Hidden Hills Shifters 4 Embracing Fate Vella Day

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Embracing Fate

Hidden Hills Shifters

Book 4

Vella Day

Copyright © 2015 Vella Day

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Copyright © 2015 by Vella Day

Kindle Edition



Cover Art by Scott Carpenter/Sahara Kelly

Edited by Rebecca Cartee and Carol Adcock-Bezzo

Published in the United States of America

E-book ISBN: 978-1-941835-13-5

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission of the author except in the case of brief questions embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are

used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is

entirely coincidental.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Other Books by the Author

About the Author

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Chapter One







stalked down the alley behind the Cove Bar in his panther form,

patrolling the area for potential crimes. The slightly warm breeze on the moonless
evening invigorated him just like being alone in his life did. While he didn’t anticipate
much action on a Thursday night, he remained vigilant.

When he reached the main drag of the small town, he stopped and sniffed, trying to

detect any humans nearby. Shifters didn’t flaunt their presence by strutting down the
street in animal form, so before he shifted back to a human, he wanted to make sure no
one was watching. He’d already shocked one elderly lady to death in Virginia when he
changed right in front of her, turning from his panther form to that of a bear. Cord had
cursed each and every day since then for his unique talent.

Once human, he proceeded down the street, keeping an eye out for any strange

behavior. Other than the noise coming from the Cove Bar, Hidden Hills, North Carolina
appeared to have settled in for the night.

He still couldn’t believe he’d only arrived six months ago and that the small town had

grown on him so fast. No one bothered him much, and that suited him just fine.

Just when he thought he could head home, the faint scuffling of feet, followed by

grunts sent his adrenaline soaring. Something was going down a few blocks away—and it
didn’t sound good.

He sprinted to the next crossroad and ducked down the darkened alley, feeling like

goddamn Superman, needing to change in private. Wanting to reach the possible
altercation as quickly as possible, he chose to shift into his panther form instead of
becoming a lumbering bear.

As he raced toward the fight, his senses caught the whiff of blood. Muscles burning, he

stretched and pumped, his feet gaining purchase on the alley’s hard packed gravel. Fists
striking bone jacked up his urgency. When he reached Harper and Fur Street, he halted
then crouched down, wanting to assess the situation before he charged in. It was a dark
night, and the lamp dangling from one of the walls probably wasn’t enough to expose his
position, but he stayed out of sight just in case. The precaution wasn’t strictly necessary
because the attackers seemed too busy beating the living crap out of someone to notice

“Pay what you owe, you little fucker, or the next time we’ll kill you,” the man in the

flannel shirt shouted as he punched the man in the gut again.

Oh, shit. This was more than a random mugging. Cord had three choices at this point.

One, change into a human and fire a few warning shots to make them stop. Two, stay in
panther form and charge, teeth bared, hoping they’d hightail it out of there, or three, shift
into his bear form. The latter seemed the safest bet in case they were armed.

Right now, Cord was glad he could make the transformation without emitting the

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signature blinding blue flashing light, like every other shifter in the world. The muscle
stretching and bone cracking hurt like a mother whenever he went from panther to bear,
but he had little choice.

Once shifted, Cord stood tall and pawed his furry arms in the air. He roared then

inhaled to memorize their stench.

The attackers released the man, and he fell into a heap at their feet. The one in the

flannel shirt shouted a few obscenities, the second one—wearing a backward baseball
cap—looked like he was ready to piss in his pants, and the third man froze. As much as
Cord wanted to arrest all of their sorry asses, he needed to help the injured man first.
He’d track down the assailants later. If the beaten man owed them money, he probably
knew these goons, so finding them shouldn’t be difficult.

“Run,” Mr. Flannel Shirt shouted as he took off down the alley. His two other partners

in crime quickly followed. Thankfully, no shots were exchanged.

As soon as the attackers disappeared from view, Cord returned to his human form and

rushed over to the man, who didn’t look much more than a kid. After a few moans and a
litany of swearing, the man rolled onto his side then tried to stand. Most likely, he had a
cracked rib or two from all those blows and needed to stay still.

“Take it easy,” Cord said, guiding him back to the ground.
The man spit out a mouthful of blood and pressed a palm to his ribs. “Mother fuckers

robbed me.”

For good reason. If what they had said was true, more than likely the men were trying

to get their due. Cord tapped the mic on his shoulder to contact dispatch, gave them his
location, and requested an ambulance. While the young man might object to a trip to the
hospital, the cut chin would surely require stitches.

“The ambulance will be here soon. What’s your name, son?”
“Brody Capshaw and I’m not your son. I’m not a freak.” That came out with a lot of

contempt, but underneath, Cord could sense the boy was scared. He didn’t need to be an
empath to figure out that much. To be honest, this was the first time anyone in this
accepting town had shown him animosity.

“You’re lucky I was the one to rescue you. Most humans wouldn’t have gone against

three men.” His attitude hardly came out professional, but he wasn’t in a generous mood

Brody turned away, swiped at his lip, and then touched his eye that was now swollen

shut. Cord bet Brody had no idea how close he’d come to dying, and as much as Cord
wanted to lecture him about the perils of taking on more debt than he could afford, he
figured right now, that little talk would land on deaf ears.

The ambulance arrived less than five minutes later, and after a bit of persuading on

Cord’s part, Brody let the paramedics place him on the gurney.

“I’ll follow behind,” Cord told the driver.
Not only did he need Brody’s statement, he was worried about the kid. Cord had

exhibited a lot of the same anti-social behavior growing up, but his stint with the DEA had
helped give him a better perspective on life.

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Once the ambulance took off, Cord jogged back to his unmarked SUV. He didn’t hurry

though, since he probably couldn’t get in to see the kid until after the doctors checked
him out.

By the time he parked and entered the emergency room area, his own anger had

surfaced. He’d seen too many kids throw their life away, all under the name of trying to
be a man.

Cord strode up to the nurses’ station and flashed his badge. “I need to take Brody

Capshaw’s statement. Can you let me know when I will be able to speak with him?”

To ensure entrance, Cord could have mentioned Brody was a possible suspect in a

crime, but he had no proof the kid had done anything illegal, other than get in over his

The woman tapped her computer. “They just took him into X-ray. If you won’t be long,

you can speak with him while they’re readying the machine.” She directed Cord toward
the proper hallway.

He planned to ask for the attacker’s names, jot down the boy’s address, and head

back to his apartment. He’d fill out his report tomorrow.

As he neared the X-ray department, his head started to throb, and strange sensations

of despair and anger filtered toward him. Panthers in general could tell when a person
was lying or if they were distressed, but this was different. Too often, his bear side
interfered with his abilities, reminding him once more how different he really was.

When he reached the Diagnostic Imaging Department, the admissions nurse stopped

him. He told her he needed to speak with Brody for a moment.

“I don’t think you should go in there.”
She was probably worried the X-rays would harm him. They wouldn’t. “I won’t be


He flashed her his badge, and that seemed to do the trick. She told him Brody was in

room number three. As Cord neared, more unnamed feelings coursed through him, but he
chalked it up to not having eaten in while. Whenever he changed into his bear form, he
used a lot of energy.

Cord lightly tapped the door, and the second he stepped inside, an unexpected wave

of sexual energy assaulted him. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen stood over
Brody. She was tall, with long auburn waves tied loosely behind her neck. She had a
delicate face and the most exquisite moss green eyes he’d ever seen. A combination of
anguish and frustration rolled off her in waves. He’d never received this kind of reading
from anyone before, but he didn’t have time to wonder why.

Her nametag read Piper. “Piper, I need to ask this young man some questions about

his attack.”

She stood back and a look of indignation crossed her features. “Officer, you’ll have to

come back another time. He’s injured, and I need to X-ray his ribs and face.”

Surely, Piper had many patients in need of medical care, but this one seemed

particularly important to her.

“It will only take a moment.” Cord never pleaded. He often threw some archaic rule at

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the person, and they obeyed. This time, however, he didn’t.

Piper stood up straighter and glared at him. “Please leave.”
Her posturing triggered a deep-seated need in him, but he refused to do anything

about it—yet. “This man was robbed tonight. If I locate his wallet, I want to be able to
return it to him.” That was lame, but he wanted to appeal to her caring nature.

“If you find my brother’s wallet, his address will be inside.”
Brother? That explained her unusual reaction. He turned to Brody. “When you’re

feeling up to it, please come down to the station and file a complaint against the men.”

Brody nodded then glanced away. If the man didn’t show, Cord knew where to find his


The thought of the woman made his teeth lengthen and the fur poke his skin. Christ,

he was ready to shift. Perhaps the X-ray machine was giving off radiation waves that
were affecting him. If he didn’t leave now, there was no telling what might happen.

“Stay in touch,” he told Brody.
Before either said anything, he rushed out, not wanting to address what had

happened. If he believed what his panther Clan claimed, Cord had just found his mate,
and he couldn’t be more displeased.

* * *





upset with the cop and intrigued by him at the same time. She’d never seen

a more arresting man in her life. Not only was he tall, if the way he filled out his uniform
was any indication, he was packed with muscles. Those dark hooded eyes and close-
cropped black hair did something to her soul. Someone that large had to be a bear
shifter, but surely her friend Tasha would have told her about him—assuming he wasn’t
married. Her three best friends were all shifters and were constantly trying to fix her up.
If she had any say in who she wanted, she’d pick this man.

Right now, though, Piper needed to focus on Brody. “Let’s X-ray your ribs first.” She

positioned him on the platform that she then tilted into a horizontal position. Once
satisfied, Piper stepped into the small windowed room and pressed the button. After
taking a few more images, she studied the results. While she couldn’t see any obvious
break, she’d leave it up to the doctor to decide.

“Now for your cheek.”
After repeating the process, and finding nothing obviously wrong, she was satisfied

her brother would be okay.

“Want to tell me what happened?” she asked Brody. He’d stumbled into trouble his

whole life and she’d always claimed it was because their parents divorced when he was
fourteen. She kept waiting for him to grow up, but so far, he was avoiding it.

“I was jumped by three men who stole my wallet and beat me up. I did nothing


She’d heard this claim many times before. “Did you mouth off to them?” Brody might

be twenty-three, but he often acted like a teenager.

“No. Ow.” He placed a hand on his cheek. “You’re no better than that cop, who by the

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way is a total freak.”

Her pulse jumped. “What are you talking about?”
“One minute he was a panther and the next he was a bear.”
She shook her head. “Hidden Hills doesn’t have panthers, and secondly, shifters only

shift into one animal.” Or so her friends had said.

“I tell you this guy is different.”
Piper refrained from rolling her eyes. “You noticed him doing this while three men

were mugging you?”

He shrugged then winced.
“Slide back onto the gurney.”
“I can walk back.”
With that kind of attitude, Brody might head straight home and drink himself into a

stupor instead of letting the doctor fix him up. Given how messed up his face was, all
those blows to the head must have rattled something inside.

“Fine. Since my shift is over, I’ll walk you back to the room.” She didn’t trust him not

to leave. She picked up the X-rays to deliver to the doctor and studied her brother’s poor
posture. Someone sure had done a number on him. “They’ll probably want to do
something about the cut on your chin.”

“I’m good.”
Poor Brody. “If you don’t let them stitch you up, the wound could get infected. Do you

want the women to look the other way when you walk into a bar?” She knew what would
get to him.

As soon as Piper led her brother down the hallway toward his exam room, she spotted

the officer who’d saved him, and wondered if he planned to stay there until Brody was

Uh-oh. She hoped he wasn’t waiting around to arrest Brody. He’d been the victim, not

the attacker, or so her brother had claimed.

The man caught sight of her and her pulse soared sending flutters beating against her

belly. She’d never seen a more handsome man. The fact he was a powerful shifter and an
officer of the law appealed to her. Sure, she’d always told her friends she wanted a rich
man, but what she’d meant was that she wanted someone who could support himself.

No way was he single, though. She couldn’t be that lucky.
Not wanting to act all fan-girl on him, she escorted Brody to the exam room. “Will you

need a ride back to town for your car?”

Piper wished there was something else she could do for her younger brother. He

always seemed so troubled. “I’ll wait for you then.”

Brody smiled then winced. As she stepped from the room in search of his doctor, she

glanced back at the nurses’ station where the hunky savior had been standing, but he
was gone. Disappointment swept through her, but she was glad he’d left Brody alone.

Piper felt bad. She’d been rude to him when all he’d wanted was to ask Brody a few

questions. If she ever saw the officer again, she’d apologize. Surely, he’d understand that

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she was upset over her brother’s injuries.

Brody said the man had shifted into a bear. Not only was one of her friends, Tasha, a

bear shifter, Emmaline had recently married one. Between them, they would surely know
this man’s name—and Piper had every intention of finding it out and speaking with him.

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Chapter Two





much socializing since moving to town, but he’d made friends with Dr.

Storm Durant when he’d had the department’s physical. A few of the men where Cord
worked were aware of his unique double-shifting talent, but it wasn’t something he went
around telling people. Because Storm was his physician, Cord had mentioned his ability to
shift into either form, hoping Storm knew of other cases—but he hadn’t. Thankfully, his
new friend didn’t treat him any differently because of it.

“Glad you wanted to go out,” Storm said as they entered the Cove Bar. “I think I

mentioned it a while ago, but Cheyenne is with her dad. Today is the anniversary of her
mom’s death. They always spend it together, and I didn’t feel like sitting home alone.”

“I hear ya. I was glad you called. I had a long day and could use a drink to unwind.”
It was not quite seven, yet the music was already rather loud. Cord was glad there

were a few empty tables. In the mood to watch rather than interact, he suggested they
sit against the wall.

Cord hadn’t been kidding about having a long day. After he’d filled out his incident

report on the Brody Capshaw beating, he’d gone in search of the man’s missing wallet.
Having been near Brody for close to an hour yesterday, the man’s scent was fixed in
Cord’s brain. Once he shifted and used his keen sense of smell, he found the wallet rather
quickly. The attackers had tossed it behind the dumpster, but when he picked it up, it had
been streaked with a rancid goo.

No surprise, the wallet was empty, confirming that Brody had been robbed. Not only

had they taken his money, they’d also snatched any credit cards he might have had, his
driver’s license, and everything else. That meant Cord didn’t know where Brody lived, and
he wasn’t hopeful the kid would stop by the station on his own. However, a DEA agent for
many years, Cord was good at tracking people and would find him eventually. He could
always waltz into the hospital and ask Piper for her brother’s information, but he wasn’t
sure he could handle being around her without doing something inappropriate.

Before they snagged one of the empty tables, they ordered a couple of beers at the

bar. While they waited, Cord wanted to find out if Storm had any info on the sexy nurse
lady. He normally wouldn’t have asked, but Piper had been on his mind all day.

“By any chance, do you know Piper Capshaw?” She and Storm were both in the

medical field, so it was possible they’d interacted.

“Sure do. She’s friends with Cheyenne in fact, but I met her before my wife did.”
Storm seemed to be suppressing a smile. “The first time was when I had to take in a

young boy who’d broken his leg, and I was impressed with her caring nature. She works
in the Diagnostic Imaging Department at the hospital.”

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Cord nodded. “I met her there last night when I had to speak with a mugging victim

who was in there for X-rays. As soon as I stepped into her area to find out some info from
this guy—who turned out to be her brother—she asked me to leave—and she wasn’t all
that pleasant about it.”

“Wouldn’t you be upset if one of your siblings have been injured? I know Brody means

the world to her.”

“I thought that might be the case.” Actually, he’d sensed how much her brother meant

to her, which made it more difficult to push her image aside.

Storm cocked a brow. “You interested? She’s single by the way.”
He refused to address the quick change in his pulse. “Nope, just curious that’s all.”

Cord grabbed his beer and headed to one of the empty tables along the wall.

“Uh, huh, sure.” Storm smirked and followed him.
Christ. He never should have brought it up. He’d only asked on the off chance that

Storm would say she was some kind of witch or something.

For most of the day, he’d studied his reaction to her and didn’t like his conclusion.
To confirm his suspicion, he’d called his dad and asked what kind of reactions one

would have when finding one’s mate. What his dad described pretty much matched how
he’d felt the moment he was near her. Cord thought that given his oddities, he’d only be
able to mate with another panther or bear, but his father said it was not uncommon for
their kind to be attracted to other species—like humans.

When he was younger, he’d asked his dad what would happen if he bit a human. His

father said that for a normal panther, if a human woman were his true mate, she’d
become a panther. Since Cord was part bear and part panther, his father said he had no
idea what a bite would do to her. Dad had always said it would be best if his true mate
were another animal beside human—as if he had a choice.

The whole discussion with his dad had left him depressed. Cord needed a mate like he

needed to be able to shift into a chipmunk or a snake—though the latter might prove
useful at some point. If Piper learned that Fate had paired them, and then found out
about his flaws, she wouldn’t want him, and the rejection would hurt even worse.

* * *





well last night, not only because she kept thinking about that hunky man

and all the things she’d like to do with him, but because she was worried about Brody—
not just the beating, but why he was always in trouble. She wondered what else she
could do to make things better without enabling him. He always seemed strapped for
cash, but giving him what little she earned wouldn’t help him become more personally

She’d called Brody earlier today, and when he didn’t answer his cell, she thought

something else had happened. She then called the garage where he worked, and he was
there. Apparently, he’d forgotten to pay his cell phone bill, and they’d cut off his service.
When she asked about his injuries, he claimed he was fine, though a few times during the
conversation, he’d sucked in a big breath, as if he were in pain. She tried to convince him

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to fill the prescription the doctor had given him, but he said pain meds were for wusses.

At least she’d tried.
It was Friday night, and she often went out with her girlfriends and their spouses, but

tonight she wasn’t in a festive mood. On the other hand, she did want to find out about
that hot cop and learn his story.

Before Piper could come up with a plan, her cell rang. Immediately, she thought of

Brody and that something else had happened. When she located her cell, she sighed in

“Hey, Tasha.”
“Hey, I called to see how Brody was doing.”
Piper had been so upset this morning that she’d called her friend during her lunch

hour. “He says he’s fine, but I haven’t seen him to judge for myself.”

“I’m sorry. I have something that might cheer you up. Guess who just came into


“Don’t tell me Em is here.”
“Fantastic.” Excitement jetted through her.
For the last two months, their friend Emmaline had been living in Pittsburgh with her

husband, Wade Black. Because he had financial customers in Hidden Hills, they
periodically returned, but when they’d last spoken, Em didn’t think she and Wade would
make it down for another few weeks.

“She just called and said she and hubby would be at the Cove Bar tonight.”
Now Piper definitely had to go. “I can’t wait to see what she looks like.” Em should be

about six months pregnant by now.

“Me, too. How about I pick you up in thirty minutes?”
“Perfect.” While Piper could have driven, Tasha often chose to be the designated

driver, and that suited her just fine, especially since Piper could use a drink or two
tonight. “See you soon.”

Because she had the time, Piper didn’t rush to get ready. The bar was often stuffy on

a Friday night, so she wore a tank top under a cute little sweater, and even though she
was tall, she went with her booted heels, which fit snuggly over her tight jeans. For
makeup, she applied her usual light touch.

When she was satisfied with her look, she clicked on a few strategic lights around the

house to discourage any intruders then waited by the front window for Tasha to arrive.
Right on time, her friend drove in and flashed her lights. Piper locked up and headed out.

The passenger seat was empty, so she slipped in front. Tasha had only been married

for three months, and it was rare to see her and Burke apart. “Where’s your hubby?”

“He wanted to come with me, but his dad needed help with something. He’ll try to

stop by later.”

Burke was such a nice guy. Because Em and Wade would probably talk about the birth

of their upcoming child, Piper decided to ask Tasha about the mysterious shifter before
they arrived at the bar.

“Did I mention that a bear shifter saved Brody?”

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“No.” Tasha glanced at her. “What’s his name?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before.”
“Really? Can you describe him?”
If she admitted how sexy he was, Tasha might leak it to Burke, who would probably

speak with the man. “He’s like Burke. Hot. How many bear shifters are there on the Force

“Not many, but I can ask Dram about him.”
She didn’t know who that was, but it didn’t matter as long as she learned the hot cop’s

name. “I’d appreciate it.”

Tasha was lucky enough to find a parking spot close to the front entrance, and Piper

couldn’t wait to see her friend. “Did Em say when they were arriving?”

“They should be here any moment, if they aren’t already.”
They’d barely entered when Piper glanced across the room to look for her friend and

saw him. It was almost as if she sensed his presence. Piper stopped and grabbed Tasha’s
arm. “Oh, my God. There he is!” she whispered.

Tasha looked around. “Where?”
Not wanting to make a scene, she moved in front of her friend, keeping her back to

the cop. “He’s with Storm, and they’re at a table against the far wall. What do you think I
should do?” She knew she was acting like a teenager, instead of a twenty-nine year-old
woman, but she couldn’t help it. He could be the man of her dreams—assuming he wasn’t

Tasha looked over her shoulder. “Oh, my, I see what you mean. He’s quite the looker

in a troubled sort of way. No, I don’t know who he is. You’re certain he’s a bear shifter?”

“That’s what Brody said. Then again, he thought the man was a panther, too. Can you

believe that?”

“No, but there’s one sure way to find out.”
“What’s that?”
“We ask him.”
Piper placed a hand on Tasha’s arm, not ready to confront him yet. “I plan to

apologize for my behavior, but I need a moment to compose myself.”

Tasha laughed. “Come on. Let’s find a table and order drinks. When you’re ready, we

can head on over.”

That worked for her, assuming the man didn’t walk out when he noticed her. He

seemed to be good at disappearing.

They grabbed a large table as far from Storm and the mystery man as possible, and

then she waved at the waitress to nab her attention. Piper needed a drink badly. She sat
across from Tasha, leaving room for Emmaline and Wade when they showed up. If Burke
stopped by when he was done with his dad, there would also be room.

Tasha smiled. “I’ve never seen you so flustered before. What gives?”
“I can’t explain it. I wasn’t in a good place when I first met him. One of the nurses

wheeled Brody in on the gurney and I nearly lost it.”

Tasha placed a hand over hers and gently squeezed. “Anybody would be upset. He’s

your brother. But what about this man has you so flustered?”

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“The moment he walked in, it was almost as if I forgot that my brother was there. He

seemed to look straight through me, as if he knew what I was thinking. I know this
sounds crazy, but I swear I could almost see my own pain reflected in his face.”

Before Tasha could comment, the waitress came over. “What can I get you ladies?”
Right now all Piper wanted was a strong drink. “I’d like a martini with a twist of lime.”
Tasha ordered an iced tea, not commenting on Piper’s choice of beverage, which was

usually a beer.

“Now you’ve got me curious,” Tasha said once the waitress headed back to the bar.

“What else did you notice about him?”

Piper didn’t know whether she should just spit it out or hide her feelings, but Tasha

was one of the most open-minded women she’d ever met.

“I have absolutely no basis for my feelings, but I think he may be the one for me.”
Tasha’s mouth opened and then closed. “I’m happy for you. So what are you going to

do about it?”

“Assuming he’s available, I’m going to seduce him.”

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Chapter Three





his chair and stood. “I need to go.”

Storm reached out and grabbed his arm. “We just got here. Sit down and tell me

what’s wrong.”

Storm was one of the few people he’d met who he actually trusted. The man had

been a human his whole life until his mate changed him into cheetah shifter. That had to
have been unsettling, yet he seemed fine with the transformation.

Cord sat down but kept his gaze averted from Piper. “She’s here.”
Storm’s face brightened, and he twisted around. “Where?”
“Against the other wall, but don’t look now. She’ll know I’m talking about her.”
Storm turned back to face him and chuckled. “What? Are you back in high school? If

you want to get to know her, I’ll introduce you.”

Cord couldn’t chance it. He might as well explain the real reason. Of all people, Storm

would keep the information confidential. “You can’t mention it to anyone—especially

“Piper is my mate.”
Storm leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. “Well, I’ll be damned. I didn’t

think you were looking for anyone.”

“I’m not. You know what my issues are. I can’t imagine a human would want someone

like me.”

“What are you talking about? You have a steady job, you protect people, and you’re a

shifter in a town where more than half the people are as well.”

“You don’t get it. It’s complicated.”
Storm waved a hand as if to erase his objection. “She knows all about our kind, and

she’s fine with it.”

“You know my concerns.”
“The only way to find out if Piper has any interest in you is to go over and say hello.”

He twisted back around. “Okay, we’re stopping over there now.” Storm stood. “Two of my
good friends, Emmaline and Wade, are back in town, and I want to say hi.”

A pregnant woman and her husband sat down at the table with Tasha and Piper. “You

go ahead.”

“Cord Triggert, I never took you for a coward.”
He wasn’t a coward—just careful. “If I’m near Piper, my body starts doing strange

things.” His teeth would begin to extend and his cock would turn painfully hard.

Storm laughed. “You don’t think the same thing happens to me when I’m around

Chey? I get it, man. Just because I was born a human doesn’t mean I’m immune when
I’m around my wife.”

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Cord had been told that this intense physical reaction would lessen over time. If he

walked out now, not only would that look bad, it wouldn’t help make him any more
immune to her. “Fine, but I’m not staying long,” Cord said.

Storm picked up his beer and headed over to the large table. Cord followed.
As he approached, Piper looked up, and a surge of intense lust almost made him miss

a step. Fuck. He should just tell her she’s his mate, but not to worry—they didn’t have to
be together because it would never work. She’d say thanks for the warning, and all would
be good.

Right and all criminals would leave town permanently in the next thirty seconds.
As if Storm was trying to push his buttons, he left the seat next to Piper free, and then

greeted his friends. “Everyone, this is Cord Triggert. He’s one of Hidden Hills’ Finest, and
he’s also a bear shifter, if you can’t tell.” Storm looked at Piper, as if he said it for her

Most shifters couldn’t detect his dual shifting species. They sensed the bear in him,

but not the cat. From what he could tell, there were no panthers in town, making him
even more of an oddity.

Not wanting to come across as a jerk, Cord painted on a smile and sat down. “Nice to

meet you all.”

He didn’t dare look over at Piper. Not only was her linen scent driving him to

distraction, he could feel her gaze on him. Her mere presence heated him up.

Storm lifted his drink. “I’d like to toast Cord. Yesterday, while on duty, he heard three

men attack a man, and when he rushed to save him, he successfully fended them off.
While the downed man had to be rushed to the hospital, he was released after a few

Cord wanted to kill him. He never did anything for the notoriety. Hell, he’d worked his

whole life to stay under the radar.

Emmaline sucked in a big breath. “Oh, that’s wonderful. You’re a town hero.”
Cord inwardly groaned and mentally calculated when he could safely leave.
“There’s more to the story,” Piper said. “The man Cord saved was my brother.”
If Cord could have disappeared, he would have. The chatter began, and when Wade

insisted on hearing the details, Cord saw no way out of it. Making sure not to mention he
was in his panther form, he told them how the three men had run off when he growled at
them. Thankfully, everyone at the table laughed.

Piper sipped her drink. “This may not be the best time, but I need to apologize to our

officer here for how I handled myself when he came to check up on Brody.” She placed
her palm on his hand, igniting his body on fire.

As much as he wanted to withdraw it, he couldn’t. Her touch mesmerized him.

“There’s nothing to apologize for. You were upset that your brother had been injured, and
I should have sensed that and come back later. I’m the one who should apologize.” He
was pleased with the way he handled that, especially since his body was close to
exploding with need.

“So where are you from, Cord?” Wade asked, almost breaking the spell between him

and Piper.

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Thankful for the interruption, he slid his hand from hers and faced Wade. He liked

these people and didn’t want to lie to them, but he wasn’t in the habit of giving out too
much information. “I’m from Virginia.”

“Were you in law enforcement there?”
The truth would come out eventually. “I worked for the DEA for many years.”
Storm leaned forward. “Like myself, he became a little tired of the rat race, and when

a job opened up, he jumped at the chance to move here.”

Maybe he’d keep Storm on as a friend, after all. It didn’t matter that his decision

hadn’t been that easy. The conversation turned to Emmaline’s baby, and Cord was able
to relax until Piper spoke or laughed. Then his senses heightened once more.

About an hour later, Tasha’s husband, Burke, joined them, and this seemed like a

good time to leave. He pushed back his chair. “I’ve had a long day. It was nice meeting
all of you.”

Piper reached up and touched his arm. “Is there any chance you could give me a ride

home? Tasha drove me, and I don’t want her to leave now that Burke is here.” She
yawned, but he sensed it wasn’t real.

His first instinct was to ask if Storm could drive her, but he recognized that would

sound rude. Had Piper been anyone other than his mate, he would’ve been happy to take
her home.

“Where do you live?” It didn’t really matter, but he needed to say something.
“About four miles west of here. Is that out of your way?”
He didn’t want to lie. “No, it’s actually on my way.”
Piper grinned and stood. She twisted toward Emmaline. “How long will you be


“At least for a week or two.”
“Fantastic. We’ll have to get together and catch up.” Piper hugged her, picked up her

purse, and faced Cord. “I’m ready.”

Cord motioned that she precede him so he wouldn’t chance brushing up against her,

but the moment he caught sight of those long legs, her wavy flowing hair, and that
delicious ass, he realized he’d made a huge tactical error.

* * *





her good luck. What had started out as a pretty crappy day had ended

better than she could have ever hoped. Not only had she learned Cord’s name, he was
actually driving her home.

No one had asked him directly if he was dating anyone, but from the conversation, it

seemed as if he lived alone. He’d arrived in town six months ago from Virginia, and if he
had been married, she figured he would’ve mentioned his wife’s name.

Cord escorted her to his truck and opened the door for her. It didn’t surprise her he’d

be a gentleman. “Thank you.”

“Sure,” he mumbled, acting a bit uncomfortable.
Since he was such a strong and handsome man, she hadn’t expected that reaction.

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She’d pegged him as a ladies’ man, but maybe she’d been mistaken. He jumped in the
driver’s seat, started the engine, and took off without a word.

He headed west for at least a mile before speaking. “I should have asked how your

brother was doing today.”

That was nice of him to care. “He said he was okay, but I didn’t believe him because

he refused to take any pain meds.”

“He seems like a stubborn kid.”
She huffed out a laugh. “You have no idea.”
“I forgot to mention that I found his wallet today. I was hoping Brody would stop by

the station to file a complaint against the men, but I never saw him.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s not one for authority.” From the way his voice had dipped

when he mentioned the wallet, she had to guess it had been empty. “Did they leave
anything in it?”

“No. He’ll have to stop payment on any credit cards and apply for a new license.”
Damn. Piper closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat. “What do you think I

should do?”

“Do? About what?”
“My brother. Our parents divorced about ten years ago, and Brody’s been a bit lost

ever since. I’ve tried to teach him the difference between right and wrong, but he seems
to be on this path to self-destruction.” Her voice wobbled, and she feared he’d think she
was weak, or else wonder if she blurted out her troubles to just anyone. The answer to
the latter was a resounding no.

“Is your dad still around?”
“He’s alive, if that’s what you mean, but he doesn’t have much to do with us. Our

mom died four years ago, so I’ve been trying to watch over Brody ever since.”

He glanced over at her. “I guess your brother’s not receptive to your suggestions?”
Cord could read her mind. “That’s an understatement.”
“I’m sorry.”
Other than asking her for directions, he said little for the rest of the trip. With each

mile, any chance of him accepting an offer of coffee dimmed. She pointed to the mailbox
that she’d surrounded with small solar lights. “Right here.”

Her pulse throbbed as he pulled into her drive. Ask him.
As she was about to, he put his truck in park and came over to her side. For a brief

moment, she wanted to pretend this was a date. He opened the door and helped her out.

Don’t swoon. It was hard not to because he smelled of rich leather and minty soap.
“I really appreciate the lift. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?” Butterflies beat

against her abdomen as she awaited his answer.

“Another time, maybe.” As he turned to go, Cord stopped and stared at her front door.


His tone scared her. “Yes?”
“Get back in the truck,” he commanded.
She had no idea what was going on, but she obeyed. As he rushed up to her porch,

she spotted the broken glass panel on the left side of the door, and her stomach cramped

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at the implication. She looked around, trying to see who might have broken into her
house, but saw no one nor had she spotted a car parked on her street. Perhaps this was
some kind of sick prank.

A moment later, Cord jogged back down the steps and opened her door. “I need your

key to check inside.”

“Sure.” Flustered, Piper dipped her hand in her purse and handed it to him. “Do you

think someone’s still there?”

“I’m about to find out. Lock the car doors and stay alert. If you see anything, take off.”
She would never leave him. “What about you?”
“I can take care of myself.”
She bet he could.

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Chapter Four





leaving Piper in the car, but he didn’t have much choice. He wasn’t about to

let her into the house where someone could be waiting. As soon as he unlocked the door,
he set the key on the table and shifted into his panther form. Except for the glass on the
floor and some papers that had been blown around, everything appeared neat, but that
didn’t mean someone hadn’t been inside. How they would’ve entered without the key and
not jimmied the lock, he didn’t know, but he’d learned through the years that thieves
could be very creative.

By only breaking the side window, they couldn’t have reached in and unlocked the

door. Hopefully, this was a bunch of kids on a dare.

A ton of questions shot through his head, but right now he wanted to search every

room. The living room took up the front part of the house and the dining room was
against the far wall. There was a short hallway to the right with a door behind the dining
room that probably led to the kitchen.

Her house smelled like her, all freshness with a hint of lavender, and he had to work

hard not to let his libido take over his thoughts. None of the lights were on in her
bedroom or in the kitchen, but he didn’t need them to see. As he studied the area, only
her scent lingered, and he was quite confident that no one besides Piper had been in the
house in a while. The question now was why had someone broken the window and then
not tried to enter?

He rushed back to the living room and shifted into his human form before leaving. He

jogged to the passenger side where Piper was staring straight ahead then knocked on the
window. “Piper? Open up.”

She turned her head and jumped, as if she’d been lost in her own thoughts. Her aura

radiated more concern than fear, for which he was thankful. If she had a breakdown, he
wasn’t sure he’d have been able to hold her in his arms and give comfort without asking
for more. Being around his mate was testing every ounce of his willpower.

She unlocked her door and pushed it open. “No one was in there?” she asked, her

voice shaking.

“No, and I don’t think anyone was, but there had to be a reason for them breaking the


He nodded to the ignition. “Can you grab the key for me?”
She leaned over and removed it. As she placed it in his palm, he was careful not to let

her fingers touch his skin. With each minute in her presence, his need for her grew.

Once she slipped out of the truck, he walked her up to the front of her house. “Did

someone mention something about coffee? I sure could use a cup.” He kept his voice
upbeat, which seemed to relax her.

“Me, too, and thank you. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

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He didn’t intend to leave her. Since her brother had been mugged, it was possible the

potential intruder was one of the men who’d attacked Brody, though he couldn’t think of a
good reason how they’d known where she lived, unless Brody had mentioned it. Then
again, it was a small town.

Perhaps one of them came to see if Brody’s sister was willing to pay her brother’s

debt, but for the moment, he’d keep those thoughts to himself.

As soon as Piper stepped inside, she slipped off her sweater and his inner beast went

wild. The tank top hugged her breasts, and it took every ounce of his control to keep from
touching her.

“Everything looks the same as I left it.” She turned to face the window. “I’ll need to

have someone fix this, but for tonight, I can put cardboard or something over the window
to keep out the cold.” She scooped up some papers scattered on the floor and set them
on the coffee table.

“I’ll be happy to help.” It would give him something to do with his hands other than

take a hold of her and kiss her. “Do you have any wood lying around? It will be a lot
sturdier than cardboard.”

She bit down on her lip, looking way too adorable. “In the garage, I think. I’ll get it.”
“No!” Piper jumped. Damn. He wasn’t used to being around someone like her. “Sorry,

I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sure no one’s around, but I don’t want to take that

He could feel the relief pouring through her. “Thank you. Let me get you a flashlight.”
He could have shifted, but because he wanted to act as normal as possible, he

thought it best if he remained in his human form. A moment later, she returned with the
light. “The garage is open. It’s behind the house.”

In the future, she ought to consider keeping everything locked up, but he wouldn’t

mention that now. First, he’d patch the window, and then over coffee, they’d talk about
what might have happened.

* * *





Cord stepped from the house, a rush of anxiety swamped Piper, and she had to

pace to burn off the energy. No one had ever broken into her house before. Her first
thought was that Brody might’ve tried to entered, but then dismissed that thought. He
knew where she kept her spare key.

She slipped her cell from her purse to call him, but then remembered he hadn’t paid

his cell phone bill. Dang. He’d be at the garage tomorrow, so she could ask him then if he
knew anything.

Piper couldn’t picture him so high that he’d break a window. Her brother had done a

lot of things in his life, but being hooked on drugs hadn’t been one of them. As far as she
knew, she hadn’t pissed off anyone, unless this had something to do with Brody
somehow. Cord was a cop, so he might have a better idea who might be behind this.

She leaned against the wall, waiting for him to return. The moment she’d spotted him

at the bar, hope had surged that perhaps she’d be given a chance to be with him. Sure,

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he’d declined her invitation to come in, but she might have figured out something that
would have enticed him to stay. Now he was here only because of some crime.

Heavy footsteps sounded on the front porch. A moment later the door opened, and

Cord entered waiving a piece of wood. “This was all I could find. Looks like it will have to

Anything that would block the wind would be welcome. “Thank you.” Uh-oh. Here

she’d promised him something to drink, and she’d done nothing about it. “I’ll fix us that

“While you’re doing that, I’ll patch the hole.”
Having a man around was comforting, especially in her time of need, but Piper wished

Cord had been there under different circumstances. As he hammered away, she brewed
the coffee and wondered if he took cream or sugar. Given his fit body, he probably drank
it black. She could ask him, but she didn’t want to disturb him.

Now that they were alone, there were so many things she wanted to ask him, like did

he have any siblings, what were his parents like, and how much fun was it to grow up a

She’d moved here three years ago and had met some amazing women, many of

whom could transform their shape. When she’d asked them what it was like to change,
they’d shrugged it off saying it was all they’d ever known. Tasha was the only one who
said she didn’t like to shift since she became even more lumbering when in her bear form.

By the time the coffee was ready, Cord had finished fixing the window. Placing the

two coffees, sugar, and creamer on a tray, she carried it out to the living room and set it
on the coffee table. “The bathroom’s down the hall if you want to wash up.” Scrounging
through her garage would have been a dirty job.

He smiled briefly and her heart hammered. He was already a handsome man when he

was serious, but his smile and perfectly white, straight teeth only added to his good

“Thank you,” he said then disappeared down the hall.
She sat on one end of the sofa, hoping he’d sit next to her. He’d probably drink his

coffee, thank her, and then leave now that the danger had passed. Spending any time
with him, though, would be a bonus.

Cord returned and slipped next to her, tension plastered across his face. She wanted

to know why he was so concerned, but she decided that maybe it was best not to know.

Not putting anything in his drink, he picked up his coffee then glanced at her. “Do you

have any idea who would want to break in?” He sounded very much like a cop taking her
report instead of a concerned friend.

Her spine stiffened. “Are you opening an investigation?”
His shoulders sagged a bit. “Sorry, I can’t seem to turn off the cop in me, but yes since

a crime was committed. You’ll have to fill out a report at some point.”

“Crap.” She let out a long breath. “I have no idea who would break my window. You

said they didn’t get in, right?”

“They didn’t, but when I was coming back from the garage, I flashed the light on the

door and it looked as if someone tried to kick it in but failed.”

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Her stomach churned. “Why didn’t they try another window if they were so

determined to get in?”

“When I find them, I’ll be sure to ask.” He blew on the steaming cup and then drank

the hot brew.

“For a moment, I thought it might have been Brody, but he knows where I keep my

spare key.” As she sank back against the sofa, she spotted the two pieces of paper she’d
found on the floor. The one on the bottom had been a receipt for a shirt she’d purchased.
The other she didn’t remember. Curious, she picked it up, and as she read it, her heart
nearly stopped.

“What is it?” Cord’s voice was laced with concern.
“I’m not sure. It says, ‘Time’s running out.’” She handed the paper to him but he held

up his palm.

“Set it on the table face up. There might be fingerprints on it.”
She didn’t care about that, but she did as he asked. “What do you think it means?”
Cord looked off, as if he was weighing his options. “I didn’t want to bring this up

before, or at all really, but I think you should know what happened in that alley.” Cord
was holding his coffee with both hands as if he needed the support.

Her stomach tumbled, and she was glad she hadn’t picked up her drink yet. She would

have spilled it. “Tell me, please.”

“When I arrived on the scene of your brother’s attack, one of the men shouted at

Brody, saying he needed to pay them what he owed or the next time the beating would
be worse. Perhaps they want you to convince Brody to pay—that his time is running out.”

She clasped her hand to her chest to stop the pain from squeezing her heart. “I’ve

never known him to gamble, and I don’t want to believe he’s doing drugs.”

“In either case, I doubt it’s something he’d tell his big sister. Perhaps he borrowed

money for some other reason, and now is having trouble paying them back, especially if
they charged him high interest rates.”

She thought she had a better relationship with her brother, and that he’d have come

to her if he’d been in trouble, but apparently she’d been wrong. “I hope that’s it.”

Her mind spun. Piper thought back to the time when Brody had borrowed about four

hundred dollars from her. He kept saying he’d reimburse her when he could, but he never
had. Then there was the fact he’d forgotten to pay his cell phone bill. Damn. These little
details pointed to Brody having some kind of addiction. “Do you think these men are
trying to extort money from me?”

“I have no idea what to think, but I’m betting Brody can shed light on the situation.

Do you think you can call him?”

“I was going to while you were in the garage.” She told him about his cell phone being

cut off due to lack of payment. “He works at Chandler’s garage and will be there
tomorrow morning. I can get a hold of him then.”

“When you do, see if you can convince him to give you the names of the men who

assaulted him. We don’t need them coming around here again.”

“I will, but I can’t promise anything.” She ran her hands down her pants. “Thank you

for everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d come home, seen the window

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broken, and then found that note.” Yes, she did. She’d have been scared shitless.

“I’m glad I was here.” Cord set down his cup of coffee. “I’m not trying to scare you,

but it’s possible this person might come back tonight.”

Fear assaulted her, and she grabbed his wrist. “Why would they do that? They already

delivered their message.”

“Desperate men do desperate things, which is why I’m staying the night.”
His authoritative comment took her breath away. He glanced down at her hand on his

arm, acting as if it made him uncomfortable, so she released her grip. “You don’t have to.
You don’t owe me.” If anything, she owed him.

“I’m born to protect. Now if you would be so kind, could you find me a pillow and a

blanket? I’ll stretch out here on the sofa.”

As she tried to take in all of this information, her body refused to move. Some men

might be trying to harm her, and at the same time this amazing man wanted to spend
the night in her house. Her mouth couldn’t even form any words as conflicting emotions
sped through her.

“If it’s too much trouble,” he said, “I have no problem sleeping on the floor in my bear


It took her a moment to realize that he’d said bear instead of bare. For that second,

the image of his naked body burned a hole in her brain and hardened her nipples. What
was wrong with her?

Piper jumped up. “Of course.”
She rushed out of the room, feeling like a fool for thinking such prurient thoughts

when danger loomed. Since she didn’t have any spare pillows, she took a clean case from
the linen closet then grabbed the extra pillow off her bed along with the folded quilt she
always slept with. Her mother had hand-stitched it a year before she died, and it meant a
lot to her.

With the linens in hand, she stepped into the living room. Seeing him relaxed on her

couch sped up her heartbeat. The man emitted a sexual aura so strong she could almost
feel the pulses vibrate between her legs. “I hope these will be enough.”

“I’m sure they will, thank you.”
While she was definitely too nervous to sleep, staying here with him would only make

things worse. “Good night then.”

“Don’t worry, Piper, nothing will happen. I promise.” An unusually strong ache colored

his tone.

She believed him. “Night.”
She scurried back down the hall, fearing that if she stayed, she might say something

to upset him. The man seemed to have quite a few hot buttons whenever he was around

Who am I kidding?
If she stayed, she’d want to touch him then kiss him, if only to absorb his strength and

comfort. If he asked for more, she wouldn’t say no.

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Chapter Five





up again. He hadn’t meant for Piper to rush off and bring him the bedding

right away, but it was probably for the best. Spending any more time with her, especially
when she was upset, and fighting the urge to hold her was taking its toll on his control.

It was barely ten o’clock, but if he turned on the television, she might think he’d asked

for the bedding so that she’d leave him alone, and that was the furthest thing from his
mind. He simply didn’t trust himself.

After checking that the doors and windows were locked, he clicked off the lights, and

lay down on the sofa, wanting to make it look to an outsider as if Piper had gone to bed.
With his vehicle in front, though, he doubted anyone would attempt anything.

Cord was trained to rest while being aware of his surroundings, the slightest sound

rousing him. His senses were so finely tuned that if Piper rose in the middle of the night,
he’d be able to distinguish her from an intruder.

He closed his eyes, but the image of her long, wavy auburn hair and sensuous body

remained. He tried not to think about her alabaster skin or the way her large breasts
filled out her top, but he failed—miserably. The pressure in his groin was proof that this
woman would forever haunt his dreams.

Try as he might not to think about her, the hair on his body began to push through his

skin, and his nails elongated. Not wanting to shift, Cord forced himself to picture the men
beating Brody, and soon the nasty scene doused some of his sexual energy. He had to do
something about his intense need to be with her, or chance Piper finding out about them
being mates. No doubt, that would scare her more than a hundred intruders.

If he didn’t gain some control soon, she’d question his odd reactions whenever she

touched him, and then he’d have to think of some excuse to tell her, and lying wasn’t his

Around one in the morning, the wind picked up, taking his mind off his erotic thoughts.

He would doze for a bit then stir every time a gust of wind beat against the window. So
far, his slat of wood over the empty pane held, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it
eventually came loose.

After a while, Cord was able to ignore the buffeting wind and force his body to relax.

He must’ve fallen asleep because when something hard hit the glass, he jerked awake.
Out of habit, he shifted into his panther form so that he could better sense his
surroundings. Another bang resonated, only this time it came from Piper’s bedroom. Shit.

Not wanting to rush into her room in his animal form, he shifted back to human and

ran down the hallway. Fearing someone had broken in, he didn’t take the time to stop
and listen or analyze the scents. Instead he plowed into her room, the door banging
against the wall. He stilled and then scanned the area but found no one other than Piper

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She jerked up and gasped. How stupid of him not to realize she’d think he was the

intruder. Damn. That wasn’t like him to be fooled.

“It’s okay. It’s me—Cord.” He rushed toward her. Crap. He didn’t seem to be able to

do much right when it came to her.

“Cord? Is someone here?”
The anguish in her voice tore at him. “No, I heard a noise.”
She clicked on the light next to her bed and when she leaned back, his body inflamed

with desire. Her beautiful hair was tangled and mussed, her eyes slightly swollen as if
she’d been crying, and her breathing was ragged. The urge to hold her made him ache.

“You mean that scratching sound?” She sounded more amused than upset.
He replayed the noise in his head—anything to take his mind off her sensuality—

though he’d been certain it was more of a bang. If it really had only been a light tapping
or brushing sound, he’d have to admit that he’d lost his touch. “Yes.”

She waved a hand. “It’s a branch that always hits my window when the wind picks up.

I’ve been meaning to get the tree pruned but haven’t had the time.”

She might be right. Now he felt silly for reacting like that. Had she not been his mate,

he probably wouldn’t have been so obsessive. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“You didn’t. I haven’t been able to sleep.” She patted the bed next to her, indicating

he should sit next to her. “Stay for a bit.”

It was one thing to sit by her on the sofa in her living room, but it was another to be

with her on her bed. His hormones were already soaring, and the urge to kiss her was
growing stronger by the minute. “That’s not a good idea,” he said.

Her jaw slightly dropped. “I just want to talk.”
Now he’d hurt her feelings. “Then sure.”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he recognized his mistake, but he

couldn’t back down now. He sat on the edge and tried not to stare at those kissable lips
or lower his gaze to her chest. If he caught sight of her nipples poking through the thin
shirt, all bets would be off, because no matter how much he’d try to stop himself, the two
animals inside him would gang up and override all of his objections.

“What if you don’t find the man? Do you think I’ll be safe?”
For once in his life, he couldn’t tell if she was asking him to stay on as her bodyguard

because she was attracted to him, or if she was truly worried she might be harmed.

“I wish I knew what to tell you. I’m going to do my best to find out who it was.”
When she took hold of his hand, powerful lust surged through him. Before he could

gently pull out of her grasp, Piper leaned forward and kissed him, and his inner beast
threatened to erupt. With great concentration, he steeled himself against taking her.

She broke the kiss a few seconds later. “I know you didn’t have to stay, and I’ll never

be able to thank you enough.”

Her sincerity nearly undid him. Cord stood, needing to get out of there. “Just doing my


That was far from the truth, but he wasn’t ready to tell her how much she meant to

him. Maybe soon.

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* * *





the quick kiss to be a thank you, but the moment their lips touched, every

cell in her body shot to life. For those few seconds, she’d almost forgotten about the
intruder until Cord pulled away, acting as if she was demanding a commitment. Only she
hadn’t been.

She’d never met a man so skittish around her, but perhaps he didn’t find humans


No. She didn’t believe that—or else she didn’t want to. Between the tender way he’d

softened his lips and the sound of his low throaty growl when they’d kissed, he hadn’t
been immune. Even if she’d imagined his response, Piper would always be grateful that
he’d fixed the window and been willing to protect her.

As soon as he closed the door, she shut off her light, though she doubted she’d sleep,

not with the memory of that intimate contact. If he left tomorrow and she never saw her
wonder cop again, their kiss would keep her content for quite some time.

With those good thoughts floating in her head, she relaxed enough to sleep. It wasn’t

until the clanking of metal startled her awake. As soon as she remembered Cord was still
there, she relaxed, but a glance at the clock forced out a groan. It was only seven in the
morning, and she slapped a forearm across her face. Saturdays were one of the few days
she could sleep in, but apparently, today would be an exception.

Since he was up, Cord was probably hungry. Not wanting him to starve, Piper slipped

out of bed. It was probably for the best that she not sleep in since Chandler’s garage
opened at eight, and she wanted to call first thing and speak with Brody. She could only
hope he’d cooperate and give Cord the names of his attackers. Then he could track them
down and see if any of them had broken her window and left her that threatening

Piper slipped on a pair of jeans, one of her favorite body-hugging long T-shirts, and

some cute boots. Wanting to impress him, she washed up, and then applied light
makeup. Satisfied she was able to conceal the dark circles under her eyes, she headed
out to the kitchen.

Whoa. Cord was at the stove with his back to her—wearing an apron no less. She was

confident he’d heard her come in, but he stirred what smelled like eggs then dumped
them on a plate without turning around.

“Morning,” he said. He set down the spatula and faced her.
She failed to suppress a giggle. Cord was wearing the apron with a pink pig on the

front that Emmaline had given her to encourage her to learn to cook. “You look better in
that than I do.” She was serious.

He struck a pose and smiled, and her heart zinged and pinged. The heavy shadow of

morning scruff around his jaw gave him a more intriguing air, but that wasn’t the only
reason why he looked good. Cord was willing to do what was needed to get the job done.
He could fix a window, and apparently, now he could cook.

“I hope you don’t mind that I used some of your food. I thought it better if we didn’t

go out this morning. I don’t want to give those jerks another opportunity to come back.”

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His cheeks slightly dimpled, implying he really didn’t believe they’d return, or at least,

not this soon.

“Not at all. I’m glad you’re at the helm. My culinary skills aren’t the best.” Had he

been clean-shaven, she bet she would have detected a slight blush. She couldn’t
remember the last time anyone cooked for her. “I’ll make us some coffee.”

Hoping the caffeine would help clear her head, she hurried to fill the pot. She realized

a man his size would need more than a few scrambled eggs. “How about I make some
bacon and toast?”

“Perfect.” He unhooked the apron and set in on the counter. “Guess you’ll need this.”
“Thanks.” She slipped it on and could feel his heat seep through her top. She was

probably imagining it, but she swore she could smell his scent on it—or else the earthy
scent was wafting off the man himself.

She tossed the bacon in the pan and the bread in the toaster. While she was tending

to the food, the coffee finished perking, and Cord took over, pouring their cups, acting as
if they’d been in this routine forever.

Once the bacon was cooked, the toast popped up. From the refrigerator, she snatched

the strawberry jam. With effort, she twisted the lid, and just as it popped off, a hand
touched her shoulder. Because she hadn’t realized he’d stepped behind her, she jerked
around and the jam went flying, splattering all over his shirt.

Oh, no!
Humiliated and horrified, she grabbed a towel from the oven door handle and began

rubbing his shirt. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you’d snuck up on me.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She expected him to be angry, but he didn’t seem upset. He

placed a hand over hers and slipped the cloth from her fingers then blotted his shirt, but
the jelly smeared even worse. This was not how she wanted to start her day.

“If you take it off I can wash it for you.” For a brief second, his brows rose as if he

thought it was a ploy to get him naked, but then he must’ve realized she was serious.

“I guess I’d look pretty funny running around town chasing the bad guys with a red

stain on my shirt.”

Thank you for not making me feel small and stupid.
Cord undid a few buttons then lifted the material over his head and handed it to her.

“Thank you.”

The moment her fingers touched his shirt and she gazed upon his half-naked body,

she froze. She couldn’t help but stare at his muscled chest. One pec lifted as if it was
showing off. The image of her nipping at his body flooded her head, and she almost
moaned aloud.

“Oh, my.”

* * *





way Piper was looking at him, both beasts inside Cord pushed at him for

release, but he was able to control any outward manifestation of either animal within him

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—other than his rigid cock.

Piper was emitting enough pheromones to send both of them over the edge, and if he

didn’t taste her, one of the animals inside him would force him to change. He’d never
been in a situation like this before so he had no idea if he’d become a panther or a bear—
neither of which would be good.

Cord moved close and cupped her face, waiting for her to look away or step out of his

grasp. She didn’t. Instead, she dropped his shirt and looked up at him.

“Kiss me,” she said.
His teeth sharpened at that command and his pulse soared. Sex radiated off her and

she appeared to be as needy as he was. He tried to tell himself he shouldn’t make love
with her, that she was vulnerable, but nothing he did or said to himself could make him
stop now.

He lowered his hands to her waist and lifted her onto the counter to make them of

equal height. He then threaded his fingers through her lush, silky hair, and kissed her
with every ounce of passion in his body. She tasted like sunshine and smelled like
goodness personified.

Piper moaned and then placed her hands on his shoulders. “Take me.”

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Chapter Six





anything more in his life. Since he hadn’t been with his mate like this

before, he wasn’t certain how he was supposed to handle these feelings of lust, passion,
and desire. As much as he had the yearning to shift, this had to be about Piper and not
about his base urges.

“I know I need to go slow, and I want to, but I’m not sure if I can,” he said. I want you

more than you will ever know.

Piper smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I want whatever you’re willing to give.”
She was too perfect. What a shame they couldn’t be together. She’d reject him once

she learned all of his dark secrets.

Because he wanted to give her the world, he needed her naked first. The thought of

laying eyes on her, though, almost made him come, and that premature release would be
an embarrassment to his Clan if they ever found out.

First he removed her boots, followed by the socks. That seemed the safest place to

begin until she wiggled her toes. Curious, he ran a thumb over her smoothly painted
toenails. “Pretty.”

“I have a few other things you might like, too.”
The woman was such a tease. She clearly had no idea how close he was to bursting.

“I can’t wait.”

Whatever the body-hugging T-shirt covered would surely set him further on fire. He

slid his hands under the material and her warm smooth skin made his pulse race with
desire. Not wanting to act like a randy teenager, he eased her top up, but the moment it
cleared her tits, exposing a delicate lace pink bra, he closed his eyes in the hope the brief
respite would help calm him.

It didn’t.
He finished removing her shirt and inhaled, but that was another mistake. She was a

combination of cream, lavender, and pure freshness, and his fingers itched to touch every
bit of her delicious body.

“I don’t know where to begin. You are glory personified,” he said.
She laughed. “You do know how to make a woman feel good.”
“I’m only speaking the truth.” If she’d been a shifter, she might have had an inkling of

what he was going through, but as a human, he doubted she could feel this immense
sexual pressure that built with each second they were together.

Wanting to show her he could be a considerate lover, Cord slowly lowered the straps

on her bra. With each inch, anticipation built. He reached behind her, and when he
unhooked the clasp, she lowered her arms, allowing the material to float to her lap. Once
her breasts were exposed, Cord emitted a low, deep growl. As much as he wanted to tell
her how beautiful she was, showing her what she did to him seemed best.

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He cupped one of her breasts in his palm, leaned over, and encircled her nipple with

his tongue. The delicate tip puckered, and she let out a sigh.

“It feels so good. Don’t stop,” she begged.
Her breathy response nearly killed him. “Trust me. I have no intention of doing so.”
Knowing that he’d pleased her, he tugged on her nipple with his teeth, and lifted the

other breast. Its heaviness enticed him, making him want to suckle even harder. When
she dragged her nails down his arms, streaks of pleasure shot through him, forcing him to
inhale her light scent, causing his feral urges to surface.

“I need you now,” he whispered. He tried to convince himself that once they were

both naked, he could take his time, but deep inside, he knew better. He slipped his arms
under her legs and swept her off the counter. “I want to do this the right way.”

* * *






seemed to enjoy her body, Piper hoped she didn’t disappoint him when

they began making love. His tender touch and soft moans had already settled under her
skin, driving her close to the brink. She wanted to kiss and touch him all over, but she
wasn’t certain how someone like him would react if she went crazy on him. He seemed so
worldly and experienced, and while she’d slept with a few men, she was hardly a
temptress in bed.

As he carried her down the hallway, she felt light and delicate, something she hadn’t

experienced in a long time. He entered her bedroom, and she inwardly groaned. She
hadn’t taken the time to make her bed, nor had she put back some of the outfits she had
discarded when trying on a few tops.

He set her down next to the bed, cupped her shoulders, and when he leaned over to

kiss her, the hungry contact made her pussy go wild. She wrapped her arms around his
waist and drew him close. She opened her mouth to invite him in, and when he accepted,
she stroked her tongue against his. Ripples of joy slid along her spine, and she dug her
fingers into his corded back, loving how with each thrust, his back muscles rippled. It was
only because she needed air that she broke the kiss.

“I need to be naked,” he said.
He reached down and tugged off his footwear then looked at her as if he wanted to

consume her. Taking advantage of his desire, she plucked open the button on his jeans,
and then slid down his zipper. Oh, my. The top of his cock peeked out above his briefs
and she sucked in a large breath.

“I guess I should have asked my friends if shifters were bigger. Now I can see they


He laughed, and the sound altered her insides. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”
“Not if I can help it, you won’t.”
Fearing he’d go too slowly, Piper slipped his jeans over his hips and dragged them

down his legs until they bunched on his massive thighs. She looked up at him. Damn man
was grinning. “A little help, please?”

Keeping his gaze on her face, he removed his jeans and briefs and kicked them off to

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the side. She was so stunned at his magnificent body that she actually quivered. She’d
been the one who wanted to make the first move, but now that he was allowing it, she
was almost afraid to touch him for fear of making a mistake.

Go for it.
Piper stepped close, reached out, and dragged a finger from his throat to his navel.

The path she took was circuitous—around his well-muscled pecs and across his rippled
abdomen. The sprinkling of chest hair between his nipples right down to the thatch at his
cock had her speechless.

Cord lifted that finger and drew it into his mouth. He sucked hard, and then twirled his

tongue around and around. She didn’t know if he was trying to emulate what he wanted
her to do with his cock or if he was trying to drive her wild.

Regardless of his intent, Piper wanted to experience all of him. Hoping she didn’t

make a fool of herself, she grabbed his dick, and slowly pumped her fist up and down.
Never did she expect to see his dark eyes turn black and the hair on his face grow before
her eyes. It looked as if he was about to shift.

Cord closed his eyes and cupped her rear with his free hand. He audibly inhaled and

squeezed her butt. When the trembling in his hand ceased, he opened his eyes and
groaned. “You have no idea what it’s like being me. Right now my inner beast is pounding
my insides for release. Forgive me.”

She wasn’t certain what he meant, but a second later he dragged down her jeans and

panties, tossed them to the side then lifted her up, plastering their two bodies together.
The kiss that followed was one of possession and passion and nearly melted her soul.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned into him, needing the connection.

Cord placed his hands on her waist, set her down, and stepped back. “Condom.”
While she was on the pill, she thought perhaps he’d feel more comfortable having the

protection, so she said nothing. Bending down, he grabbed his jeans and extracted a
rubber from his wallet. “I never thought I’d be using this today,” he said, waving the

“May I?” Piper held out her hand.
Cord ripped open the foil package and donned the condom. “I don’t have time.”
His comment pleased her. She thought he’d lead her over to the bed, but instead he

hovered over her, cupped her rear, and then lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around me
and let me take you on a wild ride,” he commanded.

He walked forward until her back pressed against the wall and goose bumps shimmied

up her body. Hunger filling his eyes, Cord devoured her mouth, and she could sense the
beast within.

She, too, could no longer stop her need from overflowing. Her pussy cramped with

unrelenting desire, and she lowered one hand to reach between them. She caught hold of
his hard shaft, pressed the soles of her feet on his thighs, and lifted up. When she slipped
the tip into her wet hole, excitement and mind numbing joy collided.

“I won’t last long once I’m inside you,” he warned.
Thrilled to hear his need matched hers, Piper lowered her hips and engulfed him as

much as she could. Despite being wet, his wide girth was almost too much to handle. He

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held her close as he slipped out an inch and then edged back in. This time he made it
halfway before he met with resistance. As he blazed another scorching path into her
pussy, the friction inside her escalated, and her womb coiled, ready to spring.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “I want you so bad.”
His desperation slackened her inner walls, allowing her to open up. She took the lead

and plunged downward. Her breath caught, but she held on, waiting for the tension to
lessen. With him fully seated, he kissed her once, withdrew, and plunged in again.

It was then that the gates of passion opened and welcomed both of them in. She

dropped her forehead on his shoulder and gripped him tight. She lifted and then dropped
down again just as he thrust upward. Fire consumed her as her climax built. Dragging her
nails over his body, she kissed his neck and then nabbed his earlobe between her teeth
and tugged. The more she touched him, the harder she wanted to fuck, and the more she
wanted him. Her desire consumed her to the point where thought no longer existed—only
the two of them were real.

When she raised her head, Cord possessed her mouth, and their breaths mingled as

their bodies joined. When he drove all the way to the hilt, waves of ecstasy slammed into
her, and her orgasm exploded.

Cord lowered his face to her shoulder, and sharp teeth scraped against her skin. As his

cock detonated, his groan sounded closer to a howl. His heat seared her and joy spread

For the next few minutes, she was barely able to synthesize all that had happened,

but Piper hugged him hard, wanting to memorize the texture of his skin along with his
sensual scent. She finally lowered her feet to the floor, and Cord slipped out of her.

He lifted her chin. “Are you all right?”
“Yes.” Actually, so much more than all right.
“I’m sorry I never made it to the bed. I got lost in you.”
She smiled. “I like that you went all animal on me.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, but I would have freaked if you’d turned into a bear.”
His cheeks dimpled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
For the next time? She could only hope there would be one.
Cord leaned over and lightly kissed her. “That was incredible,” he said with a smile in

his voice. He grabbed his briefs and jeans and donned them. “You think breakfast is

“Cold eggs, dry toast, lukewarm coffee, and limp bacon? It’s doubtful. How about I call

my brother at the garage, and then maybe we can go out to breakfast?” If he thought it
was too dangerous, he’d surely warn her.

“If you agree to park your car in front instead of in the garage it should discourage

anyone coming near that might be connected to last night’s incident. If we eat out, it’ll
also give us a chance to stop by the hardware store and order your new window.”

Piper didn’t know what to say. She was thrilled he was willing to help her, but on the

other hand, she didn’t want him to think she wasn’t capable of ordering the window
herself. She’d address that issue later.

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She dressed and then followed him out to the kitchen where she’d left her cell. The

number for Chandler’s garage was already pre-programmed, so she tapped the button
and paced as it rang. Cord tossed the uneaten food in the trash, and the domestic scene
wasn’t lost on her. He was a good man.

“Chandler’s garage, Denny speaking.”
He was the owner’s son. “Hey, Denny, it’s Piper. Can I speak with Brody?”
“You could if he was here.”
Tension rumbled in her stomach. “It’s almost nine o’clock. He’s supposed to work

today, right?”

“Yes, and if you find him first, tell them to get his ass in here. I’ve got three engines

that need to be worked on.”

Her mind whirred. She glanced at Cord who was staring at her. “If you see him before

I do, have him give me a call, okay?”

“Will do.”
She disconnected and set her phone on the counter, a wave of depression washing

over her. “Brody never showed up for work this morning, and he never misses.”

“Let me put on my shirt and we can look for him.” He glanced down at the floor and

scooped it up. “Damn. Mind stopping at my place so I can pick up a clean one?”

Piper felt bad that she’d messed it up and then hadn’t washed it, but she’d been

distracted. “Not at all. Do you think he’s in trouble?”

“I say we go find out.”

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Chapter Seven





her the truth when he said her place was between his apartment and town,

but Piper hadn’t expected he’d lived in a garage apartment. She thought a cop would
have a bigger spread, complete with a man cave.

“You want to come up? I’ll only be a minute.”
“Sure.” Not only was she curious to see what his place looked like, sitting alone in his

truck didn’t appeal to her.

He came around to her side and opened her door. “Excuse the style. It came

furnished. I’ve only lived here six months, and it looks the same from when I moved in.
I’m mostly here just to sleep.”

In other words, it wasn’t decorated. “I won’t judge, I promise.”
His brows pinched briefly, but she had no idea why. He led her up the steps and

unlocked the door. The inside was small but neat. The flowered sofa and gold-framed
landscape photos were definitely incongruous to the muscular, powerful man. She’d love
to learn what his style really was. Country didn’t suit him, nor did modern. Given he was a
bear shifter, she bet he’d be more into rustic.

“I’ll be right back,” he said.
Even though Piper had offered to launder his shirt, he said he’d take care of it. Lucky

for him, he’d worn a jacket to the bar, so it wasn’t like he had to drive half naked. Too

As promised, he returned quickly, buttoning up his shirt. “Would you like to stop by

your brother’s house first or have breakfast?”

She couldn’t believe how considerate he was. As much as she wanted to eat, making

certain that Brody was safe was more important. “If you won’t starve, I’d really like to see
if my brother is okay.”

“I figured.”
After he locked up, they jumped in the truck and took off toward town. Brody lived on

the outskirts of town in a rather rundown place. “Turn in there,” she said, pointing to the
apartment complex entrance.

“Not the best area,” Cord said.
Now, she was the one embarrassed. “I know. I’ve tried to convince him to move, but

he keeps telling me he can’t afford more.” She didn’t make much, but she could have
scraped together some funds to help him. She didn’t though, because at his age, he
needed to figure out how to live within his means.

A bleak picture was slowly emerging that didn’t paint her brother in a good light. The

more she thought about it, the more it made sense that he just might have a gambling

Cord pulled into the parking lot. “Do you see his vehicle?” he said.

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She looked around but didn’t spot it. “No, but he might have parked on the other side

of the building. I have a key to his place, so if he’s not there, I’ll leave a note for him to
call me.”

Cord parked, and together they marched up to Brody’s second-floor apartment. She

knocked and waited for him to answer, and when he didn’t, she slipped the key in the
lock and opened up. “Brody?” He didn’t answer, and no lights were on. “Guess he’s not

The place smelled of garbage, which wasn’t a surprise given the empty pizza box and

three beer bottles on the coffee table.

“It doesn’t appear as if there’s been any kind of struggle,” he said.
That was a good thing. Her heart sank, though, wishing there was something she

could do to help her brother fight his demons. “I’ll write him a note.”

She had to scrounge through a few drawers to find something to scribble on. When

she located a pad, she asked him to call her as soon as he came home. With each word
she jotted down, dread pooled in her belly. She hoped he hadn’t been lured outside and
then kidnapped.

Stop it.
Piper wasn’t the type to create drama, but ever since the beating, her mind had been

overly active.

She placed the note on top of the pizza box. “Do you think he might be hiding out?”
“If I were him, I might be.”
An image of a big tough bear flashed in her mind’s eye. “If you were in Brody’s

situation, you’d find those men and tear them apart limb by limb—literally.”

He shook his head, but she caught the small lift to his lips. “Is there some place he

always liked to go? A town or a special spot where he feels safe?”

She thought back to some of their happier times. “My brother loves to fish. He goes up

to Lake Glendale about an hour from here every summer for a week and camps out there.
She snapped her fingers. “Let me check his closet to see if his tackle box is there. If it
isn’t, it might mean he’s at the lake.”

She rushed into his bedroom and searched through his closet. Damn. Her brother was

turning into a hoarder. After pushing aside a half dozen pairs of shoes, a ton of dirty
clothes, along with a lot of unidentifiable items, she failed to find the box. Piper returned
to the living room.

“Did you find it?” he asked.
“No, but it could mean he didn’t put it back from the last time he used it. It might still

be in his truck.”

“How about we grab a bite to eat and then head on up to this lake?”
“Are you sure you have the time? You’re not working today?”
He shrugged. “I will be working—kind of. I’m trying to find the men who attacked your

brother, and if Brody can give me their names, I might be able to locate them.”

A trickle of disappointment filtered through her. Piper shouldn’t have assumed that he

was there just to help her. “Great.”

They doubled back through town where they grabbed some food at a drive thru and

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ate on the road so as not to waste time. After she finished, she leaned back against the
seat and tried to enjoy just being with Cord.

“Have you and Brody always lived in Hidden Hills?” he asked, one arm on the wheel,

and the other resting on his leg, looking as if this was some Saturday afternoon
sightseeing jaunt.

“No. We grew up in Ohio and had a good life until Dad left. After that, Mom struggled

to keep food on the table.”

His lips thinned. “That had to be tough.”
“It was. There were times when we’d move from one apartment to another without

paying, keeping one step ahead of the collection agency. Perhaps that’s where my
brother learned his skills of living lean.”

“How did you two end up here?”
Had he not sounded so sincere, she might have skipped the sad details. “After my

mom died, Brody met a girl and fell in love. It was the first time I’d seen him really
happy, but then Noelle’s parents moved to Hidden Hills. Brody didn’t find out she was a
shifter until a few months later when he came down here to be with her. By that time,
Noelle had found her true mate. Needless to say, he was devastated and started drinking.
Noelle’s brother, Denny, felt so bad for him, that he offered him a job in his garage.”

Cord glanced at her. “That might be the reason why he called me a freak. A shifter did

him wrong.”

“You may be right.”
“What made you move down here?” he asked.
Now came the ugly part. “Brody attempted suicide, and I wanted to be there for him. I

was able to get a job at the hospital, and the rest is history.”

“I’m sorry.”
So was she. “Enough of my sad tale. What about you? You said you used to work for

the DEA. Why the change?”

“Like Storm said, I became tired of the rat race. That, and too many crazies doing bad

shit to good people.”

The bitterness in his tone took her back. “Now, it’s my turn to say I’m sorry.”
He glanced over and winked. “I’m not. I like it here.”
Her heart sputtered, hoping she was part of the reason he enjoyed the town. “Any

siblings?” She wasn’t ready to hear about his parents if his situation was worse than hers.

“One older brother and a younger sister.”
She waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Perhaps he wasn’t close to them or

else he wasn’t ready to share. “There’s the turn off for the lake.”

Cord grew quiet, as if he was trying to think of a way to make her brother spill the

names of the three assailants. “Have you been here before?” he asked.

“I came here with Brody the first summer I arrived in Hidden Hills.” She leaned

forward. “That’s the beginning of the lake where he used to fish. I remember it.”

The long narrow, dirt road ended in a parking lot, and excitement sliced through her

when she spotted his truck. “He’s here!”

Before Cord even cut the engine, Piper jumped out. The engine died, and Cord eased

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out his side. “Let’s make certain he’s alone first.”

She thought he was being over the top, but he was the cop, so she let him do his

thing. “I’ll let you go first then.”

He must have sensed her resistance because he held out his hand. “We’ll go


The path ended in about two hundred feet. In a small clearing on the left sat Brody’s

tent. Her brother’s back was to her, and there was a fishing pole in his hand. Thankfully,
no one else appeared to be around.

“Hey there,” she said.
Brody whipped around and shot his gaze between the two of them. From his narrowed

eyes and tight grip on his pole, he wasn’t happy to see them. “Checking up on me?”

Much of his face had turned into one big purple-yellow bruise, and his eye was still

slightly swollen, but the stitches on his chin gave him a roguish look. “Can’t a sister be
worried about her brother? You didn’t show up for work.”

He shrugged and returned to his fishing. This wasn’t how she’d expected the reunion

to go. Cord squeezed her hand as if to say it was his turn to try. “We found your wallet,
Brody, but it was empty.”

“We’re here because we’re worried those men who assaulted you might come after

you again. Just so you know, they probably were the ones who tried to break into your
sister’s house last night.”

He reeled in his line, set the pole on the ground, and then faced them. “You okay?” he

asked her.

“Yes. They left a note. That’s all.”
He lifted one shoulder. “Well, they’ll never find me here.”
“Seems we were able to,” Cord said.
Brody pursed his lips and shook his head. “Whatever. Say your peace then leave.”
“Appreciate it if you would tell me the names of the men who mugged you. I know

they were looking for money that you owed them, but since they assaulted you, I can
arrest them—assuming I can find them.”

Brody winced. “Don’t know who they are.”
“Don’t know or won’t tell me?”
He looked over at Piper then back at Cord. “Only caught their first names. Got drunk

one night and ended up in a card game.”

“If you lost money, I’m sure the men told you how to find them. Otherwise, how did

they expect to be paid back?” he asked.

Brody glanced around and inhaled, looking as if he had the weight of the world on his

shoulders. “Owen, Randy, and some guy named Flinch. They called him that because
every time he had a good hand, he’d get this facial tic.”

Piper was pretty good at knowing when Brody was telling the truth, and this time he

seemed to be.

“From what I overheard,” Cord said, “they expected you to deliver the money to them.

Did they say where?”

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“They might have but I was too busy getting the shit beat out of me to listen. Doesn’t

matter since I can’t pay them anyway.”

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Piper asked, pain digging deep into her.
“You got ten thousand to spare?”
Her stomach tumbled. Holy shit, no wonder the men had gone after Brody. “No, but

we could have figured something out.” Tightness pressed on her chest making it hard to

Cord let go of her hand and hooked his thumbs in his jeans. “If you had this money,

where would you deliver it?”

A flash of hope crossed Brody’s eyes before it evaporated. He must have recognized it

was a hypothetical question. “Probably at the same place where I lost the money.”

Piper was disappointed that her brother wasn’t being more cooperative. “Where’s that,

Brody?” Nagging him wouldn’t do any good, but she couldn’t help it.

“In the back room of the bowling alley.”
Really? “That place is nasty.” She’d been there once.
Brody shrugged.
“Thanks. I’ll run down their names,” Cord said.
Brody picked up his pole. “Can I get back to fishing now?”
Piper huffed out a breath. If she didn’t think he’d be in danger at work, she’d have

suggested he head to the garage. “Don’t be like that. Cord’s only trying to help.”

“He can help by staying away from us.”
Piper didn’t know how to respond. Having a brother who was so prejudiced

embarrassed her. Hopefully, Cord understood that it stemmed from Denny’s sister leaving

Cord placed a hand on her shoulder as if to give her comfort. “It’s okay. I’m going to

give Dram a call. I’ll ask him to stop by and make sure the men don’t bother Brody. That
way, your brother can fish in peace.”

Brody puffed out his chest. “Fuck you, man. I can take care of myself.”
Wanting to shake some sense into him, she stepped over to her brother. “Brody, you

can’t fight off three men. You’re in the middle of nowhere. If they find you, they might kill
you this time.”

At least he had the decency to wince. “Do what you want. I’m fishing.”
Brody always shut down when he was scared. Cord move close, cupped a hand around

her waist, and drew her near. “Let’s go. I’ll call Dram from the car.”

Piper faced her brother. “If you go anywhere, can you let me know?” She softened her

voice the best she could.

Brody shoulders sagged. “Sure, though my cell’s dead, remember?”
She meant when he returned home. “I know.”
When she and Cord returned to his truck, he contacted his fellow officer, who she

recalled was a bear shifter, too. Cord filled Dram in on the case, asking if he could stake
out the area to keep an eye out for the assailants. He then disconnected. “Dram said he
can be here in an hour and fifteen.”

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. Once more I don’t know what I

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would’ve done without you.”

“I just wanted to help.”
“So now what?” she asked.
“Your brother should be safe for now, assuming he doesn’t do something stupid,

though I wouldn’t be surprised if these men try to find him—or you. Is there someone you
can stay with while I check things out at the station?”

“Me? I don’t owe them money.” Only then did she remember the note. “Never mind.

The note could mean that if Brody didn’t pay, they’d come after me.”

“Precisely. Besides, your window hasn’t been fixed yet, and I’d feel better knowing

you’re safe.”

She had an idea. “You said you found his wallet, but I’m guessing there were no

fingerprints on it, right?” If so, his department would’ve found the three men already.

“No. What were there were too smudged. I’ll have the department check the note,

too, but I’m not hopeful.” He headed back down the road to the main drag. “I’m serious
about not wanting you to be alone. Is there a friend you can stay with?”

She got along well with everyone she worked with, but she didn’t socialize with many

of them. “I feel a little odd asking if I can stay with any of my coworkers. Many have
families. How about I stay at your place? No one would find me there.”

A small smile lifted his lips. It was almost as if he’d been waiting for her to ask. “My

place is half the size of yours. I doubt you’ll be comfortable there.”

“You’d be surprised what I’m good at.” Her pulse skipped a beat at where her

thoughts were headed.

Now he smiled. “Okay, but under one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You’ll have to wear oversized sweats and a bag over your head.”
She laughed for the first time since she’d learned her brother hadn’t gone to work.

“Afraid I’ll seduce you?”

“No, I’m afraid of what I’ll do to you.”
She couldn’t wait.

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Chapter Eight






want her to stay by herself until the men were apprehended, he asked

her to pack a bag. Piper needed her car to drive to and from work, so she followed him to
his place. To be thorough, Cord asked another officer to keep watch on her house, not
only to make sure the workers installing the window didn’t take anything, but also to
make sure the note-writer didn’t return.

“Make yourself at home,” Cord said as he unlocked the door. “I shouldn’t be long. I

just need to check our department’s criminal database for the names your brother gave

“Don’t worry about me. I brought my e-reader and will lose myself in some erotic


He shook his head, and huffed out a laugh, acting as if reading didn’t interest him. “I’ll

pick up us some lunch on my way home.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Cord turned halfway, and was about to go back down the stairs, when

she stopped him. “How about a good bye kiss so I don’t perish?”

He laughed. “You are trouble, Piper Capshaw.”
She didn’t think he’d oblige, but at the last second, he cupped her face and kissed her.

This was no ordinary peck either. She couldn’t mistake the groan or how his fingers
tightened on her face. Yes! She was getting to him.

“Don’t answer the door for anyone but me.”
“I won’t.” She wasn’t stupid.
He nodded and traipsed down the steps. She waited until he’d driven away before

stepping inside then locking the door. Now that the whole issue of repairing her window
had been taken care of, and her brother was safe, it was time to work on breaking down
Cord Triggert.

It was already after ten thirty, which meant she had less than two hours to prepare

before his return. She loved the fact that he’d suggested she wear unflattering clothes
and a bag over her head. To her, that meant he was having trouble keeping his hands off
her. Piper carried her suitcase into the only bedroom and sorted through her things. While
he seemed to enjoy her bra and undies, she saw no reason to wear them. If she had her
way, he’d be taking them off right after lunch.

She debated what to put on, but in the end, she honored his joking request of a

sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants. Wouldn’t he be in for a surprise when he lifted her top
and found her naked underneath?

If it had been evening, she might have searched for some candles, but she seriously

doubted he would have any. She could have driven into town and bought some, but if he
came home and found his place empty, he’d have gone ballistic. The best she could do
was turn on a romantic music station.

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Shortly after twelve, the key turned in the lock. Cord was back! Instead of jumping up,

Piper stretched out on the sofa, not wanting to appear too eager.

He stepped inside, carrying a bag from the Hidden Hills Café and set the food on the

kitchen counter as he passed through. “Hey,” he said.

“Everything go okay at the station?”
“If you’re asking whether I found the names of the scum who attacked your brother,

the answer is no. I did a scan of the first names but nothing came up. It would have been
a lot more helpful if I’d known the last names, but most likely they’d have been made

Darn. She was hoping those three would be in a cell by tonight. On the other hand,

spending another night with hot Cord Triggert held a lot of appeal. She eased off the
sofa. “Need help with the food?”

He ran a gaze up and down her body and actually smiled. “Nothing to do.”
She’d already set the table, knowing they’d be eating lunch. “How about I make some

coffee then?” She would have been satisfied with water, but since Cord had stepped into
the kitchen, probably for some silverware and plates, she wanted to be near him.

“Only have instant.”
Really? That was a bit of a surprise but then again, he had said he pretty much only

came here to sleep. He located the utensils while she boiled the water for their coffee.

“Spoke with Dram and everything is calm in the fishing world.”
“I’m glad, though I believe Brody. No one is going to find him out by the lake.”
“Can’t be too cautious.”
Once the water heated, she took the two cups of coffee over to the table and sat

down. Something about having lunch with him excited her. She didn’t know if it was
because they were doing something ordinary together or because he seemed more
relaxed around her now. He’d looked a little haggard when he walked through the door,
but as soon as he saw her, his face had lit up.

“So what’s next?” she asked. He could take her comment to mean the case or their


“Not sure what we can do until they make their move.”
Apparently, his mind was still focused on his job. After lunch, she hoped to alter the

direction of those thoughts. Because he hadn’t been able to find their names, her anxiety
increased with the knowledge her brother was still in danger. It didn’t matter that Brody
had been in the wrong. He never should’ve gambled in the first place, especially when he
didn’t have the money, but such was the life of a desperate man.

Piper felt that her brother had been constantly searching for approval ever since Dad

and Mom split. Brody always claimed that if he were ever rich, people would respect him.
She wished he’d understand that people respected those who were honorable—like Cord.

Not wanting to dwell on all those negative thoughts, she turned her attention to what

was going to happen once they finished their meal. She’d loved it when Cord had taken
her against the wall. It had been so primal and hot. This time, however, she wanted to
spend her time exploring and savoring every delicious inch of his body.

The question was whether he had the patience to let her. She’d heard that shifters

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had stronger urges than humans, and that their need to possess created a desire so
strong that they could barely control themselves. Piper wanted to push him past that
point. Having a man desperate for her would be such a turn on.

She quickly ate so she could begin her seduction. Cord seemed to sense something

was going on, and he, too, wolfed down his meal. Once they finished, Piper pushed back
her chair, picked up both plates, and carried the dishes into the kitchen. Cord followed.
She didn’t miss the spark in his eyes and hoped that meant he was interested in another
sexual foray.

But their intense lovemaking wasn’t just about the sex. The more she was around

him, the more she wanted him. Cord Triggert was a good man—a noble one, in fact. He
liked helping people, and he was someone she trusted. It had been a long time since
she’d experienced that level of confidence with anyone.

“It’s really hot in here, don’t you think?” she asked fanning her face, hoping he’d

understand her not so subtle hint.

“It is indeed.” When his gaze dropped to her chest, his eyes turned a smoldering

black, and her nipples hardened under his intense perusal. “Perhaps you ought to take off
your sweatshirt,” he suggested.

Her pussy moistened. “I could use a little help.” She wanted to make certain he

understood her intense desire.

“I thought I made myself clear about what would happen if you tried to seduce me.”

He kept his face unreadable for a few seconds before his lips lifted.

Piper stepped closer and planted her palms on his chest. “Who said anything about

seducing you? I was merely making a statement about the temperature in here.”

He tapped her nose. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Miss


She undid the top button of his shirt. “Like what?”
“I can tell what you’re feeling and what you want.”
She looked up at him and smiled. He was fishing. “That so? I’m thinking of a number

from one to ten. What is it?”

He slid his hands under her sweatshirt but didn’t move them above her waist. Even so,

his warm fingers made her skin sizzle. “There’s a difference between knowing what you’re
feeling and what you’re thinking. I can’t read minds, but from the moment I walked in the
door, I could sense you had sex on your mind. Was I wrong?”

She didn’t lie. “No. What gave it away?”
He raised his hands and cupped her naked breasts. “The fact that you didn’t wear a

bra was the first clue.”

She looked down, but realized she couldn’t tell if her nipples were poking out or not

because his hands were covering her tits. “I didn’t think the material was that thin.”

“It isn’t, and before you ask, I don’t have X-ray vision.”
“How did you know?”
Dimples creased his cheeks “I didn’t until I touched you, though I suspected it when

you walked toward me and your tits bounced.”

She laughed. “What are you going to do about it?”

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He pressed her against the kitchen counter, and the moment their lips touched, a

flood of hormones surged through her veins. It was as if he’d pushed some hidden On
button that she’d never known existed. Everything Cord did excited her. Her need
escalated with each passing second, but if she let him take control again, they’d be naked
in a heartbeat and fucking hard before she had a chance to taste and enjoy him.

Piper leaned back, her breath ragged. “I have an idea.”
He lifted a lock of her hair, brought it to his nose, and inhaled. That one action had

her engine revving.

“Does it involve us getting naked?” he asked, his lids half closed.
“Kind of. I thought it would be nice if I could take off your clothes and enjoy you first.”
His groan came out loud. “You do realize that if I become too excited, I might shift in

front of you.”

She hadn’t really thought this through, but if he did change form, it would be proof he

really wanted her, or so Chey and Tasha always claimed. “Then what would happen?”

His brows rose as if he couldn’t believe she’d asked. “It might take me a few seconds

to compose myself before I shifted back to human.”

“That doesn’t seem so bad.”
He chuckled. “You wouldn’t freak?”
She might have a few days ago, but she was becoming used to the idea. She dragged

a finger down his lapel, taking her time as she reached each button. “I don’t think so.”

She thought he’d be happy, but he looked away. “Here’s the thing. Your brother was

right. I am a freak.”

“Don’t listen to him.”
He clasped both of her hands in his. “I’m not. When my mother was young, she

wanted to have another child, but she couldn’t conceive.”

Piper slipped out of his grasp and placed a finger on his lips. She wouldn’t last if she

had to sit through his life story right now. “Can your true confession wait? I want you so
badly I’m about to die.”

He grinned. “Me, too. It’s why I was talking—to gain some control before you wedge

your way under my skin.”

Piper grabbed his dick and squeezed, but the thick material of his jeans didn’t afford

her the feel she was looking for. “Too bad. It’s where I want to be.”

She stepped back, lifted off her top, and stepped out of her pants. In a flash, Cord

turned into a hulking bear and growled, causing adrenaline to slam into her. Piper freaked
and fled to the living room, not even thinking.

He was beside her in a heartbeat. “It’s okay. I’m back. See? I’m sorry.” Cord gathered

her in his arms and kissed her, more gently this time.

Her heart slowed. “I’m good. I wasn’t sure if when you’re in your animal form, if you’re

the same person.”

He smiled. “Same person might be a stretch, but if you mean are my feelings for you

the same, they are. I could never hurt you.”

That was all she needed to know. Not wanting him to change his mind about making

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love, she reached out and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. More hair had sprouted.
“You’re furrier.”

“It’s what you do to me. As soon as you’re near, I want to possess you. My body

automatically begins to change, and it takes effort on my part to stop it.”

All of this shifter stuff was so new. She opened his shirt and ran her hands up and

down his chest. “Is your cock bigger after you’ve changed?”

He laughed. “My cock is always big when I’m around you.”
He’d given her the perfect opening. “I’d better check.”
As she undid the button on his jeans, he slipped a hand in his pocket and extracted a

condom. “Had to buy some more.”

How sweet. “I’m on the pill.”
He grinned as if she’d given him a present. “I’ve been tested and am clean. You good

with that?”

She slipped the foil packet from his fingers and dropped it on the floor. “Yes. Now,

where was I?”

“You were in the middle of being careful. Remember what happens when you tempt

me too much.”

They were standing between the dining room and the living room, but their location

didn’t matter. Piper dropped to her knees, and as soon as she dragged down his pants
and briefs, her breath caught at the sight of his vein-pulsing cock. As much as she’d
planned to suck on him right away, his girth intrigued her. She tapped the side of his leg.
“Step out of these.”

He laughed. “Hold on. They won’t fit over my boots.”
Wow. She’d been so intent on his dick that she’d forgotten about his feet. He removed

his boots then slipped off his pants. “There.”

“I would have thought when you shifted, your clothes would have split apart.”
“Good thing they don’t or I’d not only be broke buying new ones, I’d be rather

embarrassed after changing forms in a back alley. Hidden Hills might not be too pleased
to have naked men and women running around.”

She huffed out a laugh. Tasha would never chance shifting if that were a possibility.


As much as she wanted to find out exactly how the clothes reappeared after he

returned to his human form, there’d be time later to discuss it. Right now, she had a cock
to attend to.

Cord grabbed his long shaft and waved it at her. “Someone mentioned sucking on it?”
She’d never said what she planned to do, but her kneeling position implied it. “I did.”
Before she began, she ran a finger up and down his length, thrilled she could make

him groan with each pass.

“Watch it,” he said.
Before he decided to put a stop to her actions, she leaned over and engulfed his

thickness, his slightly salty tang nearly melting her pussy.

“Jesus, girl.” He grabbed her hair on both sides of her head and tugged.

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His thighs bunched as she swirled her tongue around his hard shaft. With each stroke,

his growls quickened, and when she swallowed to open her throat, he stepped out of her

Stunned, she leaned back and clasped a hand over her mouth. His body was

alternating between human and what she thought looked like a large black cat. She
blinked to clear her vision, and he was once more all man.

“You’ve had your fun,” he said, lifting her to her feet. “Now it’s my turn.”

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Chapter Nine





he’d shifted in front of Piper, but the sight of her naked body had forced

the transformation. He’d truly believed that after he’d made love with her the first time
he wouldn’t be as affected. Boy, had he been wrong.

After he’d stowed her at his apartment, he’d driven all of one mile when he’d debated

turning around and insisting she stay with a friend, but then realized he’d never know for
sure if she were safe.

The moment he’d returned home with lunch, he’d sensed her intense need, and that

made him want her even more. He hadn’t tried to stop shifting into a bear because he
really wanted to see her reaction. But the moment she sucked on his cock, he hadn’t
been able to stop the second shift, letting the more powerful inner panther take over. He
wanted to tell her that she was his mate, but right now, he needed to enjoy her at least
one more time.

“My turn.” Cord swooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.
“My stuff is all over the bed. Sorry.”
“Not to worry.” She seemed to have a habit of leaving her things everywhere. He set

her down, shoved her clothes back into her suitcase, and placed the case on the floor.

Her arousal had heightened, and Cord found it increasingly difficult to hold back. He

lifted her again and placed her near the head of the bed. When he widened her legs and
crawled between them, he had to close his eyes and concentrate to keep in human form.
His desire overwhelmed him, and as much as he wanted to plunge into her, he needed to
please her first.

Threading two fingers into her wet hole, he licked her little nub back and forth. With

each flick, she groaned, drawing his balls into a tight wad of need. She grabbed the
comforter and clutched it, as if she, too, were holding on by a thread. He tried to block
the waves of lust rolling off her, but it was too easy to sense her desperation. Knowing
that everything he was doing excited her, his need skyrocketed.

“I want your cock,” she pleaded.
Those words were like a red flag waved in front of him. Wanting to give her what she

asked for—and help quench his desire—he crawled on top of her and supported himself
on his elbows. He then dragged his thumbs down her cheeks and kissed her lightly.

“I want to love you the way you deserve,” he whispered.
“You already have.”
Her unconditional acceptance opened his heart. For now, he’d pretend she was his

and deal with the fallout later when he told her about all the things he couldn’t give her.

Cord lowered his head and nabbed her nipple between his teeth, tugging and twisting

until the tip hardened. Piper grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails into him, sending

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primal signals straight to his brain to brand her. He longed to mark her, but that wouldn’t
be fair to her. There was too much wrong with him.

“Take me, dammit. I’m about to blow.” She gritted out her words.
Piper’s plea pushed him past his limit of restraint. He lifted his head, captured her

mouth fully, and plunged into her. Her back arched as she received him, and the urge to
mate brimmed again.

She reached around his back and clung tightly. He wanted to protect her, love her,

and make her his, only now wasn’t the right time. With each thrust, her groans grew
stronger, and when she lifted her hips, it was either explode or shift, so Cord let his dick
blow. As his cock expelled his seed, he gently nipped her shoulder, pretending he was
claiming her.

Her release forced her to take in a long inhale and she then shouted his name. Her

inner walls clamped down on his cock, squeezing out the rest of his cum.

He didn’t want to let her go, but when her body went limp he rolled over, taking her

with him. “This was the best dessert I’ve ever had,” he said.

She chuckled, but it seemed to take an effort. “Me, too.”
Footsteps sounded outside his door and his senses shot to overdrive. He rolled her off

him. “Someone’s outside.”

“I didn’t hear anyone.” The worry in her voice tore at him.
“It’s me, buddy, Jackson,” his good friend telepathed.
Cord relaxed. “It’s someone I know from my days with the DEA. Get dressed and then

come out and say hello.”

“What? You’d be embarrassed if I walk out naked?” She failed to keep the smile off

her face.

“Try it and I promise you won’t like the consequences, young lady.” He’d probably

shift and take her again. He leaned over and kissed her. “Now get dressed.”

He rushed out of the bedroom, making sure to close the door.
“I’m coming,” he telepathed, as he grabbed his briefs and tugged them on. He

chuckled to himself about the fact he’d already come.

Unfortunately, as soon as Jackson took one whiff, he’d know what had just happened.

After dragging on his pants, Cord opened the door.

His friend grinned. “Am I interrupting?”
“We’re finished. Come on in, you old dog.”
“Who are you calling a dog, you mangy barn cat!” Jackson laughed as he stepped


Cord smiled and shook his head as they half hugged and slapped each other on the

back. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was in the mood for a road trip and thought I’d stop on by and see how life is

treating you in North Carolina.”

“I’m great. Can I get you a beer?”
“Sure can.” He looked around. “Where is she?”
“In the bedroom.” Just as Cord was grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge, Piper’s

cell rang in the living room.

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“What me to get that?” Cord called out to her.
The door opened and Piper emerged, causing his libido to flare again. Damn woman

had to go and put on a radically hot outfit. What was she trying to do to him?

Only then did he spot her discarded clothes on the floor and understood why she

hadn’t redressed in her sweats—not that her baggy gear had prevented them from having
sex. He scooped them up not wanting to embarrass her.

“Don’t mind me,” Jackson said, clearly trying not to laugh.
Cord sent his panther buddy a lethal stare, not that it did any good.
“I got it.” Piper said, apparently only focused on reaching her phone. “It’s probably

Brody telling me he’s back at his apartment and wants you to call off Dram.” She nabbed
the phone off the coffee table, and he immediately sensed confusion when she spotted
the name. “Hello?”

As she listened, her whole body went still and her face paled. Cord glanced at Jackson

and then stepped over to her. She held up her hand then cast her gaze downward.

“I…I don’t have that kind of money.”
Fuck. Every animal instinct in his body shot to life. One of the attackers must be

asking her to pay what Brody owed. As much as he wanted to listen into the
conversation, if she put it on speaker, the caller would probably hang up.

Her chin lifted. “I want to speak with my brother.”
Good girl. Even under duress, she was thinking.
“Why not? Well, I can’t pay you until I go to the bank and withdraw the money. Just

don’t hurt him.” Her brows pinched and her hand began to shake.

Being helpless angered him. Cord wanted to grab the phone and shout at them.

Staring straight ahead, she lowered her arm, and clicked off the cell.

He helped her sit on the sofa, and Cord worked hard to keep his frustration in check.

“What did he say?”

“He said he had Brody, and that if I didn’t give him the ten thousand dollars by

tomorrow, he’d killed him.” She hiccupped and her bottom lip trembled.

“He’s bluffing. I would’ve heard from Dram if a bunch of men had tried to take your

brother. Let me call him to make certain.”

His fellow officer answered on the first ring. “I think I might have to take up fishing.

It’s nice out here.”

Cord wished he had time for pleasantries, but he didn’t. He quickly explained the

phone call. “I’m trusting no one stopped by?”

“Nope. It’s been peaceful here.”
“Better warn Brody. I’ll be in touch when I decide what to do. Just keep him safe.” He

disconnected. “Brody’s good. The men are either desperate, stupid, or both to think you’d
hand over money without speaking with him.”

Piper’s eyes watered, and she scooted closer. Cord embraced her and kissed the top

of her head. He didn’t let go until she’d stopped trembling.

“I was so scared. They asked if I got the note and said not only would they kill Brody

but that they’d be back if I didn’t pay.”

“Want to fill me in?” Jackson edged closer.

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Cord told him about the beating because of her brother’s gambling debt. He also

mentioned that he had a cop stationed at her house just in case they returned.

“What are we going to do?” his friend asked.
We? He liked that about Jackson. His former co-worker was always willing to lend a

hand. “I’m not sure.”

“It might not be any of my business, but it seems like a sting operation could work.

Remember when we wanted to capture Craig Jimenez and how we went undercover
pretending to be the buyers?”

“Can’t forget that. I see that scar every day of my life.”
Piper sucked in a breath. “I don’t want you to do anything that could get you killed.”
She was the sweetest woman on earth. “I was in my bear form at the time, so I

barely felt the bullet. We can take a bullet as long as it doesn’t hit a vital organ.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t have that kind of money anyway. I lied to stall them.”
“I figured, but I don’t think we’ll need any money.”
She grabbed his hand. “How are we going to pay them? Or aren’t we?”
“We will. Kind of. That’s why it’s called a sting operation.” He stroked her face,

needing to touch her. “We’ll pretend to give them the money and when they pick it up,
we’ll arrest them.”

She shook her head. “They said I had to deliver the money, but I’m scared that they’ll

kidnap me or something.”

Cord cupped her shoulder. “I would never put you in danger. As I said before, I’m not

letting you leave this apartment until those men are in jail.”

“I don’t understand.”
He didn’t expect her to. Cord looked up at Jackson. “I know you came here for a visit,

but I have an idea that involves you doing a little undercover work. You up for it?”

Jackson grinned. “I’m chomping at the bit. Just tell me what to do.”

* * *






been totally truthful about the reason for his visit. While he had come

to see his friend, he was also hunting for a job. Like Cord, working at the DEA had burned
him out. Every time the two of them spoke, Cord seemed to have found some kind of
peace living in Hidden Hills. The fact his coworkers had accepted him as a double shifter
implied the people of the town were open-minded—something he yearned for.

With directions in hand, he found the police station easily. Apparently, an officer by

the name of Selena Niles would be playing the role of Piper Capshaw. From what Piper
said, she didn’t believe the men knew what she looked like, and while Jackson wanted to
help his friend, this operation would hopefully act as his interview.

Cord had called Chief Sanders Hardy and set up the meeting with Jackson and Selena,

a cheetah shifter. On the drive over, Jackson had come up with a plan. While he and
Selena worked out the details with the Chief, Cord would be finding a place for Piper to
stay. As much as he wanted to remain with her, Cord was the only one who could identify
these men.

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Jackson parked and entered the station, and though it was small in comparison to

those in Virginia, there were a number of people bustling about.

He stepped up to the receptionist. “I have an appointment with Chief Hardy.” Jackson

flashed his DEA badge, and the woman’s eyes widened, as if she were impressed. She
gave him directions, and he thanked her.

As he headed down the hallway, his chest began to squeeze tight, and he pounded a

fist over his heart, thinking perhaps the meatball sub he’d eaten for lunch wasn’t agreeing
with him. Pushing aside his discomfort, he knocked on the chief’s door.

“Come on in. We’re not into formality here.”
Jackson liked that. He stepped in and was immediately overwhelmed with desire. Holy

fuck. He turned his focus to the beautiful woman sitting in the chair across from the chief
and couldn’t keep his gaze off her insanely long legs. She wore an auburn wig, a long
sleeve T-shirt, jeans, and boots. At first glance, even he thought it was Piper.

The strange vibrations swirling around his heart and his gut threw him off kilter, but

he sucked it up, and held out his hand. “You must be Selena, Piper’s double. I’m Jackson

When their hands touched, a bolt of electricity charged up his arm. At first, he thought

she was just another super hot chick, but then realized he’d never felt anything like it
before. He wasn’t ready to even consider she could be his mate. Every male in his family
had ended up with panthers.

“Nice to meet you,” she said. Her words came out terse, but there was enough

interest in her eyes to drown him.

Boy, was he in trouble now.

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Chapter Ten





cell for the tenth time in as many minutes to make sure he wasn’t too late

for the drop. He had to leave now or chance missing some of the action.

Storm placed a hand on his shoulder. “Piper is surrounded by my entire Clan. I

promise you no one can get near her.”

He appreciated that Storm was willing to watch over her, and Cord was confident

Piper would be safe. “Thanks.”

No doubt Piper and Cheyenne would have a good time together chatting and catching

up. In truth, he was more worried about what would happen if the men didn’t show,
leaving Brody’s safety in limbo.

Piper moved close and ran a hand up and down his arm, distracting him. “How did

Brody sound when you talked to him?”

Cord had just finished speaking with Dram to make certain her brother was secure

and only had a short conversation with Brody. “He doesn’t seem to be worried. This will
be over shortly.” Cord leaned over and kissed her. “I’ll call as soon as the men are in

If he’d didn’t leave now, he might relent and stay. After jumping in his truck, he took

off, refusing to even glance in his rear view mirror. Piper’s despair was already
bombarding him, eating at his composure.

Last night, he and Jackson had gone over the details of the operation, and he was

fairly confident they’d considered every contingency. The men had called once more and
said the drop-off would be in a trashcan behind the bowling alley. The big question was
once Selena placed the bag full of counterfeit money there, how long would the men wait
before retrieving it? Staying outside for hours on end meant he couldn’t be with Piper.

A few officers would be stationed in front of the building in case one or more of the

men took off. Between him, Jackson, and Selena, Cord was confident they’d be able to
take these clowns down.

Once through town, Cord slowed and approached the designated area with care,

keeping an eye out for any of the men. Even though he was in his personal vehicle and
not his unmarked SUV, he was to park on Druid Street and work his way toward the alley.
Jackson would have his eye on Selena the entire time, but Cord wasn’t worried. He’d
worked with her before and seen her handle punks like these with ease.

Once he parked, Cord headed out on foot. He didn’t have to go too far before he

sensed both Selena and Jackson. Cord found a good vantage point next to a rather smelly
dumpster and settled in to wait. He could see not only the back door of the bowling alley,
but also where it led to the parking lot on the side.

“She drop off the money yet?” Cord telepathed, fearing he might be too late.
“She’s been waiting for you.”

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From behind a car stepped a woman in a red wig. Damn, she did look like Piper.

Keeping her gaze focused on the drop off location, once she reached it, she looked right
then left before opening the lid and dropping the duffel inside. She turned around and
remained still for a few seconds, no doubt trying to sense if anyone was near. She must
have been convinced the trio wasn’t close because she edged back toward where she and
Jackson were hiding.

Now for the wait.
Because they couldn’t afford to be overheard, all the men were asked to maintain

radio silence. Being able to communicate telepathically with Jackson helped prevent
being taken by surprise.

Noise filtered out from the bowling alley, but the back door had yet to open. It was

always possible the men would come in from another direction. Whenever they arrived,
the three of them would be ready.

Jackson was in charge of videotaping the money pickup for use in court and would

remain hidden unless needed. Once the exchange occurred, Cord and Selena would rush
in and take down the men. If only one man showed up, they would follow him until he led
them to the others.

Cord was usually a patient man—at least when it came to the job—but now he

wanted to capture these bastards and return to Piper so he could scrub away all her

The sudden grating of a metal door shot him on high alert. He shifted into his cat

form, making him nearly invisible in the night. A man with a big belly wearing an apron
carried out a bag of trash. Shit. He must be the cook for the bowling alley. Piper had told
him there was a small bar inside where they served hamburgers and other fried food.

The cook lifted the lid, dumped in the trash, closed it, and headed back inside.
“That sucks. Do you think we should move the bag?” telepathed Jackson.
“Let’s give it a few minutes.” Less than thirty seconds later, three men sauntered

down the alley. Hallelujah. This was going to be easier than he thought. “It’s them. Get

While there was no way to let the officers in front know what was about to go down,

they didn’t need the backup. The only foreseeable problem might be if Selena hadn’t
already shifted, the light she emitted when she changed might tip off the men.

The one who’d acted in charge the last time lifted the trashcan lid.
“Is it there?” a second man asked, stepping next to him.
“Can’s full.”
Cord wanted to shout out for him to look under the other bag, but he refrained. They

couldn’t be that dumb, could they?

The third man came over to check out the situation. Fortunately, he lifted the recently

deposited garbage bag. “That it?”

The leader lifted up the duffel and then unzipped it. “Holy shit it is.”
“You recording this, Jackson?”
“Got it.”

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Keeping to the shadows, Cord slinked toward them, ever vigilant in case one of the

men spotted him. As the leader replaced the lid on the trashcan, a bright blue flash lit up
the alley. Damn it.

“Oh, shit,” the leader shouted. “Let’s get the fuck outta here.”
As if they’d planned for this contingency, the leader and the shorter of the two headed

Cord’s way, and the third man sped in the other direction. He didn’t need to shout to
Selena about which one to go after as the lone man was almost upon her. While Cord
wasn’t fast as a bear, he’d be more imposing. Shifting into his other form, he rose up on
two legs and growled.

“It’s him.” The shorter man glanced at the leader.
Damn. The leader tried to dart around him to the left while the shorter guy headed to

the right. Cord lunged for the leader, and when he landed on him, the man’s head hit the
pavement, and he let out a loud grunt. When he didn’t move, Cord figured he’d be out for
a few minutes at least.

The footsteps of the second man were becoming fainter with each passing second,

and Cord shifted into his panther form. As he turned to charge after the man, he caught
sight of Jackson sprinting in human form toward Selena. Her cheetah butt had hit the
ground and the lone man appeared to be getting away. Before the assailant rounded the
corner to the front, she managed to jump up and take off. Jackson followed. Oh, boy.

Needing to deal with his own fleeing man, Cord chased after him. A shot sounded and

pinged off something metal close to his head. Not only was it dark, but Cord was moving
too fast for the man to have much of a chance of hitting him. Pumping his legs hard, he
reached the man in less than four seconds. Taking a flying leap, he landed on the man’s
back but squelched the urge to bite him. As soon as the man’s knees hit the ground, Cord
changed back into human form.

“You’re under arrest.” He pulled his cuffs from his back pocket, dragged the downed

man to his feet, and hauled him to a police car parked on the side of the building. Cord
secured the man to the handle then motioned for one of the officers to deal with him.

Cord almost smiled when he remembered Piper’s question asking why his clothes

didn’t shred when he shifted. He’d hate to think of standing in front of a captured man
stark naked with no way to secure him.

Knowing this guy was in good hands, Cord jogged to the back to check on the downed

leader. In the distance, Jackson seemed to be lecturing Selena. Cord bet there’d be a
good story there.

Just as two officers arrived on the scene, the leader roused. “I’ll let you two handle

this man,” Cord said.

“Will do,” the beat cop replied.
Cord went over to where Selena and Jackson were conferring with a third policeman

and the final man. “You guys okay?” he asked.

Selena pointed a thumb at his friend. “Ask Jackson. He was the one who dropped the


Frustration and anger rolled off his friend. “Had to. When this asshole kicked you, I

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thought you needed help.”

She shook her head. “I can handle myself.”
Cord swallowed a smile. It was clear something was going on between the two of

them, but he had more important things to attend to. “If you guys are good, I’m heading
out.” He looked at Selena. “We can fill out the paperwork tomorrow.”

“Works for me.”
Cord placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You good?”
As Cord headed back to his truck, he called Dram to let him know his babysitting duty

was over. As much as he wanted to hear Piper’s voice, Storm’s house was only fifteen
minutes away, and seeing the relief on her face when he told her the danger had passed
would go a long way to erasing this nightmare for her. Just because these men wouldn’t
be bothering Brody for a long time, though, didn’t mean her brother wouldn’t gamble
again. Cord had thought about speaking to him, but then decided he’d help only if Piper
asked him to intervene.

* * *





Cord to return so quickly, but as soon as he pulled in front of Storm’s

house, she’d rushed out to greet him. Wanting her friends to hear the details of the story,
she asked him inside. Cord hugged her, gave her a quick kiss, and then followed her into
Storm and Cheyenne’s home. Cord told them about the successful sting operation and
how quickly they’d taken down Brody’s attackers. Piper was thrilled, not only for her
brother but also for Cord and his friend.

Storm held out his hand. “Congrats. Nice job.”
Piper hugged Cheyenne goodbye, and as soon as Piper slipped into the front seat of

Cord’s truck, she dialed her brother then disconnected. “Damn, I forgot Brody’s cell is

“I just spoke with Dram. He said Brody was packing up and that they’d be heading

back soon.”

It was probably for the best that she couldn’t speak with him. She would have lectured

Brody about his gambling habits. At least now, she wouldn’t have to listen to her
brother’s empty promises, which would spoil her good mood.

She tucked a leg under her. “So what do you think we should do to celebrate?” Sex,

sex, or more sex?

Cord smiled. “I’m sure we can come up with something, but before we do, I’d like to

continue with that discussion we never had.”

She wracked her brain for what that might be. “Discussion?”
“Remember I told you there were several things about me that you didn’t know—

things that might make you change your mind about me?”

After all they’d been through, did he think anything he told her would make her not

want him? Only because he acted as if he needed to get it off his chest, did she agree to

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listen to such nonsense. “Tell me.”

He let out a long exhale. “After my brother was born, my parents wanted to have

another child, only my mother was unable to conceive for some reason.”

He’d told her that much before. “Are you adopted then?” That wouldn’t matter in the


“No. My mother decided to try fertility drugs. The problem was that my parents

couldn’t afford to buy them at a local clinic, so my father found them on the black

She moved a little closer and placed a hand on his thigh, hoping to bring him some

comfort. From the strain in his voice, telling the story was difficult for him. “Did something

“I was born a freak.”
He’d used that word before. “I don’t understand. Aren’t your parents shifters?” She

couldn’t imagine two humans having a shifter baby.

“Yes. My mother’s a bear shifter and my father is a panther shifter.”
“So you took after your mother. I don’t see the problem.”
His hands gripped the wheel. “Actually, I took after both of my parents. I can shift into

either a panther or a bear at will.”

“So Brody was right when he said you shifted from a panther into a bear.”
“That’s really cool. Why is this a problem? You can be big and strong or fast and

lethal, whichever works best. That would give you a huge advantage when fighting

He glanced over at her. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m different from everyone else?

I’ve never heard of anyone like me.”

“Personally, I like different. It makes you extra special. Is there something other than

your ability to shift into two animals that is unique?” She couldn’t imagine why that would
even be an issue for him.

He pulled in front of his garage apartment and cut the engine but said nothing more.

She wasn’t about to let him off so easily, but she’d wait until they were inside before she
questioned him further.

Cord unlocked the front door and motioned her in. His story about the black market

drugs made her wonder about his career choice. “Is that why you decided to join the
DEA? To put men like the ones who gave your mother drugs out of business?”

He flipped on the light and faced her. “Yes. Unregulated drugs can have dire

consequences. Even though the men who sold the drugs to my mother were put out of
business a few years after I was born, the damage had already been done.”

She slipped off her jacket, tossed it on the back of the sofa, and faced him. “All of that

is past history. You are an amazing man, Cord Triggert. You need to forget about it and
accept your fate.” She stepped over to him and tried to unbutton his shirt, but he stopped
her. She then gave him her sexiest pose, hoping to change his mind. “Don’t be that way.
I thought we’d celebrate.”

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He cupped her face and looked down at her. “There’s more. I’m not sure you can

understand what it means, but I need to tell you anyway.”

His intensity scared her. “Tell me what?”
“You’re my mate.”

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Chapter Eleven





it. “We’re really mates?”

She threw her arms around him and kissed him with every ounce of her being.
Cord planted his palms on her waist and leaned back. “Do you understand what that


“My friends have filled me in, especially about the part where their men can’t keep

their hands off them.”

He laughed, but then quickly sobered. “Before you get too excited, you should know

that I have no idea if I’m capable of having children.”

One of the nurses she worked with had a husband who was unable to conceive, but

that didn’t mean Sarah loved him any less. “I’m willing to take that chance. There’s
always adoption.”

A sparkle came to his eyes. “Really?” She nodded. “That’s great, but are you sure you

understand what might happen when I claim you as my mate?”

She thought back to what Cheyenne had told her about how she’d bitten Storm and

turned him into a cheetah, like her. “I’ll be able to shift?” Never in her wildest dreams had
she thought she’d ever possess that kind of magic.

Cord glanced off to the side. “Most likely, but I have no idea if you’d become a bear or

a panther.”

“Who cares? I’m intrigued with the whole idea of having this super power. It really

doesn’t matter to me which one I can turn into. They both have their pros and cons.”

“You are something else.”
Piper kicked off her shoes. “Show me.”
He grinned and her insides melted. “Now that I’ve told you that you’re my mate, my

inner animal is bursting to get out.”

Piper worked hard not to laugh. No man had ever said anything like that to her before.

“What are you waiting for?”

He dipped his shoulder, and when he lifted her up in a fireman’s hold, she laughed

and grabbed onto his waist to keep from slipping off.

“It’s not funny.” He lightly patted her butt. “I hope you’re ready to be ravished.”
Even though she’d only known Cord for a short period, his sincerity, intensity, and

caring had already worked its way into her heart. There was no doubt in her mind that
she loved this man. “Wait and see what I have planned for you.”

He dumped her on the bed then beat his chest, acting like Tarzan. Piper giggled so

hard, she rolled onto her side and curled up into a ball.

Cord crawled next to her and flipped her onto her back. He then plucked open her

jeans and slid down her zipper. “Don’t laugh at me, woman.”

She saluted. “Yes, sir.”

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His playfulness evaporated the moment he removed her jeans and panties. He then

pulled her to a sitting position and stripped off her top. “You wore red?”

She looked down at her bra and now discarded panties. She’d only brought sexy

underwear from her apartment. “You don’t like red? Don’t tell me you’re part bull, too?”

“I’ll show you what kind of animal I am.” He undid the clasp in back, rolled the bra

down her arms then tossed it to the side. He sat back on his haunches and ran his gaze
up and down her body. “I have to be the luckiest man alive.”

His words swirled inside her, bringing her great joy. To show him how much she

wanted him, she grabbed his crotch. “I can make you feel luckier.”

He plucked her hand from his dick. “You have no idea what being around you does to

me. The urge to make you mine is so overwhelming that staying in human form is hard.”

Piper leaned back on her elbows, planted her feet on the bed, and spread her legs

wide. He growled, and then his teeth sharpened. The mere sight of him slowly turning
into an animal excited her to no end. Wanting to tempt him beyond reason, she dipped
two fingers into her pussy, removed them, and then dragged them across his covered

“You are so going down,” he growled.
Cord jumped off the bed and practically tore off his clothes. His chest was covered in

fur, and his nails had elongated. Despite the slight changes to his outward appearance,
he was all man—and all hers.

Piper opened her arms. “Come here.”
Cord eased toward her, his dark eyes smoldering with passion and desire. She’d never

seen anyone so focused before, but she wasn’t scared. This was her man, and he’d
proven many times that he was capable of loving and caring for her forever.

“I don’t know where to begin.” His gaze shifted from her lips to her tits to the apex of

her thighs.

She smiled, dipped her forefingers into her mouth to wet them, and then rubbed them

across her hard nipples. “I can give you some suggestions.”

As if he was already in his animal form, Cord pounced, his knees landing on either side

of her body. “You don’t need to tempt me to make me want you.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” She reached between his legs and squeezed his hard cock.
His eyes narrowed and when he swiped his tongue across his teeth as if getting them

ready to claim her, her pussy dripped with explosive lust.

“If I don’t taste you, I’ll lose my mind,” he said.
Cord slid down onto his belly, forcing her to let go of his dick, and plied open her

pussy lips with his thumbs. He inhaled, closed his eyes, and then dragged his tongue
across her opening. Sparks of total bliss skittered across her body, and her inner walls
contracted in need of his hard dick.

As much as she wanted him to impale her, this was the moment when the two of

them would become one for all time. She hoped she could last long enough for the
memory to be forever branded in her mind.

When he nabbed her clit between his teeth, oxygen rushed out of her lungs, forcing

her to suck in a big breath. Her need swamped her, but she held on tight, loving each lick

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and flick of his tongue. “Yes, oh, yes.”

Cord thrust two fingers into her wet opening and nearly drove her off the bed. Not

wanting to come too soon, she clasped onto the sheets and held on tight.

“Your arousal overwhelms me,” he said as he slid onto his knees and rolled her over.

He dipped an arm under her stomach and lifted her onto her elbows and knees.

When Cord climbed behind her and planted his chest on her back, electric bolts ignited

her core. Piper lowered her head to allow her hair to fall to the side and expose her neck.
She wanted him in her in more ways than one.

He brushed the tips of her nipples with his palms, and his soft touch thrilled her. Not

only could Cord be forceful and demanding, he could be gentle and oh, so romantic.
When his lips touched her shoulder, she tensed, not having any idea how much a bite
would hurt.

“Relax. I’m not ready yet. I want to love all of you first.”
She didn’t think she could last much longer since the sexual energy between them

was higher than anything she’d ever felt before.

As he dragged his lips across her shoulder and her neck, goose bumps popped up on

her skin. Not being able to touch him frustrated her, but she’d let him do this his way. He
said he could sense her mood, and maybe that was why he pinched her nipples hard to
shake her out of her random thoughts.

“You drifted off.”
So, he could see into her soul. “Is there any way I can block my feelings from you?”
He lightly nipped her shoulder. “Not a chance.” He slid a hand down her belly straight

to her pussy and pressed on her clit again. Heat instantly flared, and she wiggled her hips
against his cock.

“Watch it,” he growled.
She loved that he was so sensitive. “Aren’t you going to bite me?”
He cupped both of her breasts and gently massaged them as he scraped his teeth

along the shell of her ear. “Not yet,” he whispered.

Shards of lust pricked her from top to bottom, and just as she was about to beg him,

he slipped his cock between her folds and drove into her with one powerful thrust. Her
body exploded with desire, passion, and unbelievable lust that surrounded her like a
warm, comforting blanket. She was floating, despite ripples of tightness pulsing inside

She rocked her hips back and forth needing more of him. With each thrust, her climax

neared, and his groans and moans sounded increasingly more like growls. He dragged his
teeth across her skin once more, his teeth sharper than before.

“You are mine, Piper Capshaw.”
The words had barely settled in when he plowed his cock straight to the hilt and

pierced her skin with his teeth, forcing her to scream his name. Perhaps the joy and
elation caused the adrenaline to block any pain. Euphoria flowed through her veins as her
climax brimmed and flowed over. It would be impossible for him to read her thoughts
right now because she had none. She was too overwhelmed with love and wonder.

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Seconds later, his hot seed filled her and he wrapped his arms around her as his cock

throbbed and pulsed. She thought she heard him whisper that he needed her, but she
couldn’t be certain.

Piper wasn’t even sure what she was supposed to do now. Her body was weak like it

always was after they made love, but she didn’t feel any different—at least none of her
teeth were growing longer. The idea of having fur appealed to her but only in the winter.

Cord slipped out of her, rolled her over, and then jumped off the bed. “Hold that


Uncertain what he meant, he jogged bare-assed out of the room. The bathroom door

squeaked open, and he returned with a towel and cleaned her up.

“Am I able shift now?” It could be a two-step process.
“Can you?”
She didn’t know why he needed to be a smart ass, especially now. This was a

momentous occasion for her. Piper pushed up on her elbows. “How do I do it?”

Her friends had been born shifters and already knew how.
“It takes a lot of concentration.”
“That’s it? All I have to do is imagine I’m a panther or a bear and poof, I’ve shifted?”
He shrugged and pulled on his pants. Cord, for the first time, wasn’t being very

supportive. Piper closed her eyes and pictured a panther. She tried to think of fur, nails,
and sleekness, but nothing happened. She grunted out her frustration. “It’s not working.”

Cord slipped next to her. “Get dressed. I’ll take you home.” His tone had turned hard.
A burst of anger grabbed her, along with a heavy dose of guilt at having failed.

“You’re kicking me out? Is it because I can’t shift?”

He shrugged. “I can only breed with another shifter. If you can’t change, we can’t be


An ugly sludge dripped through her veins, feeling like he’d stabbed her heart with a

heated poker. Had all his loving words been a big fat lie? Here she thought he wanted to
be with her more than anything. Hell, he’d shifted right in front of her, claiming it was
because he wanted her so much. Confusion burned through her body. “Why didn’t you tell

“I didn’t want to discourage you.” He acted as if this wasn’t a big deal—that he hadn’t

just shredded her heart.

What a jerk! She pushed aside the sheet and jumped off the bed. She stomped over

to where he’d tossed her undies and jeans and stepped into them, forcing back the tears.
From the bed, she snatched her bra and shirt. The whole time, he stood there watching
her dress, his expression blank.

“I have to be up early tomorrow for work anyway. Let’s go.” Piper tried to maintain

some shred of dignity.

Cord’s face fell. He stood and embraced her. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry, I had to lie.”
His sudden concern shook her. “What are you talking about?” She wasn’t ready to

forgive him yet.

“Storm told me that his anger brought on his shift the first time. I said those terrible

things because I wanted to see if it would help you to shift, but the waves of anger and

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betrayal coming off you are too strong for me to handle.”

“Really? You didn’t mean it when you said you only wanted a shifter for a mate?” She

held her breath, awaiting his answer.

He swiped a finger under her eye to wipe away the moisture. “Never. I want you to

stay just the way you are.” From the way he kissed her, she believed him.

“Thank you for trying to help,” she said.
His smile came out lopsided. “Didn’t Cheyenne ever tell you about what happened to

Storm after she bit him?”

“He told me he didn’t shift right away either. In fact, he felt sick for a few days until

his future father-in-law made him angry. Since you seemed so eager to shift, I wanted to
try to bring out your ire, too.”

She hugged him. “Thank you.”
“But if you never shift, it’s not your fault. It just means I’m truly different.”
Not wanting him to take the blame, she placed a finger on his lips. “No more talk of

you being inadequate. Okay?”

“Inadequate and different are worlds apart. My dick still works, proving my point.”
She leaned back and punched him. “You know what I meant. Now, how about that

ride? I do have the early shift and I didn’t think to bring my uniform.”

Perhaps with a few more bites, and a lot more sex, she’d be successful.

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Chapter Twelve





the window and watched Cord’s headlights fade as he pulled out of her

drive. When they’d arrived home, the patrolman assigned to watch her house said that
the hardware store had replaced the window, but that no one had stopped by. Cord had
thanked him and said he was no longer needed since the men who were responsible
were now in jail.

She sagged against the wall. These last few hours had been incredibly emotional—

from worry to elation. Not only had Cord saved her brother from further attacks or
possibly death, he’d also mated with her. She still couldn’t believe Cord had chosen to be
with her.

She touched the spot where he’d bitten her but felt no lump or mark of any kind.

Interesting. She stepped back, and the sound of glass underfoot forced her to look down.
The hardware store workers had apparently missed a piece when cleaning up. She bent
down to pick up the shard and yelped when she cut her index finger. Damn. She sucked
on her wound and then dumped the piece of glass into the trash. She should have been
more careful. Clearly, her mind was going in too many directions at once to pay attention.

It was quite late, and she needed to take a shower then head to bed. As much as she

wished Cord had agreed to stay, it was better that they have some time apart to think
about how their lives were about to change.

* * *






went off the next morning, she grunted and patted the bed next to her to

feel for Cord. It took a few seconds to realize that she was alone, and emptiness filled
her. As she sat up, a sudden yearning to be with him caused her heart to flutter,
surprising her in its intensity. It was almost as if the bite had shifted her thinking and
caused this need to surface. Was this what Cord experienced every day? If so, she wasn’t
sure she could fully function like this. Yikes. These changes were happening too fast.

Yes, they belonged together, but her rational side said it wouldn’t be wise to rush

things. She had planned to wait before suggesting they move in together, but now she
wasn’t sure she could keep away from him. Cord surely understood more about this
mating situation than she did.

Piper eased out of bed and headed into the bathroom, forcing her mind off the lust

pooling in her groin. Christ, she had to stop thinking about him or she wouldn’t be able to
stay focused at work.

Once she stripped off the bandage from her finger to wash her face, she checked out

her injury. Confused, she ran her thumb over the spot she thought had been cut, not
quite believing she’d healed overnight.

“That’s a first.” Perhaps in her state of mind, she’d overreacted the severity of the

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slice. “Whatever.”

She quickly dressed in her scrubs, made a cup of coffee, and grabbed a power bar

before heading out to the hospital. This week she had the seven-to-seven shift, which
suited her fine. She and Cord might even be able to grab a late dinner together,
assuming he was free. He’d told her that his hours were complicated, which meant he
could never be sure when he’d be needed to work on a case.

Piper’s first patient of the day was Jill Everson who was nine months pregnant and

ready to deliver at any moment. As soon as Jill walked in, Piper sensed something was
wrong. She rushed over and helped her onto the exam table. Jill was sweating, her
respiration was high, and she looked to be in a lot of pain.

“Tell me where it hurts,” Piper said.
“Everywhere,” she huffed out.
Piper needed to find Jill’s obstetrician to make sure nothing serious was going on. “I’ll

be right back.”

“Wait.” Jill reached out, and when she grabbed Piper’s hand, it was almost as if a

strong current passed between them. A flash of fear crossed Jill’s face but then her
breathing slowed and her muscles relaxed. The poor woman let go and stretched out on
the exam table, as if her ordeal was now over.

Jill placed a hand on her belly and sighed. “I can’t believe it. The cramping and pain

have almost completely disappeared. The doctor said my baby was breech, but I think
she just turned around.” Her smile radiated joy.

Piper was happy for her, but now she was the one who was a bit shaken and rather

faint, as if she were in labor. Perhaps this wooziness was what Storm had experienced
after Chey bit him. A bit of excitement trickled in at the idea that she might be able to
shift after all.

Working hard to focus, Piper picked up the gel. “Let’s see what my magic wand can

detect today.”

Piper donned her rubber gloves, opened Jill’s gown, and spread the goo on her bulging

belly. Passing the instrument over her skin, the image of her baby girl appeared, her head
pointing downward.

Jill smiled. “She did move! You must be my lucky charm.”
“Your daughter must have sensed your discomfort and moved on her own.” Piper

didn’t know what would cause such a change, but she was happy for it.

“No. The moment I touched you, the baby seemed to feel your calm.”
She’d learned long ago not to argue with a hormonal woman. Neither Jill nor her

husband were shifters, so the baby wouldn’t be like Cord who could sense feelings. “I’m
glad I could help.”

After the exam, Jill thanked her again and left. While her patient’s energy seemed to

have returned, Piper needed to sit down and rest. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her
pulse was rather elevated. It was almost as if she’d absorbed Jill’s discomfort even
though that was medically impossible. It had to be a reaction to Cord’s bite.

Before she could think more about it, Claire, a fellow nurse, rushed in. “There’s been a

car wreck, and they need you in X-ray stat.”

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Heart racing, Piper tossed off her used gloves, and rushed out. Halfway to the X-ray

room, she could hear a little boy screaming and her heart ached for him. When Piper
entered the exam room, a boy about eight was sobbing and holding his arm. The nurse
with him looked up and shook her head, but Piper didn’t have time to ask what that
meant. She hoped he wasn’t seriously injured.

“We need his arm X-rayed,” the nurse said.
The little boy raised his head, tears streaming down his face. “I don’t want you to

touch me.” He then wailed.

Piper wouldn’t be able to do her job if he didn’t let her place his injured arm by his

side. She turned to the nurse. “He needs to stand on this plate.”

He sniffled and whimpered saying he’d do it by himself. Even after she tilted the table,

he kept crying. “I need you to let go of your arm,” Piper said as softly as she could. “Can
you do that for me?”

As she reached to better position him on the table, he grabbed her hand to stop her.

“It’ll hurt.”

The instant their fingers touched, a strong electric bolt staggered her, just like it had

with Jill. What the hell was going on? Not wanting to cause him more pain, she stepped
away from the young man.

The nurse rushed up to her. “Are you okay?”
“I think so.” Piper touched her cheek, and her face was flush. She didn’t want to

mention her reaction could be the result of a bite.

“Let me see if there’s someone else who can help him,” the nurse said, guiding Piper

over to a chair.

She glanced at the injured boy, and he was just looking up at her with the biggest,

blue eyes. He was no longer holding his arm, nor was he crying, and relief washed
through her. “Are you feeling better?” she asked him, not understanding how that was

Piper waved off the nurse’s help. “I’ll take care of him,” she said despite waves of

dizziness assaulting her.

“I’ll wait outside for him,” the nurse said. “Let me know when you’re finished.”
The X-ray would only take a few minutes.
Piper stepped up to the table. “May I touch your arm now?”
He nodded. With as much care as she could muster, she laid out his arm, and he

didn’t whimper once. What a brave young man.

She stood in the control room, pressed the button, and then studied the image on the

computer. She was no doctor, but she couldn’t even see a stress fracture. Most likely the
little boy had been scared after the accident, and his doctor had merely wanted to be

The nurse who had brought him in helped him off the table and escorted him back to

the emergency room. Not feeling well, Piper sat down and waited for her strength to
return, assuming the reaction had to do with her mating with Cord.

This morning, she’d dismissed the idea that her wound had healed so quickly, deciding

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she’d overreacted. When Jill had touched her, it appeared as if Piper had sent some kind
of healing thoughts to the woman, but babies were known to turn on their own. The little
boy suddenly improved, too, when the two of them had connected. Most likely, he’d just
been afraid. She decided these three events were mere coincidences.

She explained away her own wooziness by the fact she hadn’t eaten a good breakfast

and she might be reacting to the bite. Add in that her stress levels had been off the chart
these last few days, and it made sense she wasn’t feeling well. That had to be it. Her odd
emotions this morning when she realized Cord wasn’t near had her almost in tears. In
fact, she’d even considered driving over to his place just to see him before work, but then
decided these reactions were all in her head—or were they?

Satisfied with the logical explanation, she printed the X-ray and sent it to the doctor.
Close to noon, she had a little break, and Piper decided to check on the little boy and

his family. When she located the orthopedist in charge, he told her the little boy had
checked out fine. His parents, however, were in critical condition. “I would’ve ordered
another X-ray, but Sammy said his arm didn’t hurt much anymore.”

“I think maybe he was just worried about his parents.”
The doctor nodded. “I think you’re right. He was crying so much and seemed to be in

pain that I wanted to err on the side of caution.”

As she headed back to her area, she decided to call Cord, hoping he could join her for

lunch. Perhaps with a good meal in her, she’d perk up.

* * *






truck in Hidden Hills Café parking lot and pulled next to him. When she

stepped inside the restaurant, a wave of lust hit her so strongly that she nearly bumped
into a man who was leaving. Whoa. Needing to find out about her odd reactions, she
found Cord quickly. He looked good—too good in fact, and she had to keep from thinking
about what they might be doing tonight.

Cord held out a chair for her and she sat down. “As much as I was happy that you

called and asked me to lunch, I’m sensing you’re confused about something. I’m picking
up a strong attraction as well as dismay.”

For once, Piper was happy he was so intuitive. “Both are true. Things have been

happening that I can’t explain.”

“Like what?” He leaned forward in his listening mode.
“I know this might be silly, but last night after you dropped me off, I picked up a piece

of window glass from the floor and cut my finger.”

He glanced at her hands. “Ah, yes. You’re wondering why the cut is no longer visible. I

forgot to mention that shifters have the ability to heal faster than humans.”

“But I’m not a shifter,” she whispered.
“Maybe not, or at least not yet, but you will gain certain shifter traits even if you can’t

change forms, like that of being able heal. It’s a by-product of being mated.”

She sat back in her seat, trying to absorb this news. If she hadn’t seen the cut go from

deep to better in a few hours, she never would have believed it. “Something else

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happened today.” She told him about Jill and Sammy.

Cord placed a palm on her hand. “How are you feeling? Is your stomach upset, your

heartbeat rapid, or your skin flushed?”

Piper stilled. He knew something. “All of that.”
“Did the symptoms come on slowly or all at once—like just when you were around

these two?”

“All of a sudden.”
Cord shook his head, blew out a breath, and leaned back. “Damn. Storm was ill before

he shifted, but given the speed of your symptoms, coupled with what happened,
something else might be going on.”

“It’s possible I passed on my mother’s talent to you.”
“Talent?” His mother was a bear shifter, yet Piper couldn’t shift.
The waiter stopped by and took both their drink and food requests. The Hidden Hills

Café prided itself on quick service. She rushed the man along, needing to find out more.

“My mother is a bear shifter, but she’s also a healer. She doesn’t talk about it much

and neither do I since it can be very dangerous for her.”

Piper’s stomach cramped at idea that what was happening to her could be dangerous.

“You mother might be able to heal people, but I can’t. I just seem to be able to calm
them down.”

“That’s what happened to my mom at first, too. Your abilities will become stronger to

the point where you can heal a person if you concentrate hard enough. Here’s the thing.
This ability comes with consequences.”

She tried to imagine what that would mean. “Don’t tell me that when your mother

touches someone, she heals them, but then absorbs what’s wrong with them?” That
would be terrible, though it was almost what she felt when around Jill.

“Not exactly, but it does take a tremendous toll on my mother’s health every time she

touches the person and wishes to heal them. It’s why she tries not to let on that she has
this power. People from miles around would seek her out, and my mom can’t say no to
anyone in need.”

“She sounds wonderful. The moment I spotted Jill in distress, I wanted to help her,

too. The same thing happened with that poor little boy. Can I control this? Stop it from
happening?” What if she could no longer be a nurse?

“To some degree. As long as you’re careful not to make direct skin contact while

wishing to help, you should be fine.”

Her stomach unknotted. She could pay attention now that she understood what could

happen. “You said this healing takes a toll on your mom’s health. How long does this ill
feeling last?”

He glanced off to the side as if he was debating whether to tell her. “The residual

effects never quite go away. Each time she heals someone, it shortens her life—or so
we’ve been told.”

Piper leaned forward and kept her voice soft. “Did this happen when you bit me?”
He picked up both of her hands in his. “Yes and I’m sorry. I had no idea I could

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transfer this gene. My mother’s ability is both a gift and a curse. Over the years, she’s
learned to control it, which means you, too, can learn. I know what a kind woman you
are, and that you want to help everybody, but from now on, you can’t—at least not in this
new way.”

This was so unfair. “I’m a nurse. It’s why I went into this field.”
He let go of her hands. “I don’t imagine helping someone who has a cold would be too

hard on you, but if someone were seriously injured, and you thought healing wishes, it
might kill you.”

He had to be exaggerating. His mother was still alive.
Their food arrived a few minutes later, and they both dug in. He looked up at her.

“Are you having regrets having met me?”

“No! You’ve not only made me the happiest woman alive by being with me, you’ve

given me a gift, which I will use wisely. I promise.”

His shoulders relaxed. “Okay, then.”
Since they both had to return to work, they ate quickly. After he paid, he walked her

to her car, and desire flooded her. Suddenly she was almost brought to tears at the idea
of being away from him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, not caring if the whole
town saw them. “Maybe we should play hooky for the rest of the day.”

He tapped her nose. “I can see I’m going to spend many years suffering because you

seem determined to distract me.”

“Moi? Never.” Cord was the strong one. “I’m off work at seven. Will you be able to

stop by?”

He drew her close, kissed her hard, and then squeezed her butt. She loved how much

Cord seemed unable to keep his hands off her.

“You can’t keep me away,” he said then winked.
He waited for her to leave before slipping into his SUV. Because she’d eaten, Piper’s

energy slowly improved. When she returned to work, she made certain to put on her
gloves before touching her patients even though she had no intention of thinking about
intense healing thoughts.

Close to seven, Piper was cleaning up her examine room, excited about being with

Cord, when Claire poked her head in. “Piper?”

Her coworker looked shaky. Maybe the flu was going around, and Piper’s own

symptoms had nothing to do with the talent Cord claimed he’d given her.

“What’s wrong?”
“There’s a man out here, a Jackson Kenner, who says he has to see you right away.”
A giant claw squeezed her insides, but Piper wasn’t ready to consider why he was

here. “Did he say why?”

“No, but he had blood all over him.”
Oh, my God. “Cord!”
Barely able to breathe, Piper rushed out of the room.

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Chapter Thirteen





in the corridor for her, his hands behind his back. The front of his shirt

was streaked with blood, and Piper nearly staggered trying to reach him.

“What happened?” Her voice trembled and her chest tightened.
“Cord’s been shot.” He stabbed a hand through his hair. “It’s my fault. I distracted

him. We should have sensed the men coming out of the alley.” He glanced everywhere
but at her, looking like demons were beating at him.

Piper wanted to shake him. “How is he?” Her hands were clenched so tightly her nails

dug into her skin.

“He’s in surgery now. A bullet might have nicked the artery in his leg.” His lips pressed

together, and he was rocking side to side.

She turned toward the surgery bay to find out more, but Jackson stopped her. “You

can’t see him yet. He’s in surgery.”

His words finally registered. He was right. She couldn’t just barge into a sterile

environment. The doctor in charge wouldn’t be able to give her an update until he
finished. Her thoughts shifted to Jackson. “What about you? Are you hurt?”

“No. This is Cord’s blood when I tried to stop the bleeding. Before they had a chance

to hit me, I shifted and chased them off.”

“How could this have happened? Cord said things like bullets didn’t hurt him much.”
“They don’t when he’s in his shifted form.”
She knew that. Her thoughts were totally jumbled. “What should we do?”
She was the professional, yet at the moment, she wasn’t able to think clearly. Panic

and grief had blocked her usual nurse control, and her life was spinning out of control.
This was her mate.

“Let’s sit in the waiting room. I’ve spoken with the attending nurse and she said the

doctor will speak with us as soon as he’s out of surgery.”

She followed him down the corridor toward the surgery wing. “I thought he said he

always wore a vest.”

“He did.”
Her brain was mush. The vest wouldn’t cover his leg. “When was he admitted?”
“Not more than half an hour ago.” Jackson helped her sit. “I’ll be right back. I need to

wash off some of this blood.”

Jackson returned a few minutes later but had only been able to clean his hands. While

she wasn’t really in the mood for small talk, she wanted to learn Cord’s frame of mind
when he was shot. He’d said of late that he’d been distracted thinking of her.

“Do you remember what you two were talking about when the incident occurred?”
“Me moving here and taking a job at the department. I’d decided to give Hidden Hills

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a try, and Cord was giving me the lowdown on what a regular day was like for him. We
were on Fur and Robertson, near that strip mall and weren’t paying attention. All of a
sudden, three men shot out of an alley carrying stuff—unwrapped. One of the men who
stopped to help told us those men had robbed an electronics store one block over.”

She tried to picture their exact location, but couldn’t. “And when they spotted you two,

they shot Cord?”

“Yes. It must have been his uniform. They fired before either of us had the chance to

assess the situation. One bullet hit Cord in the leg and the other landed somewhere
else.” He leaned forward, planted his elbows on his knees, and dropped his face in his

“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t shoot him.”
He sat back up and ran a hand over his head again. “No, but if I hadn’t distracted him

by asking so many questions, he might have heard their pounding feet coming down the
alley. Unlike the rest of us, Cord can shift almost instantly. Shit. He shouldn’t be the one
here. I should be.”

Jackson leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes as if he was trying to come to

grips with what had happened. Leaving him to deal with his own issues was probably

She, too, leaned back and tried to calm herself. What seemed like hours later, the

doctor came out, and both she and Jackson jumped up.

“How is Cord?” she asked, her stomach swirling.
“He’s out of surgery, but he’s lost a lot of blood. While he has yet to regain

consciousness, he should wake soon. Cord is strong. All we can do now is send him a lot
of positive thoughts.”

“May I see him?”
“Are you a relative?”
While she’d seen this doctor in the cafeteria, they’d never spoken, and as much as

Piper wanted to say she and Cord were mates, she wasn’t aware this doctor was a shifter
and hence he might not understand. “No. Not yet.”

The man had the beginning of dark circles under his eyes, but he exuded an aura of

sympathy. “I’ve always been a strong believer in love.” He glanced between them. “I can
allow one of you in his room.”

Jackson placed a hand on her arm. “You go. I need to clean up, but I’ll be back when

he wakes.”

Cord’s friend looked so dejected. “Thank you for everything.”
Jackson nodded then turned and left.
“I’ll walk you down to Cord’s room,” the doctor said. “He’s in intensive care.”
Most likely if she hadn’t been a nurse in the hospital, they wouldn’t have let her stay

with him—mate or no mate. When she stepped into Cord’s room, her heart broke and
tears brimmed. While he wasn’t intubated, he was hooked up to monitors and bags of
fluid were dripping into his veins. His face was pale, and he looked thinner, though she
knew that had to be her imagination. At lunch, he’d appeared robust.

She pulled up a chair and sat next to him, her heart racing and acid dripping into her

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stomach. “Cord? Can you hear me?”

She really didn’t expect him to answer, but patients had told her that when they’d

been unconscious, they could sense when a loved one was near. If she and Cord were
mates perhaps he could sense her presence. She mentally sent him a message, hoping
he’d understand. “I love you.”

He’d told her he could communicate telepathically with others of his kind and that

eventually, the two of them would be able to, as well.

Tears trickled down her cheeks. All the time she’d known him, she hadn’t thought

about what it would be like to have Cord ill. He was always so strong and imposing.
Being able to shift into a panther or a bear made him almost invincible. Damn human

“Jackson feels really bad about what happened,” she said to his sleeping form. She

sniffed, found a tissue, and blew her nose. “I know you won’t think it’s his fault in any
way, but when you’re better, you should tell him.” Piper looked behind her to make sure
no one was within listening distance. Hopefully, just the sound of her voice would seep
into his soul and give him a reason to live.

A finger twitched, and she grabbed his hand, willing him to get better. She understood

that she hadn’t learned how to heal someone, but he’d said that if she’d concentrated
very hard, she might be able to help. Holding on too long might be bad for her health, but
she didn’t care. Nothing was more important than Cord.

Clasping his hand with both of hers, Piper channeled all of her love and calming

thoughts into him. Waves of lust and oceans of pain swamped her. Please get better.

She didn’t know if there was some kind of shifter god she could appeal to, or if her

human one was good enough, but she prayed, begging anyone who would listen to help

The waves of dizziness grew stronger, and she hoped it meant she was helping. Cord’s

breathing began to even out and she could detect some rapid eye movement under his
closed lids as if he was slowly waking up. She couldn’t give up now despite her light-

“Open your eyes, Cord,” she whispered. “For me?” Her voice cracked.
His fingers moved as if he could tell she was there. She just needed to give him her

strength for a little bit longer, and then he’d be okay.

* * *





A hand gently shook her.

She opened her eyes, but her vision remained blurry. “Cord?” She blinked a few times

and the man’s face cleared. “Jackson. What are you doing here?”

“Do you know where you are?”
She looked around, not remembering how she’d ended up in a bed. An IV ran into her

vein and she was hooked up to monitors. “I’m at the hospital.” The memory of holding
Cord’s hand flashed in her mind’s eye.

“You passed out.” Jackson answered her unspoken question.

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She didn’t remember much other than feeling faint. Her attempt to heal Cord must’ve

overwhelmed her. “How long have I been asleep?”

“About twelve hours.”
“Twelve hours?” This was more than a fainting spell.
Thin streams of light eked around the sides of the shades, implying it was morning. As

she tried to push up to a sitting position, her strength gave way, and she plopped back

Jackson placed a hand on her shoulder. “You rest. It’s what Cord would want.”
“How is he?” She wasn’t sure she could take it if the news wasn’t good.
Before he could answer her, someone knocked on the door, and it swung open. A

nurse stepped in followed by Cord in a wheelchair. Surprise and joy collided. She couldn’t
believe her eyes. His color had returned and the smile on his face implied he’d greatly

“Someone say my name?”
“You’re alive!”
“Yes.” He wheeled up to Jackson. “Can you give us a minute?”
“Sure, buddy. I’ll be outside if you need me.” Both Jackson and the nurse left.
When the door closed, Cord picked up her hand. “I thought I warned you what would

happen if you tried to heal someone who’d been seriously injured. You aren’t ready yet.
This could have killed you.”

A blast of indignation raced through her. “You aren’t just someone. You’re my mate. I

love you, Cord Triggert and don’t you ever forget it. If anything happened to you, I don’t
know what I would’ve done.”

He stared at her for a moment as if the words he was about to say had completely

evaporated off his tongue. “Did you just say you loved me?”

“I most certainly did.” As if he didn’t know that already.
His grin—and maybe his strong grip—helped boost her energy. “Well, I’ll be damned,

’cause it just so happens, I love you, too.”

Suddenly, the weakness that had claimed her lessened. Piper pushed up on one elbow

and leaned toward him, hoping for a kiss. She’d have to make sure not to think healing
thoughts when they connected.

Cord held up a palm. “Oh, no you don’t. If I kiss you, we’ll be doing it on that bed.”
She chuckled and rolled onto her back. “You are incorrigible.”
“You love it and you know it.”
Piper could only imagine how much fun she and Cord were going to have once they

both healed.

* * *

Three months later

Piper wrapped her arms around Cord’s neck. “What time did you say everyone was
coming over?”

“Not for another two hours.” Jackson had been offered a job at the Hidden Hills Police

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Department and Cord was throwing him a party at their house. The job offer came right
after the successful sting operation, but Jackson said he had to finish up at his job in DC

She thought back to that fatal time. The doctors had been amazed at his speedy

recuperation, but he’d kept quiet about the source of his miracle.

A month after her discharge, Cord had suggested they move in together. The pull

between them had been too intense to remain apart any longer, and she couldn’t be

She also had decided to test his little theory about not being able to conceive by going

off the pill, and she was waiting for the right moment to tell him his fears had been

Both Piper and Cord had spent the morning preparing for the festivities and now it

was time to burn off that excessive sexual energy that was coursing through her.

“Can you think of something we can do for the next two hours?” She rubbed her body

against his and nibbled on his ear.

“Grr. Watch it. You know what happens when you tease me.”
Piper tossed back her head and laughed. “No, I don’t remember.”
“You’re in trouble now!”
He loved to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, though she missed the days

when he’d slam her against the wall and do her. The wonderfully soft bed worked just as
well though.

Cord carried her into the bedroom, and Piper couldn’t wait for him to see the surprise

she’d left for him. He spotted the paper as he set her on the spread.

“What’s this?”
“Look at it and see,” she said, not wanting to give anything away just yet.
He picked it up and studied it, his jaw slowly dropping. “Is this what I think it is?”
While she studied ultrasounds for a living, even someone like Cord should be able to

see a baby or two. “Yes.”

He lifted the paper closer to his face. “There are two things here.” He tore his gaze off

the paper. “Don’t tell me these are ours cubs?”

Maybe she’d been wrong in going off the pill. “Do you want them to be?” Her pulse

skipped a beat.

A grin spread across his face. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do I want children? Hell,

yes, I do.” He dropped the paper, drew her to her feet, and hugged her. “How long have
you known?”

“I figured it out last week. After I returned home from the hospital, I realized I’d

missed taking so many pills that I decided to stop them. I wanted to see if we could have
a child. I was hoping you’d be pleased.”

“I want children more than you could ever know. Even if we couldn’t, my love for you

wouldn’t be any less,” he said. “In fact, I had planned a little celebration of our own
tonight at the party.”

“Yes, but I see no harm in having it early.” Cord pulled open the side table drawer and

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withdrew a box. Her heart beat fast and her legs weakened.

“I was waiting for the right time to ask you, and I think now is that time.”
Cord dropped to his knee, opened the box, and pulled out the most beautiful ring

she’d ever seen. A white diamond sat between a dark onyx stone and a brown chocolate
diamond. She quickly figured out the diamond represented her and the colored stones
represented his two beings. “It’s the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen.”

He slipped it on her finger and then stood. “Will you, Piper Capshaw, be not only my

mate but my wife? I guess I should also add the mother of my two children.”

She tapped her finger to her lips. “Hmmm. I always wanted a man who was great in

bed. Know anyone who fits that bill?”

He growled and mumbled something about a sassy mate.
Piper giggled. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”
Cord grinned as he toed off his boots. He stepped out of his jeans and ripped his shirt

over his head. His big cock stuck out, clearly ready for her. “In that case, I’d like to
volunteer for the job of your stud, ma’am.”

“I’m willing to give you an interview, but you need to be quick. How about taking off

my clothes?”

There were nights when they would spend hours in bed languishing over each other’s

bodies, and there were times when they fucked fast and furiously. Tonight, her need was
so great that she wanted it hard and passionate.

He drew her to her feet, cupped her face, and kissed her. The moment their lips had

touched, her body caught on fire, and she grabbed his cock and squeezed it tight. He
groaned then moaned, opening his mouth in invitation. As their tongues tangled, they
devoured each other as if they couldn’t get enough. Hell, she didn’t think she’d ever have
her need satisfied.

Lowering his hands to her waist, he slipped his palms under her shirt and pushed her

bra up over her tits. When he twisted her nipples, heat streaked down to her core.

Needing more skin contact, Piper broke the kiss. She leaned back, lifted off her shirt

then unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She dropped down onto the bed and
removed the rest of her clothes.

Cord whistled. “Does that mean I get the job?”
“The job interview hasn’t even begun.”
“Oh it’s begun, all right. Let me show you how I can ignite your passion.”
She couldn’t wait. Piper dragged a finger down his now furry chest. She loved when he

turned all animal on her. Occasionally, she’d asked him to shift because she loved his
panther sleekness. Tonight though, it was just about them.

“A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting,” she said.
“Well, I’m no gentleman, and I’m about to show you why.”
With that, he pulled her to her feet, spun her around, and tipped her forward, forcing

her to plant her palms on the bed. From behind, he edged open her legs, and when he
slipped two fingers into her wet hole, streaks of joy slammed into her. He then curled his
fingers and hit her G spot. Holy shifters. Her climax was so close she had to work to keep
from coming, in part because she wanted tonight to be extra special.

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Cord removed his fingers and slid his hands up to her breasts where he gently

massaged the tips, sending heated pulses throughout her body. When he edged his cock
into her pussy, she tightened her inner walls, loving the intense friction.

Cord let out a loud groan. “God, what you do to me. I don’t think there will ever be a

day when the animal in me doesn’t want to possess you.”

“I hope not.” Piper pressed her hips back, driving his cock in farther.
That must have been the signal that pushed Cord close to the edge. He dragged his

lips to her neck, and as he pounded into her harder and faster, he bit her. Adrenaline and
lust met, and her orgasm swooped in. She clutched the spread and let out a yell. With
wild abandon, she rocked forward and back, needing, desiring, and yearning for every
inch of his animal being.

Cord wrapped his arms around her and held her tight as his cock detonated, his heat

and love encasing her.

How wonderful it was that their twins were there with them. Since they probably had

the ability to sense feelings, she hoped they were seeped in love, too.

The End

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MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

Promises of Mercy

(book 1)

Foundations For Three

(book 2)

Montana Fire

(book 3)

Hart To Hart

(book 4)

Burning Seduction

(book 5)

ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

Montana Desire

(book 1)

Awakening Passions

(book 2)

PACK WARS (Paranormal)

Training Their Mate

(book 1)

Claiming Their Mate

(book 2)

Rescuing Their Virgin Mate

(book 3)

Box Set

(books 1-3)

Loving Their Vixen Mate

(book 4)

Fighting For Their Mate

(book 5)


An Unexpected Diversion

(book 1) – Free

Bare Instincts

(book 2)

Shifting Destinies

(book 3)

Embracing Fate (book 4)

Promises Unbroken (book 5) – coming soon

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Author Bio

Want a FREE book? Sign up for my newsletter and receive MONTANA DESIRE.



Check out my latest interview on You Tube:


Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around
people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my
books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful,
dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).

You’ll find me most days on my chaise lounge with my laptop and my iced

tea(unsweetened!) on the side table. I love to sleep in late and write into the wee hours.
I also love FB, so you’ll find me on there, too!

I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive

husband, who happens to be hot!

Fun facts about me

(1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.
(2) I’m addicted to taking pictures (I taught high school photo for 30 years). I plan to

periodically post some of my favorites on my newsletter [so sign up!].

(3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I walk with different women

each week, I teach Pilates twice a week at a local rec center, and lift weights the
other days.

I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

Social Media Sites












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