have the directions?”

He wouldn’t lose those for anything. “Meet you there.”

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* * *





nervous. For starters, she was bringing Storm to her dad’s ranch where shifters

roamed. Usually, the Clan stayed in human form, but she wouldn’t put it past a few of them to be asses
and shift just to scare Storm.

While Chuck hadn’t called or come begging for her to go out with him, she could sense a distinct

change in the air as soon as she drove down the drive. Two of the ranch hands glanced her way then
averted their gazes. Something was going on, and she doubted it was good.

Once she parked, she gathered her food and marched into the stables to saddle the horses. She

wanted to have a decent picnic this time, with things like strawberries they could dip in chocolate. At
the last minute, she’d picked up a few eight-ounce bottles of wine for fortification. Today was about
coming clean. She hadn’t told Storm she was a vet when he’d asked because she wanted to see if he
liked her for who she was. Too often her dates were intimidated by her, despite her small size. Of
course, being the Alpha’s daughter had its drawbacks, especially if they feared they might piss off her
or her dad.

The subject of shifters needed to be broached with Storm at some point. Chey was still in a bit of

denial about her impending marriage to Chuck. Telling Storm she was kind of, sort of engaged might
not go over well. But it wasn’t fair to him to lead him on—unless they fell in love and he turned out to
be the one. As Tasha liked to say—stranger things have happened. The bigger question was whether
her Clan would be willing to change their ancient rules and accept a human as their new leader.

Whoa. She was getting way ahead of herself.
Chey grabbed a saddle that would be comfortable for him and placed it on Buttercup. Storm

would probably balk at the feminine name, but she wasn’t about to let him ride their black stallion,
appropriately called Devil Wind.

For herself, she always rode Angel Hair. The first time she’d seen her filly, she’d fallen in love,

partly because of the horse’s soft, silken blonde strands, and partly because the animal was faster than
shit, like she was. On occasion, the two of them would race—horse against cheetah. Of course, she’d
win. She was smart enough to run for only a few seconds, as her long distance endurance sucked.
Angel Hair had been spooked at first when Chey had shifted, but once her horse caught her scent, all
was good.

Chey led the horses out of the barn to wait for Storm, but as soon as she stepped into the sunlight,

she halted. Oh, fuck. Storm was already there talking to her dad.

She quickly patted their rumps to send the horses back into the barn. After wiping her palms down

her pants, she jogged over to them. “Hey. What are you guys talking about?” And why were they

“Just finding out about this young man and what his intentions are.”
Kill me now.
If her dad messed up the best thing to happen to her in a long time, she’d make him pay. “I wanted

to show Storm the property. I have some cold food and don’t want it to go bad.” That was totally
lame, but she couldn’t think of a way to get the two of them apart.

“Be careful,” he telepathed.
His eyes twinkled at that promise. If he hadn’t picked such a jerk for a potential mate, she might

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have been a more cooperative daughter.

“Come on, Storm. Ready for your riding lesson?” She really wanted to ask if her dad had spilled

the beans about shifters or her theoretical fiancé, but she figured Storm would have said something
already if he had.

He wrapped a possessive arm around her waist, and she wondered what was going through her

father’s head at this moment. He was probably pissed she was flaunting the ultimatum in his face.

All she really wanted to do was enjoy a relaxing afternoon with a man who was hot. Jumping his

bones was high on her wish list, but it had to be low on her priorities. He had a mind, too—one she
wanted to explore.

She led him into the barn. “I’ll get on my horse first to show you how it’s done, and then you can

do the same.”

He smiled and moved closer. “Are you sure you don’t need a hand up? You’re so tiny.”
She shook her head and chuckled. “Been riding since before I could walk. We’re going to take our

horses to a pretty spot near a stream and have lunch, but you have to promise me one thing, though.”

“What’s that?”
“No touching and no sex.” If they even kissed, she might not be able to control herself.
His mouth gaped open. “No kissing? Not even once?” He frowned, then brushed a strand of her

fly away hair from her face.

She swatted at his hand, and tilted her head up to look into his eyes. “No. Be truthful. If I grabbed

your cock right now and kissed you, could you honestly say we wouldn’t end up naked and fucking
like wolves?”

He laughed then looked behind her, probably to see if her old man was still there. He wasn’t. She

would have sensed him. “I say, let’s test your theory.”

Before she could tell him it wasn’t a good idea, Storm pulled her close and kissed her like a man

on a mission. Damn him. The heat between her legs startled her in its intensity. She wanted to rip off
his clothes right there in the barn, but she wouldn’t. Her father would be humiliated if any of the men
saw her or smelled her arousal, and the last thing she needed was a bunch of angry cheetahs rushing
toward them.

Chey broke the kiss. “You are bad.”
He grinned, and ripples of lust shot up her spine. “Only with you.”
That was what she liked about him. He was defiant and headstrong like she was. With Storm, she

might have met her match. “Let’s get you on this horse, and no more stalling. Now watch me.” Only he
didn’t wait for her to mount.

Instead, he climbed right on up and smiled. “It’s like getting on my motorcycle.”
She supposed that was true. “We’ll take it slow.”
“I appreciate it. So what’s his name?” He patted his horse’s flank.
“Buttercup.” Chey worked hard to keep from laughing.
His mouth opened, but she could tell he was only pretending to be offended. “A girl horse?”
“She’s gentle. I want you in one piece when we get to the picnic area.”
“I thought you didn’t intend to have your way with me.”
“Storm, be good.”
He laughed. “Lead the way.”
Since he didn’t ask how to hold the reins or how to control the horse, she let him be. Chey

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deliberately kept it slow. The first part of the trip was up a gravel drive, and then the path entrance
off to the right was down a rather steep slope. Both horses had been on this trail many times, so they
didn’t spook.

“You doing okay?” she asked over her shoulder.
She held in a chuckle. For someone into the outdoors as much as he seemed to be, Storm should

learn to ride. “Low tree branch ahead. Be sure to duck.” When she didn’t hear any cursing, she
figured he’d managed to avoid disaster.

Once they reached the river, the trail evened out, but the path was too narrow to ride side by side.

Fifteen minutes later, they reached a nice open area by the stream. Chey dismounted and once Storm
did, too, she tied up both of their horses.

“Can you get the blanket I put behind your saddle while I set out the food?” she asked.
It took them less than five minutes to spread the blanket and unpack the meal. “The view’s not as

nice as on top of the mountain, but there’s a good breeze down here.” She also liked the soothing
gurgling of the water.

Storm sat cross-legged. “The view’s just fine,” he said, his gaze on her.
Don’t let him suck me in. A scar ran down his wrist and made an ugly twist between his fingers.

She traced the line. “What happened?”

He unscrewed the top of the wine and chugged half of the small bottle. “War wound.”
“When were you in the war?”
“Six years after I finished my residency, I enlisted. I was a medic on helicopter rescue missions.”
This was a side of him she wanted to know more about. “What happened?”
His eyes darkened, as if the experience had been emotionally painful. “We’d gotten a call that

several of our men had been ambushed by a band of rogue Afghanis. We had the coordinates of the
downed men, but the pilot could only hover nearby for fear of being shot if he landed. The crew
jumped out and dashed toward the bunkers where our men were waiting. A few seconds later, one of
the less injured men staggered out, holding his stomach. He was about fifty feet away when he

She hissed. “What did you do?”
“Since I was the only one onboard beside the pilot, I went after him. As I was dragging Nate

toward the chopper, an Afghani rushed us. He raised his knife to stab the injured man, and I held up
my hand to deflect his thrust. The scar is the result of the slice.”

That must have hurt. “You were so brave.”
He shook his head. “The brave ones were the men who were ambushed and those who risked

their lives to save them.”

When he turned to the side, she squeezed his hand. If Chuck Lord had ever enlisted, she bet he’d

have hidden in the chopper. “You helped a lot of men.”

“I’d like to think so.”
Okay, that was a downer. Note to self. Stick to something more upbeat. In truth, she had wanted

to learn more about Storm Durant, the man—and she had.

As if he’d erased that painful war memory, Storm stretched out, looking sleek as a cat. Chey

couldn’t help but do the same. In silence, they both munched on a bowlful of cut fruit. Storm then

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lifted an apple slice and pressed it to her lips. She sucked on it, munched, and then ate it.

“You like to feed women?” she asked.
“Only you.”
He was a player. “That so?” She didn’t need to be flirting, so she sat up and crossed her legs.

“Tell me how you’re settling into your new office.” Talking about his work would cut the sexual
tension fast.

Without thinking, she picked up one of the strawberries and bit off the end. She didn’t dare get out

the chocolate sauce for fear that would lead to a sexual exploit.

“Doc Rapello was totally disorganized, so I spent the whole morning redoing the patient


She forced herself to breathe. Doc Rapello had been her doctor since birth and wondered if he

denoted a person’s Clan on the form, but she didn’t dare ask. “Do you think you’re ready to begin on

“I’d rather talk about you.” He grabbed an orange slice and popped half into his mouth and bit

down. Juice dripped down his chin, but he did nothing to clean it up.

She wanted to lick it off so badly. “What do you want to know?” Was he aware she was a


“Do you run into much prejudice in your animal practice because you’re a woman?”
The pressure in her chest released. Something about the way he said it almost made her think he

was worried people wouldn’t come to the office of an outsider. “At first, but since I’m the only vet,
they don’t have much choice. They can go to one of the neighboring towns, but I’m good. Word
spread, and now my practice is booming.”

He grinned. “I bet the men come because you’re hot.” He picked up a napkin and dabbed his chin.
Storm was so full of it. “Yeah, that must be it.”
“I think the women come because they want to keep an eye on you. They don’t want you stealing

their husbands.” He plucked the remaining piece of fruit from her fingers and popped it into his
mouth. Then he drew her fingers to his lips.

The first lick ignited her body. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said.
“What am I doing?” His eyelids drooped as if some sexual cloud had descended on him.
“You’re trying to seduce me, Dr. Durant.”
“Damn. I knew I shouldn’t be dating a woman smarter than me.”
Storm rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. Like a moth to light, she pounced. God

help her, but she was doomed to be in lust forever.

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Chapter Six






palms clamped down on her ass, heat seared her. Something about this man

undid her resolve to keep her distance. Chey’s body was telling her that she needed him to satisfy
something inside her—deep, thrusting, and powerful. Resistance was futile.

“I don’t care if we should or shouldn’t be doing this, I need you too bad,” Storm said through

gritted teeth, as if he couldn’t last another second if he didn’t touch her. “How about getting naked and
beneath me?”

Commands challenged her. “How about if I want you naked and beneath me instead?”
He cocked a brow. “Then I guess we might be flipping a lot to accommodate both of our wishes.”
She loved how he was able to come up with a solution that satisfied both of them. On the off

chance they both fell prey to their urges, she’d come prepared with a few condoms. No telling how
long they’d be staying there—through several rounds of hot sex, she hoped. Her only fear was that her
dad might send more of his men to spy on her. But fuck, if they did come, they’d get an eyeful. Now
that she’d decided to be with him, she wasn’t stopping for Satan himself.

“That works for me,” she said, “but what’s this about me getting naked?”
“Hmm,” he said as he rolled her off him. He then unsnapped her jeans before she could take her

next breath.

She did the same to him. “Boots need to go.”
They divested themselves of their footwear at the same time. Not able to contain herself any

longer, she slid off her jeans. Today, she’d picked out a yellow thong and wisely left her bra at home.
Even on a racing horse, her tits never moved.

He whistled. “I can see I’m behind in the getting naked part.” Storm then tossed off his shirt and

removed his pants.

Only when they were both naked did Chey raise a finger in remembrance. “Chocolate!”
He laughed. “You’d rather eat than make love with me?”
“No, silly. I want to put it on your cock and lick it off.” His dick visibly twitched and she smiled.
“You will be the death of me, Cheyenne Snow.”
She doubted that, though he did seem desperate. Getting up on her knees, she picked up the jar of

chocolate, and dipped her finger into the goo. “Now for dessert. Can you lie back, please?”

“You’re playing with fire, you know.”
She grinned. “I have faith in you. Doctors are bred for control.” She then smeared the chocolate

on the tip of his dick. “You are a tasty looking thing. Hmm. Where should I begin?”

He grabbed her wrist. “Remember, turnabout is fair play.”
“You wish.”
With that, she grabbed his thick cock and licked the chocolate from the top, using slow, even

flicks. She added a moan with each tongue swipe to drive him crazy. When she finished eating every
bit of chocolate, she drew him deep into her mouth and sucked on him hard.

He pulled out of her hold. “That’s enough. You’ve had your fun.”
She then held out a condom. “Open this. And hurry.”

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He nabbed it. “You aren’t on the pill by any chance, are you?”
“Hell yeah. I’ve learned my lesson.” If Chuck had succeeded in taking her that day, she might have

gotten pregnant. Yuck. That was the moment she decided she had to make sure something like that
could never come to pass.

Storm stilled. “What happened?”
“Nothing good.”
He set her down and cupped her face. “Tell me.”
Fuck me. Why did I bring that up? She needed to think before speaking.
Storm probably wouldn’t let it go, so she might as well tell him. It would also give both of them

time to settle down. “About a year ago, I was at my dad’s when a bunch of his workers came over to
watch a soccer game. They drank quite heavily, but since I was having a good time, too, I stayed.
Halfway through the game, Dad wasn’t feeling well and went to bed. The next thing I knew, this guy
Chuck Lord decided I was more interesting than a bunch of sweaty soccer players and tried to take me
by force.”

Storm’s hands gripped her face. “I would have fucking killed him.” He lowered his arms then

clenched his fists.

Storm might have tried, but he wouldn’t have succeeded. “One of dad’s foremen, Harmon

Anderson, nearly did. He stopped by to ask Dad something, and when he saw what was happening, he
pulled Chuck off me.” She wouldn’t mention that they were both in their animal form at the time or
that the man still had scratches from their fight. So why had Chuck agreed to this sham of a marriage?
That was easy. He thrived on power. Bastard.

Storm hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry. That should never happen to

any woman.” He leaned back. “What did your dad do? I hoped he fired his ass.”

“I never told him.”
His chin tucked under. “Why?”
Chey dragged her arms up his back and shrugged. “Can we not talk about this anymore? I want to

make love with you. Okay?” She sounded a bit desperate, but it was because she needed him to wash
away all the bad shit in her life.

“Okay.” With incredible tenderness, he kissed her then nibbled on her lip, drawing it taut between

his teeth. “I want you,” he whispered.

If she believed in miracles, she would have claimed he sounded as if he almost loved her. A tear

slid down her cheek. Storm was a man who would never hurt her. He was perfect in every way
except one—he wasn’t hers.

Damn. One minute they were enjoying some sexy fun time and the next everything had shifted and

gotten too serious with talk about Chuck. She needed to lighten the mood back up again.

Inspiration struck. Chey jumped to her bare feet and took off, running parallel to the stream,

ignoring the sticks and pebbles grinding into her soles. She looked over her shoulder as laughter
bubbled out of her. “Catch me if you can.”

Where she was headed, she had no idea, but the freedom of running exhilarated her, making her

forget about the past. Even though she remained in human form for obvious reasons, she was still fast.
Because she had every intention of Storm catching her at some point, she didn’t go as quickly as she
could have. However, she never expected his hands on her waist a few seconds later. He’d been a
hell of a lot speedier than she’d anticipated.

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Storm spun her around and backed her up against a tree, the rough bark pressing into her tender

skin, his gaze never leaving her face. His commanding attitude had her blood pounding. She wasn’t
sure if he was mad or highly excited that she took off, but she hoped the latter. Since he looked as if
he was about to take her, she didn’t care which it was. Her need for him was close to her breaking

“Have you ever been spanked for disobedience?” he asked.
“Maybe when I was eight.” She lifted her chin, not sure where he was headed with this

discussion. She hadn’t been that bad.

“Do you think you’ve been good today?”
If he knew what his sexy words did to her, it would give him too much power. Her pussy cramped

and pulsed, and she feared her juices would drip down her leg. “What do you think?” She needed to
shut up without sassing him.

Without any warning, he bent her over, forcing her to grab the tree trunk in front of her for support.

His palm came down on her ass fast and hard. For a second, she thought she’d shift. Anger did that to
her as did excessive arousal. The sting only lasted a few seconds, and then pleasure shot down to her
clit. “Whoa.”

“You liked it didn’t you?” Storm twisted her around, grabbed her still stinging ass and lifted her

up so they were within kissing range.

She wrapped her legs around him, her pussy smashed against his rigid cock. “Can I get back to

you on that?” She didn’t want to let him know how much she’d enjoyed that one slap. He might go
overboard and not stop the next time.

She waved the condom that was still in her hand. “What about this?”
Storm reached out and took the foil package, his eyes never leaving hers. “You said you’re on the

pill. I’d love to go bareback, but it’s your call. I want you to feel safe, comfortable, and protected
with me.”

Chey wanted to melt right there on the spot. When she looked into his eyes she could see he meant

every word. She kept her gaze locked on his as she raised one eyebrow. Quick as she could, she
snatched the condom back and dropped it to the ground, as she gave him the sexiest smile and nodded.

Storm’s eyes filled with passion as he lowered her to a stand, then dropped to one knee and

spread her legs wide. When his tongue swept a wide path across her wet pussy, all thoughts of the
past disappeared. This was exactly where she needed to be. Grabbing the top of his head, she leaned
back and inhaled the rich scent of the moss and the dampness of the earth.

Storm dragged the pad of his thumb across her clit, forcing her to tighten her hold. Because she

wanted to wait for Storm’s release, Chey had to work hard not to climax.

When he slipped two fingers into her needy opening, she almost screamed. The birds had gone

silent, and the sound of the rushing water over the rocks seemed to soften. She couldn’t take it any
longer. “Please, Storm. Now!”

He stood, brown earth and leaves clinging to his knee. He cupped her face again, and with the

hunger of a desperate man, kissed her hard and deeply. Passion, pleasure, and ecstasy swamped her.
She dragged her hands to his back and dug her nails into his skin, the need inside her about to burst.
“Take me, damn it,” she demanded.

He spun her around so that her back was to him, nudged her legs open with his foot, and grabbed

her hips. “Be careful what you wish for, wild woman.”

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If only he knew. His cock pressed against her slick slit, and then he drove into her with one

powerful thrust, banging against the back wall so hard, she saw stars. He slid his fingers up to her
breasts and twirled her nipples, gently at first, and then with more intensity.

He withdrew and entered her once more, only this time with more control. But Chey didn’t want

caution. Longing to forget everything but this moment, she needed wild abandon. “Harder.”

Storm draped his chest over her back and hugged her tightly. As he fucked her hard, his teeth dug

into her skin, but not powerful enough to break the surface. She pressed her hips back, desperate for
more, desiring all of him. Thought disappeared as her emotions took over. He pummeled her over and
over again, and as his moans grew louder, his fingers worked faster.

She clamped down on his cock to feel more of him, and his dick expanded, stretching her wide.

Who came first, she didn’t know, but her orgasm swept her away. As his hot seed filled her, her chest
constricted with the painful need for oxygen. Thoughts of being with him forever filled her but for a
moment, because she quickly banished them. That kind of nonsense would only lead to heartache.

“I don’t want to let you go,” he said.
Storm was the dearest man. “As much as I love being in your arms, you must at some point.” Chey

tried to sound upbeat.

He disengaged and turned her to face him. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being wonderful, fun, exciting, and a million other things.”
She laughed. She would have said the same thing back, but some things were best left for later.

“Want a quick dip in the water to rinse off?”

“It’ll be cold.”
“Come on. It’ll help shrink your dick. You chicken?”
He just shook his head and laughed.

* * *





want to leave their secluded spot, but they had to at some point. When they rounded

the corner of the barn, her worse nightmare appeared—Chuck Lord.

“Please don’t do this, Chuck.”
He didn’t respond to her mental message. Instead, he strode toward them.
Storm pulled along side her. “Cheyenne, what’s going on?”
“Just get down from the horse. I’ll deal with him.”
They both dismounted, and Storm remained by her side. She patted both horses’ rumps, and they

trotted inside the barn.

Chuck puffed out his chest acting like his five-foot six frame was a match against Storm. In a man-

to-man fight, she had her money on her lover. Too bad, Chuck would never play fair. He’d shift, and
that would be the end of the man she was falling in love with.

There. She’d said it. As impossible as it sounded, Storm Durant was the man for her—at least for

as long as she could have him. Sadly, she’d never be the woman for him—or rather the shifter woman
for him.

Chuck clasped her arm and drew her close. His cold grip hurt, but she wouldn’t give him the

satisfaction of wincing. She wanted to pull away, scream, shift, and bite his pecker off, but she

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wouldn’t do that in front of Storm.

“Let her go,” Storm’s voice could have cut steel.
Chuck released her, but she didn’t move, fearful of what he’d do if she did.
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Chuck Lord, Chey’s fiancé.” The jerk just had to

emphasize the last word.

If a sinkhole could have miraculously appeared next to her, she’d have jumped in. Storm’s face

turned a dark red, but he was controlling himself well. “She’s your fiancée?” He shifted his gaze
between them and then lasered her with a stare. “Isn’t he the man who—”

A hard lump formed in her throat. She had to cut him off. “Yes, but I can explain.” She rushed up

to Storm, her pulse going crazy. “It’s not really true. Not if I can help it.”

“What do you mean?” he said between gritted teeth.
Chuck chuckled. “Go ahead and tell him, sweetheart. Tell him how your dad is planning to step

down as Alpha and has chosen me to marry you.”

Her heart hammered in her chest so hard, the pain made it difficult to breathe. “It’s not what you

think.” Chey reached out to touch him, but Storm jerked away.

“You’re a shifter? And you’re getting married? Did you think so little of me that you forgot to

mention those two facts? Which by the way are very important to me.”

She didn’t know how to explain that she partially picked him to go out with because she knew

he’d never really want her—and that what had started out as a little diversion had turned into so much
more. Before she could formulate the words, Storm kissed her forehead, but it wasn’t with

“Goodbye, Cheyenne. I hope you’ll be happy.”
As much as she needed to go after him and tell Storm she wanted him, her feet had frozen to the

ground. A tight band squeezed her chest so hard tears flowed down her cheeks. She hiccupped and
dropped to her knees.

Chuck stood over her. “You’re pathetic.”
Chey looked up at him. “You’re a bastard. I hope a wolf rips out your throat.”
The slap came hard and fast across her face. She didn’t flinch, because she didn’t want to give

him the satisfaction. She’d rather sew up her pussy than marry a jerk like him.

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Chapter Seven





mad at the world that she didn’t dare go home. One look at her sofa where she and Storm

had made love, and she’d crumble. His scent, though faint, would still be lingering in her house, on
her sheets, in her mind. Damn Chuck Lord.

She pressed hard on the accelerator, tears blurring her vision. She had to make Storm understand

what he meant to her. A horn blared and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest, causing her to slam
on her brakes and pull over to the side. Holy shit. She’d just crossed an intersection without stopping.
She had to calm down.

Nabbing a tissue from her purse, she dabbed her eyes and blew her nose. When her pulse slowed,

she looked behind her before getting back on the road.

Whether it was planned or not, she ended up going toward Autumn Avenue where Tasha lived.

Her friend worked Saturday until noon and would hopefully be home by now. When Chey spotted
Tasha’s car in the drive, a bit of the tension in her shoulders eased. Chey probably should drive to the
mountains and go for a run, but talking it out with clear-thinking Tasha would help her get through this
fucking mess a lot better.

She didn’t even have to knock, because Tasha threw open the front door. “Come in. I’m sorry.”
She stepped in. “You heard?” Only minutes had passed.
“Yeah. You know the shifter grapevine. Chuck bragged about it on Facebook.”
A hot knife pierced her heart, and it was an imaginary Chuck who was grinning down at her,

twisting the handle. “That fucker.”

“Sit down, and I’ll get us some wine.”
“I’d rather have coffee.”
Tasha’s brows rose. “I’ll put on a pot.”
Chey wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to show her face in town again. Everyone would think

she was either a slut or a cheat. Christ, this was bad. She checked her phone expecting a text from
Dad, but so far he hadn’t contacted her. She was sure he’d ask for a full apology in front of the whole
Clan, but if she did that, some of the women might demand her isolation, or worse, take a swipe at
her. Chey shivered.

“Here ya go, sweetie. This will warm you up.”
“Thanks.” Chey grabbed the cup but it was still steaming hot—just like her.
Tasha sat across from her. “Tell me what happened.”
Chey detailed the horse ride, the picnic, and the hot sex.
“Sounds like Storm is amazing.”
She sighed. “Yes, he is. The problem is that I’m falling in love with him.”
Her friend stilled. “Oh, Chey, that wasn’t part of the plan.”
She leaned back. “I know. After what Chuck did, I doubly know nothing can come of it. It’s not

like I’m officially engaged since Dad gave me till August to find someone, but Chuck’s
pronouncement will kill any chance of me finding someone else.” Her chin wobbled.

Tasha set down her cup, came over to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “You need

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to talk with him.”

“Storm or Chuck?”
“Storm, of course, but give him a few hours to stew. There is one positive in all of this.”
That almost made her laugh. “Pray, tell me what.”
“He cares. A lot. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have kissed your forehead and wished you the best.”
“He did wish me the best, but he said it sarcastically.” Perhaps her thoughts had been colored by

her humiliation.

Tasha rolled her eyes. “Finish your coffee then go home, shower, and put on your sexiest outfit.

Then go to Storm.”

Chey tucked in her chin. “You think he’ll ever have sex with me again? Hell, I doubt he’ll even

speak with me.”

“Sweetie, Storm is a man. From what you’ve told me, he can’t resist you, so go make yourself


“I suppose I could shift into a cheetah and stalk him like the nasty cat I am.”
“Don’t be like that. He’s upset, as well as he should be. What would you have done if his fiancée

had walked up to you both and flashed her ring in your face?”

An ugly sludge filled her veins. “I might have shifted and clawed her eyes out.” That sounded bad.

“But only after I listened to what Storm had to say about her claim.”

Tasha laughed. “You are so full of shit. When have you ever listened first? You just react.”
Chey puffed out her chest. “That was the old me.”
Tasha removed the cup from Chey’s tight grip and set it down. “You need a shower and a nap.”
Chey sniffed. “I smell?”
“A little.”
That broke the wave of her severe depression. “All right.” She stiffened. “Fuck. I don’t know

where he lives.”

“You could always go to his office.”
“And wait until Monday? No one will marry me because I’ll be dead by then, and acid will have

eaten through my stomach and reached my heart.”

“It’s not that bad. We’ve both survived shitty breakups before.”
“This isn’t a shitty breakup. It’s more than that. My whole future’s at stake.” She might sound

dramatic, but it was true.

Tasha took her hand. “Let’s suppose Storm forgives you. Then what? Do you see him asking you

to marry him within your four-month window? I’m basing this question on the assumption that he is
your true mate and that you can turn him.”

She hadn’t given that idea much thought because it seemed too farfetched. Could he be her twin

flame—the one that was meant for her?

Chey dropped her head back against the sofa and sighed. “No, it’s hopeless. And don’t say I

should bite him just to see if he’s my mate. If he were, don’t you think someone as successful and self-
confident as Storm might be a bit pissed if he woke up and could suddenly shift?”

“You won’t know if you don’t try. It’s not like it’s a death sentence. Being able to shift is an

enhancement to our lives, not a detriment.”

“You might be right.” She patted her thighs and stood. “You’ve given me lots to think about.”
They hugged. “Love you,” Tasha said. “Try to listen to his concerns. Men just want to be

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“I’ll try.”

* * *





bike hard all the way into town. He was angry, confused, and quite despondent. He

didn’t understand how someone as wonderful as Cheyenne could have been such a liar. Here, he
thought they had something special between them. Not only was she sassy and aggressive, sensitive
and amazing, he’d never been with a woman who turned him on so much. Now, he could see it had
been a sham. He wished he could figure out her purpose in drawing him in and then spitting him out.
Perhaps her father had asked her to drive out the newcomer, though that didn’t make any more sense

Unfortunately, he wasn’t ready to go home, and it was too early for a drink. Working always

brought him comfort, so Storm pulled in front of his closed office and went in. The place smelled a
bit musty with a hint of antiseptic. He needed to ask Martha to hire a cleaning crew to give the place a
thorough disinfecting. Storm didn’t want his patients to think he didn’t take cleanliness seriously.

Who was he kidding? Monday would come and his waiting room might remain empty. It didn’t

matter there were appointments scheduled. They’d been made before Dr. Rapello announced his

After unlocking his office door, Storm stepped in. He knew what he was about to do was

probably stupid, but he located Cheyenne’s medical file. Not that he expected to see she had a brain
tumor, but he wanted to spot something that might explain her erratic behavior. There had to be a
reason why she’d gotten under his skin so fast. From her perspective, it was probably her mating

Storm slid onto his desk chair, opened the file, and scanned the contents—all twenty-nine years of

them. Other than the usual illnesses, nothing stood out. Her shifter status withstanding, Cheyenne was
like any other woman.

To his surprise, the fact she was a cheetah didn’t bother him. People couldn’t choose their parents

just as they couldn’t choose their eye color or how tall they wanted to be. What bothered him was that
she’d hidden that fact from him.

Christ. He’d been so upset, he really hadn’t given her a chance to explain, though at this point, he

didn’t think anything she said would change his mind. He’d never understand why she’d agreed to
marry a man who tried to attack her. If nothing else, she needed to tell her father what had happened.

Dwelling on this whole fiasco only made him madder, so he had to let it go. Cheyenne was off

limits and that was that. He glanced around and sighed. As long as he was at the office, he might as
well put in a few hours of work. He got busy looking through old files, trying to make sense of Dr.
Rapello’s scratchings. It wasn’t until the pounding began that he realized someone was at the front
door. Given the force of the fist, this must be an emergency. He jumped up from his seat, ran to the
front, and unlocked the door.

“Cheyenne?” Conflicting emotions assaulted him—mostly lust mixed with anger. “What are you

doing here?” And why do you look so fucking amazing?

“It’s an arranged marriage.” She wove her fingers together and shifted her weight from side to


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“I realize that. Chuck basically said the same thing.” It still didn’t matter. She should have told


“May I come in?” She glanced behind her as a couple strolled down the street. When they looked

his way, Storm waved and plastered on a smile.

“Sure.” As soon as she stepped in, his balls drew up tight. He really needed to keep his attraction

at bay.

She spun to face him. “I need to explain. Please, Storm. I’m not a bad person. I’m not a cheater.”
Now that he was calmer, he wanted to hear her side. Did that make him a masochist? Maybe.

“Come into my office.”

He prayed this wasn’t a mistake. Cheyenne’s jeans didn’t have any holes in them, and her pink

silk blouse flowed about her lithe body. She looked incredibly hot. If she wore a bra, it must be
paper-thin because he swore he could see her hard, little nipples pressing against her top, begging to
be sucked.

She sat in the chair he reserved for his patients while he took the seat behind his desk to put as

much distance between them as possible.

Cheyenne bit down on her lip and then sat on her hands. He hoped she wasn’t worried she’d

punch him or shift on him.

“I want to apologize,” she began. “I kept a few secrets from you because I was afraid you’d reject

me if I told you I was a cheetah shifter.”

He’d wondered if she knew he’d been aware of shifters when she’d first approached him. “You

must not think much of me.”

She glanced to the side. “Humans in general don’t think much of cheetahs. I honestly didn’t think

you knew we existed.”

That answered one question. “I didn’t before Dr. Rapello told me.”
“I should have said something,” she said not meeting his gaze.
This was not the Cheyenne he’d seen earlier today—the one who’d turned him inside out then

broke his heart. She was hurting, but so was he. “I like honesty in a woman.”

She sniffled. “Okay, here it is then. You know I can’t stand Chuck Lord. He’s scum but he’s

ambitious. So ambitious that he somehow convinced my dad that when my father retires in four
months, Chuck should be his successor. The only way to accomplish that is to marry me.”

“I’m not really interested in politics. What I want to know is why didn’t you tell your father about

what he did to you?”

“I did—about a half hour ago.”
He sat up straighter. “And?”
Tears coursed down her cheeks. “He said he’s known all along, but that since Chuck didn’t

actually harm me, Dad needed to think about the Clan’s future.”

That wasn’t right, but he couldn’t do anything about it now. “If you knew about having to marry

Chuck, what did you hope to accomplish by seducing me?” Storm worked hard to keep his frustration
and hurt in check.

She pushed back her chair and stood. Instead of approaching the desk, she paced in front of it. “I

wanted a diversion to the horrible life my father had planned for me.” She shook her head. “I’m
almost thirty. I thought I’d be married with a few kids by now, but I never found a man to love—or
one to love me.” She faced him. “The night I met you was the day my father dropped the bombshell

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that he’d be stepping down as the head of our Clan. Since I’m the only child, I must rule. The problem
is that women can’t be the head of a pack.”

“Why not?”
She stopped pacing. “Hundreds of years of prejudice?”
“I get it. Go on.”
“Once he steps down, if I’m not married to another shifter by then I will be forced to marry

Chuck. Needless to say, I was a bit depressed. I drank. I picked you up, and the rest is history.” She
sat back onto the seat and dropped her head in her hands.

He waited until she glanced up at him. “You don’t think you were being a little self-centered? All

you thought about was what you were going through. I get that, but didn’t you give any thought to what
I might feel after you dumped me?”

Storm understood why she chose to have a fling, but it didn’t make it any less painful. The tears

turned into sobs, and as much as he wanted to soothe her, he was still too angry.

She looked up and sniffled. From his desk drawer he handed her a tissue. “I was too blind to think

of how my actions would affect you. To be honest, I assumed that being human, you wouldn’t care for
me past the sex.”

Now it was his turn to get up and go around to the front of the desk. “Well, you were wrong. I did

care. A lot.” More than he was willing to tell her.

“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Her hands were clenched and her chin trembled.
Fuck me. Storm couldn’t stay mad at her for long, but he wasn’t ready to give in. “Are you sure

there isn’t anything you can do to make your father change his mind?” She didn’t deserve to be
chained to Chuck Lord her whole life.

She shook her head. “No. It’s Clan law. I always wanted to marry for love, but it’s not like

people flock to this place. I’ve always known this day would come, but I’d hoped it was after I was
happily married.”

“No one in your Clan fits the bill of a possible lover?” He didn’t like thinking about another man

with her, but it was better than her being shackled to Chuck.

“No. The men ask me out, lead me on, and then leave me when they realize I’m not the pushover

they’d hoped for. I don’t want a man to marry me for his political aspirations.”

“What are you going to do?” Storm wasn’t sure he was ready for the answer.
“Do the right thing for a change.”
The resignation on her face told him this didn’t bode well for him. “That would be?”
“I need to say goodbye to you. That’s why I came. It’s not fair to either of us.” Her lips quivered.

“Though in reality, you’ve already said adios to me.”

Storm should be happy that the woman who’d deceived him would be walking out of his life for

good, but for some crazy reason, he wasn’t. She’d wronged him and he should be livid, but he
yearned for her too much. “What if I want to see you again?”

She looked down at her hands. “It’s no good. It’s hard enough to walk away now.” Chey glanced

up. “The longer I’m with you, the more difficult it’s going to be when I marry Chuck.”

She was right, but the pain of separation was already terrible.
Cheyenne turned, the tears still streaming down her face. She moved slowly through his office

doorway, as if she were dragging a lead weight behind her. His gut churned with indignation, but also
with desire.

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“Cheyenne. Wait.”

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Chapter Eight






to keep on walking, but Storm’s plea had stopped her in her tracks. She turned

and faced him, her legs weak. She never should have gone to his office in the first place. Seeing him
again had added to her sense of helplessness.

He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I might regret this, but my heart is telling me that no matter

your reason for seeking me out, I don’t want to stop seeing you. I know that sounds stupid since I was
so mad, but we have time before you have to marry Chuck. Maybe we can figure something out.”

“What are you saying?” While his words didn’t make sense to her confused brain, she didn’t care.

If he was willing to be with her one more time, the pain probably couldn’t get much worse.

As his lips devoured hers, her body went limp. Chey snuggled closer, needing to absorb his

strength. His scent, his power, and his possible forgiveness healed a small part of her soul. Without
breaking their connection, Storm lifted her into his arms and carried her back into his office, kicking
the door closed with his heel.

They couldn’t be together in the end, but why not enjoy the time they did have? Her tears of

sorrow suddenly turned into ones of joy. Storm set her down in front of his desk, her heart pounding

In one big sweep, he pushed every folder, pen, and paper off the desk. The papers floated like

leaves falling in slow motion, while the pens pinged, popped, and rolled on the hard surface.

Storm loomed over her as he clasped her shoulders. “I need you, Cheyenne.”
His words undid her. “I need you, too.”
She grabbed his waistband and pulled him closer. As quickly as she could, she unzipped his

pants, reached inside, and fisted his thick shaft. His groan had her pussy weeping. Chey glanced up at
his handsome face. Eyes blazing a dark brown, he lifted off her shirt, looking like a man on a mission.

“Fuck, girl, you came to seduce.”
Not really. “I couldn’t decide which bra to put on, and then figured no one would know the

difference if I didn’t wear one.”

He pressed on her nipple. “This is the best bra ever.”
“I don’t have one on.”
“Silly me.” Storm lifted her onto the desk, dipped his head, and when he nabbed her nipple, the

tip exploded with need.

Chey arched her back and gripped the edge of the desk, her spasming pussy in desperate need of

his cock. He wrapped his hands around her waist and tortured the other breast—licking, sucking,
pulling, and twisting. Each touch ratcheted her desire.

“I’m not naked enough for this and neither are you.” She needed him to take off her pants so he

could impale her.

He smiled, and her insides tumbled. What she wouldn’t give to spend the rest of her life with this

man. It just wasn’t fair that he was only human.

“Me, first.” Storm stepped back, removed his shirt in one swift tug then took off his boots. When

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he dropped his pants, her breath caught. Holy fuck. He was divine. It didn’t matter that she’d
experienced him only a few hours before. She had to taste him again.

Not able to wait for him to take off her clothes, she slid off the desk, leaned over, and sucked on

his cock.

He stiffened. “Be careful. It’s ready to burst. I haven’t come down from the high of this

afternoon.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and tugged, but that only made the animal in her
draw him in harder.

She grabbed his firm ass and dug her nails into his butt to keep him in place. If this was the last

time they were together, Chey wanted to make this the best experience ever. The tip leaked a bit of
cum, and she lapped it up, loving this salty tang. Clearly, he was close to exploding.

“Enough,” Storm groaned. “I need some lick time, too.”
Lick time? She liked that idea. Chey stood and let Storm divest her of the rest of her clothes. As

soon as he exposed her black panties, he whistled. “You can’t fool me. You did come here hoping
we’d make love.”

Chey wasn’t even thinking along those lines—only Tasha was. “I wore black because my pussy

was in mourning.”

He chuckled. “Not for long.” Storm removed her panties and then indicated he needed her to lie

back. He glanced behind him and then picked up his jeans. After rolling them into a neat bundle, he
placed the newly created pillow under her head. “Comfy?”

“Yes, hurry.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Storm grinned and lifted her legs over his shoulders.
When he drew her closer, her upper back came close to the edge, so she grabbed the desk. The

first swipe across her wet opening had her panting. She never would have believed it possible to be
so excited after the amazing time they’d had at the river. She had no doubt that she’d never forget
running through the woods naked. When Storm had caught her, he’d turned her world upside down
with his loving ways.

“I want you to come five times before I impale you,” he said before returning to the torture.
“Five times?” With what he was doing, she just might. “I’ll be too tired to move if I do that.”

Chey grabbed one of his biceps and pressed hard, admiring the way his muscles flexed under her hot

“Are you saying I can’t turn you on enough to warrant that many climaxes?”
“Not at all,” she gasped. She couldn’t think why he wanted to talk instead of make love with her.

“Shut up and eat me.”

Conversation during sex was highly overrated unless she was doing the talking.
Storm unhooked her legs from around his shoulders, slid her back, and placed her feet on the

wooden surface. He then slipped a finger into her pussy and rubbed her tender nub with the pad of his
thumb. The first stroke sent her spiraling, and the divine pressure had sparks skittering across her
skin. Chey arched her back and scooted closer. When he leaned over and pulled her nipple taut, a
scream burst from her throat as the unexpected climax claimed her.

She thought he’d stop to let her recover, but her orgasm seemed to spur him on. She lowered a

hand to reach for his dick. Given how much pleasure he was delivering, he deserved to be played
with, too.

“Damn. I can’t reach,” she complained.

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Storm alternated between each breast while he continued to play with her clit and finger fuck her

pussy. When he hit her G-spot, pricks of light burst on the back of her lids, forcing her to gulp in air.
Overwhelmed with lust and passion, Chey clawed at his arms then clasped his head to draw him near.

“Kiss me,” she demanded.
When Storm smiled, her world turned brighter. His lips hovered over hers, their breaths mingling.

She waited, begging him with her eyes to take her. He winked, and then gently bit her bottom lip
before laying claim to her mouth. His tenderness mixed with the aggressive bite brought out her feisty
self, and she returned the favor. He growled, setting her body on fire. Storm was all man, full of
power and passion.

“Fuck me now.” She hadn’t meant for it to sound so much like a command, but she couldn’t help


He tapped her nose and shook his head. “You have a few more climaxes to go.”
She sat up, lowered her feet over the edge of the desk, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Using her teeth, she tugged on his ear. “Then excite me.”

As if that was his hot button, he aimed his cock at her opening and drove in. This afternoon’s

adventure had left her sore and swollen, and when he thrust his cock straight in, her eyes widened.
Not thinking of the consequences, her feral instincts took over with the need to be one with him, and
she bit on his neck with all her worth.

To her delight, his reaction wasn’t one of anger. Instead, it was as if her bite had excited him

more. He lifted his head and opened his mouth as he pounded into her. The harder he pummeled her
pussy, the higher she went. He, too, seemed determined to fuse their two bodies together.

A drop of blood trickled down his neck, but he didn’t appear to take notice, so she drew him

closer and then licked his wound, memorizing the metallic taste. His scent infused inside her body
and deliciously wicked flames licked up her spine as another orgasm drew near.

“Are you close?” Chey huffed, not wanting to burst again before he was ready.
“So close. God, I can’t get enough of you.”
Those words seared her brain and robbed her of all sanity. Storm stood straighter and when he

pressed on her clit, her tiny pearl strained under the excitement. “Hurry, I’m coming.”

She could no longer contain herself. He was ravaging her pussy with relentless demand, so much

so that bolts of electricity set every nerve on fire. She clamped down hard on his cock.

He sucked in a large breath. “I can’t hold it any more either.” Storm closed his eyes, pressed his

dick in as far as it could go and let loose.

His hard cock vibrated and expanded, pulsing to match the throbbing vein in his neck. His hot

searing seed shot her over the climactic cliff, and waves of ecstasy came crashing down on her. They
both screamed at the same time, and her world spun.

Storm held her close as if they were the last two people on earth—or at least she wished they

were. After what seemed like hours, Storm pulled out. From his drawer, he retrieved some tissues
and wiped her clean.

Neither spoke as they dressed, possibly because their lovemaking had shattered their world. Chey

finally faced him. “I know this won’t make any sense after what we just did, but we can’t be

Storm stilled. “Excuse me? Why not?” He stroked her hair and then fingered the strands, his hand

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tremors visible.

His touch and his smell nearly undid her. She choked on the tears clogging her throat. “Because

you aren’t a cheetah shifter.”

“No, I’m not. So what?”
“I told you. My husband has to be a shifter.”
He pushed his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what to say, Cheyenne. I think you are a

special woman, one that I can relate to.”

She sniffled. “Thank you.”
“We’ve only known each other a short while, but I think we have a chance together.”
Her heart nearly broke. He didn’t get it. “I would love nothing more than to be with you, but my

father is the Alpha of our pack. There are rules, ones that have been in place for hundreds of years.”

“Then change them.”
“I can’t.” Chey hugged him. After absorbing his warmth, she stepped back. “Good bye, Storm.”
When she turned around, she could almost feel his anger striking her back. More than anything,

she wanted to throw herself against him and beg his forgiveness, but she wouldn’t. For him, she had
to stay strong and let him go.

As soon as Chey stepped outside, her sobs came in earnest. If she didn’t have the animals to tend

to, she just might run away.

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Chapter Nine





shit. He hadn’t slept last night, and he attributed his insomnia to Cheyenne. He wanted

to throttle her then make love to her for hours. Storm believed that he could make her father see
reason—that he was the man to lead the Clan. Because of his military and medical background, Storm
understood rules and protocol very well, but he also knew if there ever was a time for change, this
was it.

Storm wanted to explain to her dad that he was good with people. Hell, he’d commanded a ton of

nurses and other servicemen during the war and worked well under pressure. As long as the cheetah
Clan didn’t turn on him, it couldn’t be that hard to rule a bunch of shifters. It shouldn’t matter they
were capable of gouging out his eyes. Even if he were in command of fifty soldiers, they, too, could
turn on him. A few bullets to the chest would be as effective as being mauled to death.

Don’t do this.
It wouldn’t matter what he did. Her father would never be willing to change any law, assuming he

could. Bottom line, Cheyenne couldn’t marry him—not that he was ready for that step, but he’d
consider trying.

Storm finally crawled out of bed, his chest tight and his muscles achy. He hoped like hell he

wasn’t getting sick. The timing couldn’t be worse with him opening the clinic tomorrow.

From his medicine cabinet, he downed some vitamin C, and then trudged to the kitchen. Perhaps a

good meal would help clear his head. He had planned to stop by the office, but right now, he wasn’t
in the mood. He wasn’t convinced he’d ever be able to look at his desk and not picture Cheyenne
spread eagle on top. Christ, the woman sure had gotten to him.

Whenever he needed some clarity, he went fishing. Chey had said Hidden Hills had a lot of lakes,

so perhaps it was time for him to find them.

* * *





okay, Doc? You look pale,” Martha said as she leaned over him seated at his desk.

“It’s just the stress of opening the new business.” Storm hoped that was the reason for feeling like


“You want me to draw your blood? I can send it over to the lab in a jiffy.”
Storm smiled, not wanting her to fuss. “I’ll let you know if it comes to that. Now send in my first

patient, please.” He didn’t want to discuss with the town gossip how he was merely heartsick over a
woman. His and Cheyenne’s business didn’t need the meddling.

His first patient arrived—a human, thankfully—or so the form indicated. Storm had studied the

charts of all of the patients he planned to see today. Mr. Kendall had high blood pressure and
indigestion. Dr. Rapello had him on heart medicine and some antacids.

Storm walked into room 3 where the older man was sitting on the exam table. “How’s the

indigestion doing?”

His eyes widened. “You know about that?”

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Storm smiled. “I read Dr. Rapello’s file.”
“Damn. I think we’re going to get along.”
He asked the man a series of questions and jotted down a few more areas he was concerned

about. After he gave Mr. Kendall two prescriptions, along with a pamphlet for better eating habits,
Storm relaxed a bit. The people of Hidden Hills seemed to be hard working, but eating right and
exercising a couple of times a week didn’t appear to be on their must-do list. His mind spun trying to
figure out what more he could do to help them—other than lecturing them on how to live their lives.

As the afternoon wore on, his energy level plummeted, but he plowed through, even managing to

remain cheerful most of the time. Once the last patient left his office, all he wanted to do was sleep.

Martha knocked and peeked in. “If you don’t need me, I’ll be going.”
“I’m good. Thanks for your help today. You handled Mrs. Earheart’s three children well.”
She smiled. “You made quite an impression today, too.”
He chuckled. “I hope a good one.”
“You bet.”
Once he was alone, he cleaned the clutter from his desk, but the depression continued to sink

deeper. He was a grown man. He’d been dumped before and had broken up with a few women
himself. This feeling would pass. Or so he hoped.

Stupid shifter law.
He checked his patient list for tomorrow, pulled their files, and studied the details. What he

needed was to hire someone to transfer the paper files to electronic ones, since it would be easier to
search and keep track of his patients’ medications.

Around six, his stomach grumbled. While he could fix some eggs at home, he wasn’t ready to be

by himself. Since he still felt a little under the weather, he decided comfort food was in order—like
what he’d seen at the Cove Bar.

As he stood, Storm rubbed his neck where Cheyenne had bitten him. Needing to wear a turtleneck

all day to keep the wound hidden, he’d kept the office cooler so he wouldn’t overheat. He still
couldn’t believe she’d lost control like that. Perhaps it was an animal thing, though he’d been over the
top excited, too.

After he locked up, he hopped on his cycle and drove the few blocks to the bar. A quick check of

the parking lot confirmed Cheyenne’s car wasn’t there. Good. She was the last person he needed to

Liar. Who am I kidding?
Storm was going to the bar on the off chance Cheyenne would be there. He didn’t have to speak

with her. Seeing her would be enough—for now.

If she didn’t show up, perhaps Lilly would be working, and he could ask her if Cheyenne had

already stopped by. Needing to get his mind off her, he shook his head to clear it. He didn’t need to
be acting like a stalker.

Storm inhaled and developed a plan. He would grab a bite to eat, chat with Lilly, and maybe even

enjoy the band—assuming they were playing tonight. If the bar was empty, he prayed he’d be able to
keep his mind off that hot little kitten who had turned his life upside down. Sure, he was a mess, but
with time, he’d get over her.

As soon as he stepped inside the bar, the redhead waved then smiled. “Hey, handsome. You look

like you could use a beer.”

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“You have no idea.”
Lily pulled a bottle from under the bar and slid it across the countertop. “You want to talk about


Lilly and Cheyenne certainly had seemed chummy, though he wasn’t sure Lilly could provide any

more insight to his dilemma. “Nothing that can be fixed.”

“Ooh. That doesn’t sound good. The shifters giving you trouble?”
Cheyenne must have spoken with her. “In a manner of speaking.”
“You ever think of talking with Chey’s dad?”
The whole fucking town must know of his problem. That sucked. He definitely wasn’t in

Baltimore any more. “It wouldn’t do any good.” He’d debated going to the man and pleading his case,
but too many things could go wrong.

Lilly wiped the counter with the cloth she wore on her shoulder like a badge—a counter that was

already glistening, despite the random deep gouges. “Suit yourself.”

“Got a menu?”
“Sure.” She tapped the holder right in front of him that contained them.
While Lilly prepared a drink for another customer, he yanked the menu out and studied the

offerings. When she returned, she replaced his beer with another and took his order. He probably
should have located a café in town instead of coming here, but he wasn’t certain every place offered
beer. Though if he were coming down with a cold, he should be resting, not drinking, but damn, that
first sip went down smooth and helped dull the ache in his gut.

When Lilly delivered his Club sandwich, she nodded to the far corner. “Someone’s been eying

you.” She grinned and moved off.

Storm didn’t want to look. Couldn’t look. When her lilting laugh reached him, anger ripped up his

spine. Cheyenne was here and hadn’t said hi. She should have walked out the moment she saw him.
Then again, she’d been here first.

Without a glance, Storm tossed a twenty on the counter and stalked off. He was so fucked.

* * *






should have brought some relief to his aching soul, but Storm’s unhappiness

worsened. He’d already snapped at a few of his patients for forgetting to take their meds or for doing
something stupid, like eating spicy foods when it gave them heartburn. If he didn’t get control of
himself, more than just his love life would fall apart—his practice would collapse.

Logically, he understood that he shouldn’t be so attached to a woman after only a few dates. Sure,

the sex was great, but relationships were more than just about the bedroom. Somehow, he couldn’t
stop from checking his cell every few minutes to see if Cheyenne had left him a message. He’d
debated visiting her, but they’d probably end up ripping each other’s clothes off and having wild,
passionate sex in a unique and fun way. The only problem with that scenario was that the aftermath
would only make things worse.

Despite physically improving by Thursday, his attitude had worsened. And by Friday, he’d

reached the end of his rope. While he had no idea what good could come of a meeting with
Cheyenne’s dad, he wanted to seek the man’s counsel. If reality, he wanted to rip the man’s face off

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for making Cheyenne marry a molester.

The odd thing was, when they’d spoken the first time, her father had seemed very enthusiastic

about him dating his daughter. Why would he be, though? Mr. Snow knew they could never be
together. The only explanation was that the man must take pleasure in torturing people.

Still, it was in Storm’s nature to find out the truth. Remembering Mr. Snow owned Lengau Ranch,

he looked up the address. Cheyenne had told him that the name Lengau was African for Cheetah.

Around six, Storm pulled down the drive of the familiar ranch. Mr. Snow must have heard him

coming, because he stepped out of his house before Storm even cut the engine. Cheyenne’s dad had
thick shoulders and slim hips, but he wasn’t much more than five-foot eight. His hair was light brown,
peppered with white, and he moved with an agility that surprised Storm. The man acted as if he could
lead for many more years.

As soon as Storm kicked the stand into place, Leonard Snow held out his hand. “Nice to see you

again, son.”

He must be kidding. There was no reason why he should, unless he wasn’t aware that his daughter

was heartbroken. “I wanted to speak with you about Cheyenne.”

Leonard stepped closer and squinted. “That a bite mark on your neck?”
Shit. Storm should have covered it with a bandage. “Yes, sir.”
“My daughter is a handful, isn’t she?”
“That’s what I wanted to speak with you about.”
“You want to come in?”
Storm needed to make this quick. Being around her dad wasn’t pleasant. “No.”
Cheyenne’s dad nodded to his wound again. “You should see someone about that. How are you

feeling? A bit under the weather, achy bones, and muscles?”

Storm was usually the one asking the health questions. “Yes. How did you know?”
“Bites can get infected if you aren’t careful. Chey did that?”
“Yes, and that’s what I need to discuss with you. I want to know if there is anyway that—”
“Save your breath, son. She’s spoken for.”
“I know that, sir, but I wondered if there might be—”
Leonard leaned his head back and laughed. “Do you really think you’re worthy of her? The man

with my daughter has to be a leader.”

“Like Chuck Lord? The man who tried to mol—”
“Yes, Chuck is perfect for her. He’ll make her a fine husband and be a good leader. Why, I expect

I’ll be a grandfather in no time.” He grinned.

Not if Cheyenne could help it. The thought of that asshole touching her had Storm’s blood boiling.

“Cheyenne doesn’t want to—”

“Save your breath. This marriage will be celebrated for a long time, and I’ll make sure Chey

serves Chuck well. As an Alpha’s wife, she’ll have to do whatever he asks of her. If he insists she
run around naked all day, then so be it. If the other men want to have a taste, that’s okay, too.”

Storm saw red. He clenched his fists so hard, his head began to spin. His vision blurred and his

bones seemed to be escaping from his body, forcing him to press his palms against the side of his
head to stop the blinding pain. Nothing he did calmed the intense sensations coursing through him.
Then as if a huge gust of wind swooped down, catching him up in a whirlwind motion, a bright light
flashed, and startled him.

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Next thing he knew, he was on the ground, and Leonard Snow was grinning.
“Hot damn. You are my daughter’s mate.”
Storm had no idea what the man was talking about. He tried to stand but couldn’t. When he

attempted to ask what was going on, only a whining growl came out of his mouth. He looked down at
his spotted paws and a fury worse than anything he’d ever experienced engulfed him. Holy fuck.
She’d turned him into a shifter. Only, he had no earthly idea how.

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Chapter Ten





She dried her hands on a dishtowel and rushed to answer the phone. She crossed her

fingers, hoping it was Storm. As soon as she looked at the screen, her shoulders slumped, but she
answered anyway. “Hi, Dad.” He wasn’t her favorite person right now.

“I did it!” His voice was triumphant. “Well, almost. The rest is up to you.”
She trod back to the kitchen to grab her iced tea and returned to the dining room to sit. “What are

you talking about?”

“Your young man came to visit me a short while ago.” The pride was still evident in his voice.
“Time out. Can you start from the beginning? Are we talking about Chuck or Storm?”
“Storm, of course. He showed up at the ranch around six this evening. As soon as I saw the bite

mark on his neck, I knew my ploy had worked.”

Her stomach turned and she sipped her tea to help calm the tumbling in her gut. “What ploy?”
“Sweetheart. You know I love you and would never make you do anything you didn’t want to.”
Indignation rose up. “Did you forget you’re making me marry Chuck?”
“I picked the most despicable man in our Clan on purpose. Hell, I’m surprised you’re still in


“Da-ad.” He could drive a person crazy with his roundabout way of telling a story. “Tell me what

happened with Storm.”

“When Storm came to me about you, I spotted the bite mark. After asking him the usual questions

about whether he was having any side effects, he said he was. I saw the way the two of you looked at
each other. I was hoping that by presenting you with a deadline you’d get motivated to find your

“My mate?” Now her head swam.
“Yes. Your mate. You bit him so you could turn him.”
No she hadn’t. She’d bitten him because she was turned on to the point of disintegrating if she

didn’t taste him. Warmth raced up her face at the memory. “That happened in the heat of the moment. I
never believed we were destined to be together.”

“Chey, Chey. I’m so sorry your mom wasn’t around long enough to explain the facts of becoming a

woman to you. I was stumbling through life raising a girl alone and running the Clan, and
unfortunately, I wasn’t always there for you. I missed making sure you learned some key points about
shifters, humans, and mating.” He cleared this throat. “I bet when you first saw him, you had this
undeniable urge to be with him.”

Ew. Her dad and she shouldn’t be talking about sex. “Dad, just tell me.”
He huffed out a breath. “When Storm started demanding answers, I lied to him to make him mad.”
Her heart jumped to her throat. Anger could bring on the change. “He shifted?”
“You bet. And what a beautiful creature he was.”
The shock took her breath away. “Was he upset?” Duh, that was a dumb question. Any human

would be pissed if he’d been turned into an animal against his will. Storm must think she was some
kind of witch.

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“Well…that’s why I called. Your young man is headed your way now. Be sympathetic.”
She slumped against the chair. She’d really messed things up now. “Thanks for the warning.”
“Hey, be happy. If you can be charming for a few months, you might get him to marry you.”
“Way to have confidence in me.” The words finally sunk in about the possibilities. “What about


“Trust me. I never would have let him have you. He’s scum.”
Now, her ire fired up. “Why didn’t you tell me about your grand plan beforehand?”
“Tell you that I wanted to light a fire under your feet to find someone? No way.”
“Da-ad.” A car pulled into her drive. “Storm’s here. Bye.” She pressed the off button.
She didn’t know whether to punch her father the next time she saw him or hug him. She raced to

the front door and yanked it open, prepared to meet the beast inside Storm Durant.

As he rushed past her into her living room, he didn’t say a word. Hands clenched and back

ramrod straight he finally turned around. “You knew?”

She figured he was referring to the fact that she’d turned him and held up her palms. “Not until my

dad just told me. I swear I didn’t bite you to turn you into a cheetah shifter. I would have asked you
first. Never in my wildest dreams did I think you were my mate.” That didn’t sound good, but it was
what she believed.

She ran her gaze up and down his body. He needed a shave, but he still looked good. Sympathy

swamped her. She’d never wanted to make him this upset.

He didn’t move, his face unreadable. “I want to throttle you within an inch of your life, and then

love you for the rest of time.”

His welcoming words—at least the second part of his sentence—flooded her body and infused

her with total joy. She grinned. “What are you waiting for, Doctor Durant?” Laughter bubbled up
inside her.

“Damn you, woman. I need a drink first. Don’t think I’ve forgiven you.”
Bullshit, he hadn’t. He was surprised, that was all. “Tell me what it felt like. I’ve been shifting

since I was young and don’t recall. Just like I don’t remember my first step.” She followed him into
the kitchen then pulled a beer from the fridge and handed it to him.

“I’ll admit it. It scared the shit out of me. If you’d warned me, I might have been able to cope


She shook her head. “Just so you know, I’ve only bitten one other person in my life and he didn’t

change. The guy tried. I honestly had no idea that was going to happen to you.”

Storm leaned against the counter and described the sense of losing his balance followed by the

disorientation. That hadn’t happened to her, at least not that she remembered. Then again, she was
only a few years old the first time.

Storm bit down on his lip. “I never would have thought it possible that one person could turn

another. I’m still trying to figure out how that works. Your dad tried to explain it, but it still makes no

She nodded. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up that we were soul mates. I honestly didn’t know

what having a soul mate felt like.”

Storm pulled her close. “I do now. Why else did I need you all the time, couldn’t stop thinking

about you, and am the happiest I’ve ever been when we’re together?”

Pleasure, ecstasy, and lust swirled in her veins. “Because I’m pretty cool?”

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He cracked up. “You are sassy, competitive, and headstrong.”
“I’m not sassy.” The other two traits fit. “I just don’t like to be taken advantage of.”
“Like this?” Storm leaned over and kissed her.
Now that the barriers were down, the floodgates of acceptance opened, turning her need into

rabid desire, and her burgeoning love burst forth. She cupped his head with one hand and drew him
even closer. She then undid the top button on his jeans almost as fast as she could sprint.

Storm clasped her wrists and broke the kiss. “Hey, slow down. I want to savor this moment.”
She wanted to take her time, too, and understood that she should relish this moment, but her

desperation prevented her. “It’s been too long already. I’m an animal who’s been denied what she
wants and needs. Take me, please.” Her urgent tone even frightened her a bit.

His eyes darkened into swirls of passion. Storm clutched her to his chest and ravaged her mouth,

darting his tongue in and out with promises of a future. She slid her hands around his back and under
his shirt. His warm skin seared her palms and turned her insides into pools of wicked lust.

“I want you naked,” she said, her eyes half closed.
“Then do something about it.”
If he wanted her to work for it, she had no problem, but hadn’t he just stopped her from doing just

that? Men.

Off went his leather jacket and then his shirt. Both landed on the floor at their feet. As much as she

wanted to taste his cock, his divine pecs drew her. She licked one of his nipples and then the other.

“Ten seconds. That’s all you’ve got before I take over.”
Storm needed to be in control, and Chey could handle that. “Shoes.”
She was barefoot, so she worked on his zipper while he kicked off his boots. He was all

motorcycled out. God, but this man was everything she’d ever dreamed of.

As soon as she opened his waistband, she crouched and yanked down his pants. He stepped out of

them, and then she went to town on his cock—licking, sucking, stroking, adoring. Bobbing her head on
his glorious dick, she grabbed his ass and tightened her hold. She swallowed to open her throat to
take in more of him, but he was too damned big.

Storm drew her up by the shoulders. “I can’t wait any longer.”
Chey lifted her hands over her head so he could divest her of her top. In a second, her shirt


Stormed licked his lips. “Pink. I like it.”
Instead of undoing the clasp in back, he lifted the bra over her tits, and then bent over. The first

lick had her nearly stumbling in its intensity. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs
around his waist. Oh, crap. She was still wearing pants. Chey should say something, but she was
soaring too high from his wonderfully sensual tugs and nips to take the time to disrobe.

He bit one nipple harder than usual and a sharp ache shot straight through her. When he nabbed the

other one, she dug her fingers into his back. Chey was about to comment on the roughness, but then the
slight discomfort morphed into pussy dripping pleasure.

Oh, my. “Don’t stop.” Storm’s lips and tongue were like rain to a parched desert. “I want you so


He set her down and fumbled with her pants while she tore off her bra. Damn thing was useless

anyway. Her bones cracked and the urge to shift nearly undid her, but she held off. The woman in her
had to claim him.

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Once she was naked, he drew her to eye level and kissed her hard. This time when she wrapped

her legs around his waist, she was rewarded with the pressure of his cock. With her feet against his
thighs, she rubbed her body up and down while devouring his mouth. Chey only broke the kiss for
more air.

“I swear I’d planned to take my time,” he said in metered breaths, “but I must be in heat. I think

when I shifted, all of my human hormones changed to animal ones.”

She laughed. “Welcome to my world.”
In one quick move, he impaled her. God help her. When his cock banged the back of her womb

and hit every erotic nerve on the way, her climax nearly swooped in. She tightened her walls to keep
him inside her, loving the friction, the tension, the lust that enveloped her.

“Careful, kitten. You’re playing with fire.”
Chey relaxed her body and rode him for all she was worth. Then Storm held her still, withdrew,

and drove into her again. And again. And again.

With the last thrust, her resolve broke and her climax descended. Dropping her head back, she

gulped in more air, enjoying how the ecstasy pummeled her.

She wanted Storm to hold her forever, but he finally set her down. She planted her palms on his

chest. “Wait a minute. You didn’t come.”

“Don’t worry about me. Remember, you still owe me a few climaxes. I plan to have you every

which way imaginable. Now turn around and hold on to the counter.”

She did as he asked, and when he slid her legs apart, she’d never felt as vulnerable. Air licked

her pussy and her tits pebbled. As his hands slid over her breasts, Storm’s chest met her back, and his
cock had no trouble finding its way down her slippery slope.

The first plunge took her breath away. How she could be this excited after having just come, she

didn’t know.

Oh yes, I do. This was Storm—her man—her mate.
“I want to love you the way you deserve. Thank you for turning my wishes into reality,” he


How romantic. Chey pressed her hips back to take in more. “Go.”
He chuckled. “I’m on the edge, but I will hold out. I have hours of loving in store for you.”
“Can’t…wait.” She lowered her head and held on tight for the wicked ride.
As Storm dragged his mouth across her shoulder and up her neck, sparks of ecstasy invaded every

part of her body, and goose bumps rippled across her skin. She wanted to touch and taste him, but all
she could do in this position was receive him.

And receive him she did. Bending her knees slightly, Chey opened her legs wider and leaned over

more. Storm slid one hand to her belly and teased the top of her pussy lips. The pressure from his
fingers pushed another climax to the precipice.

“Harder,” she gasped.
“Does my little cheetah girl liked to be fucked?”
“Only by you.” She loved when he talked dirty.
He moved both hands to her hips and thrust in again. Slowly, he eased out as if he wasn’t ready

for her to explode. The man seemed to enjoy bringing her to the edge and then stopping.

“Hurry, damn it.” Storm was insufferable.
“You’ll climax when I want you to climax.”

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He’d just told her that he wanted her to come as many times as possible. The man needed to make

up his mind. If memory served her, she owed him at least two more. Chey growled, and Storm
responded with a laugh.

He tunneled back in, but from the way he was grunting, Storm was holding on by a thin thread. He

lifted one hand from her hip, and she leaned back hard, driving his cock in farther.

“Damn it, Cheyenne.”
Just as his hot seed scorched her, her orgasm swept in. Together they gasped and yelled, the sound

ricocheting off the walls. She couldn’t move and she couldn’t think, but she’d never been happier.

Storm straightened and slipped out. “Don’t move.”
“Can’t anyway.” Chey rested her forehead on the counter.
He returned with a warm, wet towel and cleaned her, then twisted her around. “You make me

happy, Ms. Snow.”

“So now what happens?” He cocked a brow.
It took a moment for her thoughts to return to order. “Can you be more specific?” She couldn’t tell

if he was asking if she was ready to make a commitment or not.

He chuckled. “How about we get dressed first? If you’re naked, I can’t think.”
“Good idea. Since your cock’s still hard, I can’t think either.”

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Chapter Eleven





first to admit he was a little nervous about going to Cheyenne’s dad’s house for dinner.

While it was premature to be discussing the role of an Alpha, Storm wanted to know what obstacles
he’d be up against when he and Chey did marry—not that they’d discussed it yet—but when the time
came to propose, he sensed she’d say yes. After all, they were mates. The bite had proven that.

“Come in,” her dad beckoned.
The log cabin style home was two-story. Because the downstairs appeared quite large, Storm

wondered if her father had ever debated moving. Living alone had to be hard.

Once inside, Chey set the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter.
“You didn’t have to bring anything, but since you did, let’s open it.” Leonard located a corkscrew

and opened the bottle while Cheyenne retrieved three glasses from the cabinet next to the sink.

Her dad poured the wine and handed them their drinks. Perhaps because Storm needed the

emotional support, he wrapped an arm around Cheyenne’s waist. With wine in hand, she led him to a
comfortable looking sofa in the living room.

Storm leaned forward. “Can I ask you something, sir?”
Leonard swung around and waved a hand. “No need for any sir shit. Leo will do. Or dad.” He

winked then sat across from them.

“Leo, something has been bothering me.” A lot of things had bugged him, but Cheyenne had

answered the big question—why her dad had chosen Chuck in the first place. She explained that her
father had never intended for her to marry the man, in large part because he had tried to harm her.

Cheyenne squeezed his hand either for support or to make sure he was careful with what he said.

“When we last spoke, you mentioned that in your world, a woman has to obey her husband, and that if
he asked her to prance around naked, she had to do it.” It wouldn’t be an issue now, but he was
curious about the morals of the Clan.

Leo seemed to be working hard to keep the smile off his face. “What about it?”
“In my world, that’s plain wrong. A man and wife should be equal, so if this is the way cheetahs

behave, I’m not sure I want to be part of it.” He was bluffing. He’d never leave Cheyenne.

She was the one who cracked up first. “Dad, are you shitting me? You told him that?” She swiped

a tear from her cheek.

“Had to make the man mad, didn’t I? I tried to think of the most despicable thing I could.”
Reality dawned. “That was a lie?”
Leo nodded and smiled. “Oh, son. I didn’t know humans were that gullible. I can see my daughter

means the world to you, and that’s all I care about.”

She twisted toward him. “Dad needed to make you angry in order for you to shift the first time.”

Cheyenne smiled, stood, and then clasped his hand. “On that note, let’s eat. I can smell the chicken
and I’m starving.”

“Me, too,” Storm added. Looking like a fool wasn’t how he wanted to spend the evening.
The dinner was pleasant enough, except for the fact everyone skirted the issue of the role of the

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Alpha. He figured Leo didn’t want to make matters worse by bringing it up and chance embarrassing
his daughter. Given how long they’d known each other, her father had to realize theirs was a budding
relationship, or else Leo knew Storm wasn’t ready to totally forgive him for lying. However, if Storm
had never shifted, he never would have known he had the ability.

As soon as the meal concluded, Leo stood and picked up his plate. “I’m sure you two have better

things to do than hang out with an old man.”

“Nonsense, Dad. We had a good time.” Cheyenne glanced at Storm.
“Absolutely. Next time, maybe you can come over to…Cheyenne’s house.” Storm didn’t have a

grill at his.

Leo grinned. “Get going. I’ll clean up.”
Cheyenne pushed back her chair and led Storm to the front door. After she hugged her dad

goodbye and Storm shook his hand, they left.

He believed he was about to enjoy another amazing evening with Cheyenne, but he couldn’t have

been more wrong. Ten feet in front of the door stood Chuck Lord.

“Fuck,” Cheyenne said.
The beefy man had his thumbs hooked in his pockets looking relaxed, but Storm wasn’t fooled.

The tic around the man’s eye and his stiff shoulders proved the easy going pose was a sham.

Chuck approached. “Been waiting for you, Doc.”
Either Chuck needed medical attention or he wanted to draw the line in the sand and have a battle

to see who deserved to be the Alpha. That was not what Storm wanted, but if the ass came at him or
touched Cheyenne, he would fight. He’d done a bit of it in the service, not to mention he’d earned a
wrestling scholarship in undergraduate school.

Cheyenne stepped between them. “Go away, Chuck. You’ll never be Alpha. In fact, Dad never

intended for us to marry.”

Storm stiffened. “Cheyenne, I don’t need you to fight my battles. How about going back inside to

your dad?”

She spun around so fast that she emitted a flash of blinding light. Cheyenne had shifted. He didn’t

need this on top of dealing with Chuck.

When she bared her teeth at him, Chuck laughed and twisted toward him. “She told you, dude.”

His nemesis faced Cheyenne. “As for you, girl. Stay out of this.” His tone had turned brutally cold.

The whole situation was escalating. “What do you want Chuck?” he asked as calmly as he could


“You out of the way is what I want. And what I want, I get.” He looked over at Cheyenne again.
While he didn’t believe the man was capable of listening to reason, Storm had to try. By now, his

little cheetah was facing Chuck, the hairs on her back sticking up straight. “What Cheyenne said is
true. Her dad admitted that he made a mistake by pairing the two of you together.”

Chuck sneered. “Just because she turned you into a shifter doesn’t mean anyone will respect you

as their Alpha.”

His words stung. News of Storm’s transformation must have spread. He feared that might have

been the case, but he’d been up against prejudice before. “If all the cheetahs know that I might take
over for Leonard and are that upset about it, where are they?”

A flash of fear crossed his face. “Only a few know.”
Figures. From the man’s shifting gaze and the way he was playing with his shirttail, his claim was

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a blatant lie. “I’ll take my chances.”

“You aren’t married to her yet. I know she’ll get tired of you soon and come crawling back to me

—a real man.” Chuck tapped his chest.

From the smirk on his face, he seemed to believe his claim, and that irritated the hell out of Storm.

When the wannabe Alpha spun and shifted, so did Storm. Fuck, that hurt. Hopefully, with time, it
wouldn’t be so painful.

Before Storm could get in his fighting stance—assuming it was the same for animals as it was for

humans—Chuck charged and swiped a paw across Storm’s face, drawing blood. Cheyenne raced
around Chuck’s rear. Damn it. She needed to stay out of the way. This was between him and Chuck.

Hoping to draw him away from Cheyenne, Storm raced off toward the barn. While his stamina

was untested, given the poor condition of Chuck’s human body, Storm hoped he could outlast him. He
was pretty sure he’d find himself on the losing end of a pawing, scratching, biting fight if he stayed.

His strategy was to tire Chuck out before attacking. Some might say it was the coward’s way out,

but for him it was the only way to stay alive. So in circles he went, dashing around the barn a few
times. When Chuck gained on him, Storm changed direction and cut across the field. While Storm
could move phenomenally fast, he, too, was tiring, but so apparently was Chuck. When Storm
believed they’d were equally matched, he raced close to the ranch house to be on more even ground.

Oh, shit. Leonard was there with Cheyenne, both in full human form. One was smiling, the other

looked pissed. He shouldn’t be surprised. Cheyenne had been stinking mad.

While Storm was no expert on how cheetahs fought, he knew an animal’s neck was a vulnerable

spot. Even cheetahs had hearts, and hearts had arteries. While Storm had no desire to kill the man, he
wanted to show him he was worthy of being the Alpha.

Recalling how Chuck had attempted to assault Cheyenne, Storm let his anger fuel the adrenaline

already coursing through his system. He turned to attack, teeth bared and claws extended. While
Chuck tried to get out of the way, Storm was too quick for him. He bit Chuck on the neck and held on,
trying not to puncture anything vital. The whimper from his opponent convinced him Chuck was
giving up, so Storm let go.

With the Alpha watching, he figured Leo would have stepped in if he’d feared for either of their

lives. Chuck skulked off. What an ass.

Now he had to remember how to get back into human form. Concentrate. He glanced at Cheyenne

with her arms crossed over her chest, and her brows pinched. She was so adorable and all his. Poof.
He was suddenly in human form again. That wasn’t so bad after all. He loved that when he shifted
back, he was wearing the clothes he had on in the first place.

Cheyenne raced toward him. “Are you crazy? What were you thinking going after Chuck? He’s


That wasn’t the response he expected. “I won. Didn’t you notice? And besides, he shifted first.”
“That’s beside the point.” She ran her gaze from his head to toe. “He could have killed you.”
He did appreciate her concern. “Maybe, but I tired him out first. After that, his swipes lacked any


Leonard approached him and held out his hand. “Nice going, son. Smart move playing to his

weakness. Chuck never did have any stamina.” He placed a hand on Storm’s shoulder and leaned in
close. “Don’t worry about the four month deadline. Take a year if need be. I’ll step down when you
all are ready.”

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“I appreciate it.” Storm didn’t need the extension. There was no doubt in his mind that Cheyenne

Snow was the woman for him. “Ready to head back?” he asked her.

“Yes, but only because I need to teach you a lesson about fighting and strategy.”
He worked hard not to laugh. He was thinking more on the line of a long, slow seduction—

something they’d never had the patience for.

“You’re a better man than me, son. Hope you can tame the little hellion. I sure as hell was never

able to.”

Cheyenne planted a hand on her hip. “Da-ad.”
Leo shrugged. “Just stating the truth, hon.” He nodded in the direction of Chuck’s departure. “Just

so you know, you won’t have to worry about him again. I just told him to pack up and get out, that he’s
not welcome here. It’s a shame he didn’t listen sooner.”

“You kicked him out?” Cheyenne asked. “What makes you think he won’t come back? Chuck’s not

the type to let this go. He’ll want revenge.”

“I’ll make sure he stays away.”
She shook her head. “Easier said than done.”
Seeing this was upsetting her, Storm grabbed her hand and led her over to the motorcycle. “Come


When Storm handed her the helmet, she rolled her eyes then put it on. While Cheyenne loved to

ride and was a born biker babe, she didn’t care for caution.

Other than the fact his face still stung from the paw swipe, the ride home was sweet—just the two

of them and the open road. By the time they arrived at Cheyenne’s, his injury appeared to be healing.
Perhaps cheetahs had super healing power—another added benefit of coming to Hidden Hills.

As he let his mind drift to the next few hours of enjoyment, contentment settled over him. This was

where he needed to be—with Cheyenne Snow.

* * *

One month later





Chey said. They’d been practicing on and off for a month on fighting techniques, but

Chey wanted to be sure that Storm was at his peak performance should he be challenged again. So far,
Chuck hadn’t come back, but she had no doubt at some point he would.

Not that Storm had mentioned anything about marriage, but from his loving ways, he wanted to

give their relationship a chance. “As soon as I shift, I’m going to attack. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He grinned. “I’m ready. You first.”
Her man would never learn. Speed could kill. Their dog, Happy, an adorable two-year old Vizsla

mutt, bounded between them. He always wanted to play, especially when they were in cheetah form.
Chey picked up his chew toy and tossed it his way. Happy scampered toward it.

With their pet safely on the far side of the yard, Chey shifted and charged. Storm barely was able

to make the change before she reached him. Just as she was about to pounce, Storm scurried up a tree
and jumped from branch to branch like a monkey. Damn him. Two didn’t need to be playing on the
thin branches, and chance one of them falling, so Chey sat down to wait for him to come to his senses.
If she had wanted to harm him, she could have—maybe.

After a few minutes, she became tired of sitting and shifted back to human form. Storm did not.

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“Playtime’s over. Come on down.”

Storm growled. Two could play at this game. She kicked off her shoes and unzipped her pants.

Surely, he had to know what was on her mind. When he showed no signs of moving, she removed her
shirt. On purpose she’d worn no bra today, deciding it was time she torture him instead of the other
way around. Only after she pinched her nipples and licked her lips, did Storm get up from his perch
and ease his way to a thicker branch and stop. She wondered what it would take to get him to come to

Chey snapped her fingers. “Oh darn. I left my phone in the house. I need to call Chuck. I bet he’d

come over and lick my pussy.” That was cruel, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Like a cheetah on the hunt, he stealthily made his way toward her, crouching low. The dog barked,

and she giggled. With her gaze on Storm, she stepped out of her pants, making sure to drag down her
panties. Storm licked his lips.

“You can shift anytime now.”
His response was to growl.

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Chapter Twelve





the tree and came toward her. When he was underneath her, he lifted his head,

and sniffed her pussy, but she pushed him away. “St-orm.” Chey wanted the man, not the animal.

He skulked away and sauntered toward the house. For a moment, she wasn’t sure he could get the

screen door open, but he lifted onto his hind legs, swiped at the handle, and edged his way in. She
glanced at Happy to see if he’d follow Storm, but the dog seemed content to lounge in the fenced

Curious what Storm was up to, she picked up her clothes and followed him in. When she stepped

into the living room, Storm wasn’t there. “Where are you?”

No answer. Scuffles and mumbles came from the bedroom. Okay, she’d play his game. When she

pushed open the bedroom door, he was on the bed naked, leaning back against the headboard with a
grin on his face.

“What was that all about?” she asked.
“For what?”
He opened the side drawer and pulled something out, but his body shielded the object from view.

He patted the bed. “Come join me.”

Chey slid next to him. Wanting to see what he had in his hand, she straddled him. His cock was

already erect and her pussy dripped in expectation.

“Close your eyes,” he said.
She did, hoping he’d lean forward and ravage her breasts, and then titillate the rest of her body. It

startled her a little when he lifted her hand.

“Keep your eyes closed. I know this whole courtship started out as a diversion for you, but from

the moment I met you, I knew you were special. I hung in there, not for the incredible sex, but because
I adored your perseverance and spunk.”

When he slipped a ring on the fourth finger of her left hand, she snapped open her eyes. “Oh, my

God.” Her heart pounded. “It’s amazing.” The stone was a ruby, surrounded by three diamonds.
While she thought—or rather hoped—he’d propose, the surprise still took her breath away.

“It was my mother’s. My dad gave it to me after I graduated from medical school, and I can’t think

of anyone worthier than you. My mom would have been proud. Will you marry me, Cheyenne Snow?”

Tears ran down her cheeks. “Are you sure? I mean, I made you a cheetah, and now you have to

lead a pack.”

Storm gathered her in his arms. “I’ll show you just how sure I am. After all, actions speak louder

than words.”

The kiss that followed was tender, sensual, and so loving she never wanted to leave his arms. “I

love you, Storm Durant. Never in a million years did I think a human—or someone who used to be a
human—would want me. Of course, from the moment I met you, I could tell you were my mate.”

He laughed. “Nice try, kitten. You’ve readily admitted you had no idea.”
“Perhaps. Let’s say, I wished you were my mate.” Being with someone as smart as Storm had its

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drawbacks, but fate had decided they were destined for each other, and she couldn’t be happier. She
leaned forward, her hands on his chest. “Do you love me?”

He grinned. “More than life itself. How about keeping quiet and letting me make love to you the

way you deserve?”

“Fast and hard?”
He laughed. “How about I spend a few minutes enjoying how the fine hairs on your belly stand up

when I lick your pussy, or how your eyes swirl with the warmth of the sun when I tease each nipple
one at a time?”

She loved his poetic words. “As long as I can touch and knead your hard body, you can. For me, I

love when your muscles bunch and bulge when I lick your cock. Did I ever tell you that you have the
best set of abs and the most perfect ass in the world?”

“A few times, but I always love hearing it.”
“You’re conceited.” She tapped his nose.
“Only because I managed to snag the hottest girl in all of North Carolina.”
He sure knew how to make a woman’s heart beat fast. “I thought you didn’t want to talk?” With

that, she slid down onto her belly between his legs and drew his cock into her mouth.

Storm fisted her hair and tugged. “Jesus, kitten. Take it easy. I want to last.”
Chey understood the consequences if she pushed him too hard, but she adored his masculine scent

too much to stop. With one hand on his balls and the other on his hard shaft, she swirled her tongue
around and around until she was in a frenzy of need. Her tongue was halfway up his shaft, when Storm
grabbed her shoulders and flipped her on her back.

“Let’s see how well you handle yourself.”
He straddled her this time and cupped her breasts. His warm, callused palms rubbing against her

sensitive nipples made her body quake with waves of pleasure.

“Don’t stop.”
He smiled. “You’re so sensitive. I thought you could resist me.”
“I can’t.” There was no use denying it any longer.
Storm scooted off her legs and dropped to his belly, supporting himself on his elbows. He

pressed on one taut nipple and smiled when it bounced back. When he drew the tip into his mouth, her
arousal coiled tightly inside her. A simple touch could undo her so easily.

She gave him her best pout. “My pussy needs attention, too.”
“Your pussy always needs attention. Trust me, I will give you all the cock you want, but first, let

me enjoy your delicious body.”

Put that way, she could hardly deny him. Needing to touch him, she massaged his thickly roped

shoulders. The man was a walking erotic fantasy—and all hers. The knowledge that she could spend
the rest of her life with him heated her to the core. Chey arched her back and pressed her feet into the
mattress, yearning for more.

Storm must have sensed her urgency, for he slipped lower, but kept one hand on her breast. He

nipped each one of her folds, but not giving her exactly what she wanted. Then, as if he knew she was
on the brink, he licked her pussy. Too bad his touch was lighter than a feather and so damn frustrating.

“Lick me like you mean it.”
He looked up and laughed. “You are in no position to demand anything. This is my new

lovemaking technique. Slow. Easy. Controlled.”

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New? Torture wasn’t new. They’d used it since the Stone Ages. She wanted to argue that he

usually took her with unbridled passion, not with agonizingly slow tenderness. With his free hand, he
dragged his thumb on top of her mound, temptingly close to her clit. She was ready to explode.

“How about I ride you?” she panted. He loved that position, as did she.
“Not yet. Don’t you want to celebrate our union with hours and hours of loving?”
“Yes, but after I have your cock.”
His answer was to slide his pinky finger into her wet opening, which caused a rush of hot desire

to swamp her, but it failed to provide her with real satisfaction. Why wouldn’t he give her what she
wanted? She gritted her teeth, determined to last the onslaught of need.

When he added a second finger to the mix and swiveled it around, her body tingled in

anticipation. “Please, Storm.”

“Wimp.” He removed his finger and sucked hard on her pussy.
The temporary relief caused sparks of lust to trip up her spine. If he hadn’t rubbed her clit over

and over again, she would have been able to hold on. The sucking, the pressing, and the warm breath
over her hot skin was too much. Fingers of pleasure stabbed at her very being, setting off a cascade of
pulses that caused an orgasmic avalanche.

“Oh, oh, oh.” She dug her fingers into the bed and let loose.
When the last wave of ecstasy subsided, Storm sat up and grinned. “You’re easy.”
That was it. “You want to see easy?” Chey scooted out from under him. “Get on your back.”
“Ooh. I like a woman who tosses out commands. If I obey this time, you’ll have to return the


She didn’t care what he asked of her, just as long as she had his cock soon. If not, he’d really see

the Snow temper. “Just so you know, I’m taking no prisoners.” She climbed on top of him and
grabbed his cock. “I expect a long ass ride.”

“I make no promises.”
That wasn’t fair. He’d said he could make love for hours. Chey hovered over his cock, her

breasts inches from his mouth. Like a lizard hunting a fly, Storm’s mouth opened and captured a
breast. The first tug pinched, but the exquisite rush cascaded straight to her belly. She held his hard
shaft as she lowered her body, impaling herself an inch.

His eyes turned to molten steel. She couldn’t wait to see how he liked being tormented and teased.

With precision, she lowered her hips until his cock stretched her wide. Opening her pelvis to take in
more of him, she slid lower but then stopped.

Storm switched his attention to the other breast and grabbed her hips. His groan almost made her

relent and take him fully. But she had to stay strong. With focused willpower, she lifted up then
leaned over and kissed him, seeking the flavors she’d come to love—like fresh mint toothpaste—her

“My turn,” he growled. His large palms drew her hips downward. This time she let him take the

lead as she explored his mouth, tangling with his tongue. His cock pierced her, sending greedy licks
of pleasure straight through her. Pinpricks of light burst from behind her eyelids and she succumbed to
his will.

“I want you so bad,” she gasped.
“Then have at me.”
Chey dug her nails into his skin and rode him hard. With each thrust, her pussy became more

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inflamed with need. Her slick channel welcomed him as the two of them let loose their inner animal.
Scorching desire encompassed her as she let herself thrill to the pounding. The need to become one
with him surged through her. She clamped her mouth on his shoulder and bit down hard.

Storm gasped. “You are all mine, kitten, forever.”
Heat seared her body from head to toe as he lifted up and drove into her. Storm pulled her close

and aimed his mouth on her shoulder and bit her, too. The intensity brought her to an epic climax, her
body trembling and shuddering.

She screamed while Storm dropped back his head and moaned. When his hot cum exploded and

seared her, she closed her eyes, letting the glorious release take her to a place she’d never been. Chey
was half woman, half animal, relishing the man in her arms.

Time stood still as his love poured over her. When they finally uncoupled, Storm lifted her left

hand and nibbled on her ring. “I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me.”

“You’ve made me happier. I never thought I’d meet someone as wonderful as you.”
He lifted his chin. “You’re right. After all, I did save you from a life with Chuck.”
He smiled. “Rest assured, I’ll be collecting on that debt for a very long time.”
Chey hugged him tighter. “I’m counting on it.”

The End

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MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

Promises of Mercy

(book 1)

Foundations For Three

(book 2)

Montana Fire

(book 3)

Hart To Hart

(book 4)

ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

Montana Desire

(book 1)

Awakening Passions

(book 2)

PACK WARS (Paranormal)

Training Their Mate

(book 1)

Claiming Their Mate

(book 2)

Rescuing Their Virgin Mate

(book 3)

Box Set

(books 1-3)

Loving Their Vixen Mate

(book 4)

Fighting For Their Mate

(book 5)


An Unexpected Diversion (book 1)

Bare Instincts (book 2)

Shifting Destinies (book 3 coming soon)

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Author Bio

Want a FREE book? Sign up for my newsletter and receive MONTANA DESIRE.



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Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am
always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after,
I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in
the world (of course).

You’ll find me most days on my chaise lounge with my laptop and my iced tea(unsweetened!) on

the side table. I love to sleep in late and write into the wee hours. I also love FB, so you’ll find me on
there, too!

I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband,

who happens to be hot!

Fun facts about me

(1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

(2) I’m addicted to taking pictures (I taught high school photo for 30 years). I plan to periodically

post some of my favorites on my newsletter [so sign up!].

(3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I walk with different women each week,

I teach Pilates twice a week at a local rec center, and lift weights the other days.

I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

Social Media Sites













Document Outline


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