Email Swipe File

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Email Swipe File

Case Study

Paul B Evans

Nicheology Profit Letter

Since the beginning of this month I've added 1,693 subscribers to

one of my niche lists.

Then I checked another one of my niche market lists. It's up by
10,862 since the beginning of the year.

And that's not "getting after it" growth. It's passive. Next to
nothing was done to generate those opt-ins.

It was an experiment.

You see, growing your list is not about doing everything; it's
about doing the RIGHT thing.

Obviously, those numbers are not outrageous. You can easily click
around a bit online and find some magic promise of growing your
list by 100,000 practically overnight.

I'm talking about solid, predictable growth. Ethical growth. You
don't have to sell a member of your family or break the values your
mom taught you growth.

Here's how it happened...

A few months ago I ran into a friend at a conference who was
growing his list like wildfire. And the only reason I found out was
because of his crazy big smile. He also had an unfiltered goofy

laugh that he couldn't shut off. And no one was saying anything
that funny.

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"Hey, why are you smiling so much? And what's up with that laugh?"
I asked.

"Oh, man, things are going great right now. I made $50K in the last
four months and it's increasing!"

"What? Weren't you living out of your car about a year ago?"

"Yep," he replied. "I was desperate so I started trying everything
possible to get traffic to my squeeze pages. You know the drill.
Then I ran across a traffic course that actually worked." He

flashed that big smile.

Most folks would say I am pretty successful. I've got some decent
skills. :) But there was NO WAY I was going to let my buddy keep

grinning without telling me the name of the secret course.

He did.

So, I took the training just to make sure it works.

You see the results above.

And that's just using ONE of the traffic modules.

I'm not even getting into the results from Adswaps.

(If you are not using Adswaps and Solo Ads, you are missing a

massive amount of free and easy to capture traffic.)

Here's the bottom line...

The course has 9 powerful traffic getting methods.

I just used ONE.

When I took the training earlier this year it was $197.

It sells right now as a home study course for $97.


I'm working on getting you a solid discount.

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The traffic guy said the discount page should be ready by Tuesday.

Until then listen up...

No traffic = no list

No list = no mon--!

A few weeks ago I wrote about this very subject.

You can have a dozen products, but if you lose your list, you lose

your business.

If you lose all your products, but have a list, you still have a

Your list IS your business.

Please answer these three questions specifically...

What's your daily website traffic?

What's your daily list growth average?

What's your daily online income?

Increase the numbers of that first question ONLY and you
automatically increase the numbers of the next two.

(If you don't know those numbers off the top of your head, get them
together this weekend.)

Once the discount is worked out I will send you a link. The Adswap

module will be worth the entire investment.

Success is NOT an Accident,

Paul B Evans

Nicheology Profit Letter

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Last week I sent an email about...

"Since the beginning of this month I've added 1,693 subscribers to
one of my niche lists."

"Then I checked another one of my niche market lists. It's up by

10,862 since the beginning of the year."

When checking my stats on yet another niche site I got a huge
traffic bump because of method 8.

Here are the results....

That's pretty cool!

Success is NOT an Accident,

Paul B Evans
Nicheology Profit Letter


I got all the discount details worked out on the traffic course

Over the last couple of emails I've sent you, I've shown you the
results of just a couple of the traffic methods.

Such as...

1,600+ new subscribers to a brand new list this month.

10,000+ subscribers to a niche list since the first of the year.

A bump in site traffic from 34 to 706 in just a few days using

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method 8.

Here's the deal, I am waving my affiliate commission on this course.

Mike Reynolds, the course owner, really did not want to come off
his $97 price tag.

He thought $77 would be a great discount and you would save $20.

Hmm... didn't sound good enough to me.

So I asked if I waved the commission would he sell it to you
straight for $47? That way you're saving $50 off his home study

He said that would be cool.

But... it's only good until Thursday afternoon. He said he didn't
want to keep the price live at that price for more than 48 hours
since he didn't think it was really fair to the folks who have paid


So there you go.

A few things about the course.

I've focused on the traffic methods in my emails, but it also
includes list building.

If you're new or weak at list building, you'll love those sessions
as well.

If you're already adept at list building, just focus on the 9

traffic methods.

Like I've mentioned before, the Adswap and Solo Email sections are
worth the time and price of the course.

Go here to get it now...

At some point on Thursday afternoon Mike is going to change that
page back to the $97.

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Success is NOT an Accident!

Paul B Evans

Nicheology Profit Letter

Here's the message I sent on Tuesday in case is got lost in

your inbox.

This is a reminder that Mike will be pulling this discount
this afternoon around 5 pm, EST.

Success is NOT an Accident,

Product Launch

Hi {!firstname_fix},

In the last month of internet marketing we saw the release of a...

$2000 course to teach you about creating a "real"
business on the internet.

$2000 home study course that included 58 hours of video and an
800 page manual explaining internet marketing to you.

$1397 social media coaching program to show you how to tap
into the craze before it disappears.


You could have stepped out of your front door and made 2-5 times
more than the prices of each of those courses - and with A LOT
less effort.

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This opportunity goes LIVE this Thursday at 12:00pm EST, so if you
want to be one of only 50 people involved in the "Offline Internet

Profits" coaching intensive, you'll want to stop what you're doing
and read every word of this page...

Here's the deal:

I'm looking for 50 people who want to use their online skills for
offline income. Rather than go into all the details here, you can
get all the information at:

The registration form at the page above will go live this Thursday

(January 31st) at 12 p.m. EST.

This obviously isn't for everyone.

You do need to be able to...

- Make a simple webpage
- Use an autoresponder

If you can do those two things, and do not check into this program,
then you may be abandoning thousands of dollars each and every

With that said, the 50 available spots will get taken very quickly,
so I ask that you consider the opportunity between now and Thursday
and decide if it's right for you.

You can get all the details by going to:

We'll be working *one-on-one* to get you quick results. All the

online skills that you take for granted are in high demand in the
brick and mortar world.

Plus, by getting on board on January 31st, you will instantly

save $200 off the regular admission rate.

Have a GREAT day!

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Paul Evans

P.S. Again, please take the necessary time to consider this

opportunity and decide if it's right for you.

If you decide that it is, make sure to carve out a block of time
this Thursday, January 31st, so you're able to grab one of the

available 50 spots.

P.P.S. Tucked away at the bottom of this page is a "cut in line"
sign-up form:

(You'll need to scroll all the way to the bottom to see it.)

I highly recommend signing up for this list, because a 10-minute
head-start could easily mean the difference between you getting in
to the program or not.

Q & A Email

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Wow, what a response!

If you recall I sent you an email Monday about the "Offline
Internet Profits Program" is opening this Thursday. Here's the site

in case you missed it:

(It goes live on Thursday, so you'll definitely want to check it

out now before it's too late!)

But as expected, there are some questions about the program...

Q: What exactly will I be learning?

A: (Paul's Response)

The best answer is on the sign-up page, but in a nutshell -
You will learn how to apply your online skills to help

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individuals and businesses create a direct response web
presence and get paid for it over and over again.

Q: Do I have to be a technical wizard for this program to
Work for me?

A: (Paul's Response)

No. But you do need basic internet skills. If you have put
up a webpage and know how to use an autoresponder, then

those are the key ingredients. In fact, it's that techie
stuff that prevents most offline businesses from getting
real response from their internet marketing.

Q: $297 seems really cheap, especially since it includes coaching.
What's the catch? Go ahead and break the news about the
high dollar seminar back end. I know how you gurus work.

A: (Paul's Response)

Sorry to disappoint you. There's no big upsell at the end.
The price is low because it's the first time it's been
offered publicly. The next time this hits the market it

will be $497. So you save $200 by getting in now as
opposed to waiting for the next go around.

Q: Outside of the $297 what other costs will there be?

A: (Paul's Response)

None from my side, but to run this business in the offline

world you will need a hosting account and an autoresponder
account. But both of those will be billed to your clients,
and making a profit, so there's no real out of pocket on

However, if you choose to run advertising, get business
cards printed or anything along those lines, then naturally
there will be a few incidentals. But as a whole, it's no

more expensive than you're average website. But you can make
it as expensive as you want.

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Q: How much can I expect to make?

A: (Paul's Response)

There is no way I can say what you will make. That's based
on too many individual factors and how much energy you

decide to put into it.

A friend of mine put it to the test and made 3x the cost
of this program with his first deal. That does not include

recurring fees that's he is collecting.

The first time I did this I made 10x what I'm charging for
this program. Can you do the same? Beats me. You might do

worse or better.

If you're willing to give it an honest shot, I think you
may be surprised at what is possible - and really how easy
it is.

You see, what you take for granted online, what you feel
is elementary is really high level stuff offline. Just
mention HTML or autoresponder or mini-site or upsells or

one-time offers offline and you will get met with a "deer
in the headlights" stare. You have just become a "guru" in
their eyes. You're not talking their language. They don't
understand it.

Listen, there are tons of individuals and small business who
NEED your help. They are getting ripped off by companies who
can design sites, but know nothing about marketing. You just
need to know how to "rescue" those folks and how to create

customized packages for them. I'll show you how to do that.

By the end of the four weeks you will have your personal,
customized plan together and in place. Chances are high that

you will already have your first client. That's my goal for

Q: What's the guarantee? How long do I have to decide if this
is for me or not?

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A: (Paul's Response)

One week.

After the first session you will KNOW 100% if this is for
you or not. You will know if it fits you or not.

Oh I know, most folks let you have the entire program, give
you several months to decide and give it a shot and then refund
the full amount if you find disagreement with one idea.

This ain't that program. :-)

Let's be real... this is a coaching intensive. More than a process

is on the line. Time is on the line. I want to work with people
who are willing to work. I will be spending time with each person
individually through one-on-one coaching.

If a person goes through the course, uses the coaching and then

decides it's not what they want to do should he or she get a
refund? No. I will do everything in my power to help you succeed,
but it's just not practical to let someone take in all this
intellectual property and then get reimbursed.

Tell the truth. If it was you offering this, you wouldn't do it
either, would you?

However, if you decide after the first week, and before the
Second session begins, that you want to drop - no problem. I will
gladly refund your full tuition.

Q: It sounds like this opportunity will fill very quickly, and
I'm worried I won't be able to get in. Will you be willing to
take on more than 50 people? If not, are you planning to do this
again in the future?

A: (Paul's Response)

I sincerely wish I could accept more than 50, but there are

only 24 hours in a day and the one-on-one attention required
makes it impossible to go any higher.

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As for offering the training again...yes. When? Not sure, but
most likely this year. If response is overwhelming then it will
be sooner rather than later. But don't forget, it will be $497

the next time around, so try your best to get in on this first

Well hopefully that answers your questions.

Have a GREAT day!

P.S. Remember, registration goes live Thursday, January 31st at

Noon, EST. Scroll to the bottom of right now and register
for early notification. You'll get a shot 10 minutes early.


I downloaded this on Friday morning, and checked it out over the
weekend. I loved it! In fact, I got so inspired I registered a brand new
domain name for a cool new affiliate site - following the first few steps

This is a private link to a very special offer...

It's a year-long, 52 lesson series covering ALL things Affiliate
Marketing by Paul Evans of Nicheology. (I love his stuff!) But between
now and Tuesday (tomorrow), he is leaving up this private page where
you can download the entire course at once - with no waiting week to


You also won't have to pay $27 monthly, or the one time $197 to get
it monthly.

You can download the entire Affiliate Marketing course for only $47
total - today!

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That's an incredible deal. Only $47 - instead of $324 for the year or

$197 one time. You really can't beat it. I thought the same thing and
rushed over to the private page and ordered a copy myself on Friday

And I would have told you about it then, but I really wanted to check it
out for myself first. It's very step-by-step, and doesn't leave out the
how-to of some of the technical steps like many courses. More
advanced readers can skim through the "how to install wordpress" for

example, and move to the strategy & advanced topics, but newer
users will really appreciate the detail!

This course is perfect even if you don't yet have a site or a topic

(niche). But it's also a perfect model for the more experienced,
especially if you've been trying other things and just haven't reached
your goals yet.

There's a very cool bonus too...

You will get private label rights to a GREAT affiliate marketing product
that includes graphics, content, keywords, blog articles, emails, sales
page and more. (This is worth the price alone!)

This one-time deal ends tomorrow, on Tuesday June 14 at 6pm


If you're ready to drop everything else and get focused on creating a
profitable affiliate site... this is where you need to start:

Download it, open it, read it, and take action! ;-)

I'm following the steps myself on my new niche affiliate site...

Lynn Terry

p.s. The bonus PLR is really good. If you teach or blog about affiliate

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marketing, or want to, you'll definitely love that package! You can use
it just like it is (ready to go), or repurpose it into any number of
formats: webinars, podcasts, blog posts, etc. Good stuff! It even

comes with a squeeze page so you can easily build a list...


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