hill, kate carnal two 01 carnal temptation

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Carnal Temptation

Kate Hill

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2008 Kate Hill

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and a fine of $250,000.

ISBN: 978-1-59596-880-7
Formats Available:
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MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046


Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty
Cover Artist: Karen Fox

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Carnal Temptation

Kate Hill

After siring the heir of the Vampire Leader, Altah, Pax realizes he wants to take some
time to think about the possibility of settling down with a mate of his own.

A trip to a seaside inn places him in the company of two young werewolves, Felina
and Falken. He hadn’t intended to take wolf mates, yet once they meet, they know
they’re meant to be together.

Can two common wolves and a Vampire of royal blood overcome the social barriers

that threaten to destroy their newfound love?

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Pax sat in the Vampire Leader’s private parlor, an untouched cup of tea on the

table in front of him. He had been to the palace many times before for discussions with

her advisors regarding the environment. Preserving the world’s wildlife and natural

resources was his passion, and for over a century he had served as the head of

environmental affairs for his tribe.

Today, however, he was at the palace for a different type of discussion -- one as

important to him personally as protecting nature. This meeting had to do with Vampire

nature itself, specifically producing an heir for the Vampire Leader, Lady Altah.

Though everyone knew Altah was bound in heart and soul to her werewolf

protectors, Rex and Kyros, tradition required her to mate with another Vampire of royal

blood for the sole purpose of reproduction. Her child would be next in line for

leadership after she stepped down or passed on.

Pax was the son of an advisor to their tribal leader and among those selected to

possibly sire Altah’s heir. At first he had mixed feelings about the idea. It would of

course be an honor, but for one of royal blood, Pax had unusual standards regarding

family life. He believed a child should have access to and the support of both parents,

regardless of whether they lived together as a family.

Growing up, he had lived in his father’s home but had little contact with him.

His mother, a Vampiress from a neighboring tribe, hadn’t seen him at all after his birth.

The idea that one didn’t miss what he didn’t have proved wrong for Pax. He longed for

family connections that weren’t in name only.

The door opened, and Lady Altah stepped into the parlor, flanked by her wolf

mates -- Rex, a fierce, young black-haired wolf, and Kyros, an older, blond-haired wolf

with a regal air.

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Pax stood respectfully and bowed his head to Altah. “My Lady.”

“Please sit and be comfortable,” Altah said and settled into the cushioned chair

near the couch where Pax sat.

Kyros and Rex also took seats, their blue eyes fixed on him. For a moment he

almost expected them to growl. Their possessiveness of Altah was known worldwide,

yet it was also known that the Vampire Leader bent to the will of no one, even her

beloved mates.

“As you know I’ve narrowed down my choice to three Vampires,” Altah began

without preamble. “Kyros, Rex and I have discussed each candidate thoroughly.”

Pax glanced sharply from the wolves to Altah. The Vampiress noted his

expression and she continued, “It’s only fair to tell you my wolf mates will actively

participate in the rearing of my children and will be as dedicated to their safety as they

are to mine.”

“I see,” Pax stated. “And what about the children’s father?”

She exchanged glances with her wolves and Kyros stated, “During your last

interview, you expressed certain views on childrearing that greatly influenced our

Lady’s decision.”

Rex continued, “You said that you didn’t merely want to sire the heir, but be part

of its life. That is a very -- wolfish attitude.”

Irritation coiled in Pax’s stomach, but Kyros added, “Remember to whom you

are speaking and know that is a compliment. Family ties are very important to wolves.”

“As they should be to Vampires,” Altah said softly. Her gaze fixed on Pax. “If we

choose to mate, I will grant you rights to participate in raising the child -- or children --

we create together.”

Pax relaxed a bit and nodded. Again he glanced at the wolves. Perhaps involving

himself in this strange household would be a mistake. Yet the wolves had proven many

times over that they would give their lives for Altah. If they vowed to protect her

children as well, Pax trusted them to keep their word. Unlike many of his kind, he truly

appreciated werewolves. Vampires tended to look down at other species, even one as

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old and intelligent as wolves. They might not have made as many technological

advancements as Vampires, but their pack values were to be commended.

“You are my first choice as sire to my heirs,” Altah stated. “Do you accept the


This shouldn’t have surprised Pax at all. He’d known for several weeks he was at

the top of her list. Not only had they gotten along smoothly during the interviews, but

Pax greatly resembled Altah’s wolf mate, Rex. No doubt that had some influence on her

decision. Wolves and Vampires were incompatible as far as producing children

together. The Vampire Leader loved her wolf mates dearly, so it would only be natural

for her to choose a father for her children who looked like one of her wolves. He was

also glad to know that his attitude about raising children had bearing on her choice. It

comforted him to know that the males who would probably spend more time with his

children than he did also respected his beliefs. It seemed Pax was, after all, the most

logical choice to sire Lady Altah’s heir.

“I accept, My Lady.” Pax again bowed from the neck. “And I am honored.”

“Excellent.” She offered him a smile.

The Vampire Leader was actually quite lovely -- tall with smooth ebony skin, an

exotic face and generous curves. Not to mention she seemed less condescending than

most Vampires of royal blood. Not that she couldn’t be aloof when the situation called

for it. He’d seen her put many foolishly arrogant tribal leaders in their place. But

generally she treated all people with respect, regardless of species or social status. Pax

liked that.

Altah continued, “Please go with Kyros. He will take you to my advisor who will

draw up papers for us to sign, then you can meet with my personal doctor about the

transfer of sperm.”

Pax stood and nodded to her. Unlike centuries past when the Vampire leader

must physically mate with the sire of his or her heirs, Pax’s seed would be placed

within Altah by the use of modern technology.

By dawn all the contracts were signed and Pax’s initial obligation fulfilled.

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He wouldn’t be needed for the next six months -- the gestation period for a

Vampire baby.

Leaving the palace, he felt strangely unfulfilled. He couldn’t exactly say used,

because he had willingly agreed to the situation. Yet he experienced a sense of loss he

hadn’t expected to feel.

Altah was carrying his child, yet he had no place at the palace until after it was

born. She was with her true mates, Rex and Kyros. They would see to her needs during

her pregnancy. They would watch it develop while he must wait in the shadows. Yes,

Altah had agreed that Pax could be present for the birth, yet suddenly it wasn’t enough.

In spite of his speeches about being an active participant in his child’s life, he would

always be an outsider.

Other than social and political meetings, he had little contact with his blood

family. He had spent his life immersed in his environmental work and hadn’t taken

time to find a mate of his own. If he had, he might not feel quite so alone right now.

Sighing, he sat on the marble bench by the fountain outside the palace and gazed

skyward. The sun was about to rise and the glare was slightly uncomfortable to his

sensitive Vampire eyes. In spite of his wealth and position, he hadn’t taken a real

vacation in --

He gave a snort of laughter. It had been so long he couldn’t remember. Maybe he

needed to step aside for a while and sort out his personal life. As a Vampire several

centuries old, it was long past time.

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Chapter One

“Falken! Get your shaggy butt in here!” Felina shouted out the window over the

kitchen sink. From there she had a perfect view of the private beach that stretched

behind their inn -- Cliffside Paradise. Set on a cliff overlooking the sea, the inn had been

Falken and Felina’s dream home and business. They’d spent the past five years saving

their money and two months ago had finally opened the place. Prior to starting their

own business, Felina had been a chef at a hotel in the city and Falken had been on their

Pack’s seaside patrol.

She’d been thrilled when he finally agreed to settle down permanently with her.

Getting the inn on its feet was as much work as she’d imagined, but it was well worth


“Falken!” she called again.

She could see him standing hip-deep in the moonlit waves, his pelt dark with

water. He was such a handsome wolf -- tall, broad-shouldered and powerfully built.

Giving a little howl, he lifted his hand and waved to her then finally headed onto the

sand. He shook off and shifted to his man form, his pelt receding and leaving him

covered in smooth, golden skin.

Even after all these years looking at him still made her horny, but she couldn’t

think about that now. She had too much work to do preparing dinner and in the lobby

someone was ringing the buzzer at the front desk.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Falken shouted from the beach.

“We have a customer and I can’t leave the kitchen. Stop playing around in the

water and take care of the front desk!”

He nodded and disappeared from view.

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Shaking her head in frustration, she rushed to the stove where the sauce she’d

been making was practically burned.

“Damn it,” she growled.

A moment later, Falken stepped in through the back door. His long, brown hair

hung wet down his shoulders and water streaked the gorgeous expanse of his chest. He

was barefoot and shirtless, but jeans covered his long, lean legs. The denim was wet in

places, indicating he hadn’t bothered to bring a towel with him. That was Falken.

“Hey, baby.” He grinned, wrapped his arms around her from behind and used

his wolfish fangs to nibble her earlobe.

“Stop it!” She writhed with ticklish pleasure in spite of her annoyance. “I said go

to the front desk and do some work around here.”

“Work? Earlier I chopped wood and fixed the roof. That’s why I needed the

swim. You don’t want me stinking like a swamp when I help customers, do you?”

The buzzer sounded again from the lobby, longer this time.

“We’re coming!” Felina shouted, then snapped her teeth at Falken who backed

away, chuckling.

Her sensitive werewolf ears twitched, straining to hear the conversation at the

front desk.

“Hello,” Falken said in his usual cheerful voice. “Welcome to Cliffside Paradise.”

“I was starting to think no one was here,” came the reply in a male voice that was

cultured and soft yet at the same time husky. Felina’s brow furrowed. Interesting.

“I’m sorry,” Falken continued. “I was outside and my partner can’t leave the

stove at the moment. What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for a room. Hopefully I don’t need a reservation --”

“Not at all. We have vacancies. How long would you like the room for?”

“I’m not sure, but at least two weeks.”

Felina removed the sauce from the heat, then began mixing cookie batter in an

enormous bowl, all the while listening to the conversation from the lobby.

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“Would you like breakfast only, or the whole three-meal package?” Falken


“Three meal. I plan on spending most of my time here.”

“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. We have a fantastic stretch of beach. I give boat tours

daily, if you’re interested. Just sign in here.”

The scents of Falken and their guest drifted in and she knew immediately he was

a Vampire. Strangely, Falken’s scent grew stronger than usual, almost sexual in its

intensity. This really grabbed Felina’s interest. Unable to resist a moment longer, she

walked across the hall, still stirring her batter, and peered in the entrance to the lobby.

Falken stood behind the semicircular wooden desk located beside the staircase. A tall,

pale yet startlingly handsome Vampire bent over the guest book, pen in hand. There

was something strangely familiar about him, but Felina couldn’t place what. He had ink

black hair that hung slightly past his shoulders, a longish nose, and vibrant blue eyes.

Long and lean, he wore a white linen shirt, open at the throat, and black trousers that

accentuated the length of his legs. She couldn’t help noticing how he and Falken

seemed to complement each other’s looks -- one sleek and refined and the other tousled

and carefree but both incredibly sexy.

She mentally scolded herself for having such thoughts. Not only did Falken turn

her on like no one ever had, but she loved him deeply. They had been best friends all

their lives and when they reached adulthood they had quite naturally chosen each other

as mates. Still, they had sometimes talked about the possibility of ménage sex. They

tended to like things a bit crazy in the bedroom and the idea of a third partner appealed

to them both.

The Vampire straightened and turned the book to Pax who glanced at it, then

met their guest’s gaze and smiled. “Pax Julien. Nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy your


Felina nearly dropped her bowl of cookie batter. She took a step closer. Pax

Julien. No wonder he looked familiar! His face had been all over the news lately. This

was the Vampire chosen to sire Lady Altah’s heir.

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Falken didn’t seem to make the connection as he handed Pax a key then stepped

from behind the desk, his bare feet slapping against the wood, and picked up their

guest’s suitcases.

“All right, Mr. Julien. Follow me to your room.”

The Vampire turned and his gaze riveted to Felina who stood in the archway, her

apron stained with food, her face probably red from the stove, and cookie batter in her


She forced a smile, wishing she had stayed in the damn kitchen. When a person

met a guest such as this, she wanted to be prepared. Vampires were snooty enough,

especially ones of royal blood. No doubt he thought she and Falken were a couple of

uncouth country wolves.

To her surprise he returned her smile with one far warmer and more genuine

than hers.

Falken paused partway up the stairs and glanced toward her as well.

“This is my partner, Felina. She does the cooking around here, so you won’t be

disappointed. Before we opened this place, she was a chef at one of the best restaurants

in our pack’s territory.”

“Then I’m looking forward to dinner,” Pax replied smoothly, his blue gaze fixed

on hers in a way that made her stomach tighten.

A low growl, almost imperceptible even to wolf ears, rumbled in Falken’s throat.

His usual good-natured expression faded a bit and he said, “This way please.”

Pax nodded to Felina and walked up the stairs.

She drew a deep breath and released it slowly. Not that she would ever hurt

Falken, but she sort of liked the idea of him being a bit jealous. It was nice to know he

didn’t take her for granted. Of course that probably meant a ménage with Pax was out.

She snorted with laughter. Of course it was out, anyway. As if a Vampire of royal blood

would have a fling with a couple of common wolves.

Their species did share some similar traits, such as their general appearance and

nocturnal lifestyle. They worked together often and sometimes intermingled socially. It

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was also no secret Vampires lusted after the innately sexy wolves, yet many Vampires,

particularly royal ones, preferred to mate only amongst themselves. Lady Altah, Leader

of the Vampire Nation, made no secret of her ties to her wolf protectors, but that didn’t

mean Pax shared her taste. Even if he did, why would he choose common wolves? He

would probably prefer to sate his lust with pack leaders or their kin.

She returned to the kitchen to finish her work.

A short time later, Falken stepped in. He took one of the biscuits she had cooling

on the table and bit into it while watching her from the corner of his eye.

“I’m going to get ready for the last boat tour for today,” he said. “I think I have

three guests on my passenger list for this afternoon.”

“All right. Just be back in time for dinner.”

“We will. The biscuits are good.”

She glanced at him and smiled. “Thanks.”

“Like our new guest, do you?”

This took her by surprise, but she simply shrugged. “He’s probably as

condescending as the rest of his kind.”

“I’ve met some nice Vampires.”

“I don’t mean Vampire.” She stepped so near to him that her breasts brushed

against his bare chest. Their gazes locked and she whispered, “I mean a Vampire of

royal blood. Don’t you recognize him?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Come to think of it, there’s something familiar about him.

He’s not bad looking, is he?”

Sighing, she raised her eyes to the heavens. “I didn’t notice.”

“Bull cookies,” he snorted. “I bet even he could smell your lust with that inferior

Vampire nose of his.”

“Will you lower your voice before the entire inn hears us!”

“I’m right, aren’t I?” Falken tossed the biscuit aside, wrapped his arms around

her and tugged her so close she felt the hardness of his chest and the pressure of his

semi-erect cock against her. “Looks like I have competition.”

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“No you don’t,” she said, slipping her arms around his neck. “I love you,


“Love and lust are two different things.”

“And I lust after you.” She buried her hands in his hair, still damp from his


He narrowed his eyes and covered her mouth in a deep, possessive kiss.

Growling softly, he thrust his tongue against hers. Felina moaned with pleasure and

closed her eyes, melting against him. No one had ever made her feel as safe and loved

as Falken. It was as if they shared the same heart and soul.

When the kiss broke, he said, “You can lust after more than one person, Felina.”

“I don’t --”

He cupped her face in his hand, stared even more deeply into her eyes and

whispered, “I told you never to lie to me.”

“I’m not lying. He’s…attractive. That’s all.”

“Yes he is.”

A twinge of not exactly jealousy, but apprehension struck her. She’d never

imagined the possibility of another male partner bringing as much pleasure to Falken as

to her.

“The question is, Falken, are you lusting after him?”

“I was thinking of you and what we talked about before.”

“What?” she asked, tugging away from him and pretending not to know what he


“Felina,” he warned.

Folding her arms across her chest, she shrugged. “Are you talking about the


“No. The idea for buying a new garbage disposal,” he said sarcastically and

leaned against the countertop, his amber eyes fixed on her. “Of course I’m talking about

the ménage.”

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“You actually think the sire of the Vampire Leader’s heir is going to go

slumming with a couple of common wolves?” she demanded.

Falken stood straight and snapped his fingers. “So that’s who he is! I knew he

looked familiar. Damn. We’ve never had a famous guest before. Maybe I shouldn’t have

given him the room with the bathroom window that sticks.”


“Just calm down, sweetheart.” He chuckled and hugged her. “Look, this nose of

mine is a fine machine. That lobby reeked with lust today, and it wasn’t just from you

and me. Didn’t you notice?”

“I was too busy thinking about who he was instead of what he smelled like.”

“Baby, whatever is meant to be will happen. Right now I really need to go before

the guests start wondering where their captain is.” He playfully slapped her bottom,

then strode out of the kitchen, leaving Felina with a lot to think about.

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Chapter Two

It was close to four in the morning when Falken, Felina and their guests sat down

to dinner. When they’d renovated the inn, Falken had knocked out the wall between the

living and dining rooms, making a single spacious room. Felina liked the idea of having

the fireplace in the dining room. She looked forward to lighting it in the winter and

having it burn throughout mealtime.

Their guests included a mix of wolves and Vampires. There was a newly married

Vampire couple and a wolf family with several young pups. Felina enjoyed having the

pups around and often thought of the day when she and Falken would start a family.

Of course he sometimes reminded her of an overgrown pup, but she had no doubt he’d

make a wonderful father.

She thought briefly of Pax and wondered how he felt about siring the heir to the

Vampire Nation. Most Vampires had strange notions regarding family. To them it was

more about bloodline than love. Being a common wolf, she couldn’t imagine life

without pack and family. A majority of Vampires had different requirements, however.

Still, some migrated toward wolf mates rather than keeping to their own kind. Maybe

they were missing more than they realized with their cold, logical mating process.

She and Falken carried out the salad and biscuits when the last of the guests


Felina sat at one end of the table and Falken at the other. She noted that Pax had

taken the seat directly to her left. His hair was tied back and he wore a black V-neck

shirt that clung enticingly to his lean, muscled body. She noted that unlike many of his

kind, he kept his nails short. He had nice hands -- clean with long, slender fingers. On

his right pinky he wore a plain gold ring.

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This guy reeked of class. Not that she considered herself inferior, but she

wondered what he thought of their simple, family-style inn. Why had a man like him

come here in the first place? Surely Vampires of royal blood hung out together in hotter

vacation spots than Cliffside Paradise.

Everyone started eating and Felina felt her lover’s gaze upon her from across the

table. She glanced toward Falken and found him staring at her with a look that

combined almost too many emotions to fathom -- curiosity, jealousy, and arousal most


“Excuse me, but I have to ask,” one of the guests -- the female half of the

newlywed Vampire couple -- said to Pax. “Are you Pax Julien?”

“Yes I am,” he said quietly.

Silence fell over the table and everyone glanced toward him. Felina’s stomach

clenched. If she felt uncomfortable, she could only imagine how Pax felt, yet the

attention didn’t seem to disturb him. He must be accustomed to it, between his

connection to the Vampire Leader and his work as a spokesperson for environmental


Then the questions started.

“What is Lady Altah really like?” someone asked.

“Does this mean you’ll have some influence over her political decisions?”

“Is it true there is constant jealousy between her wolf protectors?”

“Hey everybody,” Falken said. “I don’t think this is the time or place for these

questions. He’s a guest here just like everybody else.”

Other than some whispered comments, everyone fell silent again.

Pax smiled slightly. “It’s all right. I can’t answer any questions for Lady Altah,

nor do I have any inside information about her protectors. However I can tell you she is

as lovely and considerate in private as she appears in public.”

As he spoke, Felina studied him carefully. His complimentary words regarding

the Vampire Leader seemed sincere, yet she sensed no lust, or even love from him.

Typical of upper-class Vampires.

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“Can you discuss your current environmental agendas?” asked another guest.

“In particular the clearing of the northern forestland in your tribe’s territory?”

“I’d be glad to,” Pax said and graciously engaged in conversation throughout the


Felina glanced toward Falken who looked as annoyed as she felt.

It didn’t seem right that people would interrupt another guest’s privacy like this,

even if he was famous.

After the meal, Pax excused himself and returned to his room while the other

guests dispersed. Felina and Falken cleared the table and began cleaning up the mess in

the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he checked out,” Felina said, wiping dishes as Falken


“I think he’s probably used to that kind of attention, rude as it is,” Falken stated.

“Maybe he would prefer to take meals in his room?”

He gave a snort of laughter. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask, as long as meals

are all you’ll be serving.”


“I saw the way he was looking at you during dinner.”

“I didn’t --”

Tapping on the kitchen door interrupted them and she turned away to open it.

Her heart fluttered a bit as she faced Pax.

“I’m sorry to disturb you,” he said.

“Not at all,” Felina told him and stepped aside for him to enter.

Falken turned off the water and reached for a towel to dry his hands. “About

tonight at dinner. Sorry about that.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” he said. “Any chance to discuss environmental

issues is welcome.”

“We were saying that if you would prefer your meals served in your room --”

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“That’s not necessary. Actually I enjoy spending time with the other guests --”

He paused, smiled slightly and shook his head. “That sounded condescending, didn’t


“Hey look,” Falken said. “This is a little uncomfortable for everybody. I think we

just need to relax.”

Pax’s pretty blue eyes locked on Falken’s gleaming amber ones and he said, “You

read my mind. That’s why I came here. To find out when your next boat tour is. I’ve

always found the ocean to be relaxing.”

Though Falken appeared cool as always, Felina detected the hint of redness in

the tips of his pointed wolf ears and the nervous curl of his bare toes on the rope carpet.

Also there was no missing the scent of his arousal. Now it was her turn to feel that hint

of apprehension.

What was it with them and Pax? They hadn’t made blatant overtures to each

other, yet there was something strong among them. She could feel it, pulling the three

of them closer and closer together.

Felina drew a deep breath and her nipples tingled and swelled to hard peaks

beneath her white cotton blouse.

“There’s a tour after breakfast and lunch every day,” Falken said. “And I can

arrange for a private one for you, if you like.”

“That would be great,” Pax said, a slight smile touching his finely-shaped lips.

He had really great features -- chiseled yet not the least bit effeminate. Again she

thought what a great contrast he was to Falken. The rugged young wolf had heavier,

though no less handsome, features, with full lips she loved to bite and suck and heavy

eyebrows that were arched wickedly in the centers. One of these males was all Vampire,

while the other was all wolf. Felina shivered with desire at the thought of being trapped

between their gorgeous, powerful bodies.

Both men’s gazes shifted to her, their eyes burning.

“When would you like to go?” Falken asked.

“Can we arrange something for tomorrow?”

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Felina’s gut tightened. At the moment she wasn’t certain she trusted Falken and

Pax to go off alone together.

“We can go after dinner if you like,” Falken suggested. He glanced at Felina, “If

you don’t mind handling things around here until we get back?”

“Not a problem,” she said with a forced smile.

Pax glanced at her then back to Falken. “I don’t want to cause a problem.”

“You’re not,” Felina said quickly.

“Then tomorrow after dinner it is.” He nodded and left the kitchen, closing the

door behind him.

“What was that all about?” Falken asked as he and Felina continued their work.


“You don’t want me to do a third tour tomorrow?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? Maybe you would rather do the tour instead. Get Mr. Sleek by


She curled her lip and glanced at him sharply. “Actually I’m afraid that’s what

you want. “

“If we’re both so obsessed with the idea, maybe it’s --”

“Stupid.” She whispered in his ear. “I told you. A Vampire like that isn’t going to


“The hell he won’t. My nose is never wrong and that man reeks of lust.”

“How can you smell him above your own musk?”

Falken chuckled, tugged her into his arms and spoke against her lips, “Or


“Not only that, Falken, we’re running a respectable place here.” She looped her

arms around his neck. “We shouldn’t contemplate fooling around with the guests.”

“We’re not contemplating fooling around with the guests, just a particular guest.”

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Before she could reply, he covered her mouth in a kiss. His tongue thrust gently

between her lips and hers met it. She loved his taste and warmth, the way his arms

tightened around her as he became more involved in the kiss.

“What do you say we finish this kitchen and go upstairs?” he purred against her


“Sounds good to me.”

They quickly cleaned the remaining dishes then retired to their bedroom.

Felina loved their room. It was spacious yet cozy with a fireplace, thick carpeting

and a little balcony overlooking the beach. As with the rest of the inn, she’d put much

thought into decorating it. The heavy drapes that kept out the daylight were of a deep

pink material and matched the handmade comforter on the oversized bed. The big bed

had been Falken’s idea and a necessity with his preference for very active lovemaking.

Felina stepped into the adjoining bathroom. After turning on the water in the

large marble tub, she undressed and stood naked in front of the full-length, brass-

rimmed mirror. She briefly admired her tall, curvy body then began brushing her long

brown hair.

“Hey,” Falken called, tapping on the door. “Mind if I share your bath?”

“Please do,” she called.

He stepped in and growled softly, seductively. Slipping his arms around her, he

kissed her ear and said, “You look gorgeous.”

Felina smiled and placed her hands over his, tilting her head to the side and

allowing him to more easily kiss and lick her neck.

“So do you,” she said, guiding one of his hands down to her pubic mound. His

fingers stroked through her thatch of hair and gently fondled her soft folds of flesh.

“I’ve always had a thing for sea wolves.”

He chuckled and used his sharp canine teeth to gently scrape her shoulder.

“Glad to know I still turn you on now that the great Vampire Lover has graced us with

his presence.”

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“Falken!” She reached up and teasingly slapped his face. “You know you’ve

always turned me on. And you can’t decide if you like Pax or not.”

“Let’s not talk about Pax,” he growled, turned her in his arms and pulled her so

close her breasts flattened against his chest. One of his hands cupped her bottom and

squeezed. “There are more important things to do at the moment.”

She looked up at him with her most seductive expression. “Such as?”

“This.” Falken swept her into his arms, carried her to the tub and placed her in

the water.

He quickly shed his clothes and joined her in the bath.

Falken sat with his back against the side of the tub and pulled her into his arms.

He growled softly and felt his canine teeth elongate even more as he called upon his

wolf nature. Felina also growled, the soft, sexual sound sending a rush of desire

through him. His cock stirred and he nuzzled her shoulder and neck, scraping his teeth

along her flesh. His skin tingled as his wolfish pelt sprang out. Felina also summoned

her inner wolf. A glossy black coat covered her curvaceous body.

Cupping her breasts, Falken squeezed them and brushed his thumbs over the

stiff, dark nipples that poked through her wolfish coat. They were covered in soft flesh

and he used the hairless pads on his fingertips to pinch and stroke them. The very tips

of his extended claws, gently teased the sensitive buds and she gasped with pleasure.

Falken knew exactly how she loved to be touched.

One of his hands caressed between her breasts and trailed down her stomach to

cup her pubic mound. His heated palm massaged her, stirring her desire. When he

dipped his fingers inside her, she was hot, slick and so ready for him.

Yet Falken didn’t seem in the mood to hurry. He nipped her earlobe and licked

her neck and shoulder with his velvety tongue. It felt wonderful, yet she also knew how

good that tongue felt on other parts of her.

As if sensing what she wanted, Falken grasped her waist and repositioned her so

that she straddled him in the water.

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“Falken,” she murmured, looping her arms around his neck and gazing into his

eyes -- the eyes of a man she had known and loved all her life. She and Falken were and

would always be part of each other. They knew each other better than anyone.

Since changing to their wolf forms, their faces had elongated slightly. She

brushed her nose against his and kissed him, their teeth clicking and tongues stroking.

Her pelvis pressed against his stiff cock and she rocked against him, loving the

sensation of their bodies rubbing against each other. Falken groaned and grasped

handfuls of her hair, holding her face close to his as his tongue explored her mouth

thoroughly, as if they were new to each other rather than old lovers.

She had expected their lust to fade over the years, but they still pleased each

other as much as when they’d first met, perhaps more. Back then they had still been

learning about one another. Now each knew exactly how the other liked to be touched,

kissed, sucked and nipped.

While they feasted on each other with passionate kisses, Felina reached down

and began stroking his cock beneath the warm water. He swelled even more in her

grasp and she knew by the raggedness of his breathing that he was nearing the edge.

She was also aroused almost beyond endurance. In the midst of pleasure she thought

how interesting it would be to have Pax with them at this moment, maybe fucking her ­

- or Falken -- from behind.

The mental picture of Pax on his knees to Falken, sucking his cock, nearly sent

her over the edge.

She quickly rose onto her knees and guided the tip of his cock to her pussy. Their

gazes locked and her heart pounded at the lustful expression in his amber eyes. Slowly

she lowered herself onto him.

Falken grasped her waist, his claws lightly scraping through her pelt. His hands

slid around to her ass. He squeezed and stroked it, his finger running lightly along the

indentation of her buttocks.

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Filled with his thick, hard cock, Felina rocked upon him. Taking his face in her

hands, she kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, its rhythm matching that of

her greedily pumping hips.

Growls and groans of lust rumbled in his chest and she mewled in reply, her

hands clutching his shoulders and stroking the steely muscles of his back.

As their passion grew, Falken’s hips jerked upward. Water from the tub slapped

against their straining bodies and she heard some of it drip onto the floor, but she didn’t

care. All that mattered at the moment was the wonderful orgasm that was about to

overtake her.

“Falken, baby, oh fuck!”

“I am,” he panted, laughter in his voice in spite of the raw passion that had his

heart pounding and muscles straining with need.

Clinging to him even tighter, she raked her teeth along his shoulder. His hands

clutched her hips, helping her move faster upon his rock-hard cock.

Felina’s taut nipples rubbed against his hairy chest, the sensation combined with

the feel of his cock buried in her wet, throbbing pussy hurled her into ecstasy.

She came hard, her body clamping around his and sobs of passion escaping her.

Falken’s raw growl of lust turned into a long, excited howl of pure pleasure. He

lunged hard and came into her pulsating body.

For several moments they sat in the tub, listening to their panting breaths slow

and feeling the warmth of their bodies. Her eyes closed, Felina felt their pelts recede

and enjoyed the sensation of their smooth, water-slicked flesh pressed close.

Finally they moved apart and drained the tub, then used the shower attachment

to wash quickly.

In their room, they tumbled into their big bed. Felina cuddled close to his side

and he kissed the top of her head. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they fell asleep.

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Chapter Three

Falken awoke at dusk and left Felina to another hour’s sleep before she had to

cook breakfast for the guests.

After washing up, he went to work in the garden in the fenced-off yard beside

the inn. The garden supplied most of the vegetables and herbs for their kitchen. Falken

fished in the ocean and hunted in the nearby woods for most of their meat. The both

appreciated nature and tried to preserve many of the traditional werewolf customs that

had faded over time. Though Falken came from a bloodline of sea wolves, great hunters

of aquatic beasts, he thoroughly enjoyed working the land as well and loved spending

time in the garden. In truth he’d never minded being a bit out of the ordinary and

thought that a wolf could be a great hunter but still enjoy other things as well.

Felina seemed to appreciate his individuality. In many ways she was a unique

wolf as well as incredibly beautiful.

A smile touched his lips as he knelt, pulling weeds that seemed to have sprung

up in a day. He inhaled the scent of the dirt and the aroma of fresh vegetables and


Another aroma touched his nose and he paused, his heartbeat quickening. It was

Pax’s scent, stronger than usual.

Falken glanced over his shoulder and an odd little thrill darted through him at

the sight of the tall, lean Vampire jogging along the path leading from the cliff to the

beach. He wore loose black pants and a sweat-soaked white tank top that clung to his

sleek torso.

This guy definitely brought out the wolf in Falken and made him feel almost as

horny as when he looked at Felina. Actually he had some mental flashes of Felina and

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Pax together -- their bodies entwined and mouths locked in a passionate kiss -- that

made his cock spring to life.

Maybe Felina was right about his mixed feelings toward Pax. Part of him was a

bit jealous because he knew Felina was attracted to him and that attraction was

returned. Yet part of Falken was also aroused by Pax, so his emotions had become like a

double-edged sword.

When he thought about how Pax had flirted with Felina at the table last night it

made him want to punch the guy in spite of how thoughts of them together turned him

on. Pax hadn’t been blatant in his interest, but one had to be blind not to see his desire

in the way he looked at and spoke to Felina. Not to mention the animal musk that

emanated from him whenever he was around her. The scent of a Vampire in lust was

almost as strong as a wolf. About as strong as Pax’s scent was now, when he was so hot

and wet from his run.

Another burst of desire exploded in the pit of Falken’s belly. The Vampire

slowed to a walk and approached the garden. He smiled at Falken, revealing the tips of

his small, glistening fangs.

“Hello,” Pax said.

“Hi.” Falken sat back on his heels. “You’re up early.”

“I like to start the night with a run,” Pax replied. His brilliant blue eyes gleamed

in the moonlight and he glanced around. “This is such a beautiful place. I could have

gone on running for hours, just looking at the waves and the sand. Then you have all

this great agricultural land up here and the woods. How much of it is yours?”

“We own a hundred acres,” Falken replied. “It wasn’t as expensive as we’d

expected. It’s funny how most wolves have migrated toward the cities and suburbs. No

one seems to have the same respect for the old ways anymore.”

Pax nodded. “I understand. The importance of preserving our natural resources

is something many Vampires care little about as well.”

“It’s a shame.” Falken began pulling weeds again and to his surprise, Pax

squatted beside him.

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“You look like you can use some help.”

“No. It’s relaxing.”

Pax almost looked disappointed.

“You don’t want to be pulling weeds on your vacation, do you?” Falken asked

roughly, a half-smile on his lips. In truth he could use some help and he didn’t mind the

idea of getting to know Pax a little better either. Yes, there was some sexual friction due

to Felina, but he liked the guy. He wasn’t nearly as highbrow and snooty as most of the

other Vampires Falken had known.

“You said yourself, it’s relaxing,” Pax said.

Falken gave a snort of laugher and gestured toward the rows of leafy green

plants. “Help yourself. Want gloves?”

Pax grinned and winked. “Gloves are for wimps.”

Falken chuckled and they continued pulling weeds.

As they worked, Falken kept glancing at Pax’s hands. Dirt from the garden

stained his pale skin. His long, slender fingers moved with grace and strength over the

ground. Falken watched the play of muscles in Pax’s shoulders, the way beads of sweat

trickled down the smooth flesh. Tendrils of long black hair clung to the back of the

Vampire’s strong neck and his scent teased Falken’s nose, inspiring lustful thoughts.

Pax glanced at him and smiled.

Still a bit uncomfortable with his erotic thoughts about the Vampire, Falken

focused his gaze on the weeds and said, “I have to ask. How did someone like you turn

into Nature Boy?”

“A person like me?”

“You know. Royal blood and all.”

“Ah.” Pax tossed aside a clump of weeds. “I’ve always loved the outdoors and as

for the royalty thing, let’s just say I’m the black sheep of my family.”

“How much of a black sheep can you be if Lady Altah picked you to sire her

heir?” Falken paused and sat back on his heels. He ran a hand through his hair and

snorted. “I guess that’s a little too personal, isn’t it? Sorry.”

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“It’s all right,” Pax said. “I guess Lady Altah believed I had qualities beyond the

ability to go shopping and order around servants.”

“I didn’t mean anything --”

Pax waved his hand in dismissal. “I know some of the Vampire bloodlines can be

hard to take. And there’s always been that unspoken rivalry between my kind and


“I’m not prejudiced.” Falken shrugged, but Pax raised a discerning eyebrow and

the young wolf grinned. “At least I try not to be. Besides, some of the wolf bloodlines

can be pretty damn pretentious, too.”

For the next hour they worked. Falken was surprised how well Pax knew his

way around a garden and even made some suggestions for next year’s crops.

“Where did you get all this hands-on experience?” Falken asked.

“I volunteered in a farming community a few years ago when they were fighting

to preserve the old tribal orchards.”

“Falken!” Felina called from the inn’s wraparound porch. “Breakfast is almost


“We’ll be there soon,” he said and waved.

Even from such a distance he noticed the curious expression on her face as she

observed him and Pax standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

“I need to wash,” Pax said, glancing down at his dirt-stained clothes.

Falken nudged his arm. “Come on.”

The men headed across the long country road toward the woods. The tar felt

rough yet good against the wolfish pads on Falken’s bare feet. Felina often complained

that he rarely wore shoes, but he hated them.

“Where are we going?” Pax asked.

“Someplace better than a shower.”

A short time later they reached a stream running through the trees. Falken pulled

off his T-shirt and shorts. Pax also undressed, revealing a body as long and sleek as

Falken had imagined it would be. He was glad the Vampire had gone along with his

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idea. As much as Falken enjoyed swimming, his real plan had been to finally see Pax

naked and it was not a disappointment. He was covered in smooth, pale skin, the

muscles beneath chiseled without being bulky. Even flaccid his cock was well-shaped

and enticing. Falken felt his own cock twitch in response, especially when he noticed

Pax’s brilliant blue gaze sweeping over him. There was no denying the look of

appreciation in the Vampire’s eyes.

The men waded into the stream. Cool water rushed over the slippery rocks.

Falken summoned his inner wolf and felt his shaggy brown pelt sprout over him from

head to toe. He dove under then surfaced, shaking the excess water from his face and


Nearby, Pax stood up to his waist in the water. He strode nearer and Falken

stopped, entranced by the intense look in his companion’s eyes. According to legend,

Vampires possessed the ability to enchant others with their eyes, but until this moment

Falken hadn’t believed it.

“May I feel your pelt?” Pax asked.

This surprised Falken a bit and made his heartbeat quicken with anticipation.

“Yeah. Sure.”

They stepped closer to each other, so near that Falken saw droplets of water on

Pax’s long eyelashes and the ultra-fine lines on his dark pink lips. The man’s mouth

looked almost as kissable as Felina’s.

Falken’s cock swelled even more as Pax reached out and placed a hand on his

chest. His long, slender fingers stroked through the wavy brown pelt. Falken moved a

bit nearer and Pax used both hands to roam over the young wolf, feeling his shoulders,

chest and stomach. His hands came to rest on Falken’s hips and he tugged slightly until

their pelvises touched, their stiff cocks pressed together.

Falken’s heart pounded and he heard Pax’s keeping time with it. Vampire senses

were almost as keen as those of wolves, so he was sure Pax heard his heartbeat as well.

“Your wolf form fascinates me,” Pax said quietly, his lips almost touching


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This was too weird. Felina had been right about the attraction between them

after all.


He couldn’t act on this impulse, no matter how much he wanted to. Not without

her approval and her participation.

“Yeah?” Falken said, not moving away, yet not edging any nearer in spite of how

he longed to take Pax’s lower lip between his teeth and suck on it.

“What does it feel like, having a pelt like this?” Pax continued stroking the damp

brown fur covering Falken’s ribs.

Felina’s delicious scent drifted on the breeze and they heard rustling in the trees

a short distance away. She stepped into the clearing and the men moved apart.

Falken wondered if he looked as guilty as he felt. Most likely, especially with her

standing there with an accusing look in her eyes and her arms folded beneath her full


“I thought you were coming to breakfast?” she demanded. “Or are you coming

somewhere else?”

“It’s my fault, Felina,” Pax said before Falken could reply. “I asked to feel his


She cocked an eyebrow. “And he willingly obliged?”

“He likes the wolfy look,” Falken said, forcing a weak smile.

“Then he’s in the right place. We have several unmated guests who would

probably be very willing to have their pelts stroked.”

Pax nodded slightly and held her gaze. “My apologies. I’ve been spending so

much time with work lately that I’ve lost my ability to make correct social judgments. I

thought I’d detected something -- Anyway I was wrong.”

He strode out of the water and Falken noticed Felina watching him as he bent to

pick up his clothes. Her gaze slid over the Vampire’s tight body and lingered on his

semi-erect cock.

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“What did you think you detected?” she asked, her aloof voice at odds with the

hot looks she was sending his way.

The Vampire hesitated, the faintest smile tugging at his lips. Still naked, he

turned and met her gaze. “Attraction.”

“I see.”

“Three ways.” He gestured with his head toward Falken who still stood hip-deep

in water.

Felina’s scent grew stronger and her gaze met Falken’s.

“Was I really so far off?” Pax asked in his deep, soft voice.

Falken waited, his eyes boring into Felina’s. It was her call. Yeah, he wanted Pax

to join them in a three-way fuck, but her pleasure and happiness meant a great deal to

him. If she decided not to go for it after all, then that’s how it would be.

“No,” she replied, drawing a deep breath. “You weren’t. But we can’t talk about

this now. The buffet breakfast is set and the other guests are waiting for us.”

“Then we’ll talk about it later?” Falken asked. “Why don’t we call Jill and see if

she can come in early tonight? That way you can join us on the boat tour.”

Jill was one of their few employees. She looked after the front desk during the

daylight hours.

“I’ll call her when we get back home,” Felina said and turned to Pax. “You don’t

mind another passenger on your private tour, do you?”

He walked toward her, took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I’m looking

forward to it.”

Falken licked his lips. He was looking forward to it, too.

* * *

After dinner, Pax, Falken and Felina set off on the wolves’ houseboat.

It was a clear night with a cool breeze blowing over the sea. Pax and Felina sat on

the deck while Falken drove the boat.

“It’s beautiful here,” Pax said. “I was saying that to Falken earlier in the garden. I

live in the city but spend as much time as I can in places like this.”

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“I’ve heard about the conservation work you’ve done,” she said. “I think it’s


“There’s nothing wrong with cities and technology, but we shouldn’t neglect and

abuse the world. There’s so much we’ve forgotten over the years, even those of us old

enough to recall what it was like before major advances in technology.”

“How old are you?” she asked.

“Seven-hundred one. Not all that old for a Vampire, but no longer young either.

How about you and Falken?”

“I’m thirty four. He’s a couple of months older than me.”

“Have you been together long?”

“All our lives you might say.”

He smiled slightly and gazed out at the churning waves. “I see.”

“But we’re not opposed to expanding our household, if the right person comes


Pax’s gaze switched to her and he felt a stirring deep in his gut. Was she coming

on to him again? No doubt both wolves had been flirting with him earlier, just as he

had flirted shamelessly with them.

“What kind of person?” he ventured.

“I think you have a pretty good idea what kind of person.” She cast him a

seductive look and stood, walking toward the sheltered area where Falken sat driving

the boat.

As she walked past him, Pax caught her scent and gazed lustfully at the curve of

her backside in her snug white pants. Her bare feet were quite pretty, the toenails

painted bright pink. He wondered how she’d look in her wolf form, her luscious body

unclothed and covered in a sleek pelt, her teeth and claws elongated and gleaming.

The mental image made his cock swell and he turned away from her, once again

staring at the sea and feeling the gentle spray of saltwater on his face.

The boat halted and a few moments later, Felina joined him again. She knelt

behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders then slid her arms loosely around

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his neck and spoke in his ear, “I asked Falken to drop anchor. He’s waiting below, if

you’d like to join us.”

“Yes,” Pax said, his pulse quickening and fangs aching almost as much as his

cock. “I would.”

He stood and offered her his hand. Smiling, Felina slipped hers into it and

guided him below where Falken waited in the master cabin.

Felina loved their boat. It wasn’t especially large, but was quite comfortable with

two cabins, a kitchen and a sitting area. Their cabin had a soft carpet on the floor and a

bed that could fit three.

Falken had already undressed and sprawled on the bed, his muscular arms

folded behind his head and his semi-erect cock rising from a nest of cinnamon-colored

hair similar to the shade of his pelt when he called upon the wolf.

Stepping in front of Pax, Felina ran her hands over his broad shoulders. Gazing

into his gleaming blue eyes, she began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing the expanse of

his lean, smooth chest. She ran her hands over it, loving his warmth and the contrast

between his rose-colored nipples and the rest of his pale flesh.

“I’ll be honest,” he said, running hand hands down her back and finally

clutching her buttocks, “I’ve never been with wolves before.”

“That makes us even.” Felina stood on tiptoe and spoke against his lips. “We’ve

never been with a Vampire. I know blood sharing is part of making love for you, isn’t


“Yes,” he replied, his gaze becoming hotter. He trailed his long, slender fingers

along the side of her neck. “But I won’t do it unless you want me to.”

“We can accommodate,” Falken said and beckoned them with his finger. “Both

of you get your clothes off and come here.”

Pax lifted an eyebrow. “Pushy, isn’t he?”

“Especially when it comes to sex,” Felina explained. “Falken has a very big


“Good,” Pax stated, pulling off his shirt and unzipping his trousers. “So do I.”

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He and Felina quickly shed their clothes and climbed onto the bed, trapping

Falken between them. This seemed to arouse the young male wolf. His already thick

cock swelled even more.

Pax’s cock was also rock-hard. This was the fastest he’d ever been aroused in his

life. Something about these two wolves ignited him sexually as well as emotionally. He

felt comfortable with them, yet also filled with anticipation. They were more real and

sexy than anyone he’d ever been with. Most of his past lovers were other Vampires

from similar bloodlines. He had sated his bloodlust and his need to fuck, but felt empty

during as well as after the act. Something told him this time would be different because

Felina and Falken were such different creatures than the ones he was accustomed to.

“I want to fuck you,” Falken said, kissing Felina’s full, dark lips. Then he cupped

the back of Pax’s head and kissed him as well. “And I want to fuck you. Do you have a

problem with that before we start?”

“No,” Pax stated and curled his fist around Falken’s thick staff. “You can fuck

me, but I want to suck you. Is that acceptable?”

Falken grinned, took Pax’s lower lip between his teeth and bit gently. “I like how

you talk, Pax. Yeah, it’s acceptable for you to suck me. Something tells me I’m going to

enjoy it.”

Grinning wickedly, Pax trailed his tongue down Falken’s body from throat to

pelvis. Still clasping his shaft in one hand, he took the head between his lips and rolled

his tongue over it then began sucking with a vengeance.

Falken’s entire body tensed with desire and he growled passionately. Pax loved

the way his musky scent grew stronger and he enjoyed the taste of his satin-skinned

cock. Using the tip of his fang, he pierced the little hole at the tip of his cock and Falken

nearly bucked them both onto the floor.

Felina threw herself across Falken and covered his mouth in a kiss. The sound of

their grunts and growls filled the cabin and Pax continued sucking and licking,

drinking Falken’s delectable blood, until the wolf teetered on the edge of orgasm.

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Finally Pax pulled away, panting and his face hot with desire. Grasping his own

cock, he began stroking the shaft, but Felina grasped his wrist, her lustful gaze on his.

“Don’t do that. Fuck me instead,” she breathed.

“Change to your were form,” Pax said.

A smile tugged at her lips and she did what he asked, her lovely face elongating

slightly and a sleek black pelt covering her from head to toe. Her thick yet beautiful

white canines gleamed against her lips and she edged closer, raking her nails over his

chest, not breaking the skin but leaving red, stinging trails over his flesh. She leaned

over and licked the scratches, her teeth teasing his nipple, then she began sucking his

cock, her warm wet mouth sending thrills of pure delight through him.

Pax’s heart pounded and his cock ached so much that he thought he would

explode at any second. He ran his hands over her body, loving the feel of her generous,

womanly curves beneath her wolfish coat.

Before he fully realized what was happening, Felina mounted him, her hot,

drenched pussy swallowing his cock.

A growl from Falken made Pax glance at him quickly. Falken was kneeling

beside them on the bed, lubing his cock, his eyes gleaming and canine teeth flashing

between his parted lips.

Felina rocked faster and Pax groaned with desire, turning his attention back to

her. He raised his hands and his fingers entwined with hers as she rode him fast and

hard. Tossing back her head with its mane of flowing black hair, she closed her eyes

and howled long and loud as she came, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

Pax was on the verge of exploding when Falken growled and tugged her off him.

The powerful, chestnut-haired wolf rolled him onto his stomach. Pax rose to his hands

and knees, offering his ass to Falken who didn’t hesitate before grasping his hips and

easing his well-lubed cock into Pax’s ass. Though Pax had fucked male Vampires, he’d

never been with a male wolf and immediately realized the difference. Not only was

Falken more endowed than most Vampires, but he was incredibly strong, so strong that

Pax sensed he was holding back to keep from doing him damage.

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It felt strange to be overpowered by another male. He didn’t exactly feel

submissive to Falken -- few Vampires were submissive in any way -- but he did feel a

bit cautious and incredibly aroused.

While Falken fucked his ass, Felina grasped Pax’s cock and stroked it. The

orgasm that rocked Pax was greater than any he’d ever felt before. He cried out in

passion, his body bucking in time with Falken’s thrusts. Somewhere in the haze of

passion he felt the young wolf come as well.

He collapsed onto the bed, Falken’s body half draped over his and Felina resting

beside them.

Lying there, completely satisfied in a way he’d never dreamed possible, Pax

experienced a feeling of contentment that extended beyond mere sexual pleasure.

In all his long life he had never felt a connection from the heart -- until now.

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Chapter Four

The following night, Felina and Falken invited Pax to a private dinner. He

accepted, looking forward to spending more time with these intriguing young wolves.

They served dinner to the other guests and Pax met them afterward in their room

where Felina had set the table on their balcony overlooking the sea.

Falken invited him in and poured the champagne Pax had bought in town earlier

that evening.

They sat down to eat, enjoying the scent of the ocean and the cool sea breeze. Pax

asked how they came to open the inn and throughout the meal Felina and Falken told

them how they had always wanted to open their own business and all the renovations

they’d made to the big old house before finally opening Cliffside Paradise.

Pax both admired and envied their relationship. They seemed to be everything to

each other -- lovers, friends, and family. If only he could find that kind of connection

somewhere. In truth, he would love to share more than sex with this lovely pair of

wolves, but he wondered exactly what he meant to them? Was he merely a novelty to

spice up their sex life? Not that it seemed they needed any spicing up.

Whatever their reason, he was here now and planned to enjoy this unique and

exciting interlude.

The night had grown chilly for summer, so after dinner they stepped into the

bedroom and Felina drew the drapes.

“Anyone up for some after-dinner exercise?” Falken grinned, pulling off his

shirt. His long, powerful legs were encased in cutoff denim pants and as usual he wore

no shoes.

“I’m always up for exercise,” Pax replied, removing his shirt and unzipping his


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Felina stood nearby, her arms folded beneath her breasts, and watched the men

finish undressing.

“Where is your sense of romance?” she said. “No prelude or anything? Just, let’s

hit the sheets?”

“Forgive me,” Pax said and swept her into his arms. “Beautiful Felina.”

“You should know by now, baby, I’m all about prelude,” Falken said, following

them to the bed where Pax placed Felina and rolled her onto her stomach. The

Vampire’s deft fingers unfastened the back of her sundress and Falken removed her

sandals and tossed them on the floor.

Felina turned onto her back and Pax kissed her. He loved the taste of her lips and

the scent of her perfumed skin. While he thrust his tongue between her lips, exploring,

she wove her fingers through his hair. He reluctantly broke their kiss only to lick his

way down her neck to her full, gorgeous breasts.

Glancing at Falken, he saw the wolf stretch out on the bed and guide his mate’s

legs around his neck. He covered her clit with his mouth and Felina arched, gasping

with pleasure. Falken’s strong hands clutched her ass, holding her steady as he lapped

and sucked her clit.

Aroused even more by her musky scent and the sight of Falken devouring her,

Pax felt his cock tighten with need. Yet these next few moments belonged to Felina. He

and Falken would see to her pleasure before their own.

Pax took one of her nipples between his lips and sucked while rolling the other

taut bud between his thumb and forefinger. He sucked and licked her nipple, then used

his fangs upon it.

The sensations seemed to drive Felina wild. She growled and moaned, her body

tight with need and her fingers clutching Pax’s scalp.

The men feasted upon her, driving her into a powerful orgasm, yet they didn’t

stop after that. They continued teasing her stimulated flesh, pushing her back to the

edge and hurling her over it twice more before finally giving her a moment to rest.

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Sitting beside her on the bed, Pax watched her gorgeous breasts heaving with

each breath. He savored the expression of pure bliss on her face and the wild, sexy

aroma of her lust filling the air.

He knew that no matter what happened or where the future took him, he would

always want to be right here, with these two passionately beautiful wolves.

* * *

It was nearly dawn and Pax lay between the two wolves, his head resting near

Falken’s on the pillow and Felina’s cheek on his chest. She trailed her fingertips over his

stomach and ribs.

Though Pax had lovers in the past, their relationship had been purely sexual.

He’d never had feelings like this before. In the Vampire community, multiple partners

were expected, especially since marriages were usually arranged according to

bloodlines. Rarely did the parties become emotionally involved. Of course there were

some love matches and usually Vampires who took wolf mates had a different view on

relationships. Wolves tended to have strong family ties.

Pax had always been considered radical among his kind, which is why in many

ways it surprised him that Lady Altah had chosen him as the sire for her children.

“What were your families like?” Pax asked. “Were you close?”

“Sometimes too close.” Falken chuckled and stretched. “Everybody in each

other’s business.”

“But wolf families have their advantages, too,” Felina said, playfully pinching

Falken’s hip.

“Hey!” He grasped her hand and kissed the palm. “Don’t do that.”

“Turn over so I can pinch your ass then.”

“I’m not going to let you pinch my ass.”

“Why not? You have a cute ass to pinch. Doesn’t he, Pax?”

Falken lifted an eyebrow toward the Vampire who chuckled. “He has a fantastic


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“That’s how you give a compliment, baby,” Falken teased and rolled onto his


Felina and Pax playfully leapt on him, Pax gently sinking his fangs into one of

Falken’s tight butt cheeks and Felina pinching the other.

“All right, that’s enough,” Falken growled softly and pulled away from them,

not so hard considering a young, wiry male wolf like himself was stronger than a

female or a Vampire.

Grasping Pax by the throat, he pressed the lanky Vampire back onto the mattress

and kissed him.

Felina watched, loving the sight of their lips pressed close and their bodies


When the kiss broke, Pax said, “Really. I want to know what your family was


“Why?” Falken said between kisses. “What was yours like?”

“You probably wouldn’t want to know.”

“That bad?” Felina asked, kneeling beside them and brushing tendrils of black

hair from Pax’s handsome face.

“Not bad, just…different. I lived in my father’s house, but rarely saw him. He

was an advisor to our tribal leader. He and my mother were matched by their families,

like most mated Vampires. After I was born, she mated with another male, with my

father’s blessing. I never saw her again.”

Falken and Felina exchanged glances.

“Is that what it’s going to be like for you?” Falken said. “Or are you even allowed

to mate now that you’ve sired the Vampire Leader’s heir?”

“I’m allowed to mate, but when I do, I want it to mean something, other than a

matching of bloodlines. That’s part of the reason I agreed to father Lady Altah’s

children. I’ve carried on my bloodline, but now I can choose my mate -- or mates.”

Again the wolves looked at each other.

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“No offense, but it sounds to me like you’d have fit in better with wolves,” Felina


Pax smiled and caressed her face. “I take that as a compliment.”

“Things were sure different for us growing up,” Falken said. “We’re from the

same pack, but different families. We’re fourth cousins, actually, both from hunter

bloodlines, except her family were land hunters and mine made their living by the sea.”

“We lived in the same town,” Felina said. “Falken was on the seaside patrol.”

Pax glanced at him. “Were you? They’ve done a lot of fine work keeping

pollution out of the oceans.”

“Your environmental work is really important to you, isn’t it?” Falken said,

stretching out alongside Pax and resting his head on his arm.

“Yes. Very.”

“It’s nice to have a purpose that means so much in your life,” Felina said.

“Yes, but it shouldn’t be a person’s only focus,” Pax admitted, playing with

Felina’s long, dark hair. Their gazes locked.

“Do you want to sleep here tonight?” she asked.

“You mean in this bed?” Pax asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Why not?” Falken yawned and closed his eyes. “Unless you just like to fuck and


“Falken!” Felina pinched his thigh, but this time he dragged her on top of him

and used his arms and legs to pin hers immobile. He spoke against her lips, a teasing

gleam in his eyes. “Pinch me again and you’ll regret it.”

“Sorry, handsome,” she purred.

With a satisfied growl, he released her. She cuddled between him and Pax,

drifting to sleep amidst the warmth of the two gorgeous males.

* * *

The following night, Felina stood in the kitchen making breakfast when someone

tapped on the back door. She glanced out the window and saw Pax standing there. A

smile touched her lips. He must have just come from his run.

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She opened the door and he said, “Good evening.”

“Hello.” She placed her hands on his warm, sweat-slicked shoulders and kissed

him. “Breakfast will be ready soon. Oh and you got a message from someone called

Roger. He’d like you to call him back as soon as possible.”

“Thank you.” He trailed his fingertip down her cheek, his gaze fixed on hers. “I

had a wonderful time last night.’

Felina smiled and kissed him again. The feelings he inspired were beyond lust.

Much like Falken, he made her feel warm inside. She liked being with him.

“I had a great time and I know Falken did too.”

“I’m glad.” He turned and headed for the door, then paused and glanced back at

her. “Yesterday was the first time I shared a bed for a whole day. I mean, I’ve been with

partners before, but never have I gone to sleep and awakened beside another person.”

She smiled and watched him walk away, a strange feeling tugging at her heart.

Whoever would have imagined a Vampire of royal blood would have these hidden

vulnerabilities? Other than wealth and social status, she’d never considered the

differences between a man like Pax and common wolves like her and Falken. Now she

realized in many ways they were far richer than he was.

For all his privileges, he had no real intimate connection to other people -- no

genuine love in his life. She and Falken had their pack and families. Best of all, they had

each other. She’d sensed Pax’s longing and shared his contentment when they had been


Lost in her thoughts, she started cooking pancakes and sausages.

Falken stepped in with a basketful of fresh vegetables.

“Hey,” he said, dropping the basket on the table then nuzzling her neck.


“It’s a beautiful night out there. Have you seen Pax yet?”

“He just came through. Hey!” She playfully slapped his hand as he stole a

sausage from the grill. “You know, Falken, I really like him.”

“So do I.”

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“I think he’s lonely.”

Falken snorted. “Seems funny, considering the life he has.”

“Exactly. It seems empty, as far as family goes.”

“Vampires don’t view family like we do. To them, it’s all about bloodlines.”

“Lots of wolves are that way, too.”

“But the home life is different. We actually have home lives. Vampires have

nannies and servants. At least Vampires of royal blood.”

“But he doesn’t seem to be like that.”

“No. He doesn’t,” Falken admitted. “I felt really at home with him. Like he --”

“Belonged here? But that’s impossible. We’re from different worlds.”

“I know, but I also know how good it felt with the three of us sharing our bed.”

The kitchen door opened and Pax leaned in. “I’m sorry but I have to check out

early. I just talked to my assistant and he said I’m needed for the forest preservation

campaign we’ve been working on.”

Disappointment washed over Felina.

“That’s too bad,” Falken said. “Will you be able to come back and finish your


“Hopefully,” Pax said. “Though I’m not sure when.”

He stepped fully into the kitchen and closed the door behind him. “I’d like to see

you both again, if you’re interested.”

The wolves exchanged glances then turned to Pax.

Falken said, “We’d like that.”

“Here’s my contact information.” Pax handed him a small white business card.

“Feel free to get in touch with me at any time.”

“Same here,” Falken said.

“Do you have to go right away or can you at least stay for breakfast?” Felina


“I can stay. It smells too good to leave without a taste.”

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“Speaking of taste, would you like one more sip for the road?” Falken tilted his

head slightly, exposing the side of his neck.

The Vampire’s eyes fixed on his neck and he moistened his lips with the tip of his

tongue. “I hate to drink and run.”

“It’s all right,” Falken said. “You can make it up to me next time we meet.”

Pax stepped closer, wrapped an arm around Falken’s waist and rested a hand on

his shoulder. Felina’s nipples tightened and her clit throbbed with desire as she

watched Pax press his lips to Falken’s neck. The handsome young wolf gasped at the

sensation of Pax’s fangs on his flesh. Falken’s amber eyes slipped shut and he embraced

Pax tightly while the Vampire drank.

Their aroused scents filled the kitchen and Felina stood, enthralled by the sight of

both men wrapped in each other’s arms.

Almost too soon Pax released Falken. The Vampire licked his lips, his blue eyes

aglow with pleasure. His gaze locked with Falken’s for a moment, then they stepped

away from each other.

Felina sighed deeply. These past two days had been wonderful, but not nearly

enough. She already missed Pax, even though he hadn’t left yet, and could hardly wait

for them to meet again and continue where they’d left off.

* * *

Over the next two weeks, Pax kept busy with the forest preservation work and

attended several meetings with tribal leaders for that and other matters.

He spoke often with Felina and Falken and was pleased when they accepted his

invitation to spend a weekend at his home in the city.

Pax had a full day off and only a casual business dinner scheduled, so he could

spend most of his time with his wolf lovers. Just thinking about being with them again

brought excitement and joy that had faded from his life when they’d been apart.

In those two days with Felina and Falken, he had felt more affection and a sense

of belonging than he’d ever experienced in his life.

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The week seemed to creep by, but finally they arrived on a breezy summer


Pax lived in his deceased father’s ancestral home. The place was far too large for

a single Vampire, yet he knew how much it had meant to his bloodline, so he couldn’t

justify selling it. It was part of his heritage that he could pass on to his children, one of

whom would be the next leader of the Vampire Nation.

He looked forward to his child’s birth and was glad Lady Altah had been so

agreeable to his terms. Still, it would be nice to have a family living in this vast house

and sharing his life on a daily basis. The thought of living with Felina and Falken

brought a smile to his lips. Anything was possible, but he’d think about a more

permanent relationship later. Now was the time to enjoy and explore each other.

The doorbell rang and his heart leapt. He stood from his desk and left his study.

Reaching the tall staircase, he caught the delicious scent of the wolves and heard them

speaking to his housekeeper, an older wolf called Lynda, in the foyer.

He descended the stairs and his guests gazed up at him, smiling. They were such

beautiful wolves -- Felina fresh and lovely, Falken charming yet with a hint of the wild.

“Thank you, Lynda,” Pax said. “I’ll show our guests to their room.”

The housekeeper nodded and returned to the kitchen. Pax reached the bottom of

the stairs and embraced first Felina then Falken. It felt so good to hold them again, to

inhale their scents and hear their voices.

“Come upstairs,” he said, taking Felina’s suitcase.

“This is a gorgeous house,” Felina said, glancing at the portraits lining the walls

of the long, black-carpeted corridor.

“Thank you,” Pax said. “It’s my father’s ancestral home. Centuries ago, this was

a manor house and most of the surrounding area was farmland. The city cropped up

around it.”

“I noticed this place takes up something like an entire block,” Falken said.

“Yes. It’s a rather lonely house for just one person. Of course I have Lynda, my

assistant Roger and a maid and butler, but it’s not the same as sharing the place with

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family. Well, here’s the guest room Lynda prepared for you,” Pax opened the door to a

spacious room richly decorated in red and black. It had an enormous bed and a

fireplace. Above the mantle hung a tapestry of jewel-colored flowers.

“Wow,” Falken said. “This is about as big as the first floor of our inn.”

“The bathroom is through there.” Pax pointed to the left. “You can drop your

suitcase if you like.”

He and Falken placed the bags on the bed. Then Pax guided them through

another door leading to an even larger room with a fireplace, balcony and sitting area.

“This is my room,” Pax said.

“Adjoining. I like that. “ Felina smiled and walked to the balcony. It overlooked a

small, fenced-in garden, like a bit of the country dropped in the middle of the city.

“So do I,” Falken said. He placed a hand on Pax’s waist and turned the Vampire

so they stood chest-to-chest, their lips almost touching.

“I thought you might like to rest after your travels,” Pax said politely, yet

couldn’t disguise the scent of his desire. Luckily he didn’t have to.

“Sounds good.” Falken gave him a gentle shove toward the bed. Felina joined

them, seeing a hint of rebelliousness in Pax’s eyes. While he seemed to like Falken’s

manhandling, the dominant streak in him demanded satisfaction.

As Falken neared the bed, Pax grasped him swiftly and used a hip throw to fling

him onto the mattress. Falken’s amber eyes widened a bit in surprise and he growled


“You like to play rough, Vampire?” he teased.

“I love it rough.” Pax straddled Falken and kissed him hard.

Felina’s stomach tightened with desire upon seeing a droplet of blood on

Falken’s lips when the kiss broke.

The young male wolf licked his lips, his eyes blazing, and bucked Pax off him.

Summoning his inner wolf, his teeth and claws elongated and he grasped Pax’s collar.

“Mind if I rip your clothes off?” Falken growled.

“Be my guest.”

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Falken’s claws literally tore Pax’s shirt and trousers to shreds, yet the wolf’s

admirable control prevented him from so much as scratching the Vampire’s smooth,

pale skin.

Her nipples tingling with desire, Felina began undressing as she watched the

males kiss and fondle each other. Falken licked and kissed every inch of Pax’s torso.

Finally unclothed, Felina joined them on the bed. She flicked her tongue over

Pax’s inner thighs then clasped his steely cock and sucked the tip. Falken leaned over

Pax and the Vampire began sucking and nibbling his cock head.

Their growls and groans of desire mingled, as did their powerful scents as

passion grew.

Falken pulled away from Pax’s hungry mouth. He grasped Felina’s waist and

she moved onto all fours while still licking and sucking Pax’s cock. As she continued

devouring him, Falken grasped her hips and entered her from behind with a long, slow

thrust. She growled around the tip of Pax’s erection and he moaned in pleasure.

This was among the most erotic experiences of her life -- one gorgeous man

fucking her from behind while she lapped and sucked an equally gorgeous man. The

whole scene excited her so much that she came first, then Pax followed, gasping and

straining. He clamped his hand around his cock, trying not to drench her with his come,

but she didn’t mind.

Behind her, she heard Falken’s breathing grow more ragged, as did the lunging

of his hips against her. Seconds later, he came, growling and panting, his hot, hard body

straining against hers.

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Chapter Five

Pax lounged in the aftermath of lovemaking. His cheek rested against Falken’s

back and he felt the gentle stroking of Felina’s hand on his hip and buttocks.

The intercom buzzed and Pax reached for it, groaning in annoyance.

“Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I want to remind you that your guests will be

arriving for dinner at two o’clock.”

Pax cursed softly and replied, “Thank you, Lynda. I did forget about that.”

He switched off the intercom and rolled onto his back. Both Falken and Felina

had already sat up and stared at him, Falken with his sensual amber eyes and Felina

with her delicious lips parted and the sheet just covering her full breasts.

“I’m sorry to say we’ll have visitors for dinner,” Pax said. “I was so happy to see

the two of you, that little detail slipped my mind.”

“Who’s coming?” Falken asked.

“Just a businessman named Pryor Millard, his wife Nola, and Darius, an advisor

to Lady Altah.”

“What should we wear?” Felina asked, looking a bit concerned.

Pax gently touched her chin and ran his thumb over her kissable lips. “Just

something comfortable yet elegant.”

The wolves exchanged looks and Felina said, “I doubt we have anything

appropriate for this.”

“Will you cool it, Felina.” Falken curled his lip. “It’s only dinner.”

“Pax,” Felina slipped her arms around the Vampire’s neck, “since you probably

hadn’t planned on us coming to this dinner in the first place, we can go somewhere else

and eat while you’re --”

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“Absolutely not,” Pax stated. “Truthfully you’re far more welcome than my

other guests.”

Falken chuckled and rose from the bed, running a hand through his unkempt

hair. “Somehow I don’t like the sound of that.”

“If you feel better, I’ll have my assistant Roger take you shopping for dinner

clothes.” Pax again reached for the intercom. “Roger, in about twenty minutes would

you come to my room and take Felina and Falken into the city to buy outfits for dinner

tonight?…No. Don’t worry about that. Just leave the file for Millard’s botanical center

on my desk and I’ll look it over again myself. Thank you.” Pax turned to Felina with a

smile. “Once this damn dinner is over, we can continue where we left off.”

Falken knelt on the bed and ran his hand up Pax’s inner thigh. “I like the sound

of that.”

* * *

Felina stood nervously in front of the mirror in the guest room. She wore a

simple black dress with matching high heels and a strand of pearls to accent the

neckline that exposed just enough cleavage to be subtly sexy. Instead of tying her hair

up, she decided to leave the long black mane loose down her back and over her

shoulders -- a wolfish touch to such Vampiric attire. Though she looked attractive, she

still felt extremely uncomfortable about this dinner. Somehow she knew she and Falken

wouldn’t fit in. She only hoped nothing too embarrassing would occur.

“Honey, what do you think?” Falken asked, stepping out of the bathroom in his

simple black dress pants and a shirt the same color blue as his eyes. In Vampiric style,

he wore a gold pin at his throat. He looked incredibly sexy -- both wild and refined.

Briefly she forgot her anxiety about dinner and imagined tearing those subdued clothes

off him and licking every inch of his powerful body.

“You look gorgeous,” she said.

“I feel like I’m suffocating.” He tugged at the pin.

“Stop fidgeting with that before you break it.”

A sly smile touched his lips, but at a low growl from her he let go of the pin.

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“And put on your shoes and socks,” Felina ordered. “This isn’t the inn on the

beach, you know. You can’t go to dinner barefoot.”

“I’m waiting until the last minute because the shoes aren’t comfortable. I feel so

confined like this. It’s just not me.”

“It’s only for a couple of hours. This is Pax’s world, Falken. If we can’t handle it,

then we don’t belong playing around with him.”

“Of course we can’t handle it. We’re common wolves. Hell, all we wanted was a

little love and friendship. Now we’re dressing like a couple of Vampires and --”

Someone tapped on the door and Felina, walking carefully in the heels,

approached to open it, hissing to Falken, “Put your shoes on!”

“All right. All right,” he muttered and reached for the offending articles.

She opened the door and Pax greeted her with a smile.

“You look beautiful,” he said, his appreciative gaze sweeping her.

“Thank you. You’re not so bad either.” She smiled. In truth he looked quite

handsome in his elegant black shirt and trousers. He also wore a pin at his throat -- a

blood-red ruby set in gold. His glossy black hair was bound at his nape and unlike

Falken, he appeared perfectly comfortable in the polished leather shoes.

Across the room, Falken grunted as he shoved his feet into his shoes, then stood,

brushing his thick brown hair off his shoulders. Falken had the most beautiful hair --

the kind a woman longed to run her fingers through.

“You look great too, Falken. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in


The younger man growled softly. “And after tonight you probably never will


“Falken!” Felina snapped.

“It’s all right. I don’t really enjoy dinners like this either,” Pax admitted. “But

part of my agreement with Lady Altah is that I allow one of her advisors to contact me

regularly, and Mr. Millard has offered to finance the construction of a new botanical

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center in the city, so he wants to discuss the details. I thought I’d get both meetings over

with at once.”

“Of course,” Felina said. “That makes sense.”

“I’m glad you’ll both be here,” Pax said, the sincerity in his eyes touching her.

“You’ll make this night much more pleasant.”

“I just hope we fit in,” Felina said.

“You fit in with me,” Pax stated firmly.

“I told her that’s all that counts.” Falken approached, his arms folded across his

chest. “She seems to think this is some kind of test.”

Pax’s brow furrowed and he glanced from one to the other. “I don’t understand.

It’s only dinner.”

“Pax, my friend,” Falken draped an arm over the Vampire’s shoulders, “I think

you have a lot to learn about women.”

“Then he won’t learn from you.” Felina wrinkled her nose at Falken. “Because

what you know couldn’t fill the eye of a needle.”

Falken raised his eyes to the heavens.

“We should go down,” Pax said. “The others have already arrived and I know

Lynda is eager to serve dinner before it overcooks.”

Drawing a deep breath, Felina stepped into the corridor. She and Falken

followed Pax to the dining room where the others were already seated.

Pryor Millard was a small, slightly-built Vampire with onyx eyes and black hair

streaked with gray. His wife, Nola, was tall and stern-looking, with pale skin and sable

hair plaited tightly down her back. While her husband’s lustful gaze swept Felina with

appreciation, Nola actually curled her lip at the sight of the wolves. She glanced away

and took a sip from her wine glass. Darius, Lady Altah’s advisor, looked no happier

with the presence of the wolves than Nola. Yet he managed to smile civilly, if

insincerely, when introductions were made.

Soon they were seated, Pax and Pryor engaged in conversation regarding the

botanical center. Nola and Darius gossiped incessantly and Felina and Falken remained

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silent. Falken didn’t seem to mind and ate with his usual enthusiasm, but Felina found

it difficult to swallow even a bit of her food. More than anything, she wanted to be

somewhere else.

Pax seemed to sense her discomfort and kept sending her reassuring glances and

affectionate smiles across the table. She tried to respond in kind, but knew her gestures

appeared forced.

“Dear, do try to relax,” Nola finally said to Felina, her voice dripping mock

concern. “I’m sure this is all so new to wolves like you and your husband, but there’s

really nothing to be nervous about.”

Falken placed his fork aside and shot a deadly gaze at the woman, yet when he

spoke it was in a soft, calm tone Felina rarely heard him use. She knew it meant trouble.

“Wolves like us?”

Nola, still wearing that condescending little grin, replied, “Yes. Like yourselves.”

“Nola, this isn’t the time or the place,” Pryor said to his wife.

“I think it is just the time and place. Why weren’t we informed about these other


Pax’s eyes blazed and Felina’s stomach tightened. She had known this dinner

would end in disaster.

“I’m not accustomed to asking permission regarding the guests I invite to my

home,” Pax stated calmly.

“You must agree this is a rather unusual case,” Darius said.

“How so?” Pax demanded.

There was a heavy silence and Felina stood.

“Felina, what’s wrong?” Pax asked, also standing along with Falken.

“I have a headache,” she said softly. “I think I should go lie down for a while.”

“I’ll go with you,” Falken said, placing a gentle hand on her back. She heard the

low growls rumbling in his chest, but didn’t bother stopping him. If not for Pax, she

wouldn’t care what he said or did to these rude, stuck-up allegedly high-class


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When they reached their guest room, Felina kicked off her shoes, tore off her

dress and summoned her inner wolf. Growling, she sprouted her gleaming black pelt

and felt her claws elongate.

“I knew we shouldn’t have gone to dinner,” she snarled. “I don’t know if I’m

more furious or embarrassed.”

“Embarrassed about what?” Falken demanded, also tearing off his clothes.

“They’re the ignorant assholes, not us.”

“If Pax has spent his life among these kind of people, no wonder he’s lonely.”

“I like Pax. I really do, but I can’t take his friends,” Falken admitted.

“You think those are his friends?” She narrowed her eyes and growled again.

“Even he knows they’re not his friends. I just don’t know how he can play along with

them, even for business.”

“He’s done a lot of good for wildlife. Maybe he thinks it’s worth sucking up, no

pun intended.”

His little Vampire joke diffused her anger a bit and she smiled, shaking her head.

“It’s not his fault or ours. We’re just from two different worlds.”

* * *

Burning with rage, Pax watched Felina and Falken leave the table. How dare

guests in his house treat other guests -- in particular ones he hoped would become his

mates -- in such a despicable manner? If not for the botanical center, he would have

thrown the Millards out on their asses.

“Excuse me please,” Pax stated and left the table, intending to check on Felina.

She had looked so upset and he couldn’t help feeling guilty. He should have realized

that some Vampires, in particular ones of royal blood, still refused to admit that wolves

were their equals and not just fit to be their guardians and hunters. He had run into

similar prejudice among certain upper-class wolves as well. It seemed no matter how

far their world progressed, some people would still never get along.

“Pax,” Darius said and followed him to the door. “I must speak to you.”

“In a moment.”

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“Now,” the man stated sharply.

“Fine. This way.”

Pax and Darius stepped into the parlor where Pax shut the door for privacy.

“What is the problem, Darius?”

“Usually I wouldn’t interfere in your personal life, but under the circumstances I

must intervene on behalf of Lady Altah. As the sire to her heir, you must uphold a

certain image in the Vampire community. This affair with these common wolves


Now Pax was burning mad. Though he remained outwardly calm, his hands

trembled and fangs ached in primitive Vampiric rage.

Darius must have sensed the extent of his fury because he backed away and said

in a softer voice, “Of course I don’t believe there is anything wrong with common

wolves, but think about how such an affair would affect your child.”

“My child is to be raised in Lady Altah’s household where one of her own

protectors is from a common bloodline.”

“That’s…different. Don’t hold my duties against me. I must consider the welfare

of Lady Altah and her child. A Vampire such as yourself and common wolves simply

should not mix.”

“You’ve come for your regular meeting, as agreed in my contract. You have

spoken your piece. Now I expect you to leave my house. Immediately.”

Darius’ expression turned glacial and he curled his lip. “Lady Altah will not be

pleased and she has legal means to strike against you. You’ll do well to remember that,


The advisor turned and swept out of the room.

Pax stood for a moment, collecting himself. He closed his eyes and sighed

deeply. This night certainly hadn’t gone as planned.

He walked to Felina and Falken’s room and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Falken called.

Stepping inside, Pax noticed the wolves had packed their bags.

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“You’re leaving?” he demanded. “Why? I assure you what happened tonight

won’t happen again.”

“You can’t promise that,” Felina said.

“Felina, I know you’re upset,” Pax placed his hands on her shoulders, “but not

all Vampires are like them. I’ve asked Darius to leave and the Millards will also be

going soon.”

“It’s not just them,” she said, shaking her head.

“Hey.” Falken placed a hand on Pax’s shoulder. The men glanced at each other.

“We had a great time together, but the fact is we’re from different worlds. There’s no

way we’ll ever be comfortable around here and I doubt you’d give up your life to come

live at a seaside inn.”

“It wouldn’t be as difficult as you think, to give up this life,” Pax stated bitterly.

“But you have your child on the way,” Felina said. “You’re the sire of the next

Vampire Leader and certain responsibilities come with that privilege.”

Pax again closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. She was right. It wasn’t just

himself any longer. He had a son to think about. Yet he knew his son would benefit

more from the influence of people like Felina and Falken than snobs like Darius and

Nola Millard.

“I wish you wouldn’t go,” Pax said quietly.

Felina took his face in her hands and kissed him. “You’re a good man, Pax. I

hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“I already have,” he whispered, taking her in his arms.

Felina clung to him fiercely for several moments, her hands caressing his hair.

When he released her, she turned away quickly, but not before he saw tears glistening

in her eyes.

Falken embraced him next and Pax held him snugly, trying to imprint on his

mind the sensation of the young wolf’s body against his and the feeling of contentment

he experienced when he was with them. Somehow he doubted he’d ever feel this way

again, and it saddened him deeply.

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The wolves picked up their bags and headed down the corridor. Pax walked

outside with them and before they left, Falken said, “You’re welcome at the inn any

time, Pax.”

“You’re always welcome here, too,” Pax told them, though he had the horrible,

sinking feeling they would never see each other again. This was an exchange of niceties

before the final departure.

After Felina and Falken left, Pax returned to his house. He asked Lynda to see his

guests out and went to his room where he stood on the balcony, inhaling the smoggy

city air and wishing for the fresh, salty breeze from the sea.

* * *

For the next few days, Pax immersed himself in work, yet his thoughts kept

returning to Felina and Falken. They belonged together. No matter what their

differences in species and social class, they were soulmates. He could bend to the life

pre-planned for him by his bloodline, just as he’d always done, or he could make the

decision to do what he felt was right.

He arrived at Lady Altah’s palace early one night after making an appointment

to see her.

Kyros met him at the gate and escorted him to Altah’s private rooms where she

and Rex sat, awaiting his visit.

“My Lady.” Pax bowed from the neck, respectful as ever though inside he still

felt the burning embers of fury. “Rex.”

“Pax, please have a seat,” Altah said.

He took the chair across from the couch where she and Rex sat. “Have you been

feeling well, My Lady?”

“Yes. Very,” she replied. “I’m sure Darius told you the pregnancy is going well.”

“He did.”

Altah held his gaze. “I must admit I was surprised by Darius’ report. I had

intended to contact you personally about it toward the end of the week.”

Pax’s stomach clenched, but he spoke calmly, “What did he report?”

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“That you were behaving irrationally. Very strange. Something about carrying

on an affair with undesirables.”

“Undesirables?” Pax snapped, and Rex growled softly in warning. “Forgive my

temper, Lady Altah, but the undesirables your aid spoke of are a pair of decent,

charming common wolves who have become very special to me, so much that I have

considered taking them as my permanent mates.”

“I see,” Altah said. “Go on.”

“Darius is under the impression that it would be harmful to our child if I

exposed them to common wolves.”

Rex growled again, this time in anger. Being a common wolf himself, there was

no doubt this revelation offended him deeply. Altah rested a hand on his knee and he

quieted, though his blue eyes blazed. Kyros, who had taken the chair near Pax, didn’t

look any happier at the direction the conversation had taken.

“He basically threatened that you would invoke the punishment clause in our

contract if I continued seeing these wolves. If you feel you must do that, then it is your

right, but I intend to continue my relationship with them, if they’ll have me after the

display made by Darius and my other guests a few nights ago. If you consider common

wolves undesirable, then --”

“That’s ridiculous,” Altah snapped.

“Quite,” Kyros added.

“I’m glad you decided to come to me with this,” Altah said. “First of all, you

must never take the word of an aid over mine. He is meant to carry reports between us.

That is all. Any issues I have with you, I shall arrange to speak to you personally.


Pax nodded. “Yes, My Lady.”

“Second, I will be sure to speak to Darius about this incident. Third, if these

wolves mean so much to you that you’re willing to risk punishment, then I would like

to meet them because it seems they’re going to be part of our extended family.”

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“Only if I can convince them it’s possible for people from different worlds to live

happily ever after.”

“I’ll talk to them,” Rex stated. “I’m certain my testimonial will be very


“Speak to my handmaiden, Vesta, about arranging dinner here in my private

rooms toward the end of the week,” Altah said.

Pax felt the first stirrings of hope and smiled.

* * *

Felina and Falken were seated on the couch a short distance from the front desk

at the inn when they heard a vehicle pull up outside.

Falken’s brow furrowed. “It’s close to dawn. Strange time for someone to check


They stood just as Pax stepped through the door.

Felina’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

“Hey!” Falken strode across the room and pulled the tall, slender Vampire into

his arms.

Pax held him tightly then embraced Felina.

“Couldn’t stay away?” Falken teased.

“I couldn’t accept the way we parted,” Pax said and smiles faded from all three


“That wasn’t your fault,” Felina said. “It was just one of those things.”

“It doesn’t have to be. I…I’ve never felt as good as when I’m with the two of

you,” he said and she knew those words weren’t easy, considering they had technically

broken up not even a week ago. “I don’t want people like Nola Millard and Darius to

dictate my life or my lovers.”

“Pax,” Felina said. “We’ve been through this already.”

“Lady Altah wants to meet you.”

Felina turned and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

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“I told her about you and she would like to meet you. She’s arranged for dinner

in her private rooms at the end of the week. Please say you’ll come.”

Felina’s stomach knotted and she began pacing the room. How could Pax ask

them to go to another snobby dinner after the last disaster?

“Felina, I promise it won’t be like last time,” Pax said.

“I don’t know, Pax.” Falken placed an arm around Felina. “We care about you.

We really do, but I’m not going to take that kind of treatment again.”

“If this doesn’t work out, then I swear I’ll never bother you again,” Pax said. The

intense look in his beautiful blue eyes tugged at Felina’s heart. She missed him. So did

Falken. Since the break-up they had talked about little else. The very fact that Pax

mentioned them to the Vampire Leader proved that they meant a lot to him. In truth he

had much more to lose due to problems in this relationship than they did.

“All right,” she said. “Falken, what do you say?”

He sighed. “If you’re up for it, then I am. Just one thing.”

“Anything,” Pax said.

“I need to get more comfortable shoes.”

Pax grinned.

“It’s almost dawn,” Felina said, slipping her hand into Pax’s. “Can you spend the

day here?”

Tugging her into his arms, Pax kissed her and said, “I thought you’d never ask.”

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Six Months Later

Felina sat in the nursery in Lady Altah’s private rooms at the palace. The

Vampire Leader’s heir rested in her arms and she smiled, thinking how much he

already looked like his father.

Altah sat across from them, watching her son sleep.

“Thank you for inviting us again,” Felina said.

“You’re quite welcome,” Altah said. “I know Pax was eager to show off his son

and being his mates, you’d better learn now how to care for a Vampire child. And it’s

good practice if you and Falken decide to have children.”

“Falken, Pax and I have talked about it. We’re going to wait about a year, I


The dinner several months ago where Pax introduced his lovers to Altah, Rex

and Kyros had been an important event in keeping the trio together. After listening to

Rex’s story about how he, a common wolf, had become Lady Altah’s protector, one of

the most powerful men in the Vampire Nation, Felina and Falken knew they shouldn’t

give up on their relationship with Pax.

Pax had lived off and on at the inn. Lately he and the wolves had talked

seriously about them hiring more help to run Cliffside Paradise so they could also

spend more time at his home in the city. They had learned quickly their relationship

depended on compromise and so far the benefits had greatly outweighed the


“How have Kyros and Rex adjusted?” Felina asked.

“Very well. Don’t quote me on this, but wolves generally make better parents

than Vampires.”

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“It’s pack life.” Felina grinned.

Falken and Pax entered the room and Pax knelt by Felina’s chair.

“Why don’t you hold him for a while?” Felina said, passing the baby to his


She, Falken and Pax exchanged glances and smiled. It was a strange turn their

lives had taken. One that proved when three very different hearts shared the same soul,

nothing could keep them apart.

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Kate Hill

What do trips around the world, endless nights of breathtaking sex, and a

muscular, 6-foot 3-inch, brown-haired, blue-eyed significant other have to do with Kate

Hill? Absolutely nothing, but she can dream, can’t she? In reality Kate is a single, thirty­

something vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. Visit her

online at http://www.kate-hill.com, www.myspace.com/katehillromance, or join her

newsgroup at groups.yahoo.com/group/katehill. Stop by Kate’s Amazon blog at



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