028 Starla Kaye Starting Over

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Starting Over


 2011 by Starla Kaye

ISBN: 978-1-61333-038-8

Cover art by Fiona Jayde

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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Starting Over

Starla Kaye

A 1 Night Stand Story

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Starting Over


Corbin couldn’t remember the last time he’d been late getting to the office. Not

that anyone would chastise the boss. He owned the office building in downtown

Oklahoma City and every one of the twelve businesses in it. Still, he believed in

setting an example for his employees, which meant he showed up on time and did

his job. Lately, though, his work didn’t satisfy him. He’d had to drag himself out

of bed then force himself to drive thirty minutes into the city. This nonsense had

to stop.

He heaved a frustrated sigh. When the elevator reached the twelfth floor, he

breathed deeply and walked out, striding with grim determination toward his

office in the Bradley Financial Advisors suite. Time to make a hard decision. He

hated being caught in this blue funk, tired of tossing and turning, night after

night, debating about what to do—one way or another he would deal with it. He

walked straight to his corner office without stopping to acknowledge anyone he

passed. He preferred not to talk to anyone, but that wouldn’t be his fate because

he’d scheduled a staff meeting later.

Hazel, his middle-aged private secretary, glanced at him curiously. She had

been with him from his first day in business and knew him far too well. The one

constant in his life, more substitute mother than employee.

“Good morning, Hazel.” Handing her some papers he’d taken home to review

and sign, he moved toward his office.

She stopped him with a concerned, “Are you not feeling well today?” Code, he

knew from experience, for “why the heck are you late?”

He gave her a reassuring smile. “Traffic problems.” A lie, but she worried

about him too much, especially the past six months, since his divorce. His ex,

Pamela, fretted about him, too. The whole world worried about him as he faced a

new chapter in his life. One he certainly hadn’t, and couldn’t discuss with his


“Pamela called about a half hour ago. She sounded troubled. Evidently your

cell phone calls are going to voice mail.” Disapproval rang in Hazel’s tone. She’d

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never approved of his occasional practice of switching off his phone to avoid

taking calls.

“I’ll call her in a few minutes.” His ex would stop in before long if he didn’t

return her call.

He strode across the thick, burgundy carpet toward his custom-made ebony

executive desk. None of it his choice. Pamela had talked him into letting her have

her interior design way and use his office as a showcase for her work. He’d been

trying to save his marriage yet again; now he was stuck with it all. Maybe he

would eBay the high-end furniture and find something that actually fit his taste.

Already working on changing the rest of his life, why not that part, too.

With a glance out the wall of windows overlooking the city on this cloudless,

June day, he set his briefcase on the desk. He spared a smile as he noted Hazel

had straightened his workspace. She liked things neat and tidy to the extreme; he

settled for not a disaster.

Corbin had reached for the phone in his pocket when he felt the vibration of its

silent ring. Sighing, he pulled it out and answered. “I was about to call you.”

“What did you decide?” Pamela sounded impatient as always. “This will be

perfect for you.”

He slumped down into the butter-soft leather chair and closed his eyes for a

second. Once she got something in her head, no one could stop her. But what she

suggested made him uneasy. All of this was new to him. He’d finally admitted he

was gay to Pamela, his parents, and siblings. According to his therapist, a huge


“I’m still not sure.” Taking the next step scared the hell out of him. Yet he

couldn’t keep avoiding it. He had to get back into the dating game, although he

faced a completely different game than he’d ever participated in before.

“Madame Evangeline’s services are very exclusive. She checks out all of her

clients thoroughly. You know how incredibly picky Ashley is about whom she will

go out with. I told you she tried this unique matchmaking service. Now, all she

does is sing its praises.” She pulled in a breath. “It’s time, Corbin. You need to

move on and be who you were meant to be.”

“Easy for you to say.” Her BFF had finally met someone who not only met her

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numerous requirements, but had also managed to mellow her out. He still had

trouble believing it, although they’d gotten married the month after they met.

He wasn’t looking for anything permanent. He wanted to ease into his new life.

Yes, he needed sexual release, too. With someone who understood how he felt.

“Stop overthinking this. Email Madame Evangeline today.”

“Were you always this stubborn?” He shook his head at his foolishness. “Never

mind. Yes.” Drawing a breath, he made the decision he’d struggled with all night.

“All right. I’ll contact her.”

“Call me later, after you hear back.” Clearly satisfied she’d gotten her way,

Pamela hung up.

Corbin tucked the phone in his pocket and turned on his computer. He

searched his email messages for the one with the address for Madame Evangeline

and her 1NightStand service. He doubted the woman could actually find a match

that would fit him. Particularly since he didn’t know exactly what he expected

from a one-night lover. One-night lover? God, am I really doing this?

As he sat back in his chair, a muffled conversation reached him from the break

room down the hall and uncertainty tightened his stomach. What worried him

most about this possible match-up was that he would be such a novice, such a

potential failure as a lover for the unfortunate person saddled with him. Maybe

he should forget the whole idea. He could go to the bar the therapist had

recommended and give it another try. Or give in and go out with the man in his

support group who had approached him a couple of weeks ago. Adam had called

him twice since then, but Corbin didn’t really sense a potential bonding between


Ten minutes later, he sucked up his courage and hit send on an email message

to Madame Evangeline.


Matt strode by his prize orchids and into his office in the back of the nursery’s

main greenhouse. Usually the rare, specially bred flowers helped him settle down

from a day of dealing with clients for his landscape design service, customers who

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were absolutely nuts. At the moment, nothing would soothe his frayed edges. He

needed Henri here to handle this mess. The smooth talker had exhibited the

patience of a saint with people like the Harringtons. Not him. He knew and

understood plants and how they worked together. His partner had known people.

His gaze settled on the silver framed photo sitting on top of the file cabinet. He

and Henri at the pier in Monterey. Everything inside him hurt, especially his

heart. His associate in the landscape business…his mate in life…. Gone. Forever.

You’d think after six months he would stop hurting so damn much.

“Did you get the palm tree problem settled with the Harringtons?”

Matt jerked back to the moment at the wary question from his foreman. He

turned toward the doorway to face the slightly older man. Alan had worked for

him from the beginning. He relied on him more and more as Matt’s unique

garden designs gained an international reputation and he traveled more. He

couldn’t imagine running the business here in Carmel without him. The loss

would be worse than Henri leaving the company…but not on such a deep,

personal level. “It took almost all day, but yes. Basically. I’ll work out the rest of

the details tomorrow. Then you all can finish up next week.”

“Good.” Alan nodded, then hesitated before leaving the office. Concern etched

his weathered face. “You should take some time off. I can manage things.”

“I know you could, but….” Matt shook his head. Even though he traveled a lot,

he had needed time away from the business and Carmel for a while now and all of

his crew knew it. They understood how devastated he’d been when Henri had

died in the plane crash. Too many mornings they’d found him curled up and

uncomfortable, sleeping on the sofa in his office instead of having gone home to

the place he’d shared with his lover of five years. All of them good men and good

friends. “I’m okay. Really.”

Alan’s raised eyebrow told Matt he didn’t believe him. Yet he didn’t press

further, just walked back into the greenhouse. Maybe he should get away, even if

only for a few days. Since Henri’s funeral he’d had all kinds of offers from old

friends encouraging him to come stay with them for a week or two. A couple of

them had hinted about wanting more from him, like a possible hook-up. He

wasn’t ready for that. Maybe he never would be ready for another live-in

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His gaze shifted to Henri’s picture once more. Matt’d had a number of lovers

over the years. His family had given him nothing but pain and rejection ever since

he’d admitted to them at seventeen that he was gay. They had been glad to see

him leave and he’d never gone back, never contacted them. For eighteen years

he’d searched for someone who could love him and whom he could trust with his

love. He’d found Henri. Now, it hurt soul deep to live like this, alone, with no one

to go home to. No one to share the ups and downs of his days with.

Madame Evangeline. His thoughts turned to the 1NightStand matchmaking

service a friend of a friend had told him about. When he’d first heard about it,

he’d scoffed and refused to even consider such a thing. That had been over a

month ago. As the loneliness clawed at him and his body ached for relief, he

wondered if maybe he needed this after all. A relationship for one night. Making

love with a man who knew going in that there wouldn’t be anything beyond that

night. They would enjoy each other then go their separate ways. Hopefully, he’d

start healing, come back ready to get on with his life. Of course, sex wasn’t

guaranteed. He’d like it, but simply being with someone to possibly talk out his

pain would be enough. Talking with a person he wouldn’t see again seemed

somehow okay.

Resigned to his decision, Matt searched through the odds and ends of notes

he’d written on scraps of paper and stashed in his desk drawer. Somewhere he’d

locate the email address that might help him find a little peace in his life again.


A week since his final email with Madame Evangeline, Corbin stood in the

middle of his big walk-in closet, the enormity of his plans weighing on him. He’d

traveled all over the United States, even shared a vacation with Pamela in Italy

last year. Sadness swept over him as he thought about the trip both had hoped

might be a second honeymoon. Instead it had been the breaking point for their

marriage. She’d finally noticed how often his gaze followed other men rather than

the beautiful women they encountered, how rarely it had stayed on her. He’d

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tried not to be distracted by the dark, sensual, Italians, but his inner gay man was

tired of being kept hidden, tired of fighting what he long desired.

Even after months of salvaging a friendship with his ex-wife, he still felt bad

about failing her. He’d honestly tried to shove his secret desires aside and make

the marriage work when they returned home. She’d tried, too, even after she

came to accept his bisexuality. Finally they both accepted that he really was more

flat out gay than bi. They still loved each other, but they couldn’t be man and


He spotted one of the many suits she’d helped him pick out. Seeing it,

remembering that day, his heart pinched. He missed Pamela, missed being with

her. She’d recently found someone who deserved her. That bothered him a little,

but he wanted her happy. Now, she was determined that he move on as well. She

wished he could find someone special. At this point in his coming out, he would

settle for someone to help ease him into his new lifestyle.

Agreeing to the arrangement with 1NightStand would be his biggest step

toward moving on. He pulled his thoughts back to what he needed to focus on. He

gazed dismayed at the wall of well-tailored suits—work uniforms, really. Almost

no casual clothes. He didn’t even own a pair of jeans. No shorts except for his

workout ones. No island-style shirts. When had his life become so absorbed by

his business? Pitiful.

He heaved a sigh of resignation. He’d be making a trip to the mall before he

left in two days. Two days. Can I actually go through with this? Meet a stranger

in a resort for one day of….

He dropped his head and closed his eyes. Why had he let Pamela talk him into

this? Even his older brother and two younger sisters knew about his upcoming

trip, thanks to his loose-lipped ex. They wanted the best for him. He was scared

shitless. Imagining was one thing; actually doing it something completely

different. He’d only made love with women until now. But he’d sure done a lot of

fantasizing about touching a man, about being touched in return. Intimately


The picture Madame Evangeline had emailed him of Matthieu DuCharme

crept into his mind. A casual shot someone had taken while he tended plants in a

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greenhouse. Nothing formal about him, no fancy suit like his own. Corbin liked

Mathieu’s intriguing, long, lean body. DuCharme’s graying hair, a bit on the

shaggy side, brushed his collar; a big contrast to his own always neatly trimmed

dark hair. And, he noted, a hint of a sexy dimple as he glanced at the camera. Five

years older than him, he had appeared damn sexy, and he’d gotten hard thinking

about him—a pleasant surprise.

Corbin studied his closet full of boring clothes and wondered what his date

would think of a man who didn’t own a single pair of jeans. What had made

DuCharme seek out the matchmaker’s services? He would have learned that

Corbin was new to the scene. Why had he agreed to this one-night arrangement?

Why would he even consider being with a first-timer? Corbin would be such a

disappointment. No, he’d learned in the support group that his lack of knowledge

would be a huge turn on to an experienced gay lover. Enough! He needed to stop

fretting over this. He needed to buck up and go have his first time alone with a

man. They might not even have sex. Maybe it would be enough for him to be with

someone who understood how he felt. Maybe they could just talk.


Matt pulled his suitcase out of the closet and tossed it on the king-sized bed.

For a second, his breath stopped. His whole body tightened and his stomach

knotted. He could almost picture Henri lying there stretched out, naked, grinning

crookedly, tempting Matt to come take him. God, how I miss him.

He slumped onto the side of the bed. Could he really do this, go spend a day

and a night with a stranger? Maybe have sex with him? Corbin Bradley. He lived

halfway across the country. He had a successful business, too, in the wear-a-suit-

every-day world. Matt’s work uniform consisted of faded jeans and T-shirts, both

usually spotted with dirt by the end of the day. Bradley was slightly younger, but

that didn’t matter. A virgin when it came to being with another man. That little

tidbit in his resume of sorts had surprised Matt, intrigued him, excited him. He’d

wondered how in the world Madame Evangeline had thought they would make a

good match. He’d told her that he was a passionate lover, demanding sometimes.

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Henri had appreciated that to a certain extent. He hadn’t been quite as intense,

but Matt had been all right with that because he loved him. He’d probably have to

hold back his wilder side with Bradley, too. He didn’t want to hurt him. A virgin.

Tempting, still….

No, I can’t do this. I’m not ready.

Matt could almost hear Henri saying, “It’s time you let me go. Time you found

someone else. You have to take this first step in moving on.”

Tears misted his eyes. Although he still ached at the loss of his lover, Matt had

to stop living in the past. Nothing more would come of this date than letting some

of his grief go, healing a bit more, and being with someone starting into this

lifestyle. Maybe he needed a man like Bradley to start over. Someone he could

help, and at least get to thinking about something other than missing Henri. They

didn’t have to have sex. Maybe they could talk about it. He could answer

whatever questions Bradley might have without their being intimate. Yes, that

might be best. Matt wasn’t sure he could be intimate with another man yet, but

he could help him…and maybe in doing so, he would be helping himself, too.


Corbin stepped from the taxi in the circle drive of the Castillo hotel. From the

air, the resort had appeared to take up half the small Caribbean island. Close-up,

even more impressive. He was glad Madame Eve had sent them to this one. He

enjoyed beaches and would love to try hang gliding and snorkeling. He didn’t

often have a chance, but he liked physical challenges. And since he’d had asked

for a week’s stay, he would have the chance to indulge himself at some point.

First, he needed to connect with DuCharme.

He handed the uniformed hotel valet a tip and grabbed his bag. Pulling in a

steadying breath, he walked into a lobby decorated with scattered potted palm

trees of all sizes, glancing around for the front desk. His stomach tensed as he

headed for the clerk motioning him over. “Corbin Bradley.” He hoped she didn’t

hear the uneasiness in his voice.

“Mr. DuCharme has already checked in.” She handed him a small folder with

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his card key and a map of the resort. “You’re actually staying in one of the private

bungalows, accessed via that hallway ahead. Watch for signs at the end and you

won’t have any problem.” Before he could move away, she added, “He’s waiting

out by the pool bar.”

“Thanks.” Corbin forced a grateful smile. He was a walking, talking bundle of

nerves. So out of his element and comfort zone. Knowing he couldn’t stay there

and avoid the situation any longer, he headed for the beachside bungalow.

A half hour later Corbin faced the mirrored closet wall in the large bedroom.

He supposed he looked all right in the black swim trunks Pamela had bought for

him. At least she hadn’t gotten him one of those skin-tight Speedos. He worked

out regularly, but he didn’t like to flaunt his assets. Which made him wonder

about DuCharme. Which made him anxious again. This was definitely the

craziest thing he’d ever done.

He debated putting on a shirt, decided against it, and bucked up his courage to

walk from the relative safety of the bungalow to search out his roommate. I can

do this.

Matt sat on a chaise lounge near the poolside bar, sipping on some fruity

island drink the bartender had insisted he try. Not bad really, but he preferred

beer. He’d been out there almost an hour and already had two women and a

young stud make advances. He’d politely turned them all down, saying he was

meeting someone. Now, he wished that someone would join him before he had to

make excuses again to the Barbie-doll shaped woman heading in his direction.

She had no sooner wobbled up on her ridiculously high-heeled sandals than he

spotted Corbin Bradley walking into the pool area. Well, well, well. Prime male

and mine for the night. The thought surprised him, but he couldn’t deny the way

his pulse raced and his body went on high alert. He grinned, glanced past the

twenty-something blonde, and waved at his roomie. “Over here.”

Frowning her disappointment, the blonde walked off, muttering, “What a


He’d heard that kind of comment many times over the years and didn’t care a

bit. He was comfortable with his homosexuality, even if others couldn’t easily see

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it until he revealed it. Unconcerned with her reaction, he studied the tall, well-

built man making his way across the pool area. The photo he’d seen of Bradley

didn’t do him justice. It seemed so wrong to ever hide those broad shoulders, the

amazing pecs, and incredible six-pack beneath a suit, even an obviously

expensive, tailored one. He longed to smooth his hands over what he saw, feel the

muscles beneath his palms, play with the nipples and the spattering of dark hair

on his chest. He wanted to…. God! Get it together. Stop salivating and be cool.

His cock had hardened and pressed the front of his trunks, so he lowered the

hardback book he’d been reading and tented it over his erection. “Any trouble

getting here?” A lame question, he knew.

“No.” He looked down at him and Matt saw uneasiness in his eyes. Yet he’d

come all this way in spite of his rigid posture, the tightness in his jaw. He

stretched out a hand. “Corbin, but I guess you know that already.”

Matt gave him a reassuring smile and shook it. Their hands, like their overall

size, appeared similar, except his was callused from physical work. “Matt.”

With a slight nod of acknowledgment, Corbin eased onto the chaise lounge

next to him, turning his head to take in the scene, the dozen sunbathers, the few

people enjoying the pool. “I guess you can tell how nervous I am. I hope I don’t

disappoint you.”

Matt relaxed. “I didn’t come here with a lot of expectations other than getting

away, seeing someplace new, sharing the experience with someone.” He held

Corbin’s gaze and said, “I’m a little nervous myself, but I think we’ll be fine


His dark brown eyes looked hopeful. “As long as you understand….”

“Don’t worry about it.”

As if he needed to make sure Matt knew what he’d meant, Corbin leaned closer

and said so only he would hear, “I’ve never…well, never been with a man.”

The admission took guts. Until that moment, Matt hadn’t really intended to

actually have sex with the date he’d been matched with, although he’d toyed with

the idea. Now, he intended to be Corbin’s first male lover. He would guide him

into what could happen between them.

“Not a problem.” Matt raised his drink. “Want something from the bar?” He

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lowered his tone, “Or would you rather go back to the suite?”

Corbin’s eyes widened for an instant, then he grinned. “I think I need a drink


Stretched out on the lounge, Corbin sipped at the cocktail Matt had brought

him. Not really his kind of drink. He’d rather have had a beer or something stiffer

like whiskey on the rocks. Talk about stiff! When the book on Matt’s lap slipped

as he shifted on the chair, Corbin had noticed the hard on pushing at the front of

his trunks. He appeared to have a huge cock, but so did he. Pamela had never

complained, anyway. He tried not to stare at Matt’s obvious erection, tried not to

worry if he could take all of it. Take all of it? Damn. He’d entered uncharted

territory. A place he’d fantasized about, but hadn’t ever really thought he would


“My ex-wife pressured me into this.” He groaned and his face heated. Matt

must think him an idiot.

His chuckle sounded more sympathetic than amused. “She must be a special


“She is, more than I ever realized. I screwed up her life—both of our lives—for

a lot of years.” He glanced toward the turquoise water a hundred or so yards

away. A warm breeze drifted over him, and he breathed in the scent of flowers

nearby. “She would have liked this resort.”

“You loved her, probably still do.”

Corbin heard sadness in his voice. He would not be Matt’s first male lover, and

he’d already decided not to pry into his past during their short time together. But

maybe sharing a little would help smooth over some of the awkwardness between

them. Especially for him. “You loved someone, too, didn’t you?”

He watched Matt’s quick glance, uneasiness in his expression. Then he blew

out a breath and nodded, though his blue eyes looked haunted by something

painful. “Henri.” He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple moving. “He was my

business partner and my life partner for five years. He died in a plane crash in the

French Alps about six months ago.”

Tears glistened, reflecting the sad memory he must carry inside him. “I’m

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sorry.” Inadequate words.

“So am I. Every day. I’ve had trouble accepting that Henri’s gone, learning to

go on without him.” He sucked in a breath that expanded his well-toned, tanned,

hairless chest. “It’s one of the reasons I decided to try Madame Evangeline’s

service. To start living again.”

“Guess we have that in common.” Corbin watched one of his thick, dark gray

eyebrows rise. “Not that the person I loved died, but that we are both trying to

adjust to a loss.”

Matt set his glass on the small wooden table between them. “Let’s go to our


Panic danced through Corbin, and he held tighter to the glass in his hand.

Then Matt reached over to pat his thigh and sent tingles all through him,

ending at his semi-erection that immediately swelled. “It’ll be all right. Trust me.”

Corbin couldn’t answer, yet he set his cocktail down, too, and stood. Matt gave

him an encouraging grin, one that held a hint of playfulness and sensuality.

Totally shifting into the unknown zone, Corbin was ready for this next step. At

least with Matt. Something about him made him instinctively like the man.

Besides, Corbin wanted to see him naked, desired a real good look at the long,

thick cock once more shoving at his swim trunks.


Matt listened to the solid rushing of the shower and wondered how much

longer Corbin would avoid him. He’d been in there so long, the water had to run

cold by now. He must be beyond nervous, scared. It made him think back to his

first time with a man. He’d been seventeen and frightened, excited, too. His first

lover had been twenty-five and not gentle. Far less than a good memory.

Fortunately, he had met another not long after that who had shown him great

patience and understanding. They’d lived together for almost a year. It had been


He stood at the sliding glass doors leading out to their private patio with its

outstanding view of the beach in front, the two sides screened by palm trees and

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ferns. They would appreciate the almost complete privacy. Assuming Corbin ever

came out of the bathroom.

He heard the door behind him open and he turned around. He bit back a groan

at the sight of male perfection not twenty feet away. Lust fired through him. He

wanted Corbin, ached for him. Somehow he had to find the inner strength to take

his time, to not scare the hell out of him. Seeing Corbin standing there with a

white towel wrapped around his otherwise naked body didn’t make it easy.

“Sorry for taking so long, but I….”

Matt shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.” He decided to push things a bit, test

him. He glanced at the towel. “Take it off.”

At first Corbin stood frozen, gripping the towel even tighter. Then his

shoulders relaxed and he simply dropped his hands. He barely moved and the

meager covering fell to the floor at his feet. His cock jutted out, long and proud.

He looked at Matt in challenge. “Take off the trunks.”

Approving, Matt shoved his trunks down and off. His cock stood out every bit

as long, every bit as thick as Corbin’s. He stroked his rod, pleased to be watched.

Corbin pumped his cock a couple of times, his eyes warming, his nostrils

flaring. “I wasn’t sure about doing this with you when I agreed to the

arrangement.” He held his shaft and met Matt’s gaze. “But now…well, I want to.”

“Good thing, because I sure as hell need to fuck you.” He studied Corbin,

worried that he’d come across as too coarse for the rookie.

Corbin nodded and gave a crooked grin. “Truth time. I’m not positive how all

of this will work, but I need you to fuck me.” He glanced down at his thick shaft

and back at Matt. “As long as I can return the favor.”

They would each play top and bottom during their short time together. It

didn’t get any better than that, in Matt’s opinion. Most men he’d been with only

chose to be one or the other. He didn’t have a real preference. Henri had

preferred to bottom, although on rare occasions he’d taken on the role of top.

“I brought condoms,” Corbin said, sounding uncertain.

Matt nodded in approval. “I did, too. I guess we both felt a little optimistic.” He

walked toward the bed and tugged the covers off and to the carpet. “Let’s get to

know each other more first, play a bit. It’ll help you relax.”

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Again, Corbin hesitated, a small crease of concern between his eyebrows.

Finally he moved closer, trailing the scent of Irish Spring soap.

“Brought your own soap, huh?”

“From years of travel experience, I’m not fond of a hotel’s offerings. Is it a


“Not at all.” Matt stepped right into his personal space, pleased when he didn’t

so much as flinch. “I’m going to kiss you now. Got a problem with that?”

Corbin sucked in a breath and stiffened. How many times had he thought

about kissing a man he’d been attracted to, but hadn’t had the guts? Would he be


He shifted until their bodies touched. Matt’s thick rod pressed his stomach.

His cock swelled even bigger when Matt raised his arms and cupped the back of

his head with his rough hands. His pulse raced as thrilling and unfamiliar

reactions tore through him…at least unfamiliar when experienced with another


“Are you ready for this?”

Before he could over think it, Corbin lifted his hands and pulled Matt’s head

still closer. “Yes,” he hissed and captured the other man’s mouth with his own.

He’d kissed many women over the years and enjoyed the experience, but this

was so different. Matt’s mouth held power, hunger, demand. He showed no

mercy as he took what he desired and forced his tongue inside Corbin’s mouth.

Corbin tensed for a second. So odd. So right. He didn’t want mercy. His

fantasies had been nowhere near this good. His tongue danced back, commanded

even more from Matt. Which he gave and gave. God, yes!

One of Matt’s hands moved down, easing between their bodies and taking hold

of Corbin’s aching cock. Shock washed over him, then he groaned and savored

the experience, Matt’s expertise made him harder than he thought possible. His

hips swayed forward; his breaths became pants. This isn’t enough. Not near


Corbin pulled his mouth away, tension curling through him. “I need….”

“I know what you need.” Matt’s voice rumbled with desire. He stroked Corbin’s

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pulsing rod again. “You’re a natural, baby.”

Baby? For a second he considered protesting the endearment. Then he

decided he didn’t mind the name at all. So he struggled to be patient, closing his

eyes while Matt worked him, took him almost to the point of release. His whole

body shuddered. He didn’t think he could last much longer.

“This isn’t enough.” Much more and he would shoot off in Matt’s hand. He

didn’t want that. Did he?

Matt released his cock. “I’ll take care of you later. I needed to get you hot and


Well, he’d succeeded. While Corbin fought not to reach down to finish what

he’d started, Matt went to the dresser. He took out a string of condoms and a tube

of lubricant that made Corbin smile and feel nervous at the same time. “Pretty

confident, huh?”

“I wasn’t really planning on fucking you when I came here either. But I believe

in being prepared.” He ripped off one of the foil packages and dropped the rest to

the floor. His gaze heated, his rod jutting out long and strong as he tossed the

tube onto the bed. Yet he met Corbin’s eyes and said, “I’ll back off right now if

this isn’t really what you have in mind.”

Corbin stared at that cock and his mouth watered. He knew where it had to go

in him. Can it possibly fit? He swallowed hard.

“Trust me.” Matt held his shaft, stroked it.

When Corbin remained silent and continued watching him, Matt explained

calmly. “We’ll take it slow. I’ll get you ready before this goes anywhere near you.

You just have to have faith in me.”

Have faith in him. This is one hell of a big step. His heart pounding, Corbin

made his decision. “Let’s do it.” He moved to the bed then glanced back at Matt.

“How do you want me?”

“Climb up on the bed. We’ll do this from the back first.”

Doggie style. Corbin drew in a breath and moved to all fours in the middle of

the bed. He felt uneasy bent over, although he’d taken Pamela this way many

times. Never in her ass, though. He tensed, wary of the unknown. Yet, he trusted


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The man almost as physically big as him moved onto the bed behind him and

gently smoothed a hand over Corbin’s clenched buttocks. His racing heart kicked

up another notch. The same tingles he’d experienced earlier zapped through him.

“I’m going to play with your anus now, start stretching your sphincter muscles,

get you more relaxed.” Matt caressed his cheeks a couple more times, getting him

used to being touched there. Then he carefully eased a finger into Corbin’s hole.

Not that uncomfortable. Still, this was different. His body knew it and he

clenched again, clamping tight.

Matt shocked the hell out of him by swatting his butt hard. The action served

to distract him enough for him to shove a second finger inside. “Sorry, baby, but

you needed to lose some of your tension.”

The slight sting faded quickly. Corbin focused on the pair of digits driving

deeper, moving inside him. He grimaced and endured, trusted Matt.

“Without this preparation, you would feel really uncomfortable when I finally

push my cock into your rectum.” Matt gently pushed on his back. “Put your head

on the mattress and keep your ass up high in the air a little longer.”

Corbin obeyed, although he felt awkward. He stayed in position without

moving for as long as he could before glancing over his shoulder.

His fingers still deep inside, moving slightly, Matt studied him intently. “Do

you think you’re ready?”

No! Yes! If he agreed, he would have a cock rammed into his ass for the first

time in his life. Hell, he already had the man’s fingers there now. He’d come this

far and he wouldn’t back out now. “Do it.”

Matt gave him a nod of approval and his digits slipped from Corbin’s ass with a

quiet popping sound. He tore open the condom and Corbin watched him roll it

over the length of his swollen rod. He shuddered at what would happen next. He

wanted it…dreaded it, too.

“You’re almost ready, baby.” Matt picked up the tube of lubricant and coated

his cock while Corbin observed in fascination. “Now you.” He dripped a glob of

cold gel at Corbin’s hole.

He lowered his head once more while Matt used his fingers to thoroughly

grease him. He couldn’t help tensing when he moved into position behind him.

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“Unless you would like another swat, relax your ass.”

Corbin drew in a breath and let it out, concentrating on unclenching his

cheeks. A second later he felt the cock at his ass hole. Then Matt used one hand to

hold his shoulders down to the mattress and his other to guide his rod further

into Corbin’s rectum.

“Damn,” Corbin hissed. The cock was a lot thicker than Matt’s fingers. His ass

hole stung. It hurt some from the stretching, but not bad enough to stop

everything. Instead, he focused on staying still, on keeping his butt up, and on not

protesting as he felt fuller and fuller. Finally he grunted, ground his teeth

together. Then it wasn’t quite so bad. He might survive, after all.

“Almost there, baby. Almost there.” Matt’s tone told him that he was being as

gentle as he could be.

Finally, balls slapped against his ass and Corbin realized he’d taken all of that

long, hard cock when he hadn’t been sure he actually could. After a few seconds

of adjusting, he was ready for more. He shoved backward. “Fuck me. Fuck me


Matt clamped onto Corbin’s hips, his fingers squeezed hard as he slowly pulled

almost out and then rammed back deep. “So tight. God, you’re tight.”

Corbin’s breaths came in gasps as he took each drive, as his body craved more

and more. “Harder.” He squeezed his eyes closed, curled his fingers to clutch the

sheet. “Deeper.”

“I don’t want to hurt you this first time,” Matt groaned, his tone ragged. “This

needs to be good for you.” He continued his slow back and forth pace.

Hearing the concern in his lover’s voice, Corbin respected this virtual stranger

even more. With the last of his semi-rational thoughts, he decided calling

Madame Evangeline had been good. She’d had the good sense to match him with

Matt. He intended to experience the full extent of the passion Matt kept under

firm control.

“Don’t hold back.” He glanced behind him for a second. Seeing Matt

grimacing, sweating…seeing his body tight against him, awareness of the cock

buried in his ass made him crazy with desire. “Fuck me with all you’ve got. Now.”

He pressed his butt back in demand.

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Matt let go of the tight rein he’d kept on his desperate need. He clasped

Corbin’s hips tighter and rammed fast and deep, over and over. The heat, the

tightness. So good. Each drive took him closer to the edge. Still, the barely sane

part of him managed to watch Corbin. He would not hurt him.

Sweat beaded all over Matt from the strain. He struggled for breath, couldn’t

stop moving. Bent over in front of him and completely at his mercy, Corbin

grunted from the pounding he took. The musky smell of sex surrounded them.

Finally, Matt arched backward and stiffened. “Ohhhh. Oh shit, baby!” Cum

shot into the condom, warm wetness surrounding his cock. “Damn, so damn


He collapsed over Corbin’s back, panting, heart racing. It had been a long time

since he’d experienced anything this intense. He’d loved Henri and making love

with him. But his partner hadn’t liked it rough. Matt had almost always had to

hold back the power of his drives, yet he hadn’t minded. Corbin was the kind of

lover who suited him. But they only had this one day and night. When he

recovered, he would….

“I’m going to take your ass, too, you know.” Corbin interrupted his thoughts,

giving him a determined look. “I might not be experienced, but I’m a fast


Matt held his gaze. He had more to teach his focused pupil. “Later. I’ve got

another experience you need to have first.”

When Corbin’s expression filled with confusion, Matt concentrated on the

thick shaft Corbin held in one hand. “I’m going to show you how to suck another

man’s cock.” He grinned. “Trust me, you’re going to love it.”


Corbin slid from deep sleep to being almost awake and rolled from his side to

his back. The mattress didn’t feel as firm as normal. He inhaled a spicy, earthy

scent. Something wasn’t right about that either.

He eased one eye open and sunlight slipped between the vertical blinds not

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quite closed. Not his bedroom. Fuzziness filled his mind. Tired. Sore. What the


“It’s about time you woke up,” came a familiar—familiar?—voice from across

the room.

His heart thudded in wariness and he shot upright. Definitely not his bed.

From the partially opened sliding doors he heard the sound of water lapping

against a shoreline. Not Oklahoma. The Caribbean. Yesterday….

He glanced toward the bedroom doorway and spotted Matthieu DuCharme

who had taken the sexual virginity of his ass. His first male lover looked casual in

swim trunks, lots of tanned, toned body, and, well, damn hot. After all they’d

done yesterday and repeated again in the wee hours of the morning, Corbin had

expected to be worn out, not interested in sex any longer. But he was. He couldn’t

remember getting this aroused so easily or so often.

Desire thrummed through him and he shifted his legs over the side of the

mattress and stood. He nodded toward the rumpled bed then headed toward the

bathroom. “I’ll be right back. It’s payback time.” Yesterday had been all about

Matt taking care of him, showing him the basics of Gay Sex 101. Now, he’d try a

few things himself.

“You’re not too sore?” Matt asked, sounding pleased.

“Hell, yes.” Corbin stopped to scoop up the few remaining condoms from the

strip Matt had tossed on the floor yesterday and held them out. “We don’t have a

lot of time before you need to head for the airport. I don’t plan to waste any of it.

Ready for some turnabout? Ready to get your ass reamed?”

As he brushed his teeth a few minutes later, Corbin thought about Matt leaving

soon for the airport. He hated the idea. Ridiculous. They might have been—and

would be again shortly—intimate, but they were still almost strangers. He’d come

here, reluctantly, for one reason only: to learn more about what being a gay man

meant. In his naiveté, he had at the most hoped for a chance to talk seriously with

someone he’d been told had been openly homosexual for a long time. But…the

sexual attraction between them had been too much for them to ignore.

He glanced down at his shaft standing long and thick. He’d been intimate with

women before, but never on the first date. Sex for sex’s sake had never been his

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thing. On this first date, they’d already done it multiple times. And he wanted it

again. They hadn’t talked much, but Matt had never given him a sense that he

judged him about being so naïve. He’d patiently guided him about this position or

that, taught him about sucking cock, about kissing a man without feeling strange

in doing so. He had also gotten a bit rough a couple of times. Corbin hadn’t

balked at all. He grinned at his image in the bathroom mirror. Time to show off

his own wild side.

The clock is ticking. Get out there and show him what you can do! His

stomach tightened a bit with nerves, but he opened the bathroom door and strode


Matt had stripped off his trunks the second Corbin left the room. Anticipation

curled through him. He’d been the one in charge yesterday and earlier this

morning. He liked the role he’d normally played in the past. Yet, he’d secretly

longed for more. Henri hadn’t been weak or small, but he’d been more

submissive than dominant. Corbin could go either way; Matt had sensed that

from the fist time he’d seen him poolside. He’d appeared uneasy, but he’d also

been ready for the challenge of the new lifestyle he’d shifted into.

The purr of the sonic toothbrush stopped and his new lover would be coming

out any second. For someone who spent most of his time sitting behind a desk,

Corbin had one fine body. Matt had enjoyed each and every minute of smoothing

his hands over his lightly muscled chest. An image entered his mind of him on his

knees, bent over with his ass in the air for him to shove his dick into…. His pulse

raced. If he weren’t curious about what Corbin intended for him as payback, he

would enjoy taking him again.

Footsteps heading across the carpet captured Matt’s attention. Damn. This is

one handsome man. Mine. Depression stole away the pleasurable thought. He

would be leaving for the airport in less than three hours. Corbin mentioned

staying the rest of the week, and Matt regretted that he really needed to get back

to work.

As if Corbin read his mind, his expression tightened and he walked closer. “I’m

going to give you something to remember me by.” He picked up a foil package,

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ripped it open, and rolled it over his large shaft. Then he grabbed the lube and

slicked a thick layer over the condom. “Ready?”

Matt held Corbin’s heated gaze and calmly spread his legs. “Ready and


He watched every sleek move as Corbin crawled onto the bed and sat on his

haunches between his legs. “This position alright with you?” He would have been

all right getting pounded from behind, but he preferred to face him this time. He

intended to see his new lover driving his rod into him and his expression as he

took him.

Corbin nodded and put a glob of lubricant on the fingers of his right hand.

When Matt arched his pelvis upward to offer himself, Corbin inserted his middle

finger into his anus. Matt held his breath at the familiar intense feeling he hadn’t

experienced in too long a time.

“Are you okay?” Corbin studied him.

“I’ve missed this.” Matt leaned his head up so he could focus on Corbin’s hand.

Seeing that finger inside him, seeing the thumb and forefinger touching his balls,

he shuddered with need. “Put in a second. Get me ready. Now.”

Corbin’s expression mirrored relief and he got serious. He added the second

finger and swirled them slowly inside him. “Oh yes.” But Matt couldn’t be patient

any longer. “Forget this! Give me that big stiff cock of yours. Ram it home.”

His lover studied him for a few seconds, held his fingers still. Finally, he pulled

them out and bent forward to use one hand to guide his rod to Matt’s anus.

Mouth tight with concentration while holding Matt’s gaze, he slid inside an inch.

Then another. Matt wanted to demand that he drive all the way in, but this was

Corbin’s first time. He needed to be tolerant, although it strained the limits of his


“God, this feels good,” Corbin gritted out. He moved as slowly as he could,

savored all of the new feelings he experienced. Having Matt lying with legs spread

and vulnerable beneath him…stretched out over him taking his lover like he’d

been taken the night before…heat surrounding his pulsing shaft, tightness…the

musky scent of two aroused male bodies.

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“I have to go all the way.” The strain of taking his time tortured him.

“Do it,” Matt added a command even though Corbin had the controlling

position, “and kiss me.”

Corbin’s nostrils flared as he glanced at Matt’s face, saw the desire there. He

thrust deep in one final stroke and Matt’s eyes widened. He gasped, but Corbin

devoured it with his mouth. Heated skin touched heated skin. His cock moved

deep inside and Matt sighed in pleasure. All this time Corbin kept his lips to

Matt’s, pressing, demanding.

Without breaking the kiss, Matt reached around and cupped Corbin’s ass,

squeezed, and bucked upward to encourage him into movement. Instantly,

Corbin took charge. He couldn’t have stopped pistoning.

Finally he released Matt’s mouth and arched back, grimacing. “I’m…oh, God! I

need to go slower.” He frowned at Matt. “You make me crazy.” He drove faster,

harder. He barely noted Matt’s tense expression, his ragged panting.

He roared out his release. “Oh, Matt! Shiiiittt.”

Matt’s hands came up to touch the side of Corbin’s face. His gaze held such

tenderness, sadness, too. “You did good, baby.”

Baby again. Corbin looked down at the man he would miss. He didn’t want to

pull his semi-hard cock out yet and instead eased to his side, rolling Matt with

him. They lay there for a while without speaking. Neither of them seemed to

know what to say. Corbin supposed he should say thank you, but it didn’t seem

enough. In truth, he didn’t understand any of what he felt at the moment. Except

a sense of pending loss.

His shaft slipped out on its own. Their time together had ended.


“Are you going to call him?” Pamela asked from her seat in Corbin’s office. “Or

keep on moping around here?”

He tried to ignore her, had avoided even seeing her since he returned from his

vacation almost a month before. But she wouldn’t give him a minute’s peace. He

needed to talk to Matt DuCharme. Actually, he wanted to be with him again, even

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if only for another night or two. Maybe they could work out some kind of

visitation arrangement every couple of months?

He studied his schedule and inwardly groaned. Hazel had packed his calendar

with appointments and necessary visits to his businesses in other cities from now

until eternity. Matt must be busy, too. At least he hadn’t heard from him, which

depressed him even more.

“Unlike you, I don’t have a lot of free time.” The comment would cause him

grief; he wished he had kept his mouth shut.

As expected, Pamela leaned closer to glare at him. “I don’t have a lot of free

time, but I care about you. Stupidly. So does your family, whom, I might add,

you’ve also been avoiding.”

“I appreciate that all of you are worried about me, but I’m fine. Really.” He

studied his schedule again—another four meetings today, but she wouldn’t leave

until he gave her something to counter her idea of his moping around. “I’ve been

considering calling the guy I told you about from the support group.” He hadn’t

been thinking that, not really.

She raised an eyebrow as if she didn’t believe him. Then she sighed and shook

her head. “We’re not done talking about this matter, but I’ve got an appointment

across town in a half hour.” She stood and he hated seeing the depth of her worry

over him saddening her eyes.

Corbin forced a smile. “Even though you’re being a pain in the ass about my

love life—or lack thereof—I’m glad you stopped by.”

“No, you’re not.” She heaved a sigh and strolled out of his office. “I’m not

giving up, just so you know,” she tossed over her shoulder from the hallway.

She wouldn’t, either. His glance shifted back to his monitor. He pulled up his

contact information for Matt and stared at it. He had no problem being pushy in

business, but pursuing someone who hadn’t contacted him made him

uncomfortable. Yet he hadn’t been able to get Matt out of his thoughts. Maybe

he’d send him a quick email…or call him later, leave a message. Or give up and

actually call the man from that group. The idea held no appeal


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Matt walked into his office for the first time in a month and sank wearily onto

his battered chair. Home not so sweet home. His desk held a small, obviously

used shipping box piled with messages. Couldn’t Alan at least get a desk tray or

something? He tossed that notion aside. Alan had been too busy to mess with

going to the office supply store; he’d grabbed something handy.

His glance shifted to the stacks of invoices and other mail piled over nearly

every square inch of the desktop. In addition, Alan had left him as many voice

mail messages as his phone would hold. He wished he could avoid it all and

escape again. This time on a real vacation. Maybe with Corbin.

Corbin Bradley. Their brief time together had been in his thoughts ever since

he’d left the island. Unfortunately, his life had gotten crazy the second he’d

walked into his home and checked his phone messages.

He swiveled his chair and looked up at the photo of him and Henri. He’d just

returned from an emergency trip to France. Henri’s family had begged him to

come. His mother had been on her deathbed. She’d made her daughter tell him

that she couldn’t find peace in dying until she had a chance to talk to Matt again.

She’d regretted the way she and her family had treated him the last time he and

Henri had visited there together. It had been difficult, but he’d believed Henri

would have wanted him to go. He thought about how Henri had taken a trip alone

to try and make his family understand their relationship. He hadn’t wanted him

to go, thought he should just let it all settle down. But Henri had been insistent.

He’d been heartbroken when his partner called and told him that the visit had

been disastrous, and he never intended to see them again.

Henri had needed to calm down before he returned home to California, so he’d

gone to see a friend in the French Alps, where his life had ended in that horrible

car crash. None of his family had had a chance to make up with him. He’d never

had a chance to console him about his family or to….He swallowed hard at the

memory. But now, he’d ended his mourning, closing the circle with the help of

friends…and Corbin.

He’d loved Henri and always would, but he hoped to find happiness again.

Maybe with Corbin, although living halfway across the country from one another

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put a real kink in that. Maybe with someone else, although he couldn’t seem to

think past Corbin as a potential partner. But he was definitely moving on with his


Accepting that, he faced his desk once more and turned the computer on. If he

could get through this pile of mail, invoices, and messages, maybe he’d find time

later to give Corbin a call. A checking in kind of call to make sure his new friend

was all right. Okay, he longed to hear his voice.


The parking lot around the office building was emptying fast when Matt drove

his rental car into it, feeling like he was forcing his way upstream. Still, a half

dozen cars remained, and he hoped one of them belonged to Corbin. He should

have called first, but he’d acted impulsively after hearing his awkward voicemail

message. Corbin had basically apologized for bothering him. He’d mumbled

something about Matt obviously being too busy to call or…. The rest of the

message had been cut off, but he had reacted to the quiet hurt in Corbin’s tone.

He’d been stupid not to call sooner. All that mess in France had kept him

sidetracked. So he’d come to Oklahoma City, praying he could make peace with

Corbin in person.

He climbed out of his car and hurried to the front of the building. The

uniformed security guard held the door open for an employee, pulling the it

almost shut until he noticed Matt.

“I need to see Corbin Bradley, if he’s still here,” he said as the kind-faced man

pushed the glass door partially open for him.

“Do you have an appointment?” The guard glanced at the large clock on the

nearby wall. “It’s kind of late, but I know he has evening meetings now and then.”

“I don’t. But I’m a friend from out of town and thought I would see if he was

in.” Matt’s heart raced. He’d worn a suit and even a tie, hoping to fit into Corbin’s

world. As the guard looked him over, Matt was glad he’d done so.

The door opened further and Matt slipped inside, relieved. He took a second to

glance around. Impressive building and Corbin owned it. They’d shared a little

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about each other’s lives before Matt had left. Both had done well in the business

world, in completely different areas.

“Top floor.” The guard said and interrupted his thoughts. “I’m sure Mr.

Bradley’s receptionist and everyone else is gone by now. If I called up there, it

would just go to voicemail. I’d best go up with you, use my key to get in, and make

sure….” He had his job to do and Matt was glad he didn’t let just anyone wander

the building when Corbin was there after hours.

“I understand,” Matt said with a casual smile. They headed toward the nearby

elevators in comfortable silence. Anticipation swirled through him and he tuned

the guard out of his thoughts. What would Corbin think about him showing up

out of the blue? Would he even want to see him?

Corbin stared at his schedule for the rest of the week. He’d had a headache all

day. He needed a good solid eight hours sleep, something he hadn’t managed to

get in a long time, lonely and tired of the rut his life seemed to be stuck in.

Someone rang the buzzer on the outer office door, jarring him from his

musings. His staff had left for the day, so it must be the building security guard.

Unless someone had come back for something and for some reason didn’t have

their office key. He shoved to his feet to go see who was there and why someone

who rang was now clicking open the lock on the heavy glass door.

“Mr. Bradley?” The guard had opened his mouth to call again when Corbin

rounded the corner of the hallway.

Corbin glanced at him curiously and then blinked in surprise. Matt? He

walked faster, his pulse racing. His first real smile in weeks slid into place.

“I take it that it’s okay I brought him up here?” The guard had already started

to move back out of the office.

Corbin came out of his daze. “Yes. Thank you for letting him into the building,

for bringing him up to see me.”

He closed and locked the door as the guard walked to the elevator. He faced

Matt, his heart racing, aching to reach out and touch his grinning lover. “What

are you doing here?”

“You’re alone here now, right?” Matt’s crooked smile grew when Corbin

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nodded. “I need to talk to you privately.”

Corbin sucked in a steadying breath. Was this a good thing that he had come

all the way here? What did he want? God, he couldn’t get past the desire tearing

through him. He longed to touch Matt. He needed to….

“I can see in your eyes the same thing I’m feeling,” Matt said in a husky tone.

“If I don’t touch you in some way soon….”

“My office.” Corbin led the way down the hall, fighting the urge to run and

drag Matt with him.

Matt quickly took in the obviously expensive furnishings in the office. None of

it mattered. Only Corbin. He needed Corbin—now. With the way he had speed

walked here and the heat Matt had witnessed in his eyes, his lover had pretty

much the same feelings. He boldly pulled a condom out of his wallet, unbuckled

his belt, and unzipped his slacks.

Corbin’s brown eyes turned molten hot. He silently waited as Matt freed his

cock and rolled the protection on it. Then, as Matt watched him in turn and they

locked gazes, Corbin undid his slacks, shoved them down his thighs, then his

under shorts. His shaft pushed at the front of his white dress shirt.

Matt’s mouth watered. He wanted to feel that rod inside him, but later. He’d

been dreaming about driving into Corbin’s ass too much to not go first. He

nodded at the desk and Corbin obediently turned to brace his arms and shoved

his ass out.

His body aching to drive home, Matt called upon his limited patience and dug

a small tube of lubricant from his pocket. He’d been optimistic about what might

happen when he saw Corbin again. His positive thinking had paid off. It took only

a few seconds to cover his shaft, coat Corbin’s anus, and work his fingers in the

tight channel until both of them quivered in desperation.

“Come on, I’m dying here.” Corbin pushed his butt backward.

Matt didn’t need more of an invitation. He nudged his cockhead inside the

puckered hole. He would have gone slow, but Corbin wouldn’t allow it. He shoved

back until Matt sank hilt-deep in his ass, both of them straining. Both of them

breathing raggedly.

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“I’ve missed you.” Matt held Corbin’s hips and pulled back from the tightness

surrounding him, then rammed inside once more. “Missed this.” A lot.

Corbin glanced back at him, his face tight, uncertainty in his eyes. “I wasn’t

sure. You didn’t….” He groaned when Matt shoved inside his rectum. “Shit!

You’re so big.”

“Am I hurting you?” Matt started to ease out again, worried.

“Don’t!” Corbin protested and pushed back to force him deeper once more. “I

can take it.”

Matt held still and expressed his doubts, “I didn’t know if you’d really want to

hear from me.” He rocked back and forth, forcing a moan from Corbin. “I would

have called anyway…but I had to go to France.” His words came out on a pant as

he focused on moving in and out.

“To hell with talking,” Corbin gasped. He shuddered. “Later. Fuck me. Now.”

Later. They needed to talk about a lot of things, but he couldn’t think straight

any longer. “Hold tight, baby, because I don’t think I can be gentle this time.”


Matt drilled Corbin. His lover hissed, no doubt it stung a little. Corbin was still

new at this. He would be as careful as he could. Corbin held his position, butt

thrust out, and took Matt’s ass pounding.

Ten wild minutes later, Matt struggled to catch his breath. Sweat beaded his

chest beneath his dress shirt and the suit jacket he wished he’d bothered to

remove. The scent of sex lingered in the air. Life didn’t get better than this, than

having a man you loved bent over in front of you, with your cock up his ass. Love?

Where the hell had that idea come from?

Corbin still leaned over his fancy desk, with his no doubt expensive dress

slacks shoved down to his muscled thighs. Wrinkles marked his white shirt where

Matt had pushed it up and out of the way. He hadn’t said a word since Matt had

roared out his release. He felt certain Corbin’s cock needed attention, too, but he

was reluctant to move. Had he actually wanted this? Or had Matt forced it?

Corbin tried to slow his breaths, trying to get a grip on what had happened. He

still had trouble believing Matt had shown up at his office, not that he wasn’t glad

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Starting Over


about it. Even if his ass stung from the ramming he had given him. Matt’s semi-

hard cock remained in place. How should he handle the situation now? Whatever

was going on between them, he didn’t wish it to end.

He glanced over his shoulder. The sight of Matt’s hands on his hips, his body

pressed against his with his shaft in his anus, made his body tighten. His cock

had hardened the instant he’d seen Matt. He needed release, too, but he ignored

that need. He’d deal with it later.

“I’m not sure what we do now,” he said quietly.

Matt studied him, gave him a cautious look. “First, I guess I should get out of

your ass. Then I should probably do something about your hard on. I know you

have one.”

Corbin remained in position and watched as Matt withdrew. He felt a second’s

pain, then the emptiness. Before he could move, Matt took a handkerchief from

his pocket and gently wiped around Corbin’s anus. A tender gesture. The action

touched him, made him even more certain he desired some kind of relationship

with Matt.

He straightened and redressed while Matt removed the condom and cleaned

himself up. As he found the small trashcan next to the desk, Matt asked, “So you

don’t need me to take care of you?”

He definitely wanted that, yes, and it pleased him Matt had thought about his

needs, too. “How about we do that at my home?”

Matt’s eyes showed relief. “I’m good with that.”

Corbin watched him tuck his cock back into his pants. A good man, a great

lover. It still amazed him that he’d gotten so lucky enough to be matched up with

him. Evidently Madame Evangeline’s reputation for making good matches hadn’t

been stretching things.

“How long are you in town?” he asked, already dreading the answer. Then he

wondered what had brought him to town. Matt’s lawn design business was crazy

this time of year. His brow furrowed. “Are you here on business?” Matt had told

him that he traveled all over the world to design unique gardens for the elite.

Matt appeared thoughtful for a second then held Corbin’s gaze. “I’m only here

to see you.”

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Starla Kaye


“Me?” Corbin’s heart lifted at the sincerity in his voice.

“Yes, I made a snap decision to come here after I heard your message. I had to

come. I knew you had misunderstood why I hadn’t contacted you before now.”

He hesitated. “Hopefully it wasn’t a bad idea. I’m not here to cause you

problems.” He looked uncomfortable. “I didn’t intend to all but attack you.”

Corbin grinned. “Worked for me.” He’d needed it as much as Matt had. He

grabbed his suit jacket from a halltree. “How about we go to my place? I’d like to

do a bit of attacking of my own. It might take all night…or a day or two.”

“Don’t you have meetings or something tomorrow?”

“I’ve got a good staff. They’ve been encouraging me to turn over more of the

work, but I’ve dragged my feet about it. I think this is a good time to see what

they can really do.” He switched off the lights and stepped into the hallway. “How

long are you staying? I know you’re every bit as busy as I am.”

Matt walked beside him. “This is a killer time of year for my business. But,

truth, I’m getting burned out. My foreman and crew know it, too. They’re more

than capable of handling all of the business in Carmel, so I’m going to let them.”

He hesitated. “Maybe permanently. I’m thinking about moving the design part of

my business.”

Moving? Where? Matt had told him that he was doing a lot of design work in

Europe. God, he hated the idea of Matt moving that far away. Feeling a bit

depressed, he said, “I’ll take whatever time you can give me.”

He headed down the hallway, ready to get out of there, ready to take his lover

home with him. It suddenly occurred to him that he’d like to keep Matt with him,

for longer than just a night or two. But he didn’t want to push him yet. Instead he

said cautiously, “You’re going to have to be patient with me. I’m still learning.”

“We’ll figure it all out together.” Matt stopped him in the reception area. “I

think we can have something special.”

Corbin nodded, hope swelling through him at the tender look in his lover’s

eyes. “So do I.” He cupped Matt’s head and eased his mouth closer. “How about a

kiss for the road?”

Before their lips touched, Matt captured his gaze. Uncertainty flickered across

his handsome face then he spoke boldly. “We could make it a kiss for a

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Starting Over



“Beginning?” Corbin’s heart raced so loudly it was a wonder Matt didn’t hear

it, too. Was Matt talking about….

“Would I be overstepping things if I moved my design business here?”

“You’re moving here?” Corbin needed confirmation before he made a fool of


Matt took a second to answer, appearing to study him, and finally nodded. “To

be with you, yes.”

This time Corbin couldn’t restrain himself. He pulled Matt’s head to his and

kissed him with all of the strength of feelings he had for him.

Breathless but happier than he had been in years, Corbin pulled away. “Let’s

go home before we get too crazy here.”

Matt’s smile warmed him even more. “I’m glad I took the chance and came to

see you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, about us. If there could be

an us.”

“Thank God you did.” Corbin shook his head and added, “I’m glad I gave in to

my nagging ex and contacted Madame Evangeline. Glad she sent me you.”

“I guess she’s as wise as they say.” Matt nudged him out of the office. “Weren’t

we going to your home? So you could do wild and nasty things to me?”

Our home, if you agree to move in with me,” Corbin corrected. He quickly

locked the office door, turned to grin at Matt. “I’ve been reading about some nifty

little tricks. Are you game?”

“Bring it on, baby. I’m all yours.”

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Starla Kaye wears many hats professionally and as a writer. She works

part-time as a community coordinator for an accounting firm, volunteers in

the community as a gerontologist, and writes a monthly newsletter for a

senior adult group. As a writer, she is multi-published in e-books and print-

on-demand books. She writes as Starla Kaye, S.K. Fero, and Skylar Faye. She

would love to hear from her readers at starlakaye.romance@gmail.com.

Visit Starla online at: www.starlakaye.com


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