Bride By Contract A Billionair Kendra Riley

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Liana Turner had been secretary to Billionaire CEO Jackson Fisher for
two years and she could not stand the man. Her contract at the company
was almost up and she planned on leaving as soon as she could. She felt
like Jackson could not wait to see the back of her either. However,
Liana was more than shocked when Jackson called her into his office
one day with the offer of a very different contract for her. To fool his
parents he wants her to be his wife for the week and also to pretend she
is pregnant. Do this for him, and he will release her from her contract
with a handsome pay off. At first Liana was happy to sign up but very
soon she would find she was possibly making the biggest mistake of
her life....

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Liana Turner had been secretary to Billionaire CEO Jackson Fisher
for two years and she could not stand the man.
Her contract at the company was almost up and she planned on leaving
as soon as she could. She felt like Jackson could not wait to see the
back of her either.
However, Liana was more than shocked when Jackson called her into
his office one day with the offer of a very different contract for her.
To fool his parents he wants her to be his wife for the week and also to
pretend she is pregnant.
Do this for him, and he will release her from her contract with a
handsome pay off.
At first Liana was happy to sign up but very soon she would find she
was possibly making the biggest mistake of her life....

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Copyright Notice
Bride By Contract © 2016, Kendra Riley ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This book contains material protected under International and Federal
Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this
material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system without express written permission from the author /

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Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7
chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter 13
chapter 14

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It's party day! All staff are allowed to go home an hour earlier today to
get ready for the big birthday bash tonight. Please start arriving at
7pm. Party will go on until late! Jackson.
Liana groaned and then tried to cover it with a cough when a head
swung to look her way. She was happy about the going home early part,
but she was most definitely not happy about the actual party itself. It
wasn't that she hated parties - although perhaps she did. It was that she
hated work parties. She was, of course, the only one who felt that way.
Whoops of delight could be heard around the office as soon as the
emails were delivered, and talks of what people were going to wear
filtered through the air. As if they hadn't been planning their outfits
since first hearing about the party weeks ago. There had been barely
any other talk since the party was announced. Liana knew exactly what
she was going to wear. She only had two dresses to choose from, and
she had worn the red dress to the last party, which left her with the
black dress. It was figure-hugging, relatively short, and perhaps even a
little on the sheer side. Perfect for the type of party she was going to
and possibly one of the most awful outfits she owned. But that was
mostly because if she had a choice, she would've arrived in jeans and a
t-shirt. She liked when she didn't have to give the process of getting
ready much thought.
Liana had thought about calling in sick all week. That had been her
initial plan. But there had been three big parties since she had started
working at the magazine, and she'd already called in sick for one. The
smaller parties were easier to ignore - often she didn't even get invited
to those. But these big ones were hard to turn down - because they were
the ones that everyone was the most excited about. It was easier for
them, though. A lot of the people at work were friends with one
another. When Liana went to work parties, she had to contend with
entertaining herself.
When the office day came to an end, she rushed home to spend her
extra hour in a bubble bath where she kept adding hot water every time
the water became too tepid. The thought of getting out and actually

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getting ready for the party filled her with dread. But it was mandatory,
and she had no other choice but to squeeze on the tight black dress and
go. She put on a pair of heels and walked around the house to practice
not falling over and then put on some make-up. She brushed her hair,
allowing the curls to fall naturally around her face. She'd been told that
her curls were her best feature, and even though she had never been a
fan of them herself, she liked that she could sometimes hide behind
them. They'd all been provided with cab fare so that they could drink
without having to worry about driving, but Liana chose to take her car
instead. That way she'd get to pocket the money and make sure that she
didn't drink. Thankfully, she knew that they wouldn't even have to hand
in proof of taking a cab - because it wouldn't even cross their minds that
someone would actually choose to drive.
The party was being held on the rooftop of their office building, which
meant driving all the way back to work again. She parked the car
around the block and then made her way by foot. She didn't want them
to see her arriving by car, and she also didn't want to park too close. Her
car was slightly run down, and the weird mustard color would easily
identify it as hers. Not that she was complaining - she was grateful just
to have a car that could take her from point A to point B. It was 7:30 by
the time she arrived on the rooftop, and she was surprised to see that the
place was already full. She'd expected everyone to arrive fashionably
late, but it seemed they were more eager to party than to worry about
that. And despite the fact that the party had only been going for half an
hour, people already seemed tipsy and well on their way to being
drunk. Liana sighed - it was going to be one of those parties. She could
just imagine the sorts of stories that she was going to hear in the week
that followed. Tales of who slept with whom. There was always one
person that tried to become the center of attention - either by getting
ridiculously drunk and taking their clothes off or by getting together
with someone famous. She wondered who was going to be the lucky
person that night. At the moment, it seemed as if there were already
quite a few contenders. She was grateful for the crowd and slipped her
way through the people to the bar where she ordered herself a glass of
the finest champagne being offered. If it was going to be her only drink
of the

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night, then she was going to make sure that it was a good one. As she
sipped the drink, she felt the bubbles moving down her throat, and she
resisted the urge to knock the whole drink down at once. She'd always
loved champagne, but she was well aware that the type she drank at
home was just sparkling wine and nowhere near the real thing. But who
could afford that? And really,
she thought while taking another sip, was
there even much of a difference?
She wouldn't admit that thought to
anyone else. Of course there was a difference, they would tell her.
"Liana, I had no idea that body was hiding underneath your work suits.
You really should show it off more." Peter had sidled up to her, his eyes
already glistening and his tongue unashamedly loose.
Peter sat a few desks away from her, and, despite having a wife and two
kids, he was constantly chatting up all the women at work. He hadn't
chatted her up much, though, until that moment. She'd never much
liked Peter, and she liked him now even less. What's worse is that she'd
actually met his lovely wife. Peter was about fifteen years her senior
and very good looking. He'd gone gray when he was in his twenties, but
it had only served to make him look even better. He was the Richard
Gere of the office. But lately, Liana had noticed that his looks were
starting to fade and that he was trying to use his charm to make up for
"Uh, thanks, Peter. I'm all about comfort most days. I don't think this is
quite appropriate for work, really," she said, feeling slightly
uncomfortable as his eyes moved up and down her body. She was also
well aware that this was quite a normal outfit for some of the other girls
at work. It wasn't even like she'd be called a slut or something for
wearing it. She'd probably be praised, and her popularity would raise.
"Well, I tell you what - I' m glad that I saw you like this. Now when I
see you at work, I'll be able to imagine what is underneath all those
layers. And boy, will I be imagining. You know, I've never been with
an African American woman before."
What did her skin color have to do with anything? And what was he
getting at? Did he really think she would be with a guy like him? She
supposed Peter thought that it would be a compliment to her. Liana
couldn't believe it. Was this the way he spoke to all the women at work,

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or was it just the alcohol talking? She hated to admit it, but she had a
feeling this was normal for him. She bit her tongue to prevent her from
saying anything she might regret.
"Okay, well, I better go mingle. Say hello to your lovely wife for me.
And your kids. How many do you have? Two, isn't it? Two girls?
Didn't you say they were teenagers already? Goodness, they sure do
grow up quickly. Soon, they'll be bringing home boyfriends. I hope
those boys treat them well. It's so important that they grow up
expecting respect from men - don't you think? Oh, but I'm sure you've
instilled that in them. I' m sure they see just how much you love their
mother. Anyway, have a lovely time tonight, Peter." She flashed him a
smile and walked off. Idiot.
She didn't even bother to turn around and look at him to see his
reaction. She didn't have the time of day for men like him. Liana knew
that she came across as meek and timid at work, but when it came to
sticking up for herself, she had no problem with it. She knew that the
only reason she was so quiet at work was because she didn't mix well
with the crowd. Flashy and extravagant - everything that she was not.
She didn't mind the job itself. In fact, she actually quite enjoyed it. She
especially loved it when she didn't have to deal with anyone and could
get on with her work. It always gave her a slight thrill. She'd always
been fantastic at organizing things. When she was younger, she used to
go with her mother to work some days when there was nobody to look
after her, and she had been captivated with office life. She loved the
stationery, the diaries, the calendars, the phone calls. She loved the way
that one person could take control behind the scenes and make a
company run smoothly. She loved how her mother always kept her
desk tidy and how everything had a place. It was her mother who had
shown her how to categorize and file correctly - and ever since then,
she had a deep sense of satisfaction when things were done correctly. It
was one of the biggest reasons why she lived alone. She'd tried living
with a roommate before, but she couldn't handle the mess that they
inevitably brought with them. She didn't really care what anyone else
did, but when it was in her own space, she wanted everything to be
perfect. She was the same at work, and she knew that the company was
in a better place

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because of her. Not that anyone would know that, of course. Because
nobody ever looked behind the scenes. Everyone looked up to the
person in charge and assumed that he was responsible for it all.
In this case, the person in question was her boss. Jackson Fisher -Chief
Editor of MAN MAGAZINE and the most arrogant man that Liana had
ever met. He was the perfect face for the magazine, though -handsome,
slightly disheveled in the most put-together way, with brooding, dark
brown eyes and a smile that had girls falling at his feet. But he was
someone that Liana never wanted to see outside of work if she could
help it. She caught sight of him now, the only man in a group of about
six women. He was laughing at something one of the girls was saying,
his teeth so white that Liana could practically see them glisten from
where she was standing. When the first girl looked away, he winked at
one of the other girls. Always playing the field. Always making sure
that he was liked by everyone. He was dressed in a tailored, dark gray
suit with a top hat that screamed hipster and cool. He looked good, even
Liana could admit that, but then it was hard not to look good when you
had a team telling you what to wear. Liana wondered if he even knew
how to dress himself. The girls around him were wearing outfits that
made Liana's dress look old-fashioned - their long legs untouched by
cellulite and their fake breasts popping out the front. They all looked
like replicas of one another - the only difference being skin and hair
color. Liana looked around in the hope that she would find someone a
little bit more on her level. Her eyes swept across the body of people
and came back disappointed. They were all the same. All looking like
cut-outs from the pages of their magazine. Jackson had invited not only
all the staff members but also all of the models and celebrities who had
been featured in the magazine at one time or another. He was
celebrating the tenth anniversary of him being Chief Editor of the
magazine, as well as the twentieth anniversary of its inception. And as
it turned out, he was also celebrating his birthday. It was a big day for
A photographer was walking past, and Liana made sure to get his
attention. She needed a few photographs of herself taken before she
ducked home early. At least then nobody could say that she hadn't
bothered coming. This had been her plan all along. She'd made the

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mistake of ducking home early at her first party, and the next week
she'd been accused of not being there at all. She'd actually stayed about
two hours that time, but because everyone had gotten drunk, they
couldn't remember her. Granted, she'd barely mingled with anyone -
but still. Not even one person remembered her being there. Tonight,
she was going to be smarter.
"Hi, I'll pose for a photograph," she said, aware of how desperate she
was coming across.
The photographer looked at her and smiled awkwardly. Then he lifted
the camera and took two shots - one posed and one in action. The action
shot wasn't easy to do considering she was standing all alone. She
could see that the photographer might even have felt sorry for her.
Then, out of the blue, Peter came along. He'd obviously had even more
drinks than before and had already forgotten about their previous
"Leeeana," he slurred. Then he grinned when he saw the photographer.
"Take one of me and Lee here, please."
Liana wanted to tell him not to call her Lee, but she recognized the
importance of the photo just in time and shut her mouth. Even more
proof that not only was she at the party but that she was having a good
time. She put her arm around Jackson and smiled for the camera. She
could feel his arm moving down, and his hand was just about to grab
onto her backside when she slid it back up.
"Sexy Leelee. Oh, you're so nice tonight. I didn't know you were pretty.
Leelee, my Leelee," he said, another nickname that she had never heard
before. He obviously loved saying it, and he kept repeating it over and
over. He was trying to sound husky, and he breathed into her face as he
She recoiled back from the stench of alcohol and quickly walked away.
Thankfully, when she turned around to look, he had already moved on
to someone else. If he was already that drunk, she would hate to see
him by the end of the night. Perhaps it would be him that was going to
be the talk of the office. She hoped not, for his wife's sake.
Right, she thought, trying to organize her thoughts the way she
organized her desk, photography evidence done. Next, time to talk to

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Jackson was the only one who would care whether or not she had come
to the party. Not that he wanted her there, but he had a lot of pride when
it came to himself and the magazine, and he would take offense to those
who didn't bother showing up. He loved being the center of attention,
and he wanted everyone to bow down at his feet. She needed him to see
that she was there before running back home. She caught him just as he
was moving away from his troop of girls.
"Hey, Jackson. Great party!" She had called him Mr. Fisher when she'd
first started, but he'd said it made him sound too old. She knew that
even when he was old, he would refuse to let people call him that.
While he loved being the boss, he was the type of guy who would never
want to grow up.
He looked at her for a few seconds in confusion and then a big grin
filled his face. "Liana? I almost didn't recognize you. You sure do scrub
up well. You look great. I love your dress. You should totally wear that
to work."
You bastard! she said inwardly. Apparently - according now to both
him and Peter - she was only worth their praise when she was wearing a
short dress. When she was in the office, they didn't give her the time of
day. But outwardly, she smiled and hoped it looked genuine.
"Thanks, Jackson. Like I said, great party. Happy birthday, too - I saw
the cake; it's beautiful. What a turn out!"
He looked around and smiled. He was so easy. "Thank you! Perfect
timing for my birthday. I' m very happy with the cake - I got it specially
made by that cake shop down the road from us. And yes, you 're right.
Everyone showed up. But then again, why wouldn't they? Beautiful
people and free drinks. What's not to like? Also, we're just about to pull
the cover off the Jacuzzi - now that should be fun!"
How exciting! Not! "Oh, wow, that' s very cool. Well, anyway, I just
wanted to say hello and tell you what a great job you've done. I'm going
to go do some more mingling now and get myself another drink. You
look fantastic in that suit, by the way." Liana tried to ignore the way the
lies were making her feel. She was never very good at lying, but it was
necessary now.
"Thank you. You're too kind, Liana. Be sure to have the

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champagne. It's the real stuff, too - not that other crap that everyone
drinks and calls champagne."
She laughed and tilted her head back for effect. "Thank you. I will! See
you around, boss."
Liana spent the next twenty minutes walking around and trying to say
hello to as many people as possible. They were all so easy to
manipulate. She'd tell them how wonderful the party was and how
gorgeous or handsome they looked. She'd ask them where they got
their dress or outfit from and swear that they were the best looking of
the bunch. She'd tell the staff members that they should consider
becoming a model themselves. They'd all act coy, but she knew she
was only mimicking their own thoughts. She wasn't exactly proud of
herself for what she was doing, but she was desperate to get home.
When she had made her way around the party and successfully mingled
with enough people, she looked at the time on her phone. It was 8.40. A
perfectly good time to leave. She quickly snuck down the stairs. The
moment she got to the road, she took off her shoes and ran around the
corner to her car. For a few seconds, she just sat inside, closed her eyes,
and breathed. Nobody would even notice that she was gone. But with
the photos as proof and the talk with Jackson, at least they would know
she had been there. She'd make up some drunken stories on Monday,
and they'd all believe her because they would've been just as drunk.
Once she was home, she pulled off her dress and threw it into the wash
basket. It probably reeked of smoke. There was a time when hardly
anyone smoked at the office, a time when it was deemed as uncool. But
slowly, the old habits had crept their way back in, and now almost
everyone was chain smoking around her. At work, they loved going on
their smoke chats and taking time off to smoke and gossip. She was
grateful that she didn't smoke so that she didn't have to go out with
them. It was a habit she had never liked. Even without her dress on, she
could still smell the smoke. It was probably in her skin and in her hair.
She hopped into the shower quickly and then put on her most
comfortable pajamas: little, blue-and-white polka-dot, cotton shorts, a
white vest, and a pair of rabbit-shaped slippers. Then she made herself
a cup of tea and a bowl of popcorn and flopped onto the couch with her

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two dogs.
The dogs were happy to have her back. They weren't used to being in
the house at night without her, and watching TV on the couch was part
of their daily routine. Something that she looked forward to every day
after work. Sometimes Liana couldn't believe how human-like her dogs
were. They were probably the most laid-back Dachshunds she'd ever
met - far lazier and calmer than what their breed was supposed to be.
She ruffled their fur and laughed. They lay on either side of her, each
with their nose resting on her thighs, and as she touched them, their
tails began to wag while the rest of their body remained still.
"I love you, my little, lazy boys. I would way rather read a magazine
that had you on the cover or go to a party that you hosted."
They thumped their tails again as if they agreed with her. She was sure
they could understand her. Either that or she was just far more in tune
with animals than she was with humans.
She'd gotten the dogs when she had first moved into the apartment
alone - after a disastrous year living with someone else. It had felt
strange to be by herself, and she'd always had a particular penchant for
dogs over humans. She'd thought about getting a cat but they were not
loving enough for her. Her mother had warned her that a dog might not
be the best idea for someone that liked a house to always be in order,
and Liana had worried that she might be right. She'd gone to the pet
store looking for the most docile dog she could find. She'd even asked
the pet shop owner if he had a dog that would not mess up her home too
much. But she'd come back with two dachshunds who were known for
their bounding energy. Even the pet shop owner had laughed at her
decision at taking both of them. But she'd been convinced that they
would be right for her, and they had been far too cute to turn down - and
most definitely too sweet to split up. They'd looked up at her with those
big, puppy-dog eyes, and her entire body had melted. She'd taken them
both home and waited for their boisterous natures to emerge. She had
figured that she'd put them in training as soon as they were old enough
and get them to calm down. But she'd never had to. Perhaps they sensed
that she enjoyed calm and order because they'd fit perfectly in her life
from the very start. She'd named them Charles and Oliver because they
were not your

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typical dog, and they suited the human names. Despite the fact that
their parents had been regular-looking dachshunds- big and plump -
these two had stopped growing after a while. They did become a bit
plump (which could no longer be referred to as puppy fat), but they
were still small in size.
The phone rang and she reached out to grab it, careful not to disturb the
sleeping dogs who were not moving an inch to help her. She just
managed to get to the phone in time before it stopped ringing.
"Hello?" she said into the receiver.
"Hi, Liana. I hope it's not too late."
"Mom! Not at all. But isn't it late for you?"
"I've changed my ways. I think I've reverted back to my younger years.
I'm in bed around midnight most nights."
"Midnight! What are you doing all that time?" Liana was staying up a
bit later that night because of the party, but most nights she was in bed
by ten.
"Ah, you know, getting up to mischief."
Her mother laughed, and Liana felt her heart ache at the sound. Her
mother's laugh had always been loud and lively, but lately, only a short
rasp would come out. It was the thing she missed the most. Even the
hair loss hadn't been as bad for her as her laughter. She knew that her
mother was not getting up to mischief but was probably not able to
sleep because of the pain. But she wouldn't say anything.
"Well, there's nothing wrong with a bit of mischief and mayhem, I
always say."
"Speaking of which, wasn't it your big work party tonight?" Despite
everything that her mother was going through, she always remembered
what was happening in Liana's life. "It was indeed."
"And yet you're home already?"
"Well, my idea of mayhem and mischief is a night in with the dogs! I
mean, two men at my side - what more could I ask for? I think I got a
pretty good deal here."
"So the party was that bad, huh?"
"Awful. But just as bad as I expected it to be, so no surprises there.

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Most everyone had hardly any clothes on, was drinking too much, and
was trying to be the center of attention. Oh, and just before I left, they
were about to reveal the Jacuzzi. Remind me again why I work at that
"Because you're good at what you do and they'd fall apart without
"Ah, so there is a reason. Tell that to my boss, why don't you."
"I'm sure he knows! And anyway, it's probably a good thing that you
didn't enjoy the party. It means you're still the same daughter that I
brought you up to be. I'd be far more concerned had you come home
and told me that you actually had a good time. The fact that you hated it
is actually a good thing in my books."
Liana laughed. "That's true. Well, I showed my face and made sure I
got into a few photographs. They'll never know that I even left early."
"Good for you. Why stay somewhere when you're not even enjoying it?
So, when are you coming to visit? Maybe we can have a little party at
my place rather?"
"Does your party involve tea and scones?"
"But, of course - as all good parties do these days."
"Then I'll be there for sure. That's my kind of party. How's dad?"
"Oh, you know, he's the same. Busy, busy, busy. He's doing up the
garden lately - it's taking up a lot of his time. He's all into growing his
own herbs and vegetables. Every night, he goes into detail about what
all the plants are or what they're going to become. It's all very
impressive. And incredibly boring." She whispered the last part, and
Liana giggled. Her father was always up to something - the type of man
who could never just sit still.
"Well, I'm sure I'll hear all about it when I come and visit. Are you sure
he's not growing some special herbs there that you don't know
It was her mother's turn to giggle. "Nothing would surprise me with
your father anymore. So, you'll come visit soon?"
"Very soon! I promise. I'll bring the scones. You make the tea."
"Deal." Then, before they could talk any further, her mother became
engulfed by a terrible coughing fit that lasted a few minutes.

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After that, her voice was even more raspy than before. "Sorry, dear. I
get these fits sometimes. Hang on, I'm just having some water." Liana
closed her eyes and tried not to picture her mother in pain. "That's
better. Well, I'll see you soon my darling. I love you. Big kisses to
Charles and Oliver for me."
"Thanks, Mom. See you soon. I love you, too."
Liana put the phone down and sighed. She was desperate to talk to her
father and find out how her mother really was. She had her good days
and her bad days. And while her good days seemed to be on the rise,
tonight's conversation made her think otherwise. She'd have to go and
visit them herself. She was worried that even her father wouldn't tell
her everything on the phone. They were always trying to protect her.
She bent down and kissed both dogs on the head and then turned the
volume up on the TV. Watching movies was sometimes the only way
she was able to cope with it all. The only way she could stop worrying.

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The next morning was a Saturday, and Liana felt grateful to wake up
feeling normal. She cringed as she thought of all the other people from
the party and what sort of hangover they were going to have. She
wondered even how many of them had woken up in their own beds.
She stretched her arms over her head and said a thank you to herself for
coming home early. The moment she spoke, she heard footsteps
running up the stairs. The dogs had heard her. They waited eagerly at
the side of her bed.
"Come on, boys, come say hi to Mommy."
She patted the space on the bed next to her, and they jumped up to say
hello. Poor Oliver couldn't get up, no matter how hard he tried. Some
days he just couldn't get his fat little body up on that bed -especially
since his little legs didn't give him much in the way of leverage. Charles
looked down at him on the floor and whined. Liana reached down and
scooted him up in her arms. Both dogs sat on her stomach and looked at
her. She knew that they weren't just happy to see her. They wanted
food. She'd gotten up a little later than usual that day, and it was
obvious that they had been waiting patiently for her to get up. She
kissed them both on the head.
"Okay, let's go get us all some breakfast then."
Liana pulled a gown around herself and put on her bunny slippers. The
dogs loved those slippers. When she wasn't watching, they would try to
pull off the bunny ears. They'd succeeded once, and there was now only
one ear on the left foot. They didn't dare do it when she was watching,
but she saw them keeping an eager eye out as she walked. In the
kitchen, she dished out their dog food and then went about making
herself some scrambled eggs and bacon. She'd settled into an easy
routine since living by herself. Oats and honey during the week; eggs
and bacon on the weekends. It was her treat for making it through the
week. She ate in the kitchen, and then made herself a cup of coffee and
went to sit in the living room to read a magazine. Jackson would be
mortified to see her reading anything other than MAN MAGAZINE

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there was no way she would have that in her house. It was a good
magazine and had been well received by the public, even winning the
company a few awards, but it just wasn't the type of magazine that
Liana would read herself. It was all luxury goods, state-of-the-art
homes, celebrities, and models. She read issues at work sometimes
when she was in-between jobs, but that was only because it was
important for her to know what was going on. At home, she preferred
magazines that suited her style more, or books. One wall of her living
room had been fashioned into a bookshelf. It was one of the reasons
why she had chosen that apartment over some of the other ones she had
seen. Those apartments might even have been better, but she was so
blinded by that big bookshelf that she couldn't turn it down. It had been
a long journey to get it filled, and she'd spent the last few years asking
for books from everyone for her birthday and poking her head in every
second-hand bookshop she came across. Just a few weeks ago, she'd
realized that she'd finally almost filled it. She then took every single
book down and spent one Saturday putting all of the books in
alphabetical order. She'd considered sorting them out by the color of
their spine - as she had seen once on her Pinterest account. But she was
worried that it wouldn't be organized enough that way and that it would
bother her. After all, some spines had more than one color in them, and
it would drive her mad if it didn't look perfect. So instead, she'd decided
on alphabetical order. It had taken her well into the night to finish it up
- especially because she kept getting distracted by the books and
reading what they were about. She took notes on which ones she
wanted to read next so that she didn't have to search through them all to
find them. The end result was beautiful, and as much as she hated to
admit it, it was one of the best Saturday nights she'd had in a long time.
Now, while she drank her coffee, she looked up and smiled. It always
made her feel good. She felt a slight pang knowing that she was the
only one that got to see it, though. She and the dogs - and they couldn't
care less about the well-ordered books.
The phone rang beside her, and she jumped out of her reverie. She
always got a fright when the phone rang in case it was her father saying
that her mother had taken a turn for the worse. Thankfully, it wasn't her

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father. It was Becky.
Liana had met Becky about five years ago when the two of them had
been forced by their companies to go to a social media course. It was a
time when Facebook and Twitter were hugely on the rise, and their
companies needed someone to keep them ahead of the game. Liana
hadn't wanted to go - that wasn't the job she had signed up for. But
Jackson had insisted that she was the right person for the job. The
course was being run for a week, and Liana had been put up in a small
hotel near the conference center. As it turned out, Becky had been put
up in the same hotel. The two had hit it off immediately and had spent
the entire week together. It had made the course completely
worthwhile, and since then, the two of them had been inseparable.
"Hey, Becs."
"Sorry, hope I didn't wake you up."
"Wake me up? But it's already nine-thirty. That's late for me!"
"Yeah, but wasn't it the big party last night? I thought you might be
nursing a hangover."
"Becky! How well do you know me? You should know I ducked out as
early as possible."
She laughed. "Yeah, I thought you might. But if you weren't able to
leave, then I assumed you would have been drinking to at least make it
"That's true. I would've. After all - there was proper champagne, not the
rubbish that we normally drink."
"What? I like our champagne! I thought you did, too! "
"I do. But that's just what my boss said about it. It seems people like
you and me are just terribly uncultured."
"Yeah, either that or we're not rich."
"Probably that. Although if I had that much money, I'm not sure I'd
spend it on proper champagne. I'd probably go away on holiday. Man,
what I' d do for a week of lying on the beach. Whatever happened to our
plan of doing that, by the way?"
Liana and Becky could spend hours planning their next holiday today.
A holiday which never came, but which laid constantly at the back of
their mind.

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"Oh, well, I certainly haven't forgotten about it. I'm thinking cocktails
by the beach. Brought to us by handsome men without shirts." "Very
nice. Will we be tanned?"
"Well, I will be tanned. You already have goddess-like skin."
"Just because my skin is naturally dark doesn't mean I look like a
goddess. Ooh, but that reminds me. Do you remember Peter?"
"Peter? Uh, the gray-haired man who loves himself?"
Liana laughed. That was one way of putting it. "Yeah. Well, he was all
over me last night. He actually told me that he had never been with an
African American woman before. Can you believe it?"
"Ah, gross. What did you say? I would've wanted to hit him."
"Oh, I just told him to say a big hello to his wife and kids. Told him
how nervous he must be that they are teenagers and that they would
soon be bringing home boyfriends. How I was sure that the boyfriends
would treat them well because they had been brought up seeing how
well their father treated women. Then I smiled sweetly and walked
Becky giggled with delight. "Oh, that is so much better than slapping
him. We really do need that holiday now."
"How's work going?" Liana asked.
Becky worked at an accountant firm as the assistant to one of the top
accountants in the building. She hated it. Unlike Liana, she hated
working in an office and wanted nothing more than to be working
"It's going. I mean, every day is the same. Hopefully, one day I'll get
out of there. I am actually trying, you know. I don't want to be one of
those people who always complains about her job but does nothing
about it. I' m constantly on the lookout for something new. In the
meantime, I'm just grateful that I have a steady income. Although, I'll
be honest, it doesn't stop me from complaining. To myself, of course.
I'm all sweetness and light to my boss, who actually thinks that I love
my job."
"Bosses are blind to the truth."
"Speaking of - how is your handsome boss doing?"
Liana pulled a face. Perhaps it was because she worked with him and
saw him on a daily basis, but she simply could not see what everyone
else saw in him. She remembered thinking that he was

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good-looking when she first met him, but now all she saw was someone
with a big bank account and an even bigger ego.
"He's fine. It was his birthday, as well as the anniversary of the
magazine. So, it was quite a big deal. He had all the women around
him, hanging on his every word."
Becky sighed. "I don't know how you work with someone like that.
He's actually so good-looking that it's a crime, you know."
"Doesn't make him a nice person."
"I know, I know. But remember that I don't see what you see. I just see
his handsome face. Does he have a girlfriend?"
"No way. Jackson Fisher would never settle down with just one
woman. He has many girlfriends - but none of them lasts longer than a
few months, at most. He's always going on dates."
"What a life. So different than ours. Anyway, speaking of dates. Would
you like to go for dinner with me and Rob tonight?"
Rob was Becky's boyfriend. She'd had two boyfriends since Liana had
known her, and she was definitely rooting for this latest one. He was
very down to earth and incredibly funny, and he looked at Becky like
she was the most beautiful girl in the world. That made Liana happy.
Becky was beautiful, but in a very understated way. Becky didn't think
so herself, and Liana was glad that someone had finally seen what she
had always seen. They also never made Liana feel like a spare wheel
when she was with them, which is why she didn't actually mind
hanging out with them.
"Dinner sounds great. Where are we going?"
"Rob made reservations at that new pizza place that's just opened up. I
forget what it's called. But they do this awesome pizza and wine pairing
that we've been dying to try."
"Sounds delicious. You know I can't turn down pizza and wine. Wait!
Did you say Rob already made reservations? So, you're asking me but
you knew that I would say yes?"
"Well, yeah, but like you say - it's pizza and wine. And a night out with
your best friend whom you love so much."
Liana chuckled. "Okay, you got me. I'll be there. Just send me the

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"Great! Uh... there's one other thing." "What's that?"
"Rob invited his friend Trevor along, too." "What? Who is Trevor?"
"Just a friend of Rob's. I met him once - he seems very nice. Would
totally fit in with all of us. He's very similar to Rob. They used to go to
school together, and he's just moved back into the city."
"Is this a double date? Tell me it's not a double date."
"No, no. It's not a date. It's just me bringing my friend and Rob bringing
his friend."
Liana groaned. "I like how you tell me this only after I've said yes to the
dinner. Now I can't say that I'm actually busy with something else. Sly.
Very sly. Okay, it's fine. As long as it's not a date."
"It's not." But Liana totally knew that it was.
Becky had done this once before to Liana, and it had been a total
disaster. It was when Becky was still with Wes, her previous boyfriend.
Liana had never been much of a fan of Wes, and when he'd brought his
friend, that had only amplified her feelings. If she'd thought that Wes
was annoying when he was by himself, then she was in for a big
surprise when she saw him with his friend. The two of them together
were like some horrible duo out of a cartoon show. When one laughed,
the other one laughed louder. When one told a rude joke, the other had
to tell an even ruder one. Even the entire bottle of wine that Liana had
drunk to get her through the night had not helped how annoyed she was
at them. The night had been a disaster. Especially when Wes had
started hitting on Liana in front of Becky. Then the friend had started
hitting on Becky. It was as if they wanted to swap partners for the night.
The night had ended in a fight when Liana had told Becky how much
she hated Wes. Becky had stuck up for him, but the next day, she had
phoned to apologize. She'd broken up with him and had promised
Liana that she'd never organize another blind date again. But here she
was, doing it all over again. Liana decided not to bring up the last date -
both of them tried not to remember that awful night.
Liana was not in the mood to go on a date that night. She wanted to
relax in the comfort of her friends and not have to worry about how she

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was coming across. She made a promise to herself that she'd do that
anyway. It was not a date! Well, it wouldn't be in her mind anyway. She
wasn't sure what they had told this Trevor guy.
Later that evening, as she was getting ready for the dinner (not a date),
she rummaged through her closet. Just to prove a point, she was going
to dress in her normal casual clothes. She put on a pair of black jeans, a
white vest, and some black and white trainers. She put her hair up in a
high ponytail and added only a line of mascara and a dash of lipstick to
her face. Then she grabbed her jacket and headed out. As it turned out,
the restaurant was close enough for her to walk to. If there was ever a
chance for Liana to walk instead of drive, she would choose it. She
loved the feeling of the cool air on her. There was something about it
that always soothed her and cleared her head. By the time she got to the
restaurant, she felt revitalized. She spotted them immediately. They
were in the far corner of the restaurant, and they were already laughing
over something that Rob was saying. Liana watched as Rob squeezed
Becky's leg and Becky smiled back at him. He was the one for her.
Liana could tell all the way from where she was standing. The way they
felt about each other practically oozed out of them. Liana wondered if
she'd ever feel the same way about someone and whether someone
would ever feel that way about her. But before she could dwell on that
any longer, Rob saw her and beckoned her over.
"Hey Li," Becky said and stood up to hug her.
Liana hugged her back and then said hello to Rob.
"Liana, this is Trevor. My old school friend."
Liana looked over to the man who had stood up to greet her. He was
very cute. Not overtly handsome, but there was something about him
that made her trust him immediately. Becky had been right - he was
very similar to Rob. She reached out to shake his hand while he leaned
in to kiss her on the cheek. They both burst out laughing as she stabbed
him in the chest with her outstretched hand.
"Well, great start. Hi, Trevor. As you can tell, I'm not an awkward

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person at all."
He laughed. "That's okay. I feel better around awkward people, to be
honest. Becky was telling me that you work at MAN MAGAZINE. I'
ve seen pictures of the staff before. Are they really so well put
together? Please tell me that behind the scenes they're actually just as
awkward as the rest of us."
"Sadly not. They're all incredibly confident and absolutely beautiful.
The only consolation that I can give you is, despite all of that, they're
also incredibly dull. And... they wouldn't be caught dead eating pizza.
It' s salads every day in the office. With no dressing. They look at me
like an alien when they see me eating a sandwich. Bread is a swear
word in the office."
"Oh, I do feel better. I couldn't live without bread. I'd rather be
awkward any day."
Liana could feel Becky's and Rob's eyes drilling into them. They were
obviously delighted that she and Trevor were already getting on so
well. She resisted the urge to look at Becky and say, "I thought this
wasn't a date."
"Hi everyone. My name is Tracey, and I'll be your waitress tonight.
Would you like to see the menu, or are you here for the pizza and wine
"Pizza and wine pairing! " everyone said in unison. Tracey laughed.
"Well that makes my job easier. Right, so how it works is that you'll get
four different types of pizzas - two slices of each. And each of those
pieces will be paired with a different wine. You'll get a sheet of paper
which will explain why the pairings go so well together. And you
should start from left to right to get the maximum taste benefit. The
chef is big into his wine, and he worked with a team for a few months to
get this perfect. Thankfully, as a friend of the chef, I was able to help
during the taste tests. Well, I'll be back soon with your orders."
Liana had never been able to turn down a good pizza, but she hated
going out to a restaurant where the choices were too much for her to
decide between. She'd almost always have order envy. But this was
perfect. Each of them had the exact same pizzas, and there were four

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different types for them to sample.
"Oh man, this is good," Liana said.
She took a bite of the pizza, and the cheese oozed off the edge. It
dripped over her hand, and she quickly licked it up. Then she had a
mortifying thought about how undignified she must have looked. She
took a quick glance around and, with a sigh of relief, noticed that
everyone was far too concerned about their own pizza to worry about
her. They were all in carb-heaven.
"Okay," Rob said when he was down to his last pizza. "Which is your
favorite so far? You see, I'm tending to go for the last one - but I'm not
sure if it's because I'm now starting to feel a little bit drunk. I think any
pizza would taste amazing right about now."
Liana laughed. It was true - they were all sounding a little bit on the
tipsy side. The four glasses had had generous amounts of wine and
were not 'tasting' glasses at all. She was grateful that she had walked to
the restaurant.
"Well, I agree. This last one is incredible. It could be because of the
overload of bacon, though. But it also could be because we're drunk."
"Well then - there's only one thing that we can do about that!" Trevor
declared, and they all turned to look at him. "Yeah? What's that?"
"Simple. We have to come again. But we'll start from right to left. Then
we'll see if we still prefer that one the best."
"Brilliant plan! I didn't know you were so smart," Rob said to him.
They had an easy friendship. They knew each other well enough to
mock and laugh.
"Oh, yes. I'm very intelligent. If you remember correctly from our
school days, it was me that was always head of the class." "Don't you
mean - head joker?"
"Well, maybe. But still. Also, I think wine makes me more intelligent."
Rob laughed. "Either that or wine makes you seem more intelligent.
Don't be fooled, Liana. It's all an illusion."
"I thought it was a great idea actually," Becky interrupted. "I think

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you have to admit that Trevor is the smart one in the group. But don't
worry - you're the cute one," she said, looking at Rob.
Liana rolled her eyes. Becky was not one for public displays of
affection, which meant that she was definitely drunk.
"Get a room, guys. So, if Trevor is the smart one, and Rob is the cute
one, what are we?"
"I think I'm the drunk one," Becky slurred, and they all laughed.
"Well, that's true. And me? The greedy one maybe?" Liana noticed that
her plate was almost empty while Becky still had two pieces left.
"Don't underestimate me, Liana. I'm going to finish these two pieces.
No, you're not greedy. You can be the organized one."
"Man, that sounds boring. But you're completely right. And... I hate to
admit it. but I actually take that as a compliment."
Trevor looked at her. "So, you're an organizer?"
Becky spoke for her. "Oh, yes. Liana is the best organizer in the world.
She actually likes working in an office. She's actually good at it. I think
we should all just pay her to come in and organize our own lives.
What do you think, Li?"
Liana chortled and clapped her hands together. "I think that's a brilliant
idea. I am far better at sorting out other people's lives than I am my
They finished their pizzas and then stood up to leave. "Whoa. You don't
quite realize how much wine you've had until you stand up."
"I hope you guys aren't driving," Liana said.
"Nope. We did the sensible thing and caught a cab. How about you?"
Becky answered.
"I walked. It's so close."
"Well, I'll walk you to your house then. I took a cab, too, but I'll just
phone it now and get it to fetch me from your house," Trevor said.
"Oh, you really don't have to. I walk all the time. It's not far."
"I want to, though. I could actually do with a bit of a walk."
"Okay, well, thank you. That's nice of you."
Liana hugged Becky and Rob goodbye and tried to ignore the winks
that Becky was trying to give her. She was trying to be secretive about
it, but because she was drunk, she was not being successful at all.

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She wasn't sure what Becky thought was going to happen. She wasn't
even going to invite Trevor into her home. She didn't mean to be rude,
but she just wasn't that sort of person. And anyway, she remind herself,
it wasn't a date.
It took longer to walk back to her house than it had taken to walk to the
restaurant. Their steps must've been slower. When they arrived, the cab
was already waiting for him. Liana was grateful that she didn't have to
worry about not inviting him in and how that would look. He went up
to the driver and told him that he'd just be a few minutes and then he
walked her to the door. He really was a proper gentlemen. Behind the
door, she heard her dogs barking.
"Ah, sorry. My dogs can obviously hear my voice."
"That's cute. Can I meet them quickly? I'm a bit of a stickler for
"Of course."
Liana realized that just by him saying that, he had gone up in her
esteem. Anyone who loved animals was good in her books. She opened
the door and scooped them both up.
"Trevor, meet the sweetest little boys in the world. This is Charles, and
this is Oliver."
"I love their names."
"Thank you. They're like humans to me - I couldn't possibly name them
Fluffy or something."
Trevor reached over and scratched them both behind their ears. Then
he looked up at her and smiled.
"Well, I better get going. Tonight was fun. And I wasn't joking when I
said we should do it again. Uh. would it be rude if we went without
Becky and Rob, though?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, would you like to go on a date with me? We can try the pizza
again. Or we can go somewhere different if you prefer."
Liana considered his question. She hadn't felt any sparks that night.
Even though he was very cute, and it was obvious that he was a nice
man - she didn't feel a pull towards him. But she also had no reason to
say no. And the fact that he loved dogs so much most definitely aided

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cause. Perhaps not all relationships started with sparks.
"Yeah, actually, that would be nice, Trevor. I'd like that. I think we'd
better go somewhere else, though. Rob and Becky would kill us if we
went without them."
A huge smile spread across his face. "You're right. Well, I'll get your
number from Rob, and we can make a date soon. It was lovely to meet
you, Liana. And you, Charles. And you, Oliver."
He rubbed the top of their heads and then smiled at her before walking
off. She was glad that he hadn't tried to kiss her or anything. She waved
goodbye and then walked inside.
She saw that she had a message waiting for her from Becky.
Enjoy the rest of your night with Trevor. Not a date, huh?
She dialed Becky's number immediately.
"Hey, why are you phoning me? Aren't you with Trevor?"
"Becky! I told you that it wasn't a date. He walked me home, and that
was it. His cab was waiting for him, so he didn't even come inside. Not
that I would've invited him."
"You're so rude! Didn't you like him?"
"I did. But you are a very naughty friend, Becs! It's obvious you guys
want us to go out again."
"Well. will you?"
"He did actually ask me out on another date." "Tell me you said yes."
Liana laughed. "I said yes! "
"They're going on a date!" Becky yelled to Rob. She could hear Rob
whooping for delight in the background.
"You two are insufferable. Now, you go rest your head. Thank
goodness it's Sunday tomorrow and we can do nothing but nurse this
hangover that' s going to hit us! "
"Well, at least when you go to work on Monday, you can talk about the
hangover that you had and you won't be lying. They don't have to know
that it wasn' t from their party."
"You're right! That's brilliant. Anyway, thanks for a good night, Becs.
It was good to get out. Love you lots."
"I love you, too, Liana."

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On Monday, she went to work and prepared herself for a day filled with
stories about the party. Just as she had suspected, she suffered the
whole of Sunday with an awful hangover and was glad to get to work
on Monday with a clear head. She had never been good with hangovers
-and they seemed to get worse the older she got. She spotted Peter at his
desk, and he grinned at her. She wondered just how much he
remembered from that night. More than likely, not much at all. She put
her bag down and was just about to go and make a cup of coffee for
herself when her phone rang. It was Jackson.
"Good morning, Jackson," she said as brightly as possible.
"Good morning, Liana. Do me a favor, will you? Make the two of us a
cup of coffee and come and join me in my office for a quick meeting."
"Uh... sure. Coming right up."
It was unlike Jackson to be in the office so early. and even more unlike
him to call a meeting before the day had even begun. She groaned at the
thought of starting her day off with him. She had been looking forward
to a day of keeping her head down and doing her work. She wasn't in
the mood for him.
She walked into the office and placed the coffees down on his desk.
She couldn't believe that he looked so good so early in the morning.
She pushed that thought out of her mind and concentrated on the task at
"Could you just close the door so we're not interrupted?" he asked.
That was another unusual request. He never asked her to close the door.
She was generally never in his office long enough for her to have to
close it anyway.
"Uh... sure." She closed the door and sat down. "Did you have a good
time on Friday?" she asked. She hoped he hadn't called her into the
office because he had discovered that she had gone home early and
pocketed the cab money.
"I did. It was a great party, wasn't it? You looked gorgeous, Liana. I
loved your dress."
Liana could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Why did he have to

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remember that? Although it did mean that he remembered that she was
at the party, which was a good thing. "Thank you."
"Now, there's something I want to talk to you about."

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Jackson was sitting at his desk. He was not normally at work so early,
but he'd had too much on his mind for him to sleep in. As the boss, he
generally liked to come in once the rest of the staff were already settled
in. But today, he was one of the first to arrive. He had a throbbing
headache for the second time in a matter of days, and the thought of
alcohol made him want to hurl. The only thing he wanted at that
moment was a very strong cup of coffee.
The weekend had been a bit of blur - a roller coaster of emotions. He
was used to feeling incredibly high with his emotions, but it had been a
long time since he had reached such a steep low, too. The party itself
had been a good one, and it had coincided beautifully with his birthday.
He was incredibly proud of himself. He was only thirty-one years old,
but already, he was celebrating his tenth year at the magazine. He'd
started young. He knew deep down that the only reason he had gotten
the job in the first place was because of his father, but the fact that he
had managed to keep it afloat for ten years was all because of him. In
fact, the magazine had grown exponentially in the last ten years, and he
was sure it was because of the fact that he was the face of it all. The
man that he had taken the job from had been much older and not nearly
as good looking. Jackson knew that his youth and his looks had made
MAN MAGAZINE as popular as it now was.
The party proved what a success he had become. His entire staff had
come to celebrate, as well as a great deal of models and even a few
celebrities. The drinks had been flowing, and by the end of the night,
even the shyest of guests were having a ball. When the party was
filtering to a close, he found himself sitting in the Jacuzzi with two
beautiful women. He had gotten used to being around women like
them, but he still enjoyed the thrill that it gave him. Especially because
of the way the other men looked at him with envy. The two girls were
both models and were doing their best to outdo one in another in front
of him. He sat back and enjoyed the scene - wondering which one he
was going to take home. Jackson actually lived in the office apartment,
so all he had

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to do was pick a girl and walk her back to his bedroom. In the end, they
girls decided for him. The brunette took a shot of whiskey and
promptly fell asleep; the blonde looked at him triumphantly. Jackson
signaled for one of the men to help the sleeping woman out of the
Jacuzzi, and then he took the blonde by her hand and walked out with
her. He looked around and smiled. The party had been a huge success.
"I don't even know your name," he said to the girl when they reached
the door to his apartment.
"It's Allie. Wow - you actually live here? That's so cool."
"Oh, yeah. I do. The rest of the building is all offices, but this entire
floor has been designed for me."
Jackson led her inside, and she gasped. He loved the reaction that
women had whenever they saw where he lived. It wasn't actually all
that spectacular, but he'd fashioned a Jacuzzi in the middle of his living
room, which was always the first thing that they saw. The lights were
dimmed, and the blue light inside practically glimmered.
"Oh my goodness, you have a Jacuzzi in your living room. This is
amazing, Jackson. I can't believe how cool this place is. It actually
looks like a picture from the pages of a magazine - your magazine. It's
so cool." This girl sure did say cool a lot.
He had to admit - the living room was impressive. The one wall was
made entirely out of uneven brick, and he'd adorned it with framed
copies of the magazine. It might've been a tad bit boastful, but Jackson
believed that he had every reason to be proud of his accomplishments.
He watched as the girl - whose name he had already forgotten - gazed
upon the frames.
"You sure have done a lot of magazines. Have you ever been on the
front cover yourself?"
"I have, actually. June of last year. Here it is."
He pointed to a picture of himself. He'd suggested it to the editorial
team, and they had been just as excited about the idea as he was. Not
only did he adorn the front cover that issue, but inside was a four-page
spread dedicated to an interview with him. One of the top staff writers
had put it together, and it had come out even better than he had
expected. It was all black and white and moody. He had never once
thought that it

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might be a little bit over the top to do something like that. After all, it
was his magazine, and he could do whatever he wanted.
"You're so good looking. You should totally be a model, you know.
Have you thought about it? I could probably get you in if you wanted
to. Hey, that's actually a great idea - we could do something together.
Maybe in one of the upcoming magazines even. You and me together.
Everyone would be so jealous to see me next to a guy like you. You're
even better looking than the models I normally hang out with on
The girl was flirting beautifully with him - feeding his ego in all the
best ways. He smiled at her.
"Thank you. You should know best - you're one of the top models at the
moment. But no, I'll leave that job up to the professionals. I've had my
eye on you for a very long time, you know."
It wasn't true. She wasn't the top model of the moment, nor had he had
his eye on her for a long time. He'd only noticed her that night. But she
was beautiful, and she took well to the compliment. She giggled.
"Really? You've had your eye on me?"
"Oh yeah. You are absolutely divine."
He walked forward and took her face into his hands. He drew her
nearer and started to kiss her. Her small, little lips soft against his. He
shivered with delight at the anticipation of what was ahead.
"Want to try the Jacuzzi? I can think of nothing better than going in
there with you," he asked and started taking off his clothes.
She eyed him eagerly, and in response she pulled off her dress. It was
the second time that he would be in a Jacuzzi with this woman. But this
time, it would just be the two of them, and they 'd both be naked.
Jackson had no qualms when it came to being naked in front of a
woman. He took great pride in the way that he looked and spent a lot of
time at the gym making sure that he looked a certain way. He knew that
people talked in the world that he was involved in, and he wanted to
make sure that they were only saying good things about him. Allie!
That was her name. It suddenly came back to the forefront of his mind,
and he grinned. There was nothing worse than forgetting a girl's name,
and he had done it on more than one occasion.

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"You're gorgeous, Allie," he said as he took her hand and led her to the
She was tall and slim - perhaps a little bit too thin, but that was the
modeling world - and her long legs looked like they went on forever.
Her breasts were small, and yet it was easy to see that they were still not
real. They didn't bounce as she walked but remained firm and solid. It
was always interesting to meet a woman who only went up a size
bigger during the operation. He knew that she wouldn't be as far in her
modeling career had her breasts been any bigger. They stepped inside
and submerged themselves, and within seconds she was on top of him.
She wrapped her legs around him, and her firm breasts were bobbing at
the top of the water. He reached over and touched them, tugging gently
at her nipples. She leaned forward and started to kiss him. She didn't
start off slow, and it was obvious that she wasn't here to play games.
She wanted him, and she was happy to show it. Her tongue darted in his
mouth, and he groaned as she reached down for his penis. He moved
his fingers between her legs and was surprised to find that she was wet.
He often battled to have sex in the hot tub - the water often getting in
the way. But it didn't seem to be much of a problem for this girl. She
pushed him into her, and he slid in with ease. He grabbed onto her ass,
and they thrashed against the side of the tub - the water splashing over
the edges. She thrust against him, her breasts firm against his chest, and
as their breathing became more shallow, he knew that he was about to
come. But just before he did, she pulled off and then pulled him out of
the Jacuzzi. She walked him, fully erect, over to the living room couch
and then knelt down and finished him off in her mouth. It was
explosive, and he finished in no time.
"That was amazing," he whispered as she sat back up to join him on the
They were both sopping wet, but he didn't care. He had someone who
came in during the week to clean his apartment. And if his couches
became water damaged, he was sure they would be able to do
something about it. He laid down and pulled her on top of him.
"I like the way you ended that," he said. He had been about to come in
the Jacuzzi, but he far preferred coming in her mouth. She did it

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with so much expertise, too - it was obvious that she did this often.
"Well, I wanted you to remember me." "Oh, I'll be sure to remember
They sat there for a while until he could feel her starting to get drowsy.
Despite the warm room, he was starting to get cold, and he was
desperate for a hot shower and to climb into his bed.
"Right, Allie, I think we better call it a night. I'll call you a cab. It
should be here in a few minutes. Here's a towel."
"Oh, aren't I sleeping over? I'm happy to leave first thing in the
morning if you need me to."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I have a million and one things to do tomorrow and
even some work to do tonight. It's a busy time for me at the moment.
So, this was a welcome distraction from it all. Thank you so much!
Maybe next time."
"So, there will be a next time?" she asked demurely.
"With your skills - I don't doubt it. Thanks for ending off my party so
well. It was fun."
"And thank you to you, too. Happy birthday, Jackson. I'm glad I could
be of service."
And that was it. She kissed him goodbye and left the moment the cab
arrived. It had all been relatively quick and painless. Just the way that
he liked it. Of course, he actually had nothing planned for the next day.
Just a lunch planned with one of his old friends. But that was it. Other
than that, he planned on sleeping in for as long as possible. But she
didn' t have to know that.
"Happy birthday to me," he said to himself the moment he stepped into
his warm bed.
The next day, after a long and restful sleep, Jackson went up to survey
the mess from the party. He was surprised to find it looking as pristine
as it had been before the party. He spotted someone cleaning in the far
corner and gave him a big thumbs up. Then he went out to meet Martin.
Martin was an old childhood friend who'd known Jackson before he
became the face of MAN MAGAZINE. They were very different.
Martin had become a teacher who took home a measly salary each

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and declared that money was not important, whereas Jackson thought
about very little else other than how much money he was making and
how he could make more. Despite these rather glaring differences,
however, they remained friends. Jackson always joked that it was
because Martin knew too much about him and it was in his best interest
to remain friends rather than enemies. The truth was that he actually
just liked Martin. He always had and he probably always would. Martin
was a little bit of an escape from the madness.
"Ah, so you survived the party!" Martin said as he arrived at the
"Barely! You should've come. You were invited, you know. You're
always invited, even if I don't physically invite you."
It was true, but they both knew that Martin wouldn't have come, even if
he'd had a personal invitation delivered to him.
"I know. And thank you. But it's not really my thing. We both know
"Yeah. But still - it was my birthday after all. You could've made an
Martin pulled out a box from underneath the table. "Which is why I am
here today, as well as why I got you this. Happy birthday, Jackson."
"You got me a present? Seriously? You shouldn't have. Now you're
going to have to get me one every year, you know."
They didn't really do the whole present thing. They usually just met for
drinks and reminisced about how old they were getting.
"Yeah, well. I did. Open it! " Martin looked as if he were going to burst
from excitement.
Jackson tore off the wrapping paper. Inside, there was a box, which
gave nothing away. It was a simple wooden box with nothing to say
what it was. Jackson opened it up slowly and then gasped. Inside was a
bottle of whiskey. But it wasn't just any bottle of whiskey.
"Martin! You didn't. It's your father's whiskey!" he whispered.
When they were younger, around fourteen or fifteen, they would sit at
Martin' s house and talk about all their ideas and ambitions. That bottle
of whiskey was always sitting in a locked cupboard with a glass door in
the room that they always ended up in. It was his father's den - a place

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that was dark and mysterious. It was where his father went to write and
where they went to dream. That bottle was something very symbolic
between them. Invariably, at some stage of the evening, they would
look up and wonder what it would be like to drink it. They weren't even
drinking at the time, and that bottle of whiskey served as a reminder
that they were soon to be adults. They used to ask his father why he
never drank it, and he'd smile at them and say that he would drink it
only when the time was right. He'd died before he got the chance to,
and Jackson had all but forgotten about it.
"You can't give this to me, Martin." Jackson was overwhelmed. It took
a lot to make him emotional. He was not a sentimental type of guy. But
this was different. This blew the wind out of his lungs.
"Of course I can. You're a bit of a jackass at times and as arrogant as
ever - but you're my best friend, Jackson. Hey - Jackson the Jackass. I
like that one." Martin laughed.
"You better not call me that! But seriously, Martin - this is too much."
"Nah, it's not too much. Some of my best memories are from our times
in that den. When we thought we had the whole world at our feet.
Remember that? We thought we were invincible. Man, we had some
crazy dreams, you and I. We dreamt big. I've kept this for a long time. I
don' t know why, but it just feels like the right time to give it to you. But
you have to promise me one thing."
"Of course, anything."
"You'll have it with me."
"Deal. I wouldn't dream of having it with anyone else. That would feel
too wrong."
"Not even some gorgeous model who you're trying to get into bed?
Some girl that you're trying to impress?"
"Well, as it turns out, I don't actually need to do anything to get them to
get into bed with me. They just come to me."
Jackson said it in a joking way, but they both knew that it was actually
the truth. Finding women was one thing that Jackson had never had to
battle with. Keeping them was another story, of course.
"The annoying part is that I know you're actually not joking. I'm

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not actually sure why I'm friends with you sometimes. So, I assume you
got lucky on your birthday."
"Of course I did. Very lucky. I had my choice between two girls near
the end of the night. But then the one passed out."
Martin laughed and shook his head. "You live a very different life to
me, dear Jackson. Two girls to choose from and one passes out. Process
of elimination then. Guess that made it easy for you."
"Yeah, very easy."
"So, other than sleeping around with models - how are you? Anything
exciting happen lately? I have to ask you because my life is nowhere
near as glamorous. I have to live vicariously through you."
Jackson knew that this wasn't remotely true. Martin was happily
married to the woman of his dreams, and while they weren't rich or
involved in the same lifestyle - he knew they were happy.
"I' m good. Working hard. Partying harder. Same as usual, really.
Things don't really change much around here."
"Well, that's not a bad thing, I suppose. You love your life. And your
father? I haven't seen him in forever. I miss your old man."
"He's good. I don't see him all that much either. I know he's only a few
hours away, but it's still a long drive. Plus - it's boring there. I've gotten
so used to city life. It's like when you're there, all you have is time on
your hands. It's quite bizarre. Too much time to think and ponder.
Personally, I don't think that is good for anyone."
Jackson's father had moved away to the countryside, and their visits
had gotten less frequent over the years.
"Really? I mean, I love the city. But I'd love to go escape every now
and again. I would love to go and spend some time there."
"You should, though! My dad wouldn't mind at all. He'd love to have
you. I'm sure he gets lonely there. You'll be treated like royalty.
Seriously - make a plan. It might actually make things easier for me if
you do. Maybe he'll stop asking me to come by. You can be my
replacement. You always were one of his favorites, you know. I swear,
he likes you better than he likes me."
"Yeah, but that's only because I'm not flaunting myself on the cover of

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"Hey, that's my magazine! And it was just the one time. Admit it -I
looked good."
"I'll admit no such thing. And I might just call your dad, actually.
School holidays are coming up, and I wouldn't mind getting away for a
bit. Any news on the inheritance money? I was there when he told you
about it. How old were we then? Seventeen? I thought you were the
luckiest guy alive. Do you guys ever speak about it?"
Jackson's father was a billionaire. Yet despite this, he was completely
different than Jackson, and he had taken himself out of the limelight.
He hated being on show. Jackson had grown up surrounded by money,
but most people wouldn't have known it. His house had been modest -
big to most but certainly small for a billionaire. And his father had been
adamant to prove to him that money wasn't everything. But he' d also
promised Jackson that one day, some of the money would be his. He'd
been putting away money for his son since he was born, and he had a
big nest egg just waiting to hand over. Jackson wasn't sure quite how
much, but he was certain it would be in the millions - if not more. He'd
been so excited the first time he'd heard about it. But his father had one
condition - a condition his mother had come up with when she was still
alive - that Jackson could only get the money when he was thirty years
old. But that wasn't all. Not only did he have to meet a certain age
criteria - he also had to be settled with a girl he loved. Perhaps even
with a family.
"We used to speak about it often. I brought it up when I turned thirty
and begged him for it. But he was clear about the rules. Do you
remember when he first told me? I laughed at the conditions. I mean, I
was sure that by the time I was thirty I'd have met someone. Thirty
seemed so old to me then. I remember thinking that there was no way
that I wouldn't be married. And now here I am, just turned thirty-one,
and nowhere near ready to settle down. And I don't feel old at all."
"How important is that money to you, though? I mean, you're doing
really well for yourself without it. Do you really need it anyway?"
"I am doing well. But nowhere near as well as that. I mean, that money
would change everything."
"What would it change? I' m not trying to be patronizing or

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anything; I'm really curious. Because as far as I'm concerned, you're
actually very well off. Rich, for sure."
"No way. I'm not rich. Nowhere close." Jackson knew that he probably
just looked rich to someone like Martin who was used to earning a
teacher's salary. But he wasn't rich - not in his books. "I know it might
seem crazy to you - but I hang around with some very famous people,
and in their books, I'm nothing. And I don't want to be nothing. I' ll only
make as much as I' m making now. I mean - the magazine can only take
me so far. And I'm too busy to take on something else. My dad was
great in investments and all of that, but I know nothing about it. Nor do
I care, really. Perhaps I've always just known that one day I'll have all
this money. I sometimes live like I already have it. But I don't. Can you
imagine, though? Jackson Fisher - The Billionaire."
"You think it's billions that you're going to get from him?" Martin
"I don't know. Even The Millionaire sounds good. I really want that
money, but it's not looking promising. Can you even imagine me with a
wife and kids right now? Or ever, even? I don't think I want that. I
honestly believe that I'd be better off the way I am. I don't think it's a
case of I'm not ready or I haven't found the right woman. I don't want
that sort of lifestyle. I don't want to settle down. I did try to explain that
to my father, but he said then he wouldn't give me the money. He said I'
d be too reckless with it."
"Well, he's right, don't you think?"
Jackson laughed. Martin was never one to mince words with him. They
had been friends for too long to worry about what the other might think.
"He is. But he doesn't have to know that. I actually woke up this
morning thinking about the money. Probably because yet another
birthday has gone by. In fact, I thought of an idea. Can I run it by you?"
"Oh dear. Something tells me this is not going to be good. You can, of
course, run it by me. But you know I'm going to tell you exactly how I
feel. I've seen your ideas before - and I never tend to agree with them.
But go on."
"Just hear me out. I think this time you'll be quite surprised by my

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genius. So... what if I just told him that I've met the woman of my
dreams? What if I told him that she was pregnant and that we were
going to get married and settle down? That the whole thing had caught
me by complete surprise."
"Uh... I think he'll know you're not being serious when you don't
actually get married or have a baby. He's not stupid. Come on, surely
you can do better than that?"
"Yeah, but I could say I needed the money for the wedding. By then,
he'll have given it to me. I'll tell him that she broke my heart and met
another man. I'll act distraught, and he won't have the heart to take the
money away from me."
Jackson had been thinking of nothing else all morning. The idea had
come to him the moment he had opened his eyes, and he'd been
formulating it in his mind ever since. Even now, as he spoke about it,
he found himself getting more and more excited at the idea.
"Tell me you're joking," Martin, who obviously did not share his
sentiment, said.
"You know I'm not. It's a fantastic idea - the best one I've had in a very
long time. Come on, I think it could work."
"That's the scary thing. It probably would work. Your father wants
nothing more than to see you happily settled with someone. He'll jump
at the chance of helping you with your fake wedding. And you're right
-he won' t have the heart to take the money back if he thinks your heart
is broken. He's the type of guy who would do this just to see you
Jackson took a bite of his sandwich and sat back satisfied. "So you see -
it will work! "
"Yeah. But isn't it an awful thing to do? I mean, your father has been
nothing short of amazing to you. Don't you feel bad? Not even a
Jackson considered that. "Well, a little, I guess. But he won't have to
know that I'm lying. I'll get the money. He'll have had a little glimpse of
me as a settled-down man. And we can move on from there. Perhaps
eventually, he'll see that this is the type of lifestyle that I prefer anyway.
It's a win-win situation as far as I'm concerned."
"I' m not exactly going to stop you. Not that I could stop you from

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doing something that you wanted to. But I do think that it's an awful
idea. What if he wants to meet this girl? Have you thought about that? I
think he'll need a little bit more proof than just what you tell him. I don't
think he's going to say that he believes you and then just send you the
money. It's going to probably have to be a little bit more involved than
"Crap. I hadn't thought about that. That's true - my father will definitely
want proof. Even if he does believe me, he'll still want to meet her. And
he's been on me about visiting for a while now. Okay, well, I'll just get
one of the girls to pretend. I'll pay her to be my pretend fiance."
"One of your girls?" Martin asked him and pulled a face.
"You know - the girls that I've slept with. Maybe even the one that I
was with on my birthday. Yeah, she seemed very willing to make me
Martin scoffed. "I'm sure she was."
"Well then, that's settled. I'm going to be rich, my friend. Rich beyond
my wildest dreams."
"Jackson the Jackass - it really does have a nice ring to it."
Jackson ignored him and got out his phone to invite the girl out for
dinner. She replied back immediately and said yes. She was busy that
night but she asked if they could meet on Sunday.
For the rest of the weekend, Jackson thought about nothing else. He
was sure that his plan was going to work. He'd tell the girl that he
actually quite fancied her anyway and that he had chosen her above all
the others. He fetched her and took her to a fancy restaurant in the city
center where he wined and dined her. He hadn't quite realized how
boring she was when there was no alcohol involved. She'd had a
modeling shoot the night before which was why she couldn't meet him,
and she went into every little detail about what she had to do.
"Then they sprayed water in my face and I had to stay sexy. They kept
telling me 'pull your sexy face,' 'don't scrunch up your nose,' 'keep your
eyes open' - do you have any idea how hard it is to stay sexy when
water is being sprayed in your face? I wanted to tell them how
ridiculous the whole thing was, but it's a job, and the only thing I could
do was try. I mean, I knew going into a job like this that it wouldn't
always be easy.

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People think that it is, but it's not. Thankfully, after about a hundred
takes, they told me that they had gotten a good shot. By then, I was
drenched. I swear, if I get sick because of them, I'm going to very cross.
Being sick in the modeling industry is not fun. They simply choose
another girl if you're not available. Can you believe the type of day I
had? I was so glad to know that I had this date at least to look forward
"Hmm mmm," Jackson mumbled, trying his best to look interested.
Finally, when the food was finished and so was her story, he smiled at
her. "So, do want to come back to my place? We can have some dessert
there." He emphasized the word dessert and she giggled.
Of course, she said yes. He still hadn't had the chance to speak to her
about his plan. Instead, he poured her a glass of wine and cringed when
she launched into yet another one of her modeling tales. He had
finished almost an entire bottle of wine, and he was still not interested
in her stories. So finally, when he could take it no more, he reached
over and kissed her. That shut her up immediately. She began to fiddle
with the buttons of his jeans. He helped her out by pulling them down
and then he smiled as she knelt down in front of him. She was all about
pleasing, this girl, and he enjoyed the silence as she brought him to
orgasm once again.
When she was finished, he pulled up his pants and then called it a night.
Again, she was sad to go but didn't put up much of a fuss. Especially
when he promised that he'd be in touch again. He wasn't sure that he
would, though.
He lay in bed all night, thinking of what he was going to do. He still
thought that his plan was good, but he knew that he would never fool
his dad with someone like Allie. And, unfortunately, all the girls that he
had been with were really just cookie cutters of her. She would most
certainly say yes, but he just wasn't sure that she would be able to pull it
off. Also, he was sure that she'd end up going to the papers with what
he had done once they had 'broken up,' and he couldn't take that risk.
No. He needed someone reliable. Someone who would never once
think of exploiting him. And that's when the idea came to him.

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His head was still pounding as he sat at his desk and waited for Liana to
come in. He was surprised that the idea had even come to him,
considering that he had never given the girl much thought. She'd come
to work for him a few years ago, and she was certainly one of the best
workers at the magazine. But he'd hired her for her capabilities and not
for her looks. When she walked in and sat in front of him, he couldn't
help but remember how she had looked at the party. It was a far cry
from the way she looked today. Underneath her regular work clothes
lay a body that was hard to forget. Very different from the model types
he was used to - but curvy in all the right places. He took a grateful sip
of his coffee.
"Thanks, Liana. This is well needed."
"You're here early today," she said, as astute as always.
"Yeah, I had a lot on my mind."
"Did you have a good time on Friday?" she asked.
"I did. It was a great party, wasn't it? You looked gorgeous, Liana. I
loved your dress."
She looked embarrassed the moment he'd said it, and he cursed himself.
He wanted to charm her, but he had to remember that she wasn't the
sort of girls he was used to charming. She was going to take a lot more
work, and it was going to have to be a lot more subtle.
"Thank you."
"Now, there's something I want to talk to you about."
"Uh... okay. Is everything okay? I haven't done anything wrong, have
I?" A look of worry passed over her face.
"Oh goodness. Not at all. In fact, I don't think I've ever told you how
grateful I am to have you here. This magazine would completely fall
apart without you. I' m sorry - I really should have told you this before.
But I just assumed that you knew. Have you always been so good at
He saw her visibly relax. This was obviously a subject she was
comfortable with.
"Yeah, I've always loved it. I know, it seems crazy. But there's such a
sense of tranquility that comes with order. Well, there is to me, at

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"It does seem a little crazy to me. But a bit of crazy is good. You've
done a good job. Uh... I've actually called you in for a bit more of a
personal reason. But I first need to tell you that whatever we speak
about in here is just between you and me. It can go no further."
Confusion ran all over her face. "Of course. I won't say a word. What is
it that you need help with?"
"It's a long story. But I'll try to condense it for you."
He had already decided that he wasn't going to tell her about the
inheritance. That might be the one reason that she would turn down the
offer. She actually didn't need to know that. Instead, he told her about
how his mother had died a few years ago and how his father wanted
nothing more than to see his only son settled down and happy. He told
Liana how he was not ready to settle down and how he was quite happy
being on his own. This part, at least, wasn't a lie. He tried not to make it
sound like a bad thing but was honest when telling her that he enjoyed
the lifestyle he was leading. He couldn't lie too much, otherwise she
would see right through it. Then he told her that he wanted to show his
father a bit of happiness by him seeing Jackson with a girl that he
"Okay, so, let me get this straight. You want me to pretend to be your
girlfriend? You want us to pretend that we're in love? But won't your
father see right through it? And how long do we even have to do
this for?"
Jackson noticed that she was talking about it as if it were going to
happen. He quickly spoke before she changed her mind. "It's just for a
week. I would say that we didn't have to go see him at all, but I know
my father well enough to know that he'll want to meet you. If I say no,
then he'll think that I'm lying. Which, of course, I am, but he doesn't
need to know that. We'll go there and see him for a week. My father and
I don' t see each other much because he lives in the countryside. So all
our correspondence is by phone. I'll eventually tell him that it didn't
work out between us. But I want to make him happy. I know it seems
crazy - and it's all very hard to explain. But it means a lot to me. He's
probably the only person in the world who I want to make proud. And
like I said, I will reward you for this. But you can see it like I'm just
paying you to do a job."

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"But we don't have to actually do anything together, do we?" He could
hear the disgust in her voice, and he tried to pretend as if he didn' t hear
"Of course not. Look, I have a contract that I've already done up.
Seeing as though you like order so much, you should like that I have it
all down on paper. It outlines everything, and as you can see, it says
that after a week we can go our separate ways. I mean, I know you
work here, so we will still see each other. But we just have to pretend
for a week. And nobody has to know. There is no reason for anyone to
find out. And all I' m doing is something nice for my father."
"But you're lying to him."
"I know. Families are complicated, and I'm not even going to try to
explain it all to you. But it's important to me. I know that I'll be making
him happy. Even if it's only for a little while. Look, Liana, I have no
intention of ever settling down. It's something I've come to realize. I'm
just not a family man, and I'm happy with that. But that means that I'll
never make my father's wishes come true. He was so in love with my
mother, and I know that's all he wants for me. He doesn't understand
that I' m happy the way I am. But I love him, and he means the world to
me. So let me just do this small thing for him. He doesn't have to know
it's a lie."
"Why me?" "Sorry?"
"Why did you choose me? I mean, it's not like you're short on
He laughed. "Yeah, I' m not. But come on, you and I both know they'd
do an awful job at it. And my father would be devastated to think that I
fell in love with a girl like that. That's not the sort of girl he envisioned
for me."
"So you chose me because why? I'm normal? Boring?"
"Hmm. Well, I don't know Jackson. This is a very big thing to ask of
me. Can I at least take some time to think about it?"
"Of course you can. Just call me up any time you've made a decision."

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"Okay. I won't say a word. I better get back to my desk. I have an actual
job to do, you know." This was the first time that she'd shown her
cheeky side. It made him laugh.
"Yeah, and please don't stop doing it. Like I said, this place would fall
apart without you."
She chortled at that and walked out, shaking her head the whole way.
He could see her sitting at her desk and staring at her computer without
doing anything. He knew that she was probably deep in thought about
what he had just asked her. He wasn't quite sure how the conversation
had gone, but it hadn't been a no. And that, in itself, meant that there
was a chance he was actually going to pull this off.

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Liana was fuming by the time she got home and even angrier at herself
for not saying no to Jackson straight away. She actually wasn't sure
why she hadn't. But there was something about the way he wanted to
make his father happy that had struck a chord with her. It had made him
seem a bit more human. For the first time since working for him, she
had seen a side of him that she actually didn't mind. Perhaps a part that
she actually quite liked. But that didn't mean he had the right to ask her
to partake in such a crazy proposal. And it certainly didn't mean that
what he was doing was right. Surely, lying to his father was so much
worse. She felt annoyed that she'd even considered it. She'd spent the
whole day at work thinking about it, but every time she'd wanted to go
in and see him, she'd chickened out. Then, by the time the afternoon
had arrived, he had left the office and never come back. She'd asked
someone where he was, and they said that he was going to a meeting.
She wanted to laugh at that. She was the one who controlled his
meetings, and as far as she was concerned, his calendar was empty. She
had no doubt that his meeting was with his bed. He was right - the
company really would fall apart without her.
Suddenly, the only thing that she could think about was her own
family. She'd never lie to them. She had this urge to suddenly see them
again. She picked up the phone.
"Hey, darling! This is a nice surprise. How's it going?" It was her
father. He sounded cheerful - but she couldn't decide whether it was
faked or not.
"I' m good. Just a long day at work. Have you made plans for dinner? I
was thinking that maybe I could grab some takeout and come spend the
evening with you."
There was a brief silence. "Of course!" her father finally said. The
cheeriness was definitely being faked, she decided. That silence hadn't
gone unnoticed by her. "That would be lovely. I was just wondering
what to make anyway. There's barely anything in the fridge, and I'm not
in the mood to cook. What are you thinking of getting? How about
something from Oodle Noodle - I love that place."

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"Yeah, that sounds great. It's on my way, and I've never ordered from
there before. I'll phone in now and place the order. What do you guys
"The 314 and the 315. Chicken. And Mild." her father said
She laughed, "Wow, that was quick."
"Yeah, it's my go-to takeout place these days. I've tried some of their
other meals, and I always end up going back to that."
"Okay, great. Well, that makes it easy. I'll just choose one of those for
myself, too."
"Choose the 314. You won't be disappointed!" Liana placed her order
and then drove to collect it. She was starving, and her car filled with a
sweet-and-sour smell that made her stomach grumble. If her mother
was eating, then it was surely a good thing, right? Liana was always
under the impression that a person was only truly ill when they lost
their appetite. Well, especially in her family. They all loved their food.
Even when Liana was a child, her mother would bring her food when
she was sick. And even when she didn't feel like eating, she would eat
whatever she was given because she knew that it would make her feel
better in the end. Giving up on eating was like giving up on life.
Her father opened the door and enveloped her in a massive bear hug.
He looked like he'd lost weight but otherwise he looked the same. It
was always so good to see him.
"Looking as beautiful as ever," he said to her. "Oh don't try to flatter me
just so you can get your food," she mocked.
"It smells so good. I didn't realize how hungry I was until you got here."
"Tell me about it - try driving the whole way with this smell. I almost
stopped the car and just started eating. Where's Mom?"
"She's in bed. She said we must all go up and eat in her room. She's
very excited that you're here tonight."
"Oh. In bed already." So much for madness and mayhem, she
thought. "Is she okay, Dad?"

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Her dad looked as if he were trying to figure out whether or not to tell
her the truth. Finally, he sighed and spoke softly. "She's not doing too
well at the moment. So don't be too surprised when you see her."
"Dad! Why didn't you tell me?" she whispered back.
"There's nothing to tell and no reason to worry. She just has her up days
and her down days. Today happens to be a down one. Come on, I know
she's waiting for us. It's a good thing that you're here - it gives her
something else to think about."
Liana took a deep breath and walked up the stairs with her dad. She was
glad that her father had warned her because her mother really didn't
look great. She looked far too skinny and withdrawn. She looked
exhausted. Liana plastered on a big smile and went to kiss her.
"Hey, Mom! I thought I'd bring dinner. It was really an excuse not to
cook, though. Dad convinced me to get these noodles. He says they're
She and her father pulled the two chairs closer to the bed and moved the
desk so that it was in front of them. She placed the food out and opened
up all the boxes.
"Ooh, that smells delicious. Far better than anything we would've
cooked tonight. And anyway, it's good to see you. Thanks for coming,
my angel. I see your father convinced you to get the 314."
"He did. Cashew nut chicken stir fry! But I got the medium and not the
mild! I' m brave that way."
"You are brave. Their medium is like a hot somewhere else. I might
have to get you some milk to help with the burn."
"Ooh, okay. Well, let's see how brave I really am then. How you doing,
Mom? I like that we've moved the party to your room."
"Oh, yeah. I' m all about partying - as you can tell. Club Duvet and all
of that."
"And DJ Pillow," her father said, and they both laughed.
Despite being the oldest joke in the book, it was still one that got them
laughing. Her mother was literally wiping away her tears. So she was
eating and she still had her sense of humor - these were good things
despite the obvious fact that she looked awful.
"Seriously, guys? How can you laugh at the same joke every single

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time? It's not even that funny." But Liana was smiling.
"I don't know! I guess we're just easily pleased," her mother said. Then
her face got serious, and she took Liana's hand and squeezed it. "I know
I don' t look all that great today - but I' m fine. I just have my bad days,
and today happens to be one of them. But you know me - I never give
up. And plus, it's a great excuse for me to eat my dinner in bed. And to
have your father wait on me all day. That is always a lot of fun. " Her
parents laughed, but Liana could tell they were just pretending to find it
"Yeah, she sure knows how to boss me around. It reminds me of when
she was pregnant with you and she used to tell me how she had these
cravings for chocolate milkshakes. Eventually, I started to think that
she was pulling one over on me. Not so much a craving but just
something she felt like. You know, she's always had a sweet tooth. I put
on so much weight at the time because I'd always go buy her one and
end up buying one for myself, too."
Liana raised her eyebrows. "I bet you're not even sick at all. You just
like having Dad make you food all day. And you get to lie in bed
reading your favorite books. You can't lie to me. I see right through
your sneaky plan."
Liana knew that sometimes the best way with them was humor. It was
what got them through all the hard times.
"Don't give my secrets away, dear. I'm getting a sudden craving for
those milkshakes again. I think they'll make me feel better." She looked
at them and laughed. "So. what about you? Anything exciting
happening in your life?"
"Well, work is the same. The dogs are good. What else? I went on a
date! If that counts as news?"
Her mother's eyes widened, and Liana was glad she had something to
tell her to keep her mind off the pain. She wouldn't tell her about
Jackson's proposal but at least she could tell them about Trevor.
"Of course that counts as news! And you're only telling us now? Tell us
"Well, it was just a double date with Becky and Rob. Of course, they
promised that it was not a date at all, but it was obvious they were

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trying to set me up."
Her mother clapped her hands with delight. "I love that Becky."
"Yeah, well, it was pretty obvious. I went anyway because I was
looking forward to a night out with her and Rob. I always have a good
time with those two. So, the man in question was an old friend of Rob's
who had just moved back in town. He was very sweet and very cute.
We got along well. He even walked me home like a proper gentlemen."
"But?" her mother prodded.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you don't exactly sound excited about it all. What was wrong
with him?"
"Oh, nothing was wrong with him. He was very nice. I guess there were
no immediate sparks. He did ask me out on a proper date, though -just
the two of us. And I said yes."
"You said yes?" her father asked.
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"Because, let's be honest, Liana. You're a bit fussy when it comes to
men. And if you weren't excited from the get go, then I'm surprised you
gave him a chance."
"I am not fussy with men! " Liana declared with a huff.
"Yes, you are! You are very fussy. If you want, I can sit here and name
all the times that you've been fussy." It was her mother's turn to chime
"Okay, fine! I guess am. But there's nothing wrong with that - love
shouldn't be something you are easy about. But like I said - he was very
nice. And who knows - maybe the sparks will come later. Anyway, I
figured a date with just him would be good for me to figure it all out. If
there are still no sparks, then no damage has been done. I'd be friends
with him regardless. Also, he met Charles and Oliver, and he was so
nice to him."
"Ah-ha! So that's the reason. It really would be impossible for you to be
with a man that hates animals."
"Oh, yes. That should actually be my first question! "
"Well, I'm happy for you. And I'm very proud of you, too. It's good that
you're giving him a chance. Sparks are important. But you're

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right - sometimes they don't happen right away. I'm glad you're giving
it a try. And there's no reason why you can't be friends with him if it
doesn't work out. Especially if he's friends with Becky and Rob. More
friends is never a bad thing."
"Thanks, Mom. And Dad, you were right about this food. It's amazing.
And not too hot. You see, I am brave."
"Wow. I'm impressed. Maybe I'll try it next time."
"Darling, I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm starting to feel a bit tired. I
think it's best if I get a bit of sleep now. Food always does that to me.
But I'll feel right as rain in the morning, you'll see."
Liana tried to keep the smile on her face. Normally her mother begged
her to stay longer. It was very unusual for her mother to be the one to
ask her to leave.
"No problem at all. I could do with an early night myself. Sleep well,
Mom. Phone me tomorrow, okay?"
She kissed her mom goodbye and walked downstairs. The moment she
got down the stairs, she felt the tears falling down her face. She quickly
wiped them away, but her dad had already noticed.
"I'm sorry, Liana. Like I said, she's not always like this. Today just
wasn't a good day. I'm still glad that you came, though. I know it's not
easy to see her like that, but I can see that she forgot about it for a while.
And she'll probably go to sleep feeling a lot happier tonight. She's right
- she'll probably wake up feeling better tomorrow."
"Is there nothing we can do? No treatment for the... illness?" Liana
struggled to say the real word out loud. Cancer. It had started off in her
breast, and despite managing to treat that quite quickly, it had now
spread to a few places in her body.
"There are some more intensive treatments that I'd personally like her
to do. But we can't afford them. I'm being honest with you here, Liana,
because we've always been an honest family. I'm not actually sure how
your mom is doing. Some days I think she's going to get better, and
some days I'm not sure she'll even last the night. I don't know if the
treatments will help. The doctors seem to think that they will. They
seem to think they are necessary. They told me about all these cases
where the patients have pulled through after doing the treatment. But I
don't know

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what to do. I just can't afford them. I'm doing my best to make a plan,
though. I promise you that. I would do anything to see her healthy
Liana felt the tears falling down her face. She hated to hear that her
mother was sick. Sometimes it was easier to just pretend, but she was
also glad that her dad was being honest with her. Then all of a sudden a
light bulb went off in her head and her eyes widened. She took her dad's
hand and whispered, "Dad, what if I could help?"
"Oh, sweetie. It's a lot of money. I mean - a LOT. It's nice of you to
offer, but unfortunately, it's just more than any of us can afford right
now. I know you've got a good job, but it's not enough. We need a
"Well, maybe I have a miracle for us. I didn't think it was until now.
Dad, a project was offered to me today, and I wasn't sure if I was going
to take it."
"A project?" her dad asked. "What do you mean?"
She didn't want to get into the details. She knew that her dad would
never approve of the plan. He had met Jackson once before and hadn't
been a fan back then.
"Well, it's a project that my boss asked me to do. I was going to turn it
down just because it would mean going away for a week to get it done,
and I'm already so busy at work. But it's a LOT of money, Dad. I mean
- a LOT. If I do it, then Mom would be able to go for her treatments."
"But you can't give us your money!"
She could see that he was thinking about it, though.
"Are you crazy? Of course I can. And this is not my money. This is
extra money which I really don't need. I wouldn't have turned it down
had I needed the money. But Mom needs it. And you know that if you
were in my position, you would say yes, too. I bet if something came up
for you now, you would do it if it would mean helping her out. Dad, let
me do this. Will you book the treatments? I'll take care of the rest."
"Are you sure? Can you still say yes to it?"
"I'm completely sure, and yes, I can still say yes. I'll phone my boss

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He took her in his arms, and she felt his body start to shake with sobs.
He never cried in front of her, and it was heart breaking to see. "I' m
sorry," he said as he pulled away.
"Don't be sorry! I love you, Dad. We'll do everything we can to help
Mom. Because that's the type of family we are! I hate sitting back and
doing nothing. At least this feels as if we are doing something."
"I love you, too, Liana. Thank you. This means the world to me. To
Liana got into the car and immediately took out her phone. She dialed
Jackson's number. She'd laughed when he had given her his card as she
left. She was his secretary, and she knew both his work number and his
mobile number by heart. She didn't need a card to help her remember
"Hello?" he said.
"Hey, Jackson. It's Liana."
"Liana! Oh wow - I wasn't expecting this. Let me guess - you're
phoning to turn down my offer."
"Actually, quite the opposite. I'm phoning to accept it. I'm sorry to
phone you in the evening like this, but I didn't want to wait until
"Seriously?" He seemed very surprised.
"Yeah, seriously. I'll do it." She didn't feel the need to elaborate.
"Well, great. Uh... okay, let's do it then! Do you want to meet up
tomorrow for dinner to discuss the arrangements? Also, it's probably
better if we get to know each other a bit more. You know - to make it
seem plausible. I'll let my father know and make a plan for this coming
week. If that's okay?"
"That's perfect. The sooner the better, really. Dinner sounds great, too.
Where should we meet?"
"Come to my place. There's a restaurant below that delivers."
She hadn't expected that. But then again, she was about to become his
fake girlfriend, so it was probably good that she got to know him better.
She had to admit - she was also a bit curious to see his place.
"That's fine. Where do you stay?"
"Uh. at the office. I thought you knew?"

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"You stay at the office? What do you mean?"
"Well, not in my office! But in the same apartment block. I'm on the
fifth floor. Just come straight up. The whole floor is basically my
"And yet you still come to work late each day! " she chided him, and
she was glad when he laughed at that. "Yeah - guilty as charged." "Oh,
crap! I just realized something! " "What's that?"
Liana was thinking about her dogs. "I have two dogs. And nobody to
look after them. I didn't even think about that."
Liana would normally ask her parents, but they were already going
through so much. She supposed she could ask Becky, even though
Becky already had a dog that didn't like it when other dogs came into
the house. But there wasn't much choice. Becky would have to do. She
was just about to tell him so when he interrupted.
"That's no problem. Bring them with you. My dad will love that. He
lives in the countryside - he's a massive animal lover. The dogs will
love it, too. Actually - that's perfect. He's going to love you even more."
"Really? Ah, thank you. They're used to being in the car. So they won't
be any trouble at all. Uh... see you tomorrow then."
"See you then."
She put down the phone and realized that she'd still see him at work the
next day. That was going to be awkward. She smiled at the thought of
taking her dogs along. Having them by her side was going to make
everything a lot easier to deal with.
When she got home she shared her news with Charles and Oliver. "You
little munchkins can help me! I' m going to need all of the help I can
get." She scratched them behind their ears, and they cuddled up to her.
The phone rang, and she jumped. She was glad when she saw that it
was a number she didn't recognize. That meant that it wasn't her father
calling her with bad news.
"Hello?" she said tentatively.
"Hey, Liana. It's me - Trevor."

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Liana had completely forgotten that Trevor said he was going to phone
her. It couldn't have come at a worse time. There was no way that she
was going to be able to do her deal with Jackson and still go on a date
with Trevor. She was going to have to turn him down, and she was not
looking forward to it. Perhaps once the week with Jackson was over
and they had 'broken up,' she'd be able to call him up again.
"Oh, hey, Trevor. How are you?" She tried to keep her voice as light as
"I'm good. I hope it's not too late. Rob gave me your number, and I
wanted to phone you immediately, but I didn't want to seem too
desperate. Although I'm also not sure why I'm telling you that now! So
much for acting cool."
She laughed, despite herself. "Don't worry - remember, I do well with
awkward! "
"You're anything but awkward, but I'm glad you're okay with the
awkwardness of others. That bodes well with me. So, how are you?
Had any good pizza lately?"
"No pizza. I did, however, have Oodle Noodle tonight for the first time.
Have you tried it?"
"Oh yeah, I always get the 314."
She laughed. "That's what I got. My dad is the one who suggested it. It
was delicious."
"You just can't have anything else there. I always go back to that one.
Otherwise, all fine?"
"Yeah, not bad. How about you?"
"I' m good. Uh. so. I know I told you that I was going to phone you to
make a plan to take you out. So, this is me doing just that and sounding
like a complete dork while doing it. So, Liana Tanner, can I take you
out for dinner this weekend?"
Liana took a deep breath. He was such a nice man. What was she
"Actually, I hate to do this to you, Trevor, because I really did have a
good time with you the other night. But something came up, and it's
going to be see me tied up for a while. I'm not sure I'm going to be able
to meet. Actually, I am sure. So I have to say no. I'm so sorry."

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"Ah... okay." He sounded deflated. "But it's not no forever then? I
mean, there's a chance in the near future that we actually can go out on
a date? Or are you saying I must never try again?"
Liana thought about it. She and Jackson were going to try and keep
their idea just between them and his father. There was no reason
anyone had to find out about it. And after a week with him and perhaps
a few days to 'break up,' she'd be home free again.
"It's not no forever. I just need to finish up a few things here that are
keeping me busy. But I would really love to go on a date with you in the
near future."
"Then I shall wait to hear from you! "
"Thanks, Trevor. And sorry about that."
Am I doing the right thing? She thought about poor Trevor gathering up
the courage to phone her, and she felt awful. But then she thought about
her mother - the way she had looked in bed that night -and she knew
that she really was doing the right thing. Her mother was going to come

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"Are you ready for some incredible news?" Jackson was telling Martin
over the phone.
It was late afternoon, and he was sitting in his office with the door
closed. He wasn't sure why, but he just felt nervous around Liana that
day. What they were doing wasn't exactly something that people just
did every day, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. He knew he should
probably just go home, but he had some work to do and he needed to
stay busy.
"Your plan didn't actually work, did it?" Martin asked incredulously,
obviously believing that it had actually worked.
"Well, not yet. But it's all going ahead as planned."
"So the girl from the party said yes to your idea? She's happy to go
along with it?"
"Well, no, not quite. I took her out for dinner with full intentions of
telling her the plan but I just couldn't bring myself to do it." "Because
the idea was too awful?" "No! Because the girl was too awful." "But let
me guess, you slept with her anyway." "No. I didn't actually."
Jackson didn't tell him that the girl had given him a blow job. He'd keep
that part to himself. At least he wasn't lying when he said that he didn' t
sleep with her.
"Really? Wow, okay. So what's the new plan then?"
He was glad to suddenly have Martin's interest. He knew that Martin
hated his idea, but Jackson was going to do it regardless, so he might as
well tell him.
"I actually thought of a new person to ask. My secretary. Her name is
Liana, and she's not at all like the girls I normally go for."
"Oh yeah, I know Liana."
"You do?" That took Jackson by surprise.
"Well, I mean, I don't know her. But I've been to your office enough
times to have met her. She's the one who always takes me to

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your office, and she's the one who always makes us coffee."
"Oh, yeah, of course! I didn't even think about that."
"She's lovely. I've always wondered how the hell she puts up with you.
She's very pretty, don't you think?"
"Is she? I suppose."
Martin laughed. "You're blinded by the models, I guess. But she's a lot
more real than the girls you normally hang out with. But are you telling
me that you have decided to ask her, or are you telling me that you did
ask her and she said yes?"
"She said yes."
"Really? That's interesting. I wouldn't put her as the type to say
"Yeah, it surprised me, too. I mean, I am paying her - quite well. Maybe
she just needs the money. Who knows? But she's doing it. We're
meeting for dinner tonight to discuss it all - get to know each other and
all that. I'm glad I asked her. She's a lot more level-headed than the
other girls. I think she's just viewing it as a project, and once it's over,
she can walk away from it without a problem."
"I still hate your idea, but you have probably chosen the best person to
help you with it. Liana must be one of the few women in the world who
doesn't like you."
"What do you mean?"
"She totally doesn't fancy you. It's obvious. I think she actually finds
you quite annoying. It's written all over her face, even though she puts
on a fake smile whenever she comes into the office. I noticed it the last
Jackson actually agreed with Martin but it was hard to understand.
Why didn' t she like him? He had done nothing wrong to her. And as far
as he was concerned, he was every girl's type.
"I guess. But why is that a good thing? We're supposed to be pretending
to be in love."
"Because afterwards she can walk away, like you said. If you had
chosen one of those other girls, they might have wanted something
more in return when you got back. They might even think that you had
actually fallen in love with them and wanted a relationship."

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"Ooh, that would've been bad. So Liana is a good choice."
"She's a great choice. She'll have her head in the game and not her
heart. That's a good thing. I guess you've just got to hope that she's a
good actress. But then again, she's always pretending to get along with
everyone at work - so she might be used to it." Martin laughed again.
"Hmm. I feel oddly upset and comforted by this. But anyway. She said
yes, and that's the main thing. I phoned my dad last night. Told him the
news. He was so excited. I could hear that he was slightly unsure
whether or not I was telling him the truth, but the moment I asked if we
could come and spend a week with him, I think he believed me."
"Oh, wow. So this really is all happening. When do you go?"
"It's all happening. We meet for dinner tonight. And then we'll leave on
Friday. We'll go for a week. I'm going to tell the office that we have to
go for a conference or something. Please don't say anything to anyone,
Martin. You're the only person I've told."
"Of course I won't. But what I do want is for you to let me know the
moment you get back. I want to know how it went! "
"That I can do. Maybe we can even open that whiskey. Do a bit of
"We'll have to find some other reason to celebrate, though. I'm not
having that whiskey to celebrate your lies."
Jackson laughed. "Fine! We'll celebrate what a good friend you are to
"Yes, that will work. Okay, well good luck, Jackson. And remember -
don't hurt your father. He's a good man."
"I'm not going to hurt him. I actually think that what I'm doing is going
to make him very happy. I'm doing a good thing here." And Jackson
truly believed that he was.
When he put the phone down, he gathered his things and walked out.
He saw Liana sitting at her desk. She was staring at a spreadsheet on the
computer as if her life depended on it. He wondered if she was really
that interested in it or if she just really didn't want to turn her head and
look at him. Despite the fact that her desk was so close to him and that
he saw her almost every day of his life, he actually hadn't taken much
notice of her. He wondered how long she'd even been working for him.

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Just then Maddie, one of the other members of the staff - he wasn't
quite sure what she did - came up to him.
"Hey, Jackson. You're looking a bit tired. Need a massage?"
Jackson could swear he saw Liana's head move slightly. They were
standing quite close to her desk, and he was sure she could hear the
exchange. Jackson was used to flirting with the female members of the
staff, but suddenly he felt as if he were on show.
"I'm in a bit of a rush to get going. Thanks, Maddie. That's nice of you
to offer."
Maddie was wearing an outfit that would look perfect in a club. He
couldn't help but notice how long her legs looked.
"Are you sure? I'll be quick, and you'll feel much better." "Thanks,
Maddie. I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow." "Well, okay then. See you
tomorrow, Mr. Boss Man."
Liana arrived at his apartment just after 6.30. Thankfully, the cleaning
lady had been in that morning and his place was looking good. She
came in twice a week, and the other times, his apartment looked like a
shamble. He'd never been that good at cleaning up after himself.
Probably because he just didn't feel the need to do something that he
hired other people to do for him.
"Hey, Liana. Thanks for coming." "Well, thanks for having me."
Liana had gone home to change and was wearing a pair of skinny blue
jeans and a green vest. She looked good in a very casual sort of way.
But then again, why should she dress up if they weren't even going out.
He invited her in and closed the door.
"Whoa. A Jacuzzi? That's... uh... different." "Uh... yeah. I mean, it's just
a bit of fun."
She didn't seem as impressed by it as most women were. In fact, ALL
the women that he had ever brought home had been enthralled by it.
And he had always been pleased. Why did he suddenly feel

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"Well, it's cool. I've always loved Jacuzzis. Having it indoors actually
makes sense. Hey, can you sit inside and watch TV?" she asked.
She seemed suddenly interested, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He
wasn't sure if she was just being polite, but she genuinely seemed
"Oh yeah! I sometimes come home and spend my evening in it
watching TV with a glass of wine."
"Now that I could do. Cool place. Wow, so the entire floor has been
renovated to become your apartment. It's huge. I cannot believe that
you live here. I've worked at the magazine for such a long time and I
never knew."
"Yeah, well, like you said, I still get to work late. It's probably better
that you didn't know." "I know now."
"And have you noticed I've been at the office earlier these days?"
"I have actually! "
"Uh. so, should we place an order for food and then we can sit and
"Yeah, that sounds great. I'm starving." "Okay, well, here's the menu."
Jackson handed her the menu. He was starving himself but didn't want
to order until he knew what she was having. Most girls he took out
stuck to salads and a lot of alcohol. He'd once made the mistake of
telling a girl that there was probably more calories in her alcohol than
in the food that she could've been eating. He'd regretted those words,
and he hadn' t been popular at all that night. Liana was staring at the
menu intensely which gave him some time to study her. Martin had
called her pretty. Was she? He'd never really noticed before. He knew
that she had a good body - he'd seen that at the night of the party, and he
could tell tonight, too. It wasn't the sort of body that would make it into
a magazine or a photo shoot - but it was a good body nonetheless. She
was quite plain, and she hadn't even bothered to put on much makeup.
But the more he looked at her, the more good things started to reveal
themselves. The small, button-like nose. The myriad of freckles that
spread across it. He was just about to trail his eyes down her body when

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she looked up.
"Okay, I'm thinking the chicken pesto pasta sounds good."
"Uh. yeah. Why? Bad choice?"
"No, actually, excellent choice. I thought you might choose the salad."
"Are you trying to tell me that I should lose weight? Great start to the
evening, Jackson."
"No! I didn't mean that at all. I'm just used to girls ordering salads. But
you've made a great choice. In fact, I'll join you. I'll have it, too."
Thankfully, he saw that she was laughing.
"Seriously? Why would anyone order salad from a place like this? I' m
all for being healthy - but when you go out to eat, or get takeout, then
you should enjoy yourself. Otherwise, what's the point? Salads are for
"I completely agree."
Jackson placed the order, and then they both went and sat down in the
living room. He got out a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't even ask if you're okay with red wine?" "Red wine
is perfect. Thank you."
"Okay, so I have the contract here for you to sign. I know it all seems
very formal but.. "
"No, that's good," Liana interrupted. "I'm glad there's a contract. It
actually makes me feel a bit better about this whole thing. Like it's just
a project I'm doing for you. Albeit the weirdest project I've ever had to
do in my life."
He laughed. "Same here."
"So, this isn't something that you do often?" she asked.
"No way. This is a first for me. Uh. Liana. thanks for doing this. It
means a lot to me. I know it might seem a little strange, and I know that
I haven' t gone into too much detail, but I really do appreciate
She waved her hand in the air. "Nah, you don't have to explain. We' ll
do anything for our family - even if it might seem a little bizarre

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to someone else. Really, there's no need to explain."
Jackson couldn't believe how easy this was. He thought about asking
her why she had decided to do it but then decided against it. If she didn't
need to know the details from his side, then he didn't need to know
about hers. Although he was curious; he hoped that she'd just volunteer
the information at some stage. There was a knock on the door, and he
went to answer it.
"Your food, sir," the waiter from the restaurant announced.
"It's Jackson. I'm not a sir."
No matter how many times Jackson had seen this same waiter, he
simply could not get him to say his name. Even though the waiter was
probably the same age as him.
"I hope you enjoy it," he said and placed it down on the counter for
Jackson took it over to Liana. "Are you good to eat here? Or would you
prefer to eat at the table?"
"Oh, here is great. These couches are so comfortable. If that's okay with
"That's perfect."
He was glad. The table seemed so formal, and their conversations were
becoming as comfortable as the couches themselves.
"Oh, this is amazing. I' m glad I ordered this now," Liana was saying
while digging into her bowl of pasta. "Thank you, sir."
He groaned. "He always calls me that. I cannot tell you how many
times I have asked him to call me Jackson. But he refuses."
"Well, it's a compliment. But even at work, nobody calls you sir. I
remember doing it when I first joined, and you told me not to."
"Seriously? I don't remember that." Jackson couldn't even remember
much about the time when he had hired her. But he wouldn't tell her
"Oh, yeah. I was so nervous. I mean, you were this big-shot guy that
everyone was talking about, and I was just a girl who liked to organize.
When I got the job, I said 'thank you, sir,' and you immediately told me
to call you Jackson."
"Sir just sounds so old. I mean, it was weird for me, being a boss at

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such a young age. I got that job when I was only twenty-one years old.
I had no idea what I was doing. Then people started calling me sir. It
felt so strange. I felt as if I were playing dress up or something."
"You were twenty-one?"
"Yeah, just a baby."
"I was twenty-four when I got this job."
"How long have you been working for us?"
He regretted it the moment he said it. He should know these things. He
was the boss, after all. Thankfully, she didn't seem to mind. Also her
answer would at least give him an idea of how old she was.
"Four years now. I turn twenty-eight later this year."
"Ah, so you haven't reached the big bad thirties yet!"
"I' m approaching it, though. But I' m not worried about age. There's
really very little you can do about it. I had a friend who hid in his room
the whole day when he turned thirty. We tried everything to get him
out, but he refused. Who knows what he's going to be like when he
turns forty. I' m going to stay away that day! "
"Do you feel twenty-eight?"
"Uh. sometimes. Yeah. I guess so. Sometimes I feel younger when I
realize how little I've done with my life. I mean, so many people are
married with kids already. And here I am, single and living with my
two dogs. Not that I'm complaining - they're amazing. But then
sometimes I feel older. Like at your party! "
"My party? Why?"
"I'm just not like those people. It's pretty obvious, surely. I mean, I just
don't party like that. I'm a bit of a homebody." "But you had a good
time? I saw you that night." "Uh... actually... I have a confession."
"What's that?"
"I ducked home pretty early. I had only one drink and made sure that
everyone saw that I was there. I even got the photographer to take some
photos of me. Then I quickly went home and spent the night watching
movies with my dogs. I'm sorry! No offense. It was an amazing party,
and I could see that everyone loved it. But it's just not my
style at all."

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Jackson was surprised by this news. He had assumed that everyone was
there until the end.
"Really? You shouldn't have come then."
"Nah, it was your birthday. And it was a big deal for the company. I
wanted to come and show my face, but I just couldn't stay long. It's
easy for you - you have everyone practically begging to be by your
side. I don' t really have any friends at work. Just good old Peter who
was flirting with me. Gross. But yeah, that's it really."
He couldn' t help but laugh. "I love that you just called Peter gross. I
like the guy, but he is a bit of an idiot at times. Ah - I didn't know that
you didn't have friends at work. I'm sorry."
"No, no! Don't be sorry. Work is work. It's a good job, and I'm grateful
for it."
"We haven't actually spoken much in the four years you've worked
there," Jackson thought but then ended up saying it out loud.
"No, we haven't. But it's okay. I'm not the biggest socializer, I guess. I
keep to myself a lot."
"In other words - the complete opposite of me."
She laughed. "Yeah, I guess so. So - tell me a bit more about yourself.
I'm going to have to know more than just the basics to fool your father."
He poured them each another glass of wine and contemplated the
"Well, I' m thirty-one years old - as you know - and I guess the
magazine has been my whole life. I got the job because of my father. I
mean, he's well-known in the business world, and he helped fund the
magazine in the first place. The previous owner knew my father well
and was indebted to him. When he wanted to step down, my dad
suggested that I try out for the job. I was only twenty-one years old and
knew nothing about anything. But I was a bit lost and had no idea what
I wanted to do with my life, so I applied and I got the job immediately.
There was no way I was ready for a job like that."
"Do you always put yourself down so much?" Liana interrupted.
Jackson was surprised by the question. "What do you mean?"
"You don't seem to think you're any good at the job. And yet here

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you are - ten years down the line, and you have a far superior product
than what you started out with. It's very impressive. I had the
impression that you were very confident about what you did."
"Uh. thank you. I' m confident about myself. I know that sounds
arrogant. But I am. But I' m not confident about what I do. I mean. I am.
I am proud of myself, and I think I've actually done a good job. But I
guess I always get that niggling thought in my head that I would never
have gotten the job without my father."
"Yeah, you're probably right about that. You had no experience, and
you were far too young. So you're right. But who cares? You proved
yourself and anyone else wrong. You did it. And now you're thirty-one
and incredibly well-known. You're in a league of your own, and you
should be proud. So. what else. what are your interests? Other than
Jacuzzis, of course."
Jackson suddenly couldn't think of anything. What were his interests?
Surely he was interested in more than just the magazine and women.
"Uh... I don't know."
"Oh, come on. There's got to be more than the Jackson Fisher that the
public sees."
"What exactly do they see?"
He could see that she seemed a little embarrassed by his question.
"Um. they see this very handsome young man who loves to party and
who runs a successful magazine. A guy who is never without a
beautiful girl on his arm."
"Ha! I'm not sure if that's a complete insult or a compliment."
She was laughing. "I don't know either. A bit of both, I guess. I'm sorry
- wine makes me honest."
"Nah, it's fine. You're right."
"So, tell me about the girls. You really do have a lot of beautiful women
on your arms. But if I'm not mistaken, they seem to change quite
regularly. I was laughing at the party because you had all these girls
around you who looked exactly the same. They only difference was
their skin or hair color. So. I have two questions: what was your longest
relationship, and what type of girl do you go for?"
Jackson realized that this was the first time he'd ever had a girl at

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his place who wanted to talk and get to know him. Usually, he just
messed around with the girls and sent them home. This was so unusual.
It felt almost as if he were just sitting and talking to Martin.
"Longest relationship? Let's see... I think maybe two months."
"Whoa! Two months? Don't you mean two years?"
He laughed. "You obviously don't know me very well. No, two months
is the longest. I thought that was pretty long. I guess I'm just not very
good at dating. I' m good at meeting girls and having fun with them, but
I get very bored after a while."
"Yeah, but that's probably because the girls you are hanging around
with are just boring themselves."
"True. I guess you're right. They are quite dull."
"So, why do you go out with them?"
"Well... I don't. I just hook up with them, I guess."
"Okay, fair enough. So what made the two-month girl so special?"
"She was persistent."
"Oh, dear. Okay then, so what's your type?"
Jackson had no idea. "I don't know. I don't really have a type."
"You don't sound convinced by my answer."
"Well, you do have a type. I've only ever seen you with models."
"Well, yeah. I suppose. I'm really not coming off great here, am
She giggled. "Not really. But you're being honest - so that's
"Well, then - how about you? Same questions." "Longest relationship -
four years."
Jackson almost choked on his wine. "Four years! That's crazy. Who
was this guy, and why did you break up with him? Four years is a long
time to dedicate to someone."
"Well, I was young. I had just turned nineteen when I met him. He was
a friend of a friend of a friend - one of those. We'd all gone out to some
big college party, and I'd taken a breather to get away from the crowd a
bit. You see, I was even a nerd back then. I found this amazing tree to
sit under, and I was just breathing in the cool air. And he found

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me. He was taking a breather, too. He asked if he could sit with me, and
the two of us ended up spending the rest of the night there just getting
to know each other."
"Did you sleep with him?"
"What?" She looked at Jackson as if the question was out of place. "Of
course not. We just talked all night. I actually didn't sleep with him
until, like, the fifth or sixth date. But he was so lovely to me. We just
connected. And it didn't take long for us to start going out properly."
"So, why did you break up with him?"
"He moved away. We promised we'd keep in touch, but you know how
it goes. When we did eventually meet up again, we had both changed so
much. We'd moved on. It was sad. But we're still in touch, and he was a
great first boyfriend to have. The next guy has a lot to live up to."
"Which means you have no boyfriend now," Jackson stated.
"Goodness! No way! I would never have accepted your offer if I had a
boyfriend. That would be weird. I mean, I know we're not really going
to be in love or anything - but that would be wrong."
"Yeah, I suppose so. So then... what's your type?"
"Someone who is genuine, caring, and funny. I like guys who have a
sense of humor and who don't take the world or themselves too
seriously. And they must like me for who I am. I'm not going to change
for someone because I don't want anyone to change for me. And, a big
one, they must love animals. If they hate my dogs, there is no way I
could date them."
"But what about looks? I mean, surely you have a certain look that you
go for?"
"I' m not too bothered, really. I mean, as long as the attraction is there.
Thomas, the four-year boyfriend, was a white man with sandy-blonde
hair. But I've dated African American men before, too. I don' t really
believe in a certain look but rather someone who just makes my heart
race when I look at him."
"So, you're not seeing someone at the moment?"
Jackson was certain he saw a slight hesitation cross her face before she
shook her head.

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"Nope. Totally single." "Any reason?"
"I think I'm getting fussier the older I get." "Well, nothing wrong with
"I agree! So. tell me about your father. What should I expect?"
Jackson smiled. "He's a great guy. He worked hard to get to where he is
today. He has a great business mind, and he knows exactly how to use
his money to make more money. He got tired of the whole rat race,
though, and moved out to the countryside - to be at one with nature and
all that. We're very different and don't always see eye-to-eye, but he's
been a good father to me."
"And your mom?"
"She died a few years ago. We still don't even know entirely what
happened. One minute she was healthy; the next she was sick. And
before we even knew what was going on, she passed away. It was a
horrible time. Cancer, I think it was, but we're still not entirely sure."
Again, Jackson noticed a strange look come over Liana's face. As if she
were deep in thought about something else entirely.
"I'm sorry, Jackson."
"Thanks. Me, too. My parents were so in love. They were the real deal.
I guess that's what my dad wants for me, too. But he was lucky.
Although he says he didn't fall in love with her immediately.
Apparently, my mom hated him when she first met him. She thought he
was a show off. But he really wasn't, and she soon fell hook, line, and
sinker for him. They were inseparable. I think that's part of the reason
he moved away. My mom was always into the whole outdoor lifestyle.
Maybe he moved into the countryside to feel closer to her."
"Do you go there often?"
"I hardly ever go there. It's not really my scene. And what about you?
Your parents still together?"
"They are. And completely in love."
Jackson poured them another glass of wine. He was surprised at how
easy it was to talk to Liana - especially since he hadn't really spoken to
her before. How many times had he asked her to do something for him
at work or passed by her desk without really giving her much

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thought? It was as if he hadn't even noticed her as a person. The wine
was making his thoughts fuzzy, and he leaned back on the couch,
feeling comfortable. Liana was telling him a funny story about her
parents when there was a knock on the door.
"That's strange. Maybe it's the waiter again."
"Maybe he's come to call you sir again," Liana said and they both
But it wasn't the waiter. It was the girl from the other night. Annie?
Annex? Anne? He couldn't remember her name again.
"Oh, hello. I didn't know you were coming by?"
He made a mental note to speak to the security man downstairs who
was not supposed to just let anyone in.
"Well, I missed you. I thought I could come spend the night this time."
But the girl stopped speaking the moment she saw Liana sitting in the
living room. "What the hell? Who is this? I didn't know you were
seeing someone else?"
"Uh..." He wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't technically seeing Liana,
but he was about to pretend like he was. Thankfully, he didn't have to
say much because the girl stormed back out.
He could hear her heels pounding the stairs as she walked off in a huff.
He closed the door and looked sheepishly at Liana, who was watching
him with amusement.
"Sorry. Like I said - I don't have long relationships."

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"Are you nervous?" Jackson was asking her. They were about twenty
minutes away from arriving at his father's house.
"A little," she admitted.
That wasn't quite the truth. She was very nervous. Liana hadn't quite
taken into account how much she was going to have to pretend in the
upcoming week. How it wasn't going to just be a matter of saying that
they were in love but how they were actually going to have to show it.
She'd been so caught up in the fact that she needed the money that she
hadn' t thought about how hard it was going to be to get away with it all.
She looked back at Charles and Oliver, who were fast asleep on the
back seat, and smiled. They were certainly not scared.
"Don't worry. It will be fine. And if we're a little awkward, then it might
work in our favor. My dad has never known me with a girl before, so he
will probably think I'm just nervous. That's all. Don't worry."
But Liana could tell that Jackson was nervous, too. So far, the drive had
been quite nice. They'd chatted easily. But the closer they got to their
destination, the more stilted their conversations had become. Liana
plastered a smile on her face. She had to make this work. She didn't
care why Jackson was doing it - she needed that money for her parents.
That was the only thing that mattered.
Twenty minutes later, they pulled into a long, tree-lined driveway. The
flowers were pink and yellow and covered both the trees and the
ground beneath them. Liana gasped.
"It's breathtaking," she whispered.
She couldn't understand why Jackson wouldn't want to come and visit
all the time. If her parents lived in a place like this, she would be there
every weekend. She didn't care about the long drive. The end was
totally worth it.
"Okay, this is it. We've got this," Jackson said.
She wasn't sure if he was talking to her or to himself.
Liana was grateful for the dinner she'd had at his house earlier that
week. She'd gotten to know him a lot more, and he'd gotten to know
her. And while she still thought he was too cocky and too arrogant, she

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saw a side to him that was actually very nice. She was going to cling
onto that side that she had glimpsed. It was the only way that she was
going to get through this. Because otherwise, she'd just get annoyed
with him.
As they parked, she saw a good-looking, older man coming toward
them, and Liana knew immediately where Jackson got his looks.
Jackson's father was tall with broad shoulders, a deep tan from being
outdoors, and salt-and-pepper hair. He basically looked like an older
version of Jackson.
"Jackson, boy, I'm so happy to see you."
Liana watched as the two men shook hands. She wondered why they
didn't hug. Didn't families always hug or kiss? Then he walked over
toward her.
"And you must be the lovely Liana that I've been dying to meet. I' m
As in Clooney, she wanted to say but kept to herself. "Hi, George. It is a
pleasure to meet you. I'm already completely in love with where you
live. That was quite some entrance under the trees." Then she reached
over and gave him a hug. "Sorry, I come from a family of huggers."
George laughed. "That's good. Hugs are good. And who are these two
cuties?" George pointed to the two dogs who had sleepily emerged
from the car. They were looking around in confusion as to where they
were. Liana scooped them up.
"This is Charles, and this is Oliver. I hope you don't mind us bringing
them. They' re real homebodies and hate being away from me. Either
that or I hate being away from them. But they're super easy dogs to be
around. They practically slept the whole way here."
George took them from her and started kissing their heads, much to the
delight of the dogs. It was easy to see that they took an instant liking to
George. Which, of course, made Liana instantly like him, too.
"Well, come on in, you two. Do you have many bags?"
"Not too many. We packed light. I'll get them. You two can go inside."
"Thanks, Jackson."

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Once they were inside, George said he would take Liana on a quick
tour of the place while Jackson made them all some coffee. Once they
were out of earshot, George grinned at her.
"I am so excited to meet you, Liana. My son - he hasn't been an easy
one to tame."
"Tell me about it. But he's a great guy. It just took a bit of time to find
that side of him."
"Then I'm happy you had the patience to find it. And thank you for
saying that he's a great guy. That's all a father really wants to hear."
The house was lovely. It wasn't huge, but considering he lived there
alone most of the time, Liana could imagine that it could feel very big
for one person. It had three bedrooms; each came with a double bed -
something that hadn't gone unnoticed to Liana. There was one big
bathroom with the biggest bathtub that Liana had ever seen in her life,
one that she knew she had to use at least once in her stay. The kitchen
and living room were the best parts of the house. The kitchen was big
and fully stocked with a wonderful, little alcove with a wooden table
and chairs. The living room was large with a fireplace and a big glass
door that led outside. The view from the living room was the wide,
open field.
"I cannot believe you live here."
"Yeah, most people think I'm crazy."
"Why? I think it's beautiful."
"Thank you. It is."
"But don't you miss the people, Dad? The restaurants, the bars, the
cinema, the theatre?" Jackson asked as they walked into the kitchen. He
must have overheard their conversation. He had just finished with the
coffee and handed them each a cup. They walked to the living room
and sat on the big, comfortable sofas. Liana positioned herself so that
she could see the view outside. Jackson almost didn't sit next to her but
remembered just in time. She had one hand holding the coffee and the
other hand resting on his leg. She hoped that they didn't look too
strange together.
"I miss some people, that's for sure," his dad was saying. "I don't miss
the crazy lifestyle. In fact, the more I stay away from it, the harder it is
for me to come back to it. But I love it here. I go into the city about

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two times a month now, and I always try to take in a show or visit a
friend. Twice a month is perfect for me."
Liana wondered why he didn't see Jackson much when he came to the
city. The two of them couldn't be that close.
"And do you ever get people coming here?" Liana asked.
"Oh, yes. Often."
"You do?" Jackson asked. He seemed surprised.
George laughed. "Don't sound so surprised. I have friends, you know. I'
d say a few days a month, I get someone coming here. Which is great. It
means it' s impossible for me to get lonely. I have a great time with
them over those days, and then when they're gone, I enjoy the time by
myself. And I never get a chance to get lonely again because, sure
enough, someone is phoning and asking to visit. I think people use this
place as a bit of an escape. A holiday from the rest of the world."
"Oh yeah, I totally get that," Liana said.
"Are you not a city girl?"
"Not really. I love a more simple life."
"And yet you fell in love with my crazy, city-loving son," George
Liana could feel Jackson tense when he said that.
"I guess what they say is true - opposites attract."
"I think I needed someone like her," Jackson said suddenly.
She was glad he was finally taking part in the conversation. She didn' t
want it to be only her that tried to get his father to believe them.
He continued, "I think that was always my problem. I always went for
these girls that I obviously didn't want a future with. I'm not sure why. I
think it was just easier that way. You can't get hurt if you know you
don't really want it to work. And then Liana came along."
"But she'd always been there, hadn't she? I mean, you said she works
with you?"
"I do," Liana said, this time speaking for Jackson. They'd gone over
what they were going to say about this. "I've been at the magazine for
four years already. And I' m sorry to say this - but I hated your son. Of
course, I thought he was gorgeous. That part is hard to deny. But I also
thought he was arrogant. Plus, he barely gave me the time of day. I

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just kept my head down and worked hard. It's a great magazine but not
really my style. I think I easily blended into the furniture. Especially
when the rest of the staff were so extravagant and beautiful. I had no
interest in Jackson, and as far as I was concerned, he had no interest in
George laughed as if delighted by her tale. "So far, so bad. and then
what happened?"
"Well, it was at a party that I really did not want to go to. Too many
fake tans in one place for my liking. Anyway, I knew that I had to at
least show my face. So I went along. And that's when Jackson noticed
me. For a split second, he didn't even realize it was me. Do you know
"Why?" George asked.
"Because I was wearing a tight little dress and makeup." Jackson
groaned beside her. They' d gone through this, but his groan actually
sounded sincere. "I'm coming across so bad here." "Well, it's only the
And really, it almost was the truth. That night was the only night he had
really noticed her. And she really did think he was arrogant. And she
really did hate his parties. The only lie was the falling in love part.
Liana had been the one who had suggested this story. She didn't want to
deviate too much from the truth - it was harder to keep up with big lies.
"Yeah, it is," Jackson finally admitted.
"Anyway, that just annoyed me more. The fact that he only noticed me
when I was dressed like one of his models. But in the office that week,
I ended up working late on a project while everyone else had gone
home. Jackson had been in a meeting, and when he saw that I was
working alone, he came over to talk to me. And somehow we ended up
staying up the whole night finishing the project and talking. And that's
how it started. I guess there's always more to people than meets the eye.
And when you finally see that side of them that nobody else has seen
before, it's hard to see anything else." Liana took Jackson's hand and
squeezed it and then smiled shyly at him. "I still think he's arrogant
though, but I also think he's kind of wonderful."
That made them both laugh.

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"Well, I'm so happy he found you. I can already tell that I'm going to
like you. Now, you two arrived late, and I already ate before you came.
Are you hungry?"
"No, we stopped off on the way and got a bite."
"Okay then, why don't we all have an early night? You had a long
drive, and you must be exhausted. Tomorrow, I can show you around
the fields and introduce you to some of the animals here."
"Really? That would be amazing."
"Okay, so you both know where your room is tonight. Are the dogs
going to sleep with you? If not, I'll be happy to take them. They look
like such loveable creatures."
"They really are. Are you sure? I honestly don't mind taking them."
"I don't mind at all. I'll take them for a quick walk now to do their
business, and then they can come sleep with me."
Liana was delighted. "Well, they will be good with whatever you want.
You can make a little bed for them on the floor even. They really are
good dogs. Thank you, George."
When Liana got into the bedroom with Jackson, she sat down on the
bed and let a deep breath out. "Do you think that went okay?" she
"Liana, you're amazing! That went very well. He totally believes us.
You were great."
Liana felt herself relaxing. She hadn't realized how tense she had been.
"Oh, thank goodness. Your father is lovely. This place is lovely. And
really - most of that story was true." She grinned at him.
He punched her lightly on the arm. "I know! "
Liana looked around. "Uh. so what are we going to do about sleeping
They hadn't actually thought that one all the way through, and Liana
wasn't prepared to jump into bed with him.
"Don't worry. I've got that covered. This bed has two mattresses. They
all do. My dad always does this so that if he has extra guests, he has
extra mattresses. It's his little trick. I'll put this one on the floor. My dad
won' t walk in if the door is closed. But we must put everything back

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the moment we wake up."
Liana felt a wash of relief come over her. "Thank you. Uh... I'm just
going to take a shower. I'll see you later."
"Okay. Uh... enjoy."
Their conversation had gone from easy to stilted in a very short space
of time, and Liana now felt incredibly awkward. This was all just too
personal. She got her things and went to the bathroom - grateful to at
least have this time alone. She eyed the bath but decided she'd try it out
the next day. She was actually exhausted, and after her shower, she was
looking forward to putting her head down and going to sleep. Once she
was showered, she put on her pajamas. She cursed herself for not going
to buy new ones and walked tentatively back to the room wearing her
little polka dot shorts, a white vest, and her bunny slippers. She put a
hand over her chest as she realized that her nipples could be seen
through the vest. She really had not thought about this hard enough.
When she got back to the room, she saw that Jackson had already
organized his bed and was now lying on the mattress on the floor. A
blanket lay over him so that just his head stuck out.
"Cute slippers," he remarked as she walked in.
She tapped them together - the bunny noses touching - and laughed.
"Thank you."
"Good shower?" "The best."
She put her things down and walked over to her bed, hoping that he was
not looking at her. She had nowhere to hide in those clothes. She
quickly got into the bed and climbed inside the warm duvet.
"You sure you're okay down there?"
"I'm fine. It's surprisingly comfortable."
"Goodnight, Jackson."
"Goodnight, Liana."
She reached over and switched off the light. Liana always took forever
to fall asleep. She was the type of person that could never easily switch
off her mind. Her thoughts would turn over and over again until
eventually they'd morph into a dream and she'd fall asleep. But that
night, perhaps due to exhaustion or the fact that she was out in the

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countryside, she switched off the lights and switched off her mind.
Within seconds, she was fast asleep.
Liana woke up the next morning and had no idea where she was until
she looked down and saw Jackson. He was awake and was just lying
there, staring at the ceiling.
"Good morning," he said when he saw that she was awake.
"Morning. How long have you been awake? I'm so sorry - did I sleep
"No, not at all. I woke up about half an hour ago. It's been nice lying
here actually. Sleep well?"
"I did. I guess we should put this mattress back quickly."
She got out of bed and helped him put the mattress back on top, and
then she quickly made the bed.
"I'm going to take a shower. But you're welcome to go on down. My
dad is probably already up," Jackson said and walked out.
It was only once he had walked out that she realized she had forgotten
about how see-through her vest was. Her dark nipples were clearly
visible. She groaned and felt the heat rising to her face even though he
wasn't even in the room anymore. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a
t-shirt and brushed her hair into a high ponytail. She opened the door
and immediately smelled coffee, so she made her way downstairs. It
was strange being there - in a place where she already felt so
comfortable. Yet at the same time, she felt like an intruder because she
knew that after this week, she'd never return again. She tried to put that
thought out of her mind. She turned the corner and saw George
grinding coffee beans in the kitchen. He smiled when he saw her.
"Hello! I was just about to make a fresh batch. Would you like some?"
"I would love some! I love that you grind your own beans, too. I do the
same at home. There's no turning back once you start doing it yourself."
"I agree. And these beans are amazing. It's a new company, but a friend
of mine owns it. He came to visit a few weeks ago and dropped off
some bags for me. You're going to love it. So, sleep well?"
"I slept better than I have in a very long time. I don't normally fall

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asleep so quickly, but as soon as my head hit that pillow, I was out."
"You know, I'd tell you it was because you were tired, but you'll see -
the same thing will happen to you tonight. It's this place. Being away
from all the noise. It's very soothing."
Just then the two dogs came running up to say hello to her. "Hey, boys!
Were they any hassle?" she asked George.
"None at all. They ended up sleeping on the bed with me."
"Oh, you two are so spoiled. Thank you, George. That means a lot.
These two are my whole life. I mean, how can anyone resist those
"Are you talking about me?" Jackson asked as he walked into the
kitchen. His hair was tussled wet, and he had on a pair of blue jeans and
a blue-and-white-checked shirt.
Liana looked down and saw that he had no shoes on. This was not the
Jackson she was used to seeing. She smiled. This was a much better
"No, we're talking about the two handsome men in my life -Charles and
Oliver, of course."
"You cut me deep! " he said, and then he walked up to her and kissed
her gently on the mouth. Liana tried not to gasp. "Good morning,
beautiful. And good morning, Dad."
George handed him a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Jackson. Does he
always look so handsome when he wakes up in the morning?"
The question was directed at Liana, who obviously had no idea. This
was the first time she'd ever seen him as he woke up.
"Uh... yeah. It's quite unfair to the rest of the world. You know, the
normal people. But you wouldn't know that either, George. You and
Jackson are the same. Too good-looking to be real."
"Are you flirting with my dad?" Jackson asked and laughed.
"No, I'm just stating the facts. George, this coffee is amazing!"
She was desperate to get away from the flirtations. She was
uncomfortable enough about it as it was. Thankfully, the coffee really
was amazing.
"I know! It is. I'll be sure to let my friend know. Hey, he actually lives
near you guys. Why don't you go and visit him when you're back?

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He'll gladly give you some coffee." "Oh, I'll definitely do that."
"Good. Now, let's get some breakfast and then I'll take you on a tour
outside. I hope you brought a jacket, though - it gets cold in the
mornings here."
After breakfast, a big bacon and egg meal, she followed George around
the property. The two dogs walked beside her, breaking free every so
often for a run. They'd never had so much land to run free in before.
She actually felt guilty that she had them both in her small apartment.
She took them for walks every day, but that was a far cry from a place
like this.
"The house itself is not big but look at the land that I have to play with!
" he said and gestured around him.
It really was spectacular. A man was walking up to them from the
distance, and Liana noticed that he was coming from a small house that
she could just about make out.
"Who is that?" she asked.
"Oh, that's Mick. He helps me with the gardening. He has all the
chickens on his side as well, and he brings me fresh eggs almost daily.
He has helped me grow an herb and vegetable garden, too. I had no idea
what I was doing when I first arrived. He lives with his two dogs and
his wife. They supply eggs and various other produce to some of the
small shops around this place."
"You have shops here?"
George laughed. "Oh, of course we do. I wouldn't trek to the city for
everything that I need. I'll take you for a drive sometime. It's one of
those places where everybody knows everyone. There are some
amazing little cafes and farm stalls and a few other craft shops. There's
even a little hospital nearby. I really don't even need to go anywhere
else. That's why when Jackson always asks me if I miss the city, well, I
don't. I have everything I need here. It's a simple life. But I love it."
Liana loved it, too. And she loved George. She knew how much money
he had. He had been somewhat famous for a while. And yet here he was
- living as if he didn't have much at all. And he was happy. Far happier
than his son. Liana felt sad that Jackson was so adamant in living

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a life that was completely different to this one. Jackson was still inside.
He'd obviously done this tour before, and he'd said that he had some
work that he had to attend to. She hoped he wouldn't work too much or
too long. His magazine was important, she knew that, but a week away
wasn't going to do any damage to it. She wished she could bring her
mother to this place. This might be just what she needed. She made a
promise to herself to take her mother away as soon as she was better.
The next few days went by quickly, despite the fact that they didn't
really do all that much. They went for walks. They went to visit the
nearby shops, and Liana fell in love with the kindness of the people.
They made food and drank lots of coffee and wine. George had his own
cellar, and every night he took out a new bottle for them to try. Liana
found it easy to be around Jackson and even easier to be around
George. She found herself slipping up every now and then, but she
didn't think that anyone noticed. She preferred the Jackson that she saw
now to the Jackson that she was used to seeing at work. And despite
their differences, even he and George seemed to be getting along better
as the week progressed. It was the last night, and they were sitting
having dinner together.
"So, when did you learn to cook so well?" Jackson was asking his
"What? You mean he didn't always cook this way?" she asked Jackson.
"No way! My mom was the cook of the house. My dad loved to eat
food but not make it."
"Ha! You mock me! I've always been a great chef," George said,
twirling the pasta around his fork.
"He's lying, Liana. Don't listen to a word he's saying!"
Liana giggled. George laughed too and sighed. "He's right. I was
horrible. But when you don't have someone cooking for you, I guess
you don't have a choice. Also, I think it's something about being out
here. I have a lot of time on my hands and the produce is so fresh, it
seems a waste not to learn how to cook with it. It was a lot of playing

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Trust me - if you had tried my food a year ago you would've hated it.
But I' ve gotten a lot better."
"Dad, you're actually really good."
"This is what we common folk like to call home cooking," Liana said,
teasing Jackson. Then she said to George, "Jackson frequents
restaurants so much that they all know him by name now. Not that they
call him by name - they all call him sir."
"Sir? Oh no! You're too young to be a sir," George said.
"Exactly! That's what I said," Jackson replied.
"Heck, I'm too young to be a sir still," George said and Jackson
Liana noticed that the strained feeling between them had started to
At the end of the evening, George excused himself. He had a slight
headache - which he refused to admit was due to too many glasses of
wine - and wanted to go to bed early. Liana wasn't in the least bit tired
and neither was Jackson, so they made some coffee and went to sit
outside. They sat on the couch and looked out at the darkening sky
which shone with stars brighter than Liana had ever seen in her life.
She felt herself shivering. Jackson ran back inside and then came out
with a big blanket for them to share.
"Thank you," he said.
"No problem. It's cold out here tonight."
"But it's beautiful. I can't believe it's our last night. This week went by a
lot faster than I thought it was going to. I'll be honest - I thought it was
going to be a strain."
"Same here. I thought it was going to be so awkward, but it's actually
been so easy."
"So you didn't go out of your mind being away from the city for so
long?" she teased him.
"Strangely enough - I didn't."
"Your father is a lovely man, Jackson. I feel bad that we've lied to him,
but I can see how happy he is to have you here. No matter what, I'm so
glad that I met him. And I'm grateful that I got this week away from it

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"Liana, can I ask you a personal question?" "Of course you can. I may
not answer, but ask it anyway." "Why did you agree to do this? I mean,
I know you don't really like me."
Liana gulped. Perhaps she shouldn't have been so honest with how
she'd felt about him at the office.
"I do like you. I mean... I do now. You're not as bad as you make
yourself out to be. That's for sure. But... well... I didn't do it for you. I
didn' t do it for me either. I know you probably thought that I just did it
because I wanted the money. And you'd be right about that. But it's not
for me. My mother is very sick." Liana took a deep breath before
continuing. "She has cancer, and it has spread. And they want her to go
for treatments but my parents just can't afford it. It's a lot of money. I'm
doing this because I need the money. I hate lying to your father. I hate it
so much. But the most important thing for me at the moment is doing
anything to keep my mother with me."
"Liana! You should've told me. I would've just given you the money."
"Would you? Maybe now that you've gotten to know me a bit. But you
didn't give me the time of day before. And that's okay - you had no
reason to. But when this offer came along, I just couldn't resist it. I
mean, how often does something like this happen? A chance to make a
difference and to help someone you love. So I'm just really grateful for
it. And hey - I got an awesome holiday out of it, too. Anyway, I don't
want to talk about it. I'm just happy to be here."
For a while they just sat there, drinking in both their coffee and their
surroundings. The sky was getting darker. The stars brighter. And then
all of a sudden Jackson reached over and took her hand. Liana didn't
pull away. She'd gotten quite used to being touched by Jackson.
Whenever his father was around, he would take her hand or give her a
quick kiss on the mouth or cheek. It had become normal as the week
went on. But George wasn't anywhere to be seen. And at that moment,
holding hands still felt like the most natural thing in the world.
"This is by far the strangest week I've ever experienced in my life," she
admitted to him.

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He squeezed her hand lightly. "The strangest," he agreed.

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"Well, this is it! Thanks so much for having us, Dad," Jackson said to
his father.
The two of them were putting the bags in the car while Liana went for a
quick walk with the dogs. They had meant to leave first thing that
morning but the day had gotten away from them and it was now already
well into the afternoon.
"It's going to be dark when you get home. Drive safely and let me know
the minute you're back. Thanks so much for coming. I wish you would
come more, Jackson. You know you're always welcome here. You're
my son - my home will always be your home."
Jackson felt guilt wash over him. He didn't make much of an effort with
his father. But he'd always seen them as such different people. He often
battled to relate to his father.
"I know. I know. I'm terrible. It's a long drive, though, and you know
me - I'm just not a country boy. I'm a city boy through and through."
"You didn't seem like a city boy this week," his father commented. It
was something he had thought himself, even though he didn't want to
admit it.
Jackson smiled. "I guess not. It really was nice being here again."
"You would probably like it if you gave it a chance. Anyway, you're
young, and I can understand the pull of the city, too. But I'm glad you
came. Don't wait so long next time. I'm so glad I got to meet Liana.
She's so lovely, Jackson."
"She is," Jackson replied, realizing that he was telling the truth.
"And I've never seen you look so happy. The way the two of you look
at each other - well, it reminds me a lot of your mother and me. Liana is
a wonderful girl. Your mother would've loved her, too. She's very easy
to like - I'm surprised it took you so long. You found a good one there.
For a while, I thought there was no hope for you."
"Dad! You can't say that."

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Jackson tried to ignore everything his father had just said. It wasn't like
him to feel guilty about something like this. He reminded himself why
he was doing it and the type of lifestyle he wanted to lead. This country
life was not him.
"Ah, I' m just being honest. But you proved me wrong. In fact, you
proved me very wrong. She's even better than I imagined she'd be.
She's so full of joy that one. Such a beautiful young girl."
Jackson had been thinking the same thing about her recently. He would
never have called her beautiful before. She just didn't look like the
women that he was used to. She was quite plain in a lot of ways, and
she never tried hard with clothes or makeup. She had a 'take me as I am'
attitude that he wasn't used to. But the more he looked at her, the
prettier she became. His father was right - she really was beautiful.
Why had he never noticed it before? And she had been so good to him
this whole week - he wasn't sure if it was because of the contract she
had signed or whether she was just genuinely happy to be around him.
It was obvious to see that his father was smitten with her. And she
seemed smitten with his father right back. She'd perhaps done the job a
little bit too well. He could see her coming back toward them, and he
smiled at his father.
"She is beautiful."
"Well, son, I haven't forgotten about the inheritance. I'll call you when
you're back and we can chat about how to get it to you. There's no point
waiting. You can put it toward the wedding. I know I said you had to be
married, but I really like her. And you've proven to me that you are far
more mature than I gave you credit for. I' m happy for you."
Jackson felt a strange mixture of happiness and guilt. His plan had
worked. He hadn't wanted to be the one who brought it up, so hearing
his father say the words made it a lot easier.
"Thank you, Dad. That means a lot to me."
"Hey, Liana," Jackson said as she got closer. Her face looked flushed
from the cold air. "The dogs enjoy their final walk?"
He bent down to pat them. He'd never considered himself a dog person
before, but Charles and Oliver may have changed his mind. He'd never
met dogs so happy and placid before. They were always doing things to
make him laugh, and even when they were naughty, it was

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impossible to be upset with them. It was easy to see why she liked them
so much.
"They loved it! They are not going to be happy to go back to my small,
little apartment after this. They've been spoiled. And not just them -
me, too. I had a great time. Thank you so much for having us, George.
And for introducing me to such good wine and coffee. My life feels
forever changed."
"I'm delighted to hear that. Don't forget to visit my friend and get
yourself some coffee. And I may have put a few boxes of wine in the
trunk for you."
"You did? Thank you so much! " Liana said, delighted.
She had absolutely loved the wine his father had given her each night,
and he could see she wasn't just trying to be polite.
"Yeah, so you two can continue celebrating when you get back."
"Thanks, Dad. I guess it's back to the grindstone for us. I wonder how
the magazine is doing. The staff must've loved not having a boss for a
"Maybe get them all to call you sir! That will keep them on their
Jackson laughed at that and went to give his father a hug. Then Liana
came forward to hug him, too, and they both got into the car. They
waved until he was out of sight.
"Wow, the week is already over. Goodbye, beautiful trees. Goodbye,
wide open spaces. Goodbye to the biggest bath I have ever been in
before. Goodbye, fresh air."
Jackson laughed. "You're crazy. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"All the time, Jackson. All the time! "
"Well, buckle up your seatbelt, girl and dogs - we're in for another long
As it turned out, they weren't in for a long drive at all. Just under two
hours in, Jackson felt the car start to rattle. The noise was something he
hadn' t heard before. He groaned. His car had been relatively
problem-free since he got it. And he generally didn't have to deal with
car things much because he lived in the same apartment block as his
work. And when he went out, he generally got a cab. He wasn't a car

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of guy - other than he liked the way they looked.
"Ah, I hope it's not a flat tire." Jackson could change a tire - but not well
- and he wasn't too keen on Liana seeing him struggle with it.
He stopped the car and got out to look. The tires looked fine, and he
could see nothing out of the ordinary. So he got back in.
"Anything serious?" Liana asked him.
"Not that I can see. Maybe we just went over a bad part of the road or
something. It all looks fine."
He started the car and continued. Everything was fine for about five
minutes and then the noise happened again. He continued to ride,
hoping that it was just the road, but another few minutes later, the car
suddenly stopped. Nothing would get it going again.
"Ah, crap." He got out again and looked around. There seemed to be
nothing wrong. "Uh... you don't know anything about cars do you? I
hate to admit it but I know very little," he asked Liana.
"Nothing at all. Sorry! But I do have the number of my mechanic on
me. Let me try and call him. He's been my lifesaver a good many times.
Do you have insurance?"
"I do. Oh, let me call them first actually." He got out his phone but the
number just rang. He tried again but the same thing happened. "Okay,
nobody is picking up. Maybe phone your guy then."
He watched as Liana phoned her mechanic. She seemed to have trouble
getting through, but eventually the guy picked up. He listened as she
explained what happened and where they were and then put down the
phone and sighed.
"What's wrong? What did he say?" Jackson asked.
"He said that it's too late and we're too far. He said he can come first
thing in the morning."
"In the morning? But what are we going to do until then?"
"He says nobody will come out at this time. What about those places
we passed on the way? I saw those B&Bs. Well, I think they were
"Yeah, good idea. I think that's our only option right now. I hate
leaving the car here, but I don't see what choice we have. Maybe we can
sleep tonight and sort it out tomorrow. Ah, this is awful. I'm sorry,

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"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. You see - even the car didn't want to
leave the country."
The two of them made their way to the B&B, which was thankfully not
too far, by foot. The lady behind the desk had her head deep in a book
and jumped at the sound of the door opening.
"Goodness! You two gave me a fright. I wasn't expecting anyone. How
can I help the two of you?"
"I' m so sorry. My car broke down. We were wondering if you had a
room for us?"
"I most certainly do. Are you a couple?"
"Uh. No. Just friends," Jackson said, shifting uncomfortably.
"Well, we only have one room left. There are no other places around
here in walking distance, though."
Jackson was surprised. It didn't seem like the type of place that would
generally be booked up with people. Jackson looked at Liana, and she
shrugged as if to say that she didn't mind. They didn't really have
another choice anyway.
"Okay, we'll take it. Thank you. It will just be for the one night. Do you
think my car will be safe? It's just up the road, but it's not driveable at
the moment."
"Oh yeah, it will be fine! Nothing happens around here. And if the two
of you walked, then it can't be parked too far. You said the mechanic is
coming tomorrow?"
"Yes. So we just need somewhere to sleep the night. You're a
"Well, you broke down at the best possible place. Like I said, there
aren' t many places around here. Here is your room key. We do serve a
small but lovely breakfast in the morning starting at 8 a.m. - so just
come down when you're ready."
"Thank you so much."
Jackson took the key and walked with Liana to their room. He opened it
up and walked inside. The room was small. Basically just a room with a
bathroom attached to it. The bed only had one mattress on it, but even if
it had had two, there was no space on the floor to put down a

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second mattress. Also, the dogs were going to need a place to sleep,
too. He looked up at Liana.
"Uh. I' m not sure what we should do here. If you want, I can go sleep in
the car?"
"Are you crazy? You really don't have to. The bed is big. We're adults.
It's fine. I've just spent an entire week with you, Jackson! As long as I
have a place to put my head tonight, I'm happy. I'm just glad we found
this place. The dogs can sleep on the floor, and we can sleep on the bed.
It's fine. This could've been a lot worse for us."
"That's true. Well, okay then. It's too early to sleep, though. Wait, I
have an idea. I'll be back."
"Wait. Where are you going?" Liana called after him.
"Just wait and see."
Jackson rushed back to the car to get their bags and came back into the
room smiling.
"What are you grinning about?" she asked him.
"Well, I have with me some delicious snacks, as well as some delicious
wine. All courtesy of my father!"
Jackson had gone to the car to get some wine and hadn't expected to see
a box of snacks waiting there with it. It was almost as if his father had
anticipated the break down.
"Your father is amazing! This is so cool. I'm so glad because when that
lady mentioned breakfast but not dinner, I wanted to cry. I'm so hungry.
These snacks look so good, too. And we have wine - so we're set for the
They placed towels over the bed and sat cross-legged with the snacks
surrounding them. They had no cups, so they opened up a bottle of
wine each and balanced them between their legs. Liana had been the
one to suggest that they each get a bottle. She said the place was a bit
creepy so she needed something to dull the fear. He didn't mind at all.
His father had given them some of his best bottles to take with them.
"I've got to say - I've never had a picnic on the bed of a small motel
before with two dogs lying next to me on the floor."
"Yeah, this is definitely a first for me, too."
She giggled and Jackson realized that she was actually having a

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good time. And so was he.
Jackson looked down and saw that only Oliver was lying on the floor.
"Hey, where's Charles?" he said and looked around. Then he burst out
laughing. Charles had silently made his way onto the bed. He'd stolen a
piece of meat and was making his way back down when Jackson
caught him.
"Whoa! " he said to Liana. "These guys are stealthy. How did they do
that? I didn't even feel him jump onto the bed. Okay, I'm impressed.
Here guys... you can have a bit more." Jackson reached down and gave
them both a treat. When he looked up, he saw that Liana was smiling at
him. "What are you smiling about?"
"I just didn't peg you as a dog person," she said.
"I didn't either. Maybe I am. Or maybe your two dogs have crept into
my heart. No wonder you took them both when you saw them at the
shop. They are adorable. I'm going to miss them."
"Well, you're welcome to visit them any time," she said.
"And you? Can I visit you, too?"
"Well, it would be a little weird if I wasn't there," she giggled.
That made him laugh, too. "Like some weirdo creep who goes around
visiting other people's dogs. 'Would you like to go out tonight?'
someone would ask me. And I'd say 'no, sorry I'm visiting Charles and
Oliver tonight.' 'Charles and Oliver?' they would say, assuming I was
talking about humans. 'Yeah, I'm bringing them dinner,' I'd reply and
then bring out a huge dog bone." Jackson was almost crying as he told
his tale.
"You're funny. Has anyone ever told you that?" "Actually, no. I've been
called many things - but never funny." "Let me guess - you've been
called handsome, gorgeous, a self-made man."
"You're mocking me," he said to her.
"Well, you are those things. But I think you are funny. Now, if you'll
excuse me, Mr. Comedian Sir, I'm going to have a quick shower and
get into my very comfortable pajamas. I'm starting to get a little tired
after all this wine."
He laughed as she almost tripped over the dogs trying to get up. He

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heard the shower going, and he decided to use that time to change. He
put on a plain, white t-shirt and some boxer shorts and then wrapped
the blanket around himself so that Liana wouldn't feel awkward when
she came out.
He heard the door open and was just about to mock her slippers which
he knew she must be wearing when he saw that she was just in her
towel. The towel was small and white, and her dark skin almost shone
in comparison.
"Uh... sorry... I left all my clothes behind. Also - I think I'm drunk."
He hadn' t expected her to say that last part, and he burst out laughing.
He stood up, and as he did so, his blanket fell off revealing just his
"I think I'm drunk, too. Did we really almost finish a bottle of wine
each ourselves?"
"I think we might've. I actually don't remember," she said.
She was still standing in her towel, and he quickly looked away. The
room was small and there wasn't much place for him to go. So he sat on
the edge of the bed and pretended to look at the dogs. She squeezed past
him to retrieve her clothes.
"Whoa! Did you see the time? It's past midnight. Have we been talking
so long? It's like I've entered into some weird time warp." Then she
laughed and started singing. "Let's do the time warp again! Oh, I should
not sing. I'm going to regret that tomorrow. If you remember me doing
that in the morning, don't mention it to me. We can pretend like it never
happened. It's not often I sing in front of strangers. So count yourself as
"Well, I' m not exactly a stranger."
"I suppose not. I don't know what you are."
"A comedian?" he offered.
"Oh yes! " she said.
Then she turned to squeeze past him, but as she did so, her towel fell to
the floor. She stood naked in front of him, and before he knew what he
was doing, he reached out and pulled her onto him. Liana was
beautiful. He moved his arms over her body and felt himself getting

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excited. She felt it, too.
"Oh no! Jackson, I must look terrible compared to those girls that
you're always with."
"What do you mean?"
She reached down and pulled on her stomach. "Look at me. I eat pasta,
not salads. I drink too much wine. I don't have contours on my
For some reason, the word contour made her giggle. She was lovely.
And she didn't know what she was talking about. Her body was
beautiful. It was soft and real and captivating. Her breasts were big, and
her nipples were wide and dark. He reached over and touched them,
and he felt them harden in his fingers. She groaned as he did so. Then
he pulled her face down and started to kiss her. At first it seemed as if
she were going to pull away, but then she leaned in closer and the kiss
became deeper. He didn't want it to stop. She tasted like blueberries. He
kissed her and kissed her and kissed her until they had both fallen down
onto the bed. He stood up to pull off his boxers and his t-shirt and then
lay back down on top of her. They moved together with ease, kissing
and touching, kissing and touching. They didn't care that the bed was
making a noise so loud the neighbors could surely hear it. The more
noise it made, the more he wanted her. He moved inside of her and she
wrapped her legs around him, guiding him deeper. Everything about
her felt right. The way she felt and the way that she made him feel. He
didn't want the moment to end. He pushed into her and looked at her
face. Her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted. Then, she
opened her eyes and smiled at him. He reached down and kissed her
mouth, feeling her tongue darting inside his. Then he kissed and sucked
on her neck until they both couldn't take it any longer. They came
together, and Jackson heard himself cry out in joy. Then he moved off
her and wrapped his arms around her. He could hear the deepness of
her breath.
"Liana?" he whispered.
"I don't mean to alarm you but there are two very curious boys looking
up at us right now."
She giggled at that and pulled him closer.

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"They're not used to seeing that," she said. Then she closed her eyes
and fell asleep.
Jackson lay there for a while, just thinking about what had happened.
He had never expected this to happen. He'd never thought he' d even
want it to happen. He tried to figure out what it meant and what they
were going to do the next morning when they woke up together. But he
couldn't think about it much longer. It didn't take long for the same
exhaustion to hit him, and he fell into a deep and happy sleep.

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Liana woke up before Jackson did. She had to stifle a scream when she
noticed that she was lying next to him completely naked. She laid there
for five minutes, trying to calm down as all the memories of the night
before came flooding back. She crept out of bed, took her bag, and
went into the bathroom. As she showered, she let the hot water flow
over her. She always felt better after a shower, and when she was
finished, she decided that she wasn't going to say anything to Jackson
about the night before unless he said something to her. She was
absolutely mortified by what she had done, and she wanted to pretend
as if it hadn't happened. The whole week had been a bit of a blur, and
now that she was standing in the bright light of the bathroom, she
wanted to put it all behind her. She put on her clothes, brushed her
teeth, and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Jackson was awake. Charles and Oliver had jumped onto the bed with
him, and she tried to ignore how sweet they all looked together. Never
in her wildest imaginings would she have pictured the scene before her.
Her boss lying in bed with her dogs. Was he still naked underneath the
sheets? What was actually going on? How had she lost grip on reality
so quickly? When she saw the empty wine bottles lying on the bedside
table, she knew why.
"Good morning," Jackson said to her.
"Morning. I hope I didn't wake you up. I was desperate for a shower. I
see you have company."
"Yeah, I think these two want to go out. Uh. did you sleep well?" he
asked, the nerves in his voice apparent.
"Um. yes, thank you. Pounding headache though. Remind me not to
drink wine again any time soon. Well, if you want to go shower, I'll call
the mechanic and meet you downstairs for breakfast?" She hoped her
voice didn't betray how nervous she felt around him and how annoyed
she was at herself for what had happened.
"Yeah, good idea. Thank you, I'd appreciate you calling him. And

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I'll definitely meet you downstairs for something to eat. I'm starving,
and I think I can already smell bacon being cooked."
Liana quickly averted her eyes as Jackson got out of the bed. He still
had no clothes on, and he quickly reached for something to cover him
as he walked to the bathroom. Liana turned just as he got to the
bathroom, and she tried not to laugh at the sight of his bare backside.
When he closed the door behind him, she felt her body relax.
"What the hell have I done?" she said to the dogs who were both
looking up at her.
She went downstairs and told the lady at the front desk that they would
be having breakfast, and then she quickly took the dogs for a walk
around the block. When she got back, Jackson was sitting at a table and
a breakfast was set out in front of him. On the floor were two bowls of
food for the dogs.
"Oh wow, that was quick. Sorry, have you been waiting long?" she
asked him.
"No, I literally just got here. I asked them to organize food for the dogs.
I hope they're not fussy. They didn't have dog food, so they put human
food in dog bowls."
"Oh that's their best!" Then she laughed as she watched them devour
their food in seconds. "Poor things must've been starving. I'm so
hungry, too, but I'm going to try to eat a bit slower than that! You boys
have no manners," she said to the dogs and they wagged their tails in
response as if to say that they didn't care the slightest what she thought
of their manners.
Charles and Oliver were a welcome distraction, and instead of speaking
about what happened the night before, they concentrated their
conversations on the dogs. Just as they were finished eating, her phone
rang. The mechanic had arrived. Another welcome distraction. While
Jackson and the mechanic looked at the car, Liana went for another
walk with the dogs - just to have something to busy herself with.
Memories kept trickling in to the forefront of her mind, and she kept
pushing them away. When she got back, she saw that the mechanic was
walking away. He saw her and gave her a big thumbs up. She
considered asking him to take her home so that she could avoid another
hour's drive with Jackson

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but thought against it. This had nothing to do with the mechanic, and
she was sure he couldn't care less about what was going on between her
and Jackson.
"So, all sorted out? The mechanic seemed happy. I'm assuming that' s
good news," she said as she got nearer.
"Yeah, that guy is like a genius man. He took one look at it and he knew
exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. I'd love to tell you what he
did, but I still have no idea. And I was watching the whole thing. I
really should learn more about cars in case I get myself into a
predicament again."
"Well, that's what mechanics are for. Most of the population doesn't
know about cars, so I wouldn't worry about it. So, are we good to go
then?" she asked.
"We are. I'll go check out. The bags are already in the car, so you can
just wait for us there."
"Okay, great. Uh. I have no idea how much this cost though. Do you
want me to pay you my half now? Or do you want to settle it when we
"What? You're not paying for this. Are you crazy? This is just a small
motel anyway. Trust me; it's not going to cost much at all." "Are you
sure, Jackson?"
"Yes, of course I'm sure. I certainly didn't expect you to pay for this.
This wasn't your idea anyway. This whole thing was my idea. And it
was my car that wasn't reliable. Honestly, I've got this. I'll see you back
in the car in a few minutes."
"Okay, thanks, Jackson."
The truth was that Liana didn't have much money to be throwing
around anyway, so she was grateful that she didn't have to pay for this.
All the extra money that she was going to be given was going to go
straight to her mom. She needed to keep reminding herself why she was
doing this. What had happened the night before was just a bump in the
road. Too much wine. That's all.
In the car, things were strained and Liana had no idea how best to
handle the situation. She opened her mouth, about to say something,
and then closed it about a dozen times. They spoke about trivial things,

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then Liana said she was tired and was going to close her eyes for a
while. She noticed that Jackson didn't try to stop her or ask her what
was wrong. He said okay and then continued to drive - his eyes firmly
fixed on the road ahead. Of course, Liana didn't sleep a wink, and when
Jackson gently touched her leg to wake her up, she jumped up in
pretend surprise. The truth was that she was actually jumping from the
feel of his hand on her leg again. Her mind jerked back to the night
before, and she quickly blinked it away.
"Hey, Liana. We're here." Jackson's voice was soft and gentle.
She rubbed her eyes. "Oh, we're here already. Glad the car made it in
one piece. Well, looks like I was more tired than I thought I was.
Thanks for taking me home. And for a great week away from the city. I'
m very grateful that I got to meet your father."
"Thanks again for everything, Liana. I'll have that money in your
account by Monday. I really do appreciate it. And. my father loved you.
Uh. let me help you with your bags."
"No, no. I'm fine. I don't have much." Liana wanted to get away from
him as quickly as possible, and the thought of having him in her
apartment made her heart beat faster. "Let me get these little monkeys
back inside. Time for them to readjust to apartment living. Uh. well.
sleep well, Jackson. I'll see you on Monday."
"Monday?" he asked.
She laughed despite herself. "For work. You know. at the magazine. A
week away and you've already forgotten about it."
He laughed, too. "Oh yeah. Work. Of course. Well, see you then."
Liana closed the door and walked into her house without looking back.
Then she flopped immediately onto her couch and groaned. What have
I done?
She picked up the phone and called Becky. She had told Becky about
the whole thing and made her promise not to tell anyone other than
Rob. The exchange had been brief because it was just before Jackson
was going to pick her up to take her to the countryside so she still didn't
know all that much. But she'd promised she'd phone her the moment
she got home. And Liana felt desperate to speak to a familiar voice.
"Hey, Becs. I'm home!"

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"Thank God. I've been dying to talk to you!" Becky said.
"Why? Did something happen while I was gone?"
Becky laughed. "No silly, nothing happened. I just wanted to hear all
about your trip. I was a bit confused about it when you phoned me. You
spoke to me so quickly. I tried to phone you when you were away, but I
couldn' t get through."
"Yeah, sorry about that. There was barely any signal there. I was going
to call you, too. I had these big plans of walking out onto the field and
calling you. But my plan didn't work when I couldn't get through."
"Big open field? Wow, so, was it amazing? Or was it completely
awkward? My guess is on awkward."
Liana smiled. She would have bet on that, too. "Actually, it was
amazing. And surprisingly, not awkward at all. Jackson's father is
incredible. Such a lovely man with a great outlook on life. You would
love him."
"So, the opposite of Jackson then?" Becky said.
Liana felt an immediate need to stick up for him but resisted the urge.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"So what was this all about, Li? I mean it's a pretty weird project, don't
you think? I couldn't quite make heads or tails of any of it. You said he
wanted you to pretend like you were a couple. To make his dad happy
or something. That's a bit strange. Why did you do it? I would've sworn
your reaction to something like that would've been something more
along the lines of 'Screw you!'"
That made Liana chuckle. "Yeah, that's exactly what my reaction
would've been and definitely one that I thought of. But... ah, Becs, my
mom isn't doing well at all. I'm sorry I haven't told you, but it all
happened so quickly. I went to visit them the other week, and it was the
worst that I've seen her in ages. I spoke to my dad and he admitted that
they couldn't afford the treatments. He said it was way more than they
could afford. And the doctors say that the treatments are her best option
right now. So when this came along, I had to take it. He wanted to pay
me a huge amount for it. Enough to cover those costs. I was at the point
when I didn' t care at all about why he wanted to do it. I just wanted to
see my mom happy. And you know - I think his intentions were good.

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little screwed up, but it's his dad's dream to see him in love and happy.
And we all know what type of guy he is. He just doesn't want that
lifestyle. He just wanted his dad to see him in love - even if it wasn't at
all true. I don't really agree with it, but I do sort of understand it. And
who am I to judge? I don't know his family history. And quite frankly, I
don' t care to know. I just want my mom to get better."
Liana started crying the moment she said the last words. She hadn't
realized quite how tense she was until she was finally speaking it out
loud. It felt so much more real now.
"Oh, Liana. I had no idea. And I totally understand why you did it.
Yeah, who cares what his reasons are. This was an amazing
opportunity for you to get that money. And will he be good for it? I
mean, he is going to give it to you, right? This isn't just some weird
scheme of his for who knows what reason and then he won't pay you?"
"Yeah, he's good for it. I actually signed a contract, so the whole thing
was very professional. He said I'll have it by Monday, so I've told my
dad to go ahead and book those treatments."
"You're a good daughter. And an even better person. I'm not sure that I
could've done that. I mean, I know how much you can't stand that guy.
Now you had to put up with him for an entire week. But you know what
- I love you, Li. You did the right thing."
That was all Liana needed to hear. "Thank you."
"And? How was it? Was it weird? I mean. how hard was it to pretend?
What did you have to do?"
"Well, his father is amazing. So that helped. And the place was
incredible. I didn't want to leave, and the dogs loved it, as you can
imagine. His father cooks so well and is a massive coffee and wine
lover - which suits me perfectly. He has the most amazing wine
collection. And as far as Jackson and I - well, he was a gentlemen about
it all. We held hands sometimes, and he would give me a quick peck on
the cheek when his father was around. It was strange at first, but it
actually became quite normal after a while."
It made Liana feel strange talking about it. Especially since it really
hadn' t been nearly as strange as she had thought it would be.
"And what about sleeping arrangements?" Liana knew this

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question would come.
"Yeah, I was worried about that. Especially when the bedroom we were
in only had one double bed. It did, thankfully, also have two mattresses.
So Jackson put one on the floor and slept there. We went to bed quite
late most nights, so we would literally walk in and go to bed."
"Wow. I' m surprised. It sounds like he really did have pure intentions.
And he didn't try anything?"
Liana' s mind raced back to the night at the B&B. She had planned on
telling Becky, but suddenly she didn't want anyone to know.
"He didn't."
"Are you okay, Liana? You sound a little bit strange tonight."
"I' m fine. I' m just exhausted. Like I said - it all went fine, but I guess it
took its toll on me. All this pretending. I'm glad to be back, even though
Charles and Oliver would probably do anything to go back again. I'd
forgotten how good it is to get away from the city sometimes."
"Yeah, I can imagine. Have you heard from Trevor at all? Rob said he
couldn' t stop talking about you."
Liana smiled sadly to herself. "He called just before I left. I'm sure I'll
see him again. He's a lovely guy. Most definitely no big sparks on my
side - but he really was lovely."
"Sometimes it's good to give people a chance, though."
"Sometimes it is. Anyway, I'm practically falling asleep here. And I'm
also starving. So it's food, shower, and bed for me."
"Thanks for calling! Get some rest and let's meet up soon. And keep me
posted on how your mom is doing."
"I will."
After that, Liana did her best not to think about the week or Jackson for
the rest of the weekend.
Of course, Jackson couldn't be avoided forever. On Monday morning,
Liana drove slowly to work, trying to avoid the unavoidable. When she
got to the office, she saw that he hadn't yet arrived. Peter was the first at
her desk.
"Oh, thank goodness you're back. Janie was in charge while you were
away, and she was awful. Just plain awful. So, I hear you had to go to
some crappy conference with the boss. Poor you. I was so glad that he

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didn' t ask one of us to go with him. So, what did you have to do the
whole week?"
Liana was glad that Peter had come to speak to her because she had
almost forgotten that Jackson had told them all that they had gone to a
"Oh you know, just boring admin stuff. Taking notes, making sure
appointments were made. The usual. Not very different than here
"And let me guess - Jackson was out having a good time. Man oh man,
what I would do to have his life sometimes."
Liana smiled politely. She thought about reminding him that he had a
wonderful wife and two lovely kids but then changed her mind. She
simply didn't have the energy to get into a discussion with Peter at the
"Well, I see the work has piled up while I've been gone. I better get
to it."
"Good luck! Ooh, here comes Jackson now," Peter said and quickly
scampered off to his desk.
Liana glanced up and saw Jackson walking toward his office. He was
stopped by at least five people on his way, which made his one-minute
journey about ten minutes long. She quickly looked away the moment
he stopped talking to the last person, and she stared at her computer.
But when she looked up again, she saw him looking at her. She smiled
briefly and then turned her head back to the computer, her heart
pounding in her chest. What was wrong with her? She'd worked with
this man for four years. She'd just spent an entire week with him. And
yet here she was, nervous at his mere presence. She needed to get a
Liana tried to spend the rest of the day buried in her work. She didn' t
even pause for lunch or to take a coffee break, which meant that by the
end of the day, she had gone through almost all of her outstanding
work. Jackson came in and out of the office throughout the day, and she
had caught him looking at her a few times. For some reason, this just
infuriated her. She hated how good looking he was. She felt a desperate
urge to go up to him and slap his handsome face until it was no longer
handsome. She didn't know why she felt so much contempt for him at

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the moment. She just couldn't help it. They'd slept together - it was a
fact, no matter how much she tried to deny it. And while it had been
absolutely incredible for her, she couldn't help but wonder why it had
happened. After all, he was the type of man who slept with models. She
cringed every time she thought about what he must have thought about
her normal naked body. How drunk was he? Or did he not care who he
slept with - as long as he got what he wanted? And if so, then she was
no better than any of those other women. She was just another statistic
for him. Another name to cross off his ever-expanding list of women he
had slept with. Did he laugh about it with his friends? Had he told
people what she looked like without her clothes? She couldn't handle
seeing him at work, knowing what they had done.
When the end of the day finally came, she shut off her computer and
practically ran out of there. She couldn't think of anything else but the
thought of getting as far away from work as possible. But at the same
time, Liana also didn't want to go home. Home was too quiet. There
was nothing to do but watch TV or read books, and that wasn't enough
of a distraction for her. She'd called her father that morning, and he had
informed her that her mother was going in for treatments later that
week. He'd said he'd let her know so that she could visit at the hospital.
They were so thankful for what she had done. But now that it was all
going ahead, she was nervous - nervous that after everything, it still
wasn't going to be enough.
Liana decided to drive to the center of the city. She wanted to be around
big crowds where she could lose herself and forget about her problems.
She parked the car and then started walking up and down the streets.
She loved how anonymous she felt in the city. How easy it was to blend
in. She considered going into one of the cafes for something to drink,
but she spotted a bookshop in the corner that she'd never seen before
and decided to go in. She'd always had a particular penchant for
bookshops - she loved the way the books felt in her hands. She'd always
wondered what it would be like to be a writer and to have a book that
you created being bought by people in public. She'd always found it
fascinating how someone could come up with a story from their own
minds and turn it into something tangible. She'd often thought about

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working at a bookshop - imagine the hours of fun she'd have organizing
the books. It would be a dream. Instead, she was working at a
magazine. But not just any magazine. A magazine that was dedicated to
all the men in the world. To a lifestyle that she wanted nothing to do
with. It had never bothered her before, simply because she had still
enjoyed her job, even if she didn't love the magazine or what it stood
for. But even that had changed now. Surely, she thought to herself,
surely that would change once everything got back to normal. But no
matter how many times she tried to forget about what had happened,
she would find herself thinking about it. Liana hated to admit it - but
being with Jackson had been incredible. And there was a part of her
that felt as if she were falling for him. The Jackson that she had seen
that week was not the Jackson that she had seen at work. But which was
the real one?
Stop it! she told herself, shaking her head and trying to concentrate on
the books in front of her.
"Deep in concentration. A lover of books, too! Your list of great
personality traits continues."
Liana jumped at the voice and dropped a book to the floor. She picked
it up and placed it back onto the shelf with trembling hands.
George Fisher was standing in front of her, looking as handsome and as
kind as the last time she had seen him. She rubbed her eyes as if she
were imagining him. Perhaps the stress of everything was starting to
get to her. Surely it was not George. And yet, it was.
"Hey, Liana. Sorry I startled you. What a coincidence! I was so
surprised to see you standing there. For a while, I thought I had
completely imagined it."
"You're in the city," she said dumbly. She was so confused.
He laughed. "I am. I told you I go to the city sometimes. I hadn't
planned to come so soon, but a friend was ill so I decided to come for a
quick visit. I just had a half hour to kill before visiting hours, and I saw
this bookshop. And I just absolutely adore bookshops."
"I' m so sorry to hear that about your friend. Is it serious?"
"Possibly. But I hope not. Either way, I figured it was best for me to
come and see him just in case. He's a great friend, and I wanted to be

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there for him the way he has always been there for me. I was going to
call you and Jackson, but there's just been no time."
"Oh, don't worry about it! Your friend is more important. It's good to
see you again, George."
And as she said it, she felt a terrible feeling of guilt and sadness come
over her. It really was just so good to see him again. She wished in that
instant that she hadn't agreed to the lie. But she reminded herself that
she was doing it for her mother. Everything was for her mother. She
smiled at him.
"How are my boys doing? Are they missing the countryside yet?"
Liana giggled as she realized he was talking about her dogs. "They're
doing well. They loved it in the country. My apartment seems so tiny
now. Thanks for being so good to them."
"Oh, I love dogs. But you actually reminded me just how much I love
them. I' m actually going to look at a dog this coming week."
"You are?"
"Yes, one of the ladies at that farm stall I took you to just told me that
her dog had puppies. So I'm going to go choose one. My only worry is
that I'll end up taking more than one."
"Well, that's what happened with me! Ah, that's so exciting."
"Oliver and Charles will have to come and visit then."
Liana gulped. "Absolutely."
"Listen, I better get going. Visiting hours are going to be starting soon.
It was so good to see you again. You know - when Jackson first told me
about you, I was certain that it wasn't true. I mean, we both know that
he wants his inheritance money. Just last year he was begging me for it.
But I refused to give in. My wife and I made that decision together, and
I wanted to honor it. She's the one who told me that he only deserved
that money when he was settled down with the woman he loved. But. I
have to admit. I was wrong. When I met you, I knew instantly that my
boy had finally found love. And with such a beautiful girl, too. I
couldn't be happier. I know that I was going to wait until he got
married, but the two of you are so happy and it seems silly to wait. You
can both use that money toward the marriage and maybe getting a
house or something. I'm just so pleased that the money is going to be

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to good use. It took a long time for Jackson to come right - so I have
you to thank. Anyway, I better get going. Chat soon! Give my love to
Liana' s mouth had gone dry. She smiled as he kissed her on the cheek,
and she continued to smile as he walked off. The smile made her face
hurt, and the moment he was out the door she allowed it to collapse.
She couldn't believe what she had just heard. So much for Jackson just
wanting to make his father happy. His plan had absolutely nothing to
do with his father. It had everything to do with himself. For a while, she
had honestly thought that Jackson was different - that she had seen a
side of him that was the opposite of the one that he always portrayed at
work. But Jackson had just been pretending. As it turned out, he was a
pretty good actor when he wanted to be. She wanted to scream, and she
was glad that she wasn't at home. Out in public, she had to force herself
to calm down. As she walked back to her car, she took deep breaths in
and out and ignored the way the people were looking at her. The
moment she got home, she allowed the tears to fall down her face. She
felt a mixture of emotions take hold of her - anger, sadness, hurt,
embarrassment. He'd fooled his father, but he had also fooled her. She'd
been so duped by him that she'd even slept with him. Why hadn't she
realized that he was the type of man who would do anything to get his
own way - no matter who he hurt. If he could do that to his own father,
then it was no surprise that he could do it to her. I'm such an idiot, she
Liana couldn' t believe that she had almost fallen for Jackson. What' s
worse is that she was about to repeat history - something she had sworn
to never do again. When Liana had told Jackson about Thomas, she
hadn't been entirely honest with him. She'd barely known Jackson at
the time, and she didn't want him to feel sorry for her. Also, it was
something that she didn't really like to talk about. Something that she
certainly didn't like to think about. She'd loved Thomas. He might have
been her first love, but she had been certain that they were going to be
together forever. She'd been with him for four years, and she'd thought
that she'd known everything about him. In her mind, he was perfect.
But Thomas, as it turned out, wasn't perfect at all. Everything that
Liana had told Jackson had been true - but she'd left out one very
important part.

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Thomas had met a girl who was prettier and richer than her. The girl
had promised him an easy life. She was daddy's little girl, and daddy
was very rich. She'd never known what it was like to work for her
money, and she'd promised Thomas that he would never have to know
that either. And despite all the things he had told Liana over the years -
he simply couldn't resist the easy life. He'd left Liana and followed his
new girlfriend like a puppy. Years later, Liana had seen him again. He
was back in the city after the girl had dumped him for someone else. He
had begged Liana to take him back - but by then the damage was done.
And she'd sworn never to be fooled by a man again. She'd kept her
guard up and told herself that the next guy she met would be genuine.
Yet here she was, watching history repeat itself. Thankfully, this time
she hadn't allowed herself to get in too deep. She put the thought of
Jackson out of her mind.
The phone rang. She glared at it. "It better not be you, Jackson," she
threatened and then picked it up. If it was, she wasn't sure she'd be able
to keep her cool.
"Hello?" she said into the receiver, holding her breath.
"Oh, hey, Liana. It's me, Trevor."
She breathed out in relief. Trevor. Trevor's kind face floated back into
her mind. "Trevor! Oh hey, it's good to hear from you again. This is a
nice surprise."
"I know you said that you were going to contact me. But it seems I' m
not nearly as patient as I thought I was. I just wanted to see how you
were doing. I'm very glad to hear you say that it is a nice surprise."
Liana smiled and felt the anger begin to fall away. She leaned back into
the couch. "Thank you. I'm glad you called. In fact, you're just the
person I feel like speaking to right now."
"I am? Okay, I feel better about phoning you now. Is everything
alright? You sound a bit different tonight."
"It is now. Sorry, I'm just a little tired - that's all. How are you?"
"I'm good." Then Liana heard him pause and mumble something to
himself. "Ah heck, I'm just going to come right out and ask you. If I
don' t do it now, I might just lose my nerve. Would you like to go out to
dinner with me?"

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Liana smiled. "Well, it depends. Do you happen to know of any other
good pizza places?" she asked.
"I happen to know quite a few actually."
"Well then, you have yourself a deal. I'd love to Trevor. How about
"Friday is perfect. I'll pick you up at six."
No more Thomas. No more Jackson. There might be no sparks with
Trevor, but at least he was someone that she could trust. And perhaps
that was more important.

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"Welcome back, you sly bastard," Martin said and reached over to hug
Jackson was generally not the hugging type unless it was with Martin.
Although Martin's wife had laughed when she had seen them and said
that they hugged like men. The slap-on-the-back kind of hug rather
than a warm embrace. The two had decided to meet for dinner to catch
up on the past week's events. Jackson was grateful to get out his house,
which now suddenly didn't feel like it used to. He put it down to the fact
that he'd just spent a week in the country. Even at night, he couldn't
believe how noisy everything was outside - something he had never
noticed before.
Jackson laughed. "Sly bastard? Do you ever have nice things to say
about me?"
"Hmm. Maybe. But not to your face. I couldn't bear for that head of
yours to get any bigger than it already is," Martin teased.
"You mock me. So, how's your week been? School holidays coming
"Yes, another week to go and then I'm home free."
"You joke, though - I know you love working at that school." A fact
that still baffled Jackson to this day. Not only did he love working as a
teacher, but the kids loved him right back. He was a very likeable sort
of guy.
"I do love it there. But I also love to have a break - I need it. The kids
are great, but they start getting restless at this time of the year. But
enough about me. Tell me about you. How was the week? How was
your father? How was Liana?"
"I don't even know where to begin. I cannot believe the week has come
and gone and that so much has happened. I can't believe that I actually
went ahead with my plan. Well, it went better than expected. I told you
that my plan was a genius one. My father came up to me at the end and
told me that he'd be phoning me soon to talk about the

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inheritance. He wants to give it to me."
"So he fell for it then? He honestly thought that you and Liana were in
love? I must say, I expected better from him. I think he is so desperate
to see you happy that he just believes it regardless of the truth. I'm sure
if he really thought about it, he'd know that it was a ruse."
"Maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just that good at acting. Liana was
certainly better than I thought she'd be. Thank goodness I didn't take
one of those models that I wanted to take. I couldn't imagine it going
nearly as well as this. Well, he fell for it. And the plan worked out. He
loved Liana, and he is happy that I' m happy with her."
"Even though you're not actually with her," Martin pointed out.
"Well, yeah. But anyway, that doesn't actually matter because it all
worked. That's the main thing. And I know you won't believe this, but I
actually had good time. I really enjoyed being out there. I almost
understood why he moved away, you know. Like, I felt as if I could
finally breathe out there. Being home feels a little claustrophobic
"What? Is this the same Jackson that I spoke to a week ago who swore
he never wanted to move out of the city? The same Jackson that never
wanted to go and visit his dad because the country was so boring? What
happened to you?"
"Oh no, I still want to live in the city! I am still the same Jackson who
believes all of those things. But... well... I guess it was good to have a
break. Maybe I needed it more than I thought I did. And it was good to
see my dad - I got on better with him this time around. Maybe it's
because not everything was focused on me. I don't know."
"And how about Liana? Was it weird with her? I mean. surely it
must've been a bit strange? I couldn't imagine ever doing something
Jackson smiled at the thought. "I thought it would be too. I was
convinced it was going to be awkward and that the week was going to
drag for us. I mean, let's be honest, she's not the type of girl I'm used to
hanging around."
"You mean she actually has opinions?"
Jackson laughed. "Yeah. It was surprisingly refreshing. And she was
pretty easy to be around. My father fell in love with her, and I think

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she felt the same about him. They were very easy around each other
-especially with their shared love of wine, coffee, and animals. Oh yeah
-she brought her two dogs with her. Oliver and Charles - two little
"She brought dogs on the trip? In the car?"
"Yep. Coolest dogs, though - they were no trouble at all. They actually
made me want dogs of my own, if you can believe it."
"I can't believe it. And what's it been like now that you're back? I mean,
what is it like at the office?"
Jackson considered the question; it was something he had been
thinking about a lot himself. "Actually, it's a bit weird to be honest. It's
been a few days, and we've barely spoken to each other unless it has to
do with work. I mean, we never spoke to each other much before all of
this, so I suppose it's all the same. But there's an added element of
awkwardness attached to it. And it's strange because it was so easy to
be around her the whole week."
"Hang on a second. is there something more to this?"
"What do you mean?" Jackson asked, cutting his steak carefully so as
not to look at Martin's face.
"Jackson! You can't fool me. I'm your oldest friend. Nothing escapes
me. Something more happened. Hang on. you like her. You actually
like her."
Jackson put a piece of steak in his mouth and chewed slowly, buying
himself some extra time. "I don't like her. I mean, she was a lot better to
be around then I thought she would be. But I don't like her. You know
as well as I do that she's not my type."
"Jackson, you don't have a type. All the women you have been with
have been just quick affairs - mostly just to sleep with them or to have
someone beautiful on your arm. It's never gone any deeper than that.
This is the first time I've seen you speak about a woman like this."
"I'm not speaking about her in any sort of way."
"But you're nervous. You can hardly look at me. Hah! You actually like
her. Did anything actually happen with her?"
"What do you mean?"
"Something DID happen! And you're only telling me now? Once I

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forced it out of you. If she was just like one of the other girls, you
would've been boasting about it. Tell me now! What happened?"
Jackson sighed. "Fine. You got me. You should be a detective -you
know that? Well, for the most part, nothing happened. I was a complete
gentleman. At my father's place we did nothing but hold hands and
have quick pecks on the cheek. And all that was only for show. "
Jackson remembered how they had held hands when his father wasn't
around but decided not to mention that. "And then, on the way home,
my car broke down. So we had to stay in a motel for the night. There
was only one room with one bed. And. well. we got very drunk. And
the next thing I knew we were in bed together."
"Ah, I can always count on you for a good story. So. how was
Jackson smiled despite himself. "Amazing. Incredible. Perfect. I've
tried not to think about it. I mean, she works for me. And she doesn't
even like me like that. And this was never supposed to be anything
more than fulfilling a contract. But it happened. And it was amazing. I
can't deny that."
"I knew it! I knew there was something different about you today.
Jackson - you HAVE to speak to her."
"What? Why? About what?" Jackson stammered.
"About the fact that you like her! Come on, dude, don't mess this up. I'
ve never seen you speak about anyone like this. You actually seem to
respect her. Now that's a change. I don't mean to be an ass. But I'm your
best friend, and I always give you the truth. But you really have become
a bit of a chauvinistic pig."
"What?" Jackson couldn't believe what he was hearing. Martin was
always honest with him. But not to this extent. "Do you seriously
"That's the thing - I don't. I knew the Jackson before he got rich and
famous. And he was a very different guy. I still get to see him, but the
rest of the world doesn't. And you claim to just want money and girls.
But you're not actually happy. You haven't been happy in a very long
time. I've held onto the hope that one day that would change, and I' ve
been angry at your father for having that inheritance money lined up

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for you. I know I never told you this before because I didn't really think
it was my place. But you're doing so well for yourself. The magazine is
thriving and that was all because of you. You don't need that money.
You're already on your way to doing it all on your own."
Jackson sat back and regarded Martin. "Wow. This is a lot to hear right
now. A lot of compliments intermingled with a lot of insults. I'm not
sure what to say."
"Say you'll give things a go with Liana. She's the only one that has
made me see the old Jackson again."
Was Martin right? Had Jackson lost himself that much over the years?
He thought about how his father had looked at him with Liana. How
happy he had been for him. He hadn't seen his father that proud in a
long time. Perhaps Liana really did bring out the best in him.
"You know, Martin, you were right about one thing."
"Of course I was. Which thing?"
"Liana is absolutely beautiful."
Martin looked delighted. "I told you."
"So you'll give it a go? Because I don't think Liana is the type of girl
who would've slept with you if she didn't see something in you that she
really liked. Even if she was drunk."
"I hope you're right."
And for the first time in Jackson's life, he was scared that a girl would
reject him.
That night, Jackson thought about what he was going to say to Liana.
He thought about approaching her at work the next day. He thought
about calling her up. He thought about showing up at her apartment.
But he was petrified that she would say no to his face. She'd barely
looked at him all week - which could either mean she actually did like
him or it could mean that she didn't like him at all. But there was only
one way to find out. He got out his phone and started to dial her number
but then chickened out at the last minute and sent her a message
Hey Liana, he typed, I see you've been very busy at week. It's strange
being back in the city, isn't it? Who would've thought that I

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would miss the wide open space - but I actually do. Not to mention all
that wine. Speaking of wine - I ' d love to take you to this wine farm that
I absolutely love. I think you'll love it, too. They also serve the most
amazing pasta. Are you free this weekend? It would be great to catch
up again. Jackson.
He read through the message about ten times before finally sending it.
He wanted to act casual while still bringing across the message that it
was, in fact, a date. His phone showed two blue ticks. She'd both
received the message and read it. He waited eagerly for a reply but
nothing came. Ten minutes later and still nothing. Twenty minutes.
Nothing. Forty minutes. Nothing. An hour. Nothing. That was strange.
But perhaps she was just busy. He put the phone away and tried to busy
himself and not look at it. She would reply.
She did reply. Just before he was about to get into bed.
No, thank you. I ' m busy.
Jackson stared at the message for several moments. He couldn't
understand what it meant. The reply had been short and curt - the
coldness in her tone visible in just those few words. It wasn't like her at
all. What did it mean? He wanted to reply and ask her, but he couldn't
bear the thought of another horrible reply. Perhaps she'd talk to him in
the morning - tell him that she was only joking. That was it - she was
The next day at work, he waited eagerly for her to come and talk to
him. He considered setting up a 'meeting' with her or calling her in for
coffee. But when he did finally catch her eye, the look that crossed her
face said it all. She didn't like him. She didn't like him at all. Their
contract was over and so was everything that they had gone through.
But for the life of him, he couldn't understand why.
"Hey, boss."
It was Janie. She had been in charge while he had been away. He'd
always liked Janie - with her short skirts and her high heels. And her
absolutely incredible blow jobs. But she was the last person that he
wanted to see at that moment. Seeing her just made him cringe at the
type of man that he was. The type of man that Liana obviously knew
him to be. Why should Liana like him? When all he had done was talk

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women as if they were nothing to him. She'd only slept with him
because she was drunk.
"Hello? Earth to Jackson," Janie was saying.
"Oh, sorry. What can I do for you, Janie?"
"Well, I was wondering what I could do for you actually?"
"Oh, nothing at the moment. I'm sorry, I'm just very busy at the
moment. I'm heading off to a meeting. I probably won't be back for the
rest of the day. See you on Monday." And he quickly walked out before
she could say anything further.
He walked up to his apartment on the fifth floor, locked the door behind
him, and climbed into bed. Perhaps he could sleep his hurt away.
It was almost seven when he finally made his way out of bed. His
apartment suddenly seemed small and the walls were caving in on him
-even though he knew that the room was large and airy. He needed to
get out. He couldn't remember the last time that he'd been at home
alone on a Friday evening. But the thought of going to a club also filled
him with dread. He decided to go for a walk to clear his mind.
Jackson hadn't gone out for a walk in a long time. He just didn't ever
have much of a reason to. He lived in a great area, though - one filled
with restaurants and pubs. It meant that the night time was sometimes
livelier than the daytime. From his apartment, he could always hear
people walking past - laughing, drinking, having a good time. It had
always comforted him. There was something quite nice about a town
that didn't sleep. Well, at least that was what he had always thought.
Now it seemed to mock him - to bring a spotlight to his own messed-up
life. He'd always assumed that everybody loved the city -especially his
busy and never-stopping area. But now he wondered, as he looked up at
the tall apartments all around him, if anyone was in there feeling lonely
and wishing that the noise would stop.
Jackson had never been one for self-reflection. Since he started
working at the magazine - ten years ago - he'd focused purely on living
a life that was fast-paced, fun and superficial. He'd assumed that was
what he was supposed to do. That was certainly what everyone was
doing around him. He hadn't grown up that way. Despite his father's
riches, he'd actually grown up in a normal household, with a normal life

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and normal friends. He'd been a happy child. But he'd never believed he
would be as good as his father - who seemed to seamlessly go through
life without struggle. In his eyes, his father was just good at everything.
He was a great businessman, a great father, a great husband, and an
even greater person. How was Jackson ever supposed to fill his shoes?
And if his father hadn' t gotten him into the magazine, would he ever
have done it himself? Or would he still be wandering from job to job
trying to figure his life out?
But something Liana had said to him - the night that they had sat
together holding hands - had stuck with him. She'd looked at him in a
way that he had never seen anyone look at him before and she'd smiled.
Then she'd told him that he wasn't living in anyone's shadow - that he
had done more in ten years than most people had done in their life.
"And you know what Jackson?" she had said. "You did that all
yourself. And you did it well. You have may have annoyed the living
daylights out of me - but there's no denying that I've admired you from
the moment that I met you. And that admiration has only grown as the
years have gone by. You're incredible at what you do. Stop trying to
prove something to yourself and stop trying to be someone that you 're
not. Because you're Jackson Fisher - and that in itself is amazing."
Those words had stuck with him. Nobody had ever spoken to him like
that before. He'd never met a girl like Liana. He'd spent ten years
looking for women that he could toss away the moment he was done
with him. But why? To make himself feel better? To make himself feel
superior? He'd been with Liana for one week, and he felt a longing for
her that he had never felt with any girl in his life. He couldn't stop
thinking about her. The way he had felt inside her. The way they had
kissed as if it was more than just attraction that they were feeling. Why
then had she been so dismissive of him? Perhaps it was being back at
work - a stark reminder of the man she had been around for four years.
Perhaps she didn't believe that he was falling in love with a girl like her.
Jackson was so deep in thought that he didn't almost didn't see the
familiar face in the window. The restaurant was a pizza place that he'd
been to a few times with Martin. He looked inside as he walked past - at
the happy couples, the families, the friends, the first dates; he was just

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about to keep walking when he saw her. Liana. He gasped. Liana was
sitting at the very same table that he had sat at himself many times
before. But she wasn't alone. She was sitting with a man. Jackson had
never seen him before, but it was obvious that the two of them were on
a date. The man couldn't stop staring at Liana. He was hanging on her
every word. She was wearing a small summer dress and her hair hung
down in curls around her face. She was laughing at something he was
saying, and then he watched as the two of them lifted their glasses of
wine and said a cheers to something that made them laugh again.
Jackson could feel his heart move toward his throat. For some reason,
he had never even considered that the reason that she hadn't wanted to
see him was because she was seeing someone else. Didn't she tell
Jackson that she was single? He could've sworn that she had. But
perhaps he was wrong. Or maybe she'd only just met the man. Maybe
this was their very first date.
Jackson thought about charging in and demanding to know who he
was. He envisioned himself going up to him and saying that it was him
who was meant to be on a date with her. It was him who was supposed
to be drinking wine with her and lifting the glass up in celebration. Not
this stranger that Jackson had never seen before. But, of course,
Jackson did none of that. One of the couples that was sitting near the
window looked up and gave him a dirty look. He'd been looking inside
for too long, and they were starting to get annoyed or suspicious of him.
He mouthed a sorry and quickly scurried off. But he had no idea where
to go.

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The Final Chapter
Liana's head was finally feeling clear. She'd been a mess for the past
week, and her thoughts had been in jumbled confusion. But she was
feeling better about everything now and had woken up feeling excited
for the future. Liana knew that it was the date that had helped her feel
that way. Trevor had been lovely and it had been great to see him again.
But once again, there had been no sparks, and Liana was certain that
they wouldn t come even if she tried. And she didn t want to try - Liana
wanted to fall head over heels in love with someone. With Jackson, the
sparks had been there. She d admitted to herself that she had started to
fall in love with him. But the love wasn t enough. Jackson wasn t
enough. And neither was Trevor. And either way, she was never just
going to settle for anyone. Her parents had always said that she was
fussy - and she was glad of that. She wanted to be fussy. At the end of
the date, she d been upfront and honest with Trevor.
"Trevor, I m only going to tell you this because I think you re a great
guy and I really respect you."
"You don t even have to say it, Liana. You don t have feelings for me. I
"You do?" she had asked.
"I do. It s obvious. And I don t mean that in bad way. I can see you like
being around me - but I can also see that there is nothing more to it than
just friendship. I appreciate your honesty. And you know what, I had a
great time tonight, even though I could see that there was no future for
"So we can still be friends?"
"We better still be friends."
"I m actually very sorry that it s ended up this way. You re an amazing
guy, Trevor."
And Liana had felt sad in that moment. Because he really was such a
great guy and he would probably be so good to her. But they left that
date with a hug and a promise to meet up again soon. And she knew

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she would be seeing him again. She d sent Becky a message when she
got home and said that she d speak to her in the morning. She knew that
Becky was going to be disappointed and that she d had visions of the
four of them growing old together. When the phone rang, she knew
immediately that it was going to be Becky wanting to know how the
date had gone.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Becky said into the phone. "Wow, you're
happy today." "I am. I have some news." "You re pregnant!" Liana
Becky chuckled. "No, silly. I m not pregnant. Don t jinx it like that.
But... I do have some great news. Rob proposed last night."
"He what? Oh my God, Becs! That s amazing! I assume you said
"I said yes. I can t believe it. I mean, we d spoken about it on and off,
but I wasn't sure if it would ever actually happen."
"Well, the guy is smitten with you. So I m not surprised at all. How did
he propose?"
"It was so lovely, Liana. He knows I m not into big public displays of
affection. So he took me out to this little Italian restaurant - it was the
first place that the two of us ever went to together. He recreated that
first time - same table, same food, same wine, even the same waiter.
And the waiter doesn t even work there anymore. I only found that out
afterward. He actually got the same waiter to come back for the night.
How sweet is that? Then, after our dinner, we went for a walk, which is
also what we had done that first night when we hadn t wanted the date
to end. We sat on a bench - the same one that we sat on the last time,
and then he told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
He got out a ring and he proposed. Of course, I was crying by then. I
thought the date was incredibly romantic and lovely, but I still had not
expected it to end with a proposal."
Liana found herself crying, too. "Oh, Becs. I m so happy for you. And I
absolutely love Rob. He s perfect for you. You re perfect for him. You
ve made my day."
"Thanks, Liana. I couldn t wait to tell you. I wanted to phone you

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last night but it was so late. We have to go out and celebrate soon!"
"Yes! We do. Very soon."
"So, how are you? I know you were on a date last night, too. How
did it go?"
Becky was acting nonchalant, but it was obvious that she was desperate
to know.
"Well, there were no proposals, if you were wondering." Becky
giggled. "Darn! But it went well?"
"You know, it did. It actually went very well. But I just don t like him.
Not in that way. We had such a great time but there s just nothing there.
I m sorry. I know you re disappointed."
"I'm not disappointed. I mean, I would've loved it if the two of you
could ve been together. We could ve been the awesome foursome. But
really - it s pretty pointless if you re not in love with him. And I have a
feeling he's the type of guy that's not going to hold a grudge against
you. Like, if you had to see him again it wouldn't even be awkward."
"Exactly. I was very honest with him and we ve promised to stay in
touch. We ll see each other anyway, seeing as though he s friends with
Rob. It s a good decision."
"Are you okay, though? You sound different today."
"Actually. I have some news, too. I ve decided to quit. I m going to be
looking for another job."
"Quit? What? How come? I thought you were happy there. Does it
have something to do with Jackson?"
"It has to do with a lot of things. But I m not happy there. I like the job
but I don t like the magazine. And I want to work for a place that I love.
I ve never done that. It s time I start looking out for myself."
"Is there something going on with you and Jackson?"
"What do you mean? This has nothing to do with him."
"Liana, are you sure? You know you can tell me."
Liana sighed. It was hard to get anything by her friend. "Well, it has a
little to do with him. But he s only just given me the push that I needed
to leave, and I do actually think I should be working somewhere that I
love. But. well. Becs, there is something you should know."
"Something happened when you went away with him." It wasn't a

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question. Becky was just stating the obvious even though Liana had
never told her.
"How did you know?"
"Come on, Liana. We're best friends. I didn't push because I figured
you would come to tell me in your own time. So... what happened?"
"We slept together. But not during the week. I wasn t lying when I told
you that he was a perfect gentleman. He really was. We did nothing
during the week, and we got along so well. I saw a different Jackson
that week - one that I had never seen in my four years of working for
him. But I still didn't think anything of it - I was just grateful that the
week had gone better than expected. But. on the way home his car
broke down, and we had to stay in a motel for the night and share a bed.
We got way too drunk, and I guess our inhibitions were dropped. Next
thing I knew, he was kissing me and we were in bed together."
Becky squealed. "EEK! And. how was it? I mean. I know I ve said
horrible things about him, but he is one of the best looking guys I've
ever seen. Tell me it was amazing."
Liana couldn t help but laugh. The sound felt good coming out of her
mouth. "Ah Becky, it was incredible. I haven t felt like that for a long
time. And it wasn t just because I was drunk. I ve had drunken sex
before. He was amazing. And I felt as if he really wanted to be with me.
I've never had a guy look at me that way before."
"So, then what happened? What was it like the next morning?"
"Incredibly awkward. I didn t say anything and neither did he. And on
the way home, I pretended to be asleep. Then work was super weird -he
kept looking at me and I kept looking away. I ve barely said a word to
him since I ve been back. I ve been trying so hard not to think about
him. I mean - I know I saw a different side to him that week, but he s
still Jackson you know. He s still my boss and he s still the same man
who has slept with all these models and chased the limelight."
"Yeah, but shouldn t you at least speak to him? At least hear him
"Well, here s the thing. I actually got a message from him. He asked me
out on a date. I m not kidding you. He actually asked me out."

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"So why don't you sound the least bit excited?"
"I bumped into his dad the other day."
"His dad? But I thought he lived in the country?"
"He does. He was here visiting a sick friend and we just happened to
bump into each other. I felt so guilty seeing him knowing that I had lied
to him about being in love with Jackson. Anyway, we got to chatting
and he told me something that I hadn t known. Something that makes
the whole thing finally make sense. Jackson s father promised him that
he would get his inheritance only once he settled down with a woman
that he loved. And Jackson, being Jackson, obviously knew that it was
never going to happen - he's admitted that he's not the settling-down
type -well, he simply lied to his father. He made me go along with a lie
that I thought was just because he wanted to see his father happy, when
all he wanted was that money."
"But he already has so much money!" Becky exclaimed.
"Exactly! That s what a greedy, self-centred bastard he really is. And to
think - not only was I falling for him, but I actually slept with him. I m
so disgusted in him. More than that, though, I m so disgusted in
"It s not your fault, though, Liana. You didn t know. You were just
following your heart. He s the idiot. Not you."
"I know. And that s why I want to leave work. Because I cannot stand
to be around so many fake people every day. I don t want that in my life
anymore. It s not just about Jackson now. It s about myself and my own
"I think you re doing the right thing then. Do you have any job
interviews lined up?"
"Actually, I went on one yesterday."
"You did? Where?"
"Another magazine - I figured that was the area I had the most
experience in. Styled Life - have you heard of it?"
"Are you serious? I LOVE that magazine. It s the only one I actually
get every month. They re amazing."
Styled Life was all about lifestyle, décor, food, wine, coffee, and
creativity. There was even a section that focused on pets. Their office

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was such a stark contrast to MAN MAGAZINE, and Liana had felt
instantly at home in the light and airy space. The interview had gone
well, but she was still waiting to hear the verdict. In the meantime, she
was still looking for something else in case she didn t get it.
"They really are amazing. Well, I ll keep you posted. I should know
today whether or not I got it. I have a feeling lots of people are applying
for it, though."
"They'd be stupid not to hire you."
"Thanks, Becky. And I m sorry for not telling you everything sooner. It
s been weighing heavy on my mind. I feel so much better now that I ve
spoken to you."
"You can always talk to me. And I'm so proud of you. Don't worry
about what happened with Jackson. I m still glad the whole thing
happened - even if it just meant you got that money for your mom. That
s all that matters."
Becky was right. That really was all that mattered. Liana looked at her
watch and realized that it was time to get going. She was meeting her
father at the hospital because her mother was going in for her first
consultation. She d asked them both to be with her. Liana quickly got
changed and headed out.
When she arrived at the hospital, she found her father in the waiting
room. He looked smaller than she remembered. He d always been
someone that she had looked up to - this big man that would always be
there to protect her. But seeing him sitting in that waiting room all
alone made her heart break. He d been through so much lately and had
always kept his cool. Every time she had seen him or spoken to him, he
had been smiling and laughing and promising that everything was
going to be alright. She saw now how everything had started to take its
toll on him. He looked small and exhausted. But the moment he saw her
approaching, he smiled and sat up taller.
"Liana, my darling. I'm glad you're here."
"I m glad I m here, too. Is Mom okay?"
"She s fine. She s being brave. She s in with the doctor now, and they ll
call us in to chat when they are done. I m not sure how long it will be.
Would you like some coffee? For hospital coffee that comes out

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of a machine, it's surprisingly good." "I'd love a cup of coffee."
He got up and fetched her a cup. "Hey, this is good. Just what I need
right now."
"Liana, I know I ve told you this already - but your mom and I can t
thank you enough for what you did. We would never have been able to
afford this. At least now we know that we did all that we could. Now,
we just hope and pray that she gets better. But we appreciate it more
than you know."
Liana waved him off. "Oh, it was nothing, Dad. You know that I would
do anything to see Mom better. I m just so glad that I could help."
"Me, too. One of these days, you must tell your mom and me all about
this project that you did and why you got so much money for it. That
boss of yours sure does have a lot of money to throw around - not that
I'm complaining, of course."
"He certainly does. And yeah, I will tell you. It s a long story for now."
Liana was grateful when the nurse poked her head around the door.
"Mr. Tanner?"
Her father stood. "Yes, that's me." "You can follow me."
Liana got up and took her father s hand, and the two of them followed
the nurse down the corridor and into the consultation room. Her mother
was sitting up on the bed and looked happy to see them. Liana did
everything in her power not to burst into tears and instead put on the
bravest smile that she could muster.
"Liana! Nurse Caversham, this is my beautiful daughter, Liana. Didn t I
tell you she was a stunner?"
Liana went over and kissed her mother and then sat down in one of the
open chairs with her father. The nurse was beaming at her.
"She certainly is. Hi, Liana, it s lovely to meet you. Your mother was
telling me all about you."
Liana smiled. Trust her mother to be talking about her when she was so
"It s lovely to meet you, too. Is everything okay? Are you going

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ahead with the treatments?"
The nurse smiled and Liana was glad that her mother was in her hands.
Nurse Caversham had a wonderful way about her that seemed to put
everyone at ease.
"Liana, I m happy to say that things are actually looking very positive.
The cancer has not spread as much as we thought, and we re hoping that
the treatments will be able to put a stop to what is already
Liana gleamed at the nurse. "Really? That's wonderful news."
"It is. But. we have to be realistic, too. Anything can happen, and it s
important to know that. Also - the treatment is quite intensive. Which
means your mom could have a strong reaction to it. Not everyone does,
but chances are that she might. This means that her hair might fall out
and she might feel nauseous often. She might feel weak and be in pain.
She might have some symptoms, she might have none, or she might
have them all."
Liana gulped. It was hard hearing the truth but she was grateful for it.
"Thanks for being honest with us. I ve never liked doctors that skirted
around the truth."
Her father agreed. "Yeah, it s better that we know everything. So when
does treatment begin?"
"As soon as possible. And then we look forward to better days." The
nurse s smile was genuine. "But I ll leave the three of you alone for a
while and then we'll just need to sign a few forms."
"Are you okay, Mom?" Liana asked and went to take her mom s hand.
Her mom looked better than she did the last time that Liana had seen
"I m fine, my darling. I always feel better when I know everything and
when I at least have a plan of action. It was the not knowing that was
killing me. You know I like to fix things. Thanks for coming."
"Anytime, Mom."
The three of them sat for another ten minutes talking before the nurse
came and ushered them away. They kissed her goodbye and walked
"Do you want me to stay, Dad?" Liana asked as she saw her father

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sit back down in the waiting room.
"No, you don t have to stay. They re just going to sign a few forms and
then I ll take your mom home."
"Will you let me know when you re home?"
"Of course I will. Come over for dinner this week - I hear there s a great
noodle shop nearby."
"Oh, really? Well then, we better check them out." She laughed, feeling
better than she had in a long time. "I ll see you soon, Dad. I love
"I love you, too, Liana."
Liana took her time going home. She felt like going for a drive and
spent some time just circling the area. Driving had always calmed her
down. She loved watching the scenery move past her - a blur of activity
rushing by. When she noticed she was going past the same areas over
and over again, she decided to head home. She wanted to see Charles
and Oliver and position herself in front of the TV for the night ahead.
Just her and the two boys who she had no doubt loved her in leaps and
bounds. But when she got to her apartment, she saw a man sitting on
the front stairs. At first she thought it was Jackson, and then she thought
it was Trevor. But when she got closer, she realized that it was someone
that she had never actually seen before.
"Uh, can I help you?" she asked nervously, reaching into her bag for a
weapon that she didn t have. The man looked vaguely familiar, but she
couldn t place where she had seen him before.
"Liana. I'm sorry to have startled you."
"Do I know you?"
"Sort of. Not really. My name is Martin. I'm Jackson's best friend. I ve
been to the office a few times, but we ve never actually spoken much. I
know you make a mean cup of coffee, though."
Ah, yes, she remembered him now. He d always seemed so different
from the sort of people that Jackson usually hung out with. She d often
wondered how the two of them were even friends. She regarded him
"What s going on? Is Jackson okay?"
"Yeah, he s fine. Sorry, I didn t mean to worry you. I just wanted

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to talk to you. I didn't have your number, but I remembered Jackson
saying that you stayed next to a café that we used to go to when we
were younger. I know this area well." "Café Locale?"
"Yeah, that's the one. I see it's changed now."
"I used to go there all the time. Yeah, it changed about a year ago.
Someone turned it into an antique shop, as you can see. I was so
disappointed - do you know how convenient it was having a coffee
shop so close? I used to go there in my pajamas sometimes. By the end,
they knew me so well that they used to just bring me coffee in the
mornings. I was so sad when they closed. Anyway... uh... what can I do
for you? Sorry, I m being rude - do you want to come inside?"
Liana had no idea why she was asking a stranger into her house and
tried not to groan out loud when he said that he would love to come
inside. She made some coffee while he played with the dogs and then
came back to the living room to talk to him.
"Here we go. I see you ve met the dogs. They love company, and they
are real little charmers."
"Jackson told me about them. Oliver and Charles, I think he said their
names were?"
That took Liana by surprise. "Uh. yeah. He actually told you about my
dogs? That seems very un-Jackson like."
Martin laughed at that. He had a nice laugh, and Liana couldn t help but
take an instant liking to him. "Tell me about it. But then again, Jackson
has been very un-Jackson like since he got back from his week away
with you."
"So you know all about the week."
"I do. Look, I m Jackson s oldest friend. We re very different, but I
know the Jackson that he used to be rather than the Jackson that he is
now. I might not agree with a lot of the things he does, but he s still a
great friend to me. We go way back and that will never change. He s
not a bad guy - despite his poor decision-making skills. But yeah, he
told me that he had asked you to go along with him that week. I met
him when he got back actually because I wanted to know how it all
went. And what I saw was a Jackson I had not seen in a very long time.
A Jackson that I

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actually liked. And I know that it s all thanks to you."
"What do you mean? It s not all thanks to me. I mean - it was all pretend
"I know. Well, I know that it was supposed to be all pretend. What
Jackson didn t intend on happening was actually having a good time.
And falling in love with you."
"Jackson did not fall in love with me!" Liana exclaimed, perhaps a little
too loudly. Even the dogs were looking at her startled. Then she said it
again, but softer. "Jackson did not fall in love with me! Have you seen
the types of girls that he hangs out with? I m nothing like those
"Exactly! And Jackson has never been in love with any of them. But he
fell for you in a big way. I know it happened very quickly, but a week
away of pretending must ve shown him what life could actually be like.
He really likes you, Liana."
"He does?" This was certainly news to her.
"He does. Can I ask you a question, though?"
"Do you like him? I was the one who urged him to tell you. But a very
distraught Jackson told me that you not only said no to his date, but that
he also caught you out with another man."
"He caught me with another man? What do you mean? I m not with
"He said that he went for a walk to clear his head and saw you through
the restaurant window. You were having dinner with some man, and he
said you were clearly on a date."
Liana couldn t believe what she was hearing. Jackson had actually seen
her that night? "That was Trevor. And yeah, we were on a date. But
nothing happened. There were no sparks, despite him being a very nice
man. I told him so afterwards. I tried. I really wanted to like him. I went
on two dates with him, but I knew that there was no future. So after that
date, I just went home."
"But why did you go out on a date with that man and not with Jackson?
Don t you like him?"
"I do. Well... I did."

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"You did?"
Liana sighed. "I bumped into George. Jackson s father. He was in the
city visiting a sick friend, and we just happened to see each other. He
told me about the inheritance. I guess he assumed that I knew about it.
But I didn t. I knew nothing about that. But then again, he also assumed
that Jackson and I were in love. I honestly believed that Jackson just
wanted his father to see him happy and in love. I didn t agree with what
he was doing, but I thought that there was at least some merit to it. I
figured that I didn t know their family history and a part of me
understood why he was doing it. I actually believed he was trying to do
something nice for his father. But I was wrong. All he wanted was that
money. And he was willing to lie to his father in order to get it. That s
disgusting. I m sorry, Martin, but I don t want anything to do with a
man like that. If he can do that to his own father then I shudder to think
what he could do to me. I ve been hurt before. I m not going to be hurt
again. Even if I did actually really like the Jackson that I saw that
"Ah crap. The money! So that s the reason. Well, that makes sense. I
told him that it was a bad idea from the start. But you know Jackson.
Once he has his mind set on something. Well. can I tell you something?
I promise I m not making this up. Jackson has no idea that you know
about the money. As far as he is concerned, you just have another
boyfriend that you didn t tell him about. He phoned me to tell me what
had happened - how you had turned him down and how he had watched
you with that other man. He said it broke his heart but that it also
opened his eyes to something that he had been ignoring. He told me
that he s not going to accept the money anymore. He told me that he is
going to come clean to his father. He s made a plan to go back there this
coming week. I m going with him. My wife and I - we re desperate to
get away. I ve heard it s great there."
Liana smiled, trying to make sense of everything he was telling her.
"You will love it there. There s something very special about that place.
So. he s actually going to tell George?"
"Very un-Jackson like, isn t it? Yeah, he s actually going to tell him.
Which, I m sure you can agree, is one of the hardest things he s ever had
to do in his life."

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"His father is going to hate me."
"No, he won t. He s one of the best men I ve ever had the pleasure of
"You grew up going to his house, didn t you?"
"I sure did. And George was a good man then. He s an even better man
now. Jackson has been trying to live up to the Fisher name for far too
long now."
"But he HAS lived up to the name. That s the thing I don t understand.
Jackson is amazing. And his father can see that. I can see that.
Everyone can see that. I don t know why he constantly tries to prove
himself. He doesn't even need to." It was something that infuriated her
about Jackson.
"Yeah, but he s finally realizing that now. His father is a great man, but
he should never have told Jackson that he has all this money for him
waiting until he finds the right woman and settles down. First of all,
Jackson doesn t even need the money. But second, it s been at the back
of his mind for such a long time now - the idea that he has to find
someone in order to please his father. Perhaps George should never
have put that sort of pressure on a young kid. Listen, Liana, I know
what Jackson did was wrong. But he s not a bad person. In fact,
underneath it all, he s actually one of the nicest people you ll ever meet.
It s actually slightly annoying that he got the good looks along with
that, too."
Liana laughed. "Maybe it s good that he went through all of this
-otherwise, he would ve been too perfect."
"So, now that I ve told you everything, will you give him another
Liana considered his question before answering. "I m scared, though,
Martin. I mean, we re joking around about it all - but I still feel like he d
rather be with someone else. Like I can t actually ever live up to the
girls he s been with before. You ve seen them - they even grace the
cover of his own magazines. I saw them all hanging on his every word
at his party."
Martin grimaced. "Argh. I hate those parties."
Liana giggled then. "Me, too."
Martin smiled at her. "You re beautiful, Liana. And you re real.

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You re genuine. And Jackson knows that. Will you at least talk to
him?" "Okay. I will. I'll talk to him."
The relief was evident on Martin s face. "Oh, that s good news. Thank
you, Liana. I wouldn t be here if I didn t believe everything that I have
just told you."
When Martin left, Liana sank onto the couch with the dogs on her lap.
She scratched them both behind their ears just like they both loved and
tried to make sense of everything that had just happened. So much had
happened in the past few months. She d gone on a date, she d had a
pretend boyfriend for a week, she d gone away to the countryside, she d
been to the hospital - her emotions had been up and down and up and
down. And now, she sat with even more news. Jackson actually liked
her. Jackson was giving back the money. Was the Jackson that she had
seen that week the real Jackson? And had Martin meant what he had
said? That Jackson had actually started falling in love with her?
"What am I going to do?" she asked the dogs. They looked at her with
their big eyes, and she laughed. She could not believe that Jackson had
actually told Martin about them. "Seems like you two can charm the
pants off of anyone."
The phone rang and she jumped.
"Hello?" she said tentatively, wondering if it might be Jackson himself.
"Hello, is this Liana Tanner?" The woman s voice on the other end was
"Yes, this is Liana," she said.
"Liana, it's Marge. From Styled Life. I hope this is not a bad time."
Liana gulped. She d forgotten that they were going to call her back that
day. "Marge, good to hear from you. This is not a bad time at all. A
perfect time actually."
"Well, Liana, I m phoning you with good news. We all loved you at the
magazine, and we would love to have you on board. Welcome to the
"Are you serious? I got the job?" Her day had taken a serious turn for
the better.
"You most definitely got the job. When will you hand in your

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"I ll hand it in tomorrow. I normally have to work the two weeks as
stated in the contract, but I may be able to get out of it sooner if you
need." Surely, Jackson could grant her that after everything he had put
her through?
"Great. The sooner, the better. Call me as soon as you ve made the
arrangements. We re very happy to have found you. I think you ll fit
into the team perfectly."
"I think so, too. I ll definitely let you know when I can start. Thank you
so much, Marge. You ve made my day."
Jackson hadn t gotten much sleep in the last few days. When he walked
into work that morning, more than a handful of people had told him that
he looked tired. "Yes, I know that I look tired - you don't have to keep
telling me," he wanted to yell into their faces. But, of course, he just
smiled and said that it was because he was so busy. Then he closed his
office door and buried himself in work. Usually, he'd pass on most of
his work over to Liana - but he wanted to avoid seeing her for as long as
possible. He d phoned Martin and told him all about what he had seen
at the restaurant and how distraught he had been. Ever since that night,
he d been having restless sleeps. He d even phoned his father and asked
if he wanted some company the following week. His father had been
surprised and somewhat suspicious. He told him that Martin was
desperate for a holiday and didn t say much else. He wanted to speak to
his father face-to-face. But it wasn t going to be easy. His father was a
great man, but he didn t take kindly to people who took his kindness for
granted. Especially not his own son. Martin had assured him that he
was doing the right thing and said that he would be there to support him
through it
When someone knocked on his office door, he groaned. He d already
told his staff members that he was busy and that he was not to be
"Who is it?" he called out, trying to mask the annoyance in his voice.

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The door opened and Liana walked in. She had a tray of coffee and
cookies in her hand which she set down on his desk and then went to
close the door behind her.
"Liana? Do we have a meeting?" He hadn t been aware that they were
supposed to meet. The smell of the coffee wafted through the air.
"Hello, sir. I thought you might want some caffeine. I heard all of the
staff telling you that you looked tired. You didn t seem too happy with
their observations."
Jackson felt his mouth curve up into a smile. "Sir?"
"That s your name, isn t it?"
"Yes, it most certainly is. Are you joining me?" He saw there were two
cups of coffee on the tray.
"Well, yes. I cannot let you eat all of these cookies yourself. It is not
good for a man who quite obviously likes working out and looking
good. I, personally, don t care as much. I m all for looking good, but I
will happily never be perfect if it means eating these cookies."
She picked one up and bit into it, and he did the same. He had no idea
what was going on but at least they weren t fighting.
"Well, they re very good cookies, so I don t blame you. However, you
do realize that you are actually perfect, don t you?"
He wasn't sure if he should've said that. This 'meeting' or whatever it
was had been going very well, and he didn t want to ruin it by flirting
with her if she didn t want to. But hadn t she been flirting with him?
"Why, that is very kind of you, sir. I m easily won over by compliments
and cookies. Preferably both."
"That s good to know. I ll make a note of it. Uh. it s good to see you,
Liana. I mean, I know I see you every day. But it s good to actually talk
to you. I know things have been weird. I m sorry."
"I m sorry, too. Well, I actually do have a reason for calling this
meeting today."
"Not just for cookies and coffee?"
"Actually, I'm here to tell you that I'm quitting."
Jackson almost choked on his cookie. He felt the dry crumbs sticking to
his throat, and he quickly took a sip of coffee to wash it

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down. This was a strange way to tell him that she was leaving. "You re
"I am. I m here to give you my notice. I know I m meant to work out the
two weeks, but I was wondering if you d give me permission to leave
Jackson nodded. "Sure. Okay, if that s what you want to do. I can t stop
you. Yeah, you can leave whenever you need to if that s what you want.
Did you find another job?"
"I did, actually. At Styled Life"
"Oh. Well... it's a great magazine. Very different to here. But I can see
why you went for it. You ll do great there, Liana. Did you know that
they even have a section for animals in that magazine - maybe Charles
and Oliver can make their debut? They certainly have the looks for it.
And the charm. Ah. we re really going to miss you here. I said it before
and I ll say it again - the magazine wouldn t be what it is without you.
You ve been our rock. It s going to be very hard to find someone even
half as capable as you. I m sad you re going - especially if I ve been the
cause of you leaving. But I'm glad you found such a great job."
"Thank you, Jackson. It s time to leave. When I got the job, I knew it
was all for the best. And it hasn t been all bad here for me. Honestly.
Actually, it s been good - I ve enjoyed it. I ve learnt a lot about myself
and about the magazine world. I know that I m going to go into the new
job with much more confidence than ever before. I appreciate
everything that you ve done. And I really am going to miss being here
every day. But you see... it wouldn't be right if I stayed here."
"Why? Because of what happened?" Jackson asked. They still hadn t
really spoken about that night. Although he d thought about it every
single day.
"No, not because of what happened. I m sure that will happen again.
Because. you know. we re dating."
"What?" Jackson couldn t understand what was happening. What was
she talking about? Her face was so deadpan, and he had no idea if she
was joking or not.
"Here. I have it all down in the contract."
She pushed over the contact that they had created together. It was

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the same one that stated that she was going to be his pretend girlfriend
for a week. He looked at it and saw that she had scribbled something in
the one open space.
Once the week is over, Jackson Fisher is under strict obligation to take
Liana Tanner on several more dates. Wine included.
He looked up and saw that she was grinning at him.
"What? What is going on?"
"It seems you owe me a date. A few, in fact. Also, it seems there has to
be wine. I m a stickler for details, so I suggest you stick to the rules."
"So. you ll go out with me?" He knew that he sounded like a teenage
boy. But he didn t care. His heart was pounding, and he could feel
himself grinning from ear to ear.
"I mean. there s just not much I can do about it. We have a pact, it
seems. It s all here in the contract. I just didn t read the small print
before. Looks like you owe me a date. And wine."
Jackson stood up and walked to her. Then he pulled her off her feet and
took her into his arms. He kissed her. This time there was no alcohol to
blur their vision. There was no father to pretend for. This time it was all
real. Jackson kissed her and pulled her in closer - never wanting to let
her go. When they finally pulled away, he saw that she was giggling.
"What s so funny?" he asked her.
She looked around the room. "We're kissing in your office."
"Well, you re not my employee anymore, so we can do whatever the
hell we want to do."
"Oh yeah. That s true. From boss to boyfriend. Sounds like the title of a
very cheesy romance movie," she said.
"Starring Jackson Fisher and Liana Turner. With guest appearances
from Charles and Oliver," he added. Then he looked at the contract and
quickly wrote something down. "Looks like you owe me another kiss,"
he said and pushed the contract back to her so she could see where he
had written down Liana to kiss Jackson.
She grinned at him and leaned forward. "Well... if the contract says
s o . "

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Authors Personal Message: Hey beautiful!
I really hope you enjoyed my novel and if you want to see more of
my books then just head over to my Amazon page here!
From there you can see all of my books including my debut bestseller
"Never Sleep With A Bad Boy". Hope you check it out :)
Kendra x x

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