022 Drying of Fish and Seafood

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Drying of Fish and Seafood

M. Shafiur Rahman



Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 547


Drying Pretreatment ............................................................................................................................ 548


Salting or Curing..................................................................................................................... 548

Salting Preservation ................................................................................................ 548

Salting Process ........................................................................................................ 548


Cooking................................................................................................................................... 549


Smoking ............................................................................................................................................... 549


Smoking Preservation.............................................................................................................. 549


Smoking Process...................................................................................................................... 550


Drying Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 552


Processing................................................................................................................................ 552


Packaging ................................................................................................................................ 553


Quality Changes in Fish during Drying ............................................................................................... 553


Microflora in Dried Fish ......................................................................................................... 553


Browning Reactions ................................................................................................................ 555


Lipid Oxidation ....................................................................................................................... 555


Changes in Proteins................................................................................................................. 556


Shrinkage and Pore Formation ............................................................................................... 556


Rehydration............................................................................................................................. 558


Solubility ................................................................................................................................. 558


Texture .................................................................................................................................... 558


Nutritional Value .................................................................................................................... 559


Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 559

References ...................................................................................................................................................... 559


Raw foods generally originate from two major
sources: plant and animal kingdom. Fish and seafood
are the edible flesh for a number of species of animal
source. The preservation of foods by drying is the
time honored and most common method used by
humankind — one of the most important methods
for the food-processing industry. The Mesopota-
mians made salted dried fish as early as 3500



The sundrying of fish and meat was practiced as long
ago as 2000


and dried vegetables have been sold

for about a century and dried soups for much longer
[22]. Tannahill [86] noted that dry fish became par-
ticularly important when the Roman church banned
the eating of meat on Fridays and during Lent.

Drying in earlier times was done in the sun, now

many types of sophisticated equipment and methods

are used to dehydrate foods. During the past few
decades, considerable efforts have been made to
understand some of the chemical and biochemical
changes that occur during dehydration and to de-
velop methods for preventing undesirable quality
losses [57]. Foods can be divided into three broad
groups based on the value added through processing
by drying. In the case of cereals, legumes, and root
crops, very little value is added per ton processed.
More value per unit mass is added to foods such as
vegetables, fruits, and fish, and considerably more to
high-value crops such as spices, herbs, medicinal
plants, nuts, bioactive materials, and enzymes [3].

Fish muscular tissue consists mainly of muscle

fibers or cells (86–88%, v/v) and some extracellular
space (interstitial space, 9–12% and capillary space,
2–3%). The muscle cells consist of mainly fibrils
(working units of cell, 65%), sarcoplasma (transport


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and regulatory space filled with liquid and functional
units, 20–23%), and finally connective tissue (6%).
The muscle cells or fibers, each has a diameter 0.1 to
0.2 mm [89].


22.2.1 S



URING Salting Preservation

Curing was originally developed to preserve certain
foods by the addition of sodium chloride. In food
industry, the application of cured is related only to
certain meat, fish, and cheese products. Today
sodium chloride, sodium and potassium nitrite or
nitrate are considered curing salts. Salting is one of
the most common pretreatments used for the fish
products. Salting converts fresh fish into shelf-stable
products by reducing the moisture content, and acting
as a preservative. In combination with drying, these
processes contribute to the development of character-
istic sensory qualities in the products, which influence
their utilization as food [29,79]. Although curing was
originally a mechanism for preservation by salting,
over several millennia additional processes concomi-
tant with curing have evolved, notably fermentation,
smoking, drying, and heating. Curing may have dif-
ferent connotations: in meat salt and nitrite or nitrate
are always added; in fish salt is always added, but
nitrite only rarely; and in cheese, which always con-
tains salt, but infrequently contains nitrate, and the
term curing is applied to the production of desirable
proteolytic and lipolytic changes. In the past half-
century, cured products have been developed that
are not stable unless refrigerated. Indeed, most
cured meat products must be refrigerated to remain
safe and wholesome, and during the past two decades
even the packaging of many classes of cured products
has become important in extending the period during
which the product remains wholesome [81]. Cured
meats can be divided broadly into three groups: un-
heated, mildly heated (pasteurized to center tempera-
ture of 65–758C), and severely heated (shelf stable
after heating to 100–1208C) [81].

In addition to the curing salts and related pro-

cesses mentioned above, additives collectively known








products. These include ascorbates, phosphates,


-lactone, and sugars. Adjuncts are used

primarily to obtain or maintain desirable changes,
the ascorbates in connection with color and the others
in connection with pH, texture, and in some cases
flavor. Adjuncts may also affect safety. The concen-
tration of each curing agent depends on the nature of

the food products and on the technology used in
individual countries [81].

Salting can be done by placing fish in salt solution

or by covering with dry salt. During salting, water is
removed from the flesh, salt enters the tissues of the
fish, and the body juices become a concentrated salt
solution. When enough salt enters, it interacts with all
proteins causing coagulation. When the tissue cells
shrink because of the loss of a large share of the
moisture content, the fish flesh loses most of its trans-
lucent appearance and does not feel sticky to the
touch. At this stage, the salter would say it is struck
through [34]. Salting Process

Fish are salted over the temperature range of 0–388C.
Higher the temperature, faster the salt infusion, and
quicker the process reaches at equilibrium. The os-
motic dehydration process (i.e., salting) can be char-
acterized by equilibrium and dynamic periods [64].
In the dynamic period, the mass transfer rates are
increased or decreased until equilibrium is reached.
Equilibrium is the end point of osmotic process,
i.e., the net rate of mass transport is zero. In general,
fish absorbs salt faster as the brining tempera-
ture increases. It is best to standardize brining at
a cool temperature (1.1–1.78C) to achieve consistent
and predictable results and to discourage bacterial
growth. Using ice in the brine makeup water is a
good way to accomplish this, but caution must be
taken to make sure that no ice remains in the finished
brine. Brining in a cold room is also a good way to
keep brines cool and is advisable for long brining
times [30].

In general, salt absorption is affected by brine

concentration and temperature, brining time, thick-
ness and geometry of fish, texture and fat content of
fish, species, and fish quality [30]. Fish flesh absorbs
salt faster from higher salt brine concentration. Brine
greater than 15.8% tended to remove moisture from
the fish, which can be advantageous in some prod-
ucts. However, strong brines and short times may not
allow even distribution of salt into the center of the
fish geometry before smoking. Dry salting has the
advantage of removing moisture, but has the disad-
vantage of uneven salt absorption. Dry salting is a
technique, which covers fish with a thin layer of salt
(0.64–1.27 cm) between layers [30]. Tilapia was pro-
cessed by dry salting (ratio fish/salt, 3:1) varying salt-
ing time (0–24 h), air-drying time (6–20 h), and drying
temperature (40–608C). The critical salting times for
attaining minimum moisture were 20.5, 12, and 8.5 h,
respectively, for products air dried at 40, 50, and
608C. The hardness, color, and overall acceptability


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of salted dried Tilapia were found to be dependent on
the process variables, salting time, drying time,
and temperature [44]. Diffusivity of manganese ion
in cured pork was varied from 0.42









/s [24]. Salt diffusion in pork meat

was found in the range of 3.6



to 1.2





/s (temperature

2 to 368C) and for fat it was






/s [94]. Salt has a profound effect on

the ultrastructure and hence moisture binding of fish
muscle. It has more effect compared to freezing,
drying, or heat treatment [89].

Soft-textured fish tend to absorb salt faster than

tough or firm-textured fish. Frozen flesh absorbs neg-
ligible salt, thus need thawing. Mishandled fish with
gaping (separated flesh fibers) may have decreased
brining times. High fat content fish absorb salt slower
than low-fat fish. However, they may need less salt to
obtain adequate final water phase salt content. Fat
content in flesh varies at different locations on the
body of the fish. Salmon, for example, tend to
have less fat at the tail. Different species of fish have
different flesh characteristics and may absorb salt at
different rates. Salting times should be specific for each
species. Moreover, geometrical shapes of fish having
different thicknesses and widths along the length also
pose difficulties in controlling the salting process and
causes nonuniform salt distribution. Frozen-thawed
fish or low-quality fish have flesh characteristics,
which may affect (usually increase) the rate of salt
absorption. The rate of freezing affects flesh cell
structure and therefore the subsequent rate of salt
absorption [30]. In some cases, for example, in case
of salmon, the fish is soaked overnight in fresh water or
for a period of 12–16 h before curing. The water is
changed two or three times. About 10 or 12 h of
freshening should be sufficient but a more thorough
soaking may be required to satisfy some markets.

Salting or solute addition process affects the air-

drying process by reducing water diffusion rate [65].
The concentration of salt has also great influence on
the rate of surface evaporation [40]. In addition, de-
pending on the salt concentration and relative humid-
ity, the salted fish may reabsorb moisture from the
environment during storage [44].

22.2.2 C


Cooking before drying has been recommended for the
dehydration of fish. The bacterial load on the final
product can thus be much reduced, and cooked fish
can be minced and spread evenly on drying trays with
much less trouble than raw fish. However, the forma-
tion of a superficial pellicle (case-hardening), which
may considerably retard drying, is avoided by
precooking. It is clear that more severe the initial

conditions of cooking, the more stable is the subse-
quently dehydrated product [5].

When an animal or plant is killed, its cells become

more permeable to moisture as pointed out by Potter
[54]. When the tissue is blanched or cooked, the cells
may become still more permeable to moisture. Gen-
erally, cooked vegetable, meat, or fish dried more
easily than their fresh counterparts, provided cooking
does not cause excessive shrinkage or toughening [54].
Cooking also results in a decrease in water-holding
capacity of meat products [83].


22.3.1 S




Smoking of foods is one of the most ancient, and in
some communities one of the most important food-
preserving processes. The use of wood smoke to pre-
serve foods is nearly as old as open air-drying. Al-
though not primarily used to reduce the moisture
content of food, the heat associated with the gener-
ation of smoke also causes an effect of drying. Smok-
ing has been mainly used for meat and fish. The main
purposes of smoking are: it imparts desirable flavors
and colors to the foods; and some of the compounds
formed during smoking have preservative effect (bac-
tericidal and antioxidant) due to presence of a num-
ber of compounds [19,57].

Smoking is a slow process and it is not easy to

control the process. Smoke contains phenolic com-
pounds, acids, and carbonyls and smoke flavor is
primarily due to the volatile phenolic compound
[10,20,34]. Wood smoke is extremely complex and
more than 400 volatiles have been identified [43].
Guillen and Manzanos [26] identified around 140
compounds in liquid smoke prepared from Thymus
vulgaris wood. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are
ubiquitous in the environment as pyrolysis products
of organic matter. Their concentrations in smoked
food can reach levels hazardous for human health,
especially when the smoking procedure is carried out
under uncontrolled conditions [46]. Wood smoke
contains nitrogen oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbons, phenolic compounds, furans, carbonylic
compounds, aliphatic carboxylic acids, tar com-
pounds, carbohydrates, pyrocatechol, pyrogallols, or-
ganic acids, bases, and also carcinogenic compounds
like 3:4 benzpyrene. Nitrogen oxides are responsible
for the characteristic color of smoked food whereas
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon components and
phenolic compounds contribute to its unique taste.
All the three are the most controversial chemicals
from a health perspective [43].


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Commercial processors have therefore adjusted

processing conditions to produce the lower salt and
moisture products that will sell in today’s markets.
One result of these changes in processing practices is
that processing conditions must be standardized, con-
trolled, monitor, and documented so that the poten-
tial for producing toxic, or even lethal, food products
is eliminated. This is especially true for seafood prod-
ucts which may contain food-poisoning organisms of
marine origin that are more difficult to control than
those from land sources. Clostridium botulinum type
E is the most notorious of these marine organisms
and most smoked seafood produced are designed to
eliminate the potential of toxin production from this
bacteria species [30].

Color development in smoked fish is a complex

process. Maillard type with glycolic aldehyde and
methyglyoxal in the dispense phase of smoke is the
dominant role [87]. Hot-smoked fish produced by
exposing the fish to sawdust smoke gave good flavor
and poor color [1]. Several types of synthetic colors
have been used to color kippers in England [75].
Paprika has also been used as a seasoning and to
impart color to smoked fish [1]. Abu-Bakar and
Abdullah [1] used caramel to improve the acceptable
color of hot-smoked Spanish mackerel (Scombero-
morus spp.), chub mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta),
kurau (Polynemus spp.), skinless squid (Loligo spp.)
mantle. Spanish mackerel, chub mackerel, and squid
immersed in brine containing 0.4, 2.0, and 0.6% cara-
mel (w/v), respectively, for 30 min at 258C produced
most acceptable color. Smoked products with golden
yellow to light brown were preferred by the panelists.

The use of wood smoke in preventing lipid oxida-

tion in meat and fish products has been investigated
[6,39]. Polyphenols derived from the smoke acted as
antioxidants. Woolfe [95] found that smoke drying
initiated lipid oxidation in herring Sardinella aurita
as evidenced from peroxide values. The site of initi-
ation was bounded by lipids in contact with the
proteins and final moisture content was the predomin-
ating factor affecting the rate of oxidation. Sheehan
et al. [80] found that level of fats in raw salmon affects
texture, oiliness, and color of smoked salmon during
storage. Cold smoking, hot smoking, or combination
of both did not significantly affect the saltiness,
smoke flavor and color, but significant differences
were observed on texture and appearance. These
were sufficient to give overall acceptance of the
product [20].

Fat has an important influence on the nutritional

quality of the product, as well as on the eating qual-
ity, assessed in terms of texture, flavor, and taste. It
was also claimed that a high degree of fat in the
connective tissue, between the myomers, can interfere

with the perceived color [18]. In case of smoked sal-
mon, neither the fat content, which varied from 140 to
210 g/kg, nor the estimated fat deposits (7–12%)
affected significantly the sensory properties (color,
consistency, odor, and taste) of smoked fillets [72].
Cold-smoked fish is lightly preserved fish product,
which undergoes a mild salt cure and cold smoking at
temperatures below 288C. It is sold as sliced, vacuum-
packed, ready-to-eat product stored at 3–88C. Freshly
packaged cold-smoked product is not sterile and
ultimately quality at room temperature storage spoils
mainly due to microbiological activity [28].

All smoked fish must be stored chilled or vacuum-

packed to prolong shelf life. Hansen and Huss [28]
identified the microflora on spoiled, sliced, and
vacuum-packed cold-smoked salmon from three
different sources. Lactic acid bacteria dominated the
microflora, in some cases large number of Enterobac-
teriaceae were also present. The microflora on cold-
smoked salmon appeared to be related to the source
of contamination, i.e., the raw material and the smo-
kehouse rather than specific for the product.

22.3.2 S




The traditional methods of smoked food preservation
typically produced high salt and low moisture content
products that are not desirable to most modern con-
sumers. The traditional method of smoking fish uses
hot smoke, from a range of woods, passed over the
fish to partially dry it and impart the flavor and
aroma of the smoke. Disadvantages of this method
include a lack of control over the process and the
finished product with consequent health concerns if
the surface of the fish is not properly dried. Smoking
process involves extensive handling of raw and fin-
ished products. Fillets are manually turned in the
smokehouse to expose cut surfaces and skin for even
smoking and drying exposure.

Smoked food is prepared with two basic proced-

ures. One cooks the product (hot smoking) and the
other does not (cold smoking). Cold smoking devices
have one basic function of applying smoke to the
product. Hot smoking devices have the added function
of applying heat. Since preservation of fish usually
requires moisture removal, systems designed for hot
or cold smoking fish have the added function of dehy-
dration. Air movement in a smokehouse is essential to
the application of smoke and heat, and removal of
water from the product. Traditional smokehouse
used natural (gravity) convection to circulate air,
whereas modern equipment uses forced (mechanically
produced) convection [30]. The hot smoke process for
smoking fish differs from the cold smoke process in a
fundamental way. The cold smoke process requires


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that the fish reaches an internal cooking temperature
below 358C, whereas the hot smoke process cooks the
fish to the center at 62.88C for at least 30 min, and
hence there should be at least 3.5% water phase salt in
fish for both processes. Between those two extremes
are temperatures that can create an environment fa-
vorable to growth of food-poisoning bacteria. As an
additional safety margin, hot-smoked fish should al-
ways be cooled to less than 3.38C immediately after
smoking and held at that temperature until consumed
to prevent growth of food-poisoning bacteria. Both
hot- and cold-smoked fish are preserved primarily by
control of salt and moisture content (water phase salt).
Smoke deposition is effective only in controlling sur-
face spoilage [30]. Cold smoking salmon processors
are required to maintain temperatures below 32.28C
for a maximum of 20 h.

The conditions in cold smoking do not completely

eliminate normal harmless food-spoilage bacteria.
Cold-smoked fish is not a fully preserved product
and, for the same safety reasons as with hot-smoked
fish, must be chilled to 3.38C and held there until
consumed. Yellowfin tuna of 4

4 cm block took 45

min (in 16% brine) to absorb enough salt to reach
final water phase salt when the final product reached
60% moisture. For kingfish, the brining time was over
100 min. Large salmon take about the same time and
small salmon take much less time, perhaps only 15 to
20 min [30]. Cold smoking at 37.88C would enable
microbiological proliferation if salting is insufficient
and smoke deposition and dehydration rate is slow.
Cold smoking at low humidity and rapid airflow
retarded microflora by showing a slight decrease in
surface counts. Hot smoking at 71.18C, on the other
hand, caused a very large reduction in count of vege-
tative microorganisms [20]. Counts of aerobic micro-
organism on the surface layer of samples stored at
12.28C were very low (<10 per gram) and there were
no significant increase in count with prolonged stor-
age. Samples stored at 3.38C showed increasing num-
bers with prolonged storage with a very steep
exponential rise after 40 d of storage. Mold growth
was apparent after 45 d at 3.38C on some samples
[20]. Although the heat treatment in 71.18C process is
lesser than what is required to inactivate bacterial
spores, the product is of excellent quality and had
reasonable storage stability under refrigeration [20].

The product quality of smoked fish depends on

how fast it can be dried, cooked, and smoked by
deposition of smoke on the product. A smokehouse
is simply a drying oven with the ability to apply
smoke. The smoke density, surface moisture, air hu-
midity and temperature, and air circulation affect the
smoke deposition [30]. The accumulation of surface
moisture forms uneven smoke deposition. A relative

humidity of 60% at a temperature of 71.18C produced
maximum smoke deposition in some species [13]. The
temperature and humidity need to be controlled at
various stages of smoking cycle. While smoke density
can be increased by reducing air rejection from the
system (closing dampers), the same action raises rela-
tive humidity, thus reduced the drying rate. It is useful
to be able to generate high smoke density even at high
rejection rates. Modern automatic hot plate auger
smoke generators are capable of producing large
quantities of smoke if properly operated. Species of
wood affect smoke deposition and flavor. Most pro-
ducers have their own preference based on their
markets [30].

The hot smoking of fish requires five steps, each

with different goals and operating conditions. These
steps are surface drying, smoking, drying, heating or
cooking, and cooling. Surface drying is the removal of
surface moisture leaving a protein coating (pellicle)
on each piece of fish so that it accepts an even smoke
deposit. Producing a dense smoke atmosphere and
conditions where smoke is deposited evenly on the
surface of each piece can insure good flavor, color,
and surface preservation. Often color does not
develop until after the surface of the fish reaches
54.4 to 608C during the cooking step. Evenly drying
the fish to reduce moisture, raise the water phase salt,
and establish final texture are critical steps in produ-
cing safe products. Heating each piece of fish to at
least 62.88C and holding that temperature for at least
30 min are also critical steps in safe smoked fish.
Cooling the fish below cooking temperature (48.9–
608C) in the smokehouse as quickly as possible is
needed. Further cooling to less than 3.38C to reduce
growth of food-poisoning bacteria is recommended.
A suitable sanitary refrigerated room is usually more
practical and cost effective than a refrigerated smoke-
house. Cold smoke procedures do not use step 4 of
heating or cooking. Usually these five cycles take 8–
12 h period. Cycles of 4 h or less are possible with thin
and lightly smoked products [30]. The differences in
process employed depend primarily upon the type of
fish and regional preferences for a particular product.
Different schedules for different fish species are
specified [20]. Smokehouse is equipped with a smoke
generator where smoke is passed over water to
remove tar and solid particles. Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP) from U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) sets minimum standards for time
and temperature smoking cycles, salt and moisture
content, manufacturing, holding and shipping tem-
peratures, process monitoring and record keeping,
and packaging.

More modern methods of smoking fish use

formulations of liquid smoke to provide flavor and


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a range of methods of drying to reduce water activity
on the surface. In these methods, the fish are dipped
in smoke solutions before drying. Most drying
methods use heat to change the relative humidity of
the air passing over the fish. This is an inefficient use
of energy and in addition the heat drives off many of
the aromatic chemicals that go to make up aroma,
flavor, and color of the product. This could be over-
come by using energy-efficient heat pump drier, where
drying is performed in a closed chamber.

Smoke solution are available either as condensed

products from the dry distillation of wood or synthet-
ically prepared mixtures of phenols. The use of smoke
condensates offers some advantages. They are easily
applied and their concentration can be controlled.
They can be analyzed, purified if necessary, and the
antimicrobial activity can be evaluated. Sunen [84]
identified the minimum inhibitory concentration of
smoke wood extracts against spoilage and pathogenic
microorganisms associated with food. He found that
the effectiveness in inhibition varied with the type of
commercial liquid smoke. Synthetic smokes are more
nearer to actual smoke curing and harmful compon-
ents can be eliminated from synthetic smokes [11].
The odor, composition of flavor compounds, and
antimicrobial activity of the smoke are recognized to
be highly dependent on the nature of wood. Some
studies have recognized beech and oak woods as
those which produce wood smoke with the best sens-
ory properties [25]. Further herbs, spices (bay leaves,
black peppers, cloves, coriander seed, and spice), or
pinecones may also be added to produce unique aro-
matic smoke flavors [33,34]. Bacteriocin treatment
was found effective inhibiting Listeria monocytogenes
on salmon packaged under vacuum or modified
atmosphere [85].


22.4.1 P


Drying processes can be broadly classified based on
the water removing method applied, as (a) thermal
drying, (b) osmotic dehydration, and (c) mechanical
dewatering. In thermal drying, a gaseous or void
medium is used to remove water from the material,
thus thermal drying can be divided into three types:
(a) air-drying, (b) low air environment drying, and (c)
modified atmosphere drying [57]. In osmotic dehydra-
tion, solvent or solution is applied to remove water,
whereas in mechanical dewatering, physical force is
used to remove water. Consideration should be given
to many factors before selecting a drying process.
These factors are (a) the type of product to be dried,
(b) properties of the finished product desired, (c) the

product’s susceptibility to heat, (d) pretreatments
required, (e) capital and processing cost, and (f)
environmental factors. There is no one best technique
for all products [15,57].

Drying reduces the water activity, thus preserving

foods by avoiding microbial growth and chemical
reactions causing deterioration. The heating effects
on microorganisms and enzymes activity are also im-
portant in the drying of foods. Dehydration preserves
fish by destroying enzymes and removing the mois-
ture necessary for bacterial and mold growth. The
deterioration or spoilage of fish flesh is particularly
due to bacteria. Fatty fish cannot be dehydrated by
ordinary dehydration process, and is not possible to
store it in the usual way. Fish oils or fats are drying
oils, which rapidly absorb oxygen from the air and
harden just as paints harden on exposure to air. Fatty
fish must be dehydrated quickly in a vacuum, and
must be stored in vacuum or in an atmosphere of an
inert gas [34].

Earlier only sundrying was used for fish. Whereas

climate is not particularly suitable for air-drying or
better quality is desired, mechanical air-drying is
mainly used. Nowadays, solar and mechanical air-
drying is widely used commercially. Fish and seafood
can be dried by using convection, vacuum, and freeze-
drying methods. Convection air-drying is widely used
due to its low cost of equipment and operation com-
pared to vacuum and freeze-drying system. In gen-
eral, dehydration in vacuum and freeze-drying gave
the best results, but this method was considered too

Factors that affect the rate of drying are tempera-

ture, humidity, air velocity and distribution pattern,
air exchange, flesh characteristics, and flesh thickness.
Removing moisture from fish flesh is a process of
surface evaporation and therefore requires heat. In
general hotter the air temperature, the faster is the
moisture evaporation. Heating the surface too fast
can produce a hard crust (mostly dried soluble
protein), which retards movement of moisture. This
phenomenon (case-hardening) can severely reduce the
rate of drying and must be avoided. Dry air picks up
moisture from the surface of flesh faster than humid
air. The relative humidity (a measure of dryness) is
lowered when air temperature is raised. Drier must
expel air to get rid of moisture, thereby allowing new,
lower humidity air to enter the system. The rate that
air is exhausted from a drier affects the entrance of
new air and therefore affects the relative humidity
and rate of drying. This is the primary way the mois-
ture gets out of the drier after it has evaporated from
the fish. The rate of surface evaporation from fish is
proportional to the velocity of air passing over it. In
general, the higher the velocity, the higher is the rate


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of evaporation. Increased air velocity also increases
the heating rate of the fish with further increasing
evaporation [30]. In case of haddock and herring,
the higher the temperature of the air during drying,
the more stable is the product [5]. During drying in air
at 80 to 908C, deterioration of the protein or nonfatty
part produces substances having antioxygenic prop-
erties. Thus, drying at 80 to 908C gave more stability
to the fat in fish.

The drying temperatures as high as 968C can be

used in the initial drying stage without harmful effect.
As the product becomes drier, it is necessary to use a
lower temperature in order to prevent scorching and
in the later stages temperatures above 638C are inad-
visable. Relative humidity between 10 and 40% has
no noticeable effect on the quality of the product.
Low humidity and high initial drying temperature
are helpful in increasing the rate of drying [34]. The
results of British Food Investigation Board advised a
maximum temperature of 708C should be used [34].

The fish are usually placed on mesh trays as one

layer and hanged from a string for better air circula-
tion over the fish. The air circulation can be horizon-
tal or vertical to the fish layers. Factors such as
texture of meat, fat content, and species differences
affect migration of moisture from the center to the
outside of the piece that is dried, therefore affect the
drying rate. In general, firm and high oil content flesh
dries slower than soft and low-fat flesh. However,
high oil content flesh has less moisture to begin with
and may require less drying [30].

The recent applications on energy-efficient heat

pump drying, the modified atmosphere drying, could
be used for better quality and process efficiency. The
use of heat pump dryer offers several advantages over
convectional hot air dryers for the drying of food
products, including higher energy efficiency, better
product quality, the ability to operate independently
of outside ambient weather conditions, and zero en-
vironmental impact [57]. In addition, the condensate
can be recovered and disposed of in an appropriate
manner, and there is also the potential to recover
valuable volatiles from the condensate [52].

22.4.2 P


Dry products are characterized by long shelf life,
which is mostly due to the low water activity of the
products. Thus, fungal and bacterial growth is seldom
a problem under normal storage conditions [53]. The
requirement of packaging depends on the types of
dried products. The low water content dictates that
the products should be kept under dry conditions.
A good moisture barrier is the key to successful pack-
aging of dry products. The effects of water activity on

the product stability are reviewed by Rahman and
Labuza [67]. Furthermore, increased water activity
in the package or ingress of oxygen may accelerate
oxidative deterioration. Oxidation in storage may
cause serious problem in dried fish products. Light
was also found to cause deterioration in the stored
product. Usually plastic bags are usually used for
dried fish. The best results can be obtained with non-
fatty fish packed in hermetically sealed containers and
stored in a cool place. In many cases, sacs of desiccant
or oxygen absorbers are used inside the bags contain-
ing dried fish. Antioxidant treatment packaging ma-
terials can also increase the shelf life. Low-grade dried
fish also stored in open atmospheric storage condi-
tions. Other changes taking place in dehydrated lean
fish include development of a tough texture, darken-
ing of color, and a burnt flavor and odor [34].



Initial freshness plays an important part in determin-
ing the stability of dehydrated fish; the fresher the raw
material, the more stability is the dehydrated product.
The quality characteristics of dried foods can be
grouped as microbial, chemical, physical, and nutri-
tional (Table 22.1).

22.5.1 M






Fishes are prone to rapid microbial spoilage, thus
adequate care must be taken in drying the fish. Mi-
crobial standards are usually based on the total num-
ber of indicator organisms or number of pathogens
[70]. The microbial load and its changes during drying
and storage are important information for establish-
ing a standard that will ensure food safety. Poor
processing, handling, and storage practices often
result in a limited storage life of the dried salted fish

TABLE 22.1
Quality Characteristics of Dried Foods








Vitamin loss




Protein loss


Color loss






Aroma loss

Fatty acid





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[91]. In case of foods to be preserved by drying, it is
important to maximize microorganism inactivation
for preventing spoilage and enhanced safety. On the
other hand, in the case of drying bacterial cultures,
minimum inactivation of microorganism is desired.
Thus, types of detrimental effects of drying may be
desirable or undesirable, depending on the purpose of
drying process [57].

Rillo et al. [70] studied the microbiological quality

of commercially available dried mackerel in Philip-
pines. Their analysis included total plate count, yeast
and mold counts, and tested for pathogens like coli-
form, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Vib-
rio, and Clostridium. The microbial load for dried
mackerel ranged from 3



colonies per gram sam-

ple to too numerous to count. No evidence of spoilage
was detected when the samples having water activity
from 0.72 to 0.74. The isolates found were Alcali-
genes, Bacillus, Leuconostoc, Micrococcus, Halobac-
terium, Flavobacterium, Halococcus, Aspergillus, and
Penicillium. All the samples were positive for coli-
form, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus. Vibrio and
Clostridium were not detected while Salmonella was
detected only in some samples. Brining and drying
decreased the microbial load but did not eliminate
the pathogens. Wheeler et al. [91] studied the common
fungi involved in spoiling of dried salted fish in Indo-
nesia. They studied the mycoflora of dried salted fish
with emphasis on visible spoiled fish and spoilage
fungi. A total of 364 isolates from 74 fish was cultured
and identified. Wheeler and Hocking [92] studied the
effect of water activity and storage temperature on
the growth of fungi associated with dried salted fish.
Waliuzzaman et al. [90] studied the microbial growth
in trevally (Caranx georgians) during heat pump de-
humidifier drying at low temperatures. The tempera-
ture and relative humidity were varied from 20 to
408C and 0.20 to 0.60, respectively. It was found
that microorganisms did grow during drying of highly
perishable products such as fish. Lower temperatures
gave lower count regardless of relative humidity of
drying. Sulfur-producing organisms were a significant
portion of the total flora of fish drying. Rahman et al.
[59] studied the microfloral changes in tuna mince
during convection air-drying between 40 and 1008C.
The drying temperature of 508C or below showed no
lethal effect on the microflora and showed a signifi-
cant growth. The drying temperature of fish must be
at or above 608C to avoid microbial risk in the prod-
uct. The actual optimum temperature above 608C
should be determined based on other quality charac-
teristics of the dried fish. Recently the use of heat
pump dryer is receiving attention in the food industry
due to its several advantages. Potential improvements
in the quality of dried products are major advantages

in using heat pump drying. One of the main reasons
of quality improvements in heat pump dried products
is due to its ability to operate at lower temperatures.
Adequate measure should be considered when using
heat pump drying below 508C for highly perishable
products such as fish [59].

Reducing the water activity of a product inhibits

growth, but does not result in a sterile product. The
highest possible drying temperatures should be used
to maximize thermal death even though low drying
temperatures are best for maintaining organoleptic
characteristics [49]. Other alternative is to use high
drying temperature initially at high moisture content
and then drying at low temperature. It is usual to
estimate D-value at a specified temperature (isother-
mal conditions) by maintaining other parameters
(such as moisture content) constant. This ideal situ-
ation cannot be simulated in the destruction process
of microflora during drying. This is due to the change
of moisture in the sample during drying process, thus
destruction is caused by a combination of tempera-
ture and water loss. The microbial deactivation kin-
etics depends on several factors: variety, water
content (i.e., water activity), temperature, compos-
ition of the medium (acidity, types of solids, pH,
etc.), as well as heating method [35,42,76]. Models
to predict the D-values were also developed as a
function of temperature, pH, and water activity for
isothermal conditions [12,23]. These models could not
be used in case of drying conditions since the level of
water content does not remain same for each tem-
perature studied. Bayrock and Ingledew [8] measured
the D-values for the changing moisture content (i.e.,
drying) and for moist conditions (i.e., no change of
moisture during heating). They estimated the D-values
from the slope of log N versus time of drying and
found that D-values for drying condition were much
higher than the values from the moist heat. This
indicated that heat resistance of microorganism in-
creased significantly during drying compared to the
moist heat conditions. During drying of tuna, Rah-
man et al. [58] found that decimal reduction time (D-
value) for natural microflora varied from 12.66 to
2.64 h when drying temperature varied from 60 to
1008C, respectively. As expected the values were de-
creased with the increase of temperature, which indi-
cates that increase in drying temperature increased
the lethal effect. The D-values at 1008C was much
lower than the drying temperature at 908C or below.
This may be due to the high drying rate at 1008C.
Bayrock and Ingledew [7] also pointed that higher
drying rate at high temperature may be the main
cause of microfloral destruction. Rahman et al. [61]
investigated the changes of endogenous bacterial
counts in minced tuna during dry heating (convection


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drying) and moist heating (heating in a closed cham-
ber) as a function of temperature. The D-values for
total viable counts decreased from 2.52 to 0.26 h for
moist heating and 2.57 to 0.34 h for dry heating,
respectively, whereas temperature was maintained
constant within the range 60–1408C. In both cases,
increasing temperature caused significant decrease
in D-values, whereas the effect of heating methods
was not significant. Thus the heat resistance charac-
teristics of microorganisms in fresh tuna mince was
not depended on the changing medium moisture
content. They also identified types and characteristics
of endogenous microbes present in fresh and dried
tuna meat. It showed that the predominant microbes
in the dried tuna were moderate osmotolerant and
heat sensitive.

22.5.2 B




Browning reactions change color, decrease nutritional
value and solubility, create off-flavors, and induce
textural changes. Browning reactions can be classified
as enzymatic or nonenzymatic with the latter remain-
ing more serious as far as drying process concerned.
Two major types of nonenzymatic browning are cara-
melization and Maillard browning. In addition to the
moisture level, temperature, pH, the composition of
all parameters affect the rate of nonenzymatic brown-
ing. The rate of browning is more rapid in the inter-
mediate moisture range and decreases at very low and
very high moistures. Browning tends to occur primar-
ily at the center of drying period. This may be due to
migration of soluble constituents toward the center
region. Browning is also more severe near the end of
drying period when the moisture level of sample is
low and less evaporative cooling is taking place,
which results in the product temperature rises. Several
suggestions are found to reduce browning during dry-
ing. In all cases, it was emphasized that product
should not experience unnecessary heat when it is in
its critical moisture content range [49].

Maillard-type nonenzymatic browning reactions

in processed meat products also contribute to their
external surface color [78]. Pearson et al. [50,51] dem-
onstrated that the main browning reaction involves
the reaction of carbonyl compounds with amino
groups, although lesser amounts of carbonyl brown-
ing also occur. Muscle usually contains small
amounts of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen,
reducing sugars, and nucleotides, whereas the amino
groups are readily available from the muscle proteins.
Browning occurs at temperatures of 80–908C and
increases with time and temperature [16]. A loss of
both amino acids and sugars from the tissue occurs as
a result of the browning reaction. Lysine, histidine,

threonine, methionine, and cysteine are some of the
amino acids that may involved in browning [31].

Potter [54] identified that Maillard browning pro-

ceeds most rapidly during drying if moisture content
is decreased to a range of 15–20%. As the moisture
content drops further, the reaction rate slows so that
in products dried below 2% moisture further color
change is not perceptible even during subsequent stor-
age. Drying systems or heating schedules are gener-
ally designed to dehydrate rapidly through the 15–
20% moisture range so as to minimize the time for
Maillard browning. In carbohydrate foods, browning
can be controlled by removing or avoiding amines
and conversely in protein foods by eliminating the
reducing sugars [47,48,50,51].

22.5.3 L




Fish oils or fats are more unsaturated than beef or
butterfat, and they are usually classified as drying oils
because they contain considerable proportions of
highly unsaturated acids. The behavior of drying
oils toward atmospheric oxygen is well known, and
oxidation is a serious problem for commercial drying
of fatty fish and seafood. The flesh of some fatty fish,
such as herrings, contains a fat prooxidant that is not
wholly inactivated by heat [5].

Lipid oxidation is responsible for rancidity, devel-

opment of off-flavors, and the loss of fat-soluble vit-
amins and pigments in many foods, especially in
dehydrated foods. Factors which affect oxidation
rate include moisture content, type of substrate
(fatty acid), extent of reaction, oxygen content, tem-
perature, presence of metals, presence of natural anti-
oxidants, enzyme activity, UV light, protein content,
free amino acid content, and other chemical reac-
tions. Moisture content plays a big part in the rate
of oxidation. At water activities around the mono-
layer (a


0.3), resistance to oxidation is greatest.

The elimination of oxygen from foods can reduce

oxidation, but the oxygen concentration must be very
low to have an effect. The effect of oxygen on lipid
oxidation is also closely related to the product poros-
ity. Freeze-dried foods are more susceptible to oxygen
because of their high porosity. Air-dried foods tend to
have less surface area due to shrinkage, and thus not
affected by oxygen [59]. Minimizing oxygen level dur-
ing processing and storage and addition of antioxi-
dants as well as sequesterants were recommended in
literature to prevent lipid oxidation [49].

Antioxidants added to the herrings before drying

are ineffective, but the addition to the air during drying
of wood smoke, which contains some of the simple
antioxygenic phenols,

stabilizes the


of the

dehydrated products very considerably [5]. Oxidation


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of the fat normally occurs during dehydration. Her-
rings dried at 80 to 908C compared to lower tempera-
ture were found to be more stable during storage [5].
One factor that may be important is the production of
browning products, which have antioxidant activity.
The effectiveness of nonenzymatic browning products
in preventing lipid oxidation was demonstrated and it
is one of the mechanisms hypothesized by Karel [36]
to prevent lipid oxidation.

The effect of water on the destruction of the pro-

tective food structure in some specific dehydrated
foods is probably involved in prevention of lipid oxi-
dation in heated meat systems [36]. In systems in
which there are both surface lipids and lipids encap-
sulated within a carbohydrate, polysaccharide, or
protein matrix, the surface lipids oxidize readily
when exposed to air. The encapsulated lipids, how-
ever, do not oxidize until the structure of the encap-
sulated matrix is modified or destroyed by adsorption
of water [82]. Another reason is the increase of oxy-
gen diffusion by increasing molecular mobility above
glass–rubber transition [71].

22.5.4 C




The protein matrix in muscle has marked effect upon
its functionality and properties [77]. The nonfatty part
of fish is very susceptible to changes caused by high
temperature of initial cooking, drying, and storage.
Every process involved in the conversion of muscle to
meat alters the characteristics of the structural elements
[83]. Several functional properties may originate from
the same internal change of proteins that form the
tissue. Denaturation is defined as loss of natural prop-
erties such as tertiary or quaternary structure (amino
acid sequence, primary structure and peptide strands in
a protein, secondary structure). In addition to tempera-
ture, ionic environment in the tissue promotes changes
in hydrogen bonding and disulfide links [89]. Heating is
believed to cause the denaturation of the muscle pro-
teins even below 608C, but not enough to greatly shear
resistance [78]. The decrease in shear observed at 608C
was attributed to collagen shrinkage. Hardening at 70–
758C was believed to be due to increased cross-linking
and water loss by the myofibrillar proteins, whereas
decreasing shear at higher temperatures may indicate
solubilization of collagen [16].

After 1 h at 508C, the collagen fibrils of the endo-

mysium appear beaded, which is brought about by
their close association with the heat-denatured non-
collagenous proteins in the extracellular spaces. Heat
denaturation of the lipoprotein in plasmalemma re-
sults from a temperature of 608C for 1 h. The break-
down products of the plasmalemma are large granules
and are often associated with the basement lamina,

which appears to survive intact even after heating at
1008C for 1 h [73,74].

Heating produces major changes in muscle struc-

ture. Voyle [88] reviewed modifications in cooked tis-
sue observable with the scanning electron microscope.
Alternation in muscle structure due to heating includes
coagulation of the perimysial and endomysial connect-
ive tissue, sarcomere shortening, myofibrillar fragmen-
tation, and coagulation of sarcoplasmic proteins
[32,88]. Heating and drying intensify the detachment
of the myofibrils from the muscle fiber bundles, which
is caused mainly by electrical stunning or stimulation
and improper conditioning following slaughter [14].

22.5.5 S






Rahman [56] provides the present knowledge on the
mechanism of pore formation in foods during drying
and related processes. The glass transition theory is
one of the proposed concepts to explain the process of
shrinkage and collapse during drying and other related
process. According to this concept, there is negligible
collapse (more pores) in material if processed below
glass transition and higher the difference between the
process temperature and the glass transition tempera-
ture, the higher the collapse. The methods of freeze-
drying and hot air drying can be compared based on
this theory. In freeze-drying, since the temperature of
drying is below T


(maximally freeze concentrated glass

transition temperature), the material is in the glassy
state. Hence shrinkage is negligible. As a result the
final product is very porous. In hot air drying, on the
other hand, since the temperature of drying is above T



the material is in the rubbery state and substantial
shrinkage occurs. Hence the food produced from hot
air drying is dense and shriveled [2]. The values of T



fish and meat varied from

11 to 158C [9]. State

diagram of tuna meat was developed by measuring
freezing curve, glass line, and maximal freeze concen-
tration conditions (X


and T


) [60]. Rahman [68] pro-

vided recent reviews on the development of state
diagram. However, the glass transition theory does
not hold true for all products. Other concepts such as
surface tension, structure, environment pressure, and
mechanisms of moisture transport also play important
roles in explaining the formation of pores. Rahman [56]
hypothesized that as capillary force is the main force
responsible for collapse, counterbalancing of this
force causes formation of pores and lower shrinkage.

The degree to which a dehydration sample rehy-

drate is influenced by structural and chemical changes
caused by dehydration, processing conditions, sample
preparation, and sample composition. Rehydration is
maximized when cellular and structural disruption such
as shrinkage are minimized [49]. Chang et al. [15]


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illustrated the morphological changes that occur in
the appearance of the muscle fiber bundles during
cooking and drying convectionally in heated rotary
dryer. They found that after cooking the fibers are
bound together in a compact bundle. The bundle size
is gradually reduced by the effects of heating and
tumbling during the early stage of predrying in the
modified clothes dryer. Apparent bundle size is
expanded with the endomysial capillary moisture
that is removed during drying.

The apparent shrinkage during processing can be

defined as the ratio of the apparent volume at given
conditions and initial apparent volume of the materials
before processing. The apparent shrinkage coefficient
indicates the overall volume shrinkage of a material.
Two types of shrinkage usually observed in the case of
food materials are isotropic and anisotropic shrinkage.
Isotropic shrinkage can be described as the uniform
shrinkage in all geometric dimensions of the materials.
Anisotropic shrinkage is described as the nonuniform
shrinkage in different geometric dimensions. In many
cases, it is important to estimate the changes in all
characteristics geometric dimensions to characterize a
material. In case of muscle, such as fish and seafood,
shrinkage in the direction parallel to muscle fibers was
significantly different from that perpendicular to the
fibers during air-drying [4,66]. This is different from the
very isotropic shrinkage of most fruits and vegetables.

The generic shrinkage model was developed by

Rahman [69]. Food materials can be considered as
multiphase systems (i.e., gas–liquid–solid systems).
When the mixing process conserves both mass and
volume, then the density of the multiphase system can
be written as











( r




¼ j

where (r




and r


are the true densities of component

i and composite mixture, respectively, X


is the mass

fraction of the component i and n is the total number
of components present in the mixture. Miles et al. [45]
and Choi and Okos [17] proposed the above equation
for predicting the density of food materials. However,
this equation has limited uses in the cases where there
is no air phase present and no interaction between the
phases. Rahman [69] has extended the theoretical
model, introducing the pore volume and interaction
term into the above equation and the equation for
apparent density is











where «


and «


are the excess volume fraction due to

interactions, and void or pore volume fraction or
porosity, respectively. The shrinkage can be written as



























where V


is the apparent volume of the material. This

model is applied successfully during air-drying of
calamari [63]. The formation of pores in foods during
drying can be grouped into two generic types: one
with an inversion point and another without an in-
version poin t (Figur e 22.1 and

Figu re 22.2

) . Figu re

22.2a shows that during drying initially pores are
collapsed and reached at a critical value, and further
decrease of moisture causes the formation of pores
until completely dried. Opposite condition exists in
Figure 22.2. Figure 22.2 shows that pores increased or
decreased as a function of moisture content. Pore
formation in the case of calamari and squid meat
showed type 2A [63,66]. Most of the porosity is pre-
dicted from the density data or from empirical correl-
ation of porosity and moisture content. Mainly
empirical correlations are used to correlate porosity.
Rahman et al. [63] developed the following correl-
ation for open and closed porosity in calamari meat
during air-drying up to zero moisture content as

Water content

Water content





FIGURE 22.1 Change of porosity as a function of water content (with inversion point). (a) Porosity decrease with water
content and then increase and (b) porosity increase with water content and then decrease [56].


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¼ 0:079 0:164y þ 0:099y




¼ 0:068 0:216y þ 0:138y


where y

¼ X





. Rahman [69] developed apparent

porosity of squid mantle meat during air-drying up to
zero moisture content as



¼ 0:109 0:219y þ 0:099y


Rahman [62] developed a theoretical model (ideal
condition) to predict porosity in foods during drying
based on conservation of mass and volume principle,
and assuming that volume of pores formed is equal to
the volume of water removed during drying. As
expected the ideal model may not be valid in many
practical cases. The ideal model is then extended for
on-ideal conditions, when there is shrinkage, collapse,
or expansion, by defining a shrinkage expansion coef-
ficient. In addition to porosity, Rahman et al. [59]
studied the characteristics of pores in dried tuna pro-
duced by air-, vacuum-, and freeze-drying. Pores in
different dried tuna samples were characterized by
porosimetry as the total intruded volume, total surface
area, pore size range, average diameter, and nature of
the pore size distribution curves.

22.5.6 R


Rehydration is a process of moistening dry material.
Mostly it is done by abundant amount of water. In
most cases, dried fish is soaked in water before cook-
ing or consumption, thus rehydration is one of the
important quality criteria. In practice, most of the
changes during drying are irreversible and rehydra-
tion cannot be considered simply as a process revers-
ible to dehydration [41].

In general, water absorption is fast at the begin-

ning and thereafter slows down. A rapid moisture
uptake is due to surface and capillary suction.

Rahman and Perera [57] and Lewicki [41] reviewed
the factors affecting the rehydration process. These
factors are porosity, capillaries and cavities near sur-
face, temperature, trapped air bubbles, amorphous
crystalline state, soluble solids, degree of dryness,
anions, and pH of soaking water. Porosity, capillar-
ies, and cavities near surface enhance the rehydration
process, whereas the presence of trapped air bubbles
gives a major obstacle to the invasion of fluid. Until
the cavities are filled with air, water penetrates to the
material through its solid phase. In general, tempera-
ture strongly increases the early stage of water rehy-
dration. There is a resistance of crystalline structures
to solvation, which causes development of swelling
stresses in the material, whereas amorphous regions
hydrate fast. Presence of anions in water affects vol-
ume increase during water absorption.

22.5.7 S


Many factors affect the solubility such as processing
conditions, storage conditions, composition, pH,
density, and particle size. It was found that increasing
product temperatures is accompanied by increasing
protein denaturation, which decreases solubility.
Thus, more protein is denatured and its solubility gets
decreased [49]. Removal of water by evaporation
results in the formation of an amorphous state product.

22.5.8 T


Factors that affect texture include moisture content,
composition, variety or species, pH, product history
(maturation or age), and sample dimensions. Texture
is also dependent on the method of dehydration and
pretreatments. Purslow [55] stated that meat texture is
affected by the structure of the solid matrix. He con-
cluded that it is important to have a fundamental
understanding of the fracture behavior of meat and
how it relates to the structure of the material. Stanley

Water content

Water content





FIGURE 22.2 Change of porosity as a function of water content (no inversion point). (a) Porosity decrease with water
content and (b) porosity increase with water content [56].


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[83] stated that many researchers now believe that the
major structural factors affecting meat texture are
associated with connective tissues and myofibrillar
proteins. Moreover, two other components muscle
membranes and water also deserve consideration not
because of their inherent physical properties, but ra-
ther as a result of the indirect influence they have on
the physical properties. It should be noted that sarco-
plasmic proteins may be important for the same rea-
son, although little information on their role is
available. He suggested that these structures merit
particular attention.

Kuprianoff [37] referred to the possible adverse

effects of removing bound water from foods as (i)
denaturation of protein by concentration of the sol-
utes, (ii) irreversible structural changes leading to
textural modification upon rehydration, and (iii) stor-
age stability problems. Stanley [83] stated that the
water-holding capacity of muscle is related to its
sorption properties. The bound water in the muscle
is primarily a result of its association with the myofi-
brillar proteins as indicated by Wismer-Pedersen [93].
Protein–water interactions significantly affect the
physical properties of meat [27]. Changes in water-
holding capacity are closely related to pH and to the
nature of muscle proteins.

22.5.9 N




The dehydration of food is one of the most important
achievements in the human history making them less
dependent upon a daily food supply even under
adverse environmental conditions [21]. In general,
losses of vitamin B are usually less than 10% in
dried foods. Dried foods do not greatly contribute
to dietary requirements for thiamin, folic acid, and
vitamin B-6. Although vitamin C is largely destroyed
by heating–drying, meat per se is not a good source
[16]. Even though most amino acids are fairly resist-
ant to heating–drying, lysine is quite heat labile and
likely to be borderline or low in the diet of humans
and especially so in developing countries where high-
quality animal proteins are scarce and expensive [21].


In this chapter a brief overview of fish drying is pre-
sented. The main focus is given to drying methods,
pretreatment, and quality characteristics. In many
cases, pretreatment is important to achieve desired
level of quality. The microbial, chemical, physical,
and nutritional quality characteristics related to fish
and seafood are also summarized.


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