Barbara Elsborg Starting Over

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Starting Over
ISBN # 978-1-78184-219-5
©Copyright Barbara Elsborg


Cover Art by Posh Gosh

©Copyright January 2013

Edited by Sue Meadows

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Total-E-Bound Publishing
This is a work of fiction. All

characters, places and events are
from the author’s imagination and
should not be confused with fact.
Any resemblance to persons, living
or dead, events or places is purely

All rights reserved. No part of

this publication may be reproduced
in any material form, whether by
printing, photocopying, scanning or
otherwise without the written
permission of the publisher, Total-
E-Bound Publishing.




addressed in the first instance, in

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restricted acts in relation to this
publication may result in civil




The author and illustrator have

asserted their respective rights
under the Copyright Designs and
Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to
be identified as the author of this
book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2013 by Total-E-

Bound Publishing, Think Tank,
Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.


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This book contains sexually

explicit content which is only
suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Total-e-

and a sexometer of 2.

This story contains 41 pages,

additionally there is also a free

at the end of the book

containing 6 pages.

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Barbara Elsborg

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When Pia goes into a hotel bedroom

looking for a night of stringless sex, she
gets more than she bargained for.

Pia’s life needs a kick-start.

She’s tired of going home to an
empty flat, fed up with her job, and
hasn’t been held in a guy’s arms for
far too long. If men can do sex just
for fun, why can’t she? But as she
makes the trek to a hotel bedroom
she’s fraught with indecision. A
minor miracle, she manages to
open the door and slink into the
room. That miracle becomes much
more than minor once she crawls
into bed and gets the shock of her

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The author acknowledges the

trademarked status and trademark
owners of the following wordmarks
mentioned in this work of fiction:

Yorkshire Post: Yorkshire Post


Harry Potter: J K Rowling,

Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)

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Chapter One

I hate my job. I hate my life. I hate

my job. I hate my life.

“Yes, Mrs Dutton, but—” Pia

said into her mouthpiece.

She closed her eyes as she was

interrupted yet again, tempted to
bang her head on the desk. Good
thing the irate woman was at the
other end of a phone line or Pia
might have been tempted to bang
Mrs Dutton’s head on the desk
rather than her own.

“Of course, Mrs Dutton, but—”
How many times would she

have to repeat the same thing?

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They were dancing in circles with
Pia hardly able to get a word in.
Finally, the woman paused to draw
breath and Pia seized her chance.





disappointment. The thing is you
should have declared you had a
heart condition when you took out
the insurance. You were asked if
you had any health issues and your
response was no.”

“But I wasn’t ill when I went

on holiday.”

Oh, God.

“Yes, but insurance is

offered on the basis of your medical
history. You failed to provide us
with all the facts. The premium you

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paid was based on incorrect
information.” Otherwise known as
lies. “We might well have declined
to insure you if you’d told us.” Or
charged her a fortune.

“That’s why I didn’t say


Pia winced. The call was being

recorded and that was an admission
of fraud.

“I’m sorry, Mrs Dutton, but

Insure4U2 have to reject your

She waited for either an earful

of abuse or tearful sobs. She
actually preferred to be yelled at. It
was easier to deal with.

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“But the b-bills…” the woman

hiccupped. “What am I going to
do? I don’t have enough money to
pay them.”

The prolonged wail into her

throbbing ear chewed at Pia’s heart.
The woman’s debt was not the
company’s problem, but Pia felt
sorry for her.

“Do you have family you could

borrow from? Perhaps take out a
loan? You could speak to your bank

The sobbing stuttered to a halt.

“You have no idea what my life’s
been like. I needed that holiday. My
husband died. I had to get away. It

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was supposed to be a new start and
now I have a mountain of debt. I
might lose my home.”

“I’m very sorry,” Pia said

quietly. “I do understand—”

“No you don’t,” the woman

snapped, anger replacing her tears.
“You don’t care. You’re just some
faceless nine-to-five pen-pusher.
You insurance people are all the
same, looking for ways to worm out
of paying what’s due. Well, I’ll be
putting in a complaint about you.
I’ve not been treated fairly.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way—”

Pia listened to a dial tone and

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A glance at the clock showed it

was well past time to go home and
she powered off her computer.
After six in the evening another call
centre took over. Everyone else had
already gone, happy it was Friday,
looking forward to seeing their
partners, kids and pets. Pia had
none of those. She didn’t even have
a plant. They never thrived under
her care. Nothing thrived under her
care. She shuddered.

Pia grabbed her coat and purse

and made her way downstairs. She
waved at the rotund security guard
behind the reception desk.

“Night, Fred.”

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“Last out again, Pia? Have a

good weekend.”

“You too.”
There was no such thing as a

good weekend. At least from
Monday to Friday her life had
purpose, even if she hated the job.
Get up, go to work, come home,
eat, go to bed, toss and turn, get up,
go to work. The weekends were
almost unbearable, long days of
nothing, longer nights of more than
nothing with not even a plant to
talk to. She tugged up the collar of
her coat and made her way through
the city streets towards—towards
what? She actually had a choice

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tonight, though she’d talked herself
in and out of it so many times her
stomach had churned all day and
she’d not eaten a thing.

Better to go home and…what?

Eat a meal for one in front of a crap
TV show? Pretend to be happy?
Pretend to be normal? Her heart

I am so lonely.
Then do something about it.
You know what.
Pia turned and walked back

towards the Grand Hotel. Ten steps
later, she swivelled round and
resumed her journey to the station.

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Are you going to call and tell him

you’ve changed your mind?

She took out her phone, then

stuffed it back in her pocket and
reversed direction yet again.





responded to an ad in the Yorkshire
Post’s personal columns.

Good-looking charmer in his mid-

thirties, looking for a female 18-30 for
fun times when he’s in town. Tall,
slim, blond, GSOH. Reply box 14598

Pia wasn’t sure if he was tall,

blond and had a good sense of
humour or that was what he was

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looking for. In any case, she was tall
and blonde, and she used to have a
good sense of humour, although it
had mostly been missing for the last
eighteen months. Laughing made
her feel guilty. She’d miraculously
managed to send off a response to
the ad before she could change her
mind, although she’d freaked out
after she’d sent the email. Even
more miraculous was that a week
ago she had met tall, slim, blond,
GSOH for a drink.

He hadn’t lied. Steve Hartley

was exactly what he’d said he was,
although a little too charming for
Pia. He’d been as smooth as an icy

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slide and clearly after one thing





Apparently, he’d had so many
responses to his ad he’d decided to
interview everyone who’d replied.
But he’d made her smile and she’d
made him smile. Even though he





admission that he wasn’t looking
for anything serious fitted with
what she wanted. Pia wondered if
he could be the one to snap her
back to life because if she didn’t do
something soon, she’d wither up
like a fallen leaf and crumble to

So at that first meeting a week

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ago, she’d said yes to seeing him
again and had made her way home
with her confidence buoyed by his
desire to get together, although that
niggling devil of doubt had told her
he’d said that to all the women
he’d spoken to. By the end of the
train journey, she’d talked herself
out of meeting him again. She’d
crawled into bed knowing she
couldn’t do stringless sex, that she
had to feel some emotional
connection in order to get into bed
with a guy. She had boundaries and
morals, and she wasn’t even sure
she wanted sex. Maybe she just
needed to be wanted by someone

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who wanted sex.

Pia swallowed hard. That

wasn’t entirely true. She missed
being held, missed having a guy’s
arms around her, missed the male
scent, the taste of a man’s skin. She
needed to believe she could be
happy again, that she could make a
man happy again, because a part of
her feared her capacity to enjoy life
had died eighteen months ago
along with her husband.

This morning, Steve had texted

to say he was in town and staying
at the Grand. For all she knew, he’d
never left town but had filled each
evening since he’d met her having

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fun times with a string of tall and
amusing blondes. Did it matter?
Apparently, he’d left an envelope
at reception with his room key
inside if she wanted to see him.

‘up 2 u’ he’d texted. ‘but plz


Pia knew what he wanted. He

was only interested in her because
he thought it was what she wanted
too, and it sort of was but—Christ—
too many buts in her life. Stop
thinking and just go for it.





standing outside the hotel she
wondered if her legs had made the
decision her brain struggled with.

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Her stomach urged her to go home.
Her heart sat on the fence. Her feet,
ruled by her libido, carried her
inside and straight up to the front

“Hi, I think you have a message

for me. Pia Andrews.”

The guy looked her up and

down in a not very pleasant way
and something inside her began to
shrivel. He handed over an
envelope with her name and Room
two-ten scrawled in untidy writing.
She felt the hard rectangle of a card
key inside.

“Thank you.”
Pia walked away from the

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elevators towards the bar. Did that
guy on reception think she was a
prostitute? Oh, God. Apart from not





difference? Idiot. There was a big
difference, but this was still a
mistake. Her stomach churned and
she felt sick. She pulled her phone
from her pocket and scrolled to
Steve’s number.

“Hi,” Pia croaked.
“Hey there, sexy. You are going

to make it tonight,” he said rather
than asked. “Please don’t tell me
you’ve changed your mind.”

“I’m here but…” Bloody ‘but’


. “…could we go for a meal or

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a drink?” The word ‘first’ hadn’t
emerged but at least she hadn’t said

“You can have a drink in my

room. I’ll order room service if
you’re hungry.”

Pia sighed.
“Hey, I’ve champagne on ice.

All I need is you here with me. Yes
or no?”

“Yes.” Oh, God, did I say yes?
“Great. See you soon.”
She stuffed the phone into her

pocket and walked to the elevators.

It’s just sex. Where’s the problem

in that? I love sex. I love being held,
being touched, the way my toes curl

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when I come. I miss it. I’m fed up of
doing everything myself. No one’s
going to know.

She wasn’t going to fall in love

with this guy, which was the whole
point. She’d had love and she
didn’t want it again because she
couldn’t cope with the pain of
losing it for the second time. Still,
the doubts were there. Sex with no
emotional attachment? How would
she feel tomorrow? Happy? Guilty?

Fine, she’d feel all three but at

least she’d feel something, right?

Pia gulped. Well, she’d never

know if she didn’t go through with

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it. If guys went for what they
wanted, why couldn’t she?

She and Steve had talked and

talked last Friday and there’d been



friendship, blatant sexual interest,
though not love, never that. He’d
laughed at her taste in music, he
liked the same pizza toppings as
her, he wanted to know what soap
she used, what she did in her spare
time. She’d found out he had a
brother who drove him crazy, he
liked to ski but he was crap at it,
and anchovies made him sneeze.

It wasn’t as if she didn’t fancy

him. An evening of pleasure with a

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fuck-buddy. What was wrong with

The fact that worries flooded

her mind answered that question.

The elevator doors opened on

the second floor, and even as she
reached for the button to take her
back down, her slutty feet carried
her into the corridor. The elevator
doors whispered shut behind her.
Pia’s heart hammered as she
checked the room numbers.

Maybe I should go home.
Shut up.
When the key card didn’t open

the door, she sighed with relief. A
sign. Not that she believed in signs.

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Knock on the bloody door.
Lift your hand and knock.
I can’t.
“Can I help you?”
Pia jumped, barely managed to

repress her squeal, and turned to
see a maid right behind her.

“Do you have a problem?” the

woman asked.

Thousands of them.

“I can’t seem

to make this work.” Pia waved the
card. “I’ll go back to reception.”

“No need.” The maid took out

a master key and clicked the door

Another sign. Bloody hell.


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swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Thank you.”

The room was lit by two lamps

either side of a large unrumpled
bed. No sign of Steve. Did that
cancel out the good sign of having
someone open the door for her? No
champagne either. Not good that
the signs now ran in the negative. I
don’t believe in bloody signs. I should

But I’ve got this far.
Pia closed the door and

unbuttoned her coat. She heard the
shower running and thought about
joining him but wasn’t quite brave
enough. Maybe not in the shower,

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but—she eyed the bed. Why not? It
was why she’d come.

She stripped, piled her clothes

and bag neatly on a chair by the
door and slid down between the
cool cotton sheets until her head
was covered. Pia hoped he finished
in there quickly. The longer she had
to think, the more time she had to
talk herself out of this.

If the few friends she had left

knew what she was doing, they’d
be horrified or disgusted. Probably
both. Once, she’d had lots of
friends, although they’d been her
husband’s friends before they’d





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demonstrated their sorrow, almost
taking over his funeral with their
grief and stories and laughter, most
had slipped away into the ether.

People had liked Mark more

than her. Hard not to. He was a
charismatic guy, a professional
comedian, full of hilarious one-
liners, the best possible guest for
any party, guaranteed to make the
dullest event brighter, even his own
funeral. Except at home, he’d
fretted so much about not being
funny that life hadn’t always been




everywhere. But once he was gone,
invitations to dinner, weekends in

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the country and drinks parties
dried up, as did the phone calls. Pia
was a reminder of what they’d lost
when Mark died and she suspected
most of them preferred her to
disappear too.

No more hiding—well, apart

from right this minute because she
quite liked it here under the covers,
warm and snug and safe, away
from the flat and its memories.
She’d spent most of her married life
wanting to be different and now
she was, no longer the butt of





unintentionally fed him perfect
lines. Instead, she was the not-so-

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grieving widow and the reason
Mark was no longer here.

Pia gritted her teeth. She’d

stopped going down that road. She
wouldn’t travel it again. It was
enough that it was always there, a
dark, dusty track winding forever
in her mind, but she wouldn’t take
that path because it only led to

It wasn’t wrong to want her

old life back, her pre-Mark life. She
needed to date again, start a
relationship, although she wasn’t
quite ready for the churning
emotion of that. Tonight, she was
here for one thing only. Sex. Hot

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and sweaty, fast and rough, slow
and soft. Whatever she could get.

She heard a door open and

froze. I should leave right now.

A heavy form settled on her

left side, pulling the sheet tight
against her. Had Steve noticed she
was in here? Then an equally heavy
form settled on her right side, and
Pia’s heart leapt into her mouth.
What the hell?

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Chapter Two

Pia didn’t move. Not for the

first time in her life she longed for
Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak. It
was obvious what had happened.
Steve was ‘interviewing’ someone
else. How bloody embarrassing.
Why hadn’t he said? Maybe he
suspected she wouldn’t have the
nerve to come up here. She wasn’t
into threesomes, well, not with
another woman anyway. Not that
she’d ever been with two guys,
although the idea of it sounded—

“What are you doing in our

bed, Goldilocks?” asked a man on

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her right side.

Not Steve. Oh, fuck.
“Hiding from the three bears,

obviously,” said a man on her left.
Also not Steve.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
“There’s only two of us. It’s

safe to come out. We don’t bite…
well, not hard,” said the first.

“Sorry,” Pia muttered from

under the safety of the sheet.
“Mistake. Wrong room.”

How the hell was she in the

wrong room? It had said two-ten
on the envelope. Still, that was the
least of her worries. She was naked,
her clothes lay out of reach and it

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was likely these guys were naked
too since they’d just emerged from
the shower.

“Are you going to move?”

asked the guy on the right.

She assumed that had been

directed at her. “Thinking about it,”
she said.





problem? They were gay. They
weren’t interested in—oooh. That
was a hand on her leg, stroking
through the sheet. Maybe he didn’t
realise he was touching her. Pia
shuffled up and emerged as far as
her eyes. She looked right, saw a
smiling male in his mid-thirties, his

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head propped on his hand. He had
short dark hair, dark eyes and sharp
cheekbones—the sort of face that
generally made her drool. She
swallowed hard in case she was.

Then she turned the other way

to see a guy lying with his head on
the pillow. He wasn’t smiling. He
looked apprehensive. His hair was
fair, his eyes bright, and he had an
equally drool-worthy face. More
swallowing required. Both were
bare-chested and she wasn’t going
to look any lower no matter how
tempting it was.

Pia lifted a hand from under

the covers, being careful not to

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expose more of her face, and held it
out. “I’m Pia. Pleased to meet you.”

The dark-haired one laughed.

“Connor.” He let go of her leg and
shook her hand.

As he touched her, it was like

dropping a bath bomb into a tub of
hot water. Pia’s blood fizzed along
her veins until her entire body
tingled. It seemed an age before he
let her go. She offered shaking
fingers to the other guy.

“I’m Espen,” he said.
“Oh, very nice to meet you,”

Pia mumbled and shook his hand.

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The moment their fingers

meshed, the worry left his face and










wondered if they could see her

Espen didn’t let her go. He

played with her fingers, entwining
them with his, rubbing her palm
with his thumb. She turned to jelly.
Not even jelly, she melted.

“I’m in the wrong room.” She

forced the words out while she
could still speak. “I couldn’t get the
key to work and a maid let me in. I
must have got the number wrong.

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I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not,” Connor said.
“Nor me,” said Espen.
I don’t think I am either. I am so


Lust pooled low in her belly

and she went damp between her

Connor pinned her with his

gaze. “I’m impressed you haven’t
freaked out.”

“You can only see my eyes. The

rest of me has completely lost it.”

They laughed and Pia smiled.
“Are we allowed to see any

more of you?” Espen asked.




disappointed. I have five legs,

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webbed feet and scales.”

“Ah,” Connor said. “You’re

from the planet Zog.”

Pia let her nose, mouth, then

chin emerge.

“But you’re very cute for an

alien,” Connor said and wrapped
his fingers around her other hand.

“Like a cute little tortoise

emerging from its shell,” Espen

They think I’m cute?

The word

demolished one of her defences.
Only ninety-nine or so to go.

“Going to be brave and come

all the way out?” Connor asked.

“Not sure. I’m a bit wary of

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birds of prey.” A lot wary.




sparrowhawks like us?”

Pia sighed. “I was thinking


“Not into necrophilia,” Espen

said. “Only into necks.”


Lust bloomed inside her,

sparks blending into flames that
whipped along her veins. But—two
guys? Could she? Should she? The
obvious answer was no.

“I better go. I’m sorry to have

disturbed you.”

They still held her hands and

she made no effort to pull away. Oh
damn, I really needed some help here.

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“Sure you want to leave?”

Connor whispered. “Someplace
you need to be? Someone waiting
for you in the bed you thought you









mumbled. Was Steve any less
dangerous than these two? No
denying she hadn’t felt this level of
desire with him, this toe-curling,
blood-rushing liquid heat.

Pia’s heart battered so hard

against her ribs they verged on
cracking. Her head hurt trying to
figure this out and yet, what was
there to figure? She was naked,

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they were naked, they thought she
was cute and they wanted her. Both
of them. Not just good-looking
guys but pants-wettingly gorgeous.
Except her pants were on the chair.
It was like a fantasy come to life,
which for a split second made her
wonder if she’d been knocked over
by a bus after she’d left work and
actually lay in a coma dreaming all

“You’re much too quiet,” Espen


Connor chuckled at Espen.

“You can talk.”

“Yeah, well, it’s hard to get a

word in edgeways with you. I have

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to stick something in your mouth to
shut you up.”

Connor smiled. “Why do you

think I talk so much?”

Espen laughed.
And she understood how much

these guys were into each other.
Though not gay, bi, and damn if
that didn’t make her feel as though
she’d stepped into a blast furnace.
If she’d had a free hand she’d have
pinched herself to check she wasn’t

“What’s going through that

pretty head, Goldilocks?” Connor

“I need to pinch myself but

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you’re holding my hands.” Oh
damn, I didn’t mean to actually say

Still, she could have said


They laughed.
“Want us to let you go?”

Connor stared at her.

“No.” She winced. “Did I

squeak then?”




“Like a little mouse.”

“Want to play with a couple of

big cats, Pia?” Espen whispered.

Connor moved closer, squeezed

her hand harder. “Like to check out
our bodies, let us explore yours,
have some fun?”

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A moan slipped through her


“Is that a yes?” Connor asked.
“Want us to fuck you until you

scream?” Connor whispered.

Muscles clenched between her

legs and she barely held back her
gasp. Talking to her like that
shouldn’t have turned her on but it
did. Although she wondered how
much more turned on she could be
when all they did was hold her
h a n d s . Oops, dangerous thought.
Now she wanted more.

“Isn’t that why you’re here in

the hotel? Is your boyfriend waiting

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for you in that other room?”
Connor asked.

“Not a boyfriend.” She really

ought not to have said that. Where
was a roll of duct tape when she
needed one? Now what would they
think of her?

“Two of us here, twice as much

fun,” Connor said. “But you need to
make your mind up, sweetheart,
before this ache in my balls kills
me. If you say no, we’ll go back in
the bathroom and you can get
dressed and leave. Say yes, and
we’ll make sure you never have
cause to regret it.”

“Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.

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Ye s. ” Oh, damn. The words had
sprung straight out of her mouth
without passing any sort of check
by her brain. But she hadn’t missed
that she’d ended on yes.

Neither guy said a word.

Neither guy blinked. Had she
stunned them into confusion with
that outburst?








speechless,” Espen said. “A rare

“I was waiting to make sure

you’d finished,” Connor muttered.
“So is that a yes, you want to stay?

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We won’t do anything you don’t
want us to do. We’re clean. We’ll
use protection. We’re not going to
hurt you.”

“I want…to stay,” she said. “I

better call and say I’m not coming.”
She wriggled further down the bed
under the covers.





chuckling as she struggled to pull
out the sheets at the bottom so she
could slither free, but as she stood
and faced them the laugh died on
his lips. Espen groaned. Her
residual shyness disappeared under
a torrent of Oh-my-Gods. Long,
lean and muscular, they looked like

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twins, their bodies tanned and
toned, with rounded pecs topped
by tight nipples, sculpted abs, dark
treasure trails leading to hard—Pia
gulped. She spun round and
headed for her phone.

Steve didn’t answer, which was

odd, so she left a message.
“Something came up,” she said.
“Sorry.” Although she wasn’t.

She dropped the phone back

onto her clothes and took a deep
breath before she turned.

“Two things came up,” Connor

said, and she burst out laughing.

“So I see.” Except after a quick

Oh-my-God glance, she couldn’t

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look below their waists, nor could
she look at their faces. She fixed her
gaze on their chests. Don’t drool.

Pia was torn between the

desire to throw herself at them or
run fast in the opposite direction—
not forgetting to grab her clothes.
But she did neither. She wanted
this but the slutty feet that had
brought her in here appeared to be
stuck to the carpet while concerns
bombarded her brain. What would
happen? Who’d go where? What if
they didn’t fit? Who’d come first?
What were the rules?

Connor beckoned but she still

couldn’t move.

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“You are so gorgeous,” Connor

said with a groan. “Come and lie
between us, sweetheart.”

Her slutty feet seemed to be

having a crisis. Espen came to her
side. He gazed into her eyes and
she quivered inside and out with
excitement and fear. When he lifted
his hand to her cheek and gently
stroked it, she thought she might
cry. His Adam’s apple rose and fell,
then he bent his head and brushed
his lips across hers. A bolt of raw
white lightning darted through her
body, centred in her core, her
muscles clenched and her toes
curled into the carpet. Oh, good

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grief. Not from just a kiss.

He slid his tongue along the

line of her mouth and her knees
shook. He did it again, and Pia
worried she’d collapse. She spread
her hands on his chest, his nipples
resting in the middle of her palms,
and leaned into him. He kissed her
once more, an open-mouthed kiss,
pushing his tongue forwards until
it met hers, the tips sliding against
each other, and he moaned into her
throat. Pia slipped her fingers
under his arms and onto his back at
the same moment that he’d danced
his onto hers, and they pressed
themselves close together, his cock

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so hard between them that it
almost hurt.

The kiss went on and on and

Pia didn’t want it to stop. They
breathed each other’s air, groaned
into each other’s mouths, and when
she felt the stiff ridge of Connor’s
erection against her butt, it felt
right. Two guys? It struck Pia then
that two guys made this different,
made this perfect, because two guys
would stop her thinking about one
guy. Nothing that happened should
remind her of Mark.

“You two look so hot,” Connor


The feel of his breath hitting

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her neck made her whimper into
Espen’s mouth. Connor nipped her
earlobe and she writhed against the
two of them.

“Ooh, I found the spot, didn’t I,

Pia? You like that, sweetheart?”

Connor wrapped his mouth

around the shell of her ear and the
only reason she still stood was that
she was sandwiched tight between
them. Espen relentlessly explored
her mouth, caressing every surface,
while Connor licked and nuzzled
her neck. Pia suspected she’d




swirled. No carpeted floor beneath
her feet, only clouds. She was

background image

awash in sensation, emotion and
pleasure mingling with a dash of
fear. The feel of their hard bodies
moulded against hers, the musky
scent of them, the sounds they




tighter. Espen pulled back and





opportunity to inflate her lungs.

“I need you to…kiss me too…

Please,” Connor whispered.

She turned from the dazed look

in Espen’s eyes and faced Connor.
She’d thought he was the stronger
one, the leader. Connor had spoken
the most but the vulnerability in his
face was clear and Pia suspected his

background image

brusque exterior hid some sort of
hurt. A damaged soul could always
spot another. Everyone had things
they hid. Everyone had different
ways of hiding them. He stood
waiting, holding her, hands on her
hips, drawing circles with his
thumbs. Espen’s hands lay over his,
but Connor didn’t move in on her.

I have to kiss him first. Is that it?

Pia went up on tiptoe and licked his
upper lip, tasted salt, tasted…

“Oh fuck,” Connor muttered.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Pia laughed. “Not sure that’s

what Sleeping Beauty said when

background image

she had her first kiss.”

She felt Espen shake with

laughter behind her.

“It probably was,” Connor said.

“She probably took one look at the
prince and wished she’d had a
chance to brush her teeth first.”

She lifted a hand to Connor’s

face and slid the other to rest on
Espen’s backside. As she dipped her
fingers into his butt crack, he froze
against her.

“He is a bit of a Sleeping

Beauty,” Espen said. “Once he’s
asleep, it’s hard to wake him. He
sleeps with his mouth open, and his
eyes, just a little bit.”

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“I do not.”
Espen laughed. “How would

you know?”

She stroked Connor’s cheek,

the stubble rough under her touch,
and she tried to draw circles on
Espen’s backside only to end up
drawing circles with both hands.
How the hell was she going to do
two different things at once?

Pia slipped her fingers to the

back of Connor’s head and pulled
him towards her. As she kissed
him, he trembled. He’s frightened of
hurting me?

She took the lead, her

tongue the one that pushed and slid
and danced with his. As if a switch

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had clicked in his head, Connor
started to kiss her back and Pia lost
herself in the moment. Espen
settled his mouth on her neck, his
hands on her hips, sliding his cock
in the seam of her bum, and
Connor kissed her as if it was the
last kiss he’d ever—Oh, God.

Then the guys were kissing

each other with her sandwiched
between them and a flood of
warmth wet the top of her thighs,
the muscles of her sex clamping
with a force hard enough to make
her gasp. Their mouths might have
been on each other, but their hands
were on her. Four hands touching,

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squeezing, stroking. Hands on her
butt, on her breasts. Hands teasing
and caressing. Pia could feel an
orgasm rising inside her and they
hadn’t even touched the most
important bit.

The room tilted. She felt the

bed beneath her and squealed. Two
faces showing concern zoomed to
hover over her.

“What?” Connor asked.
“How did I get to the bed?”
They laughed.
“I think my legs have dropped

off,” Pia said with a moan. “You’ve
made my bones dissolve.”

“We’ve only just started.”

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Connor rested his palm on her belly
and circled her navel with his
thumb. “What do you want us to
do, sweetheart?”

How am I supposed to know? I’ve

never done this before.


grabbed hold of her like a lion’s
jaws. “Pile of ironing at home.
Living room needs a fresh coat of
paint. Kitchen needs remodelling.”

Espen laughed.
Pia took a deep breath. “I want






whispered. “And when you’ve
finished, I want you to do it all over

Then her stomach grumbled so

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Chapter Three

“I’m feeling hungry too,”

Connor said and gave her a look
that turned her empty stomach into
a pretzel.

He trailed his fingers up the

centre of Pia’s body, circling her





quivering before he spread his hand
over her breast. She sucked in a
breath, fairly certain it might be the
last one she’d draw for a while. The
moment his mouth settled around
her nipple and he rasped it with his
teeth, a strangled whimper slipped
out. Espen dropped his head to her

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other breast, sucked, and she
arched her back. Pia was going up
in flames, on fire from head to toe.
They pushed her down so she lay
flat, danced their fingers over her
belly, then her thighs, their fingers
creeping—Oh, God, yes, there.

They drove her insane with the

need to come. The muscles of her
sex clenched but didn’t yet trip into
release, and the pleasure was so
acute she was torn between
wanting to come and wanting them
to play with her forever. She
couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe,
could barely think. Connor used his
thumb to caress her clit, Espen slid

background image

his finger in and out of her, and the
tandem repetitive action launched
Pia onto a wave that climbed and
climbed but didn’t break.

Weird little gasps burst from

her mouth while the guys found
every perfect place to touch her.
She threaded her fingers in their
hair before sliding down to clasp
the backs of their necks. Everything
grew more intense—the sounds she
could hear, their teasing touch, the
sheen of their skin in the lamplight
—until the wave she rode grew too
high, too unstable and she clung on
by the merest thread, her eyes
squeezed shut.

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Cries burst from her lips as she
crashed and unravelled.

Lights flashed behind her eyes

and her muscles went into spasm.
Her heart verged on bursting with
the intensity of the orgasm, her
chest so tight it hurt to breathe.
Even as the sensations faded, she
wanted them back.

When she’d calmed and lay

stranded on the beach, she forced
open her eyes to see two smug men
looking down at her.

“Epilepsy,” she blurted.
Connor’s jaw dropped but

Espen smirked. “That’s a shame.

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Want us to stop?” He brought his
fingers to her mouth and pushed
one inside. “Don’t want you to bite
your tongue.”

She tasted herself as she sucked

and she watched his eyes darken.
Connor began to lick his way down
her body while Espen continued to
stare at her. Impossibly, she felt




sparking to life, fire flickering along
her veins.

Espen dropped his head to

copy Connor, but left two fingers in
her mouth. Pia stroked his face. His




Connor’s but his hair wasn’t quite

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as soft. And they both smelt so
g o o d . Coconut? A last thought
before she lost track of who was
doing what. They worked such
mind-blowing magic with their lips
and mouths and teeth she could do
nothing but lie there sucking and




fluttered their tongues over her
stomach and it grumbled again.
Their laughter vibrated through

She could feel something else

too. Two thick, heavy cocks pressed
on her thighs, tips wet with pre-
cum, and for a moment her senses
returned. Oh. My. God. I’m doing this

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with two guys.

Then Espen’s fingers

were gone from her mouth and his
tongue replaced them and as he
kissed her, Connor spread her legs,
pressed his mouth against her
sensitive folds and kissed her too.

Telltale ripples surged through

her belly as she began to climb
again. It was too much. Pia thought
her heart was going to fold in on
itself. The guys changed over,
Connor’s lips glistening with her
cream as he kissed her. Espen
buried his face between her legs
and licked so fast at her clit Pia
tumbled straight over the edge into
oblivion. Before she’d even had a

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chance to recover her wits, the guys
swapped again and somewhere in
the midst of coming and going and
coming again, Pia was pretty sure
she passed out.

“You broke her.” That was


“No, you broke her.”
Pia opened her eyes. “You both

broke me.”

“Are you okay?” Connor asked,






“Anything you need, want? Just












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terrorism?” she whispered.




Connor said.

“I…” Just say it. “I want to suck

you both off at the same time.”

She had no idea where that had

come from. Well, yes she did. One
of her deepest, darkest fantasies,
but how it had emerged from her
mouth she couldn’t explain. Not
just slutty feet but a slutty mind as
well. Next time, she’d bring duct
tape. Next time?

“Oh fuck,” Connor muttered.
“See who can hold off coming

the longest?” she suggested.

Both men groaned.

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“What if the one who comes

last chooses what we do next? The
other gets to choose who does

Espen laughed. “I think that’s a

win-win. You have a rival, Connor.
Our little sweetheart likes to give
orders just like you.”

“And you like to ignore them,”

Connor said. “And why do I
suspect this beauty does too?”

Pia’s cheeks heated.
“You both have to do as you’re

told,” she said and wrapped her
hands around their dicks.

One gentle pump and they


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“How high should I jump?”

Connor asked.

“In which direction?” Espen


She giggled and let them go

while she moved onto her knees.
They were big guys—there was
little difference between their
erections. Long and thick, both
uncut, foreskins stretched over the
swollen heads, the dark veins that
traced their lengths swollen with
blood. Pre-cum dripped from
Espen’s, dangling to his belly. Pia
ran her finger through it and
brought it to her mouth.

“I give in,” Espen said and

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groaned. “You have no idea what
you’re doing to us, do you?”

Pia was on her knees between

them, a cock in each hand.

“Yeah, she does,” Connor

muttered. “The little minx.”

She licked from one to the

other and the guys gulped air
simultaneously. As they moved
closer to each other, Pia managed to
bring the tips of both cocks to her
mouth at the same time.

“Jesus Christ,” Connor gasped.

“Oh yeah, just like that, sweetheart.
Oh fuck, fuck.”

She pumped one while she

sucked the other, loving the taste of

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them, the burst of spicy-sweet
surges, loving the way the outer
skin slid over the steel core
beneath, but most of all loving the
way they moaned and shook as she
teased them.

They twisted her hair in their

fingers, stroked her ears, but they
didn’t push her to take more and it
gave her chance to get used to their
size. When she had her lips around




rolling her tongue over the crest,
she looked up and saw him staring
at her with glazed eyes.





somehow using her name made all

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of this very real.

She dipped into the little slit

and Connor tensed like a bow.
Then she switched to Espen and
took him as deep as she could in
one swallow.

“Oh shit,” he mumbled.
Strain showed on their faces,

and she brought their cocks
together, licking around them,
savouring their salty musk. They
went quiet, and she glanced up to
see them kissing and a shudder of
delight rippled through her. Pia
took as much of both cockheads
into her mouth as she could, which
wasn’t much, and sucked hard as

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she pumped with her hands.

“Shhhit.” Connor gasped.
His dick swelled, Espen’s too,

then they were both spurting over
her face and into her mouth, and
she swallowed and swallowed until
she finally slumped, panting.

“Who won?” Connor croaked.
“I did,” Pia said.
Connor laughed. Oh fuck, she’s


. He wiped a smear of cum

from her cheek and licked his
fingers. “You hold the reins here,
sweetheart. Whatever you want,
we’ll do.”

“Apart from the ironing?” she


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“I’m reconsidering that.”
Pia laughed and the sound of it

filled Connor’s heart to the point of

“A shower,” she said.
“The tub’s big.” Espen’s mouth

quirked in a grin.

“Really?” Pia squirmed down

the bed, pushed to her feet and fell

“Christ.” Connor threw himself

after her. “Are you okay?”

“You really did break me,” she

said with a moan. “My legs have
stopped working.”

He swept her up into his arms

and carried her to the bathroom.

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“Don’t put the light on,” she

pleaded. “Just leave the door

Connor never wanted to put

her down. She snuggled against
him, her hair tickling his chin, and
a surge of protectiveness swept
through him. He wouldn’t let her
get hurt. He didn’t want another
woman hurt because of him.
Espen’s hand settled on his
shoulder and squeezed. Connor
turned to look at him and Espen
smiled. There was no doubt in
Connor’s mind that Espen knew
what he was thinking.

“There’s no way we’ll all fit in

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that tub,” Pia said. “It is big but…”

“I’ll chop off a couple of

Espen’s limbs.” Connor winked at

I don’t want to put her down.
As if she could read his mind,

she tightened her hold on his neck.

Espen started to fill the bath

and emptied the rest of Connor’s
shower gel under the flow. An




groaned when Pia kissed his throat.

“You missed a bit when you

shaved,” she said.

“Want me to get it now?”
“No, it’s cute.”
He rolled his eyes. Pia slid out

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of his grasp, and he swallowed his
disappointment, but then she
leaned against him and wrapped
her arms around his waist, and he
wrapped his around hers and
rested his chin on her hair. She
smelt so sweet and the sensation of
her hair touching his skin was as if
he were being stroked by a
butterfly’s wings. She was tall and
slender, and her breasts were an
exact fit for his hands. He’d
thought he liked women with more
curves, and Pia was almost boyish
with her slim hips, tight backside
and short, blonde hair, but she felt
just right.

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The tub was finally full, of

foam at least, and Espen climbed in
and lay back, groaning. He draped
his legs over the sides, one foot
dangling to the tiled floor, the other
leg resting on the ledge beneath the
central tap. The excited look in his
eyes nearly undid Connor. He
loved the guy so much. He couldn’t
imagine a life without him.

A year ago, Espen had saved

him from the depths of despair.



hovered around ground zero.





succession, he’d finally tried to
develop a relationship with a

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woman, only to register too late
that it wasn’t enough, that he
couldn’t settle for one or the other,
it had to be both. Marisa hadn’t
understood that he couldn’t give
her all of his heart after she’d given
him hers. She’d had a breakdown
and it was his fault. He’d been
heading for one himself when
Espen had dragged him back from
the brink. Connor had hardly been
able to believe the guy had been
interested in him.

Connor carried Pia over and

lowered her into Espen’s arms
before he climbed in the other end.
As he sat, foam flopped over the

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edge of the bath. There was barely
room for two of them, let alone
three. He slid one leg out to rest his
foot on Espen’s. Pia raised her hand
and blew foam at him.

“Did you mean to use all that

shower gel?” Connor asked.

“Think I overdid it?”
“No, it’s lovely,” Pia said. She

scooped up a handful of foam,
made a circle with her fingers and
blew a bubble. It had barely formed
before it popped.

Her sudden gasp made him

think Espen was doing something
under the cover of the foam.
Connor lifted one of her feet and

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brushed the bubbles away.

“Soap?” she asked.
Espen grabbed it, flipped it

towards him, but it slithered
through his fingers and dropped
onto Pia. She tried to get it and it
slipped out of her grasp. She
splashed around trying to find it
but the soap nudged his fingers,
and he grabbed it and held tight.
Pia kept searching, tickling his hips,
thighs, and his balls.

“Where’s it gone?” she asked.
“Keep looking. It can’t have

disappeared,” Connor said.

Espen laughed.
Connor sucked in a breath as

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she fumbled behind his nuts,
sucked in another when she
wrapped her fist around his

“Hold up your hands,” she


Connor shot the soap to Espen

along the bottom of the tub and
showed her his empty fingers. She
frowned then jerked Espen’s hands
out of the water. The soap slipped
from his hold and she made a grab
for it. Connor reached it first but it
flipped into the air and tumbled
back into the water.

They all tried to get it then, and

amid laughter and groans they

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struggled in a tangle of limbs with
hands and elbows and knees




triumphantly held the bar of soap
aloft, one of them tickled her and
she dropped it. After Connor
secured it, she kissed him until he
lost his senses, then she snatched
the bar out of his grasp only for
Espen to snag it. Her head
disappeared beneath the foam over
his lap and the soap shot across the
bath and disappeared.

Pia lifted her head. She was

covered in foam. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” he and Espen said


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She bent to carry on and

Connor scooped her up under her

Espen glared. “Hey!”




sweetheart,” Connor said.

“I’m not under water, just


Connor let her go and lifted her

backside towards his face. He held
her with one hand, wiped foam
from her rosy butt cheeks with the
other, and kissed her bottom. Espen
watched him through hooded eyes.
Tempted beyond belief by the tight
pucker of her pretty asshole,
Connor wondered if he dared as he

background image

licked the foam from her folds. She
was up for this, wasn’t she? She’d
stayed and hadn’t run.

He swept his mouth down the

seam of her backside then fluttered
it over the rosebud entrance to her




Espen’s cock but didn’t wriggle
away. Oh fuck. Connor pressed his
face tight against her and sucked
and licked and pressed his tongue
into her. He slid one hand round to
her clit, to find Espen’s hand
already there.

She stiffened then fell apart,

collapsing down onto Espen’s chest
sending foam flying. Her tiny

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mewling sounds touched some
place deep inside him. Espen
spread his arms down her back and
linked his fingers with Connor’s.
They exchanged a smile.

Pia suddenly jerked upright

holding the soap. “Found it.”

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Chapter Four




something to go wrong, for Pia to
freak out, for Connor to go into
meltdown, for the ceiling to fall in.
He’d shared a woman before with
Connor but even without fucking
her, he knew Pia was different. She
was innocent and open and funny.
This was the first time she’d been
with two guys and that made her
very special.

They dried her and themselves,

then Espen went back into the
bedroom. Connor and Pia didn’t
come out for a moment, then

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Connor emerged carrying her over
his shoulder.

“I brought dinner,” Connor

said, and Espen laughed.

Connor settled her on the bed

and she looked up at them. Was her
heart pounding as hard as his? How
far would she let them go? She’d
said everything but had she meant
it? Did she even know what
everything was?

Connor put his mouth to

Espen’s ear. “You fuck her, I’ll fuck
you. Okay?”

Espen’s gut clenched in an

entirely pleasurable way and he
nodded. He reached into his bag for

background image

lube and condoms and tossed them
onto the bed. His lack of control
disturbed him. His feeling of
anxiety alarmed him. He didn’t
know what to do first. He wanted
to ram himself inside her and fuck
her until she screamed. He wanted
to go slow and make her whimper.

Somewhere in between would

be exactly right.





Connor was for a third. Until
tonight, he’d thought he was less
bothered and now that almost
caused him to laugh. Pia had made
him realise he wanted this just as
much as the guy he loved. Maybe

background image

even more. Connor had accused
him of holding part of himself back
and he was right, but he didn’t
know how to fix it. Maybe Pia was
the key. She was soft and curvy and
smelt so sweet, his head spun. The
sight of her looking up at them as
she sucked them off together had
almost stopped his heart. No
artifice, just joy in her face.

“I think you need to be inside

me before I…” he muttered to

He’d have a problem not

coming the moment he thrust into
her. Not the way to impress a
woman. Or a guy. He lay on the

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bed on his side facing Pia with his
leg bent and she pressed her mouth
to his. An electric tingle shot
straight to his balls. Espen didn’t
think he’d ever tire of kissing her.
Her little tongue brushing against
his, her soft lips, the sweet taste of
her—any or all were enough to
make his dick hard as nails. Connor
pressed up along Espen’s back,
trailing his tongue down his neck,
his hand along the inside of his
thigh, and Espen’s head fogged
with desire.

He registered the squelch of

lube followed by Connor’s strong,
slick stroke down the crease of his

background image

butt. Connor rubbed back and
forth, pressing and teasing him into
relaxing. Espen sighed as Connor
breached the muscle barrier. He felt
himself segue into a rhythm, his
tongue piercing Pia’s mouth while
Connor fucked him with his finger.

Pia was tight up against his

chest, her mouth joined to his with
his cock wedged between her
thighs. She glided her hand down
to his inner thigh and when she
rubbed the sensitive strip of skin
between his balls and his anus a
whimper slipped from his lips. She
swallowed the sound and smiled.

“Yeah, he likes that,” Connor

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whispered. “Play there for a while.
Once I pull out, you push your
finger inside him.”


He flinched as cold lube

hit his pucker.

“Whoops,” Connor said. “I

squirted too hard. You need to buy
a new tube.”

Pia lifted her mouth from his

and giggled.

Espen groaned. “I need your

lips back on mine. I don’t want you
to hear me yelp like a baby.”

“Gently, sweetheart,” Connor

said. “Keep pressing and then he’ll
relax and let you in.”

Relax wasn’t a word currently

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in his vocabulary. Pia licked down
his neck and nibbled his collarbone
while Connor bit the muscle at the
side of his shoulder blade. Espen
moaned, bucked, and her finger
slipped inside him.

“Christ,” Espen gasped and his

stomach clenched.

“When he’s adjusted to one, try

two,” Connor said.

“Then my whole hand?” Pia


“No fucking way.” Espen

forced out the words.

Pia and Connor laughed.
Espen sagged. “Very funny.

You put her up to that, you

background image


“See if you can find his

prostate,” Connor said.






excitement. “Ooh, is this like pin
the tail on the donkey?”

Connor shook with laughter.

Pia twisted her wrist, bit her lip and
Espen moaned.

“I think you nailed it,” Connor

said. “Now move your finger as if
you were beckoning me closer to
give me a kiss.”

Oh fuck.

The pressure was just





around him like silky streamers.

“Ask him what he wants,”

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Connor whispered. “Ask if it feels
good, if he wants more or less,
slower or faster. I know he likes
kissing at the same time.”

“I’m crap at multi-tasking,” Pia


“You can practise on us.”

Connor bent his head and bit his

Espen was beyond words. He

was leaking enough pre-cum to
soak the sheet, his balls were in
knots and his chest was tight.

“I think your toy’s going to fall

apart if you play with him any
longer,” Connor said.

He grabbed a couple of

background image

condoms and dropped one on
Espen’s hip. As the warmth of both
bodies deserted him, and Pia
removed her finger, he shivered.
He fumbled opening the condom,
fumbled putting it on because he
shook so much. No way could he
manage to move inside her without
coming. Not even alphabetically
listing all the teams in the
Premiership would work. He bent
his head to Pia’s throat and licked a
wet trail down the centre of her
body. A few minutes distracting
her might help. Connor stroked his
back, playing around the sensitive
place at the base of his spine. Shit.

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Did the guy know how on edge he
was? Course he did.

Pia moaned when he buried his

face between her legs. She grabbed
his hair as he lapped at her clit, the
little bud slipping under his tongue.
Connor had spread his butt cheeks
and teased his asshole with the
rounded head of his dick, coaxing
his body into opening. Espen
wasn’t sure what he needed to
happen first, for him to push into
Pia or for Connor to shove into him.

The choice was taken from him

as the ring of muscle gave way
under Connor’s persistence and the
guy slid deep inside him with a

background image

groan that vibrated through Espen.
He sucked harder at Pia’s delicate
nub and she clamped her thighs
around his head as she orgasmed.

“Oh, God, God,” she muttered.





Connor hadn’t moved. He was

rigid at Espen’s back, panting into
his neck, his arm hooked under
Espen’s leg.

Pia wriggled down to them.

“You look so hot.”

She slipped her fingers to the

point their bodies were joined and
Espen groaned. “I’m on a knife’s
edge here.”

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Connor chuckled, the bastard.

“Brace yourself, sweetheart, for the
best ten seconds of your life.”

Pia laughed but it wasn’t

funny. Could he even manage ten
seconds? He tried again to rein in
his lust but it was no use. He had to
have her now. In an instant, Pia lay
beneath him as he knelt astride her
body with Connor still plastered to
his back.

She spread her legs and looked

straight into his eyes. “Fuck me.”

Every ounce of sense in his

brain was yelling “Go slow, take it
easy, be gentle…” but no part of his
body listened. He thrust straight

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into her, rammed into her, drove
himself so hard into her sweet, wet,
tight heat that he thought he’d split
her in two. He cried out in guilt
and pleasure. I am such a fuckwit. I’ll
wreck everything.

He had his eyes

screwed shut and soft fingers
stroked his cheeks.

“Forgotten what to do?” Pia

asked, and he snapped his eyes
open. She smiled up at him. “Really
simple. You pull back without
coming all the way out and then
push forward as far as you can and
you have to keep doing it over and
over until something…bursts inside
you. And in me too if we’re lucky.”

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“Luck?” Connor said at his ear.

“Take that as a challenge, mate.”

Espen wasn’t sure he was

capable of anything more than an
animalistic coupling. Her body
clutched his cock so tightly he
wanted to weep. One thrust and
he’d come. God. Please don’t let that

Except the likelihood of

God listening was zero.

Connor kissed his neck and

began to move, rocking his hips
into him, which in turn made
Espen rock his dick into Pia and she
bucked up into Connor’s down
thrust. Espen let out a strangled
laugh. He didn’t have to do

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anything. They’d do it all.

Except it was impossible not to

move, not to be caught up in the
raw delight of being fucked by
Connor while he fucked Pia. She
had her legs around them both,
clutching him with one hand and
Connor with the other looking into





supported him under the arms,
kept him from crushing Pia as he
powered into his ass.

All Espen’s concern about his

balls exploding seemed to fade into
mist. This was too pleasurable to
end too soon. He wanted to do it
until the world ended. Pia’s little

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grunts and cries touched him as
effectively as her hand. Connor
pressed his face into Espen’s neck,
heading towards climax. Pia came,
her body contracting around his
cock to send waves of lava rushing
along his veins, just as Connor
stiffened and emptied himself
inside him.

Espen froze for a moment,

wondering why he hadn’t come
too, and then, after Connor fell
away behind him, it left his body
free to follow its own path. He and
Pia knitted together like pieces of a
puzzle, and Espen felt every worry
and concern disappear. He fucked

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her as if he were fucking Connor,
hard and fast and furious, and she
clutched him tighter while he
powered into her.

He had no idea how he

managed not to come. Maybe God
had been listening. Pia bit her lip as
her body spasmed again around
him, and when Connor sank his
teeth into his backside, this time
Espen let go. For a long moment, he
couldn’t breathe or think or see. His
body seemed to be intent on
turning itself inside out. He shook
from head to toe in a mix of agony
and ecstasy, and it was only
Connor’s and Pia’s kisses that

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brought him back to sanity.

A long gasp filled his lungs and

he collapsed on his back between
the pair of them. Connor took his
hand and laid it flat on Espen’s
belly. Pia’s hand slid on top and





“You okay?” Espen croaked.
Pia groaned. “I don’t ever need

to walk again, do I?”

“Shhhhit,” Espen hissed. “I’m

sorry, I’m so—”

“A joke,” Pia said. “I just need

the bathroom. Don’t do anything
without me.”

Espen watched Pia stagger

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across the carpet and turned to see
Connor watching her too.

“She’s the one,” Espen said


“Oh yeah. You know it. I know

it but she doesn’t. Not yet.”





Connor’s cheek. He didn’t want
Connor to be disappointed again.
They’d almost given up their search
for a third. Hearts could only be
mended so many times.

“We only have a few hours left

to make her see we want more than
this night,” Connor said. “Christ,
I’m fucking hard again.”




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what you can do in just one night.”

“Yeah, just one night, but what

a night.”

Just one night?

Pia stood the

other side of the bathroom door
with her heart sinking to her toes.
She’d only caught a couple of
sentences but they were enough to
shatter her dreams. She chewed her
lip to keep her tears at bay. How
stupid to think this could be
anything more than a one-night
stand. She didn’t know these guys.
She’d come into their hotel room
by accident. They didn’t live in
Leeds, otherwise they wouldn’t be
staying in a hotel. They just thought

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they’d got lucky.

She wrapped her arms around

herself. Anyway, wasn’t one night
what she’d wanted? A night of
mind-blowing sex? Well, she’d had
that, so what was the problem? This
was her fantasy. It would be her
secret. No one would ever know
what she’d done. She’d never see
these guys again. But when she was
lying alone in bed, she’d remember
tonight and know that she had a
streak of bad girl inside her. And it
would be enough. It would have to
be enough.

Once she’d pushed open the

door and seen the way the guys

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looked at her, a lump erupted in
her throat that she couldn’t shift.
She’d been right all along. She
couldn’t do stringless sex. In just
one night she’d fallen for these two
strangers. She knew nothing about
them and they knew nothing about
her, and that was the way it had to
stay or she’d only feel worse.

She crawled back onto the bed

and they rolled off.

“Just need to wash and get rid

of these, sweetheart,” Connor said.
“Do whatever you like without us,
just don’t leave that bed.”

Pia forced out a laugh and was

glad for the gloominess of the room

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so they couldn’t see her eyes. She
made sure she appeared to be
sound asleep on their return. They
chuckled quietly and cuddled
either side of her. It didn’t seem to
take long before they relaxed in
sleep but she lay still for a long
while until she was sure they
weren’t going to wake. She
gradually slid down the bed,
listening in case she disturbed
them, but their breathing didn’t
change. She pushed to her feet and
looked at them. Connor lay on his
back with his lips apart and his eyes
cracked open, but his regular
exhalations told her he wasn’t

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conscious. Espen lay face down
with his hands tucked under his
pillow. She swallowed the lump in
her throat, tiptoed to her clothes
and then dressed quickly.

Before she left the room, she

turned again. They hadn’t moved.
Pia slipped out, eased the door
closed and exhaled. Five in the
morning. She put her hand in her
pocket and pulled out the room key
and envelope. It definitely said
two-ten so how had she ended up
in the wrong room?

When she handed the key in, it

was the same supercilious guy on
duty. She said nothing and neither

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did he, although the smug look he
gave her made her skin crawl. Pia
stepped outside into rain and for
once she was pleased the weather
was bad because it would hide her

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Chapter Five

Espen knew before he opened

his eyes that she’d gone. Traces of
her scent lingered but only he and
Connor lay in the bed and there
was no sound from the bathroom.
Shit, I was too rough, too demanding.



Disappointment swamped him. He
didn’t wake Connor. Let him have
these few more minutes not knowing.
They shouldn’t have fallen asleep.
Espen had planned to get her
address, mobile number, give theirs
to her, take her to breakfast, lunch,





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tomorrow, and every day after that.
He leaned over to check the time
and Connor stirred.

The familiar instant smile on

Connor’s face felt like a boulder
had landed on Espen’s chest.

When Espen didn’t return the

smile, Connor knew. “Ah shit.
She’s gone?”

Connor groaned. “What did we

do? What didn’t we do?”

“I…I… Maybe I was too


Connor’s jaw twitched. “Hey,

we didn’t force her into anything.”


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Connor stroked his thumb over

Espen’s mouth. “You didn’t hurt
her. You didn’t. Don’t go down that
path. She enjoyed last night as
much as us.”

Espen released a shaky breath.

“We did everything except the one
thing we couldn’t do. Make her
want us.”

“She did want us. She wasn’t


“Then why isn’t she still here?”

He dragged his fingers through his

“She didn’t act freaked out.

Christ, she freaked me out, she was
so up for everything. I’m going to

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call my pain-in-the-neck brother.”
Connor grabbed his mobile phone
from next to the bed and put it on

“Morning,” Steve said. “How

did it go?”

“Great,” Connor said. “But she

was gone when we woke.”

“Ah,” Steve muttered. “Not so

great then. What did you do?”

“Nothing,” Connor said at the







Steve laughed. “I’m just going

for breakfast. See you down there.”

Connor made for the bathroom

with Espen on his heels. Espen

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didn’t think Connor had ever
showered so fast. The guy didn’t
stop talking the whole time,
analysing the previous night, trying
to figure out what had gone wrong.
Espen already knew. It was his
fault, not Connor’s.

Steve was halfway through a

full English breakfast by the time
they joined him.





manage to cock things up?” Steve

“Fuck you,” Connor snapped.
Espen shot Connor a warning

glance and sat opposite the

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asked. “She was perfect for you.
She was perfect for me but I gave
her up and now you’ve lost her.
Did you argue? Not make her
come? What?”

“She came plenty,” Connor

said through gritted teeth. “Not
that it has anything to do with

Steve grinned. “I knew she’d

be hot. She’s not had any since her

“Husband?” Connor snarled.
Espen’s heart plummeted to his


“He’s dead,” Steve said. “She

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didn’t tell you? It was almost the
first thing she said to me. He was a
professional comedian. Seems a lot
of them suffer from depression.
Probably anxiety that they’re not
funny enough.”

“When did he die?” Connor


“Eighteen months ago. Killed

himself. Fed the exhaust into his
car. Left a note that blamed her.

Espen clattered his coffee down

and it splashed onto the table. “Oh

“Any kids?” Connor choked


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Steve shook his head. “No.”
“Where does she live? What

does she do for a living?” Connor

“Didn’t you talk at all?” Steve

gaped at them. “You just fucked all

And finally Espen got what

they’d done wrong, that it hadn’t
been what he’d thought, he’d not
been too rough, just not sensitive
enough. “Oh hell.”

“What?” Connor stared at him.
“That’s exactly what we did.

Fucked all night. We didn’t try to
get to know her. We didn’t talk to
her. We just…”

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Connor sagged and turned to

his brother. “What’s her full name?
Where does she live?”

“I have no idea.” Steve put

down his fork. “Hey, don’t look at
me like that. I met her once. I let
her do the talking.”

“So we’re fucked,” Connor


“Well, I do happen to know

where she works, but it’s Saturday,
remember? She won’t be there
until Monday.”

“Where?” Espen asked.
Steve grinned. “What do I get if

I tell you?”

“You get a fist in the face if you

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don’t,” Connor snapped.





* * * *

Pia thought she’d had a lucky

escape, a really lucky escape, and if
she kept telling herself that maybe
she’d eventually believe it. The
only thing that could have made
last night’s encounter worse was if
they’d tried to pay her. She cringed.
They hadn’t even got round to her
ultimate fantasy, her sandwiched
between two guys, both their cocks
inside her. She went supernova hot
at the thought.





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dratted aggravating thing was that
she’d been left feeling so flipping
horny. It was as if some switch had
been tripped last night and was
now stuck in the on position and
she had no idea how to turn it off.
All she could think about was sex.
Specifically sex with Connor and
Espen. Cleaning her flat didn’t
help. Nor did ironing. Shopping
might have but she was scared to
go out in case she met Connor and


That was what she

was. They had no idea where she
lived and there was no reason for
them to be snuffling round a

background image

suburb of Leeds. They were
probably on a train to London or
wherever it was they came from. I
didn’t ask.

She should have. She

could have shown interest in more
than their bodies. But what would
have been the point? She’d heard
what they’d said. Just one night.
That was all they’d wanted her for.

Get over it.
There was no answer in her

head from either guy.

* * * *

By the time she arrived at work

on Monday, Pia had more or less

background image

pulled herself back together. In a
way, she was grateful for what had
happened because it had made her
take a fresh look at her life—her
dead-end life. She wasn’t living,
she was existing, doing a job she
hated and living in a flat she hated.

She had a small amount saved.

Her husband had been useless with
money and by the time his creditors
had clawed back what was owed,
there had been little left. Pia had set
it aside for a rainy day but that big
black cloud had been hanging over
her for long enough.

“Good morning,” she said to


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“Morning, Pia.”
When she emerged from the





corridor, Cindy, the receptionist,
beckoned her over.

“Be careful, Pia. Two hotshots

from head office are in today.
Rumour has it there’s going to be
some redundancies.”

Pia gripped her purse more

firmly. Maybe she shouldn’t hand
in her resignation yet in case there
was a payout.




whispered and fanned her face
with her hand as she raised her
eyebrows. “One’s tall and dark and

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the other’s tall and blond and has a
funny name. I’d be hard pressed to
choose between them.”

Pia’s breathing, heart and the

world stopped—just for a moment.
It couldn’t be Connor and Espen.
Life wasn’t that cruel.

“How old are they?” Pia


“Mid-thirties, I’d guess.”
Oh shit.

As Pia was about to ask






incoming call. Pia slunk to her desk,
switched on her computer and
pulled on her headset.

Over the course of the next

hour, one by one her colleagues

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were called out of the room. No
one came back. Those left didn’t
chatter. Everyone kept their heads
down. Finally, Pia’s name came up
and she grabbed her purse and
followed her boss, Pete, to the




feeling sluttish now, more sluggish.
But she put her shoulders back. She
had nothing to be ashamed of.
They’d probably get a shock when
they saw her, while she was fully
expecting to see them.

Pia pushed open the door,

walked in and gave a loud laugh.
She clapped a hand over her
mouth. Not Connor and Espen. Not

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good-looking—well, not in her
view. She was so relieved she
missed the first part of what they
were saying and it took a moment
for her to register they were







beamed at her.

Was this the way she wanted to


“No, thank you,” Pia said.
She fumbled in her purse and

pulled out her resignation. “I don’t
want to work here anymore.” She
stood and could have floated, the
relief in quitting making her heady

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with delight. “I appreciate the offer
but I’m planning to seek out new

Pete scowled. “Then you might

as well leave now.”

Pia smiled. “Thanks. I will.”
She collected her coat from the

cloakroom, waved goodbye to
Cindy, then Fred before she
emerged onto the street. Today was
the first day of the rest of her life,
her new start, and nothing was
going to spoil it. She turned left
towards the book store and a guy
stepped in front of her.

“Sor—” Her apology died on

her lips when she looked into

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Espen’s face.

Damn, he’s even better-looking in


“Not a vampire then.” Damn,

did I just say that out loud?

“You neither? You’re even

more gorgeous in daylight,” Espen

Pia felt someone come up

behind her and glanced over her
shoulder at Connor. Her heart
pounded and a squadron of
butterflies took off in her stomach.

“W-what you doing here?” she


“Why did you leave the hotel

room without saying anything?”

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Connor asked. “Do we mean so
little to you?”

She gasped. “I think you have

that the wrong way round. I heard
what you said. Just one night. That
was all you wanted. One night.”

“It’s not enough,” Connor said.
Pia bristled and clenched her

fists. “Why? Didn’t you get your

Espen wrapped one of his

hands around hers and stroked
with his thumb.

“What Idiot Boy means is that

we’re sorry,” Espen whispered.
“We did say just one night but we
were talking about the fact that one

background image

night was all we had to convince
you of what we could see for the
three of us.”

Connor took her other hand.

Pia’s mouth was so dry she couldn’t

“We want a lot more than one

night,” Connor said.

“We want days too,” Espen


Connor squeezed her fingers.

“We’ve gone about this the wrong
way. Let’s try again. Start over. Get
to know you and you get to know
us. You have to be sure you can
cope with Espen’s cooking before
you commit to anything.”

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“And the inability of your

socks to make their own way into
the laundry basket.”

“And that you don’t like ice

cream. Weirdo.”

“That you won’t drink coffee.

Weirdo.” Espen shook his head in

“That you’re allergic to cats.”
“You have terrible taste in


“You’re selectively deaf.”
“You’re the worst cook in the


Pia laughed. “Okay, enough.”
“What’s your favourite food?”

Connor asked.

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“Mushrooms.” She smiled.
“Least favourite?” Espen raised

his eyebrows.

“Snails. Not that I’ve ever tried

them, but yuk.”

“Favourite flower?” Connor

stroked her palm.

“Wild flowers. And I like

coffee, I’m not allergic to cats, I
have wonderful taste in music and I
can cook.”

“I knew you were perfect,”

Connor said.

“We want to be happy, Pia,”

Espen said. “We want you to be
happy too. Give us another chance.

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She wanted to say yes, she felt

the word forming on her lips. Then
something occurred to her. “How
did you know where I worked?”

Connor shuffled his feet. “My

brother told us. Steve Hartley.”

Pia’s jaw dropped and she

crashed her teeth together. “He set
me up?” Oh, God. The bastard. The

“He told us you’d be perfect for

us and he was right for once in his
miserable life.” Connor gave a short
laugh. “He’d have been entirely
wrong for you, sweetheart. He’s a



we’re not like that. Let us show you

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we’re not like that.”

“Do you have to go back into

work? Are you on an errand?”
Espen asked.

“Because of—ouch.” Connor

glared at Espen, who’d kicked him.

“Not because of you, but yes,

because of you. You made me see I
had to reach out for happiness, that
it wasn’t going to find me without
me looking for it. I hated my job. I
hated my life. I want something

“Come with us to London. We

can find you a job, a place to stay,

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Espen slammed his hand over

Connor’s mouth.

“What?” Connor snapped.
Espen glared at him, then

smiled at Pia. “Would you like to
join us for a coffee? We’re in Leeds
on business but our meeting isn’t
until eleven-thirty.”

“That would be lovely,” Pia

said. “Though I thought Connor
didn’t like coffee?”

“I might be persuaded to give it

a try. Especially if you’ll kiss me

“That doesn’t mean you’re

going to make me try snails,” she
said. “That’s just going too far.”

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“Whatever you want,” Connor

said. “But really, not the ironing.”

Also available from

Total-E-Bound Publishing:

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A Spirit of Love

Morticia Knight


Chapter One

“I still can’t understand what

the hell this thing is saying!”

Martin threw his headphones

down on the floor of the living
room where he was sitting in the
two-storey condo he and his lover
Emilio shared.

“It’s not a thing, love, it’s a

disembodied voice,” replied Emilio,
ever patient with his headstrong
partner. “And you know trying to

background image

understand those EVPs is not
always possible. Never mind the
ghost voices, quit torturing yourself
and call her.”

Martin considered Emilio, a

sweet, smouldering young man of
mixed European heritage. Just
hitting his mid-twenties, Emilio
was all olive skin, thick dark hair
and a tight wiry body, one that
could get into the most outrageous
positions when so inclined. And
inclined he was. Emilio had been
raised in Italy, Portugal, and had
attended university in Britain. He’d
eventually followed his parents to
Northern California, and Martin

background image

was grateful that he had. He may
never have met him otherwise.
And Sophie would never have been

That thought made him sigh,

and Emilio looked quizzically at

“Sorry. I was just wondering

how Sophie was doing,” he said
sheepishly. He knew that it wasn’t
generally thought of as cool to
mention a past lover to a new one,
but their situation was a little
unusual. He had never intended to
actually leave Sophie. It had always
been meant that the three of them
would be together. But sometimes

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things didn’t work out the way you

Emilio came over and sat down

on the floor next to Martin. “It’s
been almost a year. She’s an
intelligent woman who cares about
her work and her clients. She’ll
listen to the problems these people
are having, and she’ll come around.
She can’t hate you forever.”

Martin snickered. “Oh, I’m

willing to bet forever isn’t nearly
long enough.”

Two years ago, he’d met the





collectables shop, ‘Oddly Enough—
Uniques and Collectables’. He

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specialised in obscure and bizarre
antiques and collectables. For
instance, he carried things such as a



Victorian medical equipment and
medicine bottles, paper ephemera
from freak shows, elixir bottles of
wild sideshow cures, a chair made



anything out of the ordinary.
Sophie, a delicate blonde woman
who only stood five foot two and
was twenty-two when they met,
had wandered into his shop one
day looking for antique tarot decks.
It turned out that she was a
spiritual medium and empath,

background image

abilities that had been in her family
for years.

He didn’t take her too seriously

at first. As much as he enjoyed the
wild stuff he carried in his shop, he
wasn’t one to believe in ghosts,
spirits, or anything of that sort. It
was all trickery or sleight of hand in
his elevated opinion. Sophie’s
translucent skin, pale blue eyes and
soft voice had drawn him in at first.
But it was her kindness and open





Eventually, she took him with her
on investigations where her help








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Petaluma, and all of the other
surrounding San Francisco suburbs,
knew of her and requested her

Initially, he’d gone along as a

lark, a way to spend more time
with his lovely Sophie. However,
he’d soon become convinced. Being
with her and witnessing so many
weird and wonderful paranormal




outlook forever. She had changed
him as well. He’d fallen deeply in
love, and had wanted to spend
forever with this amazing woman.
He’d then become wrapped up in
paranormal investigating, and it

background image

had all seemed to be a perfect
combination between her, the ghost
hunting and his shop. They’d come
to be known locally as a team.

Then Emilio showed up. He’d





through another investigative team,
because of all of the specialised
equipment he had designed and
built. Emilio had an incredibly
creative mind, and all three of them
had immediately clicked.

They’d all spent many hours

together, but there had been times
when Sophie had long nights with
several private consultations, and
Emilio and Martin had worked

background image

alone on some new gadget, or had
been analysing material from a
recent haunt. One evening, the
desire that had been brewing just
beneath the surface between them
had turned into something too
powerful to stop. It had seemed
only natural to make love to his
best friend, but he should have
discussed it with Sophie first, and
made his first time with Emilio her
first time too. Martin would always
regret the night that had forever
broken Sophie’s trust, but what was
done was done. The one thing he’d
never been able to say to her,
though, was that he had never

background image

wanted her to leave. Martin wanted
them both, and both of them




enthusiastic about the idea, even
confessing in bed that very first
night that he’d been hot for Sophie
all along, that she was unlike any






“If unicorns existed in human

form, they would be like Sophie,”
he had said.

It was such an ‘Emilio’ thing to

say. He had that same open spirit
that Sophie had. In some ways,
Martin felt he was the odd man out,
and that Sophie and Emilio were

background image

really more suited to one another.
Unfortunately, neither of them
were with Sophie, for she had
broken apart when she’d caught
Martin with Emilio that night. He
had planned to confess to her about
it, then tell her about Emilio’s
feelings for her as well. However,
he had never even got close to
getting that far in the conversation.
She had stormed out and had
refused to talk to him since.

Martin still received calls to

investigate places, based on his
reputation when he was with
Sophie, but it wasn’t the same. Her
stunning intuitiveness and ability

background image

to commune with departed spirits
had been impossible to replace.
They had brought in a couple of so-
called psychics and mediums a few
times, but they had been next to
useless. Sophie was the real deal.





agonising over this woman. Please
call her. Maybe now she will let
you talk, let you explain.”

Martin looked into Emilio’s

dark eyes. He was being so sincere,
not at all jealous or hurt that Martin
so obviously still loved another
person. Martin could feel his body
stirring. Emilio was sitting cross-
legged on the floor facing him. He

background image

reached over and placed a hand
gently on Emilio’s cheek, and
leaned in to kiss his full sensual
lips. Taking the top lip first and
suckling it, he then let it go to take
the luscious bottom one into his
mouth. Finally, he plunged his
tongue in, deepening the kiss, and
letting Emilio know that he wanted

Martin lowered his hand and

brought the other up so he could
encircle Emilio’s torso to draw him
closer. Emilio was now in Martin’s
lap. They held each other close,




tongues caught in a dance that

background image

urged them on to more sexual heat.
Rolling over on top of Emilio,
Martin felt the possessiveness that
always made his cock so hard when
he was with the smaller man.

“I want you in my mouth,” he

growled in Emilio’s ear. “Get your
fucking clothes off.”




struggling to get out from under
Martin’s strong embrace. “Lover,
you are going to crush me. Give me
more room.”

Martin moved a little to the

side, just enough to give Emilio
space to wriggle out of his jeans
and the tight T-shirt that hugged

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his lithe body so well, but not
enough to scamper away. Once
Emilio had his thong pulled just far
enough to expose the thick shaft
nestled in silky black curls, Martin
pushed him back on to the floor,
pinned Emilio’s wrists to his side,
and gobbled the young man’s penis
into his mouth. Martin loved
Emilio’s aroma. It was rich and




encountered. Even before Sophie,
he had always been with both
genders. He identified himself as
bi-sexual, and his relationships
were based completely on his
feelings, having nothing to do with

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Martin moved his mouth

greedily up and down Emilio’s
dick, pausing occasionally to suck
the tip, making Emilio cry out and
whip his head from side to side.
Martin loved being in control of
Emilio’s desire. He knew exactly
what to do to him, and how to do
it. As Emilio got into a heavy
rhythm of thrusting up to meet
Martin’s skilled mouth, Martin
abruptly let go of his delicious cock,
moved to one side, and rolled
Emilio over on his stomach.

“Aaah, you’re trying to kill

me,” objected Emilio. “I am so hard,

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this floor is so cold, and now my
guys are being smashed.”

“I don’t think you’re going to






repositioned himself over Emilio

This time, he parted both of

Emilio’s small, but tightly muscled
ass cheeks, and yanked them open
roughly. A low guttural moan
escaped from Emilio as Martin
dived in, licking furiously at
Emilio’s puckered hole, squeezing
the cheeks in his hands. He pushed
with his tongue against the back
entrance, and was able to easily
breach it. He wiggled around in

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Emilio’s ass for a while, using his
hands to travel up and down
Emilio’s smooth body, wanting to
just bury himself inside this sexy
man as far as he could go.

It was time for his cock to pay a

visit there, the strain on his balls
becoming too much for him to
handle, his dick uncomfortable in
the tightness of his jeans.

He removed his tongue and

pulled Emilio up by his waist onto
his knees as Emilio kicked his thong
away. “The couch,” was all he
could manage to say, his need to
fuck so overwhelming.

“Show me how you want me,”

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purred Emilio in his tantalising
accent—not quite Italian, not quite
British, but all Emilio.

Emilio stood, his alluring cock

bobbing up and down as he
walked, and Martin grabbed a
fistful of Emilio’s thick dark locks,
pushing him towards the arm of
their couch. Martin loved the
twinkle in his eyes and the little
smile Emilio always had when they
were in the middle of their love-
play. He bent him forcefully over
the side of the couch, Emilio
holding onto a cushion, his knees
bent slightly as he relaxed over the
piece of furniture.

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“Don’t move!” yelled Martin,

heading for their bedroom. “I want
to see that nice smooth ass when I
come back in.”

When Martin returned with a

jar of lube, he saw Emilio had done
just as he was told. In the middle of
their spacious condo living room,
their eight foot, navy blue velvet,
couch set the stage for the rest of





entertainment centre on one end, a
computer desk to the side—with all
of their fancy digital equipment—
and a mission-style, oak end tables
and coffee table. But the most
glorious thing in the entire room

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was Emilio’s naked form bent over
the large couch, ready to accept
Martin’s long dick up the ass.

Martin approached him and

dug a generous amount of goo from
the jar. After putting it down, he
rubbed some on his dick and the
rest on Emilio’s anus, being sure to
finger some inside his ass as well.
He positioned the head of his cock
on the spot he had just been eating
up and plunged in, not giving
Emilio any time to prepare just
ramming him balls deep. Martin
watched as Emilio clutched the
couch cushions harder as he was
being battered against the piece of

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furniture. He was fucking him so
hard the heavy sofa began to slide
and scrape a little across the floor.

Martin cried out as he shot his

load into Emilio, grasping the
smaller man’s hips to give himself
purchase. He felt the orgasm go to
his head and was dizzy with the
euphoria of it. Still jerking and
spasming slightly, he gradually
released his hold on Emilio and
allowed his heavy breathing to
become lighter and steadier. But he
wasn’t done yet.

Pulling his cock free of the

man’s asshole, he grabbed one of
the many large throw pillows they

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had strewn about the couch and
tossed it on the floor. Then he
lounged against it and considered
Emilio, who was still limply draped
across the arm of the sofa. Emilio’s
sweet smile shone at him, and
Martin was dying to give his lover

“Come here, gorgeous. Jerk

yourself off in my mouth.”

Emilio lifted himself up, and

Martin saw him cringing a little,
most likely from being rammed as
he had been in such an awkward
position. He sauntered over to
Martin who was leaning back,
ready for his lover. Emilio stood

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over him, stroking his still-hard
erection. Martin used one hand to
cup Emilio’s ball sacs and gently
caressed each one in turn as Emilio
masturbated himself harder and
faster up and down his thick cock.




frantically, and Martin knew his
lover was close to coming. He lifted
himself up closer to Emilio’s prick,
closed his eyes and opened his
mouth. As Emilio yelled out his
orgasm, warm cum splashed on his
face and Martin tasted the salty
sweetness in his mouth.

“Yes, oh God, yes, baby!”
Emilio sank to his knees on the

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large pillow next to Martin and
wiped some of his spunk off of
Martin’s cheek. Emilio deep-kissed
him and Martin knew that Emilio
was tasting himself in his mouth.

They both sank back on the

pillow and cuddled in each other’s
arms. Martin realised he was very
lucky to have Emilio, and he never
wanted him to doubt it.

“I love you,” he said, “with all

my heart. I hope you know that.”

“I do, lover, but you have quite

a big heart. I know you have room
for someone else. Someone I still
think you should give a call.”

Martin hugged Emilio close to

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him. It was too late with Sophie.

Wasn’t it?

Get your copy now

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About the Author

Barbara Elsborg lives in

West Yorkshire in the north of
England. She always wanted to
be a spy, but having confessed
that to everyone without them
even resorting to torture, she
decided it was not for her.

Vulcanology scorched her

feet. A morbid fear of sharks
put paid to marine biology. So
instead, she spent several years
successfully selling cyanide.

After dragging up two

rotten, ungrateful children and
frustrating her sexy, devoted,

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wonderful husband (who can
now stop twisting her arm) she
finally has time to conduct an
affair with an electrifying
plugged-in male, her laptop.

Her books feature quirky

heroines and bad boys, and she
hopes they are much fun to
read as they were to write.


Barbara loves to hear from

readers. You can find her
contact information, website





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