Kate Hill Mate Marks 3 Breath

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Mate Marks: Breath

Kate Hill

All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2009 Kate Hill

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ISBN: 978-1-60521-132-9

Formats Available:
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Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046

Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046


Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

Cover Artist: Sahara Kelly

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Mate Marks: Breath

Kate Hill

Ever since her childhood, when she’d come face-to-face with a lizard boy on the
beach, Dr. Teena Parker has been trying to prove the existence of a new species

between reptile and man. During a wildlife expedition in Australia, Teena discovers
Flick, a gorgeous, golden shapeshifter who has been injured while protecting his

Desire burns between Teena and Flick as they explore each other in every way. Teena

now has the proof that these supernatural creatures exist, but should she risk their
lives by reporting her discovery? Is her love and lust for Flick more powerful than

her quest for credibility in her field?

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Mate Marks

In a time before recorded history, some with otherworldly powers mastered a spell

that guided destined mates to each other. Though few now wield this ancient power,
some masters of the art still exist. Those bound by mate marks cannot resist their
magical pull, but the marks can only bind souls that are meant to be shared.

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Present Day Australia

As a Guardian, Flick was no stranger to injuries, but this wound was among the

most painful he’d ever experienced. Humans might not have many natural defenses,

but they were experts in creating weapons of destruction.

Flick hadn’t wanted to fight them, nor had he intended to harm anyone. All he

wanted was his egg. Still, the incident had been his fault. He should have checked the

entrance to the cave better and made sure no animal could sneak inside and steal the

eggs while he was off swimming.

That was the main reason Froth Glider Guardians worked in pairs. One

remained behind to watch the eggs while the other collected food or simply got some


Flick seldom left the eggs, but after several days in the caves he required water.

His kind rarely left the ocean and only Guardians came ashore for months at a time, to

guard the eggs and care for the hatchlings until they were able to join their parents in

the sea.

When he returned from his brief swim, one of the eggs had been missing.

Apparently abandoned by whatever creature had stolen it, the egg had been picked up

by humans. Flick tracked it to their campsite. When he’d slipped into the tent to retrieve

it, a human discovered him and shot at him on his way out. That was a typical human

response to anything they didn’t understand. Seeing Flick’s reptilian form, the man had

viewed him as a threat, even though Flick hadn’t attacked them. He’d already left the

tent when the bullet embedded in his upper right shoulder.

It had happened that morning. Now darkness fell, his shoulder hurt and he still

hadn’t reached the cave. But it wasn’t much farther and the humans hadn’t followed

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him. When he finally arrived at the cave, he wanted nothing more than to flop onto his

stomach and rest, but he would think about himself later. After placing the recovered

egg in the sand, he turned the nine other golden eggs, then covered them with

vegetation he’d collected.

Only then did he allow himself to relax, at least as much as he could with a

nagging shoulder wound. He must have been in even worse condition than he thought,

because he drifted to sleep. When he awoke, still weak from blood loss and almost

numb with cold, he could barely summon the strength to make his way down to the


A giant sea turtle rested in the sand, the tide washing over the creature, who

waited for Flick to approach. No sooner had he given his message to the turtle than it

returned to the sea. It would relay his distress call to his people. He hoped help would

come soon. His injury was quite painful, not to mention this next generation of Froth

Gliders depended on him. He’d already placed them in jeopardy and he could not

allow any further harm to come to them.

Flick waded into the ocean, gritting his teeth against the pain as the salt water

flushed his wound. Salt water was like healing potion for his kind, yet it wouldn’t help

much in this case. The bullet was still lodged in his shoulder. Until it was removed, he

wouldn’t improve.

He walked ashore and sat for a moment, sighing deeply. It seemed like such a

long way back to the cave, but once he was there he wouldn’t have to leave again until

help arrived.

Rising to his feet, he made his way to the cave. Still in his reptilian form, he

curled up in a bed of leaves and grass. In the morning, he’d spend as much time as

possible in the sunlight, hoping to induce a fever to fight infection.

Despite the discomfort of his wound, he was so tired that he soon drifted off.

Strangely, in that place between wakefulness and sleep, an old memory filled his mind.

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He’d been twelve years old, playing in the sand on a secluded section of the

beach. It might have been due to his Guardian nature, but land fascinated him, as did

humans. He knew better than to trust them, but they piqued his curiosity.

Glancing up, he’d seen a pretty girl watching him. She looked about his age, had

large dark eyes and smooth cocoa skin. There was no mistaking the connection between

them and while he knew the reason, he’d felt both excited and apprehensive. As

always, his inquisitiveness got the better of him and he’d approached her.

There had been no mistaking the fear in her eyes, but it was overshadowed by

her curiosity. She stood still as he walked closer, though the wideness of her eyes and

her quickening breaths belied her anxiety.

When they stood mere inches apart, Flick paused, blinking.

He leaned a bit closer so they were nose-to-nose. She gasped, her large eyes

going even wider. What a strange but interesting creature she was. Flick drew back and

cocked his head to one side. The human gave a little laugh. He was about to try talking

to her -- just to test the human English his mentor had taught him, when a deep male

voice shouted.

“Teena! Where are you? Teena!”

“Daddy, come here! You have to see this!” the girl shouted.

Flick understood her words and he knew they meant danger. He raced for the

water and disappeared beneath the waves.

During the swim to the Froth Glider village, he’d nearly drowned. His heart beat

fast from excitement, making it difficult for his powerful lungs to retain enough air to

sustain him.

It couldn’t be true. His destined mate couldn’t be a human. Despite his interest in

humans, he didn’t want to be bound to one.

Yet ever since that day, he hadn’t been able to forget her or the feelings she’d

stirred. She had been his, but they’d never gotten to know each other. Now, unless help

arrived in time, they might never have the chance.

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Chapter One

Dr. Teena Parker knew that her colleagues called her “the mad scientist.” The

label annoyed her, but not enough to make her abandon her pursuit of a creature she

knew existed.

She’d been eleven years old, vacationing in Australia with her parents, when

she’d seen him. At first she’d thought he was an average boy, but as she moved closer

she saw that he was actually a lizard. After he disappeared into the water, she had told

her parents. At first they thought she was joking, but when they saw she was serious,

they tried convincing her that her mind had played tricks on her. Maybe she’d seen a

sea turtle or another sea creature. From a distance it had only looked like a boy. She’d

tried to explain that the boy hadn’t been in the distance. They had stood face-to-face.

She’d looked into the clearest blue eyes she’d ever seen. Human eyes in a face with

human features covered in pale gold lizard skin.

The memory stayed with her all her life, though no one believed her. She had

even moved to Australia with the hope of seeing the creature again and proving its

existence. Her obsession with the lizard creature worried her family, but she finally

found a way to make them happy and possibly satisfy her curiosity. Following in her

father’s footsteps, she’d pursued a career in medicine, but instead of settling into a

comfortable office, she became an expedition doctor. Teena spent most of her time on

wilderness journeys. Most recently, she’d traveled with a group of scientists studying

reptilian life. The woman in charge of the expedition, Dr. Joyce Mason, was a good

friend of Teena’s. They’d met when Teena had attended one of Joyce’s lectures.

Afterward they had talked in depth about Joyce’s specialty -- reptiles. In her free time,

Teena had done intense studies of reptiles, hoping to find some explanation for the

creature she’d seen. Though Joyce assured her no creature such as Teena described

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existed, she’d been impressed with her knowledge of reptiles. Few female friendships

had probably started because of snakes, turtles and iguanas, but neither Teena nor Joyce

were run-of-the-mill women.

Since that first meeting, Teena had been the doctor on all of Joyce’s expeditions,

such as the one they were involved in now.

Early that morning, Joyce had happened upon a strange-looking egg. It was like

nothing she’d ever seen and she was very excited when she showed it to Teena. It

seemed they might have discovered an unknown species after all.

They intended to end their expedition early and return to the city with the egg so

they could conduct further studies. Joyce wanted to observe the snakes for a few hours

longer before leaving the area. Upon returning to the campsite, one of the guides had

told an intriguing story.

Having been ill for the past couple of days, John had been resting in the tent.

He’d stepped out to relieve himself and when he returned found a strange creature had

taken the egg. It appeared to be part human and part lizard.

“Tell me exactly what you saw,” Teena pressed, trying to control her excitement.

After all these years someone else had finally seen a creature similar to the one she had

stumbled upon that day on the beach.

“Teena, maybe you should give him something to calm him down first,” Joyce

suggested, taking John’s arm. The man did appear quite shaken and that made Teena

even more certain that he’d seen something unusual. After all, he’d spent his entire life

in the Australian wilderness. There was little he hadn’t seen.

Joyce placed a hand to John’s forehead and said, “He still has a fever. That could

explain a hallucination.”

“Hallucination?” Teena demanded. “You still don’t believe my story?”

“Let’s not get into that.”

“It wasn’t a hallucination!” John snapped. “I’m sick, but not crazy. Not yet.” His

brow furrowed. “Am I?”

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“Just sit down and relax,” Teena said, bringing him a canteen of water as Joyce

helped him to sit.

He drank deeply, then closed his eyes and sighed.

“Can you tell us again what you saw?” Teena asked softly.

“It was taller than me. Somewhere around six feet. Maybe an inch or two taller

and it was covered in gold scales. No hair. Naked. A dick the size of an anaconda.”

Joyce cocked an eyebrow. “Now we know he’s hallucinating.”

Teena cast her friend an annoyed looked and said to the guide, “What about his

face? Did he look like a reptile or a human?”

“It had features like a man, but also covered in those gold scales. It had piercing

blue eyes. And the look in them… I thought he was going to kill me. Oh, and he had a

tail with two big stingers.”

“Teena,” Joyce said, motioning with her head for them to step outside.

The women left the tent and Joyce whispered, “I think John should be in the

hospital. We need to leave right now.”

“Hospital? For what? His fever isn’t that high. All he has is a virus. He’ll be fine

in a day or two.”

Joyce’s brow furrowed. “You really believe he saw a supernatural creature? I

thought you were over that fantasy.”

“How do you explain what he saw?”

“The fever.”

“What about the egg? You said yourself you don’t believe it’s from any known


“That doesn’t mean I think it was laid by a human lizard. Teena, you are a

medical doctor. Think about what you’re saying.”

“I am thinking about it. You’re closing your eyes to what’s right in front of you

because it doesn’t agree with --”

“Doesn’t agree with pure logic?”

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Teena stared at Joyce, her teeth clenched. Despite their friendship, she’d always

known Joyce doubted her story about the lizard boy.

“Teena, think about it. Between being sick and the discovery of the egg, John had

to be hallucinating.”

“Then what stole the egg?”

“Possibly another lizard.”

“Whatever took it must have left tracks, right? What about a blood trail? He said

he shot it.”

The women searched the camp and found a trail that disappeared into the ocean.

Unfortunately the trail looked as if someone had deliberately brushed away footprints.

As Teena guessed, droplets of blood mixed with the sand.

“It’s almost as if someone deliberately tried to hide the tracks,” Joyce observed.

“Or they were swept away by its tail.”

“You’re suggesting a lizard has the intelligence to cover its own tracks?” Joyce

said, then shrugged. “Why not? If you believe it’s part human.”

“How do you presume to guess its level of intelligence?”

Joyce looked thoughtful. “If we’re dealing with the some unknown species that

produced the egg, we don’t know how smart it is. Regardless, it was not a lizard man.

That is a scientific impossibility. I’ll take a sample of this blood. That will at least let us

know exactly what stole the egg and prove it was not some supernatural combination of

human and reptile.”

Almost as if nature itself was against providing answers about this creature, rain

began to fall.

“There goes our blood samples and the tracks, such as they are,” Joyce muttered.

“Imagine rain falling here and now?”

“I can’t.”

“You know what? We’ve all been out here a little too long. Let’s get packed and


Teena agreed. If no one believed her, then she’d search this thing out on her own.

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* * *

Two days later Teena was back searching the area alone. No sooner had they

returned to the city than she had replenished her supplies for her own trek down the


She had returned to the campsite and begun a thorough search of the area.

Whatever creature had stolen the egg, the guide had shot it. If it was wounded, it

couldn’t have gotten far. Lizard, man or a combination of both, Teena would find it and

satisfy her curiosity once and for all.

Pausing for a moment, she squinted toward the sunny sky. She’d searched the

area of the camp but uncovered no sign of anything unusual.

Maybe Joyce had been right. Why had she spent her life obsessing over

something she’d seen as a kid? What if there was a perfectly logical explanation for

what she and John had seen?

No. She remembered the lizard boy. It seemed like yesterday that she’d stared

into his eyes then watched him disappear beneath the waves.

Teena paused a moment and sighed. She’d been walking since early morning

and decided to stop for a rest beneath the shade of a tree. She removed her backpack

and sat. Her eyes slipped shut and when she opened them, a strange feeling came over


Glancing around, she saw that only her immediate area was clearly visible.

Everything in the distance was dark and blurred.

This had to be a dream yet she felt awake and fully aware. Out of the murky

depths ahead, she saw a figure approaching. As it neared, her heartbeat quickened. This

was the creature she had spent her life searching for, except it wasn’t a boy, but a full

grown lizard man. He was frighteningly beautiful with pale gold skin and blue eyes

that stared at her with the same wonder and desire she felt.

As he neared, his color changed, chameleon-like, from gold to orange.

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For some reason, she wasn’t afraid of him. His eyes were gentle, but she also saw

underlying strength reflected in them. It struck her that deep inside she’d wished all her

life to meet a man who looked at her like this.

She wanted to speak, but they were beyond words. He knelt at her feet and

curled his hot, long-fingered hand around her ankle. He lightly caressed her calves and

leaned closer, flicking his tongue over her kneecaps and making her shiver with desire.

When Teena glanced down, she was shocked to realize she was as naked as he

was. His soft, wet tongue continued its way up her thighs and her eyes slipped shut.

This was the way to dream!

His tongue teased the joining of her thighs then traveled up her belly and over

her ribs. Moaning softly, she began exploring him as well, surprised by the almost

silken feel of his textured flesh. His scales were ultra-fine, like no species she had ever

seen before.

Science was the last thing on her mind, however. Her mysterious lover cupped

her breasts in his hands and stroked them tenderly. When he drew her nipple into his

mouth and used his wickedly skilled tongue upon it, she thought she might explode

then and there and he hadn’t even touched her clit yet.

As if reading her mind, he dipped his hand between her legs and kneaded her

soft mound. He slid first one long finger inside her pussy, then another. All the while

his lips and tongue remained busy with her nipple. The pert nub ached and tingled,

especially when he used his teeth upon it ever so gently.

Withdrawing his fingers from her pussy, he began rubbing her clit. Delicious

sensations coursed through her. Her hips thrust against his hand and she moaned

again, her heart racing.

He sucked her nipple hard and she cried out, clutching his head and again

noting how hot he felt, almost feverish. No wonder. She felt the exact same way. The

sexual fever had already overtaken her. This was the best dream of her life. Any

moment she was going to come and she knew the explosion would be incredible.

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The gorgeous beast released her nipple, grasped her hips and covered her clit

with his mouth.

This was too much. His hot, wet tongue flicked relentlessly over her aching flesh

and Teena burst in ecstasy. Wave after wave of pleasure threatened to knock her off her


She moaned and writhed.

Teena awoke still moaning, her body bathed in sweat and her clit pulsing faintly

in the aftermath.

Panting, she glanced around and saw that her surroundings were once again


She sat up and rubbed a hand over her face.

“What a dream,” she muttered, though she almost wished she could slip back

into it. It had been more fulfilling than any sexual encounter she’d ever had with a real


Unfortunately, as with most dreams, the wonderful sensations began to fade

now that she was fully awake.

Sighing, she reached for her water and took a sip. Then a strange feeling struck

her and this time she wasn’t dreaming. It was as if a voice in the back of her mind was

pushing her toward a specific area of the coastal cliffs. She headed past a small clump of

vegetation. Though she had already searched this area, it looked different.

Vast caves rose in the distance and she wondered if she wasn’t hallucinating.

How could she have missed this earlier?

Nearing the caves, something caught her eye. Something -- or someone -- lay on

a large, flat rock in the clearing ahead. The sunlight beat down upon the figure, making

its golden flesh gleam.

Teena’s heart pounded and her breathing quickened. She could scarcely believe

her eyes. The urge to slap herself to be certain she wasn’t dreaming again almost

overcame her. In fact she did pinch her thigh hard just to be on the safe side.

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Yeah. She was awake and the sexy monster from her dreams was now right in

front of her and shockingly real. There had to be an explanation for her dream. Maybe

she had been half asleep and he’d passed by her on the way to this rock? Seeing him

while she was in a semiconscious state had prompted the dream. Yes. That was it.

The golden creature sprawled stomach down on the rock. He was long, lean and

exquisitely proportioned, like the fittest athlete dressed in a lizard skin bodysuit. His

long tail, complete with two delicately shaped stingers, rested over one of his muscular

thighs. It crossed her mind that there was something familiar about his tail, but she had

more important things to consider at the moment, such as the fierce red wound marring

the back of his right shoulder. It was a startling contrast to his beautiful gold skin.

John hadn’t been hallucinating and here was the proof of what Teena had seen

all those years ago.

Teena approached cautiously. Though the creature had human characteristics,

she had no way of knowing how he would react to her.

Obviously he was in need of medical attention. He didn’t seem to be breathing,

so she hoped it wasn’t too late to help him. Still, even dead, he was an incredible

scientific find. Now no one would ever call her the mad scientist again.

Kneeling beside him, she shrugged off her backpack, which included her

emergency medical supplies.

Her hands covered in latex gloves, she began inspecting his shoulder wound. At

the first touch of her fingers his body jerked and he made a sound somewhere between

a groan and a growl. His eyes opened and Teena’s gut clenched. They were the most

beautiful blue eyes she’d ever seen -- just like those of the lizard boy. Except this was

not a boy, but a man. Though clearly not human, he was strangely gorgeous. Sleek,

golden, and with a body that made her want to touch him all over. As a doctor, she’d

never looked at a patient with anything but professional interest. What was it about him

that compelled her? The fascination transcended intellectual curiosity or even the

satisfaction of proving she had been right about the existence of a creature both human

and reptilian.

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“Can you understand me?” she asked.

He nodded slightly, his gaze roaming over her. His eyelids fluttered and she

knew he was struggling to stay conscious.

“I’m a doctor,” she said. “I’m going to help you. Don’t attack me or anything.”

He murmured in a language she didn’t understand and his eyes closed again.

Teena took that as a sign to continue, so she turned her attention back to his wound.

Though it had been two days since John had shot him, the wound hadn’t healed

at all. It looked quite infected, though, and she hoped the bullet wasn’t lodged too


“You were in my dream,” he murmured.

Had Teena heard him correctly? His comment unsettled her because while she

had dreamed about him, it seemed impossible that he had dreamed about her as well.

Unless, as she had thought a moment ago, he had walked by while she was half asleep,

prompting her dream. He had been hallucinating from his injury and that prompted his

dream about her. All perfectly logical.

“Are you real?” he asked, his voice even fainter than before.

“I’m real,” she said, still examining his injury. Before prodding, she decided to

give him a local anesthetic to dull the pain.

She prepared her instruments and was about to inject his shoulder when he

reached up and grasped her arm. His hand was burning hot, no doubt from lying on

this rock. Like a reptile, however, he didn’t sweat, even though she was dripping from

the heat.

“No,” he breathed, his voice deep and rough, though she guessed the roughness

was due to his injured state. “No human potions… drugs.”

“If I don’t numb the area it’s going to hurt like hell when I dig out the bullet,”

she said. “You won’t be able to keep still and I might do more damage.”

Glancing at the needle, he said, “That might kill me. I’m not like you.”

“There’s a newsflash,” she murmured, trying to use her shoulder to wipe the

sweat trickling down the side of her face. It was a monstrously warm day and this rock

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was scalding. “Before I do anything, we need to find some shade. Do you think you can

walk at all?”

He pushed himself to a sitting position while Teena repacked her supplies. She

slung on the backpack and turned to help him stand.

Damn. John had been right about him having a huge cock, though at the moment

he was too sick to be aroused. “Here.” She slid an arm around him. “Damn, you’re

burning up.”

This close to him, she saw that his skin was rather beautiful. The golden scales

resembled ultra-fine chain mail and felt surprisingly soft and smooth. The muscles

beneath were rock-hard. Despite her concern for his condition, a sexual thrill shot

through her.

This was insane. Sex should be the last thing on her mind, yet pressed close to his

big, sleek body it was hard not to think about it.

Hold it, Teena. He’s not even human. But the human traits he had were all the ones

a man should possess. A strong body, gorgeous eyes and a voice that was soft yet

incredibly masculine.

“I needed the fever,” he said in that velvety voice. “For the infection.”

“That explains the hot rock. Reptilian. Cold blooded. You need outside sources to

adjust your body temperature.” She had a million questions, but that would come later.

At the moment he needed to save his strength.

He was so tall and rangy. Though on the slim side, he was well-muscled and

damn, that muscle weighed. Slowly, painfully, they made it to the shade of the trees.

Once again he settled onto his stomach while she arranged her supplies.

“You can’t have drugs,” she said. “But we’ll need to treat that wound once I get

the bullet out.”

“Flush it with salt water and it’ll heal.”

Teena cocked an eyebrow. “I guess you know better than I do. Do you have a


“It translates to Flick in your language.”

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A smile tugged at her lips. “Flick. I like that.”

“Teena,” he whispered.

For a moment she forgot to breathe. “How do you know my name?”

“That day on the beach. The man called you Teena.”

“The day on the…” This was too strange. “This is impossible.”

“It should be, but it’s not.” Again those blue eyes fixed on her and he winced in

pain as he lifted his hand toward her face. Long, slender fingers caressed her cheek. “I

thought I might never see you again.”

The emotions in his eyes latched onto her heart. Teena had never felt like this in

her life. She’d been so immersed in her career and in trying to prove what she’d seen

was real that she had no love life to speak of. Her obsession had actually driven off the

few men who had gotten close enough to maybe become more than casual


Flick roused feelings in her she’d never experienced before. It was as if an almost

magical connection existed between them. Why not? After all, according to logic and

science, he shouldn’t exist.

By the look of his shoulder, if she didn’t get that bullet out, he wouldn’t exist

much longer.

“You’re sure there’s nothing I can give you for the pain?” she asked.

“My kind have remedies. I sent a message asking for help when I was first

injured, but now I’m not even sure it got through. Until the bullet comes out, I won’t

heal.” By the time he finished speaking, his voice had faded to an almost inaudible


“I need you to try not to move,” she said. “I know that’s asking a lot.”

“I’ve been injured in the field before,” he said. “I’ll try to make your job as easy

as possible. Now do me a favor, Teena, and get the damn bullet out of me.”

She had to admit he had guts. Drawing a few steadying breaths, Teena began her


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As she searched for the bullet, Flick’s entire body tensed and trembled. His long,

slender fingers found a tree root and gripped it so hard his knuckles threatened to break

through his golden skin.

He gasped, cursed and groaned in what she knew must be agonizing pain.

She wished he’d fucking pass out and make this easier for them both. At least

some luck was with them, because the bullet wasn’t lodged too deeply. Blinking sweat

from her eyes, she withdrew it.

Flick lay, panting, while she cleaned and bandaged the wound.

She sat back for a moment and studied him carefully. Her gaze fixed on his tail

with the two stingers protruding from just beneath its pointed tip. It struck her why it

had looked so familiar earlier.

Another strange feeling came over her and she felt a bit unsteady as she tugged

down the front of her shirt and part of her bra cup to reveal the top of her full breast.

Upon the smooth flesh that gleamed with perspiration was a birthmark in the exact

shape of the tip of Flick’s tail.

“This is unbelievable,” she muttered.

Flick moaned softly, then whispered, “Salt water.”

Glancing at him, she saw that his eyes were still closed, as if opening them would

take too much effort.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll go get some. It’s a little walk to the water. Try not to

move until I get back.”

“Not going anywhere,” he murmured.

She didn’t doubt it. Not after what he’d been through these past couple of days.

Resting a hand on his uninjured shoulder, she said, “I’ll be as fast as possible.”

He didn’t respond and she wasn’t sure if he’d finally succumbed to

unconsciousness or if he was just too tired to talk anymore.

She cleaned up her supplies and took a long drink from one of her canteens,

finishing the water. She’d use the empty canteen to hold the salt water.

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With a final glance at Flick, who lay still, his breathing calmer, she headed for the


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Chapter Two

When Teena returned, Flick hadn’t moved. She thought he was asleep, but when

she approached, his eyes opened halfway.

Smiling slightly, she knelt beside him with the canteen. “It’s the salt water. Are

you ready?”

He nodded, once again closing his eyes. She poured the water over the wound

and he gave a low groan. Teena still wasn’t sure this was the best kind of treatment, yet

she reminded herself that he was a completely alien creature.

Well, not completely. He was definitely humanoid and when she looked into his

eyes, she saw a man, not an animal.

She reached for another canteen of fresh water and offered him some. He took a

few sips, then lay still again.

Settling her back against a rock, Teena realized there was nothing she could do

except wait and watch. She pulled a notebook from her backpack, intending to record

every detail about Flick. When the news broke about this species, she wanted to have all

the facts straight. Teena was ready to shout the biggest “I told ya so” in modern science.

After a few moments, Flick raised himself onto his elbows and sighed.

“Is there anything I can get you to make you more comfortable?” she asked.

He shook his head and slowly turned in her direction. His eyes looked hazy.

What he needed was sleep. She wondered why he wasn’t completely out by now.

“I need to turn them. I can’t remember how long --” he murmured, his voice

trailing off as he pushed himself to a sitting position.

“What you need is rest,” she said.

“It’s almost time.”

“Whatever it is, it can wait.” She placed her notebook aside and grasped his arm.

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“No it can’t.”

“All right. Then tell me what you need done and I’ll do it.” Teena decided to

humor him. Most likely he didn’t even realize what he was saying. His body

temperature had scarcely gone down since his session on the hot rock. Between that and

his infection, his mind couldn’t possibly be right.

“I can’t,” he said, holding her gaze. He placed his hand gently over hers, then

rose unsteadily to his feet and made his way toward the caves.

Teena remained by his side. When he stumbled on a rock, she slipped an arm

around him, but he caught his balance and held her at arm’s length.

“Wait here.”

“I’m not letting you out of my sight,” she said. “If whatever you have to do is so

important, then you better let me help you. You’re in no condition for anything right


There was no missing the conflict in his eyes. Finally he nodded and said, “I have

to trust you, Teena.”

For the first time since meeting him, a feeling of guilt washed over her. Trust her.

His kind had obviously hidden themselves from humans. All she wanted to do was

prove they existed. As a scientist, it was her duty to report her findings. It wasn’t a

crime to share knowledge.

“If I couldn’t trust you, you wouldn’t have found me,” he said, as if trying to

convince himself.

“I’m surprised we didn’t find you long ago,” she said. “My friend Joyce and I

have been scouring this area, studying reptiles, yet we didn’t even notice these caves.”

“Your friend wouldn’t be able to see them, nor should you have been able to.”

He looked thoughtful and once again caressed her cheek. She didn’t mind the way he

seemed to like touching her. In truth, she enjoyed it. Whenever he caressed her, she

tingled all over and she got that excited feeling in the pit of her stomach, like a young

girl with a crush.

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What was wrong with her? He wasn’t human, yet there was no denying her

attraction to him.

“Why not?” she asked.

“I’ll explain in time. Right now I need to see to the eggs.”

Again her curiosity rose and she followed him toward the mouth of one of the

smaller caves. “Speaking of eggs, the one at camp was yours, wasn’t it? That’s why you

came for it. Do you have a partner, or do males of your species lay the eggs?”

His lip curled and he gave a little snort, looking almost insulted. “I do not lay

eggs, human.”

She raised an eyebrow. “No offense intended.”

A slight smile played across his lips. “Then none taken.”

It was much cooler inside the cave and far more comfortable. They paused by a

large boulder that seemed to be blocking the entrance to another cave. Flick leaned

against it, grunting a bit as he pushed it out of the way.

“Don’t do that!” Teena snapped. “You’ll tear your wound.”

“I have to get in there,” he said. “No choice.” Apparently he’d been moving the

boulder back and forth to get to the nest. She wondered how he’d managed while

injured, but already she guessed his species was far stronger than humans.

With the boulder moved enough for them to squeeze through, Flick led the way

into the next cave. Teena’s eyes widened in wonder. This cave had a large hole in the

ceiling through which sunlight poured in, warming a cluster of gold eggs arranged on a

bed of dried leaves. Like the egg from their campsite, they were about the size of a


Flick began turning the eggs to prevent one side from getting too much sun.

Teena joined him. The eggs were quite warm. She hoped they had kept the egg from the

campsite warm enough. After seeing Flick, the egg was no longer just a scientific

curiosity, but had become something even more important. It was a living, breathing

creature, like the gorgeous golden man beside her.

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She’d looked into Flick’s eyes. She’d touched him and even had his blood on her

hands. When she’d tended his injury, she’d almost felt his pain. Somewhere in the back

of her mind, she realized he was more than a discovery, but she couldn’t think about

that. If she did, then she’d start to question the integrity of reporting her findings.

When they finished turning the eggs, Flick and Teena sat in a shaded corner of

the cave. “I wonder if my message got through to home?” he asked softly, as if voicing

his thoughts aloud rather than talking to her.

“You really need to rest,” she said.

“I need a swim in salt water,” he sighed. “But not now. After I get some sleep.”

Those beautiful blue eyes settled upon her. “You won’t go while I’m asleep?”

“No,” she said. That thought hadn’t even entered her mind.

He settled onto the ground and closed his eyes. A strange, almost protective

feeling washed over her. As if this steel-muscled creature with stingers on his tail

needed protection. Even in this weakened state, by looking at the size of the boulder

he’d moved, he was easily twice as strong as an athletic human male. She could only

imagine how strong he’d be when fully recovered.

Teena reached out and caressed his head and the back of his neck, once again

delighting in the texture of his skin.

“I like that,” he said softly.

A smile touched her lips and she continued stroking him. “You don’t have a wife

who won’t appreciate this, do you?”

“Wife? A mate? No. No mate.”

“Then where did you get all the eggs?”

“Other mated pairs.”

She curled her lip. “You stole them?”

Opening his eyes partway, he gave a little laugh. “No. I’m a Guardian. I protect

the eggs until they hatch, then the parents take them back to sea.”

Though Teena knew she should let him rest, curiosity overtook her. “Why don’t

they take care of their own eggs?”

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“Because the eggs require sunlight and air. Most Froth Gliders can’t survive long

out of the sea. Only Guardians thrive on land or at sea. Since the beginning it’s been the

Guardians’ duty to protect the eggs.”

His eyes slipped shut and his voice drifted off. Teena decided any other

questions could wait until his condition improved. Long after the evenness of his

breathing told her he was asleep, she continued stroking him, observing him first as a

scientist then as a woman. His strange, golden flesh was so beautiful and his body so

powerful and gorgeous that she longed to touch him all over.

Her long hike through the wilderness and the excitement of finding Flick

eventually caught up with her and she settled beside him, resting her head upon her

backpack. Within moments she was asleep.

* * *

When Flick awoke, his shoulder still felt sore, but much better than it had in

days. A swim in salt water would help his rapid powers of recuperation heal the wound

even faster.

Dusk had fallen and though the night was still quite warm, it wasn’t as hot as

earlier. Pushing himself to a sitting position, Flick glanced at Teena who lay sleeping

nearby. Her presence was definitely a disturbance in more ways than one.

It shouldn’t surprise him that he was still drawn to her, even though the spell

that bound them had been broken long ago. The Elder who had performed, then

broken, the mate mark ritual that linked Flick and Teena had warned that they would

most likely find each other again. The ritual could only bind souls that were meant to be

together. Once those souls met, by chance or by magical guidance, they would continue

to seek each other out.

Edging closer to Teena, Flick studied her carefully. As a child she had been

pretty, but as a woman he found her absolutely irresistible. On top of that, she was

obviously intelligent and compassionate.

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She’d been careful in caring for his injury and gentle when she’d later stroked

him to sleep. It had felt so good to be touched by someone, especially by Teena, after so

many days of solitude.

Though proud to be a Guardian, Flick found the loneliness of his duty hard to

cope with. Usually during nesting season, two Guardians shared the responsibility.

Guardians were extremely rare and spread thin during nesting season. Flick’s regular

partner had been injured shortly after nesting season began. While he recovered at

home, Flick remained with the eggs.

Though every week or so his old mentor, Swift, stopped by for a visit, Flick

missed company on a daily basis. He longed for someone to talk to, swim with or just

look at. Teena had no idea how much her presence meant to him. Yet something told

him that she wouldn’t be happy when she realized he couldn’t let her go. The woman

was obviously independent, not to mention she scarcely knew him. He had no doubt

she felt their connection as deeply as he did, but she had no way of knowing about the

mate mark ritual, nor did she know that he meant her no harm.

He would have to be as gentle in breaking the news to her as she had been in

caring for his wound.

For now, he let her sleep.

He quietly left the cave and hoped she wouldn’t wake before he returned. If she

found herself sealed in, there was no telling how she would react.

At the water’s edge, Flick stood for a moment, letting the waves lick his feet.

Then he waded in. The salt water stung his wound at first, but after several moments of

swimming, he felt much better. By the time he walked to shore, the pain of his wound

had almost faded completely.

Glancing toward the horizon, he wondered why no help had come. He hoped

the sea turtle hadn’t been injured, or worse. That was the only reason it wouldn’t have

taken his message home.

Flick decided that now would be a good time to shift to his man form. Shape

shifting would also help the healing process, not to mention seeing him in his human

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form might put Teena at ease when he told her she’d have to stay here for a while. If

everything went according to schedule, he could allow her to go in a few days. During

that time, they could get to know each other. A thrill shot through him at the thought of

spending time with her.

Standing in the sand, Flick gazed at the moon and smiled. At least he’d have

company… and what company! Just thinking about Teena made his cock twitch. Now

that he was almost recovered, his normal appetites had returned in all ways. He hoped

she was as attracted to him as he was to her.

She had to be. After all, they were destined for each other.

But what if she wasn’t attracted?

Flick shook his head. This was no time to ponder such things. Very soon he

would know exactly how Teena felt about him.

Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply, concentrating on his inner energy, feeling

the suppleness of his muscles and flesh as his body changed shape. His tail receded and

his skin rippled then stilled again.

He sighed and stretched his arms high overhead, enjoying the pleasant

sensations that followed shapeshifting. Only Guardians could change their form.

Though he was different from most of his kind, in a way he almost felt sorry for them

because they would never know the pleasures of being a shapeshifter and of being able

to fully enjoy both land and sea.

Glancing toward the caves, his belly clenched with excitement and a hint of



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Chapter Three

Teena awoke with a kink in her neck. The day’s outrageous heat had faded a bit

and though it was still hot it wasn’t unbearable. She yawned and stretched, then paused

with her arms overhead. Lowering them, she glanced around the cave, lit only by the

light of the moon pouring in through the large hole in the ceiling. Where was Flick?

Teena’s gaze shot toward the mouth of the cave. The enormous boulder had been

rolled into place. The bastard had sealed her in!

She should have known better than to trust that inhuman… thing!

Oh, he’d looked so sweet and wounded, but that obviously concealed a cunning

mind. He was a predator. For all she knew, humans were part of his diet. Maybe he was

keeping her for his next meal.

She had to get out of here.

Again she glanced toward the hole in the ceiling. It seemed that was the only

way out, but could she climb up there? She had to try.

She quickly pulled on her backpack and drew several deep breaths, trying to

calm herself. She’d been rock climbing before. On some of the expeditions she’d been on

it had been a prerequisite. Of course she’d had safety lines and been traveling with a

group of people.

If she tried to escape through the hole in the craggy cave wall, she could fall and

injure herself, perhaps worse. Yet if she remained behind, she’d most likely die. Surely

Flick had trapped her in this cave for a reason, and it couldn’t be a good one.

She felt the wall for hand and foot holds and started to ascend. Progress was

slow and she’d only managed a few feet when the boulder rolled aside. Shit!

“What are you doing?” Flick demanded.

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Teena felt a hand on her leg and she instinctively kicked at him. He grunted at

the impact of her boot in his face, but before she could enjoy victory, she lost her hold.

Luckily Flick broke her fall. She landed directly on top of him, her back against

his chest. His cock pushed against her ass and Teena felt a jolt of desire. What was her

problem? She should be terrified, yet it was impossible not to think horny thoughts

with his cock pressing against her butt.

Teena tried to stand, but his arms wrapped around her and he pushed her onto

her back, then loomed above her. His blue gaze locked on hers and for a moment she

stared at him, stunned. This wasn’t Flick, was it? He looked completely human. The

lizard skin had been replaced by normal human flesh. “Who… what…”

“This is my man form, Teena. I thought it would make you feel more


More comfortable? What she felt was ridiculously horny. He was so damn

handsome like this. So human. Yet he wasn’t. She remembered his real form and

couldn’t allow this trick of nature to confuse her. She was still his prisoner. “Well it

didn’t work. How can I be comfortable with you on top of me? Get off!”

Though he didn’t obey her, he did shift his weight a bit. “What were you trying

to do?” he asked. “If you had fallen, you could have been hurt.”

“The question is, what are you trying to do? Why did you seal me in here?”

“First to keep you and the eggs safe from any predators. Second because…” He

closed his eyes momentarily and sighed. “Because I can’t let you leave right now.”

Teena’s eyes widened, then she began struggling harder. Her teeth gnashed at

his throat and he jerked back before she did any damage. “Calm down,” he said. “What

is your problem?”

“If you think I’m going to sit quietly while you kill me, you’re crazy!”

“Kill you?” His brow furrowed. “That’s the last thing on my mind. I’d never hurt

you, Teena. Will you let me explain?”

Panting, she lay still and stared into his eyes. Why did she find this guy

irresistible? Right now, trapped beneath him, she ought to be terrified for her life, but

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all she felt was the most intense arousal she’d ever experienced. Hell, her panties were

soaked with desire and her every nerve tingled. Just the sensation of his lean, hard body

so close to hers had her quivering with passion, or was it anger? Hard to tell since she

felt so many strong emotions at once.

“The eggs are due to hatch within the week,” he said, seeing that she had fallen

silent. “Until then, I need to keep them safe. If you leave, what’s the first thing you’ll

do? Bring back other humans, right?”

Teena’s jaw tightened. He had a point. “You don’t expect me to keep something

like this to myself?” she asked. “People have a right to know.”

“And my people have a right to live without being hunted and captured by your


“You want me to believe this is the first human contact you’ve had?”

“Of course not. When I’m in this form, I’ve had no problems with humans, but

you saw how the man at your camp reacted to me. I was in lizard form because I travel

faster, and I’m also stronger as a lizard. I thought the camp was empty since I didn’t see

anyone around, so I didn’t shift. I probably should have. Tell me, what would you have

done with the egg if I hadn’t come for it? Stuck it in a lab? Tortured the hatchling for

your science or dissected the body if it happened to die?”

“You make us sound like a bunch of villains. Would your kind treat a human

any differently?”

“Our kind have made a point to avoid humans. Most of us only come ashore

once a year because our eggs require sunlight and air. All I’m asking, Teena, is that you

remain here with me until the eggs hatch.”

She narrowed her eyes. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. She could stay and

observe him. After all, when this news broke she would be the foremost expert on Froth


As if sensing the turn her thoughts had taken, he said, “Think of all you can learn

about us.”

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“If you’re afraid of being discovered, why would you want me to learn about


He cocked his head to one side, a faint smile playing around his lips. “Because

once you get to know me and my kind, I think you’ll know how to use the knowledge

properly. I don’t think you want to hurt me, Teena, just as I don’t want to hurt you.”

Maybe she was being a damn fool, but she believed him. He looked sincere and

caring and… so fucking hot! For the first time in her life, her lust overcame her reason.

“Then you mean you weren’t planning on eating me?” she asked, needing to be certain.

He knitted his eyebrows. It was strange, but other than the eyebrows and his

thick eyelashes, he was hairless. She’d always been attracted to bald men. If he wasn’t

pinning her hands to the ground, she’d feel his head. “Eat you?” he asked softly.

“In your reptilian form you look like a predator. I thought maybe you were a

meat eater.”

“Froth Gliders are for the most part vegetarian.” She sneered at that and he said,

“All right. So every now and then I eat fish and sea cucumbers too. Shoot me. Oh wait.

A human already did.”

“Okay. Okay. I get your point. One of us shot you, but remember I also saved

your life.”

“That’s very true. So will you save the lives of the hatchlings as well, Teena? Will

you stay here until they’re ready to go to sea?” He released her hands, but still

remained looming above her.

Ever so lightly, he caressed her face with his fingertips while staring at her with

those irresistible blue eyes. He looked strong and ultra-masculine, but at the same time

gentle. This was the kind of guy who could lure a woman into pouring out her whole

life story, all while kissing and caressing her and making her feel like the only woman

on earth. In short, Flick was dangerous in the worst way because he aimed straight for

the heart.

“Please,” he added with a sexy little smile. His head dipped closer to hers and

she felt his breath against her mouth.

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Her pulse raced and she licked her lips. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.

“Teena?” he whispered.

“All right. I’ll stay, but for professional purposes.”

He nodded and covered her mouth in a kiss. It was light and tender at first. The

pressure of his firm, slightly moist lips asked rather than demanded.

Teena’s eyes slipped shut and she moaned softly. Taking that as an invitation to

continue, Flick kissed her harder and it was fantastic. Heavens, she loved the pressure

of his mouth and the way his lips moved against hers, coaxing her in a way that was

both demanding yet tender.

His tongue thrust between her lips and hers met it. Their tongues moved

together in a hot, wet dance while their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. She felt

the area of his shoulder wound and strangely only detected some slight scarring. She’d

have to investigate it more, later.

While she explored him, Flick did the same to her. His hands swept up and

down her spine and he ran his fingertip lightly between the indentation of her ass. He

broke their kiss only to trail his tongue over her ear and down the side of her neck.

Another moan escaped her as she felt the slight pressure of his teeth against her

shoulder. He didn’t bite hard, just enough to tease, then his tongue soothed the place

where he’d nipped her.

Burying his hands in her hair, he kneaded her scalp and said, “You’re so

beautiful. I love how your hair feels and the heat of your skin. I love your scent.” He

buried his face against her shoulder and inhaled deeply, then he kissed her again.

Their mouths still joined, he lifted her in his arms and walked out of the cave and

into a smaller one. It was a bit cooler as well, since the rock ceiling shielded them from

the sunlight. Yet some shone in through the mouth, allowing them to see each other


Teena was glad about that because she couldn’t stop looking at Flick. He was

absolutely gorgeous. A little voice in the back of her mind warned her not to let this go

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too far with him. After all, he wasn’t even human, but at the moment she didn’t care.

Besides, right now he looked human.

He placed her on the sandy ground and knelt beside her. When he tugged up her

shirt, she didn’t try to stop him, but instead finished pulling it off and tossed it aside.

He gazed curiously at her bra and ran his fingertips over the tops of her full breasts that

spilled over the snug white cotton. Her stiff nipples poked against the thin fabric and he

swept his thumb over the nubs, sending little quivers of desire through her.

Tilting his head slightly to the side, Flick smiled. His fingers went to the front

clasp of her bra. It took him a moment to figure out how to open it. Teena watched, her

breathing deep and heart pounding. She really shouldn’t let him undress her like this,

but how else could she hope to feel his hands, or his sexy lips, on her breasts?

By now his cock was even longer and fatter than before. Unable to resist, she

wrapped her hand around it. Either Froth Gliders had no foreskin or else they practiced

circumcision. She made a mental note to ask him about their customs later. Right now

she was too aroused to care about furthering her study of lizard men, except for purely

personal satisfaction.

She stroked his cock as she would that of a human male and was glad to see he

responded. His eyes closed halfway and he arched his neck back, a low moan escaping

him. Encouraged, she ran her thumb along the underside of his cock head, then

smoothed her finger over the tip, spreading a droplet of pre-come over the silken


For several moments Flick knelt there, stroking her breasts while she teased him,

then he stretched out beside her and took one of her nipples between his lips. His

tongue flicked over it relentlessly. The tip of his tongue was slightly thinner than that of

a human and he used it to advantage, tickling the very tip of her nipple and varying his

rhythm. Damn, he was doing such a good job on her breast that she thought she might

come just from the stimulation.

However Flick had other plans for his skilled tongue. He licked his way down

her body, tickling her belly and hip. Was he going to…

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“Oh, damn,” she gasped, spreading her fingers over his head as he parted her

thighs and covered her clit with his mouth.

If she thought his tongue had felt wonderful on her breast it was nothing

compared to how it felt on her clit. He teased and lapped. When she hovered on the

edge, he trilled the tip of his tongue over her swollen nub, pushing her into ecstasy. As

she came, he held her steadily by the hips and gently flicked his tongue over her ultra-

sensitive flesh.

Teena moaned and thrashed, her entire body aflame. The orgasm was so intense

that she thought she might pass out. Before she could recover, he rolled her onto her

stomach, grasped her hips, and guided her gently to a kneeling position.

Glancing over her shoulder, Teena saw his look of raw desire and it fired her

own passion even more. She let her head drop between her hands. Her eyes closed and

her entire body tingled. Yes, that first orgasm had almost knocked her out, but she

damn well wanted another.

From behind, Flick’s thick, satiny cock head pressed against her pussy. He

entered her with almost frustrating slowness.

One hand still on her hip, he used his other to caress her spine and ass. He

reached around and fondled her clit while his big, hard cock pumped into her.

Very soon she teetered on the edge again. Her breasts quivered and she felt

almost lightheaded from the position as well as the sensations he stirred.

“You’re so tight and wet,” he panted. “So warm. Beautiful, beautiful Teena. I

never thought it would be like this with a human.”

“Me either,” she gasped. “With a lizard man I mean.”

“Froth Glider.”

“Right.” At the moment she didn’t care what he was. All she wanted was to

reach that elusive peak.

He sped and slowed his motions, teasing them both until Teena couldn’t stand

another moment. Her ass thrust against him and she clenched her internal muscles

around his cock in an attempt to make him move faster.

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Grasping her hips, he gave a low growl and quickened his pace. Teena exploded.

She moaned and sobbed with mind-blowing pleasure. Somewhere in the storm of

passion she felt the beginning of his orgasm, then everything went black.

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Chapter Four

Teena wasn’t sure exactly how long she slept, but when she opened her eyes and

her mind cleared, she could scarcely believe what she’d just done. It was as if she’d

been under some kind of spell. She’d needed to make love with him. It was crazy.

She stared at Flick, who was stretched out beside her. Raising himself on his

elbow, he smiled at her and lightly stroked her belly.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his fingers trailing over the thatch of hair between

her legs.

Her gaze drifted toward his bare pubic area. Somehow his hairlessness made his

cock seem even bigger. Not that he needed any help in that department.

His thumb stroked her clit and Teena’s passion rekindled, but this time she

attempted to keep a grip on it. She tried to roll away from him, but he tugged her to


Lying on his back, he pulled her on top of him so that they lay breast to chest.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“What’s the matter?” she repeated, unable to keep the angry edge from her voice.

She wasn’t really mad at him. After all, he hadn’t forced her. Moments ago she’d been

willing to do anything he suggested. “I don’t know how your kind do it, but I don’t

usually do… this… with someone I just met.”

A smile flirted with his lips. “But we’ve known each other for years, remember?”

“No. We haven’t known each other. We met briefly years ago. Huge difference.”

Even as she spoke the words she didn’t fully believe them. She felt as if somehow they

had known each other forever.

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As a scientist, she shouldn’t believe in things like a sixth sense. Yet there was no

denying that sometimes people met and there was a connection between them, as if

their souls had met in another time or place.

Damn, Teena, what kind of corny, romantic crap is that?

But what else could explain her feelings for Flick, a creature she had just met?

Why else had she fucked him just now?

Pure, uncensored lust.

Before meeting Flick, Teena would have doubted anyone could make her horny

enough to fuck at first sight.

“We didn’t even use protection,” she said, tugging away from him and rising to

her feet. Naked, she paced back and forth while running a hand through her hair. “I

must have been suffering from temporary insanity.”

“No, it was another kind of insanity,” he said, propping himself on his elbows

and following her every movement with his gaze.

Teena paused a moment, noting how his eyes caressed her from breast to ankle.

His cock, which had lolled against his steely thigh, rose to attention. His heated look

rekindled her passion, but now that she was back in control she wanted to stay that

way. She reached for her T-shirt and safari pants and pulled them on.

“Don’t you have clothes?” she demanded, forcing herself not to look at his

gorgeous erection.

“I haven’t worn clothes since my mentor brought me on a field trip to a human

city. That was about…” His lovely blue eyes shifted skyward as he lost himself in

thought. “About twenty-five years ago.”

“I forgot. When you get cold you just lay on a hot rock,” she said with a hint of


“Or cuddle with a friend.” He rose to his feet, his movements so sleek and supple

that he reminded her of liquid steel. “I was only joking about not having worn clothes

for twenty-five years; however when I’m out here I always go naked.”

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She moistened her lips as he strode toward her and placed his hands on her

shoulders. Tilting her face upward so she could meet his gaze, she tried to control the

pounding of her heart. Lord, she was like a young girl wrapped in the throes of


“I think I like that idea,” she said, then shook her head and stepped away. “What

the hell is going on? Every time you touch me it’s like I turn into a teenager.”

His brow furrowed and he tilted his head slightly to the side. “Is that bad?”

“Yes and no,” she admitted.

“If it makes you feel better, just being here with you makes my heart pound like

I’m swimming against the tide.”

She gave a snort of laughter. “You know, coming from you that actually sounds


“I don’t want to frighten you, Teena, but I do want to be honest with you. You

showing up here means that I must tell you the truth. You deserve that much.”

She’d been feeling comfortable with him again, but his words stirred her

suspicions. Her gut tightened and she asked, “What are you talking about?”

“I think I can relieve some of your discomfort about us, and why we’re so

attracted to each other, but let’s do it over a meal. After making love with you, I’m

starving. How about you?”

She shrugged. Actually her stomach was rumbling but the only thing that had

ever been able to overpower her appetite was her curiosity. At least his suggestion

would help her slake both hungers. But what about another hunger that was even

stronger then those?

“I’ll go get us something to eat,” he said.

“Don’t seal me in here again,” she stated without room for argument.

“I won’t. Be right back.” He turned and left the cave.

While he was gone, Teena took food rations from her backpack in case a Froth

Glider’s offerings didn’t appeal to her. Hadn’t he mentioned living on sea cucumbers?

She curled her lip at the thought.

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As promised, he returned moments later carrying a variety of fruit and, to her

surprise, gourmet chocolate bars.

She curled her lip and picked up a bar of chocolate. “Where did you get this


“My mentor, Swift, brought it to me on his last visit. He owns a restaurant in a

tourist town farther down the coast.”

“I thought you said you lived at sea?”

“Most Froth Gliders do, but ones like me -- Guardians -- are trained to fit in

among humans. So a chosen few live in your world and train young Guardians in the

ways of humans. Swift is one of them.”

Teena didn’t try to keep the look of surprise from her face. “I can’t believe people

like you live among us and no one has discovered you.”

“Why would you?” He gazed at her with his wide set blue eyes. Despite his

strength and appeal, there was something almost pure about him. Most men spread the

BS pretty thick, but he didn’t seem to be like that. Still, at the moment he looked like a

normal man.

“I guess you’re right. You look human. It’s strange. Even though I’ve spent my

life trying to prove you exist, now that you’re here I’m finding it hard to believe.”

Had she imagined his lizard form?

“You’re starting to doubt what you see is real,” he said. “Human skepticism

about species they don’t understand is probably our greatest protection.”

“Why do you need protection? You’re stronger than we are.”

“But we’re also fewer in number and we live simpler lives. We’re content to exist

and not take over the world. We don’t hunt and exploit creatures who are different than


Teena narrowed her eyes. “That’s what you think of us?”

“Unfortunately it’s what many shapeshifting species think of humans.”

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“I’m not talking about the species. I mean is that what you think about me?” She

held his gaze, wondering why it mattered to her what he thought. Yet it did. She

already liked Flick and not just for his gorgeous body and the pleasure it had given her.

“No,” he replied without hesitation. “I don’t believe you would willingly harm


His response made her feel a little better, yet it also disturbed her. While she

believed scientific discoveries should be made available to everyone, she knew in her

heart that he was right about the possible danger to his kind if she exposed them.

No. She wouldn’t think about moral dilemmas now. Flick seemed ready and

willing to answer her questions so she would focus on this opportunity to learn all she

could about him and his kind.

“You called yourself a Guardian. What is that exactly? I know it has something to

do with the eggs.”

“Do you want to eat any of this?” he asked, placing the fruit and candy on the

ground in front of her. Then he glanced curiously at her rations.

She offered him some jerky, but said, “It’s meat.”

When he took it from her, his fingertips caressed the back of her hand.

Teena tore open the wrapper on one of the candy bars and took a bite. “So you

live on candy, fruit and sea cucumbers?”

“When I’m out here on duty, I eat mostly seaweed and sometimes fish, but I like

the fruit and candy as a treat every now and then.”

Teena took a bite of candy and savored the rich taste. “Mmm. Delicious. So tell

me more about being a Guardian.”

Settling into a cross-legged position Flick opened the jerky and sniffed it, then

continued, “In ancient times, all Froth Gliders could live on both land and sea. When

our ancestors grew tired of the rivalry between our kind and humans, they took to the

sea, traveling to underwater caves far beneath the ocean’s surface. They adapted to life

there, giving up many of the characteristics that allowed us to dwell on land. Yet their

eggs still required sunlight and air. Rare Froth Gliders were born with the ability to live

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on land and sea. Guardians are not only larger and stronger than other Froth Gliders,

but we were also given a very special natural defense -- the ability to change into a

humanlike shape. Guardians were assigned the task of watching over the eggs on land

until they hatched.”

“That means you’re rare even among your own kind?”

“Yes. Guardians are even rarer now than in olden times. Evolution provided us

with many gifts, but it took certain abilities in exchange for them. For instance,

Guardians can’t produce children. With so few of us, and being unable to procreate, it’s

difficult for us to find mates. We look different than other Froth Gliders and most want

to have sons and daughters. That’s why when I was born my parents asked our tribal

Elder to perform the mate mark ritual. That’s where you come in.”

This really caught Teena’s interest. “What have I got to do with Froth Gliders?”

Though his face remained calm, there was a shift in his posture and a

questioning in his eyes that told her the turn this conversation had taken made him

uncomfortable. Yet how could she make such a judgment? She scarcely knew him.

“The mate mark ritual is from an ancient magical art that’s little known in the

modern world. Our tribal Elder is among those who still know how to perform the

ritual. When done properly, it allows soul mates to find each other. Usually there’s an

inexplicable pull between them and one or both are born with a mark that reflects their

destined partner.”

As he spoke an almost dizzy feeling swept over Teena. Flick didn’t need to

continue for her to know what he was trying to tell her, yet she let him go on anyway.

“My parents thought they were doing the right thing, hoping that the ritual

would guide me to a mate. No one, not even the tribal Elder, suspected that my mate

would be among humans.”

“This can’t be possible,” Teena whispered, closing her eyes and shaking her


“It is,” he said softly. “That day that we met on the beach wasn’t coincidence.

We’re destined mates.”

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“It can’t be true. Magic isn’t real. It’s a scientific impossibility.” Yet according to

science, Flick shouldn’t exist, but here he sat.

“When I realized we were bound, I felt the same way. That’s why I asked the

tribal Elder to reverse the spell.”

“Excuse me?” she demanded. “You asked for it to be reversed? Why?”

“I was afraid,” he admitted.

There was no doubt she looked as skeptical as she felt. “You were afraid of me?

Give me a break.”

He drew a deep breath, his brows knitted as if trying to think of a way to make

up for the insult he’d paid her. “No, you’re misunderstanding me. I was afraid of giving

up everything I knew and becoming even more of an outcast among my kind.

Guardians are respected, but we’re still very different.”

“But you said Guardians live among humans.”

“We do, but we’re still connected to other Froth Gliders and can return to them

at any time.”

“And if you’re mated to a human you can’t do that?”

“You have to understand I was a foolish boy. My fears were unsubstantiated and

you have no idea how much I’ve regretted asking the tribal Elder to reverse the spell. At

the time he warned me that even if he reversed it, once soul mates meet, they would

most likely keep seeking each other out. The ritual can’t create a bond between souls

that aren’t meant to be together. It seems he was right because here we are.”

“Yes,” she whispered, her head still spinning from his revelations. “Here we


Flick leaned toward her. Reaching out, he cupped her chin and tilted her face so

their gazes locked. “How do you feel about this, Teena? I’ve had years to contemplate

our bond, but this is new to you. Are you upset about being bound to me?”

“I’m still not sure we actually are bound,” she lied. Despite what all her years of

study told her, she knew they were a perfect match. Maybe she didn’t believe in ancient

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magic, but she did believe that certain people were meant to be together. Somehow she

and Flick felt right.

He nodded. “I realize you need time. I only hope that one day you will be able to

accept this and give us a chance.”

Teena gave a little snort of laugher. “It’s a little late. We’ve already hit the

sheets… or should I say the sand.”

At least this explained why they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each

other. Even now she longed to fuck him again.

“As great as it was making love to you, I hope there’s more to us than that. I

realize there are drawbacks, for instance my inability to father children --”

“There’s always adoption.” Why had she said that? She wasn’t seriously

contemplating spending her life with a man she just met? Worst of all he wasn’t even

human. Though she knew those issues should bother her, somehow they didn’t.

“The mark you talked about,” she said. “Is it --”

A faint yet sexy smile touched his lips. “It’s the one on your breast. You have

noticed that it looks just like the tip of my tail? Each Froth Glider’s tail tip is different,

rather like your fingerprints. Your birthmark matches my tail. It’s the mate mark.”

As much as Teena hated to admit it, she found that fact rather cool. Tugging

down her shirt, she glanced at her birthmark. She felt Flick’s gaze upon her and when

she looked up there was no missing the sexual hunger in his eyes.

“Let me see your shoulder,” she said. He turned and let her examine the place

where he’d been wounded. There was only a faint scar. Teena’s gaze drifted to his

backside. Damn this man had a fine ass -- so tight and rounded.

“Just to prove that I’m not crazy, do something for me,” she said.

He turned and faced her again. “What?”

“Change shape.” If he reverted to his lizard form, she’d be convinced. With him

sitting here looking sinfully handsome but incredibly human, it was difficult to believe

his story.

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Flick closed his eyes and drew a deep, cleansing breath. His muscles and flesh

rippled. Moments later he was covered in the delicate, chain mail-like flesh, except this

time instead of gold it was bright orange. His tail lifted and came to drape over his


Teena’s heart pounded and breathing increased from the sheer excitement of

watching this unbelievable change. They stared at each other for a long moment.

“You’re a different color than before.”

Glancing at his long-fingered hand then back to her, he smiled again. “I can’t

help it. Froth Gliders change color when we’re aroused.”

His gaze again drifted toward her breasts. Her nipples stood out stiff and

aroused against the white material. A glance at his enormous erection and she knew he

spoke the truth. She was just as turned on. Actually she wanted him so much she

couldn’t keep her hands to herself any longer.

Teena stepped closer and touched his chest, enjoying the feel of his unusual but

remarkably soft scales. He stood still while she explored him. She swept her fingertips

over his nipples, which had turned a very dark orange in contrast to the rest of his neon

orange body. Then she slid her arms around him and caressed his ass. He had a damn

fine ass. A faint smile on her lips, she squeezed his buttocks, then she let her fingers trail

along the base of his tail. It felt harder than she’d imagined, like a slender yet powerful

muscle. He groaned with pleasure as she continued stroking it and his ass.

His stiff cock pushed against her and she wanted to be as naked as he was.

Drawn to him by a force she no longer wanted to fight, she undressed quickly. All the

while he stared at her, his eyes almost on fire, or perhaps it was just a reflection of his

orange skin against their blue depths…

No sooner had she finished removing her clothes than he took her in his arms.

“I’ve never wanted a woman this much,” he said breathlessly.

She knew exactly how he felt. His mouth descended on hers and their tongues

met. They thrust against each other and explored every corner and crevice of each

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other’s mouths. While kissing her, Flick stroked her shoulders and back. He gently

squeezed her ass and ran his fingertips along her ribs.

Flick devoured her with his beautiful eyes, kissed her with those chiseled lips

and stroked her with his strong yet graceful hands.

Flick sank to the ground, tugging her with him.

“Please,” she panted, lying on her back. She raised her knees and spread her legs

wide while extending her hands toward him.

Growling softly, Flick covered her body with his. She was already wet for him,

but he still reached down and fondled her, teasing her with his fingers until she thought

she might come before he filled her.

Bracing his hands on either side of her head, Flick eased his cock into her. Teena

welcomed the thick length of him. She wrapped her legs around his lean waist and

clung to him as he pumped into her.

Again he kissed her, thrusting his tongue between her lips and claiming her

mouth as his cock claimed her cunt.

Teena closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride of her life. Wave after wave of

orgasm broke over her and somewhere in the midst of the magnificent pulsations, she

felt him come. He shouted her name, his lean muscles tense as he strained into her.

Flick managed to collapse in a way that didn’t squash her. His body remained

half-draped over her and she felt his breath against her shoulder and his heart

pounding against her. Or was it her own heart?

After a moment, he rolled onto his back, changed to his human form and tugged

her closer to him.

“You know what I don’t get,” Teena said, taking Flick’s hand and studying his

long, graceful fingers. Now that he’d shifted to his human form, there was no hint of the

Froth Glider hidden inside him.


“If you have to hide the eggs on land for a couple of months, how do you conceal

them? Even on a lonely stretch of beach like this, humans are bound to stumble upon

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you. From what you say there are other Froth Gliders setting up house all along the

coast of Australia as well as other countries.”

“The Elder placed a spell on the nesting area so humans can’t see it.”

“I can see it.”

“Because you’re with me. Now that I’ve shown it to you, you can find it every

time. The protective spell no longer works on you.”

“That explains why you don’t want me to leave.”

“That’s only one reason why.” He nuzzled her neck. “The other reason is I love

your company.”

She chuckled and caressed his head, her eyes slipping shut as his kisses soothed

yet aroused her. “That’s because you’ve been alone out here.”

“I’d love your company no matter what.”

“Yours too,” she admitted.

It was true. She and Flick truly seemed to belong together and each moment with

him made accepting that fact easier.

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Chapter Five

The next morning after a refreshing swim in the ocean and breakfast, Teena took

some time to record her experiences in her notebook. It was another ferociously hot

day, so she sat under a tree where it was partly shady and a bit cooler.

Finally she stopped writing, put her notes in her backpack and stretched. It was

beautiful here, but almost too quiet. She understood how Flick could feel lonely out

here, with no one to talk to for days at a time. By the ease with which he talked to her,

he obviously enjoyed company.

At the moment, she could use some conversation too. She decided to find him.

He must be nearby, since she knew he wouldn’t go far from the eggs.

She walked a bit farther, climbing over rocks and enjoying the exercise and sea

air. Then she heard grunting, pounding feet and the sound of crumbling rock.

Quickening her pace, she followed the sounds to another cave. When she

stepped in, Flick, in his lizard form, was having some kind of Froth Glider workout

session. He leapt gracefully in the air and literally bounced off the cave wall. His tail

flickered with almost blinding speed and his hands and legs struck out in movements

resembling martial arts.

He looked sleek and dangerously sexy. Now more than ever she understood

what a Guardian was. She doubted many creatures could survive a fight with him


Catching sight of her, he paused in his exercise and approached, breathing

heavily. His eyes gleamed and he smiled. “Hello, Teena. I thought I’d get in some

practice while you were working.”

She noticed that his flesh started changing from gold to orange and her stomach

muscles tightened with desire. “I got lonely,” she admitted, stepping even closer to him

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and resting a hand against his powerful chest. She felt his heart pounding against her

palm and something told her that rhythm was from more than just his workout.

Flick’s eyes darkened with desire and his smile faded to a sensual curve of his

lips. Placing his hands on her waist, he tugged her pelvis against his and covered her

mouth with a kiss. His tongue dipped into her mouth and hers met its feverish strokes.

Moaning softly, she locked her arms around his neck.

His cock swelled and pushed enticingly against her. Lately it seemed all Teena

could think about was sex. She hungered for Flick every time she thought about him

and his desire for her seemed just as great.

While they kissed, she felt his body ripple and the texture of his flesh change. She

opened her eyes and saw that he had shifted to his man form and she purred softly.

When the kiss broke, they remained close together, feeling each other’s breath on

their lips and enjoying the nearness of their bodies. “I want you again,” she murmured.

Grinning, he swept her into his arms. “I was hoping you’d be in the mood. I

wanted you hours ago but you were busy.”

“You could have interrupted.” She clung to his neck and playfully brushed her

nose against his.

“Disturb a scientist at work? Never,” he teased.

“Some things are worth the disturbance.”

His look turned so fiercely sexy that a little quiver of passion shot through her.

Flick’s mouth covered hers in a kiss even deeper than the last. He carried her out of the

cave, walked toward a sun-warmed rock and knelt, placing her upon it. It felt hard

beneath her back, but she enjoyed the warmth. Not that it mattered. As aroused as she

was at the moment, she’d have made love just about anywhere.

Flick took one of her feet on his lap and untied her bootlaces then pulled off her

boot. He did the same with her other foot, then he unfastened her belt and tugged down

her trousers and underwear. He pulled them off and Teena wriggled her bare butt on

the hot rock.

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Stretching out on his side, Flick lifted her legs over his head, slid his hands

beneath her ass and covered her clit with his mouth.

“Oh damn!” she gasped, her hands instinctively clutching his smooth scalp. His

skilled tongue flicked over her clit. He took his time, seeming to know exactly how far

to push her without letting her tumble over the edge.

That tongue was slightly longer and a bit more pointed at the tip than a human

tongue. It was the perfect texture for teasing a woman’s delicate flesh and Flick was

obviously an expert. She nearly laughed when she realized that Flick was an accurate

name for him. Every flick of his tongue aroused her to unimaginable heights.

Soon she was panting and trembling on the verge of what was sure to be the best

orgasm of her life. Yet she’d said that the last couple of times Flick had made love to

her. “Please,” she moaned. “Oh, Flick, please!”

He groaned softly in response, his tongue never ceasing its sensual motions. If

not for his snug hold on her ass, she would have writhed off the rock.

That tongue flicked over her throbbing nub again and again and Teena’s blood

pounded through her body. The orgasm struck her with the force of a tidal wave.

She cried out in ecstasy, her back arching and her fingers tight on his scalp. Flick

kept up the relentless lapping until she lay completely sated. Her heartbeat slowed to

normal and Teena gave a contented little moan.

Flick lay beside her, his hand stroking her stomach and hip. When Teena opened

her eyes, she found him staring at her with a faint smile on his chiseled lips. He bent

and kissed her lightly.

They didn’t need to speak because in that look they exchanged so many

emotions that Teena felt almost dizzy. She realized that all her years of chasing the

lizard man hadn’t remotely prepared her for Flick. He wasn’t just an oddity or a

discovery. In spite of her curiosity and need to prove herself among her peers, she had

to deal with the fact that Flick was a living, breathing individual with needs and

emotions just like her.

* * *

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Three days later, Teena sat beneath the shade of a tree a short distance from

Flick’s cave. The Guardian was still swimming in the ocean. She’d joined him earlier,

then excused herself to write in her journal. She didn’t want to forget anything about

her time here with Flick and she carefully recorded everything he told her about Froth

Gliders. Though she took careful notes, she was more uncertain than ever that anyone

would share her discovery. As she got to know Flick and learned about the peaceful

undersea existence of the Froth Gliders, she questioned her desire to report her


All her life she’d wanted to prove the lizard creatures were real. She’d hated

being called the “mad scientist” and longed for credibility. Yet was her professional ego

worth disrupting Flick’s people? Teena was a successful doctor and she had been part

of many expeditions. She had credibility. Was proving to the world that she’d seen a

lizard man more important than the possibility of ruining the lives of the Froth Gliders?

While some scientists would respect them, she had no doubt others would try to exploit


Sighing deeply, she let her writing hand rest for a moment. Along with the facts

she’d learned about Froth Gliders, she’d also recorded her doubts about reporting them.

The last thing she wanted to do was cause Flick or his people harm.

At that moment, three lizard creatures emerged from the rocks and surrounded

her. Teena sat frozen, her heart pounding and gaze shifting from one creature to

another as they hissed and advanced on her. Their tails, complete with stingers, floated

gracefully on the air.

Though smaller than Flick and with elongated, lizard-like faces, she had no

doubt they were his fellow Froth Gliders. Two were dark brown and the third gold. All

were undoubtedly male, though not as well endowed as Flick. Strange that he was

sterile while these creatures were the fathers of their kind.

The gold Froth Glider spoke in a guttural language. All three raised their clawed

hands in what looked to be an attack position.

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Teena glanced around frantically, wondering if she should remain still or try to

make a run for it. They had her completely surrounded, so she doubted she’d survive

regardless of what she did.

A roar resounded on the air and Teena and the Froth Gliders glanced toward

Flick, who sprang at them. He growled, his eyes flashing and his expression so

ferocious it startled her. By the looks on the Froth Gliders’ faces, they were as taken

aback as she was.

Every muscle in Flick’s sleek body tensed, like an animal ready to attack. His tail

twisted in the air behind him, the tip vibrating like that of a rattler. He and the Froth

Gliders spoke in that guttural tongue, then the smaller males moved away from Teena

as Flick strode toward her and offered her his hand. “It’s all right,” he said, his fierce

expression fading. “They won’t hurt you. They thought you might harm the eggs.”

Teena slid her hand into his and let him tug her to her feet. He draped an arm

around her, holding her close to his side as he once again spoke to the Froth Gliders.

They studied her warily and even with Flick there to protect her she felt

unsettled. If he had been a moment later in arriving, she had no doubt these creatures

would have killed her. Again Flick turned to her and lightly cupped her cheek. “Are

you all right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think they like me much.”

“They’re tribal warriors,” he said, casting them another cool glance. “And it

seems they’ve adopted the human trait of striking first and asking questions later.”

“I’m not sure I like the way you said human. We’re not all bad you know.”

“No, but my recent experience proves that you do shoot first and --”

“All right. I understand,” she said. After all, just a few days ago she had

extracted a bullet from his shoulder.

“I thought you said normal Froth Gliders can’t survive ashore.”

“They can only live out of water for a short time. They’re answering the message

I sent when I got injured.”

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“Lucky I showed up when I did then. If you had to wait for them you’d have

probably been dead by now.”

“That’s exactly what I told them. You saved the eggs. They’ve expressed their

gratitude for that, by the way.”

“Was the thanks when they hissed at me or were about to sting me with their


“I apologize for their actions, but they’ve learned to be wary of humans.”

One of the brown Froth Gliders spoke to Flick again. All three cast discerning

glances at Teena, then back to Flick. The gold one made a slight motion with his hand

and all three headed toward the beach.

“What was that about?” she asked.

“It’s not important.” She leveled her sternest gaze on him and he said, “They

don’t like the idea of a human nesting with me, but that’s too damn bad.”

As much as she liked Flick, she disliked those three warriors. Yet she supposed

they had reasons to mistrust humans. It was strange knowing and caring what another

species thought about her own.

Humans considered themselves so superior. They were accustomed to being the

most intelligent race on the planet, but obviously they were wrong about that. Flick said

there were many other supernatural species in existence. They kept themselves hidden

from humans mostly because they had such contempt for them. For Teena, that was a

major wakeup call about her own species.

“Did they give any clue about why they were so late in answering your distress

call?” she asked. They mistrusted humans but had waited days before coming to help

Flick, putting his life and the eggs at risk.

“The sea turtle carrying my message was attacked by a shark. She was injured

and it took her a couple of days to reach my village. She’s recovering well, though.”

Strangely, Teena found that she actually cared about the welfare of the sea turtle.

Was it because Flick spoke of her as if she was a person instead of an animal? Being the

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mate of a Froth Glider would be a major adjustment. On the other hand, it would be

quite interesting.

“You’re sure you’re all right?” he asked, running a fingertip down her cheek and

gazing at her with those calm blue eyes. He’d looked so fierce just moments ago; now

he was the Flick she’d grown accustomed to -- soft spoken, gentle, yet irresistibly sexy.

“I’m fine. After all, I had a Guardian to protect me.” She smiled, slipping her

arms around his neck.

Flick kissed her, and held her in a snug embrace. Closing her eyes, Teena pressed

even nearer to him, her breasts flattening against his rock-hard chest. How could she

not feel safe with him around?

* * *

Early the next morning, Teena awoke to Flick gently shaking her shoulder.

“Teena,” he said softly.

She blinked sleep from her eyes and glanced from him to the two Froth Gliders

standing behind him. One was deep gold and the other brown with orange stripes. She

wondered if the latter was aroused or if that was his normal color. She hoped it was

normal because the idea of a Froth Glider ménage didn’t turn her on. “What’s wrong?”

she asked Flick.

“Nothing. This is our tribal Elder,” he gestured toward the deep gold lizard man.

“And his companion is called Glider. Glider is the father of most of the hatchlings here

in the nest. When the others reported back that I had a human companion, Glider and

the Elder wanted to meet you.”

“I see. They wanted to check me out, huh? Fine. Just let me wash up first, at

least.” Teena knew she sounded a bit grumpy, but she couldn’t help it. As much as she

enjoyed being here with Flick, he was the one who demanded that she stay around until

the eggs hatched, not to mention she’d saved his life and in doing so probably saved the

lives of the hatchlings. Now the Froth Gliders were treating her like she was an


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Flick exchanged words with his fellow Froth Gliders while Teena took her

backpack and left the cave. After she washed up and ate a nutritional bar, she felt better.

When she returned to the cave, Glider was busy helping Flick turn the eggs. The Elder

sat nearby in what appeared to be a state of meditation, yet he opened his eyes when

she approached.

“Please join me, Teena,” he said, surprising her by speaking English. None of the

other Froth Gliders had spoken, and she had started to wonder if only Guardians had

the ability to form human words. Their language was so guttural and different.

Curious, she approached and knelt across from him. His thin lips curved into a

smile and when she looked into his large green eyes, she saw calmness similar to

Flick’s. The Elder’s expression put her at ease and she released a pent-up breath.

“Flick has waited many years for you. I knew you would meet again.”

She glanced toward Flick and saw that he was also looking at her. He strode

toward her, leaving Glider to finish turning the eggs.

“At the request of the other Froth Gliders, the Elder would like to use his magic

to learn more about you,” Flick explained.

Teena raised an eyebrow. “What does he want to do?”

“It’s a simple magic,” the Elder said. “Very painless. It will allow me to

understand what’s in your heart. Flick trusts you and I trust his judgment, however, the

others are wary of humans.”

“Will you agree?” Flick asked.

Teena didn’t really believe in magic, or at least she hadn’t until a few days ago.

Now it seemed like nothing was impossible. “All right,” she said, drawing a deep

breath. “What do I have to do?”

“Nothing,” the Elder replied in his soothing voice. “Just sit and look into my


She did as he asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable at first. It was sometimes weird

enough looking into the eyes of someone you knew well, but staring at a complete

stranger was far worse. Yet after a moment she relaxed. The Elder had a gentle look in

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his eyes and he wore a faint, pleasant smile on his lips. After a moment, he nodded and

shifted his gaze.

Glider had come to sit beside Flick and he spoke to the Elder, who replied in

their language, then turned back to Teena and said, “You truly are Flick’s destined

mate. I trust that you mean no harm to our race and I will make sure the others know

this too.”

Teena’s brow furrowed and she nodded. “Thank you.” The Elder’s words only

added to her doubts about whether or not she should report the existence of this

unknown species. The scientist in her said yes, but the woman in her screamed no.

Regardless of how innocent her intentions, something told her that pointing humans in

their direction would cause the Froth Gliders nothing but grief.

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Chapter Six

Glider and the Elder didn’t stay long. Like others of their kind, they needed to

return to the sea, however, Glider said he would be back very soon since the eggs were

about to hatch.

Teena knew he was right, since whenever she touched the eggs, she felt

movement beneath the gold shells. As a woman of science, she could scarcely wait to

witness the event, yet knowing that she might never be able to share what she saw with

anyone disheartened her.

The eggs hatched overnight and she was amazed that the hatchlings looked

almost like human infants. “They’re babies,” she said, picking up one of the squalling


Flick snorted. “What did you expect?”

“You want the truth? I wasn’t sure what to expect. Flick, how are we going to

take care of ten babies?”

“Glider will be back soon with the pod.” He had explained that while magic

played an important part in the lives of the Froth Gliders, they also had science. The

pod was like a small submarine that transported the hatchlings, whose lungs couldn’t

endure the long swim, to the underwater village. Once there, they could breathe in the

air pocket of the enormous underwater cave in which they dwelled. The Froth Gliders

had adapted to the gases in underwater air pockets. What would be dangerous for

humans to breathe was risk free to them.

“But ten babies,” she said, wincing as they all started crying at once. At that

moment she realized that it didn’t matter to her that Flick couldn’t father children. She

wasn’t cut out for motherhood.

“Last time we had twelve and the pod didn’t come for three days,” he said.

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She cast him a horrified look and he merely grinned.

Teena prepared herself for a long, long day.

* * *

“I don’t believe it,” Teena sighed deeply and leaned against Flick, who draped an

arm around her.

Dusk had settled in and they stared out at the ocean. Just moments ago Glider

and the pod containing the hatchlings had disappeared beneath the surface. The young

Froth Gliders were on their way home and Teena and Flick were alone at last. No

crying babies and no eggs to worry about.

Today she had looked at Flick in a whole new light. She’d seen him as a warrior

and as a lover. She’d seen him wounded, fierce and passionate, but now she realized

exactly how gentle and patient he was. He’d handled those young Froth Gliders with

impressive expertise. She realized that in many ways he’d make an ideal father. Maybe

she’d been wrong about not wanting children. Perhaps once she and Flick settled down,

they could adopt some --

Wait! Was she crazy? They scarcely knew each other and she was thinking about

playing house with him? Of course that was part of the deal, wasn’t it? They were soul

mates, linked by fate. She had the mark on her breast to prove it.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She smiled and shook her head. “Nothing. I was just thinking what a complex

person you are.”

He lifted a hand to her cheek and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Not really, Teena.

I’m a basic guy.”

“What exactly are you looking for out of life, Flick?”

He tilted his head slightly to the side. “Someone to love.”

Those words and the look of warmth and passion in his eyes made her tingle all


“Teena, I know I’ve asked a lot of you over the past few days. You agreed to stay

here and you submitted to the Elder’s magic. It’s time for payback.”

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“What are you talking about?”

“Would you like me to return to the human world with you?”

Her eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” His gaze held hers with the utmost sincerity. “I told Glider to let our tribal

leader know I won’t be returning for at least another two weeks. After the hatchlings

arrive, Guardians are allowed some time off.”

“You’d come with me, knowing I’ve been looking for your kind all my life?”

“You want to make tests? That’s what scientists do, isn’t it?”

“You’d let me?”

“Is that what you want?”

She sighed. Wrapping her arms around herself, she began pacing in the sand. “A

few days ago, I’d have said yes, that’s what I want. Now I don’t know. Part of me wants

to study you and share what I’ve learned with others, but another part… Flick, I’m

confused.” She paused and stared at him, feeling more torn than she ever had in her

life. “I don’t know what’s right anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “From the beginning I’ve caused you nothing but pain,

haven’t I? First you had to go through your life with everyone thinking you’re crazy.

Now you can prove you’re not, but you have too much compassion and respect to

expose our secrets.”

“I don’t know about that,” she admitted. “I don’t know if I can keep your secret.”

“Then let me help you decide. Let me return to your world with you.”

“You would trust me on my own turf? Once we’re in the city, I could expose


“I know.” He stepped toward her, those lovely blue eyes looking at her with

such sincerity that her heart clenched. “We’re soul mates, Teena. These past few days

with you have meant a lot to me and I think you feel the same.”

“I do,” she replied with heartfelt honesty. She took his hand and he gave hers a

gentle squeeze.

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“If we don’t have trust, then we don’t have anything,” he said. “You trusted me

out here in my territory. I’ll trust you in yours.”

He was offering to walk into the city with her, possibly into the hands of people

whom he’d been taught to fear and mistrust. What happened to him once they got there

was her call.

“If we’re going to the city, you’ll need some clothes,” she said.

“Follow me.”

They walked to the caves where Flick paused by a small boulder and pushed it

aside. Teena peered over his shoulder as he reached into the hollow space behind the

boulder and tugged out a pair of worn jeans.

Taking the jeans from him, she wrinkled her nose. “You mean you had clothes all

this time and chose to walk around naked?”

He shrugged, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“Do you have a shirt or anything?”

“No, but I can get other clothes if you don’t mind a side trip before I go home

with you.”

“Side trip where?”

“To Swift’s place. He keeps my human stuff for me.”

“Human stuff?”

“Clothes. Money. The car.”

By now nothing he said should surprise her, but the idea of him owning a car

did. “You have a car?”

“Sports model. Very nice. Humans have some remarkable inventions.”

“Where do you get the money?” she asked warily.

“From the restaurant. When I lived in the human world during my training, I

worked as a lifeguard. I saved some of my money and invested it in Swift’s business.”

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”

He smiled, took the jeans from her and pulled them on. She watched, feeling a bit

disappointed as they covered his long, lean legs and sizeable cock and balls. The worn

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fabric clung to his muscular thighs. A few sexy rips in the jeans revealed a hint of his

golden tanned skin. Damn he looked gorgeous like this -- barefoot and bare-chested

with his narrow hips and sleek legs poured into the faded denim. She sighed with


Flick took her face in his hands and kissed her. “We better get going. It’s a long

walk to Swift’s place.”

* * *

Flick was right about the long walk. By evening when they stopped to camp, he

told her that they had another day’s walk ahead of them. Though Teena felt they had

traveled quickly, Flick could have covered more ground even faster. He probably could

have gone by sea and made the trip in a day. Teena was in great shape and accustomed

to traveling through the wilderness, but even the fittest human couldn’t compare to the

stamina and strength of a shapeshifter. Though he never hinted that she was dawdling,

she knew he kept slowing his pace to accommodate hers.

When they finally stopped for the night, she was almost too tired to eat. Almost.

All that walking had worked up an appetite that couldn’t be ignored.

Finally they settled onto the sand. Teena closed her eyes and rested her head

against Flick’s shoulder. When she draped her knee over him, it nudged his cock and

there was no missing his aroused state. He wasn’t wearing clothes again, and she

learned he hated how restrained they made him feel. When they got closer to

civilization, he’d wear the jeans, but until then he let everything hang loose and Teena

had absolutely no complaints about that!

Despite her exhaustion, desire kindled inside her. She undressed, reached down

and curled her hand around his shaft.

He gave a low groan and shifted his hips, thrusting his cock into her stroking

hand. While she caressed him, he slid his hand between her legs and fondled her soft,

moist flesh.

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Soon the gentle stroking of his long, slender fingers had her teetering on the edge

of passion. He explored her pussy, then used his wet fingertips to circle her clit. His

thumb rolled over the nub, then his fingers returned to it, easing her toward orgasm.

All the while she caressed his cock, feeling it grow huge and rock-hard against

her palm. Teena’s pulse raced and her breathing quickened. Flick was breathing harder

too, his muscles tense as she teased him closer and closer to orgasm.

“Teena, I need you,” he panted, moving so suddenly that she gasped. His body

covered hers and he braced his hands on either side of her head. Their gazes locked and

she felt the thick, velvety tip of his cock pushing against her pussy. In spite of his

burning lust, he didn’t rush.

Her eyes closed halfway and she caressed his chest, breathing deeply as he filled

her ever so slowly with his big, hard cock. Then he began pumping in a leisurely

rhythm that nearly drove her mad with frustration.

He coaxed her to the edge, then paused, his hips still as he licked and kissed her

neck. Then his tongue flicked over her lips and pushed between them. It thrust into her

mouth to the same rhythm as his cock pumped into her lust-soaked cunt.

Teena moaned, clinging to him, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, trying

to force him even deeper inside her. With a groan of raw lust he began pumping harder

and faster. Oh damn, this was what she needed!

The explosion struck and nearly stole her breath. She writhed beneath him and

he continued thrusting, his every muscle straining with need. When he came, he tore his

mouth from hers and called her name in a deep, husky voice that sent shivers of desire

down her spine.

As the sensations ebbed, Teena drifted into a deep, satisfied sleep.

* * *

When they arrived at the tourist town, Teena was glad to see other humans again

and was grateful that she’d soon have access to a flushing toilet. Still, part of her already

missed being alone in the wilderness with Flick. The closer they were to the human

world, the more she felt torn between her career and her heart. She needed to make a

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decision about Flick. Maybe deep inside she already had made it, but the thought

saddened her. Whatever her choice, she’d have to give up something important.

“There it is.” Flick pointed toward a pale blue house in the distance. Several trees

stood beside it, as well as two boulders on either side of the walkway leading to the

double glass doors at the entrance.

A teenage boy with curly brown hair stood outside washing windows. He wore

a T-shirt, jeans and sandals. As they neared, the boy glanced at them and waved. He

approached wearing a lopsided grin.

“Flick. Whatcha doing here? Thought you were busy.” He glanced curiously at


“It’s all right, Ben. She knows about us. The hatchlings went below a couple of

days ago,” Flick replied. “This is Teena by the way. Teena, Ben.”

She and the boy smiled in greeting and she asked, “Is he a --”

“One of us,” Flick said.

“I think all his hair threw me off,” she said. “Sorry, Ben.”

“Hey, it works then.” The boy grasped a handful of his hair and lifted it right off

his head, revealing his smooth scalp. His long, slender tongue flicked over his lips and

he grinned, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Teena must have looked surprised because

both Ben and Flick snorted with laughter.

“It’s just a wig, lady,” Ben told her.

“She has a name, Ben,” Flick warned, a slightly reprimanding edge to his voice.

“Sorry, Teena,” the boy said. “I’ve been wearing the hair to fit in. The bald head

isn’t bad for old guys like Flick but for me it can be a real pain.”

“What do you mean, old guys?” Flick teased, tugging the boy’s wig down over

his eyes. “Speaking of old guys, where’s Swift?”

“In the kitchen. He had to fill in because Max needed to return to the home

village for his nesting test.”

Nesting test. Teena recalled Flick telling her that throughout their training,

Guardians were often tested. Before leaving their mentors, they needed to pass a

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nesting test, which was like a trial run before they were given real eggs to guard. It

included looking after phony eggs, defending them against mock attacks and caring for


Teena thought it was amazing how serious Froth Gliders were about caring for

their young. Most humans could learn something from them.

“He’s gone for his test already? You boys are growing up too fast,” Flick said.

Grasping Teena’s hand, he guided her toward the entrance. “Come on, love.”

“Nice to meet you, Teena.”

“You too, Ben.”

Inside the restaurant, Teena glanced around. It was decorated in a casual, laid

back style, but by the number of guests, the food must have tasted as good as it smelled.

The picture windows at the back wall offered a beautiful view of the ocean.

Flick guided her through a pair of swinging doors that led to the kitchen. Inside

an elderly bald man was busy at the grill while a younger man in a cap arranged meals

on a tray. A boy of about ten, also bald, sat at a table in the corner, studying from a


All three glanced at Flick and Teena.

“Hey, mate,” said the waiter in the cap, grinning at Flick.

“Nate, how are you doing?”

“Busy. Swift has got me working my nuggets off,” Nate replied, brushing by

with the trays.

“Watch your language in front of a lady!” Swift growled.

Nate shrugged. “My apologies. I’ll be back. Got customers waiting.”

“Flick, are you staying?” the boy called from the corner of the room. “We can

have a swimming race.”

Flick smiled at the boy. “Hey, Mike. Think you’re ready to race me again, do


The elderly man pointed at the boy. “Mike, you get back to those books. Don’t

even think about the beach until those lessons are done.”

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The boy raised his eyes to the heavens, but returned to his studies.

“Need any help, Swift?” Flick asked.

“Yes I need help,” the old man growled, but when Flick approached the grill

Swift pulled him into a tight embrace. “How have you been, boy? I heard you had a

little scrape with the humans, but the lady fixed you up.”

Teena raised an eyebrow and Flick said, “Word travels fast, doesn’t it?”

“So this is Teena.” The old man turned to her with a smile and offered her his


She extended hers and he shook it firmly. Though his manner seemed gruff, she

noticed a sparkle in his eyes similar to Flick’s and she found herself liking Swift


“I needed to come by and pick up my car and clothes,” Flick said. “I’m going to

Teena’s place for a while.”

“All your stuff is in the closet in your old bedroom upstairs. The car is parked

around back. Ben’s had his eye on it. He’ll be driving soon.”

Flick narrowed his eyes. “If he thinks he’s going to use it then I want to be the

one giving him driving lessons.”

“Be my guest. I still haven’t gotten over the nightmares of teaching you how to

drive and it’s been how many years now?”

“Too many.” Flick chuckled. “After I get cleaned up I’ll come down and help

you. Looks like you’re swamped today.”

“I could use the extra hands,” Swift admitted.

“I can help too,” Teena offered. “I worked as a waitress in college.”

“Sounds good to me,” Swift said and glanced at Flick’s bare, sandy feet. “And no

cheating. When you get dressed make sure it’s shoes and all.”

“Yeah, dad,” Flick said with a wink and a grin.

“I’ll give you dad,” Swift growled, though his eyes still twinkled. “You were

never such a wiseass to your dad.”

“That’s because he was never as much a dad to me as you were.”

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“Someday when you’re mentoring, your kids will feel the same way about you.”

Teena couldn’t help smiling at the family-type atmosphere at Swift’s place. On

their way upstairs to the living area, she said, “I think you’re wrong about Guardians

not having children. I think someone like Swift has lots of them.”

“That’s very true,” Flick said. “Not all Guardians become mentors, though. It’s a

very special duty and the Guardians who are selected are voted in only after careful


“Would you like to be a mentor someday? Swift seems to think you’ll be one.”

“I’d like to,” he admitted. “But I’m not counting on it. Like I said, the people are

very careful about who they select.”

“From what I’ve seen they’d be crazy not to pick you. You’re smart and tough,

but you’re nurturing… No. That sounds too feminine. I mean you’re fatherly.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “I am? That doesn’t sound too sexy, love.”

“Yes it is. There’s nothing sexier than a tough guy who knows when to be gentle.

Besides, you were way better with all those babies than I was.”

“I thought you were very good with them, but mentors usually care for older

children. I came to live with Swift when I was ten, after my lungs were strong enough

to make the swim from our village to the world up here.” They finally reached Flick’s

old bedroom and stepped inside. He opened the closet and pulled out a duffel bag,

several shirts, pants and another pair of jeans. Glancing at her from the corner of his

eye, he asked, “How would you feel about it if I did happen to become a mentor? If we

continue this relationship, I mean.”

If? In truth, she could scarcely imagine a future without him. “You don’t want

to?” she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

“I do,” he said, his blue gaze locked on hers. “But I don’t want you to feel


“I don’t.”

“What about the mentoring?”

“It would be fine with me.”

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“I’d have to live somewhere like this, close to the sea.”

She slipped her arms around his neck. “I like the ocean.”

“What about your job?”

“As long as you don’t mind me taking off on expeditions every now and then I

don’t mind a houseful of young Guardians.”

Their gazes locked for a moment and Teena nearly panicked. They were talking

about a future and children and they’d scarcely known each other for a week. She

should be downright terrified, yet she wasn’t. Not really.

Flick’s hands slid sensuously down her back and over her buttocks, which he

squeezed then smacked lightly.

“I think Swift can use our help down there,” she whispered.

He nodded and brushed her mouth with a kiss. “If you want a shower, the

bathroom is the first door on the left.”

Teena kissed him again and headed out of the room, but paused in the doorway

and glanced over her shoulder. “By the way, why do some of you have normal human


“All Guardians have human names while we’re in training. It’s hard to fit into

your world without a proper name.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Interesting. What was yours?”

Flick tugged a wallet from the closet shelf, removed his driver’s license and

offered it to her.

Teena looked at his photo. “It should be illegal to look this handsome on a

driver’s license. Your name is Paul Martin. I like Flick better.”

“So do I.”

“It suits you, or should I say it suits your tongue.” A little shiver of desire darted

through Teena as she thought about the wonderful things he did with his tongue.

“That’s how I got it.” He took his license back and put it in his wallet.

“What do you mean?”

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“When Froth Gliders are young, we’re assigned a generic name, usually

numerical. Between the ages of sixteen and twenty, we select a permanent name,

usually on the suggestion of people who know us so it reflects a particular


Teena frowned, feeling a bit jealous. “Who suggested Flick?”

The tips of his ears actually reddened a bit and he shrugged. “The females.”

Placing a hand on her hip, she raised an eyebrow in his direction. “What


“Just a few I used to see socially.”

“How social, if they suggested calling you Flick? Did they suggest it for the

reason I think?”


“I thought your parents were worried about you not finding a mate.”

“Those females weren’t looking to mate -- at least not in the traditional sense.”

“I’ll bet. Well, Romeo, if we intend to give this soul mate thing a shot, you keep

your flickering tongue in your mouth when you’re around any female but me.”

“Teena, it was a long time ago I got that name. You’re the only woman I want.”

“We’ll see.” She turned on her heel and stepped into the hall.

“Do you want any company in the shower?” he called, leaning out the doorway

with a seductively playful look in his eyes.

Hell, yes, Teena wanted company, but after hearing about his other “females” she

decided to let him simmer for a while. “No thanks.” She stepped into the bathroom and

slammed the door behind her.

After she and Flick washed and changed into fresh clothes, they helped with the

restaurant duties. It was a busy evening and once they finally closed for the night, they

all retired for a late dinner upstairs in Swift’s house. After saying goodbye, they left the

restaurant and walked to Flick’s car. It was a sleek blue sports model that seemed to fit

him well. Teena settled into the passenger seat while Flick took the wheel. It was late

and they’d had a busy day, so she soon drifted to sleep.

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Chapter Seven

“Teena.” Flick gently shook her shoulder. She moaned and opened her eyes

partway, focusing on him. A faint smile touched her lips. It was nice waking up to such

a cutie. Best of all was the knowledge that she’d probably spend the rest of her life

waking up to him.

“We’re at your apartment,” he said.

“Already?” She stretched. “Time goes by fast when you fall asleep in the car.”

He smiled and offered her his hand. She took it and stepped out. Glancing at the

apartment building, she sighed. It felt good to be home. Soon she’d be in her own bed

with Flick beside her. It would be the first time they’d be sleeping together in an actual

bed. Clean sheets, firm pillows and no sand.

Her apartment had only one bedroom, but was spacious and comfortable. As

soon as she stepped inside, Teena switched on the air conditioner and stood in front of

it, loving the coolness after too many days in the heat.

“Do you mind if I undress?” he asked. “I can’t wait to get out of these clothes.”

Teena’s nipples tightened and a jolt of desire shot through her. What more could

a woman want than a gorgeous guy wandering naked around her apartment? “Please

do,” she said with a grin. “You can be naked around here any time you want, except if

we have company of course.”

She tried to be discreet as he removed his clothes, then gave up. He was too

beautiful not to look at. Besides, he didn’t seem to mind her attention. When he stood

naked in her living room, she sighed deeply, her gaze roaming from his broad

shoulders to his enticing cock to his long, sleek legs.

“Mind if I look around?” he asked.

She made a sweeping gesture with her hand. “My home is your home.”

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“Thanks.” He turned and headed for the bedroom and she gazed at his tight ass.

Teena took her dirty laundry and tossed it in the washer. She decided his idea to

walk around naked was a good one. Even in her own apartment she’d never walked

around without at least wearing a bra and underwear. She stripped off her clothes and

added them to the washing machine. It felt rather good to stand around in the nude.

She walked to the bedroom and found Flick standing in front of the window,

gazing out at the city.

“It’s so different around here,” he said. “There are so many of you.”

“Yeah. Sometimes I think too many. That’s another reason I like to go on


He took her hand and gently guided her in front of him, then wrapped his arms

around her and kissed the side of her neck. His hands lightly stroked her belly and ribs,

then cupped her breasts. Ever so gently he pinched her nipples, then rolled his thumbs

over them.

Teena sighed with pleasure and arched against him. “Are you cold?” she asked.

“A bit. The air conditioner.”

Right. She kept forgetting he was cold blooded. “I can shut it off.”

“No. I’m fine.”

“Want to go to bed?” she asked.

“You bet,” he whispered in her ear, then gently bit the lobe. He picked her up,

carried her to the bed and placed her on it. Teena climbed beneath the covers and he

joined her, cuddling close and burying his face against her shoulder. “I love how warm

you are,” he said. “Humans are warm.”

Teena cupped the back of his smooth scalp and caressed it. Within moments his

body temperature matched hers. He lifted his head from her shoulder and covered her

mouth in a tender kiss.

Teena met his gaze, then her eyes slipped shut as he kissed her again, deeply this

time. When the kiss broke, he spoke against her lips in a husky whisper. “Want it?”

“So bad it hurts.”

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He grinned and once again covered her mouth with his. His hand dipped

between her legs and he cupped her soft mound, stroking it tenderly and stirring her

passion. Teena parted her legs and moaned. Her hands caressed every inch of him she

could reach.

Starting at the top of her head, Flick began kissing her. His lips traveled over her

forehead, across her cheeks, nose and chin. He nibbled her earlobe and swirled his

tongue around the sensitive shell of her ear, sending little shivers of ticklish desire

down her spine. “Flick, I love the way you touch me,” she murmured.

“I love touching you,” he said between the gentle kisses he dropped down the

side of her neck.

The feel of his wet tongue lapping her throat and trailing over the tops of her

breasts drove her wild. Taking one nipple between his lips, he used the very tip of his

tongue to lash it. Teena’s pulse raced and her breathing quickened with each swipe of

his tongue. This man had turned licking into an art. No wonder the Froth Glider

females had called him Flick.

Well from now on the only flicking his tongue would do, would be on her body.

Just like it was now. He moved to her other nipple, licking and sucking it, while his

hand continued playing with the breast his mouth had left.

His teeth tugged on her nipple and his tongue swept over it. Then he sucked it

deeply, taking the hard little nub and some of the surrounding breast into his mouth.

Teena drifted on a haze of sensation. She arched against him, trying to push even

more of her breast into his mouth. Flick groaned with desire, then left her breast only to

cover her belly and hips with kisses.

He dipped his tongue into her navel then kissed his way down one leg and back

up the other. Finally he lifted her legs over his head and settled onto the bed. His mouth

covered her clit and for a moment he remained still, his warm breath teasing her

sensitive flesh. He began licking with languid strokes. His tongue flicked over her clit

again and again.

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Teena wriggled and thrust against him, wishing he’d lick faster. She was so

fucking turned on and his slowness was just short of torture, wonderful though it was.

“Please hurry up,” she panted, her hands roaming over his head. She fondled his

ears and tugged gently on the lobes. Damn this guy was cute all over. Face. Ears. Body.

Well, his body was more than cute. It was sleek, cut and more masculine than an entire

football team.

He chuckled softly and continued licking her slowly for a few moments. Then he

used his lips to tug gently on her clit before he began lapping her with fast upward

strokes. Teena was so far gone that she came almost instantly. Not just any climax, but

one that was almost painful in its intensity. She moaned and thrashed, her eyes closed

and her body bucking and arching wildly. If Flick hadn’t been holding her ass tight,

there was no telling where she’d have ended up.

When she finally calmed, Flick stretched out beside her on the bed, stroking her

belly and breasts. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “That was so fucking good.”

“It sure looked that way,” he said, his blue eyes sparkling in a way that made her

want to kiss him. So she did.

Her lips moved slowly against his and she slid her tongue between them. His

tongue met hers, allowing her to take the lead this time. Teena liked that idea. She

straddled him, loving the feel of his thick, hard cock against her ass. The position made

it easy for her to caress his gorgeous chest. That broad expanse was a thing of beauty,

all rock-hard muscle topped with stiff little nipples. It struck her that she really wanted

to tease them like he teased hers.

Shifting slightly to the side so that she could comfortably sprawl on his chest

while keeping a leg draped over him, she lashed her tongue over his nipple. Then she

took it gently between her teeth and tugged on it. All the while she caressed his chest

and sleek abs. Never in her life had she imagined a man this drop dead gorgeous would

belong to her, and he was so much more than a man. He was a shapeshifting Guardian.

He was tough, sweet and her soul mate.

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She moved to tease his other nipple, then kissed her way down his stomach.

Groaning softly, Flick spread his legs so she could settle between them. Teena grasped

his cock and began lapping it from root to crown. She took the rounded head between

her lips and sucked it, then swirled her tongue over it. She flicked the underside and he

practically growled with desire. His fingers wove through her hair. As she sucked

harder and faster, she felt his hands tremble, though his hold on her tightened, it was

never painful. Even in his pleasure he still thought about her. This touched her deeply,

but she wanted him to completely let go and enjoy himself, like she had when he’d

pleasured her.

Teena lightly scraped her teeth along his cock head then sucked him deeply into

her mouth.

“Ah, Teena!” he gasped.

She smiled around his cock, withdrew it from her mouth and covered it with

kisses. This time when she sucked it, she took slightly more than the tip into her mouth.

She sucked faster, intermittently teasing it with her tongue.

Flick’s body arched and he cried out in ecstasy. She held onto his cock to keep it

from flying about wildly as he came so long and hard she thought it might never end.

She sucked, licked and swallowed until he finally lay still, except for the heaving of his

chest as he calmed in the aftermath.

Teena stood and walked to the bathroom where she cleaned herself up. When

she returned to bed, Flick hadn’t moved. He looked peaceful with his eyes closed and

breathing slow and regular. Teena bent and brushed a kiss across his cheek then curled

up beside him and fell asleep.

* * *

The months of caring for eggs, getting shot and meeting his soul mate must have

finally caught up with Flick because after making love with Teena he fell into the

soundest sleep of his life.

He awoke to her hand caressing his forehead and her voice calling to him softly.

“Flick, wake up.”

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He gazed at her and rubbed a hand over his face. Sunlight shone in through the

window and the room felt cool. The air conditioner again. “Sorry, have I overslept?”

“Just a little.” She grinned. “It’s about ten o’clock. My friend Joyce is coming over

so I wanted to tell you to put some clothes on. I don’t want her ogling you if you’re

walking around here naked.”

Joyce. Another scientist. A strange, almost disappointed feeling washed over

Flick. For some reason he had believed Teena would keep his secret.

Well, he had promised to compromise and he wouldn’t go back on his word. Let

the humans try to find the Froth Glider villages. The magic protecting them was far

beyond human science.

He rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

“Flick?” Teena called.


“Is something wrong?”

“No,” he replied, not turning to face her. At the moment he simply couldn’t look

at her. “Nothing’s wrong.” He closed the door and washed. When he stepped into the

bedroom, he heard voices from the kitchen. One was Teena’s and the other that of a

strange female.

He wondered exactly how far Teena intended to go with her questions and tests.

It crossed his mind to leave now before they got him to a lab. Once they had him in

such a place, there was little chance of him getting out. If they discovered the truth

about his species, surely they’d continue hunting Froth Gliders. He shouldn’t have

come here. He had no right to put his entire species in danger for the sake of his own

happiness. What happiness? His soul mate had turned out to be more cold blooded

than he was.

Flick reached for his pants, but hesitated. Perhaps he should walk out there

naked. After all, Teena wanted to show off the lizard man.

He shook his head. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions, just like she had done

when they’d first met. She’d thought he intended to kill her, but she couldn’t have been

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further from the truth. Hope rose inside him that maybe, just maybe, he was wrong

about her intentions as well. Flick was known as a good judge of character and the

Elder was almost impossible to fool. The Elder had trusted Teena. Flick knew that in

spite of being human, she was compassionate and caring. He couldn’t imagine her

making love with him and then subjecting him to the scrutiny of her people. It simply

wasn’t in her.

He pulled on socks, pants and a blue tank top, then stepped out of the bedroom.

Teena and her friend -- a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed woman -- glanced toward him

from where they sat in the kitchen, sipping coffee. “Joyce, this is my friend, Paul

Martin,” Teena said.

Flick was almost surprised that she used his human name.

“Nice to meet you, Paul. I’m glad you stumbled upon Teena when she went off

exploring on her own. I’m still furious about that.” Joyce wagged a finger at Teena.

“You know how dangerous it is to be out there all alone.”

“I was telling Joyce how you were hiking when we met,” Teena said, staring at

Flick with wide eyes, as if willing him to play along with her story.

“Uh… yes. I couldn’t believe my good luck, finding such a beautiful woman in

the middle of nowhere,” he said, approaching and kissing Teena’s cheek. It wasn’t even

a lie.

Joyce grinned. “She said you were irresistible.”

“She said that, did she?” He smiled, meeting Teena’s gaze again. It seemed he’d

been wrong about her after all. She was fabricating a story instead of telling the truth.

“I asked her to do some work with me at the lab this week on some of the new

specimens I got during our expedition, but --”

“But I told her while you’re here you’ve got all my time,” Teena said.

“Maybe he’d like to see what we’re doing at the lab?” Joyce suggested.

“No,” Teena said almost too quickly. Then she smiled. “We’re into reptiles,

Joyce, but most people aren’t. I think Paul would be bored out of his mind in a lab. In

fact, I think it would be bad for his general health.”

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Joyce stared at her as if she’d sprouted another head. “Goodness, Teena, our

work isn’t that boring.”

“Not to lizard lovers, but I don’t think Paul is much for lizards. He’s more of a

dingo kind of guy. Mammals are his thing.”

“Yes.” Flick cast her a look that he hoped reflected how he felt -- grateful to and

aroused by her. “I’m definitely into mammals.”

Teena smiled and her cheeks actually flushed. “It’s a little hot in here, isn’t it?”

she said.

“No. I’m fine.” Joyce shrugged. “Well, I better get back to the lab. It was nice to

meet you, Paul.” She extended her hand and he shook it.

“Goodness, you better lower the air conditioner, Teena. His hands are freezing.”

Joyce took one last swallow of her coffee, picked up her purse and left.

Once they were alone, Teena headed for the air conditioning unit. Once she’d

adjusted the thermostat, Flick gently grasped her hands in his and wrapped his arms

around her from behind. “I thought you’d tell her all about me and my people.”

“I thought so too, until I remembered what a lab can be like. Sometimes people’s

curiosity gets the better of them. Other times their ego does. Both almost got the better

of me.”

“I don’t blame you for wanting to prove what you saw and tell people what

you’ve learned.”

She turned and slipped her arms around his neck, her gaze locked on his. “But

it’s wrong. I don’t want to hurt you, Flick, or your people. Maybe one day humans and

Froth Gliders will get together, but I don’t think now is the right time to expose your


At that moment Flick knew he would love this woman until his dying breath.

“You’re very rare, Teena.”

“For a human?”

“For any species.” He cupped her chin and brushed her lips with a kiss. “Thank


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“Hey, I still have a good career and I’m going to work on a book about my

expeditions with Joyce. That’s enough. At least I know the truth about Froth Gliders

and now that I do, I realize I need to keep that secret to myself. You trusted me by

coming here and that’s something… priceless.”

“So are you.” He kissed her again and this time she stood on tiptoe, pressing her

body closer to his.

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Chapter Eight

That night, Teena and Flick went out for dinner and dancing at a club. It had

been ages since she’d gone out like this. Usually her nose was buried in her work. Now

that she had made the decision not to reveal what she knew about Froth Gliders, she

felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from her. She knew she wasn’t crazy. The lizard

man existed and he was more wonderful than she’d ever dreamed.

She actually felt relieved that the Froth Gliders would be safe from human

scrutiny. At first she thought she might be cheating her own people out of knowledge,

but when she thought about how many species humans had already driven to

extinction, she knew she’d made the right decision. Even well meaning people could

inadvertently harass and harm such a strange species. Some not so well meaning people

might deliberately seek to hurt, even destroy them.

The thought of Flick being harmed was unbearable to her. Just as he had

protected her from his fellow Froth Gliders, she needed to protect him from humans.

“What’s wrong?” Flick asked as they finally left the dance floor. She felt like a

young girl again, except even back then she hadn’t danced all night with such a fine


“Other than my feet killing me, nothing. If I’d have known you liked dancing

this much, I wouldn’t have worn heels.”

“Take your shoes off. I did.”

She glanced down and saw that he was indeed wearing only socks.

“Flick! What did you do with your shoes?”

“You know I don’t remember. They’re somewhere… Maybe I left them at the


Teena laughed. “You haven’t been wearing shoes all night?”

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“Good thing no one noticed. You should have shoes on.”

He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, “Why don’t we go back to your

place and take everything off?”

“Ohh, I like that idea.”

They left the club and headed for home, though Teena insisted on driving since

he had no shoes.

One thing about Flick, there was no telling what he was going to do next.

* * *

Teena had always been so preoccupied with studies and work that no other man

had interested her. Looking back, she wondered if that wasn’t because she and Flick

were meant to be together.

Sharing her apartment with him gave her a whole new outlook on life and love

that she’d never imagined before. She loved talking to him, eating with him and of

course sleeping with him. For the first time she could remember, she enjoyed life

without concern for work or trying to prove herself to anyone. Flick appreciated her as

she was and she felt the same about him.

Flick had been there about a week when Nate paid a visit. They had left Teena’s

contact information with Swift in case anyone needed to get in touch with him.

Nate brought a message from the leader of Flick’s tribe asking him to return to

the undersea village regarding a vote among the tribal council.

Teena couldn’t help noticing how concerned he looked upon hearing this news.

While Nate sat down to a meal in the kitchen, Teena followed Flick to the bedroom

where he packed his belongings for the trip home.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Do you think there’s a problem?”

“I’m not sure. When the council votes it’s usually about something important.”

“You don’t think…”


“You don’t think they’re upset about me being human?”

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He took her face in his hands and kissed her. “Don’t worry about it.”

“What if they forbid you to see me or stop you from being a Guardian?”

“I don’t care what they say. You’re my mate and I was born a Guardian. Even if

they remove me from the nesting service, I will always be a Guardian. Besides, the

Elder, Swift and my parents have known for years that my destined mate is human. I’m

sure the Elder spoke to the tribal leader about it.”

“I don’t want to be a problem.”

“You’re not and I’ve been more of a problem to you. All your life you’ve wanted

to prove my kind exist. Now that you have the opportunity, you’ve chosen to protect us

instead. I love you for that, Teena.”

Those words made her heart skip a beat, yet she longed to hear that he loved her

for herself, not just because she was keeping his secret.

Their gazes locked and he caressed her face. “I love you, Teena.”

“Because I didn’t tell anyone about your people?”

“Because I love you.”

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and a feeling of elation swept over her. “I

love you too, Flick.”

Their lips met in a heated kiss. When it broke, he said, “I’ll be back as soon as I


“I’ll be waiting.”

“I already miss you.”

“Me too.” They embraced and held each other tightly for several moments, yet it

wasn’t long enough.

He and Nate left far too soon and once the door closed behind them, she realized

how lonely her apartment was. She hoped Flick wasn’t in some kind of trouble,

especially not due to her.

* * *

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For the first time Flick could remember, he felt unhappy about returning to the

undersea village. Not only was he concerned about the message from the tribal leader,

but he missed Teena so much that the separation was almost painful.

Now that they had surrendered to their bond, neither wished to part from the

other. Even during the long swim miles beneath the ocean Flick’s thoughts lingered on

Teena. Finally he emerged in the vast underwater cave. He climbed onto the rocks,

panting from the deep dive.

Lights created by Froth Glider scientists illuminated the cave walls and narrow

streets that wound through the village. Most of the homes were built from rocks and

driftwood. Some businesses and dwellings were fashioned right into the cave walls. The

tribal council offices were located in a large cave reachable by a winding staircase.

As Flick walked through the village, a few acquaintances exchanged greetings

with him. The parents of several hatchlings approached and thanked him for a job well

done. Usually he enjoyed speaking with the parents and though today was no

exception, he was preoccupied with the impending meeting with the tribal leader.

At the foot of the staircase, he spoke to one of the guards waiting there and was

led up to the council’s office.

The tribal leader and two council members were seated at a table discussing

business when the guard presented him. The leader was fairly tall for a non-Guardian.

He had pale green skin and three spikes on his tail. The other council members were

both female and dark brown in color.

“Flick, please be seated,” said the leader and gestured toward the chair across

from him. Flick sat and the council members exchanged greetings with him, then the

leader continued, “I’m sorry to interrupt your leisure time, however, we felt this news

was so important that you needed to be informed right away.”

“Is something wrong, Sir?”

“Not at all. As you know, some of the mentors on land are getting on in years.

We need to vote in some new mentors to either work with them or take over their

duties. You were voted in unanimously because we feel that you are not only a strong

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warrior, but know when to be compassionate. We wish our young Guardians to be well

rounded and feel that you will be an excellent guide.”

“Thank you, sir.” Flick was surprised by this news. He’d hoped for it, but hadn’t

expected it to happen.

“We would like you to work with Swift until he chooses to retire, then take over

his duties. Do you accept?” asked the leader.

“I am deeply honored,” Flick said. “And I would very much like the position, but

I have recently taken a mate.”

“Yes. The Elder spoke to me about your human. He says she is rare among her


“She is. I trust her implicitly. Before I accept the mentor duties, I would like to

speak to her about it.”

“Of course. There’s no need to decide immediately. Take a week or so to think

about it and discuss it with your mate. This will affect her as much as it will you.”

Flick left the council office feeling rather proud and eager to assume his new

responsibility, yet also concerned. Teena had a career and a home in the city. Would she

want to join him at the seaside restaurant? Would a woman like her be happy living a

simple life? Of course she had made it clear she still intended to go on expeditions and

he hoped she would. He knew how much she enjoyed her studies and would never ask

her to give up such an important part of her life.

Worrying about it wasn’t going to help. He needed to talk to her as soon as


Before making the long swim to the surface, Flick visited his parents and some

old friends. He enjoyed seeing them, but could scarcely wait to return to Teena.

Hopefully they would find a way to work out their relationship in a way that would

satisfy them both.

* * *

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With Flick gone, Teena once again immersed herself in work. She spent some

time at the lab with Joyce and told her that she intended to write a book about their

expeditions. Joyce encouraged her and also asked about Flick… or Paul.

Teena admitted that she had strong feelings for him, though since he’d gone she

almost wondered if she hadn’t become engrossed in him too quickly. What if he

decided not to return after all? He did belong to the sea and would never truly fit in

here in the city.

Maybe they could find another place to live together, somewhere closer to the

ocean. Preferably they could find a home nearer to nature so that Teena could continue

her studies about reptiles and gather information for another book.

Returning home from the lab one evening, she opened her door and gave a little

gasp of surprise. Flick, wearing worn, cutoff pants that left most of his gorgeous body

exposed, was sprawled on the couch reading a magazine.

When he saw her, he rose to his feet, his blue gaze fixed on her. “Teena.”

“Flick! When did you get here?”

“A couple of hours ago. Since you gave me a key before I left, I didn’t think

you’d mind if I made myself at home.”

“My home is your home,” she said as he approached and swept her into his

arms. He held her tightly and she clung to him.

“What happened with the tribal council?” she asked once he finally put her

down. She kept her arms looped around his neck and stared into his eyes.

“They asked me to become a mentor and share Swift’s responsibilities until he

retires, then take over.”

She smiled and kissed him. “That’s wonderful! I knew you’d make a great


“I hope I will. I haven’t officially accepted the position yet. I wanted to talk to

you first because I’d really like you to marry me.”

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Teena’s heart skipped a beat. She’d been concerned about this moment, though

she couldn’t tell if she’d been worried he wouldn’t ask or that he would ask too soon.

Now she realized his timing was perfect.

“Will you marry me, Teena?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ll marry you.”

“How will this affect your career?”

“Hopefully for the better. For the next several months I’m going to work on a

book. After that I’d like to write more and continue my studies along the coast. Do you

plan on moving into Swift’s place?”

“I have to if I’m going to assist with his students. Or we could get a place of our

own nearby. Whatever you want.”

She waved her hand. “Those are just details. The main thing is you’ll be a mentor

and I’ll be able to pursue my studies. Also I’m planning to go on another expedition

with Joyce later this year. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No. Not at all.”

“Then I think we’ll be okay, Flick.”

He grinned. “It’s about time. We’ve only waited for how long?”

“Ever since that day on the beach when I saw the lizard boy disappear beneath

the waves.”

“And I saw the most beautiful human girl who haunted my dreams almost every

night after.” He embraced her again and spoke against her lips. “Do you have any idea

how much I want you right now?”

She thrust her pelvis against his rock-hard erection. “I think I have a pretty good


He closed his eyes for a moment and his muscles rippled as he shifted to his

beast form, complete with bright orange scales. “Now there should be no doubt in your

mind,” he said.

“There won’t be once you fill me with your gorgeous cock.”

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Chuckling, he swept her into his arms and headed to the bedroom. Gazing into

her eyes he asked, “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“Yes. Exactly as much as I love you.”

Her Froth Glider’s eyes darkened with passion and he covered her mouth in a

kiss as wild and deep as the sea.

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Kate Hill

What do trips around the world, endless nights of breathtaking sex, and a

muscular, 6-foot 3-inch, brown-haired, blue-eyed significant other have to do with Kate

Hill? Absolutely nothing, but she can dream, can’t she? In reality Kate is a single, thirty-

something vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. Visit her

online at http://www.kate-hill.com, www.myspace.com/katehillromance, or join her

newsgroup at groups.yahoo.com/group/katehill. Stop by Kate’s Amazon blog at



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