LETTER OF APOLOGY (list z przeprosinami) (schemat)
1. Podziękuj za list i zapewnij, że opinia klienta jest bardzo ważna dla Twojego
np. Thank you for your letter. We always like to hear from our clients. We
especially need to know if for any reason they are dissatisfied and how can we
improve our services.
2. Okaż współczucie.
np. We cannot express how sorry we are to hear you were unhappy with your stay at the
Ruben Hotel..........................................................................................................................
3. Przeproś
np. We apologise for the problems you experienced during your stay.
4. Zapewnij, że nieprawidłowości nie są standardem w Twoim hotelu.
np. I assure you such unpleasant incidents are not the standard that I want here at my
5. Podaj przyczyny nieprawidłowości będących przedmiotem skargi oraz opisz
podjęte czynności naprawcze.
np. Firstly, you were served by an inexperienced trainee waiter that evening. Secondly, ....
Finally, ...Now we are happy to say we have only fully-qualified waiters.
6. Zaproponuj rekompensatę jeśli uznasz, że skarga jest zasadna.
np. Please, accept an offer of full board and accomodation for two nights at no cost.
np. I'm sorry to inform you that we are unable to return you money because...
7. Zakończ list formalnym pozdrowieniem.
np. Best regards,
np. Yours sincerely,
LETTER OF APOLOGY (list z przeprosinami) (schemat)
1. Podziękuj za list i zapewnij, że opinia klienta jest bardzo ważna dla Twojego
np. Thank you for your letter. We always like to hear from our clients. We
especially need to know if for any reason they are dissatisfied and how can we
improve our services.
2. Okaż współczucie.
np. We cannot express how sorry we are to hear you were unhappy with your stay at the
Ruben Hotel..........................................................................................................................
3. Przeproś
np. We apologise for the problems you experienced during your stay.
4. Zapewnij, że nieprawidłowości nie są standardem w Twoim hotelu.
np. I assure you such unpleasant incidents are not the standard that I want here at my
5. Podaj przyczyny nieprawidłowości będących przedmiotem skargi oraz opisz
podjęte czynności naprawcze.
np. Firstly, you were served by an inexperienced trainee waiter that evening. Secondly, ....
Finally, ...Now we are happy to say we have only fully-qualified waiters.
6. Zaproponuj rekompensatę jeśli uznasz, że skarga jest zasadna.
np. Please, accept an offer of full board and accomodation for two nights at no cost.
np. I'm sorry to inform you that we are unable to return you money because...
7. Zakończ list formalnym pozdrowieniem.
np. Best regards,
np. Yours sincerely,