Kate Hill Mate Marks 1 Hunger

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Mate Marks 1: Hunger

Kate Hill

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2009 Kate Hill

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ISBN: 978-60521-130-5

Formats Available:
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Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046


Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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Mate Marks 1: Hunger

Kate Hill

All her life Chante has wondered about two things, her family history and the cat-
shaped birthmark on her breast. To avoid the frightening yet sexy man who has been

following her, she travels to Jamaica to visit her great aunt and learns more than she
ever wanted to know about a strange family curse.

Joshi has always known that he’s destined to mate with the human female who bears

the mark of the cat on her breast. Still, his bitterness toward humans has prevented
him from claiming his rightful mate. With his species near extinction, he has no

choice but to take Chante as his own.

Seducing this stubborn yet beautiful woman will challenge this shapeshifting cat in

more ways than he realizes, especially when their lives depend on his prowess as a

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In a time before recorded history, some with otherworldly powers mastered a spell that
guided destined mates to each other. Though few can now wield this ancient power,

some masters of the art still exist. Those bound by mate marks cannot resist their
magical pull, but the marks can only bind souls that are meant to be joined


Africa, 1912

All his life, Albert Lawrence had been the hunter. Now for the first time he

understood how it felt to be the prey. He paused, every muscle tense and his senses

straining for any sign of the predator stalking him.

He hadn’t seen or heard anything, yet he knew he was being followed. His hand

trembled on his rifle. Sweat trickled down his back and his heart pounded.

Oddly, his next thought was about the beauty of these woodlands. In all the

years he’d been hunting, he’d never taken the time to appreciate this untamed country.

His sole concern had been the challenge. The kill.

Something struck him hard in the back and knocked him face-first to the ground.

He grunted from the impact, too stunned to struggle. A powerful, hairy hand clamped

around the back of his neck and his attacker pulled the rifle from his grasp.

“Pathetic, greedy human,” growled a voice so deep and wild that it sounded as if

a great cat had mastered the power of speech. “For too long I have watched your kind

hunt beasts, taking more than you could ever eat and stealing their skins. You kill for

the mere pleasure of it.”

His attacker rolled Albert roughly onto his back. The human stared in horror and

fascination at the creature straddling him. Rangy and thickly muscled, it had a manlike

shape, but was covered in leopard skin. Thick fangs gleamed against his dark, snarling


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“Does life mean anything to you?” growled the beast, his hand tightening

around Albert’s throat.

“Yes,” he choked.

“Your own life maybe.” The creature leaned closer, his face inches from Albert’s.

“What would you give me to spare your pathetic life?”

“Anything,” Albert whispered.

The creature’s greenish-yellow eyes narrowed, then a faint yet horrible smile

curved his lips. “Anything, you say. In that case, I will allow you to live, but only so

you can repay your debt to my kind. First you will never hunt again.”

“I give you my word. No more hunting. Ever.”

“And second…” The creature sank his fangs deep into Albert’s shoulder.

The human screamed, his fists clawing at the cat creature’s shoulders and his

body thrashing in a futile attempt to push his attacker away.

The beast sat up, licking blood from his lips.

“You said you’d spare my life,” Albert panted, pain flaring from his shoulder

through his entire body. “What have you done to me? What poison is in your bite?”

“Your life has been spared, human, and once healed, my bite won’t harm you.

But the second part of our pact has been initiated. From your bloodline a woman will be

born who bears the mark of my people. When the time is right, one of my bloodline will

come to claim her.”

“Wait, you can’t ask me to sacrifice one of my children.”

“Your people have hunted my kind to near extinction. Our females are few. We

have no choice but to interbreed with other species to ensure our survival. This woman

of your bloodline will be a mother of my race.”

Albert thought he might be sick, both from the pain of the creature’s bite and

from disgust over the bargain he’d struck. If he was any kind of man he’d tell this

monster to kill him here and now, but he hadn’t the courage.

His head spun and his vision blurred. The last thing he saw before sinking into

blackness was the snarling face of the cat creature.

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Chapter One

Colorado, 2009

Joshi growled, muscles rippling as Clementine’s clawed hands raked his back.

Behind him, Clarissa purred and sank her fangs into his ass. His head snapped over his

shoulder and he gave a sharp roar.

Clarissa backed away slightly, but glanced at him with a sultry look in her large

green eyes.

Seeing that he’d been distracted by her sister, Clementine pawed his face and

made a sound somewhere between a growl and a purr. He turned back to her and

pawed her face in response, then thrust into her hot, wet body, making her writhe with


This pair had kept him busy for most of the evening. Clarissa and Clementine

were ultra-rare twin female Prowleryns -- beings gifted with the characteristics of both

humans and great cats.

The entire species now dwindled. Males like Joshi vied for the attention of

females whom they greatly outnumbered. He’d spent most of his life traveling all over

the world in search of females of his kind, hoping to spread his seed and increase the

Prowleryn chances of survival.

If he didn’t succeed, he’d be forced into an act that sickened him. He would have

no choice but to mate with a human female.

Beneath him, Clementine gasped and growled, her lips drawn back in pleasure,

exposing her sharp little fangs. The American Prowleryns were smaller than the ones

from his tribe, but what these females lacked in size they made up for in enthusiasm.

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His cock ached and heart pounded with lust. Clementine came hard, her flesh

pulsing around him. Joshi closed his eyes and lunged into her with several more hard

thrusts. He exploded, filling her with his essence.

He scarcely had time to recover before Clarissa rubbed her face against his back,

her hand kneading his ass. One of her claws slid between the indentation and tickled

his sphincter.

Joshi roared again and rolled off of Clementine to grab her sister. His fingers bit

into Clarissa’s upper arms and his mouth covered hers in a rough kiss. She met him

with equal ferocity. Her tongue thrust against his and she bit his upper lip hard enough

to draw blood. The taste of it aroused him, making him hard again. Unlike human

males, Prowleryns had amazing recuperative qualities, not to mention incredible

staying power.

Only Prowleryn females could truly satisfy them, which was part of the reason

Joshi disliked the idea of fucking a human woman. It would be such a bore, such a

waste. Worst of all, his children would carry weak, human blood. That would not

happen if he got one or both of these sisters pregnant.

Pressing Clarissa against a nearby bolder, he bent his knees and filled her cunt

with a long, hard thrust. She cried out sharply, whether from pleasure or pain he wasn’t

sure. He felt no emotional attachment to these women, and they had made it clear they

felt none to him. They’d agreed to fuck him for the sole purpose of procreation.

It had taken some heavy bargaining with their tribal leader to allow him to take

these women. He’d brought gifts for both the leader and the women. Finally they had

agreed that if he impregnated Clementine, the offspring would remain with this

Colorado tribe. If his seed grew within Clarissa, she would return with him to his tribal

territory and their child would be raised there.

Perhaps taking a human would be easier, as she would be his no matter what.

Still, he would rather leave behind the child of a Prowleryn than be burdened with a

human female for the rest of his life.

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“Something wrong?” Clarissa purred, lightly running her claws over his

shoulders. “You look distracted. Don’t I please you, you gorgeous golden beast?” As if

to draw his attention, she tightened her muscles around him, squeezing his stiff cock.

In reply he growled and raked his fangs along her shoulder, then grasped her

wrists and pinned them on either side of her head as he pounded into her.

She moaned and arched against him. Her drenched pussy throbbed around him

and his body stiffened as he came long and hard.

No sooner had he finished than he withdrew from her, leaving her panting

against the rock.

Clementine, who had been watching them, stood a short distance away. Lust

burned in her eyes as she stroked her breasts, her fingertips teasing her long, pink


“You’re vigorous, even for one of our kind,” Clementine said, her gaze sweeping

him. “Let’s see which one of us wears you out first.”

“You mean why don’t we see which one of you gives out first,” he said, his voice

husky as he reached for her again.

She opened her mouth for his kiss, but they were interrupted by the roars of

several Prowleryn males.

Four cat men, covered in dark gold fur, appeared at the top of a rock pile. All

were young and strong, the scent of their rage and arousal wafted on the air.

Joshi had no doubt what this was about. In spite of his arrangement with their

leader, he was still infringing on their rights by claiming these females.

They climbed down the rocks and surrounded him.

“You have no business here,” said the largest male, though even he wasn’t as tall

as Joshi.

“These are our females,” said another. “Go back where you came from.”

“My job is done here,” Joshi said with a smug grin. This had the desired effect

and the four males roared with fury.

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He probably shouldn’t be so arrogant, considering it was a four-to-one situation,

but Joshi had never backed away from a challenge in his life.

They attacked simultaneously, like lions hunting their prey. One-on-one these

smaller cats wouldn’t have a chance against him. A group effort was more challenging,

but this wasn’t the first time Joshi had been faced with such an attack.

Their muscular bodies locked, they bit each other deeply. Claws sank into furred

flesh and battle roars filled the air. They kicked up clouds of dust from the dry ground,

making it difficult to see. Joshi felt claws sink into his thighs and one of the males sank

his fangs deeply into his shoulder. Joshi’s claws tore at the shoulders of the cat man in

his arms, then he turned and bit through the leg of another. The third lunged at him

and Joshi used his powerful legs to hurl him into the boulder.

Joshi leapt to his feet, ignoring the pain of his wounds, and faced the only

opponent left standing. A flicker of fear darted across this male’s eyes, but pride

overcame his terror and he attacked. Joshi swiped his claws across the other cat’s face,

knocking him to his knees.

Gazing at Joshi with unfocused eyes, he said, “Do it. Finish us.”

Panting, his teeth bared, Joshi glanced around at the injured males and back to

Clarissa and Clementine who stood a safe distance away.

“I came here for the survival of our kind,” Joshi stated. “I have no desire to kill

other Prowleryns. Leave me in peace and I’ll consider this matter closed. Otherwise, I

will finish this.”

Properly chastised, his attackers nodded in consent and dragged themselves off,

probably back to the village to tend their injuries. That wasn’t a bad idea. There was a

river nearby. Some of Joshi’s wounds were quite deep and needed care.

The sisters approached, their eyes gleaming with lust.

“Come with us,” Clarissa said, taking his arm.

“We’ll clean your wounds for you,” Clementine said.

Typical Prowleryn women. Seeing a male tear apart his enemies in battle aroused

them as much as fucking.

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That was good. At least they would bear children with the hot, raging blood of

his kind. Not the impure blood of humans.

Joshi growled and led the way to the river, the sisters purring softly behind him.

* * *

Massachusetts, Six Months Later

Chante awoke in darkness. A strange feeling settled over her, as if she’d just

experienced a nightmare, yet she didn’t remember dreaming.

She glanced at the digital clock on her night table. One minute past midnight.

A breeze blew across her face and the drapes danced, ghostlike, in front of the

open window. Fear shot through her and she leapt out of bed. It was late autumn so she

certainly hadn’t opened the window before falling asleep. That meant someone else had

opened it.

She stood, listening for any sound that indicated an intruder in the apartment.

Kneeling by her bed, she reached for the baseball bat she kept underneath it. She held it

in a ready position as she combed every inch of the place. Finally she stopped in the

kitchen where she used the phone to call the police.

Since she hadn’t actually seen an intruder, no damage had been done and

nothing seemed to be missing, they didn’t sound very concerned. Still they agreed to

send over a cruiser that was in the area.

She dressed quickly and made a cup of tea while waiting for the police to arrive.

Now that she was fully awake with the lights on and the windows locked, she

felt better. Maybe she’d overreacted to the situation, yet she knew she hadn’t opened

that window, so how the hell had it happened?

* * *

“It was the creepiest feeling,” Chante said to her friend and secretary, Lisa, the

next morning at the office.

“And you’re sure you didn’t open the window before you went to bed?”

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“Now you sound like the cops. No, I did not open the window. Somebody was

in my apartment.”

“Nothing was stolen or moved around or anything like that?”

Frustrated, Chante curled her lip and snapped, “You don’t believe me? Wouldn’t

you know if an uninvited guest was in your place?”

“I don’t know, Chante. It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that I know how

much you’ve been through lately, with your mother passing away and all. You hardly

took any time off from work.”

Chante sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. The past several months had

been difficult, trying to keep up with her career while caring for her mother through a

serious illness. Though she’d never felt especially close to either parent, she did miss

her mother.

“You have lots of vacation time, Chante. Maybe you should take it. Give yourself

a chance to pull things back together,” Lisa said, her expression sympathetic.

“Maybe you’re right.” Chante felt like she could use some time off. Everything

had taken a toll on her and her life had fallen into a strict regimen. She worked long

hours, then went home and cared for her mother after the nurse left. Lisa was right

about her needing some time to just relax. “I’ll think about it. What I really dread is the

thought of going home tonight. No matter what the cops say, I know someone was

there last night. If they broke in but didn’t take anything, then what did they want?”

“Maybe they didn’t like any of your stuff,” Lisa teased. “Unless you’re into cats,

your apartment wouldn’t appeal to the average person.”

Her entire apartment was decorated in a feline theme, from the art on the walls

to the rug on her bathroom floor. Perhaps the birthmark on her breast that looked

suspiciously like a cat's head inspired her love of felines. Her mother had insisted it

looked like nothing in particular, but no matter what her mother said, Chante had still

seen the cat.

“I’m sorry,” Lisa said when she saw that her attempt at humor had failed. “Why

don’t you stay at my place tonight?”

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“That’s okay.”

“No, really. Come over. We can have dinner. Watch a movie. Talk about how

neither of us have had dates in forever. It’ll be fun.”

This time Chante couldn’t help but smile. “All right. I just have to stop by my

apartment first and pick up a few things.”

Lately Chante had been spending most of her time alone. Not that she was much

for socializing even under normal circumstances, but after the past several months she

really needed some down time. A vacation sounded better and better. She’d try to

arrange for it this week.

At least she wouldn’t have to spend tonight alone. She couldn’t help feeling a bit

wimpy over being scared about last night. Usually it took a lot to frighten Chante. She

was the kind of woman who enjoyed extreme sports in her spare time. She’d been

bungee jumping, mountain climbing and white water rafting. Her favorite vacation

activities included hiking and camping in the wilderness.

Still, just because she enjoyed roughing it sometimes and had a passion for thrill

seeking didn’t mean she wasn’t frightened by the thought of someone breaking into her

house. Yet even if someone had been in her apartment, they hadn’t taken anything or

harmed her. Then why were they there? What did they want? Had a perverted stalker

taken an interest in her? What if he intended to return, to keep watching her until he

finally decided to do something crazy, like rape or murder? The very idea made her

shudder. That’s the kind of story you heard about but never thought would happen to

you. Chante didn’t want to end up as the feature story on some TV show about true


That evening when Chante left work darkness had already settled over the

suburbs. As usual, she stayed late at the office, so the parking lot was nearly empty.

Other than the sound of cars rolling down the main road located over the nearby

bridge, everything was oddly silent.

Chante strode to her car, confident yet aware of her surroundings. Halfway

across the parking lot, she heard a strange sound, like a giant cat purring. She paused

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and glanced around. By a clump of trees near the building, she saw a slight movement.

Then a rangy man stepped out of the shadows and into the lamplight near the office

entrance. He was dressed completely in black from his knit hat to his boots. The dark

color was a stark contrast to his pale skin, giving him an almost otherworldly look. His

eyes, a strange amber color, gleamed animal-like.

A feeling such as she’d never experienced before crawled up her spine. It was

deeper than fear and stronger than mere physical attraction.

“The office is closed,” she stated, glad that she sounded steadier than she felt.

“I know,” he said, his voice soft yet husky. It sent another shiver down her spine,

this one from lust. How could he do that to her just by speaking two simple words?

He stepped toward her and Chante moved back. Everything about him screamed


“You’ll have to come back tomorrow,” she said.

“I think we can take care of business right now. It shouldn’t take long.”


Chante wasn’t about to wait around to find out what he meant by that comment.

She turned and ran to her car. Her hands shook so much she prayed she could slip the

key into the lock without fumbling. Seconds later, she dove into the front seat, locked

the doors and tore out of the parking lot. The man seemed to have disappeared.

Her heart still pounding, she sped toward the highway. A horrible thought

struck her. Could he be the one who had broken into her apartment last night? If she

went to the police, she doubted they’d believe her. After all, she had no reason except a

gut feeling to think he had any criminal intent against her.

If he had been to her apartment, could she return there safely? Hell, she wasn’t

going to let some stranger run her out of her own home.

Luckily when she reached her apartment building, one of her neighbors had also

just arrived home from work, so they walked in together. Chante quickly packed an

overnight bag, then hurried to her car.

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Finally on her way to Lisa’s she began to relax and laugh at her paranoia. The

guy outside the office probably had a legitimate reason for being there. He might have

had a quick question, which is why he said his business wouldn’t take long.

“If that’s the case, then he can still come back tomorrow,” Chante said. “The

office was closed, no matter what his business was. Damn. Now I’m starting to talk to

myself. Maybe I do need that vacation after all.”

When she arrived at the duplex where Lisa lived, her friend met Chante at the

door and said, “Hey come on up. I picked up pizza on the way home from work. It’s a

little cold since you stayed late.”

“That’s fine. I like it cold.”

A short time later, the women sat in the kitchen eating pizza and salad and

drinking wine.

“Did you ask for your vacation time?” Lisa asked. “I was thinking that you

should take advantage of that invitation from your great aunt in Jamaica. If I had a rich

old relative who asked me to spend a few weeks in the Caribbean, I wouldn’t even have

to think about it.”

“Great Aunt Dominique,” Chante said thoughtfully, recalling the attractive,

gray-haired lady she’d seen only a couple of times at family gatherings when she’d

been a child. “I don’t know her that well. As a kid she always used to send me stuff on

my birthday. She wanted to visit a few times, but my parents didn’t want her around. I

felt sorry for her in a way. She has no one. Now I can pretty much relate to that.”

With both her parents dead, no siblings and not even a regular boyfriend, Chante

felt lonelier than she ever had in her life.

“Chante, you’ve still got me,” Lisa said. “And one of these days, both of us will

find Mr. Right, as corny as it sounds.”

“Mr. Right.” Chante snorted and shook her head. “I seem to have no problem

attracting Misters Wrong. Speaking of that, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me

when I left the office tonight.”

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Chante launched into full detail about the weirdly seductive stranger in the

parking lot. Just thinking about him made her pulse quicken in spite of the fear he still

aroused in her. She couldn’t get those glowing amber eyes out of her mind.

“I can’t help thinking he might have been the one in my apartment last night. Do

I sound paranoid?”

“Yes,” Lisa said. “But I can’t say I blame you. I don’t care what his business was

or how hot looking he is, you don’t approach a woman in an empty parking lot. Let him

come during office hours like a normal person.”

“Did I say he was hot looking?”

Lisa grinned. “You said it with your eyes when you were describing his long,

lean body and cat’s eyes.”

“He did have eyes like a cat.”

“It was probably just the way the lamplight hit him. Let’s go pick a movie with

lots of sex. I’m not getting any, so I might as well watch it.”

The women spent the next few hours watching Lisa’s favorite romantic comedy.

Chante watched the movie without paying much attention. She couldn’t stop thinking

about the amber-eyed man. Part of her almost hoped she’d see him again, but she

should have known enough to be careful what she wished for.

After the movie, the women retired since they had to be up early for work the

next day. Chante changed into her oversized nightshirt and her favorite fuzzy socks.

After tossing and turning on the futon in Lisa’s living room for nearly an hour, she

finally drifted off.

She awoke in darkness and a glance at the digital alarm clock she’d brought with

her told her it was one in the morning. Staring across the room, she noticed that she’d

forgotten to pull down the shade. Headlights from a passing car momentarily

brightened the room. She walked to the window and was about to pull the shade, but

caught sight of a man standing on the sidewalk just outside the house. Her heart nearly

leapt through her chest.

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“Oh my lord,” Chante whispered, pulled the shade fast and shouted, “Lisa! Hey,


A moment later her friend stumbled into the living room wearing a T-shirt and

boy shorts, her hair in disarray.

“What’s going on?” Lisa said, her voice slurred from sleepiness.

“He’s out there!”

“Who’s out where?”

“The guy from the parking lot. He’s standing outside the house.”

Lisa strode to the window and went to raise the shade, but Chante grasped her



“How am I supposed to see him if I don’t look?” Lisa pulled the shade back

slightly and peered out. “Chante, no one’s there.”

“He was.”

Lisa glanced at her, with a skeptical yet sympathetic expression on her face.

“Lisa, I know what I saw. I’m calling the cops.” Chante went to her purse and

found the name of the officer she’d spoken to the previous night. She didn’t care how

crazy she sounded. This guy was following her and she needed to do something about


“And tell them you’re being stalked by a stranger with cat’s eyes?”

“Laugh all you want. All I know is someone broke into my apartment, then this

guy shows up in the parking lot and in front of your house. That’s too many

coincidences for my taste.”

“You’re right,” Lisa said, glancing out the window again. “I still don’t see

anybody, but maybe he heard you yell for me and took off.”

Chante dialed the police and while the officer she’d requested wasn’t on duty,

she spoke to someone else.

“What did he say?” Lisa asked once Chante hung up the phone.

“They’ll send someone over to take a look around.”

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“I’m going to try to get some sleep. Will you be okay?”

“Yeah. Fine. Sorry I woke you.”

“Hey, if someone is creeping around my place I want to know about it.” Lisa

walked toward the door, then paused and glanced over her shoulder. “Everything will

be all right, Chante.”

“I know. But I’m taking my vacation after all. Whether this guy showing up here

and at the office is coincidence or not, there’s no way he’ll turn up in Jamaica.”

“You’re going to see your great aunt?”

“As soon as possible.”

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Chapter Two

Chante stared out the car window, enjoying the beauty of the island around her.

For the first time in what seemed like forever she felt totally relaxed. Lisa had been

right. This trip to Jamaica was exactly what she needed.

“Your aunt was very happy that you decided to visit,” said the driver who had

introduced himself as Julien. “She talked about your mother often.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know Aunt Dominique very well. The last time I saw her I

was a little girl.”

“Maybe now is a good time to rebuild family ties.”

Chante couldn’t disagree, considering she and her aunt were the last remaining

members of their family.

When they arrived, Chante was surprised by the beauty of her aunt’s home. She

knew Dominique was well off, but had no idea she was this wealthy. A spacious home,

painted white with a red roof, stood on its own private cove landscaped with beautiful

trees and flowers. It was a just a short walk to the water’s edge. Chante imagined

herself walking along the shoreline in a bikini, warmed by the sun and fanned by a

gentle ocean breeze.

Julien parked in front of the house. No sooner had he turned off the car’s engine

than the front door flew open and Aunt Dominique stepped out. Other than a few extra

pounds, she looked much like Chante remembered -- tall, her gray hair tied back and a

pleasant smile on her face. She wore a lavender outfit and gold hoop earrings. For a

woman of sixty-seven years, she was as lively and attractive as ever.

“Chante! Hello.”

“Aunt Dominique.” Chante grinned and reached for her suitcase, but Julien

grabbed it.

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“I’ll take your luggage, miss.”

“That’s all right. I’m not used to being waited on.”

A slight yet genuine smile touched Julien’s lips as he refused to relinquish his

hold on the bag. “Go be with your aunt. I’m sure you both have a lot to talk about.”

Chante didn’t have much choice to do what he suggested since Aunt Dominique

had already approached the car and tugged her into a firm embrace.

Feeling a bit strange, Chante returned her hug, then immediately relaxed when

her gaze met her aunt’s. Dominique’s pale brown eyes had a welcoming gleam and

Chante knew at that moment she’d feel comfortable with her, even if they hadn’t seen

each other in years.

Dominique guided Chante into the house, asking about her flight and making

other small talk. Chante answered rather absently, overwhelmed by the size and beauty

of the house. The rooms were spacious and decorated with simple elegance, except for

the many sculptures.

Her aunt gave her a short tour of the house and when they reached the living

room, a particular piece of art caught Chante’s attention.

“This is beautiful,” Chante said, pausing by a life size sculpture of a naked man,

very athletic, with a cat’s face. “Haunting but mesmerizing.”

Aunt Dominique studied her carefully. She approached and placed a hand on the

cat man’s chest. “I’m glad you like it. If I remember from when you were young, you

had a great love of cats. Is that still true?”

“Oh yes. I’m still cat obsessed.” Chante grinned. “I’d have one if my apartment

allowed pets. One of these days I’m going to move someplace where cats are allowed.”

“I have no doubt that’s true.”

At that moment a tall, attractive woman stepped into the foyer.

“Chante, this is Julien’s wife, Veronica. They live here. I don’t know what I’d do

without them.”

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“Your aunt is a lovely lady,” Veronica said. “And it’s nice to meet you, Chante.

We’ve been looking forward to your arrival. Lunch will be ready in about half an hour.

Would you like to see your room now?”

“Yes, thank you,” Chante said. All this formality was unusual for her. Her

parents had never kept it secret that her mother’s relatives were quite wealthy, but she

had chosen to give up all ties to them, including their money.

Aunt Dominique seemed so nice that Chante wondered why her mother had

avoided her family, yet she and Chante’s father had refused to talk about it. Maybe

now, after so many years, Chante would finally learn the answers to the questions she’d

had all her life.

“While you’re getting settled, I’m going to take a short walk,” Dominique said.

“Veronica, I think it would be nice if we had lunch in the courtyard today.”

Veronica nodded, then gestured for Chante to follow her upstairs.

At first glance, Chante fell in love with the bedroom she’d been given. Decorated

in soft pink and tan, the room had an ocean view as well. The most gorgeous mural of a

white leopard hung on the wall across from the bed where Julien had already placed

her luggage. A sculpture of twin tigers stood on the dresser.

“It looks like Aunt Dominique likes cats too,” Chante said, running her fingertips

lightly over the tiger sculpture.

“She loves them,” Veronica said. “You’ll see we have five of them here at the

house. They’re probably hiding now, but once they get to know you, they’ll be


Chante smiled. A gorgeous island mansion with five cats and an aunt she’d

already taken a great liking to. This was going to be the perfect vacation.

Veronica left Chante to unpack and relax before lunch.

On the wall across from the bed, glass doors led to a porch decorated with

colorful potted plants, a wicker breakfast table and two high-backed chairs. Chante

stepped out and took a deep breath, enjoying the faint scent of flowers. A stairway led

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from the porch to the garden behind the house and Chante noticed a pathway cutting

through the trees that appeared to lead to the beach.

She took a few minutes to enjoy the view. Then she went inside and freshened

up in the adjoining bathroom. She changed into a sundress and sandals, then stood in

front of the mirror and ran her hand over her braided hair.

She heard a cat purring and glanced around, expecting to see one of her aunt’s

pets nearby.


Maybe the little guy was under the bed.

The purring grew louder and a pang of fear and lust darted through her. The

sound reminded her of that night after work when she’d met the amber-eyed man.

On trembling legs she approached the bed, but was actually afraid of what she’d

find underneath.

“This is insane, Chante,” she said, pushing aside her erotically terrifying

fantasies and dropping to the floor. She peered under the bed and found a pair of green

eyes staring back at her. Fortunately they belonged to a sleek black cat, not a sexy, pale-

faced man.

After some coaxing, the cat came to her and she sat on the floor, stroking him

while he purred and rubbed against her.

“As much as I’d like to stay here and pet you, it’s time for lunch,” Chante said,

giving the cat’s fragile head one last stroke.

She rose to her feet and the cat meowed quite loudly.

“What’s the matter?” Chante asked. “Do you want to come with me? Will you let

me pick you up?”

She bent and lifted the small, soft body. The cat seemed content to rest in her

arms, so she carried him with her downstairs.

“I see you found Bert,” Veronica said with a smile.

“Bert? That’s what this handsome guy’s name is?” Chante said.

“Your aunt is waiting in the courtyard. I’ll show you where it is.”

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They walked down the hallway, into a parlor and stepped through glass doors

that led to a square courtyard shaded by trees.

Aunt Dominique sat at a round, white table where lunch had been set.

“Glad to see you’re getting along with the rest of the family.” Dominique

grinned and nodded toward Bert.

“It’s hard not to like such a friendly guy,” Chante said, sitting at the table. Bert

rubbed against her, then leapt off her lap and disappeared into the trees.

Veronica left them alone too, and Chante and her aunt began eating.

“So tell me, Chante,” Dominique began, a mischievous look in her eyes, “Do you

have a boyfriend?”

Well that question took Chante a bit off guard, though it shouldn’t have. She’d

already guessed her aunt was a feisty woman who didn’t mind getting familiar with

people rather quickly.

“Uh, no. No boyfriend,” Chante replied and took a bite of her sandwich. She was

starving, since she’d left home that morning without eating breakfast and the snack on

the plane had been mediocre, as usual.

“Why not? You’re a beautiful young woman.”

“Not so young anymore.”

“Chante, you’re only thirty-one. To me, that’s a baby. I predict that you’re going

to meet an irresistible man.”

This time Chante couldn’t help laughing. “That’s a nice thought, Aunt

Dominique, but I doubt it.”

Her aunt’s eyes narrowed. “Then you’ve met no one who has interested you?”

The amber-eyed man flashed across Chante’s mind and a shudder ran down her

spine. What kind of a weirdo fell for a possible stalker?

“There has been someone, hasn’t there?” Aunt Dominique pressed.

“Not exactly. Aunt Dominique. I asked to come here because…” How could

Chante tell her she’d only visited because she thought she was being followed by some

white guy with a great body and a fetish for climbing through apartment windows?

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“You can tell me,” Dominique continued, her smile fading and a serious

expression in her eyes. It was as if she knew Chante had something important to


“This will probably sound crazy.”

“Crazy stories aren’t exactly unusual in our family.”

That surprised Chante. Her brow furrowed. “Are you serious? Even when I was

a kid it took a lot of arm twisting to get my Dad to tell a little bedtime story. He and my

mother weren’t into tall tales.”

“I think that’s why they wanted to keep me away from you. Old Aunt

Dominique indulged in too much fantasy for their taste.”

Chante forced a smile.

“It’s all right, Chante. I know what your parents thought of me. Your

grandfather -- my brother -- felt the same way, though he wasn’t as adamant about

keeping me from his child as your mother was.”

“Just because you liked to tell stories?”

“A particular story. One that has been in our family since your great, great

grandfather’s time.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know anything about our family history. My parents never

wanted to talk about it.”

Dominique nodded and sighed deeply. “I can understand their hesitance to tell

you. I think I was the only one in the family who ever believed, but that’s only because I

heard it firsthand from my grandfather.”

This stirred Chante’s interest so much that she momentarily forgot about eating

and leaned closer to her aunt, her eyes wide. “Tell me.”

Dominique drew a deep breath and released it slowly. She reached across the

table and patted Chante’s hand. “Eat first. Then we’ll talk more about the family


Her aunt had piqued Chante’s interest and she could scarcely wait for the meal

to be over so she could hear these deep, dark family secrets. When lunch finally ended,

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Aunt Dominique invited Chante to the parlor where she sat on the couch while her aunt

took a photo album from the bookshelves. She joined Chante on the couch and opened

the album. The photos inside looked quite old, most in black and white.

“Who’s that?” Chante said, wrinkling her nose at a photo of a lanky white man

dressed in old-fashioned safari gear. He wore a serious expression and a dark, drooping


“That’s your great, great grandfather, Albert Lawrence. He was born in England

in 1882. While on Safari in Africa somewhere around 1912, he had a rather unusual

experience. He claims to have been bitten by a creature that was part man and part


Chante chuckled. “No wonder my mother never wanted to talk about the family,

with a relative like that in our history.”

“Most everyone thought he was crazy,” Dominique admitted. “He was found,

unconscious, by other members of his hunting party and he did have a bite wound on

his shoulder. The locals had been telling stories about were-cats, so everyone thought

Albert had been hallucinating about them due to the severity of his injury.”

“Makes sense.”

“It seemed to, but Albert was firm about what he saw. He also said the cat

creature had placed a curse on him. He had spared his life, but through the bite its

blood had mingled and from Albert’s bloodline a woman would be born with a special

mark. When that happened, one of his kind would come to claim her as a mother of the

cat tribe.”

Chante’s smile faded and a strange feeling swept over her.

Aunt Dominique smiled slightly. “I’m guessing you’d like to hear more?”

“I’m not so sure I do,” Chante whispered. “But go on anyway.”

“Albert was so sure about what happened that he avoided marriage. For some

reason he was sure the cat man meant that a child of his bloodline would be his legal

heir. Several years later, his fear and obsession became so unreasonable that he moved

from England to Jamaica, hoping that if he left behind everything about his old life he

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might regain his sanity. While living here, he fell in love with a woman who worked for

him. Her name was also Dominique. She had feelings for him, too, but even her love

couldn’t ease his madness. One night after too much drinking, he went to her bed.

Afterward he tumbled deeper into madness.”

“What happened to them?”

“Albert lost his mind and decided to leave the island. Before he went, he gave his

house and a good deal of money to Dominique, then he disappeared. A short time later,

Dominique learned she was pregnant. Luckily, a friend from her childhood, Leon

Marshall, had recently returned to Jamaica. It seemed he had loved her all his life and

wished to marry her, even though she carried another man’s child.”

Smiling slightly, Chante said, “She must have been some kind of woman.”

“Very kind and very beautiful. This is a picture of Dominique and Leon.”

Her aunt flipped to the next page of the album and pointed out a striking couple.

“Leon was already successful and he made wise investments. With his business

sense, he and Dominique became one of the wealthiest couples on the island. Leon had

this house built and moved in with his new wife. Dominique gave birth to a son,

Edward, my father. About a year after he married my mother, I was born. We lived in

this house and my father worked in the family business. Albert came back to Jamaica.

He was getting on in years and ill. No one was happy about his return and when he

found out Edward was his son, he told us the story of the cat creature. I remember Leon

and my father were rather cold to him, and they sent me to bed early. Still I snuck

downstairs and listened to their conversation.”

“Did you believe him?” Chante asked softly.

Dominique held her gaze and nodded. “Yes, I did. It wasn’t because I was an

impressionable child, but because I know he believed what he was saying. His concern

for our family was genuine. Albert died that night. About a year later, my brother, Carl

-- your grandfather -- was born. As you know he had only one child, your mother. Carl

knew about Alberts’s story, and I especially tried to convince him it was true, but he

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was a very logical person. Carl was a fantastic businessman, but had trouble believing

in anything without cold, hard facts.”

“My mother was the same way,” Chante said.

“She got it from Carl. When you were born we were all still living in this

mansion. Carl had intended to train your mother and father to take part in the family

business, but when you were born with the mark of the cat, it was more than your

mother could take. Actually, I was more than she could take. She didn’t want my

‘craziness’ touching you. She and your father left with scarcely a word. By then my

parents were dead and Carl and his wife died in a car accident while visiting your

parents in the States.”

“Yes,” Chante said, thinking back to her earliest memories. “I remember that,

how sad my mother was. I wasn’t old enough to really understand at the time.”

Dominique’s eyes welled with moisture and she touched a photo of Carl in the

album. “I’m still guilty about what happened. If I had kept my mouth shut about

Albert’s story --”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Chante said.

“Crazy Aunt Dominique drove everyone off. Now I’m the only one left. Other

than you.”

“Aunt Dominique, if they didn’t believe the story, too, it wouldn’t have scared

them so much. It sounds to me like you’re the only one who admitted it.”

“But it’s just a story, Chante,” Dominique said, closing the album. “To this day I

think Albert believed he met a cat creature. As for the story being true… maybe I

wished it was because I liked the idea of being the one who would be carried off by a

half-beast lover.”

Chante chuckled. “Aunt Dominique!”

“What? Can’t a woman my age have fantasies too?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“It had to be a story. Here you are, a grown woman, but you say you have no

man in your life.”

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Chante’s stomach tightened when she thought about the amber-eyed stranger. It

was completely insane to think he was the cat creature from crazy old Albert’s curse.

Touching a hand to Chante’s cheek, Dominique stared into her eyes with an

almost hopeful look. “There is no man, right?”

“No. No man,” Chante stated firmly. The very idea of a supernatural creature

coming to claim her was too much for her to handle right now. She’d come here to

forget about a possible stalker, not get wrapped up in some crazy fantasy.

Dominique sighed. “Ah well. It must have been coincidence after all.”

“My birthmark?”

“That and the killings.”

Chante’s heart nearly stopped beating and her eyes widened. “What killings?”

“Around the time you were born, the livestock in the area fell under attack from

a large predator.”

Chante curled her lip. “A large predator? In Jamaica?”

“That’s what had everyone baffled. The killings lasted a short time, then stopped

just as suddenly.”

“No people were hurt?”

“Oh no. It was mostly goats. The authorities said they were killed instantly by

neck trauma from behind, then they were eaten. It appeared to be the work of a…”

Dominique’s voice faded.

“A what?” Chante demanded, though in her heart she already knew the answer.

“A great cat.”

Chante’s head spun and she leaned back against the couch.

“Are you all right?” Dominque asked.

“Yeah. It’s just… I came here to get away from…”

“From what?”

“From stress.”

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“Chante, that happened over thirty years ago. Nothing like it has ever occurred

since. I was just telling you because… Well, because I always seem to say too much. I

should have learned my lesson by now.”

“No, I’m glad you told me. I’ve always been curious about our family history.

Though I have to admit I never dreamed it would be this strange.”

“Well, you came here to relax. It’s a beautiful day and you should enjoy it. Go to

the beach. Visit the town. Julien can drive you or you may take the car.”

Her aunt was right. Having some fun sounded great. Anything to get her mind

off the family history she’d been too eager to learn about and the stalker who seemed to

fit all too well into her great, great grandfather’s horror story.

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Chapter Three

Moonlight gleamed on the still, black water that marked the border of Joshi’s

tribe’s territory. He had been born in this swampland -- son of the tribal leader and his

mate, one of the only pure-blooded females of their kind left. Between the fertility

problems of the Prowleryn and humankind’s love of hunting, Joshi’s people were

nearly extinct. Females in particular were scarce, which is why males had taken to the

distasteful necessity of breeding with humans.

Joshi’s ears twitched and his gaze swept the area for any sign of movement in the

vegetation or ripple in the water. Other than man with his unnatural weapons, few

creatures threatened Prowleryns. When crossing water, however, one had to watch for

hippos and crocodiles.

Sensing no other large animals in the area, except for the scent of his own kind in

the distance, Joshi waded into the water, shifting to his full cat form, as it was easier to

swim in that shape.

For his kind, shapeshifting came as easily as breathing. He almost pitied other

creatures who were frozen into a single form. They were unable to accelerate their own

healing and relish the strength of a wild animal while at the same time indulging in the

lustful pleasures of men.

Human blood would eventually thin the powerful blood of the Prowleryns. Like

most others of his kind, Joshi feared that one day his people would disappear entirely.

The only way to stop it was through the birth of children. Cat children. No matter what

they tried to tell themselves, fucking human females wasn’t the same as fucking their

own kind. Prowleryn women had the strength and endurance to fully please them.

Human females were so delicate. No wonder breeding with them weakened the

bloodline. Yet he had known all his life he was meant to mate with a particular human

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female, one who had been empowered by an ancient magic possessed by only a few

chosen Prowleryns.

Joshi’s father, Eber, had this power. Long ago he had used it on a human hunter.

Prowleryn blood coursed through that particular human’s veins and had been passed to

his children. With each generation the magic had grown in strength until a female child

was born with the mark that proved she was meant to carry on the Prowleryn

bloodline. Of all human females, she was closest in strength and spirit to a Prowleryn


Born with a similar mark, Joshi was, according to legend, meant to be her mate.

Joshi’s father was one of the few left in the world who remembered the ancient ways of

a time before the spawning of humankind. He was a Mid-lord, similar to a shaman.

Though Joshi had witnessed his skills on many occasions, he hadn’t fully believed the

magic would bind him to a human woman. Only when Joshi was mysteriously drawn

to the island of Jamaica, to the home where an infant girl dwelled, did he understand

the full power of the magic.

Still Joshi couldn’t believe that he would one day be mated to this young,

helpless human. The curse had been spun and he had been drawn to her birthplace, but

it would be many years before she was old enough to accept a mate. By then her family

would have prepared her and Joshi had enough time to mate with others of his kind. If

he produced offspring with another female, there was a chance his father would agree

to break the spell and he and this human female would be free of each other.

Joshi reached the opposite shore and strode out of the water, rising onto two

legs, though keeping his feline coat, claws and face. He shook off his drenched pelt and

made his way toward the Prowleryn village. It was time to report back to his father

regarding the human woman and unfortunately the news wasn’t good.

When Joshi arrived at the village, several other warriors greeted him. Most were

in some variation of their cat form. It was more suited to life in the wilderness, as man

flesh wasn’t as hardy as a feline pelt, nor were man-teeth and nails useful for hunting

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and defense. Fangs and claws were the traditional weapons of the Prowleryn. They

were weapons of courage, gifts of nature, unlike bows, arrows and even worse, guns.

A roar from the top of an enormous bolder drew Joshi’s attention and he turned

to where his father sat. Unlike Joshi’s white and gold pelt, the tribal leader’s was tan

and black, much like a leopard. When in full cat form, mingling in the wild, humans

often mistook them for “normal” great cats.

Joshi growled in answer and sprang high. He landed on the rock near his father

and met Eber’s stern gaze.

“Well?” the tribal leader demanded.

“It was as you said, father. The woman knows nothing about our bond. She was

frightened of me.”

“I knew when I bit the man he wouldn’t keep his promise. Like most humans he

was frightened. Weak. After I left him, he probably convinced himself he imagined


“I had hoped she’d be prepared.”

“I know.” Eber sighed deeply. “But that doesn’t change what you must do. Our

people are dying out, Joshi. We have so few females left.”

“I’ve mated again recently.”

“No. You’ve sated your lust recently, but you know as well as I do that no child

has come of it. Enough time has been wasted. Your destined mate is long past the age

when you should have claimed her. You and this human woman are the best hope for


“Then it will be done,” Joshi stated firmly. He thrust aside any remaining doubts.

As son of the Mid-lord, as the marked one, it was his duty to impregnate the woman.

“You cannot fail, my son.” The tribal leader held Joshi’s gaze. “It is better for the

woman that you, her destined mate, lay claim to her before someone else does.”

The idea of another male taking what was rightfully his, even if it was a weak

human female, roused the warrior spirit in Joshi. All his life he had fought for his place

in the tribe. As son of the leader, he was constantly challenged by others who wished to

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unseat him as next in line to rule. To him, claiming this woman was no different. She

belonged to him and nothing would stop him from taking her -- not even the woman


* * *

Five days into her vacation, Chante had finally started to relax. Neither she nor

her aunt had mentioned her birthmark or Albert’s story, but Chante had caught up on

other “normal” parts of her family history.

When she wasn’t spending time with her aunt, Chante enjoyed swimming in the

ocean and jogging on the beach. All her life she’d been athletic. She loved hiking,

swimming, anything that allowed her to spend time in the wilderness. Now that she

was on the island, she wondered how her parents had brought themselves to leave it.

Protecting her from Albert’s curse, even if it was just a story, must have been very

important to them. Still she wished they had told her the truth. At least it explained

why her mother had dismissed her opinion about her cat mark.

After returning from the beach that evening, Chante asked her aunt if she’d like

to go out to dinner at a restaurant. Dominique said she had a headache and preferred to

go to bed early, but she encouraged Chante to borrow the car and enjoy herself.

Chante went to her room and changed out of her bathing suit and into a pale

blue sundress and sandals. She glanced at herself in the mirror, thinking she looked

better than she had in months.

A short time later, Chante was seated at an outdoor table at a pleasant restaurant

near the beach. She’d ordered a drink and was deciding what to eat when the most

arousing scent teased her nose. It was like the sexiest musk she’d ever smelled. The

thoughts it inspired actually made her nipples tighten.

A shadow fell over her menu. Thinking the waiter had returned, she glanced up

with a smile and her pulse skipped with a combination of terror and desire.

A pair of wide-set amber eyes stared into hers. They blinked, slow and catlike,

and she noticed the light brown lashes were tipped with gold.

If she lived a thousand years, she’d never forget this man’s face.

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Her stalker.

This time he wasn’t wearing a hat. His blond hair was bound neatly behind his

neck. His face was beautifully sculpted, yet intensely masculine with bladelike

cheekbones and a strong jaw line. The sight of his tall, lean body with its sinewy legs

encased in snug jeans and the broad expanse of his powerful chest partially exposed in

his black, open-neck shirt, made her mouth go dry.

No matter how gorgeous he was, Chante no longer doubted that he was stalking


“Don’t be afraid,” he said, as if sensing her thoughts. His voice was just as she

remembered -- deep, soft, powerful yet soothing.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded rather loudly. The outburst

had the effect she’d hoped for. Other patrons glanced in their direction. She wanted to

call as much attention to this situation as possible.

“May I sit?” he asked.

“What do I need to do to get you to leave me alone?”

“Aren’t you curious about what I want?”

Those amber eyes were still staring into hers and she wondered if he was some

kind of hypnotist. The attraction she felt was indescribable. Her heart was beating like

crazy and her stomach tightened with a sexual ache. She also realized he was the one

emanating that wonderful scent.

Had it been so long since she’d been with a man that she could be turned on by

this weirdo, or did the pull between them really exist?

“Aren’t you?” he pressed.

“So what do you want?” she asked. The calmness of her voice amazed her. She

couldn’t believe she sounded so cool when her body and soul were on fire.

“Let me join you and we’ll talk.”

Chante drew a deep breath. Common sense told her to send him packing. He’d

tracked her from Massachusetts to Jamaica. That kind of behavior wasn’t normal. It was


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So were the feelings coursing through her. As turned on as she was at the

moment, maybe he was the one who should be concerned about his safety. Right now

all she could think about was ripping off his shirt to see if his entire chest was as

sculpted as she suspected. Her gaze dropped to the front of his jeans. According to the

bulge of his crotch, that denim was hiding a big ivory monster.

Damn, Chante. Get a grip on yourself. Better yet, get a grip on him…

What the hell was wrong with her? She felt as if she was under the influence of

the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world.

“Chante?” he prodded.

Shaking her head to rouse herself from her erotic daydream, she once again met

his gaze and said, “All right. Sit.”

He pulled out the chair and settled into it, his movements strong yet graceful --

like those of a great cat.

The waiter approached with her drink and placed it in front of her. Glancing at

Cat Eyes, he asked, “What can I get you, sir?”


The waiter’s pleasant smile faded and he again turned to Chante. “Are you ready

to order?”

“I need a few minutes.” Once the waiter left, Chante said to her unexpected

lunch date, “That was rude.”

“It’s his job.”

“I wasn’t talking about him.”

“I’m sorry, but we don’t have time for interruptions. We need to get down to


“First we need to get introduced. Or should I say you do. It’s obvious you

already know who I am. Care to give me the same courtesy?”

Those gorgeous eyes bore into her and she squirmed a bit in her seat. Her clit

ached and her panties were already drenched with passion. Everything about him

aroused her, except perhaps his attitude, but in a way even that was annoyingly sexy.

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“You really have no idea who I am?” he asked, his voice just above a whisper.

“Am I supposed to?”

“Your ignorance has caused unforeseen difficulties.”

“My ignorance? You’re the one who bit the waiter’s head off.”

He leaned back in his chair and studied her carefully. The way he looked at her

made her feel naked, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. The thought of being

naked with him was --

“You feel it, though, don’t you?” he asked.

“Feel what? Will you tell me exactly what you want?”

A smile flirted with his mouth and she couldn’t help noticing how cute his lips

were -- dark pink and almost delicate, especially for such a masculine face. She

wondered how they’d feel against her own lips.

“Maybe this isn’t the right place for me to tell you exactly what I want,” he said.

His words made her tingle all over, though strangely not from fear. The terror

she’d been feeling had actually started to fade as lust such as she’d never felt before

overtook her.

This was bad. Really bad.

“I feel it too, Chante,” he said, his eyes darkening with passion. “Like it or not,

this is something we have to deal with.”

He reached across the table and rested his hand lightly on top of hers. His palm

was rough, callused, and so enticingly warm. A carnal thrill tore through her and she

crossed her legs, trying to appease the frustrating ache in her clit.

She should pull away from him, but heaven help her, she didn’t want to. Instead

she turned her palm upward and allowed her fingers to interlock with his.

Without speaking, he rose from the table and she allowed him to tug her to her

feet. Chante couldn’t seem to tear her gaze from him, nor did she question when he

withdrew a bill from his jeans and tossed it on the table to pay for her drink.

As they left the restaurant, he pulled her close, his arm wrapped around her

waist and the heat of his body seeped into her. To Chante this felt more like a dream

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than reality. Maybe she was asleep on the beach or in her room and soon she’d wake

up, alone and throbbing with unfulfilled desire.

Unfulfilled? Something told her that within the next few minutes every desire

she’d ever felt in her entire life would be satisfied.

In that dreamlike state, she let him guide her to her car. He opened the door on

the passenger side, and she settled in and handed him the keys. When he released her

only long enough to walk to the driver’s seat, she fully realized what she’d done and

nearly panicked.

“Hey,” she said, watching him turn the key in the ignition. “Give me back my --”

He touched a finger to her lips and lightly caressed her cheek. Chante forgot

exactly what she wanted to tell him. The bare flesh of her arm tingled as he trailed his

fingers down it and again took her hand.

With one hand on the wheel, he drove the car, though Chante was too busy

staring at him to notice where they were going. The expression on his handsome face

was quizzical -- his brow furrowed and his finely-shaped lips set in a serious line. He

kept glancing from the road to her, and the look in his eyes was hot enough to melt the

North Pole.

Chante had never felt this aroused without direct stimulation. She felt like a

horny kid -- ready to leap on him right here in the car, swoop onto his engorged cock

and ride them into oblivion.

The car finally stopped and he released her only to step out. She did the same,

wanting nothing more than to feel his body close to hers again, as when they’d left the


Outside the car, she glanced around and saw that they were on the edge of a

wooded area. Absolutely secluded. All her fears rushed back and again her head

seemed to clear. What the hell was she doing here, alone at night with a man who’d

been following her?

“Chante,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and gazing deeply into her


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“You can at least tell me your name,” she breathed, trying to keep her head, but

it was impossible.

“Joshi,” he said and nuzzled her neck in a way that made her tremble with


Her suspicions bled away -- or at least retreated to a part of her mind she didn’t

want to use at the moment. His touch and nearness made her pulse race. The tingling in

her clit and nipples was almost unbearable.

“What is this?” she murmured. “It’s like I can’t --”

“Resist?” he whispered, his lips almost touching hers.


Her eyes closed halfway because she thought for sure he was going to kiss her.

“It’s this, Chante. This marks you as mine.” With a suddenness that stole her

breath, he tore the front of her dress, exposing the top of her breast in her blue lace bra.

The cat birthmark shone darkly against her cocoa flesh.

His action momentarily snapped her back to reality. Anger rushed through her

and she slapped his face, not holding back any of her strength. Something told her he

saw it coming, but he didn’t bother stopping it. A bright red mark shone against his

pale skin and his eyes gleamed with a combination of anger and arousal.

In spite of herself, Chante felt hotter than ever.

A soft yet commanding growl rumbled in his throat before he grasped her upper

arms, dragged her to his chest and covered her mouth in the most passionate kiss of her


When it broke, Joshi unfastened his jeans. The man wasn’t wearing underpants.

Chante stared, licking her lips as he pushed back his foreskin, exposing the magnificent,

engorged cock head. She’d never seen an uncut man before and it was incredibly

arousing. Joshi pulled down her dress the rest of the way, letting the torn fabric pool at

her sandaled feet. Then he pushed down her bra, lifted both her full breasts, pressed

them together and swept his tongue across her nipples.

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Chante gasped with pleasure and wove her fingers through his hair. It was thick

and coarse yet felt wonderful against her hands, though not nearly as wonderful as his

mouth on her breasts. His firm lips tugged at her nipple and his tongue lashed it,

sending tremors of desire through her entire body. Her clit throbbed and ached. She

knew her pussy was slick and oh-so-ready for him.

A soft growl of pleasure rumbled in his throat and he moved to her other breast.

His sharp teeth gently scraped her nipple, then lapped it. His tongue was a bit rough

and it stirred such pleasure-pain that Chante cried out softly.

He sank to his knees, covering her belly and hips with kisses. He tore off her

panties and flung them aside. Grasping her ass, he pressed her soft mound against his

face and used his lips and tongue to tease her clit.

The passion that overtook Chante was stronger than anything she’d ever felt

before. It was like the most intense dream of her life, yet somewhere in the back of her

mind she knew this was real.

Joshi licked her inner thighs, trailed his tongue up and down her clit, then rose

up her body. Grasping her wrists in one hand, he held them above her head, pressing

them to the tree trunk.

“Chante,” he said, his voice a husky command.

Slowly she opened her eyes and found herself staring into his intense amber

ones. The look in them was so incredibly sexy that she moaned and tilted her face

toward his. She needed to feel his mouth on her again and she longed for the touch of

his tongue against hers.

Joshi didn’t disappoint her. He kissed her. His tongue darted into her open

mouth and explored with possessive thrusts. This man was fucking irresistible. He was

like the most powerful drug on earth and whether she liked it or not, she was addicted.

His hand dipped between her legs and two of his long, slender fingers slid into

her pussy. Tenderly he stroked her hot, damp flesh, then used his wet fingertips to

caress her clit.

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“Oh yes,” she panted, her hips thrusting against his hand. Her heart pounded

out of control and her legs trembled. She hoped he kept hold of her because something

told her when she came, the pleasure would knock her into oblivion.

Just when she hovered on the edge, he used one of his long, hair-roughened legs

to nudge hers apart. The bulging tip of his silken cock pushed into her.

“Please,” Chante murmured, her fingers biting into his steely shoulders. “Put it

in deep. Fuck me. I need you, Joshi.”

This time he groaned in pleasure-pain. She knew exactly how he felt. Their need

for each other was almost torturous. They couldn’t have walked way from each other

even if they wanted to.

He filled her with a slow, deep thrust. Arching her neck back against the tree

trunk, Chante gasped with desire. She thought she moaned his name, but she wasn’t

sure. Her head was spinning and her body tingling and throbbing.

This isn’t really happening.

Over and over he thrust into her.

Oh yes, it is!

Another thrust and she spun into an orgasm so strong it left her dizzy. His big,

powerful body kept hold of her, not letting her slide to the ground. As her climax

waned, she realized he was still pumping into her with his rock-hard cock.

Her strength renewed, she thrust her hips and belly against him and he nuzzled

her neck, his breath coming faster. Another orgasm flared within her and she gave a

shout of pleasure and surprise as it overtook her more quickly than she’d imagined.

This one was even more intense than the first, leaving her trembling in his arms, her

body bathed in sweat, or was that his sweat making their flesh so slick?

Joshi released her wrists so he could momentarily brace his hands against the

tree trunk. She slid her hands beneath his damp cotton shirt and caressed his back,

feeling his hot, wet skin. Moaning with pleasure, she ran her fingertips along his spine.

Somewhere beyond her haze of passion she felt the ridges of scars on his back and

caressed them lightly.

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He growled again, his cock still thrusting. Damn, this guy had staying power.

Chante wasn’t so sure she could make it through another orgasm. She’d never felt

anything this intense in her life.

He quickened his pace and again her body caught fire.

“Oh. Oh fuck,” she gasped, her eyes closed and body straining. Something told

her if she came again, she wasn’t going to remain conscious. She’d read about women

being fucked until they passed out from the pleasure, but to her that had always been a

load of romantic crap. Now that it was happening to her, she had a whole new outlook.

“Joshi, I don’t know if I can…”

He thrust faster, deeper, his tongue lapping her neck. Then he kissed her, his

tongue thrusting into her mouth to the same rhythm that his cock pumped into her


Chante exploded and as she tumbled into darkness, she heard his roar of


It took Joshi several moments to recover enough to move. Even as he lifted

Chante in his arms, his head still spun from the intensity of what they’d just


The mate mark spell was even stronger than he’d imagined.

Chante didn’t stir as he carried her down the moonlit path toward her aunt’s

house. He strode up the stairs and easily broke the lock on the glass door leading to

Chante’s room where he placed her on the bed.

He tossed her tattered clothes into a nearby waste basket. Then he stood and

gazed at her smooth, naked body. This woman was so beautiful. The sight of her long

legs and full breasts -- one adorned with the birthmark that branded her as his --

aroused him to unforeseen heights.

So many emotions raged inside him. He loathed being manipulated by the spell,

but if he was to be bound to a human, he couldn’t have selected a more preferable

female. Even now his desire for Chante stirred again and he couldn’t resist caressing

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her. He knelt by the bed, ran his fingertips down her cheek and over her gorgeous

breasts. His hand hovered over her enticing patch of dark pubic hair, then he pulled

back. Yes, she was his, but he wanted her awake when they made love. Fondling her

now was too close to claiming her against her will. Others of his kind had lowered

themselves to raping humans, but Joshi refused to commit such an act. Not for any


He covered her with the sheet, then bent nearer to her lovely face. Before he

kissed her his keen hearing caught the sound of footsteps down the hall.

“Chante?” Dominique called.

Joshi rose to his feet and made a hasty exit. Outside, he shifted to his cat form.

His powerful legs flew down the path through the trees. Thoughts of Chante filled his

mind. He could still feel her tight, warm body against him and hear her voice in his ear.

Already he could scarcely wait to see her again.

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Chapter Four

Chante awoke groggy. At first she wasn’t sure where she was, then her eyes

focused on the twin tiger sculptures across the room and she realized she was in her

aunt’s mansion.

“Chante?” Great Aunt Dominique called from outside her door. “Are you in


“Yeah…I…” Chante sat up and the sheet fell from her bare breasts. Glancing

down at herself, she murmured, “What the hell?”

She never slept nude.

Actually she couldn’t remember how she got in bed. All she recalled was the

most vivid, erotic yet frightening dream of her entire life.

It had to be a dream.

She hadn’t really met the amber-eyed man, followed him into the trees and

fucked him until she passed out. Or had she? Her mind was still fuzzy and she didn’t

even remember ordering alcohol with dinner.

“Chante?” Now her aunt sounded really worried.

Wrapping the sheet around her middle, Chante walked to the door and opened


Dominique, wearing a robe and slippers, stared at her with wide eyes. “Are you

all right?”

“Yes. I’m okay.”

“We were worried about you. Julien found the car parked down the street, but

you were nowhere to be found. What happened?”

“I’m not sure. I think I must have…had a drink with dinner that hit me in the


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“And you drove the car?”

“I honestly don’t remember.”

“Lord, Chante!” Dominique scolded, then narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure

you’re all right now?”

Running a hand through her hair, Chante nodded. “I just had a really vivid

dream. It kind of shook me up.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

She felt Joshi’s mouth covering hers, his tongue thrusting in time with his hips as

he filled her over and over with his big, velvety cock. “No,” Chante said quickly, feeling

heat rise in her face. “Not really.”

“Go back to sleep, then. But I have to tell you, if you intend to drink and drive

you can’t borrow my car anymore.”

“I’ve never done anything like this before. In fact I don’t even remember

ordering a drink other than soda. No, I promise, Aunt Dominique. I’d never drink and


“Maybe you should see a doctor. You’re not acting right.”

“I’m okay. Really. I just have a headache. I’m sure I’ll be fine in the morning.”

Though Dominique looked skeptical, she said, “All right. Sleep well.”

Chante watched her aunt turn and walk down the hall to her room. Then she

shut the door and leaned against it, closing her eyes for a moment. This was all so


On her way back to the bed she caught sight of her overflowing waste basket and

her heart seemed to drop to her stomach.

She walked toward the trash and with a shaky hand pulled out her tattered

sundress. “It wasn’t a dream,” she murmured, torn between terror and excitement.

He was real. She had actually made love with Joshi.

Glancing down at the birthmark on her chest, she recalled what he’d told her.

This marks you as mine.

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Though it seemed impossible, it appeared that Albert’s cat creature story was

true after all.

* * *

Chante slept late the next morning. She’d just finished showering and was

applying makeup when the doorbell rang.

Moments later, Veronica knocked on the bedroom door and called, “Chante.

There’s someone here to see you.”

Such an intense thrill shot through her that she almost felt lightheaded. She

could only think of one person who’d be visiting her. Even after finding her torn dress

in the waste basket, part of her had still refused to believe that she’d been with Joshi last


“I’ll be right there,” she replied, quickly applying her lipstick. She dressed in a

flowing black skirt and a sleeveless red top. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she drew

a tremulous breath and tried to steady her nerves.

She stepped into the hall and heard voices from the foyer. His voice was most

definitely among them. The sound of it sent shivers of delight down her spine.

This time keep control, Chante.

She walked to the stairs and descended. Joshi stood by the front door, talking to

Dominique. Chante once again felt a bit lightheaded. He was as gorgeous as she

remembered, with his long, lean body, intense eyes and pale skin kissed with gold. His

gaze riveted to her and the faintest smile touched his lips.

Dominique also turned to her and there was no mistaking the excitement and

curiosity in her expression. “Chante, you didn’t tell me you met a friend last night.”

“I didn’t expect to see him again,” Chante replied, a feeble excuse since she knew

in her heart there would be no avoiding him.

“That can’t be true,” Joshi said, his smile broadening, though it didn’t reach his

eyes. The look in those amber depths sent another shiver down her spine. Her nipples

tingled and she could almost feel him between her legs. She remembered the sensation

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of warm flesh and hard yet supple muscles. Holding him had been like embracing a

lion or tiger. He was that powerful.

“I wanted to make sure you were all right and that your car was intact. Last

night after I brought you to your room, I returned to the road and intended to bring the

car home, but it was gone. I’m glad to see it’s in the driveway.”

“You brought her home?” Dominque said. “Well that’s a relief. She didn’t seem

to be in any condition to drive.”

“I wouldn’t allow it,” Joshi stated, his gaze still locked on Chante’s. “Not in the

state she was in.”

Chante’s face heated from embarrassment and irritation. “That’s very strange,

considering I don’t remember ordering any alcohol.”

“To my knowledge you didn’t. However, you did mention that you weren’t

feeling yourself.”

She didn’t have to. He’d felt her enough for both of them. Just thinking about his

hands on her body made her clit throb. Today, however, she intended to think with her

head and not with those hot, hungry parts between her legs.

“Are you free today?” he asked.

“Yes. You and I need to talk.”

“I agree.”

Dominique glanced from one to the other and said, “It sounds like you two could

use some privacy.”

“I thought we could walk along the beach,” he said and held out his hand to

Chante who stared at it for a moment before slipping hers into it. His strong, slender

fingers closed around hers and he tugged her to his side. Just like last night when he’d

touched her, her mind clouded and all she could think about was sex. This time she

willed herself to remain in control.

Chante glanced at her Aunt Dominique and said, “I’ll be back later.”

“Yes, because we have some things to discuss, too,” Dominque said, a glimmer

in her eyes.

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Her great aunt’s romantic fantasies were getting on her nerves, mostly because

Chante was as frightened as she was excited by the prospect of an affair with Joshi.

They left the house and walked around back to the path leading through the

trees. Memories of their lovemaking flooded her mind and made her heart beat faster

not only with excitement but with fear.

“Did you use protection last night?” she demanded.


“You know!”

“I assure you, I have no diseases.”

“What if I do?” she retorted. Was this guy for real? Who in this day and age

didn’t care about protection? Well, she hadn’t last night, but that was an unusual case.

Unexplainable actually. She had felt as if she was under some kind of spell. Literally. It

wasn’t just her libido talking.

When they reached the shade of the trees, Joshi gently pressed her against the

trunk of one. He pinned her hands above her head and kissed her.

Memories of last night rushed through her mind, inciting her passion. Chante

desperately wanted to respond to his kiss. Whenever he touched her, it was like an

irresistible pull between them. Yet resist she must, until she got some answers.

She shifted her head to the side in an attempt to break the kiss. Joshi pulled back

slightly, his gaze locked on hers. His breath fanned her lips and she longed to feel his

mouth against hers again.

“Don’t,” Chante said, impressed by the firmness in her own voice. Usually she

had no problem telling guys what she did and didn’t want. Joshi did something to her

that no one ever had before. He was so dominant, yet at the same time he made her feel

safe. How was that possible? By rights she should still be terrified of him, or at least

wary. Something was going on here and she needed to find out what before she went


“Don’t what? Kiss you?” He smiled, a wicked curve of his chiseled lips. “Fuck


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“No. I mean yes. Don’t do anything until you give me some answers.”

He stared at her, his eyes narrowed in question, then he sighed. “Yes. You need

to know, though you should have been prepared for this, as I was.”

“Prepared for what exactly?”

“To take your place as mother of my tribe.”

“The curse,” Chante whispered, turning her head away from him, her mind


He cupped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Then you do know about


“I need to hear it. Actually I need to see it. Are you --”

“Your destined mate.” He stepped away from her and began pulling off his shirt.

“No! Hey. I said none of that until we talk.” She wished she could keep her gaze

averted, but she was compelled to stare. No man should have a body that beautiful. He

had broad shoulders, cut muscle and scarcely an ounce of body fat. He had a lot of scars

that appeared to be deep claw marks, but they in no way detracted from his great looks.

She had the mad urge to lick the outline of every rib and each chiseled abdominal

muscle. As she was admiring his chest, she noticed a pale gold birthmark on his flesh.

“I just want to show you this,” he said, pointing to the birthmark.

She stepped closer to examine it and noticed it looked like the silhouette of a

woman’s face and that face was startlingly familiar.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered.

“I couldn’t either, but I’ve sensed you all my life. I knew the moment you were

born, Chante. It was as if I was called to you. I’m bound as you are by the spell my

father wove.”

“Your father?”

“The leader of my tribe. He bit your great, great grandfather all those years ago.

He’s the reason you and I are destined to mate.”

“How did this happen?” she murmured and began pacing. “How did my life

suddenly turn into a horror movie? Revenge of the Cat Men.”

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“Horror movie?” he demanded. “It’s ironic that a vicious human such as yourself

considers mating with one of my kind horrific.”

She paused and stared at him. “Excuse me? Vicious human? I’m not the one who

took a bite out of some poor guy and drove him crazy. It wasn’t a member of my family

who put a curse on us.”

“Some poor guy? That poor guy, as you put it, hunted and killed for sport. He’d

have slaughtered my kind for our skins.”

Placing her hand on her hip, she curled her lip and said, “If you’re any indication

of what the rest of your kind are like, it seems he was doing the world a favor.”

As soon as those words were out she regretted them, not only because she didn’t

truly believe he was so bad, but because of the look in his eyes. She couldn’t tell if he

was wounded or enraged. Probably a little of both. That’s how she’d feel if someone

told her the world would be better off without humans.

His hand lashed out and wrapped around her hair. He pulled her close, tugging

on her hair until her neck arched.

“Get your hands off me, jackass!” she snapped, clawing at his face and hair.

Ignoring her attack, he covered her mouth with a deep kiss. Surprisingly, it was also a

gentle kiss. His hand loosened on her hair and he lightly massaged her scalp.

Her eyes closed and she slid her arms around him, no longer fighting. In spite of

the anger between them, passion still burned. Maybe it was due to their magical

connection, or maybe it was because of something even deeper that neither was

prepared to admit yet.

“We’re bound to each other, Chante, whether we like it or not. But it doesn’t

have to be ugly between us. Mating should never be ugly for anyone, human or


“Prowleryn,” she said softly, weaving her fingers through his hair. “Is that what

you’re called?”

He nodded and nuzzled her neck.

“Show me,” she murmured.

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“If you’re a cat shifter I want you to prove it.”

He lifted his head, his amber eyes dark with lust. A purring sound rumbled in

his throat and she drew a sharp breath. Yes, she remembered that sound from the first

night they’d met.

Right before her eyes, his face elongated and hair sprouted from his flesh,

covering his face and torso in a gorgeous pelt with markings such as she’d never seen

on any other cat. The closest description would be a leopard with gold spots on a

background of white. His ears, which had lengthened and widened, like cat ears, poked

through his silky human hair that remained, framing his feline face like a mane. His lips

parted, revealing his thick, white fangs. Other than the pelt, his body remained like that

of a man.

She should have been terrified, but was instead fascinated and aroused. He was

so beautiful.

For a moment they simply stared into each other’s eyes. Chante was speechless.

Finally, he said, “Any more doubts, Chante?”

“No,” she murmured then gave a nervous laugh. “Just a question.”

“Ask me anything.” His arms tightened around her and if possible his gaze

became even more intense.

“Do you cough up hairballs?”

His furry brow knitted and she laughed at his expression of disbelief.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to ruin the moment, but this is hard to


“It hasn’t been easy for me either.”

His words sobered her and she remembered they’d both been drafted into this.

Regardless of the curse or her destiny, she wasn’t ready to become the mother of his

tribe. But she did want his body. In his cat form, his delicious scent had grown even

stronger, arousing her so much that her panties were already drenched with desire.

“I want you, Chante,” he said, his voice almost a growl.

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“I want you too, but --”

“Do you want me to change form?”

“I don’t care. I just…” Her voice faded as he began lapping her neck with his wet

tongue that was rougher than that of a man but not harsh like a cat’s. It was the perfect

texture. He was perfect, at least as far as sexiness. She ran her hands over him, loving

the feel of his coarse pelt over rock-hard muscle. “I just want you, Joshi. It’s almost like I

can’t control how much I want you.”

“It’s the same for me. Touch makes it stronger.”

“Then move away,” she panted. “Or else I won’t be able to stop myself.” Even as

she spoke her hands moved down to his jeans. She opened the button and unzipped

him. His cock sprang into her hand and she noted his sheath was covered in ultra-fine

hair. She pushed it back and curled her fist around the hairless shaft. She stroked him

and brushed her thumb over the bulging head, smoothing droplets of pre-come over it.

“I can’t move away when you’re doing that,” he said, purring even louder. She

felt the vibrations in his chest and arched against him.

“Move away and I’ll whip your ass,” she said, so lost in sensation that she

scarcely knew what she was saying.

“Speaking of asses…” He roughly turned her to face a tree trunk and pulled

down her skirt and panties then tugged up her shirt. She raised her arms so he could

remove it, then braced her hands against the tree trunk. He sank to his knees and

kneaded her buttocks. His fangs gently pressed against the spheres and Chante’s heart

pounded with desire.

They still needed to talk.

Joshi’s tongue swept over her ass then tickled her lower back.

Fuck now. Talk later.

He kissed her buttocks and trailed his tongue beneath each cheek while at the

same time using one hand to caress her soft mound. The other stroked her legs,

sweeping from her inner thighs to her calves and back again.

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When his fingers thrust into her pussy, Chante closed her eyes and gripped the

tree tighter. He circled her clit, rubbing her to climax. Then he stood, grasped her hips

and entered her throbbing pussy from behind. As he thrust, the warmth of his furred

body along with the island weather soon created almost unbearable heat. Chante

panted and wriggled her ass against him. Perspiration trickled down her back and

between her breasts. Joshi’s sweat-dampened pelt felt strangely arousing pressed

against her smooth flesh. He growled, purred and moaned in her ear, an irresistible

combination of man and beast. One of his hands slid around her waist and stroked her

clit. His fingertips and palms weren’t hairy at all, but they were callused and felt so

roughly wonderful on her sensitive flesh.

Chante’s passion overcame her and she climaxed, trembling and throbbing, her

nails biting into the tree trunk.

With another sexy growl, Joshi pulled her away from the tree and pushed her

onto her back. Chante was too wrapped up in the moment to care about the dirt and

grass against her back. She wanted Joshi again.

He loomed above her, between man and cat, a sexy, two-legged beast with

hypnotic amber eyes and a body to die for. She caressed his strong chest, loving the feel

of his damp fur against her fingers.

Covering her mouth in a kiss, he thrust his tongue between her lips. Chante’s

tongue met it with feverish strokes. He let her have her way and Chante explored every

inch of his mouth, paying careful attention to his thick, smooth fangs. When she

accidentally pricked her tongue on one, the salty taste of her blood teased their mouths.

This seemed to turn him on even more. He moaned, his cock growing even thicker and

harder against her. With a nudge of his knee between her legs and a smooth shift of his

hips, he filled her with his shaft.

“Chante,” he purred, licking her neck then kissing her again as he thrust.

Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she held him tightly, loving the rasp of

his breath in her ear and losing herself in sensation.

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Another powerful orgasm struck her and she cried his name. Her fierce hold on

him might have hurt a normal human, but Joshi seemed to relish it. He came while she

was still throbbing around his cock, his lips buried against her neck. Their bodies were

pressed so close that she felt his heart beating in time with hers and his delicious scent

filled her.

She’d never experienced perfection, until she’d met Joshi.

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Chapter Five

Chante lay trapped beneath Joshi’s big, warm body, her mind floating in the

aftermath of yet another unbelievable sexual experience. At least this time she didn’t

pass out. Maybe since she’d already felt the magical connection between them, she was

able to handle it better.

Right. Which was why she was only semi-conscious yet still unable to move a

muscle. She didn’t even care that she could scarcely breathe with his deadweight upon


She didn’t have to worry, though. A second later he groaned and rolled onto his

back, at the same time pulling her close to his side.

Chante rested her cheek on his chest, listening to the slow, powerful rhythm of

his heart. She rubbed her face against him, loving the feel of his sweat-dampened pelt,

so coarse yet at the same time sleek.

The fur receded, replaced by slick human flesh that felt just as good.

Finally able to lift her head, Chante stared at his face and smiled slightly. With

his eyes closed and his features relaxed, he looked younger somehow and less intense.

She realized he must have a lot on his mind, with his people driven to near extinction

and his tribe depending on him to father a new generation of…

Wait a minute! His problem was now her problem. Yeah, he was supposed to be

the daddy, but she was the one they expected to squeeze out the cubs. Or cub? Did

Prowleryns have litters? Or were they like humans and have one or two at a time? Most

important, did she want this responsibility? She hadn’t thought much about having

children. Just because some gorgeous cat shifter told her she was to be the mother of his

species didn’t mean she had to jump at his command.

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His eyes opened and he stared at her with a lazy, satisfied expression that made

her belly tighten. If he wasn’t so damn cute and sexy, it would be easier to keep her

head. Already she’d given him her body twice. No man had ever gotten into her panties

so fast.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, brushing hair from her face.

With all their hot-and-heavy wrestling, her braid had come almost completely

undone. She hated to imagine what her hair looked like right now. Pushing herself to a

kneeling position, she tried to smooth back her hair, but knew it was a pointless effort.

“You look beautiful,” he said. Almost before she had a chance to think, he’d

pinned her onto her back and began nuzzling her neck.

Chante’s eyes slipped shut and she wove her fingers through his hair. His cock,

already stiff again, pressed against her in the most enticing way. Joshi had staying

power, that was for sure.

“I can’t wait to take you home,” he purred, licking her shoulder, then nipping it


Those words jerked her back to reality. “Take me home?” she demanded,

pushing against his steely shoulders. “Hey, back off, cat boy.”

He growled softly, his brow furrowed, and gazed into her eyes. His body still

pinned hers to the ground, his hands braced on either side of her head.

“What do you mean take me home?”

“Home to my tribal land in Africa.”

“Listen, I’ve always wanted to visit Africa, but I never said I wanted to move

there. Especially not with some tribe of cats creatures --”

“Prowleryns,” he corrected.


“You’re mine, Chante. I’ve claimed you. We were made for each other.”

“Hold everything. And get your big, cut body off me. Now!”

A look of combined annoyance and amusement gleamed in his eyes, but he

moved away to kneel beside her. His fingertips lightly caressed her breasts and he

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gently pinched a stiff nipple. Chante fought the urge to close her eyes and surrender.

Instead she slapped his hand away and pushed herself onto her elbows.

“Joshi, we need to talk about this. Just because we made love doesn’t mean

you’ve ‘claimed’ me and it doesn’t mean I’ve agreed to pack up and move to Africa

with you.”

“It’s your destiny to bear my children.”

She snorted with annoyance, reached for her clothes and rose to her feet. “This is

2009. I’m not your property, your wife or even your girlfriend.”

This time his growl was so ferocious and he moved so quickly that she gasped

and gave a little jump as she found herself once again in his arms. Those amber eyes

bore into hers and his callused hands gripped her shoulders hard, though not painfully.

“Do you think either of us can deny what’s happened between us?”

“No,” she admitted. “We probably can’t, at least when it comes to making love.

But I’m an individual, Joshi. My great, great grandfather might have made a pact with

your dad, but it had nothing to do with me.”

He laughed without a trace of good humor. “Woman, it has everything to do with

you. I can’t believe that after what we’ve shared, you would dare refuse me.”

“It’s my right to refuse you.”

“You’re marked. You belong to me.” He leaned close to her face and spoke

through clenched teeth. It shook her a little to see that he’d once again sprouted those

thick fangs, but if she was bound to a Prowleryn, she’d better get used to it. She

couldn’t allow him to bully her, even if he was the most intimidating man she’d ever


“You want me?” she asked, fighting the raging desire that threatened to

overcome her every time he touched her.

“It’s not a matter of want.”

“It should be. When it comes to a man and woman sharing their lives, it has to be

about wanting each other.”

“I won’t leave without you.”

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“Now you really are talking like a stalker.”

“It’s in my very nature.”

“That’s scary,” she said coolly. “And it’s not the way to win a lady.”

“Since when do I have to win what’s already mine?”

Chante discovered a sure way to defeat the overload of lust. Pure rage.

She yanked on her panties and skirt, shoved her shirt over her head and stomped

down the path toward the mansion.

“Where are you going?” he demanded, stepping in front of her.

“Let’s get three things straight, jackass. First, I don’t belong to anyone but myself.

Second, unless you lose the attitude problem, stay the hell out of my sight. Third, refer

to rule number one.”

“I knew a human woman would be nothing but trouble.”

“Get out of my way.”

He refused, but stood with his long, sleek legs braced apart and that gorgeous

chest directly in front of her face.

Frustrated beyond belief, Chante shoved him hard and growled.

Stunned, she paused, her eyes wide and heart pounding. Had she actually

growled at him?

The faintest smile flickered across his mouth. “Our blood is in you, Chante. Like

it or not, you belong with me.”

“Maybe I do,” she murmured, then spoke with more confidence. “But just

because I belong with you doesn’t mean I belong to you. You want me, cat boy? Then I

expect some heavy romancing.”

His amber eyes narrowed and he bared his fangs again. “It’s so typical of a

human to ignore responsibility for the sake of enjoyment.”

“The way you were moaning and groaning and thrusting like a jackhammer you

seemed to be enjoying yourself just as much,” she retorted. “Besides, I am human. If

we’re bound like you say, then you better get used to it.”

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She tried to step around him, but he shifted position, refusing to let her pass.

“You won’t walk away from me, Chante.”

“I’ll do whatever I damn well please.”

He sighed, exasperated. “What exactly do you want?”

“A little time to get to know each other would be nice.”

“I’ve waited thirty-one years.”

“Well I haven’t. Until I arrived here I had absolutely no idea what was going on

with me and my family.”

He drew a deep breath that expanded his powerful chest. Again the urge to

touch him and melt against him while he held her with those sinewy arms almost

overcame her.

Not this time, Chante. You need to be strong. This arrogant bastard needs to learn to

respect you right now.

“You’re right,” he said. “I’m not accustomed to dealing with human females, at

least as far as mating.”

“You could have fooled me,” she muttered, then wished she’d kept her mouth

shut. The pleased looked on his arrogant face was almost too much to take at the


“If a courtship is what you want, then it’s what you’ll have,” he said and offered

her his hand. “Would you join me on the beach? We had plans and I don’t want this

misunderstanding to ruin them.”

Folding her arms beneath her breasts, she held his gaze. “It was no

misunderstanding. Obviously you have no idea how to treat a woman outside of --”


“Pretty much.”

“We know little about each other. I’ll teach you about the Prowleryns and I’ll…”

He paused as if the next words were distasteful to him. “I’ll learn more about human

mating from you. It seems there are certain things I don’t know.”

“I think there’s a lot you don’t know.”

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“It’s hard to learn when your kind only wanted us for our pelts.”

“Most of my kind probably have no idea you really exist.”

“It would be worse if you did. Can you imagine what your kind would do if they

knew about shapeshifters?”

She couldn’t argue that point with him. Human curiosity was necessary and

responsible for many wonderful discoveries, but it was often ruthless. From the very

little she knew about the Prowleryns, they had reason to mistrust humans.

Then she thought of something that didn’t seem to mesh with his stories about

humans hunting Prowleryns. “If humans nearly drove you to extinction, then why

don’t we know about you? I’m sure someone would notice they didn’t kill a real cat

once they got hold of the body.”

“Shortly after death, we liquefy and fade. It has to do with our shape shifting

nature,” he replied, then curled his lip. “So no hunter ever got to wear our pelts after


The thought of people walking around wearing the skins of such magnificent

creatures sickened her. She closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.

“Chante,” he said.

She met his gaze.

“Come with me to the beach,” he repeated, his hand still extended.

After a moment’s hesitation, Chante slipped her hand into his and he tugged her

closer, then brushed his lips across her forehead.

Sighing with pleasure, she leaned against him. For several moments they stood

beneath the trees, wrapped in each other’s arms. Then he stepped away only to dress


She watched, almost disappointed, as his shirt and pants covered his irresistible


“Let’s go,” he said, once again taking her hand.

They walked in silence, as if the discussion had left them both trapped within

their own thoughts.

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On the beach, they kicked off their shoes and Joshi pulled off his shirt. They left

their things on the sand then walked to the water’s edge.

Chante inhaled deeply, loving the cool roughness of the sand against her feet, the

scent of the ocean and the sensual musk emanating from Joshi. She wondered if he was

wearing cologne or if all Prowleryns smelled that good.

She glanced at him, thinking how gorgeous he looked with his long, thick hair

shimmering in the sunlight and his chiseled abs and chest glistening with the spray

from the ocean.

“Tell me about yourself,” she said.

“What do you want to know?”

Everything. She wanted to know everything, but he didn’t seem like the type

who found it easy to discuss personal matters. He seemed like an all-business kind of

person, except for when he made love of course. Maybe she should start with

something simple. Ask for the information she wanted and hope that eventually he’d

open up.

“You said your father is the tribal leader,” she began. “Does that mean you’ll be

the leader someday?”

“Yes, as long as I can defend the title.”

She grinned. “You make it sound like a boxing match.”

“Except boxing matches don’t usually end in death.”

Chante’s smile faded. “Even though your species is almost extinct, you still try to

kill each other?”

“There are fools in every species.”

“Do these challenges happen often?”

“Often enough, although most of the time if a male wants to lead his own tribe,

he ventures out on his own rather than fight his superiors. He doesn’t do this out of

fear, but to preserve our kind. According to my father, long ago when there were more

of us, fights happened more often. It’s been over a year since I’ve been challenged, so I

believe my position in the tribe is secure.”

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“They challenge you even though you’re not the leader?”

“I’m next in line. Even if they don’t want to challenge my father, they can

challenge me. My father is not only one of the fiercest warriors among our kind, but

he’s also a mid-lord which means he has mastered the oldest magic in this world. Few

challenge him anymore, but I’m fairly young for one of our kind. Some males thought

I’d be an easier target, but they were wrong.”

Chante believed him. He emanated power and dominance. No doubt he could

more than take care of himself and defend his mate.

Hold it! Now she was starting to think like him. That was scary.

Just keep questioning him, Chante.

“Did you get all those scars from fighting with other…males?” It felt strange

using the word “males” in everyday conversation, but it seemed to be the term he was

most comfortable with. It was probably a Prowleryn thing.

“Most. Some are from training and challenges. A few are from hunting.”

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot about the goats.”

“What goats?”

“The goat killings around the time I was born.”

A smile flickered across his lips. “Oh yes. I should have covered my tracks better

than that, but I got some perverse pleasure out of frightening humans.”

“You actually eat raw meat then?”

“You’ll get used to it.” He met her gaze with a look of challenge and she got the

feeling he was enjoying creeping her out.

“I have no intention of eating raw meat. Ever.”

“Of course you shouldn’t. You’re just a human. I meant you’ll get used to my


“That’s okay. I have an appetite of my own.” She impulsively stepped in front of

him, stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Joshi’s arms wrapped around her, pressing her close to his lean, hard body. His

hands caressed her back and cupped her buttocks, kneading in a way that made her

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ache for him yet again. Good thing she was a healthy woman, or else his sexual hunger

might damn near kill her.

The kiss broke and Joshi purred, brushing his nose against hers. He dipped his

mouth toward hers for another kiss, but she said, “What about your mother? What’s she


“She’s dead. Killed by human hunters when I was five.”

A pang of sadness darted through her. “I’m sorry,” Chante said.

“She was one of the last females in our tribe. She was very beautiful. My father

never truly recovered from her loss. They met when our tribe still lived in England and

were married for centuries.”

“There are Prowleryns in England?”

“I think there’s a remote tribe or two left. In the days before humans took over

the world, Prowleryns lived everywhere. As our species grew scarce, tribes in smaller

territories, like Great Britain, or islands like this, moved to places with a greater expanse

of wilderness. Africa. The Americas. We hoped by segregating ourselves from humans,

we’d be safe. But there is no escaping your kind.”

Chante wanted to be offended by this accusation, but after listening to his story,

she understood how he felt. “So your father took your tribe to Africa?” she asked. Better

to listen and understand before starting an argument in defense of humans, especially

when they didn’t seem to deserve a defense.

“It was difficult at first because some of the tribes didn’t want to share the land.

There were battles. Finally several other leaders, having seen the damage done by

humans, agreed to let our tribe settle on a swampland territory. We’ve been there for

over two centuries. Now do you understand how important you are to us? We need

you, Chante. Because of my father’s spell, you’re better suited to us than an average

human female.”

“I hear what you’re telling me, Joshi, but you have to understand me too. I have

a life back in Massachusetts. A career. I worked hard for my degrees and it took me

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time to secure a good position in the company. I have a great apartment that I love

living in and --”

“The job you’re destined for is more important than working at some human

company. The place I want to bring you to is more beautiful than that little cage you call

a home.”

“Oh yes, you’re offering me a swampland view. That’s really appealing.”

His eyes glittered with irritation. “How can you judge? You haven’t even seen


“I’m a spoiled human brat, Joshi. I’m used to running water, toilets and

television. What about hospitals?”

“When have you ever needed a hospital?”

“Well… never. But that’s not the point.”

“The point is you’ve never needed a hospital because you’re stronger than other

humans. I told you, Chante, the blood of our kind flows within you. Haven’t you

noticed how quickly you heal?”

He was right. Even as a child, her scrapes and bruises had faded almost

overnight. Her parents hadn’t made a big deal about it, probably because they didn’t

want to believe their daughter was “unusual.” They feared Albert’s curse.

“Chante.” He cupped her cheek. “You’re thirty-one, but look about twenty-one.”

“So I look young for my age. Lots of people do.”

“Not because they’ve stopped aging at the normal human rate.”

“Are you trying to tell me I’m immortal?”

“Not immortal, but your life span has been increased. It’s comparable to that of a

Prowleryn now.”

“That still doesn’t mean I want to spend the next few centuries in a swamp!”

“I’ve come here for you. I’m willing to do what you ask and court you, but you

refuse to give my world a chance. That’s so damn human.”

“I am human! I know you hate my kind, but if you want to ‘court me’ as you put

it, constantly putting down my species isn’t going to win you any points.”

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“If it was as easy as winning points, I wouldn’t be this annoyed,” he said, his jaw

visibly tight. “If you were a Prowleryn female, all I’d have to do is fight off your other

suitors. No problem. But what you ask is --”

“Don’t you want to know me?” she asked. “Don’t you care about who I am, or

when you look at me is an incubator all you see? If that’s the case then you can forget

the whole thing. As for you being annoyed, how do you think I feel? Oh, but wait, you

don’t give a damn how I feel.”

“I never said that. You’re my mate. The future mother of my kind. Such a

position commands respect.”

“Respect? You don’t know the meaning of the word.”

She stalked off, but he fell into step beside her.

“Get out of my face,” she snapped. “I have nothing left to say to you.”

“You can’t cheat fate, Chante,” he said, his voice deepening as he shifted to his

cat form and tore off his shirt and jeans. This time he didn’t keep the full human shape,

but dropped to all fours. She gasped and froze where she stood as he pounced in front

of her, looking like a cross between a lion and a leopard. He growled, the sound much

deeper than when he’d been in his man shape, then raced off.

She stared after him, transfixed by the beauty of the great cat bounding down the


Her heart racing, she headed for the mansion. It was best that they separate at

the moment. No doubt he’d be back, but right now they both needed time to think. So

much had happened in such a short time that it was difficult for her to fathom.

This was almost too much to accept, yet deep inside it hadn’t come as a total

surprise. She’d always felt there was something different about her. Yes, she had a life

back home, but part of her also wanted what Joshi offered. If only they weren’t

manipulated by his father’s magic. If they had met on their own, would they still feel

the same way about each other? Would the attraction still be there? She couldn’t

imagine not being aroused by him. Yes, he was an arrogant jackass, but at the same time

irresistible. He wasn’t like other men she’d known. There was something almost old­

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fashioned and classy about him, yet at the same time he had a fierceness that excited her

beyond belief.

Though he seemed to feel the same sexual pull toward her, there was no denying

his contempt for humankind. To him she was the means to an end. She was a way of

keeping his species from extinction. That wasn’t nearly enough for Chante. When she

tied herself to a man, she wanted friendship, mutual respect and most of all love. If

Joshi couldn’t give her those things, then she could not, would not, bind herself to him,

magic or no magic.

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Chapter Six

The argument with Joshi affected Chante more than she realized and kept her up

for most of the night. Even the long talk she’d had with Aunt Dominique hadn’t helped

much. She’d only been briefly distracted when she thought her aunt might faint after

hearing that the cat shifters actually existed.

Now, lying in bed, every noise outside Chante’s window, no matter how soft,

made her heart beat faster with the hope that he’d come to see her.

Around midnight she got tired of tossing and turning and walked down to the

kitchen to make a cup of tea. The water had just started boiling when her aunt joined


“Can’t sleep?” Dominique asked.

“No,” Chante said, preparing two cups of tea.

Her aunt sat at the table and continued, “Let me guess. It has to do with Joshi.”

“Unfortunately.” Chante sighed and raised her eyes to the heavens. “I can’t

believe this is happening to me. Even if I’d known about Albert’s story all my life,

nothing could have prepared me for Joshi.”

“I spent most of my life wondering what a cat creature might look like,”

Dominique said. “But I’d never thought he’d be so human.”

“Human? Trust me, Aunt Dominique, he’s not.”

“When he becomes a cat, what is he like?”

Chante drew another deep breath and released it slowly, recalling the white and

gold pelt covering his sleek body. Then she remembered the sight of him in full cat

form, his long legs devouring the beach.

“He’s beautiful,” Chante said softly and joined her aunt at the table. “I can’t

describe how beautiful. You’ll have to see it for yourself.”

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“Maybe someday you can convince him to show me.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to convince him of anything. He thinks just because

we’re supposed to be bound to each other that I’ll drop my life and follow him.”

“Supposed to be bound? You don’t feel a connection to him?” Dominique asked,

a knowing look in her eyes.

“I’m not sure what I feel for him, except big time attraction.”

“He is quite handsome.”

“Yeah.” Chante snorted. “He’s also overbearing, stubborn and arrogant.”

“Give him time. You’ve only just started getting to know each other.”

“That’s what I told him. I need time. It’s not that I’m unwilling to give it a

chance, but I’m not like him. His kind don’t figure love into relationships.”

“From what you told me earlier today, it sounds like that’s a luxury they can’t

afford, not when there are so few of them left. Maybe you and Joshi can change that.

When I saw you together, there was no missing the connection between you.”

“But it’s been forced. If it wasn’t for the spell or whatever it is that binds us, he

wouldn’t even look at a human woman. And I’m not so sure he’d catch my eye either.”

Dominique gave her such a skeptical look that Chante couldn’t help smiling.

“All right, so he’d catch my eye, but that doesn’t mean his attitude wouldn’t turn

me off.”

“It sounds to me like he turns you on. Annoys you, but turns you on.”

Dominique reached across the table and patted Chante’s hand. “You’ll work it out.”

“I’m not going to take orders from anyone. That might be the way he’s used to

living, but I’m going to have to bring that boy up to date.”

“Something tells me if anyone can, it’s you, Chante.”

* * *

The next day, Chante stayed around the house. She spent time on the beach and

helped Dominique and Veronica in the garden, all the while hoping Joshi would come

to see her and make up.

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She should have known better. It seemed he was as stubborn and self-centered as

any other kind of cat. No one told them what to do either. Maybe that’s why she’d

always liked them. Chante had never bent to anyone’s will, especially a man’s. To her, a

relationship had to go both ways. Mutual respect was the key.

As evening set in, she decided she wasn’t going to spend her vacation pining

over him. That wasn’t her style.

She slipped into a slinky black dress that showed off her healthy curves,

borrowed the car and drove to a night spot. Tonight she was going to have fun, with or

without her “destined” mate.

When she arrived, she sat at the bar and ordered a drink. She’d only been there a

short time, watching others dance, when a tall, brown-eyed stud approached her,

introduced himself as Darrel and asked if she wanted to dance.

“Sure.” Chante smiled and accepted his hand. “Why not?”

They made their way to the dance floor and it didn’t take long for them to get

into the music.

“How long are you going to be in Jamaica?” Darrel asked with a flashy smile.

Yes, he was handsome. Smooth-shaven, with full lips she would have usually found

very kissable. Any other time she’d have been happy as hell to enjoy the company of a

guy like this, but tonight she couldn’t get Joshi out of her mind.

She kept comparing the two. They were around the same height and athletic-

looking, except Darrel looked like he worked out at a gym and maybe played sports.

Joshi was more like a Navy SEAL or something like that. Sleek yet tough.

Every time she looked into Darrel’s large, dark eyes she wished they were

slanted amber instead.

“About two weeks,” she said.

“Maybe we can get something to eat later?”

“Maybe.” Whoever thought a guy this fine would ask her out and she’d be

lacking enthusiasm?

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“She’s busy later,” came a voice from behind Chante that sent a thrill of

excitement through her.

She spun, nearly crashing into Joshi’s chest. It was partially exposed in his open-

neck black shirt and the sight of it momentarily stole her breath. Tilting her face up to

his, she saw an almost angry gleam in his eyes and smiled. Good. Let him see that he

wasn’t her only option when it came to dating.

Joshi grasped her upper arm and said, “I want to talk to you.”

“Who are you?” Darrel demanded, stepping closer.

The men locked gazes and Joshi tugged Chante to his side, a low growl rumbling

in his throat.

“Joshi, this is Darrel. Darrel, Joshi.”

“Chante, let’s finish our dance,” Darrel said.

“The dance is finished,” Joshi stated in a deadly soft voice.

Looking annoyed, Darrel said, “That’s up to the lady.”

With a mocking grin, Chante tugged away from Joshi and returned to Darrel’s

side. “See, what I’m talking about? Some people know how to treat a lady.”

“Chante, I am not amused by this.”

“If he’s giving you trouble --” Darrel began.

“Trust me Darrel. You don’t want to be the one to take care of it,” Joshi stated.

The deadly look in his eyes frightened Chante, not for her sake but for Darrel’s.

“I can handle this,” Chante said, then met Joshi’s gaze. “I told you. I’m not your

property. If you want to talk to me, you ask me. You don’t tell me.”

Joshi’s hands flexed at his sides and for a second she had the horrible feeling he

was going go cave-man on her and drag her out of the club by her hair. For all she knew

that might be perfectly acceptable behavior among Prowleryns.

“If this is what you want, Chante, enjoy the evening.” Joshi bowed from the neck

and walked off.

Chante’s brow furrowed. She didn’t like his sudden change of personality. Yes

he needed an attitude adjustment, but she didn’t expect it to happen so fast.

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Why did she feel a little disappointed? Had she expected him to get into a fight

with Darrel over her? Poor Darrel. He’d tried to be a gentleman, but he had no idea

what sort of animal he was dealing with. Goading a human-hating cat shifter probably

hadn’t been a wise idea, but it was over now. And maybe Joshi had learned a lesson in

respect after all.

Chante and Darrel returned to dancing and he asked, “Was that your


“I think he wants to be.”

“Not that it’s any of my business, but I’d stay away from him. I think golden boy

is one beer short of a six-pack.”

Chante grinned. “I think you’re right. You know getting something to eat

sounds…” Her voice faded as her gaze fell upon a table across the room. There Joshi

sat, beside an absolutely gorgeous woman with a dancer’s waistline and oversized yet

disgustingly firm breasts.

What the hell was he trying to prove with that bitch?

He flashed his wickedly handsome smile and the woman looked ready to jump

on the table and spread her legs then and there.

“Chante, what were you saying about getting something to eat?” Darrel



Joshi and Ms. Silicone were headed for the dance floor.

“Do you want to get something to eat?” Darrel asked.

“Can you believe that?”

“Believe what?”

“Her hand is on his ass!”

“Who?” Darrel looked confused.

Joshi swept aside his partner’s hair and lowered his head toward her bare


“Oh no he didn’t!” Chante snapped, her lip curled in anger.

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“Chante, what’s wrong with --”

She didn’t wait for Darrel to finish his sentence, but strode toward Joshi and the

poster girl for pushup bras.

“Hey!” She slapped Joshi’s shoulder. The rock-hard feel of it against her hand

made her clit throb, but she couldn’t think below the waist. Not when she was this mad.

Joshi glanced at her with mild interest and his dance partner wrinkled her nose

and demanded, “What’s your problem?”

“You’re my problem,” Chante said, smiling with mock sweetness. She jerked her

thumb in Joshi’s direction. “He’s mine.”

“I don’t see a brand on him.”

Chante grasped the front of Joshi’s shirt and jerked so hard that the cloth tore,

exposing his sexy pecs, one marked with her silhouette.

“There it is, honey. Now hands off.”

The woman looked stunned and Chante didn’t blame her. She was acting a little

crazy, but the sight of Joshi with another woman was more than she could take.

Obviously their bond was even stronger than she realized.

“If you ask me, you’re both crazy,” the woman said and stalked off.

“I guess respect only works one way with you,” Joshi said, glancing down at his

torn shirt.

“You did that on purpose.”

“Did what, Chante?” he asked, though the look in his eyes told her he knew

exactly what she meant.

“Danced with her. If that’s what you like, then fine. You can have her.”

“Not anymore. You scared her off.”

“You bastard,” Chante hissed through clenched teeth.

“You’re gorgeous when you’re angry.” He grasped her shoulders and spoke

against her lips. “Let’s finish this in private.”

“Like where?”

“My hotel.”

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Chante’s belly tightened and her nipples tingled.

Leaning even closer, he spoke into her ear. “Admit it, Chante, you can’t stand the

thought of me with another female any more than I can stand the thought of you with

another male.”

“All right I admit it.”

“Then come with me and let me fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

She grinned, her anger fading, replaced by intense sexual desire and… it couldn’t

be love after such a short time, but it was definitely the start of feelings deeper than lust.

Slipping a possessive arm around her, Joshi guided her out of the club and

Chante went along without a second thought.

A short time later, they arrived at the hotel and stepped into his spacious first

floor suite.

The incident at the club had aroused their appetite for each other, and no sooner

had he closed the door than she flung her arms around him. Joshi’s mouth plundered

hers and Chante closed her eyes, clinging to him. He slid down the straps of her dress

and unzipped it. He parted the fabric and caressed her bare back. The dress had a built-

in bra, so when he pulled it down to her waist, her breasts were immediately freed to

his touch.

Cupping the lush mounds, he swept his tongue over her dusky nipples. They

tightened with pleasure and she sighed, her fingers working the buttons on his torn

shirt. She wanted to feel his naked body against hers.

Once his shirt was completely unbuttoned, she ran her hands over his pecs and

abs, then bent to lick the birthmark on his chest. Her mark.

Joshi pushed her dress down over her hips and with a swift tug, tore off her

panties. A thrill shot through Chante and she smiled seductively, her gaze meeting his.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, burying his hand in her hair. He took her lower lip

between his teeth and nipped it gently then sucked on it before covering her mouth in a

deep kiss.

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Chante felt his stiff cock pressing against her through his pants. She reached

down and unzipped him, then sank to her knees, eager for a taste of her gorgeous man-


Kneeling in front of him, she pushed back his foreskin and caressed his velvety

shaft. She gazed up at him while running her thumb along the underside of his cock

head, making him twitch with desire.

“Chante,” he said, an almost warning note to his voice.

She smiled then took his cock head between her lips and rolled her tongue over


With a growl of pleasure, he grasped handfuls of her hair. While she licked and

sucked, his hips thrust gently against her. She knew by the tension in his body and the

groans escaping his throat that he probably wanted to thrust hard, but in spite of his

animal side, he never hurt her.

She flicked her tongue along the underside of his cock head and he panted,

“Beautiful, wicked female.”

Female again. She was actually starting to like the term.

As if unable to wait a moment longer, he pulled her to her feet, kicked off his

pants and swept her into his arms.

Joshi tossed her onto the bed and covered her body with his. Instead of claiming

her quickly, he began licking and kissing her neck, then her shoulders and breasts.

Slowly he worked his way down her belly to her clit, then guided her legs over his

shoulders and covered her clit with his mouth. He lapped and sucked, making her

tremble and pant with carnal need.

“Yes, Joshi. Fuck, you know just what I want.”

“Because you’re mine,” he purred and thrust his tongue deep into her pussy. He

swirled it around and she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

He returned his attention to her pussy again, but this time he didn’t stop licking

until she came long and hard. Every muscle in her body strained and her heart

pounded out of control.

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As her orgasm waned, he loomed above her and filled her with a thrust so deep

and possessive that she gasped. Her eyes opened and she met his burning gaze as he

pumped into her, slowly rekindling her passion.

Within moments she hovered on the edge again.

“Please, Joshi,” she gasped rhythmically. “I want… need… oh!”

Her eyes closed and she arched beneath him. He kneaded her breasts with one

hand while supporting most of his weight on the other. Only when his climax overcame

him did he brace both hands on either side of her head, his hips jerking and wild moans

of pleasure escaping his lips.

He collapsed onto his back and pulled her close while they caught their breath.

Finally Chante lifted her head to gaze into his eyes. “Now that we’re in a less

frenzied state of mind, we need to talk.”

“You can no longer deny our bond. Not after tonight.”

“I’ve never denied our bond and I understand why it’s so important to your

people, but you need to understand where I’m coming from.”

“I do,” he said, caressing her hair. “Before tonight I don’t think I did, but the

more I get to know you the more I see how different you are from Prowleryn females.”

“And that bothers you?”

A quirky smile graced his chiseled lips. “It intrigues me.”

“I want to give us a chance, Joshi, but I can’t give up my identity to do it.”

“I don’t want you to and I’m… willing to compromise.”

“Thank you.” She smiled and brushed his lips with a kiss.

“In a few months, after you have offspring, you might be more willing to

compromise as well.”

She laughed. “In a few months?”

“We’re destined to have children, Chante, and unless I miss my guess, we’re off

to a fantastic start.” He rolled her onto her back and nuzzled her neck.

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Weaving her fingers through his hair, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the

sensations. She almost hated to spoil the moment, but now was as good a time as any to

tell him. “There’s no way I’m pregnant.”

“Of course you’re pregnant.”

“Not while on the pill.”

He paused and then lifted his head so that he could stare into her eyes. “What


“Birth control. Don’t you know anything about humans?”

“I know,” he said with a curl of his lip. “It’s disgusting how fertile humans are,

so much that you manipulate the birth of children.”

“Isn’t that what your father did when he put this spell on us?”

“That’s different.”

“How is it different? I didn’t have a choice, but I’m the one who’s expected to

have your babies. How do you think that makes me feel? You say you hate humans for

hunting your race, for trying to control your very existence, but isn’t that exactly what

you’ve done to me?”

First he looked angry, then surprised. Was she actually getting through to him? If

so, then they really did have a chance for the kind of relationship she’d always dreamed


“I know that when we first met I was nothing but the means to an end for you,”

she said. “How do you feel about me now, Joshi? Am I just a human you’re tied to or

can you feel anything for me at all? If we weren’t manipulated, would you even want


His expression actually softened in a way she’d never expected to see on him. He

trailed his fingertips along her cheek. “I can’t imagine not wanting you,” he said, his

voice husky. “What about you? If we weren’t bound, would you choose me?”

“I sure as hell wouldn’t turn you away,” she said, hoping to lighten the moment.

Now that he’d turned the tables on her, she wasn’t sure she could handle discussing her

feelings for him. It was easier when she did the questioning.

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Her attempt at humor failed miserably. He continued staring into her eyes, his

expression more serious than ever.

“Yes, I’d want you,” she admitted. “I just don’t like the idea of being forced into


“I haven’t forced you. Others of my kind might enjoy sating their lust and anger

on humans, but I only like willing females. However, I’m not happy knowing that our

efforts, no matter how pleasant, have been wasted because of your pill.”

“Wasted? You’re a Prowleryn warrior. Don’t you know practice makes perfect?”

She slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Joshi wrapped his arms

around her and held her so close that her breasts flattened against his steely chest.

When the kiss broke, she said, “I really should get back to my aunt’s. I have her

car and she might be worried.”

He growled softly and kissed her neck, then left the bed. While she dressed, he

pulled on a T-shirt and sweatpants. He accompanied her on the drive home.

“I feel bad leaving you to jog all the way back to your hotel,” she said.

“I can use the exercise.” Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her. “I’ll see you


“I’ll be waiting.”

He turned and walked down the driveway. Chante gazed after him until he

disappeared around the turn, then she sighed with pleasure and returned to her room.

She showered and slipped into a light cotton nightgown. Settling between the

sheets, she smiled, her thoughts filled with Joshi. Thinking about him made it difficult

to sleep, but finally she started drifting off only to be disturbed by tapping on the glass

door leading to the porch.

She jumped, her heart pounding, and stared at the big white and gold cat

standing behind the glass, bathed in moonlight.

This had to be the most romantic thing that had ever happened to her. She rose

from the bed and opened the door.

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Joshi strode in, his big paws silent on the floor. She couldn’t resist touching him,

running her hands over his sleek, powerful body. His coarse fur felt wonderful against

her palms and between her fingers.

He purred and brushed his beautiful cat’s head against her. His tail swept

around her legs, then he rose to his man form and took her in his arms.

Chante embraced him, closing her eyes and resting her cheek against his

shoulder. She splayed her fingers across his back and felt his pelt recede.

“I don’t want to leave you tonight,” he whispered close to her ear.

Holding him tighter, she said, “I don’t want you to leave.”

She took his hands in hers and tugged him toward the bed. They climbed

beneath the sheets and he pulled her close, his face nestled against her neck. Here in his

arms, she felt safe and protected in a way she’d never experienced before.

“Sweet dreams, Chante,” he whispered.

“This is the sweetest dream I’ve ever had,” she replied.

He purred and held her a bit tighter. Closing her eyes, Chante fell into a deep,

perfect sleep.

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Chapter Seven

About an hour before dawn, Joshi left the bed.

Chante reached for him and grasped his hand, tugging him back to her. He sat

and brushed a kiss across her lips.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To my hotel for a change of clothes. I’ll be back later.”

“I can hardly wait.” She sat up, letting the sheet fall to her waist, and embraced


Her bare breasts felt so good against his chest that for a moment Joshi held her

close, his eyes shut.

Finally he released her, stood and walked to the porch where he shifted to his

full cat form and leapt to the garden below. It was still dark, so if he kept to the trees,

the chances of anyone noticing even a pale cat like himself were slim. His long legs

swallowed the miles between Chante’s ancestral home and the hotel.

Since meeting her he’d felt exhilarated. Spending last night in bed with her had

been fantastic. He couldn’t believe he’d avoided her for so long. The very idea of him

feeling such passion for a human, body and soul, had seemed impossible such a short

time ago.

He only wished Chante felt as strongly about their connection as he did. Though

he didn’t doubt she craved his body just as he craved hers, he knew she didn’t like

being manipulated by his father’s spell.

What if she was right? What if, without the mate mark, she would have no

interest in him? He thrust that thought out of his mind. The point was, she had the mate


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He reached the hotel and climbed in the window of his room. Inside, he shifted

back to his human form and decided to go for a swim. He changed into a bathing suit

and walked to the beach. A while later he returned to his room. After dressing, he’d go

see Chante. In the shower, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of the warm water on

his skin, but couldn’t help wishing Chante were there with him. Showering with her

would no doubt be an unforgettable experience.

When he finished washing, he left the bathroom, drying off with a towel. He

paused and sniffed the air, catching the scent of one of his tribesman. It grew stronger

with each passing moment. The face of his old friend, Donn, appeared in the open


“What are you doing here?” Joshi asked.

“I have a message from your father.”

“Then come in and tell me. If you sit there mooning outside my window

someone might get the wrong idea.”

Donn growled in distaste and Joshi couldn’t keep from chuckling. The tall, black-

haired, green-eyed Prowleryn climbed through the window.

“This is no time for bad jokes. Your father and several of our tribesmen are here

on the island. They’re waiting in a wilderness area, in a cave a few miles from here. You

have to come right away.”

Joshi didn’t like the sound of this. “What’s wrong?”

“Your father will explain. It’s about your female.”

“What about her?” Joshi demanded, his protective instincts rising.

“Come on.”

Without further hesitation, Joshi climbed out the window. Donn had rented a car

and drove to the edge of a wooded area. There they shifted shape and Joshi let his

friend take the lead, since he knew where their tribesmen were waiting. Their paws

flew over the dirt and rock as they moved deeper into a wilderness area. Soon Joshi

caught the scent of the other Prowleryns as well as Chante. Apprehension darted

through him. Why had his tribesmen brought Chante to this meeting?

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Recalling the way some Prowleryns had no problem attacking human women,

he felt the unfamiliar twinge of fear, then pure rage. If anyone had harmed her…

No. Impossible. His father would not allow it. Chante was Joshi’s female and no

one would dare claim her without first challenging him.

They reached a fairly spacious cave. Joshi entered first, followed closely by

Donn. Inside Eber waited on a ledge, Chante beside him. Though she was no doubt

frightened, she sat calmly, with the dignity of a Prowleryn. Pride filled Joshi, but also

anger. They had no right to force her to come here, and he had no doubt she had been

forced. Her gaze locked with Joshi’s and he tried to reassure her with a look that she’d

be all right.

Three Prowleryns stood beneath the ledge. All were in the form between man

and cat -- standing on two legs but covered from head to toe in a coarse pelt. Their eyes

gleamed and fangs glistened. The two with tan and black pelts were Joshi’s tribesmen.

The third Prowleryn, covered in a solid red coat even rarer than Joshi’s white, hadn’t

been a member of the tribe since Joshi was a cub. Fergus had traveled to Africa when

the tribe moved from England, but soon after arriving fought Eber for leadership.

Though the fight had been close, Eber had won and Fergus defected to another tribe.

Joshi recalled that time clearly. His father had nearly died from the wounds inflicted by

his rival. Few among their kind could do such damage to a warrior like Eber, but Fergus

was known for his prowess in battle, his strength and cunning.

“Father, what’s going on?” Joshi demanded.

“We’ve come to discuss your failure,” Fergus said with a growl.

“Silence!” Eber roared, then said in a calm yet authoritative voice, “Joshi, we are

aware that your female is not yet with child.”

“Yet?” Chante curled her lip. “It’s only been a few days. How the hell can you

guess --”

“It’s not a guess,” Eber stated. “Because of the magical spell that created your

bond to Joshi, I would sense if you are carrying his offspring.”

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Chante’s lip curled and she said, “Damn. That’s a little too personal for my


“If you can’t do the job, there are others among us who will,” said one of the

black and tan Prowleryns to Joshi.

“Try and you forfeit your life,” Joshi growled.

“Hey,” Chante said. “It’s not his fault. There’s not a doubt in my mind Joshi can

‘do the job.’ We’ve agreed to wait until we know each other better.”

“Is this true?” Eber demanded. “Joshi, when you sought her out you said that

your duty would be fulfilled.”

“And it will be,” Joshi stated. “When she’s ready.”

Fergus snorted. “I can’t believe you’re allowing a female to dictate to you. Is this

the sort of leader you want for the tribe when you step down?” The sleek red cat stared

at Eber, then at the other tribesmen. “Is it? The mate mark was initiated to ensure the

survival of our kind. For too long Joshi has avoided his duty. If he won’t claim the

human female, then I will.”

“She’s not yours,” Joshi said, his voice deepening as he shifted to his semi-cat

form and advanced on Fergus. They stood, chest to chest, their burning gazes locked.

“Nor is she mine. This female belongs to herself. If she chooses to become a mother of

our kind, so be it.”

“And if she doesn’t?” Donn asked quietly.

“Then it’s her choice,” Joshi said with conviction.

“This is madness!” Fergus snapped, baring his fangs.

“Our race must go on at any cost,” said one of the Prowleryn warriors. “Joshi,

you have a responsibility.”

Joshi had never imagined defending humans. All his life he’d despised them. He

still believed most of their kind to be greedy and vicious, but since meeting Chante, he

had started to question his hatred. He certainly didn’t hate her. The woman frustrated

him at times, but when he looked into her eyes he saw caring, understanding and a

longing to know more about him, including his heritage.

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Stepping away from Fergus so he could look his father fully in the eyes, Joshi

said, “We’ve rightfully hated humans for hunting our kind, for trying to manipulate

our very existence. Aren’t we doing the same when we take human females by force?

How can we hope to have any understanding when neither side will give up the


“Humans won’t,” Fergus growled.

“Maybe not, but I won’t violate her as our kind have been violated.” Joshi again

faced the red Prowleryn. “Nor will I allow you to do so.”

A wicked grin spread across Fergus’ lips. “You think you can defeat me, boy?

You’re not Eber. I’m older. Stronger. I win and the tribe passes to me when your father

steps down… or dies.”

“Joshi,” Chante said. He glanced at her, seeing the fear in her eyes.

“It’s all right, Chante. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“Don’t do this,” she said. “Not for me. I always intended to fulfill our duty.”

“It’s too late to back out,” Fergus said to Joshi.

“Who said anything about backing out?” Joshi demanded with a growl.

“The challenge has been made,” Eber said, his face as stern as ever. “The prize is

the female, Chante, and… future leadership of this tribe. Are you prepared, my son?”

“Prepared? I’m impatient,” Joshi roared and shifted to full cat form at almost the

exact moment Fergus did the same.

The other Prowleryns leapt out of the way, leaving the cave floor open for the


Joshi and Fergus circled each other. Muscles rippled beneath their pelts and their

eyes seemed to glow with rage and anticipation.

From where she sat beside the tribal leader, Chante’s heart pounded and she

trembled. Strangely, she was more scared for Joshi than for herself. Yes, the thought of

being attacked and imprisoned by these beasts terrified her, but as she watched him

fight, every blow he took struck at her heart.

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Over the past couple of days she’d argued with him about respect and freedom

of choice. She thought he’d been ignoring her, but apparently she’d been wrong. The

pathetic thing was, she’d always intended to mate with him for life. She believed in the

magic binding them and more important, she believed in the emotions that overtook

her every time she was with him.

Roars of the battling Prowleryns echoed through the cave. On the dirt floor, Joshi

and Fergus locked in a deadly embrace, their claws tearing and fangs sinking deep into

each other’s flesh. They rolled around, kicking up a cloud of dust. Their powerful hind

legs pounded each other’s bodies while their enormous front paws clenched each

other’s shoulders. Already Joshi’s beautiful white and gold pelt was stained red with

blood, as was Fergus’. The red cat was more thickly muscled than Joshi. He was older

and more experienced, though still in his physical prime. A deadly combination.

Yet Joshi was accustomed to defending his place in the tribe. He was fast, strong

and skilled.

Chante tried not to wince at the sound of their savage cries. They broke apart,

roaring and their eyes flashing. Blood dripped from their thick fangs and their panting

breaths filled the cave.

Fergus slammed his paw across Joshi’s face and Joshi returned the blow with

equal ferocity. The gory pawing match went on for several tense moments before Joshi

smashed Fergus to the floor with a blow that left the other male stunned.

His paw wrapped around Fergus’ throat and Joshi shifted to that eerily

compelling shape between man and cat.

“Submit or die,” Joshi growled.

Fergus snarled, then choked out, “With your reluctance to fulfill your duty with

this woman, you’re as guilty as humans in condemning us to extinction.”

“Your way of taking human females by force only deepens the rift between our


“You’re a young, naïve fool,” Fergus said, his eyes closing momentarily.

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Still grasping his throat, Joshi snarled, “I’m not fool enough to release you

without hearing you admit defeat. Is it submission or death?”

“I submit,” Fergus said with a deep sigh. “You’re your father’s son.”

Joshi released his hold on Fergus and turned toward Chante. Their gazes locked

and emotions bombarded her. This guy had just fought to protect her. If she hadn’t

been so concerned about his injuries, she’d have found the whole thing incredibly

romantic. She hadn’t wanted him to shed his blood for her, but he had done so


“Joshi!” Chante shouted as Fergus leapt at his back.

Joshi turned fast, shifting to full cat form in a heartbeat. He slammed Fergus

against the cave wall and sank his fangs deep into his throat.

More than anything, Chante wanted to look away from the gruesome scene, but

she couldn’t. As Fergus slipped to the ground dead, Joshi stood over him. The savage

look on his bloodied face faded to one of mild regret.

Then he turned and walked toward her. Chante hopped down from the ledge

and into his waiting arms, not even caring that his pelt was filthy with blood and sweat.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

He nodded, his beautiful amber eyes fixed on hers. “I’ll be fine. As long as you’re


“Yes, but I didn’t want you to have to do this.”

“It had to be done, Chante. It’s my duty and my honor to protect you.”

Shutting her eyes, Chante held him close for a moment, feeling his heart

pounding beneath her cheek.

“You’ve won the right to this female and have retained your place in our tribe,”

Eber stated. “What you do with her is your choice.”

“I want you to free her,” Joshi stated.

The Prowleryns looked as stunned as Chante felt.

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“You don’t want me?” she asked. The very thought of not being with him was

unbearable. Not when they had so much to learn about each other. Not when there

were already so many feelings between them.

Taking her face in his hands, he gazed into her eyes and said, “I want you to be

free to choose.”

“I have chosen,” she stated. “Mark or no mark, Joshi, I know in my heart that I

want to be with you. It can work for us. Maybe if I learn more about your kind and you

learn more about mine, we can someday help bridge the gap between humans and

Prowleryns. In the meantime, we’ll work on something simpler, like increasing the

Prowleryn population.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’re sure this is what you want?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I think…what I feared most

when I thought you were stalking me was the feeling I’ve had all my life that I was

meant to do something special. I just had no idea what it was, but I do now. What about

you? Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” he said. “More than anything.”

“I have the power to break the spell between you and this woman,” Eber stated.

“But I don’t think I have the power to divide two hearts truly meant for each other.”

“I withdraw my request,” Joshi said.

“Then you will fulfill your duty?” asked the tribal leader.

“In our own way and in our own time,” Joshi said. “That means I’m going to be

spending more time in America.”

“You know, I’ve always wanted to see Africa,” Chante said with a smile.

Joshi’s eyes gleamed with affection and he caressed her cheek. “I think we can

work something out that will be mutually beneficial.”

“But first we better do something about these injuries before you bleed to death.”

“Prowleryns heal fast.”

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“I know, it’s one of the benefits I got from the spell, remember? One of many

benefits.” She slipped her arms around his neck and Joshi covered her mouth in a deep

yet tender kiss.

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Chante lay on the table in the doctor’s office, Joshi beside her. They’d been

waiting for this moment since they found out she was pregnant. This was Chante’s first

ultrasound. They both stared at the screen, scarcely believing what they saw.

“Triplets,” the doctor announced. He turned his gleaming green eyes toward the

couple and smiled, revealing the sharp tips of his teeth. He wasn’t your ordinary

OB/GYN, but a Prowleryn.

Since entering Joshi’s world, it had amazed her the ways his kind had infiltrated

human society. They were far more intelligent and manipulative than her kind, but she

knew they had to be. Their very survival depended on it.

When Joshi wasn’t stalking the swampland, he, like many modern Prowleryns,

had a human career. He and several tribesmen ran a successful safari business, only

with them, humans hunted with cameras instead of guns. With his profits from the

business, he was well able to support her, but it wasn’t in her nature to be idle. She’d

worked hard for her college degrees and her expertise in finance had earned her a good

position at the company where she’d worked. Why shouldn’t her skills be put to use for

her new family? Joshi and his partners agreed and were more than happy to include her

in the business.

The couple decided to live between both countries, an arrangement that suited

them and their plans for a family as well.

After leaving Jamaica several months ago, they had returned to the U.S. just long

enough for her to quit her job, then she and Joshi traveled to Africa. It was almost

strange how quickly she adapted to the swampland. Though she couldn’t change into

full cat form, Chante had developed more feline characteristics, including keener senses

and the tiniest pair of glistening white fangs. Joshi liked to tease her about the size of

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them -- or lack thereof. Yet he never complained with she used them on him during

lovemaking, especially when she scraped them ever so gently, along his cock.

After a couple of months, they’d returned to America and moved into a lovely

suburban house. It was then Chante realized her father-in-law’s intuition had proved

right. Before they’d left the tribe’s land, Eber had told them she was carrying Joshi’s

offspring, but she hadn’t imagined three.

“Can you see what they are yet?” Chante asked, then tossed Joshi a saucy look.

“Even your father couldn’t tell us that.”

“Amazing,” the doctor murmured.

“What?” Joshi demanded, looking almost worried.

“Girls. They’re all girls.” The doctor grinned. Obviously he’d been working

around humans for too long. He’d forgotten to call them females, but Joshi didn’t.

“Females,” Joshi breathed. “Three females. Now I’d like to hear any member of

the tribe say I can’t do the job.”

Chante curled her lip. “You’re not exactly doing it by yourself you know.”

He turned to her and lightly caressed her face. “I know. I hold you in the highest

regard, my love.”

“Thanks a lot,” she teased.

“No,” Joshi held her gaze, love gleaming in his beautiful amber eyes. “Thank


Chante had been about to make a clever retort, but he covered her mouth in a

kiss that made her forget everything except the gorgeous man-cat who had stolen her


background image

Kate Hill

What do trips around the world, endless nights of breathtaking sex, and a

muscular, 6-foot 3-inch, brown-haired, blue-eyed significant other have to do with Kate

Hill? Absolutely nothing, but she can dream, can’t she? In reality Kate is a single, thirty­

something vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. Visit her

online at http://www.kate-hill.com, www.myspace.com/katehillromance, or join her

newsgroup at groups.yahoo.com/group/katehill. Stop by Kate’s Amazon blog at



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