Chekov Billionaire's 1 Russian Billionaire's Virgin Secretary Leona Lee

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Russian Billionaire’s Virgin Secretary

(Chekov Billionaire Series #1)

By: Leona Lee

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014 Leona Lee, J. Starr

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Note: This book is part of a three part series. It ends on a

cliffhanger. Part 2 coming soon.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

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Chapter 1

“Come on, Sarah. You don’t want to be late for your own birthday.”

“I’m coming,” Sarah called out to her roommate as she finished getting ready. As Sarah looked at
herself in the mirror, she was surprised at the transformation. Growing up on a cattle range in central
California, Sarah’s idea of dressing up meant clean jeans and fresh boots. But today was her twenty-
first birthday and her friends insisted on going to the Casbah to celebrate. One of the newest clubs in
San Jose, they had a dress code and her friends took great pleasure in putting together an outfit for her
to wear.


“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Her neighbor, Chloe, had loaned her a silver-colored halter dress that
complimented her curves perfectly. With five inches difference in height, the dress length was a bit
more modest on Sarah as it draped just below mid-thigh. Sarah twirled around in the mirror one last
time. Sparkling blue eyes peered back at her, as her dark blonde hair fell in waves around her. She
really did look good.

As she exited the bathroom, her three besties whooped and whistled as she twirled around to show
herself off. Mia, Chloe and Lisa laughingly began an off-key rendition of Happy Birthday as her
roommate, Mia, presented her with a cupcake with a lighted candle. As Sarah smiled at her friends,
she made a wish and blew out the candle.

“I hope you wished for a new boyfriend,” Lisa said as they headed out the door.

“There’s nothing wrong with Daniel,” Sarah defended. “He apologized that he wouldn’t be here
tonight, but he had to work. Besides, I’d rather spend my birthday with you guys. But not too late,
okay? I have that interview in the morning.”

“Uh huh,” Mia replied, as she dragged her friend to the car.


When they arrived at the club, there was already a line around the corner. As Sarah stepped into line,
Chloe grabbed her arm as they continued walking to the front. “No lines for us tonight,” Chloe said as
they approached the rope. One of the bouncers stepped forward when he saw the girls approach.
Smiling brightly, he gave his sister, Chloe, a big hug as he ushered the girls through.

“Happy birthday, Sarah.”

“Thanks, Mathew.” As the girls walked into the club, Sarah nudged her friend, “I’m really glad your
brother works here.”

“Come on,” Lisa called as the girls climbed the steps to the tables above the dance floor. “We can get
a better view from up here.” As the girls settled in and placed their drink orders, Lisa and Mia leaned

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over the rail to check out the club. It wasn’t even ten o’clock and the club was already in full swing,
as the floor was alive with undulating bodies moving in rhythm to the dance mixes.

As the girls surveyed the club, they noticed a familiar figure out on the dance floor. Turning around,
Mia gestured to Sarah and Chloe who joined them at the rail. Pointing down, Sarah looked down to
see Daniel dancing with a brunette dressed in a halter top and short skirt.

Sarah clutched the rail as she watched her boyfriend kiss the woman as they exited the dance floor.
Following his moves, they settled at the bar as the woman stepped between his legs and they
continued to grope and kiss each other.

Wrapping one arm around her friend, Chloe asked, “Do you want me to get Mathew to kick him out?”

Straightening her shoulders, Sarah shook her head no. “No, I have a better idea.” Grabbing her phone,
she texted Daniel.

Hi babe, missing you tonight. It’s not the same without you. How’s work?

Work is boring. I can’t believe they made me come in. What are you up to?

Oh, you know, out with the girls. What do you think of my outfit?

Did you send me a pic?

No, but if you turn around and look up, you’ll see it.

As Daniel looked up, he saw Sarah and her friends watching him. The brunette he was with seemed to
have no idea what was going on as she attempted to latch back on to him, before he pushed her aside.
As Sarah raised her drink to him, Daniel’s phone pinged with another message.

Consider yourself dumped.

As Sarah turned around, she put a smile on her face as she looked at her friends. Lifting her glass, she
downed the contents before waving her empty glass at the waitress.

“Let’s get drunk,” Sarah declared as her friends quickly downed their drinks and ordered another

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Chapter 2

The next morning, Sarah stumbled into the bathroom. She had lost track of how much she had to drink
well before midnight, as she danced and partied with her friends. After discovering that Daniel was
cheating on her, she was determined to have a good time and Daniel was smart enough to stay away
from her or risk the wrath of not one, but four women. Stumbling home before four, she’d managed to
get a couple hours of sleep before the angry screech of her alarm clock forced her up.

Contemplating cancelling her interview, Sarah showered quickly and got ready reminding herself that
she had worked too hard to cancel now. Taking extra courses and no summer breaks, she was
graduating a year early; summa cum laude with a bachelor of science in business and strategic
management. Her interview today was for a summer internship with VIC Enterprises, one of the more
successful logistics companies in the US.

As she drove to her appointment, she went over her research in her head. The only living child of
Russian immigrants, Mr. Chekov moved to the United States with his parents and his younger sister,
who died at the age of ten. Growing up in Jersey City, he moved to the Bronx in his mid-teens to work
for his uncle, an importer of all things Russian. He later moved to California where his business
began to grow. In business for more than ten years, Vitaly Ivanovitch Chekov was a true rags to riches
story as he built his logistics company from nothing and now owned other businesses throughout the
Silicon Valley. Last night, Mia reminded her that he had been voted one of San Jose’s most eligible
bachelors three years in a row and since she was now single…

Sarah had to laugh. Now was certainly not the time to find another boyfriend. It was rare to find paid
internships, and the opportunity to work with one of the fastest growing logistics companies was too
good to pass up. Chekov was known for taking a hands on approach to every aspect of his business.
Considered by many to be an absolute control freak, Sarah relished the idea of learning from one of
the best.

When she checked in with reception, she was handed a temporary badge with her name on it before
she was ushered into a theater with what looked to be one hundred other people where they watched a
video on the company. Sarah hoped that they all weren’t vying for the same position. She knew that
she had the grades, but she’d been concentrating on her studies and other than working in the family
business, she had no other work experience.


Vitaly stared at the security monitors as the intern candidates filed into the theater. Known for his
ability to gain much from first impressions, he flipped through the various resumes, sorting them
quickly into yes or no piles. He paused when he caught sight of a small blonde walking in. Adjusting
cameras, he followed her as she entered the theater. By the way she surveyed the room, he could tell
that she was sizing up her competition. Picking up her resume, he read through it. She had no
transferrable work experience, but her grades in supply chain management and service analytics were
at the top of her class. He scanned through an article she co-wrote with one of her professors on
technology and logistics for “Logistics Today.”

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As she sat down and took off her glasses, he watched as she rubbed her temples. From the look of
her, she’d had a late night. While normally, he would immediately dismiss her based on that, he liked
the pretty little thing. Putting her resume in the yes pile, he summoned his assistant and handed her the
reduced list of candidates.


As the presentation video ended, a smartly dressed woman walked out. “Will the following people
please remain in their seats? If I don’t call your name, you are excused, as we won’t be needing you.”

Sarah couldn’t help but hold her breath as the woman called out the short list of names. When she
heard “Sarah Jenkins,” she sagged in relief. As the rejected candidates filed out of the room, Sarah
looked around. From one hundred to five. She liked those odds much better. Once everyone else left,
the woman asked the remaining candidates to follow her.

Walking quickly, she led them down a series of corridors and past offices to a smaller room where
she handed the files off to someone else who introduced himself as Gary from Human Resources.
Calling out each person’s name, Gary handed out envelopes containing a contract detailing their
positions, expectations, and compensation. As they read through their packets, he asked if there were
any questions and Sarah raised her hand.

“Gary? Isn’t there supposed to be some sort of interview?”

Gary smiled. “We have five positions open and you have each been chosen for the respective

“Yes, but, shouldn’t we be interviewed?” Sarah’s voice trailed off, as it all seemed so fast.

Nodding his head, Gary replied, “Mr. Chekov has already reviewed your files and your background.
He made the final selection while you were in the presentation. Now, if there are no other questions,
you will need to report to security to have your pictures taken and permanent badges made. He will
meet with each of you to discuss his personal expectations and it seems that you, Ms. Jenkins, are
first. As soon as you are finished at security, please report to Mr. Chekov on the tenth floor.”

Sarah shook her head in bemusement. This was all moving so quickly, but she was glad that she didn’t
cancel. Once she received her badge, she headed to the elevator. When she walked out onto the tenth
floor, she was surprised at the amount of open space as the other floors she was on had offices
stacked tightly together like blocks. Walking up to a large desk, she gave the pretty receptionist her

Smiling brightly, she introduced herself as Laurel as she escorted Sarah to one of the large corner
offices, letting her know that Mr. Chekov would be with her shortly. As she shut the door behind her,
Sarah wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself. Wandering over to the windows, she took in the
breathtaking view of the Santa Cruz Mountains in the background.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” came a male voice from behind her. Nodding, Sarah turned coming face to face

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with Vitaly Chekov. Well, almost face to face. At only five foot three, Sarah was glad she wore three-
inch heels, as she didn’t feel quite so small looking up into his six-foot frame. She cringed inwardly
when the only thing that came to mind was Lisa’s description of tall, dark and yummy.

“And you must be Sarah Jenkins?” At Sarah’s nod, she held out her hand to shake. As he embraced
her hand, Sarah looked down. His hand was so big that it almost completely covered hers. As she
started to pull her hand free, he tightened it briefly causing her to look up. The intensity of his stare
made her uncomfortable, as she suddenly realized what prey must feel like when cornered. Loosening
his grip, he continued to hold her hand as he drew her over to the couch. Sitting down, he tugged her
down beside him as he flipped open a file. Sarah had yet to say anything.

“Relax, I won’t eat you,” he told her as he sifted through the file. Sarah blushed. She was glad that he
couldn’t read her thoughts.

“Now, according to your file, this is your first job?”

Sarah started to answer, but had to stop and swallow as her mouth had gone dry. What was wrong
with her? She was never this uptight around people.

“This is my first corporate job. My family owns a large cattle ranch and I’ve been working on it since
I was old enough to walk.”

“Not really the same as logistics, is it?”

“On the contrary, Mr. Chekov, despite the dress code and the smell,” Sarah said as she wrinkled her
nose in remembrance, “Raising cattle for sale IS all about logistics. Besides having to keep track of
several thousand cattle, we have to monitor their health, we deal with the government regularly;
there’s marketing, vendor relations, tremendous amount of sales is involved when we are selling off
large numbers to make room for more, and of course the transport, and that doesn’t include all the HR
stuff as we maintain a regular staff of about twenty workers, plus an additional thirty during peak

As Sarah took a breath to continue, he interrupted her.

“Okay, I get it,” he said with a smile. “And please, call me Vitaly.”

Sarah blushed as she nodded her head. Vitaly looked at her. She was passionate, articulate and lovely
when she blushed. Making a quick decision, he continued.

“Now, originally, you had applied for the position in marketing, but I’ve changed that. Normally, I
maintain a personal staff of four, but one is out on maternity leave, another was recently let go and my
secretary and receptionist are unable to travel because of family obligations. I’m in need of someone
with your academic background and obvious passion. There will be a tremendous amount of travel
involved at times as well as long hours. You will of course be compensated for your time as well as
any out of pocket expenses that you may incur while doing your job. You will learn about all aspects
of my organization in a short amount of time. Is that something of interest to you?”

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Sarah opened and closed her mouth before she was finally able to speak. Thinking fast, this was an
opportunity too good to be true. She had no coursework. No boyfriend. Why not? Nodding her head,
“Yes, Mr. Chekov, er, Vitaly, I am VERY interested in this opportunity.

“Excellent. That pleases me. There is one thing,” as Sarah looked up, he continued, “I can see from
the pallor of your skin and the dark circles under your eyes that you were up late and drinking. Is this
a common occurrence?”

“Oh, no, sir,” Sarah responded immediately. It was my twenty-first birthday yesterday and I just
broke up with my boyfriend, so I over-celebrated. It won’t happen again.”

“Good to know. Now, go home, get some rest. Report to Human Resources tomorrow promptly at
eight. You will spend the remainder of the week with the other new hires in training. I want you
familiar with all aspects of this organization before you dive into the project files. Oh, and you have a
passport, yes?” At Sarah’s nod, “Good. Now go.”

As Sarah left, Vitaly set her file down and sat back. He liked this one. She was submissive and he
could tell by her reactions that she was relatively inexperienced. He especially liked that there was
no boyfriend in the picture. He was going to enjoy having her around and getting to know her.

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Chapter 3

When Sarah returned home, she ran into Lisa.

“Girl, you look as bad as I feel. How was the interview?”

“I got the internship, but it isn’t in marketing. I’m going to be his PA for the summer.”

At Lisa’s squeal, Sarah stopped her. “I get the impression that I’m going to work a lot of hours. He
even asked if I had a passport.”

Lisa continued to bounce up and down in excitement. “What?!”

“Is he as good looking as he is in his pictures?”

Sarah smiled. “Better. Now come on, I need help putting some work outfits together until I can go


Later that evening, Sarah was checking messages. She had three from Daniel that she deleted without
even reading. Clicking on the one from VIC Enterprises, she read a welcome letter from Susan,
Vitaly’s secretary, welcoming her to the team and giving her more information on what to expect over
the next three days with HR. In addition to the paperwork and explanations on the various benefits
and programs available to its employees, Sarah would also be trained on the current project
management system VIC Enterprises uses along with all the other performance applications.

When she came upstairs, Mr. Chekov expected her to be ready to go with minimal learning curve.
And since she would be spending all her time in HR, she was allowed to dress in office casual, but
once she came upstairs, she would have to dress more appropriately. As Sarah read through the
message, she took note of the suggestions to keep a travel bag in her car with a couple days’ worth of
clothes and to keep her passport close. She also provided her with Vitaly’s tentative schedule, which
Susan made sure to point out, changed constantly. It would be her job to know his schedule at all
times, so it was mandatory that she be able to access all aspects of their communications software.

The next morning, Sarah reported to HR. Since she knew that she would be sitting most of the day, she
had elected to wear comfortable chinos with a breezy top. Gary was their trainer and he took a
moment to go around the room and have everyone introduce each other and indicate their role. Sarah
was surprised to see a sixth intern in the room, until he indicated that he was in marketing. She had to
shake her head at how quickly employment decisions were made around here. The remainder of the
week was uneventful as Sarah spent most of it learning the various software systems. Vitaly insisted
that everyone who worked for him had a general understanding of the expectations and roles for every
department and as his personal assistant, Sarah felt pressured to understand as much of his business
as possible. This was her chance to make a good impression and she wanted to do well.

On Friday, they broke for the day around mid-afternoon as Gary congratulated everyone on all the

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work they did. Since it was still early, Sarah decided to go upstairs to peek at her office and perhaps
get a jumpstart on Monday. Both Susan and Laurel had been copying her on emails, so she knew that
she had a busy week ahead of her. As she arrived on the tenth floor, she was surprised to find it in
semi-darkness. As she walked up to the reception desk, it was obvious that Laurel wasn’t in. Since it
was so quiet, she decided to walk around and get comfortable with her new surroundings.

As she walked into the conference room, she gasped at the amazing view outside. While Sarah had
been living in San Jose for the past three years, she never paid much attention to the scenery, but the
location of the office building and the floor to ceiling windows seemed to command respect for the
beautiful mountains that served as a backdrop. She squealed in surprise when she heard a throat
clearing behind her. Whirling around, she was surprised to see Vitaly Chekov and he looked like he
hadn’t slept in days.

“Mr. Chekov, you startled me, I thought you were still out of town.”

“Vitaly. And I came back early. Why aren’t you in training?” he demanded, as he looked her over.
She was wearing a sundress under her blazer and he liked how it hugged her curves.

“We finished for the day,” Sarah replied. He didn’t look pleased to see her. “It looks like I’m
bothering you. I’ll just show myself out and see you on Monday.” As Sarah tried to scoot by, Vitaly
put his arm out to block her.

“Stay,” he commanded as he swept his eyes over her. She really was gorgeous, he thought to himself.

Wrinkling her nose, Sarah attempted to move around his arm. “Mr. Chekov, er, Vitaly, sir, it smells as
though you’ve been drinking. I think it would be best if I leave now.”

“Come,” he ordered, as he walked away. Sarah wasn’t sure what to do. She hadn’t even started
working for him yet and she was already unsure how to respond. “I said, come,” he demanded as he
walked into his office.

Shaking her head, Sarah followed slowly, and what was it with the dog commands? As Sarah walked
into his office, she took in the files strewn about the table and the partial bottle of vodka and empty
glass. Reaching for another glass, Vitaly filled both glasses before turning toward her. Pushing one
toward her, he lifted his glass and took a long swallow. When Sarah still hadn’t picked up the glass,
he pointed to the glass, “Today is the anniversary of my sister’s death,” he said in a flat tone. “Drink.”

Reluctantly stepping forward, Sarah picked up the glass and sniffed at it. Her birthday was barely one
week ago and that was the most she’d ever had to drink at one time.

Taking a sip, Sarah coughed as the vodka burned her throat. She admitted to herself that she much
preferred mixed drinks. Taking another small sip, she managed to swallow the burning liquid without
coughing. As she looked up, she caught Vitaly looking at her again. Raising her glass to him, she took
a larger sip and started coughing harder as she felt the vodka burn her nose.

“You aren’t very good at drinking,” he told her as he drained his glass.

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Sarah laughed as she set the glass down, “I’m new at this,” she told him.

“What else are you new at?” At Sarah’s blush, Vitaly could well-imagine where she went in her head
and he immediately felt aroused at the idea of bending her over his desk.

Sarah had no idea how to answer the question and was growing increasingly uncomfortable as he
continued to stare at her. She reached for the glass as a means to distract herself, but he stopped her.
Taking her hand, he turned it over and looked at her palm. Lightly running his fingers over it, he made
small circles along her wrist with his thumb as Sarah caught her breath. How could something so
small feel so damn good, she wondered?

Looking up at Vitaly through her lowered lashes, she had to admit that he was unbelievably attractive.
He wore his hair on the longish side and Sarah had the sudden compulsion to run her fingers through it
to see how soft it was. He had a strong-looking face with heavy eyebrows, chocolate brown eyes and
a straight nose. His lips were full and Sarah wondered what they would feel like to kiss them. She
was startled when she felt him reach up and pull the band off her hair as her hair tumbled around her.
She sat quietly as he lifted her hair off her face and laid it behind her.

Cupping the side of her face, she couldn’t resist pressing lightly against his palm. Her lips felt dry and
she paused as she was licking them when she saw his eyes narrow. Sliding his hand around her neck,
Sarah yelped as she found herself suddenly lying on top of him. Capturing her lips, he plundered her
mouth when she gasped in surprise.

While she tasted of vodka, he could also taste strawberries. He groaned, lifting one of her legs over
him as he deepened the kiss. Unsure what to do, Sarah held on as he kissed her. While she knew that
she needed to put a stop to this, he was doing something to her insides that was making her head spin.
At the sound of a throat clearing, they both looked up as Sarah blushed. Ivan, VIC Enterprises Chief
of Security was leaning in the doorway with a wicked smile on his face.

As Sarah quickly sat up and straightened out her clothes, Ivan walked in. “I can’t tell if I’m too early
or right on time,” he drawled as he walked over to the couches. “Either way, we did have a meeting
this afternoon, correct?” he asked as he picked up the vodka bottle and moved it farther away.

Sarah scrambled off the couch and headed for the door. Her face was bright red and she wanted to get
out of there as quickly as possible. It was silly of her to come upstairs and now she had no idea what
to do. As she headed for the door, Vitaly called out, “Bright and early Monday morning, Sarah.”

Pausing, Sarah turned around, still unable to speak. She nodded her head before she left his office and
made a beeline for the elevator. Once inside, she looked in the reflection and straightened out her
clothes. She had lost her hairband when he pulled it off, so she finger combed her hair before the
doors opened on the lobby. Exiting, she practically ran to her car before taking several shallow
breaths until she calmed down. Flipping the mirror up on the visor, she stared into it. What on earth
was she thinking?

That can never happen again, she vowed as she drove away.

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Chapter 4

On Monday morning, Sarah walked into VIC Enterprises for her first day working with Vitaly. After
Friday, she was nervous how to behave around him. As she waited for the elevator, she looked at
herself in the mirror. She wouldn’t have any money until payday, so her clothes were a mix and match
with borrowed items from her friends. Her skirt landed above the knee and moved with her as she
walked giving her a breezy feel.

Despite being shorter than her friends are, she had the larger bust and most of their tops were too snug
on her. Settling for a lace camisole, Sarah’s cleavage peeked out the top. She added a short chunky
necklace to draw the eye away from her cleavage and to her face. Her suit jacket was fitted,
accentuating her curves. Since it was still too warm for nylons or tights, Sarah finished off her outfit
with a pair of open-toed pumps showing off her sparkling pink toenail polish.

As she rode the elevator up, she discretely checked out the other women. Since she had spent all her
time in the HR training room, she didn’t have a chance to see how the other women dressed. Most
were somewhat modestly dressed preferring to wear pants to skirts, but Sarah did not feel out of
place. Taking a deep breath, she exited at the tenth floor and walked up to a smiling Laurel who
showed her to her office.

Over the next thirty minutes, Laurel gave her a quick tour of the tenth floor, which was used only by
Vitaly and his immediate staff, visiting management from other locations, as well as for meetings. She
gave Sarah a quick overview of Vitaly’s general protocols, how to access Vitaly’s calendar, and the
list of current projects. Sarah was so engrossed that she did not hear Vitaly walk into her office until
he set a cup of coffee down in front of her.

As both women looked up, he smiled. “I will give you some time to get acclimated and to read over
the first three projects. I will see you in my office at ten to discuss.” Without waiting for a response,
Vitaly left.

“Is he always so-”

“Abrupt?” At Sarah’s nod, “Sometimes,” Laurel answered with a chuckle. There are times that I think
he forgets to speak aloud and simply assumes that we can read his mind.”

“How long have you worked for him?”

“Since they moved to this building, two years ago, and it was rough in the beginning. There were a
number of nights when I went home in tears swearing that I wouldn’t come back. He can have quite
the temper and you don’t want to be on the receiving end, but as fast as he blows up, he’s over it. And
well, the pay and benefits are fantastic. Okay, I’ll let you get to it. If you need anything, let me know.”

As Laurel left, Sarah began reading through the files. While logistics was VIC Enterprises primary
business, Sarah was surprised to find out that Vitaly owned several nightclubs, including the Casbah,
restaurants and several small software firms all along the Tech Corridor. He was in the process of
expanding his logistics firm to the east coast. He had already set up an office in New York and was in

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negotiations with the port authority in both New York and New Jersey. Smiling to herself, Sarah
gathered up the files and headed to Vitaly’s office.

The door was open, but he was on the phone. Knocking quietly, she waited until he acknowledged her
before coming in and sitting down. His conversation appeared animated, but since Sarah didn’t speak
Russian, she didn’t know what it was about. As he got off the phone, Sarah discretely watched him, as
he seemed to shake himself off before joining her.

“Have you reviewed the files?” he asked without preamble. At Sarah’s nod, “Good. And what did
you learn?”

Sarah wasn’t sure what to think. She was embarrassed about what happened on Friday, but today
Vitaly was all business and from the looks of things, the entire event had been forgotten. Giving
herself a mental shrug, she determined that she would do the same.

“Well, I didn’t realize that there was more to your revenue stream than logistics and when I looked at
the other businesses, they didn’t make sense.”

“But?” he prodded.

“But they do. The entertainment businesses are ideal locations for client and vendor locations. And
the software companies are all working on applications to strengthen your position in the industry. On
paper, they look varied, but in reality, it’s all very calculated and …controlled.” Sarah’s voice trailed
off unsure where to go from there.

He hadn’t expected her to show up on Friday as he had already excused his staff for the remainder of
the day. It was the anniversary of his sister, Anna’s, death and he tended to drink himself to oblivion.
His mother had blamed him for her death. It had been a particularly cold winter. As the oldest and
thirteen, it was his responsibility to watch his little sister when his parents were at work. Tired of
being cooped up in the house, he suggested that they go out to play. Anna had just been getting over a
cold and they played outside for hours until their mother came home and screamed at them to get
inside. That night, Anna had a fever and by morning, she was coughing. Three days later, her fever
had yet to break and the doctor said that she had pneumonia.

This went on for weeks and every night Vitaly would lie next to her as he read her stories. Most of the
time she slept or coughed. Eventually, Anna was admitted to the hospital where she died. After that,
his mother barely spoke to him and his father eventually arranged for him to go live with his uncle, so
he could learn a trade.

He had been drinking for a while when he heard someone get off the elevator. He was surprised when
it was Sarah, as he didn’t expect to see her until Monday and certainly not in the state he was in. He
was embarrassed that she had seen him like that, but he was determined to forget it ever happened.

As Sarah spoke, Vitaly admired her prowess. He’d only given her thirty minutes and in that time, she
had picked up on things faster than some members of his management team. And he liked her choice
of words. He did like to be in control. Actually, he demanded it. To lose control would leave him

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open to exposure. That had already happened once over a woman and he almost lost everything. He
was not going to allow that to happen again. He didn’t work this hard and take this many risks to lose
everything. He had vowed that he would not allow that to happen again, and he almost did on Friday.

He had gotten lost in his thoughts and was surprised when Sarah touched his hand lightly. As he
stared at her, she blushed quickly removing her hand, but her touch created a warmth that he hadn’t
felt in a long time.

Changing the topic, he brought up his expansion on the east coast, as Sarah shared her thoughts on it
and the difficulties he was having navigating around the port unions. As she talked, he again admired
her thought process. She became more animated, and he became distracted at the rise and fall of her
chest. Her blush had spread down her neck and chest giving her a rosy hue that he found delightful. He
admired the swell of her breasts and was distracted as she shifted exposing more leg.

He stopped her mid-sentence as he moved an errant strand of hair off her face and tucked it behind
her ear. When she looked up at him, her blue eyes seemed to grow large as he watched awareness
creep across her face. Smiling down at her, “Did you pack a bag as Laurel suggested?”

“Ye…yes,” Sarah managed to say.

“Good, go get it. Wheels up in two hours.”

“Where are we going?”

“New York. I like your ideas. We can continue this discussion on the plane, now go.”

As Sarah rose, she paused. “I didn’t think to include a coat.”

Vitaly quickly dismissed her concerns. “We can pick up anything you may need when we get there.
Now go.”

As Sarah left, Vitaly notified Laurel that they were leaving and to make the necessary arrangements
with the flight crew. He was planning to go there later this week with the rest of his team, but the
thought of spending the flight time alone with Sarah prompted his change in plans.


Sarah retrieved her overnight bag from her car and quickly returned to her office. Unsure what to
bring, she asked Laurel for help. Together, they gathered the New York files along with her laptop
and charger.

As they boarded the plane, Sarah was surprised that they would be the only ones on board other than
the flight crew and one attendant. As she went to take a seat, she admired how opulent the interior
was with its plush leather seats that swiveled and reclined.

As the flight crew was gearing up for takeoff, Sarah realized that she needed to let Mia know what
was going on. Since she didn’t want Vitaly to hear their conversation, she quickly texted her

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Going to New York for work. Not sure when I’ll be back.

Did you bring condoms?

Sarah couldn’t help snorting at her friend’s response, which caused Vitaly to look at her. Trying to
hide her embarrassment, she mumbled something about letting her roommate know that she would be
gone before turning her phone off and putting it away.

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Chapter 5

As the plane took off, Sarah looked out the window at the disappearing city. While this was not her
first time on a plane, she had never flown like this before. She was surprised when the flight attendant
brought her a glass of champagne. Raising her eyebrows at Vitaly, he moved to sit closer to her.

“I thought a bit of celebration was in order,” he said as he raised his glass in toast.

Smiling, Sarah raised her glass in toast before taking a sip.

Oh, it was delicious, Sarah thought. The few times she drank champagne, she wasn’t impressed, but
this was wonderful and not at all like the vodka. As she drank, Vitaly asked her questions about her
life and soon they were engaged in an animated conversation. As he topped off her glass, Sarah
realized that the bottle was empty and his glass had remained relatively untouched. As the bubbles
tickled her nose, Sarah giggled before looking at him accusatorily. “You’re getting me drunk.”

“Yes,” came his even reply.


“To even things up from Friday. And, to make you more compliant.” As Sarah started to protest, he
grabbed her glass and set it down. Taking her hand, he tugged her up and toward him. “Straddle me,”
he ordered.

Without thinking, Sarah straddled him across his lap as she put her hands on his shoulders for support.
His hands slid slowly up her thighs, as he closed his eyes, enjoying the silken feel of her skin.

“You are so beautiful,” she murmured as she lightly traced the lines of some faint scarring along the
left side of his face. Turning his head, he kissed the palm of her hand as Sarah caught her breath. The
butterflies in her stomach were in overdrive, as she was drawn in by the brilliance of his brown eyes.

Leaning down, she couldn’t resist placing a kiss on his lips as his hands cupped her hips. Sliding one
hand to her lower back, his right hand came up to grab her hair. At Sarah’s gasp, he forced her to tilt
her head before kissing her hard.

Sarah was caught off guard at the sudden force and ineffectually pushed against his chest. Her efforts
caused him to tighten his grip in her hair, causing her to yelp, as he deepened the kiss. Sarah’s hands
soon found their way around his neck as she tangled her fingers in his hair encouraging him to keep
going. At his groan, he pulled her tighter against him as she started grinding against his erection.
Tugging at her jacket, he quickly pulled it off and tossed it aside. He slipped the camisole straps off
her shoulders as the tops of her creamy-colored breasts were exposed over her bra. Rubbing his
thumbs over her nipples, she caught her breath as they strained against her bra.

Before he could go further, his phone rang. Smiling at her, he set her down in the seat across from him
before getting up to answer it. After dealing with the call, he turned back only to find Sarah curled up
on the seat asleep. As he covered her up with a blanket, he made a mental note to not give her so

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much alcohol.


Sarah woke when she felt the landing gear engage. Sitting up, she was surprised to see that she was
covered in a blanket. Looking around, she saw that Vitaly had moved over to one of the tables and
was going through the files she had brought with her.

Seeing her sit up, Vitaly smiled. “Good, you’re awake, we are landing soon.”

Sarah wasn’t quite sure how to respond as she straightened out her clothes and brushed out her hair.
As she looked out the window at the Manhattan skyline, she remembered kissing Vitaly. As her face
flushed in embarrassment over this happening again, she hoped that he didn’t think that she was that
easy. As she licked her lips, Vitaly eyes darkened as he remembered their kiss. While he was
annoyed that she had fallen asleep as he had hoped to enjoy what she had to offer, he realized that he
had given her far too much to drink and that was his mistake. He was completely enchanted by this
little blonde and he was looking forward to having her. He watched as she touched her lips with her
fingers, as she smiled to herself.

As they disembarked, a Town Car pulled up and the driver got out to load their bags into the car. The
drive into the city was spent in silence as Sarah stared out the window.

“Is this your first time in New York?”

“Yes,” Sarah responded enthusiastically. “I’ve always wanted to visit.”

“Well, we will have some time while we are here, I will take you to my club.”

Before Sarah could reply, they pulled into a parking garage. As they walked to the elevators, Sarah
realized that they weren’t in a hotel. “Um, aren’t we staying in a hotel?”

“No,” came Vitaly’s curt reply. “It’s inefficient. I spend enough time here; it made more sense to
purchase an apartment.” At Sarah’s sudden look of discomfort, he squeezed her arm lightly. “Relax. It
has three bedrooms.”

Sarah still wasn’t comfortable sharing an apartment with her boss. Especially after what happened
between them, but she wasn’t sure how to respond. While she understood the logic, there was an
intimacy associated with an apartment that made Sarah nervous. When they got upstairs, he showed
Sarah to her room. As she walked in, Sarah noticed clothes hanging in the open closet with tags still
on them. As she turned to ask Vitaly about it, he was one-step ahead of her.

“You had said that you didn’t have a coat. Since I didn’t want to take any chances on anything else, I
had Laurel send over your picture to a personal shopper along with your basic size. She took care of
the rest. You are free to use anything in the closet and drawers and if there’s anything that you like,
you may keep it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to do. We have a semi-formal
engagement this evening, so be ready by seven.”

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And then he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

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Chapter 6

Sarah wasn’t sure what to say. She had the distinct feeling that she was being manipulated and she
didn’t like it one bit, but she was completely overwhelmed at how fast everything was moving. Only
a week ago, she was thinking of cancelling her interview and now she was in New York. Grabbing
her phone, she hoped to catch Mia. Lisa and Chloe were with her, so Sarah found herself filling her
friends in on everything that happened. She was glad that her friends couldn’t see her when they were
hooting and laughing over the kiss and her falling asleep.

At Chloe’s urging, she surveyed the closet and drawers giving her friends an inventory of what she
found. When she pulled open one drawer, she grew silent as she took in its contents. At her friends’
urging, she described the beautiful silk and lace lingerie.

She was interrupted by their muted chatter. “Hey, I can’t hear you. What’s going on?”

As the girls got back on the phone, Mia spoke up. “Listen, girl, it sounds like this guy has some plans
for you. Now, if you’re okay with that, that’s fine, but we think that you need to show him the spitfire
we know that you can be and give him a taste of his own medicine.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dress up. We mean REALLY dress up and flirt. We’ve seen you smooth talk those poor cattle
buyers at the auctions. Pour it on thick and have some fun.”

As the girls continued to chat and plot, Sarah looked through the closet and settled on a Chinese red
silk dress with a side slit that went halfway up her thigh.

After unpacking what few things she brought with her, Sarah took a long shower. As she dressed for
the evening, she spent extra time on her make-up and brushed her hair out into long waves. The dress
was tighter than she would normally wear, but when she looked in the mirror, she was impressed at
how good she looked. The dress hugged her curves and accentuated all the right places. Slipping on a
pair of Louboutins, Sarah couldn’t believe how good they felt on her feet. She was definitely taking
those home with her.

At ten minutes to seven, she exited her room to meet Vitaly in the living room. When he saw her
reflection in the window, he turned to greet her and caught his breath. She looked beautiful.

Smiling, she walked up to him. She had to admit to herself that he looked fantastic in Armani. The
dark suit color complimented his complexion and she smiled at the red tie. One might even think that
they coordinated their attire for the evening. “Are you ready?” she asked.

“Would you like something to drink before we go?”

“Oh no, I’m good for now. Might change my mind later,” she said as she gave him a small smile
before heading to the door.

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As they rode over to the restaurant, Sarah asked whom they were meeting. Vitaly informed her that it
was representatives from the two port authorities along with two union reps. His goal was to secure a
place in both ports so they could begin doing business on the east coast. As they drove into the
meatpacking district, Sarah was surprised at the number of clubs and restaurants. It was still early and
yet the streets were alive with people. As they pulled up outside the Aero Club, Sarah asked if he
owned it.

“Yes. I took it over when the original owner went into bankruptcy. The restaurant is on the second
floor and the dance club is on the third. I opened the fourth floor up as a private area with a view of
the club and the top floor is for private parties.”

As Vitaly escorted Sarah in, he was surprised at her transformation. She wasn’t the shy young woman
he had grown accustomed to. Instead, she was practically vibrating with energy.

As they entered the lobby, Sarah was surprised at how crowded it was. The industrial building was at
least one hundred years old and still had much of its original charm. The thick-planked floor and
heavy ironwork gave the whole space a sense of openness. As they walked up the stairs, Sarah
looked around. “You do like open spaces.”

“What did you say?”

Pointing at the interior of the building. “Open spaces. It’s like the tenth floor at the office and the
apartment here. Everything is wide open.” Vitaly stilled as he looked at her.

“I do not like to be confined,” he answered as his mouth compressed tightly.

Before Sarah could respond, they entered the restaurant where they were met by four men and two
women. Sarah was introduced to Bart Sullivan and Bill Hanson, along with their spouses. They were
the union reps for the two ports. Steve Markos was with the New York Port Authority and Nicolai
(Nico) Demolios was from New Jersey. While no one said anything, they were all surprised that he
would bring an intern with him and the women suspected that there was more to her than simply a
summer position as his personal assistant.

As they were seated, Sarah watched as Vitaly engaged with everyone throughout dinner. Taking his
cue, she answered questions and posed many of her own as she kept the conversation moving. Before
dinner was over, it was obvious to everyone else at the table that Sarah was indeed qualified for the
job. After dinner, Vitaly suggested that they move up to the fourth floor to continue their discussions.
The union reps excused themselves and left with their spouses, but both Steve and Nico agreed.

As they settled upstairs, Sarah looked around. The fourth floor was a loft-like setting designed to
provide semi-private seating for small parties while still open to the nightclub one floor down.
Walking to the rail, she looked down at the dance floor and an oversized DJ booth. A bar lined one
entire wall and there was ample seating that wrapped around the dance floor. The same industrial
motif of open ironwork and exposed ductwork that was in the restaurant was used in the nightclub and

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the raised ceiling with cleverly placed acoustical modifiers kept the noise from the nightclub down so
that fourth floor patrons could speak in normal tones.

As she turned around, she caught Vitaly looking at her. He was surprised at how well she handled
herself at dinner and that she kept up with the conversation. He didn’t realize how versed she was on
his expansion plans and he was pleased at how well she conducted herself. She looked gorgeous in
that dress and she knew it, as he caught her flirting with the other men at dinner. He kept telling
himself that he wasn’t jealous, but she managed to pay attention to everyone except him.

As she tilted her head to smile at him, she walked back over to the couches. The Louboutins looked
fantastic on her and the heels were just high enough that her hips swayed seductively as she walked.

All eyes were on Sarah as she sat down next to Nico. Reaching for the cigar cutter, Sarah deftly
clipped the end of his cigar before flicking the lighter so he could light his cigar.

As the server dropped off their drinks, Nico asked, “And where did one as young as you learn to prep
a cigar?”

Smiling coyly, Sarah reached for her brandy. Sniffing lightly, she took a small sip as she savored its
sweetness. “My mother died when I was young and I was raised around men. If I wasn’t dodging spit
from chew, I was lighting tobacco.”

“And where was this?” asked Steve.

“Cattle ranch in central California.”

“So, you ride horses?”

As Sarah leaned across Nico, she lit Steve’s cigar. “Why yes, sir,” Sarah drawled. “Been riding
bareback since I was big enough to mount a horse on my own.” Vitaly choked on his brandy as he
narrowed his gaze at Sarah who turned to look at him. “Everything okay, Mr. Chekov?”

“Fine,” he managed to ground out as he stared at her.

Turning her gaze from his, she continued to banter with both men as they asked her questions about
life on the ranch and why she chose her degree. As the evening drew to a close, Sarah excused herself
briefly. Once she was gone, both men leaned forward to ask about her availability.

Vitaly had been boiling slowly with anger as he watched Sarah flirt with both men and ignore him.
From the way she behaved, it was clear that she was far more experienced than he first thought, but he
would be damned if he would allow either man to have her. Declining their requests, he informed
them that she was already taken.

When Sarah returned, the men had already finished and were moving toward the elevator. As she
joined them, Vitaly possessively placed his hand on her lower back. Stepping forward and away from
his touch, Sarah thanked both men for a wonderful evening and wished them well.

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Chapter 7

They rode back to the apartment in silence as Vitaly continued to seethe. Inwardly, Sarah couldn’t
help feeling smug that she had dished out what Vitaly deserved, but she had wondered if she went too
far given that his anger was palpable. Continuing to ignore him, she did her best to appear unaffected
but the tension in the elevator was thick. Once inside the apartment, she turned to wish him a good
night, but before she could say anything, he was on her.

Pushing her to the wall, he pressed up behind her. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back as he
whispered into her ear. “Did you really think that you could treat me that way and get away with it?”

Sarah’s hands were pressed to the wall as she attempted to push him off her, but he continued to lean
heavily against her. Kissing her neck, Sarah shivered against him as she found herself becoming
turned on. “Mr. Chekov, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Liar.” Turning her around, he pulled her arms over her head and kept her pinned to the wall. Kissing
her savagely, Sarah’s legs almost gave out from under her at the sudden onslaught. Hoping still to
have the upper hand, she was not prepared for her body’s response to him. As he loosened his grip on
her hands, Sarah managed to pull free. The resounding slap as her hand connected with his check
echoed across the living room. As Vitaly stepped back in surprise, she put her hands on her hips as
she stared him down.

“I don’t know who you think you are or what you are used to getting, but you will NOT be getting that
from me. I took this job so I could learn from you, NOT to be your whore! Now, good night, sir!”

As Sarah moved away from him, she managed to stomp down the hall and shut her door behind her.
The turn of the lock was evident in the quiet apartment.

Sarah leaned heavily against the door as she caught her breath. That man was a force to be reckoned
with. It was all Sarah could do all evening to ignore his stares, as she flirted with the two men. She
was way outside her element and afraid that she might go too far and find herself in trouble. While
she seemed to have done okay with the men, it was clear that Vitaly was angry.

Who the hell did he think he was? Vitaly Chekov, of course, Sarah answered herself. His ruthless
reputation and temper were common knowledge and Sarah was prepared to deal with it in a work
setting, but this was entirely different.

Changing out of her clothes, Sarah threw herself on the bed hoping that sleep would overtake her. She
was still staring at the clock at three when she decided to get up. Slipping on a robe, she padded
quietly out of her room. The apartment was dark, but the curtains were open and the lights from the
city basked the living room in a soft glow. As Sarah curled up in one of the chairs, she stared out at
the city. Lost in thought, she didn’t realize that Vitaly had joined her until she saw his silhouette
against the glass.

“I’m sorry,” she said with a sigh.

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“For what?”

“My behavior tonight. That’s not me.”

“Then, why did you do it?”

“I was pissed at you about the plane and the clothes. Okay, mostly embarrassed about the plane, but
the clothes.”

“What was wrong with the clothes? You looked fantastic.”

“All that lingerie.”

“What about it?”

“I’m NOT that kind of person who…who-”

“Likes to wear nice things?”

“Yes. I mean no. Did you see the lingerie?”

As Vitaly shook his head no, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I did say that we used a personal shopper.
Since she wasn’t familiar with your tastes and only going off a picture, she bought a variety for you to
choose from.” Turning toward her, Vitaly saw Sarah sitting with her legs up and her chin on her
knees. “Well, if it helps, that extra attention you lavished on them may have secured the deal for me.”

Laughing softly, “Well, I suppose that’s a good thing so long as I don’t have to do it again.”

Kneeling in front of her chair, Vitaly gently grabbed her ankles and tugged her feet to the floor. He
was glad that she couldn’t see his smile, as he realized that despite everything, she was still
submissive toward him and probably didn’t even realize it. Rubbing her feet, Sarah closed her eyes,
as she enjoyed the massage. She was too proud to admit that was the longest she’d spent in heels and
her feet and legs were killing her.

Groaning, she flexed her feet and gave in to the sensations as his hands worked their way up her legs.
While the feel of his hands was soothing, it was also doing something to her insides.

While she readily admitted that she was inexperienced, she had tried the vibrator her friends bought
her for Christmas and read enough romances to know that what she was feeling was arousal. She
couldn’t help but think about Daniel. They had dated for almost three years and despite a
considerable amount of kissing and touching, he had never made her feel the way Vitaly did simply by
the way he looked at her.

Putting her hand on his shoulder, she stilled his movements. “I think that I should go back to bed,” she
managed to say.

Stopping, he sat back from her. “As you wish.”

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Sarah sat there looking at him, and sighed heavily. As she stood up, Vitaly rose at the same time. The
sudden proximity had Sarah swaying into him. As he caught her, he grabbed her around the waist and
lifted her up. Without thinking, Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned in to kiss her.
Nipping at her lips, he kissed her gently before crushing her against him. As Sarah moaned, his tongue
plundered her mouth. Sliding his hands over her hips, he lifted her legs as she wrapped them around
his waist and he pulled her tight against him as his erection strained against his pants.

Pausing, he leaned his forehead against hers as he kissed her lightly. “If you want me to stop, we have
to now before this goes too far.”

“And what if I don’t want you to stop?”

“Then you must understand what this means. I do not do nice. I am not nice. I do not ask. I take.”

Sliding her fingers into his hair, Sarah tugged his head closer. Nipping at his lips, she mimicked his
actions from earlier as she tightened her legs around him. “So take already. I’m done waiting.”

“So be it. There will be no turning back,” he said solemnly as he kissed her.

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Chapter 8

As they kissed, Sarah felt him walk her toward his bedroom. Stepping inside, he kicked the door shut
behind them before carrying her to the bed. Throwing her down in the middle of the bed, he reached
for the tie on her robe. Pulling it free, he grabbed her wrists and tied them together before securing
them to the headboard. Pulling her robe open, he stood back and let the lights from the city cascade
across her flesh. She was perfection in such a small package. Her blonde hair lay fanned out around
her as she looked up at him. Her eyes held arousal as he straddled her body. Reaching out, he cupped
her breasts as she gasped and arched up against his hands.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured. “And responsive,” he added as he palmed her breasts before
bending to suck on a nipple, which quickly puckered in his mouth.

He couldn’t resist nipping at it with his teeth, causing her to cry out, as she strained to pull her hands
down. He gently stroked her cheek as he leaned down to kiss her. He chuckled, as he smelled her
arousal. He was going to enjoy opening this one up to the pleasures of the flesh.

He paused a moment to remove his shirt, tossing it off the side of the bed. Reaching for his belt, he
slowly slid it off as he felt Sarah shiver beneath him, as she strained her arms. Looking down at her,
he gave her a wicked smile as he contemplated her response. Perhaps he would find out another time.
He reached down to massage both her breasts as he rubbed his thumbs over the sensitive nipples.

As she writhed beneath him, she brushed up against his pants creating a different sensation against her
rapidly fevered flesh. She rubbed her legs together to relieve the growing pressure between her legs,
as she could feel herself growing moist.

Pinning her legs down, he continued to play with her breasts as she ineffectually tried to raise her

“So much passion for one so inexperienced,” he said as he rained kisses slowly down her body.
Kissing lightly along her pelvis, Sarah moaned. Climbing off her, “Look at me,” he commanded as
Sarah turned to watch him. He unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down before dropping his
pants. Stepping out of them, Sarah’s eyes widened as his erection sprang up. Grabbing his cock, he
slowly stroked it up and down as Sarah watched.

Reaching up, he released her hands. “Touch me.” Sarah rolled to her side as she tentatively reached
out to touch his cock, which jumped in her hand. Pausing, she looked up at him unsure. “Go ahead.
That’s not the part that bites.”

Sarah slowly ran her fingers up his cock and marveled at how smooth the skin was. Her hand looked
so small as she mimicked the same strokes he was doing. “Harder,” he commanded. “Squeeze your
hand tighter, but not too hard.” As Sarah followed his commands, he closed his eyes.

“Like this?” she asked him as her touch ignited a fire that had been simmering inside him for years.
Stilling her hand, he raised it to his lips as he kissed her palm.

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“Yes,” he said simply.

Climbing back on the bed, he pushed her over onto her back as he lifted her legs to his shoulders.
Kissing the insides of her legs, he slowly worked his way up her body as Sarah moaned. When he
reached her mound, he inhaled. Her arousal was intoxicating to his senses. Nipping the inside of her
thigh, he licked up her slit until he reached her clit, which had grown hard and was throbbing. Pushing
against it with his tongue, he suddenly sucked hard as he pulled it into his mouth. As Sarah arched, he
slid a finger inside. Finding no resistance, a second finger joined as he began to finger fuck her. So,
she lied, and isn’t a virgin after all
, he thought to himself.

Abruptly pulling his fingers out, he lifted her hips and slammed into her. At the sudden shift in
pressure, Sarah cried out in pain as her body tried to accommodate his girth. “It hurts. Vitaly, please
slow down.”

Vitaly paused but did not pull out. “You are not a virgin,” he stated flatly.

“I am. I am.”

“Your hymen.”

“Horses, you oaf. It broke years ago. Please, you’re hurting me.” Vitaly pulled out as Sarah began to
cry and gathered her up in his arms. As she tried to pull away, he pulled her against him.

“I’m sorry. I thought-”

“I know what you thought,” Sarah replied as she sniffled.

“Shhhh,” he soothed. “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” He rubbed Sarah’s hip and leg in slow circles as he
nuzzled her neck. As Sarah calmed down, she relaxed in his arms. She could hear him whispering in
Russian as he kissed her neck.

“What are you saying?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he replied as he continued to kiss her.

As his hand swept up her leg and over her hip, he rubbed her stomach gently as Sarah buried her head
in the pillow. How could this man go from insufferable pig to turning her back on? Sarah asked
herself. Everywhere he touched her, she felt a slow heat build inside her. Sliding his hand up between
her breasts, he rubbed across the top of her chest and down her sides. Sarah soon began to crave his
touch in more intimate places but was unsure how to tell him.

As her legs shifted, he slid one leg between hers as he pulled his knee up tight against her. Continuing
to stroke her, Sarah began rocking back and forth, as she ground herself against his leg.

“That’s it, little one,” he said as he continued to kiss and touch her. “Ride my leg. Show me what you

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Moving his hand down, his finger found her clit and he began to push at it lightly. Adjusting his knee,
he put more pressure on her clit as Sarah began to ride his leg faster.

The pressure against her clit felt incredible. She couldn’t believe she was behaving this way. As the
pressure built, Sarah moaned louder. Her first orgasm hit as he continued to rub her clit.

Rolling her under him, he kissed her deeply as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

“More, please,” she whispered against his lips.

“What did you say?”

Cupping his face, Sarah kissed him deeply. “Take me, Vitaly. Please. Now.”

Groaning, he buried his face in her neck as he entered her slowly, worried that he might hurt her
again. He moved in and out of her, as he slowly worked his entire length inside her. Pausing, they
both moaned as their bodies lay pressed together.

Sarah whimpered in frustration as Vitaly paused. Tightening her legs around him, she began to move
up and down encouraging him to keep going. Lifting his upper body, he looked down at her. “Look at
me,” he commanded. “I want to see your passion.”

As Sarah looked in his eyes, he began moving in long strokes, in and out. He could feel her muscles
clenching around his cock as he began to increase in speed and shorten his thrusts. Their breathing
sped up as Sarah raised her hips to meet each stroke. As the pressure built deep inside her, she knew
that this orgasm would be much stronger. As she grew close, she clutched at his shoulders digging her
nails into his back.

At the sudden pain, Vitaly slammed into her pushing Sarah up toward the headboard. Holding her
tight, he continued to slam into her, as Sarah’s orgasm hit. Crying out, she clenched against his cock
as Vitaly yelled out. His orgasm hit hard as he froze, buried deep inside her. Her spasms milked his
cock as they rode out their orgasms. As they both slowly came back down, he slid out of her pulling
her flush against his body.

Grabbing the blanket, he covered both of them as he stroked her head and kissed her neck. Nuzzling
against him, Sarah could barely keep her eyes open. As she started to fall asleep, she thought she
heard him say something.

“Mine,” he said, as he drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 9

The next morning, Sarah woke in an empty bed. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting and she was
still embarrassed about her behavior. She had always considered herself a good girl, but despite
spending such a short amount of time with Vitaly, he had her wanting to do bad things. Sitting up, she
pulled her robe tie loose from the headboard, as she blushed. He had swept her off her feet, not in a
nice way and she was loving every moment.

While she could now readily admit that she felt very little for Daniel, she never thought that she
would enjoy the way Vitaly treated her. He was powerful in a way that Daniel never could be, and
the way he looked at her turned her insides to mush.

Getting out of bed, she retrieved her robe from the floor and tied it close. Stepping out of the
bedroom, she found Vitaly in the living room already immersed in work. Without even looking at her,
he began.

“I let you sleep in, but we need to get to the office. Coffee is in the kitchen.”

Nodding her head, she grabbed a cup of coffee before returning to her room to get ready. How that
man could so easily go from hot to cold was amazing to her. Vowing to do the same, Sarah jumped in
the shower.

As Sarah walked into her room and shut the door, Vitaly took a deep breath. He was tempted to take
the day off and spend it in bed with her, but he didn’t want her to know how quickly she had
captivated him. If he were to maintain control, he would have to keep his distance from her at times.
The safest thing for him to do would be to send her back to California, but Vitaly wasn’t prepared to
do that.

Sarah emerged from the bedroom ready to go. He was pleased to see her dressed in another one of the
dresses he purchased for her. As they rode to the office, he pointed out various highlights from
Battery Park to Wall Street to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. When they arrived at the office, Sarah’s
earlier concerns were forgotten in her excitement.

The east coast division of VIC Enterprises was significantly smaller than the corporate office. Taking
up one-half of a floor in a modern building near the financial district, Sarah was introduced to the
office manager, Betty, a matronly woman who handled all the reception and basic office duties.
Simon was in charge of business development and his current assistant, an intern from Columbia
University, was a bubbly Clara. Marcus was responsible for procurement and he and his staff were at
one of the business sites dealing with renovations. As Sarah followed Vitaly into his office, she was
surprised again at the amount of open space. Since his office also functioned as meeting space, she set
up her laptop at the conference table and prepared to get to work.

The next several hours flew by, as Sarah was engrossed in the work. Betty had lunch delivered in and
other than the occasional interruption when other members of his team came in to discuss aspects of
their projects; it was close to seven when Sarah realized that it was getting dark out. Even in school,
she had never been so engrossed in her work before and she found that she enjoyed it immensely.

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Standing up, she stretched, arching her back as she relieved tight muscles.

As Vitaly caught her movement, he looked up to see her wrap dress, part in the front exposing her
right leg almost to her hip. Not realizing that she was being watched, Sarah calmly adjusted her dress
before looking at Vitaly. Tilting her head, she tried to get a read on what he was thinking, but was
unable to do so. Before she could speak, they were interrupted by loud laughter as Marcus, Pete and
Cindy came walking in.

They had spent the entire day down at the New Jersey Port prepping the small office and getting the
remaining paperwork taken care of to begin offering freight and transport services. After their dinner
the night before, Nico Demolios was the first to step up giving authorization for VIC Enterprises to
conduct business there and the local Union was quick to agree. Cindy had stopped by the New York
Port office and after considerable flirting, was able to get Steve Markos to agree. Of course, the box
seats to the next three home games at Yankee Stadium did wonders in securing the deal.

As the team suddenly took notice of Sarah, all eyes were turned to her. Smiling, she held out her hand
and introduced herself. Unsure what else to say, she stood their awkwardly before Cindy grabbed her

“Come on, let’s go freshen up while Marcus talks about whatever he’s dying to talk to Vitaly about,”
Cindy said as she tugged Sarah out of the room. As they left the room, Marcus turned to Vitaly.

“She’s cute.” As Vitaly stared at him, Marcus eventually broke eye contact. “So, there’s a cocktail
party tonight that we really should attend. Took some doing, but I managed to get us on the list.”

“And why weren’t we on the list before?”

“It’s sponsored by Dimitri Nardiv. I ran into his PR manager at the gym this morning and let him
know that it might be very bad for business if Nardiv insisted on excluding us from a charity event.
He agreed. Mostly out of fear, I suspect.” Looking at his watch, “It’s already started. If you have other
plans, we can go without you. I know how you feel about him.”

“Is this a formal function?”

“Oddly, no. And since I did manage to get a look at the guest list, at least some of us should be

Vitaly stood up as the women came back in the room. “We’ll all go,” he stated flatly, as he reached
for his bag. Seeing that they were getting ready to leave, Sarah put her laptop away and slipped the
files back in her bag. As she turned to follow them out, Vitaly took her bag from her and slung it over
his shoulder as they walked to the waiting car.

The cocktail party was a casual affair for industry professionals at a gallery on the west side. The
student-created art showcased would be offered up in a silent auction and any money made from sales
would go toward scholarships. When they arrived, Vitaly and Marcus quickly surveyed the room
preparing to divide and conquer, as there were numerous vendors and potential customers that they

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were interested in doing business with.

Before Sarah realized what was happening, everyone walked off in a different direction. Unsure what
to do with herself; she walked over to the bar. After accepting a glass of white wine, she turned to
survey the room, bumping into a large body that had come up behind her.

Jumping back, she squealed as she spilled wine and a pair of large hands stopped her from further
damage. As Sarah looked up to apologize, the man took the glass from her hand as he motioned to the
bartender to refill before grabbing napkins off the bar and carefully wiping both his and Sarah’s

“I’m so sorry,” she finally managed to say. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Not to worry,” came a very thick accented reply. “I am pleased that it was only white wine.” At
Sarah’s blush, he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. “What is your

“Sarah, Sarah Jenkins,” she blurted out and she put her hand out to shake. Taking her hand, he raised
it to his lips, kissing it as he squeezed it lightly.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Sarah Jenkins. You may call me Dmitri,” he told her as he handed
her wine back to her.

“Oh, this is your party; again, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that.”

“Not to worry. Come, let us walk around and look at the art. Perhaps, if I’m walking beside you, there
will be less opportunity for me to get wet,” he teased.

“Oh, but shouldn’t you…that is to say…I…shouldn’t you be mingling?” Sarah asked, as her voice
trailed off.

Turning to smile at her, he grasped her elbow and escorted her away from the bar, “Oh, but I am. So,
tell me, little one. Did I see you walking in with Vitaly Chekov?”

Smiling, “Yes, I’m interning as Mr. Chekov’s personal assistant for the summer while his regular
assistant is out on maternity leave.”

“And do you like working for…Mr. Chekov?”

Sarah nodded, “I can’t believe how much I’ve learned in such a short time. It’s been amazing.”

As Sarah looked at the painting hanging on the wall, Dmitri’s eyes narrowed, as he contemplated
ways to exploit the relationship.

As the other members of VIC Enterprises worked the room, Marcus walked up to Vitaly. “Well, she
works fast.”

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“What are you talking about?”

“Your intern,” replied Marcus as he pointed across the room.

As Vitaly turned, he stilled. Sarah was talking and laughing with none other than Dimitri Nardiv and
they weren’t alone. Nico Demolios from the New Jersey Port Authority and two other men were
vying for Sarah’s attention, as she seemed to be entertaining all of them with a story. Vitaly dug his
nails into his palms as he squeezed his hands into fists.

Of all the people she could be speaking with, it had to be him.

Vitaly briefly remembered a time when he and Dmitri were friends. Both were new to the country and
eager to make their way in the world. But Dmitri wasn’t interested in hard work; he wanted to take
the easy route. When the two decided to go into business together, they were offering shipping
services to small vodka manufacturers eager to make a name for themselves in North America. But
what Vitaly didn’t know was that wasn’t all they were shipping.

Dmitri had a sideline where he was importing contraband with the legitimate products. When Vitaly
found out, they fought and rather than risk prison, Vitaly dissolved their partnership and moved out to
the west coast. While he knew that coming back to the east coast was a risk, his business was
expanding and he needed to get a foothold on both coasts.

As Marcus looked at Vitaly, he’d never seen him that angry. Tapping him lightly on the arm, “Hey,
boss, it’s been a long day. Why don’t you and the intern call it a night? We got this.”

At Vitaly’s nod, he was about to motion to Sarah when Vitaly stalked over there. Grabbing Sarah by
the elbow, he pulled her back toward him. “Time to go,” he practically growled.

“Vitaly, it is so good to see you, old friend. I was just telling your lovely Sarah here how we used to
work together. Won’t you have a drink to toast to old times?”

“Another time, Dmitri.”

Gripping Sarah’s elbow, he turned on his heel and practically dragged Sarah out of the gallery.

“Vitaly, you’re hurting me, what the hell is going on?” Sarah demanded as she jerked her elbow out of
his grasp.

“Go to the car, Sarah.”

“No! Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

“Sarah. Do as you are told.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Sarah started at Vitaly. “You’re behaving like a Neanderthal. Now,
what is going on?”

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Vitaly was doing his best to control his anger. Seeing Sarah with Dmitri set him on edge and he
wasn’t interested in dealing with her little tantrum. And now, she was calling him a Neanderthal? He
would show her Neanderthal. Growling under his breath, he shoved Sarah into the alley they were
standing in front of. Pushing her face first against the wall, he pressed tightly against her.

“Perhaps now would be a good time to show you what I can do with my belt,” he threatened as he
boldly ran his hands over her body. “Because you need to understand that I do NOT tolerate

Sarah wanted to push back and fight him, but the minute he touched her, she wanted to melt. Her brain
was screaming at her to fight him, but the more he touched her, the more she wanted. Unable to
control herself, she shuddered as Vitaly chuckled.

“I can smell your arousal, little one. Perhaps you enjoy angering me. Or at least, the ramifications,” he
practically crooned against her ear. Kicking her feet farther apart, “I think I will see exactly how
aroused you really are.”

As Vitaly slid his hand up the side of her dress, Sarah moaned. He quickly found her mound, as he
rubbed his fingers across her panties. As his fingers slid lower, he was surprised at how wet she
was. Suddenly his anger melted as it was replaced with his desire to possess her again. But before he
could go further, headlights from a car flashed them briefly as their limo pulled up in front of the
alley. Grabbing Sarah’s hand, he yanked her toward the car as the driver got out to open the door.
Pushing Sarah in ahead of him, he stopped to tell the driver to drive around until told otherwise.

As Sarah sat down in the limo, she fought to take deep breaths. She didn’t understand why Vitaly was
so angry and he scared her with his intensity, but she had to be honest in that she was hopelessly
turned on. The feel of him pressed against her back had turned her legs to rubber and she was
embarrassed that he could smell her arousal. When Vitaly entered the limo, Sarah shifted seats,
suddenly uncomfortable at the idea of sitting so close to him. Her movement was not lost on him as
his eyes narrowed. Contemplating grabbing her and throwing her over his knee, he smiled suddenly as
he slid over so that he was directly across from her.

Using his feet, he pushed her legs farther apart, as he watched her reaction. The slit on her
wraparound dress parted enticingly as she turned to look at him. Reaching across, he scooped her up
as if she weighed nothing and Sarah found herself once again straddling Vitaly. He pulled the tie on
her dress as it billowed open. Reaching up, he found the clasp on the front of her bra and with a snap,
her breasts came free.

Groaning, he cupped her breasts as he rubbed her nipples. Leaning forward, he nipped at the side of
her breast before sucking a nipple into his mouth. Sarah arched, pushing more of her breast into his
mouth as pleasure slowly swept through her. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she encouraged him
to keep going as he sucked both her nipples to stiff peaks. Reaching down, he slid a finger along the
band of Sarah’s thong and ripped it before pulling it free and tossing it to the floor. Holding her waist,
he pushed her down harder into his lap as Sarah grinded her hips against his hard on.

“That’s it,” he encouraged. “Grind against me to make yourself cum.”

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As Sarah moaned, he continued to lavish attention on her nipples as his hands kneaded her ass.
Pulling her tight against him, Sarah began moving faster as the sensation from the texture of his pants
against her clit was creating a variety of sensations deep inside her that were rapidly building.
Reaching down, Vitaly slid one finger between her folds. She was so wet; one finger became two as
he pumped his fingers in and out. With a cry, Sarah arched against him as her orgasm hit. Holding her
tightly against him, Vitaly sucked hard on her nipples as Sarah dry humped against him.

When she came down, Vitaly had shifted her to the other seat as he watched her. Her skin was flushed
and he could see sweat glistening against her body. As Sarah panted, she was shocked at her own
behavior. What was it with this man that she could so easily fall under his spell? The sound of the
zipper on his pants caught her attention as she watched him take his cock out and stroke it. Licking her
lips, she slid to the floor between his legs. Looking up at him, she rubbed his legs as he stared at her.

“Touch it,” he commanded. Reaching out tentatively, Sarah ran her hand over his cock, which was
glistening with precum. The skin was so smooth and tight as it bounced lightly in her hand. Wrapping
her hand tentatively around it the way he had taught her, she smeared the precum as she slowly began
stroking her hand up and down. Grabbing her hand, Vitaly demonstrated again, how hard to squeeze
as Sarah quickly picked up on it. Putting his head back against the seat, Vitaly enjoyed the sensations
as Sarah continued to stroke him. He caught his breath when he felt her tongue lick the tip of his head
like a lollipop.

As Sarah looked up, uncertain, he nodded his head and encouraged her to keep going. Normally, he
preferred to control the movement and intensity of any sexual activity, but he found that he enjoyed
Sarah’s naivety and curiosity. As Sarah continued to lick and suck at his cock, he closed his eyes. Her
movements were stilted, but she soon gained a steady rhythm as her mouth became accustomed to his
size. He hissed when Sarah hit a sensitive spot. His reaction encouraged her to put more pressure
with her tongue just below the head as she continued to lavish attention on it.

Unsure how much more he could take, he stopped her as he pulled her up to his lap. Turning her
around so she faced away from him, he guided his cock into her soaking pussy. Holding tight to her
hips, he began to thrust hard as Sarah rocked back meeting him thrust for thrust. Sliding his hands up,
he cupped her breasts as he kneaded and massaged them. Each time he pinched her nipples, Sarah
would spasm around his cock causing him to thrust harder and harder.

Pinching her nipples harder this time, Sarah cried out as she leaned forward into his hands slamming
her hips back against him. The sudden movement caught him off guard and he came, as he pumped into
her. Pulling her back up against him, he kissed her neck. Looking up, he caught the driver watching
them in the mirror. Nibbling at her neck, he told her to look up. He knew that she spotted the driver in
the rearview mirror when he felt her body flush.

“Look at him,” he told her as she tried to look away. “Show him your passion.”

As Sarah turned back to look at the driver, she tilted her head giving Vitaly more access to her neck
as he kissed his way down her collar bone. Lifting her arms, Sarah placed them behind Vitaly’s head
as she lay against him. In that moment, she felt decadent as she reveled in being watched. She had
thought that she would be embarrassed, but watching his eyes, she found that she liked it.

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They drove around for another hour as Vitaly held her against him occasionally playing with her.
While he wanted her facing him, he liked having her on display. Reaching down, he dipped two
fingers between her folds as he began to finger fuck her again. Sarah leaned against him as she thrust
her hips out, greedily clutching at his fingers with each outward stroke. Using his thumb, he pressed
against her clit as Sarah cried out, riding his hand in another orgasm. When she had calmed down, he
brought his fingers to her mouth.

“Taste them,” he told her. “Taste what I can do to you.” Sarah suckled at his fingers as she licked
them clean. Looking up, she smiled at the driver.

As they drove into the parking garage, Vitaly fastened her bra before pulling her dress back around
her. He decided that he really liked her in wraparound dresses and intended to make sure that she had

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Chapter 10

The following weeks progressed quickly once they were back in San Jose and it appeared to be
business as usual for VIC Enterprises. At Vitaly’s encouragement, Sarah brought most of the clothes
back with her and was enjoying wearing them. Especially the lingerie. They gave her a secret
decadence and she liked the way they felt against her skin.

Vitaly had been distant with her since that night in the car and Sarah wasn’t sure if she had done
something wrong or if he was done with her. They had been working ten or more hour days since the
New York team managed to obtain several new contracts and there were numerous issues to work out
before the freight could be shipped.

Several times, Sarah tried initiating contact with him when they were alone, but he quickly rebuffed
her claiming that they had work to do and he needed to concentrate. He had done everything short of
physically pushing her away and Sarah was growing increasingly frustrated, as he seemed to be
distancing himself from her. And when they were together, on more than one occasion, Sarah found
herself fantasizing about being bent over Vitaly’s desk or pressed up against the glass as he took her
from behind.

Friday couldn’t come soon enough, as Sarah had plans with her friends. She had no intention of
working another late night with Vitaly and as soon as five o’clock rolled around, Sarah was out the
door and headed to her car. She managed to arrive home before Mia and took advantage by soaking in
the tub. The small crash and significant swearing signaled the arrival of her roommate as Sarah
dunked her head under water. When she popped her head out, Mia was already in the bathroom
watching her friend.


“So, what?” Sarah asked.

“You’re taking a bath. You only ever take baths when you have a lot on your mind. Spill it.”

“Later,” Sarah said with a sigh. “I’ll fill all of you in when Lisa and Chloe get here.”

“Fair enough,” Mia replied as she headed out of the bathroom.

“Oh hey, did you order the pizza?”

“Not tonight. Was in the mood for Chinese. It should be here by the time the girls arrive.”

As Sarah dried off, she thought about the past weeks and blushed. When she had started work at VIC
Enterprises, she was a virgin, but in that time, not only had she lost her virginity, but she found that
she enjoyed the way Vitaly treated her. He knew exactly which buttons to push to make Sarah spiral
out of control. She only wished that she knew which buttons to push to draw his attention back to her.
And it wasn’t only the sex. Maybe she was being naïve and this was all fun and games to him, but it
certainly didn’t feel like it in New York. He was so angry that she had been talking to Dmitri. She

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knew that there was some bad blood between the two, but they had gone to the party with the intent to
make contacts and she was doing exactly that.

Slipping into jeans and a t-shirt, she tied her hair back in a ponytail and headed down to see her
friends. Everyone had been so busy with work or school that this was the first time they had the
opportunity to get together since Sarah’s birthday. They had much to catch up on and Sarah was
anxious to hear their input.

As the girls sat around the living room enjoying their Chinese food, Sarah filled them in on
everything. While Mia was aware that Sarah had lost her virginity, she had no idea how far the sexual
activities had progressed. A long, low whistle from Lisa signified that she was impressed as Chloe
and Mia sat there staring at her. While Sarah was the last of the four to lose her virginity, her
introduction into sexual activities had progressed far faster than for any of the other girls. As Lisa
refilled her wine glass, Sarah quickly downed it and mustered the courage to tell her friends about the
ride in the limo.

“So, let me get this straight,” Lisa interrupted. “You were having sex with him in the back of the limo
while the driver was watching? And you liked it?”

Sarah blushed as she nodded. “I don’t know what came over me. Don’t laugh, but yea, it felt
empowering.” As Chloe and Mia snorted in laughter, Lisa gave her friend a knowing look as she
nodded in approval. Clapping her hands, Sarah demanded that they talk about other things and the
girls continued to laugh and drink as they shared stories.

Around eleven, Lisa stood up. “Who’s for clubbing tonight?”

“Who’s going to drive us? None of us are up for it?” Mia interjected.

“Cab, silly. Now come on. Everyone go get dressed. Let’s go dancing.”

As the girls jumped up to get ready, Sarah knew exactly which dress she would wear. The girls
agreed to meet in an hour in front of their apartment building. Sarah was the last to walk downstairs
and Chloe whistled as she met them. Sarah chose a leather halter dress that tightly hugged her curves
and thigh-high boots. Her hair had dried while in the ponytail giving it a natural wave when she
brushed it out.

As the cab pulled up to pick up the girls, Mia couldn’t resist asking what she had on underneath that
dress. Giving her an impish smile, Sarah replied, “Nothing. There wasn’t room.”

The girls laughed and chatted all the way to the Casbah. When they pulled up, Chloe’s brother was
working the line and he stepped forward to open the cab door when he recognized the girls. He let out
an appreciative whistle when he watched the girls emerge from the car. “Ladies,” he said as he lifted
the rope to let them through.

As they walked into the club, Sarah was quick to note the stares they got from the men. Normally,
Sarah would be uncomfortable with all the attention, but she was admittedly drunk and tired of being

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ignored by Vitaly. If he wasn’t going to pay attention to her, then she was going to find someone who

The girls mounted the stairs to their preferred location and ordered drinks as they checked out the
club. Two guys walked by their table and asked Lisa and Sarah to dance. As the girls walked out on
the dance floor, Lisa whispered to Sarah, asking if she would like to put on a little show.

At Sarah’s nod, the girls proceeded to bump and grind against their partners before turning to dance
with each other. The stares of the partygoers faded into the background as Sarah became immersed in
the music.

Vitaly’s eyes darkened in anger as he watched Sarah dance. The little vixen was wearing clothes that
he had bought for her. She looked to be clearly enjoying all the attention and she danced as if she
didn’t have a care in the world. He snapped out of it when he felt the glass he was holding pulled
from his grasp. Ivan could practically see steam coming out his boss’ ears and he was concerned that
he would break the glass in his hand.

Setting the glass down, Ivan looked out on the dance floor to see what had angered him so. Spotting
Sarah, he looked at Vitaly.

“Do you have feelings for her?”

“No,” came his curt reply.

“Well, if that’s the case, come back to the table, we aren’t finished yet.”

As Vitaly returned to the table, he gave one last look out to the dance floor to see Sarah dancing with
her friend.

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Chapter 11

The next morning, Sarah woke with a groan. Looking at the time, she moaned as she pulled the pillow
back over her head. It was noon and Sarah felt like she’d been run over by a train. As she sat up
slowly, she saw the bottle of ibuprofen that Mia had left for her. Oh, poor Mia, Sarah thought. She
had to work today. As Sarah took three pills, she hoped that Mia didn’t feel as bad as she did.

As Sarah stepped under the steady stream of the shower, much of their night came back to her. She
had enjoyed being a tease with Lisa out on the dance floor, but it had caused some problems with
some of the guys who were pushing to get the girls alone. Chloe had to call her brother and together
with a couple other bouncers, they got the girls out of the club and into a cab before any fights broke
out. Sarah had never been the object of a fight before and she had to admit that she got a little thrill
out of all the attention.

Sarah groaned when she heard her text message alert beep. Picking up her phone, there were three
messages from Vitaly starting at seven this morning. Sighing, she contemplated pretending not to have
received the messages, but she wasn’t comfortable lying. She texted him back to let him know that she
would be in soon before pouring herself a large cup of coffee. She downed it quickly hoping that the
caffeine would help with her headache before she went to get dressed. Since it was a Saturday, she
wasn’t concerned about dress code and slipped on a comfortable tank dress and sandals.

Running a brush through her hair, she tied it up before grabbing another cup of coffee and heading out
the door. Even with her sunglasses on, the blast of sunlight gave Sarah pause as she waited for her
eyes to adjust before walking to her car.

When she arrived at VIC Enterprises, she was surprised to see so few cars. She had expected that
more people would be working given their pending deadline. Walking in, she waved to Ivan who was
sitting at the security desk. When she arrived on the tenth floor, it was dark. Removing her sunglasses,
she sighed as she took a moment to enjoy the darkness. Walking to her office, she put her bag down
before turning on her laptop. As she was about to sit down, Vitaly buzzed her, telling her to come to
his office.

Sighing, she scooped up her laptop and files and grabbed water before heading to his office. Walking
in, she took a deep breath. The office windows were heavily tinted to protect from the heat of the day
and Sarah was glad that the ibuprofen was finally kicking in.

Setting her stuff down on the conference table, Sarah turned to find Vitaly staring at her, as he
motioned for her to join him at his desk.

“Where is everyone?” she asked, as she sat down.

“Everyone who?”

“You said that we were under deadline and that I needed to come in. I presumed that meant everyone
on the team.”

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As Vitaly continued to stare at her, he shook his head no. “Did you have a good time last night?”

“What? Is that what this is about? You saw me at the club?” Sarah rolled her eyes as she stood up.
“Yes, Vitaly, I had a good time last night. I also had a helluva lot to drink and I’m hungover. If this is
just another one of your macho-male moves, well then I’ll take a rain check. I’m not in the mood. So,
if you’ll excuse me-”

“Sit down, Sarah,” Vitaly commanded and then smiled when Sarah complied. “I have to admit that
you looked lovely last night, but when I bought you that dress, I had expected that you would wear it
for me.”

“Of all the nerve,” Sarah started to say, before she stood up and leaned on his desk looking at him
with disdain.

“You have been hot and cold with me. One minute you’re all over me and pushing me to do things that
I would never have thought myself capable of doing and the next, you’re giving me the brush-off and
making up some sort of excuse. I’m not some damn play toy that you can turn on and off whenever it
suits you. I have feelings, dammit and you seem to feel that it’s okay to walk all over them.”

As Sarah took a deep breath to continue her rant, Vitaly rose swiftly and came around the desk.
Grabbing Sarah by the arms, he yanked her against him pulling her into a kiss as he ran his hands over
her body. At his touch, any thought of continuing her rant was forgotten as Sarah melted into his touch.
Logically, her brain was telling her that he was manipulating her, but her body didn’t care. Her body
craved his touch. If this was how she had to get his attention, well then so be it. Summoning all her
willpower, she managed to push far enough away from him so she could take a breath. Stepping back,
she touched her lips as she looked at him.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll see myself out,” she said as she turned to stalk out of the room. She got as
far as the doorway, when he grabbed her arm and yanked her back, slamming the door closed.
Pushing her back up against the wall, he pulled her arms over her head, as he stared at her. As Sarah
attempted to stare at him defiantly, a slow grin spread across his face.

Holding her wrists with one hand, he cupped one of her breasts as he lazily flicked at her nipple. She
wasn’t wearing a bra and the feel of her breast swelling in his hand gave him an answering twinge as
he could feel his cock getting hard. Lifting her skirt, he ran his hand up her leg as he rubbed her hip.
Moving his hand, he was pleased to find out that she was completely nude beneath her dress.

Kicking her feet farther apart, he loosened his grip on her wrists dropping her off her toes. Reaching
around, he placed his hand on her mound as his fingers played with her clit. Sliding his hand under
her, he slid two fingers inside and groaned inwardly at how wet she was. Lifting her up with his hand,
he ordered her to wrap her legs around him as he began to pump his fingers in and out. Releasing her
wrists, Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him.

Normally, she was so tentative when she initiated, but she was angry and she wanted him to know.
Nipping at his lower lip, his mouth parted in surprise as she slipped her tongue inside to dance with
his. Still pumping his fingers inside her, he supported her back as he walked her over to the

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conference table. Laying her on top of it, he pulled his fingers out. Sarah watched as he sniffed his
fingers in appreciation before licking them.

Reaching for the buttons on his jeans, he pushed his jeans below his hips as his cock sprang free.

Grabbing Sarah’s legs, he lifted them to his shoulders before slamming into her. Sarah threw her arms
over her head and arched her back as she met him thrust for thrust. The voice inside her head kept
telling her that she needed to stop, but she shushed it as she felt her first orgasm building.

As the pressure continued to build, Vitaly suddenly pulled free and lifted her hips higher. Sarah
watched as he dipped his head between her legs and sucked her clit into his mouth. At Sarah’s cry, he
continued to lick and suck as Sarah came against his mouth. When she started to come down, he
pulled her to a sitting position and kissed her. She could taste her cum in his mouth as he shared the
results of her orgasm.

When he broke the kiss, he lifted her dress off of her as he pulled her to her feet. Turning her around,
he bent her over the conference table as he pushed her legs farther apart. Sarah’s arousal increased as
she suddenly found herself in the middle of one of her fantasies. Slamming back into her, he grabbed
her ponytail as he pulled her head back, forcing her to arch her back. His other hand found its way to
her stomach where he held her tight as he continued to pound against her.

Sarah was moaning loudly as she felt another orgasm building. As she started to spasm around his
cock, Vitaly groaned, as he was unable to hold out any longer. Increasing his speed, he continued to
slam into her. As Sarah’s orgasm hit, they both cried out as Vitaly’s quickly followed and her muscles
clenched as they milked his cock. Slamming into her one last time, he held himself deep inside her
until he was spent.

As he slipped out of her, he didn’t realize how tightly he’d been holding her hair until Sarah reached
to rub her head. Kissing her back, he went to retrieve two bottles of water, handing one to her. Sarah
was unable to stand any longer and plopped down in one of the conference chairs. She smiled as she
briefly wondered if housekeeping had to use any special cleaner to get cum stains out of leather.
Stretching her legs over the arms of the chair, she turned the chair to see what Vitaly was doing. He
had been leaning against his desk drinking water until he laid eyes on her.

Seeing her splayed out like that made his cock twitch. She looked positively enchanting as her skin
glowed from their recent lovemaking. Smiling shyly, she tried to drink her water, but ended up
spilling some on herself. Her eyes grew wide as Vitaly stalked toward her. Taking the bottle out of
her hands, he knelt in front of her and moved her arms over her head. She was so beautiful; he smiled
wondering if she would consider posing for pictures.

Holding his bottle of water over her, he poured some on her fevered skin as Sarah gasped. Watching
her, he leaned down and licked the water from her body as Sarah began to pant. Grabbing her hips, he
rolled back to the floor pulling her with him. Sarah yelped in surprise as she found herself lying on
top of him. Reaching for the band on her hair, he tugged it free as he watched her hair cascade around

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As Vitaly lay back, he tucked his arms behind his head as he smiled at her. “Ride me,” he instructed.
As Sarah sat up, she smiled at him, as she straddled his hips. Leaning down, she kissed his face as
she worked her way over to his lips. Sucking on his lower lip, she kissed him deeply as her thumbs
found his nipples and she flicked at them as they tightened. Raising his hips, he thrust at her as she
evaded his cock.

“Not so fast, Cowboy,” she told him as she continued to kiss him. Moving her way down his
collarbone, she kissed and nipped at his chest as she slid slowly down his body. Vitaly was annoyed
that she had disobeyed him, but he was enjoying the sensations and decided to let her have some fun.
Her hair tickled his skin as her hands continued to touch and stroke his skin everywhere but where he

She chuckled as he grew impatient and pushed at her head. She nipped at the inside of his thigh before
taking his cock in her mouth and drawing it in slowly. Moving her head up and down, Sarah enjoyed
the feel of his cock as it twitched in her mouth. Finding his sensitive spot at the base of the head, she
flicked at it with her tongue as he gasped and arched, pushing more of himself into her mouth. Sucking
hard, Sarah drove him mad as he fought the urge to force her to do his bidding.

Pulling her mouth away, Sarah slid back up his body as she mounted him. Moaning, she couldn’t lie
when she readily admitted how good it felt to have him buried deep inside her. Leaning back, she put
her hands on his thighs as she began to move up and down. Flicking her hips forward and back, she
added small figure eights as she sought out all those delicious spots that felt so damn good. Vitaly
attempted to raise his hips to speed up her ride, but she had managed to pin his legs down.

With a growl, he sat up pulling Sarah tight against him. Her eyes were unfocused as she looked at
him. Putting the palm of his hand at the small of her back, he used his other hand to wrap around the
back of her neck and hold her still before he began thrusting hard into her. Sarah dug her nails into
shoulders as she held on. Pulling her head closer, he laid his forehead against hers as he continued to
plunge into her. With a cry, Sarah came as she clenched his cock tight making it difficult for him to
keep moving inside her. As she spasmed, Vitaly groaned as he pulled her tightly against himself and
they rode out their orgasms together.

As he rubbed his hands over her back, Sarah couldn’t help giggling. “Well, I’ll say one thing,” she
told him. “That many orgasms is fantastic for hangovers.”

Vitaly laughed as he held her against him and kissed her cheeks.

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Chapter 12

As Sarah got home later that evening, she was surprised that they had actually managed to get any
work done. Granted, it was difficult to concentrate with both of them naked and constantly touching
each other, but they did accomplish some work. Walking inside, she found Mia lying on the couch
with a wet towel on her head. Looking up at her roommate, she frowned.

“Why do you look so…well,” Mia questioned.

Sarah smiled at her roommate. “Well, it turns out that Lisa was right and orgasms are good for

Groaning, Mia put her head back down. “Hating you right now,” she told her as Sarah laughed. “Since
you’re doing so much better, find us food,” Mia demanded as she groaned. Sarah chuckled as she
went to search the delivery menus for something Mia’s stomach would tolerate before jumping in the
shower. An hour later, Chloe and Lisa walked in carrying two large paper bags.

“We ran into the delivery guy in the hall. Hope you ordered enough for all,” Lisa said as she set the
bags down on the coffee table.

“Of course,” Sarah replied as she joined her friends. Mia sat up and gratefully accepted the plain
pasta with Parmesan cheese, as the girls sat around enjoying their dinner and chatting.

As Mia slowly felt like she was returning to the land of the living, she couldn’t help but ask, “So…
anyone notice how Sarah seems to be doing better than any of us today?”

As Lisa and Chloe turned to look at her, “Come to think of it,” Chloe replied, “She does seem to be
doing well.”

At Sarah’s blush, Lisa demanded, “Out with it.”

As Sarah filled them in on her afternoon, food was forgotten as they stared at her wide-eyed. As her
voice trailed off, Chloe couldn’t resist teasing her, “It sounds like you have it bad.”

Sarah nodded as she picked at her forgotten food. “I think I do and I really don’t know what to do
about it. He’s so hot and cold at times, I never know if I’m simply a summer dalliance until my
internship is over or if he has any feelings for me. The way he looks at me sometimes, I would like to
think that he does want more, but I don’t know what he’s thinking unless he tells me. He’s so hard to

Lisa put her arm around Sarah as she hugged her friend. “Just be really careful that you don’t get hurt.
He’s what, fifteen years older than you?” As Sarah started to protest, Lisa held up her hand. “I know
that today that really isn’t a big deal, but given that he was your first, it really IS a big deal. So, be
careful, okay?”

“And if he does hurt you, remember that you have us. Mia will drive, I’ll bring the shovels and Lisa

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will tell us where to bury the body.”

As Sarah laughed, she felt blessed that she had such good friends. Although she was really hoping
that, there wouldn’t be a need to bury any bodies.

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Chapter 13

The following week was uneventful as everyone at VIC Enterprises was busy prepping for their first
East Coast contract to go live. Simon and Marcus were handling the details in New York and Vitaly
was on the phone with them constantly making sure that everything was in place. He was back to
being aloof with Sarah and she simply didn’t know what to make of it. She had commented to Mia that
at times he felt like two different people.

Sarah had no idea that Vitaly was wrestling with his own demons. He was determined not to allow
another woman into his life, but he found that Sarah was constantly on his mind. Ivan had suggested
that he simply let her go, but there was only three weeks left before his PA returned from maternity
leave and he needed Sarah’s assistance.

On Friday night, he had a client meeting at the Casbah. Vitaly had been in negotiations with a local
software company and he was hoping to close the deal. For some reason, many of the more
introverted techs liked coming to the club. Perhaps it was the attention they got, but as far as Vitaly
was concerned, throw enough money around and you’ll get all the attention you want. Although not all
of it would be positive. He only hoped that he could keep their attention long enough to close the deal
and get out. It had been a long week.

Sarah couldn’t believe that she was back at the Casbah. Mia and Chloe had begged off, but Lisa was
game to go. Sarah had decided that she was fed up with Vitaly’s aloofness and she was going to have
some fun. They didn’t even bother finding a table upstairs and headed straight to the dance floor
where the girls quickly drew the attention of most of the males. As the girls were dancing, suddenly
Sarah felt hands on her hips. Whirling around, she was surprised to see Daniel.

Deciding a little payback was in order, she began dancing with Daniel. Lisa gave her a sour face as
she turned to dance with someone else. Daniel gave Sarah an appreciative look as he took in her
dress and pumps. He had been so used to seeing her casually dressed; he was impressed at what she
had to offer. If he had known that’s what she would look like, he might have cheated on her a little
less than he did.

He tried to guide Sarah off the dance floor, but she refused as she worked her way back to the center
of the floor and continued dancing. Daniel quickly realized that she didn’t care who she was dancing
with and if he was going to have a chance to talk with her, he had to play along.

As the DJ took a brief break, the girls headed to the bar for drinks. Daniel caught up and placed his
arms across their shoulders as he escorted them off the floor. At the bar, he finally had a chance to
speak with Sarah. “You look fantastic,” he told her.

“Thanks,” Sarah replied. “Growing your hair out?”

Happy that she had noticed, he ran his hand through his hair, “Yea, I thought I would give it a try.
What do you think?” Sarah smiled and shrugged as she leaned in to hear what Lisa was telling her.
Laughing, she turned, smiling toward Daniel and was surprised at how close he was standing as she
ended up rubbing against him. She swallowed when she felt his erection straining against his pants.

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As she attempted to step back, he tightened his grip on her arms.

“Ouch, Daniel that hurts,” she admonished. Before she could say more, Vitaly was suddenly at her
side and she was yanked toward him. “Hey,” she started to complain, as Daniel demanded to know
who he was.

“You’re leaving,” he told her as he started walking toward the door.

Sarah yanked away from him, as she attempted to go back to the bar. “Oh, no, I just got here.”

As Vitaly turned to grab her, Daniel stepped in, “Dude, I don’t know who you think you are, but she
said she’s staying.” Just as Daniel reached to grab Sarah, Vitaly issued a short jab to Daniel’s face,
sending him to the floor. Before Daniel had a chance to react, Vitaly was standing over him.

“Not that it’s any business of yours, but I own this place and you can consider yourself banned.” With
a wave of his hand, two bouncers appeared and grabbed Daniel to remove him from the club.

As Vitaly turned to Sarah, her hand flashed out connecting with his cheek as she slapped him as hard
as she could. His eyes darkened in anger, as he slowly rubbed his cheek. Looking at Lisa, he asked
her if she had a ride home. At her nod, he scooped Sarah up throwing her over his shoulder and
strode out of the club. Sarah tried to kick him, but he had a tight grip on her legs as he bounced her
lightly on his shoulder to settle her.

She let out a burst of air as she put her hands together and began pummeling his back. But her efforts
were completely ineffective as he ignored her and kept walking. Sarah knew that they were outside
when she felt cool air on her legs. She was mortified at the way Vitaly was treating her and hoped
that no one would recognize her.

She heard a car door open before she was unceremoniously dropped inside followed immediately by
Vitaly. As the driver pulled away, Sarah crossed her arms and glared at him.

“What the fuck were you thinking with that caveman stunt you pulled?” Sarah demanded.

Crossing his arms, “So, have I graduated from Neanderthal to caveman or is that a demotion,” Vitaly
questioned as he glared back at her.

“They are one and the same when you pull that macho shit. I don’t think I can go back there, now.”

“Good. I don’t want you going out anymore because clearly you exhibit poor judgment.”

“Excuse me? Who the hell are you to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own time!” Sarah
demanded. “I’m your intern, Vitaly, NOT your spouse. And even if I WAS your spouse, you would
not be dictating who I hang out with.”

Staring at her smugly, “Care to place bets on that?” At Sarah’s stare, he continued. “You should not
be going to clubs alone.”

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“I wasn’t alone.”

“You mean that boy? He had his hands all over you. He needed to be stopped.”

“I had everything under control,” Sarah shot back. “You misunderstood what was going on. And no, I
wasn’t with him, I was with my friend, Lisa. Daniel happened to find us there.”

“You mean the blonde you were dancing with? She behaves worse than you do. You will not be
seeing her anymore.”

“What part of, you cannot dictate who I can and cannot see, did you not understand?” Sarah
demanded. “Lisa is one of my best friends and I would choose her over you, any day.”

“Is that so?”

“In a heartbeat.” Sarah looked out the window, “Where are we going?”

“My place.”

“Oh, no, I’m not,” Sarah declared as she reached for the door handle.

“Do not be so reckless as to endanger your own life by attempting to jump from a moving vehicle. We
are going to my place. End. Of. Discussion.” Sarah sat back and continued to glare at him.

“Take me home.”


“This is kidnapping.”

“It won’t be.”

“What is THAT supposed to mean?” They drove up a long driveway and pulled up in front of a large
colonial style mansion. As Vitaly stepped out of the car, he held his hand out for Sarah to join him.

Leaning in, “If you like, I can pull you out the same way I put you in,” Vitaly said calmly as he waited
for Sarah to comply. Sighing, Sarah climbed out of the car, but refused to touch him. As she stepped
out onto the cobblestone driveway, she stared up at the giant house. “You like?”

Shrugging her shoulders, “Seems a bit much for only one person.”

“True, but I bought it for the view.” Turning around, Sarah took in the view of San Jose below them.

“Oh, wow.”

“Indeed.” Taking her by the elbow, Vitaly escorted her inside.

Sarah was completely overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the mansion and forgot that she was

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angry at Vitaly as she stared up at the four-story ceiling in the entryway. Vitaly had dropped his grip
on her arm and stared at her in bemusement as she walked into the living room. She gasped when she
saw the lights of the city outside the floor to ceiling windows.

Vitaly walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Do you like it?”

Sarah nodded, “Oh yes, the view is spectacular, but it really is a lot of house for one person. But then
again, you do seem to like open spaces.” Vitaly stiffened at that reminder and stepped back to sit
down in a large leather chair. Reaching for a remote, he turned on some jazz as Sarah turned around
to look at him.

“Dance for me, little one.”

“What? No, I couldn’t,” Sarah said as she got flustered.

“You were dancing at the club.”

“That was different. No one was watching.”

“EVERYONE was watching.”

“Not like you are,” Sarah said quietly.

Standing up, he strode back over to her, “Would it help if I joined you?” At Sarah’s shy nod, he took
her hand and pulled her against him, as they began to move to the music. As they danced together, he
slowly moved a bit farther away, as Sarah became lost in the music. Before she realized it, he had
stepped completely away as she twisted and twirled in time to the music. She is breathtaking, he
thought as he watched her move.

When the song ended, Sarah slowed to a stop, too shy to look at him. It was so easy for her to get lost
when she danced and she was always embarrassed when she saw people watching her. Vitaly tilted
her chin up with his fingers as she slowly opened her eyes. Innocence rapidly shifted to awareness
when she saw the raw hunger in his eyes.

Turning around, she lifted her hair, as she looked at him over her shoulder. “Unzip me, please?” She
held her breath as he slowly drew the zipper down. Stepping away, she turned to the side as she drew
the dress down her body and stepped out of it. Looking at him, she reached behind to unhook her bra
before dropping it to the floor next to her dress. In the darkened room, her body was silhouetted
against the lights from the city. Leaving her high heels on, she walked to the window. Spreading her
legs, she put her hands on the glass, as she looked out.

Vitaly walked up behind her. Placing his hands on her wrists, he leaned against her.

“Your hands stay there,” he ordered. Sarah shivered as she nodded in compliance. Starting at her
wrists, he ran his hands down the backs of her arms and down her back. Cupping her hips, he kneaded
her cheeks as he continued down her legs. When he reached her ankles, he placed kisses at the sweet
spots at the top of the backs of her thighs, before sweeping his hands to the front of her legs and

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beginning a path up. When he reached her pelvis, he took his time rubbing her hips and lower stomach
as Sarah began to pant. He made lazy circles all over her stomach as Sarah moaned.

“Vitaly,” she said with a moan.

“Shh, now is not the time for talk,” he told her as he continued.

He hadn’t touched her any place sexual, but Sarah could feel herself getting wet, as his hands made
her insides jump around. Stepping closer, he pressed his legs up against hers, as he pulled her back
against him. He noticed that her hands were coming loose from the window but before he could say
anything, she had pressed her palms back against the glass. Smiling into her neck, he kissed down her
collarbone as his hands worked their way up her torso. Brushing his hands along her sides, he rubbed
up her arms. As his hands worked their way back down, he placed one hand on her neck and tilted her
head to his shoulder. Turning her chin, he kissed her.

Sarah eagerly parted her lips to give him access as he deepened the kiss. Moaning into his mouth, she
flexed her hands, but kept them planted on the window. Smiling, he broke the kiss as he whispered,
“Good girl.” Those two words turned her insides to jelly as she trembled against him.

Cupping her breasts, Sarah rolled her head on his shoulder as she moaned. “Do you like that?” At
Sarah’s nod, he massaged her breasts as his thumbs rubbed her nipples. “Show me,” he whispered
into her ear.

Pushing her legs farther apart, Sarah took her right hand off the window and rubbed two fingers along
her slit. When she brought her hand back up, he could see her fingers glistening as she brought them to
his lips. She caught her breath as he sucked her fingers into his mouth, nipping at them as he did.
Releasing her fingers, he took her hand and brought it back down to her mound. “Do it again,” he told
her as his fingers joined hers.

Together, they rubbed her mound easily finding her clit, which had swelled into a tight nub. Using her
fingers, he rolled it around, pinching it lightly as Sarah moaned. Sliding her hand down, he joined her
fingers as they easily slid inside. She was so wet. Kissing her neck, he began to move their hands in
and out, as they slowly finger fucked her. Sarah was pushing hard against the glass with her other
hand as her backside found his erection and she rubbed against it.

Pulling his hand away, he told her to keep going as Sarah leaned her head against the glass, lost in the
sensations she was treating her body to. Stepping back, Vitaly unbuttoned his shirt as he kicked off his
shoes. His pants followed as he stepped back up to Sarah and pressed his now naked body against
hers. At the shift in sensation, Sarah shuddered as she felt his erection press tightly against her skin.
Grabbing her hand, he began to pump her fingers faster and faster as Sarah’s panting sped up.
Moaning loudly, he could feel her body start to clench as her orgasm hit. Crying out, Sarah bowed at
the intensity of the orgasm as her backside rubbed against his erection.

Continuing to pump her fingers in and out, he held her as they rode out her orgasm. When she had
calmed down, her took her hand and brought her fingers to her lips.

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“Taste them,” he told her. As Sarah licked the results of her orgasm from her fingers, he drew them
away as he finished cleaning them off.

Taking her hand off the window, he turned her around and pressed her backside against the glass. The
sudden coolness was a welcome shift as Sarah’s skin felt hot all over. Lifting her up, she wrapped
her legs around his waist, as he entered her. Arching against the glass, Sarah threw her arms over her
head as she moved her hips in time to his. Using long, slow strokes, Vitaly pumped in and out of
Sarah as she moaned. She looked so beautiful with the skyline behind her.

He had been angry at her behavior, but as soon as he touched her, any other thoughts melted away as
the only thing he could think about was possessing her. It was why he was constantly distancing
himself from her because she continually fractured his resolve.

Moving faster, he tightened his grip on her hips as he shortened his thrusts. Sarah cried out his name
as another orgasm rolled through her. Several more short thrusts and he slammed into her as he came.
Pulling her to him, he held her tightly as he continued to make short thrusts. Pushing her back against
the glass, he pressed his forehead to its coolness. “Oh that feels good,” he said as Sarah laughed.

“Oh yea, I’ve been enjoying it.”

Walking backwards, he found their way to the couch and he dropped down, taking Sarah with him.
Stretching out, he held her, as she lay sprawled across his chest. Lifting her head, she rested her chin
on his chest as she looked at him.

“Why do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Act like a caveman around me? You have to know that it isn’t okay and what you did tonight? That
was embarrassing.”

“Women should behave a certain way and what you were doing was inappropriate.”

“Vitaly, you own clubs that capitalize on women acting the way I do.”

“That’s different.”


Sitting up, he moved Sarah off him as he stood up and put his pants back on. “It just is.”

“Well, I can see that honesty isn’t your thing, so I guess I’ll be going,” Sarah stated as she got up to
retrieve her clothes.

“And where do you think you are going?”

“It’s still early, maybe I’ll go back to the Casbah.”

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“No. I forbid it!”

“You forbid it? And how are you going to do that?”

“I own the club. One phone call and you will be denied entrance.”

“Fine. Yours isn’t the only club, I’ll find another.”

“Not tonight, you won’t.” Grabbing Sarah, he flung her back over his shoulder as he marched up the
stairs. Striding into his bedroom, he kicked the door shut and threw her on the bed. Sarah was off the
bed in an instant and running for the door.

“You can’t force me to stay!” she screamed at him.

“Oh, kotyonok, now who is lying? You know that I won’t be forcing you to do anything you haven’t
been fantasizing about,” he stated as he stalked toward her. Standing in front of her, he watched her
skin flush, as she became aware of his proximity. Taking a step back, Vitaly matched her step for step
as Sarah attempted to avoid touching him only to end up pressed against the bed. Lifting her up, he set
her back on the bed before kneeling on it.

Sarah saw that predator look in his eyes and swallowed hard knowing full well who his prey was.
Scooting backwards, he followed her slowly, like a panther stalking its prey. When she got to the
headboard, the voice in her head was screaming at her to get off the bed and make another run for the
door, but her heart and body were overruling her. She knew that she wanted this. Her body craved his
touch. Demanded it. Her eyes grew large when he continued crawling up the bed.

Straddling her legs, he reached for his belt and slowly pulled it from his pants as he watched Sarah’s
reaction. While he could see some fear, he also saw lust and desire. Grabbing her wrists, he pulled
them in front of her and wrapped the belt around them. Leaning up, he hooked the belt to his
headboard before grabbing Sarah’s ankle and pulling her until she lay stretched out on the bed and her
arms were pulled tight above her. As Sarah began to pant, he rubbed her legs soothingly.

“Are you in pain?” At her shake of the head, he smiled at her as he continued to rub her legs. Shifting
back, he positioned himself between her legs as he pushed them farther apart. His thumbs made lazy
circles up the insides of her thighs as Sarah pushed her legs farther apart. He chuckled, “It’s so good
to see that my kotyonok is much more compliant when her claws have been sheathed.”

As he leaned down to kiss the insides of her thighs, Sarah gasped. “What…what does kotyo- mean?”

“Kotyonok means kitten. And it is time I trimmed those claws,” he told her as he stretched out
between her legs. With his head between her thighs, he began to lick up and down her slit as Sarah
writhed beneath him. Parting her lips, he dipped his tongue inside and began licking her as if she
were a delicacy.

Sarah quickly found another orgasm building, but each time she would come close, he would ease up.
Finding her clit, he began to suck on it as he inserted one finger deep inside her. She moaned as she
felt a storm brewing deep inside her, but before it would crest, he withdrew his finger and shifted his

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attention elsewhere. When he shifted back, he inserted two fingers and twisted them finding her g-
spot, which caused her to buck, but he pulled his fingers out as he put his other arm across her pelvis,
pinning her to the bed. Inserting two fingers again, he slid them along the inside of her slit, but refused
to push them in any farther. Sarah moaned as she tried shifting her hips to get Vitaly to push his fingers
in farther.

“Vitaly,” she moaned. “Please.”

“Please, what, Sarah.”

Clenching around his fingers, Sarah groaned in frustration when he pulled them out. “Fuck me, Vitaly.
I can’t take this anymore. Please. Fuck me hard.”

With a growl, Vitaly was on her. This time when he kissed her, there was no gentleness. This was a
demanding kiss that took instead of gave. Plundering her mouth, he nipped at her lips and chin before
nipping at her neck. Sarah was bucking beneath him as she tried to get her legs around him, but he
held her down. Kissing his way down her neck, he settled his mouth on one nipple as he licked and
sucked on it. Not to be left out, he twisted and tugged on her other one before switching places.

As Sarah cried out, he unhooked his pants and dropped them below his hips. Grabbing her legs, he
pushed them together and placed them on his shoulder before he slammed into her. Pushing her legs
toward her chest, he leaned on them as he continued to slam into her.

Sarah’s first orgasm hit as soon as he entered her and she felt as though she were riding one after
another and quickly lost count. When Vitaly finally came, he roared as he emptied himself inside her.
Collapsing on the bed next to her, he reached up to pull his belt off the headboard before releasing her
wrists. He rubbed them both as he kissed them to make sure they were okay. Sarah rolled over as
Vitaly pushed one leg between her and she sprawled against him. Too tired to do anything, Sarah fell
asleep as Vitaly pulled a blanket up over them.

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Chapter 14

The next morning, Sarah woke to an empty bed. This seemed to be a normal occurrence with Vitaly.
Sitting up, she found a robe lying at the foot of the bed. Wandering into the bathroom, she made use of
his mouthwash before she found a brush and brushed out the tangle that was her hair. When she
walked downstairs, she found Vitaly reading on his tablet and drinking coffee. As Sarah sat down, he
pushed the French press and an empty coffee cup her way, which she filled before taking a long drink.
Closing her eyes, she savored that first sip.

Her phone beeped and she had decided to ignore it, but Vitaly informed her that it had been beeping
insistently since he came downstairs.

“Oh no,” Sarah cried as she jumped up to grab her phone. “I never texted Lisa last night to let her
know that I was okay. Everyone must be so worried.”

Sarah quickly read through her messages before sending off a group text to let her friends know that
she was fine. Setting her phone down, she picked her coffee up and closed her eyes while she drank

When she opened her eyes, she blushed when she saw that Vitaly had been watching her. “Do you
always close your eyes when you drink coffee?”

“Sometimes,” Sarah replied. “When I’m enjoying it.”

Before he could respond, Vitaly’s phone rang. Picking it up, he conducted a short conversation in
Russian. When he got off, he looked at her. “Well, I had hoped to at least spend the morning with you,
but it looks like I have work to do.”

“Oh. Did you need me to come into the office?”

“No. I will take care of it. My driver will take you home and you can enjoy the rest of your weekend
with your friends.”

Nodding, Sarah stood up and went to retrieve her clothes from the living room. Dressing quickly, she
met Vitaly in the foyer. Holding his arms open, Sarah walked into them. This was the first time he had
ever hugged her. Hugging him back, she tilted her head up as he bent to kiss her. Escorting her to the
car, he opened the door for her to get in and watched as she drove away.

As soon as Sarah got home, her friends descended on her demanding to know what happened. Lisa
had left the club shortly after Sarah did and reported seeing Daniel at the entrance arguing with the
bouncer. Sarah had to admit to a certain sense of satisfaction at Daniel being banned from the club.
She wondered how long it would last. The remainder of the weekend was uneventful and Sarah
reported for work Monday morning. When she got in, she was surprised to see that Vitaly wasn’t
already there. When she asked Laurel, she was told that he had flown to New York on Saturday to
attend to business. Sarah was surprised to hear that he had gone to New York without saying anything
to her. Shrugging it off, she got to work.

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By Tuesday, she still hadn’t heard from him and thought that she would check in. Calling his mobile,
she was startled to hear a woman answer the phone. “Hello? Who is calling please,” asked a sultry
voice. Sarah froze, unsure what to say. She heard Vitaly laughing in the background, as he asked who
it was. She had never heard him sound so happy before. Staring at the handset, she quietly placed it
back in the cradle.

Looking at her computer, Sarah was determined to get back to work, but she couldn’t concentrate as
tears trickled down her face. Wiping angrily at her cheeks, she couldn’t believe that she had fallen for
it again. For him again. She should have known that he was playing her from the beginning and that
Friday night was nothing more than a game for him. Well she was done with games and she was done
with him. Gathering her stuff together, she walked over to Susan’s office, but she wasn’t in. Taking a
deep breath, she went to Laurel.

“Laurel, I…” she started to say before the tears started again.

Standing up, Laurel came around her desk and hugged Sarah. “What did he do?” she asked.

Sniffling, Sarah hugged her back. “It’s not what he did,” she replied, “It’s what he won’t do. And I
can’t be here anymore. I only have two weeks left on my internship anyway. I just…I think it would
be best if I leave now.”

“Of course. I’ll call Diane and maybe she would be willing to come back early. Now you go do what
you need to do and don’t worry about us.”

“Thanks,” Sarah told her as she hugged her one more time. As she got on the elevator, she realized
that she would have to stop at security to drop off her badge. Walking into the office, she found Ivan
sitting at his desk.

“What can I do for you, Sarah?”

“Just dropping off my badge.”

“Oh, is your internship over?”

“Yes.” And without saying another word, Sarah walked out. Ivan stared at her as she left. From the
look on her face, his boss went and did something undeniably stupid.

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Chapter 15

Monday morning, Vitaly exited out onto the tenth floor. As he smiled at Laurel, she seemed to scowl
back at him. Giving her an odd look, he headed to Sarah’s office. When he walked in, he was
surprised to see a basinet near the desk.

“Well, hey boss,” Diane said as she stepped out from the desk. “That intern you had was incredibly
organized; I don’t feel like I missed a thing.”

“Where is she?”

“Who? The intern? No idea. Laurel called me last week and asked me to come back early, so I
agreed…hey, uh, nice to see you too, baby is great….” Diane called out as Vitaly stormed over to
Laurel’s desk.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“No idea,” she told him flatly. “But she was damn upset when she left. What the hell did you do?”

“I’ve no idea.” Walking to the elevator, he went down to the lobby to speak with Ivan. Walking into
his office, Ivan got off the phone, as he stood to greet him.

“Where is she?”


“Yes, Sarah. Where is she?”

“I’ve no idea.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?”

“Maybe because she didn’t tell any of us where she was going? But I can say that she left in tears.”

Running his fingers distractedly through his hair, he was paralyzed as to what to do next. “Do you
have her address?” Pulling up the employee files on the computer, he wrote it down before handing it
to him.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yes,” he replied before leaving.


Arriving at the apartment building where Sarah lived, he took the stairs two at a time up to the second
floor. When he got to her apartment, he pounded on the door. An angry female flung the door open.

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“And what do YOU want?” she demanded.

“Sarah. I need to speak with her.”

“She isn’t here.”

“What do you mean, she isn’t here? She lives here, doesn’t she?” Vitaly demanded as he pushed his
way in.

“Hey, you can’t simply barge in here!”

As Vitaly walked in, he stopped when he saw boxes stacked near the door. “Whose are those?” he

Crossing her arms, Mia glared at him. “Who do you think? Sarah’s.”

“Where. Is. She?” Vitaly demanded.

“Not. Here.”

Growling, Vitaly stormed out of the apartment. He had to find her. He had to know what happened.
When he got downstairs, he found that same blonde from the club leaning against his car.

“You’re an idiot,” Lisa told him.


“You had a good thing going with Sarah and you completely blew it and now she’s gone.”

“What do you mean, I blew it. I still don’t know what happened.”

“Last week. The woman who answered your phone? The phone that, according to Sarah, you don’t let
anyone touch? That woman?”

Suddenly it all made sense. Vitaly groaned as he let loose a frenzy of profanity in Russian. Taking a
few deep breaths, he looked at Lisa, “It’s all been a misunderstanding. Please. You have to believe
me. I have to find her.”

As Lisa stared at him, she realized that he was speaking the truth. Reaching in her pocket, she pulled
out a folded piece of paper, which she handed to him. “She fell for you, you know. And you hurt her
worse than you could possibly understand.”

As Lisa walked away, he unfolded the paper to find an address for her family’s cattle ranch in central
California. She had gone home. Clutching the paper, he got back in the car. He would go to her. He
would explain. She had to believe him. He would accept nothing less from her because he had
decided that she was his, and he always got what he wanted.

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