JC Owens Wishes

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Wings 2: Dominion of the Eth

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J.C. Owens

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and
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to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely
Published By:
Etopia Press
P.O. Box 66
Medford, OR 97501
Copyright © 2012 by J.C. Owens
ISBN: 978-1-937976-31-6
Edited by Katriena Knights
Cover by Mina Carter
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
First Etopia Press electronic publication: May 2012

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Chapter One

“Lieutenant Auri…”
Auri slowed his pace and turned, trying to

repress a sigh. He was beginning to regret his
promotion. From the moment he had set foot on the
ship Hagan Fell, he had been without rest. Had the
previous officer left, or died of exhaustion?

He controlled his expression to neutrality and

faced his new aide, Fredan, raising one brow

The younger man was puffing with exertion, a

worried frown pleating his brow. “Captain wants to
see you, sir.”

Auri drew a weary breath. “Is he aware I have

been on duty for sixteen hours now and would
perhaps appreciate eating, perhaps even sleeping?”

The sarcastic comment only made the aide blink,

and Auri resisted the urge to tap on his skull and ask
if anyone was home. The answer would only have

been no. Fredan was the perfect aide—able to listen to
orders and pass on messages…and with no mind of
his own to complicate things.

Auri sighed. “Fine. I will go see him. See to the

incoming supplies in bay eight. Make sure those

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idiots who call themselves dockmasters do not
shortchange us and that Seri and crew know where to
put the pallets. Not in the passageway between bays
eight and seven, like last time.” He made Fredan
repeat the orders, word for word, then watched the
aide march off, hopefully to do his bidding. He

pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and
forefinger, trying to forestall the headache that was
beginning to get a foothold with his weariness.

Gods…was there a mind on this ship, or did

everyone wait for someone else to tell them what to

He longed for his old ship, where he had been a

mere third lieutenant. There was a ship run well, full
of experienced, intelligent people who knew their jobs
inside and out. He had been so excited when he got
this promotion, so sure it would be exciting and
further his military career, and here he was, stuck on

a diplomatic cruiser with the possibility of action a
million miles away. He strode down the
passageways, ignoring the speculative looks he
received from those he passed as they saluted him

It only made his temper rise, though his face

stayed calm and cold. He knew he already had a
nickname though he had only been here two weeks.
Blade… He shook his head. As names went it was
fine, certainly not mocking, but it was meant to
indicate his cold, sharp nature. His lips thinned.

There would be no friendships here, not that he had
ever been particularly good at such things. Still, he

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had had Tania and Blais before, and they had always
been able to still any loneliness he might have felt. He
missed them…

He shook himself free from the thoughts almost

as they formed. He had no time for loneliness; he had
to carve a place for himself here, then maybe…

He raised a hand and rapped sharply on the

captain’s door.

“Come in.”
Auri entered and came to attention sharply,

saluting with crisp efficiency, eyes front and centered
on the far wall.

“Relax, Lieutenant. I am not conducting an

analysis of your job performance.” The voice was
lazily amused.

Auri settled to parade stance, hands clasped

behind him, feet apart and steady. “Yes, sir.” His tone
held no inflection, no indication that he resented the

faint mockery.

A sigh resounded in the quiet office. “For the

gods’ sake, sit, Lieutenant. You are giving me a neck
ache looking up at you. Stop being so damn formal.
We are not like that here.”

Auri sat, meeting the brown eyes of his captain

with a blank expression, revealing nothing.

Captain Janred sat back in his chair, observing the

young man with a faint frown.

“You are settling in well, I have heard. We are

actually getting things done, unlike under Lieutenant

Naren…” The tone said much about the absent man,
though professionalism prevented much more from

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being stated. “It is good that you are so efficient, but if
you need more assistance, do not hesitate to say so.
Another aide perhaps…”

Auri could not stop his brows from rising. “No,

thank you, sir,” he responded politely. “Fredan is
quite enough.” Unspoken was the thought that if he

had another like him, his job would be twice as hard,
as he had to check out everything himself to ensure it
was done properly.

Janred frowned more deeply. “General Asnar

recommended you to me for this job, but he wanted
you to be able to have less stress than you endured
under his command.”

Auri felt himself tense, his lips thinning. He had

not known of this communication between the two
men. He had merely thought this position was part of
his promotion.

“Was the general concerned that my performance

was below par?” His tone was calm, but with a cold

“No, he was glowing in his praise of you, in fact.”

Janred did not add that his old friend had mentioned
that this particular young man was a favorite of his,
someone who had come up through the ranks the old
fashioned way—by talent rather than family

Auri relaxed. “Then it is fine, captain. I am not

stressed. The General is much too worried about his
people. There is no need for concern on your part. I

am well capable of doing my job.”

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The captain’s brow furrowed. Asnar had felt this

young man was heading for a breakdown with his
insatiable perfectionism and need for control. Janred
could well see it in Auri, but at this point did not
know him well enough to devise a plan of action to
help him change his uptight behaviors. That could

only come with further acquaintance and analysis.

“I have no doubt in your abilities, Lieutenant. Just

see that you take the time to care for yourself. I would
not have you in sick bay because of overwork.”

Auri raised a brow again, thinking that if Naren

had been made to do his job properly, he would not
have to be working his butt off to fix past mistakes,
but he said nothing, merely nodded in agreement.

Janred shifted topics. “We will be leaving at noon

tomorrow, carrying a diplomatic entourage bound for
a meeting with the Felinians. It will be a large group,
and all arrangements have already been made for

extra supplies. They will be arriving tonight, and we
must be running and ready for when they arrive. The
moment they board, we must be ready to leave.”

Auri stared at him. “I have not prepared the


“This is fine. They will send people with the

supplies, and are experienced enough to know where
they must go. They have done this often, Lieutenant.”

Auri chewed his lip unconsciously. “But…” He

drew himself up then, chastising himself. One does
not sound uncertain. Ever.

“I will ensure that the dock crew is ready to

receive any and all shipments, Captain.”

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Janred could see the younger man’s tension, and

he had to prevent himself from rolling his eyes.

“I know it seems sudden and urgent to you,

Lieutenant, but this is exactly how most of our
assignments will be. We will not know until the last
moment, and utmost secrecy is kept at all times. Once

we know of an assignment, no personnel are allowed
to enter or leave the ship. We are completely
contained from that time until we return and our
passengers have left. Security is our main concern.”
He smiled then, eyes crinkling. “We have two speeds,
Lieutenant. Wait and go. It will be extremely boring
in between and extremely tense during the times that
we are responsible for the security and success of
diplomatic missions and talks.” He waited, but there
was no answering smile from the serious younger
man, only a thinning of lips as he processed the
information and absorbed it.

Janred shook his head. It was going to take more

than a break from active fighting to see Auri learn to
relax. He would have to speak with Asnar about the
Lieutenant’s past.

He waved a hand in dismissal, already turning

back to his paperwork. “Get some rest, Lieutenant.
Things are going to get very, very busy shortly.”

* * *

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As it turned out, Auri did not go back to his cabin

directly. He was worried Fredan had not seen to his
directions as well as could be and if these new people
would be arriving and expecting space for supplies.

It was late in the morning by the time he

stumbled into his bunk and fell deeply asleep.

He woke to his alarm blaring, blearily fumbling

about with one hand until he could find it and smack
the button, producing blessed silence. He sat up,
knowing if he did not, he would fall asleep again. He
sat on the edge of the bunk, staring into space, eyes
refusing to open fully, his mind dull and slow.

He finally registered the time and swore under

his breath.

Ten o’clock. Damn. That gave him only two hours

to get himself together, eat, and ensure everything
was perfect for the arrival of the diplomatic team.

He rose with difficulty and went to the bathroom

to relieve himself, before leaning on the sink and
washing his hands, staring into the mirror with

Light blue eyes stared back, dull with exhaustion.

He fingered his chin, realizing it was time to go to the
physician for another shot before his monthly supply
of beard suppressant ran out. There was a darkness to
his jaw that hinted that it was wearing off. He
groaned. He really did not have time today, and of
course the diplomats would be here. He would be on
duty continually.

He picked up the communicator and dialed the

physician, finding there was an appointment

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immediately. He moved fast then, dressing, trying to
gauge his remaining time. If he cut down on time in
the cafeteria…

A short time later, he entered the hall, rubbing his

arm vigorously to remove the sting from the
suppressant shot. Swiftly then he ordered his food

and sat down at the officers’ table, making notes as to
what had to be done before noon.

The food arrived and he ate half heartedly,

gulping in between thoughts as he scribbled.

The voices at the next table did not penetrate his

consciousness until he heard the word “Felinian.”
That grabbed his attention as nothing else could.

He had never fought in this quadrant of the

empire before. He had met many races, but never had
he encountered the Felinians, and he wanted to know
more before the diplomatic team arrived and he
displayed his ignorance.

He knew the basics. They were cat people, very

large in comparison to humans. They could change
from utterly animal-like to faintly humanoid in
moments. They were highly intelligent, and their
planet held one of the largest deposits of illanium
known. They also seemed to possess an energy
weapon of great power, and all the Empire’s efforts to
conquer the planet had been in vain despite their
military might.

The Felinians did not seem to have the same

interest in conquering, fortunately for the Empire’s

ego. They protected their own, but they did not
travel. They were willing to trade amounts of the

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illanium ore, used for ship fuel and certain weaponry,
for other goods, but it made the Empire nervous that
they had no real hold over the cat people. The
Felinians could trade that ore just as easily to
rebellious groups that wished to test the Empire’s
strength. Therefore, it was of prime importance to

ensure the Felinians’ good will and continued trade
with the Empire.

How that must grate, Auri thought with a faint

grin. Having to kowtow to an inferior race with
barbaric animalistic tribes, when the Empire
considered itself so superior.

The three people at the next table, computer

technicians by their insignias, were intent on
discussing the Felinian stories they had heard, though
by their attitude it was evident they had never
actually seen one.

“Make sure you don’t get too close to one,” the

man teased his female coworker. “They use humans,
you know.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, I am sure they want

little old me for sex, no doubt.”

He shook his head, eyes glinting. “Yes.” He

leaned closer. “For their harems, though I am told
they like human males better for the act.”

She looked at him scornfully while the other

young man at the table rolled his eyes and snorted.

“You need a dose of reality, Richne,” the woman

scoffed. “They don’t even travel, idiot. How the hell

would they get humans?”

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The first shook his head, grinning. “Ah, but the

stories go that they have developed a way.” He
waited as they folded their arms disbelievingly.

“Apparently, from what I was told by a political

friend, after the great wars with the Empire many,
many years ago, there was word put out that the

Felinians could be very, very generous to those who
wanted to be ‘looked after.’”

“Yeah, right,” the woman huffed, a smirk of

disbelief curving her lips. Auri could only agree

The man grinned wider, leaning close to his

audience. “At first this led to kidnapped human men;
traders who took them against their will. Now, who

They stared at him, apparently trying to visualize

this, and Auri felt himself swallow involuntarily,
feeling sickness in his throat. Surely this had to be a


The woman echoed his unspoken thought. “I

don’t believe you. You made that whole idea up. The
Empire would do something about this if it were true.
We have heard nothing.”

The man shrugged and took a deep swallow of

his drink before answering. “My friend is pretty
serious about things like that. He did not want to
believe it either, but he said a human had escaped
two years ago and told of his ordeal. My friend said it
is even written up in some political journal

somewhere. I could try and find out from him which
one. Then you will not be so skeptical.”

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There was silence, then the other man laughed

uncertainly. “You show it to me, I will buy you drinks
for a week.”

“Done.” The first tech shook his hand, and then

stood, looking at his data recorder. “Shit, I am going
to be late. You can finish that sandwich for me.” He

walked briskly out, leaving a ringing silence in his

Auri continued to scribble down notes, feeling the

glance of the two remaining techs as they lowered
their voices.

“He has to be lying, right?” The woman sounded

faintly ill.

“I hope so. That is so sick. Kidnapping? Harems?

Barbaric bastards.” They rose from the table, carting
some food with them for snacks then, still arguing
about it, they left.

Auri shook the images from his mind with

difficulty. He had seen and heard some strange and
disturbing things in his travels, but this was…

He stood abruptly, scooping up his half-finished

sandwich. He had a lot to do, and for once he was

* * *

By the time the supply team arrived, Auri had the

holds cleared and space provided for whatever they

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might need. The man in charge, named Astlani, was
effusive in his appreciation.

“Thank the gods fucking Naren got hoisted. He

was a useless piece of shit, I tell you. Could not tell
his ass from his nose and certainly could not organize
storage worth a damn.”

He shook Auri’s hand with great enthusiasm.

“Glad to meet you, Lieutenant. Damn good to meet
you. This is the cleanest I have ever seen this ship.”
He twirled in place, eyes bright. “This is going to be a
fucking breeze in comparison to before.” He rubbed
his hands together, practically bouncing on his toes
before clapping Auri on the back and rushing to the
hatch to supervise the incoming pallets. “Not that
way, you idiot. Geez, where did you fucking learn to

Auri took a deep breath. Being around Astlani

was a little like being out in space—you could not

breathe for long before collapsing. The man had that
effect on people. He was like a whirlwind of energy,
most of it probably being drained from those who
had to deal with him. Auri made sure to leave before
the other man could return. He was too tired to deal
with such a strong personality at any level right now.
He checked and double-checked on the security
forces on the ship, who were to meet with the security
people on the diplomatic team, then made sure all
accommodations had been seen to and assigned. He
contacted the captain to assure him everything was

ready, and Janred told him to go rest. He did not see
any point in Auri having to be there for the arrival of

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the diplomats, when they would have plenty of time
for such protocol on the trip to the Felinian home

“You sound exhausted, Lieutenant. Sleep. I need

you hale and whole for what will come.”

Auri could not even get the energy to argue. If

that was not an indication of his own state, nothing
else was.

He collapsed onto his bunk and, not bothering to

undress, fell instantly and soundly asleep.

He dreamed of being hunted by cats—lots and

lots of cats.

* * *

He did not even wake when they left port, and

when he finally opened his eyes, he felt the familiar
feel of space and movement. His body and mind

relaxed unconsciously. Always he had felt at home
here, away from land, away from other people. Now
there were only those on board the ship for him to
deal with.

He felt a moment’s guilt for not being on the

bridge when they had left the dock, but it soon
disappeared. The captain had not called him, and he
had been right in his assessment of Auri’s usefulness.

Now he felt more himself, able to think and act

with his usual calm deliberation. And hungry.

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He ordered food into his cabin, luxuriating in the

time to himself, not wanting to squander it in the hall.
At last, reluctantly, he took himself to the bridge and
quietly entered to stand beside the captain.

Janred was talking to one of the computer techs,

and when he turned back, he jumped visibly at the

sight of Auri so close.

“Damn, Lieutenant, make a little noise next time.

You are so bloody quiet I never know when you are

“Sorry, sir. I will try to be noisier in your presence

from now on.” Auri could not prevent his lip from

Janred peered at him uncertainly. “Was that a

faint smile I saw, Lieutenant?”

Auri straightened into a precise stance. “No, sir,

of course not, sir.” His tone was calm and even.

“Pity.” Janred frowned at him before turning

away. “Sit, for goodness’ sakes.”

Auri sat in his assigned chair, turning to begin

letting his fingers run over the computer keys,
checking and re-checking what had been added to the
holds and where it was located until he could
visualize all that had been done and where to find
any item. Once the picture was in his head, he would
not need to refer to the computer again. It was one of
his talents to remember such things perfectly.

He ran down the list of the diplomatic team,

memorizing faces and names, finally looking up to

address Janred.

“Captain, when will I meet the team, sir?”

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“Tonight we will have a community meal and I

can introduce you then. We will be having a meeting
tomorrow morning to finalize plans and procedure
and be briefed as to proper etiquette while we are on

Auri narrowed his eyes. “Who will be going on

world, sir?”

“We will each lead a team, Lieutenant. I will head

security for the diplomats, and you will head the
support team.”

Auri nodded, secure in his abilities in that

direction, though he felt less than enthusiastic at the
thought he would actually see the Felinians. He
mentally scoffed at his inner squeamishness. The tech
had probably just not gotten his facts straight. It was
foolish to worry about hearsay and rumor. He
grinned at his computer screen. They were probably
three feet high and thought humans were only a step

above canned meat and smelled funny.

Nothing to worry about.

* * *

Auri met the diplomats that evening and thought

they were a bunch of stuck-up, snobbish assholes who
could raise the hackles of a mouse. How in hell they
could possibly pull off a matter of such importance
and delicacy as these talks he could not imagine. He

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listened and watched and thought that if the Felinians
had any sense whatsoever, they would tell these
idiots to go suck themselves and begin talks instead
with the rebels.

Whose bright idea had it been to send these sticks

instead of real humans? He shook his head and

quietly left when it was sure not to be noticed. He did
not want to make any trouble for the captain, but he
sure as hell could not take any more of their company
without wanting to bash heads.

He met Astlani in the hallway with a large group

of the diplomatic support staff and was swept into
their midst by the older man, who kept an arm
around his shoulders to keep him there.

“Come, Lieutenant, tonight we have fun, yes?

Tomorrow we have to be serious, but tonight is ours.”
He swept one hand out in an expansive gesture,
narrowly missing one of his co-workers, who ducked

adroitly, obviously well used to Astlani’s antics.

“You are off duty now, yes?”
Auri debated lying, but loath to hurt the other

man’s feelings if he found out differently, he
reluctantly nodded.

Astlani crowed with joy. “We party then.”
Auri grimaced an approximation of a smile as he

was pulled along into the hall, where the noisy group
laid claim to one side and ordered drinks.

The crew of Hagan Fell stared in astonishment at

the sight of their lieutenant amongst the high-spirited

rabble and Auri sighed inwardly. This would make
the rounds for weeks to come. Lieutenant Auri Blade,

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cold stick, partying. Most would never believe it if
they had not seen it.

He accepted a glass of some sort of alcohol—he

did not ask what, since he really did not drink and
had no intentions of imbibing this either.

It was overwhelming being in the midst of such

exuberant and lighthearted people, and he felt utterly
lost, out of his element. His job he was confident in;
socializing was another thing altogether. He watched
in some part of his mind, analyzing the strangeness of
people as they drank and talked and laughed,
interacting with each other so easily.

He took a small sip of his drink, inwardly

grimacing at its taste. What was wrong with him that
he could never just let go and become close to
someone? Why did he always have to be the loner?

The thought came and went with ease. He had

long ago stopped obsessing about his peculiarities. He

was what he was and it was no use to make wishes to
be anything else.

He waited until they were drunk enough to forget

him and then he quietly rose and left, invisible and
preferring it that way.

* * *

Auri stood at the window on the bridge, hands

clasped behind his back, watching as the Felinian

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world became clearer. The ship was powered back,
slowly descending to its designated landing spot, and
he could clearly see the beauty of the world spread
before him. Mountains, plains, but mostly forest.

He felt his interest stir. Often during his

vacations, he would head to somewhere uninhabited;

camp, hike, climb. This world looked like paradise—
then he remembered the Felinians and revised his
thoughts. Paradise perhaps, but with a serpent.

Not where he could book a vacation, certainly.

Still he could appreciate such beauty, and that
perception only grew after they landed and he saw
the immense trees that surrounded them. True giants.

He did his duties, helped everywhere, but when

the work was done and the diplomats talking among
themselves, he could not resist taking a few steps
away from them and laying a hand on one of the
trees, looking up in total awe. The bark was very

rough to the touch and he stroked it, a small smile
coming to his face as he imagined he could feel its
energy coming back to him.

He always seemed to imagine such bizarre things.
Shaking his head, he stepped back after giving

the tree a last pat. About to turn back to the group, he
froze as he realized he was staring into golden eyes
only three or four paces away.

He blinked in astonishment, hand going to his

gun automatically, but freezing as he remembered
why they were here.

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The Felinian, for it could be nothing else, watched

him unblinkingly, giving no indication he could see
as to its thoughts.

Without sound, three others materialized beside

the first and they grasped weapons as the first had

Auri’s first thought was that the tales of their

height were true. The first was the tallest, standing at
least a head and a half taller than Auri, and he had
never considered himself short at six feet. The others
were slightly smaller, but only slightly. Fur covered
every inch of them, sleek and short, each in different
patterns, like a domestic cat. Their eyes were large
and slanted, golden and with pupils like a cat’s. Their
bodies were faintly humanoid, rippling muscles
beneath fur, furred hands that looked human, but
there were claws at the ends of fingers, perhaps
because of their agitation at the moment. Their legs

bent as a cat’s would, backward instead of forward
like a human knee. Their feet were paws, and their
large tails lashed from side to side, perhaps another
sign of agitation.

Large ears held golden rings, perhaps denoting

rank, and those ears were constantly on the move,
detecting every sound around them. They wore only
a short wrap around their bodies from waist to mid
thigh, covered in embroidered decoration and
symbols, bordered with gold thread. Leather straps
criss-crossed broad shoulders and carried a variety of

weapons, many of which Auri could not have
guessed the purpose of. Several large knives were

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strapped to their thighs, and each carried a gun at
their hip.

They were definitely prepared for anything, not

that Auri could blame them with what the Empire
had done here.

The first one had not taken its eyes from Auri,

and the lieutenant took a step away carefully, not
liking the way its look encompassed him so
completely. At that moment, he heard an exclamation
from behind him, then the diplomats came forth,
surrounding him then pushing him to the back as
they began to sign with the Felinians.

Auri had to fight to break away from the power

of those golden eyes, and when he did, he felt like he
had run a mile, his muscles quivering with strain he
had not known he was under. It was a great relief to
turn and walk away, commanding his legs to move,
his mind to work.

When distance had been gained and the

protection of the ship was close to hand, only then
could he turn and watch the proceedings with
anything resembling composure.

Both groups had approached the small pavilion

set up to provide shade, and the diplomats were
signing to the Felinian delegation.

Auri noticed the Felinians never spoke to each

other, only a glance or a faint movement; they must
be mind speaking. He had to admire their lack of
expression; it was impossible to interpret what they

were thinking or feeling. It was difficult to tell if this

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was their normal demeanor or a response to the
representatives of the Empire.

As the day wore on, the heat rose and with it the

humidity. Auri wiped surreptitiously at his face. His
uniform was hot, definitely not made for a climate
such as this. No wonder the Felinians wore so little.

Combined with fur, they would never have been able
to stand the heat.

The others stood at ease, leaning on the ship or

whatever was available, but Auri stood at parade rest,
refusing to display the same attitude. He was a
representative of the Empire and he wanted these
people to understand there was no weakness here,
that they were being watched.

His eyes scanned the trees constantly, for the

almost eerie arrival of the four made him realize
many more were probably just beyond their sight.

He longed to use sensors to confirm this, but the

captain had forbade it, stating that the Felinians had
their own ways of knowing when they were being
spied on and would not appreciate the gesture,
perhaps leading to the breaking of the talks.

Auri was almost itchy with the feeling of being

watched. He was careful not to look in the direction
of the four beneath the pavilion, though he felt
strongly more than once that the tall one looked his

He chastised himself harshly. He had dealt with

many types of races, many hostile, many merely

curious. He was no novice to holding his own

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amongst warriors, so this uneasiness was unfamiliar,

It was pure relief when the day began to fade and

the heat slowly lessened. Torches were lit about the
clearing and a meal was arranged, some from the ship
and some brought by the four Felinians.

Auri, as first lieutenant, found himself seated next

to one of the Felinians, fortunately not the tall one. He
was greatly discomfited by the presence beside him,
but could only stare in amazement as the other
addressed him in Auri’s own language…flawlessly.

“I am Kaseer. I am pleased to meet you,


It was an effort to recall himself swiftly enough to

avoid insult.

“Auri. Lieutenant Auri.” He nodded respectfully,

unsure if the offer of a handshake was taboo.
Certainly the diplomats had not offered such useful

information as this during their spiels on protocol.

“Auri.” Kaseer mulled over the name as though it

must be remembered. “This is your first time here, I

Auri smiled slightly, cautiously. “Is it that


Kaseer smiled back, displaying fearsome teeth. “If

your admiration of our trees is any indication, yes.”

Auri flushed a little, wondering if he was being

mocked, though there was none of that in the other’s
tone. “They are incredible. Your world is very


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Kaseer nodded, pleased. “Thank you, Auri. We

are proud of it, and it is nice to hear that others
appreciate it also. We have not heard that from any
other who has come.”

Auri shrugged a little, embarrassed. “I spend a lot

of time in forested areas like this when I have relief of

duty. Perhaps I am just more aware of such things.”

Kaseer tilted his head. “Your mate goes with


Auri flushed a little more. “I am not mated yet.”
Kaseer grinned. “I am about to be mated for the

first time, within a week or so. I am the most
fortunate of Felin.”

Auri swallowed hard. “Your mate is Felin?”
“Oh, no, human. He is wonderful, and we love

each other very much. It has been a long wait for us

Auri sorted through his thoughts, hoping to

prevent saying something that could cause offense.
“Is he why you speak my language so very well?”

Kaseer shook his head. “No my tasmer—my

father second—was human.”

Auri could not believe his ears, and it took a

moment for him to respond appropriately. “But…you
look full Felinian.” He flinched then, wondering if the
statement was a major faux paus.

Kaseer didn’t seem to think so. He just smiled. “I

think you misunderstand, Lieutenant. I was born of a
Felin female, but I count all my father’s mates as my

parents. The mates are known as tasmer, meaning
mate father.”

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“Your tasmer was a captive?” Auri could not help

the question, even if it were insulting.

Kasmeer looked at him strangely. “No, he was

part of one of the original groups of colonists.” His
tone plainly said he could not understand the

Auri was as confused as he was. “Colonists?”
The Felin looked at though he thought Auri was

not quite right in the head. “The human colonists who
come as mates.”

Auri blinked.
Kaseer frowned. “This was part of the agreement

with the Empire upon cessation of hostilities. How do
you not know this as officer?”

Auri fought to understand. “There have been

groups of humans coming to your world as mates for
that long? Willingly?”

“Of course. They know they will be well taken

care of, and there are those whose lives were not so
good before they came to us. They are grateful for the
opportunity for a new start. Why do you not know of

“That’s a damn good question,” Auri muttered.

No one he knew had ever mentioned this, and it was
too good a story to be hidden for so long. He looked
up at the Felin. “Is that part of the talks now? More

Kaseer nodded. “There are never enough, and it

is sad so many cannot mate. I am very, very fortunate

as I said.”

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His keen glance returned to Auri. “It is

concerning you have no mate. You have one in

Auri shook his head. “I have my job; that is more

important. I want no mate.” He frowned at the look of
near pity upon the Felin’s face, wondering why he

almost felt like he had to defend himself.

He sighed with relief when his captain stood to

leave and he could mirror the action. “It was good to
speak with you, Kaseer. Thank you for sharing a bit of
your life with me. I hope for your happiness in the
future with your mate.”

“That is kind, Auri. I will speak to you soon.”
Auri shook his head. “We leave tomorrow,

Kaseer. I am sorry.”

The Felin smiled faintly and did not answer.
Auri followed Janred with great relief. He was so

ready to leave this place. The familiarity of the ship

was like an embrace. Here he was safe.

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Chapter Two

Auri woke the next day with a raging headache

and a feeling he would be far better off if he just
stayed in bed. Somehow he did not think the captain
would agree with him, so he dragged himself up and
took painkillers, hoping the day would at least be
quiet if nothing else.

He ate sparingly and went to ensure the

preparations for departure were going smoothly.
Astlani looked up distractedly at his entrance.

“The captain is looking for you. Seems you made

an impression last night and now have to pay for it.”

Auri frowned at him questioningly.
“The diplomatic party has chosen you to go with

them for the final signing instead of the captain.”

Auri rolled his eyes in exasperation. “I don’t have

time for that nonsense…”

Astlani grinned. “Tell that to the captain.”
Grumbling, Auri went in search of Janred.

Finding him standing just outside the hatch, talking
with several of the security team, he went to his side
and stood silently, waiting.

The captain jumped as he turned. “Gods,

Lieutenant, you are going to shorten my lifespan with

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your stealth.” He caught the scowl. “I gather Astlani
told you of the honor you have been accorded?”

Auri fought to keep his expression neutral. “With

all due respect, Captain, why me? I hear it is in some
sacred place nearby and few are allowed. This is your
honor not mine.”

The captain shook his head. “Apparently your

behavior has convinced the Felinians you are
trustworthy enough to be allowed access to their site.
Do not underestimate this, Lieutenant. It is something
few are granted. Even the diplomatic team can only
have two go.”

“Then there will only be three of us?” Auri felt a

stirring of unease.

“Five actually. Two of the security staff also.”
Auri wished that made him feel better. He could

not understand his own worry. He had never felt this
in situations far worse. Why now?

He sighed at his own fancies. “Am I to

understand then, Captain, that you wish me to go?”

Janred smiled. “If it makes you feel better, it is an

order. We have to be careful not to offend these
people and for one of us to turn down an honoring…”

Auri nodded, resigned. “Yes, sir. I will do this.

We are ready for departure. I have checked.”

Janred chuckled. “This is part of your duties also,

Lieutenant. I hardly think you are slacking. We will
leave on schedule upon the return of your party.”

Auri sighed and straightened his uniform. “Yes,

sir.” He saluted and strode across the clearing to
where the diplomatic team stood conversing. The talk

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ceased when he arrived and they looked at him for a
moment, then away in a manner that raised his
hackles. What the hell was wrong with them?

The two who had been chosen gestured to him to

follow and he did so in silence, jaw clenched with
annoyance he would not display. Stupid asses, he

muttered under his breath. They walked before him
and the security duo came behind, eyes watchful.

The forest closed around them and then he saw

Kaseer standing waiting for them, a grin on his face as
he met Auri’s eyes. He had known last night, been
correct in his assumption they would speak again.

He nodded to the Felin, hoping his annoyance

was hidden well enough, but the glint of mischief in
Kaseer’s eyes before he turned made him think he
had not achieved his aim well at all.

He sighed again and determinedly watched the

trees, his only remaining chance to admire them

unless he should remain with the diplomatic crew
and come back in the future.

The smells and sounds were intriguing and he

tried to let them soothe his nerves, for the closer they
got to their destination the more he tensed, every
sense on alert.

It was a good half hour before they reached the

site, and Auri stared at the great standing stones that
ringed the clearing, feeling a great reluctance to pass
into them. He chastised his own superstitions, his

The same three Felin were in attendance, nodding

to Kaseer as he approached and joined them. Auri

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was careful to avoid the gaze of the tall one. Having
experienced the power of those eyes once already, he
was not eager for a repeat performance.

The two diplomats held forth papers and the tall

one took them, reading through them slowly,
carefully. To Auri’s amazement, he spoke in Auri’s


“You agree then to our terms? The last

impediment has been dealt with?”

One of the diplomats nodded. “We have agreed.

It shall be as you wish.”

The tall one eyed them, then passed the papers to

one of his comrades and stepped around the
diplomats, coming to stand in front of Auri, far too
close for comfort. The lieutenant had to fight himself
to keep from backing up. He stared up coolly at the
Felin, determined not to be intimidated.

“My name is Kanar, Lieutenant Auri.” The voice

was deep and well modulated.

Auri cleared his throat, trying to remain calm

despite his confusion. “I am pleased to meet you,
Kanar.” He nodded, impressed with his own formal,
cool tone.

“You know why you are here?”
Auri blinked. “I have been chosen to be one of

those to witness the signing of the trade papers.”

Kanar smiled then and his teeth gleamed.
“I see they did not tell you. I wondered if they

would.” His amusement was palatable.

Auri felt his temper rising and fought it down

with difficulty. “Tell me what, Kanar?”

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“That you were the last obstacle to the papers

being signed.”

Auri’s mind went blank. “Obstacle? How so?” he

asked slowly, a confused frown gaining form. Had he
somehow insulted them?

“You are to be part of the trade agreement. You

will be my mate.”

Auri stared at him, the words floating around his

consciousness and making no sense whatsoever.
When at last they settled in his mind, his response
was immediate if not polite.

“No bloody way.”
Kanar tilted his head, his golden eyes intent, ears

flicking. “What do you mean?” The faint smile that
curved his lips made Auri want to smack it from his

“I mean no. What part of no do you not

understand? I think there is a mistake here. I have

never indicated in any way that I would be willing to
do such a thing.” His tone rivaled ice itself.

Kanar folded his arms across his broad chest, still

with that faint smile that showed his teeth in detail.
“Your people have assured me you will be more than
pleased to submit yourself to me for whatever I

Auri felt rage pool within him and he turned to

the diplomats with fists clenched. “What bullshit have
you been telling him? I have never—”

The one man, head of the team, looked at him

coolly. “You are a warrior, Lieutenant Auri. You are

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sworn to do whatever the Empire might require of
you to protect it and see to its best interests.”

Auri’s jaw sagged. “You expect me to take my

oath to this extreme? I don’t think so, buddy. I signed
on to fight, not to offer my body to some freak who
thinks he can order us around because he sits on a

pile of illanium…”

“That is enough, Lieutenant. You are ordered to


“Fuck you!” Auri seethed now, hardly able to

believe the words he was hearing. These people were
utterly insane. “I don’t know where you got the idea
you can order free people around like slaves, but I
have had enough of this crap.” He turned to leave
and before he could even blink, the two security
people had his arms pinned and had removed his gun
from its holster. Their faces were grim and tight and
they would not meet his eyes, but their grips never


“What the hell is this?” His teeth gritted so hard

he thought they would crack.

The head diplomat looked impatient, as though at

a child misbehaving. “I do not think you understand,
young man. Kanar is the leader of the Felin. Do you
understand that much? The leader. King if you will,
though that is not their word for it. He has chosen
you to be his mate, one of his harem, and you should
be thankful, not displaying such disrespect. This is an
incredible honor bestowed upon you.”

Auri struggled against the hands that held him,

becoming increasingly sure these fanatics meant it.

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“Then you let him fuck you if it is such a damn great
idea! Leave me out of it!”

The diplomat sighed. “He is young, Kanar.

Forgive him. He will settle in time.”

“You are all crazy!” Auri yelled. “This is enough.

Let me go back—”

“There is no ‘back,’ young man.” The diplomat’s

voice was without compromise. “From this moment
forth you are dead to the Empire, and should you try
to return, you will be disciplined and sent back. All
those who knew you will be informed you have died.
There is no one to go back to. Remember that. It will
help you accept your new life.”

Auri stared at him, trying to understand, trying to

take in these words that left him cold and numb with

He watched with horror as Kanar approached

him again, staring up at the powerful Felinian as he

grasped Auri’s arm and pulled him up against him as
the security people let go.

He tried to pull away, but it was like trying to

fight stone. He twisted his head to watch in stunned
disbelief as the two diplomats took the now signed
papers and turned, the security people close behind,
and walked away.

Just walked away. As though he were nothing. Of

no importance beyond his worth to Kanar. He drew
breath to scream at them, and Kanar pulled him back
so his body was pressed against his.

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“They will not change their minds, Auri. To

attempt it is to make yourself look foolish,” he

Auri exploded. He did not try to get away as

perhaps Kanar expected. He whirled within the hard
grasp, had the great knife out from its sheath on the

Felin’s thigh and stabbed swift as thought. When the
grip fell away, accompanied by a pained grunt, he
bolted straight into the forest.

There was no one he could trust now, only


* * *

He fled, heart pounding, sure he would be caught

within the first few moments, for he could not equal
the speed and grace of a cat, but luck was with him. It
seemed the gods had mercy. He heard the sound of

rushing water and cast a desperate look over his
shoulder, seeing at least ten Felin in pursuit. He had
been right in assuming there were many more in the
vicinity, but he could take no comfort in that fact at
the moment.

He could only pray Felin were as cat-like as they

seemed, that they could not abide water or at least
had little contact with it, little enough to not know
how to swim.

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He reached the bank of the river, half stumbling

in his panic, and stood for the slightest of moments,
looking at the swirling angry waters with fear that
swiftly turned to resignation. There was no choice

He heard a shout behind him and jumped.

The air might be warm, but the waters must be

mountain fed, clear and deathly cold. He gasped,
body shocked into motion as he struggled to the
surface, gasping as he fought to make limbs move.
The flow was swift and obviously flood driven, for he
felt debris brush past him, leaving scratches and
bruises in their wake. He did not fight the current;
indeed he swam with it, wanting to get as much
distance as he could between himself and the Felin
before he was forced from the waters by the threat of

Time passed, and he did not know how long he

floated, but he felt his strength going and knew he
had to make it out soon. He began to edge toward the
shore, then stared in horror as he realized he was
heading for a large logjam. Desperately, he swam
with all his might, hoping to slip past it, but it was not
to be. His luck ran out. He scrabbled for a moment at
a log, then held his breath as he was sucked under.
Rolling, rolling, stabbed with branches, slammed
against the river bottom, then back up, he let himself
go limp, conserving energy and air, then suddenly he
was jerked to a stop and the water battered him as it

swept past.

His uniform jacket had snagged.

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He twisted, fighting the water pressure,

struggling to undo the zipper and then to free his
arms from the wet material. Just as he thought he
might black out, weakening, something gave way and
he was swept out, his head breaking into sweet air,
gasping for it. Feebly, he made for the shore in the

gentle backwater to one side of the logjam. He
crawled through the soft mud, then collapsed.

For a time, he drifted in consciousness, then a

sound made him flinch, open his eyes. Across the
river he saw the shapes of six great cats, mighty
beasts of various colors, panther-like in their build,
their stares fixed upon him.

His eyes widened and he fought to his feet,

stumbling and falling in the mud, until he could reach
the more solid bank and fight his way up the steep
side. He looked back only once, when a yowl of
frustration came from one of the creatures, then he

plunged into the forest depths once more.

* * *

When night fell, it found him exhausted and

utterly lost. It was hard to tell direction when he often
could not see the sky for the great trees that blocked
all above him. Cold in the dampness of the night,
hungrier then he could ever remember being, he
finally stopped, shivering with nothing to cover his

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torso, his shirt having ripped off when his jacket had.
Cuts stung and throbbed, and his feet felt swollen and
tender in his wet boots.

He found a tree that was slightly smaller than the

others, with more branches closer to the ground, and
he managed to climb it, shaking with all his body had

endured. When at last he encountered two branches
close together that he could safely sleep on, he
collapsed utterly. He slept, or was unconscious at
least, for some time, then he woke, managing to pull
his boots off one by one so his feet might dry. Blisters
covered them from the trek, wet skin unable to
endure the rubbing, and he flinched at the air on
them, then simply lay back, drifting back into a space
where he did not need to think, only endure.

* * *

He started awake several times from strange

animal calls that made him tense, nervously aware he
had no weapon and that in his current helpless state,
he would certainly be prey for any number of
creatures aside from the Felin themselves.

He refused to think of what had happened earlier,

refused to consider his fate or what had been done to
him. For now, he must merely focus on the moment,
how to survive, how to continue his flight. He knew
there was a trading center perhaps five days away to

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the west where ships from many different places
brought goods. If he could make it there and
somehow trade his skills for a place on one of them,
he might escape before the Empire could track him, if
they were even aware he had broken free from the

This was his only chance, and he would damn

well fight for it.

When the morning sun warmed the land and the

night animals slept, he came down from his tree. The
first order of business was to wrap his feet carefully
with soft moss packed into his half dry boots. Second
was to search for food, anything at all that looks
edible. From previous experiences on other worlds,
he knew how to test for dangerous plants, how to let
a touch on his tongue tell him many things. He found
a few leaves that seemed palatable enough, and he
gathered handfuls of them as he walked, for he had to

make good time and keep ahead of those who hunted
him, whether Empire or Felin.

His sore muscles gradually warmed and his pace

increased, his determination driving him on. He knew
the leaves would not keep him going for too long, but
if he could just survive the five days…

Encountering several streams aided him, for he

did not have to search for fresh water. On the banks
of one of the steams he found a sturdy branch and he
used it as a walking stick, feeling somewhat better in
that it could also be used as a primitive weapon. Even

the illusion of such a thing gave him more confidence.

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Even so, by late afternoon he began to increase his

pace. Something, some sense, told him they were

He tried to control his panic, but soon he was

jogging, casting the occasional look back over his
shoulder. The sense of being hunted, of being prey,

made his heart hammer, and each noise made his
body flinch with reaction.

He topped a hill, panting, then rested for a

moment, hands on knees. He could see for miles
around, over the tops of trees and the vastness of it all
left him despairing. He stared to the west and thought
he could see the sun glint off metal, perhaps the
trading station. He turned in that direction, then
froze, breath held.

Before him, to the left, a great cat stalked from the

trees, head low, intent on him. Every primal instinct
in him screamed to run, and he stumbled backwards,

eyes wide, then turned and ran for the nearest tree,
some vague idea of height advantage in his mind.

A massive weight struck him from behind and he

rolled in the grass, crying out in terror as he smelled
the beast, felt its fur on his skin, heard its snarl in his

Stick lost in the attack, he had only his hands to

defend himself, and they beat against the animal
ineffectually as it batted him over to his back with one
giant paw, claws raking his arm.

Great jaws slavered open, and he screamed as

they descended over his throat, closing until it was
hard to breathe. He sobbed in terror, trying to claw at

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the beast’s eyes, but its snarl froze him in place as it
held him, stopping its attack, not moving but to hold
him in place.

All he could hear then were his sobbing breaths

and the pants of the animal as it crouched over him,
twice his size. He could feel the press of the great

canines on the tender skin of his throat and knew
with horrible certainty it would take very little to
pierce his life’s blood. He had seen large cats kill,
their method suffocation as they held the throat,
denying air.

He closed his eyes, unable to bear looking his

death in the eye, and made his body go limp. Lack of
resistance made the grip loosen ever so slightly, and
the cat moved over him.

A growl of impatience split the air and claws

unsheathed, ripping down through the fabric of his
pants, baring him utterly, scoring his thigh. He cried

out, arching against the pain, struggling anew as this
last barrier was destroyed. The feel of air on his skin
made him frantic, and he thrashed against his captor,
ignoring the blood that ran down his throat.

Then the teeth were gone but before he could

draw a full breath, he was flipped over forcefully to
his belly.

“Stop, gods, stop!”
The teeth returned, but to the back of his neck this

time and pulled him to his knees despite all he could
do to prevent it, then he felt the cat over him, fur

against his skin, teeth grabbing his nape and holding
him firmly.

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He thought he heard voices close by, then the

huge body over him stopped moving. He could only
hear his own harsh breathing, then Kaseer’s low,
gentle voice.

His eyes rolled to the side and he could vaguely

see the Felin, in humanoid shape, some distance


“Auri, I need you to listen to me.” The Felin’s

voice was calm, but his eyes showed a deep worry
and fear.

Auri blinked in response but was too terrified to


“Kanar is in rut. There is no thought but that

primal need in his mind. He cannot change back to
his normal form while he is in this state. You need to
act in certain ways, or he is going to badly hurt you.
He is not aware of his actions, Auri. He is bestial right
now. He only knows you are his mate and he has to

claim you.”

Auri’s fingers curled into fists and he tried

desperately to calm the instinct to fight.

“We cannot stop him, Auri. He would kill us,

thinking we mean to take his mate, harm you.” He
paused then, taking a deep breath. “You need to let
him know you are his mate, that you will not try to
escape again.”

Auri’s own breath stopped for a long moment,

then he gasped in air, shooting a look of disbelief in
Kaseer’s direction.

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“If you submit, he will be gentle, if you fight…

Please, Auri. Know only that he would not do this in
his normal state. None of this is normal.”

Auri knelt there, thoughts running through his

head, in total shock he could find himself in such a
situation. Desperately he tried to come up with

alternatives but there was nothing.

His indrawn breath was shaky. He could do this,

and afterwards…afterwards he could escape. If he
just got through this…

A growl vibrated against his neck as he shifted

slightly and he flinched.

“Purr to him, signal that you are his. He will be

himself in another three hours or so if you can calm
him down.” Kaseer’s voice held an undertone of

Auri wished he could hit someone, especially the

great cat hunched over him, but survival dictated

otherwise, and he seemed to have a very
overdeveloped wish for survival at this moment.
Enough to offer himself up, apparently.

Swallowing with difficulty, he tried to purr, and

it came out hoarse and quavering, surely not
convincing at all.

To his shock, immediately there came an

answering sound from Kanar, or the beast of Kanar,
and his nape was released. A rough tongue began to
bathe his neck and back.

“Good kitty,” Auri whispered desperately. “Nice


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The purr deepened and the tongue began to

thoroughly clean him, lovingly laving every inch,
invading some very private bits indeed. The abrasion
made Auri grit his teeth and some places made him
squirm, too close to ticklish for comfort’s sake. He
jumped as the tongue swirled over his cock,

obviously enjoying the taste.

He closed his eyes, a flush rising on his

cheekbones. Okay, it had been a long time since he
had had sex, but this was a cat, for gods’ sakes. He
should not feel…

Damn, that was rough! He flinched and the

licking paused, a growl rising in the massive throat.

Auri took a deep breath, then pulled one of his

arms free and raised his hand to tentatively stroke the
massive head, hoping to appease the beast, take its
mind from molesting him. The purr intensified to the
point where Auri’s whole body vibrated with the

force of it.

Great, now as long as he petted the thing, he was

safe from being taken.

It was going to be a long three hours.
He almost fell asleep at one point, soothed by the

purring, only to wake with a start as he was rolled to
his stomach. He tried to lunge away, cursing his
moment of inattention, but immediately teeth
fastened on his nape and held him still.

Great paws wrapped around his waist as he was

mounted properly and he closed his eyes, shivering,

seeing no way out of this but forward. It seemed the

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cat was done with petting and wanted to get to the
main event.

Something hot and wet probed at his entrance

and he arched away, disgusted by the strange feel.
Immediately the teeth returned to grip him and he
subsided reluctantly. The pointed tip opened him,

slid within, alien in its shape, probing into his depths.
Narrow to begin with, it soon flared into huge
proportions, and Auri whimpered as it plumbed his
depths further than any lover ever had.

His muscles shook with the need to protest, even

if the taking seemed remarkably gentle from an
animal. He only prayed it would continue that way,
that the great canines would not pierce the back of his

Finally he sagged in his captor’s grip, submissive

in defeat, and immediately the touch softened, the
grip on his neck lightened, a tongue coming out to

lick at the wounds, soothing. A small whimper
escaped his lips despite his best efforts to be strong,
and immediately the cat licked him, slow and with
such care in the touch.

The large beast slowly began to flex its hips, and

Auri could not prevent a gasp at the girth that rubbed
within him. Dear gods…

If he had had a lover like this in the past, he

certainly would never have let him go.

But this lover was not even human.
A tongue licked his ear and he flinched away,

then lunged forward again. Immediately the teeth
returned to his nape, the painful hold tightened.

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He went limp again and the punishing grip

ceased. His body rocked with the force of the thrusts,
then Kanar shifted slightly, changed his angle, and
Auri’s eyes flew open in shock as his body jerked
with sensation.

His own body worked against him, his shaft

hardening, leaping as Kanar’s shaft rubbed over some
point within him, tormenting, not enough to give
relief to the ache.

He found himself leaning backward into the

thrusts, moaning. It felt like sparks within his very
being, like he was flying. He arched into the
sensations, screaming hoarsely as he came, hard.

He was weak and shaking by the time his

thoughts came back. His faint hope that Kanar would
have come also was soon dispelled as the thrusts
continued, steady and deep, purrs of pleasure
sounding beside his ear.

Twice more Kanar made him come as time passed

slowly, and his body weakened.

“Call him mate, Auri. Bring this to an end.

Submit.” The voice of Kaseer floated to him and his
will faltered.

Lie! his inner voice screamed at him. A pledge

under these circumstances means nothing. Let him
believe you have given in to him and then when the
time is right, escape.

He sagged utterly.
He swallowed hard. “I submit to you, Kanar, my


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Kanar released his nape and plunged into the

depths three times, then stiffened, a roar of triumph
vibrating the very air, and Auri could feel hot seed
pulsing into his body, claiming him, forever marking
him. A surge of energy seemed to encircle them both,
bonding, forging a link of some sort.

As the hold left him, he collapsed to the ground,

moaning as he felt Kanar pull out painfully. He lay
there, curled into a ball, stunned. That had been some
mind-blowing sex. Too bad he was going to have to
leave this all behind.

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Chapter Three

He woke to darkness and for long moments

thought perhaps his wish had been granted and it
had all been a wild dream.

The sound of low voices drew him back from that

fantasy and he cringed as he realized Kanar loomed
over him, food in his hand, back in his humanoid

Auri must have betrayed himself by that tiniest of

movements, for the large golden eyes looked down at
him, and Auri could not help his reaction. He shrank
back, trembling, and turned his face away, his posture

Kanar purred, stroking Auri’s face, and it took

everything in Auri not to jerk away.

A piece of cooked meat appeared before his eyes,

an offering, and after the smallest of hesitations, he
accepted it, his stomach clenching with hunger. He
rolled slightly, curled in on himself so he did not have

to face Kanar. It would do no good to starve; if he
wished to escape, he needed to have the physical
strength to do so, and already he was shaking with
the lack of food since his bid for freedom. He ate

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slowly and carefully, never looking up, his skin
twitching as Kanar stroked it possessively, purring.

Pieces of meat came regularly then, and each time

Auri accepted one, Kanar would practically vibrate
with satisfaction, his purr deepening, his touch
softening even more.

Once one of the others came too close and Kanar

crouched over Auri, snarling, claws extended. Auri
curled in more tightly, eyes clenched shut, heart
pounding, but after a few moments the incident
passed and Kanar’s possessiveness died down,
though a growl rumbled through his throat every
now and then.

Auri shook his head at more food and simply

closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Kanar stroked
his hair gently, then he lay down behind his new
mate as the darkness in the forest became complete
and the group settled for sleep.

Auri tensed, fingers curling into claws as he felt a

nudge at his opening, then Kanar slid into him, giving
a low moan of pleasure as he was fully sheathed.
Teeth gritted against the tenderness of his earlier
takings, Auri stared blindly ahead, his body spasming
as it tried to expel the intruder.

Kanar thrust lazily, slowly, into the young Auri’s

body. He took his time, angling his thrusts so he
brushed over the spot that made Auri cry out softly,
unable to control the tremors of pleasure that shook
him. Auri bit his lip until it bled, but despite all he

did, his shaft hardened at the stimulus, and Kanar
took it in hand. Alternating between gentleness and

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firmness, his grip learned the feel of Auri’s shaft,
explored the sensations that made him squirm and
moan and finally, when he thought he could take no
more, brought him to a shattering orgasm that left
him gasping and limp.

Beyond exhaustion, he fell asleep or passed out,

he knew not which, but Kanar did not stop, purring
in his throat as he held Auri close and continued his
gentle assault.

* * *

Auri opened his eyes blearily, mind sluggish and

dull, wishing he could pretend he was safe in his
cabin on the Hagan Fell, having just woken from a
crazy dream, but the pretense could not withstand the
reality of Kanar’s shaft still deep inside him.

His body throbbed, the worst being the results of

the wild ride down the river. His throat and neck
itched and burned where Kanar’s teeth had scored
him and bruises mottled the length of his arms, but he
dared not move in the slightest to see more, for any
movement might wake the Felin and start the mating

Thoughts of escape seemed very far at that

moment, and despair overwhelmed him so that weak
tears came to his eyes, though he dared not wipe
them away.

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The camp began to stir around him, and he closed

his eyes to block out the sight of the other Felin
beginning to rise from their sleep and prepare for the
day. He could not face their stares, their amusement
no doubt at his treatment and plight.

He tensed as a voice sounded near, calling

Kanar’s name gently, but he still did not open his
eyes, even as he felt his “mate” waken and heard him
respond with a voice still roughened by sleep.

Auri recognized the first voice as Kaseer and he

listened as they spoke, though he could not
understand. Kaseer seemed to be telling Kanar
something that displeased him, but the first Felin
seemed determined and finally Kanar gave a huff of
sound that seemed to indicate reluctant agreement.

Auri gritted his teeth and tensed with pain as

Kanar withdrew from his body, then his eyes flew
open as Kanar spoke in Auri’s language. “Come,

Auri. Kaseer the worried here says I must bathe you,
and he will tend your wounds.”

Auri looked up to see Kanar towering over him,

hand extended. With everything in him he wanted to
refuse that hand, but his ruse must hold. They must
think him beaten, submissive.

He reached for it and Kanar pulled him up,

wrapping powerful arms around him when he
grunted with pain and wavered where he stood.

A sound of concern came from the tall Felin, and

he swept Auri up into his arms. Auri stiffened in

shock and began to struggle, then subsided tensely.

“Sssh, little tiger. I will take care of you.”

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Auri wanted to scream at the possessive tone, but

only clenched his jaw on the words that wanted to
escape. He turned his face against Kanar’s shoulder to
hide from the other Felin, but it made Kanar chuckle
and kiss his hair.

“So shy. I was pleased with the submission of

your body, my little mate. It was a great gift.”

Auri bared his teeth silently.

* * *

Yet another misconception disproved, Auri

thought with tired resignation as Kanar waded into
the cool waters of the pool. Obviously the Felin were
not afraid of water, at least in their more human form.
He gasped at the cold as Kanar sank down into the
clear waters, positioning them both on a stone ledge
near where the water cascaded down from above,

cutting into the rock as it went.

Auri tried to sit up, but Kanar held him down,

arms wrapped easily around his much smaller form.
Rather than struggle when it was patently useless,
Auri subsided reluctantly, a flush on his cheeks as he
stared into the distance, anywhere but at the one who
held him.

There was only the sound of water around them,

and Kanar relaxed back against the rock face, a small

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sound of pleasure coming from his lips as the cool
waters ebbed and flowed around them.

When Auri saw his tormenter had his eyes closed,

he finally snuck a look at him. His impressions of
Kanar up to this point in time had been vague, but
having spent all his time trying to avoid looking at

him, now Auri was morbidly fascinated by the Felin.

His fur was almost golden, unlike any other Felin

Auri had seen so far, and black stripes were
interspersed in a pattern over the whole of him except
for his face, where two thinner stripes ran, one on
either side, from nose to ear, through and around his
eyes. Even at rest, the tips of his huge canines glinted
menacingly just past his lips, and Auri swallowed
hard. His eyes slowly traced down the heavily
muscled chest. There were no nipples as on a human
male, only sleek fur. His stomach was all sculpted
muscle, and Auri could see the edge of the bandage

where he had stabbed the Felin. Viciously, he wished
the wound had been mortal. Maybe then they would
not have come after him.

From the initial impression back at the ship, Auri

knew the Felin’s shaft was not visible, tucked up into
the body, so different again from a human. The legs
he rested on were pure power, hard even at rest. The
hands holding him were long fingered, the claws now
retracted, resting gently on him as long as he did not

His lips twisted.

“I would wash myself…please.” The last word

came hard.

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Kanar opened his eyes lazily, then traced a finger

down Auri’s cheek, smiling. “As you wish, my mate.”
His eyes searched Auri’s for a moment. “Kaseer has
told me what happened. I would that our mating had
been more gentle, little tiger. I would have wooed you
until you wanted me as much as I wanted you.” He

traced a clawed finger close to one of the scratches,
his expression repentant. “I would never hurt you in
such a fashion, little one, when I am in my right mind.
Please believe that.” He laid a gentle kiss on Auri’s
lips, then seemed to wait for an answer.

Auri could not meet his eyes; he only nodded in

response, hoping that was sufficient.

Kanar sighed, kissed his forehead, and then

released his hold. Auri sat up and slid into the water,
having to half swim being so much shorter than the
Felin. He found a shelf more to his own height
preference and there he washed vigorously,

scrubbing at himself again and again, wishing he
could remove every trace of Kanar’s touch from his
smarting skin. He tried to remain low in the water,
feeling the Felin’s interested gaze.

He bent into the water, scrubbing his hair, then

straightened with a yelp as he felt Kanar behind him.
The Felin pushed him up to the shelf, lifting him to sit
at the water line, holding him with one hand on his
neck. Auri tried to squirm away, unable to stand the
thought of yet more pain.

“Please Kanar…mate…don’t hurt me more.”

His mate froze for a long moment, then gently

caressed his cheek, eyes holding a certain sadness. “I

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have no intention of hurting you, my mate. I only
wish to give you pleasure.”

Auri thought he would be sick, and he shot a look

up at the stern face above him, hands braced on
Kanar’s thighs, ready to resist.

Before he could protest further, the Felin

suddenly knelt in the shallows, Auri’s shaft pushing
against his lips. Auri shuddered with shock, watching
as Kanar slowly opened his mouth before lovingly
swallowing Auri’s shaft. Hot, wet heat and a
amazingly long, slightly rough tongue wrapped
around his girth, bathed his length. He cried out in
helpless pleasure, the very strangeness of it giving an
illicit thrill. He arched backward, eyes rolling,
whimpers of pleasure escaping his lips despite every
attempt otherwise. The pleasure was almost too
much, and when Kanar’s mouth opened wider,
suckling Auri’s balls at the same time…

He found his hands on Kanar’s shoulders pulling

him closer, writhing at the incredible sensations.

“You are so beautiful in your submission.” The

voice was husky with desire. “My beautiful
mate…my Auri…”

He tried to jerk back then, defiant, but then Kanar

began bobbing his head up and down, providing
incredible friction, and Auri had no time to do
anything but try to breathe.

Auri whimpered as his shaft slid farther and

farther down Kanar’s throat. He thought he could

quite happily die of the intense pleasure. He could no
longer think, only weakly flex his hips, trying to go

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even deeper. Then the great head lifted back up and
the slightly pointed tongue dipped into the head of
his shaft…and he exploded with such force his senses
left him for long moments, only dimly aware of Kanar
eagerly drinking down his essence and lovingly
licking him clean. He was not able to resist when

Kanar drew him up against him and kissed him
deeply, tongue sliding over his, Auri tasting his own

Auri sagged into Kanar’s arms, barely realizing

when the kiss ended and he could breathe freely
again. He did not respond when the Felin swung him
up into strong arms and, purring, began to wade
through the waters, taking him back to the camp.

* * *

Upon arrival at the camp, Kanar set Auri down

gently on the bedroll, then stood up to speak to
Kaseer. Auri simply lay there, numb, not trying to
understand what they spoke of.

When he came back to reality, only Kaseer

remained and Auri cast a relieved glance around,
realizing that by some miracle, Kanar had finally left
him alone.

He sagged back to the softness, closing his eyes so

he need not meet Kaseer’s gaze as the other Felin
began to gently smooth some sort of ointment over

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the various cuts and scratches. Whatever it was, it
soothed them almost immediately, and Auri felt
himself relax a tiny amount in response. He tried
desperately not to think of what had just happened,
tried to ignore the fact his body actually tried to
harden again, just from the images alone.

The gentleness of the one who called him mate

was like an aphrodisiac to Auri, who had known so
little care in his life. The slight softening in his
thoughts terrified him more than anything else.

He could not give in, he could not. He was not

some plaything to live in caged comfort.

What if the beast inside Kanar returned?
Kaseer bid him roll over and he did so, cradling

his head on his arms. Gentle fingers smoothed
ointment over the back of his ravaged neck while
Auri contemplated a future of imprisonment.

Escape. He had to escape.

* * *

As the midday sun beat upon them, they left

camp and began walking. Wearing garb far too big
for him, Auri was kept in the middle of them, as
though he were incapable of protecting himself,
which in this world perhaps he was. Still it wore at
him, this treatment, this refusal to see his own
abilities. It was like they were trying to make him into

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what they wanted, not what he was. They had asked
nothing of his life, as though it had not existed until
he met them. Was this how they made humans accept
life here? By eliminating all memory? Pretending the
past did not exist?

He tried to keep up to their pace, but his body

hurt so much he found himself lagging, and it
mortified him that they had to modify their steps to
his slower ones. He was fit and healthy, used to being
able to outpace most of his fellow shipmates. This was
a new and unwelcome surprise to be the weak one,
the one others had to accommodate for. To feel tiny,
vulnerable compared to the sheer size of the others
was a frightening revelation.

He trudged along in Kanar’s wake, head down,

mulling over this ability of the Felin to make him feel
helpless. He was not helpless, damn it! He was as
much a warrior as they were, and he was not stupid.

His jaw firmed and his head came up, a surge of
determination in his heart He would find a way to
leave this damned place, he would.

Strength of will. That was what would prevail…
The shade of the trees enabled them to continue

on in the heat of the day, though Auri found the
humidity hard to cope with. His breath came hard
and he knew the stops they made, though
ostentatiously for meals, were really to pander to him
and he made sure he took little time and indicated his
readiness to continue immediately.

Kanar seemed proud of that and would put a

hand on his shoulder and then seek a long kiss. No

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doubt he thought this praise for Auri’s determination,
and Auri made no protest, remained pliant and

By the time the sun began to set, they reached a

village of some sort and were greeted exuberantly by
the residents. Several of those there were human,

their interest in the newcomer evident. The young
man’s discomfort and shame were only heightened
by their presence, and he stood with eyes lowered,
hoping against hope he would be left alone. Kanar
took his arm as people crowded closer and held him
in the circle of his arms, making it very clear he had
been claimed and was not available to the eager males
of the village.

Auri tried to ignore the ruckus around him, but a

glint of metal caught his eye and he looked up, his
breath catching as he saw the corner of a hoverbike
half hidden by the corner of a dwelling.


* * *

A feast was held that night in their honor, the

villagers exuberant at the presence of Kanar and his
warriors and the news their leader had taken another
mate. Auri could not understand most of the
comments, but one of the Felin held his human mate,
two more cuddling close, another bringing food. Auri

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stared at the humans in horror, realizing it was true—
the males all belonged to one Felin.

The humans looked anything but distressed with

their situation. Their expressions were calm and
peaceful, even toward each other, and their eyes were
full of love when they looked upon their lord. For the

Felinian’s part, his face was soft with affection and
caring, one hand rubbing softly, lovingly over each
mate in turn.

Auri swallowed hard, paling with comprehension

as he shot a glance at Kanar. Dear gods…

Auri jumped and turned in Kanar’s embrace to

face the newcomer. Kanar growled a little, but after
seeing who it was, he merely chuckled and turned
back to his conversation.

The human man held out his hand in greeting

and, after a moment’s hesitation, Auri accepted the

handshake, his look wary and closed.

The man was about Auri’s height, slim and with

long blond hair held back with ornate bindings, his
brown eyes clear and friendly. He seemed perhaps
thirty or so, but then Auri was not good at ages.

“I am happy to meet you Auri-dei.”
He smiled at the perplexed look that greeted the

name. “The ‘dei’ is an honorific to denote your
position as officially mated.”

Auri’s lips thinned, but he made no comment.
The older man tilted his head slightly, perhaps

seeing something in Auri’s eyes that told him all was
not well with the new “dei.”

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“I am Talan, first mate of Mesai, guardian of this


Auri decided “guardian” must be equivalent to

mayor or village elder. He nodded but made no

Talan sat beside him and smiled. “You are a quiet

one. What group did you come with?”

Auri stared at him in confusion, trying to

understand the question. “I came with no group.
Unless you mean the crew of the Hagan Fell, my ship.”

Talan frowned. “But…there were no colonists

with you?”

Things clicked for Auri then. Kaseer had said

groups came to be mates, and this must be what
Talan assumed.

“No, I did not come to stay here.” He glanced at

Kanar, then lowered his voice, bitterness evident. “I
was forced to stay.”

Talan’s brows rose into his hairline. “Forced? But

that cannot be.”

“I assure you, it can.” Auri met the puzzled eyes

with coldness. “They may be your people now, but I
have had no choice from them.” His expression
changed and after assuring himself Kanar was deep
in conversation, he leaned forward and whispered,
“Help me. You are human. Help me escape.”

Talan looked horrified and leaned back. “No. You

are mistaken. Things are just strange, that is all. You
will adjust.”

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Auri stared at him in disappointed anger. “Adjust

to sexual slavery? I don’t think so.” He turned away
then, dismissing the other man as useless to his cause.

He felt Talan leave shortly after and kept his head

down, not meeting anyone else’s eyes. He did not
want any more discussions on how lucky he was,

how he would “adjust” to his new circumstances.
Blind fools if they thought their “king” so good, so
unable to commit a crime as to kidnap a man from his
people. Even if it was the people who had so eagerly
given him up.

He felt a headache forming and rubbed his

forehead wearily. The night wore on endlessly and he
began to droop against Kanar, unable to hold himself
upright anymore.

The Felin looked down at him and frowned in

concern at his dull eyes. “Your head hurts, my mate?”

Auri was not sure how the Felin knew this, but he

only nodded.

“I will be ready for bed soon. Go with Kaseer to

the washrooms to refresh yourself, and when you
return I will have a healer give you something.”

Auri nodded, rising with leaden limbs to follow

Kaseer from the room. He was guided along
hallways, and then the Felin gestured to a door. “I
will wait here, Auri-dei.” His look was concerned.
“Your headache will be cured by the healer shortly.”

Auri wondered how the hell they knew his pain,

but thinking was too hurtful by far, and he simply

nodded with as little movement as possible and went
into the room, the door shutting gently behind him.

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He washed his face and hands with cold water,

finding a cloth to hold against his brow, sighing with
what small relief it granted him. His eyes opened
warily against the painful light, his thoughts vague
and dim, then suddenly his attention sharpened at
something in the mirror.

He turned his head with difficulty and looked up.

A grate.

He looked toward the door, then carefully turned

on the tap so water was running gently, loud enough
to hear beyond the door.

Gaining purchase on the side of the privacy

enclosure for the toilet, he climbed up slowly, trying
to make no noise to alert his guard. The grate moved
easily enough, and he swung up into the space,
carefully replacing the grate and tightening the loose
screws so no one could follow. Crawling along the
simple vent, he reasoned it had to go directly outside.

Sure enough, it led to the edge of the building

and, peering out, he could see no one close by, though
it was dark. He took the chance, knowing he had little
time before Kaseer would become suspicious at the
long-running water.

The grate came off with only a small noise and he

slid down the side of the building, grimacing as his
skin scraped on the wood. He crouched in the lee of
the wall, listening and watching, heart pounding.

Nothing. He crept forward, blessing his skills as a

warrior, and began to angle toward where he thought

he had seen the hoverbike, stopping only briefly
when he spied laundry hanging on a line.

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He found a shirt and pants near to his size and

donned them, hiding the Felin clothing he had been
wearing under a nearby bush. Faster then, he
rounded a corner, his eyes shining as he spied the
hoverbike gleaming in the moonlight.

He approached cautiously but there did not seem

to be anyone nearby, and at last he laid hands on his

There was no key, but that was no barrier to him.

His misspent youth as a street kid came in as a
lifesaver now, and he rewired the bike in moments.
Straddling the machine, he looked around again then,
crossing his fingers and breathing a prayer, he
pressed the start button.

The sound was inordinately loud in the peace of

the night, and his heart stopped as the engine
hesitated, but then it roared into life and he did not
pause, but kicked it into gear and gunned it, grinning

as it leapt forward, showing a goodly amount of
power. He did not glance back, hoping there were no
other vehicles immediately available. His eyes instead
stayed glued on the compass built into the

The west…and freedom.

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Chapter Four

“Hey Auri!”
Auri turned with a grin, watching his friend Jesan

approach with the ever-present shadow of the shy
Neel close behind.

“We’re going to the bar. Coming?”
Auri stretched tired muscles, considering. “You


“Cheap bastard.” Jesan’s tone was full of fond

exasperation. “I suppose I can sub you this paycheck.
I think I owe you from the last one, so…” His sigh
was hard done by. “Come on, Auri. The engine can
wait until tomorrow. Stop being such a hard ass. The
captain is hardly going to complain, you being his
golden boy and all.” The gibe was accompanied by an
overdone wink that got an eye roll from Auri.

“Sure, tell him that next time he bypasses my

raise.” The tone was wry. “Fine, I’ll come, but stay out
of trouble. Last time I had to save your ass after you

started that fight, and if it had not been for Neel

Neel blushed profusely at mention of his valiant

attempt at fighting: breaking a bottle over the head of
the assailant who had threatened Auri.

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“The boy needed to learn technique and I

provided the opportunity. You can thank me later.”
Jesan put an arm around both their shoulders and
steered them through the double doors. “You know
things are never boring with me.”

“You’ve got that right,” Auri muttered with

feeling. “Sometimes I could use a little boredom, all
right? I am tired and cranky with the heat. Take it
easy tonight, OK?

Jesan waved a breezy hand in response. “No

problem, my friend. Easy it is.”

Auri wished he felt more confident in that answer

but could only roll his eyes at Neel who grinned
quietly, shaking his head.

The bar was busy already, even this early, and it

took all Jesan’s charm and skill to claim a booth and
to get the waitress’s attention. She brightened when
she saw them, bringing their usuals and putting out

vibes that distinctly spoke of her desire to serve them
much more than drinks and food. Jesan flirted right
back, but her eyes most often went longingly to the
quiet, dark-haired mechanic. Auri sat back once he
had chosen his food, and his gaze ran lazily over the
bar’s patrons as he listened with half an ear to Jesan’s
obvious come ons. He hoped when his friend finally
did manage to get time with the waitress he would
take Neel. The boy needed some guidance his first

He lifted his drink to his lips, then froze as he

caught sight of a certain uniform.


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He swallowed hard, then carefully turned in his

seat, casually ensuring his back was to the booth
where several Empire soldiers sat.

His heart pounded and sweat formed on his

palms while he chastised his fears. It had been two
years now. They would not even remember him,

much less be searching for him…surely.

Neel leaned over and touched his arm, concern in

his eyes.

“Are you OK, Auri? You just went very pale.”
Auri smiled with his lips and shook his head

faintly, one hand shielding his eyes from scrutiny.
“I’m fine, kid. Just overly tired, I guess. Need some
food. Didn’t eat today.”

Neel nodded uncertainly, but his worried eyes

stayed on Auri, probing the other man’s sudden
change of manner.

Auri took another swallow of his drink, stiffening

as he saw one of the Empire soldiers pass by them on
his way to the toilets at the back of the room. The
man’s eyes passed casually over them and he
continued on while Auri fought a sudden desire to
flee the place, to get out.

“Do you know him?” Neel’s voice broke into his

inner conflict, making him start.

He met the younger man’s eyes, trying to control

his own emotions enough to answer convincingly.
“No, just don’t like Empire toadies much.”

Neel’s eyes narrowed, but he did not pursue the

matter, though Auri knew the younger man did not
completely believe him. The food arrived and gave

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him an excuse to lower his eyes and concentrate on
the table without being suspicious about it. He was
well aware when the soldier returned, but he went by
with no perceivable pause, so Auri breathed a sigh of
relief, assured his own paranoia was at work. There
was no reason to assume these men were anything

but what they seemed—a group of off-duty soldiers
out to have some fun at the local bar.

Even if it was strange that the Empire would be

present here at all…

Not one of their usual stops or haunts. He licked

his lips and tried to calm his racing heart.

Just chance.
Nothing else.

* * *

Neel and Auri supported Jesan between them on

the way back to their apartment, shaking their heads

As usual, their friend had drunk too much, even

if his two friends had managed to keep him from
fighting. Auri had cursed him under his breath the
whole time, praying the Empire soldiers had not paid
more than undue attention to the slight altercation.
He had tried to keep his back to them the whole time,
no matter what, but their presence made him tense
with a fear he thought he had finally left behind.

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They entered the run-down building and made it

to the top floor, four flights up, with difficulty. They
could not remember the last time the elevator actually
worked. They undressed Jesan and let him fall into
bed, not bothering to cover him up, for it was so
bloody hot in the room they were already sweating


Auri collapsed on the ratty couch, head resting on

the back, breathing a sigh of relief. Back home, safe
for the moment.

“Auri, what was going on tonight?” Neel’s voice

intruded on his peace and he grunted, but the
younger man was not put off.

“Don’t try to tell me it is nothing. You have been

strung tight as a wire ever since. What is going on?”

Auri debated lying, but he was greatly fond of

Neel; the kid was a good friend, always looking out
for Jesan and Auri even though they were older than

him. He cooked for them when they would have
starved otherwise, and often his hard-earned money
went toward little treats for the three of them. His
heart was generous and open and Auri loved him for
it, felt protective and defensive of him, for he never
wanted Neel to have to suffer the hardness of the

Never have to suffer like Auri had.
He sighed a little, opened his eyes to face the

concern on the younger man’s face. “I used to be one
of them.”

Neel’s expression indicated shock. “An Empire


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“An Empire flyboy. I served for several years as

low man, then got a promotion to first lieutenant on a
diplomatic ship.”

Neel stared at him in silence. “Why the hell are

you here in this shithole then? You could be
anywhere you want with that experience. An officer,

no less. Damn.”

Auri sat up, letting his hands drape over his

knees, his gaze fastened on them.

“Something happened and I…left them.” His lips

twisted bitterly. “They proved they were not worthy
of my loyalty.” He looked up into Neel’s wide green
eyes, trying to suppress all the emotions rushing back
at the return of painful memories.

He thought Neel would probe, but the boy turned

out to be much more sensitive than that.

“They hurt you…” The boy’s voice was soft. “I

see it in your eyes, a great sadness, a pain. I wondered

sometimes what you had in your past that affected
you so strongly, but I never wanted to ask.” He was
silent for a moment. “Those soldiers today, do you
think they are after you? Is that why you were so

Auri shrugged, trying to make light of his own

fears. “I doubt it. It has been two years since… I don’t
think it would still be an issue.”

He tried to hide the way his fingers clenched

white around each other. Neel shook his head and
stood up then and laid a hand on Auri’s shoulder.

“How about a little bit to eat? I know it is kinda late,
but food always helps.”

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Auri dredged up a smile at Neel’s practical frame

of mind. “Sounds good. Anything you cook, I’ll eat.”
He roused himself enough to rise and follow Neel
into the tiny kitchen. He propped one hip on the
chipped counter, arms folded over his chest, and
watched the younger man at work.

“I appreciate that you cook for us, Neel. I hope

you know that,” he said quietly, suddenly worried he
did not say this enough. “Jesan and I damn near
starved before you came.” He did not add that Neel
had also made sure liquor was not readily available
either. It had been a hard haul for Auri to overcome
his propensity to drink heavily after his escape, and
now he would only drink if Neel was present,
knowing his young friend would not allow him to
overindulge. He had been perilously close to
becoming an alcoholic. It had drawn him and Neel
closer, for before he had not opened to Neel’s

overtures of friendship, too withdrawn into himself to
be able to open to anyone, even the outgoing Jesan
who had first taken him under his wing.

Neel looked up with a bright smile and nodded.

“I like to cook, and you guys make it more fun. You
always appreciate what I make and watching you
both bolt it down makes me proud.”

Auri tousled his hair with a fond hand. “You’re

good for us, kid. A breath of life in tired old guys.”

Neel snorted. “Old, my ass. You are maybe five

years older, Auri. Don’t pull the dad routine on me.”

Auri grinned and turned away as he heard a

knock on their door. Probably the old lady down the

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hall. She could never sleep and always seemed to
have something vital to say if she saw the light on
under their door, no matter the time of night. He
shook his head fondly. He and Jesan and now Neel
had taken her under their wing, and she seemed to
think of the three of them as her honorary grandsons.

He swung open the door with a soft smile of

greeting that turned to instant horror as he beheld the
Empire soldiers, eight in all, hands on weapons. The
foremost grinned at him, a tight, cold smile that
warmed his eyes not at all.

“Hello, Lieutenant Auri, we’ve been looking for


He tried to slam the door, but they threw their

weight behind it and he was flung back against the
wall, grunting as the first one rammed a shoulder into
his chest.

He fought then like a wild thing, as they tried to

pin him down, and dimly he heard Neel’s voice
raised in anger, but slowly and surely their sheer
numbers wore him down, until he lay, cheek against
the floor, gasping for breath. From the corner of his
eye, he could see their leader preparing a syringe and
he tried to struggle again, though it was useless. A
hand roughly pushed up the short sleeve of his shirt
and he jerked as the needle plunged into his skin. He
gritted his teeth against the pain as the fluid was
pushed into his body, stinging fiercely, then metal
retracted from his skin and he lay there, panting,

dazed with horror.

This could not be happening.

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His mind began to haze and he fought it

desperately, not even able to react when the Empire
soldier leaned over him, satisfaction evident in his
tone. “We’ve searched a long time for you, you
sneaky bastard. You’ve caused us no end of trouble.”
A hand patted his cheek mockingly. “Time to go back

to your master, little whore. You’re worth a pile of
illanium to us.”

His senses faded, but the fear followed him down

into unconsciousness.

* * *

Nothing made any sense. Sometimes he thought

he felt hands on him, sometimes voices rang in his
ears, a sense of motion, but it was all dreamlike,
strange. His mind would drift away, his thoughts
vague and disjointed. Time meant nothing. He felt

fear in some part of him, but even that was far away,
hard to define. Sometimes pain, sudden and sharp,
his fear increasing, but then he would forget,
memories running together in a confusing jumble so
he had no idea who he was or should be.

Some touches made him cringe away, some made

him whimper and turn toward the touch even though
he could not have said why in either case.

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He sank deeper and deeper into the morass of his

mind, his awareness of the outside less and less, soon
even the voices having no impact.

* * *

The darkness swirled about him, thick and deep,

and he floated, lost, unresponsive. He had forgotten
what sound was, what touch was; there was nothing
at all.

Then a voice, deep and commanding, and he

flinched away immediately, a whimper tearing from
his throat. That voice was pain and fear and…

He felt touch as though the voice commanded it,

demanded it, arms around him, the sensation of
motion as though he were being carried.

The voice called him, soothed his fears, told him

repeatedly of caring, of belonging, protection…a

place that held no worries, only safety.

It allowed him to sleep, not just drift. His mind

for the first time shut down into secure and silent

He remembered something important just before

he slept, something the voice had told him.

His name was Auri.

* * *

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He woke slowly, carefully, deathly afraid of the

new sensations surrounding him. Smell, the feel of air
on his skin, swallowing, breathing…

Sight was the last and he blinked several times,

confused and frightened by everything in his vision.

He lay on something soft, colorful fabric above

his head waving in the breeze coming through an
open window.

Something touched his cheek gently and he leapt,

moaning in pain as his muscles spasmed. There was a
sound of distress, then hands massaged away the
pain, bringing sweet relief, and he blinked at the face
that appeared over his.

For long moments he could not remember, then

gradually a name came into his mind. Kanar.

There were no memories in relation to the name,

only a sense of wonder at the sight of so much fur. He

made a sound of need and one of the hands came to
his cheek again and he leaned into it as much as he
was able. The hand stroked him and he relaxed,
blinking sleepily up into the strange face.

A tail swept up into his vision, and he reached

with shaking fingers to grasp it, a childish wonder
filling him at the softness of the fur. It twitched and
he smiled, a sound of amusement rising in his throat.
He looked up at Kanar and found a smile on the cat

“Auri,” he said gently and Auri tilted his head.

Yes…that was his name.

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He reached in curiosity to touch the tips of the

great fangs just revealed beneath the cat-like lips.
They were sharp and his fingers jerked back, Kanar
immediately taking them and soothing them with
tongue and a kiss.

Auri watched dazedly, feeling exhaustion creep

over him so he could scarce keep his eyes open.

Kanar held him closer, stroking his hair gently, a

purr shaking his body. “Sleep, Auri. I am here now.
You are safe. Sleep, little tiger…you are home…”

Auri turned his face against a furred shoulder

and obeyed without question, his last thought one of
peace. Apparently he was home.

* * *

Kanar fed him, cared for him, gave him comfort

and warmth. Auri needed his presence, longed for his

company as the only stable thing in a confusing and
strange world. He could not speak or even conceive
of speech, but he would make sounds to indicate his
appreciation and contentment when held in strong

Here he was safe.
Time held no meaning, and he never questioned

the absence of others or seemed to realize the
strangeness of his existence. He only accepted.

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When at last another came within the room, he

cringed back against Kanar, holding to him tightly,
wide eyes fixed on the stranger.

The man smiled though and came to sit on the

bed, not touching Auri, letting him get used to his

Curiosity won out in the end, and Auri finally

reached out tentatively to touch golden hair,
fascinated by its color. The man smiled more,
beautiful light brown eyes twinkling, and touched
Auri’s black hair in return, tickling his ear and
making him giggle.

Kanar’s gentle fingers stroked Auri’s hair back

and his look was sad, reluctant. “If he could just be
like this.” The tone was longing.

The other shook his head. “You know better,

Kanar. You cannot stay in this dream world forever,
and neither can he.”

Kanar laid a gentle kiss on Auri’s lips, smiling

sadly as his mate made a sound of happiness. “He
will hate me again.”

Auri could not understand the words and he

frowned in bewilderment, wishing he could speak.
He did not hate Kanar, and he wanted to take the sad
look from his face but did not know how. All he could
do was hold one of the huge hands and try to purr
like Kanar did when he was happy.

Kanar took a deep breath. “Yes. It is time…”

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* * *

Auri cringed as they took the blood sample from

his arm, only Kanar’s presence keeping him docile.
Over the last few days he had begun to feel more
lucid, more aware of things around him. He still

clung to Kanar, but now he was more awake,

He did not like this room at all, and the moment

the needle was withdrawn, he curled against his
mate, wanting to leave, wanting to be away from
these people who watched him with calculating eyes
and touched with cold hands.

Kanar took him in his arms and hugged him, and

he calmed immediately. “Come, Auri. We will go for
a walk.”

Immediately Auri forgot the room and everything

else. Walk? Where? His eagerness made Kanar smile,

though it had a sad edge to it.

They went outside for the first time and Auri was

like a child, here and there and trying to see
everything at once. There were many cat people like
Kanar and some who looked like Auri himself, but
Auri had no interest in them. He only wanted to
explore and show Kanar things.

His mate would laugh softly and kiss him or hold

onto whatever Auri brought back. A leaf, a stone, a

Auri was happy.

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* * *

The next morning, he woke to remembrance.
Blinking, he looked around the room in

confusion, unable to think for the moment where he

was, for everything before seemed like a dream.

Gradually he became aware it was not; he was

back in Felin control, back with Kanar.

His lip curled, and when the door opened to

admit his “mate” he shot from the bed, backing away
from the larger male’s presence.

Kanar stopped just inside the doorway, his

expression calm and cool, but his eyes… A great
sadness dwelt there, and Auri’s fists clenched.

What foolishness lay within him that for a split

second he actually felt a sorrow of his own? He
snarled in response to that thought, angry with


They stared at each other for a long time in

silence, then Kanar held out his hand. “Come, my

Auri shook his head, backed away farther. The

hand dropped and Kanar sighed, turning away.

Auri watched him, shaking with anticipation of

pain. Some memory swirled in the back of his mind,
telling him what this was about, but he could not
quite make it come to the fore.

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Kanar sat down in a chair by the window, his sad

eyes taking in Auri’s protective stance, his readiness
to fight. The Felin closed his eyes for a moment,
rubbing his brow as if it pained him greatly. Finally
he took a deep breath and began to speak.

“You are my mate, Auri. That cannot be reversed.

I have taken you, and much though I regret the
manner of my initial taking, it has happened. As your
mate, I have great responsibility for you, as I do for
my other mates. I am sorry you were taken from your
people unwilling. I was not told of your reluctance,
only that you were not mated and available.” He
looked away, out the huge window that overlooked a
vast garden. “I should have known they would lie.
They lie about everything else.”

Auri listened, somewhat shaken by the obvious

sincerity in Kanar’s voice. He knew all too well how
the Empire could lie. Had the Felin truly thought Auri

had wished for this alliance? He shivered, wrapping
his arms around himself, feeling a vast bewilderment
growing within his mind at the memory of how he
had literally been sold.

He had been blaming Kanar for this. Was that


Looking directly at the Felin’s profile, he was not

so certain. If the Empire had betrayed one of their
own so easily, then how difficult would it be to lie to
one they considered barbarian and of little

It all crashed down upon him. He was trapped

here forever in the only safe place for him. Even if he

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escaped or Kanar released him, the Empire would
always find him and bring him back. A chill flashed
down his spine. If Kanar refused to accept him back at
any time, then most likely Auri would conveniently
disappear; he had too much knowledge of things the
Empire wished to keep secret.

He fell to his knees, putting his head in his hands,

trying not to let fear override him.

He felt a gentle touch, then Kanar knelt by him,

stroking his hair and back, talking softly, and to
Auri’s disgust he actually felt some comfort at the
Felin’s presence. At least he seemed to care for him
more than his own people. Their interest seemed
calculating, cold in the extreme.

He shivered and without thinking pushed closer

to Kanar’s touch, the only warmth in the room.

Kanar touched his face, bringing his attention to

him. “I am here. It will be all right.”

The Felinian tried to smile, looking deeply into

Auri’s eyes. “You are my mate, Auri, my little one,
and from this day onward, I shall protect you, honor
you, try to bring you happiness. Please believe me. I
know you don’t want to be here. I understand that
now, but let me care for you. Please don’t hate me for
what has happened.”

Auri looked up at him, despair swirling in his

mind. What choice did he have?

Kanar laid a gentle kiss on his lips and then held

him against his broad chest, rocking slightly to soothe


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“My little mate, my little tiger…” he whispered

softly. “Somehow we will make this right.”

Auri lay limp against him, wondering how that

was possible…

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Chapter Five

Auri sat on the windowsill, head resting against

the stone casement, staring out at the rain in silence.
The soft drumming sound was soothing and he
sighed a little. At least here he was alone. He knew
his minder was in the next room, but for this moment
there was peace, no eyes watching his every move.
His lips tilted bitterly. He was treated as though he

were made of spun glass, everything monitored. How
much he ate, how much he slept, his moods, his

He closed his eyes in silent despair.
A bird in a cage provided with

everything…except privacy and freedom.

He was one of the royal mates. They acted as

though he should be grateful.

The door to the suite opened and closed, and he

heard a deep voice speak to the minder. He shivered,
wrapping his arms around himself. His mate.

He heard footsteps but did not turn from his

contemplation of the weather as the rain began to
wane and sunlight showed once more. Warm arms
slid around his waist, gently caressed his chest, then
lips kissed his cheek.

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“How are you today, Auri?” The tone was gentle,

with a tone of true caring.

“I am fine.” Auri’s tone was without expression.

There was no fight in him, only numbness. At first he
had had fire, had resisted everything; after months
now there was no caring, no response.

It seemed to bother Kanar for no reason Auri

could imagine, his blank acceptance. He tried to cajole
him to eat and Auri would, mindlessly, just so he
would be left alone.

“Would you like to go for a walk, my mate?”
Auri turned dull eyes on Kanar, a flicker of

interest rising. “A walk?” he questioned quietly. He
had not wanted to go outside since he had been
returned. He had no wish to meet others and have
them judge him on his behavior or on his supposed
status as royal mate. But now… He lacked the
strength of will to really care, so maybe it was safe to

venture out.

Kanar smiled, kissing on his forehead, purring a

little. “Yes. I wanted you to see the color of the trees
today. It will be winter soon and the colors gone.”

Auri nodded and Kanar swept him up. There was

no protest in Auri; his inner exhaustion drained him
of any resistance. Kanar carried him without the
faintest hint of strain and Auri rested his head on his
shoulder, almost grateful for his mate’s show of
strength. He himself felt so weak. Kanar’s touch felt
good; he felt safe, protected. He closed his eyes

against the treacherous thoughts, but hatred took too
much energy. At this point, he needed someone to

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care, and Kanar seemed to truly feel something for
him, strange though that seemed to Auri.

The air outside was fresh from the rain and he

breathed deep of it, for the first time feeling a slight
lift of his spirits. The trees indeed were turning with
the onset of fall; brilliant colors that drew the eye and

the imagination. Kanar told him of each tree, what it
was, spoke of the city itself, nestled in the heart of a
great forest protected by the people.

Auri became interested despite himself, but each

time they met someone, he curled himself into Kanar
and refused to look at them. This seemed to charm
the people. Often they stroked his shoulder and
murmured soothing words, then spoke to Kanar with
a note of congratulation that seemed to indicate they
thought Auri a suitable mate for their “king.”

Auri’s lips would curl. If they only knew.
Kanar himself seemed to be trying to avoid

people. Auri was grateful for that at least, and he
sighed with relief when they entered a stone-walled
garden and sat on a wooden bench. Here there was
peace. The wind blew softly and he loved the feel of it
on his skin, loved the smells. Kanar relaxed under
him and sighed appreciatively as though he had been
tense in his own way.

“Alone at last.”
Auri looked up at him, surprised by the tone.
Kanar grinned ruefully at him. “I have wanted to

spend more time with you, my mate, but everyone

and everything seems determined to prevent it.”

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He paused then, took one hand to stroke back

Auri’s hair. “I deeply regret how you became my
mate, Auri. I know that will not take away your anger
at me and I don’t expect it, but I have to say it.
Despite the way it came about though, I am grateful I
found you at last. Our oracle had said there would be

a fourth mate for me, and I have waited over three
years since she told me.”

Auri looked at him in silence for long moments.

His mood was strange, and it was hard to dredge up
hostility. He had not the energy for it.

“Why?” he asked finally. “Why me? Could you

not have chosen someone who wanted you? Why did
you destroy my life?”

Kanar’s tail swished in agitation and landed on

Auri’s lap where he grasped it, stroking it mindlessly
as he waited for Kanar to answer.

“We do not choose our mates as you do as

humans, Auri. They are already chosen, destined, and
we either find them, a thing of great fortune, or not, in
which case we never mate and are forced to endure
nothing but meaningless relationships for our
lifetime. It is fate. Those who do find them are
blessed…and cursed.”

Auri frowned, unsure whether to truly listen. He

wanted to resist any overture, and yet… He was so
tired. He was trapped here, perhaps forever. If he
could acquire even the tiniest amount of peace, might
it not be worth it to concede even a little?

Encouraged by the lack of protest, Kanar

continued. “We know our mate or mates when we

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meet them. It is like a shock of energy, a yearning that
cannot be controlled. So it was when I saw you,
but…” His voice trailed off with regret, and Auri
could clearly see the self-castigation in his eyes. “I
wish the timing had been different. I was not
expecting to meet you.” He sighed deeply. “We mate

for life, Auri.” Shadows haunted his expression. “I
became deeply…ill…when you disappeared. They
feared for me.”

Auri stared at him for long moments. “You mean

you could have…” He frowned in disbelief. “If I had
not come back…”

Kanar was silent, staring into space for some time

before he looked down and forced a smile. “I
understand, Auri. If I had been in your position, I
would have done the same. I only ask that now,
please, try to understand. I cannot let you go. I will do
anything to make you happy here, but I cannot let

you go.”

Auri did not answer, but stared blindly ahead,

absorbing the words.


* * *

Only three days later he got to meet one of

Kanar’s other mates, the one he vaguely remembered
from his dream world. Kanar was not present when

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the man walked into Auri’s room, and Auri felt
threatened in some vague way he could not name.

He rose to his feet defensively and made sure the

table was between them.

The other man viewed his preparations with a

wry smile before he seated himself at the table,

making sure he was as non-threatening as possible.

Auri stared at him, feeling foolish in his looming

posture, then slowly he took a seat as far from the
other man as he could.

The other man watched him with expressionless

brown eyes before breaking the silence. “My name is
Bredan, Auri. We have met before but perhaps you do
not remember it well. I am Kanar’s first mate.”

Auri tensed further, even more wary now. This

man could have no reason to welcome another into
the harem and every reason to seek to dominate him.
How could he possibly want another rival to Kanar’s

affections? This whole idea of multiple loves made no
sense to Auri at all. True relationships were one-on-
one. Here there would surely be favorites and those
seeking to be. This man would be dangerous.

He finally nodded in response to Bredan’s words,

showing he had heard, but he did not answer,
unwilling to give this man the slightest inkling of his
thoughts and feelings.

Bredan waited until it was completely apparent

Auri was not going to give an opening, then he
sighed and leaned forward slightly, watching as the

younger man’s eyes hardened in preparation for
combat, physical or verbal.

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“I am not your enemy, Auri. None of us are. You

are not familiar with our ways. You may have a
preconceived notion of what a harem is, but I assure
you, it is not a place of politics and favoritism.”

Auri’s felt his skepticism had to be obvious.
Bredan leaned back again. “The Felinian culture

is quite different from human. The females are not
bonded to any one male. They are completely free to
choose who they will breed with, who will sire their
kits. They tend to choose the strongest to continue the
race. Kanar himself has over seven hundred kits.” He
laughed a little at Auri’s look of stunned amazement.
“The females raise their young in groups of their own
and are most possessive of them. Males are not
welcome. When the kits are of age to be trained, the
young males are taken to group places, where they
will stay for the next few years as they are educated in
the arts of war, politics, science, etcetera. School, if

you wish to call it that. The young females do the
same, but under the supervision of older females. A
female is free to study anything she wishes—there is
no set division between the genders.”

He continued, watching Auri’s frown at this

description of so foreign a life.

“Since there can be no permanent bond between

female and male, males find love amongst their own.
It was discovered though, even before the wars, that
humans have a connection with Felinian males that is
different than between two Felinians. For some

reason, we complete something in them, a great need
to be protective and to bond permanently. Our

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thoughts are capable of meshing with theirs in a way
foreign to their own people. When it was discovered
there was a destiny involved, that certain Felinians
needed to find certain humans, it became the norm
and has gone on for several generations now. It is rare
there is more than one mate, but it does happen, and

then the group is considered a harem: a much-loved
group of mates, whatever the number.

“I am first mate, Auri. That does not mean I get to

be a tyrant as you are probably imagining. It simply
means I have responsibilities to the rest of you. I have
to ensure each of you is happy and well cared for. If
any of you have problems, you come to me to solve
them if possible. I smooth the way for Kanar. He
could not possibly cope with his duties as king as well
as all the concerns of his mates. That is where I come
in. Each in the harem is equal though perhaps not in
duty. As you settle in, your talents will come to the

fore and tasks will be found for you. It is not good to
wallow about, I have found. It only leads to sadness
and too much inner searching.”

Auri narrowed his eyes. Was this a comment on

his own chosen isolation? What did this man know of
anything? He was obviously here of his own free will.
Their situations were nothing the same.

Bredan was a mind reader it seemed.
“I know you are not happy to be here, Auri. I

know it was not by your own choice, but then life
often throws us things we do not like. It is up to us to

accept and find what happiness we can or continue to

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bewail it, making ourselves and everyone else

Auri rose to his feet and leaned over the table,

teeth bared. “You know nothing, you sanctimonious
bastard. Do not come here and speak as if this is all
my fault. I had my own life, a life I was content in. All

I was, all I was trained in, good at, was taken away
from me, and you expect me to accept becoming a
little play toy? I don’t think so.”

He straightened and walked away, standing by

the window, keeping one wary eye on his visitor, his
chest heaving with fury.

There was silence for a long time, then Bredan

slowly rose to his feet, no anger in his expression,
only sadness. “You will make your life here very
unhappy with that attitude. There will be things here
you are good at, things here you can succeed at,
enjoy. You are not just a plaything, whatever you

might think. It is up to you to create what you will be.
Nobody can make you do it.” His eyes hardened ever
so slightly. “But you make Kanar unhappy also, and
that I do not accept. I will do whatever is necessary to
ensure he is not harmed by your animosity. He does
not deserve it.”

“In your eyes maybe. Not in mine.” Auri’s tone

was hard with conviction.

The two men stared at each other, then Bredan

shook his head and turned for the door.

“I have brought someone who perhaps will help.

I pray so, for all our sakes.”

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Auri watched with cold eyes as the door opened,

then he froze in shock as a familiar figure entered.

“Neel,” he whispered in complete disbelief.

* * *

They sat together in a small inner courtyard

enclosed from the cold weather outside by thick glass.
Auri watched the snowflakes fall with dull eyes, his
mind numb with shock.

A hand reached for his and held it gently, a

thumb stroking the back soothingly.

“It is not your fault, Auri. I chose to come here. I

could not leave you, not knowing what you were
facing. I had to see for myself and once I got here…”
Neel’s voice trailed off, his face flushing as he looked
down, fussing with the hem of his shirt.

Auri turned his head to look at him, watching his

expression disbelievingly.

“I met Kanar’s brother, Nadim, and…we felt each

other so strongly.”

Neel looked up, his eyes begging Auri to

understand. “I knew you were not happy here. I had
to stay. When Nadim told me I was his mate, I knew
it was right. I would have a reason to stay with you;
they would not be able to send me away.”

Auri wanted to feel grateful, wanted to feel

anything, but the only emotion was a terrible guilt

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that he had brought Neel to this, put him in the same
position as Auri himself. Trapped. “Auri, stop it.”

Neel’s voice was a little sharp, and it shook Auri

out of his self-absorbed daze.

“I told you. This is not your fault. This is my

choice. I am happy here, Auri. I know you don’t

understand, but I am. I love Nadim. If you are the one
to bring me to him, I cannot be anything but grateful.
I would never have found anyone like him back
home.” He reached over and hugged Auri tightly. “I
want happiness for you too, Auri. Please open up to
them. They would love you like I love you if you
would just show them who you are.”

Auri slowly hugged him back, but with nothing

but stubbornness in his heart.

* * *

Auri did find himself more content with Neel’s

presence. Despite the younger man’s distressing
tendency to talk about how wonderful the Felinians
were, especially the unknown Nadim, his friend’s
presence soothed his nerves, made him calmer. His
despair lessened, and the days did not seem so dark
with Neel’s ready laughter at hand.

Occasionally Bredan would join them, as if

acclimating Auri to his presence, and although Auri

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did not like him any more than before, he learned to
tolerate him in short doses.

It seemed he had little choice yet again.
He had not as yet, met the other two mates. He

knew Bredan did not yet consider him “safe,” and he
was fine with that. He did not want to learn about his

fellow prisoners.

His feelings about Kanar were so mixed he tried

not to think of the Felinian at all. The few times he
had seen him had been a warring of fear and
awareness that left him speechless and unable to
communicate. It seemed to distress Kanar, and he
came to visit less as time passed. Auri told himself
this was a blessing.

His heart was not so sure.
Bredan only watched him with condemning eyes,

reminding him his behavior was hurting the Felinian.

He tried not to care.

* * *

Felinian guards came to escort Auri to Kanar’s

quarters. They took him within huge ornately carved
doors, then bowed to the figure standing by the
immense windows. Kanar gestured and they
retreated, closing the massive doors with a solid thunk
behind them. There was silence for a moment, then

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Kanar turned to look at Auri, his face grave and

Auri stood motionless as his mate approached,

though his muscles tensed in preparation for he knew
not what.

Kanar bent to kiss him gently on the forehead,

then he took Auri’s hand and tucked it through his
own arm, leading him to a table set for two. He seated
him with great courtesy, then settled at the head of
the table, pouring them both wine and passing a glass
to Auri.

After a brief hesitation, Auri accepted it,

confusion in his eyes.

“I have supper with each of my mates at least

once a week. Private time with each of them.” Kanar’s
voice was quiet as he watched his fourth mate digest
the words, a faint frown on his brow.

Auri’s caution faded somewhat at the


“We will eat together and afterwards, if you wish,

you can return to your room.” Kanar gave no
indication whether he would prefer Auri to stay

For other things.
Auri flushed at his own thoughts and almost

choked on the wine, cursing himself.

Part of him desperately wanted to stay, wanted to

touch Kanar and…

He looked out at the snow, attempting to cool the

images crowding his mind. Was he mad? How could
he want such things from this being of all others?

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He was distracted when the doors opened once

more to admit servants carrying a mouth-watering
array of dishes. Many of them he could not name, but
they smelled delicious and his stomach growled so
loudly Kanar gave a chuckle, smiling even wider as
Auri felt a blush heat his cheeks.

“Eat, my mate. Enjoy.”
Auri flashed him an embarrassed glance, then

began to sample the food set before them. The
servants ensured everything was to their king’s taste,
then they discreetly left, leaving the two in intimate

“So, my mate, tell me of your life. You seemed to

have done well for yourself, being second in
command of a ship like the Hagen Fell. You must be
very accomplished to have achievements at such a
young age. I hope you will find something here to
satisfy your talent. I would not have such a mind go

to waste.”

Auri blinked at him, wanting to get angry at the

mention of his former life, but he was tired and lonely
and something in him, that accursed link, wanted to
be close to his mate, wanted to talk and be talked to,
to… He shook his head at his own fancies.

However, he could not rouse himself to his

former coldness and, haltingly, he spoke between
mouthfuls. At first he was reticent, and Kanar had to
work to get answers, but at the Felinian’s obvious
interest and avid attention, Auri began to open just a

little. Kanar was deeply intelligent, and his questions

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showed a quick mind able to grasp foreign concepts
with enviable ease.

“You have a very organized mindset, Auri. That

would be of great use here, down at the docks. That is
where we receive incoming goods and store items for
trade with other worlds. They would be grateful for

you, I think.”

Auri stared at him, fork still poised. “I am not

confined to the harem?” His tone was incredulous.

Kanar smiled a little, not enough to make Auri

think he was mocking him. “Of course not, my little
tiger. None of my mates are confined in such a
manner. That would be cruel in the extreme, do you
not think?” He took a delicate sip of the wine.

Auri was speechless. What other assumptions did

he hold that were totally untrue? He flushed a little
then, realizing his bitterness and self-isolation had
blinded him to truth.

He took another bite, mulling over what he had

just comprehended.

Kanar watched him quietly, obviously pleased his

little mate was thinking now, not just reacting. The
man was extremely intelligent, and sooner or later, he
would see his situation was not so dire as he had
thought. Perhaps he might even begin to accept his
role as mate.

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Kanar smiled into his wine at that wonderful


* * *

The wine seemed to have loosened his tongue,

Auri thought bemusedly. The evening had been
wonderful, and he could not believe how time had
flown. They had even argued, amicably enough,
about Empiric policies and how they harmed or
furthered the Empire’s reputation.

Auri found himself hard pressed to keep up with

Kanar’s lightning fast thoughts, and it made his own
mind stretch. Even being born in the Empire itself did
not guarantee he knew more than the Felin. Kanar
was obviously well read and conscious of politics in a
way the Empire had not given him credit for. It made
Auri smile to think of how the diplomats must have

been totally unaware they were being played in a
manner they thought impossible for a “barbarian

The bastards so deserved it, he thought viciously.
When Kanar stood up at last, Auri stared at him

blearily, realizing the evening was over and he had a
choice to make.

He could go back to his lonely room or…

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His inhibitions blurred by the wine, he found

himself standing, reaching for his mate, and pulling
the larger male down to kiss his lips.

Then he pushed away, wide-eyed at his own

audacity, turning to leave.

Kanar caught him, pulled him back against his

chest, his voice rumbling by his ear.

“Do you really wish to leave, little tiger? Or

would you like to stay and know the pleasure of a
mated pair? I will, of course, abide by your decision.”

Auri hesitated, unsure, but his heart knew what it

wanted. It wanted touch and closeness and attention.

Kanar could provide all of that.
He turned back, searching the Felinian’s eyes for

an answer to his inner questions. The golden orbs
were soft and warm with affection, hot with need and

Auri threw caution to the winds in a manner

totally unlike himself. He tilted his face up, and
Kanar, thankfully, understood his gesture and took
over, kissing the smaller male until he was dazed and
senseless of anything but the need for more.

“Come, little tiger.” The Felinian’s voice was

rough with emotion, his fingers stroking everywhere,
leaving goose bumps in their wake.

Auri did not think to protest, not when he seemed

to want this so much. The past seemed to blur into
something best forgotten, his mind rationalizing the
whole thing with a desire to move forward, to create

some life for himself that was not so bitter and angry.

Surely there could be more.

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He was led through a smaller doorway lined with

impressive carvings, then into a massive chamber
with a bed dominating the center. Large even by
Felinian standards, it beckoned.

He yelped as he was picked up effortlessly and

placed carefully on the bed. It reminded him of

Kanar’s strength and as if to confirm that, he ran his
hands over the smooth muscles of his mate’s arms,
marveling at the leashed power there.

Kanar purred at the touch and reached down to

strip off his own kilt and then Auri’s. With gentle
fingers, he unfastened Auri’s shirt, pulling it back to
expose his little mate’s leanly muscled chest.

Auri let his hand’s roam over Kanar’s back,

purring himself as he felt the muscles ripple under
the fur. Something inside him rose, unstoppable,
wanting only the touch of his mate and the pleasure
he could provide. Perhaps the bond had begun to

work both ways at last.

Kanar began to lick his way down Auri’s neck,

and some instinct prompted the younger male to tilt
his head submissively. His mate purred more loudly,
licking Auri’s ear in reward. Auri shuddered, arching
up into his mate’s body, wanting more, wanting…

Kanar put a powerful arm under him, pulling his

body up into a bow so he might suckle a tan nipple
more easily. Pleased with the moans the action wrung

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from his little tiger, he laved the second one even
more thoroughly, nipping, though watching his teeth.

“You are so beautiful, my little one,” he

whispered, feeling his own body flush with need as
he saw Auri’s eyes darken with lust. It was actually
happening; his mate was actually touching him back,

participating. It was more than he had hoped for.

Auri drew him down for a long kiss, their

tongues twining, breath mingling. They could not
seem to get enough of each other’s taste, and they
were both panting by the time they finally came up
for air.

The younger man parted his legs, pulling his

mate to lay between then, hardly able to reach around
the large body with his heels. He rubbed fervently
against the sensual fur, delighting in the sensations it
produced on his heated skin.

Kanar reached to the side of the bed where a

small pot resided on a heavy wood table. Dipping his
fingers in, he brought them down to the puckered
entrance of Auri’s body, his own body throbbing with
anticipation. His eyes darkened, became more golden,
and his teeth elongated as his excitement grew.

He made little chuffing noises as his shaft

emerged from its sheath, damp and ready, eager to
claim its place in the enticing body writhing beneath

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With claw carefully retracted, one finger pressed

in and Auri cried out, hands clutching at the bigger
arms encircling him. The thick digit slid deeper,
calloused pad rubbing over his prostate in a way that
had him shuddering, mind blanking with the
sweeping pleasure that seemed to almost paralyze his


He made little whimpering sounds, writhing on

his impalement, sounds that drove Kanar wild with
need. He licked and bit at Auri’s neck, his purrs
becoming growls.

Another finger pressed in and Auri pushed onto

them both, his body wanting more, deeper than a
finger could provide. He looked up into those golden
eyes, almost begging, no thought beyond the fact his
body was tightening to the point of pain, and he was
so, so close to some pinnacle…

Kanar removed his fingers and held his engorged

shaft to the opening with a shaking hand. He pushed
in, ears flattening at the little sounds of pain Auri
made as he struggled to adjust to the massive
invader. With gentle thrusts and sufficient time
between, at last the Felinian was nestled to the hilt in
his mate, his balls covering Auri with heat.

He gradually pulled back, then pushed in slowly,

watching Auri’s face for discomfort. When his little
mate’s expression smoothed into pleasure and need,
he sped up his tempo.

Auri cried out, keening, his voice wavering with

all he felt becoming far too much for his senses. When

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he thought he could take no more, Kanar suddenly
pulled from him and put him on his hands and knees.

For a moment he panicked, remembering, but

then Kanar pressed into him, his hands coming to
cover Auri’s, his voice whispering in his ear,
reassuring. A rough tongue licked his neck, then teeth

nipped softly, just enough to tantalize.

Kanar began to slowly thrust, hands stroking

over Auri’s body, then holding tight to his hips as he
changed the angle and brushed over that spot deep
within his smaller mate. Auri groaned as his balls
tightened further. Kanar continued the assault on his
senses, varying the speed and angle of his thrusts so
Auri could not prepare himself for the sensations
engendered. One hand went beneath Auri’s body,
slowly stroking his shaft and he arched, beginning to

His body knew what it wanted, knew his mate

could satisfy that want, and it responded accordingly,

Faster, deeper and Auri felt his mind go blank,

there was only pleasure, only…

He exploded, crying out, even as he felt Kanar

thrust incredibly deep into him, seed pulsing into
every crevice heating him from the inside out with his
mate’s very essence.

Kanar did not withdraw, but remained within,

panting, half laying on Auri’s back. “My little mate,
my little tiger…” he whispered softly.

Auri closed his eyes. For once his mind was quiet,

his senses content.

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For this moment, there was peace.

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Chapter Six

Auri woke to sunlight pooling in his eyes, making

him groan and cover them with one hand. The
moment he moved, he wished he had not, for his
head began to pound with the most hideous rhythm.

He lay there limply, simply too worn and tired to

think, but gradually the events of the previous
evening came back to him and he began to remember

uncomfortable reality.

As memory flowed over him, he began to tense,

wondering how in the worlds he was supposed to
gracefully remove himself from this situation. What
had been needed the night before now became an
embarrassment on his part. He could clearly smell sex
in the room and on him, and he blushed vividly as
hot images paraded through his mind, his shaft trying
desperately to harden in response. He carefully rolled
away from the sun, managing to sit up, clutching
warm covers to his body in belated modesty.

To his relief, no one was in the room; Kanar’s side

of the bed was cold. By the position of the sun, it was
late morning and Auri groaned aloud with
mortification. Now everyone would know he had

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given up on his former attitude and fallen headlong
into the Felin leader’s bed.

He rested his aching head in his hands. There was

no one to blame but himself. Kanar would have let
him leave last night. It had been Auri who had
initiated things. Good things.

He thrust the thought away. Not good things!
He glared down at the bed as though it was at

fault. With growing anger, he thought of what Kanar
had said about spending time with each of his mates.
So now Auri was one of the four. A number. Was he
just the current favorite until the next came along?

He felt ill at the very thought. He could not

imagine being at peace with the thought of his lover
bedding another. How in the worlds did they do it?
Did they just not care enough for Kanar, or were their
natures less possessive?

He only knew his own heart was not so generous.

When he finally exited the bedroom, once more

dressed, it was to find a guard waiting for him, a note
in hand. He gave it to Auri with a slight bow. Auri
accepted it, but did not open it until the guard had
safely returned him to his room.

There, once he was private, he took it to the

window, seating himself in one of the massive
armchairs there before opening it, reading the
beautiful cursive script.

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My Little Tiger…
It was so very hard to leave you this morning. You

slept twined around me and it made me sleep deeply and
well as I have not for a very long time. If duty had not
called, I could have happily spent the day in your arms. Do
not believe this gift you have given me is accepted lightly. I

know what it will cost you when you wake and begin to
think too much. Know only that I love you, for you. I know
you do not understand how I can love more than one, but I
do, each in their own way, but you will not ever be
forgotten or cast aside. Please try to understand.

I start this day with a glint in my eye and a lightness

in my step…

Thank you, Little Tiger.
Your Mate, Kanar.

Auri’s hands shook a little as he refolded the

paper, carefully realigning the creases. He laid it on

his lap as he sat in silence, staring out at the falling
snow. How well his mate seemed to know him, when
he knew nothing at all about Kanar.

As to understanding this culture, this harem…
He leaned his head back on the chair, feeling

despair envelop him. He could see no way to achieve
that aim.

* * *

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As if in response to those very thoughts, the next

day Bredan introduced him to the other two mates.
Auri had been eating breakfast with Neel in a small
inside courtyard when the sound of footsteps made
them look up.

Neel greeted the newcomers with a smile and by

name, so he obviously knew them already. Auri’s
appetite fled as he realized the identity of those who
had joined them. He looked away from Bredan’s
warning frown, tentatively taking stock of the two
new human men.

Who seemed very interested in him.
The first one, taller than Auri, with lovely gray

eyes and hair a few shades lighter than Auri’s own,
leaned forward and offered a hand.

“I am very happy to meet you, Auri. My name is

Ilian. My goodness, Bredan was right. You are very

beautiful. The hair, the eyes… I am so glad Kanar
found you. Sometimes it is hard with three. Four will
be good. Where do you come from? I heard you were
an important person on a space ship. That must have
been exciting. It can be exciting here too. We will find
excitement for you. You must not be bored. You
won’t be bored. I will make sure of it. You will be
happy. You have a gorgeous body. Long and lean.
Why do you cover it up all the time? It is too hot to
wear so much. Oh, your hand has calluses. I love
calluses. You must have been a very hard worker. Did

you like your job? We will find you a job here you
will like. What, Bredan?”

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Bredan gently took a dazed Auri’s hand out of

Ilian’s gripping fingers.

“Ilian, you know how you tend to overwhelm

people. Give Auri a moment. He cannot take in
everything you just chattered about.”

Ilian leaned forward to look deeply into Auri’s

wary eyes. “His eyes are absolutely beautiful, Bredan.
You did not tell me how beautiful.”

Bredan sighed.
“Ilian, cease. Give the man a moment to breathe.

He just met you.”

Auri looked up at Bredan gratefully, his

expression a little desperate, a flush high on his
cheekbones. Please don’t let Ilian bring up the night
before, please…

Obviously the gods were not listening.
“I am so glad you had sex with Kanar last night.

It is a wonderful start, and he has been so happy

today. I love when Kanar is happy.” He patted Auri’s
thigh consolingly. “Don’t worry, you get used to
Kanar’s size, and then it is purest heaven.”

Auri shrank down in his seat, staring at Ilian in

horror. He thought his face might just burst into
flames it was so hot. Did this man have no shame? No
sense of propriety?

Obviously not.
“So which position did you like best?”
Auri wanted to faint. Please let him faint, or sink

into the floor, never to reappear.


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The other man sat back in his chair, pouting a

little. “I just wanted to show him we care.”

“There are other ways to do that without

embarrassing the poor man to death.” Bredan laid his
hands on Auri’s shoulders. “Forgive Ilian. He tends to
speak whatever comes into his mind, but his heart is

in the right place. Fortunately.”

Bredan held up a hand when Ilian would have

started again. “Let Ciris have a turn now.”

Auri gripped the arms of the chair with whitened


The other man was small, tiny almost, with

delicate features and slightly slanted eyes of dark
brown. His hair was naturally streaked with shades of
gold and brown, and his manner seemed to be the
exact opposite of Ilian. Thank the gods.

He had a hard time looking straight at Auri, and

it took several moments before he could whisper a

soft greeting. A soft flush painted his cheekbones, his
hands weaving through each other anxiously.

It all made a person want to protect him, he

seemed so fragile.

Auri found himself leaning forward, touching the

little hand in wordless comfort, giving a gentle smile
to soothe the younger man’s obvious nervousness.

Ciris looked up at him through his lashes

apprehensively, then relaxed as he saw the genuine
concern in the other mate’s eyes.

“I am very pleased to meet you, Auri,” Ciris

finally managed in a soft tone, his fingers squeezing
Auri’s just a little. “I have heard so many things about

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you. How beautiful you are and how you are a

Auri flushed, wondering if he had also heard how

very difficult he had been since he came here. He
wanted to be defiant about it, but he could not upset

“I was a little worried you would not like us,”

Ciris continued timidly. “I did not want someone here
who would be mean when we are all so very happy.”
He smiled then, lighting his whole face. “But you are
very nice. You will fit in well.” He patted the hand
Auri still had on his. “You do not seem to be a happy
person, but we will show you how. Kanar and all of
us will love you. You will not have to be lonely

Auri just stared at him helplessly, unable to

respond. Did the younger man truly believe Auri
would fit in? How could he not see the difference

between them? Willing and unwilling. And how had
he known how lonely Auri felt inside?

As though realizing Auri needed space, Bredan

smoothly interjected.

“Our breakfast is here now. Seat yourselves, Ilian

and Ciris, and we will eat with Auri and Neel.”

Auri tried to be pleasant enough during the meal,

but he was not a conversationalist and he found it
difficult indeed to respond to the light-hearted banter
the others seemed so adept at.

They did not seem to mind; they included him

with various comments, but without forcing him to

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respond. They did not seem dismayed at his reticence,
instead just accepting him as he was.

It was surprisingly freeing and strange, though he

could not let his caution down.

He had never trusted anyone, and he could not

begin now, especially when his heart was on the line.

* * *

After that breakfast, Bredan seemed determined

that they all spend more time in each other’s
presence. Auri stayed silent most of the time,
watching them, wondering when they would turn on

That they did not only made him more anxious.

He could not understand this camaraderie at all.

* * *

Auri found himself settling into a routine that

gradually dulled his defensiveness. He took breakfast
in the morning with Kanar and all the mates, who he
was beginning to see as people and not the enemy.
Then there was time for exercise of choice—and there
were many choices. He preferred variety, so he took
three days of running—he even managed to mostly

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ignore the five guards who ran with him—two with
weight training, and two learning the art of the
sword. The Felinians no longer used the sword in
battle of course, but it was tradition, a remnant of
their past they honored. Auri was fascinated by it and
with his natural grace and athletic ability he soon

found he had an aptitude for the dance of steel.

Since Kanar also loved the sword, they found

themselves deep in conversations about it, and often
practiced together, Kanar delighting in teaching Auri
this ancient skill. It became another link in their bond.

Noon was time to rest after eating. With the heat

and humidity of spring just around the corner, sleep
beckoned by midday. The other mates often slept in
the communal room, which was joined to all the
mates’ personal rooms. Here was a giant circular soft
mattress nested with pillows of all sorts. Bredan, Ilian
and Ciris would lay down curled around each other

and sleep for at least two hours. Auri was always
invited, but the thought of them touching him, even
innocently, was uncomfortable to him and he
declined, wondering how they managed to be so easy
with each other.

Kanar had not yet given Auri the freedom to go

down to the docks, but with all his other activities, the
need was somewhat lessened and he did not protest
too much. His mate said the reason was they did not
as yet have enough security down there for him to go.
When Auri scoffed, Kanar had been very serious. He

had told Auri there were many groups of Felin he
ruled over, and one group had gone rogue and

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created trouble among the others, sometimes staging
attacks to gain supplies and once, a mate.

Auri had seen the pain on Kanar’s face at his

inability to bring the human back to his real mate, one
of Kanar’s friends from another area.

From that point, he had not asked further, finding

he had a certain trust Kanar would tell him when
security was needed, and he was not using this as any
kind of excuse to keep Auri close. Trust was strange
to Auri; he was not a trusting kind of person, and this
said much of his feelings for his mate.

He knew those feelings were going to be tested,

whenever it would his turn for the “communal
night.” Each mate got a night with Kanar to
themselves, something Auri enjoyed immensely. Two
nights were for Kanar’s business feasts and one was a
communal night, when the mates took turns going to
Kanar’s bed in twos. Apparently this was a wonderful

thing according to the others, and they were most
enthusiastic about it. Auri was horrified. His name as
yet had not been called for it, and he was eternally
grateful. But he knew sooner or later it would
happen, and he could not, in all honesty, predict how
he would handle it. He tried not to think about Kanar
with the other mates, tried to believe it was only him
his mate slept with.

On this night, as they all sat eating supper

together—the only night they did—Kanar as usual
chose the two mates who would stay. Auri was

hardly listening. He heard Bredan called, then
stiffened in horror as Kanar called Auri’s own name.

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His head snapped up and he stared at Kanar, who
simply looked back calmly as though nothing about
this was unusual.

The other mates turned to look at Auri, as though

waiting for a violent reaction. He dropped his gaze to
his plate, fingers clenched around his fork. He wanted

to fight this, but the expectation of the others that he
would do so made him stubborn.

He nodded, not looking up, and heard several

exhalations, either of surprise or relief.

From that point on, he could not eat. He just

pushed the food around his plate to make it look as if
he had. He kept his eyes lowered, unable to look at
anyone, and his former misery returned. This was not
a place for him. He should have known it could not
be as simple as it had begun to feel.

* * *

When the meal was finished, the other mates filed

out in their own time, each giving Kanar a lingering
kiss. Auri could not watch; he sat by the farthest
window, trying to quell the shaking of his fingers as
he stared blindly outside into the courtyard below.
The torches had been lit, and he could see the Felinian
guards occasionally as they walked through their
security watches. Now and then a Felinian would
walk by with his arm about a human mate, and

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always the aura between them seemed one of love
and trust.

Auri let his pounding head lean against the cool

glass, wishing he had such a thing, could let himself
open to something similar. Although he slept with
Kanar, cared for him, he could not let himself feel

more. All his life he had been wary for good reason
and now it constrained him, imprisoned him more
surely than his exile here among these foreign people.
They offered him a sort of freedom he had never
known. He had but to reach out and accept it. He
closed his eyes in weary despair. Nothing in him
would ever allow that.

In this place of comfort and companionship,

peace and loving relationships, he had never felt so
alone in his life.

A gentle hand came down on his shoulder and he

leapt, startled, whirling to face the person, his breath

slowly calming as he realized it was Ciris. His gentle
eyes held a certain understanding, a caring
compassion that made Auri want to weep.

He gritted his teeth, refusing to show weakness

even to this gentle soul. These people had no reason
to truly care for him. They did not know him, not

“I know this is hard for you, Auri. Don’t think I

don’t understand. It was very difficult for me when I
arrived here. I am not a forward person and I was
virgin as well.” He flushed a little and looked away

for a moment. “I found it difficult to open to this
culture, to accept its freedoms.” His eyes met Auri’s

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again. “It took a long while for me to get to where I
could be with the others as you will be with Bredan
tonight. In time I found an acceptance within me for
what they offered, for it is much more than just sex. It
is love, and that is always hardest to understand and
let in.”

Auri took a deep breath, biting his lip, but all he

could do in answer was nod. He had not the strength
to speak of what he felt.

Ciris bent forward and laid a gentle kiss on his

forehead. “Do not fear this, Auri. Bredan is much
more than he seems. He is talented at understanding
how to best find each of our needs and meet them in
whatever way necessary. He will not do things that
harm you or make you unhappy. Know that. He
would never, ever hurt you, any more than Kanar
could hurt you now, whatever has happened in the
past. Let them in, Auri. You will not regret it.”

He stroked soft fingers down Auri’s cheek and

gave a small smile before turning to leave with Ilian.
The other mate gave Auri a cheerful wave before he
put a hand on Ciris’s shoulder and guided him out.
The door shut behind them with a thud of finality that
made Auri shudder.

He heard the rustle of cloth and looked over his

shoulder to see both Kanar and Bredan undressing.
He flushed uncomfortably and looked away, unsure
what to do.

“Auri, come to me, my mate.” Kanar’s voice was

low with anticipation, and it was all Auri could do to
rise to his feet and approach the great bed. Bredan

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already lay on it, naked body resplendent. His skin
was very pale, his blond hair long and splayed over
the dark covers. Muscles rippled as he stretched, his
brown eyes watching Auri intently.

Auri flushed harder, his hands trembling as his

fingers went to his kilt.

“Let me,” Kanar whispered, his golden eyes

alight. He came to stand before Auri and began to
slowly, sensuously remove his clothing. Auri felt a
moment’s gratitude that his mate’s body blocked him
from Bredan’s sight.

He could not even respond to Kanar’s touches, so

terrified was he. His mate kissed him slowly,
reverently, and he gradually lost sense of his
surroundings, forgot about what was about to
happen, forgot they had an audience.

He jumped when warm fingers stroked down his

back and would have flinched away, but Kanar’s

powerful arms held him close and the kiss deepened
until he could not think straight. He gradually came
back to himself enough to realize a warm body
pressed against him from the back, even as Kanar
enveloped him from the front.

He tensed, but the strange fingers touching him

were gentle, not invasive, and they began to massage
his muscles, finding where painful knots lurked. He
found himself moaning into Kanar’s mouth, his body
slowly easing into Bredan’s touch.

The kiss gently ended, Kanar’s long, rough

tongue giving a last swipe at Auri’s lips before

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“Come, little tiger,” he whispered, drawing him

down to the bed, keeping eye contact with him all the

Auri tried not to tense, not to react as another

body followed him down. Focus on Kanar, he kept
thinking. Pretend there is no one else here.

The massage resumed, and it helped relax him

enough to respond to Kanar’s touches. Auri let his
hands roam over his mate’s body in return and
relished this opportunity to openly view Kanar’s
body. Golden fur with almost black stripes begged his
touch and he stroked avidly, trying to distract his
thoughts from the situation at hand.

The fur was short and very soft, especially around

the neck and face where the stripes were delicate and
thin, and Auri learned to his delight that rubbing
gently behind a furry ear sent his much larger mate
into paroxysms of delight, golden eyes sliding shut

and a rumbling purr almost shaking the bed.

He filed this information for use in the future,

even as his mate began to kiss one of Auri’s pleasure
spots, his neck. Whenever his mate touched that area,
all Auri could do was moan and bare his neck in a
voluntary surrender Kanar whole-heartedly
approved of. He would always growl then, lay his
teeth against soft skin, displaying his dominance in a
way that made Auri writhe with need.

Auri had never guessed he had submissive

tendencies, yet with Kanar, he seemed to feel safe

enough to give in, to trust a little that he would not be

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hurt. His original dealings with Kanar had not left as
much of a mark as he would have thought.

Auri jerked a little as he felt fingers work at his

nipple, but he could not tell who it was, only that it
felt wonderful, jolts of pleasure rippling down to his
groin as the sensitive nub was plucked and rolled,

then encased in a warm mouth.

He gasped, fingers clutching at Kanar’s arms, his

hips beginning to writhe with a rising need. As the
heat built he began to forget his former concerns; it
did not seem to matter where the touches came from
as long as they continued. They had to continue.

Now both nipples were alternately suckled and

his body bowed with intense sensations that made his
toes curl and his breath spasm.

Slick fingers grasped his shaft and he let out a

strangled cry that echoed in the huge room as he
began to thrust into the friction provided.

Coolness slid along his cleft, and he tensed for the

barest of moments before he was distracted by
Kanar’s kissing him again. He gasped into his mate’s
mouth as a lubed finger slowly penetrated him. He
did not turn his head. He did not want to know who
it was; he just held tighter to Kanar, almost

“Shh, little tiger. It is all right.” His mate left his

lips and whispered over his ear, bringing a shiver in
its wake.

He closed his eyes, thinking Bredan would mount

him then, but to his surprise, Kanar gently turned him
onto his hands and knees and positioned himself

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behind Auri, slowly pressing into the hot, tight
channel of his mate.

Auri’s fingers clenched into the soft covers, his

head flung back, moans of pleasure/pain escaping
him. A flush came over his cheekbones as he thought
of Bredan seeing and hearing all this, but the brief

flash of embarrassed insight faded rapidly, and then
he could only feel as Kanar pulled him up to his
knees and held him so he half sat in his mate’s lap, his
back pressed into soft fur covering a hard, muscled
chest. Kanar’s arms were wrapped around him,
stroking up and down his stomach, a long, rough
tongue lapping at his nape, then slowly teeth came
down, holding him gently but firmly.

He relaxed into the hold, then tensed suddenly as

he felt other hands on his shaft. Before he could look
down, his shaft was encased in sudden heat—
beautifully tight heat.

He cried out with the shockingly intense pleasure

of it, his eyes rolling back in his head. It took several
deep breaths before he could come back to himself
enough to look down.

He was balls-deep in Bredan.
His eyes widened in shock, but he was not

allowed time to consider this new development.
Bredan pushed back even as Kanar thrust. Auri cried
out, a keening wail wavering in his throat at the dual
sensations. It was like nothing he had ever imagined.

Bredan and Kanar timed their movements, taking

and giving in tandem, their bodies moving in sync,
pushing Auri to the edge of sanity. He could not even

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move on his own; he was paralyzed with sensation.
He could only shiver and twitch as his cock was
bathed in silky heat and his prostate was stroked over
and over with the hard press of Kanar’s immense

Auri could hear himself make the faintest of

whimpering pleas, over and over, and at any other
time would have been mortified. But at this moment
there was no thought, there was only the sense of
flying close to the edge.

Kanar thrust especially deep and twisted his hips

as he did so…and Auri exploded. He could not even
scream. His lips opened but no sound came out, his
body frozen in an arch as he felt hot streams of his
cum shoot deep within Bredan, even as the other man
cried out, his channel spasming around Auri’s
pulsing cock.

Kanar held Auri’s hips tightly with the faintest

hint of claws, thrusting hard and deep three more
times, his powerful movements pushing Auri’s cock
deeper into Bredan, making both men moan at the
extra stimulation. Then Kanar himself came, and Auri
could feel the thick ropes of cum penetrate far within
him, a foreign warmth deep within his body.

They stayed in this tableau for long moments as

though frozen, then they collapsed in a heap on the
great bed. Auri felt Kanar carefully withdraw from
him, and very faintly he realized his cock was still
deep in Bredan, but his mind could cope with no

more and he fell into darkness; whether sleep or

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unconsciousness, he could not tell, only that it offered
sweet respite.

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Chapter Seven

When Auri slowly awoke the next morning, he

thought the feeling of his shaft being buried in heat
was part of his vivid memories of the night before or
possibly a dream. As his gritty, sleep-dulled eyes
gradually opened with some difficulty he began to
come to the disturbing conclusion the sensation was
not, in fact, a delusion, but reality with all its


He froze then, uncertain what to do, biting his lip

as his cock leapt eagerly in the tight embrace,
hardening. It, at least, had no compunction about
what to do and no doubt thought his emotional
trauma a vexing impediment to what it wanted.

Good, old-fashioned sex. Nix the worries and the

consequences. Give me what I want now and deal with
the facts later.

Cocks were remarkably simple in their view on


Auri was beginning to wish his brain would shut

up. Maybe his cock should be in charge.

He slowly realized his arms were wrapped

around someone, and that someone was not furred.


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He swallowed hard, cursing under his breath as

his cock began to throb in anticipation. Nix that; his
cock should not be in charge. It was a brainless entity
that was going to get him in all sorts of trouble.

He felt the body he was snuggled up to shift

slightly as though waking, and he tried to emulate

sleep, wishing he could just disappear.

The lean, beautiful body in his arms stirred, then

a faint moan reached his ears and a hand came back
to wrap around his thigh, pulling his leg forward as
strong hips pushed back.

His cock leapt to immediate full attention. Stupid


His mind was screaming in panic. Smart mind.

This was definitely time for panic.

Bredan began to slowly fuck himself on Auri’s

cock and Auri just lay there, in shock, letting him. He
made the mistake of looking down, of actually seeing

his own cock, red and engorged, appearing and
disappearing into Bredan’s stretched opening, and he
could not help himself.

He thrust.
He would be damned for this, no doubt, but at

the moment his body ruled. Cock wins. Brain

Auri rolled on top, pinning Bredan beneath him,

and began to thrust into the willing body, reveling in
the moans and little cries of pleasure that escaped the
other man’s lips. Bredan was no quiet partner; he

thrust and writhed and pushed against Auri, all the
while talking dirty.

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“Fuck me. Damn it, Auri. Faster, faster. Use that

cock. Take it deeper, make me feel it, make me walk
with a limp, and know it was you when you watch

Sweat rolled down Auri’s face and back; he could

feel it dripping down his sides and onto Bredan.

Gods, but this felt amazing, made him feel like a man
again, when for so long he had felt like he had no
control, as if his very masculinity was being
threatened. But this…

He realized now he loved both things equally—

being taken by his mate, submitting, the freedom it
gave him, and this as well, feeling the strength as his
cock delved deep into another. He felt gratitude and
wonder that Bredan would offer this, rather than
insisting on taking Auri. Surely he had had that right
as first mate.

He gasped and moaned as his balls tightened, his

thighs quivering to the point of pain, then a final,
deepest thrust and he felt Bredan come, the spasms
milking him, making him come, eyes squeezing shut
with the force of it. He collapsed on Bredan, then
rolled to the side, not wanting to crush him. He felt
his sensitive cock slide from the slick heat and some
part of him mourned. He felt tears rise, and he was
not certain why, but when Bredan turned and offered
his arms, he found himself safely enclosed in them,
his head buried against a well-muscled chest.

He vaguely realized he was crying, tears pouring

down his cheeks unchecked, but for the life of him, he
could not understand why.

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Bredan said nothing, did not try to speak. He just

held Auri close and rocked him, offering wordless
comfort. Auri wished he might stay there forever, safe
and warm and never having to cope with the world

At last the emotional storm passed, and Auri lay

spent, limp and drained of thought.

Only then did Bredan lean back and carefully

wipe the tears away with gentle fingers. He searched
Auri’s expression and smiled softly, shaking his head
a little. “You are a mess, Tiger.” At hearing that
partial use of Kanar’s nickname for him, Auri could
not help but give a watery smile. Certainly there were
worse tags than that.

He put out a shaking hand to touch Bredan’s

cheek, wondering how he could have missed how
beautiful those gray eyes could be, how caring and
full of warmth.

“Thank you,” Auri whispered, unable to voice

more but meaning so much more.

Bredan’s lips quirked, his eyes smiling deeply.

“You are more than welcome, Tiger. Remember I am
here for you, in all ways.”

* * *

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Having gained so much ground, Auri, being

Auri, then had to retreat for a while, think things

Kanar and Bredan did not push him.
It amazed Auri that they seemed to understand

him so well when he himself often did not. They

seemed to be waiting for him to set the tone of this
new relationship, letting him chose his own path.

He did not really know what to do. That sense of

closeness he now felt toward Kanar and Bredan was
foreign and terrifying. It was closer than he had ever
been with anyone, even Neel, even his friends from
the Hagan Fell. This was different, more intimate,
revealing more of who he truly was within. His mind
wanted to shut down, retreat, rather than expose
himself further.

Kanar and Bredan gave him no excuse to do so.

They gave him space; therefore there was nothing to

fight against.

It was most vexing.
Auri needed something to fight against, to prove to

himself this was wrong, but without that proof he had
no idea how to react.

With nothing else to occupy his mind, he took to

running every day, needing the exercise to bring his
body and mind back to some semblance of control.

The days were slowly warming, the snow

retreating and melting. It made for interesting footing
sometimes, especially when the weather would cool

again and the water froze into ice.

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On this particular day, he was taking it easy,

careful of the slick ice concealed under a faint
sprinkling of nighttime snow. He reveled in the fact
his breathing was easy, showing how far he had come
in conditioning himself.

The five guards kept pace easily of course, their

breath hovering in the brisk morning air. Auri
shivered a little, picking up the pace. Times like this
he almost wished for Felinian fur; the jacket he was
wearing seemed unable to completely hold out the
damp chill.

At last he slowed to a walk, partially to vary his

speed, and partially to admire the frost that had
decorated the massive trees nearby. He put up a
wondering hand, laughing a little as he was
immediately sprayed with a light, white frosting of
ice crystals.

One of the guards chuckled and reached out to

brush it off his back as Auri dusted his front. Auri
looked up to thank him, still smiling, but the smile
faded into confusion as the guard suddenly jerked,
his expression freezing into a pained rictus. Auri put
out a hand, concerned, then watched in disbelief as
the Felin fell to his knees, then forward, blood
covering his back.

All hell broke loose.
Suddenly there were strange Felin all around

them, weapons firing, shouts and screams.

Auri ducked away from a hand reaching for him,

his hands itching for a weapon. He grabbed up a dead
tree branch for want of anything else at hand and

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used it to good effect on any who were unwary.
Several times a stranger tried to grasp him, and each
time he managed to elude them, soon realizing they
would not fire and risk hurting him.

Fear and anger rose within him, making him

ruthless in his strikes.

This was because of him. They wanted him.
It was the ice that made his defense fail. He

slipped for a brief moment and that was all it took. As
swift as thought, a Felin circling him lunged past his
makeshift weapon and had him by the hair.

Auri roared with fury and twisted in the grip,

sinking his teeth deeply into the heavily muscled arm,
shaking his head savagely. For a moment he was free
again, but before he could move, an arm encircled his
throat and he was pulled up against his captor, hands
clawing uselessly on the tightening arm as his vision
began to dim.

He struggled ever more desperately. Even as his

strength failed and as darkness descended, his last
thought was of Kanar.

* * *

He woke to movement, head pounding with pain.

His throat hurt when he swallowed, but when he
tried to touch the bruised flesh, he dimly realized his
hands were bound behind him. It took several more

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seconds before his dazed mind could make sense of
his position.

He was being carried over someone’s shoulder,

and the pounding gait made him want to be sick as it
jarred his head and stomach. Some part of his mind
told him to struggle, but his body remained limp,

unable to respond to his inner urgings.

A sudden explosion of voices and laughter made

him flinch, and the Felin who held him put up a huge
hand to fondle his ass, saying something to his

Auri’s limited understanding of the language

enabled him to vaguely translate the words into
something crude, but he was far more concerned with
not throwing up as his captor suddenly grasped him
with both powerful hands and set him on his feet.

The sudden change of position left Auri reeling,

and if the Felin had not held him against his body,

Auri was sure he would have been on the ground,
most probably puking his guts out.

By the time his vision cleared and he could

breathe normally again, he found himself ringed in by
huge Felinians, all focused on him. He fought the
surge of fear this brought and lifted his chin in silent
defiance, glaring at them. The one who held him
chuckled, a deep rumbling in his chest, then spun him

Auri blanched, but he did not waver, determined

to hold his own no matter where this might lead.

The Felin who held him was massive, easily as

big as Kanar, and covered in scarring from head to

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foot. One mark ran through his left eye and down
over his cheek, pulling one side of his lips up into a
permanent sneer. He might only have a single eye
left, but that eye was cold and hard, with a casual
cruelty in it.

Auri managed to suppress a shudder as that gaze

roamed over him with a look of pleased possession.
He had the feeling the respect shown to humans
under Kanar’s rule meant nothing to these rebels.

The Felin put out one of his huge hands and took

Auri’s chin, claws extended so they lay over his
prisoner’s face, pricking lightly. He turned Auri’s face
gently from side to side, examining him closely.

“So this is the little human we have heard so

much about.” His voice was low and rough and
although he was speaking Auri’s language, it was so
accented as to be difficult to understand.

Auri did not fight the touch, nor answer. He

wanted to save his strength for when it really
mattered. He had no doubt what was to come.

A growl sounded from behind him and suddenly

he was pulled close to his captor and pushed to the
ground, long fingers sinking into his hair and holding
him there.

Auri grimaced at the pain, unable to use his

bound hands to try to ease the grip, before he took in
the sight before him.

Three massive Felinians stood before them, the

others having eased back so as not to get involved in

the coming dispute, though their eyes were hungry
upon Auri. They were obviously not senior enough to

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be able to challenge for this prize. His captor snarled,
crouching over his prisoner possessively. The other
three growled back, claws emerging.

One lunged forward and Auri’s captor stepped

over him, as they met in a tangle of powerful bodies,
emitting terrifying roars, claws raking and gouging.

Auri scrambled awkwardly back, out of the way,

casting a wild look about in the faint hope he might
escape in the confusion, but a large hand came down
on his shoulder, holding him firmly to the ground on
the edge of the crowd, forcing him to await the
outcome of the current battle.

He could only watch for a few moments before he

had to look away from the primal scene, feeling ill.
He had never truly realized the power of those claws,
nor seen the teeth of a Felinian tear into flesh before
with such savagery. This was no polite skirmish for
possession; this was quite possibly to the death. Auri

keenly felt his lack of size, realized how tiny he was in
comparison, and how helpless.

Fur and blood scattered over the ground, and

Auri wanted to cover his ears as the group around
him roared and snarled in response to what they were

It was over as quickly as it had begun. His captor

stood victorious over the fallen body of his opponent.
It looked like the defeated Felinian still breathed, but
he was deeply unconscious.

Auri’s captor raked the ground with his clawed

feet, a shrill, piercing cry of challenge to the
remaining two.

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One of them answered and sprang forward, eyes

literally glowing with rage.

Auri shuddered, pulling his knees up to his chest

in instinctive self-protection. That one of these beasts
would claim him…he would never survive. There
seemed to be no difference between the animal side

and the more civilized side as there was with Kanar
and his people. These rebels were like a completely
different species in comparison, their brutality and
animal needs front and center.

The second fight ended as abruptly as the first,

Auri’s captor giving a savage shake of his head at the
other’s throat.

Auri could not tell if this second one lived as the

limp form dropped to the blood-soaked ground and
he could not say he cared, his anger rising as swiftly
as his fear.

The third combat was different. They circled each

other, snapping at the air, low growls rumbling from
their throats, fur bristled to make themselves appear
as large as possible. It looked as though they were
both fully aware of each other’s capabilities and were
careful of them. When they finally closed with each
other, it was with explosive force.

Auri began to shiver uncontrollably, his fear

rising, his bravado fading. The winner of this combat
would claim him. He thought of Kanar and wanted to
weep. His mate would never want him back after
another had had him. He would be tainted beyond

redemption, and the mere thought of these filthy
beings imitating what was so beautiful with love…

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He squeezed his eyes shut with realization. He did

love Kanar. Despite their rocky start and their
differences, the bond with his mate had grown past
recognition. The addition of Bredan to the bond only
seemed to strengthen it, create something greater. To
have a chance of love and security in his grasp, and

now to have it taken brutally away… He wanted to
scream his rage and sorrow.

Kanar! his heart cried.
He lifted eyes damp with tears to watch dully as

his captor defeated the final opponent. He gave a
grunting roar of triumph, the fur around his neck
standing in a ruff, showing his dominance. He
waited, chest heaving, for some moments, standing
tall and proud, waiting for another challenge, but
although the other Felinians shifted restlessly, they
did not make the mistake of confronting the scarred

At last he turned, blazing eyes falling upon Auri.

Auri tried not to show his terror, but he found himself
leaning away from the predator who stalked toward

The scarred one picked him up as easily as if he

weighed nothing at all, then held him by his
shoulders and leaned down to savagely claim his
mouth. When Auri refused to open to him, he bit the
human’s lip, drawing blood. Auri cried out in pain
and the scarred one’s tongue swept within, stealing
his prisoner’s very breath.

Auri tried to struggle, but it was like fighting

stone itself. He could vaguely hear the cheers and

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growls of approval from those watching, but his
senses were fading from lack of air, and he could not
focus on anything but that.

At last, the tongue slowly left his mouth, and all

Auri could do was gasp. He had not even the strength
to spit at his captor, as much as he wanted to remove

any part of this being from within himself.

Powerful arms swept him up and he could only

lie there, closing his eyes against the leers of the other
rebels, their eyes hot and needy.

For all he knew, he would be given to them next.
They passed through the crude doors of a

wooden hut, and Auri was thrown down on a vast
mattress covered with cloth and furs. The musky,
stale odor of the furs rose up, and he half choked with
disgust as he struggled to sit.

The scarred one grasped his ankle and yanked

Auri toward him as his claws extended.

Auri tried to kick him with his other foot, but his

captor deflected it easily and brought the claws to
bear. Grasping the waist of the loose pants Auri wore,
he sliced easily through the material, tearing it away.
He held Auri down as he pulled his boots off, then
the shirt and jacket went the same way. He released
his prisoner then, and Auri pushed himself away
until he hit the wall, curling his legs up and trying to
cover his nakedness as best he could, fists clenching
in his bonds.

The scarred one simply watched, his claws slowly

sheathing, his eyes hot and cruel.

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“So you are my beloved brother’s latest prize. He

always had exquisite taste.” The sarcasm was so
strong it took some time for Auri to realize the
portent of the words themselves.

“Brother?” he questioned, hating the shake in his


“Did he not tell you? My heart is broken that I

have fallen so far from Kanar’s favor he has told one
of his mates nothing of me.” He watched Auri’s
bewilderment with a half smile that held nothing of

“I am Kanar’s older brother, the one who should

be ruling. Who shall rule. The weakling was given
control after I was exiled. I have decided he should
share with his brother. He does not need four mates,
whatever the fates have decided. I think it is time he
remember me and what I am capable of.”

“Kanar is no weakling. He will come for me.”

Auri fought to make his tone sure and strong.

His captor chuckled, an eerie, bitter sound. “I

hope so. It is time for his rule to be over.” He leaned
closer, golden eye gleaming. “You are my bait, little
human. When I fuck your brains out, he will feel it
through the link, your bond. He will not be able to
control himself, and he will confront me.” He
straightened, claws extending and retracting in tune
with his thoughts, tail lashing. “He will die, and I will
rule as should have been since the beginning. The
fools chose him because they wanted peace, wanted

the war to be over.” He laughed then, and it held a
hint of madness that made Auri shiver. “They did not

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see the answer.” His eyes glowed with purpose. “I
will seize the illanium and control it. We will sell it to
the highest bidder and buy ships, great gunships. We
will take the war to the Empire.” He stripped off his
kilt and laid his weapons aside before kneeling on the
bed, slowly stalking toward Auri on all fours. “Then

we will have all the wealth and power we will ever
need.” His feral smile grew larger. “And all the little
humans we could ever want.” He grabbed Auri’s
ankle again and pulled him beneath him in one
powerful movement.

Auri froze in terror as claws traced around his

eye. “Before he dies, I will take Kanar’s eye as he took
mine.” Great teeth gleamed as the scarred one leaned
closer. “And you will see it all, my little human. You
will live. Be first in my own harem, and every time I
take you, you will mourn for him. You will see the
Empire fall and witness how humans should be

treated.” He laughed as Auri snarled and tried to
struggle as best he could.

The golden eye filled with lust then and he knelt

up, prying Auri’s thrashing legs apart with ease.

Auri’s eyes widened as he saw the dripping cock

emerge from its sheath, felt its pointed tip positioned
at his opening. He fought desperately, arching and
straining, but his strength was as nothing to his
captor. The scarred one grasped Auri’s hips and with
a single tug, speared him onto his cock.

Auri’s agonized scream rent the air, and the

scarred one laughed as he leaned over, his words
bringing as much pain as the rape.

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“My brother will come. And he will die…”

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Chapter Eight

Auri woke slowly, pain throbbing through every

part of his body. He whimpered, beyond even trying
to hide his weakness. He opened one eye, the other
swollen shut, and saw no one within his limited
vision. There was no sound in the hut, though he
could hear Felinian voices just outside. Guards, no

He tried to lift his head, but the moment he

moved his neck, he nearly passed out. Another
whimper escaped his lips as he fought to stay

A cool cloth descended on his forehead, wiping

away blood and sweat as well as many others fluids
he did not want to remember. Auri froze, his breath
hitching in renewed terror.

“Shh. I am not he. I only wish to help.” The voice

was unfamiliar but undeniably human.

Another human? Here?

The cloth bathed the blood from his right eye,

gently soaking it. When the stranger’s touch
departed, he could actually open it a little, though
everything was blurry.

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“Why are you here?” Auri croaked, fear at his

utter helplessness making him shiver, renewing his
own pain.

The cloth returned with fresh water, the touch

gentle and smooth.

“I am to care for you. He said so.” There was a

quiver to the voice, showing this person feared the
scarred one as much as Auri now did. Obviously he
had also had dealings with Felinian brutality.

Auri subsided then, in too much pain to be able to

do much else. He slid into fevered dreams,
whispering Kanar’s name even as silent tears slid
down bruised cheeks.

* * *

When he awoke again, his mind was a little

clearer. His hands were free of their bonds, and the

aches in his body had lessened somewhat. There were
voices close by and Auri stiffened, afraid to move in
case it brought the scarred one’s attention back to

They spoke in swift Felinian, so he could

understand very little of what they said, only that
there was an undercurrent of satisfaction that boded
ill. He could hear the sound of eating, smell food, and
his own stomach ached with need. His right eye was a
little less swollen and he could see more of the hut,

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but he did not dare turn his head to view any more.
He lay silent and still, wondering how much time had
passed since his capture. He had no idea how long he
had been unconscious both times. It could have been
hours, it could have been days. By the reaction of his
poor stomach, it had to have been a considerable

amount of time.

Most of the voices faded as people left, then he

heard approaching footsteps and froze utterly, heart
pounding, his breath suspended.

Hard hands turned him on the bed, made him sit

up against the wall. The movements sent shards of
agony through his body, and he almost blacked out.
When he came back to full consciousness, he stared
into the golden eye of his captor. He shrank back
instinctively, this being having taught him the true
meaning of fear, of helplessness, and of hatred.

A satisfied smile curled his captor’s lips as he

viewed his handiwork. “He is coming. Full of rage if I
gauge correctly; rage that will slow his reflexes, make
him easier prey.” He trailed a claw down Auri’s
cheek. “This day will see your mate die and like the
good brother I am, I can only take in all his mates,
make them mine. Or maybe I will give the others to
the most loyal of my followers.”

Auri’s eyes widened and his mind screamed with

rage. He would die before he let this beast touch the
others. The thought of Bredan, Illian, and Ciris
undergoing what Auri himself had was too much.

He lunged forward, ignoring his body’s cries of

pain, his fingers curling around the hilt of the dagger

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at his captor’s waist. Claws sank into his back, but he
was beyond feeling anything but fury and
determination. He drew the weapon and turned,
scoring a long gash along the scarred one’s thigh
before he was thrown to the floor, his hand crushed
as the knife was forced from his hand.

A sweeping backhand knocked him flat and he

lay there, stunned, waiting for death. At least then he
could not be used against the ones he loved.

A huge hand curled around his throat and lifted

him into the air and back onto the bed.

“My brother named you true. You are a small

tiger. But I am bigger and I am dominant. I will enjoy
breaking you.” One clawed finger took blood from
the thigh wound and painted Auri’s lips with it
before forcing his mouth open and making him taste
what he had done.

“Your first lesson will be that you are mine

utterly, and that will be when you see him die.” He
rose from the bed with the lithe grace all Felinians
seemed to possess, the shallow wound not seeming to
hinder him at all, much to Auri’s disappointment.
“Right now you have hope. When he is gone you will
have none. Your defiance will not last long after that.”
He picked up something from the table and returned
with it in his hand. Before Auri could react, his captor
had leaned over him and pushed something around
and onto his neck, metal clicking shut.

Auri reached up with disbelief, trembling fingers

tracing the metal encircling his neck.

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The scarred one smiled. “Do not worry. You will

have a more ornate one in time, fit for a king’s mate,
but for now…”

He turned away, gesturing curtly to someone out

of Auri’s sight. “Tend him. I want him ready for when
my brother arrives.”

“Yes, my lord.” The voice was soft and low,

utterly submissive.

The scarred one took a last look at Auri and

swept from the hut, speaking briefly to someone
outside before leaving.

Auri began to shake, his eyes fixed on the


“Please let me tend your wounds.” The gentle

voice made him start, and he turned to stare at the
human who had cared for him before.

The man was young, blond hair, blue eyes, and

something jogged in Auri’s memory. Something

Kanar had spoken of.

His eyes widened with realization. This was the

mate who had been stolen almost a year ago, the mate
of Kanar’s friend.

The young man was covered with bruises, his

eyes dull and resigned. He did not look up at Auri,
only stared at the floor as he waited for an answer.

Auri reached out with shaking fingers, touching

the young man’s cheek. He flinched away, then
stilled, quivering with the obvious desire to flee.

“You are Aidar, Malar’s mate,” Auri whispered.

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The blue eyes flew up to meet his, shock in their

depths before tears filled them. He looked away then,
face drawn and lined with grief.

“I was…once.” The voice shook and the young

man, Aidar, bit his lip to contain the urge to uselessly

Auri wanted to weep himself, seeing a mirror of

what he himself would become.

* * *

Aidar washed the blood and filth from Auri’s

hair, then dried and combed it until it shone.

“He commanded that you have no clothing, only

these.” Aidar’s voice was apologetic, timid, obviously
expecting Auri to make a scene as he presented two
anklets and two bracelets, solid metal, obviously
meant to restrain.

Auri stared at them, saying nothing, then shot a

look at Aidar. Auri might be punished for resisting,
but he had the feeling it would be Aidar who would
take the brunt.

He took them silently and put them on his own

wrists and ankles, hearing the small release of breath
that signaled Aidar’s immense relief.

Auri saw no point in resistance that would harm

others. If he was passive enough, pliant, it might gain
him some edge for what was to come. Perhaps in

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some fashion he might be able to aid Kanar, free
himself and Aidar.

He could not leave without this poor, battered

boy. He could not live with himself if he did,
knowing now how Aidar suffered.

He leaned forward, taking Aidar’s hand gently,

his thumb stroking the back. “We will get out of this,
Aidar. Kanar will save us.”

The younger man looked at him in silence, not

negating his words, but there was no hope or belief in
those blue eyes.

* * *

The sun was past its zenith when the sound of

horns announced Kanar’s arrival.

The rebels stirred restlessly when they saw the

size of the army amassed against them, and they

looked to the scarred one for reassurance. He stood,
legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, a smile of
anticipation on his lips. “He will do nothing to us,
you fools. Not if he values his little mate.” He carded
his fingers through Auri’s black hair. Auri sat curled
at his captor’s feet, wrists together before him and
ankles bound together with the metal restraints.

The rebels relaxed somewhat, though their

restlessness did not cease. This battle between Kanar
and his brother would decide the fate of their world.

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In the distance, Kanar stepped forward, his stance

clearly aggressive and battle ready, his fur bristling
with all he felt. Auri felt pride rise. He looked more
than a match for his mad brother. The scarred one left
Auri with his second in command and slowly,
casually approached his brother. Kanar left his own

army with his younger brother, Neel’s mate, Nadim.

The two met some small distance from the

opposing forces, their faces hard and cold with all
they felt.

There was a long silence; even the forest itself

seemed to be waiting, soundless.

“Greetings, brother.” The loathing in the word

was evident in the scarred one’s sneer. “It has been
too long since we last spoke.”

Kanar’s eyes roved over his sibling, a faint regret

shining for brief moments before he hardened utterly.

“Greetings, Varan. You have forced this meeting

by the abduction of my mate, Auri. Such a thing is
against all morals within our clan. I find this a crime
of such low character that I am astonished even you
could have conceived it.” His gaze slid to Auri, ice
settling into his eyes as he catalogued each wound
upon his beloved little tiger. His attention returned to
his opponent. “You will pay for everything, even the
tiniest bruise you have inflicted upon him.”

Varan gave a wild, mad grin, malice in his eye. “I

see why you value him so much, brother mine. He
was a wonderful fuck.”

Auri froze at the words, shame a thick blockage

in his throat so that he could scarcely swallow. He

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saw Kanar stiffen, hands clenching into fists, but he
gave no more indication than that, not allowing his
inner rage to cloud his senses.

“You made your decisions a long time

ago…brother. You wished to plunge our world into
incessant war and see our people suffer for it. You

never had any concern but for yourself and your
blind obsession with revenge. I have given you
lenience because of our father and the bond of
siblings, but you negated that when you harmed my
mate. In our clan, that is punishable by death. The
council has passed judgment against you and I will
not flinch from being the tool that passes their
sentence upon you.”

Auri felt tears rise to his eyes. Kanar looked so

royal in that moment, so powerful and beautiful. His
head drooped and he squeezed his eyes shut. He felt
his own filthiness and unworthiness keenly then. He

was utterly unworthy of being a royal mate now and
nothing could ever change that. He could never be
cleansed of what had happened. Kanar was doing this
out of pride and what his people had decreed. It was
not because he wanted Auri back.

“I have waited long for this day. I will take by

force what the council was unwilling to give. I had
the right to be king and they took it from me. After I
kill you, they will be next.” Varan’s voice held total
conviction and confidence. He turned then and
walked with a swagger back to his group, tail lashing

in anticipation of the coming conflict.

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Auri watched Kanar through the hair falling over

his face, longing in his eyes. If only… He clenched his
fists helplessly before him in the encircling metal,
wishing to the gods for a way to help.

Please, he prayed, grant me this wish. That I

might aid Kanar in some fashion, any way at all…

Keep him safe.

His thoughts scattered into disgust as Varan

dragged him up by the hair and kissed him brutally,
leaving blood in his wake as he finished and let Auri
sag back to the ground. Varan only laughed as Auri
spit at him, his eye gleaming with promised
retribution as he dodged. “Kanar was too soft on you.
You will learn obedience, little human.”

Auri only snarled silently, hatred making his

body shake with the desire to do violence. He vowed
to himself, whatever happened this day, he would
have revenge upon this beast.

Kanar stood waiting, body easy and loose,

watching his brother’s posturing with cold eyes. He
did not react to Varan’s behavior with Auri, his
expression never altering.

Varan made a show of loosening his muscles as

he approached Kanar, displaying his impressive

Again Kanar did nothing. He was utterly

motionless, only the wind ruffling his fur. Even his
tail did not move.

Varan finished his preparations, then stood before

his brother some feet away. They both made a
ceremonial bow and the gestures needed before

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formal combat then stood staring at each other,

Complete silence fell, the sound of the wind loud

in the sudden lull.

Varan leapt.
Kanar was not there. He moved with incredible

swiftness and then stopped, waiting once more.

Varan frowned, seemed taken aback. He was

more cautious in his next attack. Circling, gauging,
and then again, a lunge. Again, Kanar was not there,
but standing some feet away and still with the calm
that seemed to surround him like a cloak.

“You seem slower than I remember, Varan. At

least before, you were a challenge…”

Varan snarled in answer, clearly thrown by

Kanar’s quiet confidence. It was obvious his inner
rage was rising, his thoughts clouding.

Auri watched with trepidation, his fingers

twisting around each other in his agitation. At the
moment Kanar seemed to have the upper hand, but…

The fight drew on, time passing, and still Varan

had not managed to land a single blow. Kanar
seemed intent on exhausting his brother rather than
wounding him, and it enraged Varan no end.

Finally Varan drew his knife and stood poised,

breath a little fast, his eye gleaming. “You fight as a
coward does, little brother. Come, spar with me.
Show me you have improved in this also, or is it fear
that keeps you at a distance?”

Kanar drew his own knife, its curved blade

shining in the sun, waiting for his sibling to advance.

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Varan danced forward. Kanar adroitly avoided

the move even as he turned and slashed. Varan
swayed and ducked, a frenzied grin upon his face.
Only his brother had ever been this good against him.
Their moves were beautiful; a deadly, mesmerizing
dance, a perfect play of steel and moving muscle.

Auri’s body was tense with anticipation, his

fearful eyes watching each move with a warrior’s
knowledge. He had been taught knife fighting by a
master—a strange thing in his world’s modern age.
He had been good at it, very, very good, and his body
almost moved in synchronization with what he was
witnessing. Pride suffused him as he watched his
mate, saw his prowess and skill. He was beautiful, all
power and strength, the sun glinting off his fur,
making it shine in golden bursts as he moved.

Varan gave a smile of malice and broke the

pattern. He dropped to one knee, holding Kanar’s

knife back with his own blade, and brought his claws
out in a sweeping motion, slashing across Kanar’s
thigh, deeply scoring the muscle there. Blood spurted
and Kanar stumbled, though he swiftly recovered and
backed away, face twisted in pain.

There were gasps of shock from Kanar’s army;

such a thing was totally outside the rules of honor
combat that was used to decide leadership. It had
always been a thing of law and great scrutiny; to do
such was considered dishonorable in the extreme and
in itself could bring about exile.

Varan had nothing to lose.

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Auri flinched as though the wound had been to

his own body, his breath hitching as he saw his mate’s
blood, felt his pain.

His fists clenched helplessly, his teeth gritted in

growing fury.

Varan laughed, rose back to a crouch, his eye


“You always were a fool, brother. That is why

you will lose. I did not come for an honor combat. I
came to kill you.”

The match resumed, but Kanar was slower now,

not as nimble. The continued blood loss and
weakened muscles of his right thigh began to wear
him down. Varan began to score hit after hit, and
Kanar’s blood flowed rich and red upon his fur.

Auri wept, his heart breaking at each blow, each

addition to his mate’s pain.

The end came swiftly then. Kanar moved a

fraction too slowly and Varan had him, sweeping his
feet from under him and laying claws on his throat a
moment later.

Auri cried out, a choked, horrified sound, before

a whimper of denial sounded in the back of his throat.

Varan looked down into Kanar’s eyes, vindictive

pleasure in his own. “First I will take your eye, little
brother, and I will make my new mate watch.”

Kanar snarled weakly, but the claws impaled just

short of killing into his throat made the sound bubble
and die.

Varan looked over his shoulder, fire in his gaze.

“Come, little mate. Come here and watch him die.”

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Auri was pulled to his feet, his ankles released as

he was shoved forward, and he stumbled badly. He
recovered and moved forward hesitantly, his legs
shaking uncontrollably. He could not meet Varan’s
triumphant gaze and kept his eyes on the ground.
Just before he reached the two combatants, he saw

something glint amidst the blood and trampled
ground. He fell to his knees then, unable to go

“I will give him more pain if you do not get that

sweet ass over here now.” Varan’s voice held no

Awkwardly, slowly, his hands still bound, Auri

half crawled to him, face white and strained. Never
did his eyes stray from Kanar.

Varan grabbed his hair as he came close enough

and pulled him so he was half over his captor’s lap,
his upper body resting on Kanar.

Auri flinched back, trying to take his weight off

his mate’s tortured body, but Varan pressed him
down viciously.

“My little tiger, my Auri,” Kanar whispered

painfully, such love in his tone Auri began to weep,
unable to restrain himself.

“I love you, Kanar. Please know I love you.” He

pressed a kiss to the pale lips. “I always will. Nothing
and no one can change that.”

Kanar tried to smile, his eyes briefly glowing.

Varan dragged Auri back against him, sneering at the

scene before him. Rising in his kneeling position, legs
spread for balance, he poised the knife over his

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brother’s eye, ready for the slice that would see his
revenge fulfilled.

“Please,” Auri begged, such desperation in his

tone Varan paused, taken in by the blue eyes that
looked at him fully for the first time. “Please, give me
one wish before you kill him.”

“I am not without mercy.” Varan’s lips curled

back from his teeth in self-mockery. “What is it, my
little mate? If you are in need, do not fear. I will fuck
you on his dead body.”

The blue eyes did not waver as Auri leaned

closer, the small, lithe body twisting just slightly, one
bound hand sliding along Varan’s thigh.

“I wish for…” Auri’s body curled suddenly as

though in pain, his bound hands jerking forward. He
felt the blow land straight and true, directly behind
Varan’s balls, before straightening away.

Varan had not moved, his expression showing

more puzzlement than pain.

Auri leaned closer, eye to eye with his foe. “…for

you to die, you miserable son of a bitch,” Auri
whispered, and the knife he held plunged again, this
time into Varan’s heart, and twisted.

Varan died on his knees, expression disbelieving.
Auri paid no attention as the body fell away to lie

unmoving on the ground. Nor did he react to the
stunned silence that encompassed both sides of the
conflict. There was only one thought in his mind. He
lifted his bloody hands immediately to Kanar’s face,

carefully putting his fingers over the wounds on

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Kanar’s throat, now open and bleeding freely as the
claws that had filled them were gone.

“How?” Kanar’s question was hoarse, his eyes


“Your knife,” Auri answered. “It was where you

had dropped it. When I fell on my knees I simply

dragged it with me.”

Kanar wanted to laugh, wanted to cry with joy.

“My little tiger, you have saved my world.”

Auri found a smile, though it wobbled

dangerously. “It was an accident, my mate. I really
only wanted to save you, and I got my wish.”

“It was a good wish,” Kanar whispered and

smiled as he felt Auri’s lips on his own.

“It was a good knife,” Auri whispered back, half


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Chapter Nine

Auri sat in the spring sun, curled up on the bench

in the royal private garden, arms around his updrawn
knees. He did not see the beauty of the emerging
flowers or smell the sweet perfume of the blooming
trees. He was caught in himself, and it was no good
place to be.

It had all been so wonderful.

Kanar had slowly healed and was now his old

self. Auri himself had recovered from his ordeal…or
had he?

They had rescued Aidar and returned him to his

mate, Malar, but it had been clearly obvious his
mental state was going to need a lot of time and
patience on his mate’s part to heal.

Auri had assumed that because he had been so

short a time in Varan’s possession, his inner scars
would be less than Aidar’s, but that was to be proven
untrue quite quickly.

First Kanar had seemed reluctant to touch him.

Auri had immediately jumped to the conclusion his
mate could not help being disgusted by the thought
of Auri’s taint, that another had fouled his body.

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Auri himself had tried desperately to push all

thoughts of what had happened to him out of his
mind. He was fine now. Just fine. But at Kanar’s
seeming rejection, it was proven very swiftly he was
anything but fine. He jumped at the slightest sound or
any sudden movement in his vicinity. It seemed to

worsen, not heal as time passed, and he only felt more
and more tainted, filthy. He took to soaking in the
baths for long hours, scrubbing until his skin was raw
and sore. The other mates tried their best to help, and
they often pulled him bodily from the water,
preventing him from injuring his skin yet again. They
rallied round him, tried to get him to speak of what
had happened, but he could not.

His own mate thought him disgusting. That he

could not get out of his head and though Bredan and
the others protested, telling him continually it was
because Kanar was terrified of hurting him, of doing

something to harm his fragile mental state, Auri was
convinced it was over. Kanar would never touch him
again. How could he? He was pure and good. Auri
was forever filthy, and nothing could cleanse him.

It got to the point he could not bear for even

Bredan to touch him. He became centered in a cycle of
self-hatred and self-destruction that had those around
him worried deeply for his safety.

In the end, Bredan, Ilian, and Ciris took matters

into their own hands, seeing no end in sight for either
Auri’s self-hatred or Kanar’s fear of damaging Auri


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They came early on a morning in the beginning of

summer, serious and yet gentle as they persuaded
Auri to rise from his warm bed. Befuddled and tired
from a night’s restless sleep, he did not protest too
much, only accompanied them in pained silence,
never bothering to wonder what they were up to.

They walked through the forest for some

distance, and even this small connection with the
beauty of the Felinian world helped Auri come out of
his shell at least a tiny bit. His love of trees was ever
present, and as he walked, he often laid a hand on the
massive trunks that rose high into the painted
morning sky, some so tall Auri could not see the tops.

His heart eased a little.
There was no talk amongst the four; even the

ebullient Ilian was silent and serious as they walked.

There seemed to be no rush. It was leisurely, as if

they had all the time in the world and really, perhaps

they did. Auri knew there were guards around them,
hidden, but this peaceful stroll took even the painful
memory of his capture and softened it, made it of no
concern. He felt safe in the other three’s company for
no reason he could readily determine.

After a long time, Auri could hear the sound of

water, and his attention sharpened. He searched for
the source of the sound, and as they rounded a corner
in the path, he gasped aloud in wonder.

A rock face towered above them, and several

flows of water from the small river above formed

waterfalls of various sizes, cascading down into a
pool below, clear and sparkling in the shafts of

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sunlight that came through the leaves of the trees
overhanging the water.

Ferns and various moisture-loving plants grew

along the edges, and the effect was so beautiful Auri
felt the band of pain in his chest loosen just a little
more. He drew a deep breath of the moisture-laden

air, his eyes closing for a moment in appreciation.

“Come, Auri.” Bredan’s voice was gentle, in tune

with the surroundings. Auri opened his eyes and
watched as the others divested themselves of clothing
and without even thinking, he did the same.

Modesty seemed a needless thing in this place of

peace; it seemed natural to be without the
encumbrance of clothing, to feel the faint breeze on
his skin and the welcome coolness of the shade after
the long walk.

When he slipped into the waters, following the

others, he got a pleasant surprise. The waters were

warm. Not hot, not unpleasant in the heat of the day,
but soothing.

Bredan held out a hand to him and dreamily,

Auri went to him, sat beside him on the natural stone
ledge along one side of the pool.

Bredan ran a gentle hand down Auri’s cheek,

turning his face so they were eye to eye.

“This is a very, very special place, Auri. The

Felinians believe in an earth goddess and when I am
here, I cannot help but believe also. We have brought
you here for a cleansing ceremony, a healing. This

place will take from you the pain you carry; all you
have to do is open to it, to the goddess’s presence.”

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Auri blinked, considering for a moment, then

leaned into Bredan. He was so very tired of the pain,
so very tired of being on the outside of everything. He
just wanted to be free of what had happened, to deny
Varan’s ability to haunt him even now. He did not
want the bastard to have won in any way whatsoever.

Bredan released a sigh of relief, his body relaxing

against Auri’s as he laid a gentle kiss on the younger
man’s head. “Let us cleanse you, tiger. Come back to

Auri nodded, unable to look at any of them, but

then Ilian’s smile drew him from where the other
mate knelt in the water at his feet, and Ciris came to
sit on his other side, taking his hand and leaning

Ilian leaned up and laid a gentle kiss on Auri’s

lips, then drew him deeper into the water. “Come,
Auri. Let us love you, take away what was, and bring

you to what will be.”

Auri allowed himself to be led until he stood knee

deep in the pool, under the smallest of the waterfalls,
gentle rivulets running down his skin. Solemnly, the
other three men began to run their hands over him,
washing him, replacing the touches of brutality with
love and true caring.

This is real now, Auri,” Ciris whispered fondly,

laying his lips on Auri’s arm. “This is the truth now.
Not what was done, only what is now. Feel us; we
will push him away until he has no more power over


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Auri closed his eyes, his body tense at first, but

Ciris’s words ran true. This was now. This was love
surrounding him, and only if he closed himself off,
imprisoned himself in his own mind would Varan

Slowly, gradually, he relaxed into the hands, let

himself truly feel.

He turned his face up for Bredan’s kiss, a gentle

touching of tongues as the other mate caressed every
corner of his mouth, overlaying harsh memory with
new sensation. Auri began to kiss back, moaning a
little as Ilian began to rub his scalp gently, combing
his fingers lovingly through the thick black hair.

Ciris washed down his back, easing his muscles,

tracing his form with small fingers that bore no
resemblance to giant, brutal Felinian hands. He
tensed as Ciris reached his waist, but Ciris whispered
soothing sounds as he gently smoothed his wet hands

over Auri’s buttocks, never stopping in his
movements. Before Auri could try to move away,
Ilian began to kiss and lick his way down Auri’s neck,
humming quietly, his kisses never stopping. Over
Auri’s chest, he paused to lick and suckle his nipples
until Auri gasped into Bredan’s mouth, arching, his
body beginning to waken, to want.

Ilian did not pause for long, but kissed over

Auri’s taut belly before swallowing his shaft without

Auri’s cry echoed over the waters, his fingers

clutching Bredan’s shoulders desperately. He laid his
head on the broad chest, burrowing closer, and

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Bredan’s arms enfolded him willingly, giving him the
comfort of familiarity.

Auri’s hips flexed, and he scarcely noticed the

small fingers slowly stroking down into his cleft. Ciris
must have mysteriously brought oil, because the
single finger that pressed gently into his body was

slick and without pain.

Auri would have jerked away then, but Bredan

murmured comfort, kissed his neck, and gently
nibbled on his ear, distracting.

The finger curled in Auri and the pleasure shot

through his body so that he almost collapsed from the
intense combination of sensations. Ilian’s lips were
insistent and talented and his tongue a thing of
wonder. One of Auri’s hands left Bredan to touch
Ilian’s head, wordlessly giving appreciation. Ilian
hummed then and his fingers rolled Auri’s balls in
their sac, making his toes curl, his thighs tighten and

tremble. It was so long since…

He pushed forward into that hot mouth and then

back onto that stroking finger, beginning to pant, the
water running over his skin adding extra stimulation
that drove him nearly mad with want.

“This is love, Auri. This is for you. You are

beautiful, treasured, cherished, loved. He did not take
that from you—he only made you think so. Wash him
away, Auri. Cast him off; he is no part of you but
what you allow. We will touch every part of you,
paint new pictures in your mind, shower you with

such love you will never doubt again.”

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Auri felt tears squeeze out past his tightly closed

lids at the loving words, and he pressed closer to
Bredan, almost trying to become one with him in his

Ilian stopped licking at Auri’s shaft, making Auri

whimper in distress at the cessation of heat. The other

mate rose to his feet, kissing him gently and
thoroughly before moving behind him. His finger
replaced Ciris’s, soon adding a second one, making
Auri arch again and moan, little sounds of need
passing his lips.

Bredan turned Auri in his arms so his shoulder

was against Bredan’s chest and the others had free
access to Auri’s body. Ciris pulled Auri down for a
kiss, his gentle, sweet smile easing Auri’s heart. He
trailed small hands down Auri’s chest, then turned
and before Auri could think, he was buried in Ciris’s
body, his cock sheathed in wondrous heat. He

shuddered, grateful for Bredan’s support as he

The distraction was needed, for he had no time to

tense as Ilian’s long, slender cock slid into him
without stopping. Pierced and piercing, he was
frozen, shocked, ready to flee the intrusion.

Bredan soothed him, held him close. “There is no

pain this time, Auri. It is Ilian, only Ilian. Feel him,
feel the love he gives you. Feel Ciris. This is nothing
the same.”

Ciris thrust back, again pulling Auri from his

thoughts, and began to impale himself on Auri’s cock,
writhing and twisting deliciously. Auri threw his

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head back on Ilian’s shoulder, crying out softly. Ilian
smiled against his cheek, breathing raggedly into
Auri’s ear. “You are so hot inside, Auri. So wonderful.
Can you feel me there, feel me so far within you? You
are pulsing around me, caressing me, pulling me
deeper. Do you want me, Auri? Let me cleanse you

within. There will be nothing there but me, nothing
but pleasure.” He gently thrust, angling against
Auri’s prostate so the shorter man quivered in
ecstasy. Ilian stayed there, twisting his hips so his
cock pressed and rubbed mercilessly over that spot.

“Yes,” Auri groaned, his voice wavering. One of

his hands moved back to hold Ilian’s hip, pulling him
forward. “Oh, gods yes. I want you, Ilian. Take me
deep, make him go away…” His voice broke on a sob.

Ilian kissed him, then held him close, thrusting

deep, then deeper as Auri directed. Auri held tight to
Bredan, but he could not stop his instinct to move,

and he let Ilian guide him, the thrusts behind moving
him deeply into Ciris.

It was a primal dance of beauty, of love, and Auri

felt the last ties holding him to the nightmare begin to
loosen their hold on him. The memories would not
fade for many long years—they would never truly
leave entirely, he knew—but the love pouring over
him enabled him to be strong, to move out of the dark
and into hope. His heart opened; he let Bredan and
Ilian and Ciris into it, alone no more. In that moment,
he came, and the mingled cries of the four men, for

Bredan came at the same time, so affected was he

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with the erotic beauty of the other three, was as a
song rising to ethereal ears.

An unseen being of light and love saw that song

as golden notes, and her love surrounded the four
men, the healing she gently cast around them

* * *

Two nights later, Kanar had his meal with his

four mates, and his heart lifted as he saw his little
tiger more at peace, that beloved face free of its
expression of pain and anger. It was a great gift to the
Felinian leader and his spirits lifted. He had been so
very worried.

Auri did not participate much in the discussions

of the evening, but he did not withdraw mentally
either. He listened, often nodding or shaking his

head, and seemed much more at ease with himself
and the others.

Bredan had told Kanar what had transpired

between the four of them, and it had pleased the
Felinian greatly that it had had such positive results,
but he wistfully wished he could have been part of it

Would Auri ever let him touch him again, or

would he always be taken for his brother? They had

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looked so much the same…Kanar sighed. Patience, it
would take patience. He had to hold to hope.

At the end of the meal, he quietly named Ilian

and Ciris as those to stay with him.

It was then the miracle happened.
Auri looked up from his meal and into Kanar’s


“Could all of us stay tonight?”

* * *

Auri could not believe he had uttered those

words. His heart pounded and a cold sweat gathered
on his brow, but he fought the fear. If he was going to
heal totally, it was up to him to make the move
toward it.

Kanar was too concerned to ever press the matter,

and if left, the fear might settle into something

permanent, something that would make him wish to
never touch or be touched by Kanar again.

He refused to lose his mate.
He just had to be brave. He swallowed hard.
The others all stared at him, then Ilian laughed

out loud and flew to embrace Auri, chattering a mile
a minute. Auri leaned into the touch, laughing a little
at Ilian’s tireless rambling, but his eyes never left

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Kanar rose to his feet and gave Auri such a smile

of joy Auri could not help getting a little emotional,
laying his head on Ilian’s shoulder when it got too
much. He wanted to be in control, not a shaking mess.

As they each disrobed and went to lay upon the

massive bed, Auri began to tremble despite all his

efforts to the contrary, but he also had to laugh again
as Ilian played the clown, bouncing on the bed and
using pillows to attack Bredan mercilessly. Ciris
crawled away from the combat, chuckling as he
curled into Kanar’s arms.

Before he knew what happened, Auri was

engulfed into the battle, and the three of them duked
it out with fervor until they had to collapse onto the
bed, panting and sweaty, tangled in each other.

Ilian raised a weak hand. “I win,” he declared.

The other two were too exhausted to retaliate, so he
was declared unofficial winner with the possibility of

a rematch later.

While he lay there, Auri felt open to possibilities,

the seriousness of the moment taken away to be
replaced with more gentle thoughts.

He reached out with his hand toward Kanar.
The Felinian froze, his eyes worried and tense,

afraid to make a wrong move. Ciris kissed him,
shaking his head with a smile, and removed himself
from his mate’s lap, pushing him ever so gently
toward Auri.

The Felinian went cautiously, laying himself

down close to his little fourth mate so he would seem
as small as possible, less threatening.

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Auri reached out with trembling fingers, gently

beginning to trace the lines of Kanar’s face, exploring
every inch of it, detailing how different it was from

Two beautiful golden eyes looked back at him,

and there was no terrible scarring to mar the softness

of the facial fur. Auri stroked the sensitive whiskers,
smiling when Kanar grimaced and almost sneezed.
He ran his hands through the thicker ruff around his
mate’s neck and then reached up to stroke the soft
ears, delighting in their texture and the way they
flicked under his touch. Kanar moaned a little, tilting
his head for more contact, his eyes closing in total
contentment, a bass purr rumbling up from deep in
his chest.

Auri picked up one of the huge hands, stroking

the fur on the back, memorizing the markings. Here
was the biggest difference from Varan. Varan had had

very dark hands, the golden fur shading into a sable.
Kanar’s were the opposite. The golden color went
lighter and lighter toward his fingers until the black
stripes lay over almost white fur. Nothing like Varan.
Nothing at all.

Auri rubbed his face against the hand, convincing

himself it would not hurt him. This was Kanar, not
his older brother. This was someone who loved him,
did not want to simply possess him.

Kanar let him lead, laying back as Auri moved

down over his shoulders and to his chest and

stomach, petting the softest of fur. The purr
intensified and Kanar looked to be boneless in his

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pleasure, his eyes half lidded, his body laid out for
Auri’s perusal.

The other three lay with each other, lazily

stroking and cuddling but not interfering in the least
with Auri and Kanar. This could only be between the
two of them.

Auri delighted in the new knowledge Kanar was

deliciously sensitive and ticklish right next to his
sheath. With the lightest of touches, his cock would
appear and withdraw rhythmically from its
protection, and his whole body would shudder with
the depth of pleasure it produced.

Auri felt powerful, in control. All this power and

strength in Kanar, yet he willingly gave itself into
Auri’s hands, responded to his every touch. He
leaned down as he gently teased around the sheath
area, laying his lips on his mate’s. Kanar moaned into
Auri’s mouth, slowly brought up a hand to hesitantly

stroke his hair, caress his cheek.

Auri leaned into the touch, not away, and he felt

his mate relax a little more. Auri felt like Kanar
needed his reassurance, and it further empowered
him, made him attentive and less focused on his own

He felt the soft brush of fur across his back and

realized Kanar was playing with him, tickling him
with the tip of his tail. He found himself smiling, then
arching with a little moan as the tip gently brushed
his cleft and down the backs of his thighs. It was so

very, very different from his experiences with Varan

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it did not enter his mind in that moment to feel fear or
protest the touch. It felt divine.

He kissed his mate more deeply yet, brushing his

tongue over Kanar’s, drinking in his taste and very
essence, needing to use that sense to produce new
memories to overlay the old. He put one leg over

Kanar, pushing him fully onto his back, straddling
him, relishing the warm fur on his inner thighs and
how it cushioned his balls and tickled the underside
of his growing erection. He writhed a little, enjoying
the sensations engendered, his hands resting on the
large chest before him.

Bredan leaned closer, quietly offering a small vial

of oil, and Auri accepted it, gently and thoroughly
anointing Kanar’s shaft, even though it was wet in its
own right. Then he oiled his own fingers and,
watching Kanar’s eyes, began to prepare himself,
hardly able to believe he was being so freely wanton

in front of so many watching eyes. He arched as his
first finger penetrated, the feeling odd, dual
sensations of touching and being touched. He played
there, giving out a small breathy gasp as he felt his
own prostate. He arched as he massaged there,
panting with pleasure and need escaping his lips.

Kanar moaned and began to pant as well, his

huge shaft erect and quivering with need as he
watched the erotic performance.

Auri added the second finger, licking his lips as

the sensations intensified. He rose to his knees, oiled

fingers on the other hand working his own shaft,

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burning eyes watching Kanar’s rising heat, his need
pulsing between Auri’s thighs like a heartbeat.

At last Auri could take no more. He needed…he

needed his mate now, right now.

He pulled his hand free, almost whimpering at

the loss, then positioned himself over Kanar’s shaft

and let his body drop, enveloping the huge girth with
one motion.

Kanar gave a feral cry, his teeth baring at the

intensity of pleasure that bordered on pain. Auri did
not move, his body shivering, not knowing whether
to indicate ecstasy or agony. There were both and
Auri wanted them, wanted to know this pain was his
own choice, and it would lead to only pleasure, only
closeness with his mate, his love.

Kanar made a peculiar chuffing noise in his

throat, a feline call to his mate and Auri responded,
beginning to move. The pain receded, the pleasure

grew. He was vaguely aware of other hands touching
him, touching Kanar, but it was all one, all part of the
whole and it was right, not an intrusion.

Faster he rose and fell, lost in increasing bliss, his

hips thrusting and twisting. Kanar put hands on
Auri’s hips, claws so carefully sheathed, and helped
his movements. Auri began to shudder, to lose his
rhythm. His movements became erratic, his eyes
rolling back as the pleasure became almost
unbearable. At the last moment, with a massive effort,
he opened his eyes and met Kanar’s heated gaze.

“Kanar!” he screamed, almost a benediction, a

blessing of sorts, telling the world, the universe itself

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how he felt—this was his mate, and never would
anything part them again. He was free of the past—
Empire, loneliness, perfectionism, striving to be what
others wanted. This was his world now, and it would
be forever his choice to remain here.

Kanar gave a grunting cry and bathed Auri’s

insides with his very essence, his love, cleansing,
reaffirming, healing.

Auri fell to the great chest, panting, and he sighed

as he felt strong arms enclose him, protect him. He
would never fear those arms again. That was behind

Warm bodies cuddled close, kisses and stroking,

gentle murmurs as the other mates enfolded them,
celebrating the moment as the family they were.

Kanar gave Auri a tender kiss, even as he gently

touched each of his other mates, pulling them close as
they formed a loving tangle upon the great bed. Auri

lay replete upon the massive body of his mate,
surrounded by a true family at last.

He had received his greatest wish. For the first

time in his life, he was utterly, completely content and

He smiled slowly.
And it was only the beginning.

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~ About the Author ~

J. C. Owens originally wrote historical fiction under
the name J.C. McGuire and still loves the genre, but
having discovered the art of writing erotic male/male
fiction, is now obsessed with it. Fantasy backdrops
make a beautifully blank page to work with and J. C.
only wishes that the characters were real!

J.C. spent many years in a medieval re-enactment
group, learning and living history and that persona

and experience give life to J.C's writings. Interest in
even more ancient history spurred trips to Italy,
Greece, Turkey, and Egypt and that also colors the
characters and worlds of the books.

Love of ferrets and greyhounds and all living
creatures is the pivotal point around which J.C's "real"
life revolves.

Most of all, J.C. enjoys telling stories...

Find out more about J.C. Owens here:


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~ Also by J.C. Owens ~


Kidnapping the brother of a mob boss was madness. If only
it had stayed that simple.

It had all gone wrong. Sent as a mercenary to kidnap
Kirith Martinelli from his tropical island home,

Landon finds himself on the wrong end of a job gone
bad. But there’s more to Kirith than meets the eye—
he’s the brother of feared mob boss Enzo Martinelli,
and he’s taken Landon as his captive. Kirith makes
Landon an offer he can’t refuse: stay with him for
three months—until he tires of Landon’s body—and
then Landon may go free.

Landon, fearing his own criminal family more than
the man before him, quickly agrees. Three months
will buy him enough time for his brothers to lose his

scent, and then freedom will be his. But that freedom
has a steeper price than Landon bargained for as he’s
drawn into the secrets of Kirith’s past. He can’t ignore
the sadness and loss behind his captor’s beautiful
eyes, and Landon finds himself wondering if three
months will be enough—for either of them…

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Wings 2: Dominion of the Eth

The collar would stay, for Rylis would never free Tamrin…

Childhood memories of the Eth did no justice to what
Rylis Tanyan would encounter in the depths of the
Teeathun forest. But what he had treasured before
had betrayed him, and now he must fight to escape
the confines of the forest and his feelings for Tamrin,
the Eth whom he’d loved long ago...

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~ More M/M Romance from Etopia Press ~


© 2011 Diane Hartsock

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From the moment Taden rescues Nathaniel from the
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the gaze of the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen;
amazing eyes that hold him thrilled and confused.
The Sutherlins are planning to invade the beautiful
Tahon Valley, but as Taden secrets Nathaniel from
their reach, he finds himself drawn to the young man.
Not only does he feel the urge to protect him, but he
feels an ache he hasn't felt in many long years.

Nathaniel claims to be a traveler from a distant
continent, saying he comes in peace. True or not, the
youth has powers beyond anything Taden has seen—
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Taden falls hard for the strange traveler, protecting
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When Gareth Balaam inherits Harbinger House, he
thinks his problems are over. But unfortunately,
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past. Shrouded in mystery, what may have occurred
within its walls is still a matter of conjecture. The

locals at the pub talk about the place in whispers.
Gareth's partner, Tim, thinks the house is haunted.

Gareth doesn't believe in ghosts, but he does believe
Tim is using the house as an excuse to not work on
their relationship. Their trip to the country to bring
them closer seems to be doing the opposite. Tensions
and resentments flare, and through it all, someone is

Luka is lonely and bored. Confined to the shadows of
the house for decades, he has driven all the previous

occupants insane with lust. Except the last. The one
man Luka had loved had broken his heart and had
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and Luka was alone. But not anymore. There's life in
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Livianus is bored and longs for action. His reward for

serving Rome is the governorship of a quiet corner of
Gaul, but as he whiles away his days at his

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sumptuous villa, his thoughts turn to Attila the Hun,
the feared barbarian with whom Livianus once
enjoyed an intimate friendship. When a desperate
emperor asks him to return to Pannonia to broker a
truce with Attila, Livianus's old passion flares.

Attila is losing the will to go on. He is tired of being a
tyrant but his people's future depends on him. The
arrival of Livianus renews Attila's spirit as he
prepares to march on Constantinople. Livianus has
nothing to bargain with, but when the emperor's
sister delivers a proposition for Attila, a new and
brighter future seems to lay directly ahead. For the
people, and especially for the two men.

But the deadly hand of the emperor isn't interested in
peace, and as their plans are destroyed, only one
course of action remains open to the Hun and the



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