Kate Hill Windswept

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication



ISBN # 9781419908767
Windswept Copyright© 2007 Kate Hill.
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication April 2007

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Content Advisory:





Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-
rotic), and X (X-treme).

The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been
rated E–rotic.

S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
word count. E-rated titles might contain material that some readers find objectionable—in other words,
almost anything goes, sexually. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry in terms of both sexual
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X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Stories designated
with the letter X tend to contain difficult or controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

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Kate Hill

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Kate Hill

Chapter One

Parker Rigby came to the mountains to die. Or at least to seriously contemplate

suicide. Perhaps it had been a buildup of incidents or maybe the recent tragedy had
finally pushed him over the edge, but he wanted out. No more telling himself he could
make a difference. No more disappointments while pretending to have his life together.
He was sick and tired of being the one person everybody depended on. Hell, he
couldn’t even depend on himself anymore.

He paused, one foot braced on a rock, and wiped sweat from his eyes. Glancing

around, he admired the beauty of the mountainside. Tall trees. Rocks and leaves
scattered over the earth. The fresh, wild scent reminded him of happier times. Ever
since he was a boy he’d loved the mountains. Hiking, fishing and camping, he blocked
out the rest of the world. Here he could pretend nothing mattered and no one existed.

Unfortunately those happy thoughts only lasted a few blissful moments then he’d

remember that horrible day one month ago when his five-year-old nephew had died in
his ER. With the cutback in staff members, he’d been the only doctor available when
Jamie had been brought in. As an ER doctor with ten years’ experience, he’d lost
patients on occasion. However, he learned very quickly there was a difference between
seeing a total stranger die while under his care and watching the same thing happen to
a family member he loved.

Even now he wasn’t completely sure how his family felt about him. His mother had

suggested he not attend the funeral since his sister was having difficulty handling the
death of her only child. Parker understood and though his parents didn’t openly blame
him for what had happened, he thought this incident was the final rift between him and
his family.

After taking a quick sip from his canteen, he continued hiking until he’d nearly

reached the mountaintop. The trees had thinned and he walked over a wide stretch of
rocks. Without the protection of the trees, the sun felt hotter than ever. If not for the
breeze, the sweltering July evening would have been unbearable.

The cry of a bird, loud yet strangely beautiful, drew his attention.
“My god,” he said, unable to keep from smiling at the raptor soaring overhead. It

was an odd bird with the look of an eagle or hawk. From such a distance, he couldn’t
tell the exact size but it was obviously quite big. Its massive wings flapped a couple of
times as it climbed higher in the clear sky.

A gunshot broke the stillness and Parker flinched, startled by the sound. His

surprise was quickly forgotten by a screech from the raptor. It dropped fast. Too fast.
Parker didn’t doubt the shot had been meant for the bird.


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“Oh no,” he murmured. How could somebody do that? Most likely the bird was an

endangered species. Eagles especially were protected by law.

Instinctively he began climbing faster, hurrying in the general direction in which

the bird had dropped. He knew trying to find it would be futile. It could have landed
miles away. Even if he did manage to locate it, what could he do? Perform surgery on a
wild bird of prey in the middle of nowhere?

Still, anything was a welcome distraction from the depression and self-pity he’d

been wallowing in.

His heart pounded with exertion as he ran, stumbling several times on the rocks.

Once he landed on a jagged edge that cut through his jeans. He glanced at his scraped,
bleeding knee but didn’t bother stopping.

He wasn’t sure of how much time passed before he slowed his pace. Dripping

sweat, his lungs burning, he paused and leaned against a tree. What the hell was the

Then he heard it. A rustling of leaves and a low, distinctly human moan. Slowly he

followed the sounds behind a huge moss-covered rock and discovered a naked,
bleeding man lying prone on a patch of dirt.

“What the hell…” Parker murmured, quickly dumping his backpack and kneeling

beside the man. He was very long and slender yet his muscles were starkly defined
beneath his smooth, tanned skin. Kinky black hair clung to his shoulders and matted
against his bloody back. Parker brushed aside the hair to examine his injury. It seemed
to be the exit wound of a bullet in his shoulder. The point of entry was the deltoid area.
He grasped the man’s wrist and checked his pulse. It was fast but strong.

Without hesitation, Parker retrieved his medical supplies from his backpack. Why

he’d bothered bringing along the tools of his trade when he’d planned to commit
suicide was still beyond him. Maybe it was habit. Not that it mattered anyway.

He quickly washed his hands and snapped on gloves. His patient lifted his head

and blinked his large, dark eyes for several seconds, as if dazed. Then his gaze fixed on
Parker and he spoke in a smooth, quiet voice, surprisingly calm for someone in his
situation. “Who are you?”

“My name is Parker Rigby. Don’t worry. I’m a doctor. Now take it easy. I’m going

to look at your shoulder.” Parker helped the man onto his back. In spite of the pain he
must be suffering, he moved to accommodate Parker and made no sound except for a
sharp intake of breath. “What’s your name?”

While Parker inspected the wound, he asked, “How did this happen, Jindra?”
“I don’t know.”
“This is a bullet wound. You didn’t see who shot you?”


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Jindra shook his head and swallowed, his teeth gritted. He was losing a lot of blood

but Parker had seen far worse bleeding. If he hurried, he believed Jindra had a good
chance of surviving.

“Are you here alone?” Parker asked.
Parker shook his head slightly. “Not too smart. It’s dangerous to hike alone.”
“Then what are you doing here?” Jindra’s voice sounded a bit strained and Parker

didn’t doubt he hurt pretty badly at the moment.

“Are you allergic to any medications?”
“I don’t know.”
Raising an eyebrow, Parker glanced over his supplies. “You’re not helping me

much here, Jindra.”

Parker smiled in a manner most of his patients found comforting. No matter how

dire the situation, Parker always had a great bedside manner. He wanted people to
believe in his ability. Until recently he’d always been confident in himself, at least when
it came to practicing medicine.

He administered the painkiller then set to work repairing Jindra’s injury. When

he’d packed for the trip, he’d taken his usual survival kit made up of several tools of his
trade, including some drugs necessary to treat injuries in an emergency situation. He
had to admit that this time he’d taken enough drugs to commit suicide, if he’d decided
to go through with his plan. Now he was using the drugs to save a life. Perhaps this
situation was a hint that killing himself wasn’t the answer to his problems.

When he’d finished, he cleaned up the area then brought Jindra some of his clothes.

It again struck him that he’d carefully packed all his usual items for a camping trip,
even though he’d come here to seriously consider taking his life. This told him that in
spite of his depression, he wasn’t truly ready for suicide. Before offering to help Jindra
into the clothes, he inspected several old scars on his sides that had caught his attention
earlier. The long age-whitened marks wrapped around Jindra’s ribs.

“How did you get these?” Parker asked, tracing one of the scars with his fingertip.
Jindra’s muscles rippled beneath Parker’s touch and he said, “I’d rather not talk

about it.”

Parker nodded and helped him dress then went to pitch the half tent. At least that

would give Jindra some protection while he traveled back down the mountain to get

Once the shelter was up, he returned to his patient who appeared deeply asleep,

probably from the stress of the injury combined with the drugs. Parker had given him
shorts, socks and a shirt. In his line of work, few things shocked him, but he had to
admit he was curious about Jindra’s reason for running naked around the


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He knelt beside Jindra and studied him carefully. Though he made it a rule not to

notice patients in that way, he couldn’t help admitting this man was attractive, though
unconventional and almost primal. His thick, curly hair hung halfway down his back
and his eyelashes were incredibly long. Rather sharp bone structure and a nose that
reminded Parker of a bird of prey completed the wild-child look. He also noted Jindra
was tall, right around Parker’s own height of six feet three inches.

They were of a similar build—lean, long-limbed and athletic. Lithe rather than

bulky. Just by working on him for a short time, Parker had felt the strength in Jindra’s
body. For some inexplicable reason he reminded Parker of an injured wild animal. Even
the look in his onyx eyes had screamed freedom, yet he’d been well-spoken.

This man was a genuine mystery and if Parker had been in a different frame of

mind he might have been intrigued. His gaze lingered on Jindra’s chest and abs. Sexual
desire coiled in Parker’s belly and he resisted the urge to touch the man in a completely
unprofessional way. His cock swelled so that he nearly had to adjust his jeans.

Damn. What was wrong with him? This was a patient. No. Actually he wasn’t a

patient. Jindra just happened to be an injured guy who was lucky Parker stumbled
upon him. Hell, Parker had left medicine and was about to check out of the Hotel Life
as well. What difference did it make if he fantasized a little about some stud he’d found
practically bleeding to death in the forest?

If you want to die then why are you thinking about sex? How depressed can you be?
Parker shook his head clear. He was confused. Again. What had happened to him?

He was the guy who always knew what to do. Now he was stumbling around like a

“Hey, Jindra, wake up.” He rested a hand on Jindra’s shoulder. It was rock-hard,

like the rest of his body seemed to be. Parker’s cock throbbed but he willed his desire
into submission.

Immediately Jindra’s eyes opened and gazed into Parker’s. “I am awake.”
“I’m going to get you into my tent then go for help.”
“No.” Jindra grasped Parker’s arm hard, his slender fingers biting into the flesh.

“The bullet is out, right?”

“There was no bullet. It went clean through but you still should be checked out at a


“No. You cleaned and dressed the wound. I’ll be fine.”
Parker narrowed his eyes and tugged away from Jindra’s grasp. “What kind of

trouble are you in?”

“I haven’t done anything illegal if that’s what you mean.”
“I mean, why were you running around up here naked? Who shot you? Don’t think

I’m foolish enough to believe you don’t know who did it.”

A glacial look crept into Jindra’s eyes and something told Parker this wasn’t the sort

of man he wanted as an enemy. The smart thing to do would be to leave and get help,


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just as he’d planned. For all he knew whoever shot Jindra might still be creeping
around. What if he returned to finish the job? Parker relaxed for a moment. At least
getting shot by a stranger would beat taking his own life.

“I swear I haven’t broken the law and I’m not in any trouble,” Jindra said.
All his experience as well as his common sense told Parker not to believe him but

for some strange reason, he did.

“It’ll be dark soon,” Jindra continued. “Traveling will be dangerous for you and I’d

rather you didn’t leave me like this.”

Parker didn’t blame him for being nervous. He was wounded, his mind probably

hazy from the drugs. What if a wild animal approached? Not that Parker would be any
help but at least he’d be company. As long as infection didn’t set into the wound, Jindra
should fare well enough and if he didn’t want to go to a hospital or get outside help, it
really was his own business.

“Will you stay?” Jindra held Parker’s gaze.
Staring into those deep, black eyes, he felt as if he was being hypnotized.
“All right,” Parker said. “But in the morning I’m going for help.”
“Agreed. Thank you.” Jindra bowed his head slightly, a gesture both proud and

respectful. Yes, there was something about this man. He had a story, that was for sure,
but Parker had the feeling he’d never find out what it was.

Wincing a bit, Jindra sat up and allowed Parker to guide him to the shelter. Though

he didn’t lean too heavily upon Parker, the doctor still felt the warmth and steeliness of
his sleek body. Another rush of desire darted through him but he managed to subdue it.
Once Jindra was settled, Parker sat nearby.

“Get some rest,” Parker said. “I’ll keep watch.”
Jindra nodded. After several slow blinks, his eyes closed, his breathing even. Parker

crawled outside the tent and gazed at the moon through the trees. Sighing, he let his
thoughts drift until it became difficult to remain awake. He rubbed a hand over his eyes
and turned to check Jindra. The shadows deepened the sharp angles of his face and
made his lashes seem even thicker. The almost mystical attraction Parker felt was
starting to annoy him. This entire situation was ridiculous.

It was the way his luck ran. He came to the mountains to die and instead found a

patient. A tall, dark, handsome patient who made him recall pleasures he’d nearly
forgotten amidst all the crises of late. Still, the last thing he needed was a patient of any
kind. He’d given up being a doctor. He didn’t want the stress and responsibility

He touched his palm to Jindra’s forehead then his cheek to be certain there was no

fever. Jindra’s eyes opened and immediately drew Parker into a world beyond
comprehension. Staring into those gleaming black eyes was like soaring on the back of
an eagle through a calm, dark night.


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Parker finally managed to break free of the fantasy and reached for his canteen. He

offered it to Jindra who took a few sips.

“How do you feel?” Parker asked.
“Better. Thank you. Why don’t you get some sleep? You look like you can use it.”
That much was true. Between work and grief, Parker hadn’t had a decent night’s

sleep in weeks. Even when he had the chance to rest, he couldn’t. Normally he’d have
tried sleep meds but some self-destructive region of his soul forced him to wallow in
guilt without the relief offered by drug-induced numbness.

Shaking his head, Parker was about to leave the tent when the rain started.
“Damn,” he muttered, withdrawing deeper beneath the half tent. He turned and

found himself so close to Jindra that if either of them leaned forward the slightest bit
their lips would touch.

Jindra cocked an eyebrow, a half-smile flirting with his slender lips. Parker wasn’t a

young, inexperienced boy. He was thirty-five years old and had his share of lovers over
the years. What was it about this guy that made him feel like a novice, other than the
fact that he had more appeal than ten of the world’s sexiest men put together? Was it
his intense eyes or maybe his lean yet powerful physique? Perhaps it was because he’d
been wandering the mountainside wearing nothing but kinky black hair down to his
balls? Well, not actually to his balls, but still long.

“I doubt we’ll be in any danger during the storm,” Jindra said. “You might as well


Parker moved slightly back, giving them as much personal space as possible while

trying to avoid getting soaked by the downpour. Thunder rumbled and lightning
flashed. Parker closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. Storms always sounded worse
in the mountains.

He had no intention of sleeping but his physical needs won out and before the

storm subsided he was deeply asleep.

* * * * *

Parker awoke to a warm breeze and the wild scent of the mountains. Beyond the

shade of the tent, sunlight shone through the trees. He was about to close his eyes and
go back to sleep for a few minutes longer then he remembered Jindra and turned to
check his patient.

Jindra was gone. Perhaps he merely left for a moment to relieve himself. Parker

doubted he’d walk far since his injury was still pretty raw. A long black feather rested
in the place where Jindra had slept. It had probably blown in. Parker picked it up,
guessing by its size that it must be an eagle feather, though he was by no means an
expert on wildlife. He ran his fingertips over the feather, noting its softness but also the
almost nylon quality.


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After placing the feather back on the ground, he crawled out of the shelter, yawned

and stretched.

“Jindra,” he called, glancing around the area.
There was no sign of him. Surely he wouldn’t have gone. Not with that kind of

injury. Unless he’d feared keeping his promise about allowing Parker to go for help.
Most likely he was in trouble or at least on the run.

Parker ate a quick breakfast from the supplies he’d brought with him, packed his

belongings and decided to search the immediate area for Jindra. He covered several
miles before stopping for a rest. Seated on a rock near the mountaintop, he drank some
water and enjoyed the view. Mountains and trees stretched for miles. Sunlight danced
across the surface of a distant lake and Parker thought how nice it would be to go for a
dip. Most likely he’d come upon a brook soon enough and indulge his whim.

Drawing a deep breath of fresh air, he realized this was the first time in weeks he’d

been anything but depressed. Helping Jindra, even if the man hadn’t bothered to stick
around, made him realize he still had a lot to contribute, even a lot to live for. He’d
never forget what happened to Jamie nor would he ever forgive himself but suddenly
he wasn’t so sure he wanted to die anymore.

He stood and moved closer to the edge of the rock. It was a long way down. If he

really wanted to die, all he needed to do was step off and—

Deep grunts and growls stopped him in mid-thought. He turned, his heart

slamming in his chest, and saw a pair of frightening brown eyes staring at him through
the trees.

“You’re fucking kidding me,” Parker said, breaking out in a cold sweat.
The bear reared onto its hind legs and Parker instinctively backed up, lost his

footing and tumbled over the edge of the rock.

He bellowed in terror and pain as his body slammed into rocks and trees lining the

edge of the mountain. Then he was free-falling. Unlike the stories he’d heard, his life
didn’t flash before his eyes. Nothing at all except sheer terror registered in his brain.

Something tight and bony latched onto his arms and he was no longer falling, but

soaring. Panting, he tilted his gaze upward and realized he’d been picked up by an
enormous black bird.

The entire situation was impossible. Maybe he was dead. That was it. He’d fallen

down the mountainside and died. Now his brain was going through some weird
phasing-out period. Some patients who had been resuscitated described seeing
deceased relatives or a bright light. Parker was instead seeing giant birds. That was how
his luck had always run. He began to laugh. Between the laughter and wind rushing in
his face, tears streamed from his eyes, blurring his vision. The bird soared higher and he
began to feel lightheaded. Then everything went black.

* * * * *


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Jindra beat his wings and rose higher in the sky before turning and flying toward

home, at least his home in the mountains. It wasn’t remotely like the chic apartment he
rented in the city. This was a bit more rustic. No matter how much he loved city life,
there was no denying his wild side.

Unsure of how badly Parker had been hurt in the fall, he wanted to get him to

safety as fast as possible. If he needed to fly him to a hospital, he’d have to do just that,
even if it meant being seen. He didn’t want to imagine the nagging from certain
members of the flock if he allowed humans to see him in his bird form, but he’d deal
with that if necessary. After all, Parker had saved his life and by Raptvyn law, not to
mention his personal code of ethics, he needed to pay the man back.

He still couldn’t believe someone had actually shot him. In flight, Raptvyns looked

very much like eagles and it was illegal to shoot one of them. Still, after living in New
York City for so many years, he ought to know that people rarely played by the rules.

As the flock leader’s son, Jindra was accustomed to handling injuries. He and his

brothers had learned early on to defend themselves. They’d trained as elite guards,
prepared to take over after their sire’s demise and possibly fight for leadership if
anyone challenged their right to the position. In spite of Jindra’s rather high tolerance
for pain, the bullet wound had been excruciating. Leave it to humans to create firearms.
Had it not been for Parker, he probably would have bled to death on the forest floor
before his regenerative powers kicked in.

Of course the human had wanted to run for help but the last thing Jindra needed

was paramedics and doctors poking, prodding and examining him. His unique
constitution would rouse too much suspicion. For simple first aid he appeared human
enough but he cringed to think about what would show up in lab tests. At least he’d
convinced Parker to stay with him for the night. He’d rested until dawn then felt strong
enough to shift shape. The change always sped his recovery, so other than a little
soreness, he’d greatly improved.

His main concern at the moment was Parker. Damn, the SOB was heavy. Tall and

lean, he had a wiry strength that Jindra found most appealing when he wasn’t carrying
him hundreds of feet in the air. His nest wasn’t much farther now. Rising higher, he
ignored the pull on his legs and wings as home came into view. Moments later he
placed the unconscious doctor at the bottom of the deep nest built on a mountain ledge.

Stretching his wings and emptying his lungs of air, Jindra changed from bird to

man. He brushed aside tendrils of hair and began checking Parker over. His pulse felt
strong and he didn’t seem to be having any difficulty breathing. With deft fingers, he
unbuttoned his shirt and checked for injuries. His ribs were bruised but not too badly
considering the fall he’d taken. One way or the other, Jindra knew he had to get this
guy to a hospital. There was a hotel several miles away. If he brought him there, he was
sure to get help.

He was about to check his legs when Parker stirred. His blue eyes opened halfway,

unfocused for several seconds before they fixed on Jindra. Shit, the man had gorgeous


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eyes. Actually he was almost disgustingly handsome with his short black hair, wide-set
blue eyes and jawline a male model would kill for.

“Hey.” Jindra smiled slightly and offered a helping hand when Parker pushed

himself into a sitting position. “You okay? Do you feel like anything is broken?”

Still dazed, Parker glanced at the walls carefully woven from tree branches. The

men sat on several thick plaid quilts Jindra had brought from the city.

“Where the fuck am I?” Parker murmured.
“My nest.”
“Your nest?” He curled his lip and blinked several times fast, as if trying to clear his

head. Then his eyes closed and he arched his neck so his head dangled backward. “Oh
fuck. This is hell, isn’t it? I’m dead and it’s hell.”

Jindra looked around at the dwelling that had taken him days of sweat and toil to

create and said, “I admit it’s not Buckingham Palace but as nests go it’s pretty funky.”

“Funky?” Parker lifted his head and opened first one eye then the other. “Haven’t

heard that expression in a while. What’s really going on? What happened to me?”

“You fell off a ledge and rolled down the mountainside..” Jindra paused and

furrowed his brow. “Do you remember anything at all? What’s your name?”

“Parker Rigby and I remember everything. I was standing there thinking about

whether or not I really want to die—”

“Die?” Jindra wrinkled his nose. “What’s up with that? You’re not sick or


“Just in the head.” Parker leaned against the side of the nest. “I had a fleeting

thought of suicide.”

Suicide! This guy really was crazy. Why the hell would a young, handsome doctor

want to die before his time?

Parker met his gaze. “Will you just tell me where we really are?”
“I told you. My nest.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
Parker snorted with laughter that wasn’t entirely filled with good humor. “It’s too

crazy. And don’t you ever wear clothes?” His gaze raked Jindra’s naked form, lingering
for a moment on his sizeable cock that seemed to take on a life of its own in the
presence of this gorgeous human.

Jindra had to admit this guy turned him on in a big way. His desire to seek out one

male mate had driven him to the city to begin with. Not that male love was forbidden
among Raptvyns. In fact most of his kind mated in threes, two males and a female.
Occasionally just a male and female would mate, but two males as a pair weren’t
widely accepted. His difficulty in finding another Raptvyn who wanted a male partner
only made him look to humans, hence his migration to the city.


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Once there, he found he rather liked living among humans and only traveled home

to perform his duties for family and flock. That was where he’d been headed when he’d
been shot. A recent message from his younger brother, Vlad, had explained that their
blood father was very ill and wished to see him. Jindra knew the reason his blood father
wanted to see him and it had nothing to do with affection.

Everyone seemed to be under the impression that he was to take over as leader of

the flock, mostly because his blood father had denied Jindra’s wishes from the first. He
refused to believe any son of his had no interest in mating and producing an heir.

“No. In the mountains I rarely wear clothes,” Jindra said. “Now tell me what you


Again Parker chuckled. “I was near the edge of the rock. A bear came and I fell

over. Then a big—” He paused, laughing so hard he could scarcely speak. Finally he
managed to choke out, “A big bird grabbed me and flew away. I am now a certifiable
nutcase. God, I know several shrinks at the hospital where I work who would love to
get their hands on me for a case study.”

“You’re not crazy, Parker,” Jindra said. The expression of sadness and loss in the

man’s eyes touched him more than he wanted to admit. Obviously this guy had
problems. Why else would he want to kill himself?

“I think I’m dead. That’s why this is all like a nightmare.”
“It’s not a nightmare and you’re not dead. Do you think you have broken bones or

anything?” Jindra reached for him, but Parker backed away. Dropping his hands, Jindra
held his gaze. “I’m not going to hurt you and I can’t let you hurt yourself either.”

“How did you find me?”
“I was following you. After I left your camp I stayed around for a while to make

sure you were okay. As you pointed out last night, it’s dangerous to come out here
alone. I owe you, Parker. You saved my life.”

“And I hope I’m not going to regret it.”
Jindra smiled. “No. You won’t, but it does mean I have to repay you. How can I do

that if you kill yourself?”

“You don’t owe me anything.”
“Says you. The spirits say something different.”
“Oh no.” Parker rubbed a hand over his face. “You’re not one of those New Age

freaks, are you? With the hocus-pocus crap. Is that why you’re naked?” Parker seemed
a bit steadier now and he moved forward, placing a hand to Jindra’s shoulder where
the bullet wound still looked reddish but not quite so raw. “This is unbelievable. How
is it possible?”

“I heal fast.”
“Sure. Another impossibility.”


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The doctor tilted his face upward and whistled. “Shit. This hole in the ground is

deep. How did we get down here?”

“We’re not on the ground. We’re on a ledge.”
A patronizing smile on his lips, Parker pointed a finger at Jindra. “In your nest?”
Jindra sighed. “I’m going to have to do this sooner or later because it’s your only

ticket out of here. Sit down and don’t panic, okay?”


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Chapter Two

Before Parker could reply, Jindra stood, spread his arms and summoned the bird of

prey. Thick black and gold feathers sprouted from his smooth, human flesh. His body
shifted, feet changing into talons, his nose and mouth elongating into a raptor’s beak.
Though still able to think and comprehend as a man, he no longer spoke in words. He
could shriek like an eagle but instead chose to chirp a lovely song in the hope of
keeping Parker’s fear to a minimum.

“Fucking bloody hell,” Parker shouted, pressing as close to the wall of branches and

leaves as he possibly could. “I am dead. This is hell. Either that or I’ve lost my mind.”

Jindra lowered his wings and remained still, giving the human time to accept the

situation. Parker started to laugh so hard tears rolled down his cheeks. It took a moment
for him to regain his self-control. Finally he took a tentative step toward Jindra. He
reached out a surprisingly steady hand and touched the creature’s chest, lightly
caressing the sleek feathers. The gentle exploration made Jindra’s pulse race. The
human had no idea how good his touch felt, how much it aroused him.

Everything about Parker, from his terrific looks and the sound of his voice to his

sexy aroma sent Jindra’s lust into overdrive. He’d had lovers in the past but none had
ever turned him on quite this much. It was almost annoying how Parker made him feel
like a horny fledgling.

After a moment, the doctor dropped his hand and moved away. Jindra shifted back

to his human form and, wearing a slight smile, said to Parker, “See. You’re not crazy.”

“This is impossible,” Parker murmured. He shook his head slowly, as if that simple

motion could erase the truth.

“Why?” Jindra asked. “There are probably more shapeshifters around than you


“What do you mean?”
“Haven’t you ever come across someone who strongly resembles a particular


Parker swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his sexy throat. His unbuttoned

shirt had fallen completely open, exposing the expanse of his broad chest covered in a
mat of dark hair that tapered to a thin line down the center of his muscle-ridged
stomach. Jindra repressed the urge to run his hands over that gorgeous chest, to sink to
his knees and lick every inch of those steely abs.

“Well, one of my professors in college did come across like a pig.”
Jindra chuckled. “There you go.”
“But that doesn’t mean he was one.”


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“Of course not, but there’s always the chance.”
“This is ridiculous. If shapeshifters existed, they would have been discovered by


“Maybe they have. Maybe it’s one of those well-kept government secrets or

something. Anyway, regardless of what you believe, I’m here and I’m real.”

“And you trust me to keep this secret?”
“Do you think people would believe you if you told them there was a bird man in

the Adirondacks? Don’t answer that.” He grinned and held up his hand. “Actually, I
have to trust you, Parker. You did save my life and as I said, I owe you. My people take
such a favor very seriously and so do I. Now tell me why you want to do a damn fool
thing like kill yourself?”

“I don’t. I thought I did but when I helped you last night… You know, Jindra, you

don’t really owe me. Because of you I realized I can still help people. I’m still worth
something even if I—”

Jindra leaned closer, attentive. He sensed Parker was about to say something

important, at least important to him. When he didn’t continue, Jindra said, “Why would
you think you’re worthless?”

Parker sighed and shook his head. “I can’t talk about this.”
“Maybe you should. If it drove you to consider suicide, perhaps you need to

discuss it.”

“I’m an ER doctor. My nephew was in a car accident. I was the only doctor

available when he was brought in and he died. That’s it. End of story. My family hates
me and I hate myself. I just—it was a nightmare. I thought I’d seen everything but
nothing prepared me for that.”

“How could it?” Jindra sat beside him and tried to hold his gaze, but Parker looked

at his shoes. “I was a stranger to you and you did your best to help me so I don’t doubt
you did everything in your power to help your own nephew. You’re a healer. That’s a
wonderful gift but you’re not a god. Not infallible. And you know, because he died
doesn’t mean you made any mistakes. You could have done everything right and it was
simply his time.”

Parker shrugged. He closed his eyes and sighed so deeply that Jindra longed to

embrace him but he wasn’t certain how the human would respond. Though usually not
a man to discuss his emotions with someone he scarcely knew, Jindra felt a kinship to
Parker, mostly because he understood how he felt. This man had helped him without
hesitation. Jindra could at least do the same. Not all wounds were visible yet still they
needed mending.

“Last night you asked me about these.” Jindra brushed a hand over his sides,

indicating the scars. Parker glanced at him with interest and Jindra continued, “Years
ago I was on a hunt with my brother, Nikoli. There was a bear. Nikoli got cocky and he
was caught. I nearly died trying to help him, but I still wasn’t fast or strong enough. By
the time I managed to get the bear off him, it was too late. For a long time I blamed


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myself. Afterward my blood father was cold to me but eventually I realized it was only
because he can’t handle emotion. Lots of men are like that.”

“That’s not me.”
“I didn’t say it was. I’m just trying to point out that I wasn’t to blame for my

brother’s death any more than you’re to blame for your nephew’s.”

“I know you’re probably right,” Parker said. “But I don’t know if I want to handle

the ER anymore. I’ve been there for ten years and I feel I’ve done a lot of good but I
think I need out. At least for a little while. I’ve been seriously considering going into

“Then why don’t you pursue it? You would still be using your talents to help


“Maybe I will.”
“No more talk of suicide.”
Parker turned to Jindra and this time his smile was slight but genuine. “No.” He

stood and walked around the dim yet cozy dwelling. “So this is your nest.”

“You really live here?”
“Just when I’m in the mountains. I have an apartment in New York City.”
Parker glanced at him over his shoulder. “I have a house near the city. Maybe we’ll

see each other again?”

“I guarantee it. Now even though you seem fine I think you should see a doctor

after that fall you took.”

“Is that your professional opinion?” Parker teased.
“Don’t goad the man who’s going to fly you out of here.”
Parker paled a bit, but Jindra’s smile seemed to put him at ease.
Moments later they were once again soaring over the mountains toward a resort

hotel. Thank goodness it was still too early in the morning for many people to be out
and about. He landed in the woods a short distance from the hotel and watched from
the trees as Parker walked toward the tall white building.

Only when he disappeared inside did Jindra ascend and head toward his flock’s

territory in the Appalachians. It would be a long flight and he would arrive much later
than expected due to a couple of unavoidable detours. While he regretted getting shot,
he was glad he’d met Parker. What a total waste if the human had actually followed
through with killing himself.

When he returned to the city, Jindra intended to look him up. Not only did he feel

obligated to check on his welfare, but the attraction between them had been undeniable.
He could at least find out if Parker was interested.

* * * * *


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It was nearly dusk when Jindra reached his flock’s territory deep in the

Appalachians. The sheer beauty of the mountains, lakes and streams made his heart
soar even higher than his wings could carry him. The familiar sights, sounds and scents
brought waves of longing yet also tension.

He would always be a Raptvyn yet he could never completely belong to the flock.

That was why he’d built his nest in the Adirondacks while the rest of the flock nested in
the mountains surrounding a lake called Brightwater. Humans had given it another
name, but few Raptvyns knew or cared what it was.

The conversation of many birds carried on the wind but Jindra easily discerned the

voices of his own kind. He chirped a greeting and several welcoming voices answered,
his brother Vlad’s among them. A moment later Vlad soared alongside him. Like Jindra,
his feathers were black and gold. They touched wings then Jindra followed Vlad to the
Convocation Clearing, which was the center of flock life. Several tall trees formed a
circle. Each tree supported a wooden, thatched-roof dwelling Raptvyns used while in
their human form.

Every dwelling had a single room with three walls. The open end faced the

clearing, convenient for the flock’s weekly meetings. At the base of the trees, several
naked guards armed with spears stood watch, ready to drive off any predator that
wandered into the clearing. In their natural habitat, Raptvyns rarely wore clothes,
except during cold weather. Even then they usually preferred to stay in their bird form,
snug in their nests.

Jindra and Vlad landed in an empty dwelling and shifted to their human form.

Though not quite as tall as Jindra, Vlad was more thickly built. He had a square jaw,
dark eyes and a well-shaped aquiline nose that Jindra rather envied.

“Good to see you again,” Vlad said and embraced Jindra roughly.
“And you.” Jindra squeezed him hard before they stepped apart. Vlad’s gaze fixed

on the bullet wound still healing on Jindra’s shoulder.

“What happened?”
“Human hunter.”
“Spirits, you could have been killed.”
“I’m fine.” Jindra brushed off his brother’s concern. He didn’t want to discuss the

accident or the man who had saved his life. Parker was like a secret passion burning
inside him. Until he learned more about the doctor, he wanted to keep his desires
private. He rarely spoke to his family about any of his affairs or his life in the city.
“How is Rostya?”

Their kind referred to their parents, particularly their fathers, by their given names.

It made life easier in a world where ménage was the norm and most children had two

“He’s getting weaker,” Vlad said, his smile fading. “At least physically. He’s still as

opinionated as ever.”


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Jindra gave a snort of laughter. “I suppose he called me back here to yell at me at

least one more time before he passes on.”

“Not quite. Jindra, he still expects you to take over the flock.”
Jindra’s belly tightened with irritation. If he’d been in his bird form, his feathers

would have ruffled. “How many times have I told him I won’t do it? I’m not the right
Raptvyn for the job.”

“You’re dominant. A great hunter and warrior. At least you were before you moved

to the city.”

“I haven’t lost my touch,” Jindra snapped.
Chuckling, Vlad rested a hand on his shoulder. “Just giving you a hard time. All

joking aside, the flock will follow you. You have all the qualities of a leader.”

“Except for two important ones. I don’t want a female mate and I don’t want to


“I know.”
“But you do, Vlad. We’ve discussed this time and again. You’re clearly the better

choice to lead the flock. You’re up on politics. You can hunt and fight better than any
Raptvyn I know. And you’ve made it plain you want a mate.”

“That’s another thing,” Vlad said, his eyes flashing. “Rostya has told Gize’s family

that he intends to enforce the betrothal and you will honor it.”

Now Jindra was really mad. He began pacing the wooden floor of the treetop

dwelling, his heartbeat quick with rage. “I refuse.”

“I was hoping you would,” Vlad said quietly.
Pausing, Jindra turned to him and saw a barrage of emotions churning beneath the

surface of his brother’s eyes. Vlad didn’t need to tell him in words that he was in love
with Gize. It was obvious from his expression.

Gize had grown up with Jindra, Vlad and Nikoli. Beautiful and athletic, she was a

constant challenge to the brothers. Vlad always claimed to find her competitive nature
annoying. It seemed that annoyance had turned to much warmer feelings.

“And does she feel the same?” Jindra asked.
“What do you mean?”
“We don’t have time to play games, Vlad. Obviously you’re interested in Gize.

Does she feel the same about you?”

“Then it’s settled. You take leadership of the flock and Gize.”
“There may be challenges. I’m more than willing to handle them but I need a—”
“Second until it’s settled.” Jindra bowed from the neck. “I’m yours.”
Vlad drew a deep breath and released it slowly before extending his hand to Jindra.

The men firmly clasped each other’s forearms.

“Thank you, Jindra.”


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“I care about the flock, Vlad, and it has my loyalty, but you and I both know I’m not

what’s best for it, at least as the leader.”

“I know and though you’ve made your choice to fly alone, you’ll always be part of

us. Our mother speaks of you often, as does Salman.” Vlad referred to their second
father who had shared in their upbringing along with Rostya and their mother, Marka.
It was obvious by Jindra’s physical appearance that his biological father was Rostya, but
he had always felt closer to Salman. Perhaps because in many ways they were kindred
spirits or because Salman accepted him exactly as he was.

“I’ve missed them. And you too.”
“It’s good to have you back.” Vlad smiled slightly and embraced him once again. “I

have a favor to ask. When you see Rostya, try not to excite him too much. He’s as
obstinate as ever, but weak.”

Jindra nodded. “I’ll simply state the facts but I won’t argue.” Exactly how he was

going to succeed in fulfilling that promise he had no idea. When Rostya had his mind
set, no one could change it. His stubborn strength made him a great leader but an
impossible parent.

“Would you like to rest after your flight or do you want to see our parents now?”

Vlad asked.

With a sigh, Jindra folded his arms across his chest. “Let’s get it over with.”
They stepped out of the dwelling, shifting shape as they dropped toward the

ground. The brothers flew side by side to their parents’ nest several miles from the
Convocation Clearing. Built on a ledge overlooking Brightwater, it brought back
childhood memories, some happy, others not so pleasant.

Jindra and Vlad announced themselves with several soft chirps. At their mother’s

answering chirp, they descended into the cool dimness of the ten-foot-deep nest and
shifted to their human form.

Marka looked just as Jindra remembered her—tall, long-limbed and sturdily built.

She had sharply defined features, long gray hair and carried herself in a regal manner
Jindra had been told he’d inherited.

Concern shone in her eyes as she touched a hand to his shoulder. “You’ve been

hurt. What happened?”

“Just an accident. Nothing to worry about.”
“Females worry. Not men,” Rostya croaked from where he lay on a bed of leaves.

He’d always been a tall, powerfully built man, but old age and illness had left him
nothing more than skin and bone. In spite of his haggard appearance, his black eyes—
Jindra’s eyes—glared at his estranged son.

Ignoring her mate, Marka embraced Jindra tightly and kissed his cheek. “We’ve

missed you so much.”

“Speak for yourself,” Rostya said.
Jindra kissed his mother and said, “I’ve missed you too. Where is Salman?”


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“He had a meeting with the guards. As you know since Rostya’s been ill, he and

Vlad have taken control of the flock.”

“How would he know?” Rostya scowled. “He’s been away for months and has

lived among humans for years. Well, it’s high time he accept his responsibility.”

“Rostya, don’t upset yourself.” Marka knelt beside him and tried to take his hand,

but he jerked away from her.

“Stop treating me like an old fool.”
“I will if you stop acting like one,” Marka snapped then sighed and shook her head.

“I’m sorry.”

Rostya grunted. “Why? It’s about time you started treating me like you always did.

I hate how everybody has been walking on eggshells, pardon the expression.”

Im not about to walk on eggshells.” Jindra approached his blood father and sat

beside him. “Still as miserable as ever, I see.”

Rostya’s chuckle turned to a cough and Jindra couldn’t help but be concerned by

how long it took him to finally catch his breath. In spite of himself, he softened a bit
toward a man who had often made his life miserable but whom he greatly respected.

“I hope your presence here means you’ve finally quenched your thirst for

freedom,” Rostya continued. “Marka doesn’t like to talk about it but let’s face it, I
haven’t got much longer and the flock will need a leader.”

“It will have a leader,” Vlad stated.
Rostya held Jindra’s gaze. “Is that true? You’re going to take your place?”
“I’ll take my place as second to Vlad until after the two-day challenge has passed.”
Fury lit Rostya’s eyes and he curled his lip. “Your brother Nikoli should have been

leader. Since he’s dead, you are next in line.”

Jindra didn’t miss that barb directed at him. If he had been a better warrior, perhaps

Nikoli would still be alive. Since Jindra had failed to help his brother, he would fulfill
his duties.

“It takes more than birthright to properly lead a flock,” Jindra said quietly.
“You’re the strongest warrior we have,” Rostya admitted.
“Vlad is as strong and more importantly he wants to lead. He is deeply involved in

all aspects of the flock and he is more than willing to father heirs.”

“Speaking of fathering heirs, I’ve spoken to Gize’s family about when the mating

ritual should take place. She’s waited long enough for you to fulfill your end of the

“I made no bargain. You made the bargain when I was a fledgling.”
“It’s tradition.”
“It’s archaic.”
Rostya struggled to a sitting position and when Jindra made a motion to help him

he fairly growled.


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“Both of you, please stop it,” Marka said.
“Silence, woman! I’m speaking to my son.” Rostya turned to Jindra and stared at

him hard. “Raptvyns have existed in these mountains since before mankind learned to
walk erect. You have no respect for your own kind!”

“I have unsurpassed respect for my kind which is why I believe the flock leader

should be completely dedicated to his duties. My life is no longer here, Rostya. The
sooner you accept that the sooner you can start preparing the flock for Vlad’s

“This is your final word?”
“It is. I will support Vlad in any way that’s necessary but I will not accept

leadership nor will I take Gize as a mate.”

“You’ve greatly disappointed me.”
“It’s not the first time,” Jindra snapped.
Rostya glanced at Vlad. “This is agreeable with you?”
“Then I will make an announcement tonight.” Rostya looked to Marka. “Send word

that there will be a community dinner tonight at the Convocation Clearing. I will

“Are you sure—”
“Do what I say, wife!”
Jindra bit his tongue to keep from chastising his father. He’d always detested how

he’d spoken to Marka and Salman, though he was less apt to snap at his male mate.
Salman was usually easygoing but when riled he was a force to be reckoned with.

Jindra stood, already eager for some time alone.
“It’s good to have you back,” Rostya mumbled.
When Jindra glanced at him in surprise, the older Raptvyn smiled slightly and

Jindra returned the gesture. At times he would have liked a better relationship with
Rostya. Now it was far too late.

“I want you both to keep silent about the betrothal being broken,” Rostya warned

the brothers. “It is proper for me to speak with the young woman’s family first.

“Yes,” Jindra and Vlad spoke in union before shifting shape and flying out of the


Jindra soared over the lake and admired the sunlight gleaming on the dark blue

water. Several Raptvyns swooped over it and plucked fish swimming near the surface
while others, in their human form, swam in the cool water or sunbathed on flat rocks by
the shore. He landed on a secluded stretch along the bank. No sooner had his feet
touched the ground than he shifted to his human form. He waded into the lake until
water lapped against his waist then he rinsed his arms and chest.


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He drank several handfuls then decided to fly to Vlad’s nest where his brother had

invited him to stay during his visit. Before he shifted shape, a large gray Raptvyn
landed beside him and with a fluffing of feathers changed to human form.

“Salman. Hello.” Jindra smiled and embraced the tall, gray-haired man tightly.

Salman returned the gesture then held Jindra at arm’s length.

“What happened?” Salman indicated Jindra’s wound.
“Human hunter.”
The elder Raptvyn shook his head, anger glinting in his eyes.
“I’m fine now,” Jindra added.
“Other than the injury, you look well.” Salman glanced over Jindra. “City life still

agrees with you, I see.”

“I like it there.”
Salman winked, his blue eyes gleaming. “I know. Have you seen Rostya and Marka


“I just came from the nest. Rostya isn’t doing well.”
“No.” Salman’s expression became serious.
“What has the healer said?”
“He’s old, Jindra. None of us are getting any younger.”
“That’s true enough.” Jindra was nearly thirty-four years old. It seemed like such a

short time ago that he and his brothers had been fledglings, learning to hunt under the
guidance of Rostya and Salman.

“The herbs from the healer have eased his pain. I’m glad you’ve returned, Jindra.

Did he speak to you about leadership of the flock?”

“He’s finally accepted the fact that Vlad will be taking over.”
Salman sighed. “That’s a relief. You and Rostya have fought your battle of wills for

years. Looks like you finally won.”

“I’m not completely happy about that. I never meant to cause a rift in the family


“You needn’t explain. Not to me.”
“It’s funny but I’ve never felt the need to explain myself to anyone. Still, I know

what the leadership means—”

“And you were right to refuse it. A leader must devote himself entirely to the flock.

Your heart is beyond these mountains. Your destiny is elsewhere.”

Jindra nodded. If only Rostya had been as understanding as Salman they could

have been much closer over the years.

“I need to go. Rostya is awaiting my return for news from the meeting with the


“See you at the gathering.”


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Salman flew off and moments later Jindra headed for Vlad’s nest.

* * * * *

Later that night, torch lights burned in the treetop dwellings and encircled the

clearing on the forest floor. Music played. People danced and ate the fragrant food.
There was meat from the hunt, fish, nuts and berries.

Jindra stood alone in the shadow of a tall tree, watching the flock intermingle,

though his thoughts strayed to Parker Rigby.

He couldn’t seem to forget the doctor’s handsome face and the sound of his voice.

He recalled every touch of his slender, long-fingered hands and the way his gaze had
held Jindra’s with honesty rare in men as well as Raptvyns. What would it be like to
kiss his lips and feel the warm, wet stroking of his tongue across his belly? He imagined
running his hands over that broad chest and those lean sides. Yes, when he returned to
the city he’d have to look up the doctor.

He glanced sharply to his side, jerked from his carnal fantasies by the sound of a

female voice.

Tall and dark with her black hair hanging loose down her back, Gize stood close

beside him, looking as lovely as ever. She and Vlad would make a handsome pair.

“Gize, it’s good to see you again.” Jindra smiled. “You look very pretty tonight.”
“Glad you think so.” She took a step closer and tilted her face toward his. “I heard

you arrived this evening and was hoping to speak to you alone.”

“Of course.” He pushed himself off the tree he’d been leaning against and offered

her his hand.

She took it and squeezed, tossing him what seemed to be a flirtatious look. A

warning bell went off in his mind. Hopefully this wasn’t going to be yet another
uncomfortable confrontation.

They walked deeper into the forest until the festive sounds from the gathering

faded. Pausing by a brook, Gize gazed at the moon gleaming through the trees.

“It’s a beautiful night,” she said.
“Yes. It is.”
“Are the nights in the city like this?”
“No, but they can also be beautiful in their own way.”
“I imagine it takes some getting used to.”
“Some.” He studied her carefully, sensing tension in her that incited his own. Still,

he remained outwardly calm. “Gize, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I know you were never keen on our betrothal, Jindra.”
“It has nothing to do with you. Any man would be lucky to have you as his mate.”


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“Our parents have spoken recently,” she continued. “They’re eager to see the

mating ritual complete.”

Jindra resisted the urge to curse. Rostya had asked him to keep silent about the

change in betrothal plans but Jindra couldn’t play along like this. Gize was an old friend
and deserved better.

“About that. Gize—”
“It’s fine with me,” she interrupted. “And I can make you happy, Jindra. I’ll do

anything you want and all I ask in return is that you consider allowing Vlad to be our
third partner. Do that for me and there’s nothing I won’t do for you.” She slipped her
arms around his neck and kissed him.

While the sensation wasn’t unpleasant, it was nevertheless unwanted.
“Gize, no.” He broke the kiss and removed her arms from his neck.
“Jindra, he’s a good choice—”
“I’m not talking about Vlad.” He held her gaze. “I’m not supposed to tell you this.

Rostya wanted to speak to your family about it personally. I’ve refused the betrothal.”

“You have?” She smiled, her expression so relieved that he nearly chuckled.
“It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. I’ve been saying it since I left for the city

five years ago.”

“I’m not surprised,” she admitted. “But the way Rostya has been talking I wasn’t

exactly sure. So who do you plan to take as a mate when you assume leadership?”

“I’m not taking a mate. You’ll hear more later from Rostya. We better get back

before we’re missed.”

They returned to the Convocation Clearing where more guests had arrived,

including Jindra’s cousin, Pepik. Since they were fledglings, competition between Pepik
and Jindra and his brothers had been fierce. Long ago, Pepik’s father had challenged
Rostya for leadership of the flock and the rivalry between families continued through
the generations. Though it had been many years since they engaged in childish brawls,
Jindra and Pepik still irked one another. He had to admit Pepik was a strong warrior
and had served on the flock’s guard for nearly a decade.

“Jindra!” Pepik approached, wearing a broad smile that didn’t extend to his eyes.

Rugged and powerful both in human and bird form, he always looked ready for a fight.
He’d learned not to press Jindra too far, however. While Jindra didn’t generally start
brawls, he was more than capable of ending them. “I heard you were back and I see you
haven’t wasted any time whisking your lovely betrothed off to the woods. Funny but I
never imagined she’d be your type.”

“Pepik,” Jindra said coolly.
“Actually I’m surprised to see you. I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You’re a city bird now. Didn’t think you’d sully your feathers out here in Raptvyn

country. But the power of leadership is enough to lure anyone back.”


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“I see not much has changed in my absence,” Jindra said, looking down his nose at

Pepik. “You’re still wrong about most everything.”

“What have you come back for then?” Pepik said, his lip curled. He was wonderful

at giving jibes but had never mastered the art of taking them with grace.

“All in due time.” Jindra flashed a half-smile. “Enjoy the gathering.”


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Chapter Three

Jindra walked away, Gize alongside him. He felt Pepik’s spiteful gaze upon them.
“I hate him,” she whispered.
“I’ve never been fond either,” Jindra replied.
While Gize went to her family, Jindra met Vlad in the treetop dwelling belonging to

the flock leader. A short time later, Rostya arrived with Salman and Marka. Though
Rostya did an admirable job of disguising his weakness, even the short flight had tired
him and it took several moments before he recovered enough to call the gathering to

Once the Raptvyns assembled in silence to listen, Rostya began. “The time has come

for me to officially name my successor. My third son, Vlad, will assume leadership after
I’m gone. There will be the traditional two-day challenge period then his word will be
law until his death. Give him the same loyalty you have given me and he will serve you

Raptvyns chirped and screeched in response. At a signal from their leader, they

resumed the festivities.

In the dwelling, Rostya sat, his harsh gaze fixed on Jindra before he turned to Vlad

and said, “It’s not an easy choice you’ve made, son. I wish years of prosperity for you
and the flock.”

“Thank you, Rostya.” Vlad bowed his head.
“I have asked Gize and her family to join us to discuss the mating ritual. It’s a

personal matter.” Rostya glanced at Jindra. “Leave us.”

Jindra nodded curtly, kissed Marka’s cheek and left the dwelling. Rather than

remain at the gathering, he soared into the night, glad to be away from the others.
Funny how out here in the wilderness he felt more caged than in his New York City

Far from the Convocation Clearing, he flew high above the mountaintops and sang

with pleasure. If he’d been in human form, he’d be smiling. It felt so good to be away
from the others. Not that he didn’t miss being among his own kind, but the constant
disagreements with Rostya and the knowledge that many of the flock disagreed with
his decision to live among humans made it impossible for him to relax at gatherings.

He dove low and dragged his talons along the surface of a lake. Water sprayed him,

cooling him in the summer night. A familiar cry overhead drew his attention and he
caught sight of his old friend, Arno, gliding toward him. A warm feeling encompassed
him. Arno had been his first lover. They’d been young, both searching for acceptance
they couldn’t always find in the family nest.


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Arno cried out again and Jindra answered. Almost simultaneously they rose higher

in the sky, chirping to one another. Their wings brushed, their bodies locked in midair
and they fell for several seconds. They broke apart and continued flirting and teasing
one another in flight. Eager to release sexual tension, they sped across the lake and over
mountains toward a brook where, in the past, they’d often gone to make love or simply

They landed in the mud by the edge of the brook and shifted shape. Arno was a

head shorter than Jindra and slight of build. He moved as gracefully in his human form
as he did in flight. As males went, he was almost too beautiful but he’d never had a
shortage of admirers in the flock. When he finally decided to settle down he’d have no
problem finding a male and female to mate with.

“Jindra.” Arno reached for him and they held each other for a long moment. “It’s

good to see you, though after hearing Rostya’s speech tonight I doubt you’ll be staying

“Just as long as my family needs me. Then I’ll return to the city.”
“Umm,” Arno purred. Gazing at Jindra through his lashes, he slipped his arms

around his neck and kissed him.

The sensation of Arno’s lips felt good, as did the way his slender body pressed

against his. Wiggling his toes in the cool, slick mud, Jindra relaxed for the first time
since arriving home. He and Arno had always been completely comfortable with one
another. Though they had long ago decided a permanent relationship wouldn’t work
out between them, they occasionally relieved sexual tension together and still enjoyed a
strong friendship.

Arno’s tongue slipped between Jindra’s lips and Jindra’s met it with warm, wet

strokes. Strong yet gentle fingers sifted through Jindra’s hair. Moaning softly, Arno
continued kissing him, exploring his mouth and sucking his lower lip. The sensations
were familiar and pleasant. Making love with Arno was always an enjoyable experience
and it had been a long time since he’d been this close to one of his own kind.

Eager for passion, Arno slid his hand between their bodies and curled his fist

around Jindra’s cock. He pumped with long, slow strokes. The rhythm felt pleasant yet
Arno had never handled him roughly enough. Cupping the back of Arno’s head, Jindra
thrust his hips into the steadily pumping hand. His eyes closed, he enjoyed the
sensation of the foreskin rubbing over his cock head.

When the kiss broke, Arno sank to his knees. Jindra opened his eyes and glanced

down at his lover who stared up at him with lust. Jindra ran a fingertip over one of
Arno’s sharp cheekbones. He knew what was coming and while he looked forward to
being sucked and licked by a skilled partner, part of him wished it was Parker on his
knees before him.

Arno moistened his full lips then grasped Jindra’s balls in one hand and the base of

his staff in the other. The ruddy cock head had already extended past the foreskin but
Arno pushed it down more, exposing the stiff, well-veined shaft.


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Drawing a deep breath, Jindra watched his cock head disappear between the

blond’s lips. Arno’s tongue swirled around the sensitive flesh before sucking him so
deeply that Jindra felt the back of his throat brushing the crown.

“Mmm,” Jindra moaned softly, closed his eyes and ran his fingers through Arno’s

hair. It would have been nice to hold the slighter man in a fierce grip, to thrust his hips
hard and drive his pleasure to unimagined heights. Unfortunately there was nothing
rugged about Arno even if he was a Raptvyn. Always a man who believed in mutual
pleasure, Jindra would never do anything to deliberately harm a lover. Besides, Arno
was skillful enough at sucking cock to provide a thoroughly satisfying orgasm without
any rough play involved.

Arno eased his head back slightly and gently scraped his teeth along Jindra’s staff.

Using the tip of his tongue, he teased the ridge along the underside of his cock head. He
licked and lapped until Jindra’s mind emptied of all thoughts except those of pure

Jindra’s breathing grew heavier as Arno’s skillful tongue continued teasing his cock

while he used one hand to knead his balls and the other to stroke his inner thighs. His
cock grew bigger and harder beneath the other man’s caresses. His lips parted and chest
rising and falling rapidly with each strained breath, Jindra ran his hands over Arno’s
hair and stroked his smooth shoulders. His buttocks tightened as he struggled to keep
from thrusting hard against the slender blond.

After several moments of this torturous pleasure, Arno grasped Jindra’s cock and

began sucking with a vengeance. This slightly harsher treatment hurled Jindra over the
edge. With a ragged cry, he arched against his lover, every muscle in his body taut and

Arno continued sucking until Jindra stepped away.
Jindra’s breathing quickly returned to normal and his gaze swept Arno, who had

rose to his feet, his cock thick and waiting. A flirtatious smile curved the blond’s lips as
he approached Jindra and placed a hand on his chest.

“Recovered enough for payback?” Arno asked.
“No one can say I’m a leech.” Jindra winked. He grasped Arno’s hand firmly and

tugged him toward the water. They waded over to a rock in the center of the brook
where Jindra beckoned Arno to lie on his back.

His eyes gleaming with anticipation, Arno stretched out, his arms folded behind his

head. The Raptvyn’s long, slender body was almost completely hairless, except for a
thatch of dark blond pubic hair. Jindra’s cock had softened a bit during his swim in the
cool water. Now it began to swell again as he positioned himself comfortably between
Arno’s legs. First he licked and sucked his balls. Arno moaned and immediately wove
his fingers through Jindra’s hair.

Jindra took Arno’s thick cock, pushed back the foreskin then lapped the hard, well-

veined staff before sucking it deeply into his mouth.

“Times like this I forget why the hell we broke up,” the blond panted.


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Jindra chuckled and Arno must have loved the vibrations against his cock head

because he began panting hard. Jindra sucked faster and deeper, his eyes closed so he
could concentrate thoroughly on his work. Even in his most aroused state, Arno never
did anything too rough. He wondered if Parker was the same?

“Ah damn! Jindra, keep sucking. Yes…” Arno’s words faded to a guttural moan as

he came.

Pulling back before Arno shot his entire load into his mouth, Jindra clasped his

lover’s cock and pumped until Arno lay completely sated. His pale chest flushed and
heaving, Arno remained flat on his back, a slight smile on his lips.

Jindra stretched out beside him. After a moment Arno opened his eyes and rolled

closer to Jindra. He rested his head on his chest and slid a slender leg between Jindra’s
long, sinewy ones. Gazing at the moon, Jindra ran his fingers through Arno’s silky
blond hair yet his thoughts weren’t on this man with whom he’d just made love. They
were far from the mountains, back in the city. Had Parker returned there already?
Hopefully he’d ditched that stupid idea about suicide.

Arno lifted his head and placed a hand to Jindra’s cheek. “Hey.”
Jindra held the other man’s gaze. “Yeah?”
“You’re on solid ground but your thoughts are flying.” Grinning, Arno pushed

himself to his knees. “Are you going to tell me about him?”

Arno raised his eyes to the heavens. “Oh please. I know you’ve met someone

though no one else could probably tell. Do you know how I can?”

“Enlighten me.”
“Wiseass.” Arno smirked. “I know by the way you made love.”
Thoroughly insulted, Jindra curled his lip, raised himself onto his elbow and said,

“Excuse me? Are you complaining?”

“No, but you were a bit distant. For a second I thought you were going to scream

out some other guy’s name.”

Annoyed more at himself than at Arno, Jindra stood and hopped into the brook.

How could he have been so obvious? Usually he was a master of disguises. Living
among humans, he had to be great at keeping secrets or else he shuddered to think of
the consequences. He sloshed through the water for several seconds, contemplating
whether or not he wanted to finish the conversation or change form and go on another
flight before retiring to sleep.

“Sorry if I offended you,” Arno said, not looking the least bit apologetic. “I know

you’re the rogue raptor, living alone among strangers. I thought you might need
someone to talk to.”

Arno’s compassion touched him yet Jindra wasn’t ready to discuss Parker with

anyone. Besides, there was really nothing to talk about except a spark of lust between


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two strangers whose paths might never cross again. Damn. That was a total lie. As soon
as he had the chance he was going to drop in on the good doctor. Literally, if necessary.

“Thank you, Arno,” he said. “There’s nothing to tell though. I just have a lot on my

mind with Rostya being ill and all the discussion about leadership of the flock.”

“It would have been nice if you’d taken the position. Not that Vlad won’t be good

at it. Don’t take this the wrong way but at times your brother can be a real politician.”

Jindra chuckled. “That’s what the flock needs. But Vlad is fair.”
“Not like you. You follow your heart. Not many people can do that.”
“A leader can’t always do that. I can be a selfish bastard, Arno. You know that.”
“I know you can play the part of a bastard.”
His friend’s analysis made him uncomfortable. Honesty and the courage to follow

one’s heart weren’t always luxuries a leader could afford. Vlad was willing to play the
game and the flock would be better for it. Jindra believed that yet he couldn’t help
feeling guilty.

“Don’t do that,” Arno said.
“Start questioning yourself because Rostya had expectations for you that didn’t

match your goals in life. The problem with most of this flock is they’re opposed to
change. Narrow-minded. You’re not like that, Jindra, and that’s nothing to be ashamed

“I’m not ashamed. Why should I be? Rostya and most of the others have never even

tried to really know humans. They’ll accept the knowledge brought back by a few who
venture outside the flock but they won’t really learn what makes a human tick.”

Arno folded his arms across his chest and studied Jindra carefully. “And how do

you suppose most humans would react to us? They cage regular birds and beasts.
Imagine what they’d do to us, freaks in their eyes.”

There was no denying Arno was right. Humans would be terrified if they knew

shapeshifters really existed. Parker had been afraid and in denial. Eventually he’d
calmed down but Jindra wasn’t completely certain if the man didn’t think he was
hallucinating. It would be so human of him to blame their encounter on his fall and
much easier to accept a fantasy over the reality of Raptvyns’ existence.

“Maybe someday things will be different,” Arno said.
“No. You’re right. They’ll never be different. Not as long as humans think one way

and Raptvyns think another. It doesn’t matter anyway.”

“It does to you.”
Jindra smiled slightly. “Let’s go home.”
“Before we go I have to ask you something.”
What was he going to ask now? Arno usually respected Jindra’s privacy, but every

now and then he’d get in the mood to ask probing questions.


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“You might have to ask but I don’t have to answer,” Jindra said with a teasing edge

to his voice.

“True. Very true but I’m asking anyway. Have you ever told a human about your


Jindra held Arno’s gaze. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
“No, but you’re bound to be closer to some humans than you are to members of the

flock. You’ve lived among them for several years now.”

“It would take dire circumstances for me to reveal such a secret.”
“So I see you haven’t fallen in love yet.”
“And you? Have you found the perfect pair to latch onto?”
“You don’t have to cut me with your sharp tongue. I’ll back off.” Arno turned away

but Jindra grasped his arm and tugged him into a firm embrace.

Arno rested his head against his shoulder for a moment then tugged away. “When I

find a pair, you’ll be the first to know.”

With a snort of laughter, Jindra swatted the blond’s behind before they shifted

shape and returned to the Convocation Clearing. When he arrived, Salman approached
him and said Rostya wanted to speak to him. They flew to the leader’s dwelling where
Rostya, Marka, Vlad and Gize sat enjoying a meal. Gize’s parents were also there and
glanced discreetly at Jindra. Her fathers, powerfully built silver-haired Raptvyns who
had served for years in the flock’s guard, were much like Rostya.

Her mother looked like Gize, but the resemblance ended there as her mother was an

uptight woman who seemed to look down on just about everyone. Jindra sensed a bit of
hostility from all three but he chose to ignore it. They should be grateful their daughter
was mating with a Raptvyn she loved rather than one thrust upon her by some archaic

Marka motioned for Jindra to sit beside her. Before he took three steps Rostya held

up his hand. Jindra paused, his gaze locked with his blood father’s.

“Vlad and Gize will be mated on the morrow,” Rostya said. “When the time comes

he will take over the flock with Salman to guide him. Since I’m not dead yet my word is
still law.”

“No one doubts that, Rostya,” Marka said quietly, glancing around the room and

appearing a bit embarrassed.

“Rostya, why don’t we just enjoy the rest of the gathering?” Salman suggested.
“We will but these gatherings are for Raptvyns, not some human hybrid.”
Jindra stiffened and felt everyone’s gaze upon him. Even Gize’s parents had the

good grace to appear uncomfortable.

“This isn’t the time, sir,” Vlad stated.
“You be silent,” Rostya growled. “You’re not the leader of this flock yet.”


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“What exactly are you trying to say, Rostya?” Jindra spoke with more calmness

than he felt.

“I’m not trying to say anything, boy. I’m telling you to return to your city. Tonight.”
“Rostya, no.” Marka grasped his arm. “He flew here injured to see you. At least let

him stay until tomorrow.”

“It would be wise for him to remain for a time,” Salman suggested. “He can be of


“For what? He’s made his decision and must live with it. Never let it be said I

forced a son of mine to remain with the flock when his loyalties lie elsewhere.”

“This is ridiculous,” Marka snapped. She rose and came to stand beside Jindra.

“This is not the time or the place for a family dispute.”

“It’s not a family dispute. It’s flock business,” Rostya continued.
Jindra kissed his mother’s cheek then turned to Vlad and Gize. “Congratulations. I

regret that I won’t be present for your mating ritual and wish you a happy life with
many children.” He approached Salman and clasped his hand. After bowing his head to
Rostya, he jumped out of the treetop dwelling and flew off.

Moments later, Salman was flying beside him. They landed in the woods and faced

each other in human form.

“You’ll have to forgive Rostya. Since the illness he hasn’t been right in the head,”

Salman explained.

Jindra snorted with humorless laughter. “You and I both know it’s not just the

illness. It’s my choices he doesn’t like.”

“You’re welcome to stay—”
“No, I’m not. He is still the flock leader and disobeying a direct order from him

would be a slight that even I don’t have the heart to give. I promised to be Vlad’s
second during the two-day challenge and I realize Rostya could die at any time. If you
prefer that I stay close, I’ll take up temporary residence outside the flock’s territory.”

Salman shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. I won’t have you living in exile

for no reason other than Rostya’s stubbornness. Go back home. If we need you I’ll send
a messenger and you can fly from the city in a matter of hours. If you want to rest for a
while before flying out—”

“No. My nest isn’t too far. I’ll be there for a day or two in case you need me then I’ll

go back to the city.”

“I’m sorry this didn’t work out better.” Salman embraced Jindra tightly.
Jindra held him for several long moments. “Say goodbye to Marka for me.”
“I will. Fly safely.”
Smiling slightly, Jindra nodded then extended his arms and summoned the raptor.

Seconds later he was soaring over Brightwater on his way back to the Adirondacks.


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When he returned to New York City his first order of business would be to look up

Parker. The way his luck was going the man would either be in a relationship already or
not interested in starting one with a shapeshifter. If Jindra was right about their mutual
attraction, Parker would be perfect to get his mind off the flock and the guilt of
knowing this was probably the last time he’d see Rostya alive.

Though he knew in his heart Vlad would be a better leader, part of him wondered if

he shouldn’t have taken the position anyway. Was freedom or pride worth this rift with
his family?

All the way to his nest he questioned his decision. By the time he landed, it had

begun to rain. He snuggled deep in the nest, protected by the well constructed walls
and his feathery coat. At a time like this it would be nice to have a mate to cuddle with.
He imagined being in his apartment, lying in a comfortable bed with Parker beside him.

Why was he obsessed with this man he’d only known for a few brief hours? It was

crazy. Childish. Yet the incredible rush of first lust was irresistible. Wherever Parker
was at the moment, was he thinking about their encounter? Jindra didn’t doubt he’d
crossed the doctor’s mind but was that interest due to the novelty of meeting a
shapeshifter or because he was attracted to Jindra?

Soon enough, he’d know.

* * * * *

Parker sat behind the large oak desk in his study. He pored over a book while

enjoying his morning toast and coffee. Though he liked this free time, he hoped to be
working again soon. When he’d returned from the mountains two days ago, he’d sat
home for nearly a full day thinking over the impossible experience he’d had. His
encounter with the bird man seemed so real yet as a man of science he could not believe
such a creature existed.

His recent depression combined with lack of sleep could account for hallucinations.

Then he’d taken that terrible fall. He’d imagined being rescued by a giant bird. Just
thinking about it made him chuckle. Back in his own home, in his relatively secure
world, memories of the bird man faded like a dream.

He’d called his friend Tom, a radiologist, who had listened to him go into depth

about his problems regarding Jamie’s death. It was after talking to Tom that Parker
decided to inquire about a position in research he’d been interested in before running
off on his stupid suicide trip. That had been yesterday. He’d heard back that very
morning and had an interview at the end of the week.

Yes, his friend Tom was encouraging and a good listener but there were some

things Parker had never been able to open up to him about. Tom considered Parker
overly sensitive, especially for someone in their profession. Though he trusted Tom not
to gossip, Parker hadn’t garnered the courage to discuss the hallucinations involving


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It was best to keep those in the back of his mind. He didn’t want to forget them

exactly. After all, the bird man had changed his mind about committing suicide. Of
course Jindra merely represented a part of his subconscious that knew he shouldn’t take
the coward’s way out. Why his mind had chosen to conjure Jindra was a mystery.
Perhaps it was because he’d been too long without a lover.

He sighed, closed the book and glanced around at the cozy room brightened by

sunlight pouring in through a picture window. Jindra had been gorgeous in a bizarre
way. Parker almost wished the man was real. In all his life he’d never met anyone with
that kind of raw sex appeal. Too bad he wasn’t an actual person instead of a figment of
his imagination.

The doorbell rang just as Parker was about to take another sip of coffee. He placed

the cup on a round burgundy coaster and strolled to the foyer. With another sigh, he
glanced through the peephole and felt his heart drop to his shoes. He broke out in a
cold sweat.

Jindra stood outside, yet he was not the naked, primal creature with unkempt hair

Parker recalled. He wore a dark blue shirt open at the throat. Snug jeans encased his
long, lean legs. His dark, curly hair was bound at his nape.

“Oh god,” Parker panted and checked his pulse. It was racing like mad. He closed

his eyes, drew a deep breath and released it slowly. This was impossible.

Jindra knocked and Parker realized he had little choice but to open the door. He did

so quickly, summoning the strength that had served him for a decade in the ER.

“Hello.” Jindra smiled.
“Hi,” Parker said.
“You look surprised to see me.”
“More than you know,” Parker blurted out.
“I said I’d find you. How are you? Better than when we last met, I hope.”
Parker nodded, his gaze fixed on Jindra’s. Actually he felt so entranced by the

man’s beautiful onyx eyes that he couldn’t look away. Only when they fell silent for a
long, uncomfortable moment did Parker step aside and ask, “Would you like to come

“Only if I’m not intruding. I just wanted to see if you were all right after—”
“No. You’re not intruding at all,” Parker said quickly. In spite of how he’d

convinced himself Jindra wasn’t real, now that he was here he didn’t want to let him go.
He needed to find out the truth. Perhaps he had come across Jindra in the mountains but
there was no way the man was a shapeshifter. That part had been a hallucination and
now Parker meant to prove it.

Jindra stepped inside and Parker closed the door. He stared at his guest from

behind. His hair was so thick and wiry that he’d bound the ponytail in three sections to
keep a semblance of neatness. The soft material of his shirt draped his broad shoulders
and accentuated the muscles of his back. Damn, his tight ass seemed made for denim.


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“Would you like a cup of coffee?” Parker asked.
“Please. I’m on my way to the office and could use it before dealing with our

newest employee.”

Parker chuckled. “One of those, huh?”
“He’s a good worker but his social skills need some help.”
Jindra followed his host to the kitchen where Parker poured the coffee and asked,

“How do you take it?”

“Light with one sugar.”
Grinning, Parker fixed the coffee and said, “In my line of work I learned to like it


“I imagine an ER doctor works crazy hours.”
“You wouldn’t believe it but I’m not doing that anymore. I’m getting into research.

It’s more sane.”

“Ah, so you decided to pursue that, after all.”
Parker’s heartbeat had begun to slow to normal but now it quickened again. “So we

really did talk about that in the mountains?”

Nodding, Jindra accepted the cup Parker held out to him. His fingertips brushed

Parker’s hand in a gesture that didn’t seem accidental. The sensation sent a ripple of
desire down Parker’s spine. Again their gazes met and Parker felt his cock stir. This
man did unmentionable things to his libido. By the way Jindra was looking at him the
interest seemed mutual.

“We learned quite a bit about each other in a relatively short time,” Jindra said.
Staring into his glimmering eyes, Parker once again got a heady feeling, like he was


“Come into the study,” Parker said and led the way. He sat behind the desk and

gestured for Jindra to take the cushioned seat across from it. They sipped their coffee
and listened to the morning birds chirping outside the window.

“We learned a lot but not the basics,” Parker said. “Like what’s your last name?

What do you do for a living?”

“My last name is Salman and I’m a pet detective.”
Parker bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.
“Go ahead, you can have a little chuckle over it. Most people do at first,” Jindra


“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve never actually met a pet detective before. There’s really

such a thing?”

“Yes, of course there’s such a thing. People love their pets and want to find them

when they’re lost, right?”

“I suppose. I hadn’t thought much about it.”


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“Exactly. That’s why we’re necessary. Besides, one might say I have the

predisposition for such a career especially when it comes to finding lost birds.”

Parker’s smile faded and he felt a little sick. “What do you mean?”
Jindra stared at him with a wary expression. “You do remember our time in the

mountains, right? Or did you hit your head harder than I thought? Did you check out
okay at the hospital?”

“I thought so,” Parker murmured. “So you really do have a connection to birds. I

wasn’t just…I wasn’t just imagining it?”


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Chapter Four

“Yes,” Jindra said. “I have a very definite connection to birds. Tell me what you

remember so I know we’re both on the same wavelength.”

“If we’re not you’ll think I’m crazy,” Parker muttered.
A smile flirted with Jindra’s slender lips. “It’s okay. In my line of work I’ve dealt

with just about every kind of individual.”

Parker knew this was the moment. He could find out now whether or not he was

sane or completely certifiable. “You can—no, it’s too crazy.”

“If you’re telling me it’s crazy then I’m guessing we’re on the same wavelength.”
“You can change into a bird, right?”
Jindra’s smile faded and he raised an eyebrow.
“Oh god, I knew it,” Parker muttered, rubbing his temples.
“I’m sorry.” Jindra leaned forward and touched his arm. “Sometimes I have a really

bad sense of humor. Yes, I’m a shapeshifter. A Raptvyn to be exact.” Parker stared at
him and Jindra raised his eyes to the heavens. “Am I going to have to go through the
whole process again right here in your house?”

Still angry over Jindra’s attempt at a joke at his expense, Parker said in a cool voice,

“If you don’t mind.”

“I suppose I deserved that,” Jindra said. He stood, walked to the window and

pulled the shade then began unbuttoning his shirt.

Parker’s body heated as he watched him shrug off the garment and toss it over the

back of the chair he’d been sitting on. Muscles rippled in his lean yet powerful torso.
The urge to run his hands over Jindra’s hair-dusted pecs then follow the narrow trail of
hair down the center of his chiseled abs almost overcame Parker. His hands tightened
on the arms of his chair and his cock swelled almost painfully. Jindra squatted and
untied his work boots. He removed them and his socks then straightened again.

Parker watched in anticipation, his heart knocking against his ribs, as Jindra’s long,

graceful fingers unbuttoned his jeans and tugged down the zipper. He wasn’t wearing
any underpants and his semi-erect cock popped free. It was a beauty, just as Parker
remembered. Uncircumcised too. Parker preferred uncut men. There was something
sexy about a man who looked just as nature intended.

Once the jeans were resting on the chair with the shirt, Jindra stood in the center of

the room in all his naked splendor. He raised his arms so he could remove the bindings
on his hair. Parker finally stopped staring at his gorgeous body long enough to meet his
gaze. Jindra’s eyes glistened with combined amusement and lust. A seductive little


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smile curved his sexy lips. Once his hair was free, he shook it out and extended his arms
horizontally. Releasing a deep breath, he fluidly shifted into his bird form.

Parker still couldn’t quite believe that a raptor-like creature over six feet tall stood

in the middle of his study. He rose from his chair and approached slowly while Jindra
watched him with gleaming black eyes and chirped softly. Just like in the mountains,
Parker ran a hand over his feathers. This time the doctor took a risk and touched the
ferociously curved beak. Jindra could easily have snapped off his hand at the wrist, yet
he remained still beneath Parker’s exploration.

At first glance Jindra looked almost exactly like a bird, but Parker now noted subtle

differences. His torso, for instance, retained characteristics of bird and man. Black,
hand-like appendages extended from the ends of his wings. The feathered fingers
flexed and fluttered gracefully.

Finally Parker stepped away and Jindra changed back to his human form. The men

studied each other in silence for a moment, curiosity and lust burning between them.

“Thank you,” Parker said quietly.
“What for?”
“First for saving my life and also for being truthful about what you are. I know it’s a

risk for you to show me this and I want you to know your secret will always be safe
with me.”

“I know,” Jindra said.
Parker took a step closer, longing to run his hands over Jindra again. He had

touched the raptor, now he wanted to explore the man. What if Jindra wasn’t
interested? Perhaps he didn’t even like men. He seemed attracted but Parker could have
misread him.

“Maybe I should put my clothes back on,” Jindra said then lowered his chin toward

his chest and glanced up with such a sexy, flirtatious expression that Parker could have
come from the look alone. “Or perhaps you should take yours off?”

Parker cleared his throat and replied in a surprisingly steady voice, “Well, I have

seen you naked several times. It only seems fair to return the favor.”

Jindra stared, burning with lustful anticipation, as Parker removed his shoes and

socks then began unbuttoning his shirt. Since meeting the handsome doctor he’d
imagined seeing him naked. Now that long, lean body was slowly being revealed to
him. The unbuttoned shirt parted, exposing the sleek chest beneath. It was lightly
dusted with dark hair that tapered down the center of his flat abs.

Casually Parker shrugged of the shirt and unfastened his belt. Everything about the

doctor was a turn-on. His lovely blue eyes stared at Jindra with raw passion. Every
motion of his slender, long-fingered hands made Jindra wonder how they would feel on
his skin. Soon. Very soon.


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Parker slowly unzipped his trousers. They pooled at his feet and he kicked them

off. The sight of Parker’s long, sinewy legs sent Jindra’s heart beating out of control By
the thick bulge in the front of his dark blue briefs, Parker was just as aroused. He
quickly removed the briefs, exposing a cock that was slightly shorter and thicker than
Jindra’s. He was circumcised so the staff, lusciously patterned with veins, was almost
completely visible. Jindra imagined sucking and licking it, or pumping it with his hand.

These carnal thoughts made his own cock harden even more. He impulsively gave

it a couple of strokes and Parker stared in fascination. He licked his lips, his blue eyes
burning with lust, before he turned and walked to his desk, giving Jindra a perfect view
of his firm buttocks. It would feel so fucking good to grasp Parker by the hips and
pump into his gorgeous ass. Hopefully the doctor liked it on the rough side. It would be
amazingly perfect if Parker had tastes similar to Jindra’s.

“Catch,” Parker said and tossed Jindra a packaged condom. He took one for himself

and rolled it on.

Jindra opened the package and did the same. He’d long ago adopted the tradition

of practicing safe sex when among humans. Raptvyns weren’t susceptible to human
illness and even among their own kind sickness was extremely rare. Like many
shapeshifters living in the wild, they didn’t use protection.

Occasionally females ingested certain herbs to prevent reproduction but even that

wasn’t widely accepted. Jindra thought it rather clever of humans to create ways of not
only preventing the spread of disease and unplanned children, but to also take no issue
with using them.

A sultry smile on his lips, Parker took a container of lube and strode toward Jindra.

He wrapped an arm firmly around Jindra’s waist, pulled him close and covered his
mouth with a moist, firm kiss.

Jindra responded with enthusiasm. He embraced Parker firmly, loving the

sensation of their lean, hard chests pressed close together and the feeling of their stiff
cocks trapped between each other’s bodies. Their mouths opened and their tongues
thrust against one another, exploring with rough, wet strokes. They groaned and held
each other tighter. Parker’s free hand traveled up and down Jindra’s spine.

Jindra grasped Parker’s taut buttocks in his hand and squeezed. He kneaded the

hard globes and slid a finger between them so he could tease the tight sphincter. The
muscles contracted at Jindra’s touch and Parker groaned, a passionate sound that
aroused Jindra even more.

Parker took Jindra’s lower lip between his teeth and bit it, not gently yet not hard

enough to draw blood. The feeling made Jindra’s heart soar. When the kiss broke, both
were breathless.

“Do you like to be fucked?” Jindra panted. “Or sucked? Do you want my cock?”
“I like being fucked and sucked,” Parker said, grinning wickedly. “But first I want

to feel you.” He reached down and grasped Jindra’s shaft, his grip snug. “Tell me if this
is too hard.”


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“I like it hard.”
Their gazes locked and Parker said, “Good. So do I.”
He began stroking Jindra’s shaft with the perfect amount of pressure, quite unlike

Arno’s gentle touches. Parker continued handling Jindra’s shaft while at the same time
licking and sucking the side of his neck, sending waves of desire crashing over the

“Oh fuck.” Jindra panted, running his hands over Parker’s smooth, sleekly muscled

back. His eyes closed so he could enjoy every fantastic sensation. “Damn, you know
how to touch me, baby.”

“I love touching you,” Parker said between licks and kisses. “You’re fucking

gorgeous, you know that?”

His words thrilled Jindra. It was wonderful knowing this man he found so

irresistible thought him beautiful as well.

Unable to wait a second longer, Jindra reached down and began stroking Parker’s


“Harder.” Parker’s deep voice was hoarse with need. “Oh yes. That’s it. Fuck, that

feels good.”

The faster and harder Jindra stroked Parker’s cock, the quicker and rougher

Parker’s pumping became. It was as if they were born to pleasure each other. Never in
his life had Jindra been this in sync with a partner. He never dreamed it was possible to
be this hard and horny without exploding like a novice.

“Fuck me,” Parker begged, breaking away from Jindra and shoving the lube into

his hand. “Where do you want me? Against the wall? On the floor? Over the desk? Just
tell me and fuck me before I go crazy.”

This was too damn good.
Jindra grasped Parker roughly by the waist and shoved him onto the scatter rug by

the fireplace. Parker waited on all fours, his gorgeous ass thrust high. He strained to
look over his shoulder as Jindra lubed his cock then began lubing Parker’s ass. He
thrust his fingers into the tight hole and explored. Parker groaned and panted. By the
tension in his body he was obviously trying hard not to writhe and buck so Jindra
guessed once he was inside he’d have to keep a tight hold on the sexy human just to
maintain control.

“Will you shove it in, you sexy fucker!” Parker said, his voice almost a growl, his

eyes gleaming. His face and neck flushed with passion.

Jindra slapped one of his ass cheeks hard enough to leave a pink handprint and

Parker moaned, a sound of total pleasure rather than pain. Jindra slapped his other
cheek then knelt behind him and held him steady by the hips. Inch by inch he eased his
cock into Parker’s ass. The sound of Parker’s ragged breathing mingled with his own as
he began thrusting.


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In spite of the air-conditioning, the room felt hotter than hell. Sweat broke out on

Jindra’s brow and upper lip. Parker’s skin grew slick against his palms. Both were so
aroused that it wouldn’t be much longer before they exploded. He reached around and
fondled Parker’s cock. The doctor released a guttural cry that pushed Jindra over the
edge. Grasping Parker’s hips, he pounded into him with five more frenzied thrusts then
came longer and harder than he ever had in his life.

Jindra pulled out and flopped onto the floor, his hand and leg touching Parker. He

wasn’t exactly sure how much time passed before he opened his eyes. The doctor still
lay flat on his back, his eyes closed and a dreamy smile on his lips. Jindra took that as a
good sign.

As much as he’d like to spend more time with Parker, he didn’t want to overstay

his welcome. Hell, he wasn’t even sure Parker would want to see him again. The next
move had to be the doctor’s. Jindra pushed himself to his knees and shoved handfuls of
thick, curly hair from his face. At times the hair was a nuisance but it was one of his best

Parker opened his eyes and raised himself on his elbows, his gaze sweeping Jindra.
“What a way to start the morning,” Parker said.
Jindra grinned and stroked a lock of hair from Parker’s damp forehead. After

brushing Jindra’s mouth with a kiss, Parker stood and retrieved a plastic bag for them
to discard their condoms. He disposed of the bag then rejoined Jindra on the rug.

His gaze sweeping the room, Jindra said, “I have to tell you this is a beautiful


“Thanks but I have to tell you I didn’t pay for it. I inherited it from a rich uncle.”

Parker turned on his side and Jindra did the same so they faced each other. “When my
Uncle Simon died a few years back he left me everything, which was honestly quite a
lot. I mean, I made decent money but ER doctors aren’t exactly on the highest-paid
physicians list.”

“You and your uncle must have been very close.”
“We had a lot in common.” Parker sighed. “Sort of two black sheep from the same

family. He was a doctor as well. An orthopedic surgeon but he had a wide range of
personal interests. After he retired he dabbled a lot in his private lab.”

Jindra cocked an eyebrow. “In this house?”
His expression must have amused Parker because he laughed and said, “Don’t

worry. He wasn’t some kind of mad scientist and neither am I. Well, you might argue
that after I blurted out my little suicide plan.”

“Grief and depression don’t make you crazy, Parker. Just human.”
“Yeah. Right.”
“It’s true.”
Parker rested a hand on Jindra’s hip and trailed it over his thigh. “You have great

legs. Anyway, Uncle Simon encouraged me in my studies. Not only did we both have


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an interest in medicine but we were both gay and were about the only people in the
family with an IQ over seventy.”

Jindra snorted with laughter and Parker said quickly, “I know that must sound like

a terrible thing to say, especially after I was the one who lost my own nephew—”

“I thought we’d discussed this before? That was not your fault.”
“It’s just that what happened with Jamie wasn’t the first time I had problems with

the family. You know when my parents finally figured out I was gay they blamed Uncle
Simon? As if I wasn’t gay from day one. I can’t remember a time in my life when I
didn’t know what I was but Ma and Dad lived in ignorant bliss. Either that or they were
ignoring the situation. That’s what the family did with Uncle Simon, even though I
remember the wisecracks that surfaced on occasion.”

“Believe me, I understand about family trouble,” Jindra said. They might have lived

completely different lives but it seemed he and Parker had more in common than he’d
first imagined.

“Because of your brother?” Parker asked quietly.
“That’s just a small part of it but I’m away from it now so I just don’t want to talk

about it.”

Shaking his head slightly, Parker rolled onto his back. “I’m sorry to go on about my

life again.”

“No.” Jindra edged nearer and rested a hand on Parker’s chest. “I want to hear

about you. You have to understand I’m a little sensitive about my flock. Strange
because I’m not usually sensitive about much.”

“I think you are.” Parker’s blue gaze held his with such understanding that Jindra

felt momentarily dizzy. He couldn’t let himself fall for this guy. Not this hard and not
this fast. “You’re a compassionate man. That’s rare.”

He moved back slightly, resisting the urge to kiss Parker. What the hell was he

fighting it for? This might be the last time they ever saw each other so a little impulse
couldn’t hurt.

He bent and covered Parker’s mouth in what he’d meant to be a brief kiss. The

doctor had other ideas. He grasped Jindra’s face and tugged him closer so that Jindra
was forced to brace his hands against the floor. Parker’s tongue slipped between his
lips, thrusting and exploring with enthusiasm. Jindra couldn’t help responding. He
lowered himself onto his forearms so their long, lean bodies pressed intimately
together. Their cocks hardened again and Jindra reluctantly pulled away.

“Sorry,” Parker said, running the back of his hand over his lips. “Just because I

don’t need to get to work doesn’t mean you’re that lucky.”

Though Jindra didn’t really need to get to work since his business partner still

thought he was out of town, it was best not to seem overly eager. At least until he got to
know Parker better.


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“Can I use your shower?” Jindra asked. He’d rather not walk into the office

smelling like an all-male brothel, especially not with his business partner.

“Of course. It’s up the stairs. First door to the left.”
Jindra nodded, collected his clothes and headed out of the study. He paused in the

doorway to glance over his shoulder and was glad to see Parker staring after him.

When he finished showering, he jogged downstairs and found Parker in the


“Another cup of coffee?” Parker asked.
“No thanks but I’ve more than enjoyed your hospitality.”
“Then I hope you come again.”
Their gazes locked. Jindra hadn’t missed Parker’s double meaning and it sent his

pulse racing out of control. It seemed the gorgeous doctor was still interested. If Jindra
was in bird form he’d be doing somersaults in the sky.

“If you want to, that is,” Parker said after a moment’s silence. “Obviously there are

no strings here.”

“I’d love to. If you would.”
“Yes, I would. When? I mean, maybe we can meet for dinner if you’re not busy


“I’m not. Unless there’s some kind of emergency.”
“Like a runaway show dog or something?”
Jindra folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow. “It happens. Should I

meet you here around six?”

“How about if I stop by your office? I have to admit I’m curious to see what a pet

detective agency looks like.”

Jindra reached into his back pocket and withdrew a business card that he handed to

Parker. “The address is on this. Do you need directions?”

The doctor glanced at it. “No. I know the area. Let’s see what we have here. From

Paws to Wings. Pet detection. Pet grooming and boarding. Raptor sanctuary. Wow.
Sounds interesting.”

“If you like animals. I don’t see any pets around here.”
“I love animals but with the crazy hours I worked I didn’t think it would be fair to

have them.”

Jindra was impressed. Few people considered how badly a neglected animal felt.

“Good reason not to have them. See you tonight?”

“Looking forward to it.”
For the first time Parker appeared a bit hesitant. Fully clothed with everything back

to normal again, the usual doubts and questions rose between them. Jindra had learned
the difficult way to guard his emotions. It seemed Parker had the same painful


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experiences. Perhaps together they could find that comfort zone most everyone sought
with a partner.

The doctor extended his hand and Jindra grasped it then stepped closer and

brushed his lips with a kiss. Parker opened the door and Jindra walked to his car, glad
to see that his new heartthrob watched from the doorway.

* * * * *

When Jindra arrived at his business located in a suburb of New York City, the buzz

from making love with Parker hadn’t yet worn off. His belly fluttered with that
wonderful newly in love feeling and even the thought of dealing with the business’s
newest employee couldn’t dampen his mood.

Years ago, when Jindra had first decided to make a life for himself among humans,

finding a niche hadn’t been easy. Some Raptvyns, as part of their education, were sent
to live for a short time among humans, learning the language and gaining knowledge
that might be useful to the flock. This had been a custom passed on for generations. The
flock even had a supply of human funds that enabled them to live quite comfortably
during their time among people.

While Raptvyns had no desire to permanently mix with humans, they knew the

value of their scientific and technological advancements and also realized that being
able to mingle with them was the best form of protection. A violent race and
dangerously curious, humans wouldn’t hesitate to imprison Raptvyns and subject them
to painful studies in an attempt to explain their ability to shift shape.

Even Jindra who had come to know and like many humans didn’t fully trust any of

them. That was why his connection to Parker disturbed him. For some inexplicable
reason he felt they belonged together. Either that or Jindra was making the worst
mistake of his life.

He shook his head. Best not to think about it now. His thoughts drifted back to

those first days after leaving the flock. Yes, he’d been through the training and knew
how to communicate with humans but without the financial backing of the flock he had
no money, no job and worst of all, no history and identification. Luckily he came across
Jesse. Or rather she had come across him.

As a werewolf, Jesse Rizzo had an incomparable sense of smell and easily sniffed

out errant shapeshifters who were hiding or lost among humans. For centuries
members of her city-dwelling pack had helped other species “fit in” with the human
race. Their extended family included dozens of types of shapeshifters, many of whom
worked as volunteers in their secret organization dedicated to aiding shapeshifters who
no longer wished to live in the wild.

Jesse and her kin had given Jindra a job at their animal clinic as well as a roof over

his head until he’d earned enough to support himself. They had sharpened his social
skills so that he blended in seamlessly with humans. He and Jesse had become close


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friends and with their shared love of animals decided to go in as partners in their own
business. That had been five years ago.

Their two-person grooming shop had expanded to boarding, pet detection and

most recently Jindra’s “pet” project—a sanctuary to rehabilitate injured raptors. They
had ten employees, all shapeshifters of various species, including their most recent hire,
a Dusk Thief called Max Newly. Able to transform into a creature with raccoon-like
characteristics, Newly was one of the most uncongenial species Jindra had the
displeasure of meeting.

Generally Dusk Thieves were even more exclusive than Raptvyns. Their own kind

often couldn’t stand one another so it struck Jindra as odd that Newly wished to make a
life in the city. Still, he and Jesse had promised to give him a break and hired him to
work in the detective end of their business. Neither would risk allowing him to work as
a groomer or caregiver, at least not until he displayed some progress when it came to

Jindra opened the door of the farmhouse they’d refinished and converted into an

office. The renovated, climate-controlled barn in the back served as the kennel for
boarded animals. As soon as he stepped into the office, he heard Newly’s low voice
talking to a client on the phone. No matter what his mood the man spoke with a sneer
that Jindra found quite grating, but not today.

Nothing and no one would annoy him today.
“Good morning,” Jindra said to Jesse who stepped out of the kitchen with a cup of

coffee in her hand. As usual her long brown hair was tied into a tail that hung down her
back and she wore a red baseball cap that matched her T-shirt. Baggy jeans and well-
worn sneakers completed her ultra-casual look. Pity she didn’t take more interest in her
appearance because she was actually quite lovely with her big gray eyes, straight nose
and full lips.

“Hey, you’re back early. Why didn’t you call?” she asked and sat at her desk in a

corner of the room.

Jindra walked to his desk, switched on his computer and kicked back in his chair.

Still warmed by thoughts of Parker, he smiled broadly and said, “Thought I’d surprise
you. What a gorgeous day. The sun is out. The breeze is warm. Don’t you just love it?”

Jesse raised an eyebrow. “What the hell happened to you? Hot date last night or


Chuckling, Jindra stood, walked to her desk and sat on the edge of it. “That, my

dear, is none of your business.”

Her jaw dropped slightly and her eyes glistened with good humor. “You did! So tell

me all about him. Lord knows I haven’t had one of my own in too long. And no, Jindra!
Do not give me a lecture on designer clothes, makeup and the art of flirtation. It just
ain’t me.”

He squinted at her in mock anger then drew a deep breath and released it slowly.

“We’ll talk later.”


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“Ohh, this sounds serious.”
Jindra shrugged, though deep inside he certainly hoped whatever was developing

between him and Parker did get serious. “So what’s been going on in my absence?”

“Same old. There are a few new cases I need to run through with you, but before we

get to that, how were things at home? How’s Rostya?”

So much for nothing ruining his day. Jindra sighed, his smile fading. “Things at

home are pretty much the same. Rostya isn’t doing well and I don’t think he has much
longer so I might not be back here very long.”

“That’s okay. You know we can handle things here. Family comes first.” Jesse

looked at him with such compassion that he felt a tugging at his heart. Nothing
compared with having a friend who accepted you completely.

“Well, you’re my family too,” he said quickly then cleared his throat and walked

back to his desk. “Enough of this mushy shit. You know I can’t take it.”

“Yes, I know. You’re an island. A rock. You fly alone.”
“Oh please.” Jindra raised his eyes to the heavens.
“You’re back, sir.” Max’s serpentine voice stated from across the room. “You

weren’t scheduled.”

Jindra’s and Jesse’s gazes locked and she raised a warning eyebrow. Since they’d

hired Max Newly, she’d been trying to keep Jindra from killing him. Many times she
reminded him that Newly hadn’t lived among humans long and still needed help with
his social skills. They had promised to assist him. Out of respect for Jesse and her pack
Jindra intended to keep his word, even if he did have delightful visions of beating the
fucking little Dusk Thief to death with his wings.

“As co-owner of the business I get to make my own schedule, Newly,” Jindra

replied, offering a big, insincere smile. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

“We can use the help, sir,” Newly said.
“Max, why don’t you give Jindra the rundown on what’s been going on these past

few days?” Jesse said. “I’m going to get the dogs ready for today’s searches.”

The agency had several dogs trained to help them locate lost animals. Jesse, with

her wolf roots, was especially good at working with canines.

For the next hour Jindra and Newly went over several new cases in between

answering phone calls until their part-time secretary arrived. Afterward the men went
their separate ways to comb the state on searches and make calls to clients’ homes.
Before he left, Jindra visited the barn and also the raptor sanctuary that had been
specially built on the property. At the moment they had an eagle who was soon to be
released and two young barn owls.

Satisfied that everything was running as smoothly as before he’d left, he collected

several lost pet posters and humane traps from the office, loaded them into his car and
went to begin his day.


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* * * * *

It was quarter to six in the evening when Jindra drove up the road to the office. Just

thinking about seeing Parker again made his heart beat faster. He had been so looking
forward to tonight. When he caught sight of Parker’s car in the driveway, a rush of
excitement shot through him and he smiled.

He parked and stepped inside to find Parker and Jesse kneeling on the floor talking

to Jesse’s bloodhound, Mona. The genuine smile on Parker’s face and the way his blue
eyes gleamed made him look even more handsome. By his expression and the way he
enthusiastically patted Mona, he hadn’t been lying when he said he loved animals.

“Hey,” Jesse said to Jindra and stood, brushing muddy paw prints from her jeans.

“I was just introducing your friend here to one of our canine partners. We were about to
go on the grand tour but maybe you want to take over?”

“So what do you think? Believe pet detectives exist now?” Jindra met Parker’s gaze.

The lust between them was electric and Jindra had to will his stubborn cock into
submission. It was pretty bad when a guy could get him hard with a single look but he
was starting to realize Parker wasn’t just any guy.

Chuckling, Parker gave Mona’s head one last pat then straightened and stepped so

close to Jindra that he caught a whiff of his tantalizing herbal cologne. “I never said I
didn’t believe you and this is really something.” Parker glanced around the place. “I’m
looking forward to seeing more.”

“Why don’t we start with the raptors?” Jindra said and turned to Jesse. “If you’ll

excuse us.”

She winked. “Knock yourselves out. It was nice meeting you, Parker.” Jesse

extended her hand which he took.

“You too.”
“Jindra, we’ll talk later.”
“Do you need me to help close up? We were going to dinner but—”
“Max is closing tonight. Enjoy your dinner and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Well, that’s not too restrictive,” Jindra teased.
After Parker’s tour Jindra asked the doctor to follow him home so he could shower

and change into clean clothes before dinner. He’d spent the afternoon chasing a
runaway Border Collie. Great exercise but not the most fun he’d ever had.

Besides, if Parker was as horny as Jindra at the moment, a detour to the house

might also mean a detour to bed. At least it was worth a try.


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Chapter Five

Unlike just about everything else in Jindra’s life, his apartment was a place of pure

creature comfort. He liked to indulge a bit in the softness that could only be found in
the human world. His raptor side was rugged and his job could get messy, but in his
New York City apartment, beauty and convenience reigned supreme.

It consisted of a single spacious room with a kitchenette and a bathroom with an

oversized shower that could easily accommodate two. He couldn’t help thinking about
the games he and Parker could play, pressed against the slick tile while hot water
poured over their even hotter bodies.

They parked in the private lot behind the apartment building and took the elevator

to the top floor. Jindra unlocked the door and they stepped inside.

Sunlight poured in through several windows and the glass double doors leading to

the balcony. A king-size bed covered in good-quality sheets of moss-green cotton stood
against one wall. The headboard and matching night tables were of a simple oak design,
as was the dining table near the kitchenette across the room.

In the center of the room, a tan couch with large brocade pillows and two matching

chairs formed a semicircle around a square, clear glass coffee table. An eagle statue
rested atop the table and several framed prints of handsome nude men adorned the

“Nice place,” Parker said, glancing around. He walked to the eagle statue and ran

his fingertips over the curved beak. “Modeled after a relative?”

Jindra grinned. “No. Different species entirely.”
He untied his boots, tugged them off along with his socks and stood with them

dangling from his hand. The plush carpet felt nice beneath his feet and he wiggled his
toes in it. “Make yourself at home. I’m going to take a shower. Be out in a couple of

Parker nodded and strolled to the balcony doors. “I should have guessed you’d be

on the top floor. Must make it simpler when you…” He glanced at Jindra over his
shoulder. “You know, shift shape.”

“I don’t generally do that in the city. Too dangerous. If anyone noticed an oversized

raptor flying around New York City, who knows what could happen? And it’s not just
me I need to think about but my flock.”

“That’s true. As a man of science I can’t deny I’m intrigued by you.”
A flirtatious smile on his lips, Jindra said, “I hope that’s not the only reason.”
“Hardly,” Parker admitted, his gaze sweeping Jindra from head to foot.


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That look alone stirred Jindra’s cock. Before he made a grab for Parker, he headed

to the bathroom. When they fucked, he at least wanted to be clean and not smell too
much like the lost dog he’d been chasing.

After closing the bathroom door behind him, Jindra undressed, tossed his dirty

clothes in the hamper and showered quickly. Rubbing his freshly washed hair with a
towel, he strode naked into the other room.

Parker stood by a corner shelf looking through a stack of CDs. He paused and

stared at Jindra then shook his head, a half-smile on his lips. “Weird. You’d think after
all my years as a doctor the human body wouldn’t hold this kind of fascination for me

Jindra winked. “Maybe ‘cause I’m not quite human?”
“You look human enough to me,” Parker said in a husky voice and placed the CDs

aside. He approached Jindra and rested a hand on his waist. It moved slowly to his
lower back and caressed for a moment.

Jindra’s breathing deepened and he blinked slowly, thoroughly aroused by Parker’s

caresses. The doctor moved even closer, slipped both arms around Jindra and ran his
palms over his buttocks. He stroked and kneaded the muscles. Instinctively Jindra
tightened his bottom and thrust against Parker. Only the material of Parker’s trousers
separated their hard cocks, but not for long.

Jindra reached down, unfastened the button of Parker’s trousers and unzipped his

fly. His thick cock popped into Jindra’s waiting hand. With a firm grasp on Parker’s
shaft, he began stroking and teasing in the way he knew the doctor loved. Slowly he
guided Parker toward the night table.

“Fuck,” Parker murmured against Jindra’s lips. “I can’t get enough of you. This is

unbelievable. I hope you’re not in a hurry to eat.”

“On the contrary I’m ready to eat right now,” Jindra breathed and sank to his knees

in front of Parker. He eased down his trousers, giving full access to Parker’s lean,
muscled legs. Jindra massaged the hard, hair-dusted thighs, relishing his lover’s scent
and the texture of his flesh. He moved away slightly, just enough to reach into the night
table drawer and find a flavored condom. After opening the package, he rolled the
condom on Parker then buried his lips at the base of his shaft. Jindra began licking his
way up and down the stiff length of it.

Parker moaned and grasped handfuls of Jindra’s hair. His grip was tight, just shy of

painful and exactly how Jindra liked it. He took Parker’s cock head between his lips and
alternated between sucking vigorously and teasing the underside with the tip of his

“Jindra, damn,” Parker gasped, his hips thrusting.
“Mmm,” Jindra replied. His hands explored every inch of Parker he could reach.

The tension in the doctor’s body aroused him so much that his own cock felt ready to
explode. He stroked Parker’s legs, hips and buttocks. When he reached between his taut


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ass cheeks and used the tip of his finger to tease the tight sphincter while at the same
time sucking hard on his cock head, Parker exploded.

Grunting and groaning, he bucked so hard that Jindra had to clutch his hips to keep

him steady. When it was over, Parker sank to his knees, his chest heaving and eyes
closed. The look of pure bliss on his face made Jindra smile as he removed the condom
for Parker and disposed of it. He knelt in front of Parker again and gazed at him. Damn,
he was so incredibly handsome.

Unable to resist, Jindra grasped his own rock-hard cock and stroked. Shit, he was

turned on but for some reason he wanted to torture himself and wait until later before
satisfying his lust. He released his engorged staff and drew a deep, calming breath.

Parker opened his eyes and glanced at Jindra’s erection. He reached for it, clutched

it firmly and flicked his wrist hard and fast. The pleasure was so intense that for a
second Jindra though he would come. Somehow he managed to restrain himself.

Parker reached for the night table drawer. “Got another condom in there?”
His breathing heavy and heart pounding, he grasped Parker’s hand. “That’s


Surprise flickered across Parker’s blue eyes. “Don’t you want to—”
“Oh yes, but later. Sometimes waiting makes it even better.”
“You’ve got more willpower than I do.”
“Maybe now but if you keep looking at me like that it will be out the window, as

they say.”

Jindra took Parker’s face in his hands and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. Then

he stood and extended his hand to Parker who took it and allowed himself to be tugged
to his feet.

While Parker hitched up his trousers and walked to the bathroom to clean up,

Jindra washed his hands in the kitchen sink. He dressed quickly and strode out to the
balcony. It was a hot night yet there was a pleasant breeze that caressed his face and
lifted tendrils of his damp hair. He breathed deeply and gazed out at the city. Tall
buildings, traffic on the street below, people hurrying down the sidewalks. It was so
different from the mountains yet he loved it just as much.

“Ready to eat?” Parker asked.
Jindra turned to find him standing in the doorway. He nodded in reply and stepped

inside. They decided to ride together in Parker’s car.

A short time later, they arrived at a restaurant Jindra had suggested. Owned by one

of Jesse’s relatives, it was an established hangout for shapeshifters but also popular
with its many unsuspecting human patrons.

They sat at a table by a window facing a patio with several tables for those who

enjoyed dining outdoors. Dim lights and soft music made for a romantic atmosphere
that Jindra found almost irresistible.


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Once the waitress had taken their order and left them alone to talk, Parker said,

“I’m curious about how you got into your career.”

“When I came to the city, Jesse was one of the first people I met. I went to work for

her parents at their pet clinic. They’re both vets and Jesse was an animal control officer.
For a long time she wanted to get into her own business and I did too. We started with
grooming and pet detection and expanded from there.”

“Does Jesse know you’re a…” Parker glanced around and spoke in a low voice. “I

don’t want to say it out loud.”

Jindra smiled slightly. “Thanks for the discretion. Obviously I like to keep it a


Parker nodded and didn’t pursue the subject. For several moments they talked

about trivial things. They shared similar taste in music and television. Their discussion
about their mutual love of the wilderness turned into plans for a weekend trip to the

“Hopefully no bears will send me rolling down the mountainside this time,” Parker

said. “I’ve been going to the mountains since I was a kid and nothing like that has ever
happened to me before.”

“That’s the thing about life, isn’t it? You never really know what’s coming next.”
Parker chuckled. “Can’t argue with that, especially since meeting you.”
The waitress arrived with their food and for several moments they ate in silence.

Jindra noticed how carefully Parker seemed to observe him and began to wonder if it
was curiosity or attraction that drew the doctor to him. Knowing he was a bit paranoid,
he tried not to think about it and just enjoy the moment.

After dinner they went for a drive then returned to Jindra’s apartment.
Jindra turned on the air conditioner to combat the oppressive July heat.

Unbuttoning his shirt, he glanced at Parker and asked, “Want a drink?”

Parker shook his head and approached. He placed his hands over Jindra’s and

tugged them away from the shirt so that he could unbutton it instead. He tugged the
bottom of it from Jindra’s jeans and continued working the buttons until the shirt was
completely open. He ran a hand over Jindra’s ribs and across his pecs.

“I owe you something from earlier,” Parker said, lust gleaming in his eyes. He

kissed Jindra and bit his lower lip. Not hard enough to draw blood but rough
nonetheless. The sensation flung Jindra’s arousal into overdrive. Parker thrust his
tongue into Jindra’s mouth and Jindra trapped it between his teeth. When he released it,
they explored one another’s mouths with fervor. His arm snaked around Parker’s waist
and he tugged him closer, trapping their hard cocks between their bodies.

When the kiss broke, Jindra spoke breathlessly against Parker’s full, gleaming lips,

“So pay up.”

“With interest,” Parker teased and tried to step back, but Jindra chuckled wickedly

and refused to let him go.


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Challenge sparked Parker’s eyes, mingling with raw lust. He grunted and shoved

Jindra in the chest hard enough to break his hold.

Excitement coursed through Jindra. Parker knew just how to turn him on. It was as

if they were made for each other. His cock swelled, uncomfortable behind the confines
of his jeans. While Parker undressed, Jindra shrugged off his shirt and removed the rest
of his clothes. Once they were naked, Jindra asked, “What kind of condom do you

Parker glanced in the night table drawer Jindra held open. He selected a regular

latex one and also a flavored one which he held out to Jindra. “You better put this one
on if you don’t mind.”

Jindra’s pulse leapt. Flavored. Excellent. That meant Parker really did intend to pay

him back for the fine oral job from earlier that evening.

With their protection in place, they reached for each other, their mouths clashing in

a kiss so passionate that Jindra thought for a moment he might come then and there,
like a fledgling during his first fuck. He forced himself to take measured breaths and
opened his eyes, thinking it might help him control the sensations. Wrong. Now he had
a clear view of Parker whose eyes were closed, his handsome face tense with desire.

Parker reached down and began pumping Jindra’s stiff cock. His handling was

rough but not painful, just what Jindra wanted. Parker’s tongue stroked the inside of
Jindra’s cheek then thrust deeply into his mouth. His hand tightened on his cock and he
stroked faster, intermittently running his thumb over the bulbous head.

Using the very tip of his thumb, he tickled and teased the underside until Jindra’s

breath came in ragged pants. His buttocks tight and hips thrusting with pleasure, Jindra
wondered if he could hold out much longer, yet Parker had only just begun.

“Sit down,” Parker ordered, pushing Jindra to the edge of the bed. As commanded,

Jindra sat, his gaze fixed on Parker’s. Damn, the man was so incredibly sexy. In all his
life Jindra had never imagined feeling this way about anyone. He’d had boyfriends but
none like Parker. The emotions he stirred along with sexual desire grabbed hold of
Jindra’s heart as well as his cock. That was a dangerous combination but at the moment
Jindra didn’t care.

Parker knelt between Jindra’s legs, clasped the root of his cock in one hand and his

balls in the other. While kneading the sac, he lapped Jindra’s staff from base to crown.
He licked so thoroughly that no bit was left untouched. Then he focused completely on
the plump head. He drew it deeply into his mouth then out again so he could suck it,
using his lips and tongue to tease the very top and the sensitive underside.

Jindra closed his eyes, his lips parted and breathing ragged. He clutched the

mattress and tried not to thrust his hips so hard that he choked Parker. The doctor
didn’t seem the least bit concerned and continued sucking and lapping until Jindra
couldn’t stand it for another second.

“Parker, I’m going to— Ah, fuck!” Jindra’s hips thrust hard. His head thrown back

in ecstasy, he came.


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When Jindra opened his eyes, he found Parker still seated on the floor, gazing at

him with a sexy smile.

“You want to stay tonight?” Jindra asked.
“Let me think.” Parker closed his eyes for two seconds then opened them and

replied with a smile, “I thought. Yes, I’d like to stay tonight. To be honest I dreaded the
thought of going home.”

Jindra kissed Parker’s forehead and lips before tugging him into his arms.

* * * * *

Jindra woke to the annoying sound of a ringing telephone. He groaned and reached

for the receiver on his night table.

Beside him, Parker lifted his head and murmured, “Phone.”
“Go back to sleep,” Jindra whispered, running a hand through Parker’s hair before

speaking into the receiver. “Hello?”

“Jindra, it’s Jesse.”
“What time is it?”
“Five. We’ve got an emergency. This is a big one. A prize-winning Standard Poodle

ran away last night. We’re on the case and if we get the dog within twenty-four hours
there’s a bonus the size of frickin’ Chicago.”

“Okay. Okay.” Jindra yawned. He swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Meet

you at the office in half an hour.”

“I’ll have you know you fucked up a fantastic morning.”
“I do my best,” Jesse replied and Jindra didn’t have to see her to know she was


Jindra hung up and stood.
“What’s wrong?” Parker asked.
“I need to get to work. Runaway poodle. Nice bonus.”
“Oh.” Parker yawned and started to get up. “I’ll be out of here in a minute.”
“Don’t go. Sleep in,” Jindra said. “Help yourself to breakfast and when you leave

the door will lock behind you.”

“You don’t mind if I stay?”
Jindra shook his head. “I wouldn’t mind if you were here when I got back, except I

have no idea when that might be. This could take a while.” His gaze swept Parker’s
bare torso. The way the sheet draped provocatively just below his navel made Jindra
want to climb back into bed. Unfortunately he had work to do.

“Don’t forget to call me when you get back,” Parker said.


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Unable to keep from grinning with contentment, Jindra ran a hand lightly over

Parker’s hair. It was nice to finally have someone in his life. The doctor settled onto his
back, his eyes half closed and a smile on his lips.

After showering quickly, Jindra dressed in a T-shirt, worn jeans and boots. Most

likely it would be a long, hot, dirty day. With any luck they’d have the runaway back by

He swallowed a glass of apple juice and grabbed a banana. Before leaving, he

dropped a light kiss on the top of Parker’s head.

The doctor’s eyes opened halfway. He reached out and stroked Jindra’s cheek.

“Good luck finding the dog.”

“Thanks. I’ll call you later.”
“You better.”
A happy feeling spread through Jindra like butter on warm bread. He stood and left

fast before he forgot his duty and climbed back into bed.

* * * * *

When Jindra arrived at the office, Jesse was there along with Newly and Cindy, a

girl who worked the night shift to keep an eye on their animal boarders.

“Hey.” Jindra nodded to the small group. “What do we have for details?”
“I’ll explain on the way,” Jesse said, grasping his wrist and tugging him toward the

front door. “Let’s get a move on. Newly is going to handle everything here today. I
called Marley and Nick and told them to meet us at the client’s home address,” Jesse
said, referring to a couple of their employees.

“You’re calling all cars here, honey.” Jindra glanced at her with a semi-smirk. They

got into Jesse’s pickup truck and he asked, “Exactly how much is this bonus?”

“Here’s the fax.” She handed him a paper that showed a photo of the dog and other

pertinent information, including the bonus amount.

“Holy smokes!” Jindra wrinkled his nose. “Can’t you drive any faster?”
Jesse chuckled. “We don’t want to end up getting pulled over for a speeding ticket.

How would that look?”

“He disappeared in the suburbs, pretty close to the country. This might be worth

using my aerial expertise.”

Jesse made a face. “You know it’s risky to shift shape even in an area with little


“I know but that bonus money could really help the raptor sanctuary. I’ll keep to

the ground though.”

“At least until the twentieth hour.”
“Ah! You’d put me at risk, after all. Our friendship does have a price.”
Jesse glanced at him and flashed a smile. “No way, Jindra. You’re priceless.”


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“Of course I am. Now keep your eyes on the road.”
“By the way, how did it go with Parker last night? Is he the reason why you said I

ruined a fantastic morning?”

Jindra curled his lip in mock disgust. “You are a nosy little thing, aren’t you? What

makes you think anything went on between us?”

“Oh please.” Jesse smirked. “Give me credit for knowing you better than that. You

like to be the mystery man but when it comes to men, I know what you like and what
you don’t.”

“Parker is a nice guy.”
“Okay, Jindra. I get it. You don’t want to talk about him. Just tell me one thing.

How come you get a handsome doctor and I can’t even get a date?”

He laughed and gently pinched her cheek, a gesture that never failed to annoy her.

“You can get dates, Jess. You just don’t want any. One of these days you’re going to
find another alpha wolf whom you won’t be able to resist. Then it will be all over. Your
attitude. Our business. Everything.”

Jesse raised her eyes to the heavens. “You’re exaggerating. Nothing and no one will

ever change my attitude or make me quit this business.”

“Well, he’ll change something.”
“Diapers, maybe, if I ever do decide to settle down and have pups.”
“So mating has crossed your mind?”
“Let’s just concentrate on finding this poodle.”
Jindra chuckled softly. One sure way to keep Jesse from grilling him about his love

life was to turn the tables and go into depth about hers. Not that he wanted to keep
Parker a secret. He just needed to see exactly where they were going first.

* * * * *

Parker woke several hours later and rolled closer to Jindra’s pillow. It still faintly

carried the scent of his lover. He pressed his face against its softness and inhaled
deeply, wishing Jindra was still beside him.

With a sigh he rose from the bed and, scratching his chest, walked to the bathroom.
Jindra had left an extra toothbrush by the sink. He unwrapped it and glanced

around. The usual bathroom items cluttered the sink. Razors, bottles of aftershave and
cologne, scissors, mouthwash, toothpaste and floss.

A white hamper stood below a window. The yellow curtains matched the fuzzy

scatter rugs by the toilet and shower.

As he brushed his teeth, Parker realized that, completely alone in Jindra’s

apartment, he could easily learn more about his new lover by taking a thorough look
around. No. That would be snooping. Still, if Jindra was concerned about his privacy,


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he wouldn’t have told Parker he was free to stay. On the other hand, that gesture of
friendship insinuated a level of trust.

Parker struggled with this minor dilemma while showering. Once he’d dried off

and dressed he couldn’t resist taking a look around before leaving.

He opened the cabinets beneath the bathroom sink but didn’t find anything

exciting. Only extra rolls of toilet paper, several bottles of cleaning fluid, a toilet brush
and plunger.

Back in the main room, he stripped the sheets off the bed and tossed them in the

hamper. Then he searched the bathroom closet for more bedclothes. After making the
bed, he sat on the edge of it and, knowing he probably shouldn’t, opened the drawer of
the night table on Jindra’s side of the bed. There was a package of regular condoms and
a package of flavored condoms they’d used last night. Lube. A bag of peppermints.

Beneath several magazines, Parker found a photo album containing pictures of

Jindra, Jesse and several other people and animals he didn’t recognize. All the pictures
seemed to have been taken at From Paws to Wings except for two photos in the back
that were taken in Jindra’s apartment. One was of Jindra and another tall, attractive,
dark-haired man who resembled him and the other was of Jindra with a beautiful,
slender, blond youth.

A twinge of jealousy shot through Parker. The thought of Jindra with other

boyfriends irked him. Shit. He hadn’t known Jindra long enough to feel this strongly
about him. Of course if he hadn’t been snooping he wouldn’t have seen photos of Jindra
and other men. Perhaps they weren’t even his lovers. The tall, dark one looked more
like a relative. Maybe his brother or a cousin.

Disgusted with himself, Parker placed the photo album back beneath the magazines

and went to the kitchen where he drank some orange juice and ate a couple of slices of
buttered toast. By the contents of the refrigerator, Jindra wasn’t on any special Raptvyn
diet, or so Parker thought before he opened the pantry to look for coffee. Among the
normal canned goods were several packages of bird treats—long sticks made from
honey and birdseed. Maybe they were for the birds at the sanctuary?

“Or maybe not,” Parker murmured after opening a sugar bowl filled with birdseed.

He sighed and replaced the cover of the bowl. “Just get used to it, Parker. You knew
what he was from the first. He’s a nice guy, not to mention sexy as hell. So he munches
a little birdseed every now and then. Big deal.”

And he shifted shape. Quite a big deal, actually. That ability alone would have

captured the interest of any man of science even if he wasn’t attracted to Jindra. Parker
was both. He wanted him as a boyfriend but he was more curious than ever about his
supernatural powers. He didn’t think Jindra would agree to any tests, at least not now.
Once they built up stronger trust, perhaps he’d allow Parker to give him a medical
examination. Until then—

Parker paused, his heart thrumming. Until then he could conduct a test or two in

his home lab.


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No. He couldn’t. Without Jindra’s permission it wouldn’t be ethical. Not only that,

how could he hope to build up the trust he’d been thinking about if he did such tests
behind his lover’s back?

Yet the chance to learn about such a marvelous species couldn’t be wasted. He

could talk to Jindra about it next time they saw each other. That would be the right
thing to do.

He tidied the kitchen then decided to go home. Just before he stepped out the door,

curiosity overcame him and he hurried to the bathroom where he took several strands
of Jindra’s hair from a brush. After all, it was only a bit of hair, yet it was an excellent
start. So much could be learned from hair. Most likely Jindra would eventually agree to
a few tests, so Parker was just getting an early start.

At least that was what he told himself to avoid the nagging sense of guilt.

* * * * *

Eighteen hours later, Jindra returned home tired and filthy yet with a feeling of

accomplishment. He and his associates had tracked the runaway poodle through
several towns, over roads and through wooded areas until they finally caught him.
Matted with layers of mud and completely tuckered out, the poodle certainly didn’t
appear like any prize-winning dog, but Jindra had never understood the whole
purebred competition thing to begin with.

Most important they had found the dog and he was safe from the many dangerous

situations that could befall a runaway. Almost as important, they had collected the
fantastic bonus from the rich and grateful owner.

After peeling off his dirty clothes, Jindra showered, paying careful attention to his

thick hair that seem to have caught every twig, branch and burr in the state of New
York. Still towel-drying his hair, he walked to the kitchenette and looked for a snack.
He chose a handful of seed and a glass of juice then flopped onto the bed and switched
on the television. After several moments of flipping channels and finding nothing
decent to watch, he turned it off, rolled onto his stomach and closed his eyes.

Shapeshifters generally had more strength and stamina than mortals, which

explained how he and Jesse were able to thoroughly cover so much ground within a
relatively short span of time. After the long day combined with his recent worries
regarding the flock, he was ready for some rest.

His thoughts drifted to Parker and he had the sudden urge to talk to him. He had

promised to call when the case was over. A glance at the clock on the night table told
him it was ten past twelve. Probably too late to call. It would be better to get some sleep
and call him in the morning.

A moment later the phone rang. Jindra closed his eyes and allowed the answering

machine to pick up. Unless it was an emergency, he had no desire to talk to anyone at
the moment. Except maybe Parker but he doubted the doctor would be calling.


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The machine played its message then beeped.
“Jindra, this is Parker. I’m not sure if you’re still working and I hope I’m not

disturbing your sleep or anything. I just wanted to touch base and—”

“Hello,” Jindra said into the receiver, his heart fluttering a bit. Nothing felt quite as

exciting as the first stages of love. “I got in about half an hour ago and wasn’t sure if it
was too late to call you.”

“No. I was up late working in the lab. Did you find the dog?”
“Yes. Gave us a hell of a chase though.” Jindra rolled onto his back and glanced

down at his cock. Just hearing Parker’s voice made him think dirty thoughts that
already had him semi-erect. He curled his fist around his cock and stroked it slowly yet
firmly. “We got a nice bonus.”

“Great. Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow night?”
“Love to. What time?”
“When do you get off work?”
“Should be around five tomorrow.”
“Come over around seven. Are you in bed now?”
Jindra smiled slightly, his gaze fixed on the hand pumping his cock. The foreskin

ran over the ultra-sensitive head, sending little ripples of desire through him. “Yeah.
How about you?”

“I’m lying on the couch in my study.”
“What are you doing?”
There was a momentary pause before Parker said in a rather husky voice, “You

probably don’t want to know what I’m doing right now.”

“Try me,” Jindra replied, his pulse quickening and his hand tightening on his cock.
“I’m whacking off.”
“Mmm,” Jindra purred. “What a coincidence.”
“You too?”
“Almost as soon as I heard your voice.”
“Then I don’t feel so kinky. I called hoping you’d pick up just so I could listen to

you. You have a sexy voice.”

Jindra swallowed and took a second to reply, unsure if he could keep the waver

from his voice as he neared his climax. Knowing Parker was jacking off at the same time
and for the same reason was a major fucking turn-on.

“So do you,” Jindra said.
“I love the sounds you make when we fuck,” Parker breathed.
Jindra moaned and stroked faster.
“Oh yeah. Just like that,” Parker said, his voice strained as passion grew. “Don’t

stop. Let me hear you.”


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“What…about…you.” Jindra found it impossible to keep his voice steady. His hand

squeezed and stroked faster. He closed his eyes and imagined Parker’s long, lean body
stretched out on his couch, pumping his thick, well-veined shaft. He pictured the lustful
expression in Parker’s gorgeous blue eyes and the tension on his handsome face.

“What about me?” Parker murmured.
“Make some noise.”
Without hesitation Parker complied. He groaned. The rhythm of his ragged

breathing echoed through the phone line. Jindra’s breathing kept time with it. They no
longer communicated in words. Instead they groaned and gasped, their voices ranging
from deep and wild to higher-pitched cries of ultimate pleasure.

After several moments of wonderful yet torturous teasing, Jindra’s control snapped

and he came long and hard. His hips lifted off the bed and cum shot from his cock as he
continued stroking and squeezing until he collapsed completely. He lay on his back,
panting while his pulse returned to normal. Somewhere beyond the satisfied numbness
encompassing his mind, he heard Parker’s ragged breathing.

“Did you?” Jindra asked.
“Did I ever,” Parker replied. “I wish you’d been here.”
“So do I. See you tomorrow night.”
“I can hardly wait.”
Thoroughly pleased by his lover’s answer, Jindra smiled. “Good night, Parker.”
“Good night.”


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Chapter Six

Nearly a week later, Parker stood in his kitchen preparing dinner and waiting for

Jindra to arrive. He couldn’t believe how drastically his life had changed in such a short
time. So much had happened, especially over the past week, that his insomnia was back
in full force.

His eyes were so irritated from lack of sleep that he hadn’t even bothered with his

contact lenses and used the metal-framed glasses he’d scarcely picked up over the past
couple of years. Falling in love was enough to keep anybody awake nights, wrapped in
the throes of pleasure-pain thinking of your heartthrob. Of course Parker’s life wouldn’t
be so simple. He had to fall in love with a shapeshifter whose hair and semen he’d been
studying without permission from his unsuspecting donor.

In spite of how human Jindra appeared, his DNA was completely alien. Without

access to a better-equipped lab and other professionals with specialized training,
Parker’s studies were limited. He would never risk Jindra’s privacy and possibly his life
by exposing him to others but he had to admit to being more curious than ever about
the Raptvyn. If Jindra agreed to a physical examination and provided additional
samples, the research could be expanded.

Besides, this secrecy created more guilt than Parker could handle. He and Jindra

saw each other just about every day and though it had only been a week, Parker had
never felt this close to anyone emotionally. There was no way he could go on hiding his
research or his curiosity. Tonight he would tell Jindra the truth.

Other than his relationship, career problems also kept him on edge. His job

interview had gone very well and he’d been offered the position. While he felt
completely burned out as an ER doctor, he had some doubts about moving to research.
He still had a couple of days to decide whether or not he wanted the new position.

Sighing, Parker stood by the kitchen sink, listening to water drip through a strainer

filled with hot pasta. He gazed out the window toward the tall buildings in the distance
and told himself he needed to stop creating problems.

The doorbell rang and he turned from the sink and strode quickly to the foyer,

eager as always to see Jindra in spite of the nagging fear that his boyfriend would be
furious when he found out Parker had been secretly studying him. Fuck it. He should
have come clean from the first and just asked Jindra to participate in a few tests.

He glanced through the peephole, saw Jindra and opened the door.
“Hi.” Jindra smiled, stepping inside.
“Hello.” Parker closed the door and turned into Jindra’s firm embrace.
They kissed then stepped slightly apart.


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“New glasses?” Jindra asked.
“Old ones. My eyes are a little sore. I haven’t been sleeping well.”
Jindra’s brow furrowed and he caressed Parker’s face. “Anything I can do to help?”
“Funny you should ask,” Parker said and headed for the kitchen.
Following close behind him, Jindra purred, “I’ll do whatever it takes to relax you.”

He wrapped his arms around Parker’s waist and tugged him against his chest. His
tongue traced the shape of Parker’s ear, sending a ripple of desire through him. Jindra’s
affectionate gestures only made him feel more guilty.

He pulled away and, without so much as glancing at his lover, removed the strainer

from the sink and dumped the pasta into a bowl.

“What’s wrong?” Jindra asked, leaning against a counter. Parker felt the

shapeshifter’s intense gaze upon him. At that moment there was no way he could look
into those beautiful, black, all-knowing eyes. Finally Jindra said, “If this is the old
brush-off at least have the courtesy of telling me outright. If I want the cold treatment I
can just fly back to Raptvyn country.”

Parker turned to him and shook his head. “That’s not it at all. Actually after tonight

you’ll probably be the one brushing me off.”

“Enough with the subtle hints, Parker. Out with it. Tell me what the problem is.”
His stomach churning, Parker took the sauce that had been heating on the stove and

poured it over the pasta. “Let’s eat first. Aren’t you hungry? There’s grated cheese in
the refrigerator. Will you bring it to the table?”

For several seconds Jindra stared at him hard then twitched his lips, raised his eyes

to the heavens and got the cheese. He placed it on the table and sat across from Parker
who had begun serving the pasta.

“Want a meatball?”
“Will you quit with the spaghetti and tell me what’s bothering you?”
Parker sat back and sighed. Why was he making such a big production out of this?

Because he was afraid of losing Jindra. He was already accustomed to him. He loved his
touch, his scent and the sound of his voice. In Jindra’s arms he felt contentment such as
he’d never known.

He’d never been one to believe in soul mates. Either you found someone you were

compatible with or you didn’t. There was no mystical connection. No sensation of a
hand being wrapped around your heart. That was immature, romantic trash. Parker
had always considered himself above such nonsense. A man of science who lived by
intellect rather than emotion. That was the immature trash. To place oneself above
something as simple yet wonderful as romantic love.

He’d found a man who personified all those fantastic things, who made him feel

desirable, picked up on his moods and provided satisfaction that went beyond physical
pleasure. And his damn intellect had most likely screwed it up.

“Jindra, I’m a man of science.”


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“Now there’s a newsflash, Doc.”
“I mean, when I see something I don’t understand I want to learn more about it.

Someone like you—a miracle of science—is irresistible to me.”

Jindra’s face remained frozen yet many emotions flashed across his eyes. He placed

his fork aside and said, “And here I was thinking you found me irresistible for other
reasons. Silly me.”

“I do,” Parker said quickly. “I’ve never been attracted to anyone this much in my


“Don’t bother telling me what I want to hear. The truth is out. So what do you want

from me, Parker? Blood? Hair? Tissue samples? How about locking me in a cage for
round-the-clock observation. Humans love doing studies like that, don’t they?”

Now Parker was pissed off. He sat back in his chair, his gaze meeting Jindra’s. “If

that was my intention, wouldn’t I have exposed you already?”

“I don’t know. Would you? The harsh truth is we don’t know each other very well.”
“Well enough,” Parker said, his heart throbbing with anger and hurt. Maybe he was

overreacting but Jindra meant a hell of a lot to him and it seemed his feelings just
weren’t reciprocated.

“I suppose I should be flattered that you bothered confiding in me about your

intellectual interest,” Jindra said. “You could have most likely stolen what you need to
study and pass on your findings to your egg-headed friends.”

“Yes, I could have,” Parker snapped. “What makes you think I haven’t?”
“If that’s the case then I’d better blow town.”
“Why not? You seem to enjoy blowing everything else.”
Jindra stood and without another word left the kitchen. A moment later the front

door slammed.

Parker swallowed hard and dropped his head into his hands. Could this night

possibly get any worse? Jindra was right, of course. They scarcely knew each other.
That false sense of love and security had made him act like a stupid kid with his first

What the hell was his problem? He was thirty-five years old. Educated,

professional. For the past few months he’d been indulging his weaknesses like a drunk
in a brewery. From thoughts of suicide to nights of marathon sex with a bird man, he
was out of his bloody mind and it was time he started acting like a sane human being

He stood and began clearing the table when he heard the front door open. His heart

pounding, he hurried to the foyer and nearly crashed into Jindra.

“I’m sorry,” Jindra said quietly.
“No, I am,” Parker stated with heartfelt sincerity. All his calm, logical plans from a

moment ago flew out the window and he melted into Jindra’s firm embrace.


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For several moments they held each other tightly. Parker closed his eyes and buried

his face against Jindra’s neck, inhaling the fresh, herbal scent of his shampoo and the
delicious, musky aroma that was all his own.

“I totally overreacted,” Jindra finally said and took a step back. His hands lingered

on Parker’s shoulders and Parker’s rested on his lean waist.

“No, you didn’t.”
“I shouldn’t have—”
“Don’t,” Parker interrupted. “Before we go a step further I have to tell you

something and I want you to listen. You’ll probably be really pissed off but if we’re
going to be—if we’re going to have a relationship of any kind—I have to tell you the
truth. I did steal a couple of samples from you and have been studying them in my lab
here at home.” A hint of anger and hurt flashed across Jindra’s face but Parker
continued without hesitation. “I swear I’ve told no one about it. I was just curious,
Jindra. You can’t blame me for being curious.”

“No,” Jindra admitted. “I can’t. Someone else would have run to the FBI by now.”
“I was going to tell you and ask if I could examine you.”
“Before we go any further I want to ask you something.”
“Are you interested in me for me or because I’m a shapeshifter? I want the truth.”
Parker held his gaze. He was certainly interested in Jindra’s species but when he’d

walked out the door, Parker had felt emptiness that could only be associated with love.
Nevertheless he knew that from now on he and Jindra needed to be honest with each
other or else their relationship would be over before it began.

“Both. I’m attracted to you as a man but I can’t lie and say I’m not curious about

your species.”

A quirky smile touched Jindra’s lips and he said, “I suppose I can’t ask for more

honesty than that.”

“I won’t do anything more in the way of studies if you tell me not to,” Parker said.

“But I do want to point out that if your kind and my kind are able to share knowledge
there could be mutual benefits.”

“That’s not our decision to make,” Jindra said. “You can take what you want and

learn what you can from me but there’s no way I can speak for my flock. We’ve seen
firsthand what humans are capable of and decided long ago our people are not

“I can understand why you’re leery but—”
“Could you guarantee the safety of Raptvyns should your scientists learn of our

existence? Look what you’ve done to other species on this planet. Many creatures have
been driven to extinction by humans. Parker, you’re not even safe from each other.”


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Annoyed by Jindra’s comments in spite of how true they might be, Parker folded

his arms across his chest and paced the room. “If we’re so bad then why did you leave
your precious Raptvyns to live among us?”

“It’s complicated.”
“I’m a physician, Jindra. I can handle complexity in all its forms.”
“I can only give you myself, Parker, and haven’t the right to speak for my people.”
Parker sighed and approached Jindra. He drew him into a tight embrace. “You’re

right. Maybe someday you’ll trust me enough to let me hear your reasons for leaving
home. I can’t blame you for not trusting me at the moment. To hell with the studies. At
least for now.”

“You’d mentioned an examination. What will it include?”
“Just a regular physical. If I could get some blood and other samples that would be


“And who would see the results of this study? Only you, right?”
“I think it would be best. Not that I couldn’t get better results by consulting

specialists but it would risk exposing you and I have to agree that could be dangerous.”

“All right. You can do it, but if I ever find you’ve been dishonest with me again,

Parker, you will regret it.”

The expression in Jindra’s obsidian eyes combined with the soft yet deadly tone of

his voice sent a shiver down Parker’s spine. Until tonight he’d only seen Jindra’s gentle
side. Now he sensed danger and knew he didn’t want to be the Raptvyn’s enemy.

“Do you want to have dinner?” Parker asked.
“I’d rather get this examination thing over first.”
“Now?” Parker cocked an eyebrow. “Okay. Let me put the food away and we can

eat later.”

* * * * *

Jindra sat, unclothed, in Parker’s lab while the doctor examined him from head to

toe. It was strange having Parker touch him in such a detached manner, like when
they’d first met and he’d tended the bullet wound.

“You’re extraordinarily fit,” Parker said, scratching several short notes in a file. “Of

course I didn’t need to examine you to know that.” He glanced up with a seductive
smile that contradicted everything Jindra had been thinking about him being detached.

“Raptvyns are generally healthy.”
“Do you contract human diseases?”
“Not to my knowledge. I’ve never been ill.”
Parker raised an eyebrow. “Never?”
“Injured, yes. Ill, no.”


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“What’s your average lifespan? I imagine it’s longer than ours due to your

regenerative abilities.”

“The oldest known Raptvyn lived to be one hundred twenty. We usually live until

our late nineties. After seventy our regenerative powers slow. Most deaths occur from
old age. Heart and lung problems. Unless of course we die on the hunt or in battle.”

“Flocks sometimes fight over territory, though my flock hasn’t had that kind of

trouble for years. Also whenever a leader dies and a new one takes over, there are often
fights to overthrow him. It’s called the two-day challenge. If the new leader survives all
challenges during his first two days in charge of the flock, he becomes the leader for

Parker raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t it be easy enough to gang up on him?”
“That’s not allowed. On rare occasions a bad leader may be killed or banished by

flock vote. Any new leader is allowed to have a second who will back him up during
the two-day challenge. If he’s badly injured, his second may defend in his place.”

“What kind of sucker would do that?” Parker scoffed.
Inside Jindra’s anger bristled but he told himself Parker had no way of knowing

he’d volunteered to be his brother’s second.

“There are many good reasons. For instance, if the second believes the new leader

will be good for the flock it makes sense to back him up otherwise a less favorable
candidate might take over.”

“I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Why would you? You know nothing about us,” Jindra said, though not unkindly.
“I want to learn.” Parker stepped closer and placed a hand to the back of Jindra’s

neck. His beautiful blue eyes stared with honest curiosity that was most endearing,
however, Jindra steeled himself against it. As much as he adored Parker, he needed to
step back and take a clear look at what was going on between them, especially now that
he knew the depth of Parker’s interest in Raptvyns.

“If things were different I would be happy to teach you,” Jindra said.
“I understand. We’ve gotten close fast but I know at this point you can’t really trust

me. If I were you I’d feel the same. I’ll prove myself to you, Jindra.”

Jindra smiled slightly. “May I dress or do you need to poke and prod more?”
“Funny you don’t usually complain when I poke and prod,” Parker teased.
“There are parts of you besides your finger I’d rather have up my ass.”
Parker’s eyes gleamed and he whispered against Jindra’s lips, “I’ll keep that in


“You do that,” Jindra replied and slipped from his arms just as Parker went to kiss

him. He reached for his clothes and began dressing.


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* * * * *

The following afternoon Jindra and Jesse were alone in the office packing up old

files for storage. When she casually asked about Parker, he decided to break one of his
personal rules and discuss a lover in depth. Not only did he trust Jesse implicitly, but
she had a wolf’s sixth sense when it came to judging people and she had some
connections that could prove helpful.

“What do you think of him, Jess?”
“He seems like a nice guy. Low-key. Classy. A good match for you. Oh and did I

mention he’s handsome as sin?”

Jindra grinned. “You’ve said that several times already.”
“The question is, how do you feel about him, Jindra. Is it sex or is it serious, bud?”
“It’s not just sex.”
Jesse sifted through a stack of papers but gazed at him with her big gray eyes. The

girl looked so innocent but Jindra knew she observed everything. “You never told me
how you two met and you probably never will, Mr. Rogue Raptvyn.”

“Actually I have a surprise for you,” Jindra said.
She lifted an eyebrow and listened intently as Jindra briefly explained how he and

Parker had saved each other’s lives in the mountains. He left out Parker’s issues
regarding his deceased nephew and his thoughts of suicide. Until Parker gave him a
good reason not to, he intended to respect his privacy.

“Shit, Jindra, you could have been killed.” Jesse stared at him with wide eyes.

“What kind of fucking moron shoots at a bird of prey?”

“We’ve lived around humans long enough to have seen all kinds of fucking morons

so it shouldn’t come as a surprise,” Jindra said.

“Other than the almost dying part it’s a rather romantic story. It’s like you guys

were fated to meet or something.”

Jindra narrowed his eyes and chewed on the end of a pencil. “Yeah, well, there’s


He told her about Parker’s interest in shapeshifters and the study he’d begun.

Afterward Jesse remained uncharacteristically silent.

“So what do you think?” Jindra prodded, trying not to sound as anxious as he felt.
“It’s risky, Jindra, but you already realize that. I know you have feelings for this

guy but how well do you really know him?”

“That’s what concerns me.”
“And it should. We’re only safe among humans because they don’t now about us,

or at least most of them don’t. Every now and then a shapeshifter confides in a close
friend or significant other but usually that’s after years of getting to know the person. I
mean, you and Parker just met.”


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“But under unusual circumstances. Unless I’d let him fall down the mountainside

there was no way I could hide what I was.”

“You could have dumped him by the hotel and not let him see you shift shape.”
Irritated, Jindra curled his lip and shuffled through several files. “I could have but I

didn’t want to.”

“Okay, so we’ve established the fact that you want a relationship with him. Now

we need to decide if he deserves you. And I mean that as a compliment.”

Jindra shot her a warning look.
She continued, “He came clean with you about taking a closer look at your hair and

semen, so let’s take that as a sign that he cares about you enough to want honesty
between you.”

“Either that or he was so damn curious he needed to lure me in for a complete


“I’m glad you said it because I sure as hell didn’t want to be the one to bring it up.”
“Jesse, this is serious,” he snapped.
“Believe me, I know. My gut feeling tells me he really likes you and to trust him.”
“But I can call Uncle Wells and ask him to snoop around.”
Jindra resisted the urge to grin with relief. Jesse’s Uncle Wells was an expert in

human behavior. He’d been an officer in the NYPD for years then left to become a
private detective. Among the wolf pack he was known as a phenomenal tracker and
hunter. He also had connections just about everywhere in the city.

If Parker was leaking information or even discreetly spreading it to the specialists

he’d mentioned, Uncle Wells would find out. The only problem was, he’d made Parker
swear to respect his privacy, so how could he sic a werewolf private eye on him?

“Thanks anyway, Jess, but I can’t put restrictions on him then have him tailed.

Honesty can’t be one-sided.”

Chewing her lower lip, Jesse looked thoughtful for a moment then said, “I agree. It

wouldn’t be right for you to put Uncle Wells on him.”

“On the other hand there’s no reason I can’t.”
Jindra’s gaze locked with Jesse’s and this time he couldn’t resist a smile.
“If he turns out to be trustworthy he might be more helpful to all of us than he

realizes,” Jesse said. “You know there are some shapeshifters in medicine so we can
always use another connection.”

“Especially considering how stubborn Raptvyns are.”
“In that way they’re just like wolves.” Jesse waved her hand. “They know how

much progress humans have made in science and technology but they’re so afraid of
really accepting that knowledge or delving into it themselves.”


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“It’s the being one with nature philosophy. I tried to explain to Rostya that some of

our connections in the medical profession might be able to help him with his illness, but
he won’t see anyone excerpt the flock healer. Fuck, even the healer spent some time
studying among humans.”

“He’s a lot like my dad. Stubborn. They’re tough old birds—” Jesse stopped, a

pained expression on her face. “Sorry about that one. No offense.”

“None taken. Now let’s get these files packed away before Newly gets back. He’s

the greenest employee we have but have you noticed he’s an authority on everything?”

“I know he can be a pain, but he’s a hard worker and he is a pretty good pet


Jindra shrugged though inside he grudgingly admitted the truth.
A short time later they had just finished carrying the last of the files into a storage

closet when Newly returned to the office.

“Well, I’m going to pick up lunch at the deli,” Jesse said.
“What do you mean?” Jindra demanded. “You got the lunch yesterday.”
“I’m going again today. You and Newly can hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

She grinned. “After all, you wouldn’t want to argue with a woman who just did you a
nice big favor, would you, Jindra?”

Had Jindra been in bird form, he’d have let loose a cry that would make her

sensitive wolf ears bleed, however, he satisfied himself with a sneer. After taking their
orders for lunch, Jesse left with a happy smile on her lips.

“Newly, man the phones, will you?” Jindra said. “I need to go over this month’s

expenses for the raptor sanctuary.”

“Yes, sir,” Newly stated.
“I’ve said a million times you don’t need to call me ‘sir’. This isn’t the military.”
“Yes, sir.”
Gritting his teeth, Jindra raised his eyes to the heavens and grabbed his laptop off

his desk. “Just send Mindy in when she gets here.”

Mindy was the tall, red-haired director of the raptor sanctuary. Like Jindra, she was

a shapeshifting bird called a Grwyfin.

He walked through the door to the smaller yet private office at the back of the

house. Moments later he and Mindy were deeply involved in adding up a column of
figures when he caught bits and pieces of a conversation between Newly and a client.

Annoyed by the Dusk Thief’s brusque manner, Jindra leaned to the side in his chair

so he could see to whom Newly was speaking. A young girl of around eight years old
stood by Newly’s desk. The Dusk Thief stared down at her with his usual sour

“I told you five dollars will not cover our fee,” Newly snapped.
“But my puppy’s lost. Mom said I could ask you for help.”


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“Unless Mom coughs up our hourly rate you won’t be getting any help here.”

Newly growled and stood so fast the kid jumped back two feet.

Her eyes welled. “But Sunny has never been away from home before.”
“That’s not my problem.”
Mindy made a disgusted sound that expressed exactly how Jindra felt.
“Newly!” Jindra shouted.
At least he didnt call me sir that time. “Help the little girl find her dog.”
“But our rates our very specific.”
Jindra stood and strode to Newly’s desk. He smiled at the girl. “We’ll be glad to

help you but we need to talk to your mom first. Is she with you?”

“Outside with my little brothers.”
Newly glanced out the window to confirm the girl’s story. “Affirmative. There is a

female approximately thirty years of age with two additional children and a screaming
infant. Their vehicle is a 1985 model that appears to be in poor condition. By their
behavior, the children seem to be in need of discipline.”

Jindra closed his eyes for a moment and thought to himself, I will not clobber Newly. I

will not clobber Newly. I will not clobber Newly.

“Go speak to the woman, Newly. If five bucks is all they can afford that’s good


Just do it! We have discounted rates in certain cases.”
“Sir, I’m not aware of any discount—”
Jindra stepped closer, using his height to advantage, and glowered down at Newly.

“Are you aware of the unemployment office?”

“Understood,” Newly replied in his most serpentine voice. He glanced at the girl

with a mechanical smile. “Take me to your mother.”

Once they’d gone, Jindra rubbed his temples and rejoined Mindy.
“What the fuck is his problem?” he muttered. “It’s like trying to reason with King

fucking Kong.”

Mindy gave a snort of laughter. “Actually I think he’s improved from when he first

started working here.”

“Maybe I’m too numbed by his stupidity to notice.”
One thing was certain, it was the kind of day that Jindra could hardly wait to get

home and cuddle up with Parker.

Just a few more hours to go…

* * * * *


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The afternoon was more hectic than Jindra anticipated. Not only did going over the

budget give him a headache but Jesse ended up getting an emergency call while she
was picking up lunch and couldn’t return to the office. Jindra was about to take over
her schedule for the day when Marley, who was supposed to work the evening shift to
feed and walk the boarded pets, called to say she couldn’t get to work until seven.

Jindra filled in for her instead and left Newly in charge of the pet detection

department. Not that he fancied shoveling out kitty litter boxes and walking a pack of
barking dogs, but he certainly didn’t trust an impatient Dusk Thief to provide those
pampered pups with the individual attention they’d promised their owners. Just after
the day shift left and Newly went to make a house call, the air-conditioning unit broke
down in the barn.

He was then forced to move the animal boarders to the farmhouse to keep them

safe from the ninety-degree heat until the repairman arrived. Once they were settled, he
squeezed in a moment around six-thirty to call Parker and tell him he couldn’t meet
him for dinner at seven.

“Why don’t you come over when you get out of work and you can crash here. I’ll

heat up leftovers,” Parker suggested.

“Sounds good. I’m so looking forward to seeing you tonight,” Jindra said, cradling

the phone between his ear and shoulder as he scooped canned dog food into bowls.

“So am I.”
“How are the studies going? Anything interesting you can tell me about myself?”
“Are you being sarcastic?”
“Who me?” Jindra said with exaggerated surprise.
“Let’s put it this way, if we could narrow down what makes you so resistant to

disease, it would be the medical breakthrough of the century.”

In truth shapeshifter scientists had been working on that issue for ages, not that he

could tell Parker about them at this time. Perhaps if more humans could be trusted,
greater progress would be made for both species.

“Jindra, I want you to know how much it means to me that you trust me enough to

let me into your life like this.”

“Oh please. Don’t get mushy. I can’t handle mushy. At least not while I’m at work.”
Parker chuckled. “All right. I’ll save the mushy for tonight.”
Not a bad idea at all, Jindra thought, feeling warm inside. “You do that.”
Several dogs began barking and howling for their dinner.
“Sounds like a werewolf movie over there,” Parker said.
“Oh, it’s actually been scarier,” Jindra replied in a voice heavy with sarcasm. “See

you in a bit.”



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He hung up the receiver and began passing out the food. Shortly after, Marley

arrived and so did the repairman. Still, Jindra didn’t feel comfortable leaving until all
the animals were settled back in the barn.


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Chapter Seven

By the time Jindra arrived at Parker’s, it was nearly ten o’clock. He rang the bell and

Parker greeted him with an enthusiastic hug and kiss.

“I must smell like an elephant’s ass,” Jindra said. “You wouldn’t believe the day I


A smile played around Parker’s lips. “Come on in and tell me about it. After you

take a shower.”

Jindra climbed the stairs to the master bath, Parker following behind him.
“The air conditioner busted. I needed to shuffle animals back and forth in ninety-

degree heat. A Rottie nearly bit me. One of the raptors shit on my head. A cat puked up
hairballs on the keyboard of my laptop and I didn’t have a chance to each lunch or
dinner. I’m starved.”

“Try working in an ER sometime.”
“You can keep it,” Jindra said. In the bedroom, he pulled off his T-shirt and

squatted to untie his sneakers. “I’m stressed enough in this job.” He kicked off his
sneakers then stood and removed his socks and jeans.

Parker stepped closer and ran his hands over Jindra’s chest then looped his arms

around his neck and kissed him. “Take a shower and I’ll heat up some vegetable

“Sounds good.” Jindra kissed him again before moving away and disappearing into

the bathroom.

In the shower, the warm water felt wonderful. It was so good to scrub away the

day’s filth.

After washing, he dried off quickly and strode into the next room. Parker had left

clean jeans and a fresh T-shirt on the bed. He was about to put them on when the doctor
stepped into the bedroom.

“Your dirty clothes are in the washer,” Parker said, his gaze sweeping Jindra’s nude


“Thanks.” Jindra picked up the T-shirt but Parker tugged it from his hand. “We still

have a few minutes before the food is ready. Want a massage in the meantime?”

“Mmm.” A massage was exactly what he needed.
Parker pointed to the bed and Jindra flopped onto his stomach, his arms at his

sides. Kneeling close to him, Parker swept aside tendrils of Jindra’s thick hair, damp
from the shower, and caressed the back of his neck. His strong yet gentle hands
kneaded his shoulders and back, loosening knotted muscles.


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“Wow. You’re really tense,” Parker said. “Try to relax.”
“Busy day.”
“Well, forget about it. Close your eyes.”
“Umm,” Jindra purred. Beneath Parker’s massage, the tension drained from his

body. “If I do I might fall asleep.”

“It’s okay. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready.”
“This is nice,” Jindra murmured. His eyes slipped shut and his breathing deepened.

Here with Parker it was easy to forget about the day’s annoying events.

“The massage?”
“Having someone to come home to.”
Parker didn’t reply in words. Instead he kissed the top of Jindra’s head. Warmth

spread through him and he realized this was exactly what he’d been looking for when
he’d left the family nest. Acceptance. Friendship. Could it be love?

Parker rubbed Jindra’s lower back and gently pressed his buttocks. Little ripples of

pleasure rolled through Jindra and his cock stirred. Parker’s lips trailed down his spine
while he stroked his ribs. Now thoroughly aroused, Jindra groaned and rolled onto his
back so he could wrap his fist around his stiff cock.

Sitting back on his heels, Parker stared at Jindra. The tip of his sexy pink tongue

moistened his lips and he adjusted his glasses. “Want to get rimmed?”

Jindra snorted with laughter. “You have to ask?”
Parker flashed a smile, left the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. A moment

later he returned with lube, a dental dam and a condom. He tossed the condom to
Jindra who wasted no time before opening the package and rolling it on.

“I love a man who’s prepared for any emergency,” Jindra teased, once again

turning onto his stomach.

“An emergency rimming, huh?” Parker chuckled. “Beats any emergency I’ve seen

over the years.”

“I bet.”
His head resting on his folded arms, Jindra watched him lube one side of the dam.

Could this night get any better? It was actually worth plugging through the entire
irritating day. He closed his eyes and waited, his heart pounding in anticipation. He felt
Parker place the latex, lubed side down, over his sphincter then the pleasure began.
Parker tongued him thoroughly.

The dam altered the sensations a bit yet the mental picture of Parker licking his

orifice, prodding and teasing with the same tongue that plunged into his mouth and
lapped his cock, drove him absolutely wild. By the time he pulled back, Jindra was
practically ready to come on command. He rolled over, his breathing ragged, and began
stroking his cock while watching his lover through half-closed eyes.


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Parker discarded the dam and, with a wickedly sexy look in his eyes, positioned

himself between Jindra’s legs. He took his cock head into his mouth and began sucking
hard, pausing only to tease the sensitive underside with the tip of his tongue.

“Fuck! Oh damn!” Jindra gasped. He thrust his hips and clutched handfuls of

Parker’s thick, dark hair, unable to keep the primal groans and moans from escaping his
lips. He came so hard his eyes rolled back with the pleasure and for several seconds he
didn’t know or care where he was.

When he opened his eyes again, Parker was stretched out beside him, smiling.
“Fuck, baby, I really owe you,” Jindra murmured.
“Pay later. This was for you. Dinner should be ready by now. Come down.” Parker

brushed his mouth with a kiss and walked to the bathroom.

Jindra remained there for several more seconds listening to the water run while

Parker washed up. Once his lover went to the kitchen, Jindra disposed of the condom,
washed and joined Parker at the dinner table. Soft music drifted from the CD player in
the living room and Parker had poured them each a glass of wine. The food smelled
delicious and Jindra’s hunger that had been thrust aside while he made love now
returned in full force. He reached for a chunk of French bread and took a bite.

As they ate, Jindra studied Parker carefully. He couldn’t help noting how adorable

he looked in his metal-rimmed glasses but also saw that he appeared distracted. The
faint shadows beneath his eyes indicated he still wasn’t sleeping well.

“Something’s bothering you,” Jindra said. “Want to talk about it?”
Sighing, Parker put down his fork and met Jindra’s gaze. “Remember that job I’d

told you about? It was offered to me and I have a short time to decide whether or not I
want to take it.”

“You’ve changed your mind about getting into research?”
“No. I’d like to but it will pretty much mean starting from the bottom again. I’m not

getting any younger.”

“Which is exactly why you should go ahead and do it if you want to. Why put it

off? Why stay in a job that no longer makes you happy simply because you’ve been
doing it for the past ten years? You’ll suffer. Your patients will suffer. In research you’ll
still be helping people but it might be the change you need.”

“That’s such a big step.”
“I know. Before I decided to leave my flock I felt the same as you.”
“Why did you leave? I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it but—”
“I’ll tell you. I was expected to take a leadership position and a mate I didn’t want.”
Parker’s brow furrowed. “You didn’t have a choice?”
“My father is very influential in the flock. I couldn’t go against his wishes and

remain there as well. The best option I had to live my life as I wanted was to leave.”


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A look of understanding and compassion shone in Parker’s eyes. He reached across

the table, took Jindra’s hand and squeezed it. “Sounds like my family. Maybe our
species aren’t so different, after all.”

He had no idea. Jindra would have loved to go into more detail regarding the

problems with his flock but his sense of duty prevented him from talking. Before he
completely opened up to his new partner he needed to know him better. No matter how
hot he was for Parker, no matter how quickly he’d lost his heart to him, he had a
responsibility to the Raptvyns and he was still the flock leader’s son.

“I suppose if you could leave your entire species to start a new life, I can change the

direction of my career,” Parker said. “Thanks.”

“For what?”
“For being my— Just for being here to listen. It’s been a long time since I’ve been

able to talk to someone like this.”

Jindra stroked Parker’s cheek and they held each other’s gaze for a long, probing

moment before they resumed eating.

After dinner Parker made coffee while Jindra cleared the table. He was about to

load the dishwasher when Parker’s arms slipped around him from behind and he spoke
softly in his ear, “Want to dance while we’re waiting for the coffee to brew?”

“Sounds good to me.” Jindra took Parker’s hand and they walked to the living

room where the music was a bit louder. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they moved to
the slow, sensual rhythm. Jindra closed his eyes and rested his cheek against Parker’s,
inhaling the scent of his aftershave and enjoying the warmth of his partner’s body
pressed close to his. He felt relaxed from the wine and completely content in Parker’s

At this moment he knew he’d made the right decision in moving to the city. Yet this

wonderful time with Parker wouldn’t last forever. Inevitably he would need to return
to the flock and fulfill his promise to his brother. After he did, his life would truly be his

* * * * *

The following day, Jindra didn’t have to be at work until noon. He slept later than

usual and when he walked down to the kitchen a little past ten, Parker had left a note
saying he was in the lab. Jindra had just taken his cup of coffee to the breakfast table
when Parker joined him.

“Hey,” Parker said, greeting him with a kiss.
“Please.” He sat at the table while Jindra poured another cup. “I accepted that job

this morning.”

Jindra smiled, placing the cup in front of him. He rested a hand affectionately on

Parker’s shoulder. “Good for you. I hope you love it.”


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“So do I. I hope I’m good at it.”
“I have no doubts about that.” One only had to be with Parker for a few moments

to know he was an overachiever. Jindra guessed that contributed to his stress and
depression. He could empathize since he’d had similar problems throughout his life, at
least until he’d decided to turn his ambition toward a career he loved and a life he could

He placed a hand to Parker’s cheek, tilted his face so their gazes met and bent to

brush his mouth with a kiss. Just before their lips touched, Jindra’s cell phone rang.

“Fuck,” he muttered, took the phone from his pocket and held it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Jindra, it’s Jesse. Your friend Arno is here at the office. He said he went your

apartment but you weren’t there. He has an urgent message from home.”

A sick feeling washed over Jindra. He knew the message Arno brought and hadn’t

expected to react like this.

“Okay. I’ll be right there.” He turned the phone off and walked to the window by

the kitchen sink. Gazing out at the view of the city without really seeing it, he tried to
still the pounding of his heart.

“What’s wrong?” Parker approached and placed a gentle hand on his back.
Unable to deal with compassion at the moment, he stepped away from Parker and

said, “An old friend has a message from home for me. He’s waiting at the office.”

“Bad news?”
Jindra nodded. “I believe so.”
By the expression in Parker’s eyes, he was curious for details but refrained from

asking. “Would you like me to drive you?”

His brow furrowed, Jindra shook his head. “No. I might have to go home for a

while. If I do I’ll call you before I leave.”

Parker studied him carefully then pulled him into a firm embrace. For a moment

Jindra held him tightly. If Arno brought the news Jindra expected, this might be the last
time he saw Parker. Most likely Rostya was dead and that meant Jindra would stand by
Vlad during the two-day challenge. One or both could lose their lives.

After an intense moment, Jindra pulled away. “I need to go.”
“All right. If you need me for anything—”
A slight smile flickered across Jindra’s lips and he caressed Parker’s cheek.


Without further hesitation, Jindra left the house.
A short time later he arrived at the office and found Arno seated by Jesse’s desk.

The two were engaged in conversation, but Arno stood when Jindra approached. The
blond Raptvyn wore a serious expression.

Jindra nodded in Jesse’s direction then turned back to his friend. “Come with me so

we can talk in private.”


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He guided Arno into the smaller office and closed the door. The blond took his

hand and held it tightly. “Rostya died this morning.”

Jindra nodded, not trusting himself to talk at the moment.
“The death rite is being held this evening and your family wants you to come home.

Vlad in particular wants to meet with you. I can only assume he’s going to take your
offer to act as his second. There has been talk among some of those high up in the guard
and I believe a few of them will challenge your brother. Your cousin Pepik has been
squawking the loudest, so prepare for an attack by him.”

“We’ll leave right away. I need to let Jesse know and make a phone call,” Jindra

spoke with cool detachment, something he’d learned while growing up as a son of the
flock leader.

Arno embraced him tightly and stroked his hair. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you but everything will be fine.” Jindra returned the embrace and stepped

away. When Arno tried to kiss him, Jindra held him gently at arm’s length.

A slight, sad smile touched Arno’s delicate lips. “So I was right the last time we

met. You do have someone.”

Jindra nodded slowly. “Yes. I have been seeing someone. Arno, I’ve always valued

your friendship—”

“Don’t give me that line.” Arno wrinkled his nose. “We broke it off long ago and

our quickie when you visited home was just for old times’ sake. I’m still your friend,
Jindra. Actually I’m glad you finally found someone. It’s what you came to the city for,
right? Now get it together so we can go home. Your mother really wants to see you.”

“How is she? And how’s Salman?”
“They’re holding up. It’s not easy but since Rostya was so ill for quite a while—”
“I know.” Jindra walked to the door and opened it. “Jesse, can I talk to you for a


“I’ll leave you alone,” Arno said and stepped out of the room as Jesse walked in.
He explained the situation and said, “Hopefully I won’t be away long. The two-day

challenge will begin tomorrow. After that Vlad still may need me for a while or I might
be too injured to travel for a few days.”

“That’s no problem. We’ll handle everything here.” Jesse approached and stared up

at him with her luminous gray eyes. “I know you hate the mushy stuff but I’m hugging
you anyway.”

He accepted her embrace and squeezed her tightly. “Thanks, Jess.”
A moment later she left him alone so he could call Parker. While he waited for the

doctor to pick up, he realized his mind was spinning. This would be the first time he
would be going home and Rostya wouldn’t be there. No arguments. No lectures. No
wisdom. No blood father. Just when his throat constricted Parker answered.



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Jindra cleared his throat and took a moment to collect himself.
“Hello?” Parker repeated.
“Parker, it’s Jindra. I have to go home for a while. It might be a few days or it might

be longer.”

“What’s wrong? You sound upset.”
“I’m fine. My father died and there are family issues that need to be taken care of.”
“I’m so sorry. Can I do anything for you?”
“Just see me when I get back.”
“Of course. Jindra, I—” He stopped abruptly and Jindra had the oddest feeling he

was going to express an endearment. Even stranger, at that moment he desperately
wanted to hear something affectionate from Parker. Unfortunately the doctor wasn’t
ready. Instead he said, “If you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”

“I won’t. See you when I get back.” Jindra hung up and sat for a moment staring

into space. He’d be facing a rough few days but there was no use putting it off. With a
sigh he stood and walked out of the office.

* * * * *

Jindra and Arno drove upstate and Jindra parked his car in a wooded area he’d

used before. Safe from human eyes, they shifted into bird form and flew to Raptvyn
country. Usually the sensation of the wind on his feathers and the power of flight
invigorated Jindra but not today. So many horrible feelings clashed inside him that the
only way he could handle them without going to pieces was to numb himself to

He’d trained as an elite member of the flock’s guard and now drew upon those

skills to survive the coming trials. By the time he landed in the family nest, Rostya’s
body had already been moved to the Convocation Clearing and was being prepared for
the death rite. Vlad and Gize were there with Salman and Marka. All three looked
solemn and Marka was crying. She approached Jindra and he held her tightly, his gaze
meeting Vlad’s.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Marka said.
“I’m sorry,” Jindra told her and kissed her cheek.
Salman also embraced him, clapping him firmly on the back. “He went quietly in

his sleep.” The gray-haired Raptvyn smiled sadly. “So unlike him. He was always loud
about everything.”

Unable to smile just yet, Jindra merely nodded then turned to his brother and sister-

in-law. Gize hugged him briefly and expressed her sympathy before stepping aside so
Vlad could speak.

“You made a promise before you left last time,” Vlad said and extended his hand.

“I must ask you to keep it.”


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Jindra clasped his hand. “I’m yours. Arno said there has been talk about challengers

and I’m not surprised Pepik’s name was at the top of the list.”

“He and several of the guards will most likely attempt to take my place. None of

them will be easy to take. You’re certain you’re prepared for this?”

“Yes. I am.”
Vlad nodded. “Then we’ll talk more after the death rite. Now we must prepare for


The two brothers flew to the Convocation Clearing where the shaman was

preparing Rostya’s body for the death rite. Usually the Convocation Clearing was filled
with noise and activity but today it was strangely quiet. Out of respect for the deceased
leader, members of the flock wouldn’t sing or mingle until the death rite.

Rostya had died in bird form and the lanky, chestnut-haired shaman knelt by his

body, painting it with scented oil. As Jindra approached, the shaman offered his
sympathy then left him alone. Vlad stepped away and spoke with the shaman to give
Jindra privacy.

Jindra glanced at Rostya and rested a hand on his feathers. There was no warmth or

life. This was no longer Rostya but an empty shell. His feelings regarding the old leader
were mixed. More often than not Rostya had deliberately made Jindra’s life among the
flock unbearable. His final act as leader and as his blood father had been to banish him.
Now that Jindra was here, his sadness didn’t necessarily lift but he seemed better able
to handle it. He was a Raptvyn and would help his brother for the good of the flock but
this wasn’t his home.

Jindra went to find Vlad, who had been joined by Salman, Marka and Gize. They

would remain in their human form until the end of the death rite. After eating a light
meal, they took ritual paint from the shaman and drew sacred marks on each other’s
faces. Vlad had just finished painting Jindra’s face when Marka approached with
Rostya’s amulet that had been a gift from his father when he’d taken over leadership of
the flock. She went to place it around Jindra’s neck but he gently grasped her arms and
stepped back.

“That should go to Vlad,” he said.
Marka shook her head, her gaze fixed on his. “Rostya made it clear you were to

have it. He left Vlad his spear. I know he didn’t always respect you as he should have
but in his way he did love you, Jindra. Please take this as a reminder of your roots.”

Bowing his head so she could place the amulet around his neck, Jindra said, “I need

no reminder. I always have been and always will be a Raptvyn but my life is—”

“Elsewhere.” Marka smiled slightly and kissed his cheek. “I’ve always understood


* * * * *


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At sunset the entire flock gathered on the bank of Brightwater. Rostya’s body was

placed on a funeral pyre. The shaman sang the death chant then Jindra and Vlad
stepped forward with lit torches and set the pyre aflame. Smoke rose and flames leapt
in the warm, clear evening. As the old leader burned, the flock changed to bird form
and their mourning cries filled the night. Once the death rite ended, the flock once again
stood by the lake where the shaman pronounced Vlad as the new leader.

Vlad held up his hands to silence the crowd. “At dawn the two-day challenge

begins. Any who oppose me will face me then or forever obey my commands.” He
gestured toward Jindra who stood beside him and continued, “Jindra is my second. To
challenge me is to challenge him. Lose to him and you lose to me. That is the Raptvyn

The flock responded with the traditional screech of agreement.
His arms outstretched, Vlad changed to his bird form and ascended, signaling the

end of Rostya’s reign and the beginning of his own.

The flock dispersed. Rather than fly directly back to the family nest, Jindra soared

alone for several moments. Though freedom felt good, he couldn’t indulge his whim for
long. He needed rest because starting tomorrow would probably be the longest two
days of his life.

He’d seen how Pepik glared at him and Vlad throughout the death rite. The bastard

wanted leadership and would kill to get it. Too bad for him that Jindra would kill to
defend it. He released a fierce cry, a signal to any coming challengers that if they
planned to steal leadership from Vlad, they’d better be prepared to suffer the

* * * * *

Though he knew he needed rest, Jindra found it nearly impossible to sleep that

night. His adrenaline pumped and his thoughts soared with images of what could
happen during the two-day challenge. Not only was the possibility of Pepik or someone
like him taking over the flock frightening but the idea that he might never see Parker or
Jesse again was unbearable. At dawn he and Vlad stood in the leader’s dwelling at the
Convocation Clearing.

Though the rest of the flock went about their daily business, gathering, hunting,

making crafts and preparing food for the coming winter months, their nervous gazes
kept darting toward Jindra and Vlad. Most likely the challenges would begin soon. If
there were enough challengers or if Pepik had lured enough supporters they could
wear down the leader and his second by the end of the two-day challenge.

The first fight began about an hour after sunrise. One of the guards, strong but

stupid, stood in the center of the Convocation Clearing and squawked the cry of
challenge. Without hesitation, Vlad leapt out of the dwelling and changed into his
raptor form. He soared high above the trees and his challenger ascended quickly.


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Like other members of the flock, Jindra watched intently as the birds circled each

other in midair then cried out shrilly as they locked and tumbled, tearing at each other
with beaks and talons. The fight was fairly short and ended with the challenger
descending fast toward the lake. Vlad didn’t have to spare his life but he’d made it clear
to Jindra that morning that he preferred to have no killing if possible. He wanted to
keep control of the flock but not paint himself as a vicious dictator.

While Jindra detested violence, he made it plain that in this case he disagreed with

Vlad. These challengers were out for the kill, so he and Vlad should be as well.

“I hear your advice and will take it into consideration,” Vlad had said. “But until I

say otherwise, I ask you to respect my wishes about not killing.”

Jindra agreed, though grudgingly. One thing he had learned from Rostya, any fight

among Raptvyns could be to the death. One may live by a code of honor but his
challenger might not.

By the end of the first night, seven Raptvyns had challenged Vlad and he was

showing signs of wear that concerned Jindra. As he knelt and bandaged Vlad’s back
that had been scraped deeply by his last challenger’s talons, he said, “I should take the
next one.”

“According the Creed you shouldn’t unless I’m unable to fight,” Vlad said.
“Fuck the Creed. You’re tired and injured. The fights would no longer be fair.”
“Fairness has nothing to do with the Creed.”
“Maybe it should!” Jindra snapped. “These fucking archaic rituals do nothing to

help the flock except perhaps to aid an incompetent leader in taking control of it. You
know as well as I do all these challengers don’t really want the leadership. I’d bet my
tail feathers Pepik has cut a deal with each and every one of them.”

“There’s no way to prove it.”
“Want to bet? Drag the next one you defeat to the Convocation Clearing and force

him to tell the truth or else threaten to pluck him alive.”

Vlad grunted, a combination of pain and amusement, and glanced over his

shoulder at his brother. “I think you’re more like Rostya than you know.”

“And maybe you’re a bit too much of a diplomat to be the flock leader.”
Vlad turned abruptly and shoved Jindra so hard he landed on his buttocks. “Then

why are you backing me up?”

“Save it for the challengers, will you?” Jindra snapped.
With a sigh, Vlad extended his hand to Jindra and tugged him to his feet. “I’m

sorry. The stress is getting to me.”

“I know. If you’d let me take over for a while—”
Vlad was about to reply when another shriek of challenge erupted from below. The

brothers glanced down at Carl, an elite guard who was both cunning and powerful.
Even a Raptvyn of Vlad’s strength and skill would need to be at full power to defeat
such an opponent.


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“Vlad, let me—”
His brother turned to him with a snarl, his face partially contorted into its raptor

features. He dropped out of the dwelling and beat his powerful black wings to rise
above the trees.

Jindra watched in tense silence, poised to fly up and aid his brother at any moment.

Several times he was certain Carl had delivered a death blow but Vlad’s skill alone kept
him alive. The two locked in a tumbling ball of feathers from which Carl dropped in
defeat. In spite of Vlad’s win, Jindra saw immediately by his brother’s flight pattern that
he was in trouble. He quickly ascended and helped Vlad to land. The shaman, who had
been watching from below, soon joined them along with the healer.

“He’s losing a lot of blood,” the healer said.
Vlad gazed bewilderedly at Jindra through half-open eyes for several seconds

before he lost consciousness. Jindra stepped aside and allowed the healer to work.

When the next cry of challenge echoed through the forest, Vlad was unconscious

from an herbal remedy provided by the healer. Jindra glanced down at the challenger
and knew it was up to him to secure his brother’s place as the flock leader.

He leapt, allowing the raptor to take over. Branches lashed him as he cut through

the trees and burst into open sky. His challenger met him with ripping talons and a
snapping beak but Jindra fought back. Battle lust overtook him and he scarcely felt any
pain, only the desire to win.

In spite of all his time among humans, nothing could kill the raptor inside him. The

power, instinct and years of training kicked in. His challenger wanted to win, but not
nearly as badly as Jindra wanted to defeat him. Moments later the bird took a nosedive
toward the lake. The desire to follow and finish the job almost overcame Jindra, but he
refrained. Had it been Pepik, he would have followed him into the lake and destroyed
him but this Raptvyn he allowed to flee.

When he returned to the dwelling, his pulse racing with the thrill of the fight, the

healer and the shaman were still working on Vlad.

“How is he?” Jindra panted.
“He’ll survive but don’t expect him to be of much use for the last day of challenge,”

the healer said. He glanced absently at Jindra. “Your chest is bleeding. Have my
assistant look at it. She’ll be arriving soon with more bandages.”

Jindra nodded and glanced down at his chest that was streaked with red.
“Fuck,” he muttered as the pain finally registered. This day was going to be hell.
When that not-so-happy thought crossed his mind, he had no idea how bad the day

would actually be. Pepik had planned his attack well. Once Vlad was out of the game,
nearly a dozen challengers summoned Jindra in fairly quick succession. The Creed
stated there was to be at least an hour of rest between bouts and Pepik pressed this to
the second.


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When Vlad was brought to his nest so Gize and Marka could care for him, Salman

arrived at the Convocation Clearing soon after. He took over for the assistant healer
who had been tending Jindra’s injuries between challenges.


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Chapter Eight

By evening Jindra was almost numb with pain and fatigue. Strangely, all he could

think about was Parker. More than anything he wanted to be with him, away from the
flock and back in the life he’d come to love with the man he loved. Yes, it seemed
impossible to fall for someone so fast, but he did love Parker. He loved talking to him,
touching him, just being with him. If he died out here— No. He couldn’t think about it.
Not now.

“Can you continue?” Salman asked quietly as he heated an iron to cauterize Jindra’s

shoulder where his last challenger’s talons had pierced the flesh.

Jindra glanced at him and snorted, “Do I have a choice?”
“There’s always a choice, as you well know.”
“Not now. Some of these guards genuinely wanted leadership but most I’ll

guarantee were paid by Pepik to wear us down.”

“He’s a strong fighter and you know he’ll be coming.”
“I hope it’s soon,” Jindra murmured. Otherwise he might not have the strength to

win. “Salman, in the event of my death I want you to do something for me.”

“Of course.”
“There’s a human in New York City. His name is Parker Rigby. My business

partner, Jesse, knows how to reach him. If I die please make sure he knows I won’t be
coming back. Tell him I wanted to more than anything.”

Salman rested a hand on Jindra’s arm and said, “I will tell him.”
Nodding, Jindra closed his eyes and braced himself. He groaned softly as Salman

used the hot iron to close the wounds in his shoulder. When it was over, it took him a
moment to catch his breath.

He sat, leaning against the wall and feeling slightly ill. An hour between bouts was

too little time to rest, even for a shapeshifter. He’d scarcely recovered a portion of his
strength when Pepik shrieked his challenge.

Jindra drew a deep breath and stood. He and Salman exchanged glances and the

older Raptvyn placed a firm hand on his shoulder. Pepik shrieked again and Jindra
leapt out of the dwelling, once again summoning the raptor. Pepik was a larger bird but
lacked Jindra’s speed. In midair they raced toward one another. Their bodies slammed
so hard that the impact almost knocked them breathless. Their beaks and talons ripped
through flesh.

When they broke, Pepik dipped low and headed toward Brightwater, a sign of

retreat. This surprised Jindra since he doubted such a small clash would have driven a


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warrior like his cousin to surrender. Trusting his instinct, Jindra circled low and kept
watch over Pepik, expecting him to turn around at any moment in a surprise attack.

Suddenly pain exploded close to the joint of his left wing. An arrowhead poked

through his feathers. The agony was so intense he could scarcely maneuver his wing
and almost crashed. With a grunt he landed on the forest floor just before Pepik
swooped down at him. His talons dug into flesh.

Enraged by this sort of cheating, Jindra momentarily forgot the pain and shifted

position quickly enough to dislodge Pepik. He bit his cousin’s leg and with the strength
of his beak alone forced him to land. They charged each other, their powerful wings
flapping and beaks snapping.

The idea that Pepik had some traitor shoot him with an arrow infuriated Jindra

beyond reason. No longer caring about Vlad’s order to avoid fighting to the death, he
attacked Pepik with ferocity that soon drove the larger bird into cowering submission.
Jindra was about to land the death blow when Pepik grasped a handful of dirt and
rocks and flung it in Jindra’s face.

In flight, the odd hands at the ends of Raptvyns’ wings were often worthless and

they rarely used them to fight or capture prey, but Pepik had already proved he would
do anything, even cheat, to win leadership of the flock. Momentarily blinded, Jindra
continued snapping and fighting. By the time his vision cleared enough for him to see
his surroundings, Pepik had disappeared.

Other Raptvyns descended through the trees and landed around him. Salman and

the healer were beside him in an instant, inspecting the arrow wound. Most likely it
would mean another painful cauterization. Jindra prayed Pepik was the last challenger
because he doubted he could survive another bout. Furious that Pepik had escaped, he
shrieked a war cry.

“The guards have gone after him,” Salman said, resting a hand on Jindra’s

feathered chest. “They’re also looking for whoever shot the arrow.”

“What could Pepik have been thinking?” the healer muttered. “As if the flock

would follow a Raptvyn who blatantly ignores the Creed.”

They were just discovering what Jindra had always known. Pepik had no respect

for the Creed and no love for the flock. He was controlled by thirst for power and
jealousy of his superiors.

Thankfully there were no other challengers, however, Jindra waited at the

Convocation Clearing until dawn. Vlad, still weak, joined him about an hour before
sunrise. When the first rays brightened the sky, Vlad uttered the shrill cry of leadership
and the flock answered, singing their allegiance.

Pepik, too injured to fly far, had been found by the guards earlier that night and

imprisoned in a cave designated for that purpose. Unfortunately the guards weren’t
able to locate the one who had shot the arrow, however, Vlad ordered Pepik’s two
mates to be brought in for questioning. Jindra believed Pepik should be executed but


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Vlad refused, saying there had already been enough bloodshed. Pepik would be caged
until further notice.

This angered Jindra almost as much as Pepik’s cheating that had nearly cost his life.

Wounded, disgusted and emotionally bruised from the past few days, he decided to go
home directly in spite of how his family and the healer tried to persuade him to stay
until his condition improved.

“I will be forever grateful for what you did for me and the flock,” Vlad said before

Jindra left.

“Then reconsider your decision to let Pepik live. Not for my sake but for you and

the flock. As long as he breathes he will seek revenge.”

“I’ll think about it,” Vlad said. “I want to make changes for the better and to me that

doesn’t mean starting out with an execution. We’ve had too many generations of
leaders who ruled without mercy.”

Jindra held his brother’s gaze. “I’m not saying they were right but they might not

have been entirely wrong either. As I recently said to a friend, change comes slowly.
The Raptvyn spirit is wild.”

Vlad nodded. “I could use your wisdom, Jindra. Are you certain you won’t stay?

You shouldn’t travel until your health improves.”

“This is your world, Vlad. I’ve done my part to secure the flock. Now I need to truly

begin my own life. And Arno has volunteered to fly with me then drive me to the city.
I’ll be fine.”

“Good luck to you. You’re always welcome here. You know that.”
Jindra accepted his brother’s embrace, grateful that Vlad was careful not to

aggravate his many injuries, or perhaps it was because the leader was just as sore.
Though Jindra wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for a full day, he needed
to get home first. He wanted to see Parker. That would be stronger salve than any the
healer could provide.

* * * * *

It was early evening when Jindra arrived at his apartment. Grateful to Arno for

accompanying him home, he asked his friend to stay the night. Arno refused, saying he
wanted to get back to Raptvyn country.

“The city is a nice place to drive through but I wouldn’t want to stay here,” Arno

said with a friendly grin. He hugged Jindra briefly. “Take care of yourself.”

“You too, Arno.”
“And if it really gets serious between you and this guy, whoever he is, I’d like to

meet him.”

Jindra nodded, hoping someday he could introduce Parker to certain members of

his flock. It was almost a childish dream, but everyone had a right to those once in a


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“Make sure you get some rest,” Arno said before leaving. “Or else you’ll take days

to heal.”

“Turning into a mother hen?”
Arno raised his eyes to the heavens and curled his lip. “Bad joke. Don’t be a total


“I won’t.” Jindra had no intention of cutting off his Raptvyn roots completely, but

now he wanted to fully immerse himself in the life he’d chosen. His duty to the flock
was fulfilled. Now he had a duty to himself and to Parker.

Once Arno left, Jindra sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. Damn, he’d never been

this tired or sore in his life. Even the worst training with the elite guard hadn’t been as
stressful as the two-day challenge. Lack of sleep caused his regenerative powers to slow
so several of his wounds were still quite painful. He wanted to flop into bed and sleep
but he wouldn’t be able to until he talked to Parker.

The red light on his answering machine told him he had messages. He hit the

button and leaned against the headboard, his eyes closed as he listened.

“Jindra, this is Jesse. I know you’re probably not back but I just wanted to leave a

message and let you know I’m thinking of you. Call me when you get home but don’t
feel like you need to rush back to work. We’ve got everything under control here. See

A slight smile touched Jindra’s lips. Jesse was a sweet kid and one of the best

friends he’d ever had.

The next message was from Parker. Simply hearing his voice made him ache with

longing yet at the same time warmed him deep inside.

“Hi, Jindra. It’s Parker. How are you doing? You might not be back yet but I’m

thinking of you and I’m here if you need me. I start my new job on Monday and will be
home around seven p.m. but you have my beeper number so you can call at any time.

Monday. That meant Parker wouldn’t be working for a few more days. Hopefully

he’d be home right now. A jittery feeling swept through Jindra and he knew it had less
to do with injury or fatigue than with emotional cowardice. He had rushed home to be
with Parker, to tell him he loved him, but now that the moment had arrived it seemed
crazy. They hadn’t known each other long enough.

Still, he picked up the phone and dialed. His heart pounded wildly and his mouth

went dry as he waited for Parker to pick up.

“Parker? It’s Jindra.”
“Hey, how are you? Are you home?”
“Yeah. There are no phones in Raptvyn country.” Jindra tried to sound teasing but

it didn’t quite work.

“Are you okay?” Parker asked.


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“I could use some company. Can I see you?”
“Of course. I was working in the lab. I just need to clean up. Do you want me to

come over there or can you come here?”

Jindra played with the corner of a bedsheet, feeling oddly emotional. He took a

moment to gather himself before replying. “I’ll come over there. Give you time to finish
in the lab.”

“All right. See you soon.”
Jindra hung up then called a cab as he didn’t trust himself to drive safely in his

current physical condition. Several sleepless nights combined with rather serious
injuries didn’t make for safe driving. If Arno hadn’t been with him, he probably
wouldn’t have attempted flying either, and his friend had been kind enough to drive
the car home. Of course if they had by chance been stopped by police the fact that Arno
had no license or ID would have been hard to explain but Jindra couldn’t worry about
that now.

Arno was one of those Raptvyns who sometimes traveled to the city for educational

purposes, so he not only drove well but could fit in among most humans. Unfortunately
he still carried much Raptvyn contempt for them as well, which was a major reason
they would never have worked out in a long-term relationship.

Before the cab arrived, Jindra took a quick shower. With several of the wounds still

raw, even soap and water was rather painful. He dressed in black slacks and a black
cotton shirt open at the throat. Glancing at himself in the bathroom mirror, he realized
the past few days had taken their toll on his appearance. He looked rather sallow with
dark circles under his eyes not to mention several claw marks extending from the
corner of his right eye, over his temple and disappearing beyond his hairline.

Maybe he should have waited a day or so before seeing Parker. The cab would

arrive any minute so there was no time now to change his mind. He reached for a pair
of sunglasses and shoved them on his face. At least they’d hide his eyes so he wouldn’t
look like a zombie from a horror movie.

A short time later he arrived at Parker’s house. The doctor opened the door with a

smile that faded as soon as he looked at Jindra.

“What the hell happened to you?” Parker demanded. He closed the door then

placed a gentle hand to Jindra’s cheek.

“It’s a long story.”
“You look terrible.”
“Thank you,” Jindra said with a hint of sarcasm.
“Come and sit down. Do you want a drink?”
“Later. I really need to talk to you, Parker.”
The doctor glanced at him with concern, took his hand and guided him to the

study. He practically pushed Jindra into a seat and reached for his glasses so he could


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remove them to better examine the scratches on his face. Jindra grasped his wrists to
stop him.

“Those scratches look infected,” Parker said. “You’ve never been shy about letting

me examine you before so why start now?”

“Because I want to talk first.”
A stubborn look crept into Parker’s eyes and he walked across the room, picked up

his medical bag and placed it on the desk. “We can talk while I look at those scratches.
Looks like they’re from some sort of animal.”

“Another Raptvyn.”
“You were fighting?”
“I had to. It was a flock thing but it’s over now.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Jindra sighed. “It’s strange. The nesting game.”

Parker studied Jindra carefully. He was more concerned by his lover’s appearance

than he let on. His pallor, those scratches, even the tone of his voice worried Parker
immensely. This wasn’t like the Jindra he knew. It was as if he carried the proverbial
weight of the world on his shoulders. The loss of his father had probably affected him,
but whatever sort of bizarre rules the Raptvyns lived by had apparently taken their toll
as well.

“I don’t follow,” Parker said. Again he reached for Jindra’s dark glasses but once

more was stopped by firm yet gentle hands on his wrists.

“For most of my kind ménage is a way of life.”
Parker forced a smile and in an attempt to lighten the mood said, “Doesn’t sound so


“It is if you’re like me.” Jindra tilted his face toward Parker’s and even through the

dark glasses he saw his black eyes glisten with emotion. “I told you part of the reason I
left was because I didn’t want to take the mate who had been selected for me. I could
have chosen a second one as well but I only want one and that one can’t be female. That
makes me a rogue raptor. Connected to the flock yet forever apart. I could give in and
join a pair. Threesomes are the norm among Raptvyns but if I did that it wouldn’t really
be honest, would it?”

This whole mating conversation worried Parker. Had Jindra found someone among

his kind? Was he trying to say he wanted to rejoin the Raptvyns, after all? They’d only
been together a short time but already Parker couldn’t imagine life without Jindra. Still,
he wanted this bird man who seemed so torn between two species to find happiness. If
Parker couldn’t fulfill his needs and someone else could, he wouldn’t make things
difficult, no matter how much it hurt.


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“Is joining a threesome better than being alone?” Parker ventured. “If you found a

mate outside the flock would you be missing something important? What am I saying?
Of course you would. They’re your species.”

“The thing is, Parker, I want what I want. Call it my dominant streak.”
Parker sat on the edge of the desk, his gaze fixed on the Raptvyn. Yes, it was that

dominant streak that drew him to Jindra, aroused and mystified him. His next words
made his heart pound with anticipation. “What about a mate outside your species? I
don’t mean just sex. I mean a real, permanent relationship.”

Again Jindra’s gaze met his. Even with the barrier of the dark glasses Jindra’s eyes

seemed to strike at his soul. “That’s part of the reason I moved to the city. The strange
thing is, I found what I wanted back in the mountains.”

Disappointment struck Parker like a fist. It was a moment before he said, “Really?

How does the guy feel about it?”

“He doesn’t yet know how intense my feelings for him are.”
God, this was too much to handle. Parker had fallen completely in love with this

guy who was about to break it off with him.

“You need to tell him,” Parker stated, folding his arms across his chest.
“If someone said that to you, how would you take it?”
Now the conversation was really getting interesting. Hope sparked inside Parker. It

hadn’t occurred to him that he might be the one Jindra was talking about. After all, they
had technically met in the mountains, right? No. He was grasping at straws. Hoping
against hope.

Jindra stood and approached. He rested his hands lightly on Parker’s waist. “Fuck

it. The worst you can say is no. I love you, Parker Rigby. I didn’t realize how much until
I was back among my own people and nearly lost my life. When I thought it might be
the end for me, I wasn’t thinking about the flock or my business. All I could picture was
you. I know this is fast and I don’t want to rush you but I want a relationship with

Parker’s heart nearly leapt through his chest. He felt a wave of giddy pleasure

unlike anything he’d ever experienced. “Jindra, you don’t know how glad I am you said
it because I didn’t have the guts. I love you too.” Without hesitation, Parker flung his
arms around Jindra and held him tightly. Jindra gasped with pain and instantly Parker
tried to step away but the Raptvyn wouldn’t let him. He clung to Parker tightly, his face
pressed against his neck.

“Jindra, what’s wrong? Why did you gasp like that?” Parker demanded.
“Later. Just hold me, Parker. Don’t let go right now.”
Nodding, Parker pulled him closer and caressed his thick, curly hair. Finally they

stepped apart. Before Jindra could react, Parker snatched off his glasses. One look into
those eyes and he knew whatever Jindra had been through was worse than anything
Parker had imagined.


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“Tell me what happened,” Parker said, guiding him to a chair and examining the

claw marks. He snapped on gloves and cleaned the wounds.

“I told you. It was flock business.”
“Are you ever going to trust me enough to tell me the truth?”
“Probably. But this isn’t important anymore. It’s over and I’m back for good,

Parker. I’ll return home to visit at times, but all this shit that has been going on with me
and them is over.”

Parker took Jindra’s chin in his hand and tilted his face up so their gazes met.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”
Sighing, Parker disposed of the dirty gauze and said, “Take your shirt off. I know

you’re hurt so let me see.”

Jindra looked hesitant but when Parker reached for the shirt himself he began

unbuttoning it and shrugged it off, baring a torso riddled with claw and bite marks,
some healed, others still rather raw. Anger and concern nearly overcame Parker but his
skills kicked in and he went to work on the injuries.

“Lovely,” Parker said, covering his worry with a touch of sarcasm. He inspected the

crudely stitched wounds. “Who the hell took care of these? A deranged tailor? This is
terrible, Jindra.”

“The flock healer and his assistant tended me. As did my second father.”
“Second father? What’s that?”
“I told you most Raptvyns mate in threes. I have one mother, my biological or

blood father, who is recently deceased, and their mate or my second father, Salman.”

As Parker worked on Jindra’s wounds, he carried on the conversation. “So that’s

how you got your last name. You didn’t take your biological father’s name?”

“He and I didn’t get along.”
Shoddy cauterizations on Jindra’s shoulder and back made Parker grit his teeth in

disgust. “Who fixed this one? Your Aunt Fanny?”

“We know human medicine is in many ways superior to Raptvyn remedies so can

you quit with the sarcasm?” Jindra snapped.

“Yes. Because you’re tired and injured and I’m acting as your doctor. Later when

you’re rested I’ll continue lecturing you as your boyfriend. Do you think I like seeing
you hurt like this?”

“Do you think I like being hurt like this?” Jindra turned to him, his delicate lip

curled and a wry expression in his eyes.

Parker couldn’t help smiling a bit at the logic. “All right, Jindra. You win. Keep still

while I finish this.”

After Parker properly cared for Jindra’s wounds and cleaned up the mess, they

went to the bedroom.


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“You look like you need some sleep,” Parker said. “And for some reason I

remember you healing a lot faster than this.”

“I haven’t slept for a few days. When Raptvyns get rundown it takes us longer to

regenerate. I’m sorry to come here like this, Parker, but I just…I needed you.”

Parker could tell by the tenseness in his voice and the expression on his face that

Jindra wasn’t accustomed to admitting his desires or expressing his emotional needs. It
touched Parker that he felt close enough to him to do that now.

He kissed Jindra’s cheek and mouth then whispered against his lips, “Get

undressed and come to bed.”

A slight smile on his lips, Jindra did as Parker asked. The doctor discarded his

clothes as well then the lovers slipped naked beneath the sheets and held each other
close. Within moments Jindra was asleep. Parker lay awake, listening to rain falling
outside. He stroked Jindra’s hair and caressed his shoulders and back, still stunned that
this proud, gorgeous shapeshifter had chosen him as his mate.

Eventually Parker became drowsy as well. He hovered in the soothing place

between wakefulness and sleep when Jindra jerked awake, his eyes wide and every
muscle tense.

“What’s wrong?” Parker placed a hand to the side of Jindra’s neck in a comforting

gesture and felt his pulse racing.

“I thought I heard a shriek of challenge.”
Parker’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“I thought there was another fight.”
“No.” Parker stroked his face. Now more than ever he wanted to know what had

happened to Jindra during his time with the Raptvyns. “No fights. You’re safe. Go back
to sleep.”

Jindra rested his head against Parker’s shoulder and closed his eyes.
After a moment Jindra began to speak. “I was the flock leader’s second son. Next in

line to lead since my older brother, Nikoli, was killed. Remember I told you about

“Yes, I remember,” Parker replied softly.
“I didn’t want leadership. I want to be here.”
Parker tightened his hold on his lover and whispered against his hair, “Is that why

you were fighting?”

“Partly,” Jindra murmured, his voice sleepy. He explained about his brother’s

leadership and the two-day challenge. He told how his cousin had cheated yet Vlad
imprisoned rather than executed him.

“It sounds to me like he really does want what’s best for the flock,” Parker said,

though inside he burned with rage at the thought of what his lover had endured for
seemingly little thanks. “But he might be trying to go too far in the opposite direction of
your blood father.”


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“Maybe. I told myself it’s no longer my problem.”
“It’s not,” Parker stated firmly.
“But I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Jindra, there’s nothing more you can do. He’s the leader now.”
“I know he’ll be a good one but—”
“It’s the fact that he didn’t give your cousin the punishment he deserved that’s

bothering you.”

Sighing, Jindra lifted his head and met Parker’s gaze. “Maybe. As long as Pepik still

breathes there’s the chance he’ll cause trouble for the flock.”

“Jindra.” Parker took his lover’s face in his hands and stared deeply into his eyes.

“It’s not your problem anymore. You’re a lot like me. Both of us have been living
between two worlds, trying to please others while at the same time being true to
ourselves. An arrangement like that is only possible if the people we care about are also
willing to compromise.”

“That’s the problem. Except for Rostya, my family does accept me.”
“I’m not just talking about them.” Parker smiled and affectionately rubbed the top

of Jindra’s head. “You believe your brother has what it takes to be the leader, right?”

“So let him lead.”
Jindra’s lips flickered in a slight smile. “You’re right. I’m bossy. Always have been.

It’s one thing I definitely inherited from Rostya.”

“I’m starting to wonder how the hell Jesse works with you.”
“Speaking of bossy.” Jindra raised an eyebrow. Parker had no idea what it was like

running a business with an alpha werewolf.

“Now get some rest. Doctor’s orders.”
Still smiling, Jindra cuddled beside Parker and closed his eyes.

* * * * *

When Jindra awoke, sunlight bled through the blinds. At least the rain from the

previous night had stopped and it seemed like a beautiful day was in order. He rolled
over and found Parker had already left the bed. A glance at the alarm clock told him it
was half past ten. That had been the best night’s sleep he’d had in a while.

He yawned and stretched then rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Though still a bit sore, he’d regenerated well during that refreshing sleep and even his
worst injuries were no longer raw. He had to admit Parker did a much better job
treating him than Salman and the healers.

He showered and was looking through Parker’s drawers for jeans and a T-shirt

when the man himself walked into the bedroom.


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“Good morning,” Parker said, stepping closer and running his hands lightly over

Jindra’s torso. “You look much better. Almost healed. How do you feel?”

“Like myself again,” Jindra replied. He remained still under Parker’s careful

scrutiny. “Do I check out, doctor?”

“Umm,” Parker purred close to his ear and slid his hand over Jindra’s buttocks.
Jindra turned, taking Parker’s face in his hands and covering his mouth with a

loving kiss that quickly turned passionate. His tongue slid between Parker’s lips and
the doctor’s tongue met it stroke for heated stroke. They tasted and explored every inch
of each other’s mouths. It was as if they were novices again and desperate to learn all
there was to know about one another. Jindra caressed Parker’s face and ran his fingers
through his short, thick hair.

He wrapped his arms around his lean waist and pressed him close, relishing the

sensation of their hard cocks trapped between their bodies. The emotions coursing
through him were almost indefinable and so powerful that Jindra’s head spun. He
closed his eyes, lost in the kiss, his tongue thrusting hard against Parker’s. The doctor’s
hands roamed over his back and buttocks. He kneaded the taut muscles and ran his
fingertips up and down Jindra’s spine.

The urge to throw Parker down on the bed and devour him nearly overtook him

but he didn’t want to rush. He’d nearly regained his self-control when Parker tore his
mouth from Jindra’s and panted in a husky voice, “Fuck me, Jindra. I missed you so
damn much. While you were away you were all I could think about.”

His words and the feeling between them turned Jindra on so much that his cock

nearly exploded then and there.

“Get these damn clothes off,” Jindra commanded, tugging Parker’s shirt from the

waist of his jeans.

His chest heaving with excitement, Parker quickly tore off his shirt and pulled off

his sneakers, socks and jeans. As soon as the last scrap of clothes came off, Jindra
grasped his hips and shoved him toward the bed. Parker slammed onto the mattress
with a grunt. He glanced at Jindra over his shoulder, his expression full of fire and lust.

“Fucking gorgeous bastard,” Parker panted and rolled over. Jindra climbed onto

the bed. They reached for each other, their hands rough in places, gentle in others.

Parker grasped Jindra’s shoulders and shoved him hard onto his back then covered

his mouth with a kiss that was almost harsh in its intensity. His tongue thrust between
Jindra’s lips. He reached down, grasped Jindra’s shaft and pumped in the same rhythm
as his plunging tongue.

Thoroughly aroused, Jindra closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure. From the

first, Parker had known exactly how to touch him. His hips began to thrust in time with
Parker’s stroking hand. The slide of foreskin over his ultra-sensitive cock head
combined with his feelings for Parker had him on the verge of orgasm. Blood pounded
through his body and he felt almost lightheaded from the pleasure.


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As if sensing how close Jindra was to climax, Parker stopped stroking and clasped

the base of his cock firmly. He tore his lips from Jindra’s and kissed his face and neck
while Jindra tried to regain control of himself.

After a moment he glanced at Parker with a half-smile. “You sexy SOB. Every time

I’m with you it seems like you turn me on even more.”

Parker only grinned and bit Jindra’s lower lip, not enough to draw blood but with

just the perfect pressure to stir his desire.

“You wanted to be fucked so now you’re going to get it,” Jindra said, pushing

Parker off him so that he could reach into the night table drawer for a couple of
condoms. Jindra rolled one on himself first then did the honors for Parker who watched
intently as his lover handled his engorged cock.

“I love it when you touch me,” Parker said.
Wearing a wicked smile, Jindra bent and took Parker’s cock head between his lips.

He teased it with his tongue and sucked hard.

“Oh damn,” Parker gasped, clutching handfuls of Jindra’s hair. With a chuckle of

amusement and pleasure, Jindra continued licking, sucking and teasing until the
pressure of Parker’s hands on his scalp and the ragged echo of the doctor’s breathing
told him it was almost time.

He sat up at almost the same moment Parker rolled over and pushed himself onto

his hands and knees, offering his firm, gorgeous ass to his lover.

His heart pounding and his cock aching with need, Jindra reached into the drawer

again and removed lube which he applied liberally to Parker’s ass. Parker moaned and
wriggled when he inserted first one finger then two then three. Jindra leaned forward a
bit and ran his tongue along Parker’s spine.

“Jindra, fuck. I want you so badly,” Parker gasped, his fingers sinking into the


Unable to wait any longer, Jindra removed his fingers, grasped Parker firmly by the

hips and eased his cock head into his tight, hot ass.

Parker moaned and gasped with every thrust while Jindra held him by the hips to

keep him from bucking too wildly. His heart racing, Jindra tried to make it last but they
were so fucking excited that he knew it wouldn’t be long before they came.

Jindra’s ragged breathing kept time with his pumping hips. His eyes closed and

every muscle in his body straining, he came long and hard.

“Fuck, oh, Jindra!” Parker shouted. Jindra pulled out and released him then they

collapsed onto the mattress. From where he lay half covering Parker, it felt as if their
hearts beat as one. The sensation of their damp skins pressed close and the mingled
scent of their lust was better than anything Jindra could imagine.

When they could move again, Jindra rolled off Parker and they lay side by side,

their gazes fixed on one another.

“I love you,” Parker said quietly.


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Jindra tugged him close and kissed the top of his head. All his life he’d wanted to

hear that from a partner. To be loved without strings by someone whom he loved
without condition. “I love you too, Parker.”


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Chapter Nine

The following morning Jindra called Jesse to tell her he was back. She expressed

relief that he was well after the two-day challenge and insisted he at least take the rest
of the week off. He decided to do just that and go to the office on Monday.

Parker invited Jindra to stay over, saying that he wanted them to spend as much

time as possible together before he started his new job. Jindra happily agreed. They
spent the time playing in bed or talking over some of the findings from Parker’s
Raptvyn studies. He asked Jindra to change into the raptor again and took more
samples while Jindra was in bird form. He also explored the raptor more thoroughly
than ever before. His hands searched and caressed as if he relished the sensation of the
satiny black feathers.

“What does it feel like when you change?” Parker asked on Saturday afternoon

once Jindra had returned to human form.

They stood in the lab while Parker made a few notes.
“Hmm.” Jindra’s brow furrowed. “It’s hard to describe. I guess it feels like a really

deep stretch. Everything is active. Muscles. Bones. Breath.”

“Does it hurt at all?”
“It does at first when we’re very young but the discomfort doesn’t last long. Now

there’s absolutely no pain. It actually feels kind of good. Also if you notice, and I’m sure
you have, my torso stays pretty much the same. The organs and stuff don’t shift
around. It’s just the muscles and bones, especially in the arms, legs and face, that move
and elongate.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed that. Also your feet become talon-like but your hands seem to

stay the same, though from their location on the ends of the wings I think they’d be
difficult to use.”

“Pretty much, unless you’re my cousin Pepik flinging a handful of dirt.”
Parker shook his head, anger glistening in his eyes. “Don’t let me start about your

damn cousin. I never even met him and I hate him.” Parker stood, walked from behind
his desk and looped his arms around Jindra’s neck.

It felt good knowing Parker cared for him. Their lips met in a brief yet tender kiss.

Jindra’s stomach rumbled, breaking the mood, and they laughed.

“Want to make a pizza for lunch?” Parker asked.
“Sounds good to me.”
Lightly caressing Jindra’s cheek, he said, “You have the cutest smile.”


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Parker nodded.
“I think you do,” Jindra told him.
“Want to continue the charming smile debate in the bedroom once we get the pizza

in the oven?”

“Yeah. That way we’ll both have an appetite.” Jindra playfully slapped Parker’s

firm bottom and, chuckling, they left the lab.

* * * * *

Two months later, Parker and Jindra’s relationship was stronger than ever.
Parker had just left work to begin the weekend camping trip he and Jindra had been

planning. These past months had been surprisingly pleasant even if he still wasn’t on
good terms with his family. Though he missed Jamie and thought of him often, Parker
had never felt so relaxed since he no longer had to deal with his family’s attitude
regarding his personal life. By the way they avoided him he assumed they felt the same.

Jindra was all the family he wanted or needed. Outside their jobs, they were

inseparable. Spending their nights either at one home or the other, they shared almost
everything. On nights that Parker worked late, Jindra drove upstate and spent a few
hours in bird form. Parker could scarcely wait for the camping trip so he could again
watch the raptor in flight. As a bird, Jindra was so beautiful and wild that Parker felt
kinship with nature just watching him.

When they’d first met he’d been eager to learn all he could about Raptvyns and

though his curiosity hadn’t diminished, the nagging urge to consult specialists had. He
feared what might happen if Jindra and his kind were exposed. Done properly, studies
of Raptvyns could benefit both species. Unfortunately the chances of Raptvyns being
treated fairly by humans was far slimmer than he wanted to admit.

When Jindra had returned injured from the two-day challenge, Parker realized

exactly how much his lover meant to him. He could never knowingly do anything to
hurt Jindra and if that meant limiting his studies then that was how it had to be.

Their relationship was one Parker had spent his life dreaming about but never

thought to have.

Not only was Parker’s personal life going well but he loved his new job. Changing

from the fast-paced ER to a detail-oriented career in research had taken adjustment but
Parker enjoyed the work and the better hours. He hadn’t fully realized how stressed
he’d been in the ER.

He’d just finished loading his backpack when Jindra got home from a late night at

the office.

“Hey, love,” Jindra called from the foyer. He and Parker had exchanged keys to

each other’s homes weeks ago. “Where are you?”

“In the bedroom,” Parker shouted above the sound of soft rock playing on the

radio. He opened the middle drawer of the dresser, now Jindra’s drawer, and searched


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through his clothes. He glanced into the mirror in front of him, saw Jindra step into the
room and wondered if that giddy rush upon seeing his lover would ever disappear. The
Raptvyn’s faded jeans and dark green sleeveless T-shirt accentuated his tall, athletic
body to advantage.

One thing was certain, Jindra was definitely a head-turner. When he walked down

the street dressed like this he garnered appreciative looks from men and women. Parker
couldn’t quite decide if this bothered him or not. Though he liked being with such an
attractive man he couldn’t help feeling a bit concerned. Not that Jindra had ever shown
interest in anyone else and he always made Parker feel like the most desirable man on
the planet.

“I finished with my backpack. Now I’m working on yours. How many T-shirts do

you want?” Parker asked.

A playful smile on his lips, Jindra stood behind Parker and wrapped his arms

around him, swaying to the rhythm of the music. He kissed Parker’s neck and the
doctor’s eyes half closed as he enjoyed the pleasurable yet vastly different sensations of
Jindra’s five o’clock shadow and soft, warm lips.

“Jindra, come on.” Parker grinned. “I want to get this done so we’re not running

around like chickens with our heads cut off tomorrow.”

Snorting with laughter, Jindra said, “Charming analogy.”
“No offense intended.”
“None taken. After all, one thing I’m not is a chicken.”
“Can’t argue with that. How many T-shirts?”
“Four. The blue ones. Light blue. By the way, I loaded the tent and sleeping bags

into the trunk this morning so we don’t have to worry about it tomorrow.”

Parker playfully slapped Jindra’s behind.
“Do you have any idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this weekend?”

Jindra said. “I could hardly wait to get out of the office today. I swear if an emergency
came up I’d have screamed or something.”

“Me too. I’m looking forward to visiting your nest again when I’m not scared


“Or thinking you’re hallucinating.”
Parker chuckled. “That too.”
“Did you have a chance to start dinner?”
Raising an eyebrow, Parker turned to Jindra and said, “Did you not hear me say

I’ve been packing?”

“Yeah, I heard you but I didn’t think throwing socks and T-shirts into a backpack

would be so time-consuming.”

“What about first aid? What about deodorant and toothbrushes?”


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“What about condoms?” Jindra added with a twinkle in his eyes that amused

Parker in spite of himself. “You keep packing and I’ll make dinner.”

“Good idea.”
A short time later Parker brought the backpacks down to the kitchen where Jindra

had set dinner on the table. Garden salad with turkey sandwiches and lemonade.

“I’m starving,” Parker said. He sat and took a bite of his sandwich.
“Did you remember everything?” Jindra asked.
“Checked it to the list twice. I didn’t think a Raptvyn would be so worried about

camping supplies. You live in a damn nest, Jindra.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about. I was thinking about your human weaknesses,”

Jindra teased and squeezed Parker’s knee under the table.

“Funny you never point out any weaknesses when we hit the sheets.”
“That’s different.”
“And if I remember correctly we first met because this human saved your gorgeous


“I’ll let that slide because the gorgeous comment appeals to my ego.”
“All joking aside, Jindra, I can’t wait to be out in the open air again. Hiking and

stuff. Workouts at home are good to keep in shape but nothing feels as great as
climbing up a mountainside.”

Jindra raised an eyebrow, a lustful expression in his dark eyes. “Nothing?”
“Well, I can think of one or two things.” Parker grinned.
After eating they dumped their backpacks into the car then decided to get some

sleep since they’d be leaving early in the morning.

* * * * *

At dawn Parker and Jindra left for the mountains. The day was hot, even for late

September, and by the time they hiked to the spot where they wanted to camp, both
were drenched in sweat and looking forward to a swim in the nearby stream.

They set up camp and ducked into the tent to change into shorts for swimming.

Parker unzipped his jeans and watched, his heart pounding with anticipation, as Jindra
opened his backpack to retrieve his shorts.

Jindra paused, his brow furrowed. He tugged out a small black satin bag resting

among his clothes and glanced at Parker. “What’s this?”

Smiling slightly, Parker shrugged. He watched as Jindra’s long, slender fingers

tugged open the bag and emptied its contents into his palm. It was a silver keychain
with a photo of him and Parker that Jesse had taken of them at the raptor sanctuary. He
looked at it for several moments and caressed it with his thumb then he hugged Parker.

“Thank you. I love it.”


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Their lips met in a brief, sweet kiss before Jindra put the new ring on his set of keys

and both men changed into their shorts.

“Is your nest far from here?” Parker asked as they waded into the cool water. At

their location, the water wasn’t flowing particularly fast, but farther down the current
was much stronger.

“By foot, yes, but it won’t take long flying,” Jindra replied before ducking under the

water. He surfaced and shook out his long, wet hair. With water glistening on his
sleekly muscled torso he looked so gorgeous that Parker could have jumped on him
then and there but he refrained. Even though they were pretty deep in the wilderness
there was no telling when other campers might show up.

Tonight in the tent they could have some real fun and maybe when Jindra brought

them to his nest they could continue their carnal games. There was no telling the
adventures they could have. Jindra had suggested they wait until late that night before
flying. That way he had little chance of being seen in his bird form by any humans in
the area. Like most Raptvyns, Jindra had exceptional night vision.

His lover’s eyes had been a source of fascination for Parker from the beginning. At

first glance they appeared to be exceptionally large, beautiful human eyes, but there
were differences. He had sharper vision than any human. Without careful observation,
the black color of his eyes disguised that his pupils were much larger than a normal

“We’ll leave around ten or eleven tonight,” Jindra said and swam closer to Parker.
“Sounds good.” A smile played around Parker’s lips and he got the mad urge to—
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Kind of goofy.”
Rather than reply, Parker acted on impulse and attacked Jindra with mega-splashes

of water.

“Hey!” Jindra shouted and began paying him back in full. Finally he grasped

Parker hard, pinning his arms to his sides. They wrestled their way to the shore where
they flopped on the dirt, panting and laughing.

Parker rolled onto his side, brushed tendrils of thick, wet hair from Jindra’s face and

kissed him. Their lips, cool from the water, warmed quickly as the kiss deepened. Jindra
moaned softly, his tongue meeting Parker’s thrust for thrust, then he broke the kiss, his
eyes gleaming with passion.

“You’re making it hard to wait until tonight,” Jindra whispered.
“We could hike some more. Or eat lunch.”
“Let’s do that in reverse.”
After eating they spent the remainder of the day hiking, swimming or talking by

the edge of the water.


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As soon as the sun began to set, Parker felt a rush of excitement. Now the real fun

was about to begin. Making love. A flight to Jindra’s nest. It was like a wild dream come
true. The warm day had turned to a rather chilly evening. Bundled in boots, jeans and
flannel shirts, they sat by the fire. Parker rested his head against Jindra’s shoulder while
the Raptvyn held him close, his breathing slow and steady.

“I’ve never been this comfortable with anyone in my life,” Parker said after a


“Me either. I’m lucky enough to have had two out of three parents who respected

the choices I’ve made and I have a couple of good friends. Jesse for one, but none who
make me feel like you do. It’s like you know how I feel even before I tell you.”

“That’s how I feel about you.” Parker shifted position and gazed deeply into

Jindra’s eyes. “Want to kill this fire and go into the tent?”

“You read my mind.”
While Jindra put out the fire, Parker climbed into the tent and cracked a fluorescent

light stick. He undressed and pulled condoms and lube out of his backpack.

A moment later, Jindra joined him. Seated on a sleeping bag, he removed his

layered shirts then began untying his boots. Parker knelt behind him and removed the
elastic from Jindra’s hair so he could run his fingers through it. He brushed aside the
thick tendrils and bared the back of Jindra’s neck. He covered it with lingering kisses.

A soft moan of pleasure escaped Jindra’s lips and he tilted his head, giving Parker

easier access to the side of his neck. Parker licked and sucked the smooth flesh. He took
Jindra’s earlobe between his teeth and nibbled it before using the tip of his tongue to
trace the shape of his ear.

“Umm,” Jindra purred and tugged Parker in front of him. Grasping his lover by the

shoulders, Jindra placed a firm, lustful kiss on his mouth.

Holding each other tightly, they enjoyed the thrusting and stroking of their

tongues. Guttural moans of pleasure mingled with their excited breathing. Parker’s cock
ached for Jindra’s touch and the Raptvyn didn’t disappoint him. His long, slender
fingers took the condom Parker had placed aside and seconds later he’d rolled it onto
his lover’s thick, hard cock. He used both hands to tease Parker to a frenzy. One hand
worked his staff while the other kneaded his sac.

Still fondling Parker, he covered his mouth with a penetrating kiss that forced him

onto his back. Jindra thrust his tongue into Parker’s mouth in the same rhythm that his
hands stroked and squeezed.

Thoroughly aroused from Jindra’s expert handling combined with the anticipation

of the moment flung Parker into powerful orgasm. He gasped and grunted into Jindra’s
mouth but the Raptvyn refused to break the kiss. The sensation was so heady that
Parker felt like he was soaring. Finally he lay calm, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the
sleepy aftermath of passion.

When he opened his eyes, Jindra was stretched out, completely naked, beside him.

He stared with scarcely restrained lust that instantly rekindled Parker’s desire. More


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than anything he wanted to give Jindra the same pleasure he’d just received. He ran his
hand over Jindra’s hip and thigh, noting the Raptvyn wore a condom. His long,
gorgeous cock with its thick head showing pinkish through the thin latex seemed to
beckon Parker’s lips.

“On your back,” Parker demanded, pushing Jindra roughly.
Drawing an excited breath, Jindra allowed Parker to take the lead. The doctor licked

and kissed his broad, hair-dusted chest then playfully nipped the taut flesh all the way
down Jindra’s steely abs. Grasping the base of his cock in both hands, he began licking
and sucking the staff and crown.

“Ah fuck!” Jindra gasped, clutching Parker’s head and resisting the urge to thrust

hard into his mouth.

Parker felt the excitement in every tight muscle of Jindra’s body. With one hand he

fondled Jindra’s sac and gently scraped his nails over it. This seemed to drive his lover
wild. Moaning and panting, Jindra began to thrust harder. Parker gave him exactly
what he wanted and sucked deeper and faster. Just before he sensed Jindra was about
to come, he pulled his lips from the straining cock and began sucking his balls. His
tongue flicked around to the sensitive flesh of his perineum then he began sucking his
cock again.

“Parker, oh fuck!”
“Can’t you say anything else?” Parker chuckled, his voice sounding a bit strange

since he still had the tip of Jindra’s cock in his mouth.

“No. Can’t think.” Jindra’s voice was husky with passion. Parker loved how he

sounded when he was about to come.

Conversation stopped as Parker resumed the fierce sucking that sent Jindra

crashing into orgasm. He cried out, every muscle tense, his body arching off the ground
as he surrendered completely.

* * * * *

A short time later, they decided to fly to Jindra’s nest.
“You’re sure I’m not too heavy?” Parker said before Jindra changed to bird form.
“I’m glad you ate a light dinner.” Jindra smiled. He glanced at Parker with a teasing

yet sexy look from the corner of his eye then extended his arms and summoned the
raptor. A moment later, he’d wrapped his talons snugly around Parker’s upper arms
and they rose above the trees. Recalling that even though Jindra tried to be gentle it
wasn’t all that comfortable to dangle from his talons, Parker had layered his shirts to
create some padding.

Though it was too dark for him to see very clearly, Parker enjoyed the flight. It was

strange to think at that moment Jindra had complete control over his life. He couldn’t
recall anyone he’d ever trusted quite that much. Still, it was almost unsettling. Funny,


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considering how often in the ER he’d been the one in control of whether a person lived
or died.

The cool night air had become almost painful against Parker’s face when the nest

came into view. Jindra landed and shifted to human form, only a bit breathless from the

Parker glanced around and chuckled.
“Somehow I thought this would be less mystical now that I know you’re real and I

wasn’t hallucinating, but I was wrong.”

“I don’t know how mystical it is,” Jindra commented, running his hand along the

intricately woven wall of branches, leaves and feathers. “This place needs an overhaul.
I’ve been neglecting it lately. Sleeping in a bed with you is more fun.”

“Glad to hear it.” Parker slipped his arms around Jindra’s neck and kissed him. He

ran his hands over Jindra’s smooth, warm back and caressed his taut ass before
slapping it playfully.

Jindra glanced skyward, his brow furrowed.
“What’s the matter?” Parker asked.
“A storm’s coming. I can sense it. I’m trying to decide if we should fly back to camp

or stay here.”

“We’ll get drenched here.”
“No, we’ll be fine. The nest isn’t in that bad shape. Besides, I’ll keep you warm.” An

adorable smile on his lips, Jindra tugged Parker even closer and kissed him.

Closing his eyes and surrendering completely, Parker buried his hands in Jindra’s

unkempt hair and massaged his scalp. Their tongues met and their hands roamed over
each other’s bodies.

Jindra unzipped Parker’s jeans, freed his cock and stroked him to full erection.

Though they’d made love a short time ago, Parker’s hunger for Jindra seemed
insatiable. Already his heart thrummed with anticipation and his spirit soared as if they
were still in flight. He curled his fist around Jindra’s erection and pumped with
enthusiasm. He was about to reach into his pocket for a couple of condoms when a clap
of thunder loud enough to startle a corpse made them both jump.

“Fuck, you almost bit my tongue off,” Jindra said, wiping saliva from his lips.
“Good thing we weren’t a little further along or I hate to think about what I might

have bitten.”

Jindra snorted with laughter and was about to reply when the downpour started.
“Oh great,” Parker muttered. “I thought you said we’d be dry.”
“I’m changing to bird form. Keep as close to me as you can and you’ll be warm and


The humor of the situation struck Parker and he broke into uncontrollable laughter.
“What’s so funny?”


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“Do you plan on laying any eggs while you’re at it?”
“What kind of a doctor are you that you don’t know eggs come from females?”

Jindra said sarcastically.

“I know that. I was just making a joke.”
“Ha. Ha.”
A moment later Parker lay at the bottom of the deep nest. Almost completely

covered by Jindra, he was indeed very dry and warm. The rain couldn’t penetrate the
Raptvyn’s soft, sleek feathers. Thunder shook the mountainside and lightning flashed
but Parker had never felt safer or more loved in his life.

* * * * *

When Jindra arrived at work the Monday after the camping trip, he was still

wrapped in the happiness of two days in the mountains with Parker. One of the
groomers called in with a family emergency so while he washed and primped the dogs
and cats scheduled that morning, Jindra left Newly in charge of the office.

Jesse arrived around noon dressed in her usual jeans and T-shirt but surprisingly

she wore a hint of makeup and her neatly braided hair wasn’t covered with a baseball

“Well, what’s the occasion?” Jindra grinned.
“Don’t be a wiseass. Oh my gosh.” She approached and stared at the

Newfoundland Jindra was just finishing. “I forgot how good you are at this. She looks

“Well, how can you make a dog like this look bad?” Jindra said, caressing the

Newfoundland’s broad head. “Get me a pink bow, will you?”

She walked to a cabinet and searched. “We don’t have any pink left.”
“What?” Jindra wrinkled his nose.
“There’s black, navy blue—”
“Navy blue? You want me to put a navy blue bow on this gorgeous black lady?

And here I thought you were getting some taste.”

Jesse glanced over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at him.
“Is there red in there? Even white.”
“Here’s your red bow.” She walked over and tossed it at him. “I didn’t come down

here to be your damn assistant, Jindra. I have something to tell you. Uncle Wells has a
report about you know.”

An odd feeling crept through Jindra. He’d forgotten about Jesse putting her

detective uncle on Parker’s tail. The way things had been going between him and his
lover, Jindra felt a bit guilty about having Parker followed, even if he wasn’t technically
the one who’d hired Uncle Wells.


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“He wants to drop by around two but I told him I had to ask you first. Maybe you’d

prefer to meet him someplace else?”

“Of course not, Jesse. It’s not like I’m trying to hide anything.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Look, Jindra, I don’t want to be the one to start throwing

apples in the Garden of Eden but it can’t hurt to be careful.”

“I’m all for careful.”
“Good. So you’ll listen to what Uncle Wells has to say?”
“Why wouldn’t I, though I’ve been with Parker for months and no government

scientists have tried to lock me in a rubber room and throw away the key. And speaking
of lovers, why are you all primped today? Heavy lunch date?”

A rather telling blush rose in Jesse’s cheeks and she shot him an annoyed look.

“Don’t think I couldn’t get one.”

“I never said you couldn’t. If I remember correctly, Im the one who’s always saying

you can. Youre the one who has no interest in the mating game.”

“Who said anything about mating?” she snapped. “I’m going to call Uncle Wells

and tell him it’s okay to stop by at two then I’m going to get some work done in the

“You could start by helping me groom one of two cats who are scheduled next.”
“But you’re doing such a lovely job.” She smirked and headed out of the room.
“I’ll remember that, Jess,” he called after her then muttered to himself. “She must be

in heat or something.”

“I heard that!” Jesse shouted from the corridor.
For the next couple of hours, Jindra waited with a kind of morbid anticipation for

Uncle Wells to arrive. One partner checking up on another had to be wrong yet when
mixing with a human, no matter how wonderful he was, a shapeshifter needed to be
careful. Besides, he didn’t think Uncle Wells had actually found anything on Parker. It
was the guilt that was getting to Jindra.

He had just sent his last client home with her pleased owner when Jesse and Uncle

Wells joined him. Uncle Wells was a tall, powerfully built man. His wavy black hair
hung to his shoulders and he wore a full black beard streaked with gray. To those who
knew of his origins, his piercing gray eyes served as a constant reminder of his
werewolf blood. To others he simply had the look of a man they didn’t want to mess

“Jindra.” Uncle Wells extended his hand and Jindra shook it firmly.
“Hello, Wells. How are you?”
“Fine. Just fine. Am I free to talk here?”
Jindra gestured with his hand for him to go on. “We’re alone right now.”
“I want you to know I’ve kept very close watch on Parker Rigby and have seen no

evidence of him breathing a word about your special abilities to anyone.”


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Jesse grinned broadly and Jindra allowed a slight smile to touch his lips. In truth

he’d already known Uncle Wells wouldn’t find anything of importance. Still, it was
good to know his faith in Parker was confirmed.

“In case you’re interested he also doesn’t see any other men, women or whatever.”
Even Jesse stared at her uncle in disbelief and laughed. “Or whatever, Uncle Wells?”
“I mean, he doesn’t cheat.”
“I wasn’t trying to find out if he cheats,” Jindra said, slightly annoyed.
“Can’t help it. I get so many cases of husbands trying to find out if wives are

cheating and vice versa that it’s just habit to look for that sort of thing.”

“Thanks, Uncle Wells. We appreciate the info,” Jesse said.
“No problem.”
“Want to stay for coffee or something?”
“No, kid. I need to get back out there. Sniff out some baddies. You know the routine

even if you are just pet detectives. No offense.”

“None taken,” Jindra said. One thing about Uncle Wells. He was a character.
“I’ll walk you to the door,” Jesse said.
Uncle Wells held up one of his large, gnarled hands. “Kid, it’s all right. If I can’t

find that I’m in the wrong business. See you around, Jin.”

Jindra smiled and waved. Once Uncle Wells had gone, he muttered, “I hate being

called Jin.”

“At least he got the job done and you know Parker has kept your secret and doesn’t

cheat. How about you, Jin? Any guys on the side?”

Jindra turned on the hose in one of the tubs and fired it at Jesse.
“You SOB!” she gasped, wiping water from her face. “I should bite you for that!”
“Sorry, honey, but I don’t cheat either.”
“Jindra!” She chuckled.
“And before you got so rude I was going to ask if you wanted to switch with me for

the afternoon so you wouldn’t be stuck in the office with Newly.”

“That’s okay.” She shrugged and accepted the towel he handed to her. She dried

her face and hair. “I don’t mind working with him.”

“Since when do either of us not mind working with him?”
“He’s really not so bad underneath all that attitude.”
“That’s your problem, Jess. You have a soft heart and are often more bark than

bite,” Jindra commented affectionately as he began cleaning the tub. “You’re always
picking up strays, like you did with me.”

“Is that gratitude I hear from the rogue Raptvyn? Honestly, Jindra, what’s

happening to you lately? If I’d known falling in love would put you in such good
moods I’d have tried to set you up long ago.”


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“It’s not just falling love, Jesse,” he said. Then after a moment he added, “It’s falling

in love with Parker.”

“I’m glad for you, Jindra. I really am.” She approached and hugged him briefly.

Then she turned the hose on him.

He stepped back, spitting water and wiping it from his eyes. “I suppose I deserved



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Chapter Ten

On the six-month anniversary of the day they met, Jindra asked Parker out for a

special evening. He got tickets to a musical and made reservations at a nice restaurant.
All day Jindra could scarcely think of anything except his upcoming date with Parker.
That afternoon when he returned to the office after making house calls, he found an
arrangement of sunflowers on his desk. He opened the card and smiled. It read from
Parker with love

Jesse looked up from her computer’s keyboard and sighed. “It just ain’t right. You’d

think I’d get the flowers once in a while.”

“Why don’t you drop a few hints to whomever it is you’re wearing the makeup and

braids for?”

“I shouldn’t have to drop any hints,” she pouted. “And is that how you get Parker

to send you flowers?”

“No.” He curled his lip. “So when are we going to meet this mystery man of


She raised her eyes to the heavens then focused on her computer screen. “I don’t

want to talk about it.”

The rest of the afternoon dragged by but finally Jindra was on his way home. He

showered, sprayed on the citrus-scented cologne Parker liked, blow-dried his hair and
bound it in a tail. He dressed in black trousers and a crewneck sweater of black
cashmere then put on his gray wool coat before leaving the apartment.

It was a chilly night with the scent of snow in the air. Though he looked forward to

the entire evening, he particularly enjoyed the thought of cuddling warm in bed with
his lover.

When he arrived at Parker’s house, the doctor shouted to him from the bedroom,

“Come on up. I’ll be ready in a minute.”

Jindra removed his coat and draped it over the chair in the foyer. He jogged up the

stairs and stepped into the bedroom where Parker stood in front of a full-length mirror
combing his hair. He looked breathtakingly handsome in black slacks and a sweater
with a crisp white dress shirt underneath.

“Wow. You look gorgeous,” Jindra said, leaning a shoulder against the wall, his

gaze sweeping Parker from head to toe.

“Thanks.” Parker turned and smiled. “Speaking of gorgeous. You look sexy as hell.

I love the feel of cashmere.” He approached and ran his hand over Jindra’s chest.

Jindra took his hand, kissed it and held it over his heart. “Thank you for the



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“You’re welcome.” Parker brushed his lips across Jindra’s then grasped his wrist

and tugged him toward the door. “Let’s go. I’ve been looking forward to this all day
and I’m starving.”

A short time later they were seated at the restaurant talking while eating a delicious

meal. Afterward they went to the show and had a wonderful time. Jindra thought it
would be a totally perfect evening until they left the theater and found themselves
amidst a crowd staring up at the top of a tall building. A woman stood on a ledge.

“Oh shit,” Parker murmured.
Sirens screeched as a police car, fire engine and ambulance approached. Several

people were leaning out windows shouting to the woman. Even from such a distance
Jindra’s keen vision detected the desperate expression on her face and he sensed the
chances of her jumping or at least slipping from panic were greater than her being
talked inside.

“I’ll be back,” Jindra whispered to Parker.
“Where are you going?” Parker demanded.
“I can’t very well let her smash all over the pavement, can I?”
“God, Jindra, you’ll be seen.”
“I’ll drop her somewhere safe and change back to human form. No one will see me

change and they certainly won’t be looking for a shapeshifter.”

Parker grasped his arm and squeezed tightly. “Please be careful.”
“I will. Meet you back at the car.”
Jindra hurried off. Behind an oversized trash receptacle in a nearby alley, he tore off

his clothes and muttered, “What the hell is it with me and suicides? Am I a fucking
magnet for them or what?”

Naked, he shifted to bird form and flew to the top of the nearest building. No

sooner had he landed than the woman jumped. He caught her before she hit the
ground. She shrieked loud enough to make Jindra wince while the crowd screamed and

A cop pulled his gun and fired but another cop knocked his hand aside so the bullet

zipped past Jindra and his unwilling passenger.

“You’ll shoot the woman!” the second cop bellowed.
I must be crazy to have done this, Jindra thought.
The woman was still hollering like a banshee when he carried her off and dropped

her in front of the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Luckily when he returned to
the alley, the crowd had dispersed. His heart pounding with sudden fear over the
danger of what he’d done, he pulled on his clothes. Not a moment too soon, either. A
cop stepped into the alley.

“What are you doing here?” the cop demanded.


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“Looking for my friend. We got separated in the crowd that was here a short time

ago,” Jindra replied.

After glancing over Jindra’s conservative clothes, he nodded. “Did you see anything

unusual around here?”

“Such as?”
The cop’s brow furrowed and he looked a bit dazed. “Never mind. Be on your


Jindra nodded and left the alley. He found Parker waiting in the car.
“Shit, you had me worried.” Parker embraced him tightly once he climbed into the

passenger seat. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. The next time I volunteer to do something that stupid, knock me out cold.”
Parker closed his eyes and sighed deeply, a relieved smile on his face. “When you

grabbed hold of that woman and the cop started shooting, I thought—I don’t even want
to think about it anymore. Everybody saw you. Do you know what’s going to happen?”

“Can we not talk about it?”
“Jindra, I—”
“Parker, please.” Jindra sighed. “I’ve got the beginnings of the migraine from hell.”
“All right. We can only hope this will blow over fast.”
“I told you. Who is going to suspect a shapeshifter? They’ll think it’s a fluke or

something, right?”

“You don’t sound very positive.”
Parker took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “All I’m positive about is that you’re

the most courageous fool I’ve ever known and I love you, Jindra Salman.”

“Well, a speech like that was almost worth me getting shot at.”
“No.” Parker embraced him tightly. “Nothing is worth that.”
Some things are, Jindra thought, closing his eyes and relishing the feel of Parker in

his arms. He knew without doubt there was nothing he wouldn’t risk for Parker.

* * * * *

The following morning Jindra walked into the office, irritable from a restless night

since both he and Parker had been too wired over the suicide rescue to sleep. The first
thing he saw was Newly sneering at him.

“Nice going last night, sir. Are you trying to expose us?”
“Shut up, Newly. I’m not in the mood.”
“Jindra, have you seen the papers?” Jesse stepped into the room, carrying a mug of

coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. She handed him the paper which was
open to an article about a giant raptor that saved a woman from a suicide jump. The


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woman was currently in the care of a mental hospital and not available for comment
but dozens of witnesses saw the bird. There was even a blurry picture of Jindra flying
the woman to safety.

“Fuck. It’s all over the television too,” Jindra murmured.
“Was the woman’s life worth possible exposure of shapeshifters?” Newly


“Newly, even a single life is important,” Jesse said as if to a child. “And I doubt

anyone will be looking for a shapeshifter.”

“That’s what I said.” Jindra walked to his desk and slumped in the chair. “I just

didn’t want to see that woman splattered all over the damn sidewalk. Is that a crime?”

“No. I mean, every now and then we all use our abilities at the risk of exposure.

Saving a life qualifies as a good reason,” Jesse told him.

“It’s still risky,” Newly said.
“Let’s just cut him some slack, Newly. Besides, it’s not as if anyone who saw the

bird could so much as suspect it was actually Jindra.”

“You wouldn’t have been doing it just to impress that boyfriend of yours?” Newly

raised an eyebrow and Jindra stood, his teeth bared. Inside the raptor shrieked to take
over and claw the Dusk Thief a new asshole.

“Jindra, calm down.” Jesse placed a hand on his arm. “Newly, that wasn’t a bright

observation. We both know Jindra wouldn’t do such a thing. Nor does he have to
impress anybody. Weren’t you about to make some house calls?”

With a low growl Newly headed for the door but paused before stepping out. He

glanced back at Jindra. “I apologize for that last comment, sir. It was—unwarranted.”

His teeth still gritted, Jindra was about to make a vicious retort but Jesse tugged on

his arm and gazed at him with an expression in her big gray eyes he’d never been able
to resist.

“Apology accepted,” he muttered. Newly left and Jindra added, “Dickhead.”

* * * * *

A couple of hours later, Jindra was about to visit the raptor sanctuary when a

crowd of reporters stepped into the office.

“What can you tell us about the giant bird terrorizing New York City?” someone

demanded, shoving a microphone in Jindra’s face.

“Are you Jindra Salman, co-owner of From Paws to Wings?”
“Where did the giant eagle come from?”
“How have you been able to keep it hidden?”
Jindra blinked as cameras snapped in his face. “What are you people talking

about?” he demanded in a calm yet stern voice. Though panic clogged his chest, he
remained outwardly collected. This was a nightmare come true.


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“Hey!” Jesse snapped, stepping out of the kitchen. “What the hell is this?”
“You’re Jesse Rizzo, Mr. Salman’s business partner, are you not? Tell us about the

monster bird.”

Jesse’s lip curled and she exchanged glances with Jindra. “What are they talking


“Don’t tell us you didn’t hear about the eagle that carried off a suicide jumper last

night?” a reporter called.

Jindra and Jesse feigned shock then broke into laughter. Any shapeshifter who had

survived as long as they had among humans could perform better than the world’s
greatest actor.

“Monster bird?” Jesse scoffed. “You people get out of here. This is a place of


“We don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jindra plowed through the crowd and

opened the door. “Out.”

Jesse glared. “Yes or we’ll call the po-police,” she finished weakly as two officers

strode inside.

Moments later the reporters were off the premises but Jindra and Jesse were stuck

talking to the police. Fortunately they seemed almost embarrassed to be asking them
questions about a giant bird. That morning they’d been given a tip from a man whose
identity they refused to disclose.

Their informant had said the giant bird that had been sighted the previous night

was being housed at Jindra and Jesse’s raptor sanctuary. Jindra and Jesse made a show
of amusement over the entire situation and didn’t hesitate in giving them a thorough
tour of the farmhouse, barn and raptor sanctuary.

Back in the office, they collected coffee mugs from the police.
“I’m sorry for any inconvenience,” one officer said. “But you understand we need

to follow any leads that seem feasible in a case like this.”

“Of course,” Jindra said. “It’s just hard to believe that a creature such as you

described actually exists. Are you certain it isn’t some kind of hoax?”

“Anything is a possibility,” replied the officer. “It sounds crazy to me too. If one of

my buddies hadn’t seen it with his own eyes…”

“There will probably end up being a reasonable explanation,” Newly, who had

returned a short time ago, stated. “If you ask me, you should be more interested in
capturing murderers and drug dealers than some oversized bird that may not even

“Newly, shut up,” Jesse hissed through her teeth. “These officers are only doing

their job.”

“Thanks for your cooperation,” said the second policeman. He extended his hand to

Jindra and Jesse but completely ignored Newly.


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When the police finally left, Jindra closed the door behind them and leaned against

it. Jesse dropped into a chair and sighed with relief while Newly began pacing the
room, his brow furrowed.

“And who do you suppose is the mysterious stranger who led them to us?” Newly

demanded, his gaze fixed on Jindra.

“How the hell should I know?” Jindra snapped.
“Well, let’s see. No one here has human acquaintances who know about their

shapeshifter origins except for you—”

Jindra stepped in front of Newly and used his greater height to glower down at

him. “Newly, if you say what I think you’re going to say you’ll find your eyeballs on
the ends of my talons.”

“I’m grateful for the help you’ve given me, sir, but I don’t take threats from

anyone,” Newly stated, his eyes gleaming with scarcely controlled rage.

“Stop it, both of you,” Jesse said. “We’re here to support each other. Not fight

amongst ourselves. Newly, there is no problem. Obviously no one is going to find a
giant raptor anywhere in this facility, right, Jindra?”

He didn’t miss her point. As long as he kept to his human form, the situation would

eventually blow over. He nodded and said, “Exactly.”

“Soon they’ll realize how stupid the whole situation is and everything will be back

to normal. We just need to bear with it until then.”

Newly snarled a bit. “All right. I’m just saying it’s too much of a coincidence that

someone pointed the police in the direction of our sanctuary.”

“I don’t think it was Parker,” Jesse said.
“Well, it certainly wasn’t one of us,” Newly said. “No employee here would take

that risk. It’s a matter of self-preservation.”

While Jesse and Newly continued arguing, Jindra wandered to the kitchen, lost in

thought. He trusted Parker implicitly and didn’t believe he’d tell anyone, especially the
police, about the existence of shapeshifters. Still, it didn’t make sense. No one else knew
about Jindra. All the employees at From Paws to Wings were shapeshifters.

He was pouring a glass of apple juice when Jesse approached.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. Just curious about the mystery informant.”
She sighed and looked almost hesitant before asking, “Jindra, you don’t think

Parker would—”

“No! He would not,” Jindra stated. Would he?

* * * * *

That night when Jindra arrived at Parker’s he was still rather distracted over the

day’s events.


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“Hey, baby.” Parker greeted him with a hug and kiss.
For a long moment Jindra held him tightly.
“Jindra, are you all right?” Parker asked, holding him at arm’s length. “All that shit

in the newspaper and on TV is getting to you, isn’t it?”

“It’s not that.”
“Well, it’s getting to me,” Parker admitted. He grasped Jindra’s hand and tugged

him to the dinner table where he’d already arranged the Chinese food takeout he’d
picked up after work.

“Is it?”
“Yes, even though I know there’s no way anyone will ever know the truth.”
“The police and a bunch of reporters came by From Paws to Wings this morning.”
Parker paled a bit. “What happened?”
“Just a lot of questions. Someone tipped them off though they wouldn’t say who it


His brow furrowed, Parker reached for Jindra’s hand and held it snugly. “Who

could have done that?”

“I don’t know.” Jindra held his lover’s gaze.
“Who else in this city knows about you, other than me? You never actually told me

if Jesse knows or not. I know she’s your business partner but can you really trust her?”

“Yes. I can trust her.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Jindra, but how can you be sure?” Parker’s

gorgeous blue eyes stared into his with an expression Jindra well recognized. Once
Parker got an idea in his head it was almost impossible to get it out.

“Believe me. It’s not her.”
“Well, does she know you’re a Raptvyn?”
“Yes. She knows.”
Parker tossed up his hands in exasperation. “Then there’s your damn leak!”
“No. She isn’t.” Jindra tugged his hand from Parker’s. “Actually it has been

suggested that you might be the leak but I know that’s also impossible.”

The stunned expression on Parker’s face made Jindra wish he hadn’t blurted out

that accusation.

“I don’t believe this.” Parker leaned back in his chair. “I’m your lover. She’s just

some damn business partner! Did you ever think she might be using this incident to
gain attention for the business?”

“You’re wrong, Parker.”
“But that muscle-bound little slut isn’t? She accuses me and you—”
“I never said she accused you!”
“Then who else? How many other people know your deep, dark secret?”


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“Look, Parker, this isn’t going right. I don’t want to fight with you and I’m certainly

not accusing you.”

Parker stood and began pacing the room, his anger almost tangible. “Yes, you are. If

you were sure of my loyalty you wouldn’t have brought this up.”

“I’m sure of your loyalty. I just thought that maybe before we really got to know

each other you might have mentioned your studies to a colleague—”

“Well, if that’s not accusing me then what is? You know what the problem is,

Jindra? You’re so wrapped up in your damn flock and think you’re so fucking special—

Between the stressful day and Parker’s overreacting, Jindra had reached the end of

his patience. “You’re the one who started out this relationship by saying how much
you’d love to show my samples to your egg-headed friends so they could study me like
some specimen.”

“Well, excuse me! It’s not every day that a genuine freak of nature comes along!”
Jindra was practically trembling with rage. “Freak of nature? If you humans knew

even half as much about the world as you think you do, you’d see that you’re the freaks
of nature

“If you feel that way about it then get the fuck out of my house and don’t bother

coming back.”

“Good.” Jindra stood abruptly and headed for the door. “Now I suppose I’ll be

overrun with cops and reporters who know intimate details about the biological
function of Raptvyns.”

A bottle of wine smashed on the wall beside his head.
“Next time I’ll actually be aiming for you, Jindra, so get out!”
Without another word Jindra left, slamming the door behind him. He sat in his car

for a moment, feeling nauseous. How the hell had this happened? He loved Parker and
now he’d probably lost him forever. But what if Parker had been the one to leak the
information about Jindra, even inadvertently?

Uncle Wells had checked him out but that wasn’t until after Parker had taken

samples from Jindra. What if he’d shared information with a colleague before Uncle
Wells started tailing him? At first he had no real reason to be loyal to Jindra and it
would be normal for one doctor to discuss an odd case with another, wouldn’t it? Even
if Parker hadn’t meant for the information to get out or cause Jindra harm, the wrong
person could have gotten hold of it.

He wanted to make up with Parker but at the moment their tempers were too out of

control. Later he’d call and talk to him. If Parker still wanted to talk to him. Fuck. What a
mess everything had turned out to be. Perhaps the Raptvyns were right. One species
couldn’t mix with another.

Jindra started the car and drove to his apartment. As soon as he approached his

door a strange feeling crept over him. He stepped inside and found his apartment had


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been turned upside down. The double doors leading to the patio were ajar and frosty
air blew through the room. Drawers were open, their contents emptied on the floor.
Food from the pantry and refrigerator was strewn across the kitchenette. A quick check
of the bathroom revealed a similar mess.

“I don’t believe it,” Jindra muttered. He stooped and collected several photos and

letters from Parker that had been dumped from the box in which he’d kept them. Then
he picked up the amulet Rostya had left him. It had been broken, as if carelessly
stepped on. After placing the box and the amulet atop his night table he picked up the
phone to call the police then changed his mind.

With everything that was going on the last thing he wanted was more attention

drawn to himself. Perhaps that was exactly what the person who’d trashed his house
was counting on. He picked up the phone again and was about to dial when he
considered that nothing seemed to be stolen. Someone had been digging for
information. The police? No. Wouldn’t they have left some sort of warning that they’d
searched the place? Reporters? If that was the case then he should call the police on their
illegally snooping asses.

What if the person who’d broken in was another shapeshifter and had nothing to

do with humans at all. If that was the case he needed to contact Jesse and get some of
her wolf connections to sniff out the offender. It was time to give Uncle Wells more

* * * * *

Over the next three days Jindra tried phoning Parker several times but the doctor

refused to take his calls. When the flowers he’d sent were returned, Jindra finally
decided to stop by Parker’s house.

During the drive over, his stomach churned with anxiety. The reporters no longer

swarmed around his place of business and the giant bird story no longer warranted
front-page news. With no other sightings of the oversized raptor and absolutely no
proof that it had anything to do with From Paws to Wings, he was certain the story
would eventually die out completely. Uncle Wells and two of Jesse’s cousins who were
in law enforcement were trying to find out who had broken into Jindra’s apartment and
why since nothing had been stolen.

Feeling awkward for the first time since they’d met, Jindra used his key to let

himself in. No sooner had he stepped into the foyer than Parker appeared.

For heavy moment they stared at each other. Longing and hurt burned between

them but neither seemed sure how to handle it.

“I wanted to see how you are,” Jindra said, shoving his hands into the back pockets

of his jeans so he wouldn’t fidget.

“Fine. You?”
“I’m okay. My house was broken into a few nights ago—”


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Concern flashed across Parker’s face. “You weren’t hurt or anything?”
“No. I wasn’t home at the time.”
The worry in Parker’s expression turned to wariness. “You didn’t come here to

blame me for that too?”

“Of course not,” Jindra snapped. “I just—”
“Here.” Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out his ring of keys. He removed

the one to Jindra’s apartment and handed it to him.

“Parker, can’t we talk about this?”
“Give me my key please. This way we can’t make any accusations about snooping.”
“I told you I’m not here to make accusations.”
“I don’t really care why you’re here, Jindra. You’re not the first person in this life

who’s mistrusted me. My family thinks I’m a lousy doctor because of what happened to
my nephew. It doesn’t bother me much that my ex-boyfriend thinks I spilled his secrets
to cops, reporters and god knows who else.”

Frustrated by Parker’s inability to get over their argument, he said, “Don’t you

think you’re overreacting?”

“The key please.”
Jindra removed his key ring from his pocket and glanced at the photo of him and

Parker. A twinge of sorrow darted through him as he remembered the camping trip and
all the fun they had. They’d been so perfectly in love. Now everything was fucked up.
Quickly he took off Parker’s house key, handed it to him and left fast, afraid of losing
control of his emotions in front of the doctor. At the moment that was the last thing he
wanted to do.

He had planned on going to work early but instead drove home and lay on his bed,

staring dumbly at the ceiling. This sucked. Completely and totally. Tears trickled from
the corners of his eyes and he swiped at them roughly. Damn. He hadn’t cried since he
was a child. Hadn’t even shed a tear when Rostya died. Now he was blubbering like a
fool over some guy.

Not just any guy. The only guy he’d ever truly loved. It was his own fault for giving

so much of himself to someone else. He should have known better.

The phone rang and he allowed the machine to pick up. In spite of himself he

hoped it was Parker calling to say he’d had a change of heart.

After the beep, Jesse said, “Jindra, I don’t know if you’re home or on your way in but

there are a couple of guys from the government here who want to talk to you.”

Jindra picked up the receiver and spoke in a deceptively steady voice. “I’ll be right


“Okay. They’re searching the raptor sanctuary as we speak. This is getting


“Tell me about it,” Jindra said, once again fully in control of his emotions.


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He’d existed before Parker and would continue to exist now that they’d split up. No

use wasting his life pining over someone who no longer cared about him. Not when he
had bigger problems to deal with.

When he arrived at work the government agents were still searching the raptor

sanctuary. Afterward they questioned Jindra in private for several hours. He didn’t
doubt they had investigated him thoroughly and was glad Jesse’s pack were such
experts at creating flawless identities for the shapeshifters they assisted. Once the
agents left, he and Jesse went for a long walk in the wooded area of their property so
they could talk. Concerned that their buildings had been bugged, they no longer felt
comfortable speaking freely inside.

“Jindra, this is going to blow over. Really,” she said.
“I know.”
“You look terrible. I know you’re worried—”
“I’m fine,” he said with a sigh.
Jesse glanced at him skeptically. “Oh right. What’s going on with you and Parker?

You haven’t mentioned him lately and he hasn’t called the office—”

“There is no me and Parker, Jesse. Not anymore.”
Glancing at him with sympathy, she said, “I knew it. What happened?”
“He thought I was accusing him of telling the press and the cops about my ability.”
“Why would he think that?”
“Because I pretty much asked him if he did,” Jindra muttered.
Raising her eyes to the heavens, she shoved his shoulder. “Hello! No wonder.”
“I didn’t say he went to the cops. I suggested he might have consulted a colleague

about my DNA and they in turn went to the police after the story about the giant bird
broke. Well, Parker flipped out and broke the whole thing off.”

“Jindra, I’m so sorry but you know if he loves you he’ll see how crazy it is to split

up over—”

“No, it’s not. Two species can’t mix. I should have realized that.”
Jesse lowered her gaze and was uncharacteristically silent for several moments.

Finally she said, “Do you really think two different species can’t make it together?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it works for some but not Raptvyns. Why do you ask?”
“No reason. We better get back to the office. Newly is handling everything by


“Which could spell disaster.”
“Jindra, can’t you cut him some slack? He’s a good worker. I know he’s not the

most charming guy in the world—”

“That’s an understatement,” Jindra muttered.
“But he’s not as bad as you make him out to be.”


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“What is it lately with the leniency toward Newly?”
“Just give him a chance.”
“All right. It’s just that we have a slight personality clash.”
“Now who’s making an understatement?”
“He’s a hard worker,” Jindra agreed.
Jesse smiled. “See. That’s a start.”

* * * * *

Another two days passed with frustrating slowness. Jindra tried calling Parker

again then finally decided to give up. When and if the doctor finally cooled down Jindra
would see him. Or maybe not. He was also pretty pissed off and not so sure he wanted
to forgive and forget.

Who was he kidding? He still loved Parker so much that not being with him caused

physical pain. He felt like a zombie going about his daily activities while his mind and
heart were numb. He felt even worse when Uncle Wells stopped by to report that he’d
gotten a description of the man who had tipped off the police about the giant bird’s
connection to the raptor sanctuary.

He had a friend on the police force whose tongue was a bit looser than it should be

and had said the informant was tall and burly with green eyes. It was the burly part
that made Jindra certain the man couldn’t possibly be Parker. What bothered him was
that neither he nor any shapeshifter he worked with could imagine who the informant
might be. The only person who remotely fit the description was Pepik and he was
imprisoned in Raptvyn country.

Even if he hadn’t been, why would a shapeshifter bring negative attention to his

own kind? Still, Pepik had made it clear he cared little or nothing for the flock. The
same afternoon Uncle Wells gave his report, Jindra mentioned his suspicions to Jesse.

“If there were any problems with Pepik, Vlad would have sent me a warning,”

Jindra said. “Still, it can’t hurt for me to fly home and see what’s going on. I’d sent a
message to the flock a couple of days ago through one of our guards who is studying
humans in Jersey, so they know I was seen by humans in my bird form. Vlad sent a
reply and wasn’t happy about the situation, but he didn’t mention anything about
Pepik so I assumed he was still imprisoned.”

“If you have a feeling about it, go with it. When do you want to fly home?” Jesse


“I’ll leave tomorrow night after my shift is over.”
“Go sooner if you want.”
He shook his head. “I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. See you later tonight. I’m on

my way to the Bronx. A woman’s cat has been missing for a few days.”


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Jindra left to make the call and a couple of hours later had just finished putting up

several large missing pet posters when his cell phone rang.

“Jindra, it’s Jesse. There are two big-assed birds here at the office demanding to see

you and if you don’t come back right away I’m going to have chicken fricassee.” The
growl in her voice revealed how pissed she was. Not only that, the only reason
Raptvyns would be at the office was if there was a problem with the flock. Damn. More
trouble was the last thing he needed.

“I’ll be there soon,” Jindra told her.


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Chapter Eleven

A short time later Jindra arrived at the office and saw that the big-assed birds Jesse

had mentioned were members of the elite guard. Klement and Izak had trained with
Jindra years ago.

“Jindra, we must speak to you in private,” said Izak, tossing Jesse a look that made

her lip curl.

“It’s all right,” Jindra told her.
“I’ll be in the kitchen then.” Jesse growled at the Raptvyn guards.
“No. We’re better off talking outside,” Jindra said and guided his visitors out of the

office. In the field behind the farmhouse, they spoke.

“Several days ago Pepik’s mates broke him out of prison. The male was killed

during the escape. A short time later, the female was killed by Gize during an attack on
her and Vlad’s nest. She was bent on destroying their eggs. It seems all three blamed
you and Vlad for Pepik’s imprisonment. Even though you’re in the city Vlad wanted
you to know you might still be in danger since there’s no telling where Pepik could
attack next.”

Anger rose in Jindra. Now he was almost certain who the mysterious informant had

been. “Why wasn’t I warned before?”

“Arno left with a message for you the day after Pepik escaped.”
Jindra’s gut twisted and he closed his eyes for a moment. “I haven’t seen Arno since

he escorted me home from the two-day challenge.”

Izak and Klement exchanged looks and Klement said, “That’s what we feared since

Arno never returned home. I believe Pepik intercepted the message.”

“And most likely killed Arno,” Izak added.
Sadness washed over Jindra upon hearing that his childhood friend and ex-lover

had probably died a violet death.

“Vlad wanted you warned because Pepik and his mates seemed to be targeting not

only you and him but those close to you. Late this morning, this message was delivered
by arrow to the Convocation Clearing.” Izak passed a piece of hide to Jindra. Symbols
in the Raptvyn language were scratched upon it and a lock of black hair was attached.
Panic clogged Jindra’s chest as he caressed that familiar lock. Parker.

There was one sure way Pepik had learned about the doctor. He had broken into

Jindra’s apartment, searching for a way to injure him. Jindra recalled the photos and
letters from Parker he’d picked up off the floor that night. Their entire love affair in
pictures and writing had been exposed to his vengeful cousin.


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The message read that Pepik had taken Parker someplace Jindra could easily find

and would keep him until Jindra arrived alone.

“Vlad wants you to go to him,” Klement stated.
“I’ll go to him.” Jindra closed his fist tightly around the piece of hide, the anger

inside him so intense that he thought he might explode. This time when he got his
talons on Pepik he was going to rip his head off.

“Vlad has a plan,” Izak said.
“So do I,” Jindra snapped. “Follow me.”
He strode back to the house and called to Jesse. She and Newly stepped out of the


“If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak to my partner before I accompany you back to

the flock,” Jindra said to the guards.

He and Jesse walked outside where Jindra explained the situation and translated

the note for her.

“I knew it was something like this,” Jesse said. “Do you know what he means by

‘someplace you can easily find’?”

“I believe he’s taken him to my nest and if he hasn’t killed him already he will at

some point. I’m going to get him. This time I don’t give a fuck what my brother says,
leader or not. Pepik is going to get what he deserves. I’ll be leaving immediately.”

“No problem,” Jesse stated. They walked back to the farmhouse where Jindra spoke

to the guards for a few minutes more while Jesse and Newly disappeared outside. A
moment later they called for him.

“What?” Jindra demanded, distracted by worry and the details of his plan.
“We’re going with you,” Jesse stated.
Jindra’s brow furrowed and he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Jesse, I appreciate it

but this is flock business.”

“No, it’s family business and we’re family, Jindra,” she stated. “Besides, you’re

going to need help. He said he wants you to come alone so that means he’ll be looking
for other Raptvyns in the area but not wolves or Dusk Thieves. We can be your

“No. I can’t let you risk yourselves.”
“Risk?” Jesse curled her lip. “If I get hold of a Raptvyn, any Raptvyn, in my wolf

form, it’s goodbye birdie. No offense.”

“None taken.”
“And Dusk Thieves didn’t get our name by being sweet, sir,” Newly stated.
“Why do you want to help me?” Jindra said. “We don’t even like each other,



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“Maybe not but I do respect you, sir, and I’m grateful that you’ve given me the

chance to work here. It’s meant more to me than you can know. I have few friends but I
count you among them.”

Jindra gazed at Newly in surprise. He hadn’t expected a speech like that from the

Dusk Thief.

“And we care about Parker too,” Jesse added. “Our priorities are you and him, not

the flock.”

Glancing from one to the other, Jindra couldn’t fully express how deeply their

loyalty touched him. Jesse was right. They were family and most likely Parker’s only
chance of survival, if he wasn’t dead already. No! He couldn’t think like that or else he
might fall apart and what good would that do?

“Thank you,” Jindra said softly.
“I’ll make a few calls so From Paws to Wings will be taken care of in our absence.

Then we can take off,” Jesse said.

Jindra nodded. He called for Klement and Izak to let them know of their plan.
“Absolutely not,” Klement stated after hearing that Jesse and Newly would be

joining them. “We cannot allow other species inside Raptvyn country. The Creed

“Fuck the Creed,” Jindra snapped, causing both to stare at him in frozen shock.

“I’m talking about my lover’s life. My friends and I can either speak to my brother
together or else we go after Pepik on our own.”

The guards exchanged looks then Izak said, “Very well. We will allow you to bring

the outsiders. Then the leader will decide what to do.”

* * * * *

It was long after dark when Jindra, Jesse and Newly arrived in Raptvyn country.

Jesse and Newly, in their animal form, had followed Jindra. When they approached the
Convocation Clearing where Vlad was meeting with several members of the elite guard,
Raptvyn warriors stared suspiciously at Jindra’s companions. Jesse and Newly waited
with Izak while Jindra flew to the leader’s dwelling where Vlad excused himself from
the meeting and approached his brother.

“Jindra, have you been briefed on the situation?”
“I suspected the place Pepik mentioned in the message was quite possibly your nest

so I sent a spy.”

Jindra tensed. “That was risky. Pepik said I was to go alone.”
“I’m sorry but it was a chance I had to take. For the safety of my family and the

flock I needed to find out where he is. The spy was given orders not to do anything to
provoke him if the human was still alive.”


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“The human has a name,” Jindra snapped. “It’s Parker.”
Vlad rested a hand on Jindra’s shoulder. “I understand what he must mean to you.

Pepik wouldn’t have bothered taking him otherwise. He’s gone quite mad, Jindra. He
must know there’s no way he’ll get away with any of this but his hatred of us combined
with the loss of his mates has pushed him over the edge. You know that if we were out
of the way he would have been next to inherit leadership of the flock. Months ago when
you were shot in flight by a hunter, it was Pepik’s doing.

“He was trying to get rid of you because he thought you’d inherit leadership after

Rostya died. When he learned I was to be leader instead, he bribed several Raptvyns to
fight us during the two-day challenge, just as you suspected. This came out during
questioning after his imprisonment. His craving for power has destroyed him

“I don’t care about Pepik or the reasons behind his insanity. All I want to do is get

Parker back.”

“I know. If I send you in with backup—”
“Parker will be dead before any of us can reach him.”
“But if you go in alone as he asked I’m sure he’ll find a way to cheat just as he did

in the two-day challenge.”

“Don’t think I’d be fool enough to fight fairly with him again. I have a plan but I’ll

need your cooperation.”

“Let’s hear it.”
“Would you discuss it down on the ground? I’ve brought two companions who are

an important part of the plan but they don’t fly.”

“Humans?” Vlad looked stunned. “You would dare bring humans here?”
“They’re not human. You know my business partner, Jesse. And our associate, Max

Newly, has accompanied us. He’s a Dusk Thief.”

Vlad glared. “Dusk Thieves are almost worse than humans. And a werewolf, even a

friendly one, is far too dangerous to roam free among Raptvyns.”

Anger coiled inside Jindra. “You can place aside your prejudices until my mate is


Folding his arms across his chest, Vlad sighed and said, “What’s your plan?”
“Will you join us below?”
Without a word Vlad jumped out of the dwelling. Jindra followed and moments

later they stood on the ground in the center of the Convocation Clearing, talking to Jesse
and Newly.

Once Jindra finished explaining the plan, Vlad said, “It’s risky for you but I’ll let

you take the chance. However, guards will surround the area, out of sight of course, in
case Pepik manages to get away from you.”


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“This time he won’t get away. And, Vlad, don’t even ask me to take him alive

because when we go it will be for the kill.”

“When do we strike?” Jesse asked, her eyes gleaming with bloodlust. It wasn’t often

Jindra saw the wolf in her. Now he was reminded of exactly how formidable his
attractive young partner was.

Standing beside her, Newly looked just as wild. An eerie grin on his usually sullen

mouth proved that the Dusk Thief, too long in the civilized world, looked forward to
some action.

“Tonight,” Jindra stated.

* * * * *

Jindra flew low so that Jesse and Newly, who traveled on all fours, could follow.

Though Raptvyns saw by night, they usually hunted by day so Pepik would be less apt
to suspect an attack after dark. While Jindra distracted him with a fight, Jesse and
Newly intended to rescue Parker from the nest. It was built on a ledge but they would
be able to pull him up, providing he was conscious. There was no telling what condition
he was in or how badly Pepik might have injured him. Yes, he’d been alive earlier that
day when Vlad had sent the spy but that didn’t mean—

No! He would not think about it. Parker was alive and they would rescue him.
In their beast form, Jesse and Newly move swiftly though not as fast as Jindra could

fly. Keeping the slower pace was frustrating yet necessary. His friends were the only
logical source of backup if he wanted Parker alive. Several hours later, they neared
Jindra’s mountain. When the nest came into view he gave a sharp cry that signaled to
his companions the location of the nest as well as sent a challenge to Pepik.

Seconds later Pepik shrieked his reply. Jindra flew directly toward the nest from

which Pepik ascended. To his horror, smoke also rose from the nest and he saw flames
shooting through the branches at the base of it. Parker’s head emerged from the top. He
clung to the edge of the nest, coughing and gagging.

Fuck the fight! Jindra needed to rescue Parker before the entire nest went up in

flames. There was little chance Newly and Jesse could reach the mountaintop in time to
save Parker’s life.

Pepik’s body slammed into his before he reached the nest. Locked together they

dropped fast.

“Jindra!” Parker shouted, his voice hoarse from coughing.
Jindra and Pepik tore at each other with beaks and talons. Finally Jindra managed

to kick his cousin away and he flew fast toward the burning nest. Pain shot through him
as Pepik sank his talons into his back. In an attempt to dislodge his cousin, Jindra
turned somersaults in the sky but Pepik held fast.

His heart pounding with terror at the thought of his lover being burned alive,

Jindra rapidly descended toward a lake, hoping to lose Pepik in the water. He flipped


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over backward so his cousin would take the impact. Realizing the plan, Pepik released
Jindra before they hit the lake’s surface and both Raptvyns beat their wings, rising

Glancing toward the nest, Jindra saw that Parker had climbed out and teetered on

the edge. He found a hold in the rocks and began climbing upward. Jindra’s stomach
flopped over. Please dont let him fall

Suddenly Newly and Jesse appeared at the top of the mountain. In their human

forms, Jesse dangled over the ledge while Newly held her feet. She grasped Parker’s
wrist but his footing slipped and he dangled precariously.

Again Pepik’s body slammed into Jindra’s but this time he turned quickly and his

beak snapped on his cousin’s. Shrieking, they bit and clawed one another. Jindra forced
Pepik into the mountainside. The blow stunned Pepik so much that his eyes
momentarily lost focus. Jindra snapped his beak at his cousin’s throat but Pepik twisted
out of his grasp and, wounded, descended through the cover of trees.

Jindra immediately flew toward the ledge where Parker still clung to Jesse’s hand.

Grasping his lover’s arms firmly with his talons, Jindra flew him to safety. Panting, all
four sat on the rocky mountainside. Oblivious to his own injuries, Jindra shifted to
human form and pulled Parker into his arms.

“Are you all right?” he panted.
“I’ll be okay,” Parker gasped, clinging to Jindra for a moment before pushing away.

His hands roamed over Jindra’s bloodied chest. “God, you’re hurt badly.”

“It looks worse than it is,” Jindra assured him.
“You both look like you can use a healer,” Newly stated.
Parker stared at Newly. “Thank you for what you did but how the hell did you get

here and why are you naked?”

“We’ll talk about it later,” Jindra said, glancing around. “Where’s Jesse?”
She had been there a minute ago.
Looking worried, Newly shouted, “Jesse!”
A howl broke the stillness.
“She’s okay,” Newly said.
“What is going on?” Parker demanded.
“Later,” Jindra told him. “Parker, do you need to go to a hospital?”
“No, but you do—”
“The village is closer. I’ll see the healer.”
“Not that shoddy healer agai—what the fuck?” Parker stared as Jesse stepped

through the trees. Her bare flesh streaked with dirt and blood, she strolled toward
them, using a twig as a toothpick.

“Where the hell were you?” Jindra asked.
“Putting your cousin out of his misery.”


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“I was looking forward to doing that myself.”
“Sorry, pal, but I couldn’t resist a good meal. It’s the wilderness. Really gets to the

wolf in me.”

“You ate Pepik?”
“Tasted like chicken.”
Raising his eyes to the heavens, Jindra curled his lip in disgust.
“Did you save me any?” Newly asked.
“Stop it!” Jindra snapped. “I hated his guts but saying that Pepik tastes like chicken

insinuates that I, too, must taste like chicken. How am I supposed to work with you if I
know that’s what you’re thinking?”

“Will someone tell me what the hell is going on here?” Parker roared.
“Can I tell you after I see the healer?” Jindra glanced at several gashes on his ribs. If

he lost too much blood, he’d never have the strength to fly Parker to Raptvyn country.

“Yes. That’s the best idea I’ve heard tonight,” Parker said.
“Shall we meet you at the Convocation Clearing?” Jesse asked.
Jindra nodded and changed to bird form. A short time later he sat beneath a tree at

the Convocation Clearing while Parker and the healer tended his injuries. At first the
healer had been skeptical about allowing a human doctor to assist, but soon he was
impressed by Parker’s skill and knowledge. Parker also seemed thrilled to get firsthand
experience with Raptvyns in their territory.

Vlad spoke to Jindra briefly then sent guards to bury Pepik’s remains. Though he

didn’t care for Jesse’s method of execution, he agreed that the flock was safer with
Pepik dead. He offered hospitality to Jindra and his companions then flew home to

Marka and Salman arrived at the Convocation Clearing and asked Jindra and

Parker to spend the night in their nest. Jesse and Newly decided they’d be happier
sleeping on the ground.

That night, after Marka and Salman had fallen asleep, Jindra and Parker lay awake,

wrapped in each other’s arms.

“I can’t believe Jesse and Max Newly are shapeshifters and I never had a clue about

it,” Parker whispered so as not to wake Jindra’s parents.

Smiling, Jindra replied, “Good thing you couldn’t. Ability to blend in is what makes

survival among humans possible for us.”

“I know. I also know I can never tell anyone where I disappeared to for these past

few days.”

“You’ll be in trouble at work, won’t you?”
Parker sighed. “Probably. I won’t be surprised if I lose my job.”
“I’m sorry.”


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Youre sorry?” Parker lifted his head from Jindra’s shoulder and stared at him in

surprise. “Im the one who’s sorry about that stupid fight we had. I can’t believe you
actually risked your life for me like that.”

“I love you, Parker. I always will. And I’m so sorry it even crossed my mind that

you told my secret to anyone. I should have trusted you more. I should have—”

Parker silenced him with a kiss. When it broke, they stared into each other’s eyes.
“Jindra, will you try it again with me?”
“Yes because, Parker, I wasn’t sure how to go on without you.”

* * * * *

The following day they returned to the city. While Parker tried to salvage his job,

Jindra took the day off to fully recover from the fight with Pepik. Around two in the
afternoon he felt so much better that he decided to go to From Paws to Wings for a
couple of hours.

He was shocked to find Jesse at her desk, brushing tears from her eyes. When she

saw him, she wiped her red nose with a tissue and turned away.

“What’s the matter?” Jindra demanded, squatting in front of her. In all the years

he’d known her, he’d never seen her this upset.

“You don’t cry over nothing. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Oh Jindra.” She flung her arms around his neck and sobbed.
He wasn’t exactly sure what to do so opted for holding her tightly. “Jess, will you

talk to me, damn it.”

“I saw the pack healer today.”
“I didn’t feel well and I thought maybe eating your cousin didn’t agree with me—”
Jindra wrinkled his nose. “Can we not talk about that? Unless he did make you sick

or something. You’re not sick are you, Jesse?”

“I’m not sick. I’m pregnant. Oh damn. This can’t be happening. Our species don’t

mix. There’s never been a case of it before.”

Jindra patted her back. “You mean a human-werewolf hybrid?”
“No.” She sat back, wiped her face and drew a calming breath. “The father’s not


“Who is he? Do you want me to peck out his eyeballs?”
At least that managed to make her laugh. She shook her head, a smile on her lips.


“Jesse, is it the guy you’ve been hung up on lately? The one who got you into

wearing the makeup and braids?”


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“Who the hell is he?”
Jindra fell back on his rump and stared at her, dumbstruck, for several seconds.

Finally he said, “Newly?”

“I think Im going to cry.”
“Jindra, this is serious!”
“Who’s kidding? Newly? How?”
Sniffing, she glared at him and reached for another tissue. “You want the details?”
“No! I didn’t mean how. I meant when. When did this start?”
“A few months ago.”
“Did you tell him?”
“Not yet.”
“Do you want this kid or pup or—damn, Jesse, do you have litters?”
“I don’t know. I told you this has never happened before. A werewolf and a Dusk

Thief. And yes I want it but you know Newly. What’s he going to think of the idea?”

Jindra raised an eyebrow. “He must have liked something about it or else you

wouldn’t be in this situation.”

At that moment Max Newly stepped into the office with his usual scowl.
“Jindra, what should I do?” Jesse whispered.
“You should have asked me that months ago,” Jindra whispered back.
“Tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Newly snapped. His keen Dusk Thief hearing had apparently

detected their conversation.

“I’m going to get some coffee.” Jindra stood and exited quickly. In the kitchen he

closed the door behind him but moments later nothing prevented him from hearing
Newly bellow. Terrified that the Dusk Thief had gone into one of the infamous frenzies
characteristic of his kind, he raced into the office and found Newly dancing around the
room with Jesse in his arms. For the first time Jindra could recall the Dusk Thief wore a
genuine smile.

“We’re breeding!” Newly chuckled.
“I guess he likes the idea,” Jindra ventured.
Jesse laughed and clung to Newly’s neck.
At that moment Izak strode into the office. Though he carried himself in his typical

soldierly manner, the pleased expression in his eyes told Jindra he most likely had good


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news from home. At least he hoped so. It would be a rather pleasant change from the
usual tragedy.

“What brings you back here so soon, Izak?” Jindra asked.
Izak nodded to Jesse and Newly in greeting. The Dusk Thief released his lover,

clearly uncomfortable displaying affection in front of an audience. Jesse didn’t let him
off the hook so easily, however, and remained close to his side, her head resting against
his shoulder. After a moment Newly slipped his arm rather self-consciously around her.
Jindra raised his eyes to the heavens. It seemed they still had a long way to go with
socializing the Dusk Thief.

Izak handed Jindra a message. He unfolded it and read the note from Vlad. Relief

and happiness filled him and he closed his eyes for a moment, a smile on his lips.

“What does it say?” Jesse asked.
“My friend Arno is alive.”

* * * * *

Luckily Parker didn’t lose his job though it would take time for him to reestablish

himself as a dependable member of the staff. He asked Jindra to permanently move into
his home and was thrilled when the Raptvyn agreed. Other than losing his nephew, the
worst time of Parker’s life had been those days when he and Jindra had broken up. He
never imagined shedding tears over a lover but he’d had a good cry or two over the

When Pepik had broken into his house one night and kidnapped him, he thought

for certain it was the end. His family rarely called so it could be weeks before they
realized he was gone. Even if he was reported missing no one would think to look for
his body somewhere in the mountains of upstate New York. Somehow Pepik had
learned of Parker’s affair with Jindra but he refused to listen when Parker said they’d
split up and Jindra wouldn’t come for him.

“He’ll come for you. He’d have come for that finch Arno if he’d known I had him.

Not that it would have done him any good. I killed that scrawny little bird as soon as he
left Raptvyn country.”

Jindra later explained that Arno had been a childhood friend and a former lover.

With his disappearance and Pepik’s confession of murder, it had been a complete
surprise to learn that Arno hadn’t been killed after all. He had been injured but rescued
by a reclusive Raptvyn who had broken off ties with the flock long ago. With Parker’s
blessing, Jindra had flown home for a short time to see Arno.

Though Parker knew Jindra belonged to him, he still couldn’t help feeling a bit

jealous over his past relationship with Arno. Yet he recognized the value of true
friendship and knew it was loyalty to Jindra that had nearly cost Arno his life. At least
now after learning about Arno and meeting Vlad, Parker had names to put to the faces


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in the photo album he’d snooped in. Once they’d returned to the city, he and Jindra had
made several confessions to one another.

Both agreed that they wanted to start fresh and never again have secrets between

them. Parker admitted to searching Jindra’s apartment and Jindra confessed to allowing
Jesse to place a private detective on him. Neither had been too happy about their
mistrust and lies but agreed it certainly wasn’t worth breaking up over.

“I never want to go through that again,” Jindra had said.
“Neither do I,” Parker had agreed.
That had been four months ago and while everything since then had gone well, to

Parker it still wasn’t quite enough. There was something missing and he intended to ask
Jindra about it tonight.

Parker had the day off but Jindra wouldn’t be home until five so he spent the day

preparing for a romantic evening. He cooked a meal and set up a table in the bedroom
for a change of scenery. To create an intimate mood, he lit two taper candles and used
his best china and crystal.

Jindra arrived a few minutes before the meal was ready. He stepped into the

kitchen, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, a smile on his lips. “Damn, that smells

“Glad you think so.”
He opened his eyes and approached Parker. “And you look great. What’s the


“I want to talk to you about something.”
Jindra’s smile faded. “What is it? Bad news?”
“Why do you think everything is bad news?”
“Force of habit?”
“This isn’t bad news. At least I don’t think so. Why don’t you take a shower?

Dinner will be ready by the time you get out.”

“Okay.” Jindra kissed him on the cheek then the lips.
Parker’s stomach tightened with anticipation. Either Jindra was going to scoff at his

suggestion or accept it. No matter, he had to ask.

A short time later, Parker had just set their dinner plates on the table when he heard

the water stop running in the shower. After a moment Jindra stepped out, wearing
nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Parker’s gaze swept his long, lean body.
Damn, the man was gorgeous. Unable to resist, Parker approached and ran his hands
over Jindra’s chest. It felt warm and slightly damp from the shower. They kissed, their
tongues slipping into each other’s mouths and exploring.

“What’s going on tonight, Parker? Dinner in the bedroom. You in that sexy black

shirt I love. I’m curious as hell.”


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“We’ll talk over dinner. Just get dressed. Or don’t get dressed. I actually prefer the


“Fine.” Jindra dropped his towel, strode to the table and sat. “As you saw in

Raptvyn country my kind aren’t shy about nudity.”

“Yes.” Parker grinned. “I noticed that. However, you’re the only nude I’m

interested in, from a nonprofessional point of view anyway. Wine?”

“A little. You know how easily I get drunk. That’s why I rarely drink.”
“I’ve never really seen you drunk, Jindra. A little tipsy,” Parker said as he poured

wine into their glasses.

Jindra wrinkled his nose in the most adorable manner. “It’s how you got me into

that horrible fluorescent pink thong.”

“You didn’t seem to mind much.”
“You made it worth the humiliation of wearing something that ugly.”
Parker sat and the two began eating.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Jindra pressed.
“It’s about us.”
There was a moment of silence and Jindra placed his fork aside. “Yeah?”
“Jindra.” Parker took his lover’s hand and held his gaze. “I love you and I love

living with you.”

“But I’d like something a little more permanent.”
“What do you mean? How much more permanent can we get?”
Sighing, Parker tried to find the right words to present his feelings. “I’d like you

and I to…I’m not sure how to say this. I always thought something like this wouldn’t
matter to me but now—”

“Parker, will you just say it?”
“I’d like to affirm our love and loyalty.”
“You want a mating ritual?” A slight smile tugged at the corners of Jindra’s lips.
“That’s a Raptvyn ceremony, isn’t it?”
“Yes. The ritual can be performed for two males though it’s usually done with the

understanding that they’ll eventually take a female mate.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of commitment ceremony with our friends and

your family. It will be our own expression of love for each other, without the confines of
traditional human or Raptvyn beliefs.”

Jindra smiled. “I like that idea. How do you want to do this?”
“Set a date first.”
“How about on the anniversary of our first meeting?” Jindra suggested.
“Perfect. Where should we have it?”


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* * * * *

“How about having it right here at the farmhouse?” Jesse suggested the following

day when Jindra and Parker told her about their plans. It was Jindra’s day off but they
stopped by to ask her and Newly to take part in the ceremony by standing up with
them when they took their vows.

“Here?” Jindra wrinkled his nose.
“Why not?” Parker said. “I think it’s a great idea. This is where the people who

know us best are, right? Unless we want to have the ceremony in Raptvyn country.”

“If I wanted to do that I’d have never left Raptvyn country in the first place,” Jindra

said. “The farmhouse works for me.”

“Great.” Jesse smiled. “By the way when is the date?”
“July tenth,” Jindra replied.
“July tenth! That’s only two months away.”
“It’s just a small ceremony,” Jindra told her.
“What about food? What about decorations? What about—”
“What about you let them handle the details?” Newly said.
Jindra stared at Jesse as if seeing her for the first time. “Since when are you

interested in this kind of event? Must be the pregnancy. I thought you’d hate me for
asking you to put on a dress.”

“As long as it’s not one of those horrible taffeta thingies. Not that it matters. Two

months from now I’m really going to look like a cow.”

“You’ll look great and the dress won’t be cheesy. It will be the epitome of elegance.

This event might be small but it will be classy,” Jindra said.

Jesse snorted with contempt. “You expect classy on two months’ notice?”
“I expect this is going to be a headache,” Jindra retorted.
“Oh thank you,” Parker said sarcastically.
“That’s not what I meant, Parker.”
“I know.”
While they talked, Jesse turned on her laptop and surfed online. A moment later she

turned the computer toward Jindra and Parker. “You can pretty much shop for
everything you need online. Fast. Easy. Secure.”

“Are you a pet detective or a salesperson?” Newly growled.
Her brow furrowed with annoyance, Jesse glared at the Dusk Thief. “Where is your

sense of romance?”

“I think she’s a wannabe wedding planner.” Jindra smirked. “Jess, you’ve missed

your true calling.”

“Don’t be a wiseass. There’s nothing more beautiful than two people affirming their

love for one another.”


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“Then why did you refuse my proposal?” Newly snapped.
“Because I’m not ready.”
“You’re four months’ pregnant.”
“Not now, Max.” Jesse held up her hand.
Newly grunted and disappeared into the kitchen.
“I’m not even going to ask about that,” Jindra said.
“Good, because I don’t want to talk about it,” Jesse replied. “Now about the


* * * * *

On a sunny afternoon, Jindra and Parker stood on the lawn behind the From Paws

to Wings farmhouse and in the presence of their friends and family promised to
faithfully spend their lives together. They wore matching gray suits and exchanged
two-tone Etruscan-style rings. Salman officiated the ceremony while Jesse and Newly
stood by the couple.

Guests included Marka, Vlad, Gize, Arno, the From Paws to Wings employees and

Parker’s old friend, Tom. To Parker’s surprise, his parents showed up. He had sent an
invitation but hadn’t actually expected them to accept it. They didn’t stay long but at
least it was an effort on their part and perhaps the start of a healing process between

Afterward everyone stepped into the air-conditioned farmhouse and ate a casual

buffet lunch with a decadent three-tiered chocolate cake for dessert. At Jindra’s
insistence the guests’ favors were miniature chocolate cakes decorated like the main
dessert. The party was still going on when they left for a weekend trip to the mountains.
Jindra had built a new nest but he hadn’t yet spent a full night there. He was waiting for
Parker and Parker could scarcely wait to see it.


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About the Author

Kate Hill is a thirty-something vegetarian New Englander who likes heroes with a

touch of something wicked and wild. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in
publications both on and off the Internet. When she’s not working on her books, Kate
enjoys reading, working out, and researching vampires and Viking history.

Kate welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Kate Hill

Ancient Blood: Cryptic Trysts
Ancient Blood: Darkness Therein
Ancient Blood: Deep Red
Ancient Blood: God of the Grim
Ancient Blood: Handsome Bastard
Ancient Blood: Immaculate
Ancient Blood: In Black
Ancient Blood: Infernal
Ancient Blood: Revenge of the Court Jester
Ancient Blood: The Blood Doctor
Ancient Blood: The Holiday Stalking
By Honor Bound anthology
Forever Midnight anthology
Horsemen 1: Dream Stallion
Horsemen 2: Captive Stallion
Horsemen 3: Highland Stallion
Knights of the Ruby Order 1: Torn
Knights of the Ruby Order 2: Crag
Knights of the Ruby Order 3: Lock
Knights of the Ruby Order 4: Mica
Knights of the Ruby Order 5: Blaze
Midnight Desires
Moonlust Privateer

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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