Shawn Bailey Kisses Sweeter Than Candy

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Published by Silver Publishing

Publisher of Erotic Romance

Kisses Sweeter

Than Candy

Shawn Bailey

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Jason Huffman

Kisses Sweeter than Candy © 2011 Shawn Bailey

ISBN # 9781920501952

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To the kid in all of us.

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Seattle University: Seattle University

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Kisses Sweeter Than Candy

Shawn Bailey






"I'm not goofing around," Wade Preston protested

as his father read him the riot act about the disappointing

sales from the candy shop he managed. "It's just been a

slow quarter. Things will pick up now since Halloween is


"Well, things better pick up," Wesley Preston said

closing the accounting ledger. "Our mission is to make

money, not lose it."

Wade sat in a chair across from his father's desk.

Wesley Preston was CEO of Preston's Candy

Conglomerate, which served the entire Northwest coast. In

his infamous wisdom he had given Wade Yummy's Candy

Shop, in their hometown of Seattle, Washington, to manage

just days after he graduated from college. Wade had never

wanted to follow his father into the candy business but he

wasn't given much choice. His father told him either to

make a success out of the shop or find another meal ticket.

"What are your plans for Halloween?" Wesley


Wade grimaced. He really didn't have any. All he

planned to do was decorate the shop with little ghouls and

goblins and play a few pranks on the customers.

"I suspected as much," Wesley said in his clipped,

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dismissive manner. "I think I need to bring in someone to

help you manage the place—someone who cares a little

more about candy than you do."

No truer words were ever spoken. He wasn't a big

fan of sweets, but he didn't think he needed help. "Have

you found someone yet?" He already knew the answer. His

father had probably been working on the latest scheme to

embarrass him for months. It was bad enough he put Wade

in a haunted damn candy shop.

"Yes, his name is Dane Tyler. He just graduated

from Seattle University with a 4.0 GPA in Business

Management and Marketing."

So he was a brain. But what did he know about


"He's the grandson of Emily Tyler, CEO of Tyler's


Wade frowned. One of their biggest competitors.

"Why would he want to work for us?"

"Because he doesn't want to live off the kindness of

his family, unlike some people I know."

Wade ignored the slight. Why be born into money

and not take advantage of the situation? "How did you meet








grandmother." All the candy makers and factory owners

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knew and socialized with each other in Washington.

"He's the youngest of four sons and he'll probably

never get a chance to manage one of Emily's stores so she

thought maybe I could use him here."

Wade didn't know if the old woman was being

generous or just pawning off one of her problems. "When

will he be arriving?"

"Tomorrow," Wesley announced. "The sooner the

better. Maybe you can learn a thing or two about running a

successful business from him instead of chasing young

women around Washington."

He did not chase. He couldn't help it if beautiful

young women found him adorable.

"And he's going to need a place to stay temporarily

until he can find an apartment."


"Meaning you have a vacant room at your place."

His private domain?

"You probably won't know he's there. Emily said

he's kind of quiet—you know, a bookworm."

Great. A geek. He's probably some hideous creature

with big glasses and buck teeth. "Am I expected to feed

him and change his diapers too?"

Tiny wrinkles formed on his father's forehead.

"Don't be ridiculous. Dane is twenty-two years old. He

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doesn't need a babysitter."

Twenty-two, good lord. Four years younger and

already highly thought of by his father. That also meant he

was young enough to manipulate. All Wade had to do was

leave him in the candy shop alone at night and let the

creepy sounds scare the crap out of him. "Is there anything

else I should know about this little creep you're entrusting

to me?"

"Just try to be nice," Wesley said. "You do

remember how to be nice, don't you?"

"Barely," Wade replied sarcastically. "I'll be on my

best behavior."

"Try not to be such a smart ass."

Wade smirked, waved goodbye, and left.

* * * *

"What do you mean you're getting a partner to run

Yummy's?" Scott Alexander, the head candy maker asked.

Scott was thirty-five years old and considered one of the

finest candy makers in the business. He'd been with

Yummy's since its inception three years ago, even before

Wade took over. He tucked a lock of black hair back

beneath his white chef's cap.

"Taking on a partner is my father's idea," Wade

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explained. "He thinks I need some help running the place."

"You mean he's been going over the books?"

Wade nodded. "We're not doing too badly with

sales but he thinks we can do better."

Scott washed his hands at the sink and then dried

them on a towel. "So what's this new partner like?"

Wade shrugged as he hopped up on a stool to watch

Scott create candy. "I've never met him. He's younger than

us and the grandson of—get this—Emily Tyler."

"Of Tyler's Candies?" Scott asked.

"Yes, her youngest grandson. He was a business


"Which means he doesn't know jack shit about

making candy," Scott said sarcastically as he began melting

sugar and chocolate in a double boiler.

"Apparently he doesn't have to know how to make

candy, just how to market and sell the product," Wade


"Good. Because I have enough little morons under

my feet."

Wade smiled. Scott had two apprentice candy

makers, Chris Thomas and James Jackson, both

overachievers who idolized the good looking, brown-eyed

chief candy maker.

Both young men entered the kitchen as if by magic,

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smiled and began changing into their uniforms.

The two could not have been more different,

although each held great promise as candy makers. Chris,

the older and taller of the pair, had the build of a football

player and the blond good looks of a homecoming king,

while James was short and slender, his red hair making him

stand out in a crowd.

"What's up," they both said going about their

business prepping for the day's customers.

Scott called them over. "I need to talk to you guys."

"Is anything wrong?" James asked.

"No," Scott told him. "Relax. I just wanted to tell

you we're getting another employee."

"A girl?" James asked with a big smile.

Wade smirked. Apparently James was tired of

working with all the males of Yummy's and wanted to look

at something pretty, preferably in a skirt. It was Wade's

father's idea to only employ men because he thought a

female would be distracting. Good looking males brought

in the female customers. "No, a guy from Seattle

University. He'll be joining us in an administrative


"Why?" the normally quiet Chris asked.

"Because my father thinks he'll be good for


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"Then I guess getting a new employee will be

okay," Chris said.

"When's he coming?" James asked.

"This afternoon," Wade answered. "His name is

Dane Tyler and he's twenty-two years old."

"Does he know anything about the candy business?"

James asked.

Wade nodded. "His grandmother owns Tyler

Candies. She's loaning him to us."

James frowned. "An inside plant?"

"I don't think so," Wade replied. "But I'll take care

of him if that turns out to be the case. He'll be living with

me for a while until he can find a permanent apartment."

Scott chuckled. "Having another man in your home

will put a cramp in your love life."

The other two men chuckled and agreed.

"I don't know why it should," Wade said, pouting.

James and Chris laughed all the way to their

stations. Chris lifted a twenty pound sack of sugar and

poured some into several large silver mixing bowls. He put

the sack away and then returned to the bowls and started

adding drops of food dye to tint the sugar for the jelly beans

he would make later.

James got busy pulling out bags of pecans to create

buttery pralines. Each day he prepared several types to

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include chocolate and coconut, but the pecan type sold


The door to the kitchen opened and a young man

entered. He wore a navy business suit and tie with a light

blue dress shirt that showed off his lithe frame. A long dark

ponytail dangled over his left shoulder. "Excuse me. I'm

looking for a Mr Wade Preston. I was told he would be

here to meet with me. I'm Dane Tyler."

Wade felt a strange pull in his groin as he gazed

upon the petite, green-eyed cutie as he pushed a pair of

glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'm Wade Preston," he

said, hopping off the stool and extending his hand in

greeting. "Welcome to Yummy's."

The young man's small and soft hand fitted snuggly

into Wade's. "It's so nice to meet you," he said in a voice

that sounded like angels singing from the clouds.

What the hell's the matter with me? Wade released

Dane's hand quickly. "Let me introduce you to the others.

This is Scott Alexander, our chief candy maker."

Scott shook Dane's hand and smiled at him. "Nice

to meet you, Dane."

"Nice to meet you too, sir. Mr Preston has spoken

highly of you."

Wade frowned. He could just imagine the types of

things his father said about him. "And these are our

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apprentice candy makers, James Jackson and Chris

Thomas. We have two other employees who work the

registers and the counters. I guess you saw them as you


"Yes," Dane said. "They told me where to find


Chris shook his hand first and then walked off to his

station, but James blushed shyly when the two of them

shook hands. "Are you sure you just graduated from


"Sure, why?" Dane asked.

"Because you're a very young looking guy. The

chicks that come in here to buy candy are all going to fall

in love with you."

Dane blushed.

Wade watched with fascination as the two young

men intermingled.

"You're going to have fun working here," Wade told


Dane stared at him oddly. "I'm not here to have fun.

I'm here to help you put Yummy's on the map."

Spoken like someone his father would be proud to

call son. What had he been saddled with? "Let me show

you around the place."

Scott and James got to work while he led Dane

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upstairs. The second floor of the building had two

administrative offices, a bathroom complete with a shower,

and a small conference room. Wade led him to the smaller

of the two offices, a room equipped with a tiny desk and

two empty bookshelves. He smirked inwardly as he said,

"This is your office."

Dane looked around. "Great view! And a bookcase

big enough to house all of my books."

Wade frowned. He had expected Dane to be

disappointed with the smaller office. Dane sounded like a

total egghead. He would take sheer pleasure scaring the life

out of him.

Dane smiled at him, displaying twin dimples.

Wade's groin tugged again. "Well, I hope you still

think this is a nice place to work by the end of the week."

He walked over to the window avoiding Dane's stare, green

eyes glowing as they watched him through thick lashes.

"Where are your things? I guess I need to show you where

you'll be staying after we finish touring the candy shop."

"In the trunk of my car," Dane answered. "I didn't

bring much."

Excellent, Wade thought. That meant he didn't plan

to stay long. Dane's voice did strange things to him. A

man's voice should not be so soft and sweet, Wade thought.

Or warm. He led Dane out of the close confines of the

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office and took him back downstairs to see the candy shop.

"I think I need to tell you something. This place is


"I'm not afraid of ghosts," Dane assured him.

We'll see, Wade mused.

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"Why are you guys here?" Dane asked the two

spirits who had followed him from home.

"Just checking to make sure you're safe," the one

named Horace said, materializing in front of him.

The other one named Sam appeared. "Never can be

too careful, Dane."

Dane leaned against the dresser. "Well, I'm flattered

by the concern, but you guys get me in more trouble than I

can get myself in."

Both spirits looked at each other and shrugged.

Sam and Horace had been with him for as long as

he could remember. They were his proverbial boogie men

in the bedroom closet and his imaginary friends all rolled

into one.

Horace, from what he could tell, died somewhere in

the eighteen hundreds. He had brown hair, brown eyes and

a southern accent.

Sam, also from the south, might have died around

the same time but Dane couldn't be sure. The blue-eyed,

blond-haired young man did seem deeply devoted to

Horace though.

Dane's first memory of them was when he was a

toddler. He remembered them looking down at him in his

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crib in the nursery at the manor. At the time he didn't know

who or what they were. He just thought they were family


Their visits were sporadic back then with them

appearing every now and then when things got rough or

confusing for him. Of course his parents had sent him to the

best psychiatrist in Salem to rid him of his delusions. No

one else had ever seen Horace and Sam, but they had all

been privy to the spirits' wicked sense of humor.

The mayhem started off innocent enough at first

with them pulling small pranks like opening and slamming

doors, or leaving the water running in the kitchen and

flooding the house. Of course he was the one punished for

those incidents since they always seemed to occur

whenever he was around. The pranks got less dangerous as

he got older. By then he had figured out that Horace and

Sam weren't human because he'd seen them walk through

walls and doors, or their heads would appear to give him a

start. They still caused a lot of things to happen. "I hope

you guys behave yourselves this year for Halloween," Dane

told them as they snooped around his suite peering into

closets and drawers as if looking for other poltergeists.

These two were overly protective of him and territorial.

"Who us?" Horace asked. "Of course we will."

The blond-haired Sam nodded his head

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Dane smirked. Sam had the most expressive big

eyes. Right now he looked like an innocent little lamb. "I'm

serious, you guys. I'm trying to make a good impression


"Who is the hottie?" Horace asked. For such an old

spirit he sure knew a lot of current slang.

"What hottie?" Dane asked as he began unloading

his clothes from his suitcase and putting them into the

dresser drawers. Horace leaned against the armoire, while

Sam made himself at home on the bed.

"This Wade person," Horace answered.

"He's the owner of this home. Our parents are old


"How come we've never seen him before?" Sam

asked, now hugging a pillow.

"I said our parents were close, but they mostly met

for adult functions, which did not include us kids."

"Or didn't include you," Horace muttered.

Dane had long ago forgiven his parents. Given the

circumstances he probably would have done the same thing

to his kid. It wasn't normal to see or talk to ghosts,

especially if no one else could see them.

"Do you find him attractive?" Horace asked Dane.

"Who?" Dane asked as he sat on the floor to put

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socks and briefs in the bottom drawer.

"Wade," Sam answered for Horace.

"I don't know," Dane replied. "I guess he's okay for

a guy. What's with the strange questions?"

"Nothing," Horace hedged, moving away from the

armoire and sitting down on the edge of the bed next to


Dane stopped unpacking and turned to face them.

"Are you guys worried about me not spending time with


Sam and Horace looked at each other and then back

at him.

"The thought had crossed our minds," Horace

admitted. "You will be working in a candy shop full of men

and you will probably forget all about us."

Dane couldn't figure out why he still saw them.

Poltergeists were normally drawn to mischievous kids, not

grown men. "How can I forget about the two of you? We're

like brothers. You guys are my closest friends."

Sam gave him a pair of the saddest puppy dog eyes.

"Don't feel sorry for me," Dane said. "Life wasn't all

bad." And that was true—once the punishments and the

trips to the psychiatrists stopped, at least.

"Well, we still feel sorry since we're basically the

cause of all your problems."

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Dane lifted a brow. He wasn't about to let Horace

take the full blame for anything. "You couldn't help it,"

Dane said. "That's what poltergeists do."

"I wish you'd stop calling us poltergeists," Horace

said. "The name refers to little evil things that pull pranks

and do mischievous things. And as you can see we are not


Dane laughed, noting Horace did not deny the other

part. "I'm sorry. What would you prefer I call you, ghosts

or spirits?"

"Friends would be nice," Horace said, reaching

down and ruffling his hair.

Dane looked at him oddly, not because of the words

but because of the look Horace bestowed on him. Horace

had been awfully nice to him and looking at him

thoughtfully when he thought he wasn't looking.

"Now back to this Wade fellow. What do you know

about him?"

Sam had unglued himself from the pillow and

joined him on the floor to help him unpack. "When did you

start wearing these?" he asked. He held up a pair of black

bikini briefs.

Dane tried to snatch them away from the nosey

spirit but Sam held on tight. "Since I've been grown."

"But you look so cute in your tighty-whities," Sam

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told him.

Horace cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Back to my question."

"I don't really know much about him. He's the eldest

son and heir to the Preston Candy Conglomerate. He's

twenty-six years old, and from what his father told me, he

has no interest in candy."

"Then why does he sell candy?" Sam asked.

Dane shrugged. "Family loyalty or forced into it."

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Horace asked.

"How would I know?" Dane asked. "Why? Do you

have a sister you want to fix him up with?"

"Very funny," Horace said messing his hair up

again. "No, I'm just curious."

Dane shrugged again, not encouraging the

conversation, nor completely forgetting about it because

Horace was not the kind to bring up things without a

reason. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "You guys

better split."

"It's not like anyone else can see us," Sam said


They both were gone by the time the knock sounded

on the door.

"Come in," Dane said.

The door opened and Wade entered. "Darn, it's cold

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enough to hang meat in here."

"I hadn't noticed," Dane replied. "Do you need


Wade looked around. "Are you almost finished



Wade's attention suddenly diverted from the

conversation and he wandered closer, leaning down and

lifting something up from the floor. "Nice."

Dane looked up and gasped. Wade had his black

briefs hanging from his finger, slinging them around in a

circle. Dane jumped to his feet and tried to retrieve his

undies but Wade was much taller and managed to hold

them out of his reach. Dane jumped in an attempt to reach


"Not so fast, candy boy," Wade said teasingly.

"These are kind of sexy. Are you planning to wear them to

seduce some girl?"

"No," Dane said when Wade finally gave them back

to him. What is with these guys and why is everyone

concerned about my sex life? "I just like the way they feel

against my skin."

Something dropped to the floor outside the door.

Both Wade and Dane jumped.

"Do you have company?" Dane asked.

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Wade shook his head. "No. We're supposed to be

alone. Wait here." He left to investigate.

Horace's head materialized in the room. He winked

at Dane and then disappeared again.

Wade stepped back into the room. "I couldn't find

anything. Must have just been the house settling. Old

houses make noises sometimes."

"Maybe it was a ghost," Dane said sheepishly.

"I don't think so, smart guy," Wade told him.

"Anyway, I just came up to see if you'd like to go out to

dinner with me."

"I don't know," Dane answered. "I have a lot of

work to do."

"But you have to eat and there's nothing in the


"Okay," Dane finally agreed, thinking Wade was

doing his best to make him feel at home.

He heard another sound like wind blowing through

an open window. He frowned. It had to be Horace and Sam.

Those guys really knew how to work a nerve. "But I'll go to

the grocery store tomorrow and prepare dinner for us.

Eating out is just a waste of money."

Wade leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"You know how to cook?"

Dane nodded. "I spent a lot of time with the chefs at

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home. Cooking started out as a hobby but I found I liked

preparing meals." He paused. "In fact, I'll cook all our

meals if you don't mind. Preparing your meals will make

me feel like I'm making a contribution around here until I

find somewhere to stay."

"You don't have to cook," Wade said.

"I insist," Dane replied.

"Okay, then it's a deal. You can take over the

kitchen while you're here."


"Come on," Wade said stepping out of the doorway.

Wade reached over to get his jacket from the chair

where he left it but something or someone held on to the


"Don't go," Sam said materializing. "I don't trust


"Don't be silly," Dane said.

Sam released the coat and disappeared.

"Did you say something?" Wade asked, stepping

into the door again.

"No," Dane said. "You must be hearing things."

* * * *

"You draw a lot of attention," Wade said before

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licking the sauce from a hot wing off his finger.

Dane returned the slice of chicken quesadilla to his

plate and turned his gaze to Wade.

Wade gulped. Dane had the best looking set of

peepers he'd ever seen on anybody. They were wide and so

heavily lashed they brushed his cheeks when he blinked.

"Women must love your eyes."

Dane shrugged, shook his head and went back to his


Their waitress came back to refill Dane's sweet tea

and placed Wade's second beer in front of him.

Such a baby.

The waitress smiled at him. "Is he your younger

brother?" she asked. "He has beautiful eyes."

Wade smirked at Dane who looked like he wanted

to crawl through a hole in the floor. "No," he said. "He's my

co-worker. I'm Wade and he's Dane. We run Yummy's

Candy Shop."

"Oh, I've heard of that place," the waitress said. She

looked at Dane again. "I might have to stop by after work

tomorrow. My name is Amy."

"Great, Amy," Wade told her. "Just tell the cashier

Wade sent you."

"How's your quesadilla?" Amy asked Dane.

Dane stopped chewing. "Fine."

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Amy winked at Dane and walked away.

Dane lifted those eyes up to him again. This time

they twinkled. Ah, he is purposely ignoring Amy. Strange

kid. "I think she likes you."

"That's nice to know for future reference," Dane

said sarcastically.

"What? She's not cute enough for you?"

Dane shook his head. "She's okay."

"She's more than okay," Wade insisted. "I bet you

could be screwing her tonight if you played your cards


Dane's cheeks reddened.

"Oh my god, you're blushing. Don't tell me you've


Dane shook his head.

"Oh, you are a little innocent. Well, you came to

live with me at the right time."

Dane looked at him oddly. "What do you mean?"

"Let Uncle Wade help you with your little


"I don't have a problem."

Wade smiled at him. "I know a lot of girls who

wouldn't mind taking your cherry."

Dane choked on his mouthful of food. He reached

for a glass of water and sipped to clear the food from his

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throat. "Do you have to be so crude?"

Wade nodded. "Why beat around the bush? You

need to get laid and I plan to help you."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need you to fix me

up with anyone."

Amy returned with their entrees. She placed a full

steak dinner before Wade and a chicken pasta salad before

Dane and walked away.

"No wonder you're so slim," Wade told Dane as he

watched him pick daintily at his food. "You need to eat

steak and put some meat on your bones."

"And junk in my arteries," Dane said after he

swallowed his first mouthful of food. "I like to watch what

I put into my mouth."

Why am I looking at Dane's mouth? The kid has

great lips. "Have you ever been kissed?"

"Why, do you plan to have Amy kiss me?" Dane


Wade shook his head. "No, since you don't seem to

like her."

Dane went back to his food.

By dessert Wade had Dane talking and finally

opening up a bit more. "What type of girls do you like?

Blondes? Brunettes? Big breasts or ones with a lot of junk

in their trunk?"

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Dane cut into a piece of pecan pie and put it into his


Wade watched him, mesmerized by the way he

chewed the food several times before swallowing. His

Adam's apple bobbed. Definitely a male, he thought. But

inexperienced and shy. He could work with shyness. Wade

cut into his pie remembering his past experiences and then

frowned. None of them had been great. In fact, most of the

time he ended up doing all the work while the woman just

laid there. He couldn't fix Dane up with someone lazy for

his first time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dane asked.

"Do I have pie on my face?"

Wade stopped staring. "No. Are you opposed to

older women?"

Dane chuckled. "You're ridiculous. No, I'm not

opposed, but I'm just not interested. I want my first time to

be with someone I love… someone I have something in

common with. I'm not looking for someone to have a fling


"Ah, a romantic," Wade teased. "Do you have

anyone in mind, possibly a babe you went to school with?"

Dane shook his head. "I went to an all-boys school

until I went off to the university."

"An all-boys school? Bummer." He paused. "You

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do like girls, don't you?"

Dane rolled his eyes at him, smirked but didn't


"I'm going to take your silence as a yes."

Dane went back to his pie. A cute male waiter

passed by. "Good evening," he said to Dane.

Dane lifted his head and smiled. "Good evening."

Wade watched. Interesting.

* * * *

"How was dinner?" Horace asked as he sat on the

closed toilet seat watching Dane as he brushed his teeth.

"Fine," Dane said after he had rinsed his mouth.

"What did you have to eat?"

"A salad," Dane answered. "What's with the third

degree? And besides, I know you guys were there."

"What gave us away?" Sam asked as he

materialized and sat on the edge of the tub.

"Your scent," Dane answered.

Horace sniffed himself. "We have a scent?"

Dane nodded as he wiped the towel across his face.

"You smell like mint."

Horace sniffed himself again. "I don't smell mint. Is

it offensive?"

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"No," Dane replied. "In fact, it's quite comforting. I

don't feel afraid when I know you guys are around."

"Wade wants to fix you up with a girl," Sam spat

out. "How dare he!"

Dane shrugged. "He's trying to be helpful."

"You have plenty of time to learn about life," Sam

told him. "You are still just a baby."

Dane walked out of the bathroom dressed in his

pajamas and they followed him. He crawled into the bed.

Sam and Horace crawled on the bed and took their place on

each side of him. They'd always slept together.

Dane's eyelids fluttered but he fought to keep them


"Don't fight the sleep," Sam told him. "We won't let

anything happen to you. Have pleasant dreams."

Dane finally closed his eyes and went off to sleep.

* * * *

Wade sat in the den drinking a glass of Port and

thinking about the day's events. What the hell had

happened in the couple of hours to change his life around?

One moment he was at the top of the world, the next he was

sitting in his home quite confused about what he wanted

out of life. Dane Tyler had happened. He'd expected the kid

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to stay around about a week or two, get tired of being

annoyed by him and then leave. But now that he'd met him,

he didn't think he wanted him to go. Wade sighed. He

supposed he could give this getting along with others thing

a try. After all he was older than Dane and needed to set an

example. Besides it really seemed like the kid needed a

friend. Imagine being a twenty-two year old virgin in this

day and age. His new mission was to get Dane laid by

Halloween, which was about two weeks away.

But who could he get? He ran a couple of names

around in his head. No, none of them would do. He sighed.

He'd think of something. I wonder if Dane's asleep yet.

Wade put down the glass, got out of his seat and left the


He felt the cold as soon as he reached the second

level of the house where the bedrooms were located. The

closer he got to Dane's room the colder he got. Maybe he

should light a fire in the hearth. Wade knocked lightly on

the door but didn't receive an answer. He tried the knob.

The door opened and Wade stepped inside. The room

reeked of peppermint and felt frosty. He walked farther in.

Dane slept peacefully in the middle of the bed with the

covers pulled up to his chin and with one leg sticking out

from beneath the sheets Are those duckies on his pajamas?

How cute. Dane had a serene look on his face like he didn't

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have a problem in the world.

Wade walked away from the bed thinking it must be

nice to be so relaxed during slumber. He looked over at the

hearth and decided not to light a fire until Dane complained

about the cold. He headed for the door, stepped into the hall

and the door closed automatically behind him. "What the

fuck?" Wade shuddered and quickened his steps down the


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It was raining the next morning when he and Wade

left for work. And of course, Sam and Horace stood close

by silently voicing their concern with head shakes and wild

hand gestures. Dane chose to ignore them but he winked at

them just before Wade opened the front door and spotted

the rain. He grabbed two umbrellas and handed one to


"Thank you," Dane said. He'd left his umbrella in

the car.

"You're welcome," Wade replied.

The two men stepped out of the door and opened

their umbrellas. But before they could step off the front

porch, the door behind them swung closed with such force

they both jumped.

Wade turned and stared at the door. "Must be a

draft. I'll have to check every room in the house when I

come home to make sure all the windows are sealed


Dane nodded, looking back and spotting Sam

staring out the window as they headed toward their cars. Of

the two spirits Sam was usually the most even-tempered

but not in the last couple of days. Dane sighed, hoping the

new behavior didn't spell trouble. He opened the door of his

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car, closed the umbrella and slid into the driver's seat. He

waited for Wade to drive away from the curb and followed.

It had been late when they left the candy shop the night

before and dark when they arrived home. He wanted to

make sure he learned the way to and from work. Dane

spotted a large grocery store about four blocks away from

the house. Good, he thought. I'll stop after work for some

things I'll need for dinner.

As he waited at the next light, he managed to create

a grocery list in his head.

Moments later they drove into two parking spots on

the side of the candy shop, which were reserved for

employees. The rain had stopped. Dane retrieved his

briefcase and Wade's umbrella and got out. He found Wade

waiting for him on the curb by the employee entrance.

"Welcome to your first full day at Yummy's," Wade


Dane smiled. "Thank you. I can't wait to get started

on the promotion. Halloween is one of my favorite times of

the year."

Wade held the door open for him. "Yeah, why?"

"Because I like candy," Dane confessed. He entered

the building and Wade followed. Something sweet teased

his nostrils.

Wade inhaled. "Scott must be in the kitchen

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Dane's stomach growled and Wade chuckled. "Scott

usually makes coffee in the morning." He headed toward

the kitchen and entered with Dane close on his heels.

Scott was already in uniform and creating candy.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning," Dane replied politely.

Wade waved at Scott as he entered.

Scott pointed. "There's fresh coffee and pastries

over there. Please help yourself."

"Thank you," Dane said. "I'll get some after I put

away my things." He sniffed the air. "Is that caramel?"

Scott nodded. "Do you like caramel?"

Dane nodded quickly. "I've loved it ever since I was

a child. I like the way the candy feels on my tongue."

"Well, I'm whipping up a fresh batch. I'll share

some with you when it cools." He turned to Wade. "How

about you, boss? Would you like some caramel?"

Wade frowned. "No, caramel stuff sticks to my

teeth. And don't give him too much either or he'll live at the


"I've never had a cavity," Dane replied, taking up

for himself. "I brush, floss and use mouthwash after every


"Isn't he the cutest thing?" Scott said.

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"Yes, he is," Wade answered.

Dane rolled his eyes. "I'd better go up."

"I'll see you later," Wade said as he leaned against a


"Okay." Dane left the two men and found his way

upstairs. The temperature shifted as he neared the office.

He sniffed the air but could not detect the scent of mint.

Wade wasn't joking about the place being haunted and at

the moment something lurked in one of the upstairs rooms.

Dane turned the knob on the door to his office. The

door opened slowly and the scent of licorice hit him

squarely in the face. Dane stepped through the door and

frowned. His beautiful office had been destroyed. "I know

you're there but if you think you're scaring me, you're


* * * *

"You two looked pretty chummy when you walked

in," Scott told Wade as Wade fixed himself a cup of coffee.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing," Scott said, removing the pot of

caramel from the stove and pouring the hot concoction into

molds to cool. "I seriously didn't think the kid would

survive the night alone with you."

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Wade hopped on a stool. "Why does everyone have

the impression that I'm such an evil person?"

Scott looked over at him and smirked.

"Well, I'm just giving him time to adjust and he

really doesn't seem like such a bad person."

"I hear your nice words but I don't believe them. I

bet you're going to get aggravated with him before the

week is over."

"Better hold on to your money," Wade told him.

"I've turned a new leaf. I think it's time for me to grow up

and stop acting so rotten."

"Yeah, the kid is kind of cute," Scott replied.

"I didn't mean it that way. Maybe my father is right.

It's time for me to act more responsible."

"Um hum," Scott said. "And the fact that Dane's got

the cutest dimples has nothing to do with your change of


Wade frowned at him. "What are you trying to


"Oh, nothing."

A loud noise and a masculine scream interrupted

their conversation. It sounded like Dane. "What the hell?"

Wade asked. He hopped off the stool, ran toward the door,

and headed up the stairs. He took them two at a time and

arrived just in time to see the lights flickering on and off in

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Dane's office. It sounded like all hell was breaking loose.

He found Dane hanging on to the jamb while some

invisible force tried to pull or suck him into the room.

"Give me your hand," Wade shouted.

"No," Dane said. "It will get you too."

The entity laughed.

"Let him go, Ivan," Wade shouted.

"Ivan?" Dane asked.

Ivan laughed again and sent a powerful windy force

in the opposite direction, sending Dane flying right into

Wade and knocking them both to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Wade asked Dane, holding on to

him for dear life.

"Yes," Dane said, struggling to get free.

"Nothing broken?"

"No, I'm fine. If you could just release me."

The scent of peppermint filled the hall and the next

thing he knew something snatched Dane out of his arms

and placed him several feet away.

The door to Dane's office closed and the scent of

licorice disappeared.

Wade rose to his feet. "Ivan is one of our resident

ghosts," he explained. "He's not normally so mean but he

must see you as a threat."

Dane remained where he landed. "To whom?" he

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"To me," Wade said.

Dane raised an eyebrow. "He's yours?"

Wade nodded. "Why don't you seem surprised?"

Dane shrugged.

"Ivan protects me. All the employees know about

him and have fallen victim to one of his tricks. He's


"Says you," Dane said straightening out his jacket.

"I don't know what you did but he thinks you mean

me harm."

Dane chuckled. "You're bigger and taller than I am.

I'm not after your money or your job so how can I harm


Wade shrugged. "I tried to tell you this place is


"Now I've witnessed it for myself. Why are you

guys working in a haunted candy shop?"

"Working here isn't so bad," Wade replied. "I tried

telling my father about the ghosts but he doesn't believe

me. No one does."

"I believe you," Dane said. "And I'm not going


"Not even after what just happened?"

Dane shook his head. "I'll just keep my guard up.

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Eventually Ivan will see that I'm not a threat." He started

walking toward the office again.

"You're going in there?" Wade asked.

Dane nodded. "He's gone."

Wade looked at him oddly. "How do you know he's


"I just do," Dane said opening the door. "See, the

wind has stopped."

Wade followed him into the room. Everything

seemed fine. "I guess you're right. Come on down and have

some coffee and pastries."

"As soon as I clean up the place, and for the record,

I'll be preparing your breakfast at home starting tomorrow.

Coffee and pastries will not only ruin your skin but make

you fat."

Wade chuckled. "You really are a cute kid," he said.

He nodded and left the room, dazed and confused at what

had happened, and curious about what had snatched Dane

out of his arms.

* * * *

Sam and Horace appeared the moment they were

sure Wade had gone downstairs. "Okay what the hell was

that?" Dane asked them.

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"Trouble," Horace answered.

"Poltergeist?" Dane asked.

Horace made a face at the word. "Yes, a real one."

Dane stared at him. "Like you?"

"No, silly boy," Horace said ruffling his fingers

through Dane's hair. "Sam and I are simply spirits not yet

crossed over."

"What about the mischievous part?"

Sam smirked and a dimple appeared in his right

cheek. "No, we just like to have fun."

"I'm just glad you guys got here when you did

because I don't think he has my best interest in mind."

"Are we talking about Ivan?" Horace asked as he

walked over to a sofa and sat down.

Sam followed and sat down next to him.

"Yes, who else?"

"Wade," Sam replied.

Dane stared at him blankly. "What's wrong with


"Let's just say he's not what he appears to be,"

Horace explained.

Dane leaned against the front of his desk.


"Meaning, take care around him. He has ulterior

motives when it comes to you."

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Sam nodded in agreement.

"Oh, you guys are wrong. He's been super nice to

me since I arrived. He was also trying to help me get away

from Ivan just before you guys showed up."

"Yes, I saw," Horace said. "He had his arms

wrapped around your waist and…"

What is Horace implying?

"I know you're still so young, Dane, and you don't

really know much about the world, but there are some men

who…" He struggled with the words, sputtering a couple of

times. "Just be careful and don't let your guard down."

Dane nodded as if he understood, which he simply

didn't. "What about Ivan? Do you think he's powerful

enough to try to kill me?"

Both Horace and Sam nodded.

"I wondered what I did to upset him. Wade said he's

normally not so bad."

"Have you stopped to think why Wade knows about

Ivan?" Sam asked. "Normally people do not see ghosts or

know their names without some kind of connection."

"I know you guys," Dane said in Wade's defense.

"That is different," Horace tried to convince him.

"What's different about it? You guys are my friends

so maybe Ivan is Wade's friend." He paused. "Can it be

possible that Ivan is Wade's poltergeist? That would

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explain all the rumors I've heard about Wade's behavior all

these years."

"Yes, it is possible," Horace replied. "But until

we've thoroughly investigated this Ivan fellow, please try to

stay as far away from him and Wade as possible."

Staying away from Wade was not going to be easy

since the two of them worked together. Dane moved away

from the desk and started straightening up the room. "He

smells like licorice," he told the two ghosts.

"Who?" Sam asked. "Wade?"

"No, Ivan. Licorice is his signature smell, like your

guys' is mint."

Horace sniffed himself again. "I still don't smell


"Maybe you're not supposed to," Dane told him.

Horace shrugged. "Well, in that case run when you

smell licorice."

"What does Wade smell like?" Sam asked out of the


Dane stopped cleaning and thought about Wade.

He'd been close to him a couple of times. He blushed

remembering the way their arms and legs had tangled when

they landed on the floor earlier. Their bodies had been

mashed into each other and for a moment he'd gotten the

most delightful sensation in the area below his stomach.

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Ooh. He blushed again. "He doesn't have a candy smell. He

has more of a spicy aroma like the air gets after it rains.

You know, clean and refreshing."

Sam bit his bottom lip and whimpered. "This is not

good," he told Horace. "He has an earthy scent, which

makes him alluring and possibly harder to get rid of."

"What are you two saying?" Dane asked.

"Nothing, don't worry about Wade. We will do our

best to keep you safe as we've always done," Sam told him.

"Just try not to get into situations with Wade that will

compromise your well-being. Do you understand?"

Dane nodded. "I think I better finish up and get

downstairs before Wade comes to look for me. I promised

I'd go down for coffee and pastries."

Sam whimpered again.

* * * *

"Is the kid all right?' Scott asked Wade after he'd

returned from upstairs.

James and Chris had arrived and were busy helping

themselves to coffee and pastries.

"What happened to Dane?" James asked. "Did you

run him off already?"

Wade frowned at him. James was a little too

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concerned about someone he barely knew.

"Ivan attacked him," Wade answered.

James stopped chewing. "What? What do you mean

Ivan attacked him?"

"Ivan tried to suck him in," Wade replied. "Let me

rephrase that. When I got to Dane, he was hanging on for

dear life to the doorjamb while Ivan tried to pull him into

the office."

"How horrible," Chris replied. "Is Dane okay?"

Wade nodded. "Ivan eventually stopped trying to

suck him into the room and just ripped him from the door

and sent him flying into my direction. I tried to catch him

but we both ended up on the floor. He literally knocked the

breath out of me when he landed on top of me."

Chris and James exchanged looks but did not


"Then something ripped him right out of my arms

and moved him over to the other side of the hall."

Scott raised an eyebrow. "You mean Ivan grabbed

him off you again?"

"I don't think it was Ivan," Wade said. "Funny, I

detected a powerful scent of peppermint when it


"Peppermint?" Scott asked. "I don't get it. So back

to this thing with Ivan. Why do you suppose he went after

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Dane the way he did? Granted, he's played some pretty

nasty tricks on the rest of us but I don't think he's ever tried

to harm us."

Wade shrugged. "Maybe he sees Dane as a threat.

What kind, I don't know because he's seems pretty harmless

to me."

"To me too," James replied. "He seems the type that

needs protection, not the other way around."

"Maybe you should have a talk with Ivan," Chris


Now why would he want to do a stupid thing like

talk to the ghost? Ivan had seemed pretty pissed off at him

earlier and he didn't want to aggravate him any more than

necessary. Yet, he didn't want Dane to go through what he

had again. Why had Ivan acted so violently? "Maybe,"

Wade said noncommittally.

Dane entered the kitchen and everyone looked his

way. "Good morning," he said to Chris and James.

Chris went about what he was doing, but James

joined him at the coffee pot. "I heard about what happened.

Are you okay?"

"Yes," Dane said. He poured himself some coffee.

"And you're not freaked out about the ghost?"

"No," Dane replied. "I'm not afraid of ghosts."

"But you do believe in their existence?"

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"I guess I have to since Ivan tried to kill me earlier."

He added cream and sugar to his coffee. "But I think he's

just surprised about my arrival. I'm sure things will get

better once he gets to know me."

"I'm sure," Scott said, going back to making candy.

"Stay away from him," James warned. He walked

out of the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to try one of the pastries?" Wade

asked him after the other questions ended.

"No thanks," Dane said. "I'm not really hungry

anymore. I'll just take my coffee upstairs and get to work."

Wade walked over to him. "You can't survive off

coffee. You need to eat."

"I'll get something at lunch," Dane said. "But right

now I'm really anxious to get busy on the new promotion."

"Okay," Wade said walking him to the door. "I'm

excited to see what you come up with."

Dane walked out holding his cup of coffee.

"Why do I have the feeling something eventful is

about to happen between the two of you?" Scott asked as he

carried the candy molds to the refrigerator.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's Halloween, which if I remember correctly is

Ivan's favorite time of the year for pulling pranks." He

paused. "I wonder what he'll do this year."

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Wade shrugged. Ivan had come up with some

doozies for the last few years, like making strange noises

and chasing the customers off. He'd even locked the

employees in the building a couple of times and kept them

there until he was ready to release them. And there was the

time Ivan held him trapped in the bedroom and… Well he

was a kid back then and nothing like that would ever

happen again. "I think I'd better keep a close eye on Dane

until we figure out what Ivan is up to."

"Yeah, figure it out," Scott said.

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Dane placed the last of the grocery bags onto the

counter and began unpacking them. Wade hadn't made it

home yet, which was a good thing since Sam sat on the top

of the counter messing with the condiments while Horace

watched from a chair at the dinette table.

"I can't believe you're going to prepare dinner for

him," Sam said.

"Cooking is the least I can do since he's allowing

me to live here rent free," Dane replied. He really didn't

mind and having someone to eat with was better than eating

alone. "Did either of you find out anything about Ivan?"

"He's a bad one, just as we expected. And he's very

protective of his child."

"Kind of like you guys?"

"Worse," Sam replied. "Ivan will kill to protect


"And you guys wouldn't kill to protect me?"

"We're not murderers," Sam replied. "But we will

do everything in our powers to protect you."

Dane waited for the phony line 'we'd lay down our

lives for you' but they were already dead so it wouldn't

have gone over well. "Does he sense the two of you yet?"

"No," Horace said. "I don't think he's very bright

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and he's too busy trying to think of devilment instead of

worrying about other spirits being in his territory."

"What does he look like?" Dane asked. "I know

you've seen him. Is he a horrible looking monster?"

"No," Sam answered. "He's okay. He has dark black

hair, similar to Wade's, but his is longer, like mine. And he

has hazel eyes."

"Sounds cute," Dane replied.

Horace nearly fell from the chair. "Do not say cute.

I don't know how long he will stay away from you but it's

getting close to Halloween, which means his pranks will

definitely kick up a notch or two."

Dane knew that much about ghosts. "Worse than

what he did to me earlier?"

"Probably," Horace said.

Sam stopped toying with the condiments.

"So I have to stay out of his sight until after

Halloween when his powers weaken."

Sam scratched his chin. "I'm not sure if it works the

same way with him, but it's best not to drop your guard."

"Or the soap," Horace said.

"Huh?" Dane asked.

"Nothing," Horace replied trying to hide the

mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Darn, Dane thought, so not only did he have to

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watch himself around Ivan, he had to keep an eye on these

two as well. He put away all the groceries except for what

he needed for dinner.

He continued to talk to Sam and Horace while he

cooked, filling them in on the rest of his day and what

promotion he'd been working on for Halloween. "I figure

we'll do something extra special for the adults as well as the


Sam hopped from the counter and walked over to

the sink and watched him wash the vegetables. "What are

you preparing?"

"Manicotti, French bread, a salad and an apple pie

for dessert."

Sam sighed. "I remember food. I wish I could

sample your cooking, and I would really like to eat a burger

and fries."

Horace nodded in agreement.

They'd had this conversation before. Both young

men had died long before the first fast food restaurant had


"I wish you guys could eat and do a lot of other

things, but I'll try not to enjoy eating too much."

"Is there wine in that bag?" Horace asked.

"Oh, yes," Dane said. "What is manicotti without

red wine?"

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"Without wine, it's a meal," Horace said. "And with

wine, it's a date."

"Don't be silly," Dane said. "We're both men and

besides, he's from a family that would certainly serve wine

with meals. I'm just trying to make him feel comfortable in

his own home."

"I think you should invite some girls over and make

the evening special," Horace told him.

"But I thought you guys told me I'm too young to

date. Anyway, I don't know any girls to invite."

"What about the nice girl from the restaurant,

Amy," Sam suggested. "She has a pretty smile and a nice-

sized rack."

"What does the size of a woman's breasts have to do

with anything?" Dane asked.

"Breasts means she is a female," Sam replied.

"To repeat myself, I thought you guys said I am too

young to date."

"We've changed our minds," Sam told him. "Maybe

it's time for you to find some nice young woman to take

out. You'll be surrounded by men all day and Wade in the

evening. A female will break up the monotony."

Dane supposed it would be nice to have a female

around every once in a while. "And you guys wouldn't do

anything to her?" he asked as he finished washing the

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vegetables and placing them on the chopping board. He

reached into the drawer and found a sharp knife and began

cutting up the vegetables for the salad.

"Of course we wouldn't interfere," Horace said, not

actually looking at him while he said it.

"You know I've been around you guys long enough

to know when you're not being honest with me," Dane said.

"Of course, we'll keep an eye on her too," Sam said.

"You could choose a gold-digger for all we know who

could swindle you out of the family fortune."

Dane shrugged. All his money was tied up in a fund

with safeguards so something like that wouldn't happen. "I

guess I can try to find a young lady, but I can't make any

promises." He finished up with the salad and put it into the

refrigerator while he started on the manicotti.

A couple of hours later he heard the door open.

Wade had arrived. Dane heard him come in and walk

toward the kitchen. His fresh scent preceded him. He

stepped inside the room carrying his briefcase.

Dane felt his heart leap in his chest. Why? He had

no idea. "Good evening," he said. "Dinner is almost ready."

"I was wondering what smelled so good," Wade

said. He walked further into the kitchen. "What have you


"Manicotti," Dane replied.

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"Manicotti? I love manicotti and have since I was a


"I hope you like beef."

"I love beef, and do I smell apple pie?"

Dane nodded. "Dutch apple. Why don't you go put

your stuff up and come back?"

"Great idea," Wade said, smiling at him. "I'll go

wash up and I'll be right back down." He headed toward his

room with an added spring in his step.

Dane continued to watch him wondering why his

entire body tingled.

* * * *

The scent of licorice greeted him at his bedroom

door. Wade opened the door expecting to find the room in

shambles. Instead he found Ivan seated in a chair with his

legs crossed, patiently waiting for him.

"So, you're finally home," he said. "What took you

so long?"

"We had a lot of customers," Wade answered.

"He's been cooking in the kitchen all afternoon,"

Ivan said, suddenly changing the subject.

"Who?" Wade asked.

"You know very well who I'm referring to. The

geek, the pretty boy, your new little friend."

"He's a guest in my home," Wade said. "And a new

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fellow employee." He placed his briefcase on the bed. "And

what's with the dramatics at the candy shop earlier?"

Ivan rose and walked over to him. The ghost was

taller and heavier. "Oh that, well I was just looking out for

your best interests." He reached out and stroked Wade's

hair. "I can't be too careful when it comes to you."

"He's just a kid," Wade said.

"A very cute kid," Ivan replied, still touching him.

"And he had the prettiest eyes and dimples."

So he'd noticed. He willed his body not to react. It

had taken everything in him not to hop the young man's

bones when he came home and found him in the kitchen

cooking. He'd never really been into men even though he'd

had one or two meaningless affairs with them, but nothing

in a long time.

"You like him, don't you?" Ivan asked, lowering his

hand to Wade's cheek. "I can smell the desire running

through you."

"So what if I do? It's not like I'm going to act upon

my feelings. He's young and innocent."

Ivan pulled Wade into his arms. "Virgins are the

best kind."

Wade freed himself from the handsome ghost. "I

wish you wouldn't say things like that."

"Little James likes him too," Ivan told him. "He gets

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the strangest look in his eyes when he sees Dane."

If he's trying to make me jealous, it's working. The

ghost even knew Dane's name. "James is a grown man. He

can have friends if he wants to. He might like Dane because

they're close in age. Nothing else."

Ivan walked away. "Would you be terribly offended

if I sampled him?"

"Hell yes," Wade answered quickly. "Keep your

hands off Dane."

Ivan glared at him. "I will if you will."

Wade rolled his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. I'll keep my hands off him if you

promise to do the same."

Wade had learned a long time ago not to make deals

with ghosts, especially this one. "I can't promise to keep my

hands off him. Did you see those lips?" The words came

out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop them.

Ivan sneered wickedly. "And he sleeps in duckie

pajamas and has a big dick."

Wade looked up with interest. "How do you know


"I peeked in while he showered," Ivan confessed.

Wade crossed his legs. "Don't peek in showers.

Spying is rude and an invasion of privacy."

Ivan chuckled. "You contemporary men and your

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rules. He's circumcised and he has the cutest little tushie."

"Enough," Wade said. "How in the world did I get

saddled with an over-sexed ghost?"

"Luck of the draw," Ivan said, not affected by the

name calling. "You were exceptionally cute as a child and I

just couldn't resist."

"Well, I'm no longer a child. I'm a grown man with

healthy desires and if I want to feast on those full lips

downstairs you shouldn't stand in my way."

"But you're mine," Ivan said angrily. "What if Dane

rejects you?"

Wade chuckled. "Learning to accept rejection is a

part of growing up."

"You've changed," Ivan said with a pout. "And not

in a good way. What would you do if I went away and

found someone younger who appreciates my protection and


"My feelings would be hurt," Wade lied. He didn't

want Ivan to do to anyone what he'd done to him. "Anyway

I'm trying to find Dane a girl."

Ivan chuckled. "Why would you do something so

damn foolish?"

Wade walked away and entered the bathroom.

Ivan arrived before him and sat on the closed toilet

seat waiting for his answer.

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Wade rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands.

"Because he has to make the choice. How will I know if he

likes girls or not if he hasn't been exposed to them?"

"Good idea," Ivan said. "But I have a feeling you're

wasting your time. He has sugar baby written all over him."

Wade dried his hands and stepped out of the

bathroom. Ivan followed. "Well, I'm going down to dinner.

Try to behave yourself."

"I'll be watching," Ivan warned.

"I already know that."

Ivan disappeared.

* * * *

Wade entered the kitchen. Dane had already set the

table and filled their plates.

"I hope you're hungry," Dane said smiling at him

from across the room.

"Starved," Wade replied. "I missed lunch."

"I'll pack you a lunch tomorrow," Dane replied.

"I think you're in the wrong profession," Wade said

as he walked over to the table and sat down. "Maybe you

should open a restaurant. Look at this spread. I hope the

food tastes as good as it looks. And there's wine!"

"Red," Dane told him. "The flavor goes well with

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Wade spread his napkin in his lap and said a

blessing over the food. He picked up his knife and fork and

sampled the manicotti. He chewed and swallowed, well

aware that Dane waited for his response. "Magnificent,"

Wade said. "The noodle is tender, the filling is well-

seasoned and there's just the right amount of Italian


Dane's smile widened, showing off identical

dimples. "I'm glad you like the food."

Wade nodded. He also liked the dimples. "What

made you decided on a business degree?"

"My father," Dane confessed. "Work is the only

thing we seemed to have in common. I was pretty good

with suggestions for our candy shop when I wasn't…" He


"When you weren't what?" Wade asked.

"Doped up on antidepressants."

Wade stopped chewing. "Why were you on

antidepressants? You aren't suicidal, are you?"

"No," Dane answered. "I saw ghosts as a child."

"Oh," Wade said. "They thought you were crazy?"

"Yes. Well, I couldn't blame them. As you know, no

one believed me."

"Are you still on medication?"

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"Heck no," Dane answered. "I stopped taking the

medication when I got old enough to realize the ghosts

were real."

"And your parents just let you stop?"

"Not really. I just stopped mentioning the ghosts

and they stopped insisting I go to a shrink."

"Your ghosts, do you still see them?"

Dane nodded. "They were the only friends I had

growing up. I wasn't the smart son, or the handsome son, or

the oldest son. I was the crazy son. People tend to shy away

from you when they discover you've spent half your life on

a psychiatrist's couch."

Wade chuckled. "I'm sorry for laughing. But I know

exactly how you feel."

"Do you?" Dane asked as he cut into his manicotti

and ate it.

Wade sighed. Dane even looked precious eating.

"Yes, my parents didn't think I was crazy, they just thought

I was a troublemaker. I got blamed for everything Ivan did

and let me tell you, he pulled some horrifying shenanigans

back then. My parents punished me, sent me away to

boarding school and then just gave up on me. My father

still thinks I'm a failure because I never wanted to be

bothered with the candy business. I couldn't tell him I was

just trying to protect him and the rest of the family from my

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personal ghost. Ivan takes out his frustrations on people."

"Like he took it out on me?" Dane asked.

"Yes," Wade said. He picked up his glass of wine

and sipped. "He acts that way whenever I get close to


Dane eyed him curiously from across the table.

"Then why did he pick on me? We've just met. It's not like

we're in a relationship or anything."

"But you are living here. He sees our new living

arrangement as closeness." Wade went back to his meal.

"Tell me about your ghost."

"Ghosts," Dane corrected. "I have two of them, Sam

and Horace."

"Horace?" Wade asked.

Dane nodded. "Horace was a common name in the

eighteen hundreds. I think they've been with me since I was

two. They're not bad guys just a bit overprotective and


A plastic cup rolled off the sink and landed on the



"They're here?" Wade asked.

Dane nodded. "Close by. They're keeping an eye on


"Do they think Ivan will do something to you?"

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"Probably," Dane said sipping his wine.

"What are they like?" Could they be good ghosts?

Dane shrugged. "They're tall, willowy and

handsome. Horace is older than Sam. I think they died in

their early twenties. Sam doesn't say much. Well, not until

lately, and Horace is the spokesman for them. As for what

they're like, well, they're like any poltergeist, I suppose.


"What's wrong?"

"One of them pinched my cheek. They don't like it

when I call them poltergeists." He smirked innocently. "I

do it just to tease them."

"You're close with them?"

"Yes, we're more like brothers and I've never

known them to be violent."

"Are they…? How can I put this? Are they


"Amorous?" Dane asked.

"Have they ever tried to take advantage of you?

You know, make love to you."

Dane shook his head. "No. They want me to find a

girl and settle down."

"Really? And what do you want?"

"I just want to find someone I have something in

common with."

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Wade saw Dane's hair move like someone ran their

fingers through it.

"They love you," Wade replied.

Dane nodded. "I love them too. Like I said, we're

like brothers. They protect me from harm." He paused. "So

I'm guessing Ivan is in love with you."

Wade nodded. "And not in the brotherly way."

"Oh!" He changed the subject. "Would you like to

eat your pie in the den?"

"Only if you have vanilla ice cream too."

"But of course. Why don't you go get comfortable

while I load the dishwasher? I'll bring your dessert to you."

"I can wait for the pie until you finish. Then we can

eat dessert together."

"I'd like that," Dane said. "Horace and Sam can't

eat, but they like to watch."

"Are they still here?" Wade asked.

"No," Dane answered. "They left a couple of

minutes ago. I guess they think I'm safe."

Wade rose smiling at him. "I'll see you in the den."

* * * *

Wade walked out of the room and Sam appeared. "I

guess he's not such a bad guy."

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"See, I told you," Dane replied.

"And he's interested in you."

"You keep saying stuff like that. What are you

trying to say?"

"He wants to be your lover."

Dane opened the dishwasher and began loading the

dirty dishes. "But he's a guy."

"Yes, and so are you. Listen. I can't always be

around to protect you. Guys are going to hit on you from

time to time."

"Why?" Dane asked.

"Because you're gorgeous. You've got to know

this." Sam sighed. "The deer in the headlights expression

tells me you don't. There are a lot of men in the world who

like men, and I'm guessing Wade is no exception. So if

you're going to fall for him at least be careful."

"I'm not going to fall for him," Dane said closing

the dishwasher and pressing the button. "I sleep in the bed

with you guys every night and nothing has happened."

Sam walked over and touched his cheek.

"I've wanted something to happen between us, but

your friendship means more to me than sex."

"Ghosts can have sex?" Dane asked surprised.

"Sort of," Sam replied. "But it's not the same thing

as what a human can do. We can give pleasure but can't

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Dane blushed. "Oh! And ejaculation is important in


"Very important. So if you let Wade have his way

with you, make sure he uses a condom." He smiled. "I just

want to keep you safe."

"Thanks Bro." The discussion endeared him to Sam.

Neither his father nor his brothers had ever sat him down to

have the sex talk with him. "I'll remember if I decide to

take a ride on the wild side."

Sam smiled and disappeared.

"But he's still a baby," Dane heard Horace say.

"He's not old enough for sex."

Dane finished clearing the kitchen, cut two pieces

of pie, and piled vanilla ice cream on the top of them. Then

he headed for the den. He found Wade there about to watch

a movie.

"Thank you," Wade said accepting the dessert. "Do

you like comedies, love stories or action flicks?"

"Action flicks." Dane answered.

"I've got this really good one. It's about Chinese

warriors, but subbed in English."

"I love subbed movies and anime," Dane said.

Wade looked surprised. "No fooling? Me too." He

cut into the pie and ate a bite. "Ooh, this is to die for."

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Dane nodded. "I love apple pie ala mode."

Wade turned on the DVD player with the remote

control and the movie began.

Halfway through the movie Dane got a whiff of

mint but the scent went away quickly. He smiled and got

comfortable on the sofa. He yawned and tried to stay awake

because he wanted to see the end of the movie. The harder

he fought, the sleepier he got. Oh well, he was sure Wade

would wake him when the movie ended.

* * * *

Wade looked over at Dane and smiled. Dane was

fast asleep with his glasses perched precariously on the tip

of his nose, and his lips slightly parted. He sighed. Dane

had some great lips. He reached over and shook him gently.

Dane's eyes fluttered open and then they closed again. I

guess I'll have to carry him.

Wade rose and lifted the sleeping young man into

his arms. Dane cuddled next to him and continued to snore

peacefully. The scent of peppermint entered the den just as

he was about to leave. "You fellows don't have to worry.

I'm not going to do anything to him." He left the den,

carried Dane up the stairs and then entered his bedroom.

There was enough moonlight shining through the window

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that he didn't need to turn on a light and disturb Dane. He

put him gently on the bed and walked out of the room.

Ivan waited for him in his room. "You chickened

out, didn't you?"

Wade began removing his clothes and headed for

the shower. "No, I don't like to take advantage of people

who can't defend themselves."

"Since when?" Ivan asked.

"Since I met Dane," Wade replied. He walked into

the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"You have an erection," Ivan said eyeing him from

across the room.

Wade stepped beneath the cold spray. "Not


* * * *

"This promotion is great," Nick, one of the cashiers,

told Wade as he fought his way into the candy shop on


The store was bustling with customers and the cash

registers continuously rang. He nodded. "Dane said this

type of promotion would work." The little pretty boy had

come up with the idea of an anime themed Halloween

promotion, where customers dressed like their favorite

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character. The shop was decorated in anime cartoons and

there was even a giveaway for the best costume. "Where is

Dane?" Wade asked Nick.

Nick pointed.

Wade looked over. Dane was surrounded by a

group of young guys near a rack of manga Dane suggested

they add as an extra incentive to bring the customers in. His

costume made him look very tempting. No wonder the

fellows were mobbing him. He spotted Scott and walked

over to him. "What are you doing out of the kitchen?"

"Giving Nick and Keenan a hand," Scott answered.

He was dressed like the pastry chef from the anime Antique


"Chris and James too?"

"Yes," Scott said pointing his apprentices out. "The

cashiers were swamped. I think we might have to hire

additional help for Christmas."

Wade looked around. Scott was right. "Did you

guys do all this decorating this morning?"

Scott nodded. "Chris did most of the work. I had no

idea he liked anime so much. Dane came up with a killer

promotion and I can't wait to see what he develops for the


Wade couldn't wait either, but at the moment he had

to find a way to get Dane away from the mob.

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"Dane, could you go down into the basement and

get some bags?" Wade asked him a little later.

"Basement?" Dane asked. "Where are the stairs?"

"In the kitchen," Scott answered. "There's a door

near the refrigerator."

Dane nodded.

"Bring some in all sizes," Wade told him as he

continued to fill an order for a customer.

Dane left the shop, walked through the huge kitchen

and then found the door that led downstairs to the

basement. Where is the light? His feet touched the first

step. Usually there was some type of pull string overhead.

He fumbled around for the string but gave up, opting to use

the natural light filtering in through a tiny window on the

wall. Moments later he found himself on the bottom level

amidst boxes of supplies. His nose met with an assortment

of sweet scents as he hunted for the bags. He looked up,

spotting them immediately, but on a shelf too high for him

to reach. Finding a sliding ladder, he slid it over to the spot

below the bags. He heard the door close once he got near

the top of the ladder, and then footsteps. He figured it was

one of the guys coming to get something. He continued on

to the top of the ladder but he was still too short to reach

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the bags.

"Allow me," a strange voice said.

Dane nearly fell from the ladder as the odor of

licorice filled the room. Ivan. He looked down into the

hazel eyes of a handsome ghost. Horace and Sam had

neglected to tell him how handsome he was, nor had they

mentioned he looked like a swashbuckler. Ivan had thick

black sideburns, a rake of a mustache and a well-trimmed

beard. How old is this spirit?

"Older than those two little boys you sleep with

every night," Ivan answered.

He can read my mind.

"One of my many talents," Ivan said, continuing up

the ladder.

Dane glared down at him, remembering his past

experience with the ghost.

"I'm sorry," Ivan said. "I thought you meant to harm


"Wade is my friend," Dane said. "Why would I

want to do him harm?"

Ivan stopped just below him. Unlike Sam and

Horace, Ivan had warmth. How was that possible?

"Let me rephrase that, I thought you meant to steal

Wade away from me."

"Why would I steal Wade from you?" The next

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thing he knew Ivan hovered in the air by him. Dane gripped

the ladder tightly as Ivan smiled at him. He sighed as he

felt his penis lengthening in his briefs.

Ivan chuckled. "I didn't expect to get that kind of

reaction from just a smile."

Dane blushed.

"You are a cutie." He tried to take Dane's glasses.

Dane blocked him and nearly fell off the ladder.

"Be careful," Ivan warned. "I wouldn't want you to

get hurt."

"Yeah, right," Dane said. "Didn't you try to suck me

into a vortex a couple of weeks ago? What do you want?

Wade is waiting for me to bring him some bags."

Ivan floated up to the top shelf, got the bags and

then they disappeared out of his hands. "I sent them to


Dane gasped. "How did you do that?"

"Magic," Ivan said with a sinister chuckle.

He'd never seen Sam or Horace perform that type of

trick before. "You aren't a ghost, are you?"

"No," Ivan answered, snatching Dane from the

ladder and holding him tightly to his chest as they floated

in the air. "I'm the Boogie Man." He pressed his lips against

Dane's and kissed him passionately.

Dane struggled but he could not free himself from

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Ivan's powerful grip.

Ivan's tongue entered his mouth and moved around.

Dane continued to struggle against the kisses and

Ivan's prying hand as it moved down between his legs,

fingering him through his pants. Dane gasped when Ivan

finally freed him.

"You are so delicious," Ivan said. "Your kisses are

sweeter than candy."

Dane felt hot beneath the collar.

"I am going to have so much fun with you."

"No, you're not," Dane argued. "I won't let you."

Ivan laughed. "How can you stop me?"

"I'll tell Wade," Dane threatened.

Ivan continued to laugh. "He won't do anything,

especially if I invite him to join us."

Dane shuddered. What is he saying? Wade wouldn't

do anything to him.

"Then you obviously don't know Wade as well as

you think. Do you know he watches you as you sleep?" He

chuckled. "Too bad he can't see your two little bedmates.

The three of you look so cute cuddled up together like little

puppies." He bent Dane back slightly and kissed him on the

throat then ran his tongue against the vein.

Dane trembled.

"You have the sweetest cherry scent. It's going to be

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a sheer delight to deflower you."

Dane cringed. Did Ivan intend to rape him?

"Rape is such a barbaric word, but I hope I won't

have to resort to force. I hope you will give yourself to me


"Never," Dane replied angrily.

"Never say never," Ivan replied. "Wade was a lot

like you at first but he finally realized he was no match for


Dane gulped. Did Ivan seduce Wade?

Ivan chuckled. "He was the sweetest thing. I fell in

love with him at first sight."

"But you took advantage of him. How is rape love?"

"Have you ever been in love?" Ivan asked.

Dane nodded his head.

"I'm not talking about your ghostly duo."

"No," Dane admitted.

"I love Wade," Ivan admitted. "But I want you too."

The basement door opened. Ivan looked up. "Prince

Charming has arrived."

"Dane, are you down here?" Wade asked as he

walked down the stairs.

"Yes," Dane said before Ivan slipped his hand

around his mouth. He heard Wade run toward them.

"What are you doing Ivan?" Wade asked, looking

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up at them.

"Just welcoming Dane to our little family."

"Let him go."

Ivan ran his tongue along the side of Dane's face.

"He's very tasty. Do you wish to sample him?"

Dane waited to hear Wade's answer.

Wade looked away, embarrassed. "He's just a kid.

Please let him go."

"Never," Ivan said running his hand down Dane's

chest to his penis.

"Don't do this," Dane pleaded. His body responded

to Ivan's touch. He looked down to find Wade watching,

captivated by what he saw.

"I told you," Ivan whispered into his ear. He kissed

him again and then released him. He fell to the ground right

into Wade's arms. Ivan disappeared.

"You can put me down now," Dane said to Wade.

"Ivan is gone."

Wade looked down at him, shook his head, lowered

his face and then kissed him.

Dane's eyes widened in surprise as Wade's tongue

entered his mouth. He wiggled out of Wade's arms, freeing

himself. He fell to the floor, landing on his butt.

"I'm sorry," Wade apologized coming out of his

trance. He ran away, leaving him where he sat.

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Tears welled in Dane's eyes as he watched Wade

run away. He supposed he should be very angry because of

what had just happened, but he could not deny the desire he


* * * *

Wade hurried back into the candy shop, breathing


"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Nothing," Wade lied.

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

The door to the basement opened and Dane

appeared in the candy shop, looking a bit disheveled. Dane

looked at him with tears in his eyes and then he rushed past

both of them and up the stairs.

Scott looked at the door and then at him. "What did

you do?"

"I kissed him," Wade admitted.

"You're a dope," Scott replied and went back to

waiting on his customer.

* * * *

Dane ran up the stairs to his office and put his head

down on his desk. A familiar hand gently stoked his hair.

"I'm sorry we got there too late," Horace said.

Dane raised his tear-stained face. "There wasn't

anything you could do against Ivan. Why didn't you tell me

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he's the Boogie Man?"

"I didn't exactly know what he was until I asked

around the ghostly realm," Horace confessed. "I finally

found a spirit old enough who had some information on

him. He's definitely different than Sam and me."

"And stronger," Sam said, materializing. "Are you

okay, Dane?"

Dane nodded. "Just a little disillusioned."

"You mean Wade?" Sam asked.

Dane nodded again.

"I tried to tell you, sport. Are you ready to go


"Yes." Dane gathered his things and left through the

employee's exit before anyone could stop him. Fortunately

he had driven his own car to work.

Horace appeared in the front seat next to him and

Sam popped into the back.

"Where are you headed?" Horace asked.

"Home," Dane replied.

"Which home?" Sam asked.

Dane shrugged. If he ran back to his parents they

would just think he was seeing ghosts again and couldn't

deal with reality. "Wade's place," he answered.

"Is that wise?" Horace asked.

Dane nodded. "Running from a problem won't make

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it go away. I have to face him sooner or later."

"I'm not speaking of Wade," Horace said. "What

about Ivan?"

The thought of being ravished by an ancient pirate

did not appeal to him at the moment. Besides, it was

Halloween. No telling what kind of tricks Ivan had in store

for him. "I won't surrender to him," Dane said bravely. "I'll

just try to…"

"Reason with him?" Sam asked.

"No, destroy him," Dane replied.

Horace reached over and ruffled his hair. "We'll try

to do as much as we can. We aren't powerful enough to

fight Ivan but we can handle Wade."

"Don't hurt him," Dane told him.

"But he…"

"He kissed me. I know he didn't mean to harm me,

and I think the kiss upset him more than me."

"But he wants you in his bed as badly as Ivan. I

don't see the difference," Sam argued.

"The difference is, dear fellow," Horace told Sam,

"Wade loves Dane."

Dane blushed deeply and continued to drive.

* * * *

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The house seemed deadly quiet when he entered

several minutes later. Dane hurried up to his room, took a

shower and changed his clothes. He wanted to get dinner

started early before Wade returned from work.

Sam appeared dressed in colonial clothing… black

knee pants, a billowing white shirt and black boots.

"Where's Horace?" Dane asked as he prepared the

mashed potatoes to go with the baked chicken he'd cooked


"He went back to the ghostly realm," Sam

explained. "He'll be along shortly."

Dane put the potato masher down. "Is that what you

looked like before you met your untimely demise?"

Sam turned around to model his outfit. "Yes, I was

the epitome of fashion back then."

"Cute," Dane teased. "I like the ponytail."

Sam bowed.

"How did you die?"

Sam stopped primping. "Cholera. The disease

wiped out my entire family." He sighed. "I was a young

doctor and there wasn't anything I could do but sit there and

watch them die one by one."

"A doctor?" Dane asked. "No wonder you're so


Sam blushed.

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"What about Horace?"

"Same thing," Sam answered. "We were neighbors.

He died in my arms."

That would explain why they traveled with each

other. "Was he a doctor too?"

Sam shook his head. "A brilliant teacher."

"He taught school?"

Sam nodded. "Elementary school."

"I wish I could have known you guys back then."

He sighed. "It must be great having a friendship that

transcends death."

Horace and I are not just friends," Sam replied. "We

are lovers."

Dane eyed him curiously. "What?"

"Lovers," Horace said materializing into the room.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you but we didn't think you were

old enough to understand."

"But you never seemed, you know, lovey-dovey."

Horace chuckled. "We have our moments. But most

of the time we had our hands full raising a precocious little


Sam winked at Dane.

"Who me?"

Sam nodded.

All the pieces started to fit. Sam and Horace had

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always treated him special even though they played a lot of

tricks on him. He turned to Sam. "Hey, you said you

wanted to sleep with me."

Sam shrugged. "I was just pulling your leg. You,

dear Dane, mean the world to us, and until we found you,

we were…"

"Lost," Horace said. "You gave us a purpose to stay

here on this plane."

"But why did you pick me?"

"I heard you crying when I passed your window one

night," Sam answered. "I couldn't resist. I've always wanted

a child to look after but I knew it was impossible for

Horace and me to have one since we were both males, and


"So that's why you were trying to tell me about

Wade." He paused. "You could have just come out and told


"I just couldn't. I knew he wanted you the moment

you walked into the candy shop. I could see the desire in

his eyes. I literally heard his heart skip a beat." Sam put his

hand against his heart. "I knew he was the one, but I didn't

think you were old enough and you've never been with a


"Does that really matter?" Dane asked adding butter

to the potatoes and using the masher to mix. "Both of you

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have been with women before and that didn't stop you from

finding each other."

"True," Horace said. "But you're our baby boy. We

were afraid you'd fall in love and wouldn't need us


Dane shook his head. He finished with the potatoes

and put them aside. "So what did you learn in the ghostly


"Bad news. Ivan can't be destroyed."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a demon."

Dane moved around nervously. "You mean there's

nothing I can do to stop him if he tries to have his way with


"There's only one person who can stop him,"

Horace explained. "Wade."

"How can he help?"

"The Boogie Man only exists if a child keeps him

alive by believing in him."

"So Wade just has to stop believing in him?"

"Not that simple," Horace continued. "He has to

denounce him too. Ivan will go away but I don't know for

how long. He'll probably find another kid to stalk."

"But that would mean he would attack another

unsuspecting child." There had to be another way. Even if

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Wade loved him enough to save him, he didn't think he

could subject a child to the Boogie Man.

* * * *

The kitchen door opened and Wade entered, looking

calm and collected. Horace and Sam beat a hasty retreat but

still lingered in the vicinity just in case Dane needed them.

"We need to talk," he said.

"Can't it wait until after dinner?" Dane asked


Wade glanced over to the pots on the stove and the

table set for two. "No," he said. "This is important."

"I'm listening," Dane said, trying not to look him in

the eyes. His heart was already doing this funny jumping

thing just from being in the same room with Wade.

"In the den," Wade said, turning and walking back

out of the room.

"Idiot," Dane muttered as he checked to make sure

all the burners on the stove were off and followed him into

the den.

"Here," Wade said, shoving a glass of liquor toward


Dane accepted the glass, sniffed and frowned. Rum.

"Thank you."

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Wade walked over to the sofa with his glass and sat

down. He crossed his legs and then patted a spot next to

him for Dane to sit.

Dane hesitated for a moment and then joined him.

"I think we need to clear the air about a couple of

things if we are going to continue working and living

together," Wade began. "First, I'd like to apologize for what

I did to you earlier. I'm not saying I regret kissing you, but I

should not have taken advantage of you after your little

adventure with Ivan."

Little adventure? Ivan had molested him. Dane

sipped the rum. God, this is awful. The liquor burned his

tongue all the way down to the back of his throat.

"Second, I want to apologize for what Ivan did to

you. I should have taken better of care of you after he

attacked you a couple of weeks ago. I never thought he'd go

this far."

Dane took another sip. This time the rum burned but

went down a little easier, warming and relaxing him. He

wasn't much of a drinker and he'd never had something this


"Third, I want to thank you for developing such a

successful promotion for Yummy's. The cash registers were

still ringing when I left the shop."

"What about the giveaway?" Dane asked trying to

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focus on the sound of Wade's voice instead of the twinkling

of his eyes.

"Scott is handling the giveaway."

"Good, anything else?" The rum sneaked up on him

and made him tired. He took another big swallow and

polished the drink off.

"I love you," Wade confessed.

Dane spat the rum out of his mouth. "What?"

"I love you."

"Why?" Dane asked not knowing what else to say.

Wade's confession left him speechless.

Wade sipped some of his rum and then put the glass

on the cocktail table. He slid closer to Dane. "What's not to

love? You're cute and intelligent and you're one of the most

caring people I know."

"And I'm a male."

Wade cleared his throat. "Yes, well, some things

can't be helped." He leaned over and kissed Dane on the

cheek. "You smell like cherries."

"It's a new bath wash I'm trying," Dane said, trying

to gather his wits about him. Wade's nearness made that

and other things hard.

Wade moved closer and sniffed him again. "I like

the scent." He ran his finger down Dane's arm. "Your skin

is so soft."

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Dane moved away. "And rum makes you a bit


"A bit," Wade said straightening up and moving

closer. He lifted Dane's hand and kissed it.

The scent of peppermint Dane had noticed earlier

quickly left the room. Traitors. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to show how I feel about you," Wade said.

He kissed Dane's hand again and then looked at him. "You

have beautiful eyes."

"Yes, Ivan thinks so too."

Wade froze and then dropped his hand. "Stay away

from him."

"He wants to have his way with me."

Wade raised his head and glared at him. "Never," he

said. "I won't let him. You're mine."

"What do you mean?" Dane asked, suddenly

noticing how hot the room felt.

Wade took the glass from his hand and put it next to

his on the table. He pulled Dane into his arms, lowered his

lips to his and kissed him passionately.

Dane sat there, not knowing what to do.

Wade kissed down his chin and his throat.

Dane's body arched with desire as Wade's lips

brushed his collarbone and the top of his chest. He tried to

push Wade away but he couldn't.

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Wade kissed him on the lips again, this time

pushing his tongue inside.

Dane gasped as the rum-laced tongue moved

around, tasting him. He closed his eyes not wanting to

witness the onslaught.

Wade pulled him onto his lap and continued to kiss


Dane wrapped his arms around Wade's neck and

kissed him back.

Wade lifted Dane's shirt over his head, exposing the

younger man's bare chest and then lowered him onto his

back. He kissed his way down Dane's chest, licking his

nipples until they budded. Wonderful and new sensations

ran through him as Wade's hands roamed all over his body.

Wade lifted his head. "Are you okay with this?"

Dane nodded. What did he know?

Wade lifted him from the couch.

"What are you doing?"

"Moving this party where we can be comfortable."

"Put me down. I can walk."

Wade ignored him and continued to carry him up

the stairs. "Your room or mine?"

"Mine is closer," Dane replied. And he really didn't

want to go to Wade's room where they might find Ivan

waiting for them.

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They stripped out of their clothes and just looked

each other over. He'd never seen another man naked before

but he liked the way Wade's body looked. He had nice

muscles and a slim waist. They met near the bed, climbed

on and began exploring each other's bodies.

Wade pushed him down onto his back and kissed

him. He lowered his head, taking Dane's cock into his


Dane gasped, terrified and excited at the same time.

Wade's mouth felt warm and comforting. "Oh," he moaned

loudly as he shot his semen into Wade's mouth.

Wade sat up, swallowed and smiled. The sight

nearly blew Dane away.

Dane sat up too once he recovered, pushed Wade

down and kissed him.

Wade pulled him down on top of him and wrapped

his arms around him. "I want to make love to you."

Dane blushed.

Wade got off the bed and walked out of the room.

He returned a few minutes later carrying condoms and


"Apparently you've done this before," Dane said


"Once or twice," Wade admitted. "But not for a

long time. I've always practiced safe sex and I won't risk

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my life or yours." He handed one of the condoms to Dane.

"Do you know how to use one of these?"

Dane looked at the little silver package. "I think I

can figure it out."

Wade took the condom away from him and

demonstrated. Dane watched, fascinated at how the plastic

stretched to cover Wade's sizeable cock.

Wade didn't give him time to think. He just pushed

him down on his back and kissed him again. The rum

clouded his brain a little so he just laid back and enjoyed

the things Wade did to him. The rum also took away most

of his inhibitions. Wade rolled him over onto his stomach,

applied some of the lube to his finger and inserted the tip

inside of him. Dane gasped as the finger moved in slowly,

stretching his rectum. Being penetrated hurt but he refused

to cry out. Wade moved the finger in and out slowly so he

could get accustomed to the feel, and just when he thought

he had, Wade pulled out then slid in two fingers.

"Am I hurting you?" Wade asked Dane.

"A little," Dane answered.

Wade slid the two fingers out, pushed him so he

was again lying on his back and started kissing him again.

He nudged his way between Dane's thighs and lifted his

hips. "This may hurt a little too." He positioned his penis

against Dane's rectum and pushed the head inside.

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Dane hissed. Being screwed up the behind hurt a lot

and burned.

* * * *

The smell of licorice entered the room as soon as he

realized Dane was about to come. Wade moved his hand

between them, grabbed Dane's cock and began stroking the

erect penis back and forth in his fist. Dane's body arched

against his and he erupted, sending a stream of cum all over

Wade's stomach and chest.

"Damn, Wade boy. You have him exploding like a


Wade stopped in mid-hump, pulled out of Dane's

body and covered both of them with a sheet. "What are you

doing here?"

Ivan materialized. "I heard this delightful cry of

passion, so naturally I had to investigate." He peeked at

Dane. "I told you that you didn't know Wade as well as you

thought you did. Look what he's done to you. He's got you

hot and sweaty."

Dane pulled the covers up to his chin.

The scent of peppermint entered the room.

"More guests," Ivan replied.

"What's he talking about?" Wade asked Dane.

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"Horace and Sam are here," Dane told him.


"Close by."

Ivan laughed. "Do you know they share Dane's bed

every night?" Ivan asked Wade.

Wade looked over at Dane.

"They help me sleep," Dane told him. "But it's all

innocent. They're my family."

"So you say," Ivan replied. "How can Wade be sure

you're not sexing both of them up nightly?"

"I'm sure," Wade replied. "I took his cherry."

Dane buried his head beneath the covers.

Ivan chuckled. "I do believe you've embarrassed

him. But no fear, one of his little playmates is comforting

him at this very moment."

"Why can't I see them?" Wade asked.

Dane slipped back from beneath the covers.

"Because they're his ghosts," Ivan explained.

"But Dane can see you."

"That's because he isn't a ghost," Dane told Wade.

"What are talking about? Of course he's a ghost."

"No, he isn't. He's the Boogie Man… the real


Someone ran fingers through Wade's hair. "Who did


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"Sam," Dane told him. "He's very caring and


"I want to see him," Wade said, feeling better after

Sam touched him.

"Then you're going to have to believe in them and

really mean it," Dane explained to him.

"Of course, I believe," Wade said. "Please let me

see you."

A blond man appeared first, followed by a dark

haired one. They seemed to be around his age, but he

couldn't be sure. He looked them over. The blond one was

as gorgeous as Dane and they looked enough alike to be

siblings. The dark haired one was ruggedly handsome and

appeared to be just a little older than the blond.

"I'm Horace," the dark haired one told him. "And

this is my friend, Sam."

Sam nodded at him.

"Nice to meet both of you."

"What are you doing?" Ivan asked Wade.

"Getting to know my future in-laws."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I plan to spend the rest of my life being with

Dane," Wade admitted.

"What about me?" Ivan asked jealously.

"What about you? I'm not some little kid anymore

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and I'm not going to let you near Dane."

Ivan laughed. "Like you can stop me." He raised his

hand and Dane levitated above the mattress. Sam tossed a

sheet over Dane's waist to cover his nakedness.

"Put him down," Wade ordered. "Your reign of

terror is over."

"But you're mine," Ivan told him. "Dane too."

"Can't you guys do anything?" Wade asked Horace

and Sam.

Horace shook his head. "Only you can stop him."

He whispered the key to getting rid of him into Wade's ear.

"What's he saying?" Ivan asked, floating Dane

closer to him.

Dane's eyes widened. He appeared frightened as he

floated into Ivan's arms.

"See, there's nothing anyone can do to stop me,"

Ivan replied. He sniffed Dane. "You smell so delicious.

Wade has done a wonderful job preparing you for me. I

will have you calling my name before the clock strikes

midnight and Halloween ends."

"No, you won't," Wade said hopping into his

clothes. "The abuse ends now."

Ivan whipped around angrily, pointed a finger at

Wade and sent his body into a wall.

"Don't hurt him," Dane shouted.

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Horace and Sam came to Wade's aid.

Ivan glanced over at Dane. "I can do to him what I

please. He has been under my control since the age of five.

I own him."

"No, you don't," Wade argued. "You've abused me

both mentally and physically and I'm not going to take it

anymore. I want to be with Dane and show my father I'm


"We can share him," Ivan suggested.

"I'm not open to negotiating, Ivan. You can't control

me anymore."

"You know what you have to do," Sam told Wade.

"I can't," Wade said. "You don't know the


"Yes, we do," Horace said. "It is the only way you

can be free."

"Don't," Dane cried out. "I'm not worth it."

"Don't say that," Wade argued. "You're worth

everything to me."

Ivan growled. "More than me?"

"Yes," Wade replied.

Ivan laughed and released Dane. He fell to the floor

on his bare butt.

"Ouch," he hollered. "I'm getting tired of this."

Ivan turned and faced Wade. "Go ahead and try to

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denounce me. But you know what will happen if you do.

I'll find some other kid to terrorize."

Dane crawled over to Sam and Horace. The two

ghosts stood guard over him.

"You think I won't get rid of you," Wade replied.

"I know you won't," Ivan said chuckling. "You don't

have the balls."

"I hate you," Wade whispered to Ivan.

Ivan screamed.

"What's he doing?" Dane asked.

"Destroying the Boogie Man," Horace answered.

"But I thought he couldn't be destroyed."

"We found a loophole," Horace told him.

Wade watched as Ivan's body began to smoke.

"What have you done to me? I love you, Wade.

You've always been my favorite."

"Go away," Wade told him.

Ivan screamed.

"What is he telling him?" Wade did not say it loud

enough for him to hear.

"You're not going to believe it," Sam replied. "He

told him to go away."

"What?" Dane asked. "Why that's stupid."

"Yeah, but it worked," Sam replied, ruffling Dane's


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Dane chuckled and nuzzled against Sam.

Ivan disappeared and Wade ran over to Dane and

pulled him into his arms. "Take your hands off my baby."

Sam and Horace laughed.

"Happy Halloween, you guys," Horace told them.

"We're going out to enjoy what's left of the holiday."

Dane froze in his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," Dane said. "Those two aren't angels.

I could tell you stories that would curl your hair."

Wade pulled him over to the bed. "You can tell me

later once we finish what we were doing earlier."

"We didn't finish?" Dane asked, feigning innocence.

"No," Wade told him. "And I have so much more to

teach you."

The End

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Native New Orleanian Shawn Bailey has been writing for a

number of years.





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Available from Silver Publishing:

Kisses Sweeter than Candy

Nanny Dearest

Available from All Romance ebooks:



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