Lekcja 11 Pierwszy dzień w pracy

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Lekcja 11: Pierwszy dzień w pracy



Lekcja 11: Pierwszy dzień w pracy

Starania o pracę, zakończone sukcesem, już za tobą, teraz jednak czeka cię kolejne wyzwanie - pierwszy dzień w
nowej pracy. Pewnie zastanawiasz się jak najlepiej go wykorzystać, a przy tym pewnie się stresujesz,
szczególnie, jeśli jest to Twoja pierwsza praca. Nie przejmuj się zbytnio i przeczytaj kilka poniższych wskazówek,
a wszystko na pewno pójdzie jak z płatka.

You have already successfully found a job, but now there is another challenge awaiting you: the first day at work.
Probably, you are wondering how to make the best of it and, chances are, you are also stressed, especially if this is
your first job. Don't worry too much and read a bunch of the tips below, and everything is bound to go smoothly.

Obviously, you would like to make the best impression possible on all those that you are going to meet tomorrow, but
there is no hassle - you will have plenty of time to gain their trust, respect, and perhaps even friendship. And, after all,
you are not on your own here: it is very likely you will be shown around by your immediate superior, who should
introduce you

to your colleagues and your team, shortly describe their and your responsibilities (if it's a corporate job you might be
also introduced to the heads of other departments), present you the formal and informal rules of working in a specific
company by specifying working hours, mandatory dress code - if any, and, finally, guide you around your workplace,
such as your desk, computer or any other equipment that you might need to work.

Afterwards, your boss will probably leave you to your colleagues, who will probably introduce you to the less formal,
and yet absolutely basic aspects of everyday work: they will tell you where you can drink coffee or tea and eat



talk about what the life in the company really is like or share with you some funny rumours about the corporate jungle.
Remember that they are likely to be keen as well on breaking the ice and creating an atmosphere of mutual goodwill
and friendliness.

So, is there actually anything that you can do yourself? Well, make sure you are dressed in a universal way, so as to
neither to be too casual nor too elegant, and by all means avoid trying to impress others with expensive clothes or
accessories - it might have the very opposite effect. Have your eyes and ears open and pay attention to what others
tell you. You can ask for information if you need any, but remember not to be too intrusive or pushy - some people may
be really busy at the moment, although later on they will be happy to share many interesting things with you over a

Your first day work is an opportunity to present yourself in the best light possible, but remember that this presentation
will continue on a daily basis, so give it time. Just try to establish friendly relations with your colleagues so that they
know that you are not their competitor, but someone they can count on when tackling everyday problems.

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