Wanting by bj sling

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By bj_sling

Summary: Justin is an only-child and is really selfcentered. His parents see only one solution to change their son, he
has to work. So Craig asks and old friend for help and Justin starts at Kinnetik. But what happens when Justin falls
in love with his boss? Oh, did I mention Justin has one problem??? Brian Kinney isn't into overweighted guys... and
Justin ate a few chocolate-bars too much.

“JUSTIN TAYLOR!” Jennifer called to her son.

“Just give me ten minutes.” The answer came from the bathroom. Justin was just styling his hair when his mother
called. The Taylors had to go to a fund raising for a new kindergarten on Liberty Avenue and Justin actually had no
interest in that but his parents had insisted that he had to be there.

He sighed. Why did he always have to do things? He wanted to stay home and eat his chocolate and watch his
favourite movie. He hated these stupid parties. Why would he want to spent money for some poor suckers? They
could work if they needed money.

Craig Taylor was fuming. They already were late because Justin was doing everything in slow motion.

Since Justin was a little boy, he had always been self-centred, never doing things for others, and since he was a
teenager he had gained a lot of weight.

They couldn’t find suits by Armani for him anymore because Justin wouldn’t stop eating. But they had overlooked
it. But now Craig Taylor had enough with his attitude.

“Dad? What do you think about giving me a green corvette for my Birthday? I saw one a few days ago.” Justin
called from the bathroom. Two more days and he would be 18. Craig cringed at these words. Did Justin know what
a Corvette costs?

Sure he had the money but wasn’t Justin old enough to earn money to buy things for himself?

Justin walked down the stairs and stood now in front of his dad.

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“I can’t wait to drive it!” Craig looked at his wife, who also had enough of her son’s attitude. They had talked the
last night about what to do with their son. He needed to learn that money wasn’t everything and that it wasn’t easy to

“If you want a fucking Corvette you buy one, but not with my money, you can earn it. Now let’s go!”

Justin looked at his father as if he had grown two heads. But then he shrugged. Only 2 more days and he would be
18 and he could drive in a Corvette. His parents had never said no to one of his wishes.


“Brian, nice to see you. How’s it going?” While the Taylors were at the fund raising, Craig had seen Brian, an old
friend. Five years ago he had helped the man finance his agency.

“Hi Craig. I’m doing fine. How’s your family?” Brian grinned, knowing that Craig had problems with his spoiled
only-child. The two men had lunch together from time to time and Craig always complained about Justin.

“Brian, I need you to do me a favour.” Brian nodded curiously.

“Jennifer and I have had enough of Justin. He needs to learn that you have to work for money. He needs to learn that
the world doesn’t only revolve around him and I know you grew up in a family without much money… so we
thought maybe you could help us and give him a

job in your firm. I know he isn’t easy to handle, he is a real brat and I know if we had raised him differently, then he
wouldn’t be like that now, but it can’t be to late, to teach the lad something about the real world”

Brian slowly nodded. He owned everything to Craig Taylor. The man had helped him with Kinnetic and had been
like a father to him. Since he knew Craig Taylor, he had always had someone to talk to and who would listen and
give him tips. How could he not help him

and Jennifer?

“OK I’ll do it. If you really want him to change you have to change a few things. First, he has to live on his own,
second, he has to pay for things with his own money, not with yours, so no credit cards and so on. And third, he’ll
start tomorrow.” Craig nodded and a smile spread over the older man’s lips.

He knew that Brian would help them.

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“Alright, thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to Jennifer and me.”

“Like I said, sent him to my office tomorrow. What is he actually good at?”

“Justin paints, so we thought he could help in the art department or something like that.”

“OK, I guess that can be arranged. But now let’s stop talking about business, where is your lovely wife?” Brian
grinned and Craig and he made their way over to Jennifer and Justin, who were talking to Lindsay.

“BRIAN!” Jennifer yelled warmly and hugged the tall brunette. Justin turned around and eyed the man he had heard
a lot about, but had never actually seen before.

God, this Brian was sex on legs. Before he knew it, he licked his lips and Brian saw it. He smirked and Justin

“So blondy, I heard you’re a real brat?” Brian stuck his tongue in his cheek. God, this would be so much fun. The
chubby boy glared at Brian.

“Daddy, Daddy!” A child’s voice shouted. Brian saw the little boy running towards them through the crowd.

“Slow down Sonnyboy.” Brian laughed when he swept Gus into his arms.

Justin’s mouth hit the ground. Was his gaydar broken? He had thought this asshole was gay, but apparently he

Lindsay laid an arm around the asshole’s waist and planted a kiss on the little boy’s cheek.

“Gussy? Say goodbye to daddy. We have to go now.” Gus rubbed his eyes and shook his head. He didn’t want to
leave his daddy yet.

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“But mommy…”

“No young man, listen to your mom, I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” Brian handed Gus over to Lindsay.

Without a word, Justin turned away from the little family and his parents and walked out of the GLC, where the
fund-raising was taking place. He needed to do something about the bulge in his pants. Fuck, why was he attracted
to a straight asshole? Life couldn’t be more cruel than that.

******* *

“NO! I’M NOT!” Justin yelled at his father.

“Yes, you will! I’ve told Brian that you’ll be at his office today. And later when you get back from work you’ll look
for a place of your own, you are old enough!”

“What do you mean? You’re kicking me out?”

Now it was Jennifer’s turn to say something. “No Justin, we’re not kicking you out, but you have to learn to live on
your own without us. Earn your own money. Brian will give you a job. Honey, it’s only for your best if you do this

Justin stomped away, slamming the door hard.

What were his parents thinking? Yeah right, for the best… sure! Everything had been fine until last night. It was
probably all because of the asshole.

He walked over to Kinnetic to tell Mr. Kinney that he would not work for him, never!

He pulled a chocolate bar out of his bag. That’s what he needed right now.

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A few minutes later he strolled into the old bathhouse, without knocking he entered Kinney’s

office. He froze in place when he saw Bri- Mr. Kinney fucking a guy on his desk.

Brian looked up when he heard the door being opened. He smirked at the blond and then rammed into the trick
under him, letting the man shot his load. A few thrusts later Brian came, without breaking eye contact to Justin.

“I..I…” Justin stammered when he caught himself. He then closed he door as fast as he could.

Not trusting his legs, he sat down on the sofa, on the opposite of Brian’s office, when a blonde woman walked over
to him.

“Are you Justin Taylor?” She asked him and when he nodded she sat down next to him.

“Hi, I’m Cynthia, Mr. Kinney’s assistant. Are you ok?” Justin was pale after what he had just seen. So the mighty
Mr. Kinney wasn’t as straight as he acted. A cruel grin spread over Justin’s face.

“Sure. I’m alright. I just have to talk to Mr. Kinney.” If this worked, Justin wouldn’t have to work for him and his
parents couldn’t say anything.

Cynthia slowly nodded, when she saw Justin’s expression and then got up. This guy had planned something and
Cynthia didn’t like that. The door to Brian’s office opened and the guy Brian had just freshly fucked came out. Brian
leaned in the door way and looked at the

blond, sitting on the sofa. Justin rose and walked over to Brian.

“Mr. Kinney, I’m Justin Taylor and my parents told me you have a job for me.” Brian saw the gleam in Justin’s eyes
and grinned. The boy was probably still upset with Craig and Jennifer, for sending him to work but this would be

“Come on in and I’ll tell you what you have to do.” With a hand gesture he invited Justin in his office and he closed
the door after the blond had entered.

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“Mr. Kinney… how is your son?”

Brian blinked. OK, the blond wanted to make small talk. God, why couldn’t this Justin be a little bit more attractive?
OK, the blond hair and the piercing blue eyes were hot as hell but Brian wasn’t into wobbling men.

“He’s fine… so, now to your job. You’ll be working in the art department…!

“Does he or your wife know that you fuck men?” Justin said grinning. Brian looked at Justin? WTF? What did this
blond fucker want?

“Mr. Taylor. My sexual preferences have nothing to do with you and your father told me you were gay, so I don’t
think you’ll have a problem with me fucking men. But like I said, it’s non of your business.”

“Well no, I don’t have a problem with that but as you probably also know, I have no intention in working my ass off
here. What do you think about that? I won’t tell your wife about you fucking men and you won’t tell my parents that
I don’t work here.”

Brian tried to hold back a laugh. This guy was such a piece of shit.

“Well, Mr. Taylor. If you had informed yourself better, you would know that I’m not married and that I’m out and
proud.” Brian smirked at Justin’s shocked expression.

“But…” Justin was speechless. This just couldn’t be… he had seen Mr. Kinney and the blonde with their son and
Lindsay had shown them just before the asshole had come over her wedding ring.

What could he do now? He didn’t want to work, work was something for people with nothing better to do, and he
had a lot to do.

“If you ever try to blackmail me again Mr. Taylor, I promise you I’ll go to the police. So, I think you better get to
work, like your parents said. Oh and tomorrow I don’t want to see you in these clothes.”

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Brian said with a calm voice and he watched Justin glare at him. Yes this would definitely be fun. The blond had a
lot to learn.

Justin stood up. This was not going like he had planned.

This was not going like he had planned

Justin left Brian’s office defeated. A boy from the art department was waiting for him. He was the same height as
Justin, blond, green eyed, but slim.

“Allan? This is Justin Taylor, he will be working here from today. Could you please show him the art department?
He will work with you on the Brown Athletic account.” Brian shut the office door and Allan eyed Justin, then a
smile spread over his face.

“Hi!” The boys shook hands and Allan pulled Justin towards the art department. Justin tried to look bored, but on
the inside he was totally excited when they entered the art department. Justin couldn’t believe his luck when he saw
that everything was up-to-date.

“Don’t you think that the boss is fucking hawt? God, I would do everything to have one night with him.” Allan
sighted dramatically.

“Yeah, well, he is alright.” Justin said with a bored tone. He already liked Allan.

“ALRIGHT??? He is definitely more than alright!” Allan exclaimed.

“Who is this?” A tall man stepped in front of them. His eyes wandered over Justin’s body.

“Hi Rick, this is Justin Taylor, he’s going to work here from now on.” Rick nodded and then continued with his
work. The blondes sat down in front of a computer, where they started to work on the campaign.

Justin couldn’t help a smile creeping slowly over his face. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

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A few hours later Brian shut down his computer for the day and put on his coat. He then left his office and made his
way towards the art department, to check on Craig’s son.

He opened the door and saw to giggling blondes, sitting in front of a computer. Brian stepped behind them and
looked over their shoulder. What he saw amazed him.

“Good work boys. You can finish for today” Justin and Allan shrieked and jumped up. They hadn’t heard Brian.

“Uhm… I… We…” Justin stammered.

“Thank you Mr. Kinney!” Allan said and then turned to Justin. “Come on blondie, let’s get out of here. Wanna come
with me to Woody’s?”

Justin nodded, not trusting his voice. Why was it that, whenever he saw Mr Kinney, he never knew what to say? He
stood up and followed Allan and Brian. The three left Kinnetik, Brian heading for the parking garage and the boys
heading towards Woody's.


At Woody's

Justin and Allan were checking out the guys.

“He’s hot over there.” Allan pointed to a tall red-haired.

“Not bad… but I like…” Justin looked around “…him! He’s apparently a real queen but not bad.” Both blondes

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“Do you know who that is?” Justin shook his head.

“That’s Emmett Honeycut, one of our boss’s friends.”

“Really? I can’t imagine these two to be friends…”

The boys watched the gang for a few more minutes but then left Woody’s. Even if it was still early, it had been a
long day and they had to work tomorrow. Shortly after they had left Woody’s, Brian entered the bar and spotted his
friends immediately.

“Brian! You should have been here half an hour ago!” Mickey whined the moment he spotted his long time friend.
Brian smirked and shrugged and after ordering himself a beer, started a game of pool with the gang.

While playing pool billiard Brian listened to the gossip.

“Did you see that blonde kid? Poor boy! He was actually quite cute but it would help if he would lose some weight!”
A nasty queen said, with her back turned to Brian.

Brian felt his anger rise but didn’t know exactly why. They were probably talking about Justin, he had seen Justin
leave when he had entered the bar and they were right. He was fat, so why was HE getting upset about them only
saying what he thought?

Brian gave Ted the billiard cue and downed his drink. He then walked away from them and left Woody’s. Emmett,
Michael and Ted stared after him. What the hell had just happened was up with him?

Michael shrugged and they continued with their match.


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Brian walked through the empty streets. It was still kind of early and the clubs weren’t even open yet. He found
himself in the diner several minutes later.

“Hey kiddo, what ya doing here?” Debbie gave Brian a bone-crushing hug, as if she hadn’t seen him in ages. Brian
shrugged and focused on Deb.

“I just came by to grab a lemon bar. I have an early meeting tomorrow.” Deb hurried behind the counter and packed
Brian a lemon bar. Meanwhile Brian spotted two familiar blonde heads. He walked over to the occupied booth.

“Well, shouldn’t the two of you be in bed? You have to be at work tomorrow, if I remember correctly or doesn’t
your boss mind?” Brian smirked when he saw the boys’ faces.

“Hi again, Mr. Kinney. It’s not that late really.” Allan said, trying to hide a laugh. He often met Brian at the Diner or
at Babylon. Justin was blushing, redness creeping up from his neck.

“Br- Mr. Kinney…”

“Hi Justin. Have you found an apartment yet?” Justin shook his head. God, that voice and that smirk… why did his
boss had to be so hot and be such an asshole at the same time? Brian sat down next to Justin and waited for his
order. He accidentally brushed Justin’s arm when he sat down and the blonde blushed even more, if it was possible.

Allan noticed his new friend’s behaviour and suppressed a giggle.

Justin could smell Brian’s aftershave and felt himself hardening and shifted in his seat. Why was he so shy every
time Brian Kinney was around? And why the fuck was he always hard when he saw him? Yes, Brian looked god but
not that good.

“Uhm… Allan? I better go now. I need to catch the bus.” Justin said as an excuse. Brian grinned.

“I'll give you a lift, in a minute.” Brian smiled. Allan’s eyes widened. What was going on here? Alright, Brian
Kinney liked to flirt with everyone, but he would never take anyone home, at least not anybody who worked for
him. And hello? He really liked Justin, but

Justin was definately not Brian’s type.

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“No, you don’t have to. I’m staying at a friend’s tonight and it’s really not far from here but thanks anyway!”

Brian sulked inwardly. He shook his head. No, Brian Kinney didn’t sulk. That’s when Deb walked over to the little
group and placed a bag in front of Brian.

“Here asshole. And don’t forget, Sunday, my place, 6 o’clock!” She grinned and Brian stood up to kiss her on the

“I’ll be there, Mom.” He then winked at Allan and Justin and left the diner. Justin also got up and said goodbye.

Brian opened the door of his jeep, when he saw Justin walking out of the diner.

“Hey blondie! Get in!” Justin looked at him and blushed again but made his way towards Brian.

“I told you I can take the b-“

“And I told you I’d take you, so get in the damn car”

Justin stared for a moment, then opened the passenger door and got in the car.

He told Brian the address and soon the jeep parked in front of an apartment complex.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Brian said, tongue in cheek. Justin hadn’t said anything since they sped away from the
diner, but had been shifting in his seat all the way there. Brian was well aware of his condition.

Justin nodded and while he undid the seat belt, Brian leaned over and planted a kiss on Justin’s mouth.

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Justin leaned in the kiss and Brian pulled him closer.

They broke the kiss, panting heavily, gasping for air.

“Wanna come up?” Justin asked, breathless and without anymore thinking without another word being uttered, the
two men rushed upstairs.

Justin’s fingers trembled as he tried to open the door. Brian rained kisses on his neck, his arms draped around
Justin’s waist, his hands stroking Justin’s cock through the fabric.

“God Brian, stop it or I’m never getting this fucking door op-aah!” Brian had bitten him but was now licking the bite
mark he had left in the place where Justin’s shoulder met his neck.

Justin finally managed to put the key in the lock and the two men stumbled into the little apartment that Justin
shared with his best friend Daphne.

“We have to be quiet or Daphne will kill me.” Brian pulled Justin close again, nodded and then kissed him on his
full, red lips. Justin led him into the living room and they collapsed on the couch. Brian pulled Justin’s shirt up and
flicked his tongue over his right nipple, making Justin arch his back into Brian’s touch. This felt so good.

Brian stripped Justin and then he also took off his own clothes. He looked at the blond, lying on the couch. Fuck,
what was he doing? He had never fucked anyone who wasn't his type and Justin definitely was not. But then his eyes
locked with Justin's blue eyes and all was forgotten. He saw the lust there and couldn't hold himself back. He got
down between Justin’s legs and pushed them apart.

He looked at Justin’s dick and then he began to work his magic on the boy. His tongue flicked over the impressive
head and his hand stroked the long, thick shaft.

“God, Brian!” Justin tried to silence his moans by putting his hand over his mouth.

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Brian let go of Justin’s cock and Justin whimpered a little when the cold air brushed over his leaking dick. Brian
searched for a condom and lube in his pants. He needed this boy, now! Quickly preparing Justin he sheathed his dick
and thrust into the tight hole making Justin cry out as he felt the pain.

“Fuck!” Brian wanted to pull out, he didn't like the thought of hurting the blond under him but Justin’s legs wouldn't
let him, he was pulled closer, his dick being buried deeper into Justin.

“I… it’s just been a while… actually I’m a top.” Justin blushed and Brian smirked.

“Is that so? How long has it been?”

“I…uh… I, I've never bottomed before.” Justin turned his face away, not wanting to look at Brian. Yes, he had
fucked before but actually hadn't dared to bottom. The first time he had fucked was with a friend from school. It had
been the first time for both of them, but then Colin had moved away before he had the opportunity to fuck Justin.
After that, Justin had

had no desire to bottom.

Brian saw Justin turning his face away but he grabbed Justin’s face and kissed him. He understood.

“I’ll go slow.” Brian promised and waited a few more moments before he slowly began to pull out, then thrust in
again. Justin relaxed and soon the pain turned into pleasure, when with each thrust Brian grazed his prostate. This
felt much better than he had ever thought it would.

With his hand he pulled Brian closer, pressing their lips together hungrily, allowing their tongues to duel.


The next morning, Brian was woken up by the smell of freshly made coffee and a body draped over him. Brian
opened his eyes and saw that Justin was still asleep. God, what had he done? He had fucked Craig Taylor’s son!
Craig Taylor's FAT son!

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Brian wriggled out from under Justin and stood up. Reaching for his clothes, he dressed quickly and left the

When the door fell closed, Justin woke up. God, he had had such an amazing dream. Brian Kinney had had fucked
him and… and… Justin sat up abruptly. No, it hadn't been a dream, he realised when he felt the soreness in his
bottom, but where the fuck was Brian



Half an hour later Justin entered Kinnetic and before going to the art department, he stopped at Brian’s office and
knocked hesitantly. Brian had probably had a meeting and had needed to be at the office earlier. A smile spread over
Justin’s face. Yes, that had to be the reason.

“Yeah? Come in.” came the response from inside the office and Justin opened the door and stepped in.

Brian was sitting in his chair, his back turned to the door, and he was talking with a client over the phone.

“Alright. I’ll see you at the meeting then.” Brian ended the phone call and turned around to face the visitor. He kept
his face a mask of indifference when he saw it was Justin.

“Is there a problem Mr. Taylor?” He said in a cold voice. Justin’s eyes widened. What the fuck was wrong with
Brian? Why was he acting so cold?

“I… What is wrong with you? Why the fuck did you just leave this morning without saying anything?”

“Mr. Taylor, it was a one time thing and sorry to tell you this but I’m not into fat, so, if it isn't

something work related, I suggest you leave my office now and get to work.” Brian said, trying to hide his growing
insecurity. He was scared. This boy made his heart pound faster than ever. He really wanted to pin Justin up against
the wall and fuck him senseless but

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Justin was Craig’s son, he was under Brian's care. Furthermore, he certainly was not Brian’s type. How would he
explain that to the gang, hell, to the whole of Liberty Avenue? After all, he did have a reputation to uphold.

Justin was shocked.

“But you… we…we fucked.”

“There is no we. It just happened, we were drunk and we can’t change it. It was a stupid mistake, it didn't mean
anything. I hope this doesn't make a difference in the way how you do your job.”

“But neither of us was drun-“ Brian glared at him.

“Mr. Taylor, if you don’t leave my office now, I will be forced to fire you and call security to escort you out of the
building." Justin didn't know what to say. Who the fuck did this Brian Kinney think he was?

“Well then, Mr. Kinney, I quit! Don't worry, you’ll never have to see my fat ass again!” A furious Justin stormed out
of the office and left Kinnetic.

Brian sank deeper in his chair. Why had he said those things? God, he was such a fool. Why had he done that to
Justin and why did he, Brian Kinney, the one who didn't believe in love, feel so empty right now, after telling the
one man who had actually awakened any feelings in him, that he had regretted their night together just because he
was fat? God, he truly was

such an asshole.


“Mom, Dad? I quit at Kinnetic but I’m going to look for another job. Don’t worry about me. I love you and I’m
sorry that I have been such a brat.” Justin hung up the phone. The one day that he had worked had shown him that it
wasn't so bad to work towards something.

It had made him realise just what a spoilt brat he had been. Just being given anything he wanted had made him so
shallow. He knew his parents would soon get the message he had left so he had to move fast. He had to get away,
and soon... away from them, but most of all

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away from fucking Brian Kinney.

“Ok, so tell me again.“ Allan looked at his friend, who was sitting on his sofa.

“He acted like a total prick! When I woke up this morning, he was gone and then I just wanted to talk to him, but he
said ‘It was just a fuck bla bla bla.’” Justin was still furious but he had a plan.

He would make that fucking bastard regret his decision.

Allan grinned. “So, got an idea to show him what he’s missing?” Justin nodded and an evil smile spread over his

“But Allan, promise me, not a word to anyone that I am here, okay?”


Brian went to Babylon after work. He needed to forget and there was no better place than the backroom of Babylon.
God, he still couldn’t believe that he had acted like that.

He had seen the look on the boy’s, no, on Justin’s face when he had told him. But he hadn’t meant to say these
words. It was all because of his fucking reputation, he WAS the stud of Liberty Av. and he wanted to continue to be
the stud. Being a couple, like Mickey and Ben were, was something for sissies and being with someone as chubby as
Justin, well he just

couldn’t do THAT, even if he was more than attracted to – NO, he wasn’t! He didn’t care about Justin. Yeah right,
who was he trying to kid? He was fucking lonely and why the fuck did he compare everyone to the blond kid now?

He roughly pushed the trick sucking his dick, away and left the club. Every time he had spotted a blond, he had
thought it was Justin. He didn’t want to look into those sad blue eyes again. He just couldn’t do that. It had torn his
heart out earlier that day.

In his loft, Brian stripped and fell onto his bed. Eventually, he fell into a restless sleep.

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Brian pushed slowly into the tight hole again and again. Soon the sun would rise and they would have to get up.
Brian kissed Justin’s neck and then his mouth wandered over the pale skin and met the raspberry lips he ached to
kiss again.

He felt Justin tense and his hand wandered down to the leaking, pulsing cock. Slowly stroking the erection,
matching his thrusts, he brought Justin to orgasm.

Justin shuddered, goose pimples appearing all over his body. He moaned into Brian’s mouth and his inner muscles
tightened around Brian’s dick. Brian growled and came, pushing deeper one final time into the blond.

He then collapsed on the blond. Brian didn’t want to crush the blond under him, but was too tired to move too much.
He pulled out and got rid of the condom, then lay down next to Justin, only to pull him on top of him.

He inhaled the scent of the boy and let himself be lulled into sleep.


Brian woke up again, soaked in sweat and sporting a hard-on. God, Justin was even in his dreams, making him
crazy! He turned over and tried to will himself back into sleep but he couldn’t sleep anymore. Brian just lay in his
bed and thought about his and Justin’s

previous night, stroking himself continuously.


Two hours later Justin and Allan sat in the little kitchen and ate their breakfast.

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“So, what are you going to do today?” Allan had to be at Kinnetic in an hour. Justin had waited for him at his
apartment last night and the two friends had talked.

“I’m gonna look for a job and an apartment… and I suppose maybe I’ll tell Daphne that I’m here with you, so that
she doesn’t worry.” Allan nodded.

“What do you think about finding a job and living here? I could use a roomy who cleans up after me.” Both blonds

“Yeah that would be cool! Thanks, but I really need my own space.” Justin got up from his chair and hugged Allan.

“OK, but until you’ve found something you can stay here. And I want you to call me every day.” Justin sighed.

“Christ! You’re worse than my mother.” Justin grinned and then grabbed his coat and put on his shoes.

“I'd better go now, get looking for a job, maybe find an apartment too.” Justin winked and went out of the door.
Allan smiled to himself, knowing that Brian Kinney’s life wouldn’t be as easy as it had been from now on.


Justin sat in a little café and looked through the newspaper, while he listened to a woman rambling on the phone and
at the same time trying to sooth the little boy on her lap.

“Yes Mel, I’m sorry but can’t you take Gus today? We’re short at the art Gallery and I… no I can’t… you know
him, he has enough to worry about…”

The little boy wriggled under his mother’s grip and his teddy fell to the ground. Justin got up and before the boy
could start crying. Justin gave him back his teddy. Justin had to grin, when he noticed, that the teddy was dressed in

The boy’s mother shut her phone and looked at Justin.

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“Thank you.”

“Oh, it’s no problem. Uhm… sorry but I overheard your call… I’m Ju-Jason Tyler. I know I had no right to do that
but do you need someone to work at an art gallery? I know a little bit about art and I’m an artist...and I really need a
job.” Justin looked hopefully at the blonde woman. The toddler grabbed Justin’s hand and pulled it close to chew on
Justin’s fingers.

Justin had to laugh because it felt funny and when the blonde noticed what her son was doing she pulled her son a
little bit away.

“Oh uhm, I’m sorry.” She searched in her pocket for a handkerchief.

“Oh, it’s no problem.” Justin kneeled down and tickled the little boy who began to giggle.

“He likes you.” the blonde stated and looked at Justin, amazed by his smile.

“I’m Lindsay, Lindsay Peterson. So, you said you needed a job, well, if you have time

right now, you could come with me to the gallery and we’ll see what we can do.” She gave Justin a reassuring smile
and the three of them left the café, making their way over to the Sidney Bloom Gallery only a few streets away.


“Mr. Kinney? I have the boards you requested.” Brian looked up from his cup of coffee. Allan couldn’t believe what
he saw. His boss looked like shit. He had deep rings under his eyes and he looked like he hadn’t slept the whole
night. What the hell had he done the night before? Even if it wasn’t his business, he was still curious. Was it only
coincidence or did he look

like shit because of Justin?

“Yeah, just put them in the presentation room.” Allan nodded and left Brian alone again. Brian sighed. Only minutes
before Allan had come to his office, Craig had called and asked him if he knew where Justin was. Justin had left a

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message for Craig and Jennifer about quitting and not to worry about him, but they were worried. And Brian knew it
was his fault that Justin had left. He needed to find his blond. Woah! What had he just thought? HIS blond?

8 months later

“God, Justin!” Allan breathed heavily, while climbing up the stairs to Justin’s apartment on the sixth floor.

“I don’t understand you! There was such a great apartment with an elevator, but nooo, you had to take this one
without an elevator. You know, you could have just gone to the gym if you had wanted to lose weight.” He growled.

It had been round about eight months since Justin had quit Kinnetic and took a job at the Sidney Bloom Gallery.
Over the last few months Justin had turned into a fucking gorgeous hottie. He had lost some weight and with the
money he had earned he had bought a whole new wardrobe.

“Oh come on Allan, stop complaining. You know you like watching my ass walking upstairs!” Justin laughed and
wriggled his ass in front of Allan.

“Yeah right, as if I had nothing better to do.”

The two friends reached the little apartment on the top floor of the building. Allan flopped down onto the sofa, while
Justin put away the groceries they had bought earlier.

“So, what are you up to tonight?” Allan asked curious. He knew that his boss would be at Babylon tonight and it
was time for Justin to take revenge.

Justin turned around and looked at his friend, an evil smile spread over his face, thinking the same.

“What about fucking some pretty hot guys at Babylon?”

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A few hours later the two men arrived at the club. The bouncer let them pass the line as soon as he saw them. Who
could resist these two blondes?

Justin and Allan entered the club and made their way to the bar, being observed by half of the guys in the place. As
soon as they reached the bar, a tall blond strolled over to them and came up behind Justin, pressing his groin against
Justin’s ass, placing his arms on each side of Justin, leaning on the bar.

“Wanna dance?” He spoke into Justin’s ear, nuzzling at Justin’s neck. Hell yes, the blond was delicious and he was
new. Not even Brian Kinney had fucked him. Brandon thought as he grinned. He wanted to show Pittsburgh’s gays
that he was the new stud now, forget

about old Brian Kinney, and this meant he had to fuck every hot new guy, before Brian Kinney could.

Justin turned around and eyed the guy- Hmm, not bad, not bad at all. He would be good enough for the first round,
Justin thought. He nodded and pulled the man by his waistband to the backroom. Who wanted to dance, when he
could fuck?

Meanwhile Brian stood on the catwalk with Michael and Ben. God, this sucked. If he had to listen to one more story
from Mickey, he would kill himself. That’s when he spotted a familiar blond head being dragged, no, pulling
someone towards the backroom. Could it be-?

No, it couldn’t be Justin. He had looked for him for almost eight months and even a Private Investigator had been
unable to find him. Craig and Jennifer Taylor got a phone call once a month, but that was it. There was no other
word or sign of Justin.

Brian left Mikey and Ben behind and made his way through the masses towards the backroom. He grabbed a trick
and pulled him with him.


“Turn around.” Justin said with an evil smile on his lips. Yes, he had heard about Brandon and knew he was a top
who was aiming to be the next big stud.

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“No, I’m a top.” Brandon insisted but Justin pushed him against the wall, pulled his pants down over his ass, then
opening his own pants, pulled a condom and lube out of his pocket.

He leaned closer and while pushing his well lubed dick into Brandon’s tight hole, he whispered loud enough for the
guys surrounding them to hear. “Not tonight.”

Brandon groaned when he felt Justin’s cock being shoved up his ass. Justin waited for him to adjust before he pulled
out and slammed in again, each thrust grazing Brandon’s prostate.

“GOD! YES!” Brandon cried out. Brian watched the scene from a distance. Was this really his Justin? He looked so
different. Brian pushed the trick, who was sucking him off away, then walked over to the men who had the attention
of the whole backroom.

Justin had felt Brian’s presence in the backroom and knew when Brian made his way over to them. He slowed down
his pace a bit, waiting for Brian to do something and keeping his eyes closed. Then he felt the tip of Brian’s cock at
his ass and a pair of hands on his hips.

Brian nuzzled on Justin’s neck.

“Are you ready Sunshine? I’ve missed you.” Justin froze for a moment at these words. What the fuck did Brian
mean? Then Brian pushed in. Brandon turned around, wondering why Justin had stopped, then noticed that Brian
Kinney was the reason. His eyes widened when Brian began fucking Justin and Justin began to fuck him again. His
breath was pushed from his body with the sensations he was feeling.

Brian planted kisses all over Justin’s neck, sucking hard, leaving marks. Justin’s head was resting on Brian’s
shoulder to give him better access. Soon Brandon came, squeezing Justin’s cock hard.

“Fuck! I’m com-“ Justin cried out, slamming once more into Brandon.

Everyone's eyes were on the two studs and the newbie reaching their climaxes. This show was definitely too hot to

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Brian sank into Justin and buried his dick as deep inside of Justin as possible as he came. When he had recovered a
little bit, he pulled out of Justin and leaned against the wall. This had been so fucking intense.

When he opened his eyes shortly after, Justin was gone. Again.

Brian’s eyes darkened when he couldn’t see Justin in the backroom. Why the fuck did he run away? Brian stormed
out of the backroom and looked around, hoping to see the blond but no such luck. He made his way through the
writhing masses of hot, sweaty guys, dancing to the thumpa-thumpa.

When he rushed out of the entrance his eyes scanned the dark road. Where the fuck was Justin? He had finally found
him, or rather fucked him again, and now Justin had once again disappeared.

Brian kicked an empty can, lying in the street and turned around. He went back into Babylon, needing to get lost in
the crowd and find a trick for the night. Needing to forget about a certain Mr. Taylor.

If he didn’t want him, then he would accept it. Brian could have anyone he wanted. He wouldn’t chase a fucking

Justin stood on the other side of the street in a dark alley, watching Brian storm out of Babylon and look around.
Taking a further step into the dark, Justin hid, not wanting to be seen.

Justin tried to catch his breath. What had just happened was so not planned. The plan had been to fuck the hottest
guys at Babylon, except Brian, and then to become the next stud. He had wanted to show Brian that he could have
anyone he wanted. And he wanted to make

Brain jealous. Justin had sworn to himself, to never let Brian fuck him again. Brian was a total prick. But a sexy pri-
no, Justin thought. What was he thinking? Brian was a selfish asshole who didn’t care about anyone else and who
treated others like shit. Yes, that’s what he had wanted to do, make Brian feel like shit.

But fuck, it hadn’t worked. He was fucking that Brandon guy and then Brian had pushed inside of him, and he just
couldn’t resist. It just felt so good, maybe even too good.

Brian turned around and entered Babylon again. Now Justin stepped out of the shadows and walked over to the bus
stop and sat down. A few seconds later a car horn honked next to him. Justin jumped up from his seat in shock and
looked at the car.

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“Hey, it was great, wanna come home with me? And we can continue what we started, without that fucker Kinney.”
Brandon leaned out of his car and watched the blond.

“Sorry, I only fuck guys once.” Justin said and turned away from Brandon, hoping that his bus would come soon.

“Fucker!” Brandon spat out and started his car again, driving away as fast as he could. A few queens, who were also
waiting at the bus stop, began to giggle.


The next morning Justin was woken up by the phone ringing. He pulled the sheets up, trying to ignore the sound but
it didn’t help much, so he got up.

“Yeah?” Justin groaned. He had only fallen asleep two hours ago, not able to get Brian fucking Kinney out of his

“Jason? Is that you? Could you maybe babysit Gus today? I wanted to take Mel to the opening but our babysitter just
caller in. She is ill and you said you didn’t want to come and you are always so great with him, so we thought-“
Lindsay was interrupted by Justin.

“Yeah, stop babbling, I’ll be at yours at six.” Justin hung up and strolled into the bathroom. Great, he really loved
Gus dearly. Mel and Linds were also great, even if they didn’t know who he really was, but Gus looked more like
his Daddy everyday. Justin didn’t want to be reminded of fucking Brian Kinney anymore. The man who was
confusing him more from day

to day. Brian Kinney had pity-fucked him while he was fat, so what was that all about yesterday? He said he had
missed him? Yeah, sure. As if he would believe that shit.


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Later that evening Justin sat on the sofa with Gus on his lap, watching Spongebob squarepants. Lindsay and Mel had
just left the house a few minutes ago, to go to the opening at Sidney Bloom’s Gallery, where Justin and Lindsay
worked. Through Lindsay, Justin had gotten updates on Brian Kinney once in a while, and from time to time he had
babysat for Gus.

“So little man, after Spongebob it’s time for bed, alright?” Gus nodded, without taking his eyes from the screen.
Spongebob was one of his favourite series and even his daddy watched it with him every time he stayed over at his

There was a knock at the door and Justin got up and put Gus on the couch. Maybe Mel and Linds had forgotten
something. He made his way to the front door and opened it.

He looked at the man standing in front of him in shock and shut the door again. No, it couldn’t be…What the fuck
was Brian Kinney doing here at this time of the day?


Brian looked at the door, which had been shut in his face. WTF? What was Justin Taylor doing at the muncher’s
house? He banged on the door.

“Open the fucking door Taylor!” He yelled. Brian had searched for him eight fucking months and he had been just
under his nose? Brian was furious.

How could the munchers not tell him that Justin was living with them, or what ever the fuck he was doing there. He
heard his son crying and got scared. What was Justin to his son?

“Stop it you asshole!” He heard from the other side of the door. “Your own son is fucking scared of you!”

Brian stopped immediately.

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“Justin, open the door now.” Brian said in a calm, dangerous voice. He wanted to know what was going on.

He heard Justin soothing Gus, then the door clicked and was being opened from the inside. Brian saw Justin holding
Gus tight to his body, as if he needed to protect him.

Gus looked at his dad. “DADDY!” Gus wriggled and Justin let him down, feeling that Brian was no danger to his

Brian entered and swept Gus in his arms.

“Did you miss me sonnyboy?” Gus nodded furiously and showed with his arms how much.

“Soooooo much daddy.” Gus giggled.

“Come on Sonnyboy. I think it’s bed time. Want me to read you a story?” As an answer Gus snuggled against
Brian’s body.

“YOU wait here.” Brian sent a glare in Justin’s direction and the blond only nodded.


Half an hour later Brian came downstairs again.

“He’s sleeping, so now tell me what he fuck is going on?” Brian growled, taking a step towards Justin, standing now
only inches away from him. Justin looked at the floor, not wanting to tell Brian anything, but with a firm grip on his
chin, his head was pulled up

and hazel eyes glared at him.

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“What the fuck is your problem? We only fucked, there’s nothing more!” Justin spat out. No, he wouldn’t show his
feelings to this man again.

Brian shook his head.

“Was it only a fuck? Do you really fucking think that?” Brian tried to keep his anger in control, but it was so hard
with the blond looking at him as if he had killed his pet.

“Wasn’t it? It was for me!” Justin shouted. Brian grabbed Justin’s shirt and pulled him closer to smash his lips over
the blonds’.

The moment Justin felt Brian’s lips on his he pushed Brian away. He wiped his mouth to get rid of Brian’s unique
smell, panting.

They stared at each other for a moment, then Justin spoke.

“I better go now.” He put on his coat and was out of the door before Brian could say anything.

Final Chapter

“I'd better go now.” He put on his coat and was out of the door before Brian could stop him.

Brian didn't’t think about it and stormed out of the house, following Justin. As he reached him, he grabbed and
pushed him against the jeep parked outside.

Justin tried to wriggle out of Brian’s grip but Brian wouldn't let him.

“You little fucker! What the fuck were you doing here? And why the hell did you just disappear the last time?”
Brian was getting angrier by the second. First Justin had disappeared, now he had found him at the munchers,
babysitting Gus, then the little fucker

was running away again! It was just too much. Brian needed answers and he wanted them now.

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Justin stared at him, his blue eyes now turning darker, almost black. Glaring at Brian he squared his shoulders and
said calmly through clenched teeth.

“I was babysitting your son, because Mel and Lindsay asked me to. You wanna know why I fucking disappeared?
Who the hell wouldn't? It was just a fuck, after all. Hell, you’re not even that good, so what is your problem? Fuck
you! Mr. Kinney, it was all just a plan to get to you, to show you what it feels like to be fucking treated like shit!”
Justin was now shaking and breathing heavily, trying to maintain his composure but losing with every breath.

Brian’s eyes narrowed to slits as he tried to control himself. He knew he had hurt the blond with his actions, but he
HAD tried to find him with no luck until the other night. He could not blame Justin for what he had done, but it had
to end now.

“Not that good? Well it did not seem that way the other night at Babylon!"

“I faked it!” Justin snapped, as both men glared at each other again. Justin only wanted to get away now, this was
just too ridiculous. How could he have thought that he could take revenge on Brian Kinney without hurting anyone?

“Just fucking let me go, you whore! You can fuck anyone you want, so leave me alone!” Justin spat out, but as soon
as the words left his mouth, he regretted them.

That was too much for the tall brunet and he pushed Justin again, holding him against the jeep with one hand. He
really could not blame Justin for what he had done, but it had to end now. Both men continued glaring at each other.

Mel and Lindsay were on their way back to the house, when they saw Jason pinned up against Brian’s jeep. They
gasped and ran towards them.

“Brian you animal, what are you doing, let Jason go!” Mel yelled at the brunet, while Lindsay tried to pry Brian
away from Justin. Brian let go of Justin and turned to Mel.

“Jason? Who the fuck is Jason? Lindsay, you fucking knew I had been looking for Justin.”

“Brian , what are you talking about? This is Jason! Now, just leave him alone you asshole, or I’ll call the fucking

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Mel’s eyes widened as she spoke. She had seen Brian angry before but that was nothing like this now. She had seen
a confused look flash over Brian’s face, but straight away it was replaced with an even darker look.

Lindsay held Justin in a protective hug. Brian turned again to Justin, who was now staring at Brian worriedly.
Without taking his eyes off the blond, he growled at Lindsay and Mel, telling them to go into the house and he
would talk to them later.

“Go, please! It’s OK, I deserve this.” Justin whispered sadly, making both women look at him in disbelief.

“Jason?” Justin shook his head. “No, please, just go inside. Gus is sleeping and Brian will explain to you later."
Justin looked down at the ground. Yes, Brian SHOULD kill him, he would not blame him. He had betrayed the man,
lied to his son and to his son's mothers...

Another look at Brian and the two women did what they were told, albeit reluctantly. Brian was more than pissed at
this moment. When they were in the house Brian pulled Justin’s chin up and looked into his eyes. He saw fear and
regret and a guilty feeling came over him, which he tried to shrug off. Why the fuck was he feeling guilty now?

“So… Jason? Tell me, what the fuck else were you planning? Was lying to my son part of the plan too?" Looks like
it hasn't quite worked out, apparently."

Justin was scared now. This was so fucked up now. Brian looked ready to kill him right now.

“I… I didn't’t mean for this to happen…I never expected you to turn up here...I hope you know I would never hurt
your son... I...I just wanted to show you what it feels to be treated like you're worth nothing…’cos that’s how I
felt…” Justin’s eyes filled with tears. This situation was so fucked up. Brian was ready to kill him right now. And
there was nothing more he wanted, than to forget about taking revenge and everything and snuggle up to the

strong chest, and be encircled by those muscular arms, which had always made him feel so safe. But that would
never happen now. Why hadn't he seen it earlier? He really loved the bastard!

Brian’s anger was fading slowly. He had hated himself from the minute he had sent Justin away, maybe he had
deserved this, but lying was one thing he could not stand. Hm...but hadn't he lied when he sent Justin away that
morning? Christ!, he had told Justin he was

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just a fuck?...he had to admit that it was tantamount to lying. With that, his anger disappeared and he couldn't help
but pull the blond to him and hug him.

“And why did you lie about your name?” Brian asked now in a calm voice.

Justin looked up at him, his eyes locking with the hazel ones.

“How else could I stay informed about you, but at the same time disappear?” Brian began to chuckle.

“Justin…” Brian leaned down to kiss Justin. Justin flinched but then leaned into the kiss. This was what he really

Brian pulled back again to look at the blond in his arms. This is it, thought Justin. Brian would laugh and tell him to
get lost now.

“I searched most of fucking Pittsburgh, looking for you, you know?" Justin shook his head, not believing the man.

“Sure and I’m as stupid as my hair color suggests!”

Now it was Brian’s turn to shake his head and sigh. Looking deeply into Justin's eyes he whispers.

"I really did."

Justin, seeing that Brian is telling the truth leans into him as Brian kisses him again, making Justin moan into his

“Tell you what...you tell the munchers your real name and I’ll fuck you right now in my jeep.”

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Justin could only nod, feeling Brian’s hand wander down to his crotch as he spoke. Brian’s hand reached his goal,
smiling as he found it fully erect. He began to stroke and squeeze it through the fabric. Brian reached around Justin,
opening his jeep and pushing Justin into the back of it.

Meanwhile Mel and Lindsay couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had wanted to make sure that nothing
happened to Jason, so they stood watching from the window.

“What the –“ Mel said when Brian pushed Justin into the back of his car, and beginning to take off his shirt. Lindsay
just smiled and shook her head, pulling Mel away from the window.

Justin looked up, watching the brunet taking off his shirt and his hand wandered down to his cock, opening the fly of
his pants and pushing them down slowly.

Brian couldn't wait any longer and pulled Justin’s pants down to his ankles, leaving them trailing over Justin's feet.

“Brian! Hurry!” Justin moaned and Brian put on the condom and without preparation he put Justin’s legs on his
shoulders, with Justin's trousers hanging down Brian's back and entered the tight, puckering hole. He had to stop
midway, because the sensation was just too


Justin groaned and he felt like he was being split in two. Brian waited for Justin to relax enough, so he could push
fully inside but Justin didn't want to wait, he grabbed Brian’s neck and pulled him closer, pushing Brian deeper
inside of him.

“So tight, Justin, so good!”

Brian captured Justin’s lips, their tongues duelling intensely.

Justin shivered with pleasure, Brian felt so good inside him. The brunet began to thrust faster, unable to hold back
any longer. Justin's hands wandered over

Brian’s back, feeling the muscles tense as Brian moved Brian pushed Justin’s shirt up, twisting, licking and sucking
Justin’s nipples, making the blond whimper and moan even louder. They came within seconds of each other and
Brian collapsed onto Justin, holding him tight.

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After they had recovered a little, they helped each other get dressed, then went back into Mel and Lindsay's in order
for Justin to explain. Mel and Lindsay were waiting for them.

“Well, what the fuck is going on, asshole?” came from Melanie, who glared at Brian. She liked Jason, but still really
couldn't understand what he was doing with Brian.

“I'll let him tell you.” Brian replied, pointing at Justin.

“Um… girls? I have something to tell you..” Both women looked at him curiously.

“I…um I made a … a mistake...”

Brian interrupted.

“What he wants to say was that he lied to you, in order to take revenge on me. May I present to you, Justin Taylor,
Craig and Jennifer’s son. The one I have been looking for all those months. We fucked, I acted like a total ass, now
I've found him again, we'll be just peachy. He’s sorry for lying to you, but if he had told you who he was, I would
have found him…

yadda yadda yadda… have I forgotten anything, dear?”He looked mockingly at Justin.

“God, Brian, did you have to say it like that?” Lindsay grinned.

Justin just wanted to get out of the house, he felt so fucking guilty and didn't’t know how to make up to the girls for
betraying them like this and most of all lying to Gus.

“I… I… shit! Mel,Lindsay…” He looked at both with a pleading look, “…I really didn't mean to lie to you! You
have to believe me… I… it all started with wanting to take revenge on Brian but I really like you two and Gus and…
I just didn't know how to tell you.” Justin looked on the floor. His life really sucked right now, and it was all his

Both women looked at each other and shrugged. Mel walked over to Justin.

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“Well, Jas- no Justin, right?” Melanie looked at their friend and lifted his chin so that she could look into his tear
filled eyes.

“I guess the asshole deserved it. But promise us this one thing, don’t lie to us ever again and if you don’t visit Gus as
often as you did before, we’ll both hunt you down and hurt you!” Mel gave Justin a big hug.

Both she and Lindsay had noticed over the months they had know Jason, that something wasn't quite right with him.
A chance meeting with Allan had led to him explaining everything to them. They had been both been angry at first
and worried for Gus, but when they heard about Brian being, well Brian, they had totally agreed that Justin was right
in what he was doing, even if he was maybe going about it in the wrong way.

They had decided to wait for another week and hope that Justin would tell them himself. Even Gus knew that
Jason’s true name was Justin, but the girls had told him it was a game and that he had to call him Jason until the
game was over. Brian looked at the girls, who were now both hugging his blond. One look at Lindsay was enough
for him to realise that she somehow knew about all this and he began to laugh.

“God, you are so pathetic.” Brian smirked at her. They all shot him a look, but then began to laugh. The girls let
Justin go and he snuggled against Brian’s chest. Maybe this was all a dream and he would wake up soon.

But no, he didn't wake up, and after saying goodbye, he and Brian, headed over to the jeep.

“So, are you going to keep me this time? You know, I didn't mean what I said, sex with you isn't so bad, I guess it’s
OK, well at least for your age.” Justin tried to look innocent and Brian swatted his ass.

“Not so bad, you guess it's OK, huh?” Brian leaned down and planted a kiss on Justin's full lips.

No, he would never let go of Justin again, now he had found him again. And Justin taking revenge in this way was
actually a good thing he thought, showed that the kid had balls.

God, that fuck in the backroom with what’s his name, Brandon? That was hot, maybe they could do that again? But
there would be no one taking Justin except for him. Brian had a few ideas on the taking of Justin, grinning evilly, he
led Justin to the jeep. He wanted Justin in his loft as soon as possible, he had a lot to teach him about revenge.



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