Field Ryan The Virgin Billionaire's 3 Secret Baby

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Ravenous Romance

Copyright ©2011 by Ryan Field

First published in 2011

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field



Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

A Ravenous Romance(R) Original Publication

Ryan Field

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


A Ravenous Romance(R) Original Publication

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Copyright (C) 2010 by Ryan Field
Ravenous Romance(R)
100 Cummings Center
Suite 123A
Beverly, MA 01915
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in whole or in part without written permission
from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief
excerpts in connection with a review.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60777-384-9
This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to

persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Chapter One

Everybody in the neighborhood of 95th Street and

Riverside Drive knew Luis Fortune. It wasn't because he was
a model who did TV commercials and print ads for well-known
discount department stores. It wasn't because he'd
accidentally been mixed up once with a shady real-estate
agent and made headlines in all the tabloids. And it wasn't
because his life partner was known all over the world as the
Virgin Billionaire.

Luis did contribute regular guest posts to an internationally

known blog that focused on gay culture, Elena's Romantic
Treasures and Tidbits.
But this wasn't the reason his
neighbors knew him so well either.

The people in the Korean Grocery knew Luis as the cute,

quiet guy who smiled and wore a black oversized baseball cap
pulled down over his eyes when he stopped in for a bottle of
juice and a bouquet of flowers every morning after his run in
Riverside Park. When Luis said good morning and handed
them money, they always handed him change and returned
his smile. On the avenue, the fish monger and the butcher
knew Luis's regular orders without having to ask. And they
knew his little Chinese crested, Camp, well enough to pat the
top of his shaggy beige head. The dry cleaner three doors
down from the butcher joked around with Luis about the
difficulties of getting older and being thankful to wake up in
the morning. The young blond mailman stared down at Luis's
crotch and flirted shamelessly while Luis blushed. And the

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


fast-talking young guy at the Chinese takeout around the
corner always recognized Luis's voice on the telephone.

After Luis's partner, Jase Nicholas, bought Mr. Gordon's

Upper West Side building, Jase went into an aggressive
renovation mode for the next six months that made Luis's
eyes roll. Jase hired one of the best architects in Manhattan
to turn the makeshift converted apartment building back into
the elegant single-family home it had once been. Luis and
Jase were out of Jase's apartment in Trump Tower and living
full time on 95th Street faster than Luis could pack the pots
and pans.

By the spring of their first year living on 95th Street as a

couple, Luis finally felt as though he'd found the home and
the family he'd always craved. That same year Luis and Jase
traveled to Alaska to spend the Christmas holiday with Jase's
mother, father, and ninety-year-old grandmother. While
there, they'd celebrated their union as a couple with a small
gathering of family and friends in what resembled a
traditional wedding ceremony. The grandmother even
presented them with a double ring wedding quilt that had
been in the family for years. The only detail that made their
ceremony different from a traditional wedding was Luis and
Jase weren't legally allowed to marry in the U.S. because they
were gay. But this didn't matter to Luis on an emotional level.
As long as he was with the love of his life, Jase, he didn't
need the government to validate his marriage, his love, or his

After that, they flew to Jase's family in Alaska for every

major holiday. Though neither one of them was in a position

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


to leave New York and move to Alaska permanently, they
cherished those getaways and made offhanded, indefinite
plans to liand ve there at least part time someday.

But Luis couldn't help sighing each time the plane left

Alaska headed back to New York. He'd force a smile and Jase
would pat him on the knee. Then Jase would send him an
encouraging glance and talk about the plans he was going
make to get together with their older gay friends, Ben and
Percy, to keep Luis's spirits up. And Luis would lift his chin
and say, "Sounds like fun." Though Luis would have preferred
to move to Alaska and make it their home base, he was more
than thankful for his wonderful life with Jase, his thriving
career as a model, and his good friends in New York.

After spending an extra long Memorial Day weekend in

Alaska, Jase surprised Luis in the car on the way home from
the airport. He put his arm around Luis in the back seat and
said, "We're going to the country this weekend."

Luis's eyebrows went up and he tilted his head sideways.

"We are?" Luis had been putting up a good front since they'd
left Alaska. He'd been smiling and speaking with a forced lilt
so Jase wouldn't see how depressed he was. But deep down
he couldn't stop thinking about Jase's ninety-year-old
grandmother, Isabelle. She was going in for minor surgery
that week and Luis would have liked to remain in Alaska until
the surgery was over, but it wasn't possible. Luis had a photo
shoot on Thursday and Jase had several important meetings
to attend on Thursday and Friday. Jase had been developing a
new invention: a mop designed specially for hardwood floors
that had a lifetime guarantee.

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


"Yes," Jase said. "We're driving out to Bucks County,

Pennsylvania, and spending the weekend with an old friend of
mine, Roland Marcus, and his partner, Josh Holden."

Luis's eyebrows quirked. "Those are the two guys you told

me about who live down in the Village near Magnolia Bakery,
aren't they?" Luis had heard Jase mention his friend Roland
several times since they'd been together. From what Luis
recalled, Roland was the owner of a large family skin-care
business, and his partner, Josh, ran a little bookshop on
Bleecker Street with his ex-wife, Hillary. They'd always
sounded a little peculiar to Luis. But he smiled and pretended
to be excited.

Jase nodded and pulled Luis closer to his side. "Yes, those

are the guys. I think you'll like them." He caressed Luis's
shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. "I love Ben and Percy,
and I love spending a lot of time with them. They're great
guys. But it might be nice to hang out with another gay
couple who are closer to our own ages for a change." Ben and
Percy were in their seventies. Jase was in his late thirties and
Luis was still in his twenties.

Though Luis loved Ben and Percy like family, he couldn't

disagree with Jase on this. So he smiled and said, "What's
Bucks County like?" When Luis was in New York, he tended to
remain in the city, mostly within his own neighborhood on the
Upper West Side. He'd flown over Pennsylvania, but he'd
never actually been there.

"I think you'll like it," Jase said. "It's only about an hour

from the city. There's a nice little town called New Hope that
has a large gay community and it's very artistic. There are art

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


galleries, gay nightclubs, and it's filled with American history.
For years, during the golden age of Broadway, all the best
shows opened in New Hope at the Bucks County Playhouse."

"Sounds like fun," Luis said, reaching down to run his hand

across Camp's back. They always traveled with Camp. Luis
refused to board him or leave him with a pet sitter. Once in a
while he'd leave him with Ben and Percy, but not often; they
had a giant poodle that tended to sniff Camp in all the wrong

"It will be a nice, quiet, relaxing weekend in the country,"

Jase said. "Roland's been asking us out for a long time and I
finally said yes."

Luis sighed and said, "I hope Isabelle is okay. I wish I

could have been there to help your mother when Isabelle gets
out of the hospital." Luis had grown very close to Jase's
mother and father. But he'd become especially close to
Isabelle. During this past trip, they'd played canasta until
three in the morning each night.

"Stop worrying, baby," Jase said. "It's only minor

outpatient surgery to repair a torn meniscus. If it were
anything serious, I wouldn't have left Alaska. And we'll be
back by Labor Day to make sure she's okay."

Luis settled into Jase's warm body and rested his palm

between Jase's legs. He squeezed Jase's balls a couple of
times and said, "I know it's not major. And I'm sure she'll be
fine. But I wish I could have stayed to help out."

Jase spread his legs wider and placed his palm on the back

of Luis's head. He stroked Luis's hair and said, "You know
what I wish?"

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


"What?" Luis asked. He was staring ahead at the passing

cars with a dazed expression, thinking about poor Isabelle
being pushed around in a wheelchair for at least a week.
She'd be cursing up a storm.

"That you'd give me head right now," Jase said, bucking

his slim hips forward, applying pressure to the back of Luis's

Luis rolled his eyes and nodded at the back of the driver's

head. "I don't think so." Besides, Camp was sitting on his lap.
Though most people wouldn't have cared, Luis always thought
it was creepy to have sex in front of his dog. It didn't feel
right. But he didn't want to totally disappoint Jase, so he
lifted Camp from his lap and placed him on the other end of
the long backseat. Then he pulled down Jase's zipper,
reached into Jase's pants, and said, "You'll have to settle for a
discreet hand job instead." He knew Camp would remain
sleeping and he knew the driver couldn't see what he was
doing from that angle.

But Jase shook his head and whispered, "I'd rather get

head." Then he pressed a button and a tinted window
between the front and back seats went up. This wasn't Jase's
car and it wasn't his regular driver. This was an airport limo
and they'd probably never see this driver again.

"What about him?" Luis nodded to the little hairless dog,

who was curled up against the back door, sound asleep and
snoring with an even wheeze.

"You couldn't wake him with a pork chop right now," Jase

said, pulling his erection out of his pants so it could rest
across his upper thigh.

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Luis looked down between Jase's legs and swallowed back.

It never failed, and Jase seemed to know this all too well. The
minute Luis saw Jase's dick his mouth started to water. Luis
glanced at the tinted window, then at the sleeping dog. A
second after that, he grabbed the bottom of Jase's shaft and
said, "You have a very dirty mind."

Jase grabbed the back of Luis's head and laughed. Then he

pushed Luis's head down between his legs and said, "And you
love it."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Chapter Two

When they reached the indoor parking garage a block

away from their house, Luis stopped to check the inside of a
small dumpster near the entrance.

"What are you doing?" Jase asked. He was standing about

twenty feet away, dangling the keys to his truck. It was
Saturday morning and they were heading out to Bucks
County, Pennsylvania, to spend the weekend with Roland and

"Just checking the dumpster to be sure there are no

babies," Luis said. He lifted the lid and peered inside at dark
green plastic bags, empty wine bottles, and a few scrunched-
up fast food bags. Camp was in his arms. He turned his
shaggy head away from the dumpster and rested it on Luis's

In the past three months, Luis had become obsessed with

trash cans and dumpsters. He couldn't pass one without
experiencing a pull in his stomach. One of the female models
he worked with on a TV commercial had told him all about a
charity to which she was extremely devoted. It wasn't a well-
known charity, like breast cancer or AIDS, but it had affected
Luis so strongly he'd lost sleep thinking about it. This charity,
The Angel Association, focused on abandoned babies left in
trash cans and dumpsters by unwed mothers who didn't think
they had any choices or options. The Angel Association set up
special places in major cities where women could
anonymously leave newborn babies if they didn't think they

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


were able to care for them. The goal was to put an end to
abandoning newborn babies altogether by giving these
confused women the choice of leaving them anonymously in a
safe place.

When Luis lowered the dumpster lid and started walking

toward Jase, Jase shook his head and asked, "Did you find
any babies?" He seemed to take a mild delight in Luis's

"No, thankfully, I didn't find any," Luis said, reaching for

Jase's car keys. There was no way he was going to let Jase
drive all the way out to Pennsylvania in the big monster of a
truck. They'd wind up clipping every side mirror and fire
hydrant between the Henry Hudson Parkway and the Lincoln

"I'm sorry if I sounded glib," Jase said. "I know how

strongly you feel about The Angel Association. I don't think
you should be peeking into every trash can you pass by
looking for an abandoned baby, is all. Someone might get the
wrong idea."

Luis continued walking to the truck, nodding at a passerby.

"You never know when a baby might turn up in a dumpster.
From what I've been told, it happens all the time."

When they reached the truck at the back end of the garage

and Luis bent over to put Camp in the back seat, Jase
grabbed his ass and squeezed it. It was a warm June day and
Luis was wearing tight low-rise jeans and a tight black T-shirt
that exposed about three inches of his waist. When he bent
over, the T-shirt rode up his back. "What would you do if you

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


actually found a baby in a dumpster?" Jase asked, trying to
slide his hand down the back of Luis's jeans.

Luis looked up and noticed the young guy who worked in

the garage was lurking at the back end of the garage,
watching Jase grope his ass. The guy was pretending to
sweep the floor, but every so often he'd look up with blank,
glazed eyes and run the tip of his tongue across his bottom
lip. So Luis stepped back and said, "I honestly don't know
what I'd do if I found a baby in a dumpster, and I seriously
hope I never do. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing."

Jase patted his ass again and said, "I can't either. But,

evidently, people get confused and desperate enough to do all
kinds of things." He put his arms around Luis and kissed him
on the lips. "I love the way you get so passionate about these
things. You're one of the most caring people I know."

They were standing between Jase's large black truck and

another massive black SUV, so they weren't out in the open.
It was the emptiest part of the garage, way in the back. But
when Luis rested his arms and Jase's shoulders, he saw the
parking garage attendant gaping at them and rubbing his
crotch. "We have an audience," Luis said. "The guy with the
dark hair and tattoos is ready to pull his dick out of his pants.
Let's get moving. We told Roland and Josh we'd be there at
eleven o'clock."

"I think we should give the guy with the tattoos a little

tease," Jase said.

"I don't know about that," Luis said. This guy with tattoos

was always looking at them when they came to get the truck.
He stared at Luis's legs and smiled; he glared at Jase's crotch

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


and bit his lip. Though he wasn't model material, he had
those dark swarthy looks, heavy five o'clock shadow, and bold
primal tattoos up and down his muscular arms that had a
certain appeal Luis couldn't deny.

"He's harmless," Jase said. "And he thinks we're both hot.

He's flirted with me many times and I've seen the way he
looks at you. We'll give him a quick tease and then we'll

Luis knew how much Jase loved harmless exhibitionism, so

he smiled and said, "Okay, turn me around and start kissing
me." Though none of this was their usual romantic talk before
sex, Luis noticed his heart was beating faster than normal
and his pants were getting tighter.

When Luis's back was facing the garage attendant, he put

his arms around Jase's shoulders and started kissing him. He
closed his eyes and inserted his tongue into Jase's mouth,
moving his head with sleazy, exaggerated motions on
purpose. Jase lowered his hands and unfastened Luis's belt
buckle and the button on Luis's jeans. Then Jase pulled down
Luis's zipper, lowered Luis's pants enough to expose his bare
ass, and started groping Luis below the waist.

Luis spread his legs a little and arched his back, quietly

enjoying the attention. "Is he watching?"

"He's practically drooling now," Jase said. "He's just

standing, holding the broom, pretending not to watch."

"We're bad. We're going to hell for this," Luis said. But he

also had a full erection.

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


"Now he's standing behind the cinderblock post jacking his

dick. It's huge, too. Take off your shoes and your pants. He
doesn't know I'm watching him."

Luis's head went back. "Are you serious?" They'd never

gone this far before. They'd put on harmless shows in safe
places like bars and nightclubs. Once, when they'd first met,
they'd even stripped in a public bar downtown. But they'd
never put on a show in an indoor parking garage in their own

Jase frowned. "This guy is really into watching us. I feel

kind of bad leaving now. And he always takes such good care
of the truck."

So Luis decided to be a good sport. He kicked off his shoes

and pulled off his socks. He looked back and forth to make
sure no one could see him, then dropped his pants and
stepped out of them. When he was standing there naked from
the waist down, on the damp concrete, he figured he might as
well remove his black T-shirt, too. Half naked wasn't any
safer than fully naked, so he might as well go all the way.
And he had to admit this kinky little part of their sex life made
things interesting all the time. He often wondered if other
married couples did things like this. He'd been tempted to ask
Ben and Percy if they'd had little kinks in their long
relationship, but didn't want to embarrass them. Though he
was curious, he couldn't actually picture them having sex

"Is he still watching?" Luis asked. His back was still facing

the parking attendant and he couldn't see what was

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Jase spoke with a deep, husky tone. "His pants are down

to his knees and he's still jacking. I think he knows we know
he's watching. He just nodded at me and smiled." Jase
reached down and grabbed a handful of Luis's ass and said, "I
wanna fuck you."

"I don't know, Jase." It was one thing to put on a strip

show and wiggle his ass a few times, but another to fuck in a
public parking garage.

"No one can see us back here," Jase said. "Only the

parking attendant. We'll make it fast. I'll get in and out. Like
the time we did it at the park a few weeks ago." They'd
always joked about this scene as their Copulation in the Park.
Luis had once read a gay book review where the reviewer
talked about two men copulating and it always tickled him to
think some people still referred to fucking as copulating. To
Luis this was like calling a refrigerator an ice box.

Before Luis could reply, Jase pinned the front of his body

to the driver's side of the truck. Before Luis could spread his
legs and lean forward, Jase had his dick out of his pants and
he was slipping it into Luis's ass. They didn't need condoms
because they'd both tested negative for HIV and they were
monogamous, like any other straight married couple. And
they rarely used lube anymore. Luis had learned how to relax
and accommodate Jase without it. Though not always easy for
Luis, Jase said he preferred "doing it" dry. He told Luis it
created more friction and made his orgasm more intense.

Jase moved fast that morning, the way Luis liked men to

move. Foreplay would have been out of context and would
have ruined the moment. He held Luis's hips and focused on

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


getting the job done. Other than the screeching of tires at the
opposite end of the garage, the only sounds anyone could
hear were Jase's heaving breaths and his balls slapping
against Luis's ass. By the time Jase grunted and slammed
into Luis's one last time, Luis's body was pressed against the
back door of the pickup truck. His legs were spread as wide
as they would go and he was standing on his tiptoes. While
Jase was still deep inside, Luis stroked his own dick a few
times, tossed his head back, and let out a soft, fuzzy moan.
Although this entire act had only taken two or three minutes,
Luis felt the magnitude of this particular climax pass through
his entire body.

"Did he get off?" Luis asked. Jase was still inside his body,

moving his hips slowly.

"Oh yeah," Jase said. "You should have seen his face while

we were copulating." He laughed and pushed harder.

"What is he doing now?"
"He nodded at me and waved. Now he's pulling up his

pants and packing his dick into his underwear. He's so huge
he's having trouble pulling up his zipper."

"You'd better pull out so we can get on the road," Luis

said. "I have to go back home for a minute and use the

"You look fine," Jase said, as he pulled out of Luis. "We

don't have to go home." He put his dick back into his pants
and zipped them up.

It never failed to amaze Luis how Jase didn't understand

these things. "I have to clean up," he said. "I can't sit in a car
for any length of time without using the bathroom after I just

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


copulated." He bent down and reached for his jeans and his
socks. "It will only take a minute."

"Maybe they have a bathroom here in the garage you can

use," Jase said, as if he'd discovered a cure for cancer. "This
way we don't have to go all the way back to the house."

Luis buttoned his pants and pulled up his socks. Then he

picked up his T-shirt and said, "If you think I'm using some
grimy parking garage bathroom, you've got another thing
coming, Jase. Now get into the truck and drive me back to
the house. I'll drive after that."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


Chapter Three

The road trip to Pennsylvania shouldn't have taken more

than an hour and a half at the most. But while Jase was
nodding off in the passenger seat, Luis exited Route 287 and
made a wrong turn in Somerville, New Jersey. He thought
he'd been following the navigation system, but he wound up
on Route 206 South instead of Route 202 South. They were
almost in Princeton when Jase's head went up and he looked
around with a bemused expression.

"This doesn't look right," Jase said. "I've been to Bucks

County before and I've never seen this road. This is a two-
lane highway instead of a four-lane highway. And we're not
passing the outlets in Flemington. We're passing small strip
malls, elementary schools, and small private homes set close
to the road."

Luis's eyebrows arched and he bit his bottom lip. "I've

been following the navigation thingy all the way," he said. But
he didn't mention this when he saw the road sign for
Somerville his heart started beating faster and he lost his
concentration for a few minutes. Hillsborough, New Jersey,
not far from Somerville, from what Luis had heard, was the
town where Doris Duke had lived. Her old estate, Duke
Farms, was now open to the public. Luis had read about it in
the New York Times and he'd always wanted to go to see her
infamous gardens.

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The Virgin Billionaire's Secret Baby

by Ryan Field


They passed a sign that read Lawrenceville and Jase rolled

his eyes. "You'd better pull over. I think we're on the way to
Princeton instead of Bucks County."

So Luis pulled into one of those convenient-store gas

station affairs and Jase went inside to ask the clerk where
they were. When Luis saw the frustrated expression on his
face as Jase exited the store, he sent Camp a look in the
backseat and said, "I think I screwed up."

Camp's ears lifted and he wagged his tail. Luis reached

into the backseat and picked him up so he could take him
outside for a quick walk. But when he opened the door and
got out, Jase was standing there, rubbing his jaw and staring
down at the pavement.

"Guess where we are?" Jase asked, with a sly grin.
Luis shrugged and said, "From the look on your face, I'll

bet it's not Bucks County, Pennsylvania." How he hated
reading maps and following those annoying navigation
systems. They were always so factual and articulate. If the
navigation had said, "Turn left at the pink house, then right at
the blue house with the white shutters," Luis would have been
fine. But when they started mentioning actual street names
and mile markers, Luis lost them completely. He'd never been
a scientific, factual type. He'd always been more visual and

"We're not far from Princeton," Jase said. Then he sent

him a weary look and shook his head again. "I knew I
shouldn't have fallen asleep. I should have been paying
attention to what you were doing."

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by Ryan Field


Luis crossed to a grassy section not far from the truck and

placed Camp on the ground. He shrugged and said, "I thought
we were headed in the right direction. I blame it all on that
damn navigation thing. I've read horror stories you wouldn't
believe about people getting lost thanks to these things." He
figured if he blamed it on the navigation system, Jase
wouldn't get mad. He knew how Jase liked punctuality and
they were already an hour late.

Jase swung the door open and climbed into the driver's

seat. He forced a smile and said, "I think I'll drive the rest of
the way."

Luis felt a thud in his stomach. They were lost because

he'd been thinking about Doris Duke's estate instead of where
he was going. "Are you sure? Because I don't mind driving
the rest of the way."

"I'm good," Jase said, adjusting his seat belt. "I think it's

best if I drive."

Luis felt a sting in his stomach. He bent down to pick up

Camp without saying a word. He rounded the back end of the
truck, climbed into the front passenger seat, and placed
Camp on the backseat. As Jase backed out of the parking lot,
Luis clicked his seatbelt and laced his fingers together on his
lap. They never bickered this way in the city and he couldn't
help wondering if this weekend in the country hadn't been a

When they backtracked and reached the place where Luis

should have turned onto Route 202, Jase sent Luis an
unforgiving glance. Luis turned his head and watched the flat
New Jersey scenery drift by. They drove through Flemington

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by Ryan Field


without speaking. Luis was tempted to ask Jase if they could
stop at a few of the outlet stores. There were clothing outlets,
china outlets, shoe outlets, and sporting goods outlets all
within his reach. Whenever Luis passed this many outlet
stores, his heart started racing so fast he almost felt giddy. A
person could spend the entire day walking from shop to shop
browsing. But Luis knew how much Jase hated to shop—even
in Alaska, in his own hometown—and figured he'd better not
press his luck.

When they reached a desolate section of Route 202, where

the grass was brown and it didn't look as though they'd never
see signs of life again, Luis looked down at the speedometer
and noticed Jase was doing almost eighty miles per hour. In
that large truck it didn't feel as if they were doing eighty, and
Jase rarely ever paid attention to his speed anyway. So Luis
pointed to the dash and said, "You're speeding. This is only a
fifty-five-mile-per-hour limit. I saw the sign back there." Luis
never exceeded the speed limit when he drove. He always
figured he'd get to where he was going in the same amount of
time whether he went eighty or fifty-five.

Jase sighed. "Thank you, officer," he said. "But this is one

of those stretches where no one pays attention to the speed
limit. They expect you to go as fast as you want to go." Then
he swung into the left lane and passed a small sports car that
had to be doing at least seventy-five.

Jase didn't use a turn signal to switch lanes. But Luis didn't

mention this, heaven forbid. He sat back and said, "I would
imagine if they post speed limit signs, they expect people to
pay attention to them. I'm just saying, is all."

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by Ryan Field


Jase patted Luis's knee and sent him a patronizing smile.

"You sit back and look pretty. I know what I'm doing. I've
been driving for a long time, thank you."

Though the condescending man-tone in Jase's voice

caused Luis's right eyebrow to go up, he didn't say a word. He
sat back, folded his arms across his chest, and tightened his
lips. They'd been through all this before in Alaska. Jase had
taken Luis for a long ride to visit a lake and Luis had
mentioned there might be icy spots on the road. He'd politely
said, "I think I'd slow down a little here, Jase, if I were
driving. We could wind up in a ditch." And Jase had patted his
knee and sent him the same patronizing smile. "I think I
know what I'm doing. Sit back and look pretty." He'd used his
manly, know-it-all tone, insinuating Luis wasn't as macho as
he was. But when they wound up in a ditch five miles down
the road, and Jase's father had to tow them out with his
truck, Luis looked down at his shoes and whistled without
saying a word.

So when a New Jersey state trooper pulled Jase over

before they reached the bridge to Pennsylvania for doing
eighty-five in a fifty-five zone that afternoon, Luis looked in
the other direction and whistled at the window. He wasn't
happy Jase would receive a speeding ticket, and he certainly
didn't gloat about being right. But he did look Jase directly in
the eye and smile when Jase asked him to reach into the
glove compartment and get the registration and insurance
card. Then he sat back and listened quietly as Jase explained
in a humble, apologetic tone, that he'd been speeding and not

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paying attention because Luis had been talking too much to

Unfortunately, there were two ways to get to Roland's

house once they crossed the bridge that divided New Jersey
from Pennsylvania. Roland had given Jase directions to go
straight and the navigation system kept saying they had to
get off at the first exit and follow River Road North.

"I think I'd follow Roland's directions," Luis said. "After all,

he lives here and he's familiar with the area. These navigation
things always take people out of their way." He hadn't
planned on commenting at all since Jase had been stopped by
the state trooper, but he was tired of sitting in the truck and
he wanted to get there before the sun went down.

But Jase smiled and said, "I think I'll follow the navigation.

They know what they are talking about. People tend to give
out bad directions." Then he swerved right and exited down a
long winding ramp that led to a small two lane road.

At the stop sign, Jase hit the left turn signal and Luis sat

up with wide eyes. "We have to stop somewhere," Luis said.
"I just remembered I forgot to bring the hostess gift." He'd
left it right on the table in the front all and passed it by. No
wonder. He'd been thinking about Isabelle that morning.
She'd done well in surgery and she was mending fine, but she
wasn't thrilled about being confined to a wheelchair for two
weeks. Luis's biggest concern, and he said this to Isabelle,
was that she wouldn't follow the doctor's orders.

Jase sent him a confused glance and said, "We don't need

a hostess gift. Roland is a very wealthy man. He doesn't
expect a gift."

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Luis tightened his lips and inhaled. "Well. There's no way

I'm going to someone's house for the first time empty-
handed. It's just not done. We're stopping somewhere."

"Where?" His arms went up in surrender.
"I don't know," Luis said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Enter something into your beloved navigation thingy and see
what happens, because I have never gone to someone's
house empty-handed, and I'm not going to start now."

"I don't even know where the hell we are," Jase said,

lifting both palms as if he were about to give a sermon. "I
don't want to get lost again. Gimme a break, for God's sake."

Luis noticed a sign that read New Hope with an arrow

pointing to the right. "Make a right turn here," he said. "I'm
sure there has to be a town there. I'll find a florist shop or gift
shop and buy something fast. Then we can go back the same
way we came."

"Jase, I'm not going there without a gift. I absolutely

refuse. I'd rather turn back right now."

So Jase turned right and followed the narrow, winding road

into the small town of New Hope. Luis was still slack-jawed at
how different it was on this side of the Delaware River, with
winding roads and rolling hills. When they crossed over a
flimsy-looking, curved bridge with a sign that read Rabbit Run
, tall, elegant homes came into view. The homes on the
left fronted the white-capped Delaware River; the homes on
the right backed up to the stagnant Delaware Canal. It was
almost magical the way the flat, brown countryside of New
Jersey suddenly became well-landscaped Victorians mixed

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with upscale modern affairs. A mile or two up, small art
galleries and tony little boutiques began to appear on both
sides of the street, with catchy names like The Spotted Hog,
and Treasures of Lost Arks. When they reached the first
traffic light and stopped, Luis noticed the sidewalks were
stippled with tourists gazing into shop windows. Some held
hands and walked slowly, others had formed clusters of five
or six, and several were pushing baby carriages. They were
all dressed casually and walked with slow, unfettered strides.

Luis leaned forward and looked back and forth. The street

sign said they were on Main Street, and the crossing road was
Bridge Street. To the left, a long narrow bridge seemed to
lead back to New Jersey, and there was a wooden pedestrian
walkway on the right so people could cross the bridge on foot.
"This place is wonderful," he said. "I feel like I'm in the
Village, but there aren't any busses or subways or taxis. And
look at all these shops. Why, a person could spend hours
walking up and down Main Street. I want to come back here
and get some photos for Elena's blog. I can write a
destination post." He contributed a written post once a week,
often with photos of something lgbt-related. From what Luis
could see here, the sidewalks of New Hope were stippled with
gay men and women of all ages. Though Elena's blog had
evolved into a gay romance book review site, it still had the
same mystical, artistic atmosphere it always had thanks to
Luis's posts about art, culture, and gay tidbits.

The light turned green and Jase drove forward so he could

cross Bridge Street and pull up to the curb on the corner of
Main Street. "Well, don't get any ideas about shopping today.

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We don't have time for this sort of thing." He pointed to a gift
store with a pink-and-white sign that read Raspberry Jam and
said, "Just run in there and get a gift. I'll put on my flashers
and wait here."

"But is it legal to park here?" Luis asked. The sign above

them read No Parking or Standing: Tow Away Zone

"I'm fine," Jase said. "I'll put on my flashers and wait


"Are you sure? Maybe you'd better circle the block a few


"You're allowed to stop and park as long as you're in the

car," Jase said.

So Luis shrugged and unfolded from the truck. He found a

great sliver platter within minutes and had it gift-wrapped in a
very chic black moire paper. But by the time he returned to
the truck, Jase was outside arguing with a local police officer.
Luis decided to get inside and not say a word. This was the
second time he'd warned Jase about doing something illegal
and he didn't want Jase getting mad at him by default. From
what Luis could hear through the closed windows, Jase was
trying to explain that he'd only pulled up there for a minute
and he wasn't really parked there, that he was only waiting.
But the heavyset cop wasn't buying the flimsy excuse. He
continued to write the ticket, tore it from the book, then
placed it in Jase's palm.

When Jase climbed back into the truck, his face was red

and the blue vein in his forehead was sticking out. Luis smiled
and said, "I found the most wonderful silver tray in that shop,
and the people were so friendly. I really like this place, Jase. I

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can't believe we've never been here before." He knew Jase
well enough by this time to know it was wiser to let the
parking ticket incident disappear as fast as possible, and the
only way to do this was to change the subject.

Jase shoved the ticket into his back pocket and swung out

into Main Street. He exhaled and said, "I'm glad you're having

Camp saw a woman walking two giant schnauzers on the

sidewalk. His ears went up and he started barking at them.

"Camp's having fun," Luis said. "And I'm really starting to

like this place. It almost reminds me of your hometown back
in Alaska, with all the little shops and the old Victorian
buildings." Mentioning Alaska always seemed to calm Jase
down. Luis had learned a few little tricks to maintaining a
happy marriage by now.

Jase turned right so he could go around the block and get

back to River Road. He honked the horn at pedestrians and
punched the steering wheel. Then he grumbled something
incoherent, and said, "No one would ever dare to give me a
ticket in Alaska. But around here they see New York license
plates and think they can take advantage of tourists."

"I know," Luis said. "It's a shame." He didn't bother to

mention Jase had been the one taking advantage by standing
in a no-parking zone, and he didn't mention the cop was only
doing his job. He decided to boost Jase's ego instead, so the
entire weekend wouldn't turn into a flop. "That cop should
have realized you weren't breaking any laws and you weren't
doing anything wrong." Then he looked back and sent Camp a

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sideways glance, hoping nothing else would go wrong that

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Four

Roland's and Josh's house was located in a rural area

about three miles outside the town of New Hope, not far from
the Delaware River. Thanks to the navigation system, they'd
made another wrong turn and wound up down a dead-end
dirt road with little room to turn around. But Luis finally pulled
out his phone and called Roland for directions, and Roland
guided them to his front door, step by step. Luis knew Jase
would never have made that phone call; he hated asking any
human being for directions. He didn't mind asking the clerk at
the convenient store where he was, but he wouldn't have
asked him for directions to where he was going. It seemed to
go against some basic rule of life that had been ingrained in
Jase's testosterone-filled existence. Luis didn't care one way
or the other about asking for help, and he didn't want the
damn navigation system to send them on an all-day tour of
Bucks County. He'd read there were bears out there, and they
weren't the kind that rode motorcycles.

Roland and Josh lived at the end of a long, winding gravel

road lined with tall trees and clusters of exotic bamboo. It
was nothing like Luis had imagined it would be. He'd pictured
an old stone farmhouse, like the places where George
Washington slept during the Revolution, with rolling acres of
green lawn, a red barn, and horse fences. They'd passed a
few places like this on the way to Roland's. The night before,
Luis had done a quick search on the Internet to see what

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Bucks County was like and he'd learned the classic homes
were all either stone, or stucco over stone.

But Roland's house turned out to be one of those mid-

century modern structures, with a low, flat roof, white stucco
walls, and walls of glass. As far as modern architecture went,
it had all the right features. But it certainly didn't have the
charm and ambiance of the old stone colonials Luis had seen
and read about.

Roland and Josh turned out to be friendlier than Luis had

expected. He'd been prepared for upscale gay men from
Manhattan who spoke with affected tones and wore crewneck
sweaters and dad jeans. But Josh wasn't much older than Luis
and he had a calm, soothing, Midwestern accent. He also had
messy, sandy blond hair and wore cargo shorts, sandals, and
an oversized white T-shirt. Though his clothes were baggy,
Luis could tell he had a killer body. And Roland, though closer
to fifty years old than Jase was, wore faded low-rise jeans
and a raggedy navy blue polo shirt that had a few small
pinholes near the right shoulder. Luis noticed he had dark hair
and it didn't seem to be dyed. When Roland turned to the
right and Luis caught a glimpse of his profile, he reminded
Luis of the gay uncle in Tennessee he'd lost to AIDS almost
two years earlier.

Josh helped Jase get the luggage out of the truck. Roland

guided Luis toward the front door. Camp followed on their
heels. He'd already lifted his leg in three different places. On
the way to the door, Luis noticed a tall green plastic container
beside the garage. It wasn't as large as a dumpster and was
too large for an average trash can. They were passing right

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by it; Luis couldn't help himself. Suppose there was a baby
inside. So he stepped to the right and opened the lid. When
he looked inside and saw nothing but twigs and branches, he
felt everyone's eyes on his back and his face getting warmer.

"Sorry that thing is still outside," Roland said, tilting his

head. "The landscapers who take care of the property while
we're in New York forgot to put it in the shed out back."

Jase walked up to Luis's side and said, "Don't worry about

it, Roland. Luis has this thing about trash cans and
dumpsters." He put his arm around Luis and patted his back.
"You never know when an abandoned baby is going to turn up
in one."

Roland blinked.
Josh sent them both a blank glance.
Luis smiled and gave Jase a look. Evidently, Jase thought

his interest in The Angel Association was a big joke. So Luis
lifted his chin and squared his shoulders. "I'm very serious
about a charity that helps women from abandoning babies in
dumpsters and trash cans...or anywhere, for that matter. It
offers them a choice when they think they have no options,
so they don't abandon their newborn babies out of sheer
panic. I guess I get carried away sometimes."

Roland smiled and started walking toward the door. "You'll

have to tell me all about this charity. I'm very involved in my
own charities. Maybe I can help you out."

"I'll be happy to," Luis said. Then he turned to Jase and

furrowed his eyebrows.

Though the house was larger than Luis had thought it

would be from the outside, and it could have held at least

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three sets of guests without any problems, Roland and Josh
set them up in a small guest house on the opposite side of
the main house, near an elaborate swimming pool that had
waterfalls, a Jacuzzi, and slate coping. The entire back of the
house was more like an outdoor living area. There were sofas,
chairs, tables, a fireplace, and a fully equipped outdoor
kitchen. The pool was surrounded by elegant potted palms
and hibiscus trees, and at the top of the waterfall stood a tall
statue of a well-defined naked man. Luis poked Jase in the
ribs and nodded at the statue. It even had a well-formed, life-
sized, uncircumcised penis.

Roland placed their luggage on the gleaming hardwood

floor of the guest house and said, "You guys might want to
change into your swimsuits. We'll hang out at the pool for a
few hours and talk. I've invited a few guests for dinner. It's
going to be very casual."

Camp jumped up on the bed, turned in circles a few times,

and plopped down against the white pillows. Roland laughed
and said, "But if you're tired and you'd rather take a nap with
Camp, come out whenever you're ready. We'll be at the pool
having drinks. You don't get too many good pool days around
here. We like to take advantage of them."

Jase looked at Luis and shrugged. They rarely ever took

naps. Then he looked at Roland and said, "We'll change and
join you outside."

It was a warm June afternoon with a clear blue sky, no

humidity, and not a hint of a breeze in sight. Though Luis was
careful not to go into the sun for long periods because of its
long-term damage, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon

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and he hadn't been in the sun at all since the previous
summer. He smiled and said, "Yes, we'll be right out. I can't
wait to try out your pool. It's beautiful."

When Roland and Josh left them alone to change, Jase

grabbed Luis by the waist and threw him down on the bed. He
kissed him and said, "Sorry I was in such a bad mood in the
truck. I hate being late, and I hate getting lost."

Luis's legs went up and he rested his feet on the small of

Jase's back. For Luis, lifting his legs when Jase was on top of
him was as instinctive as not touching hot coals when he saw
a grill. He turned his head to face the opposite wall and said,
"Were you in a bad mood? I didn't even notice." He spoke
with a singsong lilt, as if he wasn't interested in anything Jase
had to say.

"Don't be mad," Jase said. "I'm sorry. I really am." He

buried his face in Luis's neck and started kissing.

When Jase's stubble brushed against Luis's soft skin, he

wrapped his arms around Jase's shoulders and caressed the
back of Jase's head. He tightened his legs around Jase's waist
and exhaled. He couldn't remain angry with this man if he
tried. "I'm sorry for getting us lost, too. I should have been
paying attention." He decided not to mention he'd been
thinking about Doris Duke's estate when he made the wrong
turn. Why push his luck?

Jase started grinding his hips between Luis's legs. "Let's


Luis laughed. There was nothing shy about Jase. "Right

now? You have a filthy mind."

Jase nodded and started biting his ear.

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"But they'll be waiting for us outside," Luis said. "I think

we should change and join them. After all, we were late and
we don't want to insult them." He had this feeling that
because he was out in the country, things were more
conservative. He didn't want Josh and Roland to think they
were depraved city people, and get the wrong idea.

"Just pull down your pants," Jase said. "They won't be

insulted. You don't even have to take your pants off. I'll fuck
around them."

But Luis lowered his legs and placed his palms flat against

Jase's wide chest. "Get off me and change your clothes," he
said. "We'll have plenty of time to play around later tonight
when we're alone. I don't want Roland and Josh to think we're
a couple of sex perverts who came out here to screw around
all weekend." It wasn't easy. At that particular moment,
maybe because they were in a strange room on an unfamiliar
bed, Luis would have loved a quickie. So to make Jase feel
better, he reached down between Jase's legs, squeezed his
crotch, and said, "I promise I'll make it up to you later. We'll
go outside when Roland and Josh are sleeping and you can
fuck me in the swimming pool." He knew Jase would love this
idea. Exhibitionism always made him smile.

Jase's head went up and his eyes widened. "Will you walk

around naked for me in the dark?"

Luis nodded. "I'll do anything you want me to do."
"Will you blow me on the diving board? I've never had a

blow job on a diving board."

"Yes, I'll blow you on the diving board. Now get up and put

on your swim trunks. I packed the black ones with the white

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stripes down the sides." Luis liked the way this baggy pair of
swim trunks rested low on Jase's lean stomach. Although they
were almost down to his knees, the waistband was so low it
exposed Jase's defined pelvic muscles.

Jase stood up and rubbed his jaw. "You know what might

be interesting?"

"If you went out to the pool in those white see-through

mesh briefs you're wearing right now. I bet Roland and Josh
would love that."

Luis stood up and crossed to a large club chair where Josh

had placed his suitcase. He sent Jase a backward glance and
said, "I don't think so. I'll be wearing the plain white trunks I
packed, thank you." Putting on a show for the parking garage
attendant was one thing. But prancing around in see-through
underwear in front of new friends was a completely different
scenario as far as Luis was concerned. He wasn't going to
socialize with the parking attendant, but he had to spend the
entire weekend with Roland and Josh.

Jase walked up behind him and kissed the back of his

neck. "Calm down," he said. "I was only joking. I can't believe
you take me so seriously sometimes."

Luis turned and said, "That's because I'm never sure when

you're joking. For all I know you're secretly planning a sex
party tonight with Roland and Josh."

Jase laughed. "I'd never do that behind your back. We've

talked about this before and you know I'm not interested in
sharing you with anyone else...ever. Making love to you while

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someone is watching us, or in an open space, is harmless fun.
But the thought of you being with someone else kills me."

Luis pulled Jase's black swim trunks from the suitcase and

he turned. He handed the trunks to him and said, "And the
thought of you being with someone else kills me even more,
Jase." He wasn't saying it to boost Jase's ego. If another man,
or woman, even glanced at Jase sideways, Luis felt as if
someone had punched him in the stomach with a baseball
bat. The fact that plenty of people did find Jase attractive
made it even worse. On their last trip to Alaska the male
flight attendant had flirted with Jase so blatantly Luis wanted
to rip his eyes out. Luis even made Jase switch seats so he'd
be on the aisle instead of Jase. Oh, there were some gay
couples who thought nothing of doing three-ways and having
multiple partners, but not Luis. Jase was all the man Luis
needed and he wasn't about to share him with anyone.

Only Luis shouldn't have been so worried about insulting

Roland and Josh by wearing his white, see-through mesh
briefs out to the pool. Because when Luis and Jase went out
to join them in their baggy conservative swim trunks, they
found Roland ambing around the pool in a black silk thong
and Josh lying on a lounge chair wearing nothing at all. Luis
and Jase exchanged glances, then Luis pressed his palm to
his throat. Josh had one of those thick, chunky dicks, so long
it was resting on his right thigh. His naked body was lean with
each muscle defined.

When Roland brought a cocktail over to Josh and rested it

on a small side table beside the lounge chair, Luis had to look
up at the sky so Roland wouldn't think Luis was gaping

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between Roland's legs. The black thong was so sheer he could
see the entire outline of Roland's dick. It was as thick as
Josh's, with a large head, and it protruded and moved with
each step he took. Though his body was leaner than Josh's,
with long sinewy muscles instead of meaty bulk, Roland
wasn't a man a sane person would toss out of bed.

Roland looked up at Jase and Luis and asked, "What can I

get you guys to drink?" Being almost naked seemed perfectly
normal to him and he made no excuses for it. Naked Josh
tossed his arms back and yawned.

Jase smiled and said, "I'll have whatever you're having."

He sounded cool and casual, without even glancing between
Roland's legs.

But Luis kept looking up at the sky. He smiled and said,

"I'll have the same." He wasn't much of a drinker, but he
needed something to calm his nerves now. He'd been
expecting the tone of this weekend to be tamer. Good thing
Ben and Percy weren't there. Poor old Ben would have had to
sit down and take a few breaths with all this loose dick
flopping around so casually.

"I made a pitcher of martinis," Roland said. His hands were

on his hips and he was smiling. But it was almost impossible
not to notice what was hanging between his legs. "You guys
sit down and relax. I'll be right back."

When Roland turned and exposed his naked ass, Luis

gulped. For a guy in his late forties, it was still round and
firm, with nice dimples at the small of his back. Then Josh sat
up and grabbed his dick and Luis gasped. Without giving it a
second thought, Josh lifted his penis from his right thigh and

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set it down gently on his left thigh. He smiled and said, "I
don't want a tan line anywhere, so I move it around every
fifteen minutes."

"Ah well," Jase said, "that's a very good idea." Then he

sent Luis a glare and furrowed his eyebrows.

It took about an hour to get adjusted to the fact that

Roland and Josh weren't wearing swim trunks. Luis kept
looking up at the sky and Jase sat back and closed his eyes to
bathe in the sun. But when they all started talking and getting
to know each other better, the nudity didn't seem to matter
anymore. The only awkward moments happened when Josh
moved his dick from one thigh to the other. Luis wanted to
suggest if Josh put his dick between his legs and push it down
he wouldn't have to worry about a tan line on his thigh. But
Luis decided not to mention it aloud. It was none of his
business where Josh put his dick.

Besides, Luis had already figured out the dynamics in

Roland's and Josh's relationship and he didn't want Josh to
think he was overly concerned about his penis. Though
Roland was much older, he was the submissive bottom.
Strapping young Josh was definitely the dominant top. It
wasn't anything they did or said, and most people wouldn't
have noticed any differences between them on the surface.
But Luis, being a submissive bottom himself, had always been
very instinctive when it came to spotting a dominant top. He
could have pegged Josh as at dominant top a mile away by
the aggressive expression his face and the way he walked
with a slight swagger.

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All this top and bottom business was as unspoken with

Roland and Josh as it was with Luis and Jase. It was better
left that way, too. Even though Luis had tried to top Jase a
couple of times, and Jase had been more than willing to try
being a bottom, it hadn't worked out as well as they'd
planned. The few times Luis entered Jase were almost too
painful to recall. Jase's face turned bright red and his lips
scrunched up. His penis went flaccid and he clenched his fists.
When he moaned and said, "Ah," it wasn't because he was
experiencing pleasure. The poor man was in such pain, Luis
lost his own erection watching him suffer. In fact, the last
time Luis attempted to fuck Jase they gave up altogether in
the middle of the act. Luis asked, "Are you okay?" and Jase
replied, "God, no, I've never been in so much pain in my life."
So Luis pulled out and said, "Good, because I'd rather not do
this anymore." Luis preferred being on the bottom and he
wasn't embarrassed to admit this to Jase. It worked; don't fix
it. When Jase had climbed on top of him and said, "I don't
know how you take it without having pain," Luis lifted his legs
higher and said, "I don't know how you can't take it without

When Luis decided to go for a swim and Josh followed him

into the pool, it became even more evident Josh was the
dominant top. He didn't do or say anything inappropriate with
Luis in an overt way; at least, not at first he didn't. But he did
place his palm on the small of Luis's back and help him down
the steps. And he treated him in a softer, gentler way than he
would have treated another dominant top like Jase. At one
point, when Luis tried to climb up on a floating raft, Josh

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swam up behind him, grabbed him by the waist, and lifted
him onto the raft with one quick hoist. Luis, without thinking
twice, rested his palms on Josh's shoulders and thanked him
for the assistance. There was nothing sexual about it, either.
It seemed like the normal thing for Luis to do.

A few minutes later, when Roland and Jase joined them in

the pool, Josh suggested they all play a game of volleyball.
Without even thinking about what he was doing, Josh pointed
to Luis and said, "You get up on my back, Luis, and Roland
can climb up on Jase's back to break up the couples. It will be
us against them." He had a deep, throaty football player

So Luis jumped off the raft and swam up behind Josh. He

climbed up on Josh's back and wrapped his legs around Josh's
naked waist. Roland did the same. He jumped onto Jase's
back and Jase held his legs in place. Then Roland and Luis
started passing the ball back and forth over an invisible net.
They weren't playing a serious game, just having fun. This
continued for a long time, until Roland tossed the ball too
high and Luis missed it. The ball sailed out of the pool, Luis
reached too far to the right, and he lost his balance and fell
from Josh's shoulders. Josh didn't waist a minute in coming to
Luis's rescue. He went underwater, wrapped one arm around
Luis's shoulder and put the other beneath Luis's legs and
lifted him to the surface.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked in a gentle tone.
Luis wiped his eyes; he was still catching his breath. "I'm

fine," he said. Then he waved across the pool at Roland and
Josh. "I'm good. I lost my balance."

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Roland jumped off Jase's back and said, "Let's take a

break now. I have to shower and change, then start getting
dinner ready. The other guys are going to be here at seven
for drinks."

"You sure you're okay?" Jase said. He was still at the other

end of the pool.

"I'm good," Luis said. "You go inside and start getting

ready. I'll be there in a minute." Then he turned his head and
said to Josh, "You can put me down now." He had a feeling he
knew where this was leading. Anyone else would have
lowered him right away.

Josh smiled. He slipped the hand that was hidden under

the water up Luis's swim trunks and squeezed the back of
Luis's thigh. "I can carry you out of the water like this. I don't
mind. Your legs feel nice and soft. I like that."

Luis hadn't expected him to be this daring. He turned and

saw Jase walking toward the guest house. "I can get out on
my own, Josh." He kept his voice light and breezy, as if this
were all a joke.

"But I hate to put you down," Josh said, running his hand

up to the bottom of Luis's ass. Jase walked into the guest
house and disappeared from sight.

Luis tried to get down in his own, but Josh held him with

such a tight grip he couldn't move. So he placed his palm on
Josh's shoulder and said, "Be a good boy, Josh, and let me
down. We should both get out of the water. We've been in
here too long." Evidently, Josh was one of those aggressive
types who liked to dominate a little too much. Though Luis
had to admit he found it arousing to be held this way by a

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man like Josh, he was more interested in getting out of the
pool and joining Jase in the shower.

Josh lowered him gently and grabbed him by the waist.

Before he let go, he said, "I'll stay in the pool for a few more
minutes. I don't think I should get out right now."

Luis didn't understand. He sent him a confused look.
So Josh moved his hips forward and poked Luis in the

pelvis with his erection. He smiled and said, "It's all your
fault. You did this to me." Then he slid both hands into the
water, pulled down the back of Luis's swim trunks, and
grabbed his ass again.

Luis shook his head and backed away. He pulled up his

trunks and said, "I'm going back to the guest house to
change. I'll see you in about an hour." He wasn't mad at Josh,
but he didn't want to encourage him either.

Josh shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I guess I don't

have any choice."

Luis smiled. "No, I guess you don't."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Five

Two more gay couples arrived, but closer to seven thirty

than seven. When the doorbell finally rang, Roland leaned
into Luis's side and said, "Bucks County time is always a half
hour late, don'tcha know, and the best queens out here
always use separate glasses for red wine and white wine." He
spoke with one of those forced British-Park Avenue accents.
Then he poked Luis in the ribs and rolled his eyes, as if he
thought this sort of pretense was amusing.

Luis smiled at Roland when he stood to answer the door.

They were all sitting outside near the pool. Up until then,
Roland had intimidated him. But now he felt a sense of
growing affection.

Both couples seemed to be in their late thirties: Len and

Jerry, Jack and Dave. When Roland served drinks and
appetizers at the pool bar, the conversation was strained.
Though Roland and Jase knew the other guys fairly well, no
one seemed comfortable around Jase and Luis. They hesitated
before they spoke. They made lame jokes and tried too hard
to keep the conversation moving. Jase did what he usually did
in situations like this: he sat down at a bar stool and stared at
his knees, yawning and picking at his slacks. Josh was busy
setting the table by the pool and Roland was busy getting
dinner ready in the kitchen, which didn't help matters. So the
six of them stumbled along, with Luis speaking in the
animated voice he only used when he was at the dentist's

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The only subject that eased the tension between them was

Camp. Len and Jerry had two dogs, and Jack and Dave had
three long-haired cats that came from a pretentious breed
Luis could never remember no matter how many times he
was told the name. At one point, while Josh was still laying
down the napkins on a large, round glass table at the other
side of the pool, Camp wandered out of the guest house to
see what was going on. They'd left the guest house door open
a crack so he wasn't confined. Camp looked back and forth,
made a stop at a fig tree to lift his leg, then went back to the
guest house without even glancing over his tail. At first, Jack
and Dave mistook him for a cat (they would). When Luis
explained he wasn't, they all wanted to know what kind of
dog he was. They all raved about his outrageous bald body
and the long shaggy mop on top of his head. This was an
opening for Luis to explain how he'd found Camp in an
alleyway and adopted him, which took all of fifteen minutes.

They seemed like nice enough guys and Luis wanted to get

to know them better. But it wasn't easy, not even after the
Camp story. Len and Jerry both had dark hair and were
average in looks in a preppy way. Len was the dominant and
Jerry the submissive. And when Len started getting too
friendly with Luis (the aggressive types always did), Jerry
sent Len one of those watch-out-pal glances and Len backed
off fast. Jack and Dave were nice guys and they were proud
to mention they'd been together for seventeen years. But Luis
could tell they were both bottoms the minute they started to
speak. They reminded him of the repulsive gay couple on the
new TV sitcom everyone was talking about. Both were

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effeminate, both had bleached hair, and both wore matching
black outfits with out-of-style pointy shoes with Cuban heels.
Luis didn't know much about life, but he knew these two
queens had nothing exciting going on the bedroom unless it
involved a double-sided dildo.

Dinner was simple: tossed salad with baby greens and

watermelon radish, grilled filet mignon and a red peppercorn
sauce, and pasta carbonara with light flakes of truffle. Josh
and Roland were relaxed hosts. Roland set up a small buffet
on the center island in the indoor kitchen and everyone
served themselves in a casual way, which suited Luis
perfectly. He'd never been a huge eater and he hated going
to dinner parties where the host served everyone set portions
that were always too large. He preferred to take his own
small portions and be discreet about how much he ate. Jase
seemed to be smiling about this, too. He always took huge
portions and filled his plate several times.

By the time Roland served coffee from the outdoor kitchen

area, everyone had relaxed enough to talk more openly.
When Roland mentioned Luis was active in The Angel
Association, everyone leaned forward to hear more about it.
Luis's eyes opened wide and he proceeded to explain
everything he knew. At least, as much as he knew so far. He
was still learning about the cause. He sat swaybacked, with
his lips parted, when he discovered how interested they all
were in children in a general sense. Len and Jerry said they'd
been thinking about adopting a baby for years. Jack and Dave
said they'd always wanted a child. And you could have

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knocked Luis over with a feather when Josh sat up and said,
"The best thing in my life to date is my son, Justin."

Luis moved forward and tipped his head sideways. "You

have a son?" He hadn't imagined this. Though he might have
guessed Josh was a former escort (Luis had known enough
from his own escort days) or even a porn star, he never
would have guessed he was a father.

Josh smiled and sent him a superior glance. "I was married

for a short time and we had a child. His name is Justin. I went
through a stage when I questioned my sexuality and dated a
lot of women. It was a combined form of denial and self-

Jase frowned. "I spent half my life doing the same thing.

You're lucky you realized who you were at a young age. I
wish I had."

Luis sent Jase a warm smile and patted his knee. He

wanted to tell everyone at the table he was glad Jase had
waited so long to come out of the closet, and that he'd taken
Jase's gay virginity. But it would have been too much
information with strangers. These guys seemed a bit more
conservative than his city friends and Luis didn't want them to
think he was one of those free-spirited city types who spoke
too carelessly about sex.

Then Dave said, with a strong lisp and a slightly limp wrist,

"I dated a lot of women, too. I didn't want to be gay, heaven
forbid. For all I know I have a secret baby lurking around
somewhere." Then he tossed his head back and released a
sound that was a cross between a chortle and a bray.

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Everyone else at the table gaped at him, including his own

lover. It wasn't easy to picture Dave mounting a woman, let
alone numerous women.

Roland said, "Josh's ex-wife, Hillary, runs the bookstore

with him and we're all very active in Justin's life. I consider
him my son, too."

"He is your son," Josh said, smiling at Roland.
The others must have known about this, because no one

else showed the slightest bit of surprise.

Then Jase said, "I was married, too." He shrugged and

laughed. He spoke with a lighter tone this time. "But we're
not very close now. We're not enemies, just not close. And we
never had children."

"I was married for five years," Len said. "But we didn't

have any kids either." He poked his partner, Jerry, in the ribs
and laughed. "And looking back now, I can see why. After the
first six months of marriage, we would have needed a turkey
baster to get the job done."

As they all talked about their ex-wives, modern family

situations, and denying who they were when they'd been
younger, Luis stared with his mouth half open and his
eyebrows raised. Luis had always known he was gay right
from the start, and he'd never been ashamed to admit it to
himself. To others, in the beginning, yes. But never to
himself. He'd heard a lot of gay men had been married and
divorced, from stories Ben and Percy had told him, but the
only one he'd ever known was Jase.

Josh smiled and said, "I think The Angel Association is a

great cause. I'd like to get to know everything about it. I can

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tell you firsthand, Luis, that when my ex-wife found out she
was pregnant she didn't know where to turn at first. She was
only seventeen years old. That's the main reason why we got
married, because she got pregnant. We tried to make it work
for Justin's sake."

Luis tilted his head. He was curious. "Do you think your

ex-wife would have abandoned the baby if she'd thought she
didn't have any options?" He'd never actually met anyone
who had abandoned a baby.

Josh shrugged. "I honestly don't know. You'll have to ask

her yourself. Before you leave tomorrow I'll tell you where the
bookstore is and you can tell her all about this association. I
think this is something she'd love to help you out with."

"I'd like that," Luis said. "She sounds like a cool lady."
Roland smiled. "She is, trust me. At first Hillary wasn't too

fond of me. She didn't trust me. But we're very good friends

After that, the conversation started to flow and the

evening moved quickly. By the time it was midnight, Roland
had lowered all the lights and there was soft music filtering
through the outdoor speakers around the pool and outdoor
living area. It was cooler now and quiet, with tons of stars
overhead. Luis was sitting between Jase's legs on a lounge
chair sipping a glass of port and the other guys were leaning
back in luxurious outdoor furniture that could have passed for
indoor furniture. The entire outdoor pool area, in fact, was
more like one of those outdoor living rooms than a
recreational swimming area, with stone walls, crystal sconces,
and a crystal chandelier suspended from an overhead beam.

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Roland started a small fire in an exquisite stone fireplace not
far from where Jase and Luis were sitting, and then he
crossed to the opposite side of the fireplace and sat down in
an overstuffed sofa that flanked a square glass cocktail table.

Then the entire pool area became so silent the only sounds

were coming from the speakers and the waterfall. Luis set the
empty glass of port down on a side table and snuggled up
against Jase's warm, firm body. It had been a long day and
he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. So he closed
his eyes and took a deep breath, realizing he hadn't been this
relaxed in a long time. From what he'd seen so far of Bucks
County, Pennsylvania, he'd fallen in love with the countryside.
Jase must have been feeling the same way, because he
wrapped his arms around Luis and closed his eyes, too.

Not long after that, Luis heard a familiar sound that lifted

his eyebrows. It was an unmistakable wet suction noise that
can only be pinpointed toward the direction of a singular act,
an act with which he was all too familiar, and an act at which
he'd always been extremely adept. Luis slowly opened his
eyes and gazed straight ahead. Then he opened his eyes
wider and pressed his palm to his throat. Across the square,
glass cocktail table from where Luis and Jase were lounging,
Josh was sitting back in an identical lounge chair. His eyes
were closed, his muscular arms were back over his head, and
his thick legs were spread wide. But he wasn't alone. Both
Jack and Dave, the prissy blond couple with the lispy voices,
had pulled down Josh's zipper and they were taking turns
licking and sucking his erection. When Luiss eyes glanced to
the right of Josh, he saw Len and Jerry had removed all of

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their clothes and they were sitting on a long outdoor sofa with
Roland. Roland was in the middle of the sofa—he'd removed
his pants—and he was holding Len's dick with his right hand
and leaning to the left so he could suck the tip of Jerry's dick.
When Roland noticed Luis was watching him blow Jerry, he
looked up for a moment, smiled, and made a gesture for Luis
and Jase to join the fun.

Luis returned the smile and poked Jase in the ribs. "Wake

up," he said, speaking so low it was softer than a whisper. His
lips barely moved. "This dinner party is turning out to be a
little different than I expected."

Jase opened his eyes and glanced over the cocktail table.

He rubbed his jaw and said, "Ah well, I guess the guys are
having a little fun." Then he gaped at the way Jack and Dave
were sucking Josh's dick. "Look at those two dizzy queens go
to work on that piece of meat. Why, you'd think it was the
first pole they'd smoked in years."

Luis closed his eyes and shook his head. It probably was

the first dick they'd sucked in years. Though Jase was right
about Jack and Dave: they were sucking Josh's big dick with
such zeal their faces were red. Luis wasn't sure what to do

Jase wasn't helping him either. Luis had expected Jase to

be as stunned as he'd been, but Jase didn't remove his gaze
from Jack and Dave. "I'll bet Josh takes turns fucking them
both. I'll bet they both squeal like little piggies, too."

Luis poked him harder this time. "Stop joking around. This

isn't funny. I think we should get up and leave them all
alone." He wasn't judging them; they were all adults. But he

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had no interest in joining them, and he wasn't going to sit
and watch with a polite grin.

Jase reached down and grabbed Luis's ass. "It might come

across as rude if we leave now. They might get the wrong
idea. After all, we don't want to insult them."

Luis sat up and turned so he could look Jase in the eye. "I

don't really give a damn what idea they get. If I'd known this
was going to turn into a fuck-a-thon I would have gone back
to the guest house in the first place. They should be worrying
about what I think of them, not me worrying about what they
think of me."

"I'll bet Josh would love to fuck you," Jase said. "I saw the

way he was flirting around with you in the pool this afternoon.
He's dying to get into your pants. I've seen him drool when
he looks at your ass."

Luis sighed. He'd been hoping Jase hadn't noticed the

incident at the pool. "I doubt Josh is thinking about me right
now." Jack and Dave had removed their pants, and they'd
removed Josh's pants by then. Josh's naked legs were
hanging over the arms of the lounge chair and they were both
sucking his balls at the same time. Luis was amazed at how
they each sucked one ball, with their noses pressed between
Josh's legs and their white, dimpled behinds up in the air.

"I don't mind if you want Josh to fuck you," Jase said. "I'm

cool with it. But those two sucking him off right now might
scratch your eyes out."

Luis's eyes opened wider and he tilted his head sideways.

He put his hands on his hips and said, "Tell me you're not
serious." With Jase it was hard to tell sometimes.

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Jase laughed and said, "Calm down. I'm only playing with

you. Let's get up quietly and go back to the guest house. I'm
not into this either." He nodded toward Roland and the other
two, Len and Jerry. Roland was on the floor now, naked, on
his hands and knees with his back arched. Jerry was kneeling
in front of Roland and Roland was sucking Jerry's dick. Len
was putting on a condom, preparing to mount Roland on the
other end. "I doubt they'll even notice us leaving."

Luis went forward and exhaled, then reached for Jase's

hand and they slowly rose from the lounge chair together.
They took the long way back to the guest house, walking
around the other side of the pool so they wouldn't have to
pass the group sex scene on the way. Luis didn't take a deep
breath until they were in the guest house and the door was

The next morning, Luis woke in Jase's arms a little after

nine. Camp was sound asleep on a bench at the foot of the
bed and he was snoring. They rarely ever slept this late in
New York, but Jase and Luis had made love until two in the
morning in the privacy of their own bed. The backs of Luis's
legs were still a little sore; he hoped Jase hadn't left bruises
this time. But his legs were the last thing on his mind now.
Luis was wondering what had happened outside with the
other guys while they'd been in the guest house making love.
He had one of those foggy, surreal images in his head of what
he'd witnessed by the pool earlier. If they were all still out
there lying naked in a heap, he wasn't looking forward to his
morning coffee.

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Jase stretched his legs and yawned. He grabbed Luis's ass

and said, "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" His tone was
smug, as if he knew he'd done his job making love the night

Luis nodded. Jase had done his job well the night before,

and his sore legs were proof. "I still can't believe what was
going on out there by the pool last night. When I opened my
eyes and saw those two soft-spoken queens sucking Josh off
at the same time, I nearly died."

Jase smiled. "I guess things are very relaxed out here in

the country." He'd always seemed to be less critical than Luis.
His tone had a shrugging quality. He tended to take things as
they came, without making any in-depth critical comments. If
something didn't affect him personally, he never gave it a
second thought.

But Luis was more pragmatic, and he had an inquiring

mind. "And the way Roland was going at it with Len and
Jerry. When I saw Len put on the condom, I nearly choked.
They never even warned us ahead of time." He looked up at
Jase with wide eyes. "Don't you think they should have
warned us? I mean, after all, I thought we were all coupled
off. I thought we'd play a quiet game of charades. I had no
idea everyone would get naked and start tagging the host."

Jase laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "What could

they have said? 'Oh, by the way, we'll all be fucking and
sucking each other after dessert.' Those things just sort of
happen sometimes. Maybe it wasn't even planned. Everyone
goes along with it. I'm sure they didn't mean any harm. Don't
blow it out of proportion, baby."

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Luis sighed. "I suppose you're right. I just didn't expect it.

After all, both Roland and Josh are extremely good-looking
guys, and the others were sort of average at best. I can't
imagine why Roland and Josh need anyone else to have sex
with." If Luis had been single, he might have considered
sleeping with either Roland or Josh. But his stomach turned
when he thought about sleeping with any of the other four
queens, especially the bleached blonds, Jack and Dave.

"Maybe it's what they are into," Jase said. "When I was

married, my wife and I had another woman who used to join
us in bed all the time. My wife thought it would perk up our
sex life, grim as it was."

Luis's eyes opened wide. "You screwed two women at the

same time?" Jase had never mentioned this to him. On a
certain level, there was actually something very sexy about
this Luis couldn't quite pigeonhole.

Jase laughed. "It was at the end of our marriage. I was

still in denial about being gay, and we were both trying to
salvage what was left of the marriage. I never told you
because I didn't think it was important."

"Are you upset because we didn't join them last night?"

Luis asked. The fact that Jase had done three-ways with his
ex-wife didn't bother Luis in the least. That was all in the past
now. But he knew how much Jase loved exhibitionism and he
didn't want to come off as a prude. He held his breath,
waiting for Jase to answer.

"Not at all," Jase said. "I've already told you how I feel

about this sort of thing. I have no desire to share you with
anyone. And I wasn't even fond of doing three-ways with my

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ex-wife. It was all her idea, not mine. We did it with a friend
of hers I barely knew. The woman was one of those eccentric
socialites down in Palm Beach. She came from an extremely
wealthy family and lived off a trust fund. It was all very
mechanical and forced, almost forgettable."

Luis rested his cheek on Jase's chest and smiled. "I hope

it's not too awkward this morning when we see them again. I
don't think I'll know what to say." He wondered how a person
went about acting casually in a situation like this.

"Pretend it didn't even happen," Jase said. "That's the best

way to handle these things."

By the time Luis and Jase were showered and ready to go

outside, it was almost ten o'clock. They opened the guest
house door and let Camp out first. He galloped to the first
boxwood he saw and lifted his leg, then Luis and Jase walked
out to the pool area and found Josh and Roland sitting at the
large round table, sharing the newspaper. Luis could smell the
aroma of freshly brewed coffee coming from the outdoor
kitchen area near the large stone fireplace. The table wasn't
set in any particular way. Josh and Roland weren't eating,
just sipping from large white mugs of coffee. They were
dressed in shorts, T-shirts, and sandals, and they reminded
Luis of two models in a casual designer ad in a men's

When Luis and Jase approached, Roland looked up and

smiled. "Good morning," he said. "Can I get you anything for
breakfast? The kitchen is stocked and I put bagels and a few
spreads near the coffee machine. But I figured I'd ask first

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before I cooked anything. Josh and I usually don't eat until

Luis never ate breakfast. He had juice and coffee. There

was something about eating early in the morning that made
him feel nauseous for the rest of the day. He'd been that way
since childhood. He'd read and heard all about how breakfast
was the most important meal of the day. The happy-faced
doctors on those afternoon talk shows were always harping
about breakfast and nutrition. But whenever Luis ate so much
as a slice of toast, he turned green until at least one in the
afternoon. So Luis smiled and said, "I'll have coffee right now.
Don't get up, please. We can take care of ourselves."

Jase, on the other hand, could eat a dozen eggs and a

pound of bacon. He crossed to the outdoor kitchen area and
sent the bagels an adoring smile. Then he reached for a plate
and grabbed three large bagels. He scooped a wad of cream
cheese on to his plate and said, "I'll help myself."

Luis poured two mugs of coffee and said, "You'll have to

excuse Jase. He's a growing boy." He was always amazed at
the way Jase could eat and never gain a pound.

Roland and Josh laughed, folding the newspapers and

setting them down on the table.

With a mouthful of bagel, Jase carried his plate to the table

and said, "I like to eat. I always have. If I ate like Luis, I'd
probably waste away to nothing but skin and bones."

"And if I ate like you I'd never get any modeling jobs," Luis


For the first fifteen minutes, the conversation was light.

They spoke about the stock market and the price of oil. Luis

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said he'd fallen in love with Bucks County and he couldn't wait
to see more of it, especially the shops in New Hope. Then, as
Jase was about to bite into his third bagel and cream cheese,
Roland set his coffee mug down on the table and said, "I hope
you weren't put off by what happened last night." His tone
was light; he could have been talking about the warm

Luis held the coffee mug in mid-air and Jase stopped

chewing. They looked at each other and didn't say a word.
Luis hadn't planned to say anything. He'd been hoping they'd
breeze over the sex party and everything would be fine.

Evidently, Roland felt the need to explain. He put his arm

around Josh and kissed him on the cheek. Then he smiled and
said, "When I met Josh that afternoon in the Village, my life
began. It's hard to explain how I felt at the time. I was
approaching middle age and I'd just gotten out of a bad
relationship with my ex-lover. He left me for a younger guy. I
thought love and romance was a part of my life that was
over. I was ready to move on to another stage that involved
my work, my charities, and my good friends. But then I met
Josh one afternoon in the bookstore and everything changed
with one smile. It was, as they say, love at first sight."

Josh smiled and sent him an adoring gaze. His eyes

glistened with adoration. "It really was that simple for us. It
was as if Roland were surrounded by an invisible white light."

Jase swallowed his bagel and said, "I know exactly how

you feel. I felt the same way when I first met him." He bit
into the bagel and poked his elbow in Luis's direction.

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Luis shrugged. "I did, too. Even though I fought it at first,

I knew I loved Jase from the start." He looked across the
table and smiled at Josh and Roland. "You guys don't have to
explain anything to us about last night. It's none of our
business anyway." Oh, he so wanted this conversation to end,
and fast.

But Roland said, "I want to explain, especially since you

guys disappeared last night without saying a word."

Luis blinked. What had Roland expected him to do? It

would have been more than awkward to kiss Roland on the
cheek and say goodnight while Len was stuffing his hole and
Jerry was stuffing his face.

"We didn't mean to offend you," Roland said. "Josh and I

have a very open relationship in the sense we enjoy all kinds
of sex. But always together, never alone. We always have and
we always will. We get into kink sometimes, we have three-
ways sometimes, and we've even gone to those sex shops in
the city and done things there. A lot of people judge us. A lot
have said our relationship would never work and that there
was no substance to it. Some even accuse us of not knowing
what love is. But we don't care what idiots say, and we don't
apologize to anyone. We're in love, it's our relationship, and
we decided to live our lives the way we want to live them, no
matter what anyone thinks."

Josh laughed. "You'd be surprised at how many people

have judged us and said we weren't really in love or we didn't
really know what love was all about. I've overheard stories
that would turn your hair white. Some people are downright

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Luis put the coffee down and frowned. Though they were

so upbeat, he felt a rough thud in his stomach. He reached
for Roland's hand and said, "I don't see how it's anyone's
business what you do or with whom you do it. It's your life
and your relationship. You should be able to define it any way
you want."

"You'd think it would be simple," Roland said. "But it isn't.

Sometimes it's like there's this love police lurking in the
background, always ready to judge and tell everyone what
their relationship is supposed to be like. And God forbid if you
don't follow their rules, especially when it comes to what they
want gay relationships to be like."

Jase reached for Roland's other hand and said, "I can

assure you we're not going to judge you. Although we aren't
into three-ways or group sex, we would never judge anyone

"Jase is right," Luis said. "We weren't offended in the least.

Actually, I was worried you'd be offended when we left so
suddenly last night. It wasn't because we were upset. We
aren't into that sort of thing, is all."

They released his hands and Roland stood to get another

mug of coffee. "Well. I'm glad that's out of the way," he said.
"Now we can enjoy the rest of the day. Is there anything in
particular you guys would like to do?"

Jase smiled and said, "Let's take turns sucking Luis's toes."
Roland and Josh stopped moving and went slack-jawed.
Luis blinked.
"I'm kidding around, guys," Jase said. "It's a joke."

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Luis lowered his head and shook it back and forth. "I have

to apologize for Jase sometimes. He has a peculiar sense of
humor and I never know what he's going to say." Though
Jase thought he was joking, in an offbeat way it sounded as if
he were insulting Roland and Josh's kinky open lifestyle.

Josh ran to Jase's defense. "Okay," he said. "What would

you guys like to do that doesn't involve sucking Luis's pretty

Luis and Roland exchanged glances, then frowned at their


Jase laughed and punched Josh in the arm. Josh and Jase

seemed to be bonding like two old school buddies on a
reunion. "I don't mind staying right here and hanging out by
the pool until it's time to go back to the city. Maybe we can
even watch a game on TV later."

"Sounds good, man," Josh said, punching Jase in the arm.
Oh, Lord. Now they were calling each other man.
Luis folded his arms across his chest and frowned. "I was

interested in going into New Hope and checking out the
shops, Jase." He knew how much Jase detested shopping, but
there was no way Luis was going to sit beside a pool all day
damaging his skin when there were so many shops waiting
for him down in New Hope. And he certainly wasn't going to
watch a game. He'd barely had a chance to check out the
cute little shop where he'd purchased the silver tray for
Roland and Josh.

"You want to shop?" Jase asked, with an incredulous tone.
Josh laughed. He punched Jase in the arm this time. "I

hate shopping too, Jase. So let's do this. We'll hang out by

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the pool and Roland and Luis can take a ride into town and do
the shops. This way everyone is happy."

Luis glanced at Roland and asked, "Do you like to shop?"
Roland smiled. "Do you ever wonder what Hugh Jackman

looks like in boxer shorts?"

"Oh, Roland," Luis said, with a huge grin, "I think we're

going to be very good friends."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Six

In September, Jase and Luis flew to Alaska to spend Labor

Day weekend with Jase's family. This time Jase incorporated
the trip with business deal so they could take the company
jet. Normally they would have flown commercial because Jase
didn't believe in wasting money or energy on frivolity. He
claimed this was what was wrong with so many politicians
and no one ever said anything about it openly. Luis hated
flying so much it didn't matter one way or the other to him.

Isabelle's knee had healed by then and she hadn't slowed

down at all. She went shopping in town with Luis, cooked
every meal they ate, and spent an hour each evening walking
the newest addition to the family, Elton. On Luis's first trip to
Alaska to meet Jase's family he accidentally let the family
dog, a large white standard poodle named Sweetie-Pie, out of
the house while she was still in heat. Jase's father's hunting
dogs found poor Sweetie-Pie before Luis had a chance to
break them up. A few months after that, Sweetie-Pie wound
up with a mixed litter of four puppies and Jase's family
decided to keep the runt. Isabelle named him Elton because
his curly red coat reminded her of Elton John's hair in the
seventies. Even though Elton—the puppy, not the singer—had
begun as a colossal mistake, he'd wound up as Isabelle's pet
of a lifetime. Sweetie-Pie, though a good dog, had always
been skittish and high strung, the kind of dog that jumps at
the slightest sound and barks at the wind. But not Elton, with
his shaggy red coat and big brown eyes. He only barked when

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there was a reason to bark, he always came when he was
called, and when he looked up at people and cocked his head,
it was as if he understood what they were saying.

When it was time to leave Alaska, Luis had to work harder

than usual to control the sting in his eyes. Isabelle had
surprised Luis and Jase with a casual family portrait that
included all the pets—even the hunting dogs. She'd waited
until the last moment to give it to them. When she handed
the gold frame to Luis before he boarded the private jet and
he looked down at everyone in the photo standing on the
back porch smiling, he pressed his palm to his stomach and
gulped. He'd hugged Isabelle so hard Jase's father had to look
in the other direction and Jase had to pry him away. When
they were in the air, he held the photo against his chest and
stared out the window without saying a word all the way back
to New York.

For the next month or so, he buried himself in modeling

work and writing posts for Elena's Romantic Treasures and
Luis wrote guest posts about artistic nude photos of
men that were both current and vintage. He worked hard to
be tasteful and create the same special feeling of romance
and splendor Elena had always created. Before he submitted
a post, he always made sure Elena approved of it. He still
kept his eyes and ears alert for peculiar words that had an
unusual ring. At that particular time, the word of choice was
glum. Though there was nothing spectacular about the word
glum; he liked the way it sounded. The gl sound filled his
throat. When he wrote these posts for Elena, they calmed his
heart, soothed his soul, and made him forget about how

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much he was missing Alaska. The word glum pretty much
described the way he was feeling. He even started going back
to his favorite place in New York, the little Internet cafe down
in NoHo.

Though Luis was even more in love with Jase than he'd

ever been, he longed for the crisp clear skies of Alaska, the
cold clean air, and the family bonds he'd found there. He went
back to his life in New York and never complained to Jase
once. When Jase was working hard, Luis found comfort with
his two best friends, Ben and Percy. He'd established a new
friendship with Roland, Josh, and Josh's ex-wife, Hillary. He
took the subway down to the Village at least once a week and
he and Hillary would work on projects for The Angel
Association. When he'd first approached Hillary last summer
with his interest in stopping the abandonment of babies
altogether, she sat up, looked him in the eye, and said she'd
be more than willing to help him with the cause. Then she
lowered her head, stared at her lap for a moment, and said
she'd been so panic stricken when she'd learned she was
pregnant with Justin, she'd actually considered leaving him on
the doorstep of a church. If there was anything she could do
to help terrified young women with unwanted babies, she'd do
it no matter how hard she had to work. Though she was a
little verbose at times, Luis got on well with her.

Besides work and friends, Luis found comfort in weekend

getaways to Bucks County. Jase and Luis drove out for the
weekend at least once every two months and Luis cherished
the peace and quiet of the Pennsylvania countryside. Though
it wasn't Alaska, and Isabelle wasn't there secretly stuffing

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Camp with cookies he shouldn't have been eating, it was the
next best thing. In fact, Luis loved it so much he took a ride
out to New Hope one Friday afternoon all by himself. He
didn't tell Jase he was going; he didn't even take Camp this
time. While Jase and Luis had been riding around the previous
weekend, Luis had spotted an old farmhouse for sale. It was
at the end of a long winding road about three miles away
from Roland's and Josh's place and only minutes from
downtown New Hope. He'd mentioned the property to Jase in
passing and Jase had said, "Maybe we should look for a place
of our own out here someday. It might be fun."

So Luis decided to drive to New Hope alone and check the

old farm out with a local Realtor. The moment they pulled into
the driveway, Luis felt as if he'd gone home again. The main
house was one of those old, white stucco over stone
farmhouses dating back to the eighteenth century, with nine
over nine windows, pie slice staircases, and lush pumpkin
pine floors. It sat high in the middle of ten acres, with a huge
red barn on the right, a small smoke house in the back, and
an authentic hand-held well pump near the back door. A small
weathered sign at the end of the driveway read Cider Mill

The house hadn't been updated in years. The kitchen had a

stove that looked older than Isabelle, the bathrooms hadn't
been touched since FDR had been president, and the windows
looked as if they hadn't been opened since the Revolutionary
War. The barn looked as if one good wind would knock it
down. But when the Realtor told Luis the house was listed as
historic and it had once been an old tavern where an

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important general had planned his attack against the British,
Luis's eyes opened wide and he ran his palm across the
mantel above the walk-in fireplace in the kitchen. He looked
up at the beams in the ceiling and took a quick breath. He'd
never seen a more perfect home in his life.

Without thinking twice, Luis filled out all the necessary

paperwork at the Realtor's office, wrote a check for more than
a down payment, and handed it to the Realtor. He'd been
making money as a model and he wanted to surprise Jase
with the perfect birthday gift in November. He knew it would
be a lot of work to renovate and keep everything historically
accurate, but he couldn't resist the opportunity. He knew Jase
would agree with him. If not at first, he would eventually.

On the way back to New York that Friday afternoon, Luis

felt a tug in his stomach. He started having second thoughts.
He probably should have consulted Jase first before he'd
written the check and signed all the papers. By the time he
parked in the garage and started walking back to their home
on the Upper West Side, the tug in his stomach had turned
into an ache. He knew there was no turning back now without
losing a lot of money. He hadn't just put down ten percent.
He'd put down half of the asking price. So he decided, right
there on the corner of 95th Street and Riverside Drive, he'd
tell Jase that night what he'd done. He'd present it as an early
birthday gift, then tell Jase what a wonderful place it was.
He'd never held secrets before from Jase and he wasn't going
to start now. If Jase absolutely hated the idea of buying the
house, Luis would be prepared to put it back on the market
and sell it without a hint of hesitation.

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He started to breathe easier as he approached his front

door. But when he entered the house and saw Jase standing
beside the baby grand piano in the living room, he set his
keys on a small table and tilted his head. This wasn't like Jase
at all. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon and Jase never
came home from the office until at least six. But more than
that, who were these other strangers in his living room with
Jase? A bald, portly man was sitting in the wing chair beside
the fireplace. He had a black leather briefcase open on his lap
and a lugubrious expression on his face. On another wing
chair that flanked the other side of the fireplace, a small child
sat perfectly still with Camp on his lap. Camp looked up at
Luis and tilted his head to the side, and the little boy ran his
tiny palm down the back of Camp's bald spine.

Luis sent Jase a disquieted glance and said, "Is everything

okay?" For a moment, he couldn't move his legs.

Jase smiled and ran his palm down the back of his head.

He nodded and said, "I think you'd better sit down."

Luis crossed toward the middle of the living room and

rested his palm on the back of the Chippendale sofa. He
glanced at the bald man, and smiled at the child in the wing
chair. "What's wrong? Is everything okay in Alaska?" His first
thought was something had happened to Isabelle, or to one
of Jase's parents.

"Everything is fine in Alaska," Jase said. "Please sit down

and listen."

When Luis was seated, Jase lifted his chin and took a deep

breath. After he exhaled, he gestured toward the bald man

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and said, "This is Mr. Frank, Luis. He's an attorney in Palm
Beach. Mr. Frank, this is my partner, Luis Fortune."

Luis didn't get up to shake Mr. Frank's hand. He sent Mr.

Frank a smile and looked up at Jase. "Is Mr. Frank your
attorney from Palm Beach?" Luis knew Jase had lived in Palm
Beach and he still had a few business dealings down there.
But he'd never heard Jase mention Mr. Frank's name before.

"No," Jase said. "He's not my attorney. We've never met."
"I see," Luis said. But he didn't. And it dawned on him Mr.

Frank didn't have a drink or a cup of coffee. And the poor
little boy, practically an infant, sat there blank-faced and
confused. So Luis asked, "Can I get you anything, Mr. Frank?
Maybe some cookies for your little boy?" Luis couldn't be
certain, but the child seemed to be somewhere around two
years old. He had fair hair and large brown eyes. He was
gaping at Luis, with his head tilted and his lips parted, the
same way Jase's father had gaped at Luis the first time they'd
met in Alaska.

Mr. Frank cleared his throat and gave Jase a look. "Ahem,

he's not my little boy."

"Ah well," Luis said. He wasn't sure how to reply now. Luis

detected a note of annoyance, as if Mr. Frank wasn't
particularly fond of the little boy. But it could have been his

Jase smiled and stepped away from the piano. He crossed

to where Luis was sitting and gazed down. "Mr. Frank has
informed me the little boy is my son, Luis."

Luis blinked and sent the little boy a quick glance. Oh,


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The little boy stared in Luis's direction and lifted his


"Your son?" Luis asked. He cast a sideways glance at the

little boy's strong chin and the slight curve in his nose.

Jase smiled at Mr. Frank and said, "Would you mind if we

go into the kitchen to discuss this?" He gestured toward the
boy. "I'd rather not go into details in front of the child."

"Not at all," Mr. Frank said.
Luis stood up and followed Jase to the kitchen. When they

were out of listening distance, Luis reached for Jase's arm and
said, "What's going on here? How on Earth could you possibly
have a baby and not know it?"

Jase shrugged his shoulders. "This guy, Mr. Frank, called

my office this afternoon and told me he wanted to stop by in
person to deliver my son. I told him to meet me here. I tried
calling your cell phone but you didn't answer."

Luis knew why. In certain parts of Bucks County, there

wasn't any cell phone reception. But he didn't mention this to
Jase. He stood there gaping at him, waiting for an

"Do you remember when I told you about the woman that

used to have three-ways with my ex-wife and me?" Jase

Luis nodded yes, his mouth hanging half open.
"Well, she was killed in an automobile accident two weeks

ago and this baby is her son," Jase said.

"How sad," Luis said. The poor kid. "But what does this

have to do with us, Jase?"

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"Evidently, she got pregnant during one of our three-way

encounters," Jase said. "Supposedly, I'm the father."

"Ah well." Luis's chest caved in; he couldn't move his legs.
Jase shrugged his shoulders. "She told us she was on the

pill and she was disease free. She even showed my ex-wife
recent results to an HIV test she'd taken to prove it. We didn't
think we needed condoms. And she was in her mid-forties. I
figured the last thing she'd want was a child. It was all so
casual and simple. We only did it about five times."

Luis pulled out one of the bar stools at the center island

and sat down. He needed to process this for a moment. "Are
you sure this is your child?"

"According to her will, I'm listed as the father on the birth

certificate. She even gave him my last name, Nicholas. She
left detailed instructions I should get full custody of him if
anything should ever happen to her." He reached for Luis's
hand and held it hard. He shook his head and said, "I swear I
had absolutely no idea about this. If there had even been a
hint I had a baby I would have told you."

Luis closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "If this is

true, and he really is your child, I can't believe she'd keep this
from you. What on Earth was the woman thinking?" He hated
to speak ill of the dead, but this wasn't exactly a normal

"She explained in the will she'd always wanted a baby but

she'd never wanted to be married. She even apologized
posthumously for not telling me, but she thought it best for
the child. It also states I'm the boy's only living family. I told
you she was one of those trust fund babies herself. She'd

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inherited a great deal of money from her older parents and
there hadn't been any siblings. From what I recall, she was
one of those reclusive types in Palm Beach. My ex-wife
became friendly with her at one of the private spas where
they do mud baths and beauty treatments."

"She sounds mad," Luis said. "I mean, seriously, normal

women don't jump into bed with another couple, get
pregnant, then keep the baby a big secret from everyone."

Jase frowned. "Wealthy women like her are used to getting

what they want," he said. "I'm sure she knew exactly what
she was doing. Now that I look back, I'm certain I was
nothing more than a stud. When she stopped talking to my
ex-wife without any reason and went into seclusion, my ex-
wife was furious with her. Now I know why she broke the
contact. She never wanted us to find out about the baby."

Luis thought for a moment. He stood up, adjusted his

slacks, and patted Jase's arm. Then he walked back into the
living room and smiled at the quiet little toddler in the wing
chair. Camp was sprawled across his lap and he was petting
the top of Camp's head with his tiny hand.

When Mr. Frank saw Luis enter, he closed his briefcase and

stood up from the wing chair. He sent Luis a sheepish glance
and said, "I really should be going. I have to catch a flight
back to Palm Beach this evening."

Jase stepped into the room and rubbed his jaw. He was

about to say something, but Luis jumped in first. "What is the
boy's name, Mr. Frank?"

"Hunter," Mr. Frank said. "Hunter Nicholas."

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Luis smiled at the boy again and said, "It's nice to meet

you, Hunter." Then he turned to Mr. Frank and said, "She
even gave him Jase's last name?"

Mr. Frank nodded. "I was her attorney for many years," he

said. "I advised her from the beginning it would be best to
contact Mr. Nicholas and let him know everything. But she
refused. She was very demanding and very stubborn."

Luis sighed. "At least she had the decency to make Jase

his guardian in the event of her death. She did one right
thing." This was all so overwhelming Luis had to concentrate
hard so he'd ask all the right questions. "Jase is, in fact, his
guardian now. There's no question about it."

Mr. Frank nodded. "It was all carefully arranged and it's all

legal," he said. "Mr. Nicholas is the legal guardian. That is,
unless he refuses to be."

"What happens then?" Luis asked. He watched Camp roll

over on his back so the little boy could pet his bald stomach.

"In the event Mr. Nicholas should refuse, his mother didn't

make provisions. She believed Mr. Nicholas wouldn't refuse.
She'd been following his life for a long time. She even knew
about his relationship with you. She discussed it with me
about six months ago when we made an update to her will."

Luis found it slightly disconcerting that he and Jase had

been so closely watched by this virtual stranger, with nothing
that connected them other than Jase's son. "How sad," Luis
said, turning to Jase. "She could have been part of our lives
all this time."

Jase's eyebrows went up and he tiled his head. "You're not

upset about this?" He spoke with a cautious tone. "We're not

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even totally sure. We'll have to have a paternity test before
we agree to anything."

Luis gazed across the room at Hunter. He was petting

Camp's stomach with both hands and Camp's legs were
sticking straight up. The little dog's eyes were rolling back
and his tongue was hanging from his mouth; he was enjoying
the attention so much a squirrel could have scampered across
the room and he wouldn't have moved. And with Camp
squirrels meant one thing: battle.

Mr. Frank nodded. "Of course you can take a paternity

test," he said. "I would certainly understand your wanting to
do that. Under these circumstances, I'd take one myself. I
mean it's not every day someone drops by and leaves a child
on your doorstep."

"What would happen to poor Hunter if Jase and I refused

to take him into our lives?" He didn't even realize it at first,
but he'd stopped referring to him as "the boy" and he'd
started referring to him by his first name.

"The courts would appoint a legal guardian," Mr. Frank


"A total stranger?" Luis asked. "That's awfully glum."
"He's a very wealthy child," Mr. Frank said. "'m going to be

handling his finances until he turns eighteen years old. His
mother made this all very clear in the will. I'd see to it he was
put in a good place."

Well. A place, not a home.
When Luis heard Hunter would be situated with complete

strangers, he felt another thump in his stomach. So Luis
smiled at Jase and reached out to shake Mr. Frank's hand.

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"We won't keep you, Mr. Frank. You have a plane to catch.
But it was very nice meeting you and we both look forward to
being in touch with you on a regular basis now to discuss
Hunter's finances." Oh, Luis had already made up his mind
about Hunter. This was one of those times he didn't need to
talk it over with Jase; no one was putting this wonderful child
in a strange place. Not with all the perverts and child abusers
in this world, not with all the religious fanatics that would fill
his head with warped thoughts. Though this baby had been
brought to Luis's home well dressed and well fed, the poor
little glum thing might as well have been left in a dumpster to
fend for himself.

Mr. Frank sent Luis a confused look. He adjusted his

shoulders and said, "Then I guess I'll wait to hear your
decision after the paternity test."

Jase shook his hand and said, "We'll be in touch after the


Luis placed his palm flat against Jase's stomach and

smiled. "There isn't going to be a paternity test, Mr. Frank."
He glanced up at Jase and said, "Hunter is going to remain
here, with us, from now on. He's our son. And that's final." He
spoke with a firm, even tone. He wasn't joking around. This
child was a carbon copy of Jase when he was younger. Luis
had even noticed traces of Isabelle around the corners of his
eyes. Luis had seen all the family photos in Alaska.

Jase's eyes began to fill. He opened them wider so the

tears wouldn't spill out in front of Mr. Frank and Hunter. "Are
you sure about this?" he asked Luis.

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He smiled at Jase and rubbed Jase's stomach. "Oh, I've

never been more certain about anything in my life." Then he
crossed to the wing chair and reached down for Hunter. He
pushed Camp to the side and scooped the toddler up in his
arms. While Mr. Frank and Jase stood there watching, Luis
carried Hunter into the kitchen and said, "Are you hungry,
kiddo? I'm sure I can find something healthy and good for
you in there you'll like. As a matter of fact, we might even
break all the rules tonight and have ice cream right now."

When Luis said ice cream, Camp barked. He was on Luis's

heels, following them into the kitchen. Hunter's head went up
and he patted Luis's cheek. Luis forgot all about Mr. Frank
and Jase. He decided to seat Hunter at the head of the table
in the kitchen, in the cushioned seat, so he wouldn't fall off.
He'd have to place a few pillows beneath him so he could
reach the table. But wasn't he already too old for a highchair?
Oh, the things Luis had planned for Hunter. The future events
that passed through his mind in flashes and waves almost
made him dizzy. And he had been so worried he'd made a
mistake by buying Cider Mill Farm that afternoon. Now he
knew he'd done the right thing. There wasn't a better place
on Earth to bring up a bright, alert child like Hunter. He
couldn't wait to call Isabelle and Jase's parents. He wouldn't
be surprised if they didn't jump on a plane and fly to New
York the next day. All of a sudden, there were so many things
to look forward to Luis didn't know where to begin first.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Seven

"Where on Earth are we going?" Jase asked. He was sitting

in the passenger seat of Luis's new car, a small sporty black
Cadillac sedan Luis had just purchased with his own money.
He'd told Jase he'd never actually owned a car and now that
he was making money he wanted to drive around in
something less bumpy and more energy efficient than the
huge four door truck. When Jase had suggested one of those
foreign hybrid affairs, Luis had shrieked and said, "Don't be
so glum. I want something that gets better gas mileage, but
I'm not driving around in one of those hideous-looking cars
with a design that looks like an aardvark with a skunk up its

"It's a surprise," Luis said, focusing on the road. "It's a

birthday present I've been keeping a secret for almost a
month. And it wasn't easy, let me tell you."

They seemed to be heading in the direction of Bucks

County, Pennsylvania, where Roland and Josh lived. "I hope
it's not a surprise party," Jase said. "You know how I feel
about surprise parties." The thought of a surprise party
twitched his last nerve and made his stomach turn. The last
time his ex-wife had given him a surprise party, on his
thirtieth birthday, he'd wanted to disappear in the doorway
when everyone shouted surprise.

"It's not a surprise party," Luis said. "I know how you hate

them. I wouldn't do that to you. This is something you're
going to love."

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"Are we going to Roland's and Josh's for the day?" he

asked. It was a bright Sunday afternoon in late November
and it was too late to spend the entire weekend with Roland
and Josh. Besides, he knew Luis would never leave Hunter
alone for an entire weekend. Since Hunter had become part of
their lives, they'd altered their social life completely. If Jase's
grandmother, Isabelle, hadn't been there to watch Hunter
that Sunday, they'd have Hunter in the backseat, strapped to
his car seat, and Camp would be sitting beside him. Luis said
he wouldn't trust a sitter until Hunter could speak in full
detailed sentences and tell him everything.

When Jase's family in Alaska heard Jase had a son, they

flew to New York the next day. Luis and Jase's mother went
out shopping that week to get everything a two-year-old
would need and Jase's grandmother took the job of resident
nanny. When Jase's mother and father left a week later,
Jase's grandmother remained in New York to help out with
Hunter. Though she wasn't thrilled about living in New York—
she hadn't left Alaska in years—she told them all she wanted
to get to know her great-grandson while there was still time

"We're not seeing Roland and Josh today," Luis said. "They

are in Florida this week spending time on Roland's boat." He
sent Jase a furtive glance and smiled. "They said they were
going down to relax. But I have a feeling the boat will be filled
with a half dozen naked men, and they'll all be passing
Roland back and forth on the upper deck."

"Ah well," Jase said, sighing. Though he didn't want to live

they way they lived, his own sex life with Luis wasn't exactly

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on fire at the moment. Ever since Hunter had arrived, Luis
didn't seem interested in sex at all. He was always catering to
Hunter's needs and wants, always putting Jase off because
Hunter either had to be changed or fed. It wasn't that Jase
was jealous of his own son, but he would have liked a little
attention once in a while. They used to have sex at least once
a day, and now they hadn't had it in a week, and they'd only
had it that night because Jase had begged for it and Luis had
finally relented. Luis had gone down on the bed face first,
Jase had climbed onto Luis's back, and Jase had fucked him
until he came. He wasn't even certain about Luis's climax.
The entire act took all of five minutes. If that.

When they reached the toll bridge leading into

Pennsylvania, Luis turned right on River Road and headed
north toward Roland's and Josh's house. The leaves had all
turned brown and fallen by then and the lush countryside
took on a look of gloom. Jase preferred Bucks County in the
summertime and would have been content to remain in New
York that weekend.

When they passed Roland's and Josh's driveway, Jase

looked out the window and said, "I wish you'd tell me where
we're going. I'm starting to get very frustrated." Jase wasn't
fond of surprises in general. He liked being in control; he
wasn't used to not having control. He also liked knowing what
to expect, especially since the most recent surprise in his life
involved being told he had a secret baby. If that wasn't the
surprise of a lifetime, nothing ever would be.

Luis made a right turn at the end of Roland's and Josh's

road and said, "I can tell you this much. We're going to go

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through the village of Carversville in a minute. It's really part
of the Township of Solebury, where Roland and Josh live, but
Carversville still has its very own post office and general
store. It's absolutely magical, Jase. You'll love it. Did you
know Julia Child and her husband actually got married up the
river in a little village called Lumberville while they were
visiting friends in New Jersey? I read about it on the
computer when I was researching the area. And there are so
many great artists from this area you can't even list them.
Selma Burke, the sculptress who designed FDR's head on the
dime, didn't live far from here. And Moss Hart had a farm only
a few miles away. I won't even get into all the history in this
area that dates back to the American Revolution. Why, it
seems as if George Washington spent the night everywhere.
Isn't it fascinating, Jase?"

Jase smiled and folded his arms across his chest. "It's

wonderful, Luis," he said with a harsh tone. At the moment,
all he saw were brown cornfields, narrow roads, and too much
empty space. He could have been home in New York right
now, watching a football game on TV with Ben and Percy. He
didn't care if it was his birthday today. If anything, growing
another year older was all the more reason to forget about it.

When they entered the small village of Carversville, Luis

slowed down at a narrow bridge and pointed to an old
clapboard building. "There's the general store," he said, "and
the post office is right inside." Then he pointed to another
building across the road and said, "That place is an old inn
and restaurant. Supposedly it's haunted with more than one

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Jase twirled his finger and said, "Are we almost there? I

have to go to the bathroom."

Luis turned left at the general store, drove another half

mile up the road, then turned right at a winding, uphill road.
"We're almost there," he said.

As they drove up this road, Luis slowed down and stopped

in front of a gravel road that had a shabby unpainted sign
posted at the end that read Cider Mill Farm. Then he swung
the car to the right and drove down the narrowest, bumpiest
gravel road Jase had ever been on in his life. And he'd seen
his share of bad roads in Alaska. There were tall trees on both
sides; Luis had to drive slowly so he could maneuver the car
around deep holes in the road. They were only on the road for
a minute when Luis had to stop short so four large deer could
cross from one side of the woods to the other.

Jase sat up and looked around. "Where the hell are we?

This place looks like a scene from the old movie Deliverance."

Luis smiled and continued driving. "We're almost there,"

he said.

A minute later, they pulled up to an old white stucco

farmhouse and Luis switched off the engine. He leaned over
to kiss Jase on the lips, then lifted his arms and said, "Happy
birthday, Jase."

Jase's jaw dropped.
"I've been keeping it a secret for almost a month now,"

Luis said. "Everything happened so fast with Hunter, I
decided I'd wait and surprise you on your birthday. I bought
this house for you the same day we found out about Hunter.
The timing couldn't have been better." He gazed through the

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windshield and smiled. "Isn't it the most perfect house and
the most perfect property you've ever seen in your life? I've
heard a famous general from the Revolutionary War actually
spent the night here before the battle of Trenton. They say he
buried a box filled with trinkets and historical information
somewhere here on the property."

"You bought this place?" Jase asked, gaping at the crooked

roof on the house. What could Luis have been thinking? The
windows were shattered, the fireplace sagged, and there were
overgrown vines clinging to the stucco. On the chimney, he
saw a line of fat turkey hawks that looked as if they were
sitting shiva.

"I bought it for you, Jase," Luis said. He spoke with an

animated voice, forcing the issue as if he were really trying to
sell Jase on the idea. "I remember you said how nice it would
be to have a place out here in Bucks County, so I decided to
surprise you. Don't you love the name Cider Mill Farm?" He
grabbed Jase's coat sleeve and yanked it. "Come on, let's get
out and I'll show you all around. Don't be so negative. You'll
love it here."

As Luis unfolded from the car, Jase remained seated,

staring at the dilapidated old house in front of him. He had
the strangest feeling the old house was looking back and him
and laughing. He half expected the turkey hawks to start
squawking and throwing stones at him. When he'd mentioned
he'd like to own a place in Bucks County, he'd been thinking
of a place more along the lines of what Roland and Josh
owned. Something modern, with indoor plumbing and glass
windowpanes and central heat. He hadn't planned on living in

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a hovel that resembled the house next door to Abe Lincoln's
log cabin.

He followed Luis up a path that had been haplessly laid

with rickety flagstones. When they reached the front door, he
stepped on a broken floorboard and his right leg sank two
feet down. He gritted his teeth and gave Luis a look. But Luis
smiled, kicked the front door open, and said, "Watch your
step, Jase. You don't want to destroy anything that might be
considered historic. Those old boards are ancient."

Jase moved forward and let out a soft groan. The interior

of the house was even worse than Jase had imagined. The
wide planks in the floor had separated and he could see
straight down to the dirt cellar. Beams hung from the ceiling
and there was so much dust and debris, the slightest
movement sent smoke clouds into the air. Jase covered his
mouth with his palm and shook his head. Luis pointed to a
walk-in fireplace and said, "Isn't this the most wonderful
fireplace you've ever seen, Jase? I'm sure those stones were
picked right out of the Bucks County countryside."

"And that's where they belong," Jase said. "This place is a

complete mess. What on Earth were you thinking?" There
were so many old broken boards and boxes in front of the
fireplace it was difficult to even see the stones.

Luis waved his arm and said, "It needs some loving care, is

all. It's the perfect house to raise a child. We're going to be
very happy here, you'll see. Follow me. I'll show you the
kitchen. It's the most romantic room in the house."

There was another walk-in stone fireplace in the kitchen,

but there weren't any cabinets, the sink had drooped into the

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linoleum counter, and the lopsided old harvest table in the
middle of the room had lost two of its legs. When a blackbird
flew out the broken window over the sink, Jase pressed his
palm to his chest and said, "Did you actually buy this place?"

Luis ran his palm over one of the stones in the fireplace

and said, "I put down half and I mortgaged the rest. But I'll
pay it off after my next modeling jobs and we'll own it
outright. I want this house to be a gift to you, something I
paid for with my own money." He sent Jase an adoring glance
and smiled. Then he ran his palm across Jase's abdomen and
said, "Happy birthday to the love of my life."

When Luis put it that way, Jase couldn't hurt his feelings.

Even though he hated everything about this house as it stood
now, he had to admit it did have potential. "How much
property does it have?" His tone deepened and his rubbed his
jaw. There had to be some redeeming quality he was missing.

"Ten acres," Luis said.
"Not bad," Jase said. "You know, if you'd like, we could

knock this place down and build a brand-new home of our
own." This was a brilliant idea. He'd always wanted to build a
home to suit his own needs. He'd hire the best architect in
Manhattan, the same guy he'd hired to renovate the 95th
Street house.

Luis turned and frowned. "But don't you like it? I bought it

for you with my own money because you've always been so
generous to me. I wanted to get you something important
this time."

Jase put his arm around Luis's waist and smiled. He kissed

the top of his head and said, "First, I don't want to hear any

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more about your money or my money. It's our money.
Whatever I own, you own. Whatever you own, I own. We're
like any other married straight couple." Then he put his other
hand in his pocket and made a fist. "And second, I love the
house. I can't thank you enough. It's the best birthday gift
anyone has ever given to me. I'm not sure it can be
renovated and I don't want you getting your hopes up in case
it can't be saved." He looked around and shook his head. "I'm
stating the options we have. You have to be realistic."

Luis took a step forward and gazed at the back door. He

pushed it open with his palm and said, "The only thing this
house needs is a little love and a little care. Now you stay
here for a minute. I'm going down to the barn. I have another
birthday surprise for you down there. Wait five minutes, then
come down to join me."

Jase smiled as he watched Luis walk out the back door.

Luis was wearing a new pair of tight beige jeans that made
his ass look rounder than usual. But on the inside Jase wasn't
sure he could take any more surprises. He glanced at the
sagging sink and shook his head. He tapped the rickety
floorboard and watched a cloud of dust rise. When he walked
to the other side of the kitchen to check out a back staircase,
he pressed his palm to his stomach and moaned out loud. It
was one of those old-fashioned circular staircases with steps
that resembled pie slices. You had to bend down and walk on
the right. If you didn't hold on for dear life, you could wind up
with a broken leg.

Five minutes later, Jase shoved his hands into his pockets

and went down to the red barn. On the way, he stopped and

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peed on a mulberry bush. From what he could see, the barn
wasn't in much better shape than the house. The main door
was hanging on one hinge, and the red paint was either faded
away or chipped. He made a mental note to hire an architect
the minute he returned to New York. At this point, his main
concern was making sure these structures were safe.

When he stepped into the barn, he didn't see Luis

anywhere. "I'm here," he said. "Where's the surprise?" It
smelled like hay and dirt and the ceiling was so high his voice

From another part of the barn Jase couldn't see from

where he was standing, Luis called out, "I'm over here, Jase.
Walk straight ahead and turn right. You can't miss me."

Jase smiled. He had to admit this was getting him a little

excited. After the shock of the house, he didn't think anything
could move him. But he was wrong. Because when he turned
right, rounded a corner, and looked forward, he saw a fully
restored vintage pick up truck facing him, grill first. It was a
1948 Ford pickup, with glossy cream paint, chrome bumpers,
and black sidewalls. This was the pickup truck of his dreams.
He must have mentioned it a thousand times to Luis in
passing. His grandfather had had a pickup truck just like this
in Alaska and he'd always wanted one himself.

Jase stepped forward and ran his fingertips across the

smooth cream paint on the hood. He smiled and said, "Where
are you?"

"I'm in the back," Luis said in a soft voice. "I'm waiting for


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So Jase gaped at the truck one more time and crossed to

the back to find Luis. When he gazed down into the bed of the
truck and saw Luis lying naked on a black comforter, his head
went back and his eyes widened. Luis was on his stomach and
his legs were slightly parted. He licked his bottom lip, ran his
hand down the side of his naked body, and said, "Why don't
you climb inside so I can give you your final present?"

Jase's heart started to pound. He felt of rush of heat in his

face. It didn't take long for him to remove all his clothes and
climb into the truck. By that time, Luis had rolled over on his
back. His legs were up and spread as wide as they would go.
He reached for Jase's hand and guided Jase down to his
knees. When he was on his knees, Luis grabbed Jase's dick
and pulled it toward his face. Jase lifted his leg and straddled
Luis's body. He inched as close to Luis's face as he could get
and rested his balls on Luis's sweet warm lips. Luis opened
his mouth and took both balls in at the same time. When Luis
started to suck them, Jase grabbed his dick and smacked it
against Luis's forehead.

Then Jase sat back a little and grabbed both sides of Luis's

head. When he had a good grip, he slipped the head of his
cock into Luis's mouth and started moving Luis's head up and
down. This part was the best birthday gift so far. They hadn't
done anything like this since before Hunter had arrived. He
appreciated the thought that Luis had put into the house and
the truck, not to mention the money Luis had spent, but Jase
would have settled for a good blow job and left it at that. Jase
had never had sex in a barn with anyone. There was
something so naughty about being in the open barn and in

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the back of the pickup he had to force himself to keep from
coming too soon.

The way Luis was sucking him off wasn't helping his

control. Luis was doing that unusual thing he did with his lips
and his tongue that drove Jase wild. He'd lock his lips around
the shaft and set his tongue flat against the bottom of Jase's
shaft, then suck so hard it would look as if his chin were
about to come unhinged from his face.

They remained like this for a long time, with Jase holding

Luis's head. When Jase was finally ready to blow his load into
Luis's mouth, he stopped moving Luis's head and looked
down. He loved seeing his dick deep inside Luis's mouth,
especially when his pubic hairs were against Luis's lips. There
was something tender and dirty about it that made Jase
swallow hard. When Luis looked up at him with wide eyes and
a full mouth, Jase almost lost his load.

But he didn't lose control. He looked down and smiled at

Luis. "You want me to fuck you now?"

Luis ran the tip of his tongue back and forth the bottom of

Jase's dick. He nodded and rubbed Jase's back with his bare

Jase sat back and his dick slid from Luis's mouth. He

looked down again and said, "Kiss my nuts before I fuck you."
Giving Luis orders was half the fun.

Luis smiled. "You're talking very dirty today. That's not like

you." Then his head went up and he gently kissed Jase's

"Should I stop?" Jase said. "Because if you don't want me

to talk dirty, I won't." He felt Luis's other foot against his back

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now. He'd always been astonished at the way Luis could bend
and move his legs during sex. Luis could lift his legs higher
and spread them wider than anyone Jase had ever known.

"It's your birthday and you can be as dirty as you want,"

Luis said, rubbing Jase's back with both feet. "I want this to
be a day you'll always remember."

So Jase fucked Luis on his back in the bed of the truck. He

said things to him he'd never said before. He told Luis he
wanted to spread his fucking legs and split him wide open
with his big dirty dick. He said he wanted to fuck his tight
little hole until he begged for mercy. While Luis moaned and
took every inch of him, Jase pounded his ass so hard the
pickup truck rocked on its springs.

Then they changed positions and Jase fucked Luis on his

side, slapping his ass with hard cracks, making references to
Luis's tight little hole again. If anyone had overheard them
that afternoon, they would have thought Jase was reading
lines from a sleazy, smutty porn film. But this wasn't porn for
Jase. This was passion. He was with the man he loved and
the only man who made him feel this way.

After that, Jase turned him over and fucked him doggie

style over the side of the truck, with Luis's legs spread wide
and his head bobbing up and down. He even grabbed the
back of Luis's head and pulled his hair so hard Luis had to beg
him to stop. But Jase knew Luis well enough to know when
he'd crossed a line, and though he was rougher that
afternoon than he'd been in a long time, he could tell by the
way Luis was grinding his naked hips he was enjoying every
minute of the rough play.

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They wound up outside the barn—at Jase's request—with

Luis kneeling on all fours on a pile of old truck tires in broad
daylight. Jase had planned on fucking him against the tires,
but Luis wanted to suck him off instead. So Jase grabbed the
top of Luis's head and stood in front of him. He spread his
legs and pointed his dick toward Luis's lips. "You really are a
dirty boy today, aren't you?" This was something that had
always astonished Jase about Luis. On the surface he seemed
so prim and proper, almost uptight. But deep downs he knew
how to please a man. Jase had never been able to understand
how Luis could suck his dick after Jase had been fucking him
for a long time. Jase's ex-wife had never done anything like
this. Jase never admitted it aloud to Luis. But Jase would
have gagged if he'd had to do this to anyone. uis didn't seem
to mind in the least, which only made it dirtier and sexier for

It didn't take long for Jase to climax this time. Being

outdoors this way made everything more exciting, and he'd
been on the verge for so long he needed the release. When
he finally came inside Luis's mouth and dumped what he
thought was one of his biggest loads ever, his knees actually
wobbled. Luis gulped a few times and continued sucking.
Then he braced his gentle palm on Jase's hairy leg with one
hand and started jacking his own dick with the other. A
moment later, Luis exploded all over the old tires, with Jase
still deep inside his mouth.

When Jase finally pulled out, he was almost flaccid. He

bent down and kissed Luis's puffy red lips and said, "That was
a great birthday present, you dirty guy." Then he helped Luis

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up to his feet and brushed some grass of Luis's bare ass. He
must have picked up the grass when Jase had pushed him
down near the barn door and stepped on his chest. Now that
he recalled, Jase had fucked Luis on the grass for a few
minutes, too.

But Luis didn't seem worried in the least. His legs were

smudged with black rubber from kneeling on tires, his lips
were raw and red from sucking Jase's dick so hard, and his
hair was sticking up at the top of his head from the way Jase
had been pulling it. He put his arms around Jase's shoulder
and said, "I'm glad you liked it. I wanted this birthday to be a
day you'd always remember."

"Oh, it will be," Jase said. There was no denying that. He

glanced back at the old house and sighed. "We'd better get
dressed now. It's getting cooler."

"Can we do one little thing before we get dressed?" Luis


"Ah well," Jase said. "Maybe we better get dressed now

and wait a while before we start something else." After all, he
was reaching middle age. Though Luis was still young and he
probably would have let Jase fuck him again, Jase wasn't sure
he had the energy now. Twenty years ago he would have
been able to do that. But now he needed at least an hour to
recuperate and get his strength back.

Luis smacked his arm and said, "I'm not talking about sex,

you big pervert. My Lord, didn't you have enough? I'm talking
about you carrying me over the threshold of our first new

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Jase blinked. "Shouldn't we get dressed first? At least put

on our pants?"

"No," Luis said, pushing Jase backwards. "I'll race you to

the front door." Then he turned and started jogging toward
the house.

As Jase watched Luis's naked body move with effortless

grace across the patchy front lawn, Jase knew he'd remember
this one solitary image for a long time to come. On his
deathbed, if he lived long enough to be an old man, when he
couldn't remember much of anything, he hoped and prayed
he'd be able to recall the way Luis looked that November
afternoon just before Jase carried him over the threshold of
Cider Mill Farm.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Eight

Wherever Luis went, Hunter was right by his side. Luis

took him on all of his modeling jobs, even to the locations out
in New Jersey where they filmed sporting goods commercials
for discount department stores in remote areas. None of
Luis's employers had a problem with this. The people on the
sets loved having Hunter around. And if they hadn't loved
having him around, Luis would have turned down the
modeling jobs. Luis believed Hunter only had one childhood
and Luis wanted to get it right. There were no second chances
when it came to raising a child and if you didn't get it right on
the first try, you lost all the way around. He'd seen too many
childhoods crushed because of vapid, selfish parents; he
didn't want to be one of them. In Hunter's case, Luis thought
it was important to give him a sense of well being and
strength because Hunter had lost his mother at such a young

Friends suggested an upscale preschool as an alternative,

and Luis sent them honeyed smiles and nodded his head
politely. Roland and Josh said, with their usual overly excited
know-it-all voices, they'd enrolled Josh's son, Justin, in
preschool when he was only two years old. They believed it
would prepare him for the future, and give him a good start
with his academic affairs. Luis thought this was all fine for
them, considering Roland and Josh also thought a fun
Saturday night involved a sex club, five or six naked young
guys on drugs, and a big slimy mattress with rubber sheets.

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But Luis wasn't going to push Hunter into the world a moment
before he had to do it. He told Jase he'd consider preschool
on a part-time basis when Hunter was four. But not a
moment before that. Luis knew the world wasn't always a
kind place, especially now that everyone seemed to be in
such a hurry all the time. Not to mention the evil you heard
about on the news every day of the week. Though Luis knew
he couldn't make the world any better than it already was, he
could give Hunter the best preschool years possible without
actually subjecting him to the horrors of a structured

When Luis thought about it, Hunter wasn't missing much in

preschool anyway: glum teachers with Birkenstocks and bad
hair, rattling off the alphabet and counting rainbow-colored
blocks with their knobby fingers. When Hunter was with Luis
on modeling jobs, Hunter was exposed to culture those
crones in preschool couldn't even fathom. After working with
a French director on a TV commercial for one week, Hunter
started speaking to Camp in French without thinking about it.
Hunter was one of those children who sat back and watched
quietly from a distance, absorbing everything that passed him
by. He never whined, never complained. When he was tired,
he curled up in a chair and took a nap. When he was hungry,
he didn't scream for chicken fingers, mac and cheese, or
greasy corn dogs like other kids. Hunter placed a cloth napkin
on his lap with the adults and ate liver pate and roasted veal
with a knife and a fork. When Luis had to fly upstate in a
small plane to do a shoot in the Adirondacks for another
sporting goods store, he took Hunter along as if he were

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going to any other ordinary job. Hunter had venison for lunch
that day, rare and garnished with squash mousse. The best
they would have done in preschool was teach Hunter how to
make a paper airplane and count to one hundred without
using his fingers or toes.

When they all flew back to Alaska that first year so Hunter

could spend Christmas and celebrate his third birthday with
Jase's family, Jase's mother doted on Hunter so much Luis
thought he detected a hint of jealousy in Jase's father's tone.
Luis had heard the same hint of jealousy in Jase's tone since
Hunter had come into their lives and he didn't fully
understand. Hunter was a child. He needed Luis's full
attention. Jase was a grown man who could fend for himself;
Hunter couldn't. Luis did have to admit he hadn't been the
best lover since Hunter had arrived. Sometimes Jase and Luis
went two full weeks without sex.

But Luis couldn't help the way he felt. Now that they had a

child Luis had priorities, and sex wasn't on the top of his list.
It wasn't that Luis wasn't attracted to Jase anymore. He just
wasn't as horny for some reason. So in order to compensate,
Luis starting working on the quality of their sex rather than
the quantity. Instead of having sex every day of the week,
Luis cut back to once a week (though he would have
preferred twice a month). But on that one day he made sure
Jase was always satisfied. Luis worked hard to do all the dirty
little kinky things Jase loved so much. One afternoon, while
Isabelle and Hunter were out at the park walking Camp, Luis
even took Jase back to the parking garage so the swarthy
young parking attendant could watch them have sex again.

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This time they did it in the grimy men's room and the door
was left wide open on purpose, with the parking attendant
only a few feet away from them. By the time Luis was
finished licking his fingers clean, Jase was wiping sweat from
his temples and the parking attendant could barely catch his
breath to bend down and pull up his baggy pants.

After Christmas with Jase's family, they flew back to New

York with Isabelle. She'd decided to stay with Luis and Jase to
help out with Hunter indefinitely. Luis couldn't have been
more thrilled to have her. He still took care of Hunter all the
time, and Isabelle wasn't there to be Hunter's nanny or
surrogate parent. But it was nice knowing she was around
when Jase and Luis had to go out and leave Hunter alone.
Luis still refused to even consider a babysitter. He told Jase,
with a blank expression, "When they find a cure for pedophilia
and there are no more sex offenders in the world, I'll hire a
babysitter. And that's the end of that."

The house in Bucks County went into full renovation mode

on the first of the year. It was a slow time for Luis with work
and he made day trips to Bucks County two or three times a
week with Hunter to check the construction. Roland and Josh
introduced them to a local contractor and Luis was thrilled
with his ideas. At first, Jase had wanted to hire a New York
architect, one of those pricy firms that was always in
Architectural Digest, either dropping names or bragging about
one pretentious project or another. But Luis wanted to keep
things simple and he wanted to maintain everything original
to the house. From the doors to the windows, from the floors

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to the ceilings, Luis fought Jase all the way to keep the
integrity of the old house in tact.

This local contractor, a tall, thin scruffy-faced man named

Pete Rhodes, always seemed to know how to please them
both without offending either of them. Pete had a blank face
and a nose like an eagle's beak. He spoke with an even tone
and a rigid body. Pete tended to cater of to all of Luis's needs
without hesitating, which made Luis smile. When Jase
suggested Pete was always gaping at Luis's ass and rubbing
his groin when no one was looking, Luis laughed and brushed
it off as Jase's overactive imagination. He told Jase Pete was
married with three kids and Jase was overreacting.

But deep down Luis had a feeling Pete did have a small

crush on him. He felt Pete's eyes on his back all the time.
Pete's young nephew, a lanky, humpy nineteen-year-old in
baggy pants and sweatshirts, seemed even more fascinated
with Luis. He had long black hair and a scruffy black beard.
He wore oversized shorts in the winter and heavy black work
boots. His name was Cory Rhodes and he had the same blank
expression as his uncle, but a much nicer nose and
handsome, swarthy features. Luis didn't admit this to Jase or
anyone else out loud, but whenever he wanted something
done in the house fast, he'd bend over a little too long for
Pete and wiggle his ass. Or he'd gently touch Cory's strong
arm with the tips of his fingers and speak with a gentle,
pleading tone. The more helpless he pretended to be, the
more work he got out of these men. Whatever he asked them
to do was finished by the next day. If Luis hadn't flirted so
shamelessly, the projects could have lingered for weeks. Luis

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found all this secretly fascinating. Straight men were always
complaining about the way gay men hit on them. But no one
ever mentioned it when so-called straight men hit on gay
men, and they did it to Luis all the time, especially the so-
called straight guys with wives and kids. They always seemed
to be the worst offenders.

By the time the house was actually inhabitable in early

May of that year, Roland and Josh pulled up behind the
moving truck and gazed at the property with open mouths. It
was a warm Saturday morning with a clear blue shy, and Luis
was having furniture delivered from a storage space in New
York. Daffodils planted years earlier by previous owners had
popped up in haphazard places; the trees were beginning to
bud. While the house had been under renovation that winter,
Luis had been out shopping for period furniture and
accessories. He'd had everything delivered to a storage place
in the Bronx so when it was time to move it to the house it
could all be done in one big haul.

Roland climbed out of his car and rubbed his jaw. "I can't

believe how fast this place has come along since December
when I saw it last. Pete and his nephew must have been
working like maniacs, and that's not like them. It took them
an entire summer to put in a small pond for us." When Roland
had recommended Pete, he'd been sure to mention Pete was
good and honest, but not the fastest worker in town.

Luis shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've never seen two

guys work so hard or so fast in my life. They've been
wonderful contractors, and they have a great crew of men. I
can't thank you more for recommending them." He didn't

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mention he'd had to stroke Pete's ego or that he'd had to
brush up against Cory's body with his ass more than once to
get them motivated. He didn't mention that one afternoon
he'd actually had to walk around in his underwear and socks
so he could get Cory to work on the fireplace in the kitchen.
No one needed to know about this, not even Jase. It was all
perfectly harmless and innocent. Pete and his nephew didn't
want to do anything sexual with Luis. They only wanted to
gawk at his body and get a few cheap thrills. Luis knew all
about harmless teasing to get what he wanted from his days
of dating older men when he'd first arrived in New York. Luis
would never have cheated on Jase, but he wasn't against a
little harmless flirtation with a cute young straight guy to get
the stone fireplace re-pointed faster.

Jase and Hunter loped out of the house at the same time.

They passed two moving men carrying Luis's antique
Chippendale sofa and Jase grabbed Hunter's arm so he
wouldn't get in the way. Luis watched them approach. He
lifted his chin and smiled. They were laughing, and both
walking with the same slightly bow-legged stomp that tugged
at Luis's heart.

Jase hugged Roland and Josh, and he told Hunter to shake

their hands. Then he ran his palm through his sandy hair and
said, "I still can't believe we're actually doing this. I could be
back in New York right now, sitting in a designer kitchen,
drinking expensive coffee and playing with my new iPad."

Luis rolled his eyes. Jase seemed to enjoy making jokes

about the house. Oh, he went over big at dinner parties with
this topic; it had become his routine. "Well, you can do the

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same thing tomorrow morning right here at Cider Mill Farm."
He sent Hunter a smile and said, "Right, Hunter? You love
your new house, don't you?"

Hunter nodded and smiled. "Can Camp and I go for a

walk? I want to look for snakes." He enunciated each word
with perfection and no one forced him to do this. No baby talk
like those other kids in preschool.

Hunter had turned three years old on Christmas Day. A

nice coincidence—the same day Luis and Jase had been
married a year earlier in Alaska. Luis's face beamed whenever
Hunter spoke. Most kids his age would have said "Camp and
me" instead of "Camp and I," and most of them probably
would have had preschool backgrounds. "You can go for a
walk, but not too far. And no playing inside the barn unless
we're with you or Grammy Isabelle is with you." Grammy was
the only word Luis used that resembled baby talk. He didn't
believe in talking down to children. But calling Isabelle
Grammy had been a tradition in the Nicholas family and it
wasn't technically baby talk. Luis hadn't been in touch with
his own family in Tennessee since he'd left for New York, and
he had no intention of getting in touch with them. So Isabelle
was like a bonus grandparent, along with Jase's mother and

Hunter nodded and turned. He slapped his tiny thigh and

jogged to the other side of the backyard with Camp on his

"I think he got taller since I saw him last," Josh said in his

deep football player voice. Then he handed Luis a basket.
"We're not staying long. We know you have a lot of

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organizing to do. But we figured we'd drop off this care
package so you don't have to worry about food today."

Luis took the basket and smiled. For two sex perverts,

they weren't bad guys at all. He felt so guilty sometimes. He
had to stop being so hard on them for having an open sex
life. It seemed since Hunter had come into Luis's life, he'd
become more judgmental and he couldn't help himself. He
was a role model now, not a flighty model posing in swim
trunks. "Well, thanks. We really appreciate it, guys."

Jase smiled. "My grandmother will be thrilled. She's been

bugging me all morning to take her to the grocery store. Now
she can relax."

Before anyone could reply, Isabelle came barreling out of

the house with a feather duster in one hand and a broom in
the other. But her blond hair was perfectly lacquered, her
makeup applied to perfection, and she was wearing her "sport
pink" chenille sweatsuit. "What the hell can I relax about,
Jase? If I relax too goddamn much at my age I might not get
up again." She slapped her ass. "The old asshole has to keep
moving, not sitting."

Luis smiled and covered his lips.
Jase turned to face his grandmother and said, "Two good

friends brought over a basket of food, Gram. We won't have
to go shopping after all." Then he introduced Isabelle to
Roland and Jase. They'd heard all about her, but they'd never
had a chance to meet her in person.

Isabelle looked them up and down, then bent over to peer

into the basket of food they'd brought. When she looked up,
she smiled and said, "Well, thank you so much. That was very

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thoughtful of you boys." Then she sent Luis a somber glance
and wiggled her eyebrows.

Luis detected a hint of insincerity in Isabelle's tone, and he

was right, because when Roland and Josh hugged them
goodbye, they were barely heading toward the driveway when
Isabelle said, "What the hell are we going to do with that
basket of shit?"

Jase smacked his forehead and leaned forward.
Luis shook his head and laughed. He was use to Isabelle

cursing by now, and he had a feeling she was right. When he
looked into the basket, all he saw were small jars of
expensive conserves, a French baguette wrapped in a red-
and-white checkered cloth, two bottles of French wine, and a
wedge of brie wrapped in purple plastic.

"They meant well, Isabelle," Luis said. "It's the thought

that counts." Although Luis couldn't imagine what they must
have been thinking. Even if Jase and Luis had been able to
get by on brie, bread, and wine, what about poor Hunter?
Good thing Hillary, Josh's ex-wife, had custody of Josh's son,
Justin. The poor kid would have starved to death with those
two orgy hounds.

"Why don't you guys let me take the freaking truck into

town?" Isabelle said. "I can go grocery shopping on my own.
You can stay here and make sure these moving guys don't
screw anything up." She leaned forward and set her hand to
her cheek so she could whisper. "Or steal anything. That's
what these fuckers do."

Luis cast a glance toward Jase. Jase's father had warned

them never to let Isabelle drive alone. The last time she'd

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driven alone in Alaska she'd sideswiped a UPS truck and
taken down two stop signs.

"I'll take you, Gram," Jase said. "We can take Hunter, too.

He likes riding in the shopping cart."

Isabelle shrugged and said, "Fine with me. I don't care

who goes. But we'd better get some decent food in this
house. Hunter's going to want lunch soon." She gazed down
at the basket Luis was holding in his arms. "And I don't think
a wedge of stinky-ass cheese and hard bread's going to do
the trick." She clucked her tongue and shook her head.

Luis smiled and remained silent. Ironically, though Luis

didn't give it to him often, Hunter would have loved the brie
and French bread for lunch. The kid had been eating brie with
water crackers on TV sets since he'd been going to work with
Luis. But Luis knew how much Isabelle wanted to help them
out, so he decided to let her take charge of stocking the
refrigerator. "I have a small list of cleaning supplies I need,
too," Luis said. "I'll run inside and get it."

While Jase, Hunter, and Isabelle were in town shopping,

Luis organized a few things in the kitchen. He put his hands
on his hips and gazed around slowly, admiring everything. He
was glad he'd fought with Jase to keep the kitchen as
primitive as possible. Although he'd conceded to Jase's taste
with the expensive stainless steel appliances, he wouldn't
allow shiny granite countertops or mass-produced kitchen
cabinets in this kitchen. The counters he'd chosen were solid
wood, made from planks he'd found in the barn. He'd
persuaded Cory to do this on a Friday morning when it was
only the two of them in the house. At first Cory said he wasn't

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sure he'd have enough time to build counters out of old
wooden planks. He said he wasn't even sure it was worth his
while. But when Luis lowered his head and started weeping,
Cory ran up, put his arm around Luis's shoulders, and agreed
to do the job. Oh, Luis knew this was sneaky way to get
counters. Crying, of all things, to get this lazy young man to
work. But he knew Cory could do it better than anyone else,
and Luis paid him double for his time and effort. By the time
the counters were finished, Jase said it would have been
cheaper to import marble from Italy in a gondola.

But Luis didn't care. He was never going to sell this house,

not for as long as he lived. Even if he couldn't live there full
time, at least he knew he had a place of his own to escape to
for peace and quiet.

The cabinets had been another minor disagreement with

Jase. He'd wanted Luis to install those mass-produced
modern cabinets with adjustable shelves and brassy knobs.
"Just make it simple and be done with it," he'd said. He'd
even shown Jase a pecan-colored sample of a cabinet, with
that faux distressed look that reminded Luis of a bad
reproduction Biedermeier table. Luis closed his eyes and
explained how inappropriate that would be for a seventeenth-
century farmhouse. Then he'd persuaded Cory to build him
cherry Shaker cabinets below the counters and long cherry
shelves for the walls where he could stack dishes and cups
and glasses. Luis had once seen this done in an old kitchen in
Connecticut on one of his modeling jobs and he'd always
admired the primitive look.

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Of course this time, in order to get sluggish, long-boned,

and lazy Cory to build the cabinets and shelves, Luis had to
walk around in his underwear, pretend to trip over a loose
board, and fall into Cory's strong arms by accident. This had
been a few minutes after Cory had turned down the cabinet
job, and Luis had told Cory he was going upstairs to change
his clothes. But when Luis was in Cory's arms and he looked
up at Cory with wide eyes and asked, "Are you sure you can't
build me those cabinets?" Cory took a deep breath, patted
Luis's naked back with his large palm, and said, "I guess I
can. But that's the last of the custom stuff." When he helped
Luis to an upright position, he surprised Luis by copping a
quick feel. He pretended to be patting Luis's back, but his
hand went a few inches lower than it should have. Luis
backed into his palm, and thanked him for agreeing to build
the cabinets.

It wasn't the last of the custom work Luis wanted done.

There were plenty of other projects. Luis knew how to make
this guy work and it was all for his own good. Cory was well
paid. In fact, Luis overheard Cory and his uncle talking about
stopping all their other jobs until Cider Mill Farm was finished.
They laughed and poked each other in the ribs as they ate
tuna fish sandwiches on an outdoor bench. They said that
thanks to Luis and all his expensive, detailed requests, they
didn't have to work for the next two years if they didn't want
to. Neither one of them mentioned they also got a chance to
flirt with Luis and watch him walk around in his underwear.
Luis had a feeling they never would. The so-called straight
ones never admitted it to each other.

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The renovation was all worth the time and money, Luis

thought. He glanced around the kitchen and smiled. The
copper pot collection he'd picked up at an auction in the city
with Ben and Percy hung from the dark, low beams. The
creamy porcelain he'd found at an antique shop in the Village
with Hillary was the perfect balance against the dark cherry
shelves. The walls had been painted a stucco color and the
wide plank pumpkin pine floors sanded, fixed, and refinished
with a dull glaze. Luis picked up an antique cooking tool—a
spider—and carried it to the walk-in fireplace. as he hung it
on a hook he gazed out the kitchen window and saw Jase's
big black truck rocking through the back yard. At first he
smiled; he saw Hunter's head bobbing in the backseat. But
when he started to wonder why Jase was driving through the
backyard, he jogged out of the house to find out what was

The truck came to a halt beside a large oak tree. Isabelle

unfolded from the cab and released Hunter from his car seat.
Then Isabelle grabbed a few grocery bags from the backseat.
As she passed Luis on her way to the kitchen, she lifted an
eyebrow and shook her head. "C'mon Hunter, lets get out of
here while the going is still good. I don't think this is going to
be pretty. And I hate trouble."

Luis walked over to Jase. Isabelle hated trouble as much

as he hated those luscious dark chocolates she hid under her
bed. Jase was pulling a few more grocery bags out of the
backseat. "What was Isabelle talking about, Jase? And why
didn't you take the driveway?"

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Jase's head went up and he sent Luis a sarcastic glance.

"Because I wasn't allowed to use the driveway. I came
through the back pasture. I didn't have any other choice."

He handed Luis a plastic bag filled with meat and said, "I

just met our new neighbor, the guy in the white clapboard
house at the end of the driveway. he informed me he owns
the driveway, not us. He put up a chain and refused to let me
through. I've never met a more antagonistic old fucker in my
life. When I told him I had a young child and a ninety-year-
old woman in the truck with me, he folded his arms across his
chest and said, 'One must do what one must do. People of the
same ilk should know better to check these things out first
before they buy a property in these parts.' Gram gave him
the middle finger, lowered the window, and told him to go
fuck himself. I drove around the back way, through the back
pasture. I'm glad we didn't take your car this weekend.
Without the truck we never would have been able to get back
home today."

"That's absurd," Luis said, "The Realtor told me the

driveway was an easement and we had legal access to it. It
was agreed upon years ago because there's no other way to
get back to Cider Mill Farm. I'll go inside and call him right
now." And why would a neighbor be so adamant about not
letting them use the driveway in the first place? It wasn't as if
Jase and Luis were planning to pave it or change it in any
way. They wanted to get to their house.

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Jase slammed the back door and hoisted the grocery bag

up to his chest. "I had a feeling everything was going too well

"We'll straighten it out," Luis said. "Don't worry. I'm sure

there's an explanation." He hated to see Jase get upset over
these things. He had enough pressure with work that
sometimes kept him up at night.

"I sure hope so," Jase said. "Because if this nasty,

pretentious old queen doesn't let us get through, I'm going to
show him how they handle things like this in Alaska."

"How do you know he's an old queen?" Luis asked,

reaching for the back door.

"He speaks with a fake British accent, he uses words like

one and ilk, and he was wearing a yellow crewneck sweater
over his shoulders and pink corduroy slacks. If that's not a
mean old pretentious queen I don't know what is."

"Well, calm down," Luis said. "I'm sure there's an

explanation." He didn't mention it to Jase, but for the first
time since he'd seen Cider Mill Farm, he was starting to
question his own judgment.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Nine

On a Sunday morning in early June, they started having

trouble with the well at Cider Mill Farm. Whenever they
turned on any of the faucets the water flowed normally for a
few seconds, sputtered a few times, then the pressure would
decrease slowly until it wound up nothing but a slight trickle.
It was something they could live with temporarily. But it
wasn't convenient, especially with a child in the house.

Jase kept sending Luis sideways glances when he tried to

make a small pot of coffee on Sunday morning. They'd
arrived on Saturday to spend the entire summer and Luis had
been expecting everything to go along very smoothly, until
he'd turned on the kitchen faucet and noticed a slight
problem. He'd kept it to himself and Jase didn't notice until
later that night when he flushed the toilet in the master
bedroom. He came out of the bathroom and said, "Why is the
toilet taking so long to fill up?"

Luis shrugged. "That's funny. I noticed something wrong

with the sink tonight when I did the dishes." He tried to act
innocent. But from the way Jase was gaping at him, Jase
didn't seem to be buying it. Jase had a look on his face that
said here we go again.

Jase had taken the entire summer off from his office in the

city, but he was planning to still work out of a home office in
Cider Mill Farm in the mornings. He'd taken a small room off
the living room and Luis had turned it into an office/library,
with dark paneling, an antique banker's desk, and dark red

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leather furniture. It was located in the quietest part of the
house, where Camp and Hunter couldn't disturb Jase while he
was working. If it hadn't been for the water problem, things
would have been perfect. Jase wasn't too thrilled about
spending ten minutes filling the coffee pot, or twenty minutes
trying to take a decent shower.

The only two who didn't seem to mind the low water

pressure were Isabelle and Hunter. Isabelle said, "This is
nothing. Stop carrying on like a sniveling little crybaby, Jase.
When your grandfather and I built our first place in Alaska,
we went outside to the backyard and pumped our own water
by hand." Then she laughed and left the room mumbling
something about the pilgrims, being an American, and spoiled
young people. Hunter was thrilled he didn't have to take a
deep bath every night. The child's face contorted when he
had to sit in a full tub of water. Luis figured Hunter wouldn't
mind getting a sponge bath in shallow water for the rest of
his life.

Luis assured Jase he'd take care of the water situation. He

called Cory Rhodes first thing on Monday morning to see what
he could do about it. For the most part, Cory and his uncle
had finished the major work and now they were only coming
back two or three times a week to work on landscaping
projects. Luis had wanted to work on the barn that summer,
but Jase had persuaded him to take a break and relax. He
said the barn could be renovated in the fall when they were
back in New York during the week and Cory and his uncle
could make all the noise they wanted to make without
disturbing anyone.

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"Our water pressure is so low we can't even fill a pot of

water," Luis told Cory. "Do you think you can come over and
check it out?" He took a deep breath and bit his bottom lip.
He had a feeling Cory was taking the better part of the
summer off, too. Though he did excellent work, it was always
a constant battle to motivate him.

Cory hesitated. "Ah well, sounds to me like you might have

to dig deeper. When it happened on my father's farm, that's
what we had to do. It's not uncommon. These wells are old
and the more new houses they build, the more they tap into
the water supply. When that well was dug, they probably
didn't go down deep at all."

At least there was hope. It sounded simple enough. Luis

sighed and said, "Can you take care of it for me, and be a
sweetheart?" He used an alluring tone, pretending to be
helpless. And to make sure he'd get lazy Cory over as soon as
possible, he added, "I wanted to sunbathe outside today in
my see-through underpants and I'll need a good hot shower
afterward." He used the word underpants instead of
underwear because he thought it sounded sexier. But
afterward he was sorry. Isabelle would have said underpants,
not someone Luis's age.

Cory said, "I'll be over in less than an hour. To bad you

didn't decide to put in a pool this summer."

"If you had, I would have made sure they dug a separate

well just for filling the pool and you would have had a backup
well," Cory said.

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Even though Jase had wanted to dig a pool as soon as

possible, Luis had objected. He said he'd rather wait until
Hunter was older for a pool. "Well, it's too late for that now,"
Luis said. "I'll be in the kitchen waiting for you. Thanks for
coming over so soon." He lowered his voice to a stage
whisper. "I don't know what I'd do without a big strong man
like you around." He hated to do this; he sounded like a bad
actress in a dumb-blonde movie from the 1950s. But he knew
this approach always worked with Cory. And he wanted

Then Jase and Hunter came down the back stairs and Jase

announced he was going to take Hunter and Isabelle fishing
that morning. "I don't expect to catch anything I'd actually
eat in the Delaware River. But I think it will be fun for

"I thought you'd be working in the office this morning,"

Luis said. He'd planned to keep Hunter out of Jase's sight at
least until noon. He'd assumed Jase would go right to work in
his office off the living room.

Jase shrugged. "I'm the Virgin Billionaire," he said. "I can

play hooky if I want to. And there's nothing pressing right
now. I delegated a lot this summer. I'm basically overseeing
things and most people are on vacation anyway."

Isabelle slugged into the kitchen with a beige fishing hat

on her head and a matching vest with tons of little pockets.
She crossed to the refrigerator and said, "I'm going to make a
few sandwiches for lunch." She gazed down at Hunter and
asked, "What would you like, sweetheart?"

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Hunter smiled. "Whipped cream on crackers," he said, with

a definitive tone.

Isabelle blinked, then sent Jase and Luis an alarming

glance. Luis threw his arms up in surrender and gestured
toward Jase. Two weeks earlier Jase had topped Ritz crackers
with canned whipped cream for dessert and Hunter had fallen
in love with them, against Luis's protests. "I'm going to make
you a nice peanut butter and honey sandwich, sweetheart.
And an apple for dessert." She frowned at Jase. "Whipped
cream and crackers are only for special occasions."

Luis smirked at Jase and lifted a basket of clean clothes

from the kitchen table. He'd decided to do an early wash that
morning in case they lost all the water. At this point, he
wasn't assuming anything about Cider Mill Farm. So many
things tended to go wrong it was better to be prepared for the
worst. As it was, it had taken two hours to fill the washing
machine, then another hour to go through all the cycles. But
when he lifted the basket from the table, a pair of his skimpy,
see-through black briefs fell to the floor and Camp grabbed
them fast. There wasn't a sock, napkin, pair of underwear, or
plastic bag safe when Camp was around.

Before Luis had chance to grab the briefs from his mouth,

Camp was out the back door and running through the grass.
So Luis set the basket down on the table and chased him
outside. It was one of Luis's favorite pairs of briefs. Jase loved
it when he walked around their bedroom in them. All Luis had
to do was give him a glance over his shoulder in those briefs
and Jase was on top of him, mauling his neck and spreading
his legs. On the back steps, Luis turned to the left and caught

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a glimpse of Camp's hindquarters running toward the
driveway, so he took off after him, calling his name as loud as
he could.

But when Luis reached the middle of the gravel driveway,

Camp was strutting back toward the house. His mouth was
empty and Luis's briefs were nowhere in sight. Then a tall,
sophisticated man with reddish brown hair appeared around a
slight bend in the driveway and said, "Good morning." He
walked up to where Luis was standing and extended his right

Luis shook the man's hand and said, "Good morning." He

had a nice smile and large, warm hands.

"I'm Ted Barker," the stranger said. "I live in the old stone

house to the right of your driveway. I wanted to stop by and
welcome you to the neighborhood, such as it is."

Luis smiled. This place was so rural it wasn't an actual

neighborhood. "It's nice to meet you, Ted," he said. "I've
admired your house for months. The guys who work for me
told me it's one of the oldest places in the county." Unlike the
way Cider Mill Farm was tucked so far off the road, Ted's
house was one of those old farm houses that had been built
very close to the main road.

Ted smiled. "It dates back to 1702," he said. "It was a

mess when I bought it. I had to renovate everything." Even
though it was June, he wore a starched cream sport jacket,
expensive low-rise jeans, and a crisp white dress shirt. His
shoes were the heavy Doc Marten boots Luis had been
meaning to buy all spring. In the country, boots like that
weren't a luxury; they were a necessity. Luis was only

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wearing sweatpants and a half T-shirt that exposed part of his
slim waist. He felt like a slob standing next to this well-
dressed man.

Camp looked up at Ted and started barking. Then he went

up on his hind legs and started to growl at Ted's jacket.

"Camp, knock it off," Luis said. "I'm sorry. He's very

friendly. I don't know why he's barking this way."

Ted laughed and said, "Don't worry. I have two labs. They

get into moods, like people." When he smiled, two dimples
inverted right above his well-trimmed beard on both sides of
his chiseled face. His reddish brown beard was the same color
as his short wavy hair, and he had a strong chin with a cleft
dead center. Luis guessed he was probably in his early to
mid-thirties, and he knew Ted was gay without having to ask.
He could tell by his eyes and by the comfortable way he was
speaking with Luis.

Then Luis heard Jase's voice from behind. He walked up to

Luis and Ted and said, "We're getting ready to leave." He
looked Ted up and down and frowned.

Luis had seen this jealous streak in Jase's eyes before,

whenever there was an extremely attractive, well-dressed
man around. It didn't happen often. But when it did, Luis
always tried to brush it off. "Jase, this is our new neighbor,
Ted Barker. He stopped by to say hello." His voice went so
high it almost squeaked.

Jase forced a smile and shook Ted's hand. "Nice to meet

you, Ted."

"Are you enjoying Cider Mill Farm, Jase?" Ted asked. "It's

a great old place. I was thrilled when I heard someone had

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bought it. After the last owner died, it was left empty for
years. It's been empty since I moved here and it's nice to
have new neighbors." He was speaking to Jase, but smiling at
Luis the entire time.

Jase smirked and patted Luis's back. "It's a dream come


"How long have you been in Buck's County?" Luis asked.

He spoke with an animated lilt, hoping Jase would become
more interested in the conversation. But deep down he was
worried Jase would never love Cider Mill Farm as much as he

"I'm practically a native," Ted said with a friendly smile.

"I've been here almost eight years now. I'm originally from
Philadelphia. I'm a historian and I teach a few classes at the
University of Pennsylvania. I own an antique shop in town,
too, and I've been studying the history of this county for

Luis's eyes widened. "That's fascinating. I heard General

Nathaniel Greene actually lived here at Cider Mill Farm for a
short time during the American Revolution. They say he
buried an important box filled with documents somewhere on
the property no one has ever been able to locate."

Ted shrugged and said, "I'm afraid that's just an old wives'

tale. Greene was in Bucks County for a short time, passing
through, but not in these parts."

The corners of Luis's lips turned down and his chest caved

in. He'd been so hoping Cider Mill Farm had some real historic
significance. He'd never mentioned it to Jase, but he'd been

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looking for that box of documents he'd heard about for

Ted must have noticed the disappointment in his face, so

he smiled and said, "I'd be more than willing to help you trace
the history of Cider Mill Farm. We still might come up with
something very interesting. You never know with these old

"I'd settle for water right now," Jase said with an acid

tone, giving Ted another jealous look.

"I'd love that, Ted," Luis said, as Cory's rugged Jeep came

into view.

"Here comes our savior," Jase said. Cory tapped his horn

and waved at them, continuing to the house.

Luis smiled. "We're having a little trouble with our well and

the guy that works for me is coming to see what he can do
about it."

Ted waved and nodded at Cory and said, "I know Cory and

his uncle. They've done some work at my place. Good men.

Luis smiled. "I'm very happy with them." He wished Cory

and his uncle didn't charge as much as they did, but he didn't
want to complain about it in front of Jase or Ted. Though Jase
had billions of dollars, he'd always been extremely thrifty and
hated wasting money. Luis agreed with him about money—
most of the time. But with Cider Mill Farm, though it was far
from the extravagant mansions of most billionaires, Luis
didn't want to take a chance on hiring someone else. Cory
and his uncle—Cory more so—seemed to know the place so
well, and the work they'd already done had brought tears to

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Luis's eyes more than once. No one else could have
renovated the kitchen like Cory had done.

"I'll let you get back to business," Ted said, turning to

leave. "It was nice meeting you both. I'll get back to you,
Luis, with any information I find about Cider Mill Farm."

"Do you know anything about the mean old prick in the

house on the left?" Jase asked. "He blocked me from the
driveway one day and I had to have my lawyers talk to his
lawyers and agree to give us temporary permission to use the
driveway. I'm now actually paying him rent to get to my own
house. And that driveway, so we were told, is supposed to be
a legal easement that gives us access to this property."

Luis frowned. The real estate agent who'd sold him the

house had been devastated when he'd learned about the
easement. "I don't get it, Ted." He wanted to enforce this to
Ted because he was their other neighbor and he thought
maybe he'd have some influence on the old guy. "We have no
plans to do anything with the gravel road. We only want to
use it to get back and forth to the house, is all. We have no
intention of changing anything or encroaching on anyone's
property. We all thought the driveway was an easement we
could share."

Ted rubbed his chin and frowned. "I'm sorry about him.

That's creepy old Angus Bernie and he's always causing
problems wherever he goes. The man was born mean, then
weaned on a pickle. He sits and writes these awful historical
novels all day long. The history is accurate, but the novels
suck. He's one of those pretentious types, with too many big
words and too little plot. But he thinks he's the best, which

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makes it all the more pitiful. Like someone who thinks they
can dance and can't. I wish I could help you guys out. If I
owned the property, you could use it all you want without
paying rent."

"Well, we'll figure it out, Ted. Thanks for stopping by," Jase

said. It sounded to Luis as if Jase couldn't wait to get rid of
handsome, well-groomed Ted. Jase's left eyelid was starting
to twitch, and that wasn't a good sign.

As Ted waved and turned to leave, Camp chased him. He

jumped against his leg and barked at his jacket again. So Ted
stopped walking and reached into his pocket. He turned and
crossed back to where Luis and Jase were standing. When he
lifted his arm and handed Luis the lost pair of black briefs, his
face turned red and he said, "I think this might be why he's
barking at me. I almost forgot to give them back."

Jase's eyes bulged and he bit his bottom lip.
Luis smiled, took his underwear, and shoved them behind

his back fast. "He's a little thief sometimes. I've lost more
socks than I can count, thanks to Camp."

Ted laughed and started walking down the driveway. "No

problem. I'll be in touch with anything I find out about Cider
Mill Farm, and if you need anything, just yell. I'm only at the
end of the driveway."

Luis smiled and said, "I will. Nice meeting you."
Jase mumbled something incoherent and whispered,

"Thanks for getting Luis's see-through underwear back."

"Be good, Jase. He's a nice guy, and I'm glad we have at

least one decent neighbor." Ted was out of listening distance
and he hadn't heard Jase's remark.

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Jase placed his palm on the small of Luis's back and guided

him toward the house, claiming his territory. "I'm not sure I
like that guy. There's something about him. He looks at you
with those adoring eyes, and I'm standing right there."

Ted was harmless, and Luis knew Jase was jealous. So he

leaned into Jase's side and said, "I think he's okay. He's not
very good looking, but he seems like a nice person." Luis
wasn't telling the truth this time. He thought Ted was
extremely handsome. Not handsome like Jase in that rugged,
sexy way, but certainly better looking than most guys. But
Luis didn't want Jase to know he thought this. Luis had
learned it was the little unspoken truths in a marriage that
made all the difference in the world.

"I guess you're right," Jase said. "He's not very good

looking at all. I'll bet the hair on his dick is as red as the hair
on his head." He clenched his fists and bit his bottom lip.
"God, I hate redheads."

"Now that's wrong," Luis said, laughing. He liked red hair.
"If there's one thing I hate," Jase said, "it's red pubic hair.

It turns my stomach. And redheads usually have freckled

Luis didn't reply. The only thing turning his stomach now

was dealing with Cory about the well. As they walked back to
the house, Luis was hoping this wouldn't be a complicated
matter. So far, nothing at Cider Mill Farm was ever simple.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Ten

Jase would have preferred to have sex with Luis at least

twice a day—maybe a good sturdy blow job in the morning
and a nice long fuck session late at night. He'd always been a
man with urges and he needed to release them often. He'd
waited long enough to come out of the closet. But since the
day Jase discovered he had a son, and Hunter had come into
their lives, Jase's and Luis's sex life went from twice a day to
twice a week. And that was if Jase was lucky. There was one
spell where they went without having sex for almost two

It wasn't that Jase was complaining about his life in a

general sense. He still loved Luis more than he'd ever loved
him and he was elated about discovering he had a biological
son. He felt a thud in his chest in whenever he saw Luis
interacting with Hunter. When Luis read Hunter a bedtime
story, Jase's eyes sometimes welled up and he had to walk
away so no one would see how emotional he became. When
Luis gave Hunter organic apple juice and whole-wheat animal
crackers for his afternoon snack, Jase often took photos with
his cell phone. Luis treated Hunter as his own child, as if he'd
given birth to the boy himself. Luis could have hired a full-
time nanny to take care of Hunter, like so many of Jase's
friends in New York did. With all of Jase's money, Luis could
have continued his normal routine without making any
alterations for Hunter. But Luis didn't do that. He told Jase it
was important to keep Hunter grounded and to give him the

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most solid childhood he could give him. In turn, though Luis
had good intentions, Hunter had changed their lives

And Jase was fine with this—for the most part. He didn't

mind missing dinner parties and he didn't care about not
hanging out with friends in gay bars. He didn't mind not going
to Roland's and Josh's for the weekend because Luis thought
their exaggerated sex life would be a bad influence on Hunter.
They'd even started seeing less and less of Ben and Percy
because their poodle wasn't fond of small children. It was just
that it was hard for Jase to get used to masturbating in the
shower every morning to relieve his sexual tension. And if he
didn't jack off in the shower before work, it was even harder
for him to jerk off in the bathroom of his downtown office.
Jase had grown so accustomed to the sex he shared with
Luis, anything less wasn't the same.

So Jase came up with plan that summer he hoped would

work. He decided to leave New York and work out of a home
office in Cider Mill Farm from June until September. Although
the main house wasn't as large as Jase would have liked,
there were almost four thousand square feet of living space
and Jase's home office was out of the way. Jase knew Luis
wanted to be out there full time in the summer, and Jase had
hoped spending the summer at Cider Mill Farm would help his
sex life, too. He didn't want to put any extra demands on
Luis, though. Jase knew how hard Luis worked on the house
and how Luis devoted all his time to caring for Hunter. But
Jase did figure out a solution he hoped would work out for all

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of them, a plan that would keep him sexually satisfied at least
until September.

The plan was simple; Jase couldn't find any flaws. In the

early mornings, before Hunter and Isabelle would wake, Jase
would climb on top of Luis and start kissing him while he was
still sleeping. He'd catch Luis with his guard down and he
wouldn't offer any options. At this point, Jase wasn't looking
for anything too long or drawn out, or too kinky and
complicated. All he wanted was a quick release; just get in
and out. Wham, bam. Then Luis could continue on with his
day as planned.

Jase implemented this plan the first week they were at

Cider Mill Farm, on a warm June morning before Cory arrived
with the guys who were supposed to dig a deeper well. When
Jase climbed on top of Luis that morning and slipped his big
fingers between Luis's legs, the birds had started chirping and
sun hadn't even completely risen yet.

He wrapped his free arm around Luis's shoulder and kissed

him gently on the lips. When his index finger found the
opening between Luis's legs, he inserted it and moved it
around in slow circles.

"What are you doing down there?" Luis asked in a low, flat

tone Jase had heard many times before when his finger was
inside Luis's body.

"I thought we could have a little fun before Hunter wakes

up," Jase said, hoping Luis wouldn't turn him down. "We
haven't actually done anything in bed for almost a week." He
spoke with a light, carefree tone, as if encouraging Luis to lift
his legs higher.

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Luis opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. "Has it

been a week? I swear, Jase, the time goes by so fast with a
toddler in the house. Days seem to run into each other." Then
he wiggled his hips and said, "Ah, yes, a little to the right.
This is starting to feel very good."

Jase kissed his cheek and moved his index finger to the

right. "Actually, it's been about nine days, but I wasn't really
keeping track." If he'd been honest instead of polite, he would
have admitted he had, in fact, been keeping track. He'd been
marking little red dots on his office calendar. But he wanted
to tread lightly, and he didn't want Luis to think he was
demanding sex.

Luis spread his legs wider and laced his fingers together at

the back of Jase's neck. "I'm so sorry, Jase. You poor baby.
You must be feeling so neglected now that I'm with Hunter all
the time." He moaned softly. "Two fingers, please, and just a
little deeper."

Jase shrugged and inserted his middle finger along with his

index finger. He knew Luis could either tighten or relax the
lips of his anus at will. This morning it seemed he'd relaxed
them enough for Jase to slide his entire arm inside. "Well, I
know you're busy with work and with Hunter," Jase said. He
didn't want Luis to think he was jealous of his own son. But
he had been feeling a little neglected, as selfish as that
sounded. He missed the attention Luis had always given him.
There had to be a way to share it.

Luis caressed the back of his head. "I'm sorry. Deeper. I

should be thankful I have such a strong, handsome man like
you around. Yes, now to the left a little. Most guys would

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envy me." Then he rubbed the side of his soft foot against
Jase's thigh and said, "Would you like me to make it up to
you right now? You can pull your fingers out and put
something else in there. Something big and hard that will
make me moan a lot."

Jase removed both fingers from Luis's body. He was so

horny he would have fucked the pillow by then. But he
shrugged again and said, "Only if you're in the mood. I don't
want you to feel obligated or anything." He was starting to
feel guilty now. His voice trailed off at the end, but he forced
himself not to pout.

Luis reached down beneath the covers and grabbed Jase's

erection. He wrapped his soft fingers around the shaft and
opened his legs as wide as they would go. Without bothering
to use any lube at all, Luis guided the head of Jase's dick to
his opening and inserted it with gentle pushes. It wasn't
difficult to do; Jase had already opened Luis up with his
fingers and he was ready to take it all. Luis closed his eyes
and gasped a few times. He bit his bottom lip and grabbed
the back of Jase's head with his other hand.

When his cock was halfway in, Jase asked, "Is this position


Luis nodded. "I like it when you're on top of me this way. I

can look into your eyes and see your handsome face."

When Luis spoke this way, Jase's muscles tightened. He

pushed harder until he was in as far as he could go and his
pubic hair was against the bottom of Luis's ass. "Maybe I can
hit your p-spot this way. We haven't fucked in this position

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for a while." Usually he fucked Luis doggie style. Jase liked
taking him from behind and grabbing the back of his neck.

"My p-spot?" Luis asked.
Jase pushed harder, his dick went deeper, and kissed the

top of Luis's head. "I was watching that group of women who
have that daytime talk show one day last week," He said.
"They were talking about the p-spot, which is supposed to be
the most sensitive sexual spot in a man. It's really the
prostate, but they called it the p-spot." At first Jase hadn't
been paying attention to the talk show. The TV in his office
had been on because he'd been watching a special report
about the stock market and he'd clicked to the women by
accident. But when he heard them talking about the p-spot,
he stopped and listened.

But Luis almost chortled. "Honey, I think you're talking

about the male g-spot, not the p-spot."

"No, I'm certain they called it the p-spot," Jase said. He'd

even written it down on a piece of paper to remember.
Though he and Luis had engaged in almost every sex act two
men can share, Jase still felt a little awkward about coming
out of the closet late in life and he was always willing to learn

"Maybe that's what the straights call it," Luis said. "But

when one gay man tells another he's looking for his p-spot, at
least one of them is bound roll off the bed and drop dead
laughing." Then he lifted his legs a little higher and arched his
back. His tone went lower and took on a husky quality. "I've
heard it called the male g-spot. And even that's a little too
technical for sex talk. But just so you know, you hit mine

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each time we're together. You've never missed it once. So
stop worrying about those know-it-all women on TV and do
what you always do. I promise, Jase, when it comes to
making love you know exactly what you're doing. You could
probably teach those women a few things about sex with

After Luis said this, Jase's cock grew stiffer and he started

fucking Luis so hard Luis's head wound up tilted sideways
against the headboard. One of the things he loved most about
sex with Luis was the way Luis made him feel so strong and
competent, as if he were the best lover in the world and no
one else could ever compare. When he was with Luis, Jase
had the biggest dick, the best set of balls, and the strongest
body on Earth. And from the way Luis was moaning and
grinding his hips Jase knew he must have been doing
something right. By the time Jase grunted and told Luis he
was coming, the covers were on the floor and Luis's knees
were pinned to his ears. And when Luis climaxed, he barely
even had to touch his own dick to get off, which Jase knew
was a sure sign he'd been doing his job as a top man.

Before he pulled out, Jase kissed Luis and asked, "Did I hit

your g-spot that time?" For some reason, though he knew it
sounded lame, he needed validation. From what Jase had
heard on the talk show, it wasn't always easy to stimulate the
male g-spot. And from what he'd heard, people seemed to be
taking all this so seriously nowadays.

Luis sighed and said, "You not only hit it, you rocked it. I

can't think of a better way to start the day off." His legs

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lowered and he crossed his ankles, then rested his heels on
Jase's ass.

"That's good, because I want to do this every morning

from now on." He spoke fast. He wasn't sure how Luis would
react. Luis had been so domestic lately Jase wasn't sure he
wanted sex that often anymore.

Luis sighed and ran his fingers up the back of Jase's head.

"I think I can handle that."

Jase heard a door out on the hallway slam, then heard

Isabelle talking to Hunter. Camp barked a few times and
Isabelle told him to be quiet because Jase and Luis were still
sleeping. Though Luis was up before anyone else in the
house, Isabelle usually brought Hunter down for breakfast.
Unlike most kids his age, Hunter never had a set pattern.
Sometimes he slept until nine or ten. Other times he was up
at dawn lurking around the second floor. Jase never heard
him. He tried, but he didn't. But Luis would wake up and
make him an early breakfast. Luis seemed to have this knack
of knowing when Hunter needed him the most, especially in
the middle of the night. Luis could be sound asleep one
minute, and the next he'd be climbing out of bed because
he'd heard a noise in Hunter's room. And Luis was always
right. Hunter had either been having a nightmare or his
stomach hurt. Luis could sense when Hunter had to make a
midnight run to the bathroom before Hunter knew it. It was
almost a sixth sense Jase didn't have.

"I'd better pull out," Jase said. "You'll want to go

downstairs." He'd been trained by then. He knew Luis would
want to go down and see what Hunter was having for

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breakfast. Luis was particular about what kind of food went
into Hunter's body: only organic, always fresh, and never

"Stay inside me for a few more minutes," Luis said,

grabbing Jase's shoulders. "I like when your dick goes soft
and it slips out on its own. Isabelle can handle Hunter for a
little while. Actually, she'll love it."

"Seriously?" Jase said. He hadn't expected this reaction.
Luis nodded and caressed the back of his head. "I want to

take care of you this morning for a change. We can take a
shower together. I'll even soap you up and dry you off the
way you like it. All you have to do is stand there without

They hadn't showered together for months, and Luis hadn't

gone down on his hands and knees on the bathroom floor and
dried Jase's wet body in so long Jase couldn't even remember
the last time he did it. There wasn't much more in life Jase
could ask for than this. So he slapped the side of Luis's thigh
and said, "Just make sure you take an extra long time drying
my feet. I like that part the best." Even though in real life
they were equal partners, Jase couldn't deny the way his
blood pumped through his veins when Luis was subservient
and submissive in private.

Luis tightened his sphincter, clamping down on Jase's dick

harder so it wouldn't slide out. "Don't worry," he said. "I know
how to take care of you."

* * * *

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They'd taken a shower together and Luis had gone down

on his hands and knees like he'd promised. He'd dried every
last inch of Jase's soaked body, patting each toe with gentle
taps. But when Jase was dressed and ready to go downstairs,
he heard a noise near the bedroom window. Luis probably
didn't hear anything. He'd just finished making the antique
iron bed he'd found at an auction in New York. He was still
stark naked, leaning over the side of the bed and fluffing the
white pillows so they'd look just right, and Jase was admiring
the way his back arched and his ass went up in the air.

"Have you seen that rectangular leopard throw pillow?"

Luis asked, staring down at the floor. "I can't seem to locate
it anywhere."

"No," Jase said, "I haven't seen it."
"It's probably under the bed."
While Luis went down to look under the bed, Jase crossed

to the window to see what was making the noise. At the exact
same moment Luis reached all the way under the bed to get
the leopard pillow, Jase saw Cory's rough, bearded face
staring into their bedroom. He was on a ladder. His lips were
parted and he was gaping at the way Luis was kneeling on
the floor with his naked ass facing the window. Normally, Jase
would have considered this a perfect example of his little
exhibitionist kink. He would have encouraged Luis to walk
around naked like he did with the parking attendant in New
York. But with Cory it was different. This was way too close to
home. Jase had been watching this guy for a while now. He'd
seen the way Cory was always drooling over Luis. The guy
was nothing more than a horny nineteen-year-old who

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thought with his cock. The lewd expression on is young face
made Jase clench his jaw.

So Jase reached for the string on the white Roman shade

and dropped the shade to the window sill. Then he turned and
spoke with a whisper. "Your biggest fan is outside watching
you. I caught him peering into the window staring at your

Luis stood up and placed the pillow on the bed. "What are

you talking about?"

"Horny Cory boy is outside the window right now," Jase

said. "He's on a ladder with a paintbrush in one hand and his
dick in the other and he was watching you walk around

"He's jacking off?"
"Not really," Jase said. "He was rubbing himself."
Luis rolled his eyes. "Is that all?" he said. "He's harmless,

Jase. Don't get all worked up about it. He's one of those
oversexed straight guys who tend to drift to the other side
once in a while when they meet a gay guy that turns them
on. I've been through it before. His type always seems
attracted to me for some reason. He's never done anything in
appropriate, not even once, and I promise you he never will.
As long as I don't encourage anything, the worst thing he'll do
is gawk. It's actually kind of funny."

"He isn't bad looking," Jase said. "If you like that rough,

long-haired, bearded skater boy look." He didn't let Luis know
this, but he'd watched the way Luis sometimes flirted with
Cory. He knew Luis was only flirting because he wanted Cory
to work harder. But Jase had to admit good-looking, alpha,

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nineteen-year-old guys like Cory tended to bruise his own
fragile middle aged ego. Growing older wasn't the problem. It
was just that there seemed to be so many younger guys
popping up all over that caused him to lose sleep sometimes.

Luis crossed the room and he put his arms around Jase's

shoulders. As if he'd read Jase's mind, he said, "Jase, I swear
Cory is absolutely harmless. If I flirt with him, it's because I
know I can motivate him. We need that well dug fast." He
kissed Jase's chest and smiled.

"I know," Jase said. "But you'd feel the same way I do if a

guy was staring at me that way."

Luis laughed. "Oh, I'd be acting much worse than you are

right now. I'd be so jealous I'd probably push him off the

Jase felt better now. He didn't mention to Luis his first

instinct had been to push Cory off the ladder. He smiled,
patted Luis's bare ass, and said, "I'll see you downstairs. I
have to deal with a few important contracts this morning. But
maybe we can take a drive with Hunter this afternoon."

"Sounds good," Luis said. "I'll be down in a minute."
But by noontime, the well guy Cory had hired was on the

other side of the driveway drilling for water. Cory was still on
the ladder touching up paint on the window trim. The noise
from the drilling was so loud Jase had to cover his ears with
headphones so he could concentrate on the contracts. Luis
had brought him a cup of coffee around ten when the drilling
had begun. He'd smiled and said Isabelle and Hunter were
enjoying all the excitement outside. He said Hunter couldn't
seem to fathom the concept that water actually came from

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below the ground. He'd always assumed it came from faucets
as if by magic. Jase had smiled and nodded, wishing once
again he was back in New York working in his quiet penthouse
office overlooking Central Park.

So far, nothing about Cider Mill Farm had turned out as

Luis had promised it would. Though Luis had worked hard to
make the house beautiful, there always seemed to be
something wrong. They had to pay rent to use the gravel road
that led to their own house, the central air conditioning kept
blowing out all the lights, and now they didn't even have a
decent supply of water. Sometimes the water worked well,
like that morning when they'd taken a shower. But other
times it trickled out of the faucet so slowly it took an hour to
fill a mug for coffee, and Jase couldn't even have a pool like
Roland and Josh because Luis didn't think it was safe for
Hunter. What was the point of having a summer place in the
country if you didn't have a swimming pool? Jase had grown
up around water in Alaska and he'd never drowned. He'd
been taught how to swim almost before he could walk. But
not Luis. He said it was best to be on the safe side.

At one in the afternoon, there was a knock on Jase's door.

Luis popped his head in and said, "We have a slight problem
outside, Jase. I think you'd better come out now."

Jase had finished his work and he had been planning to

close up the office for the day so they could take a long drive
through the northern end Bucks County. "I'll be right out."

"I'll be in the driveway," Luis said. "Angus Bernie is out

there and he's causing trouble again."

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Jase rolled his eyes and shut down his computer. When he

stepped outside a few minutes later, he heard old Angus
Bernie and Isabelle shouting at each other. Cory, the well
guy, and Luis were gaping at Angus. Hunter was standing
beside Isabelle, looking up slack-jawed. Isabelle had one
hand on her hip and she was leaning forward, shaking her
index finger. Bernie had one hand in his pocket and he was
pointing at Isabelle with the other.

"What's going on here?" Jase said. He didn't like men

pointing at his ninety-year-old grandmother, even though he
knew damn well she could take care of herself.

They all turned and stared at him.
"Mr. Bernie claims the well is on his property and we can't

dig any deeper there," Cory said. He sent Jase a blank glance
and shrugged. Jase noticed Cory wasn't wearing a shirt
anymore. His long thin torso was dotted with spots of dark
hair, and his baggy pants were so low Jase could see the
waistband of his blue paid boxer shorts.

"It is my property," Angus Bernie said, "and you can't drill

for anything there unless you have my permission. I'll call the
police if you don't stop."

"That's not your property, you nasty old prick," Isabelle

said. "Why don't you go back to the rock you climbed out
from under and leave us alone? I've about had enough of you
for one lifetime."

"It is my property," Bernie said. "And I can prove it."
Jase glanced at Luis and Cory. "Is he right?"
"He could be, Mr. Nicholas," Cory said. "I'm not sure,

though. It would take time to have the place surveyed."

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"I know I'm right," Angus said.
Jase noticed the way Cory called him Mr. Nicholas. Cory

always referred to Luis by his first name, not with a title. Jase
didn't mind the respect, but he didn't like the way Cory felt so
familiar around Luis and awkward around him. Jase wanted to
tell Cory to put his shirt back on and pull up his baggy pants.
"How long would it take for a survey?"

"At least a week," Cory said. "But maybe longer, Mr.


"Mr. Bernie," Luis said. "Can't you let us dig a little deeper

there? I promise we aren't going to do anything to upset you.
We're trying to get water from a well that's been there for
more than a hundred years. It's not like anything is going to
change on your property. And we have a child. He needs
water." He didn't mention in front of Isabelle that they also
had a ninety-year-old woman. She would have started
shouting again.

Angus Bernie squared his bony shoulders and lifted his

right eyebrow. "You're drilling on my property and you could
be drilling into the spring that feeds my well, and I don't want
to lose water either. You can all go back to New York where
you belong for all I care. You city people don't know anything
about what it's like out here."

"But we have a child," Luis said. He was pleading now,

trying to reason with the old man.

Jase sent Cory a look, dismissing Angus. Men like Jase and

Cory didn't plead. They were too aggressive for that. "Is there
any other place we can drill that's not on his property?" Jase's
jaw was clenched and he felt his face getting hot. He had to

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work hard to control his temper and keep from kicking old
Angus Bernie in the ass.

Luis made one last attempt to reason with Angus. "Please,

Mr. Bernie. I promise we're not trying to encroach. We're
neighbors and we'd like to get along with you and become

Angus Bernie clenched his fists at his sides and sent Luis a

seething glare. "You want to be friends? You move in here
with nary a preamble about taking over my private road and
start drilling on my property with an attitude of the same ilk
you had about the road. And you want to be friends?"

Isabelle blinked, and then she shrugged and said, "Did you

hear the pretentious old fart? And he actually used the word
ilk in a sentence. Who on Earth speaks that way?"

"He uses the word ilk a lot, Gram," Jase said, glaring at

Angus. Jase was starting to worry he was picking up Luis's
habit of repeating certain words he found interesting. For
some reason, the word ilk kept sticking in Jase's mind. Maybe
it was true what they said about being married and taking on
the traits of your partner.

Isabelle lifted her right fist and shook it in Angus's face.

"I'd like to show you how we take care of people like you back
in Alaska, you asshole."

Luis had covered Hunter's ears by then so he wouldn't

hear his great-grandmother curse at the old man.

Jase nodded at Cory and said, "Start drilling somewhere

else and make sure it's not on his property." He wanted to
add, and no drilling between Luis's legs either, Cory boy. But
he remained focused on the situation at hand. They hadn't

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begun any serious landscaping yet; it didn't matter where
they dug. Then Jase turned to face the old man and said,
"You'd better make sure your taxes are paid in full and there
are no liens against your property, Mr. Bernie. Because after
this, I'm going to have you checked out, no matter what it
costs me. And if I find one weak link, I'll go after you like no
one's ever gone after you in your life. Trust me, I have the
resources to do it."

"You don't frighten me," Angus said. "You come from New

York and think you can throw your power around like that
because you're a billionaire." His right arm went up above his
head and he snapped his fingers. "You people amuse me. I've
always believed when one comes across your kind, one must
do what one must do."

Isabelle shook her head. "We're from Alaska, not New

York, you pencil dick jackass." She turned to face Jase.
"There he goes again, talking about one this and one that. I
ask you, who speaks this way? Jase, please let me show him
what we'd do to him in Alaska. It won't take long."

Jase wasn't completely sure what Isabelle was talking

about when she mentioned Alaska. But he'd heard a few of
the old stories and he didn't want to ask. So he put his arm
around her shoulders and said, "Let's go back to the house,
Gram. I promised Luis we'd all take a drive this afternoon.
We'll settle this well business and road business the legal
way." Before he turned his back on Angus, he nodded. "You'd
better be the cleanest man in Bucks County, or you're in for
trouble, Mr. Bernie. I'll own you."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Eleven

In late June, Luis had an important modeling job he

couldn't ignore. At least, a job he couldn't refuse on a
personal level. Though Jase had billions of dollars and Luis
knew he didn't have to worry about money, he took pride in
his work and it made him sleep better at night knowing he
had money of his own. He didn't want people to think he was
the younger kept man in a gay relationship. Luis knew all too
well,people had a tendency to gossip about those things.
They talked about the way Josh was kept by Roland all the
time behind their backs. Luis liked knowing he could look his
peers in the eye and tell them what he did for a living. And
they always asked, without fail.

So Luis went back to New York alone for five days in the

end of June while Jase, Hunter, and Isabelle remained at
Cider Mill Farm. Luis didn't even take Camp this time because
Hunter had grown so close to him. (He never thought he'd
see the day the high strung Chinese crested he'd found in a
back alley would sleep at the foot of the bed of a little boy.)
Luis phoned Jase five times a day to check on Hunter. Each
time he hung up, he felt an empty thud in his stomach that
wouldn't go away for hours. To make things even worse, this
was one of those killer modeling jobs that don't happen too
often. The money made him smile, but the working conditions
almost made him physically ill. In the middle of the worst
heat wave in eighty years, Luis shot a commercial for winter
coats and ski gear on Fifth Avenue. On the fifth and final day

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of shooting, when the temperature topped one hundred
degrees Fahrenheit, Luis had to smile and pose in a heavy
wool pea coat, a hat, gloves, scarf, and a thick Irish cable knit
sweater. By the time the commercial was finished, Luis
practically crawled from the cab to the front steps of his
building on 95th Street, drenched in perspiration and
physically exhausted.

After a long cold shower, he phoned Jase to tell him he'd

be back at Cider Mill Farm in less than two hours. When Jase
suggested Luis spend the night in New York and drive out on
Saturday morning, Luis smiled and said, "I'll see you in a
couple of hours." He didn't want to discuss spending the night
in New York. This was the first time he'd been away from
Hunter since Hunter had arrived on their doorstep with that
lawyer, and Luis had no intention of being separated from him
a day longer than he had to be.

When Luis pulled up to the house and honked the horn, it

was almost seven thirty in the evening. The crickets were
screaming and the air was warm and still. Though it wasn't as
hot in Bucks County as it had been in New York, Luis knew it
would be one of those nights when the landscape would light
up with millions of lightning bugs. They would twinkle like the
lights on a Christmas tree. A feeling of anticipation passed
through Luis's body and he couldn't wait for the sun to go

Hunter was the first one out the door and running down

the front walkway. Luis didn't even bother to park the car
evenly. He stopped on a slant, switched off the engine, and
jumped out of the car. He left the car door wide open and ran

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to scoop Hunter up in his arms. He hugged him and turned in
circles, taking in Hunter's nutmeg aroma with slow, deep
breaths. "I've missed you so much, kiddo. How's my boy? Did
you miss me?"

Hunter wrapped his tiny arms around Luis's neck and

nodded yes. Then he lifted his head and asked, "Are you
home for good, Daddy?" He spoke so well and with such
clarity it seemed like a lifetime since Luis had heard his pale
voice, though he'd spoken to him a day earlier on the

Luis patted his back and said, "I'm home for good now. I'm

not going anywhere else for a long, long time." This was true.
Luis didn't have another modeling job until the end of
September. By that time they'd all be back in New York and
Hunter would go with him on location.

Then Jase and Isabelle came out, with Camp in tow. Luis

tried to put Hunter down so he could hug Jase, but Hunter
wouldn't release his neck. He laced his little fingers together
and refused to budge. "Hunter, I want to put you down so I
can hug your Gram and your Dad." Hunter called Luis Daddy
and Jase, Dad.

But Hunter buried his face in Luis's neck and said, "No. I

don't want to go down. I missed you. Don't put me down."

Jase crossed to where they were standing and he kissed

Luis on the cheek. "I missed you. I'm so glad you're back."
Luis noticed a hint of exasperation in Jase's tone. Then Jase
glanced at Hunter and shook his head. "I hope we don't have
a problem here. This hasn't been an easy week."

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"Hey, give me a kiss, too," Isabelle said, standing beside

Luis on her tiptoes.

Luis bent down to kiss her on the cheek while Hunter clung

to his neck. He turned to Jase and asked, "What kind of
problem? Why wasn't it an easy week?" It was hard to talk.
Hunter was holding his neck so tightly he had trouble opening
his mouth to speak.

"He's been unbelievable since you left," Jase said, nodding

at Hunter. "Wouldn't eat, take a bath, or sleep alone." Jase
shrugged. "I did my best. I slept in the spare twin bed in his
bedroom all week. But all he wanted to do was call you every
single hour. He even asked Gram to drive him to New York
one morning while I was working in the office."

Luis patted Hunter's back. He felt awkward discussing this

in front of him.

Isabelle patted Luis's arm. "We almost left and went back

to New York. I haven't seen a child so upset since Jase's
mother took him to kindergarten on the first day of school.
Jase grabbed poor Mary's neck and wouldn't let her leave,
just like Hunter's holding you right now. Oh, Jase didn't want
to be there at all. He thought he was missing something at

Jase frowned at his grandmother and sent her a look. "It

wasn't that bad."

Isabelle laughed. "Trust me, Jase. It was."
Luis glanced at Jase. Hunter still wouldn't let go of his

neck. "Why did you keep telling me everything was fine all
week? I had this image you were all out here having a blast
while I was in New York." Luis hadn't slept well all week

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either. He worried Hunter wasn't eating the right food or
getting enough sleep. When he'd thought about them all
going on with their lives and not missing him, he'd tossed and
turned in bed even more. He'd been so tired each morning
he'd had to soak his eyes with wet tea bags so they didn't
look puffy on camera.

"Don't blame Jase," Isabelle said. "We didn't want to worry

you. We thought he'd adjust, but he didn't. It was worse than
when Jase carried on so much in kindergarten."

Jase gave his grandmother another look.
Knowing all this had happened while he'd been away filled

Luis with a sense of warmth he'd never experienced before,
not to mention a sense of satisfaction. Though it turned his
stomach to think of Hunter being in distress, he couldn't stop
smiling when he heard about how much he'd been missed.

However, this wasn't right. Luis pulled Hunter away from

his chest and lowered him to the ground. He patted the top of
Camp's head and sent Jase a smile. Then he reached for
Hunter's small shoulders and looked him in the eye. "I'm back
now, kiddo," he said. "While I was in New York this week I
looked into a few good preschools for you. Wouldn't that be
great when we go back to the city in September? You'll go to
preschool like all the big kids and have all kinds of new
friends to play with." Luis hadn't checked out preschools. But
after what he'd just heard, now he would. He didn't want
Hunter to become one of those clingy, weak-willed children
who never leave their father's or mother's side. He didn't
want Hunter to be one of those kids who stared down at his
shoes when strangers spoke to him. Although Luis was

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secretly thrilled Hunter had missed him so much, he wanted
his son to be strong and independent.

Isabelle smiled and said, "Wow, that's great. You're going

to school in the fall, Hunter."

Hunter twisted his lips and sent her a nasty glance.
Then Isabelle patted Luis on the shoulder and said, "It's

good idea. Jase was like this as a child and we had to do the
same thing. Unfortunately, it was so long ago with Jase, there
wasn't preschool to consider. You have to give them that
extra push out of the nest."

Luis knew she was right. He knew he'd said the right thing.

But it tugged at his heart when he thought about pushing
Hunter out into the cold, mean world. Oh, it shouldn't be this
hard, he thought.

Jase rubbed his jaw. "I wasn't that bad, Gram. And it

wasn't so long ago either."

Luis knew Jase hated to admit he had a weakness, so he

squeezed his arm and smiled.

Isabelle laughed. "If your mother hadn't left you kicking

and screaming in kindergarten the way she did, you never
would have left her side. You'd still be in Alaska, following her
around, without a life of your own."

Jase shrugged and smiled at Luis, "She may be

exaggerating a little."

"Ha," Isabelle said.
As a child, Luis hadn't been this way. Independence had

always come naturally to him, and he wanted this for Hunter
as well. But Hunter scowled at him and said, "I don't want to
go to preschool. I want to stay with you, Daddy." He glanced

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at Isabelle out of the corner of his eye, as if daring her to

Luis noticed Hunter's face had smudges and his fingernails

were filthy. "Let's talk about it more later," Luis said. He
looked up as Jase and shrugged. "Why does he look so dirty?
Has he been playing in the mud?"

"He refused to take a bath all week," Jase said.
Hunter gazed up at the sky.
"We couldn't do anything to persuade him," Isabelle said.
Camp barked, as if to back up what Isabelle had just said.
Luis made a face and shook his head. "Hunter, is this true?

Did you refuse to take a bath for Dad and Gram?" He
pretended to be upset. But he really felt like singing and
dancing. His worst fear was Hunter would forget him. This
was a fine state of affairs; one of the few times in his life he
felt soaring elation, and he couldn't even wallow in it.

Hunter nodded. "I wanted to wait for you, Daddy." Then he

stuck his tiny finger in his mouth and looked down at his

Luis stood up and straightened out his slacks. He nodded

at Jase and said, "Well, now that I'm back, we can stop all
this nonsense." He pointed to Jase and said, "Your Dad is
going to take you upstairs right now and give you a bath."
Luis winked at Isabelle. He wanted Hunter to go with Jase this
time, to prove a point.

Hunter kicked the grass. "But I want you to do it, Daddy."
"C'mon, buddy," Jase said. "We'll go up right now." He

smiled at Luis and with a sarcastic tone he said, "It's a good
water day. We have pressure."

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Luis touched Hunter's shoulder. He didn't give a damn

about the water or the well. "It's okay, you can go with your
Dad. I'm back and I'm not going anywhere for a long time."

Hunter hesitated for a moment, and then he looked up and

asked, "Will you read me a story later in bed?"

Luis smiled. "Of course I'll read you a story. Now go

upstairs and get cleaned up. You're filthy. I'll come up in
about an hour. I want to go inside and sit down with Gram
and talk. I've had a long day."

Jase lifted Hunter up and kissed Luis on the cheek one

more time. When Jase and Hunter were in the house, Luis
reached out and gave Isabelle a hug. His eyes were stinging
and he was on the verge of tears. "Oh, that wasn't easy. All I
wanted to do was grab him, hold him, and never let go. Did I
do the right thing? I never thought preschool was all that
important. But I don't want him to wind up being dependent
on me. I want him to be independent."

Isabelle patted Luis's back and said, "Yes, you did exactly

what you should have done. And I know how hard it was for
you, trust me. Both Jase and his father were the same way
when they were boys. As hard as it is, you've got to give
them a little push sometimes. You want him to be strong, not
weak and needy. Someday, some nice young woman—or
man, as the case may be—will thank you for this."

Luis stepped back and wiped his eyes. "Thank you,

Isabelle. I don't know what we'd do without you around

She looked him in the eye and winked, as if she

understood the irony in what he'd just said. "You're going to

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have to find out sooner or later, because I can't stay forever.
As much as I love being here with you guys, I have my life
back in Alaska." She reached for Luis's hand and laughed.
"The funny thing is no matter how old they get, you still have
to know when it's time to give them that little push so they
can be independent and stand on their own two feet without

"You're a very clever woman," Luis said. "But you'll at least

stay here for the rest of the summer? We need you."

She laughed. "Oh, Luis. You'll never know how wonderful it

is for an old woman to hear those words: we need you. And
yes, I'll be here at least until September."

The next morning, before the sun even rose, Jase was on

top of Luis and he was grinding his dick into Luis's lower
abdomen. Luis would have preferred to wait until later that
night to have sex, but Jase hadn't had sex all week and he
was probably extremely horny. So Luis lifted his legs and Jase
spread them apart. He placed his palms on Jase's broad
shoulders and tossed his head back. Before Luis could even
relax his sphincter muscle, Jase was inside his body and
rocking his hips with slow, tender movements.

The intrusion caused a moment or two of sharp pain; Luis

hadn't been prepared. But it was nothing Luis couldn't handle.
When he'd first started having sex with Jase he'd needed tons
of lubricant and a great deal of concentration. Jase wasn't an
easy man to accommodate, with regard to his length and
girth, and Luis hadn't been with many men before Jase. But
Luis had learned how to take Jase with absolute ease by then,

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and he'd also learned not using lubricant only intensified their
climaxes once the serious pounding started.

Jase was hitting all the spots that brought Luis's body to

the edge of climax. So Luis hung on to Jase's shoulders and
he spread his legs until the muscles on the insides of his
thighs pinched. He arched his feet and pointed his toes. With
every slam, Luis made subtle noises that resembled moans
and grunts. Luis knew this wouldn't take long; he sensed Jase
wanted it fast and rough that morning. Jase's pelvis slapped
against Luis's ass with loud cracks. Each time Jase went deep,
his cock stimulated the darkest, most sensitive places inside
Luis's body. Jase didn't speak a word this time. He didn't stop
for a breath or hesitate for a change of position. And by the
time Jase was ready to explode inside Luis's body, he shoved
his tongue into Luis's mouth and kissed so hard Luis started
feeling lightheaded.

A second later, Luis inhaled through his nose and they

climaxed together, and then Jase pulled out fast and rested
on his back beside Luis. He had lain in this exact position
many times after sex, gasping for air, wiping his forehead
with the side of his hand. It was as predictable as it was
necessary. Jase's face was red and his body was drenched in
perspiration. The central air conditioner wasn't running and
the climate in the room was thick and stifling. Jase reached
down and rested his hand between Luis's legs, trying to catch
his breath. As he gently patted the bottom of Luis's ass, he
said, "Damn, that was so good. I like this early-morning thing
we started. Nothing like a good piece of ass to get the day

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Luis spread his legs wider and smiled, allowing Jase

permission to place his hand wherever he wanted to place it.
He liked the way Jase was rubbing between his legs and he
didn't want him to stop. "It was good," he said, "especially
the way you were banging so hard this morning. You were
almost violent." He set his palm on Jase's wet chest. "You're
sweating so much now."

Jase laughed. "Actually, I was holding back. I didn't want

to get too rough."

"Why isn't the air conditioner working?" Luis asked. He'd

paid a small fortune to have the duct work done and the best,
most energy-efficient unit installed.

Jase shrugged. "Something with the electric and tripping

the circuit breakers," Jase said. "Cory's working on it with the

Luis decided not to discuss the house problems that

morning. He lifted his right leg and rested his foot between
Jase's legs. He wiggled his toes against Jase's balls and said,
"Tomorrow morning I want you to sit back and let me do all
the work for a change. I'm starting to feel guilty now." After
all, it was only fair. Since they'd started this early-morning
routine, Jase had been the one doing all the physical work
and Luis had been lounging on his back with his legs wide

Jase smiled and ran three fingers up and down Luis's ass

crack. "Come to think of it, you haven't given me head in a

Before Luis had a chance to answer, there was a knock on

the door and a small voice said, "Daddy, are you up yet?"

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When he said Daddy instead of Dad, he was talking about

Luis lowered his legs fast and pulled up the covers. He

always made sure their bedroom door was locked, just in case
Hunter decided to wander around in the middle of the night.
Luis hated doing it, but Isabelle had told him it was the only
way. She'd done the same thing with Jase's grandfather, so
Jase's father couldn't walk in on them at the wrong time. "I'm
up, kiddo," Luis said. "I'll be there in a minute."

Then Isabelle said, "Let's go downstairs, Hunter. Let them

rest. I'll let Camp out and I'll make your breakfast."

Without missing a beat, Hunter said, "You go let Camp out,

Gram. I want my Daddy to make me breakfast this morning,
thank you."

When Luis heard Hunter say this, he was up on his feet in

seconds. "I'll be right down, kiddo. You go with Gram. I have
to use the bathroom. Okay?" Luis had to clean up before he
went downstairs.

"Okay, Daddy," Hunter said. "I'll wait for you."
Jase sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Looks like we're both

happy to see you home," he said.

Before he ran into the bathroom, Luis went back to the

bed to kiss Jase one more time. "I missed you even more. I'd
almost forgotten how dismal it can be living in New York with
no one to love."

"Dismal," Jase said, laughing. "I thought your new word

lately was glum."

"It was," Luis said, standing and turning to leave. "But

dismal is stuck in my head now and I can't get rid of it."

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As he crossed to the bathroom, for a moment Luis felt as if

he'd experienced a scene from the past. The conversation
reminded him of the first time he'd crept into Jase's
apartment on 95th Street, and he'd found him lying in bed
naked. They'd both changed and grown since that night. But
both were still the same people they'd always been.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Twelve

While Luis had been working in New York, Jase had

accepted an invitation to a Fourth of July party at Roland's
and Josh's house. Jase said it was an afternoon cookout and
Roland had told him to bring Hunter and Isabelle along.
Hillary, Josh's ex-wife, and Justin, Josh's son, would be there,
along with other gay couples from the area.

But on the morning of the party, Luis was having second

thoughts. They were still in bed and Luis had just given Jase a
good, long blow job. He'd sucked so hard his face ached. He
could still taste Jase on his tongue and his lips felt red and
swollen. "I'm not sure we should go to Roland's and Josh's
today. It's one thing for us to go alone to their house of
hedonistic sex. We're adults. But I'm not sure I want to
expose Hunter to their lifestyle yet. He's a baby, Jase.
Actually, I don't ever want him exposed to that sort of thing if
I can help it."

"I'm sure they aren't going to do anything inappropriate,"

Jase said, laughing. "Hillary and Justin will be there. I know
Hillary wouldn't tolerate anything out of the ordinary. And you
love Hillary. You guys have been working on the fundraiser
for The Angel Association."

"I suppose you're right," Luis said. He didn't mention

Hillary had been getting on his last nerve: the woman never
shut her mouth. "But I don't want to stay long. We'll go, sit
for a while, and leave early." No matter how hard he tried, he
still couldn't get used to Roland's and Josh's open sex life.

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Granted, they were two of the nicest people he'd ever met
when they weren't involved in a three-way or an orgy or
something that involved kink. There was nothing they
wouldn't do for Jase and Luis. But when Luis thought about all
the sex they had with strange guys, his stomach flipped and

Of course it was one of those mornings when the water

was only trickling out of the faucets, which meant it took
extra long to do anything. The guy who was working on the
new well had tried drilling in four different spots and he still
hadn't been able to find water yet. He told Luis and Jase he'd
never seen a situation like it in all the years he'd been drilling
wells in Bucks County. But he assured them he'd find water
sooner or later.

Then, to make things even more complicated that

morning, as Luis was drying his body off from the pitiful
shower he'd just taken (it took twenty minutes to rinse the
shampoo out of his short hair), Luis heard a noise at the
bathroom window and turned fast. When he looked up, he
saw Cory standing on the ladder. He had a paintbrush in one
hand and he was staring at the window pane, pretending he
didn't see Luis.

Luis covered the lower half of his body with the bath towel

and crossed to the window. If Jase found Cory looking in the
bathroom window this way, Luis knew he'd go berserk. "I
thought you touched the paint up a couple of weeks ago,
Cory," Luis said.

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Cory looked up and smiled. "I was checking, is all," he

said, with his deep, slow voice. "I didn't know you'd be in

Luis set his jaw and shook his head. Cory knew damn well

he'd be in there. "I have to tell you that I'm devastated about
the water situation. I've never heard of not being able to find

Cory shrugged. "It's not common. But it does happen. I've

heard stories where people have called priests in to pray over
their property for water. And there are people I've heard
about with unexplained abilities to find water by walking
around with two sticks. There's a name for them, but I can't
remember right now. It will come to me."

"Two sticks?"
Cory nodded. "My Uncle Pete has this friend who does it. I

could ask him about it. I don't think he charges much. It's
sort of a gift and he only does it as a hobby."

Luis frowned. Though he would have loved to watch this

gifted water guy in action, the last thing he needed to explain
to Jase was that he'd hired a guy to find water on the
property with two sticks and good intentions. He sighed and
said, "I'm sure we'll hit water sooner or later the usual way.
But thanks, anyway."

"I'm going down now and you can finish getting dressed,"

Cory said. "Sorry I bothered you." He glanced down at the
windowsill and pouted.

But Luis had been meaning to talk to Cory about

something important and he didn't want him to leave yet. The
arrangement they had now was that Cory got paid by the job.

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But Luis wanted to hire him full time and pay him a weekly
salary indefinitely. There was still a lot of landscaping work to
be done before the end of the summer and Luis wanted Cory
to oversee it all. Not to mention the barn renovation. Cory
was slow, but his work was excellent. Luis liked knowing Cory
would be around to check on the house in September when
everyone went back to New York during the week.

After Luis made Cory the full-time job offer, Cory pressed

his lips together and shook his head. "I'm not sure about this.
I never did like a nine-to-five job. I'd rather work by the job
and budget my own time. Besides, I have a girlfriend now and
I'd like to have time to spend with her. I think this one could
be serious."

Luis wasn't shocked about the girlfriend. He'd always

thought Cory was straight—for the most part—and he was
happy for him. Luis also had a feeling he'd respond this way
about the job. So he leaned into the window and reached for
Cory's strong forearm. He hated flirting this way, but it was
the only way to get this idle boy's skinny ass moving. Luis
batted his eyelashes and pouted. He rubbed the dark hair on
Cory's arm with his fingertips and said, "I sure could use a
big, strong man around full time. I don't know what I'd do
without you, Cory. And I'm sure your girlfriend would like
knowing you had something stable, a job on which the two of
you can build a future together."

Cory looked down at the way Luis was touching his arm.

He watched the way Luis was rubbing it with light, gentle
strokes. But he didn't seem moved enough to accept the job.
"I'm not sure I'm going to build a future with her, or any

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other woman. And I think it's still better if we keep things as
they are. I'll keep working here job by job."

So this left Luis with no other alternative. He leaned

forward and peered out the window. When Cory wasn't
looking, he pinched the towel and let it fall from his body to
the bathroom floor. Then he pointed to a small smudge on
the white stucco and said, "What's that mark on the house? Is
that something I should worry about?"

"Doesn't look like anything to me," Cory said.
Luis leaned forward a little more and said, "I guess it's

nothing. I was worried it might be a hole in the stucco. You
see what I mean. I need you around full time for at least the
next year, especially when we're back in New York come fall,
from Monday to Friday." He wasn't sure whether or not Cory
had noticed he was naked.

"It's a big responsibility," Cory said.
Then Luis pretended to fall forward so Cory would have to

catch him, and when he did, the paintbrush fell two stories
down and Cory placed one hand on Luis's stomach and the
other on the small of Luis's back to balance him. He had those
large strong hands that were covered with calluses, and that
unexpected strength extremely thin men often have. He
pushed Luis back into the bathroom until he knew Luis was
safe from harm.

"Thanks," Luis said. "I almost went out the window that

time. I should be more careful." He reverted back to the
breathy, innocent voice he knew Cory couldn't resist. "And I
guess I lost my towel. I should cover up."

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Though Luis was now safe from harm, Cory's hands were

still on his body and he wasn't letting go this time. The hand
that had been on the small of Luis's back had slid down to the
middle of Luis's ass. Cory didn't squeeze his ass and he didn't
fondle it. He kept his palm flat and gazed down at the

So Luis arched his back and rested his elbow on Cory's

shoulder. Then he caressed the back of Cory's neck and said,
"Are you sure you won't reconsider? I can promise you a
weekly salary for the next year. If you don't want the job
after one year, you can quit and I won't get upset." Luis
wiggled his ass a few times and said, "Please Cory. I really
like having you around. And I think you like being here,
working for us."

"Ah well," Cory said, as his hand started to slide up and

down Luis's ass. He trilled his thick fingers on Luis's ass
cheeks a few times. "I guess I can try it out. And, I think my
girlfriend would be happy about it, too."

Luis patted Cory's shoulder and smiled. He knew he should

have stepped away from Cory by then, but the poor guy
seemed to be enjoying his ass so much Luis didn't have the
heart. Luis wanted Cory to remove his hand on his own so it
wouldn't look as if Luis had rejected him. These things were
tricky and they had to be handled in a certain way so it
wouldn't be awkward in the future. More than that, Luis didn't
want Cory to think he wasn't a good sport.

Cory gave Luis's ass one good, hard squeeze, then

removed his hand from Luis's body and said, "Well, I guess
I'd better get the paintbrush now. Not much going on around

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here with the well because it's the Fourth of July and all. But
at least I can get a few little things done. I'm going to the
fireworks in town later with my girlfriend."

Luis didn't reach for the towel. He remained naked and

walked to the other side of the bathroom, knowing Cory was
still gaping at him. "Is everything all settled then?" he asked.

"I guess we are," Cory said. "I'll be here full time for a


"Great," Luis said. "I'd love to meet your girlfriend some

day. I'm sure she's a sweetheart. Maybe we can have you
both over for a casual dinner one night."

"I'll bring her by one day," Cory said.
By the time Luis turned around, Cory was halfway down

the ladder retrieving the paintbrush. So he didn't reply. He
closed his eyes and shook his head. All this flirting with Cory
took Luis back to the days before he'd met Jase. Luis had
teased the older men he'd escorted back then the same way
he was teasing Cory now. Luis knew he'd crossed the invisible
line when Cory had grabbed his ass. But Luis still thought it
was harmless. Cory hadn't reacted aggressively. They hadn't
had sex, just as Luis hadn't had sex with the older men when
he'd been an escort, and Luis had no intention of ever having
sex with Cory. It had been a harmless little flirtation with
Cory so he'd take the job. Of course Jase wouldn't have
understood, and Cory's girlfriend probably would have glared
at Luis. But what they didn't know would never hurt them. It
wasn't easy getting good full-time help out in the country.
Josh and Roland had been looking for a dependable guy like

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Cory for years with no luck. Luis wasn't about to let that boy
get away.

When they arrived at Josh's and Roland's house for the

party, it was almost three o'clock. Roland greeted them at the
front door and led them back to the outdoor living area near
the pool. Jase and Isabelle walked ahead as Jase told Roland
the latest gossip about their dealings with Angus Bernie. Luis
held Hunter's hand with a firm grip. This was the largest
crowd Luis had seen at the house all at one time and he didn't
intend to let Hunter out of his sight. If the guests were
anything like Josh and Roland, Luis wasn't sure what to

"You can't get anything on him?" Roland asked, as they

passed a small group of gay men wearing tight bathing suits
in the kitchen. One was feeding the other a shrimp, holding
the tail and dangling it over his face.

Jase frowned. "Angus has a perfect record," he said. "He

doesn't even have a mortgage on the house."

Roland opened a tall glass door that led to the outdoor

living space and said, "There's one thing I don't get." They'd
discussed the problem with Angus in detail with Roland and

"What's that?" Jase asked.
Roland stopped and faced Jase. "Why would Angus Bernie

even want to give you trouble? He knows you're not going to
change anything. There's something about this entire
situation that doesn't make sense."

"I keep thinking the same thing," Jase said. "It's as if he's

afraid we're going to change his entire way of life."

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Roland shrugged. "That could be the reason. If Angus

Bernie is one of those country squire types who thinks his
way of life is the best, he's obviously closed to even the
slightest change. It's almost an irrational fear. And having
new neighbors has probably rocked his world."

Jase patted Roland on the back. "Well, he has no idea how

I will rock his world if he doesn't back off and leave us alone."

When they were outside, the conversation switched to a

lighter topic. Roland escorted them to a round table near the
guest house where Hillary and Justin were sitting. On the
way, Luis nodded and smiled at Josh. Josh was standing over
a grill in the outdoor kitchen area turning steaks. At least he
wasn't wearing one of those skimpy little thong-like bathing
suits like so many others at the party. Josh was in his bare
feet and he wasn't wearing a shirt, but his white shorts were
the normal, baggy kind that weren't offensive.

This was one of those times when Luis often questioned

other gay men. He tried not to do this; he worked hard never
to be too judgmental and he believed gay men should stick
together for political reasons. But he couldn't help the way he
felt about certain things, and walking around in nothing but a
skimpy little thong at a Fourth of July party where there were
women and children present wasn't Luis's idea of good taste.
And when Luis took notice of some of the bodies on those
men in the skimpy bathing suits, he closed his eyes and
shook his head. Most had sunken chests with fizzy white hair,
and large bellies with stretch marks. The ones who were
worth giving a second glance, and there weren't many, were
too loud and too animated to take seriously.

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Luis released Hunter's hand so he could give Hillary a hug

and a kiss on the cheek, but he kept his eyes focused on
Hunter the entire time. While he said hello to Hillary, he
watched Hunter cross to where Justin was playing on the
grass with some type of plastic toy that looked as if all the
parts were interchangeable. Hunter had a few toys like that
himself. Jase usually bought them; they were called
transitions, or transparents, or something like that. Luis didn't
know for sure because he always bought Hunter educational
toys, and he left the fun, non-educational toys for Jase to

The age difference between Justin and Hunter wasn't all

that vast. But it was a wide enough gap for Justin to take
control as the older kid and hand out orders to Hunter as if he
were king of the universe. This didn't surprise Luis at all. Josh
was always bossing people around in a passive-aggressive
way, with a huge smile. And Hillary had all but taken control
of the fundraiser for The Angel Association with her big
mouth. Though this fundraiser had been Luis's project in the
beginning, he'd been so busy with work, Hunter, and
renovating Cider Mill Farm he'd barely had time to write a
post on Elena's romance blog once a week. Luis had been
more than happy to let Hillary take over. But he hadn't done
it without noticing how much Hillary liked to take control.
He'd barely introduced her to the association and she'd
started making phone calls and organizing the main event
without giving Luis as much as a single ounce of credit.

When she started talking about the entertainment for the

fundraiser, Luis sat down next to her at the table and smiled.

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He nodded in agreement and praised everything she was
planning. If bossy Hillary wanted to control the fundraiser, he
wasn't going to complain. Besides, as Hillary rambled on
about the entertainment, Luis was paying attention to Hunter
and Justin. Luis had always been able to listen to more than
one conversation at a time. Justin was having trouble putting
the plastic toy together and Hunter was sitting there,
watching, offering polite suggestions. But Justin, dense and
thick-headed as his mother, wouldn't listen to Hunter and he
wouldn't let him touch the toy. Justin was one of those
stubborn, know-it-all kids—Luis blamed this on too much
preschool—who refused assistance. So Hunter set his little
jaw, yanked the toy from Justin's hands, and put it back
together in less than three seconds. Then he handed it back
to Justin and smiled.

Justin started to cry, which didn't surprise Luis. He looked

down at the toy, pouted, and tossed it under the table. Luis
sent Hunter a look and shook his head. But Luis really wanted
to smile and pat Hunter on the back for a job well done.
Hillary didn't seem fazed. She glanced at Justin, told him to
play nice, and went back to talking about the fundraiser.

After a half hour of listening to Hillary ramble on, Isabelle

stood up and said, "I think I'll go mingle around a little. I
need to move my legs." She'd been sitting at the table the
entire time, nodding and smiling. She sent Luis a wicked
smile, rolled her eyes, and hobbled to the other side of the
pool in her running shoes.

Jase was already gone by then. He was over in the kitchen

area helping Josh and another guy grill the food. Justin and

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Hunter were playing some type of board game in the grass
now. Hunter sat with his back straight and his eyes focused
on the board. Justin sat slumped over and cross-legged, with
his mouth half open and a line of drool dripping down his
weak chin. From what Luis could see, Hunter was teaching
Justin how to play the game. Hunter's eyes were bright and
alert; he spoke slowly so Justin would understand. It wasn't
even Hunter's game, and Hunter was a few years younger
than Justin. Luis smiled and folded his arms across his chest.
So much for preschool.

Then someone put on loud disco music from the 1970s and

all the mustache queens over forty threw their hands up
above their heads and waved them back and forth. They
rocked and gyrated in their stretched bikinis, shaking their
narrow hips and rolling their wide bellies. One pushed another
into the swimming pool and disrupted a game of volleyball.
Two extra-large guys with salt-and-pepper hair started
bumping their hips together when Dancing Queen began to
play. Through all this, while everyone else in the world
seemed to be having so much fun, Hillary never stopped
talking about the fundraiser.

When Josh and Jase finally walked over to the table, Luis

stood up fast and said, "There you are. I've been looking for
you, Jase." He jumped up while Hillary had been in the middle
of a sentence about the main course for the fundraiser dinner.
He slung his arm around Jase and held him close.

"Josh was telling me all about the new playroom he and

Roland recently built down in their basement," Jase said. "He
wants to take you down to the basement and show it to you."

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"Ah well," Luis said. "I'd love to see it." He couldn't have

cared less about Justin's pretentious new playroom. The kid
needed an IQ test, not new room filled with toys. But Luis
knew this would be the perfect excuse to escape from Hillary.
Then he thought about Hunter. He didn't want to leave him
alone up there. If the obnoxious guys around the pool decided
to remove their bathing suits, which wouldn't have surprised
Luis in the least, Luis was prepared to scoop Hunter up and
carry him out fast. "Maybe Hunter can go with us," Luis said.
"I'll bet he'd like to see the new playroom."

Jase sent Josh a look and the two men exchanged glances.

Then Jase patted Luis on the back and said, "I'll stay here
with Hunter. He's playing a game. You go alone with Josh."

Luis smiled and pulled Jase closer. He didn't want Josh or

Hillary to hear him, so he clenched his jaw and spoke with a
stage whisper. "I don't want Hunter near the pool alone.
There's too much going on and he could get hurt."

"I think I know how to watch my son," Jase said in a

sardonic tone.

Luis knew he was being overly protective, so he nodded

and said, "I'm sorry. I know you'll watch him. I guess I'm too
concerned sometimes." It was this place and the weird crowd.
There didn't seem to be anything child-friendly about this

Jase smiled. "Go with Josh. From what he's told me, this is

a very interesting playroom. I'm sure you've never seen one
like it before."

Interesting wasn't the word for it. Luis followed Josh down

to the basement and through a long narrow corridor. Roland's

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and Josh's house was a rambling ranch and the basement had
turns and bends most basements didn't have. Luis smiled the
entire time, telling himself to take mental notes in case he
and Jase wanted to build a playroom for Hunter in their
basement. Of course their basement in Cider Mill Farm was
low, and it had a dirt floor. And the walls were made from
rough Pennsylvania stone and the pie-slice staircase that led
down was so narrow you had to turn sideways and slump
forward. But the concept of a child's playroom was what
made Luis smile. He could only imagine the wonderful
memories a child would recall from having a room all his own
in which to play.

Then Josh opened the playroom door and switched on the


Luis blinked; he pressed his palm to his throat.
"It's not quite finished," Josh said. "But it's almost there.

We've been working on this room for almost a year now. We
have everything we need except a urinal and a fake locker

Luis blinked again, then reached for the wall. His head

went back and forth; his eyes went up and down. There
weren't any children's toys in this room. Not one single train
set, toy swing, clubhouse, or framed Harry Potter poster.
There were no transistors, or whatever they were called, and
no board games. But there were dildos of all sizes and shapes
hanging from the ceiling with chains. A pile of jock straps had
been strewn across a locker room bench. A partition wall had
a glory hole. There was a long wall to the left with black
leather and latex outfits dangling from hooks. On another

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wall, Luis saw whips and chains and cuffs studded with
spikes. A group of shelves near the open-concept toilet area
had high-heeled boots, black feather boas, and butt plugs in
all sizes and shapes. And in the middle of the room,
suspended from thick sliver chains fastened to sturdy beams,
a black leather sling hung in all its splendid glory.

Luis pressed his palm to his throat and gaped. This wasn't

the kind of playroom he'd been imagining.

Josh lifted his chin and gestured with his right hand. "What

do you think of our little playroom? I'm open to any
suggestions. It's still a work in progress."

"Ah well," Luis said. "It's very nice." What else could he


Josh placed his palm on the small of Luis's back and led

him to the middle of the room, taking control as usual. He
pushed hard, leaving Luis no choice. "We just had the sling
installed. It can be adjusted to any height for perfect
fucking." He reached up and grabbed a thick black leather
cuff. Then he lowered his other hand down Luis's back and
said, "I'll bet your ankles would look very good with these
cuffs around them. And the chains are adjustable. I can
spread your legs as wide as you want them to go and fuck
you until you beg for mercy."

Luis gulped. He had seen slings like this before in sex

shops in the city. They were designed in a way that allowed a
person to be suspended in mid-air, with his or her arms and
legs bound and spread, while guys took turns fucking them.

Josh put his other hand on Luis's waist and he pulled Luis

up against his naked chest. Then he grabbed Luis's ass harder

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and said, "Why don't you take off your clothes right now and
try it out? I'll help you get set up, and then we can play
around a little ourselves. I have condoms and lube."

Luis exhaled and took two large steps backward. He smiled

at Josh and said, "I think I'd rather go back upstairs to the
party, if it's all the same to you, Josh." He wanted to be cool
about all this. But it wasn't easy. His first instinct had been to
kick Josh in the balls and go back upstairs alone. "Jase and I
don't have an open relationship. We're monogamous."

Josh shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "That's cool. But

you can't blame me for trying. I've been dying to fuck you for
a long time. I'm not trying to get in the middle of your
relationship with Jase or anything. I only want a harmless,
casual fuck. Roland and I do it all the time and it never
affects our relationship. Last night I called four of my old
buddies over and I watched them fuck Roland on the diving
board. We laughed about it this morning. Roland had a little
trouble walking because his legs were so sore."

Luis was not about to apologize for his monogamous

relationship. So he smiled and said, "I wish I could help you,
Josh. But Jase is the only man I'm interested in, and he
always will be."

"C'mon," Josh said. "Let's go back to the party. No harm

done." Then he placed his palm on the small of Luis's back, as
if refusing to relinquish his overt need to control Luis, and
guided him all the way back to the pool. The aggressive types
always did this and Luis had learned not to fight it.

When Luis and Josh reached the table outside near the

guest house, Hillary was still talking. Hunter was sitting on

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Jase's lap and he was crying. Both Isabelle and Jase were
trying to console him, but he kept pushing them away with
one hand and wiping his eyes with the other. When Hunter
heard Luis ask Jase what was wrong, Hunter looked up at
Luis, reached out with both arms, and said, "Daddy."

Luis lifted Hunter up and patted his back. Hunter rarely

ever cried, and if he did, there was always a good reason.
"What happened, Jase?"

Jase and Isabelle shrugged at the same time. Jase said,

"Hillary was telling us all about the work she's doing with the
fundraiser and all of sudden we heard Hunter crying."

"Justin smacked me in the face because I won the game,"

Hunter said, still sobbing. "I didn't do anything. I won the

Luis looked down at Justin. He was sitting on the grass,

staring down at the board game as if nothing had happened.
Luis still didn't know everything about children, but he did
know that when one child was crying and the other wasn't,
something sneaky had happened between them. So Luis
smiled at Jase and said, "Maybe it's time we leave." He turned
to Hillary and said, "I'll call you about the fundraiser and we
can work out the other details." He spoke fast, without giving
anyone a chance to interrupt him. He glared at Jase, with one
eyebrow higher than the other, and said, "I really think
Hunter needs a nap. He's been fussing like this for a few
days. He might be cutting a new tooth."

Isabelle, bless her, came to Luis's defense, almost as if she

could read his mind. "My back is bothering me, and I'd like to
go home and rest now myself." She smiled at Josh and said,

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"We had a wonderful time, but I'm not as young as I used to
be, I'm afraid."

"You can sit in my chair, Gram," Jase said. "It's very


Luis gently kicked Jase's ankle without letting anyone

know, and said, "I think Hunter really needs a nap now."

When Jase finally got the hint, he stood up and shook

Josh's hand. "I'm sorry we're leaving so soon. But you know
how it is with kids."

Josh laughed. "Ah, I know all too well."
"We'll leave quietly," Luis said. "Say goodbye to Roland for


Hillary stood up and hugged them. She said, "Justin, say

goodbye to Hunter."

"Bye," Justin said, without looking up from the game.
Hunter sent him an annoyed glance and turned his head in

the opposite direction.

"We'll call you next weekend," Josh said. "We'll get

together, the four of us."

"Sounds good," Luis said. Then he said goodbye to Hillary

once again and carried Hunter out to the car. Hunter had
stopped crying by then, but his body was still jerking with the
occasional sob.

When Isabelle took Hunter and strapped him into his car

seat, Luis reached for Jase's arm and said, "Do you have any
idea what kind of playroom they have down there?" He still
couldn't stop thinking about the dildos hanging from the
ceiling, or the pile of jock straps on the table. There had to be

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more than a hundred dildos, one in every size, shape, and

Jase smiled and said, "Did he show you the sling?" His

eyebrows jiggled up and down and he started laughing.
"When he told me about it, he seemed so proud of himself."

Luis's jaw fell. "You knew all along what kind of playroom

it was and you set me up? Oh, Jase Nicholas, that was mean."
He shook his head and smiled. "I'm going to have to get even
with you now."

"I wish I had a picture of your face when he took you

inside," Jase said.

Isabelle had been half-listening to them. "What kind of

swing did they have in the playroom, Luis? Was it a nice one,
like a porch swing?"

Jase looked down at his shoes and laughed.
Luis smiled and said, "It was very nice, Isabelle. But a little

too dangerous for a kid Hunter's age." He wasn't about to
explain this to his grandmother-in-law.

"You think so?" Jase asked, still goading Luis.
"Yes, I think so."
"Too bad," Jase said.
"Why?" Luis asked.
"Because I was thinking about getting one for us," Jase

said, winking at Luis. "I can imagine you, swinging back and
forth on a hot summer night, suspended from two beams in
the barn."

"Now that sounds like fun," Isabelle said, settling herself in

the back seat beside Hunter's car seat. "I love a good porch

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Luis looked into Jase's eyes and laughed. "Just get in the

car and drive. I've had enough of this place for one day."

For some reason, whenever Luis left Josh's and Roland's

house, he felt as if he needed a shower. And he hated feeling
this way. They were such nice guys; they'd never done
anything mean or venomous to Luis. Josh hadn't taken Luis's
rejection personally and he'd been a perfect gentleman. Luis
decided he'd call them tomorrow and thank them for the
party, then invite them to Cider Mill Farm for dinner next
weekend. The summer was well under way, and they hadn't
entertained anyone yet. Though Luis would never understand
Josh's and Roland's relationship and all their unapologetic
open sex, he did consider them two of his closest friends.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Thirteen

After they left Josh's and Roland's party, they drove to a

nearby tourist area that was stippled with adorable little
shops and quiet, subdued restaurants. The complex had been
built to resemble a European village, with old-fashioned
bakeries, unusual gift shops, and trendy clothing stores.
Though Jase hated to shop for anything, he couldn't help
noticing the way both Luis and Isabelle perked up when Luis
mentioned going there. When Hunter heard the village had a
building designed for kids, with a Harry Potter ride and a
merry-go-round, he sat up in his car seat and said, "Can we
go, Dad?"

Luis smiled and said, "It's the Fourth of July, after all, Jase.

Don't be so dismal all the time. And there will be fireworks at
sundown right in the village. I read about it in the local

So Jase agreed to go on one condition: he'd take Hunter to

the building designed for kids and Luis and Isabelle could go
shopping in the stores. Then they agreed to meet at six
o'clock at a small restaurant with a fancy French name. Luis
said he'd call Cory and ask him to let Camp go outside and
make sure his water bowl was filled and his food bowl had dry
dog food. Though Camp would eat anything, Luis had got him
into the habit of eating like a cat. They'd filled his bowl in the
morning and he'd nibble on dry dog food all day.

By the time they returned home, well after dark, Hunter

was sound asleep and Jase had to carry him up to his

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bedroom. The poor little guy was so exhausted they didn't
even remove his clothes. "Just put him to bed," Isabelle told
Jase. "It would be a shame to wake him now. I'm going to
bed myself. I'm so tired I might not even take off my girdle."

By the time Jase came back downstairs, he was more than

ready to take off all his clothes and carry Luis down to the
barn over his shoulder. They hadn't had sex in the barn in
months and the warm summer weather was making Jase
extremely horny that night. But he found Luis talking on the
telephone, and Luis waved his arm and faced the wall. From
what Jase could hear, he was talking to the nosy red-headed
guy at the end of the driveway, Ted Barker. Ted and Luis had
been building a friendship since June, and Jase wasn't thrilled
about the way Ted pursed his lips when he looked as Luis's

Jase crossed into the kitchen and opened a can of soda,

pretending he wasn't interested in Luis's conversation. But
when Luis hung up, he asked, "What did he want?"

Luis was smiling so wide his nostrils flared out. He rubbed

his palms together and said, "Ted just told me he found
something very interesting. He's been researching the history
behind Cider Mill Farm and he wants me to come down to his
shop right now." Luis reached for the keys to his Cadillac and
said, "Isn't this exciting, Jase? I'll be back in a couple of

"Why do you have to go right now?" Jase asked. "Can't

this wait until morning?" His tone was calm and even, but he
was clenching the soda can.

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Luis checked his back pocket to make sure he had his

wallet and driver's license. "I guess it could wait until
morning," Luis said. "But I'm too excited. Ted said he found
something that might help us solve our problems with the
well and the road. It could be even better than the little box
I've been looking for all summer."

Jase wasn't convinced. And, frankly, he was sick and tired

of listening to Luis talk about General Nathanial Greene's
hidden box of idiotic treasures. If there had been a box,
someone would have discovered it years ago. It sounded
more like Ted Barker wanted to get Luis alone in his empty
shop. "Why can't Ted come here?" Jase thought this was a
logical question.

"Because he's in his shop and he can't close up until

midnight," Luis said. "All the shops in New Hope stay open
later than usual on the Fourth of July. The town is packed
with tourists and Ted doesn't want to lose any business." He
crossed to the back door without looking back. "I'll be home
in a couple of hours. If you're tired, don't wait up for me."

Before Jase had a chance to object, Luis was out the door

and jogging down the back path. And he didn't return until
well after two o'clock in the morning. Jase had fallen asleep
on the rust-colored leather sofa in the media room sometime
after the eleven o'clock news. The television was still on and
lights in the kitchen still ablaze. When Jase heard the back
door click open, he woke with a foggy, disoriented awareness
and it took him a minute to remember where Luis had gone
that night.

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At first, Luis didn't notice Jase on the sofa. He turned off

the kitchen lights, set his car keys on the counter, and tiptoed
into the media room to turn the TV off. When he reached for
the remote on the coffee table, Jase grabbed his arm and Luis
jumped back with a start. "What are you doing? You almost
scared me to death."

Normally, Jase would have laughed. He tended to get a

vicious thrill out of scaring people this way. But this time he
didn't even smile. "Do you know what time it is?"

Luis ignored the question and said, "You'll never believe

what I found out tonight, Jase. I think this could be the
answer to our problem with Angus Bernie. Ted has been
working so hard. He's such a wonderful guy." He spoke fast,
with a cheery tone.

Only Jase didn't care about what he'd found out, and he

didn't want to listen to Luis pontificate Ted's attributes. He
was still disoriented and half asleep, still angry he hadn't had
a chance to fuck Luis in the barn, and he couldn't stop
imagining his fist meeting Ted Barker's chin. He could tolerate
Luis flirting with Cory. Though Cory was attracted to Luis and
Luis probably liked the attention from Cory, Jase knew there
was nothing serious between them. But Ted Barker was
another story. This guy could be trouble. So he set his jaw
and said, "I sat up and waited for you all night. You've been
gone for hours. I was almost ready to go out looking for you
to make sure you didn't drive off the road." This was a lie.
He'd been more worried Ted Barker had tried to get into
Luis's pants. In fact, he'd been seething.

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"Aren't you listening to me?" Luis asked, with his arms

spread wide and his mouth open. "I think I found a solution to
the dismal problems we've been having with Angus. And it's
all thanks to Ted and his wonderful research. The man is a

Jase rubbed his eyes and stood up. He paced the room a

few times and slammed his fist on the narrow table behind
the leather sofa. "You could have at least called. If I'd been
out with the likes of Ted Barker, I would have called you." He
slammed the table again. "And you said his store closed at
midnight. What were you doing with Saint Ted between
midnight and now?" It only took ten minutes to get from
downtown New Hope to Cider Mill Farm.

Luis laughed and waved his arm. "Oh, we went to a little

restaurant in town and had a cup of coffee. I was very excited
and he wanted to explain what he'd discovered in detail. We
kept getting interrupted with his customers when the store
was open. He's so good with his customers. He bends over
backwards for them."

"You didn't think to call?"
Luis crossed to where Jase was standing. He reached out

and placed his palm on Jase's stomach. "I'm sorry,
sweetheart. I got so excited I forgot about calling and lost
track of the time."

Jase backed away fast. "That's no excuse, especially when

you're with the likes of Ted Barker."

Luis squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. His

expression went from elated to serious. "I'm starting to get a
little annoyed myself now, Jase. I told you what I was doing.

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Are you insinuating I was fooling around with Ted? Are you
telling me you don't trust me? I've never cheated on you with
anyone and I never intend to. I don't like being accused this

"It's that smooth-talking Ted I don't trust," Jase said. He

snapped back fast, with a hint of vitriol in his voice. "I've seen
the way he looks at you, with that sneaky smile he has. And I
don't like it."

Luis bit his lip and took a deep breath through his nose.

Then he clenched his fists and said, "I'm going upstairs now. I
don't like your dismal tone and I'm not about to stand here
and be accused of something I didn't do."

"I'm not finished yet," Jase said. His face felt hot and his

chest was pounding now.

"Well, I am finished," Luis said. "I'm not about to stand

here and take this abuse." Then he turned and headed toward
the back staircase in the kitchen without looking back.

Jase threw a pillow across the room, but didn't follow him

upstairs. He punched the back of the sofa and kicked a chair.
Then he grabbed a throw cover and plopped back down on
the sofa with such force the sofa moved back, hitting a sofa
table, and knocking a small lamp to the floor. He folded his
arms across his chest and sulked, leaving the lamp on the
floor. The lamp had a long, thin iron base and a cone-shaped
shade made out of orange and brown feathers. He'd never
liked that lamp in the first place. Who makes a lamp shade
out of feathers? It never gave off enough light to see
anything. Luis had bought it in Ted Barker's shop and Jase

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had hated it from day one. He felt like getting up and
stomping on it. But he sat back and instead and continued

Around four o'clock in the morning, Jase felt a warm hand

on his cheek. He opened his eyes and turned his head, and
when he looked up he saw Luis standing over him. Luis had a
thin white blanket draped over his shoulders. But the blanket
was wide open and Jase could see he was naked. The only
light in the room came from a slant of white moonlight
entering through the window at the back of the house.

Luis ran his fingers lightly across Jase's cheek and said, "I

couldn't sleep. We've never argued that way before."

Jase hadn't slept well either. He'd tossed and turned on

the sofa and he'd only just drifted into an uncomfortable sleep
minutes before Luis had come downstairs. He'd been cursing
himself for getting all worked up about Ted Barker, but he'd
had too much pride to go upstairs and apologize to Luis. But
now that Luis had come down to him, he forgot all about his
pride and said, "I'm sorry I was such an asshole."

Luis moved his shoulders back and the blanket slipped off

his body. Then he rested his naked body on top of Jase and
curled into a fetal position. "I'm sorry I didn't call you. I
wasn't thinking. I was so excited about what I learned tonight
I wasn't thinking about anything else."

Jase wrapped his arms around Luis, placing his right hand

on Luis's ass. His dick was already growing and they hadn't
even kissed yet. "I guess I overreacted a little. It's only that I
get so crazy when I think about the way Ted Barker looks at

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Luis slid his palm down Jase's torso and rested it on the

bulge between Jase's legs. "I don't know why," he said.
"There's only one man I'm interested in, and that's you.
There's really only been one man I've ever been interested
and it's always been you."

Jase knew this was true. Even though Luis had made his

living as a high-priced escort for older men when they'd first
met, Luis had never had sex with any of them. In many ways,
Jase had trouble understanding Luis's attitude toward sex.
Jase, like most men, could pull down his zipper and get off for
the sake of getting off. But not Luis. It had always been more
complicated with him. He needed the emotional, romantic
attachment when he was having sex. He needed to feel the
love. Without the emotional, romantic attachment, Luis
simply wasn't interested in sex at all.

"Let's go upstairs and forget about everything that

happened tonight," Jase said. "I'm sorry. I was wrong."

"I'm sorry, too," Luis said, groping Jase's dick. "I should

have called."

Jase made a move to sit up. He rested the upper half of his

body on his elbow and said, "C'mon. Let's go up to bed. Gram
can deal with Hunter in the morning. We can sleep late."

Luis reached for the tab on Jase's zipper and slowly pulled

it down. Then he reached inside Jase's jeans and grabbed the
shaft. "I want to do something first," he said. "I got you all
upset and I want to make it up to you right now." He pulled
Jase's dick out of his jeans and started stroking very slowly.

Jase settled back and said, "Ah well, I like the way that


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Luis smiled. "I had a feeling you would. You know, there's

an art to a good old-fashioned hand job so many people
always forget about."

Jase closed his eyes and rested his head on a throw pillow.

He recalled the hand job Luis had given him in an airport limo
once. "I love great art," he said.

"Your big dick is bringing out the artist in me right now,"

Luis said.

Jase loved it when Luis talked dirty. As a rule, Luis didn't

always talk dirty. He had to be in the mood. It was usually
Jase who did all the dirty talk, and Luis lifted his legs and
moaned. So Jase sighed and threw his arms back over his
shoulders. "Well, you feel free to keep playing with my big
dick. You can do whatever you want with my big dick. I know
how much you like big dick." His voice became low and husky
and he repeated the words big and dick on purpose, knowing
it would have sounded ridiculous in any other context. But
that night it sounded so naughty and dirty his face started to
feel warm again. He spread his legs wider so Luis could pull
his balls out of his jeans, too.

Luis crawled down from the sofa and rested his knees on

the floor. For some reason, Jase liked it when Luis crawled on
his hands and knees. Luis grabbed his own dick with his left
hand and Jase's with his right and started jacking both at the
same time. How Luis did this so well passed Jase by. Jase had
trouble coordinating his right hand with his left when he drove
a car with a manual transmission, let alone jacking two dicks
at the same time. But Luis maintained an even rhythm,
without taking a second to relieve his arms. He never

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complained about cramps or discomfort. He kept milking with
absolute concentration, gazing between Jase's legs with
hungry, desperate eyes, anticipating the explosion.

When Jase felt the beginning of his climax and pre-come

appeared at the tip of his cock, Luis leaned forward and
wrapped his soft lips around the head. He did this while he
continued to jack both dicks, never missing a single beat. His
fist jerked up and down, slamming into his lips each time it
went up.

After that, it didn't take long. Luis sucked and jacked

faster. Jase stretched his legs and pushed his toes into the
arm of the leather sofa. Then reached for the back of the sofa
with one hand and grabbed the cushion with the other for
support. When Jase sat up partially and grunted, Luis stopped
sucking the head and a stream of come shot into the air,
made a slight arc, and fell onto Jase's lower abdomen.

Luis watched Jase explode, with parted lips and hungry,

glazed eyes. He followed the stream of come until it landed
on Jase's body. Then, before Jase's come had a chance to get
cold, Luis lowered his head, stuck out his tongue, and started
licking it off Jase's skin. He lapped Jase's abdomen until there
wasn't a trace left; he licked the remaining drops from the
head with the tip of his tongue. Then he slipped Jase's entire
dick into his mouth, started sucking again, and didn't stop
until he shot his own stream on the media room floor.

"Damn," Jase said. "You weren't joking when you said

good hand jobs are a lost art. That was a fucking
masterpiece." Though Jase wouldn't have done what Luis had
just done—Jase couldn't abide the taste or smell of come—he

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found it extremely exciting to watch Luis lick up the mess
he'd made all over this stomach. This, however, was also why
Jase tended to get jealous whenever someone like Ted Barker
gaped at Luis. The thought of Luis doing this with any other
man sent such sharp pains through Jase's chest he couldn't
think clearly.

Luis kissed the tip of Jase's dick and winked. "I told you

so." Then he released Jase's dick and stood up. "You go
upstairs and get in bed now. I'll clean the mess I made on the
floor and join you in a minute. I'm exhausted."

After the workout Luis had just had with his arms, Jase

could understand why he was tired. So Jase stood up and
give him a kiss on the lips and a pat on the ass. "I'll get the
bed warm. Don't be too long."

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Chapter Fourteen

Luis was unloading the dishwasher in his black see-through

underwear. Not the black mesh boxer briefs Ted Barker had
found in Camp's mouth. This pair had just arrived in the mail
from an all-male underwear company in California, a skimpy
string bikini so sheer and soft it revealed every detail of the
body parts Luis was trying to cover.

When Cory knocked on the kitchen door and stepped

inside that morning, Luis pretended he didn't see him. Luis
normally didn't amble around the house this way, but Jase
had taken Isabelle and Hunter out grocery shopping and Luis
had been doing some laundry and light house-cleaning. He
was about to take his clothes out of the dryer and get dressed
when Cory caught him reaching up to put a glass away on a
tall shelf to the right of the kitchen sink. Luis was on his
tiptoes and his back was arched. He was having a problem
reaching the shelf. So Cory, courteous gentleman that he
was, walked across the room in his heavy black work boots
and reached for the glass in Luis's hand. It was hot out that
day and Cory was only wearing baggy short pants that went
down below his knees. His naked torso had a peppery smell
and there were darks smudges on his wrist. When Cory's
chest brushed against Luis's arched back, they both stopped
and hesitated a moment longer than they should have.

Then Cory stepped back fast and stared down at the floor.

He shoved his soiled hands into his pockets and said, "I hate
to tell you this. But they didn't find any water in this spot

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either." He was talking about the well. He shook his head and
shrugged his shoulders, trying hard—but not doing a very
good job—not to gape as Luis's ass in the see-through string
bikini. "I'm afraid we'll have to start digging in another spot

Luis frowned. He didn't bother to cover his body this time.

Cory had already seen him naked and there didn't seem to be
a point. Luis wasn't aroused at all. He was more concerned
about the well than the way Cory was staring at him. This
was the fifth place they'd tried drilling and they still hadn't hit
water. "Tell them to wait until tomorrow," Luis said.
"Something has come up and Jase and I are going to discuss
it this afternoon with Ted Barker and Angus Bernie. We might
be able to start drilling again where the present well is. If we
can do that, we'll find water there, right?"

Cory nodded. "We already know there's water there. We

have to drill a little deeper, is all. That's what happened at my
father's place. But what about Mr. Bernie?" Cory asked. "He
says that's his property."

Luis shrugged. "That's what we're going to talk about with

Ted and Angus this afternoon." Luis didn't want to go into any
more details until they discussed everything with Ted and
Angus. He knew how small towns were. If he told Cory, the
news would be halfway across the county by noon.

"I'll tell the guys to put off drilling anywhere else until

further notice," Cory said. "And I'll start work today on the
brick sidewalk you want leading down to the barn. Unless
there's something else you need done today."

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"Just one thing, Cory," Luis said. He pointed to a large

copper pot on the stove, then to a high shelf on the wall
opposite the fireplace. It was one of the pots he didn't use
often, but liked to know was around in case he wanted to use
it. "Could you bring the ladder in so I can put that pot away?
I'll never be able to reach that shelf with a chair." When
they'd renovated the kitchen, they'd raised the ceiling in that
part of the room. Jase had insisted because the ceilings had
been so low, and Luis had agreed to keep Jase smiling.
They'd only lost a small room on the second floor to do it.
They'd converted the second-floor space into a linen closet to
make it useful.

Cory tilted his head sideways and said, "I'll do better than

that." He crossed to where Luis was standing, lifted the pot
and set it in Luis's hands, then guided Luis to the wall where
the high shelf was. He squatted down and said, "Climb up on
my shoulders and wrap your legs around my neck."

At first, Luis thought he was joking. He laughed and shook

his head.

But Cory insisted. "Climb up on my shoulders and wrap

your legs around my neck. I'll lift you right up to the shelf,
and then I don't have to go outside and carry the ladder in
here on such a hot day."

"Are you sure about this? I'm not fond of heights." He

wasn't comfortable about sitting on Cory's shoulders in see-
through underwear either. Not to mention the fact that Cory
would have to hold his naked legs to keep him balanced.

"C'mon," Cory said, squatting down. "It will only take a

second this way. I promise I won't drop you."

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So Luis set the pot down on the counter and reached for

the edge of the counter to balance his body. He wrapped his
legs around Cory's wide shoulders, straddled his neck, and
grabbed the pot with his left hand. Then Cory grabbed Luis's
legs with a tight grip and slowly went up. Luis ran his right
hand along the wall for balance and he held the pot with his
left. By the time Cory was standing, Luis's crotch was pressed
to the back of Cory's head. Luis had to lean forward so his
own head wouldn't hit the ceiling. He also had to press his
legs hard against Cory's bare chest to keep his balance. But it
was simple to place the pot on the shelf this way. All Luis had
to do was lift the pot up and set it even with the others.

When Cory lowered Luis to the floor again, his hands went

up and down Luis's naked legs a few times and he squeezed
his calves. At one point, Cory even pressed his nose into
Luis's bare thigh and he inhaled very deeply. But that was as
far as he went. When Luis untangled his legs from Cory's
body, Cory exhaled and stood up straight. He straightened his
baggy shorts and adjusted his crotch. "I'll get to work on the
brick walk now. If you need anything else, let me know."

Luis watched Cory turn toward the door. As he reached for

the knob, Luis asked, "Do you ever wonder about us, Cory?"
Luis wasn't aroused, but he wasn't sure about Cory.

If Luis asked anyone else a question like this, they

wouldn't have understood. But Cory turned and rubbed his
black beard. He smiled and looked down at the floor for a
moment. "I used to wonder," he said. "But I don't anymore.
I'm straight most of the time, and you're gay all of the time.
It's not complicated."

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"Do you think it's wrong they way we act sometimes with

each other?" Luis asked. He thought for a moment, searching
for the right words. "There's an absence of shame."

Cory shrugged. "I'm sure a lot of people would think we

were doing something wrong," he said. "They would swear I
was gay and you were trying to get into my pants. But we
both know we've never done anything wrong, and we know
we never will. You have a partner, a kid, and a good life, and
you wouldn't ruin that for anything. I have a great girl who
may or may not last, and I like my life the way it is. We're
only having a little harmless fun with each other. You're a
cute little guy who like it when guys like me flirt and tease,
and I have a dirty mind. There's nothing wrong with that, is
there? Besides, we both know damn well I'd never get
nothing done around here if you didn't flirt with me the way
you do."

Luis had underestimated Cory. Though he often dropped

his g's and used double negatives, he was a lot smarter, and
wiser, than Luis had thought he was. So Luis smiled and said,
"There's nothing wrong at all. Thanks for helping me with the

"I'll be outside if you need anything," Cory said. Then he

winked and sent Luis a sarcastic smile. "You'd better put your
pants on and cover up that ass. That underwear is see-
through, in case you didn't notice. Some straight guy with a
dirty mind might get the wrong idea about you and think
you're gay for him."

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Luis smiled. "I'm not worried as long as you're around to

make sure the straight guy with the dirty mind doesn't do
anything wrong."

Cory laughed and went back outside. Luis crossed to the

back door and watched him head down to the barn where the
bricks were being stored. Cory walked with heavy steps and
kept his hairy legs wide. In those baggy shorts and no shirt,
he reminded Luis of a cross between graceful Italian soccer
player and an awkward donkey. But Luis wasn't thinking
about getting into Cory's pants. He was noticing the way he
walked. Though Cory was attractive in a rough, sexy way a
lot of gay men would have found irresistible, he wasn't Jase
and Luis wasn't sexually attracted to him. There was
something between them: a bond more like a peculiar
friendship than a romantic relationship. But Luis knew deep
down no other man would ever make him feel the way Jase
Nicholas did. So he opened the door and said, "I'm glad we
talked about this. I was worried." He had to shout so Cory
would hear him.

Cory smiled and sent him a backward glance. "Me, too. Put

your pants on." Then he waved his right arm and kicked a
loose branch Luis had been meaning to pick up for almost a
full month.

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Chapter Fifteen

When Jase returned from the grocery store with Hunter

and Isabelle, Luis was fully clothed and Cory was down at the
barn lugging bricks. Ted Barker was already sitting outside on
the back patio with Luis. Even though the outdoor
thermometer read ninety degrees, Ted was wearing a white
dress shirt, a beige sport jacket, and black linen slacks. His
shoes and belt were brown ostrich and his auburn hair had
been styled with a little turned-up wave above his forehead.
If the heat bothered him the same way it did Luis, it wasn't
evident from the cool, relaxed tone in his voice.

Jase helped Isabelle down from the truck, then unbuckled

Hunter's car seat and helped him get down. Luis jogged over
and reached into the back seat for a couple of grocery bags,
leaving Ted to wait on the patio, hoping Jase wouldn't get
jealous of Ted again. Luis didn't want any diversions that
afternoon. He only wanted to deal with the information Ted
had discovered about Cider Mill Farm.

"Daddy," Hunter said to Luis, "I got a prize with my happy

lunch on the way home from the store."

He patted Hunter on the head and said, "I see." Then Luis

frowned and sent Jase a disapproving glance. Luis had been
following all those articles about obese children in the United
States and he didn't want Hunter eating in fast-food
restaurants where the articles said all this obesity had
originated. Why, from all Luis had read, this was an outright
epidemic. Even Barbara Walters thought so. And though Luis

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hadn't personally seen a larger number of obese children than
he'd normally seen all his life—there was always a fat kid in
every class—he trusted the information he read in these

Isabelle smiled and said, "I warned you, Jase. I knew Luis

wouldn't be happy about this." Then she turned fast to get
out of the line of fire and walked up to where Ted was sitting
on the back patio. Whenever they disagreed about Hunter,
Isabelle made herself scarce, never interfering with even the
slightest opinion.

"Calm down," Jase said, smiling at Luis with a patronizing

glance. "One happy lunch once in a while isn't going to kill the
kid or turn him into a cow. He's a normal kid with a normal
weight, and he lives for those prizes he gets in those happy

Luis huffed; he didn't agree. "They are trying to ban those

happy lunches in San Francisco because they say they
promote bad eating habits and obesity." Luis tended to agree
with the ban, although he wasn't exactly sure who they were.
He always watched what he ate and was always careful never
to overdo his caloric intake. He believed in fresh vegetables
and low fat food, soy milk, and fresh fish. As a model, he'd
always had to be ten pounds underweight. As a responsible
citizen, he felt it his duty to inform overweight people about
eating properly, especially obese children.

But what did he know? Jase laughed at him and waved his

arm. "T why I don't live in San Francisco. And never will," he
said, reaching for the last bag of groceries in the back seat.
"I'm from Alaska, and I like to know I can eat anything I want

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without the food police knocking on my door. I might even
give Hunter a big old dangerous, deadly Twinkie later after
dinner. I bought a whole box at the store."

"You didn't."
Jase grinned and nodded. "Oh yes, I did. And I'm going to

eat most of them myself. I'd like to see the food police try to
take them away from me."

Luis knew when to back down on certain issues. When Jase

started emphasizing Alaska and talking about the food police,
he tended to rattle on about freedom and liberty for all. For
the most part, Luis made sure Hunter ate well-balanced
meals all the time. One poisonous meal at a fast-food joint
wouldn't kill him. He'd survive a Twinkie or two. So Luis
changed the subject and said, "Ted is here. He wants to show
you what he discovered about our property." Luis had been
smiling and jumping up and down the night before. But now
he wanted to remain calm and quiet until he knew for certain
Ted brought hope. The water situation continued to linger,
almost bringing tears to Luis's eyes each time he turned on a
faucet. He'd started clenching his fists each time he turned on
the shower—one day finding a trickle, and on the next a
gusher. Though Jase remained quiet without complaining
much, Luis saw the way the vein in Jase's forehead protruded
whenever he turned on the kitchen sink and nothing

"I'll put the bags in the kitchen and Gram can take care of

them," Jase said, as he kicked the back door shut with his

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When the bags were inside and they joined Ted at the

table on the patio, Luis watched the way Jase greeted him.
He stood tall and squared his shoulders, forcing a smile and a
pleasant handshake, as if perched on a pedestal looking down
at Ted. Luis wished Ted hadn't looked so perfect. Didn't the
man ever wear sneakers and a T-shirt? He always seemed to
be dressed up, as if every day of the week were a special

Ted stood up, shook Jase's hand, and said, "I hope what I

found will help you guys out. It wasn't easy getting this
information. A lot of these old places lost important
documents over the years to water damage, fires, and sheer

Before Jase could reply, Angus Bernie pulled up to the

house in his orange vintage AMC Pacer. For the life of Luis,
he'd never understand why anyone would want to collect one
of the ugliest automobiles ever built in America. Luis loved
vintage cars, like the old truck he'd given Jase as a birthday
gift, but not all.

Angus unfolded his bony legs from the car and reluctantly

walked to the back patio. In this hot weather, he wore a quasi
country squire brown plaid sport jacket and tan wool slacks.
His pale blue shirt was one of those starched pinstriped
affairs, with a solid white collar and cuffs. He was wearing a
perky little yellow bowtie instead of a necktie. Luis rolled his
eyes and glanced down at the red brick patio, wondering if
this guy could be more pretentious.

"I hope this won't take an eternity," Angus said, glancing

at his Rolex watch, which Luis suspected was probably one of

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those knock-offs sold in Times Square. "I have a previous
engagement. I'm lunching with the mayor today." His weak
chin didn't match his strong tone. The dark circles beneath his
eyes and splotchy red patches on his cheeks suggested he'd
had one too many martinis the night before.

Ted shook Angus's hand. "Nice to see you again, Angus.

It's been ages."

Angus's lips parted and he nodded at Ted. "I'm a very busy

man, and don't have time for frivolous things. Shall we get to
the point?"

Oh brother, he used the word shall. The old guy was

growing more British by the minute.

"Won't you have a seat, Mr. Bernie?" Jase said. Jase

wouldn't shake his hand, nor would he refer to him by his first

"I'd rather remain erect," Angus said, pronouncing rather

as rah-thah.

Ted and Luis exchanged glances. Luis shrugged his

shoulders and said, "We may as well stand then. This won't
take long."

Then Ted opened his briefcase and pulled out a small stack

of old papers. He reached for one in particular and unfolded it
against the flat table. It appeared to be an old map of Cider
Mill Farm and the surrounding properties. It had turned brown
with age and looked brittle to the touch. Luis had already
seen the map the night before, so he turned to watch Jase's

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Jase rubbed his chin and stared down at the tabletop.

"What is this?" He tilted his head sideways to read the writing
at the top of the map.

"It's an old map dividing our properties," Ted said. He

pointed to the bottom corner and said, "This is my property
right here." Then his finger went up and he said, "This is
Angus's property." His finger moved higher. "And this is Cider
Mill Farm all the way back here."

Jase and Angus leaned over at the same time to read the

details. While they did this, Hunter came up from behind and
tugged on Luis's shirt tail. "Daddy, I can't find my magic box
anywhere." Camp hid behind Hunter, snarling softly at Angus
Bernie, his tail between his legs.

"Be a good boy, Hunter," Luis said. "We're busy with Mr.

Barker and Mr. Bernie right now. I'll help you find your magic
box later. Go inside and see what Gram is doing." Luis had no
idea what box Hunter was talking about. He'd never heard
him mention a magic box before. But he was too interested in
the map to fully pay attention.

"But I left it over there last night," Hunter said, pointing to

a tree stump that should have been removed by lazy Cory
months ago. "I put it behind the tree in a secret spot, under a

Angus Bernie's head lifted and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't understand what this map proves. It has no
significance whatsoever. It's ancient." He spoke with an
uneven tone, as if holding back his real emotions with each

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Ted pointed to the place on the map where the easement

road leading back to Cider Mill Farm was located. He said,
"According to this map, the gravel road is indeed an
easement for Cider Mill Farm, and Jase and Luis have every
right to use it without paying you any rent or asking for
permission." He pointed to the left. "And, according to this
map, they have every right to continue digging their well in
the same place it's always been. We're only talking about a
matter of feet. But it's still their property."

Jase remained silent. He continued to focus on the map.
"That's inaccurate," Angus said. "I have proof. I have an

authentic survey of the property and I can prove it."

Ted Barker smiled, and then he unfolded another piece of

paper. He set it flat against the table so they could compare it
to the older map. "I dug up a copy of this recent survey to
show Luis and Jase the difference between it and the old map
I found. The newer survey, which was done in the 1970s,
doesn't look accurate to me, especially when it comes to the
easement. It looks to me as if they made a mistake and no
one ever bothered to fix it. The previous owners of all these
properties didn't care. They lived here for years and everyone
got along and respected the easement." Ted spoke in
generalities, making sure he didn't state anything as legal
fact. But his voice sounded encouraging.

Luis sighed. He knew nothing about surveys and the

legalities of real estate. "Just like there wouldn't be any
problems now if you'd let us use the gravel road and dig
deeper for water, Mr. Bernie. We aren't trying to steal any of
your damn property. We aren't trying to change anything at

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all. Why must you be so dismal? We only want to be good

Angus refused to look at Luis. He furrowed his eyebrows

and glared at Ted Barker. "Well, the latest survey, right or
wrong, is what we go by. That old map proves nothing. When
they drew up those maps hundreds of years ago nothing was

"We can fight it," Jase said. "I'll call my lawyers today. I'll

hire the best people in Pennsylvania and prove the old map is

"Why don't you go back to New York with your billions of

dollars?" Angus said. "I'll even buy the place from you. Of
course I'm not going to pay top dollar for a landlocked house
no one can get to without a legal road. But I'll make you
some kind of an offer and save you the trouble of going
through all that expense and time."

For a moment, Luis's chest caved in. He glanced at Jase

and held his breath. He thought Jase might take Angus
Bernie's offer seriously.

But Jase looked the old man in the eye, leaned forward,

and said, "I would have taken your offer a few months ago.
But I'm starting to like it out here, and I wouldn't sell Cider
Mill Farm to you if you offered me double what we paid for it."

Luis smiled. "Jase, is that true? You really do love this

house?" He hadn't been sure. He'd been hoping Cider Mill
Farm would grow on Jase. But with all the problems they'd
experienced, he didn't know what to think anymore.

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Jase put his arm around Luis's waist and said, "I wouldn't

sell this house to anyone. I love it almost as much as I love

Angus Bernie rolled his eyes and gazed up at the sky.
Then Cory came up to the patio with a dark brown box in

his hand and handed it to Hunter. "I found this outside last
night, buddy. I thought it might rain so I brought it down to
the barn and put it up on a shelf. I meant to leave it on the
table here earlier today but I forgot."

Hunter had been sitting on the edge of the patio sulking.

When he saw the box, he jumped up and grabbed it from
Cory's hands. "You found it. I thought someone stole it. Now I
can put my new toy away. Thanks."

Luis asked Cory, "Where did he get that old box?" Hunter

hadn't mentioned the box to him. He turned to Jase. "Did you
know about the box?"

Jase shrugged and put his hands in his back pockets. "I've

never seen it before."

Cory smiled and winked at Hunter. "When they were

drilling for water, I found this box and gave it to Hunter to
play with. His grandmother said it was okay. I hope I didn't
do the wrong thing."

Isabelle had put the food away and she was standing at

the back door. She'd overheard the tail end of the
conversation. "I've been meaning to tell you guys about the
magic box. I kept forgetting. Cory was nice enough to give it
to Hunter. He only keeps his special toys in there. He thinks
it's magical because Cory found it in the ground."

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Then Ted Barker moved forward and glanced down at the

box Hunter was holding. He examined it for a moment and
smiled at Cory. "Where did you find this?"

Cory pointed to a section of the property not far from the

barn. "Right down there," he said. "It almost got crushed
when they started to drill. But I saw it and grabbed it fast. I
figured it would be nice for a kid, especially since I found it in
the ground."

"Daddy, is there something wrong?" Hunter asked Luis,

tugging the back pocket of Luis' jeans.

"It's fine, Hunter," Luis said.
"Can I take a quick look at the box?" Ted asked, smiling at

Hunter. "I'll give it right back to you. I want to see what's

Hunter handed the box to Ted with his tongue pressed to

his cheek and one eyebrow raised. When Ted opened it, all
Luis saw were the priceless trinkets and treasures of a little
boy. "Was there anything inside the box when you found it,
Cory?" Ted closed the box and handed it back to Hunter and
thanked him.

Cory shrugged. "Just a bunch of old papers and junk," he

said. "I took them all out and shoved them into a bag down in
the barn. I didn't want Hunter to touch the old papers in case
there were bugs, so I removed them and threw them away."

Ted's eyes widened. "You threw them away? Did you look

at them first?" He turned to Luis and Jase. "They could have
been important papers."

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"Maybe this was General Greene's box," Luis said. "It could

be the one I've been reading about and looking for all
summer. Everyone said it was an old wives tale."

Angus Bernie stood there gawking at them. "It's an old

piece of junk someone tossed out. It means nothing."

"Did you save any of the papers?" Ted asked Cory.
Cory looked down at his black boots and frowned. "Well, to

tell the truth, I meant to throw them away. I really did. But I
got sidetracked with one thing or another and I never got
around to it. I guess them papers is still down in the barn
where I left them a couple of weeks ago."

For once, Luis was thrilled Cory was so carefree and lazy.

"Could you get them for us, Cory?"

"Sure," he said. "I'll be right back."
While they waited for Cory, Isabelle came out and sat

down in the wrought iron chair to the right of the back door.
She looked Angus up and down and squinted. "You remind
me of a nasty old schoolteacher I had when I was a kid in
Alaska. The woman had ice water in her veins. She was
colder than a well digger's ass."

Angus blinked.
Luis rolled his eyes and sent her an exasperated glance.
Isabelle shrugged and smiled. "It was an old expression

my grandmother used to use when it got cold out. I don't
know why a well digger's ass should be colder than anyone
else's ass. But this Angus guy, and all this well digging, put
me in mind of it."

Then Cory returned with the old papers and handed them

to Ted Barker. Ted looked them over quickly and smiled at

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Luis and Jase. "I have a feeling your prayers may have been
answered this time. This is the original deed, and there's
something that resembles an old survey that suggests the
road is, indeed, an easement for Cider Mill Farm. I'm not an
expert on these things and you'll have to get them checked
with someone who knows more than I do. But I do think
these papers date back to the original owners of the house."

Angus reached for the papers so he could see what Ted

was talking about. But Ted handed them to Jase before Angus
had a chance to touch them.

"This means nothing," Angus said adjusting his round

shoulders. "The latest survey is what they always go by."

"Not if it can be proven to be false," Ted said. He turned

and smiled at Luis. "I've heard of a few cases where
homeowners have fought these things and they've won,
especially when a house is landlocked."

"It's not worth the time," Angus said. "Those things could

take years in court."

Jase smiled and sent Angus Bernie a confident look. "But

there's one thing you're forgetting about, Mr. Bernie," Jase
said. "As you pointed out earlier, I have billions of dollars.
Though I don't like to abuse my power ever, I will, I can
assure you, tie you up in court for years to come. As a matter
of fact, I'll enjoy it." Jase maintained a smug expression. For
the first time since he'd been at Cider Mill Farm, he seemed
to be in control of a situation.

Angus Bernie turned and started walking back to his

orange bubble of a car. "Well, until you can prove anything

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legally, I still want my rent for the road we agreed upon with
the lawyers. Or I'll put up a gate and block it off."

Luis frowned. "This still doesn't help us with the water

situation." Even if it turned out the road was an easement
and they could eventually start drilling where the old well was
located, they needed water now. Not a year from now.

Cory cleared his throat and kicked the bricks with his right

foot. He spoke up and said, "I hope you guys don't mind. But
I had that guy who holds the sticks and looks for water come
by when you guys were out one afternoon. I asked my uncle
about it. They call it divining or dowsing for water. Some even
call them water witches. And this guy says there's plenty of
water down near the barn. He did it for free. He owed my
uncle a favor." Cory pointed to a flat patch of grass to the
right of the barn and smiled. "I wasn't going to say anything
because I didn't want you guys to get upset with me. I was
curious, being that it's been so hard to get water around
here. I hope I didn't overstep."

"Are you sure about this?" Luis asked. He felt like hugging

Cory. He'd completely forgotten about the guy with the magic
water stick, or whatever it was called.

Isabelle sat up and smiled. "I remember a guy back in

Alaska who used to do that sort of thing. His name was Davy
Crockett, no relation to the fabled Davy Crockett, though. He
held two sticks in both hands, and when they crossed into an
X, he said there was water in that exact spot. And he was
always right."

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"What are you people talking about?" Jase asked, with the

same puzzled expression he usually wore whenever Luis had
a peculiar notion about something.

Luis explained all about the guy with the unusual gift who

could find water. Cory backed him up and said the guy had
never been wrong yet when it came to finding water, and the
guy was certain they had water next to the barn. Cory said
the sticks vibrated so fast it would be nothing to dig a well

Jase shrugged and sighed. He slapped his forehead, sent

Cory an exasperated glance, and said, "Then tell the well
guys to start digging over there as fast as they can. And if
there is water down there, I'm giving you a huge bonus,

Cory's shoulders went back and he beamed with pride.

"Wow, thanks, man. I was worried you'd be upset."

"Just so long as you don't start digging anything my

property," Angus said. He was standing between the patio
and his car, with pinched lips and furrowed eyebrows.
"Nothing has been settled yet."

Jase laughed and shook his head. "Looks like we might not

need that little piece of property after all for water. But, so
you know, after I take you to court, I'll want back all the
money I've paid you in rent to use that bumpy gravel road.
So you'd better hold on to all the rent I'm paying you,
because I will come calling."

Angus didn't respond. He turned and walked to his car,

with his shoulders slumped and his head down. He had
trouble opening the car door. So he kicked it hard, jumped

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inside, and sped down the driveway in a cloud of smoke with
his door half open. Luis frowned and shook his head. It wasn't
possible to make a cool, dramatic exit, no matter how hard a
person tried, with a queer-looking car like that.

Ted gathered his briefcase and turned to leave. He told

Luis and Jase if they needed any help to call him anytime.
Luis thanked him for all he'd done, and Jase invited him to
dinner that weekend with Roland and Josh.

Cory went back down to the barn to work on the brick

path, and Isabelle took Hunter into the house to clean up his
magic box. It was still filthy and crusted with dirt from being
underground for so many years. Camp followed them into the
kitchen and started barking, which meant he wanted his
water bowl filled again.

When it was Luis and Jase standing on the back patio

alone, Jase put his arm around Luis and said, "I think I'm
going to back the old truck out of the barn and try to wash it
this afternoon. The water pressure seems to be good today
and I'd like to take advantage of it. If the weather is nice,
we'll take it out for a drive tomorrow afternoon."

Luis smiled and nodded. "Did you mean what you said

about liking Cider Mill Farm?" He wanted to be sure Jase
hadn't said this because he wanted to irritate Angus.

"Of course I meant what I said. I love this old place now,

almost as much as I love you, especially now that I know
there's strong chance we'll hit water near the barn." Then he
looked back and forth to be sure no one was watching. When
he saw it was clear, he grabbed Luis's ass and squeezed it so
hard Luis made a face. "When Gram and Hunter take their

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naps this afternoon, come down to the barn and we'll play
around a little. We haven't had any fun in the barn for a
while. We can lock the barn door so no one can interrupt us."

"What about Cory?" Luis asked.
Jase rolled his eyes and smiled. "I'll tell him it's too hot to

work today and send him home early, with pay. I'll tell him
it's because he brought that magic well guy here to find
water. He'll be thrilled."

"I'll be down in an hour," Luis said. "I want to call the real

estate agent and let him know what happened. He's been
very upset about all this. And you remind Cory to talk to the
well guys and have them start digging near the barn
tomorrow morning. I want dependable water, not a trickle
one day and a gusher the next."

Jase patted his ass and started toward the barn. "We'll be

okay," he said. "Stop worrying. Years from now, when we're
both old and gray, we'll laugh about all this. We'll have so
many Cider Mill Farm stories to tell we'll bore everyone to
death each time we repeat them. We'll be worse than Ben
and Percy with their Provincetown stories of the old days."
Then he turned and smiled. "I love you, and that's all that

A chill passed through Luis's body. He smiled and said,

"And I love you."

Before he turned to go back into the house to call the real

estate agent, he watched Jase walk down to the barn. Jase
didn't clomp and pounce like Cory, and he didn't step lightly
on his toes like so many of the guys at Roland and Josh's
Fourth of July party. He walked with his head up and his back

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straight, as if walking into battle. When his shoes touched the
grass, Luis folded his arms across his chest and inhaled the
sweet smell of summer.

For a moment, Luis thought about the trip to Alaska they

were taking on Labor Day weekend. They hadn't been there in

a while and he was looking forward to seeing Jase's mother

and father. Then all at once, it hit him. Luis wasn't just

looking forward to going to Alaska. He'd already started

planning the autumn weekends they would spend at Cider Mill

Farm. They'd take Hunter and Camp on hayrides. Luis would

line the steps and walkways with pumpkins and gourds,

mums, and cornstalks. And if he could talk Jase into working

four days a week in New York, they'd drive out on Thursday

nights instead of Friday nights. Though he was still planning

to be active in The Angel Association he hadn't had time for it

since Jase's secret baby had arrived on their doorstep. Hunter

had taken over their lives, and Luis had welcomed the

intrusion with his arms and his heart wide open.



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