Kate Hill Mate Marks 2 Thirst

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Kate Hill

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2009 Kate Hill

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ISBN: 978-1-60521-133-6

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Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046


Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

Cover Artist: Sahara Kelly

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Kate Hill

While unpacking antiques belonging to Arias del Rio, a little known explorer,
museum curator Malika Carter Young is stunned to discover a Spanish vampire in a

sarcophagus. He’s arrogant, gorgeous, and his fangs are an exact fit to the birthmarks
on her breast.

Shamed by the greed and violence of his mortal life, Arias del Rio has spent his

centuries as a vampire atoning for his sins. After years of loneliness, he has finally
found his destined mate, but an enemy from his past has returned and intends to
destroy everything Arias loves, beginning with Malika.

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Chapter One

In a time before recorded history, some with otherworldly powers mastered a spell that

guided destined mates to each other. Though few can now wield this ancient power, some
masters of the art still exist. Those bound by mate marks cannot resist their magical pull, but the

marks can only bind souls that are meant to be joined.

The South of Spain, 1790

Arias’ gaze traveled over the lush, pale breasts of the woman sprawled

unconscious beside him on the bed. He sighed, propping himself on his elbow and

thinking how strange it was that he had absolutely no desire to touch her.

The taste of her blood still lingered on his tongue. Its bittersweet warmth coursed

through him, yet it didn’t provide the sensation it once had.

He rolled onto his back and stared at the painted ceiling. At one time nothing

compared to the rush of blood drinking and lovemaking. Now the former was

something he did merely to survive, and the latter was a mild diversion when he got

the urge.

Someone tapped on the door and Arias said, “Come in, Diego.”

Diego stepped into the room and approached the bed. A short, slight man whose

large amber eyes missed nothing, Diego was Arias’ oldest companion and the only

person he’d ever fully trusted.

“Will she be staying for the night?” Diego asked, glancing at the woman. He

spoke in his usual reserved tone, his face calm and passive, but Arias didn’t miss the

desire in his eyes.

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Diego loved women, but they scarcely gave him a second look. For centuries,

Arias had told him that attracting women was more in a man’s attitude than in his

appearance, but Diego couldn’t seem to overcome his shyness.

“No.” Arias sighed, not even bothering to look at his luscious, dark-haired


“I’ll return her to the village before anyone realizes she’s missing. There’s

already enough talk about you. If you’re not careful, the same thing will happen here as

in Seville.”

“I don’t look for them, Diego. They come to me.”

The servant raised his eyes to the heavens. “Don’t brag to me. Other than

covering our tracks, I have no interest in your conquests.”

“What conquests?” Arias rose, naked, from the bed. He strode to the window,

pushed aside the heavy black drapes and gazed at the moonlit countryside. “I never

thought I’d hear myself say this, but I’m tired of this life. Women either flee from me in

terror or throw themselves at my feet.”

“Why should you complain? They always flee from me in terror.”

Arias gave a snort of laughter and turned to Diego who sat on the edge of the

bed, his hungry gaze lingering on the woman. His licked his lips then parted them,

exposing the tips of his sharp little fangs. Drawing a long, slow breath, he lifted his

hand, letting it hover over her breasts.

Arias’ brow furrowed. He almost wished that for once in his life Diego would

take what he wanted without hesitation or guilt. The servant’s hand curled into a fist,

and he lowered it onto his lap without touching the object of his desire.

“I always thought this was the life I wanted. No connections or responsibilities.

The power to chase my passions without consequence,” Arias said.

“For someone like you, that’s what the blood-drinking gift can be.”

Arias closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. “It can be that way for

anyone who knows how to manipulate others.”

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Diego glanced over his shoulder at him, his gaze sweeping Arias from head to

toe. “You don’t manipulate them, Arias. In all the years we’ve known each other,

you’ve never forced a woman or harmed anyone without good reason. You don’t have

to manipulate. One look in your eyes and women want you.”

“They don’t want me. They want excitement. They want the forbidden, to be

ravished by a fiend.”

“A handsome fiend.”

“I’ve told you time and again, appearance has nothing to do with it.”

Diego curled his lip and turned back to the woman. “Do you think she’d have

come to me as easily as she came to you?”

“Did you ask her?”

“I gave up self-torture in the early 1700s.”

“You were insane.”

“I don’t mock your fetishes, and believe me there’s been much to laugh at over

the years.”

A smile tugged at Arias’ lips. He couldn’t argue with that. To alleviate boredom

he’d tried all sort of sexual antics. Nothing or no one kept his attention for long. It was

what made him an exceptional vampire, his ability to change and adapt. He never

stayed with a partner long enough to form an emotional attachment. Only recently had

he started to realize that maybe he’d been wasting centuries by depriving himself of a


Yet was he capable of forming such an attachment, or would attempting to do so

be the most selfish act of his life? What if, after so many years, he was no longer capable

of love? Had he ever been?

It was a cosmic joke that he, a man who had no problem luring partners, had

little capacity for love, while a man like Diego, who would give his heart and soul to a

companion, had no powers of seduction.

Maybe it had nothing to do with them at all. Perhaps it was a matter of neither

having found the right woman.

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Even a decade ago, the thought of a permanent partner would have made Arias

cringe. Now the idea of spending the rest of his life shifting from woman to woman

made him feel older and lonelier than ever before.

“Just a taste, Arias,” Diego said, his voice scarcely a whisper.

Usually Diego slaked his thirst among prostitutes. Not that he was attracted to

them, but he didn’t believe in forcing his bite, so he paid for the privilege. Such a gentle

soul. Those stupid, superficial women didn’t deserve him.

Arias came to stand behind Diego. He draped an arm over his shoulder and held

his wrist inches from the servant’s mouth.

Diego grasped his forearm and Arias felt a slight pinch as his friend’s fangs

slipped into his flesh. Arias’ blood, laced with the flavor of the woman’s, flowed into

Diego’s mouth.

When the servant finished drinking, Arias licked the wound on his arm before it

faded completely.

Sighing, Diego picked up the woman and headed for the door.

“When you return, there’s something important we need to discuss,” Arias said.

Diego paused, keeping his back to Arias, and nodded.

Once he and the woman had gone, Arias bathed in the lake outside the mansion.

He glanced at the rolling meadows and the forest in the distance. Most of this land

belonged to him, and he loved it. Yet even the beauty of this place no longer pleased

him as much as it once did. He longed for someone to share it with. Yes, he had Diego,

but a male companion wasn’t the same as a woman. No matter how much he cared for

Diego, there were some things he could never share with him. Some male blood

drinkers took pleasure in the blood and flesh of men, but Arias had never developed a

taste for it. He lived and breathed women.

He loved soft breasts, fleshy backsides, and warm, smooth thighs. He liked the

taste of feminine lips and the delicate sounds they made when he drank their blood and

thrust his cock into their hot, wet cunts. Of late the mere acts of biting and fucking

hadn’t been enough. He wondered what it was like to enjoy a woman in bed and out.

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How did it feel to have someone who would be content to rest in his arms and share not

only his body, but his thoughts?

He stepped out of the water, toweled off his hair and dried his body, then

returned to the house and dressed quickly. He walked to the parlor, lit a fire in the

hearth and sat on the high-backed wooden chair across from it.

It had taken him a long time to grow up. Over three hundred years in fact, but he

finally realized he could no longer go on like this.

* * *

Arias was still seated on the chair an hour later when Diego returned.

“Come here and sit,” Arias said quietly.

Diego approached and took the chair beside his master’s.

“What did you want to discuss?” asked the servant.

“I told you about the man who made me a blood drinker, how he was very old

and possessed many magical abilities.”


“Among them was his mastery of an ancient ritual that allows souls who are

meant to be joined to find each other.”

“You’ve told me.”

“He showed me this ritual, though at the time I protested. I never wanted to be


“If your soul is meant to be joined to another, then I don’t think there’s a way

around it.”

Arias turned his gaze to Diego, and a smile tugged at his lips. “I believe you’re


“Arias, what are you trying to tell me?”

“I’m tired of these meaningless affairs. At one time my life had a purpose, but no

more. It’s empty, Diego.”

“I understand. That’s how I’ve felt for many years.”

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“We’re quite a pair, aren’t we, my friend?” Arias said with a wry smile. “I’m

going to perform the mate mark ritual. If I learned it correctly, it will point me to the

one person with whom I should spend my life.”

“I think that’s a wise decision.”

“And you, Diego? Would you like to join me in the ritual?”

Desire flashed across the servant’s amber eyes, then faded behind a look of


“No. I fear there is no soul destined for mine.”

“That I don’t believe. You more than anyone should be joined.”

“You don’t understand, Arias. Being rejected by unknown women is bad

enough, but to be rejected by the one who should be mine will be unbearable.”

“If she’s meant to be yours, then there will be no rejection, especially not with the


“No. I can’t.”

Arias nodded. “I understand. The choice is yours.”

That night in his chamber, Arias lit the ritual candles. He spilled his blood and

spoke the words of one who seeks. Then he waited.

It was said that he would know if he had a destined mate. He would feel it, but

he felt nothing.

Either he had performed the ritual wrong, which was a very real possibility,

considering how long ago his blood father had taught him, or else he had no soulmate.

Perhaps he was meant to be alone. It seemed even the creator of all things

deemed him incapable of love.

He’d brought this upon himself.

Arias returned to the parlor where Diego sat reading. His gaze turned to his

master and he placed the book aside.

“Did you find her?”

Arias shook his head. “I shouldn’t be surprised. Perhaps it’s better this way.”

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The servant rose to his feet and approached Arias. Placing his hands on the taller

man’s shoulders, Diego said, “I’ve never seen you like this before. What is wrong with


“Maybe I’ve outlived my time.”

“Don’t you think you’re being overly dramatic? There are blood drinkers far

older than you. The one who made you is many thousands of years old. Maybe you just

need a change of scenery. We’ve been in Spain for almost a hundred years.”

“It’s not Spain. It’s me. I’m going to sleep.”

“Yes. Tomorrow night when you rise, you’ll have a better outlook.”

“I won’t rise tomorrow night, or the night after.”

Diego’s eyes widened. “You’re sinking into the sleep of ages?”

“Yes, the sleep of ages. Maybe when I wake, life will have meaning again. I can’t

continue like this.”

“If a companion is what you want, then seek one. You don’t need a ritual to find

a willing female to --”

“I don’t know how to be human again. I’ve lived among them for ages, but have

succumbed completely to my vampiric nature. I’ve tasted human blood and sated my

lust on their flesh, but I’ve forgotten how to be one of them. Perhaps that’s a good thing.

I’m a far better vampire than I was a human.”

“You’re certain this is what you want?”

“Yes. Maybe when I wake, things will be different. This house and my wealth are

yours to control, Diego. See that the poor in the village never go hungry, and as always,

provide shelter for those in need. If you wish to go, then appoint someone you trust to

see that these things are done.”

“I have no wish to go,” Diego whispered. “You’ll need someone to watch over

you, or else your life will be in danger.”

Their gazes locked and Arias said, “Don’t concern yourself about me. Find

happiness if you can.”

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“I won’t leave you any faster than you left me when I went into the sleep of ages

back in 1620.”

“That was different.”

“No it wasn’t.”

“All right. If you want to stay, then stay. Now good night, Diego. And…good


Rather than go to his bedroom, Arias walked down the long, narrow staircase to

the dank basement. He drew back the heavy iron door leading to the crypt-like room

where he kept a strange but treasured gift from the vampire who had created him. It

was a carved sarcophagus. He climbed in and pulled the heavy lid shut, then closed his

eyes and focused inward, as his creator had taught him to do. When one of his kind

slipped into the sleep of ages, they mimicked death and were able to rest for several

centuries if they so desired.

He sensed Diego entering the chamber and heard his old friend say, “You won’t

sleep for as long as you think, Arias. Not someone like you.”

Don’t be so sure, Diego. When one has no real purpose, he ceases to exist.

* * *

Arias slumbered for ages, drifting between utter blackness, dreams and


Only when a strange yet overwhelming sensation drew him back to reality, did

he feel the urge to rise. His heartbeat quickened and blood flowed more quickly

through his veins, but it was thin blood. He needed the blood of another to mingle with


He opened his eyes and tried to shift his position, but it was difficult while

sealed within the sarcophagus. Panic almost overcame him. He felt trapped.

Arias pushed aside the lid. After so many years of slumber, his muscles felt

rather stiff. He needed exercise badly. And blood. And fresh air. And --

“Arias?” Diego called. The bolt on the chamber door slid back and it opened.

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The servant approached, carrying a lantern. Its brightness hurt Arias’ eyes and

he hissed, raising his arm to protect himself from the light.

“I’m sorry. I forgot how much it hurts when you wake after the sleep of ages,”

Diego said, dousing the flame.

“It’s all right,” Arias said, his voice husky after so many years of silence. “How


“Two-hundred nineteen years.”

“Then it’s nineteen --”

“Two-thousand nine,” Diego replied.

“The mate mark ritual. It worked.” Arias sighed, rising to his feet and taking an

unsteady step forward. Diego reached out to help him, but Arias refused. He stood for a

moment, familiarizing himself with being alive once again.

“What do you mean?” Diego asked.

“There’s a woman in America. She’s my destined mate.”

Diego looked skeptical. “Are you certain?”

“In my dreams, I saw the name Malika Carter Young. A strange name, but that

doesn’t matter. All that matters is I felt her, Diego.”

“All right. I’ll do some checking for you. I should be able to find some info

online,” Diego said, placing a hand on Arias’ arm.

Arias’ brow furrowed. “On what line?”

“It’s computers, Arias. A quick way to share information.”

Computers? What sort of age had he awakened to?

“You have a lot of catching up to do, my friend,” Diego said. “But first you need


“Yes,” Arias murmured. The thirst was powerful after centuries without


“Perhaps I should bring someone to you. I don’t think you’re in any condition to

venture out. Not until you familiarize yourself with this day and age.”

Arias waved his hand. “Don’t bring anyone here. Are the woods still the same?”

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“Of course. I wouldn’t sell off any land without your permission.”

“Then I’ll hunt among the animals. Their blood will sustain me. I’ve found my

mate, and hers will be the first human blood I taste in this time.”

Diego looked concerned. “This might not be as easy as you think. After all, this

woman has no idea who you are. It’s very doubtful she believes blood drinkers exist.

This world has advanced more than you could have imagined.”

“Just help me find the woman. According to the ritual, we won’t be able to deny

each other.”

“You’re sure she’s in America?”

Arias closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations he’d felt during his

slumber. “Yes. I see woods. Mountains. Lakes. England.”

“England? I thought you said America.”

“New England.”

“At least that narrows it down. I should have some information for you by the

time you get back from the hunt.”

Arias held Diego’s gaze. A smile tugged at his lips and he grasped his friend’s

shoulders. “Thank you. I’m grateful that you’ve stayed for all these years.”

“It hasn’t been bad. I’ve learned a lot. If you can believe it, I actually have a life.”

“When I return I want to hear all about it, but now I’m dying for a drink.”

“Go,” Diego said. “Happy hunting.”

Arias left the basement and headed for the back door. Walking through the

mansion, he noted many changes Diego had made. Unusual pieces of furniture were

scattered throughout the rooms, but at the moment he was too hungry to investigate.

Once his thirst was satisfied, he would return and learn all he could about this new age.

He’d never slept so long before, and for a moment he felt almost apprehensive.

Then a thrill raced through him. Arias had always liked a challenge, and what could be

more challenging than discovering an entirely new world as well as meeting his

destined mate?

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Outside, the area around the mansion looked almost as he remembered it. Vast

fields, the lake and the distant forest. Strange scents lingered on the air, however.

Strong and bitter scents. And he saw tiny lights in the distance as well as some drifting


His curiosity was piqued, but the grating thirst drove him toward the forest.

There he tracked a deer and sipped its blood. With the edge off his thirst, he released

the creature. After a bewildered moment, it shook off the trance Arias had induced and

darted off into the night.

The blood of a beast was never as satisfying as human blood, but at least it was

sustenance. Arias wanted his first taste of human blood to be Malika’s.

Drawing a deep breath of springtime air, Arias closed his eyes and smiled. It felt

so good to be free of the sarcophagus. Whatever had possessed him to sleep away


He’d been a fool. A self-indulgent simpleton. Life wasn’t to be squandered, even

a life as long as his. Yet knowing that he would have a lover to share that life had

already changed him. His soulmate wouldn’t run from him in fear, nor would she be so

entranced by his vampiric charms that she’d fall at his feet like a mindless slave. Theirs

would be a union of hearts.

His smile faded. No matter what the fates had decreed, he was still the same

man. He knew even less about humans now than when he’d drifted into the sleep of

ages, and he could not undo his past. Would he be worthy of Malika? Could he accept

the responsibility of a soulmate?

Caring for a woman was no small duty, at least not to him. He didn’t want to be

counted among the men who married some poor woman and neglected her. Her

financial upkeep would not be an issue, as he had ample funds. When he’d awakened,

he’s seen that the basement chamber was still filled with gold, jewels and other valuable

items he’d collected during his travels. It was the emotional attachment that concerned

him. Even as a mortal, he’d never courted a woman or taken a wife. He’d been close

once, but to a woman he had no right to seduce.

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Closing his eyes tightly for a moment, he shook his head. He didn’t want to think

about that. Not now. Or perhaps he should, for he never wanted to repeat his past.

Right now he needed to look to the future. To Malika.

No doubt he could easily seduce his soulmate, but when the lust burned away,

would they still be happy? He’d seen so many miserable marriages, but of course they

usually weren’t love matches.

Then a horrible thought struck him. What if his soulmate had already been

promised to someone else? What if she was married?

No. During his dreams he had sensed that Malika Carter Young was as alone as

he was. Their souls had met in those dreams, and during the most recent encounters

they had clung to each other. Just thinking about it sent Arias’ heart beating out of

control. His cock swelled, and he could almost feel her soft hand curling around it.

She was quite beautiful, with black hair that clung to his wrists when he buried

his hands in it. Her eyes were as dark and deep as midnight and her smooth brown skin

made his hands ache to touch it.

Arias headed out of the woods and toward the lake. Just thinking about Malika

had him so aroused that he needed a cool dip before returning home or else he’d never

be able to concentrate. There was so much he needed to learn about this time.

When he’d finished bathing, Arias returned to the mansion. The back door led to

the kitchen and he took a few moments to look around. Diego had added several

strange looking pieces of steel furniture. They weren’t the least bit attractive and he

wondered what had possessed the servant to purchase them.

He strode to a large steel cabinet and tugged on the handle. It opened and cold

air struck Arias. The inside of this cabinet was cool as winter. Bottles of wine stood

upon the racks. What an ingenious device. A wine rack that kept the contents chilled.

“Arias, I see you’ve discovered the refrigerator,” Diego said.

“Where is the ice?”

“In the freezer, but it’s kept cold by electricity.”

“I have much to learn, but my priority is locating Malika.”

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“I think I found her.”

Arias glanced at him skeptically. “How is that possible? It would take weeks,

possibly months, to track her in America.”

“Not on the Net. I’ll show you later, but let me tell you what I found. Malika

Carter Young is a curator at a private museum in Maine. It’s called The Museum of the

Precious and Peculiar, founded by Josh Douglas. He’s in his nineties now and has

placed Malika in charge of the museum. It specializes in artifacts that deal mostly with

religion and the supernatural from all over the world. In his day, Douglas was quite a

traveler. He’s been just about everywhere. Africa, Australia, Europe, and all over the


“He sounds like us in our youth,” Arias said. “But what about Malika?”

“She earned her Ph.D in history last year. Before taking the job at The Museum of

the Precious and Peculiar, she worked for over ten years at museums in Boston and

New York and she taught night classes in Renaissance history.”

“She’s accomplished for a woman.”

Diego grinned and rubbed his chin. “Uh, Arias, there’s a lot you need to know

about modern women. It’s not unusual for them to have careers outside the home. Even

though I agree that Miss Young is quite accomplished.”

“Is she betrothed?”

“The word for it now is engaged.”

“Engaged. Yes. I must observe modern speech. I’m glad we mastered English

during our travels abroad.”

“That will help us out, but from what I read in her bio on the museum website,

Malika speaks fluent Spanish.”

This impressed Arias even more. Already his soulmate fascinated him, and he

could scarcely wait to meet her.

“There’s more,” Diego continued. “Apparently she’s done quite a bit of study

about you.”

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Arias was both surprised and flattered, though perhaps he shouldn’t have been.

The mate mark ritual would have drawn her to him as surely as it had drawn him to


“She wrote several academic papers about your life.” Diego handed Arias some

white sheets of paper which he read through quickly. It was an essay on his travels in

the Caribbean.

“She’s a brilliant writer.”

“Your praise would have nothing to do with her chosen subject?” Diego said

under his breath.

Arias glanced up with a grin. “I might be a bit partial to it.”

While they discussed travel plans to America, Diego showed Arias the new

devices throughout the house. His favorite was the shower. Hot and cold water

pumped directly into the house, and one could wash comfortably at any time.

“This is a marvel,” Arias said, holding his hand under the stream of water.

“You mean it’s cool,” Diego said.

“The water feels quite warm to me.”

“No, I mean when you like something, instead of saying ‘it’s a marvel’ and

sounding like a man out of the Dark Ages, say ‘cool.’ That’s the modern way.”

Arias raised an eyebrow. “I’ll take your word for it. Now we must plan our

strategy. When Malika and I meet, I want to be sure to win her heart.”

“I suppose with all the history you’ve lived through, she’ll find you hard to

resist. Not to mention you’re still handsome as sin.”

Arias doubted good looks or even the seductive powers of a vampire would be

enough to catch the interest of a woman like Malika Carter Young. Yet regardless of

how accomplished she was, she was still but a woman, and some things never changed

no matter how many centuries passed.

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Chapter Two

In her school days, Malika had been into gymnastics. She enjoyed being strong

and flexible and she loved discipline. Unfortunately, the time came when she had to

choose between sports and study. She’d pursued her academic career with sports on the

side, so she’d given up the chance to become an Olympic gymnast.

Yet it didn’t feel the least bit strange to her that so many years later she was still

bouncing around her in-home gym. Her technique was still good, not Olympic class,

but damn close. And of course she was a lot older.

Malika rose to a perfect handstand, then performed a series of flips across the


“Not bad for thirty-five.” She grinned.

She walked to the window and glanced out at her woodsy backyard. It was

almost time for her to leave for the museum. A new shipment was scheduled to arrive

today and she was so excited about it that she had scarcely slept last night.

Last week she had been contacted by a lawyer employed by a descendant of the

little known Spanish explorer Arias Del Rio. For some inexplicable reason, Malika had

always been drawn to that particular historical figure. She’d written several papers

about him and had always wished for more information about his life. So little had been

recorded about him and his exploits.

It had been like a dream come true when the lawyer had informed her that Del

Rio’s last blood descendant wished to donate several of the explorer’s belongings to the

museum. She hadn’t imagined any relative of Del Rio would know about her little, off-

the-beaten-path museum. Few people in New England knew about it, let alone Spain.

Malika strode toward a pair of balance beams and performed one of her favorite

stretches -- a split across both beams. She held the position, concentrating on her

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breathing. Her eyes closed, and she relaxed completely -- strange considering this

wasn’t the most comfortable position in the world.

A hint of fear and arousal shot through her when she felt the strangest sensation

between her legs, like a man’s warm breath fanning her labia. She drew a deep breath

and her heartbeat quickened. A warm, wet tongue tickled her delicate folds then slowly

thrust into her pussy. The split left her completely exposed and though she hadn’t been

thinking about sex when she’d mounted the balance beams, her fantasies had quickly

taken over. Only this didn’t feel like a fantasy. The sensations were far too real.

That skilled tongue withdrew from her pussy and trailed along the side of her

clit. The tip of it teased the sensitive nub, making the flesh ache.

Malika’s pulse raced and her nipples tingled. She forced her eyes open and

noticed the entire room seemed blurry, except for her immediate area. It was as if she

was in a dream. Was it possible that she was still asleep in her room and this was purely

a figment of her imagination? It had to be. She should have been terrified, but in this

almost drugged state, engulfed by so much raw pleasure, she only cared about one

thing. She wanted these fantasy lips and tongue to push her over the edge. The orgasm

built inside her with every swipe of that wet, velvety tongue.

Glancing down, her heart skipped a beat. Her red leggings and exercise bra had

vanished and there was a man seated beneath her. She couldn’t see him very clearly,

but made out broad, sleekly-muscled shoulders and a mass of wavy hair the color of

milk chocolate. His hands caressed her widely-stretched legs, his fingertips almost

tickling her inner thighs.

Malika quivered with desire and wondered how much longer she could hold this

position. His lips tugged at her clit, then his tongue swept over it again. Those hands

reached up farther and stroked the tops of her smooth, muscular legs. He must have felt

her trembling and there was no way he could miss how hot and wet she was. Again his

tongue thrust into her pussy, and her flesh rippled around it, clenching and

unclenching like the muscles in her belly.

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“Oh, damn,” Malika panted, wobbling a bit in her precarious position, yet she

didn’t want to move for fear of shattering this unbelievable fantasy.

Again she glanced down, and this time the man’s eyes came into view. They

were wide-set and the color of a mountain lake on a sunny day -- a beautiful,

mysterious blue. They burned with lust and something more that Malika couldn’t quite

place, yet it excited her beyond belief.

Then he closed those gorgeous eyes. Long, dark lashes cast shadows on his

cheeks as he continued lapping her. Malika was once again swept away by the

passionate strokes of his tongue.

She cried out sharply when he began licking her clit relentlessly. There was no

stopping it now. His strong hands held her trembling thighs as he drove her into a

mind-shattering climax.

“Oh, lord!” she moaned. “Oh my! Oh yeah. Ohhh!”

With all her years of study she could have thought of something better to say,

but right now she was lucky she could still talk at all. The delicate flesh of her pussy,

perineum and ass pulsed and her entire body shook with the most intense orgasm she’d

ever experienced.

In the midst of it she tumbled to the mat and landed with a grunt.

For several moments she lay panting, her eyes closed and every muscle in her

body relaxed.

Now this was the way to work out.

A smile tugged at her lips, then faded. Her eyes flew open and she glanced

around the gym. Everything was clear again, and that dreamlike sensation had faded

along with her sexy, blue-eyed lover. Glancing down, she saw that her exercise bra and

leggings were back. Obviously she’d been daydreaming, though the warm dampness

and last telltale pulsations between her legs told her that the orgasm had been quite


“Damn,” she whispered, rubbing her hands over her sweaty face.

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There was something horribly wrong with her. There had to be. Zoning out like

this just wasn’t normal.

Usually she experienced this kind of sexual fantasy in dreams, but over the past

few weeks she’d been undergoing them while fully awake.

She’d mentioned it to Clara, her close friend and assistant at the museum. Clara

had suggested that Malika might be lonely. She did spend almost all her time at the

museum and had never been much for dating. When had she ever had the time? As a

teen and young adult, when other girls were going out with friends, Malika adhered to

a carefully planned schedule of gymnastics and study. In high school and college, when

it came to honors, her name was at the top of every list. Yet she wasn’t trying to prove

anything to anyone except herself. She enjoyed her studies, particularly history. Crazy

as it seemed, she felt closer to the past than she did to the present.

Malika wasn’t hiding herself away at the museum, but immersing herself in the

one thing she loved above all others.

Yet maybe Clara was partially right. Sometimes Malika wished for someone who

shared her interest in history, and she didn’t mean another woman like Clara or a

grandfather figure like Josh. There were times, especially of late, when Malika wanted

an M-A-N.

Sighing, she closed her eyes and could almost feel her fantasy lover’s mouth on

her again. A shiver darted through her, partially from arousal and partially from fear.

Was she going crazy?

If she was, then she guessed there were worse ways to do it. At least she’d go

down with a gorgeous, blue-eyed expert in cunnilingus between her legs and a smile on

her lips.

* * *

Around six o’clock that night, Malika stood in a private room at the museum,

unpacking trunks from Spain. She’d hoped to spend the entire day with Arias Del Rio’s

belongings, but other issues had interrupted her and she still had lots of boxes to go

through. One in particular she’d been saving. It was a beautifully carved sarcophagus.

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She wondered where Del Rio had gotten it, as it appeared to be of Chinese origins, and

she had never read anything about Del Rio traveling to the Far East. Of course so little

was written about his life that he could have gone there. She hoped that within these

boxes she’d find some written records of his life.

At the moment she was sorting through a variety of antique swords while

waiting for Clara, who had gone to find the museum’s two maintenance workers. By

the size and weight of the sarcophagus, all four would be needed to open it.

“Here we are, Malika,” Clara said, stepping into the room, John and Isaac at her

heels. They were a father-son team, both tall, redheaded and sturdily-built. John was

around forty years old and very well preserved, if you like the biker type. Isaac was

eighteen, lankier than his dad but with the same denim and leather, long-haired style.

Clara, on the other hand, was just over five feet, wore a plain tan pants suit and

kept her mousy hair in a twist behind her head. Thick glasses with dark brown frames

rested upon her snubbed nose. She reminded Malika of a schoolteacher and the

maintenance guys her bad boy students.

“All right. I know this thing looks indestructible, but we need to be really careful,

guys,” Malika said.

“What do you think is in there?” Isaac asked. “Looks like a coffin to me.”

“Technically, that’s what it is,” Malika told him. “But don’t look so worried. I

seriously doubt there’s anything in there at all. Del Rio probably took it back with him

from a voyage to the Far East.”

“If you say so,” John said. He and Isaac glanced at each other and shrugged.

Moments later, all four grunted and strained as they pushed aside the heavy lid.

“Uh… uh… uh,” stammered Isaac who was near the end of the sarcophagus.

“What’s wrong?” Clara demanded.

“D… d… dead guy,” Isaac whispered, pointing inside.

Not that he needed to tell them. By now all four were staring at the contents of

the stone box. At first everyone stood, speechless, except for Clara who kept repeating,

“Oh my lord. Oh my lord. Oh my lord” until Malika elbowed her in the ribs.

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“I thought you said it was empty?” John demanded.

“How was I supposed to know?” Malika snapped. Now that the initial shock had

worn off, adrenaline kicked in. Her heart pounded and her mouth went dry. She wasn’t

sure if it was a result of having a dead body in her museum or because the corpse was

so damn handsome.

Thick brown hair draped shoulders as broad as the sarcophagus was wide. He

had rather fine features, except for that square, ultra-masculine jaw. His nose was long

and well-shaped, and his lips were just as fine. Those thick, dark eyelashes had to be

about two inches long. Sure, he was on the pale side even for a white guy, but he was

dead after all.

Shit, Malika, that’s sick! You’re ogling a dead man?

“Okay, we need to be calm about this,” Malika said. “I’m going to call Michael.”

Malika’s brother, Michael, was with the town police.

“I’ll go wait for him at the entrance,” Isaac said, walking backward toward the

door, his gaze never leaving the body.

“Get your ass back here, boy!” John growled. “We can’t leave these women alone

with a dead body.”

Isaac looked guilty and stepped back toward them. “You’re right, Dad. Sorry.”

“That’s better.” John nodded. “I’ll wait for the police.”

“Hey!” Isaac glared.

“Both of you go wait for the police,” Malika said.

The men exchanged glances.

“Go on,” she told them, shooing them with her hand.

Once they’d gone, she turned to Clara who stood, frozen. The woman swallowed

rather loudly and said, “I can’t believe this, Malika. What are we going to do?”

“Just like I said. I’ll call Michael. This is his department. I handle antiques and

artifacts. He handles drugs, domestic violence and dead bodies. Be right back.”

“No! Don’t leave me alone with him!”

“Girl, what’s your problem? He can’t hurt you.”

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Clara shook her head and Malika sighed. “Fine. Then you go call my brother.”

“Will you be all right?”

Raising her eyes to the heavens, Malika said, “What can happen?”

“You’re right. Okay. I’ll be back.” Clara hurried out of the room.

Finally alone, Malika realized that maybe she’d been a little hasty. It was creepy

knowing there was a dead body just a few feet away. As if drawn by some morbid

fascination, she approached the sarcophagus again and stared at its occupant. He

couldn’t have been dead long. He was still perfectly intact without a sign of


What was his story? Who had put him in the sarcophagus and why? Was it

possible that he’d died in Spain and been mailed here? No. Wouldn’t customs have

discovered a dead body? That meant someone had put him in the sarcophagus here in

America. Had he died of natural causes, or had he been murdered?

“You were damn fine, though, weren’t you?” she murmured, her gaze drifting

over his wavy hair and chiseled face. He wore a simple black shirt, probably made of

silk by the way it draped his chest, making it easy to see that he had the sleekest, most

sculpted pecs on the planet. The lid of the sarcophagus still concealed most of his legs,

but from what she could see of his thighs beneath his black pants, they were long and


Looking at his face again, a strange feeling tightened her gut. There was

something very familiar about him.

No wonder. This was the guy from her dreams, the one who had eaten her pussy

while she’d been stretched into a split on the balance beams.

Malika stepped away from the sarcophagus, her heart pounding.

“No,” she said. “No way. Malika, honey, you need to get a social life. Right now,

just get back to work. Don’t even think about the body.”

She turned her back on her unwanted guest and returned to the boxes. It struck

her that maybe she shouldn’t touch anything. It was probably considered evidence.

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There were other boxes in the room that hadn’t come from Spain. In fact there was a

crate that had arrived yesterday and she still hadn’t gotten to it.

Malika picked up a crowbar and approached the crate. The lid was on pretty

tightly and her hand slipped on the crowbar. She grunted in pain and sucked on her

sore finger.

“Damn,” she muttered.

“Perhaps I could be of assistance,” said a soft yet husky male voice with a rather

heavy Spanish accent. A hand reached toward the crate and easily tugged off the lid.

Malika turned, took one look at the tall, handsome should-be-dead-man and let

loose an earsplitting scream.

“Please, Miss Young, I didn’t mean to frighten you. Calm yourself,” he

continued, reaching a hand toward her cheek.

“Get the hell away from me!” she shouted, backing up as he advanced upon her.

She glanced toward the sarcophagus just to be sure she was really seeing him.

“Do not be afraid.”

He backed her toward a chair and she tumbled into it. She knew her eyes must

be bulging out of her head from fear, and she could scarcely breathe. This man had been

dead just moments ago. What the hell did he want from her? Whatever it was, it

couldn’t be good.

She’d fight him, of course, but he looked strong. Broad shoulders. Hard chest.

Biceps that even the shirt couldn’t hide. No way could she beat him off with a punch,

but as a gymnast, her legs were strong as hell.

He took another step toward her, and she braced her hands against the chair

arms, raised her legs and locked them around his neck.

Screaming again, she twisted her body, his head still trapped between her legs,

and flung him onto his back.

He landed with a grunt. Malika wasted no time. She pounced on him, trapping

his head between her thighs and keeping him pinned to the floor.

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“Are you crazy, woman?” he demanded, staring up at her with utter shock in his

beautiful blue eyes.

“You better start giving me some answers!”

“I don’t even know the questions!” He grasped her thighs and pulled, but she

had him trapped tightly and wasn’t about to let him go.

“Why were you in the sarcophagus?”

“I wanted to see you.”

“So you couldn’t pick up the phone and make an appointment?”

He forced a smile and began lightly stroking her thighs. It felt so damn good that

she nearly closed her eyes.

Then she curled her lip, grasped his wrists and said, “Who are you?”

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Let me up and we can talk.”

“You’re not going anywhere until the cops get here.”

No sooner had she spoken than she found their positions reversed. She’d

scarcely seen him move!

Now she lay, trapped beneath his big, hard body. His gaze locked on hers, and a

wicked little grin curved his lips.

“Yes. I like this position better,” he purred. “A man should be in control.”

Malika wasn’t sure if she was more terrified or furious.

“I see I leave you speechless,” he continued.

“Get your ass off me!”

“Ah. I should have known a woman such as you could not be silenced for long,

but perhaps with a kiss --”

He lowered those luscious lips to hers, and Malika’s heart pounded. His mouth

was firm and slightly moist. He kissed her with the perfect amount of pressure, neither

too hard nor too soft. Under normal circumstances she’d have loved being kissed like

this, but not now.

She did the first thing that came to mind and bit his lower lip. Hard. Her teeth

sank in, and his eyes snapped open.

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“Eh… et oh uf ey ip!” he said, trying to pull away from her vicious bite.

Now who’s in control, you crazy bastard?

At that moment Clara stepped into the room and screamed. She picked up the

fallen crowbar and struck Sexy-Blue-Eyes in the back.

Both women stared as he rose to his feet. That blow should have seriously

injured him, but he merely flexed his shoulder and winced in discomfort. He advanced

on Clara, who fainted dead away.

Fortunately tall, pale and brutal caught her before she hit the floor.

He glanced at Malika with an almost bewildered expression, and she had the

sudden urge to laugh. This entire situation was too bizarre.

She almost thought she was having another daydream or maybe a hallucination,

but this was far too real.

“Put her down,” Malika ordered.


“Umm…follow me.” She strode out of the room and led him to her office down

the hall. There he placed Clara on the couch while Malika filled a cup at the water


“Does she swoon like this often?” he asked.

“Only when people return from the dead,” Malika snapped, shoving him aside

so that she could kneel by the edge of the couch. She sprinkled water on Clara’s face,

and the woman began to stir.

“As you can plainly see, I am not dead,” he stated.

“Then what the hell were you doing in the sarcophagus?”

“I can see we’ve gotten off to a bad start.”

“Start?” Malika glared at him over her shoulder. “This is the end. My brother’s a

cop and he’s on his way. That means when he get here, your ass is going to jail.”

“Jail?” He approached and squatted beside her.

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Glancing at him from the corner of her eye, she couldn’t help noting again how

sinfully handsome he was, how long his legs were and how powerful his shoulders and

chest. His nearness made her belly clench and her nipples stiffen.

“Have I committed a crime?” he asked.

Was this guy for real?

“Yes, you’ve committed a crime. Probably several crimes.”

“And they are?”

Malika’s brow furrowed. “I can’t think right now, but you’re guilty all right.”

Clara moaned, and her eyes opened fully. She glanced from Malika to their guest

and fainted again.

“Great.” Malika raised her eyes to the heavens and lightly slapped her assistant’s

face. “Clara. Clara, come on, honey. Wake up.”

“You must believe I meant no harm,” he continued.

Looking into his blue eyes, she actually believed him.

“Then why did you come here in a sarcophagus? You damn near scared us all to


He lifted his hand and caressed her hair. “I wanted to see you.”

Shrugging off his hand, she said, “You keep saying that. Are you some kind of

weirdo? What am I saying? Of course you’re a weirdo. You came here in a sarcophagus.

How did you keep from smothering in that thing?”

“I will explain everything, but for now --”

“For now just back off and keep your hands to yourself.”

Before they could speak further, John and Isaac stepped into the office, followed

by Michael and his partner, Ricky.

“Malika,” John began. “What happened to the dead bod --” He stopped mid-

sentence and stared at Sexy-Blue-Eyes.

“Dad, that’s him!” Isaac pointed. “It’s the dead guy!”

“Malika, what’s going on here?” Michael demanded.

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She rose to her feet and pressed her hands to her temples. “I’m not exactly sure.

A sarcophagus was donated to the museum. When I opened it, this guy was in it, and

he was dead. Or at least we thought he was dead, but as you can see he’s not. I think

he’s --” She pointed a finger at her temple and twirled it around then mouthed the word


“Sir, I need to see your ID,” Ricky said, stepping toward blue eyes, who reached

into his pocket.

His lips curved into a crooked smile, and he said, “I seem to have misplaced my


“All right, come with us, please,” Michael said.

“Am I under arrest?”

“Not at the moment, but it’ll be easier all around if you cooperate.”

Blue eyes glanced at Malika with an almost longing expression and deep inside,

a part of her responded. This was insane.

“Just go with him,” Malika said, unsure of why she thought this crazy stranger

would listen to her.

His gaze locked on hers, and he smiled slightly, then nodded and stepped

toward Michael and Ricky.

Watching them go, Malika couldn’t help feeling a bit concerned about the fate of

this strange, compelling, but undoubtedly crazy man.

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Chapter Three

“Of all things to forget, it would have to be your identification,” Diego said.

He and Arias had just left the town police station and were headed for their

rented car. Diego had learned how to drive while Arias had been asleep. Over the past

month, while preparing for this trip to America, Diego had taught Arias how to drive as

part of his new education.

Though Arias had been eager to meet Malika, he didn’t want to appear like an

ignorant fool, so decided to take time to learn the basics of the modern world. Learning

to drive had been surprisingly easy. The worst thing about cars was that their stench

and noise were an assault to his vampiric senses. They didn’t seem to bother Diego,

however. In fact he’d never seen his old friend happier than in this modern age, and for

that Arias was grateful.

“Don’t concern yourself,” Arias said.

“It’s a good thing I had already arrived at the hotel when you had the police call

for me to bring your ID, otherwise you would have spent the night in jail.”

Arias raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be ridiculous. Manipulating the minds of most

humans is simple enough, and those police officers are no different.”

“Yes, but it’s better for us to avoid the police, if possible. I told you sealing

yourself in the sarcophagus was a bad idea. This is a different age. If you want this

woman, then you need to modernize, Arias. Even in our day, flaunting our powers was

dangerous. Yes, many people believed in the supernatural, but we always ran the risk

of getting staked through the heart or burned at the stake or --”

“All right. All right.” Arias waved his hand. “I made a mistake. It wasn’t the first

and surely won’t be the last, so move on. I must return to the museum, but before that I

need blood. I had hoped to have a taste of Malika’s by now, but that will have to wait.

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She’s an intriguing woman. I must handle her carefully. Have you had a chance to

investigate the area for hunting?”

“The town has several bars, churches and shopping areas. Finding humans won’t

be a problem.”

“No, no. I won’t taste the blood of any other human before her.”

Diego raised his eyes to the heavens. “You know what happens when we go too

long without human or at least vampire blood. You haven’t had a taste since your sleep

of ages. Waiting much longer is dangerous.”

“I’m in control, Diego. When the time comes she’ll give me what I need. Until

then, animals will satisfy my hunger. There are many woods in the area. I can smell the

trees and the wildlife. Yet the air is tainted by these modern vehicles. Cars. Buses.



“What have humans done to the world?”

“It’s called progress.”

“Is it?” Arias glanced at Diego who held his gaze and shrugged.

“It should not surprise me. I remember what we did in the old days for the sake

of progress and gold. Money is the root of all evil, is it not? And it is human nature not

to learn from the past.”

“It’ll be daylight soon, and neither of us are morning people,” Diego said.

Though vampires could tolerate the daytime hours, it muddled their senses and

weakened their powers, leaving them almost as vulnerable as humans. At times Arias

still enjoyed walking in the sunlight. Diego, however, shunned it so often that he’d

almost lost the ability to endure it at all.

“I’m going to hunt before the sun rises,” Arias said. “I’ll return to the hotel when

I’m finished, but I don’t intend to sleep late. This afternoon I’ll go to the museum and

ask Miss Young to join me for dinner.”

“You really think she’ll go after she saw you rise from the dead?”

“The police believed my story about being a magician.”

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“If I hadn’t been there so they could release you into my custody, they’d have

shipped you to an insane asylum.”

“Don’t exaggerate, Diego.”

“I forgot, that’s your department.”

Arias cast him an annoyed look. “Sometimes I think we’ve been together too


“You think, and I know.”

By then, they had reached the car, and Diego slid into the driver’s seat.

“You’re sure you don’t want to return to the hotel now?” Diego asked. “I had a

sip from the bellboy when I arrived earlier tonight. He’s delicious.”

“What did he do?” Arias asked. Though Diego refused to use mind manipulation

to “steal” blood from women he was attracted to, he didn’t hesitate to seduce men

whom he considered deserving of punishment. Arias hated to think of blood drinking

as punishment, but preferred to make the act as pleasant as possible for the humans

who supplied him.

“Mistreats his girlfriend,” Diego replied with a sneer. “I was tempted to rip his

throat out.”

“And you warn me about attracting the attention of the police.”

“I didn’t kill him, but I placed the suggestion in his mind that he should improve

his temperament.”

Arias clapped a hand to Diego’s shoulder and grinned. “Now I remember what I

like about you.”

Diego smiled and shrugged almost shyly, then glanced skyward. “You better go.

The sun will be up soon.”

Arias stepped away from the car and watched Diego drive off.

He drew another deep breath then headed toward the distant trees.

* * *

Malika arrived at the museum early the next morning. All night long, images of

the strange man had filled her thoughts and her dreams. Considering he’d frightened

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her out of half of her mind, the dreams weren’t bad. Actually they were just the


She’d awakened with her pussy throbbing and her nipples tingling. In the

dreams he’d devoured her with kisses and scraped sharp, animal-like teeth along her

breasts, yet the sensation had been arousing rather than painful. He’d looked at her

with those slanted blue eyes, and she’d gone to him without a moment’s hesitation.

All day she’d found it difficult to concentrate on work. What had happened to

him? Was he still in jail? What was his story? How had he gotten into the sarcophagus

and why?

Despite how he’d scared her, something told her he’d been harmless. The way

he’d looked at her was both unsettling yet flattering. There hadn’t been a hint of

maliciousness in his eyes. He was probably crazy, and while she was glad he’d been

arrested, she hoped the police weren’t unduly rough with him. What if they stuck him

in a cell with hardened criminals?

Malika couldn’t stop thinking about the guy, so at lunchtime she phoned her


“I meant to call you last night,” Michael said. “But it was late by the time his

friend came to pick him up and bring his ID, so I thought I might wake you.”

“Who was he?”

“His name is Arias Del Rio.”

“Are you kidding?”

“I’m surprised you didn’t know. He donated a bunch of stuff to your museum.”

“Yeah. I know. It’s just hard to believe the descendant of a famous explorer

stuffed himself in to a sarcophagus he donated to my museum.”

“About that. He’s some kind of half-assed magician. He said he used the

sarcophagus for an escape trick and got stuck.”

“Are you trying to tell me he came all the way from Spain in that thing?”

“No.” Michael chuckled. “He got into it over here for one last trick and that’s

when he got stuck.”

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Malika raised her eyes to the heavens but couldn’t keep the smile from tugging

at her lips. It seemed the modern Del Rio wasn’t as dashing and dangerous as his


“Do you think I should be worried about him?” Malika asked. “I mean do you

think he’s a freak or something?”

“Shit, yeah, I think any guy who climbs into a sarcophagus is a freak, but I don’t

think he’s dangerous, if that’s what you mean. Why? Are you planning on marrying

him or something?”

“Hell no! You know I have no interest in getting married, at least not now,”

Malika said. Even as she spoke, she imaged lying in bed with Del Rio, his long, sleek

body covering hers as he fucked her into a sweet state of semi-consciousness. “I was

thinking that he might come by the museum again to talk about the antiques. If I need

to go on a business lunch with him or something --”

“I’d be careful, but the guy seems okay to me. Just keep your dates public until

you get to know him better.”

“Who said anything about dates? I said a business lunch.”

“Yeah. Well, I know how women fall for his type.”

“What’s to fall for?” A handsome face, a body like sculpted steel and eyes that could

charm a hungry tiger out of a steak dinner?

“That’s true,” Michael said. “I mean the guy is pretty weird. In my line of work

you see just about everything, but this is the first time anyone has ever risen from a

coffin. It’s like Dracula.”

She grinned. “Well, he’s no vampire, that’s for sure.”

After hanging up the phone, Malika decided to visit Del Rio’s belongings again

before stopping for lunch. Of course she became so involved with the antiques that she

forgot about food.

Several hours later, Clara stepped into the room, her eyes wide, and said,

“Malika, Arias Del Rio is here to see you. It’s the guy from the sarcophagus.”

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The sensations that darted through her at the mere mention of his name took her

by surprise. Her heart beat faster, her nipples tingled and her belly tightened with

anticipation. Still she managed to remain calm and collected.

“I know who it is, Clara. He’s okay. I talked to Michael about him earlier.”

“Good.” Her assistant sighed. “Should I bring him to your office?”

“No, show him in here. I have a few questions I hope he’ll be able to answer

about some of these items.”

Clara nodded and left the room while Malika continued examining a beautiful

suit of 16th century armor. She realized with annoyance that her hands were trembling

a bit, not from fear but from excitement. Why did she react this way to Del Rio? It

wasn’t as if he was the explorer returned from the dead. He was just a guy, and a rather

foolish guy at that. Locking himself in a sarcophagus. She shook her head and grinned.

“Miss Young.”

Malika turned at the sound of that sexy male voice speaking her name. Her heart

skipped a beat.

Del Rio stood several paces from her, staring at her with those hypnotic blue

eyes. His long brown hair was bound at his nape, and he wore a snug gray sweater that

exposed the chiseled lines of his torso. Black pants draped his narrow hips and lean

legs. In one long-fingered hand he carried an exquisite red orchid.

Buenas tardes, Señor Del Rio. Cómo está usted?”

“I’m well, Miss Young. Please speak English. I need the practice.”

“Of course. I want to apologize for having you arrested last night, but under the

circumstances --”

“Please. It is I who must apologize for frightening you.”

“Since you brought it up, are you crazy? You could have suffocated in that


“Let me explain. I’m a magician, or what is the word? Illusionist. I’ve used the

sarcophagus many times over the years and wanted one last experience in it before it

was put on display.”

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“If we hadn’t opened it, it just might have been your last experience in life.”

He knitted his eyebrows, as if perplexed by her concern. “I assure you I was

perfectly safe.”

“Well maybe you should think about performing less hazardous tricks,” she said,

her gaze drifting to his hands. He caressed the orchid with his slender fingers, and all

she could think about was how those fingers would feel on her body, stroking and

pinching her nipples or sliding into her pussy. A little shiver of desire shot through her

and she drew a deep breath.

The faintest smile touched his lips, and his eyes darkened, almost as if he knew

what she was thinking. Of course that was impossible.

“For you.” He offered her the flower.

“Thank you. It’s beautiful. A red orchid means power. I like that.”

“It also means desire.”

Malika’s gaze locked with his, and her body temperature rose. She cleared her

throat and decided to change the subject.

“Speaking of the sarcophagus, I have a few questions about it and some of these

other pieces. Do you have some free time so we can talk?”

“As much time as you like.” He stepped closer, and she turned, guiding him

toward the sarcophagus.

“This is of Chinese origins, yet I never read about Arias Del Rio visiting the Far


“He did. Several times. However this particular sarcophagus was a gift from Del

Rio’s mentor, Xiang.”

This raised her interest. “There’s no mention in any text of a Xiang in relation to

Del Rio. Do you have some kind of proof? A secret journal or something?”

“No. Del Rio kept no journals after his experiences in Mexico during the reign of


“Yes, his entire life changed after Mexico. It is said he had a fallout with Cortes

and struck out on his own. He became a successful merchant and spent a lot of time

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traveling in Africa, the Caribbean and the Americas. It’s believed he financed the first of

his journeys with gold from Mexico. For a while he was very close to Cortes. They say

he was one of his best warriors. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have been

like during that time.” Malika closed her eyes for a moment. Once she started talking

about history, she forgot about everything else. “Cortes’ men with their armor and

firearms and conquest on their minds.”

“Destruction for gold,” he whispered.

“They were conquerors,” she said. “It was a brutal age, yet there are times when

I almost wish I could go back in time and see for myself what it was like.”

“No you don’t,” he said quickly. “As you said, it was a brutal time, and there is

no excuse for wiping out an entire people. There’s not enough gold in the world to pay

for that kind of suffering.”

She studied him carefully, surprised by the tenseness of his face and the glimmer

in his eyes. His expression touched her deeply. Most people couldn’t fully understand

how she felt about history, but this man seemed to share her connection to it.

“You seem to know a lot about your ancestor,” she said.

“Too much. When I remem --” He paused, sighing deeply. “When I think about

what he was a part of and the things he did, I wish it could be washed away like

writing in the sand.”

“I certainly don’t agree with one group of people conquering another, but I guess

there’s not a culture in the world that hasn’t done it at one time or another. The Aztecs

used to take their fallen enemies as sacrifices to their gods.”

“I know what they did,” he snapped, then shook his head. “Forgive me. I’m

sometimes overzealous when speaking of the past.”

She smiled slightly. “I understand. I feel the same way about it. Regardless of

what Del Rio did, he was still a part of history. In the grand scheme of things, people

with his courage and curiosity help us to understand each other.”

“What if knowledge wasn’t his reason for his travels? People like Del Rio weren’t

seeking knowledge. They wanted wealth,” he said, his voice dripping contempt.

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“Hey, I know he was your ancestor, but don’t take it so personally. Whatever he

did is no reflection on you. He lived hundreds of years ago. It was a different time.”

Their gazes locked again, and a strange sensation tore through her. For a

moment his eyes seemed so wizened and mysterious that she almost felt as if she was

looking into the eyes of the explorer himself. There was also a very real sadness in his

expression, and it tugged at her heart. Despite his strong physical appearance and aura

of confidence, he had an underlying vulnerability. This made her more curious about

him than ever. She couldn’t quite figure him out, and she wanted to. Badly.

“Miss Young, please join me for dinner tonight,” he requested.

“I will only if you stop calling me Miss Young and start calling me Malika.”

He smiled, and she couldn’t help noticing again how handsome he was, yet it

was more than plain good looks. His appeal shone from within, and to Malika that was

most important. There were lots of cute guys around, but few with real substance. In

the short time she’d known him, she already knew Arias Del Rio was far more than

broad shoulders and a pretty face.

An almost teasing glimmer in his eyes, he bowed his head and said, “Agreed. I

will come for you at seven o’clock, Malika.”

“I’ll meet you here at the museum,” she said.

Again he nodded and headed for the door.

Malika hurried to catch up with his long strides. “I’ll show you out.”

Smiling, he offered her his arm. The archaic gesture presented the perfect

opportunity for her to feel his biceps. She resisted to the urge to close her eyes from

sheer pleasure as her hand curved around his rock-hard upper arm.

They walked to the lobby, which was the foyer of the refinished colonial

mansion. Each of the oversized rooms could comfortably accommodate a few dozen

people at once with plenty of space for displays.

In the lobby, Clara stood talking to a rather short, slightly built man with light

brown hair and large amber eyes. He reminded Malika of an owl, rather like Clara with

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her rounded face, snubbed nose and glasses. They were so deeply involved in

conversation that it took them a moment to notice Malika and Arias.

“Diego, I have some errands to run,” Arias said after introducing his friend to

Malika. “Would you like to come, or shall I drop you back at the hotel?”

“Go ahead. Clara is about to start the afternoon tour of the museum, and I’d like

to catch it. I’ll find my own way back to the hotel later.”

“I’ll be glad to give you a ride,” Clara said, and glanced at Malika. “If you can

handle the place for a short time after the tour ends?”

“Not a problem,” she said. Usually on weekdays the museum was quiet, and she

was glad to see Clara interested in a man. She was probably the only person with as

sorry a social life as Malika.

Arias turned back to Malika, picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to the back

of it. His lips felt cool and firm. She had the mad urge to wrap her arms around him and

cover those chiseled lips with hers.

“I’ll see you tonight,” he said, his voice soft and husky. His stunning blue gaze

lingered on hers, and she felt as if she’d been struck by an intense case of spring fever.

He made her feel so good.

Where had he been all her life?

He seemed almost hesitant to go, but finally released her hand and walked to the

door. Before he left, he glanced at her over his shoulder, and they exchanged smiles

filled with promises of the night to come.

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Chapter Four

At six-thirty, Arias stood in front of the mirror in his hotel room. Contrary to the

legends about vampires, they could see their reflection, cross running water and ingest

liquids other than blood.

He glanced at himself and realized that even though he wore modern clothes,

there was something about him that simply didn’t fit in during this time. Maybe it was

the long hair. Most men of this time wore their hair short. Tomorrow he would do

something about the style, but for tonight he would bind it in a tail. He remembered a

time when wigs had been in fashion, but he had ignored that trend. His taste had

always leaned toward simple elegance and these modern clothes appealed to him. Sleek

boots of black leather covered his feet and the black shirt he wore was of a soft, airy

fabric. It was permissible to wear several buttons open. Not only was the open-front

style comfortable, but it exposed a good portion of his well-formed chest. Just as men

enjoyed looking at women’s bodies, women appreciated a man with a fine physique.

When he looked at Malika’s beautiful body, he was glad he had kept himself in

shape all these years and was even more relieved that he’d awakened from the sleep of

ages in the same condition in which he’d entered it.

At the moment all he could think about was Malika’s fit body. Even her

professional clothing couldn’t hide her shapely thighs and big, firm backside. It had

taken all his powers of restraint to keep from grasping her bottom, lifting her off the

ground and onto his stiff, aching cock. He was grateful he had worn loose trousers

earlier. At least they had hidden his outrageous erection. In her presence, he was unable

to maintain complete control over his body. His cock acted like that of an eighteen-year-

old boy, not a five-hundred-forty-nine-year-old blood drinker.

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Even now, just thinking about her full, dark lips wrapped around his cock head

made him ready to burst with desire. How could he hope to spend the entire night in

this kind of torture? If he didn’t focus, he might end up taking her pussy and blood

before she was ready. No he could never do that. Not to her, nor to any woman.

He glanced at the simple gold watch on his wrist. He had time to indulge in a

few brief moments of self-pleasure to take the edge off his passion. At least then he’d be

somewhat calm for dinner with his irresistible soulmate. His blood father had told him

that if the mate mark ritual was performed, the pull between the lovers was powerful,

especially when they touched. He had certainly felt it when he’d pinned her lush body

beneath his. Despite the humiliation of her flipping him flat on his back, he had relished

the feel of her strong legs around his neck. If only her gorgeous thighs had trapped his

head for another reason -- so that he could lick and suck the sensitive flesh between her

legs, for instance. Recently he’d dreamed about devouring her. It had been a rather

strange fantasy, with her legs stretched into a split between two beams. Still it had

excited him to lick and explore her soft, wet pussy.

Drawing a deep breath and releasing it slowly, he willed his heart to stop racing.

Usually a vampire’s heart beat very slowly, but not when he thought about Malika.

He needed to do something about this insane desire before picking her up.

Vampires had strong recuperative powers and insatiable lust, so spending himself now

wouldn’t prevent him from making love with Malika later.

He strode to the bathroom and unfastened the front of his jeans. His swollen cock

sprang into his waiting hand and he curled his fist around it. As he stroked, he closed

his eyes and imagined Malika’s small, soft hand upon him.

What started out as pure fantasy suddenly took on a life of its own. He could

actually see Malika standing here with him.

“Oh, Arias,” she breathed, her brown eyes gleaming with lust. The tip of her

pink tongue moistened her full, dark lips and the sight of it made his belly clench

harder and his balls pull up tight. “Oh it’s so big and gorgeous.”

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You’re gorgeous,” he breathed, his heart racing as quickly as a mortal’s. The

sensations crashing over his body were almost unendurable. A few more seconds and

there would be no turning back.

“Arias,” she said, sinking to her knees in front of him. Still caressing his cock, she

sucked the head into her hot, wet mouth and Arias exploded.

Groaning, every muscle straining, he came long and hard.

When he finally stopped, he leaned against the wall, panting.

Though his cock was momentarily satisfied, his thirst for blood burned his

throat. He didn’t want just any blood. He wanted human blood, specifically Malika’s.

Patience, Arias. In time she will be yours.

* * *

Damn. What a horrible time to have one of my all-too-real daydreams.

Malika drew a tremulous breath and released it slowly while trying to calm her

wild heartbeat. Thank heavens she’d been sitting at her desk when the fantasy struck.

Her legs felt so weak that she knew if she’d been standing she’d have hit the floor.

Sucking Arias’ cock had been almost as good as when he’d eaten her pussy.

Why did this have to happen to her just moments before he was to pick her up?

Finally regaining control of herself, she stood on trembling legs, slung her purse

over her shoulder and walked to the ladies’ room down the hall. She tugged up her

skirt, pulled down her panties and used a scented wipe to bathe the delicate flesh

between her legs. She was swollen and aroused. Daydreaming about sucking Arias to

climax had her hovering on the verge of orgasm.

She glanced at her watch and saw that it was ten minutes to seven. As excited as

she was, it would only take moments to stroke herself to release. It was better than

sitting through dinner like this. Being around gorgeous Arias was enough of a tease.

She wasn’t made of steel, after all.

Tossing the wipe in the trash, she tingled with desire while at the same time

feeling a little embarrassed. What could be worse than masturbating in the workplace?

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She envisioned her mouth around Arias’ gorgeous cock head and remembered

the fantasy of being eaten out while on the balance beams.

Fuck the embarrassment.

Her hand dipped between her legs, her fingers gathering moisture from her

drenched pussy then rubbing briskly over her clit. Malika’s head arched back and her

pulse raced.

Shit, she really needed this.

* * *

Arias was just moments away from the museum when the next vision struck


Malika stood, her panties down around her knees, and her gorgeous neck arched

back as her hand worked between her smooth, muscular legs.

Passion shot through him, and he gripped the wheel harder. This was the worst

possible time to be struck by sexual illusions. He was driving a car!

He tried to force himself back to reality, which was difficult with images of

Malika pleasuring herself dancing before his eyes. His cock leapt, and his pulse

pounded through his body.

Somehow he managed to pull over to the side of the road where he sat, his eyes

closed and head leaning back against the seat. His breath rasped as Malika neared her


She was so beautiful when she came, her eyes closed so that her thick lashes

fluttered like butterfly wings against her cheeks. Her lush breasts quivered and

expanded with each panting breath. The sight of her cleavage above the low neckline of

her snug black and gold shirt aroused him greatly.

Finally she calmed, and the illusion faded.

Arias’ fists clenched, and he gritted his teeth. This was his fault. He had initiated

the mate mark ritual, and now they would be cursed by it until they either joined for

life or… He hated to think about the alternative.

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There was a way to break the spell and free them of this magic, however, it

would not destroy their connection. The ritual could only bring together true soulmates,

not produce a false link.

He hadn’t realized the pull between them would create such real sexual illusions.

Of course the spell worked differently for each couple. Each mated pair experienced a

unique bond. The mate mark ritual was extremely personal.

Arias drew another deep breath to calm himself before continuing his drive to

the museum.

This was becoming dangerous. He and Malika had better join soon, or else there

was no telling what the magic would do to them.

* * *

Malika had just stepped out of the ladies’ room when the buzzer at the front

door of the museum rang. Her pulse skipped. It was Arias.

If she didn’t get her lust for the guy under control, she was going to have a heart


“Be cool and calm, Malika,” she said, smoothing her skirt and touching her hair.

She licked her lips and hoped she’d used enough gloss. What if he didn’t like gloss?

Get a grip. No man had ever made her feel like this, but there was no way she

could let him see how much he got to her. Once a man knew he had you, he didn’t want

you anymore. It was part of their nature. Malika wasn’t about to be kicked to the curb

by a crazy wannabe magician, no matter how blue his eyes were or how tight his ass


Keeping her posture straight and her chin lifted, she strode to the door and

paused only to glance out the little side window to make sure it was Arias waiting


Hell yeah. It was him and his tight ass. She got a clear view of it as he turned and

glanced toward the street. He was wearing jeans that made his sleek legs look about

five miles long. His black shirt accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist.

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Again she licked her lips. She’d like to pounce on him right now, but she

couldn’t. The most important thing between two people, in particular a man and

woman, was respect. No matter what happened between her and Mr. Arias Del Rio, he

would respect her.

She stepped away from the window and opened the door.

Del Rio’s gaze met hers, and he smiled.

“Good evening, Malika.”

Recalling her recent fantasies, she thought he had no idea how good an evening

it had already been. Still, it would be even better if she got to taste his lips for real. She

remembered how good his kiss had felt yesterday when he’d pinned her beneath his

lean, hard body. Of course at that time her main concern had been getting him off of


“Hi,” she said. “Just give me a second to turn on the alarm.”

She stepped away briefly to activate the system, then joined him on the porch,

locking the door behind her.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“You tell me. I’m new around here,” he said.

“There’s a restaurant just down the street. It’s kind of casual, but it’s got the best

food in town.”

“Substance over show. You’re a woman after my own heart.”

She chuckled and Arias offered her his hand. His touch was cool and though she

sensed the strength in his long, slender fingers, they gripped her snugly but not too

hard. It was the perfect touch.

Glancing at him from the corner of her eye, she admired his profile. His

expression was confident but not arrogant. He exuded masculinity while at the same

time retaining a gentleness that she found endearing. Yes, she could definitely fall for a

guy like this, even if he was a little strange.

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Recalling her brother’s warnings about getting to know Arias better, she had

intended to drive her own car but instead decided to go with him. Instinct told her she

could trust Arias, and her intuition was rarely wrong.

Moments later they arrived at the restaurant. Malika asked for her favorite booth

in the far corner of the dining area. It was slightly apart from the other booths and

tables and much more private.

They ordered wine and then examined the menu. Or at least Malika did. His

gaze never seemed to leave her.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

His words warmed her, and she smiled. “Thanks. So do you.”

He looked amused. “That’s the first time I’ve been called beautiful.”

Somehow I doubt that.

“I mean you look handsome, does that make you feel better?” Men were so

overly sensitive.

“Beautiful. Handsome. As long as I please you, that’s all that matters.”

“Wow.” Malika drew a deep breath. “You sure know what to say, don’t you?”

She reached for her glass of ice water. It felt awfully warm in here tonight, or

maybe it was because whenever her gaze met Arias’ her temperature shot into the fever


When the waiter returned, Malika ordered a cheeseburger and fries. She hated

fast food fries, but this restaurant served the real thing: thick slices cut from fresh

potatoes and perfectly fried so that they weren’t soaked in grease. Usually she liked lots

of onions on her burger, but tonight she told the waiter to hold them. Not that she

necessarily planned on kissing Arias again, but --

Who was she kidding? She had every intention of tasting the man’s lips.

When the waiter turned to Arias, she couldn’t help curling her lip in surprise

when he ordered soup. Soup? She’d never seen a guy order soup.

The waiter left them alone, and Malika said, “No, wonder your ass is so narrow.

Soup? That’s all you’re going to eat?”

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“I have several food allergies, and what do you mean my ass is narrow?”

“If you have allergies, we can go somewhere else. There’s no reason to starve.”

“The soup will be fine.” He reached across the table and rested his hand over


Malika grinned and tried not to squirm in her seat from the pleasure he brought

merely from touching her.

“Narrow ass?” he pressed, a faint smile on his lips.

“I didn’t say that was necessarily a bad thing. Are you sure soup is going to be

enough?” she asked. Her voice faded a bit at the burning look in his eyes. “You look

hung. Hungry! I mean you look hungry.” Her face heated at her mistake.

His smile broadened and he said, “I am…both.”

Malika laughed. “All you guys are alike.”

“I hope not. You don’t seem like the sort of woman who would be satisfied with

an average man.”

“Well if there’s one thing I can say about you, Del Rio, you’re not average. You’re

the first person who introduced himself from a sarcophagus.”

“Maybe we could forget about that?”

“Hell no. Who could forget about that? Besides, I thought you just said you

hoped you’re not average?”

“I suppose our first meeting isn’t something I want to forget either. You’re the

first woman who’s ever knocked me flat on my back. Where did you learn to fight like


“I didn’t. It was just a reaction to total fear.” She grinned.

“You have strong legs.”

“I used to be a gymnast.”

If possible, the look in his eyes intensified, and a quirky smile played around his

lips. “I’d love to see you on the balance beams.”

Malika’s eyes widened, and her entire body flushed when she thought about her

balance beam fantasy. “What do you mean by that?”

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“I’m sorry. Have I said something wrong?”

“No.” Of course it was ridiculous to think he knew anything about her fantasy.

Most people associated gymnasts with balance beams.

“Do you still practice?” he asked.

“Yes, but just for fun. How about you, Arias? What do you like to do? For that

matter, what do you do for a living, or are you a professional magician?”

“No. That’s just a hobby. I used to be a merchant, but lately I’ve made money

through investments.”

“How did you know about the museum? It’s obscure even to the locals.”

“Actually, I found it through you, or Diego did through the Internet. He was

looking up information about my ancestor.”

“Yes, I was wondering if you would mind spending some time at the museum

while you’re here. I’d like to get as much information as I can about the items you


“It would be my pleasure.”

Malika’s heart fluttered at the sound of his voice speaking those worlds. All she

could think about was another kind of pleasure.

Fortunately before she could get too excited, the waiter arrived with their food.

Throughout dinner, they continued their conversation. Malika was surprised by

how easily she opened up to Del Rio. Unless she was discussing history, she was

usually a little introverted. By looking at her one wouldn’t think so, but she often found

relating to people difficult. Arias was different. Though they had only just met, she felt

as if she’d always known him and always would. Deep inside she knew this man was

meant to be part of her life.

After dinner, they drove around town and stopped at a nearby lake where the

view was gorgeous even at night. It was especially beautiful with the full moon shining

upon the water and mountains looming in the distance.

It was a cool night, but not cold, so they left the car and stood in the grass,

watching the rippling water.

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“I always loved this place, since the first day I moved here,” she said.

“Where did you live before this?”

“Massachusetts. I still miss it sometimes. Boston has some great museums, but I

liked working in New York best.”

Though she focused on the water, she felt his gaze upon her. She wanted to look

at him but knew it would be dangerous. Staring into those blue eyes in the moonlight

might tempt her to do something she’d regret later.

“Are you happy here in such a quiet place when you seem to love the city so


“Oh I’m very happy. The museum might be small, but I’m in charge. Josh trusts

me, and he understands how much history means to me.”

“Josh Douglas, the founder of the museum?”

“Yes. He’s the best. I met him in college. He was a guest speaker.”

“He was an archaeologist, correct?”

Now she turned to him and met his gaze. “Yes. You certainly have done your


“I told you before, I have a great interest in you.”

“Because of my studies of your ancestor?”

“At first.”

“And now?” she asked softly.

They had moved closer to each other, standing so near that their bodies almost

touched. Even with heels, she had to tilt her head slightly to meet his gaze.

Rather than reply in words, he gently cupped the back of her head and covered

her mouth in a kiss. At the first touch of his cool, firm lips against hers, Malika closed

her eyes and leaned nearer to him. His kiss was tender yet possessive. No one had ever

kissed her like this before.

Taking her lower lip between his teeth, he applied the slightest pressure then

swept his tongue over it. Malika moaned softly and rose onto her tiptoes to reach him

better. She slid her hands over his hard pecs before wrapping her arms around his neck.

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Her lips parted, and his tongue slid between them. There was no describing the

sensations flooding her as his tongue explored her mouth. Her tongue met it, and they

danced to a primitive rhythm that soon had her body tingling with need.

Arias’ cock stiffened between them, and she loved the feel of it pressing against

her. In the back of her mind, she knew she was moving too quickly, but she didn’t want

to stop.

When the kiss broke, she was slightly breathless. Staring into Arias’ eyes, she

knew he was just as aroused as she was.

Malika wanted to say something, but she wasn’t sure what. He didn’t seem to

need words, but lowered his face to her neck. Again her eyes closed, and she splayed

her hands over his broad back, allowing him to support her almost completely as he

kissed her neck. His long, slender fingers tugged her sleeve off her shoulder, baring her

flesh to his lips and tongue. She gasped and shivered with desire as he licked a warm,

wet trail from her shoulder to her neck. Then he took her earlobe between his teeth and

nibbled it gently. His breath against her ear tickled and aroused her. A little shiver rain

down her spine.

She was lost in a haze of sensation. It was as if she was drugged. Right now

nothing could tear her away from this intoxicating man, and she had no intention of

stopping him from touching her in any way he wanted. If he decided to fuck her right

here by the lake, she’d sprawl on the grass and spread her legs without hesitation.

This wasn’t like Malika. She knew something was wrong, not with Arias, but

with her. Her emotions were too far out of control.

“I can’t resist you,” he said into her ear.

“Just kiss me again,” she breathed, taking his face in her hands and guiding his

mouth to hers. Not that he needed any encouragement. He kissed her harder than

before, and it was absolutely perfect, as if he knew what she wanted.

Their tongues met, stroking each other slowly at first, but soon passion overtook

them, and they devoured each other.

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Malika moaned and ran her hands over as much of him as she could reach. She

caressed his back, loving the feel of his rippling muscles as he massaged her and

wrapped his arms more tightly around her. Her hands trailed down his supple spine to

knead and squeeze his tight ass. It felt great in the jeans, but she longed to feel his bare


His kisses rained over her throat, and he pushed down her other sleeve, lowering

the front of her shirt so he could trail his lips over the tops of her breasts.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.

She groaned softly in reply. Reaching up, she removed the elastic from his hair

and wove her fingers through the silky brown tendrils, pressing his head closer to her

breast. Little quivers of delight shot through her, and she made no effort to stop him as

he tugged the shirt down to her waist. His arms warmed her against the slight chill in

the air, not that she noticed the cold. His kisses and touches had her so turned-on that

she felt feverish.

Everything seemed to fade except Arias. It was as if she was in a dream, yet this

was really happening, wasn’t it? She felt almost dizzy with desire. If she believed in

magic, she’d have sworn she was under some kind of spell.

He gently pulled down her bra cups. His thumb fondled one of her nipples while

his mouth devoured the other. Malika gasped and shivered with pleasure. He sucked

her nipple and used his teeth to worry it, then he swept his tongue over the ultra-

sensitive flesh.

“Arias, oh yes, baby. Please.”

“Malika,” he whispered, his breath caressing her nipple before he continued

sucking and laving it. He paused for a moment and brushed his finger over the flesh

just above her nipple. “What’s this?”

She forced her eyes open and glanced down. The sight of her nipple, stiff and

glistening from his sucking, and his finger caressing her breast made her belly clench

with lust.

His fingertip continued stroking the two little marks on her breast.

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“Oh, they’re just birthmarks,” she replied with a slight smile. “They always

reminded me of vampire marks. When I was young I used to pretend they’d been given

to me by a vampire lover.”

Arias lifted his gaze to hers. The expression in his eyes was indefinable, yet it

touched her deeply.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing.” Again he lowered his head to her breast and swept his tongue over

her nipple.

Malika closed her eyes and lost herself in his touch. He ran his tongue over her

birthmarks and groaned. His cock stiffened even more, and he thrust against her.

Mewling softly, Malika pressed even closer to him, spreading her legs a bit so

that the enticing bulge in the front of his jeans rubbed against her clit.

The urge to rip off their clothes almost overcame her. He must have felt the same

way, because his hands slid beneath her skirt and caressed her thighs.

“You have the most gorgeous legs,” he said, his voice raw with passion.

“Thanks,” she breathed, scarcely comprehending his words. It was as if she was

under the influence of a powerful sex drug. She needed him so much it was almost


He cupped her soft mound, stroking her through the barrier of her satin panties.

Malika thrust against his hand. She cried out softly when his fingers slid beneath the

satin, gathering wetness from her pussy and stroking her clit. Her swollen flesh ached

and throbbed. Nothing could be better than being caressed by this man who aroused

her so much.

Hovering on the verge of orgasm, she clung to him tighter. Arias pushed her

nearer to the car and hoisted her onto the hood. She leaned back, pulling up her skirt

and watching through half open eyes as he quickly unfastened his jeans. His cock

popped free, and she drew an excited breath at the sight of the thick ivory phallus. She

sat up and reached for it, remembering her fantasy of caressing and sucking him.

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Arias groaned, his blue eyes narrowed to slits as he watched her stroke his cock.

It swelled and throbbed in her hand, and she relished how hard and strong yet velvety

it felt. Touching him aroused her passion to dangerous heights. At the moment she

couldn’t think of anything except fucking Arias Del Rio.

She dipped her free hand between her legs and stroked herself. Her eyes closed,

and she shuddered on the verge of orgasm.

“Mine,” he growled, stepping between her legs. He grasped her waist and

tugged her closer to the edge of the car’s hood.

Malika had no choice but to brace both hands behind her, or else she’d fall

backward. Gazing into his eyes, a shiver of fear darted through her. Arias’ eyes looked

almost animal-like in his passion, yet he still touched her tenderly. He pushed her skirt

up higher and caressed her inner thighs, then he dipped his head between them and

rolled his tongue over her clit.

“Oh damn!” Malika panted, lowering herself onto the hood. Her eyes closed, and

she ran her fingers through his hair.

Arias lapped and sucked her clit. When his teeth gently scraped it, she would

have writhed off the car if he hadn’t held her, his strong, slender hands clutching her

hips. Waves of orgasm rolled through her, and she moaned and thrashed, her heart

pounding. She was so far gone in this fantasy-like state of pleasure that she didn’t

protest when she felt the tip of his thick, hard cock pushing into her. He filled her

throbbing pussy with a long, slow thrust.

Almost immediately her waning pleasure rekindled, driving her toward another

orgasm. The last one had been intense, but something told her this one would be mind


“Malika, I need you,” he panted, his voice aching.

“I’m here,” she breathed. “I’m here.”

Still pumping into her, he swept his tongue over her breast, then she felt as if two

pins pricked her in the area of her birthmarks. She gasped, but soon forgot any

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discomfort as the most amazing pleasure broke over her. The sensation in her breast as

he sucked and licked was every bit as intense as in her clit and pussy.

He groaned, thrust and sucked, primal in his passion yet never harming her.

Arias Del Rio brought her the most breath-stealing pleasure she’d ever experienced.

Malika’s entire body was on fire. She writhed and trembled, her heart pounding

and breath coming in desperate pants.

“Please,” she gasped, unsure of how she was able to speak at all. “Oh, Arias!”

The explosion was so powerful that she only remembered the first intense

pulsations that racked her body. After that everything went black.

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Chapter Five

Arias’ Creator had told him that, under the influence of the ritual, the sensations

of lovemaking were overpowering for the destined mates. If he had ever doubted the

truth of that warning, he believed it now.

At the start of the evening, he’d had no intention of tasting Malika’s blood until

she accepted his vampirism. When he saw her birthmarks -- the mate marks that

branded her as his -- and began making love to her, he’d entered a realm which he’d

never imagined. Just as they couldn’t seem to stop themselves from claiming each

other’s bodies, he had been unable to keep from sipping her blood.

The intensity of Malika’s last climax had caused her to swoon, and Arias himself

had lost consciousness for several moments. That had never happened to him before.

He lifted his head and gazed at her, thinking how beautiful she looked yet how

vulnerable. Protective instincts rose in him, and he caressed her face, thinking he would

do anything to keep her safe.

She was his destined mate. Yet she had no idea what he was or that he had used

a ritual to find her. Maybe he’d been wrong. Was this not the same kind of selfish

manipulation that had cost him so much, centuries ago?

His gaze drifted to her lush breasts, and he focused on her birthmarks. Just as

he’d suspected, they were the exact fit to his bite marks. She had no idea how close

she’d been to the truth about those marks. Tiny rivulets of blood trickled from the

wounds made by his fangs. He licked the blood away and gently swept his tongue over

the wounds. Vampire saliva had restorative powers that even worked on certain

injuries on mortals. If vampires didn’t bite too deeply, they could usually heal the

telltale wounds on their mortal victims, thus hiding their tracks. Most humans had no

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idea that they’d been bitten, and the few that remembered the experience usually had

no proof.

Arias ran his fingertip over Malika’s birthmarks that were once again smooth,

without a hint that actual fangs had pierced them. He longed for the day that she knew

what he was and welcomed his bite. Not that she had refused him tonight, but he still

felt dishonest.

She hadn’t awakened yet, but she was only human. Even as a vampire he’d

needed some time to recover. Surely she would require even more. He pulled up his

jeans and fastened them, then fixed her clothes and carried her to the front passenger

seat of the car.

He drove her home. Even though she hadn’t told him her address, he’d known

where she lived since before he arrived. Finding the location hadn’t been difficult.

When they stopped in front of her house, he took her keys from her purse and walked

around to her side of the car. After releasing the seatbelt, he was about to pick her up

when her eyes opened partway.

“Oh lord, did I fall sleep?” she murmured.

A faint smile tugged at his lips and he shrugged.

“I must be working too hard,” she whispered and rubbed her eyes. They closed

again, and she snuggled into the seat. He thought she’d fallen asleep, so he picked her


Malika’s arms slipped around his neck, and she stirred. “Put me down.”

“You look comfortable where you are.”

“Yeah, but this is crazy.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “I don’t know

why I’m this tired. You didn’t drug me, did you?”

“Of course not.”

“Mmm,” she purred and drifted off again.

No, Arias, you selfish bastard, you didn’t drug her; you manipulated her through magic.

He carried her to the front door and managed to open it without dropping her.

Inside he glanced around the simply decorated foyer. The kitchen was straight ahead

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and the parlor to his right. He took the staircase to his left and brought her into the

upstairs bedroom that appeared to be hers. With photographs on the walls, perfume on

the dresser and lots of shoes and clothes in the open closet, it looked more lived-in than

the other bedrooms. The biggest clue was her unmade bed covered in pink sheets and a

handmade quilt.

He placed her on the bed and removed her shoes. The skirt and shirt looked

uncomfortable, so he chose a silk nightgown from her closet and sat on the edge of the

bed to undress her.

He managed to remove her clothes and was working on the front clasp of her bra

when her eyes opened.

“What are you doing?” she demanded, blinking sleepily.

He offered her the nightgown, then stood and turned his back.

“Did you come here expecting to continue what we started by the lake?” she


He turned and found her still seated on the bed, but wearing the nightgown. She

was looking at him with a wary expression that cut him to the quick.

“I wanted to see that you got home safely. That’s all,” he replied.

“I’m surprised you bothered. I don’t usually make love with men I just met.”

“I believe you.”

“Really?” she snapped.

Why was she so angry with him? They’d wanted each other at the lake.

“Would you like me to leave?” he asked.

“Why not? I doubt I’ll be seeing you again anyway.”

He stiffened and drew a deep breath. “Have I done something wrong? I thought

you enjoyed yourself as much as I did.”

She glared. “Don’t be a wiseass! I don’t know what happened tonight or why I

acted like that.”

“I thought it was because there is something between us.”

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Closing her eyes, she shook her head. “I don’t know why I’m blaming you. It’s as

much my fault as it is yours. We should have taken things slower.”

“So next time we’ll go slower.”

His words seemed to amuse her, and she smiled, her gaze meeting his. “It’s a

little late for that, isn’t it?”

Encouraged now that she appeared less angry, he stepped closer and sat on the

bed. Lifting his hand to her face, he gazed into her eyes. “I look forward to seeing you

often, Malika. I had hoped you’d feel the same.”

“Because of the great sex or because of me?”

“You,” he replied without hesitation. “What we shared tonight was beautiful,

but we don’t have to do it again. I’ll wait for you to decide. All I ask for is your


The faintest smile touched her lips. “You always seem to know what to say.

That’s a bad thing.”


“Because men are supposed to say the wrong thing.”

“I speak what’s in my heart. If a person does that, then it can’t be wrong.”

She sighed. “Maybe that’s the problem with most people, not just guys. No one

seems to speak what’s in their heart.”

“Are you feeling better now?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Would you like me to stay with you? I don’t mean to make love, but --”

“No. I think you better go.”

“May I see you again?”

“Are you free tomorrow? If you’re still interested in helping me at the museum -­

“I will be there around noon and bring lunch.”

“All right. See you then.”

Arias nodded, brushed her mouth with a kiss and headed for the door.

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He turned to her. “Yes?”

“Thank you.”

Smiling slightly, he bowed to her. “It was my pleasure, Malika.”

Arias had hoped she would ask him to stay the night, but he understood her

hesitation. The pull between them must have been unsettling to her, since she had no

idea they were meant to be together.

Arias could have gone hunting, but he didn’t want the taste of animal blood to

ruin the flavor of Malika that still lingered on his tongue. He hadn’t tasted human blood

since before his sleep of ages, and until he’d tasted hers, he hadn’t realized exactly how

desperate he had been for it.

Only the blood of humans or other vampires could truly satisfy his kind, and he

had denied himself both. Already he felt stronger than since before his sleep and

rejuvenated in a way he’d never experienced. It wasn’t simply the fact that he’d sipped

human blood tonight, but that it was Malika’s.

He returned to the hotel and showered. By the time he finished, his sensitive

vampire nose caught Diego’s scent, and he knew his friend had returned to the hotel.

Arias dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt, loose pants and running shoes, then knocked on

Diego’s door.

“Arias.” Diego grinned. There was a glimmer in his eyes that he’d never seen

before. The aroma of floral perfume clung to his clothes, as did the scent of Clara,

Malika’s assistant from the museum.

“You seem to be in a good mood this evening.”

“I had a date,” Diego replied, then added. “With a woman. With Clara.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“So am I. I stayed at the museum all afternoon. I went on all three of her tours.

Afterward she told me no one had ever gone on the tour so many times consecutively.”

“It must have been interesting.”

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“I’m sure it was, but I must admit I was concentrating more on her. She has a

magnificent behind.”

“Don’t you mean cool?” Arias quipped.

“No. Magnificent.” Diego replied with a dreamy look. “I asked her to dinner and

she said yes. Dinner with me. A woman.”

Arias raised an eyebrow. “It does not surprise me. I’m sure many women would

go to dinner with you if you only let them get to know you.”

“You know how I get around women, Arias. I don’t know how to act or what to

say, but it’s different with Clara. She’s not like most women. She’s intelligent and kind

and easy to talk to.”

“She sounds like Malika.”

“Oh, I almost forgot. How did it go with her?”

“Fine,” Arias said abruptly. Usually he had no problem discussing his sexual

conquests with his friend, but Malika was different. What happened between them was

personal. “Do you feel like some exercise? I’m going to the woods for some sword

practice and maybe we could do some hand-to-hand.”

“Good idea. I managed to stay out of trouble while you were in the sleep of ages,

but some of our connections haven’t been so lucky over the years. Fighting is still

common among our kind. We must keep up our skills.”

“Then we should go. There’s still a few hours before dawn, and I’ll need to get

some sleep afterwards because I told Malika I’d meet her at the museum at noon.”

“I’m taking Clara to dinner again, but the woman tempts me to overcome my

dislike of daylight. I’ll have to work on it so I can see her hair shining in the midday


Arias curled his lip. “As they say in this modern age, you’ve got it bad, my


“I have got it bad, and believe me, Arias, it’s never felt so good.”

* * *

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No matter how intense the orgasm, Malika had never passed out after

lovemaking, so she wasn’t sure why she’d been almost comatose after fucking Arias.

Was any man really that good?

She’d asked him if he’d drugged her, but she knew he hadn’t. Still, making love

with him had been as strange as it was wonderful. She’d forgotten about anything and

everything except for satisfying her lust with his body. That wasn’t like her. It was

absolutely irresponsible. Though she couldn’t remember every detail clearly, she didn’t

think they’d used any protection.

Fear darted through her. That could be deadly. What was wrong with her? Was

his craziness contagious?

That night she found it difficult to sleep, but she finally drifted off only to be

awakened by the annoying buzz of her alarm clock.

Moments later she stood beneath a warm stream of water in the shower. Her

eyes closed, she recalled the feel of Arias’ hands and lips on her body. Passion shot

through her, but she forced it from her mind. She needed to get a hold of herself.

She dressed and ate a quick breakfast, then headed for work. Before going to the

museum, she stopped at the drugstore to buy condoms. The next time she and Arias got

together, she was going to be prepared. No excuses.

When she arrived at the museum, the maintenance guys were already involved

in landscaping the front yard. They exchanged greetings, then she headed inside. She

wanted to finish some paperwork before Arias arrived, then she’d have most of the

afternoon free to spend with him and his ancestor’s collection.

Someone tapped on the open door of Malika’s office and she glanced up to see

Clara standing there. To her surprise, Clara wore her hair down, and a quirky smile

played around her lips.

“I’m sorry I’m late this morning,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it,” Malika said. “What’s up?”

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“Malika, I had the most wonderful time last night.” Clara stepped into the office,

her smile broadening. “Diego is the best. There’s nothing he doesn’t know about history

from the 16th century on. He’s absolutely brilliant.”

Malika smiled. She’d never seen Clara so enthusiastic about anyone. “I guess this

means you’re going to see him again?”

“Oh yeah. He’s so cute.” Clara wrinkled her nose with enthusiasm. “When I look

in his eyes I feel like I’m a kid again. When he kisses me, it’s just --” Clara sighed deeply

and actually blushed.

Chuckling, Malika shook her head and turned back to her paperwork.

“How was your date with Arias?”

The mere mention of his name made her tingle all over.

“It was fine.”

Clara raised an eyebrow. “Just fine?”

“It’s a little complicated. I… I want to take things slow and not get too swept up

in him. Falling too fast is a good way to get hurt.”

“Well I’m ready to take the risk,” Clara said. “At our age we can’t afford to wait

very long.”

Malika curled her lip. “Speak for yourself.”

“Are you sure you’re not just doing this because you’re afraid having a

boyfriend will take time away from your work?”

After all these years of friendship, Clara knew her well.

“That might be part of the reason. After last night I didn’t expect him to want to

see me again.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. He’s taken me by surprise from the moment we met.”

“Well he did climb out of a sarcophagus.”

“It’s not just that. By this point in my life I shouldn’t be confused, and I wasn’t

until Arias came along.”

“Malika, just have fun,” Clara said. “No one says you have to marry the man.”

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Sighing again, Malika shook her head.

Clara’s eyes widened. “Or is that the problem? Do you want to get serious with


Get serious? Things were already serious.

“Clara, we need to get to work. Doesn’t the first tour start in a few minutes?”

Glancing at her watch, Clara gave a little gasp. “You’re right. See you later,

Malika. We’ll talk more.”

Nodding, Malika waved her friend away and tried to focus on her work.

At noontime, Malika was on the phone speaking to the man she’d hired to

restore some paintings for the museum’s foyer when Arias stepped inside. He carried a

paper bag from which wafted the most delicious scents.

Malika’s stomach rumbled, and she met his gaze with a smile, then her brow

furrowed. He’d cut off his beautiful hair! It was now just above his ears in an

undeniably sexy style, but she couldn’t help missing all that long, wavy hair.

“Good afternoon,” he said.

“What did you do to your hair?”

He looked surprised. “You don’t like it?”

“Sure. It’s cute, but you had all that gorgeous hair. How could you cut it?”

“I thought it was passé. This is more stylish.”

She cast a skeptical look in his direction. “Says who?”

“If I’d known you liked it so much, I would have left it.”

His desire to please her was flattering. Maybe she shouldn’t have made such a

big deal. After all it was his hair.

“You look very handsome with it short,” she said.

“Thank you. Are you hungry?”

“Yes. Starving.” Malika knew some women lost their appetite around men they

were attracted to, but she doubted there was a guy stupendous enough to do that to

her, not even Arias Del Rio. “What did you bring?”

“Barbecued chicken and potato salad.”

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She grinned. “That was my favorite when I was a kid.”

“I remember you said so last night when we were talking over dinner.” He

placed the bag on her desk.

Malika started removing the contents. She licked her lips at the sight of the

chicken, bathed in sauce and cooked to perfection.

Then she removed a large container. “What’s this? Soup again?”

“I had a big breakfast.”

She wagged her finger at him. “Listen, I don’t know if I can stand being around a

man with such a puny appetite.”

His brow furrowed, and she realized he’d taken her seriously.

“I’m joking,” she said. “But are you on a diet? You don’t need one.”

“Not at all. Let’s eat.”

“Right. The faster we finish, the faster we can get to work.”

He pulled a chair nearer to her desk and they began eating. Malika was so busy

savoring the chicken that it took her a moment to realize he was staring at her intently.

He seemed fascinated by the sight of her tearing the chicken with her teeth and licking

the sauce from her lips. He looked almost lustful, and she couldn’t tell if he was

sexually aroused or just plain hungry.

“Are you sure you don’t want some?” she offered him a drumstick. “There’s


“No. Thank you.” He reached for his bottle of water and drank deeply, all the

while keeping his gaze fixed on her breasts.

It seemed he was aroused after all. Unfortunately, when he looked at her in such

a way, it reminded her of last night, and of her fantasies. Her clit throbbed and she

crossed her legs, hoping to appease the wonderful yet frustrating ache.

They finished eating, then walked to the room where Del Rio’s belongings were

stored. She intended to keep them on display there, but it would be some time before

the room was ready for the public.

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She found that Arias was very well versed in the history of the antiques he’d

donated. Actually, he had an impressive grasp of history in general.

“Where did you study?” she asked as they stood examining a collection of masks

Del Rio had collected in Africa.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“You know what you’re talking about when it comes to history. Did you major in

it in college?”

“I did not attend college.”

Now she was really impressed. “You mean you’re self-educated?”

“Yes. I’ve traveled extensively and I enjoy reading.”

Malika smiled and turned to him. “Traveled extensively, huh? I guess in some

ways you’re like your ancestor.”

An almost sad expression passed over his face then he returned her smile and

caressed her cheek. “It seems so.”

His touch made her heartbeat quicken, and she leaned closer to him. His arm slid

around her waist, and he threaded his fingers through her hair as he covered her mouth

with a deep, tender kiss.

At first she surrendered completely, then she remembered her vow to keep

control until they got to know each other better.

“Arias, no.” She tugged away from him, bracing her hands against his chest.

That was a mistake. His pecs were so sleek and solid. She wanted to keep touching him,

to slide her hands beneath his sweater and feel his warm flesh and hard muscles against

her palms.

“Tell me what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just that what happened last night shouldn’t have. Not

that I didn’t have a great time. I did, but it was too fast. We scarcely know each other.”

“I understand,” he said, caressing her cheek.

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Their gazes locked and she saw nothing but gentleness and affection in his eyes.

He wasn’t just telling her what she wanted to hear. He was genuine. She remembered

his words. I speak what’s in my heart.

“Let us get to know each other better,” he said. “I would like to help you prepare

my ancestor’s belongings for display, if you’ll accept my assistance?”

He seemed to know how much her work meant to her and was willing to take

part in it. That impressed her.

“I think that’s a great idea,” she said, stood on tiptoe and brushed his lips with a

kiss. “And while we’re working, I intend to learn as much as I can about you, Arias Del


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Chapter Six

Zolin dove into the Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool in the gym at his

home in the suburbs of New York City. He swam underwater toward the edge and

broke the surface, drawing in cleansing breaths. He always enjoyed a swim after his

daily fighting practice.

In his mortal life, training for battle had been his main purpose, and that hadn’t

changed throughout the centuries. It was especially important for his kind to be

prepared. Vampires fought for many reasons. Power. Territory. The simple pleasure of

defeating a worthy opponent.

Long ago, he had been a Shorn One, an elite Aztec warrior. He was sworn to

defend his people or die trying. He had almost fulfilled his purpose. If not for his

vampiric Creator, he would have died fighting his enemy, but she had resurrected him.

For years he had been torn between rage and gratitude. Yes, she had robbed him of an

honorable death, but she had given him a second chance to defeat the man he hated

above all others -- Arias Del Rio.

Del Rio had arrived in Zolin’s homeland along with Cortes and the other Spanish

warriors, or explorers, as history remembered them. Regardless of the way some

worshipped the armor-clad Spaniards as gods, Zolin had known from the beginning

they would bring nothing but sorrow to his people. When his gaze had first locked with

the piercing blue eyes of Arias Del Rio, he hadn’t known how personal that sorrow

would be or the tremendous hatred that would grow between them. Del Rio’s kind had

destroyed his people, and Del Rio himself had ruined his marriage.


He glanced over his shoulder, toward his lover, Julie. Over the centuries he’d

had women, but their company been nothing more than a way to relieve sexual tension.

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Julie was the first woman since Atzi whom he felt affection for, and it unsettled him.

Women weren’t to be trusted and caring for them made a man vulnerable. Still, Julie

had been a most loyal companion. At least, during the five years they had been

together, he hadn’t discovered a reason to mistrust her.

They had met ten years ago when she had signed up for lessons at his martial

arts school. She’d been just twenty years old then -- a lanky blond girl with an interest

in fighting and a crush on him. It wasn’t surprising, since many girls liked older men,

and with her love of athletics, she appreciated his skills.

At first he hadn’t encouraged her interest, but five years later he found her in his

bed and slowly working her way into his heart -- a heart that hadn’t burned with such

fire since he’d been with his wife.

Julie squatted by the edge of the pool and lightly grasped his chin, her blue gaze

fixed on his. “I have information for you. Del Rio is in Maine. He’s been there for

around two weeks.”

“Alone?” Zolin demanded. Even after so many years, the very mention of Del

Rio agitated him.

The last time they’d fought had been in 1775. Few men could match Zolin in

battle, but Del Rio was the most formidable warrior he’d ever met. For the second time,

Del Rio had left him near death, and Zolin had been forced to hide in the sleep of ages

while he healed. When he woke almost ten years later, Del Rio had seemed to vanish

from the face of the Earth. At first Zolin thought someone might have killed him, and

this angered him, as it would rob him of the chance to seek revenge.

By observing the actions of Del Rio’s old companion, Diego, Zolin soon guessed

that the master was hidden somewhere in his sleep of ages while the servant waited.

Zolin had considered slaying Diego, but he preferred to wait until Arias

reappeared. It would be more satisfactory for Del Rio to suffer the pain of watching

those he loved die, just as Zolin had when the foreign soldiers had taken over his


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“No. His servant, Diego, is with him,” Julie replied. “And Del Rio has a new

girlfriend. Her name is Malika Carter Young. She’s curator at The Museum of the

Precious and Peculiar.”

“Really? How sweet,” Zolin said through clenched teeth.

“Zolin, are you sure you want to track him down? Can’t you try to --”

“Forget?” He glared and grasped her hand, tugging it away from his face. “You

want me to forget that he and his people destroyed everything I held dear? That he

seduced my wife?”

She lowered her gaze and sighed deeply. “I didn’t mean that you should forget,

but maybe it’s time to move on. You said yourself he almost killed you the last time you


“He managed a lucky strike.” Zolin growled. “You think Del Rio is more of a

man than I am?”

“I didn’t mean that.”

“Why else would you suggest I avoid him?”

“I didn’t say avoid him. I suggested you not go looking for trouble, because I

think you’re man enough to overcome the past. Maybe I’m wrong.”

He grasped her and hauled her into the water.

“Oh! Zolin!” she shouted, shoving wet tendrils of hair from her face and glaring

at him.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her closer, relishing the feel of her lush

breasts against his chest. He kissed her hard, then spoke against her lips. “I’m going to


“Then I’m going with you.”

His eyes narrowed and he was about to refuse, then changed his mind. “All


“Promise me something.”


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“When this is over, no more chasing down enemies. Just give us a chance to be


He smiled and kissed her again.

When their lips parted, she said, “That wasn’t an answer.”

“No.” He nuzzled her neck. “It wasn’t.”

* * *

It had been almost two weeks since Arias had arrived in Maine, but he and

Malika had spent so much time together that he no longer felt even remotely like a

stranger. He spent almost as much time at the museum as she did, working on the Del

Rio display. While they talked extensively and she found herself telling him everything

about her life, he spoke little about himself. Most of what she learned about him was

through his expressions and the way he treated her and others. There was no missing

the deep caring between him and Diego. Actually, Diego talked more about Arias than

the man himself.

She learned many details about Arias through Clara, who found out about him

from Diego.

For years Diego had worked as Arias’ personal assistant and investor. Arias was

quite wealthy, and was very generous with his money. He had founded many shelters

for the poor, and though he liked to remain anonymous in his support of charities, he

was a great humanitarian. Diego hinted that in his younger years Arias had been wild,

but learned from past mistakes.

Malika did some checking of her own and had her brother do the same. She

learned that Diego hadn’t exaggerated his stories about Arias’ generosity. Learning this

only made him more irresistible to her.

She had managed to keep the promise to herself and hadn’t slept with him again,

though it was torture for them both. Arias had been nothing less than respectful of her

wishes, but keeping her hands out of his pants was becoming more difficult with each

passing moment.

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

At night she dreamed of him. Erotic dreams that left her drenched and throbbing

with desire, yet more exhausted in the morning than when she’d gone to bed.

The pull between her and Arias was so hard to fight, and her control was

slipping fast. By the heat that burned in his eyes whenever their gazes met, she knew he

felt the same. Maybe it was time to give in. She had proved her point that she wasn’t

going to fall into his arms every chance she got. She had lots of condoms. She had -- the

mad urge to fuck the man until they both passed out again.

That morning she sat in her office, waiting for Arias to arrive and thinking of

ways to seduce him. She should be making phone calls regarding the party for the

grand opening of the Del Rio display in a few days, but as usual her thoughts drifted to


He usually didn’t show up before noon, which she found a bit peculiar. She also

found it odd that he ate nothing but soup. How did a guy manage to have a body that

fine on nothing but a liquid diet?

Clara stepped into the office and said, “Malika, I just interviewed a woman who

would be great for the part time job we advertised for.”

“Sure. What’s she like?”

“She has a decent knowledge of history and is an expert in ancient weapons. Her

name is Julie Matthews. Would you like to interview her? She’s here now, but I can

schedule another appointment if you don’t have time today.”

“No problem. Send her in.”

Moments after meeting Julie, Malika decided to hire her. The woman was

pleasant and appeared competent, not to mention she came with excellent references

and she had a special interest in Aztec history.

Julie agreed to start work the next day, and no sooner had she left than Arias


Despite his warm smile, she couldn’t help noticing the shadows beneath his eyes

and the scarcely repressed desire in his expression. The past two weeks, no matter how

wonderful, had been difficult for them both. This was the kind of connection one

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Mate Marks: Thirst

fantasized about, except the fantasies never warned that feelings like this brought pain

as well as pleasure.

“Good afternoon,” Arias said, presenting her with a gorgeous bouquet of pastel

flowers. Her office had never been so colorful before Arias had started coming around.

She smiled and sniffed the flowers, enjoying the wonderful scent. “Thank you.

I’ll put these in water and then we can get to work.”

“No one can deny your dedication,” he said, walking to the water cooler and

taking a long drink. She doubted she’d ever met such a thirsty man before, but water

was supposed to be good for health. With his strict diet and generous intake of water, it

was no wonder he was so fit and gorgeous.

A short time later, they were busy in the Del Rio room. Malika stood admiring

Del Rio’s suit of armor. This was her favorite piece from the collection. Something about

being able to see and touch clothing the explorer had actually worn thrilled her.

“He must have been unusually tall for his day,” Malika said, gazing at the armor.

“Yes. He was rather tall,” Arias replied from across the room. She heard his

footsteps approaching and a moment later he stood beside her.

Malika glanced at him and noted that his lip was slightly curled, as if the armor

stirred his contempt.

“I bet he was about your height,” she observed. “The armor is in excellent

condition. Will you try it on?”

His blue gaze shifted to her, and his brow furrowed. “I’d rather not.”

“All right.” She shrugged. Usually he was most agreeable, but sometimes when

speaking of his ancestor he seemed almost disgusted.

“It would make me feel…what’s the word? Claustrophobic.”

She laughed. “That’s coming from a man who showed up here in a


“You want me to put it on? Fine.”

“No, it’s not a big deal.”

“If it’s not a big deal then it shouldn’t offend me. After all, it’s only clothes.”

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Mate Marks: Thirst

“As long as you really don’t mind.”

“Just come here. I’ll need help with a few of the pieces.”

She assisted him in putting on the heavy, gleaming armor. When he finally

stood, fully dressed as a 16th century warrior, he nearly stole her breath.

“Wow,” she whispered, circling him. “It’s a perfect fit. Del Rio must have been

exactly your size, but I bet he wasn’t as handsome as you are.”

“You think not?”

She stared at his chiseled face with his wide-set blue eyes gazing from beneath

the rounded helmet and murmured, “I doubt it.”

Lust burned inside her, and she took a step closer to him. His gloved hands

settled onto her waist, and he tugged her to his armor-clad body. His mouth covered

hers in a lingering kiss. When it broke, Malika was leaning heavily against him.

Her nipples tightened and her clit throbbed with desire. She wanted him so

much it was painful and by the look in his eyes, he desired her just as badly.

“Arias, I --”

“I know,” he said in a husky whisper.

She pulled away from him and walked to the door.

“Don’t go,” he said. “We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready.”

Malika had no intention of leaving. She locked the door, picked up her purse

from where she’d tossed it in the corner and removed a condom.

Wearing her sexiest look, she strode toward him slowly, making a point to

wiggle her shapely hips. “I have no intention of leaving. Boy, get your ass out of that

armor. I can’t wait anymore.”

He smiled so broadly that she could practically count each of his gleaming white


Arias began removing the armor, and Malika helped, though her hands trembled

so much she wasn’t very useful. She was happy to see he fumbled quite a bit as well in

his eagerness to rid himself of his clothes. They didn’t stop at the armor; Malika

unzipped his trousers and pulled them down while he removed his shirt, baring his

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Mate Marks: Thirst

gorgeous torso. He kicked off his trousers, and she was thrilled to see he wasn’t

wearing underpants. Caressing his rock-hard thighs, Malika drew a sharp breath, and

her heart skipped a beat.

His thick, semi-erect cock called to her and she wrapped her hand around it,

licking her lips. Since the night at the lake she’d dreamed of this. It was such a pleasure

to touch him, almost as good as having him touch her, which he was doing with


Already he had unbuttoned her blouse and unfastened the front clasp of her bra.

She shrugged both the blouse and bra off, and Arias groaned with pleasure, his gaze

fixed on her breasts.

“Ah, Malika,” he said, his voice almost a growl. He gently squeezed her breasts,

then fondled the stiff nipples, making them even tighter and harder.

“You’re making it hard for me to get this condom on you,” she breathed, her

eyes closing partway from the pleasure.

“It’s hard, that’s for certain,” he said.

His cock pulsed in her hand. The gorgeous shaft was long and thick and she

loved the pattern of veins beneath the ivory skin. She ran her thumbnail over an

especially thick vein along the underside and he groaned.

Malika didn’t want to wait anymore. She rolled the condom on him, and no

sooner had she finished than he picked her up and carried her toward the sarcophagus.

Placing her on top of the cover, he trailed his lips along the side of her neck.

“Arias, this seems a little weird,” she panted, closing her eyes. His tongue swept

over her nipple, then he worried it with his teeth. Malika’s pulse raced, every nerve in

her body tingling with desire. “Someone was probably buried in this at one time.”

“The rightful owner of this sarcophagus will not be offended. Trust me.”

“Okay,” she said, grasping his head and surrendering completely. His tongue

lashed her nipple, then he sucked it deeply into his mouth. The pleasure was so keen

that it seemed to wash over her entire body then settle between her legs.

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

Arias loomed above her, and she wrapped her legs around him, thrusting her

pelvis against him, hoping to ease the desperate ache in her clit.

He took his time, however, moving from one breast to the other and teasing the

nipples until the pressure of his teeth and tongue upon them almost hurt. Then he

licked his way down her belly, tugging off her panties, skirt and hose. Malika had

already kicked off her shoes, and once he’d tossed the rest of her clothes aside, she

wiggled her toes from sheer pleasure as he parted her thighs and positioned himself

between her legs.

His mouth covered her clit, and he devoured her like a starving man. Malika

closed her eyes and caressed his shoulders and hair, allowing him to take complete

control. Though the top of the carved sarcophagus wasn’t the most comfortable place to

make love, she didn’t care. Desire had taken her completely. The first orgasm struck her

hard, but he didn’t stop licking her throbbing flesh and drove her directly to another


Malika lay panting, her eyes closed. At least this time she hadn’t passed out. A

soft moan escaped her when he began stroking her face. He lightly kissed her temple,

then her lips.

She smiled and rolled toward him. Glancing at his sleek, hard body, she saw his

erection still straining beneath the condom. The desire to repay him for the pleasure

he’d given her overtook her and she tugged him onto the sarcophagus.

“Spread ’em,” she ordered, crawling between his legs. She grasped his cock and

took the head into her mouth. Between sucking him deeply, she used her tongue to

tease him. When it flicked the underside, he moaned and grasped her head, his hips

thrusting against her.

Grinning, she continued the carnal torture, fully intending to suck him to

completion, but he had other plans.

Arias gently pushed her away. She caught fire at the lustful expression in his

eyes. He stood and tugged her off the sarcophagus. When he grasped her ass, she gave

a little hop and wrapped her legs around his lean waist. Their mouths locked in a

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Mate Marks: Thirst

penetrating kiss, and with her still in his arms, his hands tight on her ass, he walked

toward a chair and sat.

Malika adjusted her position. She grasped his cock and lowered herself onto it.

“Look into my eyes,” he commanded. “I want to see you when you climax.”

Malika’s lips parted, and she breathed deeply, her gaze locked on his. His eyes

were so beautiful that she lost herself in them. Bracing her hands against his powerful

shoulders, she began rocking upon him, controlling their passion.

“Malika --” he cupped her cheek, “-- do you know how much you mean to me?”

A smile tugged at her lips and she kissed him. Their tongues met, stroking each

other with tenderness and passion. All the while she rocked upon him, loving the feel of

his hard, velvety cock rubbing her in all the right places.

Arias fondled her breasts and kissed her neck. His tongue teased her ear and she

held him harder. Her entire body throbbed with need and she could hold back no

longer. She rode him hard and fast, her fingers digging into the steely muscles of his


“Don’t close your eyes,” he whispered.

She forced them open and stared at him. It was an incredible thing, looking into

a lover’s eyes as passion overtook them. Arias’ eyes looked fierce yet at the same time

soft. His pupils almost filled his blue irises and soon his eyes narrowed.

“I can’t,” Malika panted, her motions erratic as she pushed closer and closer to


“Let it happen,” he said, his voice deep and husky.

Malika cried out, her neck arching back and her eyes closed tightly as she came.

She felt him lunge upward and give a shout of pleasure as he joined her in


When it was over, Malika wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on

his shoulder as she recovered. She loved the heat of their bodies pressed close, the

sound of their mingled breath, and the feel of his hard thighs against her ass. Arias

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stroked her hair and her back, the motion comforting. When he touched her, she felt


Malika lifted her head and met his gaze. At that moment they didn’t need words

and it was the sweetest communication of her life.

* * *

Arias and Malika found it difficult to concentrate on work for the rest of the day.

As they continued sorting through and arranging Del Rio’s antiques, they kept

exchanging longing glances and touching each other every chance they got. Her hand

brushed his ass when he bent over to dust the sarcophagus. His hand cupped her

breasts when she reached up to adjust a painting, and every half hour or so their lips

just happened to meet.

“Come home with me tonight,” Malika said as they stood outside the museum

after she’d locked up for the night.

Arias stared into her eyes, brushed his thumb across her lips, then kissed her. “I

can think of nowhere else I’d rather be.”

Malika’s belly tightened, and this time she knew it wasn’t just from lust but from

a very real love that was starting to develop between her and Arias Del Rio.

* * *

This was the first time Malika had ever spent an entire night with a man in her

bed. Yes, she’d had experiences before. After all, she was in her thirties, and she wasn’t

such an introvert that she’d never dated at all. She’d just never liked anyone enough to

share an entire night with them. To her, sleeping in the same bed as a man was even

more personal than fucking him.

That explained the butterflies in her stomach when she stepped out of the

bathroom wearing her favorite lavender nightgown with the lace top and little cutouts

that revealed her nipples.

Arias already lay in bed with his arms folded behind his head, tightening the

muscles of his sleek chest and abs. His long, lean legs were spread apart and the sheet

just covered his hips. Beneath the pink cotton, she saw his cock rise and she smiled.

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

“You look gorgeous,” he said, and beckoned her with a long, slender finger and a

sexy look in his eyes. “Come here, Malika.”

She had no problem doing what he asked. Seconds later, she lay in bed, wrapped

in his arms, her cheek resting against his shoulder. She drew random shapes on his

chest and circled one of his nipples with her fingertip. The man was so irresistible, but it

was more than physical attraction that she felt for him. He was sweet and gentle, but at

the same time, the sort of guy who made a woman feel safe.

She kissed his chest, then the hollow of his throat. Arias had the most beautiful

neck. She kissed the side of it, then licked his Adam’s apple and touched her lips to it.

“Malika,” he murmured, his eyes slipping shut.

Purring with desire, she pushed the sheet aside and straddled him, loving the

feel of his warm skin against her legs. She hadn’t bothered wearing panties, so her soft,

sensitive flesh brushed against him.

She reached toward the night table and took a condom from the drawer, then she

slid down his body so that her ass rested against his thighs.

Glancing at his face, she saw him watching her through narrowed eyes. While

she stroked his cock to full mast, he massaged her legs. Malika rolled the condom onto

his shaft, then covered her body with his. Bracing her hands on either side of his head,

she kissed him. Her breasts brushed against his chest and he cupped them, kneading

the soft spheres and sweeping his tongue over her nipples.

“Feels so good,” she murmured against his lips.

He groaned in reply and lifted his head, capturing her mouth in a kiss. Malika

slid a hand behind his neck and deepened the kiss, her tongue thrusting into his mouth.

For several moments, his tongue followed her rhythm, then he took command.

Malika mewled with pleasure as he rolled her onto her back and loomed above

her. He reached a hand between her legs and slid two fingers into her pussy, stroking

and teasing before he withdrew them and caressed her clit. The tender flesh pulsed and

ached, and her pussy throbbed. She wanted to feel his shaft buried deep inside her.

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

The tip of his cock pushed against her pussy, and he entered her with frustrating


“Please, Arias,” she panted, clasping handfuls of his hair. She actually missed the

long hair, but she rather liked this short style too. He looked younger with it and it

showed off his fine features to advantage.

“Please what?” he teased.

“Please fuck me hard. Fast. I’ve wanted this so much for the past few weeks.

Today at the museum wasn’t enough.”

“Oh, my love,” he breathed, and kissed her again while at the same time

thrusting faster into her drenched, throbbing pussy.

Malika wrapped her arms and legs around him. At first she tried to be careful.

With her gymnast’s legs, she’d actually broken a guy’s ribs once, but Arias seemed to be

made of stronger stuff than that wimp. Hell, he was steely all over: lean, wiry and

almost deceptively powerful. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it when she held him hard.

“Yes, Malika, tighter,” he breathed.

She moaned and arched her head back, her heart pounding as he pushed her

over the edge. He didn’t stop pumping, though, and before she could recover from the

first orgasm, he drew her into another.

This one was so intense that she lost consciousness again.

Floating in a dreamlike state, she saw herself lying on a bed covered in white

sheets in a room of pure white. Arias approached, his long, lean body looking

dangerously beautiful. He stretched out beside her and nuzzled her neck, then brushed

his cheek against hers.

His face lowered to her breast and his tongue swept over her nipple, making her

shiver with desire. Then she felt as if someone had pricked her birthmarks with a

couple of small needles. The pain ebbed, replaced by mind-blowing pleasure.

“Arias,” she murmured.

“Malika,” he replied, but there was something strange in his voice. It was almost

a growl.

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Her gaze fixed on him and her heart pounded. His eyes gleamed with inhuman

brightness and his bloodstained lips drew back, revealing fangs dripping red.

Glancing around, she saw the white sheets and walls were also streaked with


Malika’s eyes flew open and found herself pinned beneath Arias, except it wasn’t

Arias, but a demon who looked like him. His blue eyes glistened with a crazed thirst

and his chiseled lips were drawn back in an animalistic snarl, revealing savage white


Malika screamed and shoved him with all her strength, but he was immovable.

“Malika, please,” he said, his voice husky with emotion, or was it a lust for


She struck him in the face as hard as she could. His head jerked back reflexively,

and blood dripped from his mouth where she’d hit him.

In the midst of her terror, she caught a glimpse of sorrow in his eyes. He moved

away from her and rose from the bed.

“What the hell is going on?” she demanded. “Is this another sick joke like when

you climbed out of the sarcophagus? I’ve had it with your stupid games, Del Rio!”

“If you would let me explain.”

She stood, wrapping the sheet around her naked body. “Get out.”

Arias quickly donned his pants, then picked up his shoes, socks and shirt and

strode out of the room.

On trembling legs, Malika followed him and watched from the top of the stairs

as he left the house. Then she hurried to double bolt the door. She leaned against the

wall in the foyer, her eyes closed and her heart hammering in her chest.

She should have listened to Michael and been more careful. Her first instinct

about Del Rio had been that he was insane. It seemed she’d been right.

No matter how great the attraction between them, it wasn’t worth the sort of

surprises he sprang on her. What was up with those phony fangs? Why did he like to

play around like this? He was a grown man. Not a child.

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

Then she remembered the dreams. It was impossible that he had anything to do

with manipulating her dreams. She had dreamed about him being a vampire and when

she woke --

There was a reasonable explanation. She’d probably been half asleep when he’d

put on those stupid fangs and reality had simply mingled with her dream.

Why, then, wasn’t she satisfied with that explanation?

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Chapter Seven

In the spacious yard of the house he’d rented in Maine, Zolin practiced with his

club. In his days as an Aztec warrior, it had been his favorite weapon. Many enemies

had fallen beneath his club. He had defended his people many times using it.

In spite of his prowess, he had lost to a dishonorable conquistador, but he would

have his revenge. Del Rio would pay for the pain he and his kind had caused Zolin’s


His keen vampiric hearing detected the sound of a car approaching. He paused

in swinging his club and stood, panting, his body bathed in sweat, as he watched Julie’s

car roll toward the driveway. She stepped out and walked toward him.

Why was she the only person who seemed able to distract him the slightest bit

from his desire for revenge? Perhaps that was a bad thing. He should stop seeing her,

yet he didn’t want to. Of course he would make certain that when the time came to take

his revenge on Del Rio, she was far away. He didn’t want to risk her being hurt, or

worse seduced, by that blue-eyed demon.

“Hello,” she said, pausing a short distance from him. Her gaze locked on his, and

Zolin drew a deep breath in an attempt to keep his desire for her under control. That

was worse. He inhaled her delicious scent, and his cock twitched to life. Right now he

couldn’t afford to waste energy on lovemaking. He needed to focus solely on fighting

practice. He hadn’t even tasted Julie’s blood lately, but had sought out other humans,

ones with evil in their hearts. Their madness and passion for violence fueled his own,

making him strong so he could defeat Del Rio.

“How are you progressing?” he asked.

“I’ve only been working at the museum for a couple of days, but it’s obvious that

Del Rio and Malika are in love. They’re almost inseparable.”

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Mate Marks: Thirst

“Well, very soon they will be separated,” he snarled. “For eternity.”

* * *

After leaving Malika’s house, Arias went to the clearing in the woods he and

Diego used for training. Maybe exercise would help him regain control of his emotions.

He’d been practicing for nearly an hour with his swords when Diego

approached. The last thing Arias wanted was company. He was furious with himself

for not finding a better way to reveal his true nature to Malika. His craving for human

blood, combined with the magic of the mate mark ritual, had driven him to the

animalistic state that had frightened her. It amazed him that he had retained enough

control to keep from biting her. He couldn’t explain his vampirism away, as he had

done when he’d risen from the sarcophagus.

“What’s wrong?” Diego asked.


“You’re looking at me as if you want to run me through with one of those


“It’s not you.”

“Good. Then I don’t have to fear for my life if we practice.” Diego drew his blade

and poised for battle.

Arias sighed deeply. He was about to tell Diego to go away, but decided that

maybe sparring practice was a good idea.

Arias discarded one of his swords and then turned back to Diego. Soon he and

his friend were so deeply engaged in practice that Arias managed to forget about his

fight with Malika for a few moments. It didn’t last long though, and when his thoughts

drifted back to her, Diego did something he hadn’t been able to do in centuries. He

knocked Arias’ sword out of his hand and kicked the back of his foot. Arias dropped to

his knees and Diego placed the tip of his blade to his throat.

“What’s your problem?” Diego growled. “I shouldn’t have been able to do this.”

“So you’re having a good night, and I’m having a bad one.”

“If this was a real fight you’d be dea --”

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Kate Hill

Mate Marks: Thirst

Before Diego finished his sentence, Arias knocked his blade aside, not caring that

it sliced into his hand. Seconds later Diego lay sprawled on his back, Arias’ foot pressed

to his throat and the sword lying useless in the dirt.

“You were saying?” Arias asked softly, his gaze fixed on Diego’s.

“So fine. You knocked me down, but that’s only because I let you live a moment


Arias couldn’t deny the truth of those words. He released Diego and offered him

a hand up.

“I repeat, what is your problem, Arias? Wait. You don’t have to answer. I know

what the problem is. You haven’t tasted human blood since before your sleep of ages.”

“I’ve had human blood,” Arias replied. That night by the lake he’d tasted

Malika’s sweet blood. Just thinking about it sent a shiver of desire coursing through

him. These past weeks, being close to her without making love or sipping her blood had

been pure torment. Just being around her made his thirst almost unbearable.

Drinking water or other liquids helped take the edge off when in her presence,

but nothing could truly sate his vampiric lust except blood. The animal blood that had

been sustaining him was not enough, and he knew that Diego was right. He needed

human blood or the blood of another vampire, or else he risked becoming dangerously



“It’s not your concern.”

Diego stepped closer. If he had been taller, they’d have stood chest to chest.

“It is. We’ve been friends for centuries, Arias. We have stood by each other

through more battles than any human will ever see. A lack of human blood, or vampire

blood if you won’t drink from humans, weakens us. If I can defeat you, imagine what

would happen if someone like your old enemy Zolin challenges you. I realize you care

for Malika, but until you confide in her about your nature, you must take blood from

another source, and I don’t mean animals.”

“She knows what I am. After tonight, she must.”

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Mate Marks: Thirst

He told Diego about the earlier incident, and his friend looked thoughtful. “It

sounds like she’s in denial of what she saw. You must make a choice, Arias. Either tell

her the truth or leave her alone.”

“Have you made a choice regarding Clara?” Arias demanded.

“Clara knows.”

“For how long?”

“Only since last night.”

“And she accepts?”

Diego grinned and color actually rose in his pale face. “Oh, my friend, how well

she accepts. She has the sweetest blood I’ve ever tasted.”

“This is unbelievable. I performed a mate mark ritual to find my destined mate,

but I’m having all the trouble while you have none.”

Diego curled his lip. “You weren’t complaining when you were claiming woman

after woman for centuries while I salivated in the background. Maybe you should stop

trying to be such a gentleman and use a little of your old seduction techniques.”

“Malika deserves a gentleman.”

“She also deserves the truth.”

Arias nodded. Diego was right. It was time to let Malika really know the man

who loved her, then allow her to make the choice.

* * *

The next morning at work, Malika couldn’t concentrate at all, nor could she bring

herself to enter the Del Rio room. After a few hours of staring blankly at her paperwork,

she realized she must deal with the Del Rio display, since the official opening was

tomorrow night.

Steeling herself against her fear and love for Arias, each of which were growing

at an alarming rate, she entered the room.

Malika approached the armor. Her heartbeat quickened as she recalled how

dangerously handsome Arias had looked in it. She rested her hand on the breastplate

and caressed it lightly. Closing her eyes, she recalled how wonderful it felt to caress his

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Mate Marks: Thirst

chest, and that was the least of the pleasures he’d brought her. She loved talking to him,

sharing meals with him and working with him. Already she found it hard to imagine

life without him. They had been together a few short weeks, but he had fit into her life

perfectly, as if they were meant to be together.

The door opened and Malika turned. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of

Arias. His gaze locked on hers and his lips parted, as if he was about to speak, but she

beat him to it.

“Leave,” she stated. “I told you last night that --”

“Malika.” Clara stepped into the room and approached her friend. “Just listen to


Diego lurked in the doorway, looking rather uncomfortable. Yet that wasn’t

surprising since he seemed to look that way often.

“What is this?” she demanded. “Clara, you and I have work to do. You can see

Diego on your free time. Arias, I don’t want to see you.”

Malika headed for the door, but Arias grasped her upper arm.

She glared at him. “If you want to live, get your hand off me.”

He didn’t drop his hold. Not that it was hard, yet it was firm. He lightly caressed

her arm and continued staring into her eyes. “Malika, please. There is something I must

explain to you. After you hear it, if you want me to stay out of your life forever, I will

go, but please, hear me out.”

“All right. Talk.”

“Clara,” Diego said and held out his hand. Clara walked toward him and slipped

her hand into his.

Before leaving, she said to Malika, “Whatever he tells you, believe him, even if it

sounds crazy. He’s telling the truth.”

“I think you’re all going crazy,” Malika said.

“Malika, you’re my best friend,” Clara told her. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt

you and I wouldn’t lie to you about something as important as this.”

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Mate Marks: Thirst

Diego tugged Clara’s hand and they left, closing the door behind them and

leaving Malika and Arias alone.

Jerking away from Arias, Malika shook her head, doing her best to look remote

and annoyed when inside she felt so many emotions her head spun.

She folded her arms across her chest and said, “I’m waiting.”

“Last night you saw something --”

“I’ll say I saw something. I saw you trying to scare the hell out of me by climbing

on top of me with a pair of phony fangs in your mouth. Of all the stupid, juvenile --”

“I’m a vampire.”

For a moment all she could do was stare at him. She searched his eyes for a hint

that he was lying or playing another stupid joke, but sadly, he appeared genuine. The

poor bastard really thought he was a vampire.

Malika felt like crying, screaming, and slapping his face all at once. For the first

time in her life she’d fallen in love and the man turned out to be a total freak. That’s

what she got for trusting someone who locked himself in a sarcophagus.

She drew a calming breath. Yes, she was upset, but this wasn’t his fault.

“Arias, listen to me,” she said in a soft, calm voice. “You need help.”

“I’m not crazy.”

“I think you should go back to your hotel and get a little rest, then call someone.

If you need the names of some doctors, I know some very good ones from college.”

“Malika.” He smiled and touched her face. “I know it’s hard to accept, but I’m

telling you the truth. Do you honestly think I’d pull such a foolish prank?”

“No, Arias,” she said, hoping she sounded soothing instead of patronizing. How

long had he been like this? It was so, so sad. “I believe you believe you’re a vampire.”

Approaching the sarcophagus, he said, “If I wasn’t a vampire, would I be able to

do this?”

He easily lifted the cover of the sarcophagus. Malika stared in shock. It had taken

four people to lift it. She knew how heavy it was since she had been one of the four.

Think of a logical explanation, Malika.

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“Are you on drugs?” she demanded.

He turned away from her and shook his head. “There’s only one sure way I can

prove it to you. Please don’t be frightened.”

“Don’t even think about trying to bite me,” she warned, holding up a defensive

hand. “Remember my brother is a cop. If anything happens to me --”

“I would never hurt you, Malika. Please forgive me for this, but it’s the only


He pulled off his sweater, walked across the room, and picked up one of Del

Rio’s antique daggers.

“No!” she cried, but she was too late. He’d already torn a gaping wound across

his chest.

Malika screamed for Clara, picked up Arias’ sweater and pressed it to his chest.

She wondered how he was still on his feet. There was blood everywhere.

Clara and Diego burst into the room.

“Call an ambulance!” Malika ordered.

“Shit, Malika, did you have to stab him?” Clara demanded.

“I didn’t! He just picked up a dagger and cut himself. Will you call a fucking

ambulance before he bleeds to death?”

“Arias, can’t you do anything without drama?” Diego approached and rested his

hands on Malika’s shoulders. “He’s fine.”

“But --”

Arias grasped Malika’s trembling hands and pulled them away from his chest.

Still clutching the sweater, she stared at his blood-streaked chest, but there was no

horrible wound, merely a slight cut that seconds later vanished before her eyes.

“I think I’m going to faint,” Malika said. Both Diego and Arias grasped her and

Clara dragged a chair toward her. Malika dropped into it and said, “This can’t be

happening. Vampires do not exist.”

“I didn’t think so either until Diego bit me while making love,” Clara said,

gazing at him with an adoring smile. “It was so romantic.”

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“How can this be happening?”

“If we leave you alone to talk, do you promise no more drama?” Diego asked


“Just give us some privacy,” Arias said with a hint of annoyance.

Once again Clara and Diego left.

Malika wasn’t sure if she wanted to hit Arias or kiss him. She’d been so afraid

he’d hurt himself. Even though she’d thought him crazy, she couldn’t seem to help

loving him.

Squatting in front of her chair, he gathered her into his arms and she clung to

him tightly, burying her face against his neck and not even caring that his blood stained

her clothes.

“I should have told you sooner. I wanted to,” he said. “It’s complicated.”

“The sarcophagus. You really did come all the way from Spain in it?” she said,

finally regaining control of herself. Then a startling realization struck her. Pulling back

slightly, she gazed into his eyes. “Good lord. You’re not a descendant of Arias Del Rio.

You are Arias Del Rio, the explorer.”

He bowed his head. “Yes.”

This was almost too much to comprehend.

“What do you want with me?” she asked.

“Malika, we were destined for each other. Long ago, I performed a magical ritual

taught to me by Xiang, the one who made me a vampire. This ritual helps souls that are

meant to be joined find each other. The marks on your breasts are called mate marks.”


“They’re the exact fit to my fangs.”

A quirky smile played around her lips. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I swear it.”

Lust and a hint of apprehension shot through her. She unbuttoned her blouse

and tugged down her bra cup, revealing her birthmarks.

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Arias’ gaze fixed on her breast, and his lips parted. The desire in his eyes aroused

her so much that her nipples stiffened.

“Prove it,” she said softly.


“Prove that your fangs are a match for my birthmarks.”

“Are you asking me to…”

“Bite me,” she ordered, her gaze fixed on his.

A faint yet incredibly sexy smile flirted with his lips before he parted them and

arched his head back. Gleaming fangs extended from his upper gums and Malika’s

heart raced. For a moment she almost changed her mind, but when Arias looked at her

it was with familiar tenderness and affection. She knew in her heart he would not hurt


She lifted her breast, offering it to him and he bent, taking it in his hand and

caressing it lightly. His thumb brushed across her stiff nipple and he licked the top of

her breast. She felt the sharp prick of his fangs, then the most overwhelming pleasure

washed over her.

Malika clutched his head as he lapped and sucked. Waves of orgasmic sensations

overtook her and for several moments all she could do was moan and pant while he

sipped from her.

This was the most amazing experience of her life. She was the destined mate of

Arias Del Rio. Explorer. Vampire.

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Chapter Eight

Malika had never imagined her museum having an Arias Del Rio display. Even

more, she had never imagined the man himself would be here to see it.

It was strange knowing Arias, a guy she had fallen in love with and thought

completely insane, had turned out to be the historical figure she’d been mysteriously

drawn to all her life. Now it wasn’t so mysterious. They were meant to be together.

Though she’d discovered some pretty crazy things since meeting him, she felt

more comfortable with him than she ever had with anyone. She was also relieved that

her daydreams had been induced by the mate mark ritual. At least now when she

thought about the episode on the balance beams, she could enjoy the memory without

thinking she’d lost her mind.

The night of the official Del Rio display opening party, Arias escorted her to the

museum. He looked so casually elegant in black pants and a silky black shirt open at

the throat, just enough to expose an enticing hint of his gorgeous chest. For the past

hour, it had been all Malika could do to keep her hands off him. She noticed lots of

female guests admiring him as well, but he didn’t leave her side all night.

Diego and Clara were also inseparable. Julie, the new employee, had agreed to

help out. Even Michael stopped by after his shift ended. She was glad to see her brother,

since she knew he’d much rather be working out at the local gym than hanging around

the museum. So far, the party was a wonderful success and everyone seemed to enjoy

the newest displays.

She and Arias paused in front of his suit of armor. His brow furrowed and he

looked both questioning and sorrowful.

“I’m sorry about asking you to try it on,” she said. “If I had known how you felt

about your past -- I mean --”

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“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know who I was. Besides, regardless of whether

or not I wear the armor, I still took part in many things I’m ashamed of.”

He had explained how his father had been killed during the Inquisition when

Arias was nine years old. To help support his mother, he had gone to work aboard a

ship. She’d died when he was twelve. By then he was tall and strong for his age and

had no trouble continuing to find work at sea. Having lived in squalor, his main

purpose in life was to succeed. As a young man he had become a soldier and gone on

many voyages of exploration. When he met Cortes, they shared the same drive and

desires. It was only in Mexico, when they had conquered the Aztecs, that Arias decided

he could no longer live a life of selfishness and violence. He had been dying of battle

wounds while fighting on the side of the Aztecs, but been saved by a vampire who had

been lived in hiding not far from the village. After that, he left Mexico with his Creator

and though he continued to travel and earn a living as a merchant, he never pursued

wealth with the single-minded greed as he had in his mortal life.

“You’re not that man anymore,” Malika said, squeezing his hand.

He met her gaze and smiled. “I love you.”

His words took her completely off guard, but in a wonderful way.

“I love you too,” she replied.

Clara approached and said, “Malika, Mr. Anderson is here and he’d like to talk

to you for a moment.”

Glancing at Arias, she said, “He’s one of our biggest supporters. Excuse me for a


He bowed from the neck, his blue gaze fixed on her. Malika’s belly tightened

with lust and affection. She smiled at him once more before walking away.

Arias hadn’t felt this good in -- actually he’d never felt this good. Since

confessing to Malika, things had gone better than he’d expected. She had been

completely accepting not only of him and his vampirism, but of the mate mark ritual.

Even when he had offered to break the spell, she had told him not to. She said magic

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might have brought them together, but what kept them together was something far

stronger. For such a young woman, she was very wise.

A familiar yet unwelcome scent touched his nose and his entire body stiffened.

He glanced toward the door, and his happy mood disappeared as a nightmare from his

past stepped into the room.

Though dressed impeccably in a gray suit and white shirt, Zolin still had the look

of an Aztec warrior. From his shaved head to his fiery dark eyes and leopard-like walk,

he had changed little since his mortal days.

His gaze locked with Arias’ and he nodded. His lips parted in a wicked smile

and his white teeth shone against his dark skin.

As if drawn to each other, the men met halfway across the room.

“So you’ve dedicated a museum display to yourself,” Zolin said. “Modest as

always, Del Rio.”

“What are you doing here, Zolin?” Arias demanded.

Diego approached, looking wary. “Is there a problem?”

“Be on your way, little man,” Zolin ordered, but Diego stood his ground, his eyes


Diego might be shy around women, but when it came to battle, he was as fierce

as any man. Still, this was Arias’ fight. He knew that despite his skill and courage,

Diego wouldn’t stand a chance against the likes of Zolin.

“It’s fine, Diego,” Arias said.

After a moment’s hesitation, Diego rejoined Clara across the room.

“Shall we talk here, Del Rio, or someplace more private?” Zolin asked.

“This way,” Arias said, gesturing for Zolin to join him.

He led Zolin far from the museum and into the nearby woods.

“This is as good a place as any for a challenge,” Arias stated.

Zolin curled his lip. “Eager to die, are you?”

“This is getting old. The last time we met, I was the victor.”

“Obviously not. I’m still alive.”

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“A stroke of luck.”

Zolin snarled. “How I look forward to tearing you apart, but not now. Before I

kill you, Del Rio, you will suffer as I did.”

Arias didn’t like the sound of that.

“I thought a man like you would never fall in love,” Zolin said. “But I was

wrong. I’m going to enjoy every moment of stealing from you what you once stole from


Arias nearly stopped breathing. Malika! She was in danger.

He flew at Zolin, grasping his throat and pinning him to the trunk of a tree. “If

you touch a hair on her head --”

“How can you hope to protect her while you’re here wasting time with me?”

Arias growled. How could he have been so stupid? Zolin hadn’t come here to

fight, but to distract him.

Dropping his hold on the Aztec, he raced out of the woods and back to the


When he arrived, Diego and Clara met him outside.

“Arias, Malika has been kidnapped,” Diego said. “It’s Zolin.”

“I wanted to tell Michael, but he already left and Diego said the police would

only place her in worse danger,” Clara said and handed him a piece of paper. “I found

this note in her office.”

He glanced at the note, written in blood. By the scent he knew it belonged to

Zolin. The message included an address.

“Julie has also disappeared,” Clara said. “Do you think he took her too?”

“I don’t know,” Arias admitted. “I’m going to get Malika.”

“You’re walking into a trap, you know,” Diego said.

“I have no choice.” Arias’ first instinct was to rescue Malika immediately, but he

would have a better chance if he waited until dawn. Zolin wouldn’t harm her until he

was certain Arias was there to witness the event. Zolin had always had a particular

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aversion to sunlight. Some vampires simply could not abide it. Hopefully that hadn’t


* * *

Strapped into a sturdy chair, Malika glared at Julie, who stood across from her.

She could scarcely believe when the woman had asked her away from the party to talk

privately and then knocked her unconscious. The bitch was stronger than she looked,

and she had the skills of a Samurai.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this for a guy,” Malika said. “Is he worth going to

jail for?”

“She won’t be going to jail.” A dark-eyed man of average height, yet powerfully

muscled, stepped into the room. “Go, Julie.”

“Zolin, harming her isn’t going to help you,” Julie said, stepping closer to him.

“She doesn’t deserve it.”

“Then why did you bring me here?” Malika demanded.

Julie turned to her and the women’s gazes locked. At that moment Malika

understood. Julie was deeply in love with Zolin, but she was also scared for him.

“I told you to go, Julie,” Zolin ordered. “And I don’t mean out of the room. I

mean out of this state. I don’t want you around when Del Rio comes.”

Sighing, Julie left.

Zolin stood in front of Malika and their gazes locked.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked.

“No idea.”

“Then Del Rio didn’t mention me? He didn’t tell you how he and his kind

slaughtered my people and put us to work mining gold for his greed?”

“Arias changed a long time ago.”

The man snarled, revealing his sharp white fangs. “Don’t you know, human?

Leopards do not change their spots. I died fighting him and his kind.”

“I don’t doubt what you suffered,” she said. “But you don’t seem to know

everything about Arias. Do you know how he died?”

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“More important, I know how he lived.”

“He died fighting for your people.”

“Is that what he told you?”

“It’s true.”

“Did he also tell you how he seduced my wife?”

Malika drew a deep breath. It seemed Arias had quite an enemy here. She almost

couldn’t blame the guy for holding a grudge. Arias had killed his people and stolen his

woman. Yet she knew how much Arias regretted the wrongs he’d done. She knew how

many centuries he’d spent trying to pay for his sins.

Her captor didn’t speak to her any longer. Glancing toward the morning light

shining through the window, he grimaced and made a quick exit.

Malika sighed and closed her eyes. Her dream had turned into a nightmare.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed before she heard a commotion outside,

then also in the next room. Her heart pounded and she struggled against her bonds.

The door burst open and Arias strode in, Diego at his heels. Both men were

armed with swords, their fangs exposed and eyes blazing.

“Arias!” Malika said, torn between relief and fear. Surely this was a trap for him?

Two burly men raced toward the entrance, but Diego held them off with

shocking skill while Arias approached and broke Malika’s bonds. Then he turned and

helped Diego fight. It took mere seconds for them to render the men unconscious.

“Can you walk?” Arias asked Malika.

“Yeah. I’m okay, but some guy named Zolin is out to kill you.”

“I know. Just stay close to us.”

She followed him out of the room and into a spacious foyer. About ten burly

men, probably hired guards, lay on the floor. There was so much blood that she wasn’t

sure if they were dead or unconscious. Julie lay among them.

“Is she dead?” Malika asked.

“No. I knocked her out,” Diego replied. “She’s a good fighter, though. Zolin

probably trained her.”

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Apparently Julie had deliberately disobeyed Zolin’s orders to leave the state.

Malika had the feeling the woman feared for Zolin’s life and she wasn’t about to

abandon him.

Arias glanced at Malika. “There are things about my past I didn’t tell you.”

“No kidding.”

Arias glanced across the room just as one of the wounded guards pushed himself

to his knees and hurled a gleaming silver dagger at Diego.

“Look out!” Arias shouted, knocking his friend out of the way.

Malika gasped as the dagger embedded itself in Arias’ chest. Diego cut their

attacker down with his sword, then turned to Arias, who had dropped to his knees.

“Arias!” Malika said, placing a supportive arm around him.

“It’s silver,” he grunted. He had told her that silver could be deadly to their kind.

“Diego, take her out of here.”

“Get your ass up!” Malika snarled, grasping his arm and attempting to drag him

to his feet.

“This is no time for more drama,” Diego said, taking hold of Arias’ other arm.

Together they helped him out of the house and into the car, then they sped off.

They brought Arias to Clara’s house. In a guest room, Malika assisted while

Diego removed the blade, then cleaned and dressed Arias’ wound.

“He’ll heal now that the silver is out,” Diego said. “But he needs blood and rest.”

“I’ll give him my blood,” Malika said. “I still think we should notify the police.

Zolin is going to come for him.”

“I know, but right now we can’t move him. We’ll be safe enough here until he

heals. With your blood and mine, he’ll be well by tomorrow night.”

After Malika gave Arias some blood, he drifted into a fitful sleep. She sat beside

him, bathing his feverish face and trying to soothe him.

“Malika,” he murmured, opening his eyes. It took him a moment to focus on her.

“I’m here,” she said, kissing his forehead.

“About Zolin --”

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“Just rest. We can talk later.”

“No. I must tell you. His wife…”

“He said you seduced her.”

“It’s true. I did. I lived an indulgent life. When I saw Atzi, I wanted her. It didn’t

matter that she was married, yet I didn’t know what the consequences would be. I

didn’t know that her infidelity would be punishable by death.”

Malika knew this, but at the thought of it happening to a real woman, not an

unknown person from history, she felt sick. “They killed her.”

“No. Zolin truly loved her. I know this because he was allowed several wives,

yet he took only one. Just her.” Closing his eyes for a moment, Arias panted slightly.

Though he was healing, at the moment he was still badly injured. Surely this

conversation wasn’t helping him regain his health. Malika stroked his hair, but he

caught her hand and stopped her, as if he couldn’t bear her touch right then, or felt

unworthy of it. She understood, yet her heart ached for him. There were few things

worse than taking an action you couldn’t live with, yet a man who lived so long had

surely made his share of mistakes.

Arias met her gaze again and continued, “Zolin couldn’t bring himself to accuse

Atzi publicly, but I destroyed their marriage. When he was killed in battle, I knew it

was my duty to protect her because he no longer could, but I failed in that too. The

vampire who made me gave me the chance to change. Please believe that I did more

evil as a mortal man than I ever did as a vampire.”

As he spoke his guilt and sorrow were almost tangible. He stared into her eyes,

his hand gripping hers as if begging her to forgive him.

“Arias, listen to me,” she said, caressing his cheek. “The kind of man you were in

the past no longer matters. You’ve spent centuries making up for it. I know about the

good things you’ve done. Clara and Diego told me. It’s not as if you wasted your

centuries of life. You’ve used them to help others.”

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“Yet I’ve still indulged myself. After her, I swore I would never care for another

woman again, but I do. I love you, Malika. I wanted you, and I ended up putting you in

danger, just as I did to her.”

“Zolin is the one putting people in danger,” she said, unable to keep the anger

from her voice. “He’s still living in the past. You’ve grown and changed, but he’s still

causing pain. He’s still the Aztec warrior. Arias, I love you. I know you would never

hurt me, and I don’t want to see you hurt, either. You need to get away from here as

soon as possible.”

His eyes blazed and he pushed himself onto his elbows, grunting in pain.

“Running from Zolin isn’t the answer.”

“Neither is fighting him,” Diego said from the doorway. Clara stood beside him,

carrying another note.

“What’s that?” Arias demanded.

“A message from Zolin,” Clara replied. “It arrived at the museum about an hour

ago. He wants you to meet him at midnight on Monday in the clearing you brought him

to last night. He’s sending someone to the museum for your response.”

Arias sighed deeply and nodded. “Tell him I will be there.”

“Fighting him now is insane because you cannot win,” Diego snapped. “Not

only are you recovering from an injury --”

“Which will be healed by Monday night.”

Diego continued, “During the past two centuries while you’ve slept, he’s been


“Within hours of waking, we regain all our physical powers,” Diego reminded

him. “I have been training since I awakened. You know my skills are as sharp as ever.”

“What about blood? You’ve deprived yourself of human blood and have only

recently starting taking Malika’s. I guarantee Zolin has been feeding steadily and


“I’ll feed over the next few days.”

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“My blood is yours,” Malika said, holding his gaze. “But I don’t want you to


“It’s either now or later,” Arias said. “Zolin won’t stop coming.”

Diego growled, “The fight is stupid anyway.”

“Stupid to us, maybe, but not to him,” Arias said quietly.

“He has to learn to move on,” Diego snapped.

“How can he when this will forever stand between us?”

“That’s his problem.”

“Diego, if I hadn’t seduced his wife --”

“If you drew her away from him so easily, then she didn’t have much love for

him to begin with,” Diego stated, his jaw taut. Malika understood how he felt. She

didn’t want Arias to sacrifice himself for Zolin or anyone else. From what she saw of

Zolin, he was the sort of man who had caused his share of grief to innocent people as

well. He was no better than Arias, and in many ways much worse.

Arias continued, “Our lure --”

“Means nothing if the love is true,” Diego reminded him. “A third party cannot

break up any relationship unless the bonds are already weak.”

Arias sighed. “Even if that’s true, it doesn’t alleviate my guilt or change the man

I was.”

“Exactly. The man you were. You are that man no longer.”

“He’s right,” Malika stated, tightening her grip on Arias’ hand.

A wry smile touched his lips and he said, “If I have changed, then I must prove it

and give Zolin one last chance to satisfy his honor.”

* * *

On Monday, Malika didn’t go to work, but spent the day in Arias’ arms. They as

well as Diego were still living at Clara’s. They all had agreed that until this business

with Zolin was settled, they were safer together. Malika and Clara were in less danger

with the vampires there to protect them.

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That day, Malika didn’t know how Arias slept so deeply, knowing that he might

be facing his death that night. About an hour before he was to meet with Zolin, Malika

offered him her blood.

“Please,” she said, stepping into the shower with Arias. “Take whatever you


His lips parted and he lightly caressed her cheek. The previous day he had taken

blood from Diego, since he didn’t want to weaken Malika by sipping too much from

her. He looked about to refuse now, but Malika wouldn’t allow it.

“I want to share it with you tonight of all nights,” she said, looping her arms

around his neck and gazing into his eyes. Warm water crashed over them and he

covered her mouth in a deep, tender kiss. His hands moved over her water-slicked

body, kneading her ass while he trailed his lips along her neck.

Sinking to his knees, he grasped her hips and covered her clit with his mouth.

Malika gasped and closed her eyes, bracing her hands against the shower walls.

His tongue teased her sensitive flesh, sliding along the sides and the top of the

throbbing little nub. Then he lapped her with relentless upward strokes that soon had

her quivering on the verge of orgasm.

He licked her over the edge, then rose to his feet, his hard, wet body sliding up

hers. Pushing her against the shower wall, he bent his knees and filled her with his

cock. Over and over he thrust while kissing and licking her neck. Just before she

exploded, he sank his fangs into her flesh.

Malika cried out in pleasure. Her heart pounded, and she writhed and shook in

ecstasy as he claimed her, body and soul.

* * *

Arias traveled to the clearing alone. He had no doubt that Zolin would do the

same, for if the man was anything, he was honorable once a challenge was issued.

Zolin wanted to win this fight on prowess, not tricks. It was the only way for

such a warrior to prove his worth.

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Rather than his swords, Arias carried an Aztec club. He was as skilled with that

weapon as with his swords. He wore lightweight black shoes and exercise pants, but

hadn’t bothered with a shirt. He was actually glad he’d cut his hair, as it would have

gotten in the way.

He felt oddly numb as he approached the clearing. He didn’t fear death, but

hated the thought of never seeing Malika again or the pain it would cause her should he

be killed. He knew how he would feel if he lost her.

Zolin awaited him. He was also shirtless and carried a club.

“I’m surprised to see you,” Zolin sneered.

“This will be the last challenge between us,” Arias stated.

“Yes. It will be.”

The men circled each other, their gazes locked and clubs poised for battle.

Zolin struck the first blow and Arias dodged it.

They attacked each other with animal-like ferocity. To Arias, the fight became a

nightmarish experience. He felt almost frozen by each blow of Zolin’s club against his

body. Somewhere in his mind the pain registered, but he thrust it aside. Later it would

hurt, if he survived.

Zolin was just as relentless. They fought for what seemed like hours, until each

could scarcely raise his club. Their bodies glistened with blood and sweat, yet neither

was prepared to surrender or die.

Then something happened that stopped them cold.

“I’m going to kill her,” Julie shouted. She stood across the clearing, holding a

gun to Malika’s head.

Horror shot through Arias as he stared at Malika, who sat on her knees, her arms

bound behind her back.

“And I’m going to kill her,” Diego snarled, also holding a gun, his aimed at Julie.

“You planned this!” Zolin growled at Arias, his chest heaving with each ragged


“How could I have planned it? Your woman is holding mine at gunpoint!”

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“I told you to leave this state!” Zolin bellowed at Julie.

“Well, I didn’t listen,” Julie snapped. “Zolin, if you don’t end this, I’ll shoot her.

And I have no doubt Arias’ man will kill me, but I don’t care.”

“Are you crazy, woman?” Zolin roared. “You have no right to deprive me of


“You have no right to deprive me of you!” Julie screamed. “I love you, Zolin.

Doesn’t that mean anything to you? I know I can’t take your wife’s place, but don’t you

give a fuck about me at all?”

Arias was shocked by the look of utter confusion on his old enemy’s face.

“My honor --”

“Has been satisfied many times over,” Arias said. “As a mortal you died an

honorable man, which is more than I can say for myself. Do you love this woman as

much as she loves you? Why risk that for a battle which should have ended centuries


“Zolin,” Julie said. “Please.”

The Aztec closed his eyes for a moment, then with the growl of a wounded

animal, he strode toward Julie. He tore the gun from her hand, tossed it aside, and

pulled her into his arms.

“This ends here and now,” Arias said. “Agreed?”

Zolin glared at him and spoke through clenched teeth. “Agreed. But never let

your path cross mine again, Del Rio.”

“You came looking for me.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Malika said quietly, then looked at Julie and Zolin. “Just go.”

The pair quickly left the clearing, yet deep down Arias wondered if this was the

last he’d ever see of Zolin. It was against the Aztec’s nature to back down from a fight.

Was his love for Julie strong enough to overcome centuries of training and hatred?

Glancing at Malika, hope stirred inside him. Perhaps it was. Love could very

well be the strongest of all emotions.

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Arias approached Malika to untie her, but she rose to her feet and shook the

ropes off her hands.

“You weren’t bound?” he demanded.

“The whole plan was my idea,” she said, slipping her arms around his neck.

“Well, mine and Julie’s.”

“Woman, you had no right to interfere --”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like Zolin talks to Julie.”

“Never.” He smiled, embraced her tightly and covered her mouth in a passionate


“Let’s get out of here,” Diego said. “Clara is bound to be worried.”

Arias draped his arm around Malika’s shoulders as they followed Diego to the


“You’re getting me all sweaty,” she said.


“I don’t mind.” She grinned, snuggling closer. “But we need to talk about where

to go from here. How long are you staying in America?”

“For as long as you want me. Are there any job openings at your museum for an

expert on the history of Cortes?”

“I think there might be.”

“Is there a job opening for husband of Malika Carter Young?”

Malika stared at him, the most beautiful smile on her lips. “Is that a proposal?”

“This is. Malika, will you marry me?”

“Yes. Definitely, yes.” A thoughtful smile played around her lips. “Malika Del

Rio. I like the sound of that. You know what else I like?”


“The sight of you carrying this club. You’ve gone all caveman on me.”

“You think this is caveman? Tonight I’ll show you caveman.” He kissed her

mouth and gazed into her eyes -- the eyes of the only woman he’d ever truly loved.

background image

Kate Hill

What do trips around the world, endless nights of breathtaking sex, and a

muscular, 6-foot 3-inch, brown-haired, blue-eyed significant other have to do with Kate

Hill? Absolutely nothing, but she can dream, can’t she? In reality Kate is a single, thirty­

something vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. Visit her

online at http://www.kate-hill.com, www.myspace.com/katehillromance, or join her

newsgroup at groups.yahoo.com/group/katehill. Stop by Kate’s Amazon blog at



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