HIdden Hills Shifters 2 Bare Instincts Vella Day

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Bare Instincts

Hidden Hills Shifters

Book 2

Vella Day

Copyright © 2015 Vella Day

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Copyright © 2015 by Vella Day

Kindle Edition



Cover Art by Sloan Winters

Edited by Rebecca Cartee and Carol Adcock-Bezzo

Published in the United States of America

E-book ISBN: 978-1-941835-09-8

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of

the author except in the case of brief questions embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used

fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Other Books by the Author

About the Author

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Chapter One





Ple-eease, Ms. Wilder.” Five-year-old Justin Bishop looked up at Tasha with the

most beautiful angelic face, his hands pressed together in prayer.

She looked over her shoulder. Not only was Justin’s mom waiting to pick him up, so were the

four other mothers. “I wish I could, but the library reading hour is over. I’ll have another story on
Monday, okay?”

She closed the book, and the kids groaned. Once they saw she was serious, the children rushed to

their folks. Tasha loved reading to the kids, as all of her troubles seemed to float away during that
hour. Seeing their upturned faces, listening to her every word, made her want about ten kids of her

It was noon on Saturday and time to go home. Her throat was a little dry from all the reading, so

she clocked out and headed diagonally across the street to the café. The sun’s warmth kissed her face
as she inhaled the sweet scent of flowers in the big pots dotting both sides of the street. She always
loved the start of summer in North Carolina. The leaves were such a rich green, and the birds seemed
so cheerful. She sighed, always sentimental after being with the young readers.

Luckily, there was only a short line at the coffee bar inside the Hidden Hills Café, and she rushed

up to the counter to order. While she waited for them to fix her drink, she scanned the tables,
surprised her dad and his best friend, Cliff Devereaux, were in the corner chatting, but not with their
usual cheer. Cliff had his hand on his head and his chin lowered. Something had happened.

“Tasha?” Diana called from the counter. “Your coffee and muffin are ready.”
“Thanks.” She hadn’t realized she’d been standing there that long. She retrieved her food and

headed over to her father. Only when she was close did they both look up. Neither smiled. Uh-oh.
“Am I interrupting?”

Mr. Devereaux swiped moisture from under his eyes. “No.” He motioned for her to pull up a


Once she sat, she glanced between her dad and Mr. Devereaux. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m afraid Tom overdosed last night and passed away. Burke was with him when he died.” Mr.

Devereaux stroked his trembling chin.

The news was so horrific that Tasha was unable to respond. She’d grown up with Tom and his

younger brother, Burke. “I’m so sorry.” Tasha knew Tom had left to pursue a football scholarship.
Over the last couple of years, she’d heard rumors of Tom’s wild side, but he lived out of state, and
rarely came home.

Mr. Devereaux continued. “When Burke went to school up there, I thought he could help ground

Tom, but he just wasn’t the same after his injury. When he couldn’t play football anymore, he not only
partied a lot but floated from job to job.”

“Boys are like that. They need time to sow their wild oats.” Her dad shook his head, acting as

though she’d overstepped her bounds.

Mr. Devereaux’s lips pressed together. “I warned him about his excesses, but did he listen? Hell,


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Did any kid? Like her, she thought both boys had an idyllic home life. After all, they’d grown up

together, and she wondered what had gone wrong. Perhaps it was that they were too good-looking, or
maybe they were just rebelling against all the Clan rules. Being a bear shifter carried a big
responsibility. Because of their size, the men were often called upon to monitor what went on in
town. Maybe Burke and Tom weren’t cut out for that life and knew it.

Her father placed a hand over hers. “Burke is on his way home now, so be nice to him.”
Still in shock over Tom’s death, she bristled. “When have I not been nice to him?”
“You two were always fighting in high school.”
“Dad, that was eleven years ago. Kids always bicker.” Burke made fun of her all the time—called

her big Bertha, but she was a bear shifter for God’s sake. Women of her Clan were often born with
big bones. “I haven’t really spoken to him in four or five years.”

Burke had come back the first few summers during college to earn some money, but then traipsed

back up north to party with his wild brother.

“What is Burke doing now?” she asked, turning the conversation toward his remaining son.
“He works for a construction firm.”
“Is there anything I can do?” The man was like an uncle to her. Her mom and Mrs. Devereaux

were best friends, and Mr. Devereaux was the Clan’s second in command.

“Just lend an ear if Burke needs it.”
He didn’t understand. Burke would never talk with her. He played basketball in high school and

was a star. While he was bright, he wasn’t into studying, preferring to spend time with all the pretty
girls. She wasn’t one of them, so their paths didn’t often cross. He’d be practicing in the school gym
while she was either in the theater building sets for the school plays, or singing in the choir. At one
time, they’d been close since he was only a grade ahead in school, but once his hormones kicked him
—adios. He was off to better pastures.

For the next hour, she sat there, listening to her dad try to console his best friend. Her mom was

probably with Samantha Devereaux, talking with her. Tasha couldn’t imagine having to make funeral
arrangements for a child. At that thought, her heart ached all over again.

* * *







neared North Carolina, he pushed his Harley to the max, doing whatever it took to

block out the horror. The June heat caused his body to sweat, but he didn’t care. In fact, he didn’t care
about anything right now. He was dead inside—or so he tried to believe.

It had been his idea for the two of them to go to Sheila’s party since she had the hottest friends in

town. A few of them had thought they were too good for a construction worker, but fuck them. No way
was he telling any of them he was actually part owner of the company and not just an employee,
because then they’d be all over him for his money.

Burke had been aware there’d be drugs at the party, but since he didn’t indulge, he hadn’t thought

much of it. He’d experimented years ago, but he didn’t like losing total control. At least with alcohol,
he was good at moderation.

Tom, on the other hand, loved the stuff, which was why Burke shouldn’t have taken his brother

with him. He’d believed Tom when he’d told him he would just have a few drinks and nothing else.
More times than he could count, Burke had received a phone call in the middle of the night to pick his

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brother up from a party or from a woman’s house where he’d passed out. Of late, it had happened
more frequently. After a not so pleasant altercation, Tom had promised to cut back—and he had, until
last night.

Burke slapped the handlebars. If only he’d gotten his brother help, Tom might still be alive.
Oh, crap. He’d nearly passed the exit to Hidden Hills and had to cut across several lanes of

traffic to get off the highway. His parents expected him around three, but he’d driven straight through
and arrived earlier than planned. He was hungry and didn’t want to inconvenience his mom by
showing up and asking her to cook.

When the Hidden Hills Café popped into view, he allowed his body to relax a bit. He parked his

hog in front and, with his helmet tucked under his arm, strode in. The familiarity hit him hard. He
missed his family, just not all the politics of the small town life.

Right now, Burke was at a crossroads, not sure what he wanted to do. He knew his parents would

try to convince him to move back, but what was here for him? All of his friends had moved on, and he
was co-owner of a company—one that would be hard to walk away from.

If he went back to Pennsylvania and returned to work, he feared Tom’s ghost would haunt him—

that he’d see him at every party and wonder when he was coming home.

He spun around. His father sat at a table near the far side of the room along with Alden Wilder

and his daughter, Tasha. Not that it really mattered, but he wondered when his Dad started eating

In a few quick steps, Burke was at the table, his father’s comforting arms around him. No words

were needed. From the fierceness of the hug, his dad was hurting, too.

Alden Wilder stepped up next for a hug. “I’m sorry, son.”
As Alden returned to his seat, Tasha came over and embraced him. “I’m so sorry, Burke.”
A strange sensation coursed through him. Damn. Maybe it was true. Burke thought he’d imagined

the pull whenever he was near Tasha, but he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge it. Perhaps her presence
caused this unease now because he knew she’d ask questions about Tom. She’d dredge up all sorts of
emotions all in the name of trying to help him cope, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for that yet.

When her full breasts pressed against his chest, his inner animal took notice. His human part tried

to shoot it down, but he failed. Disgusted with his lustful reaction, especially at a time like this, he
pulled back. “Thanks.”

She turned to his dad. “I’ll let you three talk.” Tasha faced him again. “If you want to chat, I’m a

good listener.”

She always had been, though he’d rarely taken advantage of the offer. “Sure thing.”
When she picked up her purse and walked out, his day turned a little darker.

* * *






rattled Tasha to the core. He looked so different. Unshaven, his eyes were sunken

and his face thinner than the last time she’d seen him. If his body hadn’t looked so well-toned
underneath his leather jacket, she might have thought he was doing drugs, too.

When Burke and Tom had been in high school, they could have had anything they wanted. Now,

Tom was gone. She could only imagine how lost Burke must feel.

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He certainly wasn’t the carefree man she’d seen the last time he’d been in town, and she wasn’t

sure he’d ever be the same again. Her heart continued to ache as she climbed into her car and headed

Sure, Burke had returned her hug, but he’d pulled away quickly. It was as if he didn’t want to be

around her. He’d also exuded a strange vibe that put her out of sorts. As soon as their bodies touched,
it was as if all the letters in one of her books had played musical chairs. The words had jumped up,
run around in a circle, and returned to a different location. She felt disoriented, confused, and a bit
overwhelmed. Perhaps it was because she didn’t deal well with death.

Once home, Tasha settled into her favorite chair to read, but the words kept blurring. Poor Tom.

From what his dad said, his son had struggled a lot and ended up on a path he couldn’t recover from.
He’d made poor choices, but she bet he hadn’t expected to die or even wanted to die. Deep inside,
though, he couldn’t have been happy. If only he’d stopped to think how his actions might have affected
his family and the people who cared about him. Tom had been searching for something. Unfortunately,
he’d never find it now.

It was hard enough to lose a friend, and no matter how much she thought about the reasons why

he’d taken the path he did, she’d never really know. It was best to remember the good times they’d
had as kids. She returned to her book, but after a few pages, she couldn’t focus. Burke’s face, and the
pain radiating off him, kept appearing in her mind’s eye.

Tasha slapped her book closed and headed into the kitchen to fix more coffee—not that she

needed more caffeine. What she really needed was a drink.

Going to the bar alone, however, wasn’t her thing, so she located her cell and called her best

friend, Cheyenne Snow. On a Saturday night, the lucky lady would probably be busy with her fiancé,
Storm Durant, but perhaps she could spare an hour for a quick drink. Having gone to school with Tom
and Burke, Chey would want to know what happened.

She knew her friend would be at her veterinarian clinic, so Tasha dialed the office. When she

asked for Dr. Snow, she was told that she was with an animal and couldn’t be disturbed.

“Could you have her call me when she has a moment?” Tasha left her number.
Well, that was a bust, but not all was lost. She called Emmaline Nettles, her other good friend,

who worked normal hours—Monday through Friday, nine to five. The three of them often hung out
together if their schedules lined up.

That almost brought a smile to her lips. “Were you hoping for someone else?” They had discussed

the possibility of going out tonight but hadn’t set up a time or a place.

“No. You don’t sound good. Are you okay?”
Tasha pulled out the chair at the kitchen table and sat down. “Do you remember Tom


“I know Mr. Devereaux is your dad’s Beta, but I don’t think I know Tom. Isn’t he one of his


“Yes.” Emmaline was a wolf shifter, and while the two clans did interact, they didn’t go out of

their way to socialize. “I grew up with Tom and his younger brother, Burke. I just learned Tom
overdosed last night. Burke was with him when it happened.”

Em sucked in a big breath. “I’m so sorry.”
“Me, too. I was calling to confirm our date tonight. I can’t get ahold of Chey, but I left her a

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“You sure you want to go out?”
“More than sure. I don’t want to be alone. It’s times like these that reinforce the need for good


“You up for the Cove Bar at six?” They could catch a bite and share a few drinks.
“You bet.”
After she disconnected, Tasha traipsed into the bedroom to look for her old photo albums. Her

parents had given her an instamatic camera when she was little and growing up, she’d taken endless
pictures. Tom’s death had pushed the harsh reality of the world to the forefront, and she felt a need to
look back at those childhood memories of when they were all together without a care in the world.
She’d always said that someday she’d get them transferred to digital, but had never taken the time.
Maybe, now she would.

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Chapter Two





Tasha reached their usual table on the far side of the bar, Emmaline stood and hugged her.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m sad, though I’m equally mad at Tom, too. The man had everything and yet thought nothing

about throwing it all away.”

Em clasped her hand. “Are you sure that was what happened? Perhaps his hard partying was a

way to mask his inner demons.”

Her friend was right, but Tasha wasn’t sure she wanted to think so deeply tonight. “What I don’t

get is that in high school Tom seemed to have it all.”

Lily, their usual bartender, came over with a big smile. “What can I get you ladies?”
She was so damned cheerful. “I’ll have a scotch on the rocks,” Tasha said.
Lily’s brows furrowed. “Bad day?”
“Someone I know died.” Lily had moved to town after Burke and Tom had already left.
“I’m sorry, hon, the first one’s on me.” She faced Em. “And for you, sweetie?”
“Whatever you have on draft.”
“You got it.”
Em leaned forward. “You said Burke was with him. Where’s he now?”
“He came back to town today. I saw him over at the café. He looks really torn up.”
Emmaline sucked in an audible breath. “That’s terrible. To watch someone die and not be able to

help them would be my worst nightmare.”

“Me, too.”
Em looked up and smiled. “Hey, there’s Chey.”
As happy as Tasha was to see her, she didn’t relish telling her the bad news. Chey stopped at the

bar to order a drink before coming over. She hugged them both then pulled up a chair. “I got your
message just a few minutes ago. Em texted me earlier and said you two were headed over here.”

“I’m glad you could come. Where’s Storm?”
“He’ll stop by later. He was held up by a patient.”
“Tell her,” Emmaline coaxed.
Tasha faced her friend and told her about Tom. She also explained that Burke had been with him

at the time.

She shook her head. “Holy shit. I chatted with Burke the last time he was in town. From what I

could tell, both of them seemed headed for trouble. But then I’m not into all that hard partying.”

Tasha leaned back. “What makes someone want to get so high?”
Chey shrugged. “Half my Clan seems to be high on drugs or they drink to excess. Dad’s tried to

change our cheetah culture, but it’s hard. I’m hoping that when Storm takes over as Alpha, he can
affect some changes. My guess is that my Clansmen are not happy and want to escape, kind of like
what you’ll probably be doing tonight.” She tossed her a weak smile. “It’s okay in small doses.”

Tasha agreed about the small doses part. “I can’t imagine partying all the time. It seems like a

lonely way to live.”

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After Lily came over and delivered their drinks, Chey held up hers. “I totally agree. To a happy


“Amen,” they said in unison.

* * *





uncomfortable talking about Tom in front of Alden Wilder, but his father had seemed

fine with it. Finally, he and his dad left the café and headed home. If he thought being with his dad
was hard, seeing his mom cry completely shredded what was left of his heart.

When he’d walked in, she’d been with Julie Wilder balling her eyes out. Once more, he had to

rehash what had happened to Tom that night. From the intensity of their reaction, he suspected his
parents would be in shock for years to come. Even worse, they thought he had the answers, and that
was the furthest thing from the truth. They kept asking him why Tom had taken so much drugs, and all
Burke could do was hold up his hands and shrug.

Several of the neighbors had stopped by and brought over food, since that was what good friends

did, but after a few hours, he couldn’t handle seeing his folks in so much pain.

“Mom, would you mind if I go out? I need some air.” Normally, he wouldn’t have asked, but he

didn’t want to cause his parents any more dismay.

“Sure, hon.” She hugged him for the hundredth time. “Just be careful on your bike, and please

don’t drink too much. You know how I worry.” She never did approve of his mode of transportation,
or his partying ways, for that matter.

All he could do was nod. Outside, he hopped on his Harley and called his best friend, Wade

Black, another bear shifter. Wade was a year older, which put him between Burke and Tom. All three
used to hang out in high school. Even though Burke and Wade had escaped from Hidden Hills, they’d
kept in touch. Burke’s dad had told him Wade had just come into town yesterday for his father’s
birthday. The timing was perfect.

His friend answered. “Hey, man. Long time no hear. What’s up?”
Clearly, he hadn’t learned of Tom’s death. “I’m in town for a bit. Want to catch a beer at the

Cove?” He’d wait until they were face-to-face before telling him about the tragedy.

“Sure. I just got in last night myself. Mom’s doing it up big for Dad’s birthday celebration next

week. You want to meet now?”

“If you’re free, I’m on my way there.”
Before Wade changed his mind, Burke disconnected.
As much as he wanted to ride without his helmet, being reckless would be stupid. While the

summer night air was perfect for cruising, the trip downtown would remind him of Tom too much—
where they used to hang out, which buildings they’d trashed on Halloween, and which parking lots
they’d taken girls to make out with. Christ. If he didn’t push this horror aside, he might end up like his
brother—unhappy and in denial.

When Burke entered the bar, the band was playing, and the place was packed. Wade waved to get

his attention, and Burke headed his way.

When he reached the table, Wade stood and clapped him on the back. “Didn’t expect you to be


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“Let me get a drink, and we’ll talk.” Wade already had his beer.
Focused on locating a spot to catch the bartender’s attention, Burke wedged between two lovely

ladies and held up a hand. With hungry glances, the women swiveled on their stools. Last week, he
might have worked the angle, but not tonight.

A thirty something, female bartender stepped up to him. “What’ll you have?”
“Jack Daniels on the rocks and keep them coming. I’ll run a tab. Name’s Burke.”
“You got it, Burke.” She quickly fixed the drink and handed it to him on a napkin.
Once back at the table, he blurted out what happened. “Tom overdosed last night.”
“Holy shit. No way.” As expected, Wade was devastated. Tom had been a good friend of his, too.
They talked about his brother’s path to destruction and the things Burke could have done


“You can’t make someone do something they don’t want to,” Wade said.
“Maybe.” Burke had heard the platitude too many times, but somehow he believed that if he’d

listened better or been firmer, Tom wouldn’t have gone over the edge.

Wade lifted his beer. “To Tom.”
Burke tapped his drink. He didn’t want to spend the evening getting more depressed. “So what

have you been up to?”

“Doing a little of this and a little of that,” Wade said.
Weren’t they two peas in a pod? At least Burke had made his mark in Pennsylvania. He wasn’t

sure about Wade and his ability to strike it rich.

His friend looked around and stilled. “I know what will cheer you up.”
Nothing short of his brother coming back to life could accomplish that. He downed his drink.

“What’s that?”

Wade nodded to one corner of the room. “There’s Emmaline, Tasha, and Chey. Want to join


“Not particularly. I’m not exactly good company tonight.”
Wade pushed back his chair. “Come on; it’ll be good for you.”
His friend picked up his beer and threaded his way around the tables. “Thanks, buddy,” he

telepathed, but being alone wasn’t what he wanted right now, so Burke followed behind. As he
neared, his chest tightened and his pulse raced, almost as if he was in heat or something. This odd
reaction only seemed to happen when he was around Tasha. Sure, she’d grown into a beautiful
woman, but she was a librarian—not his type at all.

* * *





and tightened her hold on her glass. Oh, crap. Wade Black was headed their way,

and right behind him was Burke. She’d worked hard not to think about him or his brother, but she
couldn’t avoid him now. When she’d seen him at the café, her body tingled in all the wrong places,
and she thought she might be coming down with something.

“Ladies,” Wade said, glancing at all three of them. “Ms. Emmaline, would you do me the honor of

a dance?”

She shot a look to both of her friends. They’d just been talking about which men in town were

players and which ones weren’t, and both Burke and Wade were at the top of the first list.

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“I’m good.” Em held up a hand.
Wade was tall, dark, and packed with muscles—as were most bear shifter men. “You afraid of us

bears, wolf lady? Come on.” He puffed out his chest.

Knowing Em, she’d rise to the challenge. “Sure. Why not?”
She was so predictable. Once they headed to the dance floor, Lily came over. “Can I refresh your


“I’m nursing mine,” Tasha said. She’d already had two, which was one more than her limit.
“I could use another one,” Burke said.
Before Tasha was able to extend her sympathies, Storm rolled in. As soon as he slid next to Chey,

her friend’s eyes lit up, and their kiss lasted a bit too long for Tasha’s comfort. Given they were
engaged, she wasn’t surprised at the passionate exchange.

Chey pulled away, but still looked deep into Storm’s eyes. “Want to dance?”
It was one of Chey’s favorite pastimes. According to her, Storm didn’t feel the same way. “Sure.”
His brows rose, probably sensing Chey was trying to get him away from the table. For that, Tasha

would make her pay. Having Burke next to her—alone—had her pulse racing. It was stupid since
they’d grown up together, but somehow, her inner animal was doing odd things. It was weeks past
mating season, so she shouldn’t suddenly be hot.

“How is your mom holding up?” she asked, trying to shift focus off her hormonal urges.
“As well as can be expected. It was nice of your mother to come over. I know Mom appreciated


Lily delivered Burke’s drink and he chugged it. “Another, please.”
Lily’s mouth pinched. “Be right back.”
Tasha was surprised she’d bring him another one. She had a strict rule about drunks: she didn’t

like them.

“So how long do you plan to stay in town?” Tasha sucked at talking to good-looking men.
“Depends. I have a good construction job in Pennsylvania, but now I’m not too sure what I’ll do. I

thought I’d see if I can pick up an odd job around here for as long as Mom and Dad need me.”

That was nice of him. “The library just hired Archfield and Kress to build an addition. You might

check with them.” She shouldn’t have mentioned that. The last thing she needed was Burke working
where she did.

“I’ll look into it.”
Lily brought his drink, and Burke looked up at her and smiled. “Thanks, babe.”
As soon as Lily left, Tasha faced him. “Really? You called her babe. She’s married.”
He faced Tasha, acting as if he saw no harm. “Doesn’t mean she can’t be hot.”
If she hadn’t been at the table alone with him, Tasha might have left, but that would have been

cruel to both of them. She needed to be around her friends, too.

The music changed to a slow dance, and Tasha twisted around, expecting to see both couples

return. Instead, they remained on the floor, almost as if they were giving Burke a wide berth.

“You want to dance?” he asked.
He must have misunderstood her glance, and her heart stuttered. “I don’t really do that.” I’m

clumsy and awkward.

“Come on. For Tom.”
That was low. Burke held out his hand, and she placed hers in his. The moment their fingers

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touched, something inside her caught fire. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

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Chapter Three





Tasha to dance in part because she would have pummeled him with questions about

Tom if they’d stayed at the table. It was who she was, and right now, Burke needed to forget.

Holding her hand, he led her to the already overcrowded dance floor. Just his luck, they were

playing a slow song.

He found a clear spot on the floor, and as soon as he pulled her close, his inner bear went crazy.

His cock stiffened and adrenaline poured through his veins. Jesus. He shook his head, trying to clear
it. This was Tasha in his arms—the girl who helped him get through English class, the one who built a
fort with him when he was ten, and the one who never told his folks that she’d stumbled upon him and
Carrie Ann drinking under the bleachers after a basketball game. He had to remind himself that Tasha
wasn’t his usual one-night stand. She was a good girl.

Sure, she had perfect skin, eyes the color of dark chocolate, and a body a man could get lost in,

but shit, he’d come home to bury his brother, not bury himself inside a woman. If he were honest—
which he wasn’t ready to be right now—Tasha had always had an effect on him. It was the biggest
reason he’d tried to keep her at arm’s length since they were teens.

“Burke, you’re squishing me.” Tasha looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Fuck. “Sorry.” He loosened his grip. The only way to cope was to put on his charming façade.

“Seems I can’t get enough of you.”

Her brows furrowed. “Try harder.”
The laugh that escaped surprised him. It must have been the effect of the alcohol, but it felt good to

let loose. Burke inhaled deeply, her linen scent invading his body. It was stupid to torment himself
like this, but it gave him a jolt of much-needed pleasure. It probably wasn’t wise to feel again, but he
needed some hope and goodness in his life right now.

When the song ended, he didn’t want to move. Tasha was different from the girls he hung out with.

She knew him—knew his fears—at least until he’d turned thirteen. Then everything changed. She got
big tits and his hormones kicked into high gear. He’d never understood what it was about her that
threw him off balance.

“Come on, Burke. The band is taking a break.”
His eyes started to roll back in his head, but he tensed his muscles to wake up. “Okay.”
This time, she grabbed his hand, and he was forced to follow. Burke never let anyone take the

lead, but he was a bit drunk. As soon as he sat down, he polished off the rest of his drink. God that
tasted good.

“Hey, Lily!” he shouted.
Tasha placed a hand on his. “You don’t have to shout.”
He faced her. “I don’t?” His words slightly slurred. “How else am I going to get her attention? I

need another Jack.”

“Like this.” She raised her arm and pointed to him.
The bartender looked up and nodded. Seconds later, another drink appeared in front of him. “Last

call, big boy,” Lily said.

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“What are you talking about? It’s early. I’m just getting started.”
“Then take it someplace else. We don’t cotton to drunks in here.” She ripped the bill from her pad

and placed it in front of him.

“That wasn’t very nice.” He raised his glass and downed half the contents.
“Burke,” Tasha said. “Getting drunk won’t bring Tom back. Nothing will.”
Well, fuck me.

* * *






Tasha’s problem, but guilt would ride her hard if something happened to him

on his way home. It wasn’t even nine, but if Burke went in search of more booze, there was no telling
what trouble he might get into. “How about we call it a night and get out of here?”

Crap, that sounded like a proposition, and that wasn’t what she’d meant. She planned to take him

to his parents’ house, and once he slept off his drunk, his dad could bring him back in the morning to
pick up his cycle.

Burke fished out two twenties, placed them on the table, and stood. At least Lily would get a good


Wade piped up. “You’re leaving so soon?”
“Got me a hot date.” Burke wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Oh, boy. She’d never live this down. Tasha pushed her chair back and got up. “I’ll see he gets

home safely.”

“Talk to you tomorrow, buddy,” Wade said.
Because no one tried to convince him otherwise, the others must have agreed that he needed to

sleep it off. Burke slid his arm around her waist, but she wasn’t sure if it was for support or pride
after being cut off. If Chey and Storm hadn’t been there to keep Em company, Tasha might have
insisted Burke stay since the bar served coffee.

“Let’s go, party boy.”
Tasha hoped she wouldn’t regret this. With her arm around him for additional support, she led

him out of the bar. The air, while warm, was more refreshing than the bar’s, and she was glad to get
away from the smell of stale beer and the stench of body odor.

Burke half-dragged her to where the motorcycles were lined up. “Oh, no, you don’t,” she quickly

announced. “I’m driving you home.”

He laughed. “Sorry, sweetheart, I never spend the night. I’ll need my hog to take me back once we


Heat flamed her face. He was talking about sex? She faced him and shook his arm. “Burke. It’s

me, Tasha. Let’s get in my car so I can drive you to your parents’ house.”

He placed his helmet on his head and stuck his hands in his pocket. “I don’t want to go there. Too

much sadness. Can you imagine the fuss my mom would make if I came home with al..alcohol on my

Yes, she could. Hopefully, his mom would lock him in his room until he came to his senses. The

sad part was that Tasha understood why he’d had so much to drink. However, if he’d planned to get
drunk, the smart thing would have been to ask Wade to chauffeur him for the night. “You should have
thought of that before you got stinking drunk.”

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“Stinking drunk?” his voice escalated. “I’ve only had a few drinks. I’m good.”
He swung his leg over the seat. The man was too huge for her to pull off. “You’re in no shape to

be on your bike.”

Tasha didn’t want to come off as a buzzkill, but the man could hurt not only himself but someone

else. ‘Friends don’t let friends drive drunk’ flashed in her mind.

“What kind of bike is this?” she asked. Her goal was to distract him enough to get the key away

from him.

“Only the best hog on the road.” He stuck the key in the ignition, making her goal harder. “It’s a

Softtail Deluxe. You like it?”

“It’s a beautiful bike. Would be a shame to wreck it.” She ran her hand over the engine casing and

quickly yanked the key from the ignition.

“Hey,” Burke shouted.
That was kind of fun in a sick sort of way. She strode back to her car, believing he’d follow. The

next thing she heard was a loud crash and a lot of cursing. She whipped around. Oh, shit, Burke was
on the ground with the bike on top of him. “Oh, my God.”

She raced to help. If she turned into her bear form, she might be able to lift the bike, but she hadn’t

shifted in forever. She looked around for someone strong, but before she’d taken more than a couple
of steps toward the bar entrance, Burke slid out from underneath the bike.

He dusted himself off and righted his Softail Deluxe. “I’m good, but maybe I should take you up

on that ride.”

That made her chuckle, partly from the relief of not having to locate someone to help. “Sure, biker


Burke appeared to have sobered up a bit after that. The fall must have shaken some sense into

him. She showed him to her car, but this time she didn’t wrap her arm around his waist. Every time
she touched him, her body reacted too much.

Burke was quiet on the way to her house. She understood why he didn’t want to distress his

parents by showing up in his condition, but they’d have to assume he hadn’t been in the best of shape
if he didn’t come home until the wee hours of the morning.

Ugh. That meant she’d have to drive him the four miles back to town for his bike once she pumped

him full of sobering coffee, but that scenario was better than having her neighbors see a man come out
of her house early in the morning.

“What will you tell your mom? That you’re staying with Wade?” She definitely didn’t need him to

mention that he’d stayed at her place, especially since Mr. Devereaux was her father’s Beta.

“No can do. Wade’s at his parents’ house. My folks would find out.”
Well, shit. She didn’t need people to think they’d hooked up. His reputation wouldn’t be good for

hers. She read stories to little kids and worked in the library, but she didn’t have much choice at this

Thank goodness, it was dark by the time she pulled into her driveway. The most difficult part was

getting him inside and onto the sofa. He kept saying he was fine, but he most definitely was not.

“I’ll make us some coffee.” She could use some, too. The start of a headache was brewing.
She’d just measured out the grounds when he ambled into the kitchen. “I want to thank you for

being so nice.” His words sounded a bit clearer.

“You’re welcome.” Now, please, sit down so I don’t have to see your handsome face and

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incredibly strong body.

Burke leaned against the counter. “You have pretty eyes.”
He so didn’t say that. Then again, he was drunk. “Burke, how about going into the living room?

I’ll bring the coffee out when it’s ready.”

He moved close and her heart skipped a beat. From the way his lips had parted and his eyes were

half closed, he looked like he was about to kiss her. That wasn’t good. She should be pointing to the
living room and demanding he move away, but the bear inside her wanted him to kiss her.

Odd sensations curled deep in her belly. Damn, but it felt like lust to her. For Burke Devereaux,

though? He was the last man on earth she should consider kissing. He’d kiss—she’d swoon—and then
he’d laugh and walk away.

He twirled a lock of her hair in his finger. “I’d forgotten all that Hidden Hills has to offer.”
His masculine scent, while mixed with more than a hint of Jack Daniels, was doing something to

her. She wasn’t looking for a romantic interlude, but if she were, it wouldn’t be with him. He’d just
stated he never spent the night with a woman, which implied he didn’t intend to ever get involved.
While she wasn’t looking for a mate, Burke was the type of man capable of breaking her heart.

“We do have a nice town,” she said.
“I wasn’t talking about the town.” He leaned in closer, and she gripped the counter behind her for


“Okay.” What else was she supposed to say?
His arm wrapped around her waist, and he drew her near. “You have the most perfect tits.

They’re so large and luscious, I want to make love to them.”

As if he’d dumped a bucket of ice water on her, she pushed him away. “Burke. I’m not like your

other women. You’re welcome to sleep off your drunk here. On the couch. But that is all.” Jesus. She
wished men didn’t look at her and only see big boobs.

He grinned. “Ooh. Playing hard to get, I see.”
She palmed his chest. “I’m not playing hard to get. You’re drunk.”
“On you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Be good, Burke.” She wanted to appeal to his upbringing, but the right

words didn’t come to her. She wouldn’t stoop so low as to ask what his parents would say about his
behavior right now.

“I want to be good to you and show you what it can be like. Don’t you feel it?”
He was crossing into dangerous territory. “Feel what?”
“We have chemistry.”
She bet he said that to all the women. Thank God, he hadn’t said that he got a rush whenever he

was near her, or that his body heated the moment he saw her. That might mean they were destined for
each other.

The coffee finished perking. “Hold that thought.” She had to derail his line of thinking. She poured

him a cup then located the bottle of aspirin. She handed him a couple of pills along with a glass of
water. “I’ve got your chemistry right here. Take these.”

“You’re good, I’ll hand you that.”
She wasn’t trying to be good. She was trying to keep her distance from Burke Devereaux.

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Chapter Four





what had come over him hitting on Tasha. They were friends and he wanted to

remain that way. He’d be the first to admit that she’d been kind when he’d needed someone. The
problem was that her tits were amazing, and her curves did something to his insides. He still didn’t
know why talking about them had pissed her off, though. The other women he’d dated didn’t seem to
mind. Perhaps it was because Tasha’s were real, whereas the others had fake tits.

He downed the aspirin then sipped the coffee. While it didn’t taste as good as the Jack, it did hit

the spot. “Thanks.”

“I’ll get you a pillow and a blanket.”
He set down his cup on the counter. “Wait. I’m sorry. We got off to a bad start.”
“Start? Burke, please. It’s me, Tasha. You seduction routine won’t work. I’m not interested.”
As she walked away, he had no comeback. That was a first. Tasha intrigued him. They had this

undeniable pull that existed between them, and he’d been fighting the concept of Tasha being his mate
for as long as he could remember. He’d never asked his father for details about how this mate thing
really worked, so he had no idea if they both fell madly in love or if only one of the partners felt the
pull. It could be that this animal attraction was purely a sexual one.

To be honest, Burke had always assumed he’d end up with a human. They supposedly were the

superior race, though to him, it was only because they outnumbered the bears and the wolves—not
because they were necessarily better people or better fighters.

“Here you are.” Tasha dropped the pillow and blanket on the sofa. She folded her arms, acting

like she was the classroom teacher who expected her student to obey.

Suddenly, he wasn’t that tired. “Want to watch a little TV?”
She laughed. “Do you see one?”
He glanced around, stunned at not finding the modern amenity. Because she had a cell phone, he

figured she at least owned a TV. “No. What do you do at night?”

“I read.”
That made sense. She was a librarian. He rarely watched stuff on TV, either, except for the home

construction shows and college football. As long as he was here, he might as well get to know her. It
wouldn’t be a hardship. “I read, too,” he said trying to connect with her.

Her eyes widened with interest. “Who are your favorite authors?”
Shit. He meant he read motorcycle magazines, home construction articles, and a fair amount on

alternate energy sources. He’d seen several Stephen King movies and figured he must have written a
few books. “Stephen King.”

“Cool.” She looked at him expectedly, almost as if she wanted to discuss one of his books.
He sipped more of the coffee, which thankfully had cooled a bit. Needing to change the subject, he

asked her, “So what are your hobbies?” He found women loved to talk about themselves.

Tasha slipped onto the chair across from him and stretched out her legs. God, she looked amazing.

“You really want to know about my hobbies? Who are you?”

He chuckled. “You do know me.”

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Burke wondered who else understood him as well. Not Tom. Shit, his brother was into football

too much to pay close attention to a little brother. In fact, he probably cared more about drugs than
him. Tom always claimed if he’d zigged instead of zagged during the sixth game of his senior year of
college, and not torn his ACL, he’d have been in the pros. Burke disagreed. His brother was a good
player, but he lacked the drive and ambition to be great.

She nodded, her eyes sparkling. “I do know you, or at least I did at one point. I remember when

the kids used to make fun of you for being chunky. They should see you now.”

He swore he detected some respect in her voice. “I’d forgotten about the teasing. I think I was

maybe eight.”

She shrugged. “At least you grew out of it.”
From the way she averted her gaze, he figured she didn’t like being a larger size. He put up with

the skinny girls because that was who showed up at the parties, but he liked a woman with meat on
her bones. After all, he was a bear underneath his muscular body.

“You certainly grew into your beauty.” There went the eye roll again.
Tasha held up a hand. “Okay. I get you don’t want to talk about your brother. I’ve taken enough

psychology classes to know that flirting is your coping mechanism, but can you save the swagger for
someone who will be impressed?”

He touched the table and made a hissing noise. “You told me. Fine, I’ll leave you alone.” The

problem was that he didn’t want to. “Since talking about you is off limits, you want to hear about

That eked a smile out of her. “Sure. Feel free to take off your boots and stretch out on the sofa

while you tell me.”

He chuckled. “I get your game. You’re hoping I’ll fall asleep so you can read and get lost in your

little fantasy world.” Fuck. That came out wrong. “Sorry. There’s nothing wrong with fantasy.”

“I don’t need to apologize for what I love. Getting lost in another world makes me happy—it’s

like my drug—and it’s not because I don’t like this life.” She lifted her chin as if to dare him to refute
what she was saying.

“You’re right. You shouldn’t apologize. You know what? I’m feeling a bit dizzy.” Not really, but

it was a good excuse.

Her brows rose. “Now you want to sleep? I thought you wanted to talk about yourself.”
“I changed my mind. My life is quite boring.”
“I doubt that.” She stood. “If you need me to drive you to your bike, my door’s the second one on

the left. Just knock. Bathroom is first door on the left. Good night, Burke.”

As soon as she left, it was as if he’d fallen down a rabbit hole and had no idea where he was.

* * *





the bathroom counter and stared into the mirror. She looked the same as when

she’d left the house, yet Burke acted as if she were different—prettier, sexier. It must be the alcohol,
or else he thought that if he complimented her enough, she’d fall into bed with him.

Part of her wanted to see what it would be like to make love with someone as hot and

experienced as Burke. The few men she’d slept with had been Neanderthals—or rather bears—in
their approach to sex. With the number of women Burke had slept with, she bet he’d be amazingly

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good. As long as she understood that nothing could come of it, she saw no reason not to indulge. For
once, she could be like the heroine in her books.

Who am I kidding?
She’d get naked, and once he saw how much her tits drooped without a bra and how wide her

hips were, he wouldn’t be able to get it up. Add in the fact that he was inebriated, and she was being
stupid contemplating sex.

She wished like hell her body didn’t quiver every time she got near him, though. The reason for

the intense reaction didn’t matter. It was why she had to get away from him tonight. Even being in the
same house wouldn’t really solve her problem. No doubt she’d not get a wink of sleep.

Tasha washed up and tiptoed down the hall to her room. As quickly as she could, she undressed

and tossed on a tank and panties. It was hot in the house and she rarely slept if it was too warm.

She crawled under the sheet and turned off the lights. She yearned for sleep, but her mind kept

racing. Burke would probably wake up in a few hours, come into her room, and ask her to drive him
home. She couldn’t help but wonder if his competitive ego would make him try and seduce her. The
bigger question was if he didn’t, would she be disappointed?

Go to sleep!
With great willpower, she managed to block Burke from her mind long enough to doze. She might

have actually fallen into a sound slumber had a crash not woken her. Heart racing, she jumped up and
ripped open the door.

“You okay?” she called.
He must have forgotten where he was and run into the coffee table. She’d done that a few times

when she’d fallen asleep on the sofa reading.

When he didn’t answer, she fumbled her way down the hallway. No lights were on and the moon

seemed to have done a disappearing act. The living room lights suddenly blazed and startled her.
There stood Burke rubbing his shin.

She forced down a smile. “Forget where you were?”
“Yeah. Sorry about the coffee cup.”
She looked to where he was pointing. Not only had the coffee stained the carpet, the handle had

broken. It was a cup she’d had a long time, one that she’d glued the handle on twice already. “Don’t
worry about it.”

She headed into the kitchen to find something to clean up the stain with. As soon as she retrieved a

dishtowel and wet it, Burke was beside her. He placed the broken cup on the counter and held out his
hands. “I’ll do that since I made the mess.”

He probably had no idea how to clean up a coffee stain, but it would be fun to watch him try.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Burke got on his hands and knees and began to rub, looking mighty fine with his ass

wiggling and his biceps bulging with each swipe. What she wouldn’t give for a camera. Too bad her
phone was in the bedroom. He sat back on his heels and stared at the stain that had spread. “I’m
making it worse.”

Feeling sorry for him, she filled a small bowl with water, vinegar, and a drop of soap. “Let me

see what I can do.”

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His shoulders slumped. “Can’t do anything right where you’re concerned, can I?”
She wouldn’t say that, but she wasn’t ready to speak her piece. Tasha dropped to her knees next to

him, dabbed the unused end in her magic potion and rubbed. In seconds, the stain disappeared.

Only then did she realize she was in her tank top and panties. Oh, crap. No wonder he was

looking like he’d won a prize. She cleared her throat. “For wine, use club soda. Works every time.”

“You are amazing.”
He slipped the cloth and bowl from her hand, and set them on the coffee table next to him. The

whole time, his gaze never left her face. She wanted to ask him what he was doing, but no words
would form. The intensity of the attraction was too strong, as if he’d put a spell on her. The good girl
in her screamed for her to get off her knees and rush back to her bedroom, but the bear part of her told
her to stay right where she was.

“I need to taste you, Tasha.” His lips parted.
Oh, dear Lord. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. Her first instinct was to say

he really didn’t mean it, but for once in her life, she kept quiet. He cupped the back of her head and
her heart pounded. Eyes blazing almost black, Burke leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers—
softly, almost tentatively. The kiss was pleading, and when he let up on the pressure, she yearned for

Burke scooted closer, and when he pressed a palm to her back, sparks of electricity burst all

along her spine. She’d never felt anything like that before. It was a combination of lust, passion,
desire, and pure need.

This moment with Burke would be fleeting and most likely never happen again. Enjoy him. As if

someone from behind lifted her arms, she wrapped them around his neck and pressed her chest
against his. He moaned then teased her lips open.

When their tongues touched, her body ignited. She’d been dreaming of this moment from the first

time she saw him so many years ago. To her, he was her Prince Charming. Tasha decided it was time
to take what he was willing to give. Burke was a player, but that was okay. She’d have him once and
then let him go.

Burke planted his hands on her cheeks and took possession of her mouth. Hard, this time,

passionate and with meaning. His tongue probed, swiveled, and then tangled with hers. He tasted of
coffee blended with a hint of whiskey. There was no doubt that Burke Devereaux was all man.

As if driven to experience him more fully, she lowered her hand and pressed her palm against his

hard cock. It was a bold move, but her inner bear made her do it.

He broke the kiss, his eyes full of lust. “You sure you want that, good girl?”
“I might. Then again, I might not. You’re the party boy. Perhaps you should try to convince me.”
He dropped his head back and laughed. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not, but she didn’t want to sound too much like a dork.

“I am unique.”

“That you are.”
He leaned back, tore off his white T-shirt, and tossed it behind him. Holy mother of God. While

she’d seen a lot of bare-chested bear shifters, none looked as amazing as Burke Devereaux. “You do
a lot of construction work, I see.”

He flexed his pecs one at a time and she punched him. “Don’t. That’s gross.”

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His eyes widened. “Gross? I thought women liked men who worked out.”
“Yes, but we don’t like show-offs.”
“Hmm. Who knew? More rules I have to remember.”
Now he was just teasing her. “I like men to be themselves.”
“Fair enough. Speaking of fair, it’s your turn.”
It took a second for her to understand. She should have given more thought to what would happen

after they kissed. Now she’d actually have to take off her clothes. “Can we turn off the lights?”

“Oh, sweetheart. You don’t need to be shy around me. Trust me; I’ll like what you have to show


She wasn’t so sure, but she had agreed to this. Tasha lifted the edges of her top, ready to stop if he

winced. To her delight, the higher the hem rose, the wider his eyes became. When he licked his lips,
she removed her tank top but immediately crossed her arms over her naked, pendulous breasts.

Now Tasha wasn’t sure she could go through with this.

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Chapter Five





Burke stood, walked over the wall, and placed his finger on the light switch. “You

have any candles?”

“Yes.” Tasha started to get up.
“Stay there. Tell me where they are.”
Only then did she realize what he was doing—trying to make her more comfortable. Tasha hadn’t

expected that from someone like Burke. “In the kitchen drawer next to the sink. It’s kind of messy.”

“Not to worry.”
Utensils jangled, and another drawer opened then closed. Holding his hand in front of the flame,

Burke walked in then elbowed off the light switch. Kneeling in front of her, he set the light on the far
end of the coffee table.

“Now where were we?” he asked. His voice sounded like sunshine on whiskey.
You were about to take me to heaven and back. “I think we were about to get rid of our clothes.”
He chewed the inside of his cheek. “Next time, we’ll have to play strip poker. It might go faster.”
He was a jerk—but a loveable one. “Sounds great.” She had no problem saying that because there

wouldn’t be a next time. Burke would grow tired of this sexy challenge and find another woman to

He clasped her wrists and lowered her arms. “Beautiful.”
Don’t say a word . The air, while warm, pebbled her nipples, or else it was her embarrassment

that caused them to tighten into tiny buds.

Because Burke looked as if he was waiting for her to make the next move, she wouldn’t squander

her chance to taste him again. Tasha leaned forward, and when she kissed him, he growled. She
swore bones cracked, although she wasn’t sure if they were hers or Burke’s.

He dropped onto his back and dragged her on top of him. She thought she might weigh too much

for him, but she felt rather small in his arms.

Planting her hands on the carpet on either side of his head, she took what she wanted—him. If she

was going to enjoy this one night, she didn’t want to be tentative. Shedding her librarian image was
hard for her, but she was determined to take advantage of what he had to offer.

The long, slow kiss had her swooning in its intensity. She might have continued to kiss him

forever had his waistband not dug into her hips, or maybe it was his hard cock pressing into her.

“I need to take off your pants.” That sounded like an excuse to get him naked, but something was


“That so?” The dim light reflected the sparkle in his eyes.
“Uh-huh.” She rolled off him. “How about taking off your shoes first?”
Burke toed them off then rose. “You want to give it a go?”
Give it a go? “Meaning?”
He laughed. “I thought you wanted to get me naked.”
Duh. “I do.”
Tasha jumped to her feet and turned her back to the light, not wanting to illuminate her breasts or

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other bulges. So far, Burke hadn’t seemed to notice her less than perfect body, or else he was being

With trembling fingers, she undid every button on his fly. Given how his cock was pressing hard

against the material, she had to work to get it open. “There.”

“You still have a long way to go, you know.”
Tasha inhaled. She’d never taken off a man’s pants before. That was always his job, but there had

to be a first time for everything. She hooked her thumbs in his waistband and tugged on his jeans.
While the pants made it past his briefs, she met with resistance from all his bulging thigh muscles.
“Can you lie down? It’ll be easier for me to take these off.”

“Anything you want.” He did as she asked.
Understanding what she planned to do, he lifted his legs, and she grabbed hold of the hem. With

two tugs, his pants flew off. Tasha stood over him, admiring his amazing body.

“Staring like that, you’ll give a guy a complex.”
“Why is that? I’ve never seen anyone quite like you.”
“I can say the same, but when I stare or compliment you, you get mad.”
It wasn’t the same thing. He was perfect, and she was not. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
She couldn’t decide if was she enamored with him because of his looks, or if she really liked him.

She wanted him to see her for who she was—and not some woman with big tits and a bigger ass.
Perhaps she needed to treat him with the same respect. After all, he wasn’t some underwear model to
be ogled.

“Your turn,” Burke nodded at her panties then rolled onto his side and lifted up on his elbow.
“You don’t want to take them off?” She’d never been this brave, but Burke empowered her.
“Get on the floor and I’ll show you how fast I can get you naked.”
Burke kept providing her with a ton of future memories, as she’d never rolled around on the

carpet with a man before. With her gaze on his magnificent body, Tasha dropped to her knees.

“Lie back,” he said. Instead of dragging the material down her thighs, he slipped off his own

briefs and tossed them aside.

Her mouth opened. “Holy shit, that’s one big cock.”
He grinned. “I wanted to distract you.”
“You succeeded.”
He stretched out on his stomach, and when he widened her thighs and edged between them, her

body went wild—heart pounding, stomach tightening, mouth turning dry. Every physical reaction
possible occurred. She’d never experienced anything like this before with another man.

He’s my mate. She chuckled. Stop dreaming.
“Something funny?” he asked.
Crap. Had she made noise? “No. I’m waiting for you, that’s all.” She closed her eyes, not wanting

him to spot the lie. Thank goodness, the dim light prevented him from detecting the heat racing up her

He lowered her panties, and she almost screamed in heightened anticipation.
“Wait no longer.” Burke tossed off her bottoms and moaned. “What you do to me.”
She hadn’t done anything. Burke rubbed his hands over her thighs as if he was trying to get her

used to his touch.

“Oh, shit.” Burke sat up. “You see? You distracted me.”

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“You’re stopping?”
“Sweetheart, you have no fear of that. I’m getting a condom.”
Oh, shit was right. She was on the pill to help regulate her flow, and not because she was having

nightly sex. Still, one could never be too careful. He reached for his jeans, took out his wallet, and
nabbed the protection.

“Can I put it on?” her inner bear asked.
“In a moment. We’re far from that stage. I want to take my time and enjoy you.”
I’ll be damned. Somehow, she pictured Burke as the get-in-quick-and-leave-even-quicker type.

He edged his mouth closer to her pussy. Instead of licking her, he reached up and lifted one breast in
his palm. When he rubbed her nipple with his thumb, sparks flew, the tip hardened, and her inner
walls tightened. Oh my.

With his gaze on her face, he crawled higher and took a nipple into his mouth. Never had her tits

been this sensitive. She grabbed his shoulders and arched her back, loving the way he was twirling
his tongue around the tip. When he sucked on it hard, a strange gurgling sound escaped from her
mouth, but he didn’t seem to notice.

He kneaded the other breast, and she slid her hands under his arms to touch his back. The double

sensation of his rippling muscles combined with what he was doing to her tits had her in a heated
frenzy. Her inner animal had been unleashed, and she prayed she wouldn’t make a fool of herself.

“I love how sensitive you are,” he said.
He was making her that way. Burke switched back to the first breast and continued to torment her.

The more he nipped and sucked, the faster her juices flowed. “Lick my pussy.”

He looked up. “I’m the one in charge, good girl. You just enjoy yourself.”
There went that nickname again. He must consider her a prudishly naïve woman. It didn’t matter

that she usually was. “I love what you’re doing to me, but wouldn’t you like equal treatment?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he slid between her legs again. Every muscle clenched in anticipation

of the onslaught of pleasure, and the first lick almost made her giddy.

“Your scent is driving me crazy.”
She was unable to respond. Burke pressed a palm on her belly and she sucked in her stomach,

fearful he’d be put off by her softness, but he continued to lick her. When she was about to lose it, he
slipped a finger into her wet slit and wiggled it around.

She dug her nails into his shoulders. “Oh, yes.”
Sure, she sounded desperate, but she couldn’t help it. He then curled that finger and hit her G-

spot, flicking the thick digit back and forth until she lost it. “Bur-ke!” He withdrew his finger and
rolled onto his side. She panted, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”
“For being unable to control myself.” If she hadn’t been celibate for the last couple of months, she

might have been able to stop her climax.

No, I wouldn’t have. Burke has this unnatural power over me.
“You aren’t weak. I’m flattered, in fact. Want your chance at retribution?” He touched his cock.
“Yes.” Too bad, she was inept—untrained—but since she’d already offered, she couldn’t back

down now.

He grinned. Her human side might have been tentative, but Burke Devereaux brought out her bear

instincts. Given she was totally naked, perhaps she should have said her bare instincts.

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“You’re smiling again,” he said.
“Just thinking about something.” God, she was such a dweeb. She needed to relax.
Turned out, she had nothing to worry about. The second her fingers touched his cock, her desire

exploded. She wanted to taste him more than she wanted food. When she leaned over to lick him, that
first taste nearly did her in. Bolder now, she drew his length deep into her mouth, but the head hit the
back of her throat before she’d taken in half of him.

“That’s it, Tasha. Keep doing that.”
His whispers urged her on, and she yearned to have his scent blend with hers. She pumped her fist

as she swirled her tongue around his length. The harder she tugged, the more he groaned. On the next
suck, he fisted her hair and pulled. The tension in her body uncoiled and she drew him in deeper.
With her other hand, she cupped his balls and rolled them around.

He grabbed her wrist. “I, too, am weak around you. How about putting on that condom?”
Satisfied she hadn’t made a fool of herself, she picked up the foil package and tore it open with

her teeth. When she removed the protection, she giggled. “This won’t fit.”

“You do my ego good, but it stretches. Give it a try.”
Making sure she didn’t put it on upside down, she placed the latex on the tip. “Can you hold it


“Sure thing.” Burke lifted his shaft so it sat straight up.
Using both hands, she rolled the rubber down with care. That was quite easy. “There.”
“Good job. What’s next?”
She wasn’t sure what exactly he was asking. “You get on top of me?” Damn, she shouldn’t have

made it a question.

“Is that what you want?”
She hadn’t tried it any other way. “What do you suggest?”
“Want to ride me?”
Holy fuck. He was letting her take control. “You sure you can handle me?” She so didn’t say that.
His cheeks dimpled as he grinned. “Won’t know until we try.”
Burke was being so nice, even though she didn’t know why, but she wasn’t about to argue. While

she’d never done it this way, she’d certainly read enough to know exactly how everything worked.
Tasha straddled him and eyed his big cock. His huge dick might not fit inside her, but she was going
to try.

When she hovered over him, she lifted his cock and placed the tip at her entrance. Burke’s hands

shot to her waist, his touch both comforting and exciting. She had to lower her body a good inch
before she met with resistance, and during that exciting short ride, every bit of her caught on fire.
Overwhelmed with lust, she inhaled and tried again. Widening her legs, she slid back down. This
time her slick channel accepted him, and his cock foraged its way in, stretching her wide.

When Burke pulled her down and kissed her, her inner beast came out, erasing all of her

insecurities. She bet Burke was totally confused by now with her hot and cold reactions, especially
when the wild half fully emerged. She dipped her tongue into his mouth and took full possession as
she lifted once more, and then dropped down hard. Holy cow, but he was freaking big. Electric bolts
scorched her insides, causing her juices to flow hard. She was almost light headed and giddy as he
returned the kiss.

When they broke for air, Burke flipped her over so that he was on top. “Let me have at you this

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time.” He closed his eyes, and she swooned.

She couldn’t tell if this was a dream, or if she was making love with the hottest man she’d ever

met, but at the moment she almost didn’t care. Burke lowered his head and nabbed her swollen
nipple, the burst of pain quickly subsiding as her stomach coiled, waiting for more of his cock.

Burke drove into her with one powerful thrust, and passion bloomed and erotic pulses burst all

over her arms and legs. Needing every inch of him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and angled
her butt for deeper entry.

“I’m not sure how long I can last,” he said, grunting and groaning in between the words.
“Me either.” Tasha was close to coming, but she wanted to hold on until he came. It was what

good girls did, or so she believed.

He licked the other nipple, and when a wave of erotic bliss swept over her, Tasha couldn’t figure

out why his touch seared her from the inside out. She wanted to wait, but the pleasure overwhelmed
her. Burke straightened and kissed her once more as he drove into her, filling her to the hilt. When his
cock exploded, she followed him over the climactic edge. His pulsing dick expanded, and she thought
she’d break in two as chaos shattered the rest of her resolve. She actually screamed his name. Her
voice sounded different, almost as if the beast inside her had finally escaped.

Burke held her tight then rolled them over so that she was once more on top of him.
“I have to say, I never expected this kind of welcome—especially from you.” He kissed her nose.
“You and me both.” Burke had seduced her. Plain and simple. She hoped he didn’t think she’d

slept with him just to cheer him up. But now, the fun had to end. “Let me get dressed and I’ll drive
you to your bike.”

She hadn’t expected him to sound so surprised. “I need my beauty rest.” She rolled off him and

looked for something to use to clean up. For lack of anything better, she grabbed her panties and
wiped herself clean. “I’ll put on something a bit more decent.”

“Aw. I really like your tank top and panties.”
She didn’t respond as she headed to her bedroom. Once inside, she closed the door and plastered

her back against it.

What have I done?

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Chapter Six





home in one piece and believed he’d successfully snuck in without waking his

parents. If they had heard him come in around three, neither said anything the next morning.

By the time he’d rolled out of bed, though, his parents had both eaten. Not wanting his mom to

cook for him, he decided to go out. “I’m heading into town for some breakfast.” His mom’s eyes were
still red, and his father looked up at him without saying a word. That wasn’t a good sign.

His mom placed a hand on his arm. “I can fix you bacon and eggs.”
“I didn’t want to bother you, so I called Wade.” He’d texted his friend about half an hour ago and

set up plans to meet him at the café. Being around his parents’ sadness only made it harder on him. If
they continued to question him, they’d know he could have helped Tom more.

“Okay.” From her slumped shoulders, she wanted him to stay home.
Shit. He didn’t want to upset his mom more than she already was, but he needed some distance. “I

won’t be gone long.”

“Good.” She hugged him, the embrace lasting longer than usual.
When Burke arrived at the Hidden Hills Café, Wade was waiting for him. His friend had even

managed to snag a table despite the fact that the Sunday morning brunch crowd had packed the place.
That was probably because Dee Dee Duncan was the hostess. She’d been the head cheerleader in
high school and both of them had enjoyed what she had to offer.

“Hey, Burke. Wade’s here.” She stuck out her tits, but he wasn’t interested.
“I see him, thanks.”
As he stepped passed Dee Dee, she clasped his arm. “I heard about your brother; I’m sorry.”
“Thanks.” He didn’t want to discuss what happened with her. She was one of the biggest gossips

in town.

Not wanting to stop and talk with anyone else, Burke hurried to the booth in back and slid in

across from Wade.

“You get home okay last night?” Wade asked.
“I slept off my drunk at Tasha’s place.”
His brows furrowed. “Seriously? I thought she was driving you straight home.”
He wasn’t proud of how he’d handled things. “I asked her not to. I didn’t want to see the

disappointment on my mom’s face when I staggered in.”

“Smart.” Wade wiggled his brows. “Anything happen?”
Burke might have told his friend it wasn’t any of his business, but he needed Wade’s advice. “As

soon as I sobered up, we went at each other like two horny teenagers, and then she kicked me out.”

“I don’t know which part I’m more shocked at. The fact Tasha would do something like that with

you or that she’d give you the boot.”

“Both took me by surprise.” He didn’t need to mention how his body lit up just being around her.
Wade leaned back and smiled. “Good for her. As for giving you the heave ho, you were trashed. I

bet being asked to leave was a first for you.”

“It was.” He always did the walking.

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“How did you get her in bed in the first place? I don’t see Tasha as the type to jump in the sack

with just anyone.”

He didn’t either. “We grew up together if you recall.” Then again, so had she and Wade.
“That’s no guarantee. How did it happen?”
Burke chuckled. “Since when do you need pointers?”
Wade held up his middle finger.
“Okay. After a few hours of shuteye, I woke up and was disoriented. When I stood up to take a

leak, I ran into the corner of her coffee table and cursed. Tasha then came running out of her bedroom
wearing nothing but panties and a see through tank top. Her nipples were rock hard and my cock saw
fit to match it.”

“Holy shit.”
“My thoughts exactly. I don’t know what came over me. It was as if she’d tossed out a lifeline and

reeled me in. Next thing I know we’re doing it on the floor.”

“I still can’t believe you fucked Tasha Wilder.”
Anger rippled up his body. “I didn’t fuck her. She’s not that type of girl. We made love.”
A slow smile spread across Wade’s face. “What are you saying? You like her? Don’t tell me you

intend to pursue her.”

He didn’t know why Wade was being such an ass. “I haven’t decided, but she’s different.”
Before Wade responded, the waitress came over and took their drink orders. He hoped a strong

cup of coffee would clear the cobwebs from his brain.

“If you say so,” Wade said.
His friend didn’t understand. “Wait until you’re with someone who alters your thoughts.”
“Hold on. You believe Tasha could be your mate?”
He shrugged. “Maybe.”
Wade turned serious. “Do me a favor and sleep on this concept. You just lost your brother, and

I’m not sure you’re thinking straight.”

Wade might have a point. “Even if she isn’t my mate, I’ve never met anyone like her.” However,

the overwhelming evidence pointed to them being right for each other.

Now Wade smiled. “Just because she kicked your ass out, doesn’t make her different. Tell me

this. Would you have walked if she hadn’t done it first?”

He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“See? Tasha is smarter than the average bear, that’s all.”
Burke knew it had been right to confide in his friend.

* * *





In the light of day, with Burke out of sight, she’d questioned her actions of last

night so many times that she was now more confused than ever. As much as she wanted to talk with
someone about her situation, she wouldn’t discuss something like this with her mom. Chey, a cheetah
shifter, and Emmaline, a wolf shifter, were her first choices, but they wouldn’t know anything about a
bear’s reaction to a possible mate. The whole concept of having but one mate in life sounded a bit
farfetched even to her.

She and Emmaline had discussed the idea of a mate in the past, and her friend said it was

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something males made up to convince the women to stay with them. Chey, on the other hand, had
found her true mate. If she hadn’t, she’d never have been able to turn Storm from a human into a
cheetah shifter.

Tasha slumped back against her lounge chair. She didn’t know why she was getting so upset over

this. Burke wasn’t going to be pounding on her door anytime soon, so she might as well proceed as
usual and let the proverbial chips fall where they may. Regardless of whether she’d get a second
chance with him, he’d be returning to Pennsylvania soon.

For the rest of the day, Tasha indulged in her favorite pastime of reading. In fact, she was so

caught up in the story that she forgot to eat. It was only when her stomach complained that she realized
she’d missed dinner.

As much as she enjoyed getting lost in her escape, a slow malaise had crept into her, so much so

that she didn’t eat much and her sleep that night was spotty at best. She just couldn’t turn off her brain.

That was why when nine o’clock on Monday morning rolled around, she was happy to get out of

her house and back into the library. Helping people do research or find a certain book brought her
such joy. She also couldn’t wait until four o’clock so she could read to the kids again. Just thinking
about those happy faces cheered her up.

Her joy was short lived, however, the moment she pulled into the library parking lot and spotted

the construction crew. She could only hope that Burke had forgotten her comment regarding Archfield
and Kress needing workers. Having him near would disrupt her life—and any future sleep.

No sooner had she walked in than three people asked her questions. Yes! Happy to put Burke

Devereaux out of her mind, she focused on her job. To her delight, reading hour came quickly in part
because she’d barely given the man a second thought.

Fine. She’d pushed her amazing sexual experience to the back of her mind long enough to

complete the needed tasks, but as soon as she finished with the kids, she realized she didn’t want to
go home. It had been bad being there yesterday, because every time she’d looked at the floor, she
pictured them naked, their bodies entwined in a sensual embrace.

Some might think she was foolish for fixing the mug he’d broken, but it was still a perfectly good

cup. So what if she’d kept the candle he’d brought out for her. It had a good ten minutes of flame left
in it.

Before she clocked out, she texted Cheyenne and Emmaline to see if either of them wanted to

catch a bite to eat. Chey texted her back to remind her that the Vet Clinic was open late on Mondays,
and then asked if she’d forgotten? Yes, she had. Emmaline returned her text saying she always worked
at the women’s shelter on Mondays. Sheesh. Maybe Tasha was more distracted than she thought.

As a last ditch effort, she called her mom, hoping she’d be free. When her mother invited her to

dinner, relief washed through her. There were things of a sexual nature she wanted to know but had
never been interested enough to ask about before. Sure, Tasha had felt something toward Burke
growing up, but she figured it was because he was that unattainable boy. Girls always wanted what
they couldn’t have.

As she exited town, she headed south to her parents’ home. All during the drive, she tried to

figure out how to ask her mom about what it had been like when she and Dad first met. Had there been
this strange, pussy clenching reaction when Dad came near?

No. She couldn’t ask that. In fact, the idea of her parents having sexual urges didn’t sit well with

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her. Like any good mother, Mom had given Tasha the standard talk about how when she found her
mate she’d know it was him. It was the how part of it that was the big question. She wondered if
she’d know by his smell or by the way her body reacted when she was around him. She needed
details. Her biggest fear was if the female thought she’d found her mate, but the object of her affection
wasn’t interested. It wouldn’t be as simple as the two just knowing they were destined for each other.

After listing her questions, Tasha wasn’t sure she even wanted to hear her mom’s response. If her

dad happened to be near, she’d have to table the discussion for another time. Sure enough, when
Tasha pulled into the driveway, her father’s truck sat in front. So much for learning the secrets of the
universe tonight.

* * *





the week seemed to go slower than a long winter. Tasha would often find herself looking

out the library window at the new construction, searching for Burke since he’d said he wanted to get a
job. She had spoken to him briefly at Tom’s funeral, but he hadn’t mentioned looking for a job, or if
he planned to see her before returning home.

She’d just entered the library break room when her cell buzzed. She fumbled in her pocket for her

phone hoping it was Burke calling. When she spotted Emmaline’s name, Tasha pushed aside her
disappointment. He wasn’t the kind to call anyway. Hell, he probably didn’t even know her cell
number. Either of his parents could have found it out easily enough, but Burke wouldn’t have gone to
the trouble of asking.

“Hey, girl,” Tasha said.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been available sooner, but I want to hear what happened Saturday night. Want

to get a drink at the Cove after work tonight?”

“Yes! What time?”
“I can be there at five.”
“Fantastic. I’ll meet you there.”
Buoyed by their get together, Tasha headed back to the spot where she read to the kids to locate

the book she wanted to share with them. Out of habit, she glanced outside and had to blink twice to
make sure she was seeing clearly. Holy shit. Burke was there—shirtless—wearing a yellow hard hat,
low-slung jeans, and a tool belt. Her mouth drooled. She had no idea he’d landed the job. It was
possible he’d been there all week and she’d missed him, but she doubted it as she’d checked too
many times.

Not wanting him to spot her gawking, she stepped to the side despite believing he couldn’t see her

through the tinted windows. Just as she was about to return to work, Dee Dee Duncan waltzed onto
the construction site wearing an oversized hard hat. She handed Burke a tall cup of something—
probably a Coke since it was his favorite drink—at least it had been in high school. He gulped down
some of the contents and then smiled.

Tasha clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, every possessive cell in her body reacting. She

knew the kind of man Burke was. He was the love ’em and leave ’em type. He’d dated Dee Dee
Duncan in high school, but their relationship hadn’t lasted long. As soon as basketball season was
over, she moved on to the baseball team, but Tasha had always wondered if Burke still pined for her.
The woman had a body to kill for—and she knew how to use it, too.

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Stop it.
That kind of thinking was unproductive.
“Tasha?” Crap. Mary, her boss was calling her. It was just as well. Tasha didn’t need to see the

man of her dreams play her for a fool.

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Chapter Seven





what you saw,” Emmaline said. “It might not be that bad.”

Tasha tipped back her beer. Normally, she only had tea when she went out during the week, but

tonight she needed something stronger. Before she gave any details, she looked around to make sure
Burke hadn’t wandered into the bar without her knowledge.

Tasha leaned forward. “I was in the area where I read to the kids and happened to look out the

window. What do I see, but Burke wiping his forehead with a red bandana while leaning on a shovel
he’d planted in the dirt. I’m thoroughly enjoying the eye candy when none other than Dee Dee Duncan
shows up.”

“Oh, shit. That’s not good.”
Her stomach tumbled. Dee Dee was trouble indeed. “See? I told you. She brought Burke some

kind of drink. He smiled at her, grabbed the proffered cup, and then took a chug.”

Her lips thinned. “Dee Dee works at the café. Perhaps he ordered a drink, and she delivered it. It

could be as simple as that.”

“That thought crossed my mind, but it doesn’t fly. Here’s why: when have you known the

waitresses to wear Daisy Duke shorts and a very revealing top?” In high school, a few of the girls
had claimed the name Dee Dee fit the woman because it matched her double D cup size.

“She might have been on her break,” Em said lifting a shoulder.
“Are you saying you think this exchange was completely innocent?”
She slumped back in her chair. “Not on hoochie mama Dee Dee’s part, but it could have been on


“I like your description of her.”
Em smiled then sobered. “I want this to work out between you two. You deserve a good man.”
Tasha nearly spit out her beer. “A good man? He’s the consummate player. Is he incredibly hot in

bed? Sure. Does he make me feel special? Of course, but that’s what players do. They’re experts at
getting laid.” Fortunately, she kept her voice low to avoid anyone overhearing.

She expected Emmaline to agree, but she pinched her brows instead. “I think you’re just telling

yourself what you want to hear.”

“What are you saying? That I want him to rip my heart out?”
She leaned forward, resting on her elbows. “It’s almost as if you’re trying to doom the

relationship before it starts. Give the guy a break.”

“He looked at Dee Dee with adoring eyes. You might not be aware of this, but they dated in high

school,” Tasha said.

“First of all, from where you were standing, you weren’t close enough to see what his eyes

looked like. You’re projecting.” She waved a hand. “Besides, Dee Dee’s past history.”

“Who’s to say she’s not his mate?”
So what if every time Burke came near, her body went crazy. Hell, Tasha didn’t want a mate,

didn’t need a mate, and certainly wasn’t looking for someone to complete her, but she and Burke had
a connection. She was sure of it. Rejecting a mate would result in her never finding the love of her

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life—or so she’d been led to believe. She didn’t know if she was willing to take the chance the rumor
was true.

“Pu-lease. I can guarantee you that Dee Dee Duncan isn’t Burke’s mate. Many in our Clan say

she’s a gold-digging psycho. I wouldn’t be surprised if Burke bragged about how hot you were and
Dee Dee found out. She’s just the type of wolf to try and snag him just so you can’t have him.”

Now Tasha laughed. “You’re full of shit.”
“Maybe, but don’t give up yet. If you are in the least bit interested, you have to go after him.”
“Me? Go after Burke Devereaux?” She’d fall harder when he turned her down. “I’m not really


“Now who’s full of it? You wouldn’t be drinking on a Thursday night if you weren’t upset about

what happened. Dee Dee Duncan is not your competition.”

Tasha blew out an audible breath. Emmaline was one of her best friends. It was only fair to tell

her the truth. “He is intriguing, I’ll grant you that. Even if I wanted to see if there was something
special between us, I wouldn’t know how to go about attracting him. I’m not even sure why any
woman would want a man who flirts with every female he meets. Not to mention he’s probably slept
with most of them.”

Em drained her bottle. “For the right woman, a man will change.”
“What’s in that beer? Clearly, you don’t understand bears. They’re stubborn as they come.”
“But faithful, right?”
“For the most part.” There were always exceptions.
Emmaline pointed a finger at her. “Work your magic on him and then we can see if he’s right for


Wonderful. “If I decide I actually like him, as opposed to being in lust with him, and then find out

he’s either cheating or he’s not interested, my heart will be broken even worse.”

“Stop being so pessimistic. You said yourself he can’t keep his hands off you.”
“All that means is that he’s horny.”
Her friend laughed. “You’re hopeless. Listen to me. Ask him out and we’ll figure it out from


“Since you’re orchestrating this romantic interlude, where do you suggest I take him?”
Emmaline brought her bottle to her lips and sipped. “What does he like to do?”
“Have sex.”
She cracked up. “Besides that. We want Burke to see you for the wonderful person that you are.

What do you both like to do?”

She drew a blank. “I like to read. He claims he’s read Stephen King, but if he has, I’m betting it’s

the only book he’s ever opened. He loves his motorcycle, but I’m not a fan of them. In fact, I hate
them. They’re too dangerous.” Emmaline rolled her eyes. “He dances with grace while I’m as clumsy
as a bear. Pun intended.”

Emmaline shook her head. “There has to be something you both like to do.”
“I like to fish, though I’m not sure he does.”
“You fish? As a human or in your bear form?”
Tasha laughed. “Both. My dad loves fishing, and he taught me to appreciate it at a young age.”
“There you go. Invite him to some remote fishing hole—remote being the operative word here.”
The idea had merit. “Maybe I’ll pack a lunch and see if he wants to join me after I get off work

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Emmaline grinned. “Now you’re talking!”
Her palms sweated just thinking about bolstering her courage to ask him out. “What if he says he

hates to fish?”

“Stop it. If he does and still goes with you, it means he’s interested.”
“Or he’s horny and wants to seduce me again.”
“Would that be a bad thing? You said yourself that he rocks between the sheets.”
“He does.” But if she asked him out, it would signal a new phase in their relationship—one of

actively dating. She prayed that she was ready for this big step. Hell, she’d been content without a
man in her life for as long as she could remember. Burke’s sudden appearance in town had made her
question her long-held belief.

Em huffed out a laugh. “You are a piece of work. Now drink up then get some rest. You need your

beauty sleep.”

She opened her mouth. “Are you saying I’m a tired looking hag?”
Em held up her beer bottle. “If the shoe fits.”
“I should shift and eat you.”
Her friend laughed, cutting her anxiety in half.

* * *






another worker dig more postholes, the sun beat down on his back. They’d made

good progress on the library extension this week, and while his boss said he expected the job to last a
good three months, at the rate they were going, Burke believed they’d be done in two.

While he loved manual labor, he’d been distracted today. The memory of his brother often

intruded in his thoughts, but ever since he’d been with Tasha, her image had taken over, often making
him lose focus. He’d caught a glimpse of her through the library window yesterday and been about to
wave to her when Dee Dee shouted his name. She was a cute girl, but the two of them were alike in
too many ways. They both liked to party and keep their feelings buried deep. When they’d dated, he
was convinced she wasn’t even capable of a relationship—not that he’d been looking for one at
eighteen. Only after his brother died, had Burke realized just how short life could be. Since returning
home, he’d been re-evaluating his priorities.

As soon as Burke had spotted Dee Dee’s provocative attire, he knew she’d be trouble. He willed

Tasha to move away from the window, but her shadow remained off to the side. Not wanting to make
a scene, he’d smiled at Dee Dee then tossed back the drink as quickly as possible. While he
appreciated the refreshment, he hoped she didn’t make another appearance today. If she did, he’d
have to tell her he wasn’t interested. Knowing her, though, she’d work harder to convince him to
throw a little love her way.

The whole time Dee Dee had been standing there with her big blue eyes aimed his way, he kept

hearing Tom’s voice urging him to take her up on her offer—that Tasha wasn’t interested. Tom might
be right. Hell, she’d thrown him out on his ass after they’d had the most amazing sex in his life. Then
again, the way she’d screamed his name when she’d come convinced him she hadn’t been immune to
their intense draw either.

Wade suggested that because of Burke’s reputation, Tasha had sent him packing, knowing he’d

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walked out on her if she hadn’t. He never should have told her about not spending the night with a
woman. That was plain dumb.

He looked up. As if he’d conjured her, Tasha was coming toward him, and his cock instantly

hardened. Fuck. The foreman wouldn’t let her come close without a hard hat, so Burke set down his
shovel and hustled over to her.

He probably smelled bad after a hard day at work, but that couldn’t be helped. “Hey there.” He

motioned they step under one of the large maples to give them some shade and be farther away from
the construction noise.

He studied her expression but was unable to tell if she was here to read him the riot act or

demand to know his intentions toward Dee Dee. Yes, he should have called Tasha Sunday to thank
her for letting him crash at her place, but he believed she needed time to figure out what she wanted—
or else he was the one who needed to think things through. He’d only spoken with her for a minute at
the funeral, and that hadn’t been the time to discuss their relationship.

In all honesty, after the Dee Dee incident, he hadn’t been sure Tasha would ever speak with him


“My dad gave me a new fishing pole, and I thought I’d try it out after work Saturday.”
That was nice, but he couldn’t tell if she was asking him to join her or if he should say what a

great dad she had. He used to fish all the time since it brought him peace. “Great. Where are you

A few summers ago, he’d found a great lake about thirty miles from Hidden Hills. Some people

who had lived in the area their whole life weren’t even aware of its existence.

She shrugged. “I wanted to ask your opinion.”
Really? His pulse raced. Being near Tasha caused this unnatural reaction, and the potential of

another date had his hormones flying. “There’s a lake I found up in the hills that’s good.”

Her eyes sparkled. “You fish?”
The hope in her voice gave him a new insight. “Don’t you remember how we’d go in the stream at

the back of Dad’s property and try to catch something?”

“That was a lifetime ago.”
It was. “It’s been forever since I’ve had the time to fish, so would it be okay if I tag along?”
She smiled and his heart soared. He needed to get his head on straight in part because he had yet

to figure out why Tasha was even here given she’d kicked him out. Wade might have been right about
her reason.

“I’d love that. How about we meet here at one? I’ll pack a picnic in case we don’t catch


He wasn’t into shifting and eating fish raw anymore, but perhaps she was planning on a nice fire

and cooking it first. It didn’t matter to him. Whatever her plan, he was game. “Perfect.”

She spun on her heels and hauled ass out of there. He figured she was on her break and might get

in trouble if she stayed out too long. As soon as she disappeared into the library, he went back to
work, his mood greatly improved.

Then doubt surfaced. Burke couldn’t quite tell what was on her agenda. She had asked him out—

more or less—but he hoped she didn’t plan on getting him alone just so she could tell him to shove it.
Then again, she might seduce him. He couldn’t wait to find out whether it was door number one or

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number two.

* * *





Burke asked his father if he could borrow a fishing pole, his dad raised his brows. “Why

the sudden interest? If I recall, when you and Tom came home last summer for your mom’s birthday, I
couldn’t get you guys to do any such thing.”

By then, Tom was having a hard time sitting still for any length of time. “Tasha asked if I’d take

her fishing. Apparently, Alden bought her a new pole, and she wants to try it out.” That wasn’t
technically the truth, but he had suggested the location.

His dad stroked his chin. “Don’t recall Alden mentioning he bought her a new rod. All he said

was that she’d been real moody lately. Maybe he got it to cheer her up.” He narrowed his eyes.
“Could her bad mood have anything to do with you?”

She hadn’t seemed moody when she’d spoken with him, unless she’d been upset when she’d seen

him with Dee Dee and mentioned it to her father. It was hard to keep a secret longer than a few
minutes in this town, though if Wade hadn’t heard about Tom’s death, perhaps the grapevine had dried
up since he’d moved. “I hope not.”

“You’ve been seeing a lot of her, I hear.”
Burke was in no mood to discuss the strange feelings he’d been having when he was around

Tasha. Perhaps after his date on Saturday, he’d know more. “Some.”

“You came home real early Sunday morning from her place.” His father leaned close. “Don’t go

breaking her heart, son.”

Shit. “Dad, we’re just going fishing.” He certainly wasn’t going to tell his father he hoped it

would lead to something more.

Ever since she’d mentioned they’d be having a picnic, his imagination had been out of control,

picturing all the ways he wanted to make love with her—against a tree, on the soft sand edging part of
the lake, and even on the blanket. Hell, he’d take it any way he could get it.

“Remember, she’s the Alpha’s daughter.”
“I know.” He’d never forget, but he wasn’t intimidated by Alden, the man who’d practically

raised him. Well aware of the Clan politics, Burke had no intention of messing things up with her.

Tasha’s heritage was one of the reasons why she didn’t have a hoard of young bears after her. She

was like Clan royalty. Her older brother would be the next Alpha should her dad step down, but she
still commanded a lot of respect.

If he was lucky, she’d bore him to death Saturday, and he could forget all about her.
In my dreams. There was something about her that had him fixating on her. He wondered, once

more, if she was his mate.

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Chapter Eight





library parking lot. It was a quarter after one, and he couldn’t help but wonder if

Tasha had changed her mind about their date or if this was his punishment for talking with Dee Dee.

He decided to text her to make sure nothing had happened, but when he pulled his phone out he

remembered they hadn’t exchanged numbers. That was dumb on his part.

Here he was alone with his pole and one of Dad’s beat up trucks and no date. Burke had spent this

morning cleaning the interior, but it still smelled of fertilizer and oats. Perhaps it was for the best that
she didn’t show.

He was about to head inside the library to ask if one of the workers could give him Tasha’s

information when she drove up. Relief filled him. Burke really wanted to see how compatible they
were now that he didn’t have alcohol swimming in his veins.

Tasha parked and stepped out of her car, wearing a tight short-sleeved shirt over rolled-up jeans.

Man, she was hot.

He leaned his pole against the side of the truck and jogged up to her. “You made it.” He smiled,

hoping to defuse any possible concern she might have for being late.

“I forgot something at the store and had to stop. You ready?”
She glanced at the truck and grimaced. “I only have my fly-fishing pole.”
“Perfect. One of us should catch something then. Unfortunately, I never did perfect the art of fly-

fishing. I’m a reel man.” That sounded bad. “That’s r-e-e-l.” When she laughed, the muscles in his
shoulders relaxed. “Want me to drive?”

She glanced over at the truck. “I’ve got everything packed in the back of mine, but if you want to

chauffeur me in my car that would be cool.” She dangled her keys from one finger.

He hadn’t expected her to hand over the reins, but to him it implied she thought of this as a real

date. It was probably silly to be so excited, but he was. “Happy to.”

After he gathered his pole, they both piled into her car, and Burke rolled down the window. The

day was warm and clear and he wanted to enjoy it fully.

Once they cleared town, Tasha leaned her back against the passenger side door. “What exactly do

you do up in Pennsylvania?” she asked.

“Besides party?” That was what she probably was thinking.
“Yes.” A cute flush raced up her face.
He wasn’t sure how much he wanted to tell her. “I work at a construction company that

specializes in renovations.” She’d ask too many questions if he told her he was part owner.
Specifically, she might ask what he was doing spending so much time in Hidden Hills. Yes, he was
here because he wanted to support his parents, but now that he’d reconnected with Tasha, he wanted
to stay around and see if there was something special between them.

“Commercial or residential?”
He hadn’t expected that question. “Both. One of the owners is an architect. He gives me the plans,

and it’s my job to make sure it gets done to code and on time.”

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“That’s a lot of responsibility.” She sounded impressed, which implied her opinion of him hadn’t

been high in the first place.

“It is, but I love what I do.”
“That’s what really matters.”
He liked her attitude. Most of the women he dated only cared about his income—not about his job

satisfaction. He’d saved a lot of money since college, but he didn’t flaunt it. If another recession
happened, he wanted to be able to ride it out. Few even knew he owned fifty percent of BC
Renovations. Since Tom’s death, he’d been toying with the idea of opening a branch in Hidden Hills.
His partner, Chris Aldridge, said he’d buy Burke out if he ever wanted, and it was something Burke
was considering.

Before he knew it, they’d arrived at the base of the path that led to the mountain lake. He glanced

down at her shoes, and was happy they looked sturdy enough to handle the mile-long path. “You up
for a little trek?”

“Sure. If you carry the basket and blanket, I’ll handle the poles.”
Burke still didn’t know how much of this fishing thing was real and how much was a ploy to go

out with him, but he planned to enjoy her either way.

To his surprise, Tasha was quite the hiker. She had good stamina, which boded well for the other

activity he had planned.

When they reached the lake, she drew in an audible breath. “It’s beautiful. I never knew this was

even here.”

“Most people don’t. Look to your left and you’ll see a waterfall coming off the mountain.”
She stepped closer and squinted. The urge to cup her breasts nearly undid him. Patience had

always been his strong suit, but it wasn’t when he was around her. It was as if she knew where to
stand to distract him the most.

“I see it now!”
He chuckled. “That stream? It feeds the lake. We can fish there or go up the river a bit. You might

have better luck higher up with fly-fishing.”

She shook her head. “I prefer the calmer water.”
“Works for me.” He set down the basket, and she handed him his pole. From her small backpack,

she pulled out a set of beautiful lures. “Those are yours?” Now it was his turn to be impressed.

“Yes. My dad taught me how to make them. I know most young girls play with dolls, but I spent

my time fishing with Dad.”

He had a new appreciation for her. “Maybe you can show me how to make one sometime.”
“Really? I don’t see you as the fishing type.”
That stung a little. “What type am I?” She ran her gaze up and down his body, making him a little


“I’m thinking you’d take a woman to a fancy restaurant before you’d bring her to a place like this

to enjoy the outside.”

Burke really had made a bad impression on her. “You’re wrong. Let me ask you then, why did you

ask me to come here?” It shouldn’t matter that he’d asked if he could come—she’d agreed.

Her cheeks reddened. “I’m trying to figure that out. Other than our parents being good friends,

along with the fact we grew up together, we have nothing in common. You like to drink and have a

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good time while I prefer to sit home and read a good book.”

“I hope I hear a but coming.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip, looking sexy as hell. “It’s just that when I’m around you, I feel

different.” She rubbed her palms down her thighs.

His pulse raced. She must feel the attraction, too. He stepped closer. “Describe different.”
She shrugged. He slipped her pole from her hand, joined it with his, and set down both. “Look at

me.” He cupped her face. Inhaling her scent let out his inner bear. “You feel it, too, don’t you?”

“Feel what?”
He wasn’t sure he could describe it. “A connection. I know we don’t really know each other—at

least, not as adults—but when I’m near you, something happens inside me. Don’t get me wrong,
you’re beautiful and perfect in every way, but it’s more than physical. I get the sense that we’re meant
to be together.” When she didn’t say anything, a piece of him seemed to dissolve. “You don’t feel it?”

* * *





Never in a million years had she expected Burke to say something like that.

She wanted it to be true, but she didn’t see how it could be. He was suave, sophisticated, and oh, so
slick. She was just a small town librarian.

She’d practically frozen in her spot. Tell him. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?”
He leaned over, his lips near hers. “Yes, I feel something.” His presence was messing with her

mind. “I mean, I feel a lot. Every time I’m close to you, it’s as if I can’t breathe or think, but I don’t
even know whether I can believe you. You’re so sure of yourself and have had hundreds of women.
Are you just trying to get laid?” Oh, God, she couldn’t believe she’d let that slipped out. She needed
to think before she spoke.

“I’m going to choose to hear only the first part of what you said and ignore the second. Believe

me when I say nothing like this has ever happened to me before. This joy. This confusion. This

It all sounded so wonderful that she wanted him to clarify every word, but she didn’t know if she

could trust him. “Are you saying you like me?”

He laughed. “Like you? I can’t even put into words what I feel. It’s all so new. Before Tom died,

I won’t lie; I partied a lot. I had sex with a bunch of women—women who were only out to have a
good time, like me. I’m pretty sure I never had ay of them pining for my affection. I made it very clear
up front that I wasn’t interested in something other than a few rolls in the hay.”

She could believe there were many women who wanted to see what he was like in bed. The man

was hotter than fire. “So you just want to have sex with me, right?”

She wasn’t a fool. “That’s a lie.”
“You can choose not to believe me, but I am being completely honest when I say I want to make

love with you. There’s a difference. I know this sounds crazy, but the animal in me is convinced
you’re my mate.”

A laugh escaped. “Me?” She wanted it to be true more than anything. Joy even rattled in her chest,

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but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“Would you like me to prove it to you? When we’re together, the earth seems to stand still.”
His slick words sounded so good, although she was probably being a fool to believe him. He’d

admitted he was a player. Then again, she’d come here to see if they were meant for each other. The
least she could do was give him a chance.

“Yes. Prove it.”
His gaze locked onto hers and he backed her up until her spine pressed against a tall pine tree. “I

hope you’re ready for some hard loving, girl, because the bear in me wants you bad.”

Before she had the chance to totally understand what he was saying, his mouth captured hers, and

her legs weakened. Her body vibrated hard as if he’d poured all of his energy into her. As Burke ran
his hands up and down her sides, sparks of need shot out everywhere. When he twirled his tongue
around hers, she wanted to believe he was linking them, trying to make them one.

“I need you naked, Tasha,” he said as he lifted her shirt over her head.
She inhaled, offering him her breasts. Her inner librarian screamed not to do this, that they were

out in the open where anyone could come upon them, but she couldn’t stop herself. She feared that if
her libido went too crazy, she’d shift. God help her then.

He glanced down. “I’ve been dreaming about these.” He rubbed a thumb across her bra-covered


On purpose, she narrowed her eyes. “And not about me?”
He laughed. “You have no idea what I’ve been dreaming about. You. Me. My cock in your pussy.

The list goes on and on.”

This couldn’t be true. It had to be a dream. She laughed as she unsnapped his jeans. Holy shit. His

cock peeked out of the top of his briefs, looking much bigger than what she remembered.

Tasha pressed a finger on the top. “Let’s see if I can help make that dream of yours come true.”
Being this bold was pure freedom, but before she could finish unbuttoning his fly, he cupped her

face again and dove in. He tasted sweet and powerful and determined. Her hands clasped his
shoulders, and she held on for the ride of her life. Their exploration alternated between fast and
desperate, and sweet and slow. With each new breath, they delved in farther.

“I can’t wait.” Burke leaned back, kicked off his shoes, and stepped out of his pants. He bent

down, folded his jeans, and placed them between them. “Take off your shoes and step on these. I
don’t want you to hurt your feet.”

She didn’t mind a bit of discomfort if it meant she could have him, but his thoughtfulness nearly

undid her. Once she divested herself of her footwear, she stepped on the soft fabric. “It’s nice, thank

Without a word, he reached behind her back and unhooked and then dragged off her bra with

practiced precision. “I’m sorry if I seem so fascinated with these. If I could, I’d ignore them, but I

“I do have a brain, you know.” She worked hard not to laugh.
He smiled, and when he stepped out of his briefs, his cock sprang out. Her gaze shot straight to it,

and Burke lifted her chin. “I have a brain, too.”

She dropped her head back and laughed. “Point taken. As soon as we’re naked, all thoughts of

who we are as people seem to disappear.”

“You got that right.” His grin widened. “How about we just enjoy the moment and forget about

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analyzing everything?”

She’d been guilty of doing that. “Deal.”
“Those jeans seem a bit restrictive, not to mention hot,” he said as he undid the top button of her


“They are.”
While he unzipped them, she ran her hands under his shirt, loving the way his muscles flexed with

each movement.

“Step out of these,” he ordered. “I can’t wait to delve into you.”
From the way he was yanking on her jeans, he seemed pretty desperate—maybe more than she

was. In seconds, she was naked except for her panties. “You’re too dressed,” she said.

In a flash, his shirt was history, and Tasha failed to keep the smile off her face. He was even

better in the daylight.

“I take it I pass inspection,” he said.
“An A plus.”
He dropped to one knee. “You, too.”
With little fanfare, he pulled down her panties and had her step out of them. Burke closed his eyes

and clutched her ass, drawing her to him. When his face pressed against her belly, she latched onto
his hair. Everything about the man exuded sex appeal.

The first lick had her reeling, and she widened her legs for more. For the first time in her life, she

didn’t think about how fat she was, or if she’d disappoint a man. The only thing she could think of
was how incredible this felt. She was soaring, entering a plane of existence she’d never before

When he nabbed her clit, she couldn’t help but bend her knees. The rush was so intense, that heat

sped through her fast. If he didn’t stop soon, she might shift on him.

“Burke, please. I need your cock.” God help her. She’d never begged, but if they were mates,

perhaps it was always going to be this way.

He stood. “Then hold on tight and get ready for a whole new experience.”

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Chapter Nine






over to capture her mouth, he lifted her up with ease. While Tasha had never had sex

in this position before, she instinctively knew to wrap her legs around his waist. His cock pressed
against her pussy, and bolts of electricity charged through her.

She wasn’t sure what she should do next. Her first thought was to reach between them and help

guide his cock into her, but before she could act, Burke took control by leaning her back against the
tree, and sweeping his tongue across her taut nipple. She didn’t care if he was fixated on her tits. She
loved that he wanted to lavish them with attention. He drew the tender tip into his mouth, and she
gasped. The sound came out more distorted than she’d intended.

Burke alternated between her breasts. With each lick, spasms vibrated between her legs. She

needed him now, and this wasn’t an ordinary desire. It was a deep need—something that came from
within her animal soul. Tasha reached between them and slipped her hand between his cock and his

He groaned then stepped back from the tree and kissed her again. Passion flowed as their

connection turned more desperate. She tightened her leg muscles to free up her hands, enabling her to
latch onto his shoulders.

“Need you,” he gasped in between kisses. “Lift up.”
When she did, he placed his cock at her entrance. Before he could take charge, she lowered her

body, engulfing his dick, his thickness almost making her lose her breath. The friction was divine as
she edged her way downward.

She widened her eyes. “Condoms.” She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten.
“I’m clean, I swear. Is it safe?”
“Yes.” Tasha prayed she wasn’t making a mistake, but in the heat of passion, she didn’t want to

stop the momentum. She had to have him hard and fast.

Tasha lifted up again and pressed downward, this time encompassing all of him. Her whole body

quivered and goose bumps rose over her skin. Dear God, but he was everything she ever wanted.

Burke grabbed her waist to hold her still. “Let me take you.”
Unable to move now, she lowered her forehead against his collarbone and inhaled as he pistoned

into her. The world tilted on its axis and fire consumed her. He withdrew, waited a few seconds
while he kissed her forehead, and then plunged in again. This time, his cock must have hit her bear
button because she wanted to devour him. She pulled his head toward her and kissed him as he
continued to pound into her. The leaves stopped swishing, the river in the background ceased to make
any noise, and even the birds had halted their song. All that was left was Burke and how he was
transforming her body and mind.

When he thrust into her again, her inner walls clamped down, holding him tight for dear life. His

fingers dug into her ass as his cock exploded. His powerful, hot climax triggered her orgasm, sending
her into oblivion. Not wanting to attract any more attention should any hikers be around, Tasha
swallowed her yell.

When his dick stopped pulsating and her pussy’s vibrations ebbed, she lowered her legs to the

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“Jesus,” Burke said. “I don’t know what came over me. That was intense.”
“For me, too.” Now wasn’t the time or place to contemplate whether Burke was her mate since

her brain wasn’t functioning past desire.

She looked around for something to wipe up with, but she didn’t want to mess up her clothes.
“Let’s take a dip to clean off,” Burke said as if he could read her mind.
That would work, though she’d never been very tolerant of the cold when in human form. Another

problem was that the lake was at least two hundred feet away and she wasn’t all that excited about
walking over the rough ground since the souls of her feet were sensitive. As she debated how she
wanted to proceed, a bright blue light flashed—Burke had shifted. That was smart.

Tasha rarely took her bear form. For one, she lumbered, and two, her figure was far less

flattering, if that was even possible. Nor did she have a good reason to be in her animal form very
often, which she’d always considered a good thing.

Burke stopped and turned around. He roared, acting like a goof, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

As long as she was in this deep, she might as well go all the way. If he hung around long enough, he’d
see her animal form at some point in her life. She closed her eyes and concentrated on changing. It
seemed to take thirty seconds before her body remembered what it was supposed to do. When she
opened her eyes, she was covered in fur, and heat instantly encased her. She’d forgotten how warm
her bearskin could be.

As soon as she’d shifted, Burke dashed off to where the river met the lake. He splashed around

and water flew every which way. As long as she was going to get wet, she might as well head farther
up river and catch them some fish. The thought of snagging the first one made her hurry. She rushed
past him, all the while checking out the fast flowing river for something to snag.

There. A fish jumped and Tasha plowed in. Not to be outdone, Burke charged upstream after her.
“Way to let the fish know you’re coming, lead foot!” she telepathed then chuckled.
He glanced over at her and roared. He was full of himself today. Tasha crossed to the middle of

the stream then waited for the next potential meal to come to her. She’d read all about catching
salmon in Alaska. Someday, she’d like to see fish swim upstream in person.

The current carried a foot-long fish down river straight toward her. Just as she was about to

pounce, Burke charged, bumping into her as they both fought over the fish. Tasha lost her footing and
plunged into the water, and Burke captured the fish then instantly dropped it.

“You okay?” he asked.
Tasha rose to her feet. “I’m good.”
For that move, she was declaring out and out war. Drenched from head to toe, she plowed up

river. More fish came her way. Looking behind her, she caught Burke wrestling with a different fish.
Using her paws, she batted at it then snapped her jaw over its head.

Victory! She leaped out of the river with her prize in her mouth. As a bear, she should probably

eat it, but grilling it over a fire would be much sweeter.

Burke looked up. “You got one!”
The time for playing was over. She tossed the fish on the rocky ground before shifting into human

form. That was a mistake. She was still naked and now very wet and cold. “Brr.”

A flash of light glinted off the sun-kissed stream, and a human Burke stood in the middle of the

river, gloriously naked. His cock had deflated, but she held in her chuckle. “Cold much?”

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He looked down. “I’ll show you cold.” Barefoot, he stepped from the river onto the bank. “Let’s

get the blanket you brought.”

Burke rushed ahead of her, acting as if the harsh ground was as smooth as sand. Grabbing her

slippery fish, Tasha picked her way toward him. Halfway there, Burke returned with the blanket,
wrapped it around her shoulders, and then lifted her in his arms—fish and all. “We both need to get

Her teeth chattered. “For sure.”
“How about I start a small fire? We can grill your catch for lunch.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She tossed the fish near the picnic basket. Once she dried off, she handed

him the blanket.

They donned their clothes, but putting them on over a damp body wasn’t all that pleasurable.

Being here in this beautiful spot on a balmy day with Burke made up for it, however.

While he got the fire going, she rounded up a long stick that she used to skewer the fish. Once

their fresh meal was ready to cook, she spread out the rest of the food. She’d purchased fried chicken,
potato salad, and some cheese wedges. In truth, she had no idea what he liked to eat. While she’d
known him for many years, things like his favorite TV show or his favorite song would have changed
—as would have his eating habits. He was buff and probably didn’t eat fried foods. She on the other
hand, loved food of any kind. Now she wished she’d thought this through.

Tasha opened the picnic basket. “Do you eat fried chicken?”
He leaned over and checked out the contents. “I’ll eat whatever you brought.”
Burke certainly knew how to make a woman feel special, but he was a player after all. She

removed the food from the basket and placed the containers on the blanket. “What do you eat for

He cocked a brow. “Now, you’re getting personal.”
Maybe no woman, other than his mother, knew that answer. “I’m sorry.”
He stretched out on the blanket while still managing to rotate the fish over the fire. “Don’t be.


“Bacon?” She loved both bacon and sausage.
“Nah.” He patted his stomach, and she covered hers.
He was so damned fit. Her idea of exercise was walking across the street to lunch instead of

driving the one block. So much for having anything in common. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Oh, crap. He
probably thought she believed he’d spend the night. “I mean if I ever pack another picnic.”

He leaned the fish stick against the fire ring and motioned her to come close. Burke then gathered

her in his arms. “I know I’ve made a mess of things, and you have this idea about me that’s only
partially true. While I have no desire to ruin this wonderful day talking about my brother, you have to
understand that his death has made me realize a lot of things. One is that actions have consequences.
Give me some time to figure everything out. My goal is to come out of this tragedy a better person.”

“I’m not in any hurry.” She smiled, but her lips wobbled.
“Not in any hurry? You could have fooled me. Every time you’re in my arms, you want to grab my

cock and kiss me.”

She leaned back and studied him. The glint in his eye implied he was kidding. “Me? If I recall,

you’re the one who always ravishes me.”

He ran a finger between her breasts. “Oh, yeah? Want to prove who needs each other more?”

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She laughed. “Didn’t I just have sex with you? Or was that with someone else?”
His jaw opened. Burke was fun to tease. “Was it that unmemorable?”
“Hmm.” No answer was probably the best one.
“Perhaps I need to check your tits to see if I was the one to suck on them last. I leave a very

distinctive mark.”

His teeth never broke the skin. “I should do the same with your limp dick.”
Burke undid his pants. To her surprise, his cock was full and hard. “Not so limp, now is it?”
She shrugged, attempting to look bored. “It’s passable.”
He laughed. “Perhaps you can make it harder.”
Anytime someone challenged her, she took the dare. “I’m not sure there’s anything I do can to

salvage it. Perhaps if you were completely naked, I might think of something.”

“Let me see if I can help you with that.” In less time than it took to ask herself why she was doing

this, Burke had torn off his pants. The briefs he’d worn on the hike weren’t on now, and the sight of
him commando made her inner bear go crazy.

It was as if she’d been injected with hormones and adrenaline, and her bear was pushing at her

with this overwhelming need to mate. This whole concept startled her human side, which had yet to
accept something like this could even happen.

When they’d made love a few minutes ago, they’d been behind a tree where it would be difficult

for anyone to see them. Now they were exposed since the fire pit sat in an open space. The cautious
part of her almost suggested they move some place more secluded, but she couldn’t wait. Tasha shot
to her knees.

She leaned over and drew his very big cock toward her. Hmm. She had a problem. Once she

sucked him deep into her mouth, he’d recognize that she was full of shit about him being only
passably large. He wouldn’t fit, but boy, would she have fun trying to make him bigger and harder. As
soon as she opened her mouth and tugged his dick to her lips, Burke grabbed a handful of her wet hair
and pulled it taut.

“Give me the best you got.” He followed his command with a growl.
Typical guy, but she loved it. Desperate, passionate lovemaking seemed to be their only speed.

Engulfing him, she clamped her lips over his wide girth. His cock was flavored with fresh lake water
that tasted almost sweet. Just as she’d swirled her tongue around him, he reached under her and
cupped one breast.

“Have to have you naked, Tasha.” He lifted her head by her hair then let go. His eyes were

swirling pools of dark brown lust. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

Or his cock away from me. Nothing wrong with that! After he took off her top for the second time

today, she unbuttoned her jeans. Next thing she knew, she was flat on her back. As soon as she kicked
off her shoes, he ripped off her jeans and panties.

“Damn bra,” he grunted.
Instead of unhooking the back, he merely lifted it over her tits and immediately zeroed in on her

already sensitive nipples. The first lick sent fire racing through her veins. She wiggled her fingers to
get hold of his cock, but it was out of reach. If only she had longer arms.

At a frenzied pace, he drew one tip tight until she sucked in a big breath. He let go of that one,

licked the nipple until it puckered even more, and then teased the other. The pulses coursing through
her ramped up her desire to a fevered pitch. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It might be

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because Burke was her mate or because he was just that good.

Do I care?
“Hurry.” She needed his cock.
“I want to spend forever pleasuring your tits and kissing that sassy mouth, but my inner animal is

beating against me to have some release. What you do to me should be outlawed.”

Burke slid on top of her and nudged open her legs with his knees. Once they were spread wide, he

positioned his cock against her wet slit. Before he impaled her, she drew his face to hers, needing all
of him. Without a doubt, if she didn’t have his lips right then, her heart might explode. He’d possessed
her to the point where she didn’t understand any of her motives, only that she had to have him. God
help her. This might be wrong, but she had no intention of changing it now.

Their tongues collided and sparks of excitement ratcheted her desire. Just as she was enjoying his

kiss, he drove his cock into her. She froze for a moment, needing to catch her breath. The intense
stretching took some getting used to, but once her pussy calmed, joy took over, and arousal coiled
tightly inside her. He slid in deeper, the tip banging hard against her, causing the most deliciously
pleasurable feeling.

The need to touch all of him consumed her, and she ran her hands up and down his corded back,

loving the texture and his raw power.

Burke broke the kiss. “I don’t know how much longer I can last. I’m sorry. What is it about you

that makes me lose control?”

Her insides glowed at his sincere words, and her heart skipped a beat. Perhaps it was the fire, or

what Burke was doing to her, but her flesh overheated. “Please, don’t stop.”

“Never, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m good.” She’d never been better.
When he took her once more, he dipped his head and caught her breast in his mouth. He made love

to it with the same thrilling passion that his cock was doing to her pussy. Ripples of ecstasy crested
into waves, taking her to another world.

She dragged her nails down his back. “Yes. Faster.”
As if that was what he was waiting for, Burke appeared possessed as he pounded into her,

unleashing a torrent of pleasure so strong, a tight band formed around her chest. She could barely
breathe from all the carnal joy zipping through her veins.

He broke away from her nipple and traced a fiery path along her neck up to her lips. When they

connected once more, it was as if she’d been struck by lightning, and her orgasm came so fast and so
swift, stars blocked her vision.

“Oh, God. Burke.”
As if lava had finally burst from the volcano’s core, his hot seed pummeled her. She hugged him

hard and let him carry her away as her world spun.

Only the sound of laughter brought her back to her senses. People were coming up the path. Holy

balls of fur. Tasha looked to the trail entrance. While she didn’t see anyone yet, the voices were
getting louder. “Oh, shit.”

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Chapter Ten






at being out in the open with Burke inside her, she actually giggled.

They were about to be found out by who knows who.

Burke jumped to his feet. “Take all of our clothes and hide.”
There wasn’t time to ask why she should take his stuff, too, so she just obeyed. Grabbing

everything, she managed to dart across the area with little damage to the souls of her feet. Heart
pounding, she ducked behind a big tree, and then glanced back around. Stark naked, he was closing
the picnic basket, acting as calm as could be. Tasha wanted to yell at him, but she didn’t want to
attract any more attention.

Needing to get dress, she pulled down her bra and donned her top. Stuffing her panties in her

jeans pocket, she stepped into her pants.

Before she could pull on her socks, a scream sounded, and she stilled. Afraid to peek out, she

prayed the newcomers didn’t have any kids with them. If she’d been a mother and walked in on a
naked man, she might panic, too.

Footsteps sounded, and a roar followed. Tasha dropped her head back and had to clasp her hand

over her mouth to keep from laughing. Only Burke would think to shift and scare them away. Those
poor people.

“It’s safe now,” he telepathed.
Tasha slipped on her shoes. Picking up his clothes, she stepped from behind the tree, and then

halted. He was still in bear form and eating her fish!

She didn’t want it now anyway, but still. Normally, she would have gotten mad, but Burke looked

too damn cute. She ambled over to him, set down his clothes, and waited for him to finish the meal.
As soon as he was done, he shifted back to human form.

“What happened?” she asked.
“I didn’t need them to see me, so I scared them away.”
“I figured.” She shook her head. “I feel sorry for them.”
“Them? What about me?”
She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re a big boy. You can handle

it.” She scrunched up her face. “You ate our fresh catch.”

He grinned. “I did, didn’t I?”

* * *





have anyone else come upon them, Burke suggested they pack up and head out.

“I never got to use my new pole.” Tasha gave him a fake frown, but he doubted she really cared.
He wiggled his brows then glanced down. “I got to use mine.”
She burst out laughing. “Oh, boy.”
“Don’t worry. There will be plenty of other weekends. We’ll come again.”
Excitement zinged through her. She wagged a finger. “Okay, but no sex next time. I don’t want to

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chance anyone finding us.”

“No sex. Got it.” Like that would happen.
More than ever, he was convinced Tasha was his mate. His sixth sense told him she wasn’t as

sure. As difficult as it was, after ravishing her twice today, it might be better if she dropped him off at
the library and he kept his distance for a day or two. He didn’t need her to get sick of him before he
could convince her he was the one for her.

Was he in love with her? No, but that would come. At the very least, he could say he was highly

attracted and intrigued by her. “Let’s head back.”

The trip down the trail seemed to take only minutes, as did the drive to town. When he pulled into

the library parking lot, he half expected her to suggest they go back to her place, but she kept quiet. He
angled her car next to his dad’s old truck and pushed open the door. “I’d suggest I shower at your
place, but I know I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

She smiled and placed a palm on his thigh, shooting streaks of heat straight to his cock. “I

appreciate your concern. I would like to be able to walk into work on Monday.”

He laughed. “Got it. Dad asked me to help him with some things around the house tomorrow, but

maybe Monday?”

He leaned over and kissed her quickly before jumping out. He didn’t trust himself in the least. He

grabbed his pole from the back and strutted over to his truck. Fearing he’d change his mind, he slid in,
and cranked up the engine, all the while recognizing just how amazing Tasha was.

His biggest fear was if she decided he wasn’t the type of man for her. She might have little

interest in someone who rarely read fiction. In the past, he’d spent all of his time either working or
trying to get into a woman’s pants. Man, he sure was a piece of work. For Tasha’s sake, maybe he
should head back to Pennsylvania sooner rather than later.

Not needing to dawdle, he drove back to his parents’ house.
As he stepped inside, his dad approached. “How was the fishing?”
He smelled of fire and river water—a scent his father was sure to detect. “Tasha caught one. I


He waited for more questions, but his father donned his reading glasses and picked up the book on

his lap. Burke must be the only one alive who wasn’t a reading enthusiast. He had building codes to
study and architectural magazines to pore over. He didn’t have time for fiction. Tom, too, had taken
up a lot of his time. Excuses, excuses. Man up. Perhaps he was just that shallow.

Burke climbed the stairs to his room, and the euphoria from this afternoon dimmed in the light of

reality. Burke should have set a better example for Tom. Well, damn.

* * *





Tasha arrived at work on Monday, than her boss, Mary Cripp, rushed up to her and

clasped her arm. “Can you come into my office?”

Tasha’s stomach tumbled. Someone must have spotted Burke climbing out of her car and

suggested it wouldn’t look good if she dated someone so wild. Well, tough shit, if they had. The more
she’d thought about Burke and considered all of his actions, the more she realized he’d changed.

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Tasha refused to think he was just using her. Sure, she should have asked if he’d ever told another
woman that he thought she was his mate, but she wasn’t ready for the answer if he said yes.

No one seemed to know how this mate thing really worked, anyway, but she doubted whoever

was in charge would worry about things like looks or perfect bodies. She and Burke got along, and
that should be good enough.

“Have a seat, Tasha.” Mary sat behind her desk and steepled her fingers. This couldn’t be good.

“I received a call about an hour ago that my mother had a stroke.”

Tasha slumped. “I’m so sorry.” Mary and her mom were close. “What can I do?”
“I have a three o’clock flight to Michigan to see her.”
The pieces fell into place. “What about the conference you’ve been looking forward to?”
“That’s where you come in. This conference would be perfect for you. There will be a ton of

panels on what’s new in children’s literature, and the authors will be signing their books.” She
opened her desk drawer and retrieved a pamphlet. “Here is the list of events. Would you be able to
go in my place?”

Excitement raced through her. “I’d love to.” The idea of discussing what was new and upcoming

in children’s books thrilled her. The only downside was being away from Burke when their
relationship was just getting off the ground.

“Perfect. I’ll cancel my flight now. Can you call and switch the hotel reservations?”
“Absolutely. Don’t worry about a thing.”
Mary stood, came around her desk, and hugged her. “Thank you.”
“Hope your mom’s recovery is quick.”
“Thanks. Buy whatever books you think we could use.”
Really? This was better than she could have hoped for. Once Tasha left Mary’s office, she

stepped into the break room and made some calls. Tasha was fortunate enough to get a flight out
Wednesday at noon to Parkersburg, West Virginia, which was the nearest airport to Clemsworth—a
remote town in the Ohio Valley. She’d have to rent a car, as the conference was at a retreat center, a
good hour and a half from there.

That meant she’d only get to see Burke tonight and tomorrow. Packing would have to be

sandwiched in somehow. He’d be outside working right now, but she didn’t want to disturb him. The
last thing he needed was for her to bother him while he was the new guy on the job.

She had planned to meet with the girls tomorrow night, but now she’d have to cancel, so she

dialed Emmaline first as she doubted she could reach Chey at the clinic.

“Lawson, Parker, and Francolini’s office. How many I help you?”
Tasha smiled. She wasn’t sure she could say that more than a few times a day. The funny thing

was that Lawson and Parker had passed away years ago. Only Mr. Francolini remained, and he was
as old as Methuselah. “It’s Tasha. Something’s come up. By any chance are you free for lunch?”

“Let me check.” Keys clicked. “Sure. The café at noon?”
“Perfect. See you there.” She saw no need to go into detail on the phone about what happened.

Besides, Em wouldn’t have been able to talk while at work.

Until it was time to meet with her, Tasha gathered the list of children’s books that were available

at the library, and then checked the copyright dates to see how old they were. After studying the types
of stories, she made a list of what they could use.

Mary had already gone home to pack, so a few minutes before noon, Tasha slipped out in order to

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get a good table. When she entered the café, who was seating people but good old Dee Dee Duncan.
“Hey, Dee Dee.”

“Tasha. Just one?” Her snarky attitude rubbed her the wrong way, so she pretended Dee Dee was

just jealous.

What Tasha wouldn’t give to be able to say that Burke was meeting her. “Two, please.”
With her chin held high, Dee Dee picked up the menus and escorted her to a cramped table near

the back. That worked for Tasha. It would hinder the Café’s catty waitress from overhearing any of
her conversation.

A few minutes later, Em rushed in and sat down. “What’s so urgent?”
“Did I say urgent? I have to cancel tomorrow night.” She told her about the conference in

southeastern Ohio.

“That sounds like an awesome opportunity. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks. The only downside is being away from Burke for four days, just when we’re getting to

know each other.”

She clasped a hand over her mouth. “That’s right. You went fishing with Burke! How did that


Tasha let out a sigh of contentment. “It was amazing and wonderful.” Normally, she would have

called Em and Chey and discussed her incredible sexual adventure since something like that had
never happened before, but she’d needed time to think things through.

Emmaline clapped. “So now what?”
“I don’t know. It’s so intense when we’re together. Do you think that means we’re mates?”
Diane, their waitress, came over, and took their drink orders.
As soon as she scurried away, her friend leaned back. “You know my thoughts on that topic.”
“You don’t believe in it, I know. Do you think there’s any harm in me seeing where this can


Emmaline grabbed her hand. “I want this to work out between you, I really do, but just be careful.

My mom used to say that cheetahs can’t change their spots.”

She laughed. “Burke’s a bear, silly.”
“It’s just a saying.”
Tasha wasn’t sure what she was implying. “Do you think I should cool it?”
She shrugged. “I’m not saying that. Do you have fun with him?”
Tasha thought back to their fight over the fish. “Yes.”
“There you go. I say enjoy your time together and see where it leads.”
“I will.” She slumped. “The problem is that we’re total opposites. He loves TV and I don’t own

one. I know he loves college football and I’m not sure I could name one team. He drives a Harley and
I hate motorcycles.” That was a depressing comparison.

“At least you both appear to like sex.”
Emmaline had a way about her. “You’re right about that.” But was that their only common

ground? As good as it was, a relationship couldn’t be built on sex alone.

Tasha glanced over at Dee Dee. “Besides the fact our flirty hostess is a loose cannon when it

comes to men, what else can you tell me about her?”

“You want the good or the bad?”
Tasha wanted to assess the threat level. “The good.”

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“She graduated from Edmonds University in Chicago with honors.”
That put them on even ground. She, too, had done very well in school. “Why is she a hostess


“Never asked, but her parents are richer than sin. Rather than have her leave town, perhaps

they’re supporting her.”

Or Hidden Hills didn’t have any job offers in her major. “What else?”
“She’s very knowledgeable about all types of sports.” Emmaline placed her napkin on her lap.

“She used to be a bartender, too, and did you know she tried race car driving for a while?”

Shit. Tasha had none of those skills. She was just great with kids and loved to read. “Sorry I


Their drinks materialized in front of them. “Do you ladies know what you want?” Diane asked.
They each ordered, but Tasha wasn’t hungry anymore. “Have you heard Dee Dee talking about


“No, but watch out for her.”
Tasha almost smiled. “I take it she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing?”
“You got it.”

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Chapter Eleven





Burke stepped out of the shower than his cell rang. With a towel around his waist, he

rushed into his bedroom and grabbed the phone. When he saw it was Tasha, he smiled. “Hey,

He’d called her last night to make sure she was okay after all the sex they’d had, and it had taken

all of his resolve not to suggest they get together Sunday. When Wade had called to remind him about
his Dad’s birthday party tonight, Burke had inwardly cursed. As much as he adored Wade’s family,
he wanted to spend his time with Tasha. Hell, he barely slept because he couldn’t stop thinking about
her. He’d hoped this incredible rush every time he saw her would wear off soon. If not, he’d end up a

“Hey, I wanted to call and let you know I have to go out of town from Wednesday to Sunday.” She

explained that her boss’s mother had a stroke, and that she’d asked Tasha to take her place at a

“Four days? Wow. When can I see you?”
“You want to come over tonight?”
He sucked in an audible breath. “Can’t. It’s Wade’s dad’s birthday. I’d ask you to come, but then

I’d have to drag you into a spare bedroom and have my way with you.” She laughed, just as he’d
hoped. “All kidding aside, I promise to behave myself if you come.” For a moment, he’d debated
canceling on Wade, but Burke was trying to rebuild his reputation and wanted to be known as
someone who kept his word.

“I honestly forgot about Mr. Black’s birthday party. My dad and mom are going, too, but I’m not

sure I can keep my hands off you.”

“I like the sound of that. You want me to pick you up then?”
“I’d like to go, but I really have to pack. I’ll send a card and bring something over for him when I

get back.”

“If you change your mind, let me know. Tomorrow then?”
“Perfect. Is seven okay?” she said.
“It’s a date. How about if I bring dinner?” Something without sauces or covered in batter. His

waistline wouldn’t be able to handle too many splurges.

“Great. I’ll supply the wine.”
“See you then.” He was dripping all over the floor so he disconnected the call and towel dried.
The thought of being with Tasha again had his temperature rising. While he and his dad were

close, talking with him about mating would surely get back to Tasha’s dad, and that wouldn’t be good.
If his conversation reached her, she might think he was having doubts—which he wasn’t.

As he dressed for the party, he tried to ready himself for the possibility that Tasha would think

him not her intellectual equal. He didn’t read fiction, kind of sucked at fishing, and rode a motorcycle,
which she said she didn’t like. He was so fucked and had no idea what to do about it.

* * *

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living room. Burke was late, and she hoped he was merely delayed. She checked her

cell to make sure he hadn’t messaged her, but there was nothing.

She smoothed down her outfit. She’d gone to Gina’s lingerie shop after work and splurged on a

bra and panty set. Never before had she spent so much money on so little fabric. For the first time in
her life, she had on a bra that actually fit. No fat lumps poured over the sides. While Gina had tried to
talk her into a thong, there were some things no man should witness.

Tasha glanced out the window for the umpteenth time but didn’t spot any vehicles on the main

road to her street. To keep busy, she centered the dishes on the placemats and straightened the
silverware once more.

The doorbell rang, and she jumped. She shouldn’t be nervous. They’d eat. They’d have sex. And

she’d send him on his way. Simple.

You want more.
No, she didn’t. Burke was Burke, so she’d take what she could get. Fat girls couldn’t be picky.
She pulled open the door. Holy mother of shifters. Burke had on a button-down white shirt and

black jeans. In his hands was a bag from The Taste Of Hidden Hills restaurant—her favorite place to
eat. She inhaled, and the scent invaded her body.

“May I come in?”
She must have been staring. “Yes.”
He grinned, grabbed her around the waist, and kissed her. “I’ve been waiting for days to do that.”
She lightly punched him. “You say the sweetest things.”
“We’ll see how sweet you think I am after dinner.” He winked then strode past her to the kitchen.
She followed. “It smells wonderful.”
“Sorry I’m late. The restaurant was incredibly busy.”
“No worries. I was a bit delayed myself.” In truth, she hadn’t arrived home until five thirty. By the

time she showered and changed, she’d only had a half hour to spare.

“I need another kiss.” He drew her near then steered her to the kitchen counter, pressing her back

against it. Memories of lust, heat, and pure desire from when she’d been against the tree at the lake
flooded her.

The first contact had her forgetting about whether he truly liked her. Passion poured out of him

like water from a sieve. She needed to enjoy the moment, and questioning their future would only lead
to disappointment.

She dragged her hands up his back and tugged him closer.
Burke glanced down at her. “It’s your call. Eat or make love?”
Her stomach needed food, but her hormonal brain answered. “Take me.”
He laughed. “You are something else.”
As if there was a fire, they tore off each other’s clothes. When he’d stripped her down to her bra

and panties, he stilled, and then whistled. “Holy fuck, you look hot. I almost hate to take them off.”

“Their purpose was merely to entice you.”
He grinned. “They succeeded, totally and completely, but give me a second to devour this image.”
She posed for him then bent over to suck on his cock.
Burke immediately lifted her up. “He’s about to go off, girl. The bear in me has been biding his

time way too long, so I hope you’re rested because we’re in for a wild ride.”

She smiled and ran a hand down his amazing abs. “Do you talk like that to all your women?”

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“I’ve only had one real woman—you.”
He was so full of shit, but she ate it up. “We’ll play it your way.” Tasha twisted around, grabbed

onto the counter edge, and wiggled her hips. “Ready when you are.”

“Who is this sassy woman? I thought librarians were supposed to be reserved and cultured.”
She looked back over her shoulder and laughed. Deep inside, she’d wondered the same thing.

“It’s all your fault. You get my bear all riled up. Now touch me.” Her blood was boiling and nothing
was going to satisfy the driving urges inside her except for Burke’s cock.

He flipped her back around. “I have to taste you first.” He slipped off her panties, retrieved a

dishtowel, and then carefully placed it on the counter. “Hop on up.” With seemingly little effort,
Burke helped her. “Let the pleasure begin.”

He eased her onto her back, bent her knees, and slid her feet onto the counter’s surface. As much

as she loved his cock, his tongue could do wonders to bring her to new heights. Rubbing his palms in
slow circles across her thighs, he moved nearer to the apex, his fingers ever so close to where she
wanted him. She scooted closer, her juices flowing just from the anticipation of what was to come.

“You seem a bit tense,” he said.
She nudged him with her foot. “I thought you needed me. Tormenting me won’t get you anywhere.”
He raised a brow. “Oh, I don’t know. Desperate women do desperate things.”
“Like what?” She’d already ripped off his clothes.
“Not saying.”
That was because he had nothing. She wasn’t able to give his comment any more thought because

he dipped two fingers into her pussy, and bolts of electricity shocked her. She pressed on her feet to
lift her hips, as she always seemed to be in a state of neediness when she was around him.

“Missing me?” he asked.
“Bastard. I’m not missing you. It’s the damn animal in me that is making me so easy.”
“Give me some credit.”
He deserved all the credit but telling him would make him insufferable. The men she’d dated

thought sex was all about intercourse—not about attempting to bring the woman pleasure.

He wiggled his finger until she nearly screamed. To help release some of the tension, she

crunched the dishtowel. Don’t come. She never wanted him to stop.

With his free hand, Burke unhooked the front closing bra, one that was clearly made for seduction.

Once free, her breasts popped out.

He whistled. “I’ve missed them.”
Burke always seemed to fixate on her tits. Perhaps it was the same reason she couldn’t stop

herself from admiring his big, hard cock. Withdrawing his fingers, he leaned over to nab a nipple
with his teeth. Oh, how she loved the rush of ecstasy with each tug. Her pussy lit up, heating her to the
core, and Tasha wasn’t sure how much longer she could last. “Kiss me.”

Not that kissing was any easier on her libido, but that way more of him would touch her. Now that

she thought about it, having the added contact would only make it worse.

He leaned over and barely touched her lips with his. He was going down. She grabbed a handful

of his hair. “Kiss me like you mean it!”

He laughed. “So demanding.”
Burke slanted his mouth across hers and deepened the kiss. His exploration made her even wetter,

and she abandoned herself to the erotic bliss coursing through her. As if he couldn’t wait any longer,

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he slid her off the counter and spun her around, forcing her to grab hold for support.

“Need you too much.” With his foot, he widened her stance and then flattened his hand on her

back. “Hold on, beautiful.”

He edged his cock against her wet opening then cupped her breasts, his inhale deep and sounding

desperate. When he brushed his thumbs across her nipples and growled, her body ignited, and she
arched her back for more contact.

He increased the pressure on her tits as he nudged into her. The exquisite pain made her clamp

down on his cock.

“Tasha, baby, please,” he grunted. “You can’t keep doing that, not if you want me to last.”
With effort, she relaxed her grip on his dick. His every touch caused sparks to skitter across her

body, and as he twisted and plucked her nipples, he slid in deeper. When he lightly bit her shoulder,
she thought every part of her would come unraveled. Lowering her head, she inhaled deeply for some
control, and the kisses that followed traveled from her shoulder to her neck. It was his insistent tongue
that took her higher and higher until her pussy convulsed again around his cock.

Burke must have understood she was close to the edge because he lowered his hands to her waist

and drove into her hard. Electric sparks sizzled up her spine, causing her nipples to turn to hard

She couldn’t wait any longer and pressed her hips back, wanting every inch of him. His growl

almost scared her in its intensity, but she was unable to stop her climax from claiming her. Her world
spun as total joy bubbled in her veins, and the ripples of pure ecstasy crested into waves.

As Burke thrust into her again and again, he let out a feral yell. When his cock exploded, heat

seared her insides. As soon as the gushing stopped, he wrapped his arms around her and held her
tightly. Eventually, he withdrew, nabbed the clean dishtowel from the counter, and wiped her dry.

She faced him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and collapsed against him. “I’m not sure how

much more I can take of this intense lovemaking. I’m used to blah sex.”

Burke laughed. “If you’re looking for blah, you’re with the wrong man.”
“You can say that again.”
“You up for some dinner?”
“I’m starving.” That wasn’t new. “What did you bring?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs. The place was so busy that I just took the special.”
“It smells divine.” She bet that wasn’t something he ate very often.
“If you pour the wine, I’ll put out the food.”
She laughed. “Naked?” Tasha snapped her bra in place and grabbed her panties.
They both dressed then dished out the food. Throughout dinner, Tasha couldn’t help but wonder if

he’d spend the night. Sure, he was staying at his parents’ house and probably didn’t want to upset
them, but if they were going to have any chance at being together, perhaps he’d consider getting a
place of his own for the next few months, or even moving into her place. Then again, he might rush
back to Pennsylvania.

Shit. It was too soon to broach that subject, but maybe in a few weeks, if all went well, she’d ask


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Chapter Twelve





the night?” Wade asked. He hefted his beer and tossed it back.

“No. I wasn’t going to show up at work the next day in my good clothes. Everyone would guess

where I’d been.” Besides, Burke didn’t need to give his folks even more to worry about.

“Is that what you told Tasha?”
“Yes.” He looked around the bar to see if any of her friends were there then spotted Chey and

Storm sitting close and smiling. Neither acted as if they’d seem him come in. Good.

The Cove Bar band struck up a song and Wade leaned forward. “She understood, I take it?” The

pursed lips and raised brows screamed of disapproval.

“She did.”
Wade leaned back, a smirk on his face. “Have you called her since she left for her conference?”
Burke couldn’t figure out why Wade was pushing him so hard. “She only flew out yesterday

morning. I didn’t want to bug her since she said she’d be busy.”

“Uh-huh. So, how’s it really going between you two?”
Wade was the only one he could confide in. “Good and not so good. The sex is beyond anything

I’ve ever experienced. As soon as I’m around her, I have to have her. I can’t count the number of
times I have the urge to shift. My sex drive is out of control.”

Wade chuckled. “I trust that’s the good part?”
“I guess, but what kind of image am I presenting?”
At this, Wade cracked up. “Since when have you been interested in image? Hell, your image is

being a playboy.”

“It used to be, but I’ve changed. Ever since Tom’s death, I’ve wanted more than that. Life is short,

and believe it or not, I haven’t had the urge to party. I’d rather just be with Tasha. I feel more alive
when I’m with her.”

Wade turned serious. “Then what’s the problem?”
“I can’t be sure she’ll want to be with me for much longer. I can’t say I blame her since she

doesn’t like to ride motorcycles or watch sports—not that I’ve broached that topic.”

“And she might grow tired of having sex with you all the time.”
Burke laughed. “There is that, which means I need to change. I want to share my interests with her

and do more of the things she likes, but I don’t know what those are. We went fishing—which is what
she likes—but before I could even get my pole in the water, my other pole was stiff.”

Wade shook his head. “You do have a problem. What does Tasha like to do?”
“Hang out with her girlfriends.”
“What else?”
Wade polished off his beer and waved for another one. “Why not pick some classics to read?

Then you can discuss it with her.”

Burke lowered his chin. “I could, but that would be a one-time deal. I don’t want to fake my


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Wade shrugged. “My parents read to each other a few times a week, and they seem to like it.”
“I never knew that.”
“It’s a new thing. Dad doesn’t publicize it much, but he says he likes it. Apparently, it brings them

closer. They each pick a book, one that they will enjoy, and read it to the other person.”

That had merit. “What would I pick? A biography on the guy who invented the printing press?”
Wade rolled his eyes. “Dude, get one of those hot books the women like to read.”
“I wouldn’t have a clue how to go about finding one.”
The bartender walked over with another beer for Wade and placed it in front of him. “Thanks.”

Wade picked up his drink and faced Burke. “You can either go to a bookstore and ask for a hot
romance, or I can call Holly and ask her.”

“Your sister reads slutty books?”
His friend laughed. “All women read slutty books—or want to—whether they admit it or not. If

Holly personally doesn’t, she can ask one of her friends who does.”

“I bet Tasha doesn’t read that sort of thing.”
Wade shook his head. “Then this might be a good way to introduce her to it. Hell, it might

improve your sex life.”

“Not possible, but I’ll give it a try. Let me know what Holly says.”
“Sure. Don’t look so down. It’s still early in the relationship. If you two are true mates, things

will work out.” Wade glanced behind Burke. “Uh-oh. Trouble’s coming.”

Burke glanced over his shoulder and groaned. Dee Dee strutted over to him, a drink in her hand.

“Hey, boys, mind if I join you?”

Instead of waiting for them to answer, she pulled out a chair and dropped down. She leaned

forward, her breasts in full display. “Haven’t had a chance to see how you were doing, Burke, since
we last talked.”

“Dee Dee, Wade and I are a little busy now. Perhaps we can talk later.” He wasn’t in the mood

for her.

She shot him a fake-looking pout. “You’re still mad that I broke up with you to date Chip

Hitchfield, aren’t you?”

“Who?” Maybe he’d had a bit too much to drink.
“Our football quarterback?”
“That was like eleven years ago, and no. I’m not mad.” Actually, he was happy she’d found

someone else. It saved him from having to break up with her senior year. She flirted with everyone
and had probably slept with half their graduating class.

She dragged a finger down his arm. The song the band was playing ended and Chey and Storm

wove their way back to their table. When Chey caught sight of him, she glared. Oh, shit.

Burke pushed back his chair. “How about we take this outside?”
If Dee Dee believed it was because he wanted to make out with her, so be it. He planned to tell

her he wasn’t interested then get on his cycle and ride home. Burke tossed a twenty on the table then
faced Wade. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, buddy. Be careful.”
Just then, Emmaline strolled in with another girl. His luck couldn’t get much worse. She looked

over at Wade, smiled, and then made her way over to where Cheyenne and Storm were seated. At
some point, he’d have to ask his best friend what that look was all about.

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Burke pulled back Dee Dee’s chair and helped her up. While her glass was almost full, from the

way she teetered, she’d been drinking long before she’d entered the bar. Burke motioned for her to
lead the way. She placed her drink on the table then looped her arm through his. Not wanting to make
more of a scene, he let it be. Once outside, he led her over to his ride, so he could leave quickly.

Burke faced her. “Dee Dee, you’re a nice girl, and we had lots of good times together in high

school, but that was back then. I’m seeing someone now.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned close. “I’m so much better than Tasha. I’ll give

you what you want.”

Burke’s jaw tensed and his grip around her waist increased. “Dee Dee, please.”
“Burke, you’re hurting me.”
“Just let it go.” Before he could step out of her grasp, she pulled down his head and planted a kiss

on his lips. While her tongue tried to gain access, he firmly kept his mouth closed. Only then did he
hear the shuffle of feet and the intakes of breath. Clasping his fingers around her wrists, Burke
removed Dee Dee’s arms. “Don’t.”

Without turning around, or explaining to Cheyenne and Storm that what they’d seen wasn’t what it

looked like, he hopped on his bike, slapped on his helmet, and fired up his hog.

He was so mad, his tires burned a patch of rubber on the asphalt. Of all the times for Tasha’s best

friend to walk out of the Cove Bar, this was the worst. They probably had seen him escort Dee Dee
outside and wanted to check it out.

All during his drive home, he tried to figure out what he was going to say to Tasha. He had no

doubt Chey was probably dialing her right now. If Tasha had been in town, he would have gone over
to her place, gotten on his knees, and begged her forgiveness. It didn’t matter that he’d done nothing
wrong. He’d been around women long enough to know they didn’t forgive easily if they thought they’d
been cheated on. His reputation as a womanizer wouldn’t help his cause, nor would the fact he and
Dee Dee had dated over ten years ago.

* * *






called Emmaline on Friday and told her about Burke and Dee Dee kissing, Em had

been livid. While she couldn’t be positive what happened, she wanted to find out from the bitch
herself what she’d done. Em had dealt with a lot of clients for the law firm and sympathizing with
them often got them to spill the beans. It was time to try that technique on Dee Dee.

The monthly gathering of the Clan was tonight, providing the perfect opportunity to get some dirt.

Em had no doubt the kiss had been all Dee Dee’s doing, but she needed evidence. Once Tasha heard
about the incident, she’d freak, thinking the worst of Burke, and her heart broke for her friend.

* * *





days had been more than hectic. Tasha’s mind had been going a thousand miles an hour

with all the new things she could do to breathe life into the library system. The children of tomorrow
seemed to be the key to the future of books. She’d found so many wonderful titles that she’d had to
ship them home.

It wasn’t until Friday that she finally checked her phone to find out why Burke hadn’t called. The

answer was clear—she had no cell service. Others had complained about the lack of Internet, but she

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never thought it might extend to her phone.

Once she dropped off her rental car at the airport, she dragged her suitcase into the terminal. After

she checked in, she went to the gate and collapsed. This week had taken a toll on her stamina. Tasha
had been on the go the whole time, meeting authors, and other librarians, but she wouldn’t trade it for
anything. She’d learned a lot and made a ton of friends and new connections.

Finally able to listen to her messages, she located her cell. She’d heard them chime as soon as she

was within cell tower range. The first one was from Chey and she smiled.

Hey there. I tried calling a few times, but you didn’t pick up. I hope that means the conference

is going well. It’s, ah, Thursday night about nine, and I need to warn you about something. You
need to sit down. As Storm and I were coming out of the Cove Bar we spotted Burke and Dee Dee
kissing. It might be nothing, but I wanted you to know so you had time to consider how to handle
things. Hugs.

Stunned, Tasha turned off her phone, not wanting to think the worst of Burke. There had to be a

logical explanation, but nothing came to mind other than the fact she’d been gone less than two days at
that point and Burke had gone back to his old ways. She sat there, wanting to throw up. She’d been a
fool—a big one.

You’re my mate, Tasha.
To think she’d fallen for that line. She needed some place less noisy and not so full of people, if

only for a little while, to gather her thoughts. Tasha grabbed her suitcase and wheeled it to the
bathroom. Once in the stall, she sat there and cried. Stupid, stupid. She should have believed
Emmaline when she said there was no such thing as a mate. Burke had said that just to get into her
pants, though why he picked her was anyone’s guess. She wouldn’t be surprised if Wade had dared
him or something. Hot men didn’t go out with big women. Period. She didn’t care what anyone said.
A pretty face might attract a man at first, but it was her big tits that men really wanted. She needed to
find a guy who liked to read and who had ambition. All Burke liked to do was fuck and drink.

When a muffled message came over the intercom and filtered into the bathroom, she blew her

nose and stepped out of the stall. Her plane was probably loading. If she had any sense, she’d
exchange her ticket for one to another state. Any place would do just as long as Burke Devereaux
wasn’t there. If she didn’t love her family and her job so much, she might have done it.

The trip home took forever. Her poor luck, she sat next to a guy who wanted to talk the whole

time about his start up computer business. While she might have been interested at one time, she
couldn’t concentrate on a word he’d said.

Eventually, they landed, but there was little joy in being back in North Carolina. The late morning

was bordering on hot so she rolled down the window. Even the fresh air did little to improve her
mood. The familiarity of the Blue Ridge Mountains should have comforted her, but all she could
picture was Burke breezing around on some winding road enjoying himself.

When no other car was in her driveway, Tasha blew out a breath. She didn’t want to speak with

him just now and hear some excuse as to why Dee Dee happened to end up in his arms. Hell, he might
not even bother coming over to explain, but if he did, it would be just for sex.

Once inside, she unpacked, ate, and then settled down to read a good book. She’d read the

Kathleen Woodiwiss story at least ten times, but Tasha was in the mood for a happily ever after—
even if it wasn’t her own.

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* * *





himself. He’d phoned Tasha three times, and she hadn’t returned one call. He had no

doubt that Cheyenne had spilled the beans, so he’d gone over to the Vet Clinic the next day to explain
the situation to her, but Dr. Snow was too busy to see him—or so her assistant claimed. He’d tried to
make an appointment, but the young man must have been warned not to let Burke near her. Fine. He’d
figure something out.

He debated asking Tasha’s father when her flight was coming in, but he didn’t want to explain

what happened. After many hours of worry, his mind finally cleared, and he checked which flights
were arriving from Parkersburg. There were two. One had already arrived three hours ago, and the
second wouldn’t land until seven tonight. It made sense she’d take the early flight since the conference
ended last night.

Because Tasha loved sweets, he stopped at a bakery and bought what he hoped she’d like. Hell,

the chocolate éclairs even tempted him.

When he pulled into her driveway, he was pleased to see her car. Now came the hard part—

convincing Tasha that what Cheyenne saw wasn’t what it looked like. Knowing her, she wouldn’t
believe him at first, but if she’d let him make love with her, she’d be able to tell that she was the only
woman for him.

As he approached her front door, his gut seized up. He had a bad feeling about the outcome. With

the bag of sweets in his hand, he rang the bell. The living room blinds widened. Darn. When she saw
who it was, he feared she wouldn’t let him in.

Burke knocked. “Tasha, please let me in. We need to talk.”
“Go away.”
He wasn’t used to rejection, but he could handle this. “Dee Dee kissed me. I did not return the


No answer.
Damn, she was a stubborn woman. He pounded this time. “Tasha. We have to talk. If not now, I

can come to the library tomorrow.” That should scare her into speaking with him here.

Footsteps sounded, and the door eased open. “Burke.”
Her hostile tone didn’t bode well for him. “Did you get all of my messages?” he asked as gently

as he could.

“I just listened to them.”
“And?” Sweat beaded on his forehead and it wasn’t from the heat.
“I know you have feelings for Dee Dee, and I think she is a better match for you than me.”
Christ Almighty. She was playing her martyr card. “May I come in?”
She stepped back, and he entered. Heaven help him, but his body shot into overdrive. The need to

possess her was strong, but he worked to push it aside.

“Say what you came to say and then leave, please.” Tasha lifted her chin, despite it trembling.
He wanted to wrap his arms around her, but if he tried, she’d stiffen. “You, and you alone, are my

mate. I’m guessing that Cheyenne told you what she saw.”

Her lips tightened. “Yes.”
He could work with the misunderstanding. What he couldn’t tolerate was if she’d decided she

didn’t want him. “As I said in my message, Dee Dee came on to me. I wanted nothing to do with her,

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which was why I asked her to step outside. Even though I told her you were my woman, she kissed
me. Then I took off. Didn’t Chey tell you that I left alone?”

That should have cleared things up. “What more would you like me to say?”
“That’s not going to happen. I want you, Tasha, and I will do whatever I can to make this right.”
She crossed her arms. “Don’t you see? We aren’t right for each other. We have nothing in

common. I don’t like sports and Dee Dee does. I barely know one mixed drink from another, and I
sure as hell have no intention of riding on back of that death trap of yours.”

He didn’t know where all this pent up anger had come from. “I don’t care if you think the Carolina

Panthers are a group of shifters instead of a football team, or if you ride my bike. I’ll get a station
wagon if it’ll make you feel better.”

She glanced to the side, her eyes teary. “What happens when the library extension is finished?

You’ll go back to Pennsylvania and where does that leave me?”

So that was what this was about. She wanted a commitment. That pleased and frustrated at the

same time. He reached out for her and a flash of blue light nearly blinded him. Tasha had shifted. That
pissed him off.

“Tasha, I’m not going to talk to you while you’re in your shifted form.” He waited for her to

change back, and when she didn’t, he waved the bag of sweets. “I brought these for you.” He took one
out and bit into it. “Yum.”

It tasted like sugary crap, but he pretended to love it. She twisted around and lumbered down the


Well, fuck. He set the bag of goodies on the back of the sofa. “When you’re ready to talk, call


With that, he left. Women.

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Chapter Thirteen





numerous messages on Tasha’s phone, offering to discuss the situation, but she

hadn’t answered. When her friend was in this kind of mood, it was usually best to let her simmer
down. However, by five on Sunday, Em couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to tell Tasha what she’d
overheard Dee Dee say to one of her friends.

Em debated driving over to Tasha’s house, but if her friend was still in a snit over the kiss, she

wouldn’t listen to reason anyway. She called once more and got the same damned recording.

While she’d wanted to tell her in person, the phone message would have to do. “Tasha, it’s me

again. Since you won’t answer your stupid phone, I have to let you know what I overheard. At our
monthly Clan gathering, Dee Dee told Crystal that she hated the fact that at one time she’d had Burke
wrapped around her finger and now he was with a big, bumbling bear. Those were her words, not
mine. Remember not all wolves are snobs. Not that she’d ever win him back, but her goal was to
have him—once. That’s all. She doesn’t give a fig about Burke. What I’m saying is that Dee Dee
kissed him—not the other way around. If you want to talk, call me. I’m here for you.”

She hung up, more frustrated than before. Em paced her living room. What was going through

Tasha’s head, or poor Burke’s for that matter? Em had to assume he’d tried to explain what happened,
but he must not have made any headway or Tasha would have called back saying everything was

If only Chey hadn’t told Tasha about seeing those two together, she wouldn’t have found out. Then

again, this was Hidden Hills, a town where secrets always leaked.

Emmaline debated calling Burke but then thought better of it. Not only would he probably not be

in the mood to talk, she didn’t know him all that well. If she said something to upset him further,
Tasha would never forgive her.

Wade! He’d know what was going on because he’d been with Burke when Dee Dee had come

into the bar. Normally, she’d never contact him, but she had nowhere else to turn.

She looked through her phone log, only to realize she didn’t have his number.
No wait! He’d scribbled it on the back of a card after they’d danced the first time. It might still be

stuffed in her purse. She rushed to her bedroom, located her bag, and dug through it. “Got it!”

Not having looked before, she studied the card, which was from Emerson Investments. Clearly,

some salesperson had given this to Wade, and he’d used it to write on.

She had no idea what Wade did on a Sunday afternoon, but she chanced calling him. Emmaline

paced while the phone rang. If it went to voicemail she wasn’t sure what she would say.

Her pulse rose. “Wade, it’s Emmaline Nettles.”
He chuckled. “Don’t think there’s another Emmaline for a hundred miles. What can I do for you?”
She appreciated his attempt to put her at ease. “It’s about Tasha and Burke.”
“Fuck. You saw, didn’t you?”
Emmaline dropped on the bed. “Not the kiss, but I heard about it. Tasha won’t return my calls.”

She didn’t want to have this conversation over the phone. Watching his facial expressions would

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allow her to spot any lies. “Any chance you could stop over at my place? I want to see if the two of us
can come up with a plan to help smooth things over.”

“Sure, baby.”
She didn’t like men to call her that. “This isn’t a date, Wade. Tasha needs an intervention. I know

why Dee Dee threw herself on Burke.” That should entice him.

“Sorry. What’s your address?” His flirty tone immediately disappeared.
She gave him the information. “We need to act fast.”
“Have coffee ready. I’ll be right there.” He disconnected.

* * *






up less than fifteen minutes after Em had called, he must have jumped right into his

car. He was unshaven and appeared tired, but still looked hotter than hell. Of course, Em hadn’t been
interested since he’d be leaving town soon. She assumed that the sexual stirrings were because she
hadn’t had sex in forever and not because he did anything for her. Heavens no.

From what he said, he and Burke had been up late last night discussing his options before he

approached Tasha today. Right before Em had called Wade, Burke had called him saying that Tasha
refused to talk with him. Wade then asked Burke if he wanted to come over, but he’d declined, saying
he had something to take care of.

Wade had stayed at Emmaline’s house for over an hour. The whole time, he’d been focused on the

task, for which she was grateful. In the end, the plan was for her to go to Tasha’s house and try to talk
some sense into her. While she was there, Wade would bring Burke over, and the two of them would
act as mediators, hopefully getting the lovebirds together.

Now it was her turn to perform some magic. Em turned down Tasha’s street and was relieved to

see her friend’s car in the driveway. While Tasha would never deny her access, she might not talk to
her about Burke and what had happened. The pain might be too raw.

Please let this work. Em cut the engine and had her hand on the door handle when her cell rang.

She glanced at her phone that sat on the seat next to her. It was Wade.

“Hey. I just pulled into Tasha’s driveway.” Hopefully, he was with Burke now.
“We have a problem.” His voice was so low she could barely hear him.
“What is it?”
“Burke’s gone.”
Her pulse soared. “Gone? How is that possible? Didn’t you tell me he merely had an errand to

run? Perhaps he’s still on it.”

“I thought that at first, so I called his dad.”
Her blood pressure plummeted. This wasn’t good. “And?”
“He left town. He’s gone back to Pennsylvania.”
She didn’t believe he’d do that. He cared for Tasha too much—or so she thought. “Are you sure?”
“Just going by what his father told me.”
Well, shit. “Did Mr. Devereaux say why Burke left?” She thought he was staying until the library

extension was completed.

“Nothing besides he had stuff to do.”
That really could mean a number of things. “I appreciate all your help. I guess I need to tell Tasha

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about Burke’s disappearing act, though I certainly don’t relish this conversation.”

“I hear ya. And Emmaline?”
“You’re a good friend.”
That wasn’t what she thought he’d say. “So are you.”
She disconnected and inhaled, dreading the next few minutes.

* * *





an idiot. She rubbed her forehead to help reduce the stress, but it didn’t help. She’d

been rude to Burke, but at the time she didn’t know he’d done nothing wrong. After Emmaline’s
message, as well as Burke’s, she’d been convinced that Dee Dee had thrown herself at him.

With each minute that passed, her regret increased. And then she’d shifted on him. Looking back,

her action had been immature and senseless. Her parents had told her many times that being passive
aggressive wasn’t a good way to have a relationship, that couples needed to talk things out, but she
hadn’t listened. Sometimes, she was too damned stubborn for her own good.

As soon as Burke had walked out, Tasha had shifted back even though she’d been spitting mad.

She then spotted the bag of goodies, tore it open, and ate all five éclairs. Now she felt sick to her
stomach, but she deserved to suffer for what she’d done.

Burke had left a few hours ago, and in that time, she’d done a lot of thinking. For starters, she

needed to apologize for doubting him, but she blamed it on his playboy reputation. Her heart could
attest to the fact that Burke was a good man. She should have listened to her good sense.

An engine sounded in her drive, and joy and relief rushed through her. Tasha ran to the window,

praying Burke had come back, but before she had a chance to look, the bell rang, and she hustled to
answer it.

With a smile on her face, she yanked open the door. It was Emmaline. Tasha worked hard not to

let the disappointment show. “Hey.”

Her friend held out a bottle of wine. “Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Tasha had messed things up with her friend, too. Not answering her calls had been bad.

She took the bottle. “You want some?”

Em followed her into the kitchen. After Tasha opened the wine, she poured two glasses. “I’m

sorry I didn’t get back to you. I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

“No problem. You were upset. I get it. I would be, too.”
“Let’s sit in the living room. I could use some advice.” About how to grovel.
Tasha plopped down on the couch and Em sat next to her. It seemed a bit odd that she didn’t take

the chair across from her, but Tasha would be the first to admit that she needed a good friend right

Emmaline drank a good portion of her wine then pressed her lips together. “We need to talk.”
She already knew about the kiss. “Did Burke send you here? He was probably scared that I’d lost

my mind.” She rubbed her forehead again and blew out an exasperated breath. “I never should have

“Whoa. Back up and start from the beginning. You shifted when he was talking to you?”

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“I’m afraid so.” Tasha explained how when Burke came over she wouldn’t even listen to him. “I

was that mad.”

Emmaline whistled. “Not good.”
“Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to call him back to tell him I’m sorry, but now he won’t

answer. I can’t say I don’t deserve it.”

Em set down her wine glass and picked up Tasha’s hand. “We’re friends, right?”
Her stomach churned at her deadly serious tone. “Absolutely. Do you know something? Is Burke

okay?” Images of him crashing his bike flew in her head.

Her eyes widened as if she hadn’t thought Tasha would jump to such a conclusion. “Yes. At least

as far as I know. Sweetie, he’s left town.”

“He what?” Her world tumbled. She’d driven him out. “Oh, my God. Why? I mean, I can guess,

but I need to let him know that I believe him now.”

“You do? So you believed me when I called and said Dee Dee was just being mean spirited?”
Tasha nodded. “Now I do, but not at first. Look at me and look at Dee Dee. When a beautiful and

talented woman throws herself at a handsome man, I just figured any guy would say yes.”

Emmaline screwed up her face. “You’re his mate, dummy.”
That almost made her chuckle. “I didn’t think you believed in such stuff.”
“I’m thinking it’s different with bears.”
That was probably the best concession she was going to get. “What should I do? Keep calling

him? I don’t want to sound desperate.” Though I am.

“Let me tell you what I know, and then we can decide.” Emmaline detailed her call to Wade. She

shared that he’d spoken with Burke after he left Tasha’s house.

“How did he seem?”
“How do you think?”
Tasha slid her hand from Em’s, picked up her glass, and chugged half of the liquid courage. If

there was ever a time in her life to get drunk, this was it. “I fucked up. I admit it. Do you think he’ll
come back?”

“You can ask him—when you get a hold of him—but before you do, are you sure this is what you

want? You can’t go crazy every time a woman rubs up against him. You must decide if he’s your mate
or not, and if you trust him completely.”

Tasha had thought long and hard about this. “I believe he is. I mean, when we’re together, we

can’t keep our hands off each other. We must be each other’s mate.”

Emmaline finished off her first glass. “Is incredible sex enough for you? You said you two had

nothing in common.”

“Perhaps not now, but I’m thinking we could develop new interests together.”
Em leaned back. “Together? Hmm. It has potential. Like what?”
She hadn’t nailed it down yet. “I was thinking we could explore ways to prepare food that would

satisfy my appetite and not put fat on Burke’s body. He seems focused on keeping in shape.”

“That sounds good. You two could also go on walks at first, and then maybe work your way up to

a gym membership.”

Now Em was talking crazy. “I’ll think about it.”
Em stood. “I say keep calling him. Tell him how you feel.”
“Either he’ll forgive me or he won’t, but I have to give it a try.”

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Em set down the glass. “He’s on route to Pennsylvania. If he’s riding his bike, it could take all

day, assuming he drives it in one stretch.”

That made sense. “I’ll call tomorrow and give him a chance to think about things.” If I live that


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Chapter Fourteen





days had been the longest in Burke’s life, and he couldn’t wait to get back to Hidden

Hills. During the excruciatingly long drive to Pennsylvania, he’d had time to think. Tasha wanted a
man with ambition and one who would always be there for her. He had plenty of the first and had just
made arrangements for Hidden Hills to be his permanent home. They needed to address the whole
idea of them not having anything in common except sex, but he was confident they could work out that

Tasha had called and left a couple of messages, but he wanted to speak with her in person when

he told her of his new plans. She said she’d found out that Dee Dee had latched onto him, and not the
other way around, so at least that hurdle was over, thank God.

Before Burke stopped in to see her, he needed to shower and tell his folks that he was back for

good. His business partner, Chris, had been in favor of expanding the company into a different state.
Fortunately, Burke had saved enough capital to start this venture, but because the profits would be
split, Chris insisted on paying for half the start-up costs. That worked for Burke.

As soon as he spotted his parents’ ranch in the distance, he knew this was where he needed to be.

He’d have to drive a truck back to Pennsylvania at some point to retrieve his clothes and some
furniture, but that was the least of his worries right now. The first thing he needed to take care of was
to convince Tasha that they were meant for each other.

Burke turned down the drive and cut the engine. It was after six, and hopefully, his dad would be

home. He knocked then pushed open the door. “Hello?”

His mother came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. “Burke? You’re back. Is

something wrong?”

He’d thought about calling first, but he wanted to surprise them, too. “Nope.” He hadn’t wanted to

tell them about a possible change in his company’s direction for fear of disappointing them if it didn’t
pan out. Now he could.

His father appeared out of his den. “Did I hear Burke?” He stopped. “Son?”
Burke had a lot of explaining to do. “Would you mind if I shower and then talk? I’m staying for

good, just so you know.”

The smiles on their faces lit up the world. “Sure.”
His mom rushed up and hugged him. “Phew. You do stink. Run upstairs and clean up.”
Burke laughed and took the steps two at a time.

* * *





when he pulled into Tasha’s driveway. It was nearly dark, which meant Tasha was

probably curled up on the sofa reading. The discussion with his parents about his company, as well as
Tasha being his mate, had gone better than he could have hoped. His dad said he’d already known
they were meant to be together from the moment Tasha was born. Burke thought that was a bunch of
malarkey, but he let his dad think what he wanted.

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In his backpack was a romance novel that he hoped she’d liked, one Wade’s sister’s friend had

highly recommended. The image of the bare-chested man on the cover implied there’d be lots of sex
in the book, and he wasn’t certain he could read it without ravishing her.

Burke rang the bell and wiped his damp palms down his jeans. He probably should have called

her first, but he didn’t want to discuss their future over the phone. Wade had told him that Tasha knew
he’d gone back to Pennsylvania but not when or if he’d return.

As soon as she opened the door, his heart broke. Her eyes were red, her clothes baggy, and her

spectacular hair mussed. Despite her ragged condition, she looked beautiful.

“Burke? Is it really you?”
Instead of giving her the bouquet of flowers he’d tucked in his backpack, he stepped in and drew

her into an embrace. Her scent stirred not only his body but his heart and soul. “Yes. I’m back. For

Her lips lifted into a tentative smile as if she didn’t know whether to believe him. Telling her

about his company, or how he planned to make this relationship work went out the window. His cock
demanded all the attention, and the kiss that followed belonged in a record book for length and depth.
His hands roamed over her back, and when his fingers tangled in her hair, he grabbed a handful and
tugged. God, she felt good.

He finally broke the kiss. “Miss me?”
She laughed and cried at the same time. “Maybe just a little.”
“What do you say we get reacquainted? Maybe I can jar your memory.”
“Shouldn’t we talk first about what happened?”
He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “Is that what you want?”
He leaned closer and pressed his chest against her luscious body. Shit, he’d missed her so damn

much. Right now, he wanted to kiss her until the sun came up. Maybe he should thank Dee Dee
Duncan, for without her intervention he might never have taken the plunge to change his life.

“I need you like a flower needs water, but I want to talk first.”
“Fair enough.” He slipped off his backpack and removed the bouquet. “Flowers are a bit

squished. I probably should have brought the truck.”

She smiled and lifted the flowers to her face and inhaled. “They’re perfect. A bent flower smells

just as sweet as a straight one. I’ll put these in water.”

He loved her attitude. Burke followed her into the kitchen. “I went to Pennsylvania to take care of

some business.”

“Burke, me first. I need to apologize for the way I acted.”
He swiped a hand. “It’s water under the bridge.”
“No, it isn’t. I never should have doubted you, but if you want, we can discuss it later.”
He inhaled. “There’s something I’ve never told you about myself.”
“What is it?” She pulled down a vase and filled it with water, acting as if whatever he told her

wouldn’t matter.

“That renovation company I work for?” She nodded. “I own the company with another architect.”
Her mouth opened. “You own your own company? Why didn’t you say something?”
He lifted one shoulder. “I didn’t want my financial success to get in the way of our relationship. I

went up to Pennsylvania to discuss my expansion plans with my partner, Chris. He agreed it was the
right time to add another area, so I’m starting a new branch in Hidden Hills.”

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Her mouth turned down. “So you’re moving here because the timing’s right?”
Once more, his heart cracked, and he folded her into his arms and kissed her nose. “No. I’m

moving back here for you. We belong together, Tasha.”

She stepped back from his embrace and placed the flowers in the water then grabbed his hand.

“Let’s sit and talk some more.”

He’d have asked if she had anything to drink but then remembered his alcohol consumption had

caused some problems in the first place. She dragged him to the sofa and sat next to him. “Tell me

He started with the mundane, explaining to her how after college, he and Chris had paired up and

started their renovation company. “We worked really long hours. Saturday, after a half day of doing
the books or working on site, we cut loose. I didn’t want a girlfriend, so I sealed my heart and partied
hard.” He picked up her hand. “To be honest, I’d always felt this attraction to you but never
understood it.”

Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t you say anything? I felt it, too, but I thought it was just my

infatuation with a hot guy.”

He chuckled. “So I’m hot, huh?”
She lightly punched him. “I don’t need to tell you that. Go on.”
“I thought I could forget you, so I poured myself into my work. Tom came to work for me, but

when he either failed to show up or did a half-ass job, I fired him.”

“What did your dad say?”
“I didn’t tell him, and neither did Tom. It would have killed Dad. He thought the world of my

brother, great football player and all.”

She rubbed his arm. “I bet he’s proud of you now.”
His father had surprised him by telling him he was. “Enough about me. I want to talk about us.”

Burke got up and grabbed his backpack. “Got something.” He pulled out the book.

Tasha slipped it from his fingers. “What are you doing with an Amanda Hartsmith novel?”
“You know her?”
A cute blush covered her cheeks. “I’ve read a few of hers, but it’s nothing you would like.”
“That so? I thought we could read it to each other. Discuss it and such.” He had no clue what that

entailed, but he bet Tasha would know.

She scooted closer and cupped his cheeks. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for


Score! “I’m serious. I want to read this together.”
She lowered her hands and smiled. “You won’t get past the first twenty percent before you have

me naked.”

“You think? I say we start reading now.” He grinned then picked up the book and opened up to

page one. “Suck on my dick, Sue. It’s so hard, and it needs your pussy bad.”

She laughed and nabbed the book from him. “It doesn’t say that.”
He shrugged. “Got to give me points for trying.”
Tasha shook her head. “I’ve been thinking, too.”
That was a good thing. “About?”
“I thought we could look at some recipes and learn to cook food we both like. Together.”
Wow. “I’m all in favor of anything that allows me to be near you.” He ran a hand between her

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legs. “I’ve missed you, Tasha, more than you can ever imagine.”

“Show me.”
Burke stood, pulled her to her feet, and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.
“Burke, put me down. You’ll hurt yourself.” She giggled while she pounded his back.
He patted her butt. “Silly you. You’re light as a feather.”
“Sure I am. And the Library of Congress only has a couple of books. Now put me down.”
He hustled her into the bedroom and set her on her feet. The urge to hurry nearly overwhelmed

him, but he wanted to show her that he could control himself when he was around her. There was a
time for hard and fast, and a time for slow exploration. If it hadn’t been so long since he’d had her,
he’d be in much better shape to take his time. After all the disappointment she’d gone through, she
certainly deserved some long, slow loving.

Burke wanted to mix things up, to show her that he desired to spend the rest of his life with her.

“You want to take off my clothes?”

“Me? Sure. Can you last if I rub my hands all over your body then kiss you everywhere?” She

glanced at his cock.

Heaven help him. “You’re saying you think I’m weak?” Tasha was so damn refreshing. He loved

teasing her.

“Perhaps.” She grinned as she unsnapped his fly. This sure was going to be a journey he’d


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Chapter Fifteen





Given that she’d never been more confident in her life about being with a

man, she shouldn’t be nervous, but she was. Burke wanted to share his life with her, and she couldn’t
ask for anything more.

He hadn’t said he loved her, but then again, he’d just arrived. They were mates, and that was good

enough for her. Over time, their love would grow as they shared more. Right now, she wanted to
enjoy his body and become one with him.

Her fingers slipped, and she dropped to one knee for a better vantage point.
“You look good down there,” he said, his voice full of humor.
She glanced up. “Being subservient?” She was shy, but she didn’t do what she didn’t want to.
“No. Getting ready to suck on my cock.”
“Who said I was going to lick your hard dick? I’m just trying to get this damn fly open.”
He swatted her hands away, tugged it apart then stepped out of his boots and removed his pants.

“There. All good.”

Her mouth opened. “Where are your briefs?”
“Didn’t think I needed them. I knew we’d be naked as soon as we got near each other. In fact, I

may never wear them again.”

Burke was too damn charming for his own good. “Perhaps I should go braless.” No, she wouldn’t.

She’d scare the kids.

“That’s what I’m talking about.”
“Ain’t going to happen.” Tasha stood and dragged her palms under his shirt. The texture of his

skin, sprinkled with the coarse hair, set every nerve on fire. What this man did to her should be
banned. She palmed his pectorals, loving the play of his muscles.

“You going to take off my shirt?” he asked.
“Should I?”
Burke leaned his forehead against hers. “If your intent is to tease me into ravishing you, then leave

it on.”

“Hmm. Decisions, decisions. So, if I take off your shirt, I can play with you longer?” Two could

play at this game.

“We’ll see.”
She lifted the material, and with his help, the shirt floated over his head and landed on the floor.

Curious how far she could push him, she dragged a finger around his flat nipple.

He clasped her wrist. “I get to play with your nipples, not the other way around.”
She had no idea why he was so sensitive about it, but she’d delve into that later. Not to be

thwarted, she kissed his chest between his pecs and then dragged her tongue downward. His abs
tightened and his breathing increased. She was getting to him. Good.

When she neared his cock, Burke clamped a hand on her head. “Have mercy on me.”
His strangled voice altered her. She dropped to her knees again, latched onto his dick, and

zigzagged her tongue up and down his length. He growled, though it sounded a bit fake to her. Burke

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was probably trying to warn her to get on with it, but she wouldn’t be rushed.

Tasha inwardly smiled as she engulfed his length. He grabbed a handful of hair and tugged, which

seemed to be his favorite thing to do. She cupped his balls with one hand and encircled his cock with
the other.

“Suck it.”
“I’m getting to it.” A delicate balance existed between going too fast and chancing he’d explode,

and taking too much time and driving him crazy. Tasha chose the middle ground. She sucked hard, but
only lightly pumped her palm up and down.

Next thing she knew, she was in the air and then on the bed.
“Enough, woman. In case you’ve forgotten, there’s a wild bear inside this body ready to take you


She laughed. “I’m ready, cowboy.”
“I’ll cowboy you.”
He rubbed her middle, and she curled up into a ball. “It tickles.”
“So it seems.” He fortunately stopped after a few seconds. “Let’s get you naked. I can’t wait any

longer.” His fun tone had evaporated and had been replaced with desperation.

Faster than a flock of geese took off after a gunshot, she was naked. Good thing, too, because her

bra and panties didn’t match.

Burke knelt on the bed next to her and then sat back on his haunches. When he ran a hand from her

throat, over her tits, and down to her pussy, bursts of pleasure radiated over her body. “Just so you
know, this is what’s kept me going these past few days. Damn, you are a beautiful woman.”

Perhaps part of being a mate was being blind to the other person’s faults, which worked for her.

“Thank you.”

It felt good not to disagree. Burke really did seem to love her lush curves. Wanting to enjoy

everything he had to offer, she folded her arms behind her head and spread her legs.

He tweaked her nipple, and a rush of desire swamped her. “Hey, no relaxing,” he said. “This is

an experience we need to share.”

He was right. She lowered her arms and grabbed his biceps. His strength and power made her

pussy cramp with need. “How about kissing me then?”

“That I can do.”
Burke stretched out next to her and rolled her onto her side to face him. The kiss that followed

was sensual and full of passion. They explored, teased, and tempted each other until she was hotter
than the sun on a raindrop. It was almost as if they were learning about each other for the first time.
Her hormones were going crazy, but this time was different. This signaled a new beginning, and her
love bloomed.

His lips caressed hers—his touch tender, caring, and oh so joyous. Tasha melted into his arms,

her breasts pressed against his hard chest. She loved the way they fit together, as if they were meant
to be.

His fingers brushed her skin, and he sighed. “So soft.”
He acted as if he couldn’t believe she was real. Tasha mimicked his gentle touch, running her

hand a quarter of an inch above his body, enjoying how his hair tickled her palm. When she moved
her hand to his back, she clutched him tight. “I want you.”

“Let me see if I can do something about your wish.”

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He rolled her onto her back again and repositioned himself between her legs. Tasha inhaled,

knowing this was her weakness. A few licks and she’d go off like a firecracker.

“Someone’s happy,” he said.
“I am. I’m thankful you’re giving me a second chance.”
“Hell, I’m thrilled you forgave me.”
They didn’t need to discuss who’d wronged whom. She surely would come up on the short end.

“How about a little lick?”

“Yes, ma’am.”
Burke widened her thighs with his thumbs to open her folds, and when he blew on her wet slit,

waves of cascading desire consumed her. She had no idea how that was even possible since he hadn’t
touched her yet. Burke then edged closer and licked her clit. The shot of pleasure made her lift her
hips while pinpricks of lust filtered into her heart and nearly squeezed the breath out of her.

“Easy there. We have all night.”
She’d never last. All she could think of was the glory that would follow once he entered her.

Burke continued his wonderful assault on her tiny bud, each flick pushing her closer to the edge. She
dug her nails into his shoulders and tried to hang on.

Just when she thought she’d come, he slid up and cupped her breasts. His cock was so close yet

so far away.

“I love these.” He pressed them together, planted his face between the full mounds, and licked the

sides. “Mmm.”

She placed her feet on the mattress and reached under him, trying to grab his cock, but her fingers

only managed to brush the tip.

He lifted his head and smiled. “Patience.”
Patience, my ass. If she’d been giving him a blowjob, rest assured he’d be begging her to stop.

Burke moved over to her nipple, snatched it between his teeth, and pulled it taut. A riot of pleasure
rippled down to her swollen clit.

“I can’t wait any longer, Burke. Please.”
That seemed to be a soft spot for him—her begging. He slid on top of her and balanced on his

elbows. When his cock pressed into her slick opening, a flood of erotic lust filled her. This was their
true coming together, based on trust and burgeoning love. She wanted him like she’d never wanted
anyone or anything in her life.

Instead of driving into her, he slid in an inch and stopped. “I need you, Tasha. You’re good for my

soul. Always remember, I’m here for you.”

Burke’s words warmed her from the inside out. “Ditto.”
She should have told him how much he meant to her, but she sucked at expressing her emotions.

All she could do was show him how much she desired him. Tasha pulled him close and kissed him
for all she was worth. The drugging kiss spiraled her higher. God, the man even tasted like melted
chocolate on ice cream with a cherry on top.

When she lifted her hips once more, he drove into her. Deliciously wicked flames licked her

body, and she tightened her hold on him. Tasha never wanted to let him go. Burke moaned, withdrew,
and entered her again. This time, he dipped his head and nibbled on her neck, his breaths growing
faster. Her own feral desires brimmed with animalistic need. She clawed his back and pressed her
chest against his. Her pussy coiled, ready to explode. His thrusts increased, edging her closer and

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closer to the precipice.

“Burke, I’m about to come.” His scent drove her wild. So strong was her passion that she bit his

shoulder to bond them eternally.

“Ta-sha!” Burke’s eyes closed as he pounded into her. His teeth, slightly sharpened from his need

to mate, dug into her, too.

The frenzy had begun. Sweat beaded on their bodies as they let their lust take over, electricity

sizzling across her skin.

Burke pistoned into her one more time, raised his head, and held still. The moment his hot seed

blasted her, the tightly wound coil snapped, and her climax swept her away. Pulses swamped her, and
she felt as if she was coming apart at the seams. They hugged hard, and time seemed to stand still.
Never in her wildest dreams had Tasha imagined something could be so amazing and life altering.

Even after they collapsed on the bed, they held on tight. Tasha must have dozed because only

when the bed moved had she realized Burke had gotten up. He returned with a warm towel and wiped
her dry.

After he ditched the towel in the bathroom, he came back to bed. She lifted up on one elbow. It

was after ten and she suspected he’d leave. “You need to go home now?”

Burke stroked her cheek. “No, beautiful. I am home.”
Tasha wasn’t sure she heard him right. “Does that mean you just want to spend the night or are you

talking permanently?” She was happy with both but didn’t want to rush him too soon.

He laughed softly. “As much as I would love to move in right away, I think we should start with

me spending the night. Tomorrow, we can discuss when you’ll be ready for me to move in. I want to
make a lot of changes in my life, and the first one starts with you.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Two months later






said. She tied the bow on the back of the bridesmaid dress and turned Tasha

around. “Perfect.”

She stepped in front of the mirror to check out the dress. “Not bad.”
Ever since she and Burke had been cooking together, she’d learned how to make meals that tasted

amazing, yet weren’t very fattening. She’d actually lost ten pounds—more than she ever had in such a
short period of time.

“Come on. They’re calling us.” Emmaline tugged on her hand.
Tasha was so excited for Chey and Storm who seemed to be the perfect couple. She couldn’t

imagine what he’d gone through, though. Not only did the once-human Storm have to adjust to being a
cheetah shifter, he was now the Alpha of their Clan. Chey said once the shifters realized he was one
of them, his medical practice had boomed, and Tasha couldn’t be happier for him.

She and Emmaline lined up with the other woman on the left side of the makeshift altar. Because

Storm was new in town, he didn’t know many men and had asked Burke to be one of the groomsmen.
Boy, did he look hot in his tux.

Burke looked over at her and winked. While they hadn’t discussed marriage, she figured they

would at some point. He had moved all his things into her place a little over a month ago, and even
she couldn’t believe how well they were getting along. At night, while she read, he worked on his
company’s books. The Hidden Hills branch of BC Renovations was growing by leaps and bounds.
He’d already hired three men and had two renovations going at the same time. She couldn’t be
prouder of him.

They were in a large local hall, used by many of the clans for their weddings. The music struck up

and Chey entered on her dad’s arm. She was such a tiny thing with her flowing golden hair, and love
seemed to be pouring out of her. Tasha looked over at Burke expecting him to be mesmerized by the
bride-to-be. Instead, he was smiling at her, and her heart raced.

As soon as Chey stepped next to Storm, the ceremony turned even more romantic. They’d written

their own vows, which made them all that more precious, and the words spoke of everlasting love.
When Storm slipped the ring on her finger, tears welled in Tasha’s eyes. She was so happy for her

Once Chey and Storm kissed, the Justice of the Peace tapped the microphone. “May I present Mr.

and Mrs. Storm Durant.”

The entire congregation burst into applause. As was the cheetah tradition, each guest had to dance

with every other guest, if possible, though some of the elders were given a bye. Thank goodness, that
wasn’t a tradition with the bear shifters, or she’d never accept any wedding invitation again.

For the next hour, they danced and danced. It would have been nicer if she’d been in Burke’s

arms, but he seemed to be having a good time with the different ladies. Storm, on the other hand, kept
frowning since he’d occasionally step on his partner’s toes who would let out a moan.

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At midnight, despite Chey and Storm having disappeared a half hour ago, the party continued.

Tasha searched the hall for her friend. “Have you seen Em?” she asked Burke.

She swore heat raced up his face. “I think she left with Wade a while back.”
“Seriously?” Emmaline seemed to like him, but Wade wasn’t one to stay in one place for long.

Tasha hoped Em knew what she was doing.

“I think so. Maybe he’s driving her home. She seemed a little tipsy.”
“Could be.” She leaned against Burke. “Not only am I exhausted, my feet ache.”
“Me, too. Remind me to be out of town for the next cheetah wedding.”
She laughed. “Trust me; I’ll be coming with you.”
When they arrived home, they showered and fell into bed. Burke crawled under the sheets and

kissed her. “As much as I want to make love with you, we need our sleep. Remember, my folks
invited us over for Sunday brunch.”

She adored making love with Burke more than anything, but he was right. She needed her sleep. “I

didn’t forget.”

To her delight, she fell into a deep slumber the moment her head hit the pillow.

* * *





Tasha decided that since she and Burke were going to be together forever, it was

time to get over her fear of motorcycles. Burke loved to ride every chance he had, and it was the one
activity they didn’t share. For the past two months, they’d read to each other almost nightly and had
finished four books already. It was amazing how much they each enjoyed talking about the stories—
what they liked, what they didn’t like. Even Burke had learned to appreciate books and had actually
read several on his own.

So now, she wanted to return the favor. Perhaps, she’d even enjoy the experience. She stepped out

of the bedroom, wearing jeans, boots, and a long sleeve shirt.

“Aren’t you going to be warm, hon?”
It was August after all. “Not if we take your hog.” It still seemed strange to call a motorcycle a


He stilled. “Wait a second. You want to ride on the back of my Harley?”
She shrugged. “Why not?”
A grin split his face in half. Burke picked her up and spun her around. “You keep making me the

happiest man alive.”

“Wait until I scream for you to slow down before making that statement.”
He laughed. “Let’s go before you change your mind.”
A few weeks back, he’d purchased a pink helmet for her, but Tasha hadn’t been ready. Now she


They stepped outside into the warm morning. Perhaps the long sleeved shirt had been a mistake,

but if they took a tumble, she’d appreciate the protection. Burke gave her some instructions about how
to get on the bike, where to put her feet, and how to lean with him. “Just be one with me, okay?”

To her surprise, she was actually excited to give this a try. “Drive slowly.”
True to his word, Burke stayed at or below the speed limit, and Tasha found she loved the

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freedom of being outside a car. The wind against her body invigorated her, but the biggest thrill was
just being able to hold him tightly.

All too soon, they pulled into his parents’ driveway and she spotted her dad’s car. He parked, and

she disembarked. “I didn’t know my parents were coming.”

Burke shrugged, but from the way he avoided her gaze, something was up. Walking into the

Devereaux’s house again reminded her of all the times she and her family had been there.

“Mom, Dad,” she said as soon as she entered the living room. They both stood and hugged her and


After the usual preliminaries, Burkes’ mom, Samantha, asked them to all take a seat at the table.

She’d already filled every corner with food.

No sooner had they sat than Burke pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m so glad we could all be

together like this. Coming home the first time was sad for me. With Tom’s passing, I struggled to find
some meaning in life. As if he was guiding things from above, Tasha reentered my life. I’ve known all
along that she was my mate, but I honestly didn’t think she would believe me.”

Tasha opened her mouth. “I knew it, too.”
He grinned. “You hid it well.” She smiled back. “Regardless, without Tasha, I can’t honestly say

where I’d be today.”

“Get on with it, son.”
She thought Burke’s speech was heartfelt and rather wonderful. Mr. Devereaux shouldn’t have

asked him to hurry.

Burke pulled something out of his pocket and faced her before dropping down on one knee. Her

heart stopped. “Tasha, you are my world, my everything. Since we’ve been together, I’ve felt as
though I could succeed in life. Those few days without you were the worst. A man without his mate is
an empty one.” His father cleared his throat, and she almost laughed. “I love you more than words can
say, so without further embarrassing myself, will you, Tasha Wilder, marry me?”

He stood and pulled her to her feet. Her hands trembled and her heart was going faster than his

motorcycle ever could. “I love you, too, Burke Devereaux, and probably always have, but was too
stubborn to admit it.” Her parents chuckled. “But I accept on one condition.”

He stilled. “What’s that?”
“You teach me how to ride a motorcycle.”
His answer was to pick her up and give her a toe curling kiss. “Would you settle for a moped?”
She dropped her head back and laughed. “Perhaps starting small might be for the best.”
“So it’s a yes?” His brows rose.
“It’s a big fat yes!”
Both sets of parents surrounded them, and she’d never felt more loved in her life. She glanced

upward, mentally thanking Tom for bringing the man of her dreams home.

The End

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MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

Promises of Mercy

(book 1)

Foundations For Three

(book 2)

Montana Fire

(book 3)

Hart To Hart

(book 4)

ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

Montana Desire

(book 1)

Awakening Passions

(book 2)

PACK WARS (Paranormal)

Training Their Mate

(book 1)

Claiming Their Mate

(book 2)

Rescuing Their Virgin Mate

(book 3)

Box Set

(books 1-3)

Loving Their Vixen Mate

(book 4)

Fighting For Their Mate

(book 5)


An Unexpected Diversion (book 1)

Bare Instincts (book 2)

Shifting Destinies (book 3 coming soon)

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Author Bio

Want a FREE book? Sign up for my newsletter and receive MONTANA DESIRE.



Check out my latest interview on You Tube:


Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am
always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after,
I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in
the world (of course).

You’ll find me most days on my chaise lounge with my laptop and my iced tea(unsweetened!) on

the side table. I love to sleep in late and write into the wee hours. I also love FB, so you’ll find me on
there, too!

I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband,

who happens to be hot!

Fun facts about me

(1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

(2) I’m addicted to taking pictures (I taught high school photo for 30 years). I plan to periodically

post some of my favorites on my newsletter [so sign up!].

(3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I walk with different women each week,

I teach Pilates twice a week at a local rec center, and lift weights the other days.

I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

Social Media Sites












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