Chekov Billionaire's 4 Russian Billionaire's Bride Leona Lee

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Russian Billionaire’s Bride

(Chekov Billionaire Series #4)

By: Leona Lee

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014 Leona Lee

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Note: This book is part 4 of 4 in the Chekov Billionaire series! If you have not already, read the
three previous installments to avoid spoilers!

Part 1: Russian Billionaire’s Virgin Secretary

Click here to read now for FREE on amazon!

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

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Chapter 1

Sarah gazed intently into the mirror as she wrinkled her nose. Reaching for her make-up, she added
more base in an attempt to cover up the black and blue under her eyes.

“You look fine, kotyonok,” came a deep voice, as he slid one arm around her waist and kissed her
neck. “Besides, it will be dark in the club; no one will be looking at you that intently.”

“Want to bet?” Sarah replied with a sigh. She would be seeing her family and friends for the first time
since returning from New York and given everything that happened, she knew that she would be under
the microscope.

The last few months seemed like some sort of bad dream for Sarah. Heck, the past year, she silently
corrected herself. Ever since she walked through the doors at VIC Enterprises, her life hasn’t been the
same since. Not that she was complaining. Much.

When she had first accepted the position as Vitaly Chekov’s personal assistant, she anticipated that
she would learn much from one of the country’s most influential individuals in the logistics industry,
but she had no idea that she would fall in love with him. Or be kidnapped, she thought ruefully, as she
continued to adjust her make-up.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Vitaly asked her as he kissed her neck. Tilting her head to give him more
access, she sighed.

“Thinking about all that’s happened,” she replied as she turned to nibble on his chin. Normally, the
top of her head would barely reach his chest, but in her heels, she could easily nuzzle against him as
he held her.

Reaching for the zipper on her dress, he drew it down her side as he continued to kiss her neck.

Moaning, “Vitaly, we will be late to our own party,” she attempted to admonish, as he slipped his
hand in to cup her breast.

“Exactly,” he replied, as he squeezed gently before his thumb found her nipple, already eager for his
touch. “Our party. The guests can wait.”

“Well, given what happened last time I was late for a party; do you think that they might be
concerned?” Groaning, Vitaly stepped back and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.

“Take off your dress,” he ordered. “I’ll be right back.” As he started to leave the room, he paused to
look back at his lovely Sarah. “Leave the shoes on.”

Smiling, Sarah shimmied out of her dress before walking to the bed. She had planned to surprise him
later with what she had on underneath, but given how they were both feeling, now was an excellent
time. As she bent to pull the blanket back, she heard a cough. Turning her head, she saw Vitaly
leaning against the doorframe. His chocolate brown eyes practically smoldering as he looked as

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though he was ready to pounce on her.

“I bought us some time,” he said as he walked toward her while unbuttoning his shirt. “But I think that
we are still going to be late.”

She smiled seductively, as he came around behind her. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her against him,
as she ground against his erection.

“What you do to me, kotyonok,” he told her as he admired the view.

Sarah was wearing a red, raw-silk corset with matching thong and garters that attached to sheer silk
stockings. Her Louboutins winked up at him with their classic red soles. Sliding his hands up her
body, he felt her shiver in anticipation as he cupped her breasts, pulling her tightly against him. Sarah
slid her arms over her head, as she wrapped them around his neck, leaning against him.

His little kitten had grown so much since he first met her. From a virgin to a seductress, he was
continually amazed at how she found ways to turn him on. While admittedly, he could have any
woman he wanted, he thought, he found himself entranced by his little blonde spitfire who repeatedly
showed him how intelligent and resourceful she was.

If it wasn’t for her, he may have never known who really was responsible for the leaking of company
secrets much less her unwavering support and work she put into keeping the contracts moving while
he was in a coma. She was everything he could ever want in a woman, and he was looking forward to
when she would become his wife.

Not wanting to mess up her lingerie, he bent her over the bed as he pushed her feet apart. Resting her
elbows on the bed, Sarah jutted her backside toward him as she heard the zipper on his pants. Closing
her eyes, she marveled at how much Vitaly turned her on.

She moaned as she felt his erection rubbing along her slit, which was already drenched in
anticipation. Pushing in slowly, they both moaned lustily as he bottomed out against her. Sliding one
hand to her hip and gripping her shoulder with the other, he began to thrust into her steadily, as she
arched her back and easily matched his pace.

Sarah’s hand crept down to her clit as she rubbed it. “Oh fuck, Vitaly,” she moaned. “Harder, please,
I’m so close.” Groaning, he picked up the pace as he began to slam heavily into her. The increase in
her spasms as she clutched at his cock every time he pulled out warned him that she was close.
Speeding up, he heard her begin to wail his name as she pinched at her clit, driving her farther over
the edge. One…two…three more thrusts and he held her tightly against him as they rode out their
orgasms together.

Kissing her back, he slowly pulled out. “Don’t move,” he told her as he went to the bathroom to fetch
a towel. Cleaning himself off as he walked back out, he smiled as he saw her sagging on the bed.
From behind her, he cleaned off the results of their orgasms, as Sarah moaned.

“Keep that up and we may not be going to the party at all,” she told him as she wiggled her backside.

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Chuckling, he finished cleaning her before helping her to stand back up. Turning her around, he kissed
her as he took in her flushed face and chest. “I think I’d rather have you hot for me during the party,”
he told her as she mock groaned in frustration.

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Chapter 2

On the ride over to the Casbah, Sarah leaned her head against his chest as he held her to him. How
many times had they thought that they had lost each other only to get another chance? And between the
attempt on his life and her kidnapping, both engineered by Vitaly’s long-time friend and once business
partner, Dmitri Nardiv, they had spent very little time apart since their return from New York.

As the limo pulled into the parking lot at the Casbah, Sarah sat up. There was a line of people waiting
for them out front. As they got out, their family and friends, all eager to see them, quickly surrounded

“We couldn’t wait inside,” Lisa, one of her best friends, told her as she hugged her.

“My turn,” came a gruff voice, as Sarah found herself pulled into a bear hug by her father.

After several rounds of hugs, the crowd encircled the couple as they walked in together. Blinking her
eyes, she was even more surprised to see the number of people waiting inside. Grabbing Sarah’s left
hand, Lisa held it up in the air as the glint from her engagement ring sparkled in the club’s light. A
chorus of cheers erupted as everyone surged forward to congratulate the couple.

For the next two hours, the couple wound their way around the club chatting with all the partygoers as
they graciously accepted their congratulations. When they had finally completed a full circuit, Sarah
sat down on one of the couches with a sigh. Leaning her head on Vitaly, she sipped the Champagne he
handed her.

“I had no idea there would be so many people here,” she admitted. “It’s overwhelming.”

Wrapping his arm around her, he kissed the top of her head. “Everyone is so happy to see you back

As the couple chatted quietly, Ivan, Chief of Security for VIC Enterprises, leaned against a wall
surveying the room. He watched as a tall blonde walked toward him carrying two drinks. Handing
him one, she leaned against the wall next to him, as he eyed the drink suspiciously.

“Relax,” she told him, as she sipped her drink. “I know that you don’t drink.” Nodding his head in
thanks, Ivan took a sip.

“So, which one are you?” he asked.

“Lisa, but I’m sure you already know,” she replied. “But if that’s your attempt at small talk, I can roll
with that,” she added, as she surveyed the room. “So is this what you do? Stand around looking
ominous in the shadows?”

Ivan coughed, before chuckling. “Something like that,” he managed to reply. I bet this one is fun, he
thought to himself.

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As the evening drew to a close, Vitaly stepped out from the DJ booth with a microphone in his hand.
“May I have everyone’s attention please,” he asked as he paused for the crowd to quiet down.
Holding out his hand, he waited for Sarah to join him on the dance floor.

“To begin, I would like to thank everyone for coming out to my club. Again. When we first came
together before Christmas, it had been my goal to ask my Sarah to marry me. But circumstances got in
the way and as you all know, she was kidnapped.” Holding his hand up, Vitaly waited for the crowd
to settle down.

“Thanks to the hard work of my team, we were able to find her and she is now safely returned to us.”

He kissed Sarah lightly on the lips, as he waited for the cheers to stop. “Since I’m sure that no one has
missed the rock I placed on her finger, I would like to add that Sarah has consented to become my
wife. And yes, Mr. Jenkins, before you ask, she actually did say, yes.”

At Sarah’s quizzical look, her father shouted out, “I told him that it didn’t count unless you actually
said, yes,” as chuckles were heard around the room.

Holding up his Champagne glass, Vitaly turned to look at Sarah, “Since the moment you walked into
my life, I have thought of little else. You have become my love, my life and my light; and your yes,
has made me the happiest man in the world. To Sarah!”

“To Sarah!” The crowd repeated as glasses were clinked all around.

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Chapter 3

As Sarah walked slowly up the stairs, she stifled a yawn. It had been a long and glorious night and
her feet were killing her. Stepping into the bedroom, she stopped short. Rose petals dusted the floor
and bed, as candles basked the room in a warm glow. Turning in a circle, she drew in a long breath
as she enjoyed the scent of roses and vanilla.

“Do you like?” Vitaly asked her as he walked in behind her.

“Oh, my yes,” she replied, as she turned to face him. “But I’m so tired; I’m not sure how long I can
stay awake.”

Sliding the zipper down her dress, he helped her step out of it before scooping her up and laying her
on the bed on top of the petals. “You’ve done so much, kotyonok, let me take care of you,” he told her
as he slipped her shoes off. Throwing her arms over her head, Sarah stretched as she looked at him

“How about a foot massage?” she asked as she smiled. “My feet are throbbing.”

“Your wish is my command, kotyonok.” Standing up, Vitaly took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt
before taking it off. Kicking off his shoes, he finished shedding his clothes as he sat down at the foot
of the bed. Placing her feet in his lap, he picked up one, placed both his thumbs on the ball of her foot,
and began rubbing heavy circles as he slowly worked his way out.

“Oh. My. God. You have until the rest of your life to stop that,” Sarah told him as she groaned. “That
feels amazing.”

As Vitaly massaged her feet, instead of feeling relaxed, Sarah realized that she was growing aroused.
As he pressed his thumbs along the heel of her foot, she could feel a slow simmer begin to heat up
deep inside her. Arching her back, she cupped her breasts as she began to rub her nipples. While she
enjoyed performing for Vitaly, normally it didn’t feel this good. Perhaps it was all the Champagne,
she thought as she opened her eyes to look at him.

“Suddenly, I don’t feel so tired anymore,” she told him as she continued to pluck and roll her nipples.

Sliding his hands to her ankles, he began to work his way slowly up her legs as he kneaded her
calves. Sarah glided one hand down her body. Pulling her thong to one side, she pushed her legs
farther apart, as she began to rub her clit while she continued to play with her nipples. Not to be
outdone, Vitaly continued to massage her legs as she moaned.

Lifting her legs, he slid between them as he kissed the inside of her thighs. Pressing a kiss to her
mound, he pushed with his thumbs as he massaged along her groin, as Sarah lifted her hips toward
him. Chuckling, he licked her clit, as she moaned. “Play with yourself, as I pleasure you,” he told her
as he dragged his tongue up her slit.

Separating her folds, he slid his tongue inside, as she continued to rub her clit. Lifting her hood,

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Vitaly swiped at her swollen nub, as he slid two fingers inside and began to pump in and out
rhythmically. Sliding his other arm across her abdomen, he held her down before he bit down gently,
causing Sarah to buck beneath him. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he held her as she continued to
thrash around on the bed.

Crying out his name, she arched up, as she pushed against the back of his head. His laughter created a
vibration against her already sensitive mound as she clenched down hard on his fingers.

Pulling his fingers free, he didn’t give her a chance to take a breath before sitting up, pulling her onto
his lap and impaling her. Leaning back, Sarah pushed against the bed with her feet, as she bounced in
his lap. Vitaly guided his thrusts, bumping against her g-spot. He could feel her rapidly coming to
another orgasm as she increased her speed. When she came, she sat up straight, pressing tightly
against him. The extra pressure was what he needed as Vitaly’s own orgasm rolled through him.

Sliding his hand behind her head, he guided her to him, as he captured her lips in a devastating kiss.
Holding her to him, he continued to rock with her until his erection settled and he slowly pulled out.
Sarah looked at him, flopping back to the bed as she smiled.

“That was amazing. As always.” Chuckling, Vitaly reached for the ties on her corset as he tugged it
free. Unhooking her garters, he slid her stockings off before kissing each instep. Lying down next to
her, he pulled her into his arms before pulling the covers over them. As she nuzzled against his chest,
he couldn’t resist teasing her.

“I had no idea that massaging your feet would be such a turn on for you.”

Raising her head sleepily, she kissed his chest. “Oh, Mr. Chekov, you have no idea.”

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Chapter 4

Weeks blew by quickly and it was business as usual at VIC Enterprises. Neither Sarah nor Vitaly
gave any thought to wedding planning and Sarah was more than happy to delegate the initial process
to her future bridesmaids, Chloe, Lisa and Mia. Not to be outdone, her aunt Hannah had suggested
using her mother’s wedding gown and Sarah agreed to take a look at it; although, she had to admit that
she would rather wear something more modern.

Vitaly had returned to his usual hot and cold behavior as he became immersed in a proposal for a
government entity that would not only increase the overall value of the company, but would open
doors to other parts of the world.

Sarah continued in her present role in charge of special projects and she spent most of her time
dealing with the New York office and their contracts through the New York and New Jersey Port
Authorities. Since the recent espionage incident, the majority of the New York staff had been fired
and Vitaly was loath to hire more people despite the increase in workload.

At Sarah’s encouragement, he agreed to allow her to bring in an intern to help with the more menial
tasks and he had left the decision up to her.

His concentration was broken when he heard giggling outside his office. Opening the door, he found
his receptionist, personal assistant and secretary huddled together.

“What is going on?” he demanded, as the women jumped. Diane, his assistant, grinned at him.

“We’re just enjoying the new eye candy Sarah hired.”

“Eye candy?”

Pointing to the elevator, where Sarah and a young man stood engrossed in conversation, she

“The hottie over there. He is going to make coming to the office so much more enjoyable. Not that I
don’t like my job, but he sure is good looking,” Diane replied.

Looking down the hall, he saw Sarah talking and laughing with a good-looking man who appeared to
be a couple years younger than she was. “Is that who she hired?” he demanded.

“Oh yea.”

“Is he qualified?”

“No idea and don’t care,” Diane replied before she waved at the other two women and sauntered
back to her office.

Clenching his jaw, Vitaly turned to Laurel, his receptionist. “When Sarah is finished, tell her to come

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to my office,” he told her before turning and stalking back to his desk.

As he sat down, he turned back to his computer, but he couldn’t concentrate. How dare she hire
someone without confirming his qualifications, he fumed. Reaching for the phone, he was about to
call Ivan to tell him not to authorize a security badge when Sarah walked in.

“You asked to see me?” she asked as she leaned over to give him a kiss. Tilting his head away, she
gave him a quizzical look before sitting down.

“I see that you hired an intern,” he said flatly.

“Cal? Yes, he’s going to be great. He has plans to move to New York, so I’m hoping that if he works
out here, we can use him in the east coast office.”

“And does he have anything going for him other than serving as eye candy?” he demanded.

Turning to look at him, Sarah opened and closed her mouth a couple times before speaking. “What on
earth are you talking about?”

Gesturing wildly toward the reception area, “I was told by them that he is eye candy and I’m
wondering why his ability to do this job wasn’t taken into consideration.”

Fuming silently, Sarah looked at him, “You gave me full authority to hire an intern who would serve
as my assistant. I chose him,” she replied silkily.

“So you think that eye candy is an appropriate qualification?” he demanded.

Standing up, Sarah slammed the palms of her hands down on his desk, as she glared at him.

“Yes, Cal is good looking. He also happens to have a degree in business from Stanford and is on the
fast track to complete his MBA by the end of this year. He also happens to be Mia’s boyfriend and
has recently moved in with her to help with the rent, since I moved out. With Mia hoping to attend
grad school in New York, there’s the potential to move him there, assuming he works out here, which
I have no doubt that he will, given that he graduated in the top five percent of his class. And the fact
that you think that I would hire someone simply based on his looks without checking out his
credentials shows me that your time in a coma hasn’t helped your brain any and you’re still acting like
a jealous Neanderthal!”

Sarah sat down in a huff, as she had run out of steam. Glaring at him, she got up and started for the

“Sarah,” Vitaly called out to her. Raising her hand, she didn’t bother to turn around.

“Not now. I’m too pissed at you.”

As she stalked out, Vitaly rubbed his head in agitation. He was never this jealous with his first wife,
Nadia, or any of the women he dated. Why was it that Sarah seemed to trigger that in him? Reaching

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for his phone, he called Ivan.

“Yea, boss?”

“This new hire. Cal…”

“Calvin Watkins. Already checked him out and he looks like he’ll be a great fit. He starts next week.”
At Vitaly’s silence, Ivan asked, “Was there anything else? Boss?” but Vitaly had already hung up.

He had blown it again. Now, to figure out how to make it up to her. Sighing, he turned back to his
computer. Later. He would have to do it later.

As Vitaly left the office later that evening, he was surprised to see that Sarah had already left.
Thinking that she had gone home, he headed to the house as he rehearsed his apology. When he got
there, her car wasn’t in the driveway. Walking inside, he reached for his phone to call her.



“Sarah can’t come to the phone right now, she lost a bet and she has to take a shot.”

“Who is this?”


Of course, he thought. She’s out with them.

“Where are you?”

“The Casbah. Celebrating.” Lisa replied. “Oh, and I’m to tell you that if you are still behaving
like a Neanderthal that she’ll see you at the office. Oh, it’s my turn. Sorry, gotta go.”


Dammit! She hung up on me. Resisting the urge to throw his phone, he reached for a bottle of vodka.
Well, if she was out getting drunk, he could play that game too, he thought as he stomped out of the

When Vitaly woke the next morning, he swore loudly, as the bright sun instantly brought his hangover
to light. Looking at the time, he couldn’t believe that it was already after seven and he was going to be
late for work. But then again that empty bottle might have had something to do with it.

Sitting up slowly, he looked at Sarah’s side of the bed and realized that she hadn’t slept there last
night. Rising slowly, his hand bumped a bottle of water. Looking down, a bottle of acetaminophen sat
next to it. So, she had been here, he thought as he popped the cap, tossed some in his mouth and drank
the entire bottle of water.

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Standing under the shower spray, he thought about his behavior the day before. He still couldn’t
understand why he got so jealous. When he was married to Nadia, she often complained that he was
married to his work first and he couldn’t fault her with that claim, as it was true. He did tend to be
immersed in his work, but he was sure that Sarah understood that. And after everything that she had
done for him and his company, he still found himself jealous of who she socialized with and how.

How was he going to handle it once they were married? Oh, they had a big discussion coming up and
she wasn’t going to like it. Turning off the shower, he dressed hurriedly and headed in to work.

When he got there, Sarah wasn’t in her office. Walking out to Laurel, he asked if she had come into
the office yet.

“Sarah went to New York. Simon was having some problems with one of the ports and she wanted to
sit in on the meeting. I thought that you knew. It IS on the calendar.”

“I guess I forgot,” Vitaly mumbled as he turned back to his office. “Would you bring me some

“Of course.”

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Chapter 5

It was Valentine’s Day and Sarah had run out of excuses for staying in New York. Cal had been of
great help to her in the San Jose office while she hid out in the east coast office. Simon, who had
recently been promoted to Director of Business Development for all of VIC Enterprises had
observantly pointed out that since she was planning to marry Vitaly, they were going to have to work
things out.

While she didn’t mind that he tended to be possessive and controlling, in fact, she found that hot; his
jealousy streak was not okay with her and it was time to rein it in.

She had managed to avoid talking to him for three days other than the daily status reports she sent in
email and she had ignored his personal phone calls. Sighing, she sat back in her seat as she looked out
the window. The jet was already in descent into San Jose. It was time to talk. Well, maybe after a
little fun, she thought to herself, as she looked at the bag sitting next to her.

By the time she arrived at the office, the parking lot was almost empty. Spying Vitaly’s car, she
walked inside waving to Ivan as she passed. Taking the elevator up to the tenth floor, she was
pleased to see that the reception area was already in partial darkness indicating that the rest of the
staff had left for the day. Seeing the light on in Vitaly’s office, she walked in as he looked up in

“Bit warm outside to be wearing such a large coat,” he commented, as she shut the door and leaned
against it.

“It is,” she responded back, as she stared at him. Unsure what to say next, Vitaly waited to see what
she would do. Pushing away from the wall, Sarah dropped her briefcase on the floor as she reached
for the belt on her coat. Pulling it loose, the coat swung open as she walked toward him.

Sitting back, he smiled. Dressed in a sexy, red, lace bodysuit open in the center down to her navel and
at the crotch, and her ubiquitous Louboutins, he watched as she sauntered toward him.

“How was New York?” he managed to ask as she dropped her coat on the chair and walked around
his desk.

“New York was fine,” she replied as she turned his chair toward her.

“Not that I’m complaining, because you look stunning, but is there an occasion that I don’t know
about?” he asked as she reached for his hand and drew one finger into his mouth, sucking hard.
Groaning, he could feel his erection grow from interested to demanding in a matter of seconds.

“Valentine’s Day,” she said simply as she sucked a second finger into her mouth.

“I see,” he managed to say as he adjusted his now painful erection. “Should I have sent flowers?”

Pausing, Sarah gestured to the lace barely covering her breasts, “I appear already to have some,” as

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she pointed to the rosettes in the lace.

Reaching for his tie, which he had loosened earlier, she pulled it over his head before placing it
around her neck and tightening the knot. Vitaly’s eyes darkened as he watched her. Reaching for the
buttons on his shirt, she made quick work of them before pushing his legs apart and kneeling between
them. Leaning forward, she splayed her hands across his chest as she licked his nipples into hard

She couldn’t help but moan as her own nipples responded to his arousal. Kissing her way down his
chest, she licked at his belly button, as he sucked in his stomach. Smiling, she reached for his belt
buckle before he put his hands on her to stop her.

“Sarah, there are things that we need to talk about.”

“I know,” she replied simply. “Does it have to be right this second?”

“I’ve been really angry and I’m not in a mood to be nice,” he replied as he watched her eyes darken at
his words. Smiling seductively, she stood up and pushed the files on his desk to one side. Turning
around so her back was to him, she flipped his tie over her shoulder, as she turned her head to look at

“So, don’t be,” she replied as she leaned on the desk, pushed her legs apart and arched her back.

Growling, Vitaly knocked his chair over with the speed he got up. Pushing on her back, Sarah rested
her elbows on the desk. Running his hands over her bare skin, he paused to enjoy the view. The upper
back of the bodysuit was almost completely nonexistent as two long straps went from her shoulders
down to the stocking portion, leaving the rest of her naked. Oh, she went above and beyond this time,
he thought as he loosened his belt buckle and dropped his pants around his ankles.

Leaning down heavily on top of her, he nipped at her ear as she squirmed beneath him. He then stood
up and pushed her legs farther apart as he lifted her hips. With one smooth movement, he was inside
her and buried to the hilt. He groaned when he felt how ready she was for him. So, his little vixen
was as turned on as he was.

Reaching for his tie, he tugged at it lightly, as Sarah arched her back farther. Gripping her hip with his
other hand, he began to slam in and out of her as she rocked back and forth on the desk. Digging her
toes into the floor, she fought for whatever leverage she had as she met him thrust for thrust. Clutching
her hip tighter, he tugged on the tie as Sarah continued to moan.

Snarling in response, he thrust harder as he felt her first orgasm strike and her muscles clenched
tightly around his cock. Not ready to stop, he continued to pummel her as another orgasm rolled
through her. By the third one, Sarah had begun to shake as her largest one yet was making her legs
buckle in response.

As she continued to shake, her legs gave out and he held her to him as he continued to slam into her
from behind. With a roar, his own orgasm exploded out of him as he held her tightly to him while he

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emptied himself deep inside her.

When he was finally spent, he reached down and gently lifted her off the desk where she had
collapsed. Turning her around, he sat her on the edge of the desk before kissing her.

Leaning her head against his chest, she panted as her blood pressure slowly returned to normal. “I am
starving,” she finally managed to say as Vitaly laughed.

“There should be leftovers in the conference room from this afternoon. Why don’t we go see what’s

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Chapter 6

As they sat in the conference room, Sarah munched on leftover sandwich wraps and fresh fruit while
Vitaly picked at his. Deciding that it would be safer to wear her coat, in the event they had visitors,
she left the belt loose and stretched her legs over the arms of the chair. Having kicked off her shoes,
she pushed at the table with her foot as she spun her chair to face him. He looked at her
appreciatively as he saw all her wares on display for him.

“You had said that we have things to talk about,” she began as she popped a piece of fruit in her
mouth and licked the juice off her fingers.

Narrowing his eyes at her, “I don’t think that I’m going to be able to talk to you when you do that,” he
told her.

“Well, that was the point,” she replied as she looked at him smugly.

“What was? Ply me with sex first?”

“Of course. You’re always much calmer after.”

Shaking his head, he looked at her and laughed. “Fair enough. Who starts?”

“I will. About Cal.”

Holding his hand up, Vitaly stopped her. “I apologize for my behavior. I’ve seen the work that he’s
done and you did an excellent job in your choice for an intern. And I’ve already spoken to Simon and
he will make an excellent asset in the New York office.”

Nodding her head, “I appreciate that. But your behavior is indicative of a bigger issue and that’s your
jealousy.” Holding up her hand to keep him from interrupting, she took a deep breath. “I don’t mind
that you are possessive and controlling at times, but this jealousy, for no reason, is a deal breaker. I
won’t put up with it.”

“Well, once we are married, it won’t be an issue anymore.”

“What do you mean?” she asked him cautiously.

“Well, once we are married, you won’t be working anymore.”

“Why. The. Hell. Not?”

“There’s no need. I can provide for the both of us. The fact that you are working now…”

“Is what? An indulgence?” Leaping to her feet, Sarah crossed to him and poked him in the chest.

“Need I remind you that it was me that figured out who sold company secrets?” she demanded as she
poked him again. “Or that I was the ONLY one working with Simon not only to get back the lost

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contracts but to bring in new ones?”

Stepping back, she pulled her coat tightly around her as she tightened her belt. Reaching for her shoes,
she turned back to him. “Get something straight, Mr. Chekov. I do not intend to sit home on my ass
while you go into the office each day. I’ve earned my place here and I’m keeping it. Oh and I take it
back. You can take your controlling ways and kiss my…”

“And where do you think you’re going?” he interrupted as she was heading to the door.

“If you must know, I’ll be sleeping on Mia and Cal’s couch tonight,” she declared as she stomped out
of the room.

As Vitaly stood up, he swept his arm across the table in frustration, knocking some of the food to the

“Well, I thought that I would come up to see what was left,” came a droll voice. “Do you mind if I
grab something before you throw the rest of it to the floor?” Ivan asked as he wandered into the room.

Vitaly paused as he turned to look at him. “Did you see Sarah leave?”

“Nope, she must have been in the other elevator,” Ivan replied as he reached for a wrap and settled in
a chair. “Want to talk about it?”

Sitting back down, Vitaly rubbed his head. “She wants to work after we are married.”

“And she should.”

“But I can provide for everything, she has no need to work.”

“No you can’t, boss.” Holding up his hand to silence him. “It isn’t about the money. It’s the
independence. You’ve come down on her about her friends; you constantly get jealous when she even
looks at another male. She isn’t some real doll that you can keep locked away in your tower, she’s a
living, breathing human being who happens to be damn good at her job. And besides, you know that
you would miss having her around the office,” he said as he grinned.

“I stopped there, first, and from the looks of your desk…”

“Okay, I get it. I get it. No tower. But it’s a damn good idea,” Vitaly said as he grumbled.

“No, it isn’t. Did she say where she was going?”

“Mia and… Cal’s,” he answered resignedly.

“Well, it’s still early and it IS Valentine’s Day. Go get your girl.”

Nodding his head, “You’re right. As always. You know, given that you’ve never been married, how
come you know so much?”

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“I was raised in a house full of women before I went into the military. It was listen up or get my ass
kicked. Now go,” Ivan said waving his hand at him. “I haven’t eaten all day,” he pulled the tray of
cheese and crackers toward him as he reached for another wrap.

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Chapter 7

Vitaly held the box of cannolis in one hand as he tucked the Champagne under his arm. Knocking, he
quickly caught the bottle before it tumbled to the floor. Mia opened the door and looked at him before
opening the door wide. Looking over her shoulder, she shouted, “He brought desserts and liquor,”
before stepping back to let him in.

This was the first time he had been back in the apartment since Sarah had moved back home after
their first major fight. Stepping inside, he looked around to see Chloe, Lisa and Sarah sitting on the
couch and Cal sitting on the floor, all looking at him quizzically. As Mia followed him into the room,
he turned to hand her the box and Champagne.

“I’m fairly sure I brought enough for everyone,” he said as she took the box.

“Oh, he went to Luigi’s. They’ll be lucky if this makes it out of the kitchen,” Mia said as she turned to
walk away.

“In that case, I better help you,” Lisa said as she jumped up. Grabbing Chloe, “Come on you two, Mia
can’t handle this alone.”

Cal looked at the girls in confusion, “Why does Mia need all of us to help her?”

“That’s their not so subtle way of giving Vitaly and I the room to talk,” Sarah said dryly.

“Ah, say no more,” Cal replied as he jumped up and headed for the kitchen.

As Sarah looked at Vitaly, she couldn’t help but smile. She had never seen him look so out of place
before, other than the deer in the headlights look he had, according to her aunt Hannah, when he had
driven out to her family’s ranch to ask her father for permission to marry her. Her aunt had laughed
merrily when she described what a hard time her family gave him. Letting him off the hook, she patted
the couch next to her.

“Won’t you sit down?” Nodding, he sat down beside her but still didn’t say anything. “It was nice of
you to bring over the desserts and liquor.”

“There’s more in the car. I thought that maybe we could have ours later,” he finally said.


Taking a deep breath, he took her hand. Flipping it over, he rubbed at the soft spot on the inside of her
wrist. “I understand your need for independence. It’s not something I’m used to. The women I dated…
Nadia…they expected me to provide for them. But Ivan says…” Vitaly stopped talking.


Drawing in a breath, “Ivan says that I’m nicer when you’re around the office and I shouldn’t stop

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As Vitaly talked, Sarah had drawn her knees up to her chin. Covering her mouth with her hand so he
wouldn’t see her smile, “So, Ivan said that did he?”

“Well, he said more and some of it wasn’t very nice and most of it echoed what you said, but yes, he
said that. Kotyonok, I’m sorry for being an ass. Again. Please come home. You can help me eat the
cannoli,” he said with a smile.

Laughing, Sarah got up to grab her coat. As she did, he noticed that she was wearing a pair of
leggings and a t-shirt.

“When did you change?”

“When I got here. Did you think I was going to wear only that while I was here?” she asked him.
Shaking his head, he rose and followed her to the door. As Sarah walked by the kitchen, she pounded
on the door.

“Hey! You can come out of hiding. We’re off and that means more for you guys.” As she opened the
front door, Mia came out wiping her lips with her thumb.

Smiling at the both of them, she hugged Sarah before giving Vitaly a peck on the cheek.

“I did say that it wouldn’t make it out of the kitchen,” she said cheekily as she waved them out the

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Chapter 8

Sarah grudgingly stared at the website links Lisa had sent her. She would have much preferred to
elope to Reno or possibly have a small ceremony on her family’s ranch, but Vitaly was insistent that
they do it up right and he had given her friends carte blanche with the budget and they had run with it.
After looking at the wedding dress her aunt had sent over, she realized that there really wasn’t
anything they could modify on it to make it into something Sarah would want to wear.

After agreeing to spend the weekend walking around a bridal expo, she had found a dress that she
liked and her friends had helped her decide on colors and tabletop arrangements.

There were several caterers there, but the one that she had really liked was booked for the entire
month of June, so they had gone with her second choice, a young, up and coming caterer who had a
program on a television cooking show. And Sarah had to admit, the dessert tasting was the best part.
They ended up settling on a small wedding cake and croquembouche, a spire of caramelized cream
puffs that had Sarah salivating at the thought.

As she flipped through the various web links, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she smiled
at Vitaly. “What are you looking at now?” he asked as he pulled a chair up to her desk to look over
her shoulder.

“Lisa sent me some links on honeymoon locations, but this is all so much, so fast,” she said as she

Turning her around to face him, he took her hands, “We have ten days to go anywhere we want. What
sounds good to you?”

“At this moment, some place out in the middle of nowhere that doesn’t have anything associated with
wedding planning. Oh, and maybe a beach.”

“Well, what about that?” he asked, pointing to an advertisement on the screen.

Turning around, Sarah’s eyes widened. Island rental in the US Virgin Islands. Now why hadn’t she
seen that earlier? “It’s perfect,” she said.

“I’ll have our travel agent make all the arrangements. Now, what else needs to be done?”

Reaching for her list, Sarah placed it between them so they could look at it together. The remaining
items on the list were the final fittings, the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. “Were you planning on
having a bachelor party?” she asked, as she looked at him sideways.

“I hadn’t really thought about it. Ivan mentioned something about drinks out and dinner. I’m hoping
that’s all it is. You?”

“Lisa wants a trip to Reno.”

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“Well then, go. It will be fun. Invite all your friends and take the jet.”

Nodding her head, she threw her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she said
into his neck. “Everything seems to be happening so quickly.”

Tilting her head up, he kissed her. “It is, but it will all be over soon and we can begin our lives as
husband and wife.”

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Chapter 9

June rolled around faster than anyone expected. As Sarah was dressing for the rehearsal dinner, she
had to admit that she had fun at her bachelorette party and the location they had chosen for their
wedding and reception was beautiful where it sat high up on a hill overlooking the Santa Cruz

The house had once belonged to some high tech tycoon who had gone bust. The company that bought it
turned it into a meeting site and it had become quite popular with local companies for parties. Vitaly
had offered to see to their honeymoon and had left the details a secret.

Turning to look at herself in the mirror, she admired the sparkly dress Mia had designed for her.
Hugging her body like a second skin on top, it flared out gently at the waist where it dropped to
below her knees. With a slit up one leg, it was easy for Sarah to move in and the fabric felt luxurious
as it rubbed against her skin. Her friend was going to do great things when she moved to New York
and Sarah was excited that she would still get to see her when she traveled to the east coast office.

A low whistle caught her attention as she turned to see her future husband, dressed in his typical

“You look good enough to eat,” he told her as he kissed her. “But there is something missing,” he
added as he handed her a box. Taking it from him, she opened the box and gasped. A diamond choker
lay nestled in velvet. Lifting it out, he turned her around and placed it around her neck before
fastening it. “It looks beautiful on you, kotyonok. Perhaps you will wear it later. And nothing else,” he
added as he kissed her neck.

Touching the necklace, Sarah looked at herself in the mirror before looking up at him. “It’s perfect,”
she breathed, too emotional to say more.

“You’re perfect, my love,” he replied as he hugged her to him. “Are you ready, my lady? Your chariot

When they arrived at the Belmont Chateau, Sarah stopped to look at the amazing view. Sliding his
hand around her waist, she leaned against his shoulder.

“The view is almost as nice as ours,” she said, as she tucked her arm around him.

Turning, they followed the slate walkway, framed with trees draped in twinkling lights, around to the
back where they would be married. They had met earlier with the minister and gone over everything
with the wedding party. French doors stood open, beckoning them inside. Sarah smiled. Everything
looked perfect, she thought, as she looked around.

The girls had seen to every detail and she couldn’t be more pleased. As they walked toward the bar,
they were happy to see all their family and friends. Sarah looked over at Vitaly when she felt him
squeeze her hip.

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“Is everything okay?”

Nodding his head, Vitaly was unsure if he could speak. Kissing her forehead, “I wish that Anna could
have seen this. She would have loved it all,” he finally said as he fought to keep from crying.

Squeezing his hand, “Your sister died too young,” she said, unsure what else to say.

At that moment, loud voices were heard from the lobby area. Everyone turned as the doors were
thrown open and a woman who appeared to be in her late sixties came storming in followed by a man
of similar age with two security guards hot on their tail. Vitaly swallowed hard when he recognized
them. Releasing Sarah, he stepped forward, as one of the security guards rushed to his side.

“I’m sorry, sir,” he said as he panted. They came in through the garden.

“That’s okay,” Vitaly responded. “I’ve got this; you may go, but stay nearby.”

“Yes, sir.”

Turning to the couple, he clenched his hands behind his back before dropping them to his sides.
“Mother. Father. What brings you to San Jose?”

Stepping up and throwing her arms around him, his mother hugged him tightly.

“My own mal'chik is getting married, did you not think that we would come?” she asked as she
sobbed into his arms.

Sliding his arms free, he grasped his mother by her arms and pushed her back.

“Well, given that you did not come to my first wedding, I certainly did not expect you to come to this
one. And, I stopped being your baby boy the day you kicked me out,” he ground out as he looked at
both his parents. “Now, I will ask you again, why are you here?”

Looking desperately around the room, his mother spotted Sarah who had come to stand by Vitaly’s
side. “Ah, you must be the bride to be,” she stated as she reached to grab Sarah. Placing his arm out,
Vitaly blocked her from touching Sarah as he looked at his parents.

Unsure what to do, Sarah nodded, “Yes, Mrs. Chekov, I am Sarah.”

“Mrs. Chekov? Our last name is Ivanovitch. Did Vitaly not tell you?” she asked giving her son a
sidelong look.

Looking at Vitaly, he shrugged his shoulders. “My uncle is Chekov. Given that my parents wanted
nothing to do with me and he practically raised me until I was an adult, I changed my name to his.”

At a snort from his mother, he turned to her as they exchanged heated words in Russian while his
father remained standing slightly behind her. Unsure what to do, Sarah was watching the interchange.

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“Well, it looks as if we are having two more joining us for dinner,” came an overly jovial voice from
off to the side. Looking up, they watched Sarah’s Aunt Hannah walk up and hook her arms around
Vitaly’s parents. “Come, let’s find you a place to sit,” she told them as she forcefully pulled them
away. “Perhaps we should start at the bar,” she said as the couple suddenly moved more willingly.

“That probably won’t be wise,” Vitaly muttered, as he watched his parents walk away.

Turning to Sarah, he was utterly lost as to what to do. Everything had been going so well. He should
have known that something would happen to intervene, but he had no idea it would be his parents.

Looking at her helplessly, “I haven’t seen them in more than twenty years. I have no idea why they are
here,” he told her as she hugged him.

“Well, it looks like my aunt as volunteered to supervise,” Sarah replied as she watched her settle the
couple down as far away from their table as possible. “Let’s make the best of it and you can find out
later what they want.”

Nodding his head, he smiled thinly before turning to greet their other guests. Circling the room, they
both thanked everyone for coming before sitting down at their table. Ivan, who was sitting to his left,
leaned toward him.

“Any idea why they are here?”

Sipping his drink, Vitaly looked their way and watched as his parents guzzled their drinks and
shoveled food in their mouths. “My guess is money,” Vitaly replied. “I used to funnel money to them
through my uncle Victor, but since he passed, I’ve had no means to do so anonymously.”

“Why don’t you simply come out and give it to them?”

“No.” Sighing, Vitaly continued, “I never heard from them again since the day they sent me to live
with my uncle. Not when I graduated high school, the first in my family. Or college. Or at any point in
the last twenty years.”

Tossing back his drink, he dropped it on the server’s tray and grabbed another. “On my birthdays, I
would rush home from school and ask my uncle if my parents had called, but he would always shake
his head no and tell me that they were too busy. I know that they were in contact with him, but to my
knowledge, they never once asked about me.”

Sarah reached out and squeezed his leg. “I’m so sorry, Vitaly. I had no idea. If it’s too much for you,
we can have security remove them,” Sarah offered.

“No, Sarah. This is our evening. I refuse to allow my parents to spoil it further by making a scene. We
will let it play out.”

Nodding her head, she leaned in to kiss him as the sudden clinking of glasses began to echo around
the room. Looking up, she narrowed her eyes at her friends sitting at the next table, “Isn’t that
supposed to happen at the WEDDING reception?” she asked.

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Shrugging her shoulders, Lisa grinned, “I say it should start now.”

“I agree. Any excuse to kiss my future wife,” Vitaly replied as he kissed Sarah.

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Chapter 10

As the dinner progressed, Ivan stood up to give a toast followed by Bill Jenkins, Sarah’s father. As
Vitaly prepared to stand up to thank everyone, they all turned at the sound of a chair scraping across
the floor. Looking up, he blanched as his mother stood up and walked drunkenly to Bill to take the
microphone. Grabbing it from his hand, she sneered before turning to face the room. Closing her eyes,
she swayed slightly before she glared at everyone.

“You are here to celebrate my son and his bride to be,” she started, as she wavered on her feet. “But
when I look at him, I see the killer of my baby girl, Anna. I cannot stand the sight of him.”

“Then why are you here?” Hannah interrupted, as she stood up. “If you want nothing to do with him,
then why did you come?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Irena Ivanovitch pointed to her husband, who had long since passed out on
the table. “He wanted to make amends,” she stated. “Me, I will happily take his blood money.”
Looking at Vitaly, “Did you think that we wouldn’t know that the money was coming from you? Your
guilt paid for a great many things,” she said as she smirked at him.

As Irena talked, Sarah grabbed Vitaly hand, which was soaked in a cold sweat. Clutching his hand to
her heart, she kissed him. “I love you, Vitaly. Always know that.” As he nodded at her, he felt a cold
gripping his insides, as he felt powerless to stop her. Squeezing his hand one more time, Sarah stood
up and interrupted her.

“Has everyone here heard the story about how I caused my mother’s death?” Walking toward Irena,
she snatched the microphone from her hand, as she looked at her. “What? Did you think that Vitaly
was the only one to have done something stupid as a child?”

Turning back to the room, she looked around before taking a deep breath.

“It was before I turned ten and I wanted to go riding. My dad and brothers were out on the ranch and
my mother had refused to let me go. She said that a storm was coming and it was too dangerous. But I
was bored.”

As Sarah talked, her family and friends slowly got up from the table and came to stand beside and
behind her, but she hadn’t noticed. In her mind, she was reliving that day.

“I saddled up my horse and took off toward the river. When my mom realized that I wasn’t in the
house, she ran out to the barn and saw that my horse was gone. She knew where I was headed, quickly
saddled up and took off after me. Except. Except that I saw the clouds and realized that, my mother
was right. So I headed out to meet my father and brothers and ride back in with them. But my mother
didn’t know this. She kept riding.”

Sarah hugged her arms as she continued.

“When we got back, the wind was blowing and rain drops had started falling. No one noticed that my

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mom’s horse was gone and we didn’t even think to look for her when we went into the house. It
wasn’t until dinnertime that we realized that she wasn’t there, but at that point, the rain was falling so
hard, we had no way to follow her trail. My dad had called the sheriff and they weren’t able to get a
helicopter up into the air until the next day.”

As Sarah paused, her father stepped up to put his arm around her. Taking the microphone, he

“Her mother was crossing a wash when a flashflood came through and took both her and the horse out
in a matter of seconds. She didn’t stand a chance. For years, Sarah had nightmares, but she was a
child. It would never have occurred to us to blame her for her mother’s accident. Because that’s what
it was. An unfortunate accident.”

Turning to look at Sarah, “When I look at my daughter, I see her mother and I know that she would be
so proud of the woman she has grown into,” Bill said as he wiped his tears. Turning to Vitaly, “And
she would be impressed with the man she has chosen to marry.”

Once finished, Bill asked for a glass of Champagne. Holding it up, “In less than twenty-four hours, my
baby girl will be marrying the man that she loves and I cannot wait until I can call Vitaly, son.”

As everyone toasted the couple, Vitaly got up and walked toward everyone. Both Bill and Hannah
hugged him, as Sarah’s brothers stepped forward to shake his hand. Before he knew it, he was drawn
into the middle of the Jenkins’ family as he was hugged from all sides. Unable to keep his emotions at
bay any longer, he cried openly, as he held Sarah by his side.

When Irena reached her table, Ivan met her along with two security officers who had managed to
rouse her husband and were supporting him as he stood there.

“And what do you want?” she snarled at him.

“To see that you are escorted from the building,” he told her calmly.

“I will not leave until I get what I came for,” she demanded.

“Not tonight, you won’t. This way, please,” Ivan told her as he took her by the elbow and escorted
her from the room.

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Chapter 11

Sarah woke to an empty bed. Looking at the time, it was only five o’clock, where was Vitaly? She put
on her robe and walked down the stairs into the dark living room to see him pacing the floor. Turning
on the light, she was surprised to see that his eyes were red and he was drunk.

“What happened,” she asked as she took the bottle from his hand.

“My mother has been arrested,” he replied as he snatched the bottle back.

“What? For what?”


Sarah stilled as she looked at him. “Of?”

“I’m very sorry, kotyonok, but she has made a complete mess of the gazebo where our ceremony was
supposed to take place, as well as the surrounding seating area. It is completely unusable.”

Falling back onto the couch, Sarah grabbed the bottle and took a swig before coughing. She really
didn’t like straight vodka. “What are we going to do?”

Rubbing his head, “Everything is falling apart.”

“Are charges being pressed?”

“Oh yes, current estimate of damages are quite high, there’s no choice in the matter.”

“So, we won’t be getting married, there,” Sarah said slowly.


Getting up, Sarah paced the floor. Looking up, “I know that our honeymoon is supposed to be a
surprise, but I do know that we will be on a boat, yes?”

“Partly, yes. What are you thinking?”

“Well, we are taking the jet down, right?”


“Can we have the wedding on the boat? It would mean limiting who came down with us to maybe
family and friends, but we could have the ceremony on the boat, put everyone up at a hotel for the
night and then fly them back the next day while we motor off into the sunset,” Sarah said with a smile.
“Do you think it would work?”

“Grab your phone; we have a lot of people to wake up.”

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Working for the next three hours, they were able to get all of the members of the wedding party as
well as Sarah’s family on board with their plan. It took some coercion along with the offer to bring
his wife for a weekend getaway for the minister to agree, but the caterer backed out as the food would
not have made the trip to St. Thomas, but she offered to bring some of the food to the plane so they
could enjoy it on their flight. They had wheels up at noon for the twelve-hour flight to the US Virgin

Before they left, Vitaly went to speak with his father who was at a loss as to what to do about his

“My boy, I never intended this to happen. Please know that,” his father said in a beseeching tone.
“Your mother was never the same after Anna died. It was as if…a switch was flipped. She became a
different woman. One that I do not always recognize.”

“Why did you never visit me or ask about me? I was only a boy. I grieved for Anna too. I still do,”
Vitaly said, as he stepped away from his father’s proffered hug.

“Victor and I would meet for drinks and he would bring pictures to show me. He was so proud of
you. He thought of you as a son.”

“I already had a father.”

“You do not understand. Your mother was adamant. She was convinced that it was all your fault.”

“Anna was already ill. I did not cause her death.”

“Your mother will not hear of it. I am sorry. She is my wife…”

“And I am your son!” Vitaly shouted.

“It was for the best. Victor gave you a life and a purpose that we could never have done.”

Stepping back, “I have arranged to cover the cost for the damage that Maman did and they’ve agreed
not to press charges. When you get home, you will meet with this man,” Vitaly said as he handed him
a business card.

“He is a lawyer. He will review your finances. You will do as he says and assuming there is nothing
amiss, I have arranged for a monthly allowance that will be more than enough for you to live on. It
won’t be as much as before, but it will be enough. As far as I am concerned, our business is done. I
do not want to hear from you again.”

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Chapter 12

Sunset in St. Thomas was breathtaking as Sarah stood on the dock in her wedding dress. The sky was
alive with stripes of red, orange and yellow as the sun slowly sank toward the horizon. Turning, she
watched her bridesmaids, Chloe, Lisa and Mia walk toward her dressed in simple black cocktail
dresses, followed by the groomsmen in Armani.

Vitaly was already at the end of the dock with the minister. The hotel wedding coordinator had
managed to pull off a small miracle and the dock sides were wrapped in ribbon and flowers were
scattered about in heavy pots anchored down.

Everyone lined up for the procession as music was heard through the speakers placed along the dock.
Her father stood beside her, as he held out his arm for her to take.

“You look beautiful, Sarah. Are you disappointed that it wasn’t at the Belmont Chateau?”

“Are you kidding? Look at this! I couldn’t have imagined a more beautiful location, I’m only sorry
that not everyone could be here.”

Patting her arm, he kissed her on the cheek. “It’s our turn. Are you ready?”

“Oh yes, Papa. Let’s go.”

As they walked down the dock, she smiled at everyone who had all managed to find some place to
stand in the narrow walkway. Looking up, as they got closer, Vitaly looked gorgeous in his black suit.
The wind had picked up a bit, ruffling his hair, which only made him look more handsome, as he
tilted his head to watch Sarah walk toward him.

When they arrived, her father handed her to him with another kiss on the cheek before joining her
brothers and aunt.

As the minister pronounced them husband and wife, a cheer went up as Vitaly scooped her up and
spun her around before tilting her back to kiss her.

Dinner that evening was a gay affair as brightly dressed musicians entertained them with local island
music. Sarah had long ago kicked off her shoes as she danced in a circle with her friends.

Vitaly stood off to the side with Ivan. “Did my parents make their flight?”

“I had a car pick them up and take them to the airport and then security escorted them through the TSA
check point. They remained with them until the gate closed and the plane taxied away from the
terminal. I also have a confirmed report of your parents going through luggage pick up at Newark.”

“I spoke with my father.”


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“He blames my mother for his lack of … attention.”

“He’s probably not wrong.”

“Then he should have tried harder,” Vitaly shot back.

“Look, I’m the last person to tell you what to do, boss.” At Vitaly’s snort, he grinned, “I didn’t say
that I wouldn’t give you my opinion.” As he nodded, Ivan continued, “But in looking around this
restaurant, it looks to me like you inherited a much bigger AND better family.”

“You’re right.” Before he could say more, Lisa sauntered over and grabbed both their hands.

“Come on you two, enough standing around looking ominous. Time to dance,” she told them, as she
dragged them out to the dance floor. The musicians had shifted to a slower number as Vitaly pulled
Sarah into his arms and Ivan found himself dancing with Lisa.

As the evening drew to a close, Sarah and Vitaly returned to the honeymoon suite where they would
stay the night before leaving the next morning. Everyone else was invited to stay through the weekend,
which they happily agreed, and would fly back to San Jose on Sunday.

Before she could walk into the room, Vitaly swept her up in his arms and carried her inside, kicking
the door shut behind them. Giggling, Sarah asked, “Isn’t that supposed to happen at the house, Mr.

“Oh, my dear, Mrs. Chekov, I intend to sweep you off your feet for the rest of your life.”

Sarah dropped her shoes on the floor as he set her down. Turning to him, she went up on her tiptoes
as he dipped his head to meet her. Kissing him lightly on the lips, she nibbled on his lower lip as his
tongue snaked out to greet her. Moaning, she parted her lips as he deepened the kiss, plundering her
mouth, as he slid one hand around her lower back and the other to her neck to pull her closer to him.

Parting briefly, the both panted as Sarah managed to push away from him. Turning around, she lifted
her hair before turning her head to look at him over her shoulder. “Unzip me please, Mr. Chekov?”
she asked as she gave him a mischievous smile.

Reaching for her zipper, he drew it down, as Sarah stepped out of her dress. Bending at the waist to
pick it up, she gave him a tantalizing view of her backside clothed in white lace panties, which
matched her strapless bra and thigh highs.

“Oh Sarah, you look so beautiful,” he told her as she set her dress on a chair before turning to help
him out of his jacket. Reaching for his tie, she tugged it loose while he began unbuttoning his shirt.
Pulling his belt loose, she unzipped his pants and watched as they pooled around his ankles. Stepping
out of them, he pulled his socks off, as Sarah walked to the bed.

As he reached for her, she moved out of the way, pushing him onto the bed. He slid back onto the bed
and leaned up against the headboard, raising his eyebrows with intrigue. Crawling up between his
legs, Sarah kissed the inside of his legs, as he put his head back, enjoying the feel of her hands and

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lips on him.

“Shouldn’t I be doing this or at least participating?” he asked, as he looked at her with half-closed

“Oh, your time will come, Mr. Chekov,” she responded cheekily.

Reaching for him with trembling hands, she lightly touched his cock, as it bounced in her hand. As she
touched him, she realized that she was not only unbelievably happy to be married to this man; she was
aching with desire for him. Leaning down, she licked his shaft starting at the base and working her
way up while making swirls with her tongue. When she got to the head, she sucked a glistening drop
of pre-cum off, as Vitaly moaned.

Wrapping her lips around the head of his cock, she was positively salivating as she slowly sank her
head down, sucking him into her mouth. Moving up and down, she was able to draw more of his shaft
into her mouth until she bottomed out. Moaning, he tangled his fingers in her long hair, as she began
rhythmically moving her head up and down.

With each downward thrust she would suck harder and harder and drag her lips over his cock with
each upward pull. When she would reach the base of the head, she applied pressure with her tongue
along his sensitive spots as he tightened his hold on her hair.

Groaning, he paused her movements. “I want to come inside you,” he managed to say, as she wrapped
one hand around his shaft and continued to pump up and down.

“We have all night. This one is for you,” she told him as she dropped her head back down and licked
the tip while still pumping her hand.

“Oh god, Sarah, what you do to me,” he moaned as she took him deeper into her mouth.

Not expecting her to move so swiftly, he was unprepared as he arched his hips up and climaxed.
Moaning encouragingly, she swallowed in time to his thrusts against her mouth. Licking him clean,
she sat up, licking the vestiges of his arousal off her fingers. Reaching for her, he grabbed her arms as
she sprawled across his chest. Cupping the sides of her face, he looked at her.

“That was amazing, kotyonok.” Hugging her, he ran his hands all over her body as she squirmed on
top of him. “Since when are you so ticklish?” he asked, as she jumped.

Panting on top of him, she managed to answer, “Not ticklish. Turned on.”

Groaning, he rolled her onto her back as he looked down at her.

“I can smell your desire,” he told her as he kissed her deeply, tasting his own orgasm in her mouth.
Tilting her head, he kissed his way down her collarbone. Reaching behind her, he unhooked her bra
as her breasts sprang free. Her nipples were already tight nubs, as Sarah’s arousal spread across her
body. Leaning down, he swiped his tongue around her nipples as she continued to squirm. Giving her
a devilish look, he began to work her nipples, sucking and nibbling, as his hands roamed all over her

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He moaned when Sarah pushed at his head, encouraging him to move farther down. Sliding his hands
around her hips, he cupped her ass, squeezing her cheeks before reaching for her sopping panties.
Lifting her hips, he pulled them off her legs and tossed them to the floor. Kissing her mound, she
bounced beneath him as his lips grazed her hood, her clit already swollen and pushing its way out.
Licking her nub, she arched her back up as he sucked on it, rolling his tongue around her pulsating

Sliding two fingers in, they both moaned as Sarah’s sheath contracted around his fingers. “You are so
wet,” he told her, as he licked at her juices that were spilling onto his hand. Her desire was doing
something to him and he could already feel his erection growing, surprising him at how quickly he
was bouncing back. Sitting up on his knees, he continued to pump his fingers in and out, as he stroked
his rapidly growing cock.

Looking down at him, Sarah’s eyes darkened when she realized how quickly he was ready for her.

“Vitaly,” she moaned. “I need you inside me, husband. Now.”

“Say no more, my love,” he replied, as he lifted her legs so she could wrap them around him. Guiding
his cock, he slowly buried himself deep inside her as they both moaned. It was as if she was made for
him as her muscles immediately contracted, welcoming him. Pushing up on his arms, he began to
pump in and out, as Sarah lifted her hips to meet each thrust.

Picking up speed, he pumped rapidly as she thrashed beneath him. Crying out his name, she dug her
heels into his back as she clamped tightly to his cock. Groaning, he had to force himself to keep
moving as she spasmed around him. Several more thrusts and he arched his back, as he twitched, each
movement emptying his orgasm deep inside her.

He gazed down at her as she looked at him. Her entire body was flushed with her spent desire, as they
both smiled. Dropping onto his side, he pulled her to him as his cock slowly popped free.

“That was amazing,” she told him as she tangled herself in his arms.

“I couldn’t agree more, my love,” he replied sleepily as he pulled the blanket around them.

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Chapter 13

The next morning, concierge had arranged for their luggage to be taken down to their yacht with the
exception of their wedding attire, which was going on the plane back to San Jose. As they enjoyed a
leisurely breakfast in their room, he told her about the house he rented where they would spend the
next ten days making love and swimming. Sarah became excited when he talked about the waterfall,
the short hikes they could take, and all the places he planned to have his way with her.

Walking down to the dock, their family and friends were waiting for them, as they walked up to what
Sarah supposed was their yacht.

“How did you know which one we were taking?” she asked in puzzlement.

Pointing to the stern of the boat, Lisa replied, “It was a bit obvious.”

Following Lisa’s finger, Sarah looked at Vitaly in surprise. Painted in blue letters was “Kotyonok”.
“You bought us a boat?” she asked in awe.

Smiling at her, “It’s a yacht and it’s for the both of us. How else will we get around on our island?”

“OUR island?”

“Well, assuming that you like it, yes, OUR island.”

Sarah had no idea what to say. She briefly thought he was crazy buying a yacht AND an island, but
then she giggled as she threw her arms around him. “Thank you!” she cried as she hugged him.
“Second best prezzie, ever!”

“Oh, what was the first?”


As they boarded the kotyonok, Sarah spotted her bridal bouquet sitting next to their luggage. As the
boat was slowly pulling away, she ran to the stern and shouted to those on the dock. With a wide,
over-arching sweep of her arm, she threw her bouquet as far as she could, as the girls reached out to
grab it. Expecting Mia to catch it, she was surprised to see Lisa hold it up as she turned to look at
Ivan. Well now, Sarah thought. That is a conversation for another day.

Waving to everyone, she turned to join Vitaly out on the bow, as a butler brought them Champagne.

“To a wonderful honeymoon,” Vitaly offered.

“And a fantastic start to our lives together.”


Authors Note:

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Hello my lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed Vitaly and Sarah’s story. What do YOU want to see in a new series? Leave me a
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-Leona Lee

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