Shaw Christine Dark Times 3 Trip's Fury

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Dark Times 3

Trip’s Fury

Stopping in a '50s-style diner close to midnight on his way across
country was not when Trip Barret expected a life-changing

experience. As he meets the chef, he finds himself giving his small
mate pleasure right there in the diner before demanding the little
man go home with him.

Micah Fury has always been alone from the very moment he was
able to understand what the word meant, and when the sexiest

man he has ever seen comes to the place where he works
demanding Micah go home with him, he jumps at the chance.

Moving to Texas seemed like a good idea, and the fact the man is
a Dom sure as hell didn't go unnoticed—that is until he finds

himself with a mating mark for life and a very real werewolf mate
who wants him always.

Back home everything runs smoothly until unusual things begin to

happen. Something is different in Trip's mate, and what will
happen when they find out what is different with Micah?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Paranormal
Length: 28,986 words

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Dark Times 3

Christine Shaw



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Christine Shaw
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-459-5

First E-book Publication: April 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Dark Times 3


Copyright © 2012


Dark knocked on the door to his beta and best friend, Trip Barrett.

He held a bottle of Trip’s favorite brand of bourbon and two twenty-
pound steaks primed and ready to grill. He hoped beef and bourbon
was enough to cheer his friend up this time around.

He had the worst possible bad news to deliver to his friend, and he

didn’t know how he was going to say it. That was the reasoning
behind the large litre-and-a-half bottle of the best bourbon and the
steaks. The Double B, as Dark and Trip had called it for the past sixty
years, always cheered one another up when bad news came about.

Dark was the alpha of the light pack, one of the highest and most

prestigious werewolf packs in America. He had recently challenged
the light pack’s ex-alpha, Ethan Freight, for leadership of the pack.
He had never thought himself as alpha material, but now, after
winning the position and finding his mates, he couldn’t be happier.
Although he hadn’t had the position much longer than a few weeks,
he couldn’t picture it any other way.

Hearing footsteps, Dark turned around to see his beta walking

toward the front of the house in werewolf form.

After Trip shifted into human form, Dark greeted his business

partner and best friend of sixty years with a manly hug. Dark knew he

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could hug the man because, like him, Trip was gay. Dark knew some
men, especially ones over a century old, sometimes had trouble
hugging other men, even in private. Although Dark thought Trip was
very attractive, he hadn’t been least bit interested in starting a
relationship with the man. They were best friends and had tons in
common, but they both wanted their mates and wouldn’t have dared
starting anything, knowing it could become serious.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Trip greeted with a wide grin

on his face as he courteously bowed and bared his neck in the old-
fashioned sign of submission to an alpha. Although the act was still
carried out for new members or strangers when in the presence of an
alpha, Trip was just taking the piss. The moment he noticed the steaks
and the large bottle of amber liquid in Dark’s hands, that grin turned
into a scowl. He knew what was going down.

“I suppose I better get dressed for this, huh?” he said as his voice

changed from one of amusement and laughter to one completely void
of emotion, one cold and detached as he prepared himself for the
conversation ahead.

“That’s probably a good idea,” Dark replied as he followed Trip

into the house. They both knew how these Double B things went.
Every time in the past when one had bad news for the other a few
shots were downed as the steaks grilled on the barbeque. Once the
steaks were finished, both men drank, preparing for the imminent
conversation that would ruin it all. Dark felt that the bad news might
seem to lessen if they got a bit of a buzz from the alcohol. It never

By the time Trip came back from getting dressed, his long

multicolored hair, now almost reaching the middle of his back and
still wet from the shower and sticking to his head, Dark had already
had the steaks on. In true werewolf fashion, they kept their steaks
medium rare so they still remained pink and juicy in the middle. Two
shots also waited patiently on the outside table covered by the roofing
of the wraparound porch.

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Four shots each later, both steaks were done to perfection.
Both men sat silently at the table as they ate. The only sound apart

from the nature itself was their humming in satisfaction. The steaks
were perfect as usual, but now came the hard part. Trip sat there
staring out to the trees as he finished his final bite. Dark could tell
from the sober look in his eyes that he wasn’t feeling the conversation
about to come.

“Just give it to me.” He spoke suddenly and quietly as he looked

back at Dark for a brief moment. He looked absent as he took a sip of
his bourbon. Dark didn’t want to tell him this, but he had no other
choice unfortunately.

He wished there was some other way to tell him what he wanted

to say, but the only way was the brutal way.

“Your mother has passed.”

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Chapter 1

It was nighttime and the day, Wednesday, when Trip pulled his

SUV into one of many empty parking spaces outside the quaint little
diner in central Alabama. It was one of those very original places. The
ones where the sign is bright and neon green that labeled the
restaurant clearly as “Diner.” The booths’ red and cheap-looking
leather seats looked more ripped than together by this point, and the
checker floor black and dingy white. The bar though was a pristine
white with a young, bored-looking waitress behind it.

Sliding into a booth by the window with a clear view of his truck,

Trip picked up the menu and skimmed over what took his fancy. The
waitress came over a few moments later, asking what he wanted while
chewing gum right in his face. He hated people without manners and
consideration for others. It was one thing he taught every sub he had
ever had.

“I’ll just have the sloppy joe and fries.”
He was never one for the junk food or something high in fat, but

why not? After the week he had been through, he felt the need for
junk food. He turned his mug over, indicating to the waitress that she
bring him some coffee. He still had a good ten-hour drive left ahead
of him until he reached home.

After Dark had come to tell him of his mother’s murder, Trip had

become angry and upset at the idea that somebody had killed his
mother and just for a few lousy possessions, too. From the bare
minimal information he could muster from his birth pack, his mother
had come home at the wrong time, and a rogue wolf killed her on
sight as she waltzed into her living room. Since when was the saying

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Trip’s Fury


“a life for a TV”? He had made his way to Florida the next morning
once the effect of the alcohol he had consumed worked its way from
his system.

Although werewolves had a very high metabolism in comparison

to humans, they were still able to get drunk if they drank enough of
the right substance. Drinking the equivalent of almost a litre of
bourbon at 40 percent alcohol in the time span of a few hours, he was
pretty darn wrecked.

Once he had made it to Florida and to his birth pack, he felt out of

place. He had been kicked out of the Hunter pack some hundred years
ago after he had been caught making out with another man—a human.
He had struggled with his sexuality for years upon realizing he was
attracted to the other men around him rather than the women his
mother and alpha threw his way.

He had kept face by sleeping with them but only doing so with the

image of fucking some hot little twink’s tight, virgin ass, although he
had never taken a virgin in his one hundred and twenty years of life.

His old pack hadn’t forgotten the reason he was exiled. It was

obvious in the way they kept as far away from him as possible. Even
his own siblings, who were now all married with cubs, stayed away
from him as much as possible, only making polite conversation when
necessary and to keep up the appearance of a united front when it was
all but united.

He had been in Florida for six days. The funeral had happened the

previous day in the evening before an all-night long run afterward.
Once he was done with his run, he had gone back to his room to get
some much needed sleep.

After waking up the next afternoon, his old alpha had called him

at the hotel Trip was staying at—he wasn’t allowed in his mother’s
house unless at the time of the funeral—to inform him that he had to
leave right at that second. He had been granted a favor by being
allowed on pack lands for the days he had in order to attend to his
mother’s funeral and help plan it, but now he must leave and never

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Christine Shaw

step foot on their pack lands again, unless granted access once again
for any future accidents that may occur. But he didn’t really care. He
wanted to get home and sleep in his big comfy bed. He wanted to see
his beloved club again and hopefully find himself a new sub.

A sub, he thought as his food was set on the table. Taking a large

swig of his hot and somehow wonderful coffee, he began to eat his

I shouldn’t have ordered sloppy joe. The first bite proved typical

as he dropped minced meat down his clean white tee. It was always
the case that he ate something that would stain when he wore white.

But despite the condition the diner was in, the food turned out to

be amazing. The joe was, in fact, the best he had ever tasted . He
would have to make sure to tip the chef rather than the waitress. He
chuckled as he thought about the look the bored waitress would give
him when he gave her tip to the very talented chef. It would sure be
enough to bring his six-six figure to the floor in laughter.

The fries tasted fresh and crispy as he shoveled handfuls in his

mouth at a time.

By the time he felt full, he had drank three cups of coffee, and it

wasn’t even decaf. He had just finished his food and knew he would
have a lot of energy for the drive ahead. The sixteen-hour drive from
Florida, where the Hunter pack resided, to Texas would be a long and
boring one with nothing to amuse himself with. He was drinking his
forth cup of coffee when a sudden earsplitting squeal caught his

It turned out the bored-looking waitress was also a lazy one as she

screeched and screamed for some guy called Micah to get his ass up
front to clear the table. He wondered why a busboy would be working
at eleven at night when he was the only customer in the twenty-four-
hour diner. Then a small, beautiful man stepped from beyond the
metal swinging doors that led to the kitchen, wearing a chef’s apron
that was dotted and smudged in an array of sauces and other foods.

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Trip’s Fury


Even sweaty and tired looking, he was the sexiest man Trip had ever

The close inspection was even better. Underneath his apron were

very tight-looking skinny jeans that hugged his legs. Although he was
not tall, probably five ten max, his legs looked long and sleek as he
gracefully moved across the floor toward his table.

The man’s beautiful face looked simply stunning as Trip took a

second look at him. The sexy little guy was wearing makeup. He had
thick and black, mascara-filled eyelashes. His eyelids were painted in
some green-colored eye shadow and black eyeliner. Usually he would
have associated the look with the person being a goth or something,
and Trip had seen his fair share of them at the club, but on this man it
was beautiful and made those perfect eyes stand out.

A bright-green tee, cropped above his pierced belly button, looked

home-styled as one short sleeve hung off his left arm, showing a
slender shoulder and the perfect, golden-tanned skin where he could
picture his mating mark. Mating mark?

The idea of marking this man as his for all eternity excited Trip

beyond belief, and his cock instantly hardened at the image of the
sexy twink naked and in his arms as he inserted himself deep within
his tight passage. He imagined how it would feel to come while
embedded in that tight hole as spurt after spurt of cum fell from his
cock at every pull of blood he took from the man’s body.

Then the smell took hold of him. The scent of fresh garden mint

made its way to his nose when the man called Micah stepped right up
beside him.

“How was your food?” he asked in a small yet seductive voice

that started Trip off. The gorgeous man in front of him was the sexiest
man ever, it made Trip hard. So, little man was interested, huh?

“It was perfect. Maybe you could give me the number of the chef.

I could use someone like him permanently at home,” he drawled in
his voice, low with lust as he looked into the brightest-green eyes he
had ever seen.

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Christine Shaw

The twink swept back a piece of bright-red hair behind one ear as

he blushed the same shade.

“You’re speaking with him. What can I do for you?”
“Come home with me?” Trip asked, confused when the man grew

somber in front of him. He couldn’t have this man walk away from
him, not now he had smelled him. This man was his mate, and he
couldn’t be more thrilled at the prospect.

He pulled the twink down and onto his lap so they were back to

chest, one of the twink’s legs on either side of one of his thighs. He
grabbed the man by the hips and ground him against his thigh,
obviously turning the man on when he threw his head back onto
Trip’s shoulder and moaned. And boy did he moan so perfectly. He
could already imagine the man’s ass red and sore with his handprint
imprinted on it right before he stuck his large, ten-inch cock up
Micah’s ass and fucked him until neither of them could walk again.
The images playing through his mind made his own cock harden even
more and strain against his zipper as he felt the twink’s ass rub against
him on every upstroke.

It didn’t take long before his little mate stiffened up, and Trip

knew he was going to come. As the man turned his head to face Trip,
he mashed his mouth down onto the twink’s hot mouth, and the man
screamed out his climax. The sound muffled into Trip’s mouth,
causing him to grunt out his own release. Trip absently thought about
the waitress that was probably watching them, but he couldn’t find it
in him to care. He had just made his mate come for him, the very first
time, and the whole thing had been hot.

Both men slumped back against the back of the booth as they

caught their breath. Trip gathered the smaller man in his arms and
tightened the grip just enough to ease his wolf that this was his mate
who he held, the man he had spent over a century looking for. His
wolf wanted to swing his head back and look up to the moon as he
howled in joy over the man in his arms.

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Trip’s Fury


“Why do I feel like I know you?” Micah asked after several

minutes. The question pulled Trip from his thoughts of howling up to
the moon.

“Because you do, sweetheart, we are made for each other. Please

come home with me,” he pleaded. He realized it was a dumb thing to
do considering his mate was human and had no idea that werewolves
walked this planet, let alone eleven otherworldly beings besides
werewolves. He just needed his mate by his side, and that place was at
home in Texas.

“Okay,” was all he said. He had been quiet for so long that Trip

almost missed that softly spoken word. Then his brain caught up with
what he had just said.

“Okay?” he asked, unsure if he had heard correctly or not.
“Okay,” Micah repeated, flushing that sexy bloodred color once

again. Trip had no problem hearing him that time. He chuckled as his
wolf did a happy dance inside of him at the acceptance his mate gave
to coming home with him.

“Where is home?” the man asked him as he looked up into his

eyes. Trip was at a loss of what to say. He couldn’t believe this man
was all his. He couldn’t believe how beautiful his mate was with his
ear-length choppy hair dyed bright red. The small, delicate figure and
what Trip figured to be a bright and sparkly personality was simply
perfection. The man oozed sex.

The demeanor was even a nice similarity to his own bright

personality. It showed they would have a lot in common and be the
best of friends while also being soul mates.

“No. What’s your name? If you expect me to go home with you, I

at least get to know your name.” Micah huffed as he planted his hands
on his small slender hips. The move was both frustrating and sexy as
hell. But his mate had a point.

“Trip Barrett and Texas, sweetheart.”
“Micah Fury, pleased to make your acquaintance.” The little imp

even went as far to holding his hand out to Trip in an old-fashioned

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ladylike manner, waiting for Trip to take it and kiss it gently on his
fingertips. He figured his mate was high maintenance, but he couldn’t
care less. He was fun and adorable, and as long as he loved Trip, Trip
didn’t care much.

He did as his mate expected and kissed the hand held out for him.

Once he had, he asked the most vital question.

“Where do you live, sweetheart?” He knew it didn’t matter,

considering he would live with Trip in his beta house from now on
and hopefully make the place a home with him in it. But it would
bother him if his mate lived in a horrible run-down area of town.
Instead, the man just pointed toward the ceiling. He must have looked
confused as he watched his mate looked upward.

Micah just giggled as he brought his extended arm to lie across

Trip’s chest as the man tucked himself into Trip. When the man
looked at him again, Trip could tell Micah was trying really hard to
avoid laughing, but the corners of his mouth twitched upward in a
slight smile that lit up his eyes. He vowed to spend the rest of their
lives together making the man’s face light up that way as much as

“Upstairs.” He laughed after a few short moments.
Trip leaned over and whispered against his mate’s ear, “Lead the

way,” and his mate did. They went into the back room, and he was led
up some stairs to a tiny one-bedroom apartment.

“Pack your things, sweetheart, we still got a ten-hour drive ahead

of us before we reach Texas, and I want to get ya home.”

“Yes, Sir.”
“It’s ‘master’ to you, sweetheart.”
Micah ran off in the direction of the bedroom to do just that when

suddenly he stopped. He turned around and looked at Trip
questioningly for several moments. “What is it you do? For a living?”
he asked. Trip just gave him a small smile, unknowing if Micah
would be into Trip’s lifestyle choice.

“I own a BDSM club.”

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Trip’s Fury


* * * *

Micah packed everything he felt he couldn’t live without. He

packed his DVDs, clothes, makeup, and other accessories along with
any photographs he wished to keep before declaring he had packed
what he needed.

Trip had told him that he was fully set up back home and that he

would only need to take any personal items with him. Micah didn’t
even have a car, so he put everything onto the bed of Trip’s SUV. The
man was sex on a stick as he flexed his muscles and carried the boxes
and suitcases down to the truck.

Micah looked around the apartment he had lived in for the past

year before declaring he had finished. Although it had taken about
two hours to throw everything together, he suddenly felt exhausted,
especially after the all-day shift he had been on.

He felt somewhat drawn to the man who currently helped him

pack up his life. He didn’t always make a habit of moving to another
state with a stranger but something about Trip Barrett clawed at him,
as if the man was his soul mate. He couldn’t have refused the offer
even if he had wanted to. Micah had a sneaking suspicion that Trip
wouldn’t have allowed him to walk away so easily had he refused.

Walking down the stairs, he met up with Trip and declared he had

everything he needed out of the apartment. The man smiled down at
him once Micah reached the bottom step and swung him into his
strong, chiseled arms for a toe-curling kiss. It was heaven having this
man kiss him and want him. He almost felt guilty about just
hightailing it out of there, especially with a virtual stranger, but
something told him to go with it. His gut instinct told him that this
was forever, and he would be making a hefty mistake in passing it up
and watching the sexiest man he had ever met disappear from his life.

Hell the man even gave him his first orgasm that wasn’t self-


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“Kerry,” he yelled as he came back out front. The waitress always

hated it when he yelled, even though everything she said to him came
out like a screech or scream so high-pitched he wondered how anyone
other than a Great Dane could hear her.

She just stood there chewing on her gum as always, looking bored

out of her mind, and glared at him when he came into sight.

“What?” she screeched as usual. She wasn’t polite about a thing.

Instead she just screamed something rude and obnoxious as she
always did. He almost didn’t know how to tell her, but the glare in her
eyes told Micah he suddenly didn’t give two hoots. He decided to just
tell her straight and high tail it. He didn’t have many memories,
amnesia he called it, but the ones he did remember were of him being
mischievous and having fun. Those were the times he wasn’t afraid of
anything and said what was on his mind. Of course this was long
before he had responsibilities to uphold, and said what was on his

“I quit, you ugly hag,” he stated and felt a big smile spread on his

face. “I quit this job, and I am leaving upstairs. So you tell Dwight
when he comes in the morning that I am gone for good.” He shoved
his keys on the table in front of Kerry as he went into the cash register
and took out what was his. Then he walked out, Trip close on his

He vaguely heard the screeching voice tell him he couldn’t do

that, but he didn’t care as he hopped up into the passenger side of
Trip’s SUV.

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Chapter 2

Every time Micah looked at Trip, the man would get sexier and

sexier. Trip had pulled his white tee off long ago after Micah pointed
out he still had tomato sauce on it. Luckily for Micah, he hadn’t put a
clean one on.

His broader-than-broad shoulders attached to long muscular arms

enticed Micah to worm his way into the man’s embrace. He just bet
he would feel safe and protected wherever he went as long as Trip
was by his side. It was a heady feeling.

A chiseled chest and toned abs on display drove Micah wild. He

wanted to rub his hands all over them, lick every inch of visible skin,
and suckle on the man’s nipples. If the bulge against the man’s groin
was anything to go by, he would swear that Trip was just as turned on
as he was right now. He could smell even his own arousal in the air as
pre-cum dripped from his cock to cause a wet patch on his dark jeans.

Trip looked at him with a knowing smile, telling Micah that Trip

could also smell his arousal.

So what? He gave up trying to hide his arousal and instead

decided to be proactive, so he slid across the seat to where Trip sat.
Despite the fact it was 2:00 a.m., he wasn’t even tired. Instead, he
wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and snuggled into the apex
of his neck, and he got so close as he silently hinted the man to make
the first move. There was just something about him that called to
Micah. He wanted to be near the man at all times and look after him
the only way he knew how. Food. It was always said, “the way to a
man’s heart is through his stomach.”

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The idea of ever leaving Trip for any length of time made his

chest constrict in agony. To be away from Trip would be like ripping
out his heart. It would kill him.

The abruptness of his desires and feelings for this man shocked

Micah to his core. Micah had always been an intelligent being, he
knew how to read people and their feelings, more so than his own.
But something about this situation seemed bigger than anything he
knew, as if something much bigger was happening here than mere
attraction. Truth was Micah would never have gone home with a man,
much less to another state to live with the man.

“What are you?” he asked suddenly. He had no idea why he felt

like he had to ask that. There was something off about the man, but in
a good, alluring kind of way. He quickly clamped his mouth shut as
he tried to move away from the man in question, but instead Trip
pulled his arms around Micah’s shoulders and held on tight, settling
him back down to his side. Why would he be driven to ask a sexy
man like Trip what he was? It was clearly an insult in the eyes of
anyone else, but to Micah, at the time, it sounded like a genuine

Suddenly the SUV stopped on the side of the road, and Trip

looked down at him. Micah kept his gaze firmly on the floor of the
truck, but he could feel Trip’s gaze burning a hole right through him.
Any moment now the man was going to get really angry and throw
him out of the vehicle and leave him in the middle of nowhere to fend
for himself. He should really learn to keep his mouth shut. It always
got him in trouble.

Micah brought his knees up to his chest as he couldn’t breathe.

The very idea of Trip being angry with him caused his chest to
constrict. Then two fingers lightly gripped his chin and directed his
gaze back up to Trip’s eyes. He didn’t want to see them. He closed his
eyes to save him seeing those big eyes that had fired up his libido
stare at him with anger. He could imagine the anger and hurt in those

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eyes at Micah’s offensive question. Any man would get angry at an
intrusive question like that wouldn’t they?

“Open your eyes, Micah,” he said in a voice that commanded

obedience. It reminded Micah of a Dom’s voice in the BDSM porn
movies he had watched. He slowly opened his eyes to see Trip
smiling down at him. As Trip stroked Micah’s cheek, Micah leaned
into the touch and he looked at Trip once again, whose gaze was one
of care and love and adoration. Long, bright, multicolored hair flowed
down Trip’s sculpted torso. It looked so shiny Micah couldn’t help
but run his fingers through the electric-blue tendrils.

The man’s hair was amazing. It was an array of colors all in a

random order. He had gold, florescent pink, electric blue, lime green,
and bloodred all streaked down the length of his hair. It was beautiful
with one portion of his hair, a large streak along the front right hand
side of his face, a checkered pattern of black and light blond. It made
him look unique yet powerful at the same time. Micah loved the
whole contrast his hairstyle was compared to his clothing choices and
then his large physique. It was a shame he wouldn’t get to know the
man properly. He knew some men could hide their anger and other
emotions really well. He never meant to cause offence, but some
people took his bluntness to heart.

“You are very perceptive. You know that?” Trip suddenly said,

causing Micah to look up at Trip, dumbstruck. Out of all the things
for Trip to say to him, he hadn’t been expecting that. But the answer
still didn’t make him relax. He wondered what was wrong with the
man to consider himself something different than everybody else. If
Micah was thinking straight, it meant Trip’s last words implied he
was different from other people, and he was something much more
unique than simply human. He was curious but also scared as he
looked up into Trip’s uncertain eyes. They looked anywhere but at his
as the man obviously figured out how to word his explanation.

Micah had always been perceptive of other people’s feelings and

inner battles as he tried to help them out. Right now he just stroked

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his small hands over the man’s large arms. He tried to soothe him as
Micah felt Trip’s body relax and slump against the backseat, but the
grip he had on Micah’s shoulders didn’t relent as if the man was
afraid he would run if he let go. He had to reassure the big man that
he wouldn’t run at whatever it was Trip was going to tell him.

He gripped his own arms tightly around the man’s waist as he rose

up and puckered his lips for a small kiss. What he didn’t expect was a
blazing-hot, passionate kiss from the man. Trip licked and sucked at
his lower lip, demanding entrance to Micah’s mouth as his lips were
devoured. He felt like a pile of erotic goo as he just sat there being
held up by the man’s strong embrace, moaning at the contact. His
body melted into the embrace.

Trip took his chance and slid a long and hot tongue into Micah’s

mouth. The man tasted simply delicious, like coffee and sloppy joe,
but also there was an underlying taste and scent of lavender, and
Micah just wanted to roll himself in that scent.

The arousal spiked high in the cab of the SUV. Both men pulled

apart from the kiss, panting heavily. They took short, shallow breaths
as they regained oxygen. If it hadn’t been for the small problem of
needing oxygen to live, Micah would have happily kissed the man for
as long as he would live. But his cock was straining against his zipper,
demanding it be freed and given the release it needed so badly.

Trip looked at him with hunger and lust in his eyes. Micah could

see golden flecks flashing through the man’s hazel eyes when he
swooped down for another kiss. This kiss didn’t seem to last as long,
but instead, Trip gently laid them both down over the front seat of the
cab, gently running his hands up and down his sides. Micah felt his
insides burning up as he reached closer and closer to an orgasm just
from the feel of Trip’s body pressed against his.

Soon enough he found himself naked with a half-dressed Trip

above him. His cock enjoyed the delectable feeling of Trip’s jean-clad
erection rubbing against him. He wanted more though. He needed
more, and Trip gave it him.

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Trip began a downward journey down Micah’s body. Trip’s sharp

inhale of breath caught Micah’s attention. Trip was looking wide-
eyed at Micah’s left nipple. It was pierced, as was the right. Trip
looked up Micah’s body and into his eyes before a wide, happy grin
came across the man’s lust-swollen lips and he latched onto one
nipple. He suckled on the nipple until it peaked. He then worked his
way over to the other nipple, but instead he gently bit down on the
now-abused flesh, and that was all he could take.

Micah arched his back off of the seat as he came in the space

between him and Trip. Ropes of pearly white jizz came out of his
cock’s slit. His climax rocked him seven ways as he bucked and
writhed like a madman, and the aftershocks continued to take him,
and nobody had touched his dick yet. He went wild.

Trip left his ministrations of Micah’s nipples to continue his

downward journey. As Trip came in contact with Micah’s cum-
soaked stomach, he did something unreal. He licked the cum off of
Micah’s torso, swallowing down every drop that had spilled from his
cock. His cock took notice of it by hardening up once again, driving
Micah crazy. He had had two incredible orgasms in one evening, both
of which only fed his hunger for more. As much as he felt like
sleeping now, the licks Trip made to his inner thighs increased
Micah’s arousal again. The man was obviously trying to kill him
through his cock and balls, but what a way to go.

Then Trip did the unthinkable and swallowed every bit of his

eight-inch cock until his nose grazed the sensitive area above his
shaft. His tongue even darted out from the underside of his cock to
lightly tickle his balls. The combined sensations along with the tight
grip the man had on his hips made him come again.

Then the wet concave around his cock left him, and the cool night

air swooped over his shaft. Trip gripped the root of his shaft in one
hand, which headed off his second orgasm. He crawled up Micah’s
body, kissing and licking a wet path on his way, all while keeping an
almost painful grip on his cock.

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“Uh-uh. No coming until I say so. I gave you two passes already,

no more. From this point on, you don’t come until I tell you to come.
We understood?” Damn! There was that sexy Dom voice again. It
drove Micah’s arousal higher. He had no idea if he would be able to
hold out on his climax until Trip said so, but he had to try. He wanted
to make Trip proud of him that he could listen to his commands and
be obedient.

He knew Trip owned a BDSM club along with his two best

friends back home in Texas. He thought being ordered to do things
and having his limits pushed to the edge would be something he
wouldn’t be interested in. But as it stood, Trip commanding he didn’t
come until given permission drove him wild and turned him on even
more, if that was possible. It made him feel oddly powerful having
this big strong man tell him when he could have his pleasure and
show him how to enjoy the wonders of sex.

He wanted the man’s praise for doing well in what he knew was

called a scene. Although Micah could tell Trip wasn’t using too much
BDSM material on him right now, he was introducing it, slowly. He
would be forever grateful of that. He had a feeling he would come to
love a BDSM lifestyle, but Micah knew enough of his own needs and
desires, including the dirty ones, to realize that if he was forced
straight into a hard-core scene, it could potentially ruin the lifestyle
for him.

Micah looked up into Trip’s lustful gaze to see he was expected to

answer. “Yes, Master,” he immediately said without hesitation. He
wondered why saying the word “master” gave him a pleasant shiver
throughout his entire body. He liked the idea of having Trip as his
master. It excited him to no end. And the man didn’t disappoint.

Trip kissed Micah with the ferocity of their first kiss back at the

diner, and Micah reveled in the taste of the man once again.

This time when Trip engulfed Micah’s cock, he tried as hard as he

could to breathe through it and calm down. The technique seemed to
work as he pushed his orgasm back slightly, giving him room to enjoy

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the amazing blow job he was receiving. Trip’s tongue swirled around
his cockhead as the man sucked the head into his mouth, applying
harsh, almost painful pressure then releasing to a nice gentle suckle.
The two combined sensations felt wonderful against his straining
erection. It was almost an intimate massage just for his cock. It
invigorated him.

He began pumping his hips upward, trying to get his cock deeper

down Trip’s throat, almost feeding the man his erection. Trip deep
throated him expertly, or what Micah thought as expertly, and
swallowed around the head of his cock, pushing his cock deeper into
the man’s mouth. He was going crazy as he hiked his hips up as much
as possible, clenching his ass cheeks together.

Trip obviously felt him straining as he gently massaged his ass

cheeks, squeezing them together and then pulling them apart. Every
time his cheeks were pulled apart, a breeze of air stroked over his
small, puckered hole, driving him wild. The sound of a bottle opening
distinctly rang through his brain, but he didn’t connect the dots until
he felt a cool substance rubbed over the flesh of his anus.

“Oh,” he moaned as Trip pushed in a thick finger to the first

knuckle and continued to push until it was seated all the way in.

He felt full, and the slight burning in his ass disappeared as soon

as it arrived. Then Trip began pulling his finger out only to push it
back in. He did this a few times until Micah knew a second finger join
the first. He was stretched, and the burning there shot straight down to
his cock. The feeling was blissful and incredible as he began rocking
his hips, impaling himself on Trip’s large fingers. Then the fingers
began a scissoring motion inside of him. Every time Trip moved his
one finger in a certain direction, it grazed over something inside of
him that made him cry out.

He needed his release. His cock throbbed and swelled to

impossible lengths as Trip continued to suck on it. His head shook
from side to side on the seat as he continued to push his hips up,
forcing his cock into the man’s mouth then impaling himself on his

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fingers. Soon after, a third finger joined the first two, and he felt fuller
than he could ever imagine. He wondered how big Trip was with the
knowledge three of his thick digits were currently inside his asshole.

Then Trip’s mouth left his cock, and his fingers left his ass. He

suddenly felt empty and grieved the loss of Trip’s body on his until
the man pushed his legs back until his knees hit his chest. Before he
could adjust to the position, Trip began slowly pushing his cock
through the first ring of muscle in his ass.

The man’s cock was massive. He stretched Micah to the point

Micah would feel this fucking for a long time. The burn soon
dissipated into extreme pleasure that drove him crazy with need. He
wanted this feeling all the time. He was so full, Micah knew he would
become addicted to the feel of Trip in his ass. He wanted more
though. As soon as Micah felt Trip’s balls graze against his, Trip
stopped moving. Trip looked down at him with a hooded expression,
and Micah could see the man was barely hanging onto his control to
give him the chance to acclimate his size. With a slight nod from
Micah, Trip lost it completely.

Trip began a fast and hard pace in and out of Micah. Micah could

have sworn he heard the man growling but quickly ignored it as
pleasure soared through him. The feeling was unlike any other as
Micah mewled at the knowledge of being fucked for the first time.
Micah could feel every contour and every vein of the man’s cock in
his passage.

“So tight, so good,” Trip moaned as he began pushing in deep and

hard into Micah’s hole. After no time at all, Micah wanted to come.
The need to come was like no other. He began crying out in
frustration to the point that tears ran down his face from squeezing his
eyes shut so tightly.

He threw his head to one side as Trip nestled into the crook of his

neck. “Be my one and only, Micah. Be my mate,” Trip whispered
almost silently to the crook of Micah’s neck.

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Micah was overjoyed and ecstatic at the revelation, and he cried,

Yes,” as he began bucking his hips once more, trying to impale
himself more on the man’s huge cock.

“Then come for me, baby,” he whispered, and Micah screamed in

rapture when he felt teeth embed into the area between his neck and
shoulder. Every suck of blood he knew Trip took from his neck had a
direct connection to his cock as spurt after spurt of cum shot out from
him to fill the space between them and land on his chest. His orgasm
went on forever until he felt Trip’s cock swell beyond measure and
hot cum pump out of it to splash against his inner walls.

He clenched his ass muscles tight together to keep the man deep

inside of him despite the man’s cock softening. Trip laid his head on
Micah’s chest and listened to his raging heartbeat. He thought his
heart would jump through his chest cavity soon.

Trip began stroking the area where he had bitten Micah.

Something on that area now screamed erogenous to him as his body
visibly shuddered to the touch there. Then Trip began talking.

“This mark here”—he stroked the sensitive area once more—“this

means you are now mine, forever. There will be no other for us, only
each other. It is me and you against the world. Micah, I am a
werewolf. This mark, it is what every werewolf you ever come across
will recognize as my mark. The symbol means that you are taken.”

A werewolf? Like the furry animals that are often seen rummaging

around late at night on those nature programs?

Micah didn’t know what to think. So many thoughts ran through

his mind at such speed he couldn’t pick up on one emotion. If it was
like the myths and legends about werewolves, the mark he had just
been given would say he was now Trip’s lifelong mate. He would be
the only person who he would ever be intimate with again and the
only man with whom he would share his bed. He wanted to be scared,
so scared at the idea that a man he had known for less than six hours
had claimed him as his without his permission. Then Trip’s words
echoed in his mind. “Be my one and only, Micah. Be my mate.”

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He had said yes to be the man’s mate because Trip was

completely sexy as all hell. He had felt a deep connection to the man,
a bond of sorts that made him feel like he had to be near the large man
all by himself. By the time he had settled on an emotion, Trip had
already gotten up, pulling his soft cock from Micah’s asshole and

Trip sat there with his hands crossed over the steering wheel as his

head slumped down the front of his body. Micah knew he was upset
and, from his lack of response, made the large man feel unnerved and

“Hey, Trip. Look at me,” he coaxed gently. He wanted the man to

look in his eyes and see the sincerity of his words when he spoke
them. Trip eventually looked up at him, and Micah could see the
unshed tears.

Micah launched himself into Trip’s arms. He wanted to feel the

man wrapped around him once again. Those impossibly large arms
made him feel safe and protected, one snaked around his waist and the
other holding onto the back of his neck as if immobilizing any
unwanted movement in Micah.

Micah allowed himself to be held protectively and possessively by

the man he felt so much for in such a small amount of time. Trip was
his wet dream, and who cared about anyone else? The moment he had
set eyes on the large man as he walked through the tacky door of the
diner he had worked and lived in from the small window at the hot
plate, he knew he had met the love of his life. Despite his crazy
personality, his short temper, and bright, colorful wardrobe, Micah
was the type of man who believed in all the mushy love things. He
believed in soul mates and finding that person ensured the other half
of your being. He believed in love at first sight. He even went as far
as to believe that everything happened for a reason.

Now he found himself mated to a werewolf, which he had no

problem with in all honesty. He just hoped that he would be free to
love and be loved by this man for a very long time.

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“So I’m your mate?” he asked slowly and quietly, unsure of how

crazy he must sound right at that moment.

“And I am yours,” Trip answered back without hesitation.

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Chapter 3

Trip buried his face in the unruly curls of Micah’s hair. He didn’t

want to let the man go. He knew if he allowed Micah to move from
arm’s length, he would never see the man again, and he needed Micah
with him.

Werewolves were taught from a very young age to find their mate

and, once they did, to never let that person go. One held onto them for
all eternity. This is what he wanted to do with his mate, but
unfortunately humans didn’t have mates that they easily recognized
upon first sight. Humans could fall in and out of love as quickly as a
click of one’s fingers. This is what he was afraid of with his very
human mate. Would Micah just leave now that he knew that Trip
turned into a wolf whenever he wanted and once every month on the
night of the full moon?

Then what Micah had said broke through his defenses. The word

“cool” echoed throughout his entire being.

He reluctantly looked up from where he was buried so close into

Micah’s neck, right where he had bitten the man only twenty minutes
previous, to see a wide grin on the smaller man’s face. Trip, though,
was confused. He wanted to know why Micah wasn’t scared. Not that
Trip thought Micah should be. Werewolves were sentient beings.
When in wolf form, they were still able to identify their friends and
their enemies just as clearly as when they are in human form.

Seeing the change of expression on Micah’s face, Trip knew the

man had caught onto the direction of his thoughts. But what happened
next he sure didn’t expect in the least.

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“Trip Barrett, I am not scared of you, nor will I ever be scared of

you, so don’t you even think about telling me that I should be. You
are mine!” he said in an exasperated voice, his hands planted firmly
on those slim slender hips of his, and shot Trip a glare that could
break ice it was so heated.

The intensity of his mate’s gaze was enough to make Trip begin

squirming around like a chastised child who had been caught with his
hand in the cookie jar. But the notion proved that his mate wouldn’t
take shit from him lying down, and he kind of preferred it that way.
He wasn’t a twenty-four-seven Dom, but having a mate who would
have no problem in telling him how he felt in a heated discussion
gave Trip a good excuse to punish his little mate.

He flipped the still-naked man so Micah lay on his stomach over

Trip’s knees and he quickly landed a heavy swat to Micah’s still
stretched and lubed-up ass. Micah squirmed a little from the swat but
didn’t make any moves to extract himself from Trip’s thighs. Instead,
the little imp actually moaned as his cock began to fill again to rest
between his stomach and Trip’s lap. The imp likes a good spanking
huh? Who would have known?
A broad smile crossed over his face.
Trip began spanking his mate with quick rapid swats.

“Count them for me, sweetheart,” he said a calm yet stern voice,

the one he often used on his subs. That thought was enough to
momentarily stop Trip in his wake. Over the years, he had plenty of
submissives to entertain him, but none ever lasted longer than a
month. Some were lucky to get just one night with him, but now it
was a whole different ball game. He would either have a sub in Micah
for life with no other, or he would no longer be involved in the BDSM
lifestyle if his mate showed to not like it. At least he would always
have spankings to give though.

His mate was proving to like spankings with the way the man was

moaning and squirming around, trying to get Trip to spank him
harder, the space in the cab of his SUV wasn’t the best to give a
spanking, but for now it would have to do.

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The idea brought Trip back into reality, seeing his mate waiting

very impatiently for more punishment. Micah’s cock rubbed against
the denim of his jeans that were still wrapped around his legs, the
material must be giving Micah an almost painful friction, but the
glazed look in his mate’s half-opened eyes and the sounds coming
from those pink lips proved he wasn’t spanking hard enough.

“One, Master.”
“Two, Master.”
“Three, Master.”
He continued to spank his mate’s ass until it glowed a nice shade

of red. There was a handprint on both ass cheeks. Just as he hit the
final one, his mate came with a scream.

Ten!” The scream lasted several moments until he felt Micah

relax. Trip felt his mate’s essence covering his jean leg as Micah’s
limp body sagged down, his head resting on the bench seat next to
Trip. Several minutes dragged on as Trip reached for the calming
salve he kept in his truck to rub lightly over the man’s ass cheeks to
stop any uncomfortable friction. “Master.”

It came so quietly that Trip almost didn’t hear it. The word was

breathless with a hint of obedience mixed with a whole lot of
submission. It was the most beautiful and erotically spoken word he
had ever heard. But he wasn’t sure if it was a question or a statement.
Either way it still confused him.

“What’s up, sweetheart? I didn’t hurt you, did I? We don’t have to

do it ever again if you don’t want to. I’ll take you any way I can get
you...” He carried on rambling, afraid that he had been too rough with
his small, delicate mate. Didn’t people hear and see what they wanted
to in times of need and desperation? He was certainly desperate to see
how his mate took to sexual punishment. Although he was one 100
percent against domestic violence, BDSM punishment was meant to

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be something both partners enjoyed. It was supposed to be something
that got all parties involved hot under the collar. He didn’t know what
to say. He just wanted to let his wolf out and run for hours, but his
wolf decided at that moment that he didn’t want to come out. It
looked as if Trip was alone in this.

Suddenly his mate got up off of his lap and knelt on the bench

seat, glaring at him just like he had done before he had the great idea
to punish Micah. The look was of frustration and annoyance with a
hint of hurt, and Trip felt even lousier now to know he had hurt his
mate, whether it was physically or emotionally. He couldn’t allow
himself to hurt his mate. Ever.

“You didn’t hurt me, baby,” Micah crooned, and his eyes softened

up considerably as a single tear fell down Trip’s face. Micah wiped
the tear away with the pad of his thumb before he tucked himself into
Trip’s embrace. The embrace was what Trip needed now. He needed
to feel his mate close to him, touching him to reassure himself that
Micah was all right. The words barely registered in Trip’s mind until
Micah began talking once again.

“You didn’t hurt me, baby. Yes, you surprised me. I even

surprised myself for going along with it so easily. But there is
something you ought to know.”

Trip looked down at his mate and kissed the top his bright red hair

in reassurance as he continued his story.

“I’ve never had a real family. My parents were both killed when I

was a young child. Ever since then I have spent my life in foster
homes. They kept swapping me around as every time I got close to a
family, they would say something weird happened around me. Ever
since I turned sixteen, I have been living on my own. The day of my
sixteenth birthday, I was tossed out of my last foster home and told to
never come back. I couldn’t even complete school as I then had to
work in order to survive. I kept changing jobs as weird things I
couldn’t explain kept happening to me. I would have a job for as little
as a year, maybe less, before I would have to move on.

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“Ever since I turned eighteen, I have worked in bars and clubs.

One time I worked in a BDSM club. Although I have never
participated in a scene, I have watched plenty and know that I want to
participate in the lifestyle.” Micah took another breath as he seemed
to compose himself after wiping away the stray tears that flowed
down his face.

“I don’t have much apart from the things in the back, but one

thing I do want is you. Your Dom persona is a part of you. It’s
something that turns me on as much as it obviously turns you on. You
didn’t hurt me.”

“Sweetheart, I don’t care if you have nothing but the clothes on

your back or if you own the entire world. I want you the way you are,
but if BDSM is something you ever decide you don’t want in our
lives, then it won’t be. I will not allow you to be hurt because you’re
trying to make me happy. I am happy just having you in my arms
after all this time. I’m glad I didn’t hurt you. I don’t know what I
would have done if you had been hurt.”

Micah looked up at him through lashes thick with mascara before

the little imp in him returned. “You didn’t hurt me. When I said
‘master,’ I was finishing my final count seeing as my climax erupted
before I had chance to. Don’t ever think you hurt me. I would have no
problem in telling you so if you ever did. But would it make you feel
better if you knew my safe word?”

“Yes, yes it would,” Trip immediately replied. He hadn’t thought

of asking for a safe word between then and now. It was a simple
spanking. It wasn’t necessarily needed.

“Banana,” Micah said as a small giggle came from his pink lips.
“Banana?” Trip asked, trying to suppress his own chuckle at his

mate’s random personality at choosing such a ridiculous yet oddly
fitting safe word. It wasn’t sexual related unless one were involved in
food play, which Trip wasn’t, or if one were using some sexual
innuendo which Trip never used, always in favor of a more direct

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method. The safe word was something that would definitely stick out
when involved in a heavy scene.

“Yes, banana,” he replied between another set of giggles. The man

was so intoxicating and addictive that Trip couldn’t suppress his own
laugh anymore. How he was falling and falling fast for this small man
who suddenly came out of a kitchen and completely rocked his world
upside down then inside out with a twist.

Trip was the one who always shook everybody upside down with

pranks, jokes, and general good, hearty fun. Now that Micah was with
him, he wasn’t so sure how his friends would take it. He had always
been friends with his alpha, Dark, his co-beta, Paul, and their pack
enforcers, River and Jay, ever since he joined the light pack some
sixty years ago. He had even made friends with Dark’s new mates,
Kai and Harry.

He smiled as he realized they had no idea what was about to hit

them. His mate was everything he was and a lot more. Micah was the
type of guy who would tell any man, regardless of size, what he
thought of a situation and what he thought about them, without any
idea of the repercussions. He was the type of man who would bring an
entire room full of boring, dull people to the ground in hysterical
laughter. He couldn’t wait to show off the most amazing person ever
to his friends and pack. His mate now had the family he so obviously

“Come on, sweetheart. Get dressed. We need to get back on the

road. We still got a long drive ahead of us.”

Just as Micah began to get dressed, Trip noticed his surroundings

for the first time. They were actually parked not two hundred yards
away from a gas station. Convenient. Anybody could have just
wandered up to them and noticed them fooling around and making
love to each other and they would have been none the wiser.

* * * *

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The sun began to rise over the horizon as Trip came to edge of

Issaquena County, Mississippi.

As soon as they had gotten back on the road, Micah had fallen

asleep next to Trip. The man looked so good fast asleep, his breathing
even, as Trip continued to drive throughout the night.

He marveled at how good it felt to finally have found his mate

after over a century of looking, and now the man lay asleep, using his
shoulder as a pillow. He couldn’t remember feeling this calm, this
content in over sixty years since his birth pack threw him out and he
became a member of the light pack.

The smell of garden mint and sex wafted through his nose once

again, and Trip moaned as his cock took notice. The smell of their
lovemaking and Micah’s own personal scent drove Trip crazy with
lust and desire. And that was just individually, together they had so
much more potential. He made a mental note to ask Dark for a few
days off once they got home so he could spend the entire time in bed
learning every curve, every contour of his mate’s delectable body.

A look at the dashboard told Trip the time was six thirty. His

stomach or his wolf was growling at him as an indication he was
hungry and hadn’t eaten since the previous evening. The memory of
that time would be something he would never forget. One simple
necessity turned into, quite frankly, the best experience of his life.
The only thing that now made his life completely perfect beyond
belief had been finding his mate.

Micah began stirring next to him until half-opened green eyes

stared at him. A sleepy smile crept along those luscious pink lips, and
damn if that wasn’t the sexiest sight he had ever saw. “Hungry,
sweetheart?” he asked.

“Very.” Micah smiled and perked up a little. Trip almost swerved

off the road looking into those deep eyes that seemed to pierce his
heart with one look. He would do anything to keep a smile on his
mate’s lips and preferably the man’s cock hard. He now understood
why Dark suddenly went from broody and serious to smiley and

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completely joyful in a matter of twenty-four hours. Finding one’s
mate made a weight, one never realized was there, disappear. It gave a
whole new meaning to life and living. It made a werewolf extremely
happy and contented to feel the touch of his mate.

Trip spent the next twenty minutes driving in and around the town

looking for a diner that was open for breakfast. Luckily in the small
town they came to called Mayersville had a quaint restaurant that
appeared open early. Perfect!

Coming to a stop in one of the few free spaces, Trip shut the

engine off before turning round to kiss his mate good morning for the
very first time.

The kiss went on forever. Micah seemed to be just as reluctant to

let go of the kiss just as Trip was. Who cared about who saw them?
Trip sure as hell didn’t. Instead, they remained in their seats. Tongues
dueled, caressed, and searched all they could with the little oxygen
remained between them. After several minutes, it became essential to
pull away. Both men panted for several moments, getting vital oxygen
back into their bodies as they embraced lovingly.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get some food in ya.”
Micah’s answer was to rush out of the SUV and run round to open

the door for Trip with a tip-tapping of his right foot in agitation as if
Trip wasn’t moving fast enough. He decided to have some fun with
his little mate’s temperament by going into slow motion.

He took the key out of the ignition ever so carefully and slowly

one would think a thousand years would pass before he got his ass out
of the cab. Everything slowed down further as Micah growled in
frustration. He must have worked up his mate’s appetite good and

Just as Trip managed to swing one leg out of the truck’s door, he

suddenly felt himself being dragged at excessive speed to land flat
against the truck’s side as Micah pulled him from the cab with
strength belittling a human. Looking over, he saw his little mate
standing not a foot from him as the tip-tapping began once again.

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“You done being a first-class idiot now?” Micah asked, puffing

his chest out and standing to his full height of five foot ten inches and
glaring up at Trip with those eyes that made his skin crawl once
again. He may be the Dom in their relationship, but Trip had a
sneaking suspicion that Micah would be the one to wear the pants in
their relationship.

In all honesty, that was exactly how Trip wanted it to be. Trip

loved being a Dom and would always be until the day he died. He
thrived off of being the one in “control” of a sexual relationship. Trip
loved being the beta of his pack and taking care of his packs needs,
but he didn’t want the control all the while. He wanted his mate to
feel comfortable around him to tell him exactly how he felt and what
was on his mind without any regard for how he would or would not
react. What little he had already experienced of Micah was refreshing
since everybody, besides his friends, hung onto his every word and
followed his instructions exactly. If he told his pack to jump, they
would ask how high.

Bursting out in a fit of laughter almost had Trip on the floor,

rolling in his own tears, but instead he rested his hands on his bent
knees, at least until he saw his mate’s feet peek into his line of vision,
and the man suddenly cuffed him around the head. That alone was
enough to get Trip to stop laughing and to stand to his full six-six

Breakfast turned out to be an awe-inspiring event. Despite

Micah’s five-ten, one-hundred-fifty-pounds-soaking-wet frame, the
man could pack away a lot of food. Half a dozen pancakes equipped
with golden syrup, four streaks of bacon, and a portion of scrambled
eggs later, and Trip sat there slack-jawed as Micah stretched over the
table for one of Trip’s sausages. The man didn’t even appear to be
suffering from eating so much food. He just sat there with an impish
smile on his makeup-clad face.

“Where do you pack all that?” Trip asked when he regained

control of his mouth.

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Micah shrugged. “I’ve just always ate a lot. I have no idea why I

do, but I never put any weight on. I love it.” He giggled again. Trip
was beginning to love that sound from this man. He couldn’t wait to
make his mate giggle at every opportunity possible.

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Chapter 4

He could tell when the truck passed the border into Texan

country, because everything changed. Civilized cities filled with
businessmen and women going to and from work and the rural towns
few and far between in Louisiana turned into large ranches with the
fields filled with cattle and corrals filled with horses of every kind and
color. Large ranch homes sat in the center of all the animals, often
with a wide range of machinery and vehicles. The barns and other
outer buildings of all sizes were strategically placed not too far from
the main ranch homes, creating a very original look that represented
the Texas country.

Some ranches appeared to be strumming with business, cowhands

upon horses or running around completing their daily chores to keep
the ranch afloat. Others appeared desolate and silent.

Micah was struck at the beauty of the place as the truck continued

down the windy country roads. Woods and forests dotted around. The
odd river or creek ran alongside or past them on their continued
journey through Texas.

“Do you live in a place like this?” he asked, indicating to a

relatively large ranch house they passed. The building was decorated
in wooden slats painted the purest of whites and had green window
shutters. It had two floors and a wraparound porch. The place was
simply stunning in comparison to the luminous fields and forestry
surrounding the property.

His mate looked up from the road and gave a broad smile in his

direction. He patted the seat next to him, indicating he wanted Micah
to slide over next to him.

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Once he complied, Trip placed a large arm around his shoulders,

tucking him into the man’s shoulder.

“I don’t. We do, sweetheart,” he replied. The answer made Micah

look up into the honesty behind the larger man’s eyes.

Trip smiled down at Micah with such lust and desire, his cock was

hypnotized to take notice of fire burning behind those piercing eyes.

“We?” he choked out. So much emotion was making itself known

to him over the past twelve hours that Micah couldn’t keep up with
himself. One moment he was happy, the next horny, sated and
content, angry, and the list went on. But the one thing that stayed
constant was the butterflies, signifying anticipation and nervousness,
in his stomach.

He wanted to cry at the revelation. Twenty-four hours ago he

lived a small box that could sort of be called an apartment with
nothing but a bed, a small TV, a bathroom, and small kitchenette. He
had no friends, and the only social life he had was when he made
conversation with the customers who ate at the hole where he had
worked and lived.

Now he knew the existence of werewolves was fact rather than

fiction. That alone rocked his entire world upside down. He also had
the sexiest man he had ever seen by his side. At least six and a half
feet and three hundred pounds of pure muscle, the man looked good
enough to eat. He wasn’t overly muscular like a bodybuilder
considering his weight, but he was more proportionate. Broad
muscular shoulders began the descent of pure heaven, leading toward
perfectly toned pecs that begged to be licked and nipped until hard
beads of pleasure. His abs were worthy of a pro wrestler and slim
waist a swimmer would be envious of. Of course the package held
behind those well-worn jeans was huge just like the rest of him. Trip’s
eleven thick, glorious inches of pure heaven. Micah could definitely
see getting addicted to what stood proud between those wonderful

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But besides the obvious, Micah also found he now had a mate, his

own man who would love him and look after his every need until the
day he died. He felt as if he had everything he had always wanted and
more. People often ridiculed him for being gay, for preferring a cock
between his lips or ass cheeks over a woman. He had nothing against
women. They held a lot of his respect, but he couldn’t help it if he
was born to prefer men over women. Now he had one of the sexiest
men ever to love and cherish for the rest of his days when most
women and some men alike would be envious that he got to go to bed
with this god of a man.

“Yes ‘we,’ sweetheart. We are mates after all, Micah, and what is

mine is now yours. Nobody will ever split us apart, and you, my
sweetheart”—Trip flicked his nose with the tip of his finger quickly—
“will be at my side for as long as we are both still breathing. You are
my life.”

The emotions now got the better of Micah, and he finally let the

tears fall. He tucked himself closer into his mate’s shoulder and
wrapped his arms around the man’s impressive torso and held on for
dear life as if nothing was more important, and nothing was as far as
Micah was concerned. He would always be with this man, and the
possessive streak of his and the wolf he could almost feel trying to
claw out of the man excited him to no end.

He had had too many interested boyfriends in the past that didn’t

hold anything for him. They were all boring people who just looked
for a quick fuck and good-bye, although he never gave them what
they wanted. It had seemed imperative he saved himself for someone
special for no known reason to him. Now he had done it with that one
person. His mate. And that man was someone who he could call his
own but who also held his attention the majority of the time, and the
time he didn’t hold his attention, Micah was thinking or dreaming
about him. He knew this man would fast become his entire world, and
that was okay with him. Trip was exciting and full of life if the man’s
hairstyle and color were anything to go by. The man was simply

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amazing. Everybody loved a bit of danger to their lives, and Micah
had found his spark of danger in the larger man’s golden-orange eyes
when Trip’s wolf wanted out.

In the sparse amount of sleep he had had during their time

together so far, Micah had even dreamt of Trip. He had imagined a
red-haired wolf, “large and in charge” as they say, running throughout
the forest, hunting. Micah sat in the middle of the clearing on a bright
sunny day, wearing nothing at all and lying on a blanket catching a
few rays, enjoying the relaxation of being taken care of for the first
time in years.

The large red wolf cleared the tree line and stopped not fifty yards

from Micah. He sat up and looked toward the wolf. A large smile
crept along his face as the wolf began stalking toward a naked Micah.

As the wolf neared the blanket, he suddenly turned into human

form to reveal a very naked and very erect Trip. The man crawled on
all fours until he hovered over Micah. Using his callused tongue, he
licked every inch of skin he could find, leaving all sensitive areas
such as his nipples, cock, balls, and asshole untouched for now.

Micah was vibrating with excitement and frustration. He wanted

nothing more than to have his cock and balls licked and sucked into
Trip’s busy mouth. He wanted Trip’s fingers to graze that sweet spot
that stirred so much pleasure in his body and make him come with a
vengeance deep inside the man’s throat and watch him swallow every
drop of release he gave his mate.

He wanted the man’s huge cock to stretch his hole wide open and

fuck him with wild abandon like some randy teenager who couldn’t
control himself around his first-ever lover. He wanted to be used
thoroughly by his large man, hard, deep, and fast until he felt the
man’s cock swell to impossible lengths and widths before he came in
Micah’s hole and have a large butt plug inserted to keep the evidence
of his mate’s climax stuffed inside him, keeping him lubricated until
the next time Trip wanted to use his body for both their pleasure.

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Coming out of his flashback from his dream earlier that day,

Micah looked up at Trip, who wore an expression, both quizzical and
amused. The mix of the two proved to be as erotic as the flashback
from his dream.

“What’s got you aroused, sweetheart?” Trip drawled.
“You,” he simply replied without so much as a blush. Micah had

never been one to flush at sexual conversation or innuendos. In fact,
he loved talking about it. He had always figured he was that
comfortable with himself that he could talk about sex in general or his
personal sex life and encounters without blushing the way most
people did.

Trip smiled but remained silent at the revelation.
“So tell me about our house,” he said as a change of conversation.

He was very interested to see what his new home would look like
inside and out. He wanted to know how each room was decorated and
what his mate loved about the house.

Trip looked back down at him for several short moments,

obviously detecting Micah’s sincerity for the question and how much
to tell him now and what to purposefully leave out for him to find out
on his own accord. When he looked back up at the road, the brightest
smile he had ever seen crossed Trip’s mouth.

“Well, first off I should probably tell you of how it came to be our

house,” he began. After cursing loudly at the slow tractor in front of
them and passing it, he continued his story. “One of my best friends,
Dark, challenged the ex-alpha of our pack about five weeks ago now.
He successfully challenged Ethan to gain the alpha position but also
killed Ethan in the process.

“You have to keep in mind that the man was pure evil and

majority of the alpha challenges end in death on one side or the other
unless one yields, or the alpha steps down from his position,” he
hurried to say when Micah noticeably cringed.

“After the challenge, Dark had to name his betas and pack

enforcers. They are the wolves who work directly underneath him and

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help him run the pack on a daily basis. I, alongside Paul, was named
as his betas. We are also his business partners in the club we own that
I told you about. River and Jay were named as the pack enforcers.

“When this happened, we were moved from our homes and into

the inner circle’s houses. The inner circle basically means the alpha,
betas, and enforcers as well as their mates if they ever find them or
already have.”

“Wait. So some werewolves never find their mates? Why not?” he

asked. He almost said the last part as a whisper, shocked, but he was
genuinely curious.

“Just because we are each given a mate, or more to some, doesn’t

mean we will ever find them. Some are lucky to grow up as cubs with
their mates, and as soon as they turn eighteen, boom, they can mate
instantly. Some though, those who are less lucky, have to go about
their lives, waiting, or go search for their mates. We can’t know when
our mates are going to be born or where they are until we have mated
with them. The mating mark is the bite mark I gave you earlier. Now
can we get back on track?” he asked, sounding impatient when his
face said anything but.

“Certainly.” He saluted like a soldier as Trip laughed and held

him to his side tighter.

“Okay, well, when I was named beta, I got to move in one of the

two beta houses. The inner circle lives in the middle of pack lands.
All packs have homes in or surrounding pack lands. The alpha’s home
is where the pack gathers to watch the sunset and the moonrise on the
night of the full moon. The betas and enforcers have homes close to
the alpha’s home because we work closely with each other on a daily

“As for decoration, the home is a single-floor ranch style house,

typical out in the country. White wooden slats decorate the walls, and
a small chimney sticks up from the slated rooftop that leads from the
living area. A wraparound porch decorates the immediate space
between the house and the lands. Of course the back space is much

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larger for the barbecues we often have. You will fall in love with it,”
he assured as Trip kissed Micah’s head lovingly before looking back
out on the empty road.

“No offense, but it all sounds plain. I mean, your personality

screams unique and different but in a good way, and the way you
described the house sounds so cliché. What made you keep it like

A good belly laugh rumbled through Trip for several moments

before he finally gathered his composure.

“It does sound cliché, doesn’t it? But unfortunately I have only

had the house for five weeks, one of which I spent away from it, so I
have only had chance to decorate the inside to my tastes, but I assure
ya, sweetheart, you will love what decorating I have done.”

Just as Trip said that, they arrived at a large, single-floored ranch-

style home. White wooden slats made the house look stunning and
very welcoming. Micah couldn’t believe he was going to live in this
fantastic home. It was all Trip had explained and more.

The place was beautiful. Surrounding trees and shrubbery gave

that deserted feel to it. The atmosphere was one of quiet and
relaxation where one went to get away from the hustle and bustle of
city life. Large windows took up majority of the walls, the numerous
windows lined the place, giving a light, airy feel to the place before he
even stepped foot inside the building. If this was where he would be
living from now on, he would be perfectly happy alongside his man.

* * * *

Trip gauged Micah’s reaction to his new home. The man had that

awestruck look again, the one that had his bottom jaw almost hitting
the floor of the cab and his eyes open wide.

As Trip walked into the open-plan kitchen and living area, he

heard a sigh of relief fall from his lips. The past week had been
stressful and tiring to say the least, and after the sixteen-hour drive,

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delayed somewhat by his incapability to keep his hands off of his
mate for too long, he felt relaxed. Now he could sit back in his own
home, deal with his pack and his business while getting to know his

Although whenever somebody thought that, usually some urgent

matter would come screaming upon him that he would have to deal
with rather than take a long hot shower and sleep with his mate. But
as he waited, nothing came, and he tugged a smile on his lips at being
proven wrong. Never had he felt so happy to be wrong in his entire
life. Sleep called to him like water called to a duck.

Trip walked toward the kitchen with his mate hot on his heels.

Micah still hadn’t said a word. Instead he seemed to be wandering
around, trying to see everything in their home. Their home. Now he
could get used to that. Sure, he and Paul had been roommates with
Dark before Dark became alpha, but somehow he felt like this was a
first. Like being with his mate and living in this house with the one
person he would always love was the secret to his happiness.

Just then, the man of the moment came barrelling into the kitchen

from where Trip stood in the doorway, he ran around opening each
and every cupboard door and drawer that he came across. He spoke in
hushed toned, too hushed for even Trip to hear him, but Trip figured
he was taking mental notes on where all his kitchen appliances were
stored. The man was a chef at the end of the day, and Trip couldn’t
even boil water. Once again he thanked the gods that he had been
given the perfect mate.

Not only did the man share his crazy, wacky, and unique

personality, not only was he an incredible fuck, which to be honest
was important in maintaining a healthy relationship, but also the man
was a darn good cook. Trip would save a lot of well-earned money
since he will no longer live on a barbecue and take-out diet.

“Oh. My. God,” Micah screamed, and before Trip knew what was

wrong, he had an armful of excited mate. Micah rained kisses all over
Trip’s face, his nose, his eyes, his lips before making his way down to

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his thick neck as he nibbled before soothing the sting with his talented
tongue. Trip had no idea what brought on this reaction from his mate,
but the question and answer could wait. He was getting hard just
feeling his mate’s warmth so close to his. His breath tickled Trip’s
neck, and his nose nuzzled against his ear as if the man was trying to
crawl up and inside Trip’s body, not that he had a problem with that.
He had known from the moment the man was his that he would not
want for anything. Whatever his mate wanted, his mate would get.

Trip didn’t realize what he was doing until he heard the distinct

sound of material tearing. When he pulled his eyes up from the sexiest
body he had ever seen, he noticed his hands had shifted to claws, and
the thin cotton material of his mate’s shirt was torn to shreds and the
pieces pooled at their feet.

It didn’t faze Micah though, and the man kept on raining kisses all

over his face before he sought out Trip’s lips in a wearingly
passionate kiss.

Cocks rubbed together, and the friction of the denim against his

groin began a quickly burning fire that started in his stomach as all his
blood traveled south and into his groin. He wanted to feel skin on skin
so badly he felt as though he would go feral if denied that one simple

The claws soon shredded both their jeans, finally releasing their

confinements. It baffled Trip how his small mate could have such a
big, juicy cock. The man was eight inches by his guess and very thick.
Whoever gave his mate that, he would have to send them a gift of
thanks. He knew what he wanted to do with that cock, and now he
had the space to do as he wished.

Scooting his mate up onto the wooden dining table, Trip

descended straight onto the man’s jutting cock, now oozing copious
amounts of pre-cum. He flicked his tongue over the head, licking up
the salty taste as he went along. Micah writhed and bucked, fisting his
hands in Trip’s hair. He gave his mate what they both wanted and
engulfed the cock down to the base, pressing his nose into the smooth

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skin. He sniffed and groaned, sending faint vibrations through the
bucking man’s cock, making him writhe all the more.

He then licked down the shaft and sucked each ball into his mouth

one by one and continued his trail downward, leaving a streak of hot,
wet saliva in his wake that sent goose bumps rising on his mate’s
thighs. Then he got to his desired location.

He licked around the rim of the puckered hole once, twice, before

sucking it gently into his mouth, using his teeth to nip gently then
soothe the sting with the rough surface of his tongue. A finger found
its way to also rim the man’s quivering hole as Trip rained kisses all
over the now-upturned ass. He couldn’t wait until he was buried
inside that tight ass again. It was his own private heaven that no other
man would ever experience.

Warmth began to spread down the shaft of his own cock until he

realized he was also spurting copious amounts of pre-cum. It dribbled
down his shaft and dripped from the bottom of his now-tight balls. He
held the base to deter himself from completion. If he came now, he
wouldn’t be able to get it up again, and he really wanted to come in
that ass again.

His orgasm was going to be a big one, but he wanted to savor this

moment. The moment of taking his mate for the first time in their
home was almost overwhelming enough to come regardless of his
painful hold on his cock.

Several deep breaths calmed his raging orgasm down slightly until

he was able to let go of his cock long enough to stretch his mate out.

He knew he mate was relatively new to sex, so he took his time

stretching him. With no lube, he had to settle for his saliva. It did
what it was supposed to and stretched his mate out enough to take

As Trip spread saliva and pre-cum all over his cock, he lined up

with his mate’s snug entrance. He intended to push in slowly to save
his mate any undue pain but all the resolve he had remaining left him
quickly. But Micah had other ideas. As soon as his head popped

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through the first ring of muscles, his mate lifted his ass up a bit and
impaled himself in one quick movement until Trip felt his balls smack
against Micah’s ass.

He screamed as uncensored pleasure racked through his body. The

thin line of control and any hopes of savoring the moment
disappeared, and he began a punishing pace.

Micah moaned and mewled as he began pumping his hips in time

to meet Trip’s fast-paced rhythm. Trip grunted, as every time he
pushed in and Micah pushed upward, it threw his cock deeper into the
man’s clenching hole. The grip around his cock got unbearable as his
mate’s scream tore through his lust-filled fog to signal his climax.

With his ass a good few inches from the table, Micah’s cum shot

out in long, even creamy ropes to hit his face and opened mouth.
Micah brought his fingers up to his face to taste himself and groan in

The sight was too much for Trip. He came with a vengeance as he

shot deep into his mate’s spasming passage. It was as if he was being
massaged on his cock. The feeling, both new and different in the most
delectable way ever, made him come more. He continued to come
even as his seed began overflowing from his mate’s ass to drip down
his crease.

After several moments of screaming out his orgasm, he flopped

down onto his mate’s sweat-slicked chest. He spoke the last words he
had heard come out his mate’s mouth.

“Oh. My. God.”

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Chapter 5

As he approached Trip’s home, Dark heard an animalistic growl

coming from the house. He knew Trip’s growl anywhere.

After running up to the back doors, Dark walked over the

threshold and into the kitchen, where he noticed his second beta and
third business partner, Paul, standing defensively in front of his mate,
Damon. Damon was an angel from the angel realm who was faded
into this world the moment Paul was born into this world. He just
hadn’t a clue what was going on.

A naked Trip stood defensively over a small, naked man Dark

didn’t recognize.

Now Dark stood just in the doorway to Trip’s home and witnessed

his two betas preparing to do battle.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

* * * *

Micah was scared stiff.
He had just had the most amazing sex of his life with the man of

his dreams.

Just as he came down from his intense orgasm, a man with long,

pure-white hair had appeared right before his very eyes as if the man
had teleported himself. But he wasn’t alone. A taller and more
muscular man had come with him. This one, though, exuded power
and respect. If Micah hadn’t had his ass full of Trip’s cock, then he
would have knelt at the man’s feet.

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Then the feeling of being stark naked, his knees pressed to his

chest and his mate’s cock still in his ass, made him feel self-
conscious. He desperately wanted to cover up.

Trip must have caught on to his change in demeanor because he

looked up to Micah, but Micah was concentrated on something past
him. Micah noticed Trip’s body turn rigid, and an animalistic growl
emanated throughout the house, almost breaking the windows glass.
Then the man, impossibly tall with dark hair and even darker eyes,
stepped through the door to the kitchen.

Trip had told Micah about his best friend, business partner, and

alpha, Dark James, so Micah had an idea of what the man looked like
or to at least look out for. But the picture didn’t measure up to the

The man who ran through the back French doors was tall, which

was the understatement of the century. He had to be almost seven feet
in height, and he was built far bigger than the other men around him.
Trip was six foot six and three hundred pounds, but this man
outweighed him easily. By how much, Micah couldn’t tell, but the
man was proportionate yet bulging with muscles. He was scared of
the man yet, oddly enough, felt safe as if being around these
werewolves would give him the protection and safety he had craved
all his life.

Then the alpha spoke.
“What the fuck is going on here?” he boomed. His voice was loud

yet oddly soothing and held so much power as if a simple order from
this man could immobilize a person. Micah’s mind scrambled for
something to tell the man. But before he could come up with
anything, the man walked into the living room, and when he returned,
he threw two blankets at Trip, who immediately covered Micah with
one, then wrapped the other around his waist. Now that he was
covered up adequately, he could actually think rather than have
everything out on display.

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“Who is this?” Trip demanded, looking between the three men in

the room with them. The dark-haired man looked ready to rip Trip’s
throat out, but then the white-haired man answered instead.

“I am Damon. Paul has told me so much about you. It’s good to

meet you finally. I am Paul’s mate,” the man said. He was beautiful
with golden skin that almost glistened in the daylight flowing through
the windows. His white hair almost reached his ass and was perfectly
straight. It was very different to Micah’s own hair. No matter what
Micah did to his hair, it always remained wavy. If he was lucky, he
might be able to get it to stay straight for say, an hour at the most.

He was just getting used to the words “mate” and “Trip” in the

same sentence. Going from having nothing but what he could give
himself, to suddenly having someone who was meant to love him,
cherish him, and be with him in mind, body, and soul for all eternity
sent shivers of excitement through him.

The dark-haired man who had come with Damon, Paul, came

forward and wrapped his arms around the other man, kissed him
lightly on the head, and pulled him closer so they rested back to chest.
Micah could see the happiness and love plain on their faces and in
how Paul nuzzled up to Damon’s neck.

“Sorry, Trip, for this, but Damon heard this man screaming and he

shimmered here. Of course when I noticed he had gone, I followed
him and we ended up here. You see, Damon is an angel, and they
have this ability to teleport between siblings, and once they meet and
claim their mates, they can also shimmer to them,” Paul said.

Micah was stuck to that one place as he contemplated the idea that

he had been thrust from a world, miles apart from this, where he had
to scrimp and save just to buy the baser necessities in order to survive.
The world where he worked his ass off just to keep a roof over his
head and food on the table seemed on opposite ends of the totem pole
at this precise moment of time. He hadn’t indulged in a computer, or
anything, because he simply couldn’t afford it.

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Now it appeared he lived in a world as the companion of a sexy

yet dangerous beta werewolf. He would live in a ranch home that he
had fallen in love with upon first site. A world including angels, as if
werewolves weren’t enough of a dangerous and supernatural entity
for him. It made him wonder what else existed in this small world
after all. Vampires, Demons, Fairies, Elves, et cetera, he hadn’t a clue
but figured he would find out real soon. He felt childish, but he was
entitled to a little meltdown right? After all, the world he lived in had
been lonely yet safe, and now his world consisted of magical
creatures that he always affixed with children’s fiction and
Hollywood movies.

“Oh come on. You’re an angel. They’re werewolves. What the

fuck also exists, huh? It seems you brought me into a world full of
weird and wonderful things but things that are dangerous
undoubtedly. Why would you make me give up my life to thrust me
into something that I don’t even belong to?” he ranted as he paced in
front of Trip. He stopped momentarily to look at Trip, and he noticed
the man hide an assortment of emotions. Amusement, anger, desire,
hurt, pain, just to name few, played across that handsome face. It
made Micah feel bad, and he wanted to apologize. But he wouldn’t.
He couldn’t. He had to keep to his word. He no longer had anything
else to pride himself on other than his word. If he gave that up, he
would be rendered pathetic with no dignity intact.

Trip opened and closed his mouth several times before he finally

gave up for a few moments. When he managed to compose himself,
Micah saw and felt anger in his eyes. It was almost overt in itself, but
when the man began to speak, it was Micah who was left rendered

“I know. I am sorry, sweetheart, about everything. You’re right.

You don’t belong in this world, in my world, and I feel terrible for
having brought you here. But a werewolf learns from an early age that
when he meets his mate, he is to do everything possible to keep that
person by his side. I am no different. Meeting you was the best

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moment of my life, one I will never forget, but you have to
understand you are my mate. Fate chose us to be together for a reason.
Even if you don’t believe it, it is true. We are destined to be by each
other’s side for as long as we shall live. For that and having you here,
I shall not apologize. If danger did come our way, I would be the first
to stand in front of you to keep you safe and healthy.”

“You may not realize, Micah, but our mates are the single most

important thing to us,” Dark finished.

Micah’s eyes misted up as he looked around for something to

avert his gaze to. Every time he came back to Trip. The man had
unshed tears in his eyes, and Micah could feel the sorrow and the pain
in his heart. Truth be told, he didn’t care. He would happily take a
bullet, a knife, a sword, hell, anything to keep Trip alive. He would do
everything in his power to keep the man happy for as long as he

He didn’t care about the danger, about the shifting forms and

spouting thick fur all over his body. He didn’t care about anything
more than having the man with him for all times. He didn’t even care
about the biting Trip obviously liked to do during sex. It was sexy and
so erotic that endorphins exploded in his body every time to give
Micah the most explosive orgasm of his life. It drove him crazy.

He walked up to Trip and wound his small arms around the man’s

somewhat muscular waist and held on for dear life. He whispered,
“I’m sorry,” into the bare, warm skin of his man.

* * * *

Trip stood there, unknowing how to feel. When he had heard

Micah speak, he swore he could hear resentment in his voice, and it
hurt him. Micah had let him claim him as his. He wouldn’t survive it
now if the man rejected him. Everything had to go perfectly.

When his slender arms wound around Trip’s waist, Trip

instinctively pulled the man closer until no air was left between them.

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The smell of his mate, the fresh smell of garden mint drove his senses
crazy, and he felt, rather than heard, the growl in his throat. The man
was addictive, and if the man had to stand in nothing but a blanket
covering his groin, he would end up taking the man again and again
until they couldn’t walk.

Pulling away just enough to look down into Micah’s darkened

eyes, Trip knew he was a goner. He knew he would love this man and
dote on him for all eternity, and all he asked in return was for Micah
to look after his heart. The man hadn’t just captured it or stolen it as
many do every day. No, no this man had always had his heart. His
heart had belonged to Micah from the very beginning of time. Micah
had been the only thing keeping Trip going for one hundred and
twenty years. He was now more important than the ground Trip
walked on.

“Why don’t you go upstairs, sweetheart, and I’ll be right up once I

see these guys out.” He gently pushed Micah toward the stairs. He
turned his back to his mate but then felt him staring holes into his
back as if Micah had turned around and was now watching him. “Last
door on the left,” he called over his shoulder as by way of direction to
his bedroom. Their bedroom, he thought shyly.

He waited until he heard the bedroom door open and close before

he spoke.

“Why are you guys here? I thought we were meeting up later?” he

asked. All of them, Dark and his mates, Kai and Harry, and Paul
along with his mate, Damon, had agreed to meet up later that evening
for dinner and few drinks as they discussed business. Considering the
circumstances, they were very behind in the dealings of the pack.
They had business decisions and everything else to sort out already.

Trip loved their meetings. It wasn’t only because all five, Dark,

Paul, Trip, River and Jay, were good friends, if not the best. It was
also because they could speak the truth to each other and deal with
business while they had fun. The five of them had lived next to one

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another between two apartments. Trip, Dark, and Paul had shared one
while Jay and River had shared another.

Trip had been the last of the five friends to join the light pack

some sixty years ago. When he had done so, he had moved in with
Dark and Paul. They had already been the best of friends alongside
River and Jay. Thankfully the group of friends had allowed Trip into
their group. Now it seemed as if they were expanding. All five men
had had one thing in common, homosexuality. All five men knew
they were gay. In fact it was a reason they had developed such a
strong bond between them, although Trip hadn’t slept with any of

They were all Doms except for Dark, who oddly enough, despite

his six-nine and three-hundred-fifty-pound build, liked to submit to a
man. They never gave him stick about it because they had always
known Dark to be the take-charge leader type of werewolf, and the
last thing one probably wanted when coming home to a lover was to
dominate that person after a day of being a leader.

Trip respected his alpha and best friend for doing it. He wasn’t

ashamed to walk around with his mate’s collar locked and secured
around his neck. The only key to that and Harry’s collar was in the
possession of Kai. Trip could always see it around Kai’s neck.

As Trip looked over to Paul and Damon, he noticed the collar

around the angel’s throat. It was decorated beautifully. It looked just
like rope that had been dipped in white gold. He guessed it probably
had considering Paul was the angel’s mate. A small collar ring sat in
front, but on closer inspection, Trip noticed the ring to be a P. The
intricate design was perfect, and Trip loved how his friends seemed to
have the most perfect collars.

Paul was a man who had taken well to twenty-first century

lifestyle. The man’s home was sleek and modernized perfection. He
loved the extravagant parts of life. He always had on nice clothing,
the best leather loafers. Jewelry was always on some part of his body

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or clothes such as cufflinks, and so forth. The man had an expensive
look yet pulled it off well.

The way Trip felt was a Dom should know his submissive inside

and out. What made the person tick, their personality, everything! The
collar given to the sub from their master or sir should reflect all that
the sub and master are. Most chose simple designs that had no
personality and were typically chosen because of their cheap price.
Trip saw a lot of plain leather collars at the club on a regular basis.
Black leather with a small ring of black leather looped at the front and
a small metal ring hanging from that. The typical design was the
bored, same old notions of detachment and cynicism.

It was an excuse to for those abusive Doms in his mind.
Trip never liked bullies and abusive partners. Abusive Doms were

even worse. Every time he noticed even a hint of domestic abuse
within a BDSM relationship, Trip immediately gathered his one of
many sets of metal cutters that he kept in every major room behind
the bars. After phoning the police, he would take the sub from the
abusive partner’s grasp, cut the more-than-often padlocked collar
from around the submissive’s neck, before throwing the junk in the

Abuse was not tolerated in his club.
Trip thought for a brief moment what his mate’s collar would look

like. He knew the man shouldn’t accept anything short of perfection.
He wanted everything to be perfect for them in all eternity.

The sound of a throat clearing drew Trip out of his thoughts. Dark

stood there with a knowing smirk on his face. Although he didn’t
know the man from Adam, Trip could tell Damon knew what was
going on, and the man looked happy and satisfied with himself. Paul,
on the other hand, looked pained. He seemed agitated, possibly a
mixture of both, as he nibbled on his mate’s mating mark. Trip
assumed the man wanted to get his mate back home to ravish with
love and attention that could only end in a furious climax for them
both. In fact, the idea to watch Micah become unhinged once again

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was compelling. He took pride now in seeing how far he could push
his mate.

He knew it would become a challenge for him of the best kind at

one point.

Just as Paul moved to nuzzle his mate’s right side, Paul’s right

side of the neck became exposed, and Trip noticed something that
blew his mind.

“When did you get a tattoo?” he asked Paul, who abruptly looked

impish, if that was possible for a man his size. His face flushed hot
red as he pulled Damon back into his chest, closing his arms around
the man’s chest and waist in an almost death grip.

“No. It’s my mating mark,” he replied after several moments of

composing his features to reveal a bright grin Trip couldn’t mistake
for joy and bliss.

“Ho—” He began to ask how a tattoo could be considered a

mating mark to somebody. It was a very strange concept to him, at
least for him as a werewolf. He understood the human form of tattoos
as a claiming mark for their beloved, but it was much different for
werewolves. He wanted to ask what made Paul do such a thing then,
on second thought, it wasn’t his business. If Paul thought that a tattoo
sufficed, then Trip would be happy for him, who was obviously the
happiest he had ever seen him.

“Cum,” Damon spoke before Paul could say anything.
Damon must have seen the sheer look of confusion on Trip’s face,

because the man giggled. He actually giggled. A man close to six
three actually giggled like Trip would expect Micah or Harry to. It
was probably condescending to label twinks, such as his mate and his
friend in the category for giggling, and tall, muscular men for not, but
he kept that to himself.

“Angels are pure beings who help out humans from afar. We are

selfless beings who take pleasure in helping others reach satisfaction.
When an angel drinks the cum of his or her mate from the source, a
personal inscription is engraved on the mate’s neck. It’s our version

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of a mating mark. The mark is usually the initial of our first names
mixed in with something that is personal to both partners. It is very
rare for an angel to have two mates.”

“On that note, I think we should leave you to deal with your

plaything,” Dark said, but as soon as the words registered in Trip’s
mind, a blind rage took over, but he knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t
attack his best friend and alpha. That would be considered a challenge
and very bad.

“Micah is not my plaything.” He said the word with such distaste

that he almost threw up his breakfast. He had called his previous subs
playthings out of their hearing range, but now the word in association
with his mate held so much distaste it felt bitter and sour on the tip of
his tongue. “He is my mate!” He screamed the last part with

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Chapter 6

Damon walked through the front door to River and Angel’s home

that was situated not two hundred yards away through the woods from
their own home.

Ever since finding his mate, everything had turned a complete

one-eighty. Sure, before he had worked his way up from nothing at
all, having to keep the circumstances from how he ended up in the
human realm to himself as he built his own thriving business.

Ever since he was old enough to realize it, he had been gay. He

preferred the touch of a tall, strong male, the typical cliché that was
tall, dark, and handsome. The fates had given him a mate with power
within the pack, and that was something he was proud of.

The fact he was now reacquainted with his long-lost older brother,

Angel, whom he truly believed he would never see again, let alone
hug and talk to. Now he had his mate and his brother back.
Everything seemed perfect.

A high-pitched squeal drew Damon around the corner to his

brother, flushed red and running straight for him. On impact, Angel
forced Damon down onto the kitchen floor with so much force
Damon could only comply and soften the landing for his brother.
They landed with a short “umf” when they came in contact with the
tiled flooring of the kitchen.

Kisses peppered his face. Every inch was kissed as Angel kissed

his nose, forehead, chin, and mouth. Damon vaguely heard Paul
laughing out loud as Damon threw an annoyed glare at his mate. His
brother was obviously happy about something, and in the past, when
Angel did something like this to him, it meant something major.

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Damon noticed River walk through into the kitchen, his hair

matted to his neck and shoulders from the shower, to stand beside
Paul and join in the laughing fit. Both men were leaning against each
other, watching his sibling’s show of affection. Damon really wished
he could be let in on the secret.

“Okay, A, you can get off me now,” he grumbled from underneath

the weight of his brother, but thankfully the angel listened to him
when River pulled the men apart.

“Let me have it,” Damon said once he was situated in the circular

embrace of his big bad beta mate.

He knew big news was coming, and it made him feel antsy.
“It’s true. We were right, Day. I am pregnant,” Angel announced

with a shit-eating grin on his face.

* * * *

Micah looked upon himself as if in an outer body experience.
Images flashed past him at accelerating speed. He couldn’t

decipher a single image or hang onto one long enough to memorize it.
But one thing was for sure, the images felt very real.

The images eventually slowed until they stopped completely to

capture one specific image. He had the strangest feeling of déjà vu. It
was of a man, somehow familiar to Micah’s mind, lying on a bed. He
looked pale, in pain, and vulnerable, unable to defend himself. Then
he disappeared.

The images sped up once more. Every once in a while they would

slow down slightly as if freezing time, and he would feel a weird
sensation wrack through his mind, at which point he felt as if he
forgot certain things or everything. Then they would speed up once
again. Then he felt something snapping into place as if somebody had
shut a big metal gate on his memories, then the images slowed.

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One image stood out amongst others. It was the memory of him

and Trip not twenty-four hours previous as they had the most amazing
sex of his life in the SUV right before he was bitten.

Reliving the biting drove Micah hot with need. It crawled inside

his body and to his dick that now stood painfully hard against his

When had he put jeans back on? And where was he?
All these questions invaded his mind as more images came

flooding to him, but now everything appeared crystal clear as if he
had relived each and every one of them. Micah knew they didn’t make
sense, but that didn’t stop forgotten conversations, forgotten scenes
playing out in his mind.

The gate on his memories appeared open now. The idea that

random images would involve him in such a way or another terrified

* * * *

Trip woke to find his mate thrashing and writhing. Trip didn’t

know what to do for his mate, but he knew something major was
happening around him, and he wanted to know what that was. He
didn’t like being kept in the dark.

After he had sent his friends away, Trip had climbed the stairs to

find his mate fast asleep in their bed. He had disrobed the blanket that
had not so modestly covered Micah’s sexy little body and fell into the
pile of deep cushions that had laid strewn on the bed.

Eyeing his mate sleeping on his side provided Trip with the

perfect view of the man’s lithe back. A tattoo he hadn’t noticed before
sat in between his shoulder blades. It was a very delicate design of
what Trip could only think of as an ink blot. The types that
psychologists use to determine the mind-set of an individual. He
presumed when Micah looked at the design that he saw something

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completely different, but to Trip it looked like an outline of a wolf,
but the wolf had a golden outline to it. A lot like a halo.

He cuddled his mate closer to his body until there was nothing left

between them apart from skin, and Trip wrapped himself around his
smaller mate. Micah began to make sounds he couldn’t decipher, so
he continued to hold on and murmur reassurances to his mate’s ear.
Eventually the man calmed down until Trip heard, as well as felt, the
even breathing of the man wrapped so tightly in his embrace, so Trip
let go ever so lightly but remained locked tightly around his mate.

A couple hours later, Trip woke up with his back on the mattress

and his chest cold. The only thing stopping him moving from the bed
to find his wayward mate was the pressure on his hips and thighs, and
then his cock began to throb as something wet and warm moved its
way over his hot and solid member. He didn’t have to look down to
know that his mate had begun to suck on his cock.

It felt as if he had never been given a blow job before. And Trip

had had plenty since leaving his birth pack. Most men moved as if
they are starving, by devouring his cock from the get-go. They usually
refrained from deep throating as best as they could, and Trip just let
them get on with it. But with Micah it was so very different.

The man was a bona fide tease. The previous night, before going

to bed, he had dug the bar from his pocket and proceeded to clean and
put it in, hoping for a time like this to show Trip his pierced tongue.
He teased the head, lapping at the beginnings of pre-cum before
pushing the ball of his tongue bar into the slit, driving Trip crazy and
making him jump slightly. He hadn’t realized Micah had his tongue
pierced. There was no way he could have missed something like that
with all the kissing they had done so far. He figured his mate must
have just put a bar back in. Trip was all for that. He wanted so much
to thrust his hips up and push that cock into his man’s hot mouth, but
Micah had a strong grip on his hips so he couldn’t. Just as Trip felt
Micah would swallow his cock, he licked the underside teasingly by

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kissing it all the way down and to his balls where he lightly sucked
each ball into his mouth in turn.

The pressure wasn’t enough to make him come but surely enough

to keep him going crazy with lust. He squeezed his eyes closed, trying
to stave off the impending orgasm that was being blocked from
erupting out of his slit, but all that came to him was the image of
Micah and his mouth wet and glistening with his pre-cum. It drove
him mental as he began to moan, and he went to fist his hands in his
mate’s hair but realized he couldn’t. Micah had tied his wrists to the
headboard with a piece of rope.

Trip had always kept rope in his room for an extra playtime. If

things got frisky in the bedroom, he had some of his bondage stuff at
easy reach. Now it looked as if he was the sub, and for some reason,
he was fine with it. Trip had always been the dominant partner and
never one to submit to any man. But now that he had been tied down
to the bed, Trip was harder than he had ever been. His cock was
throbbing and moving of its own accord, trying to reach the mouth of
its savior.

He was going to explode. He knew it. Micah had left the area of

his cock and balls, opting for licking the right side of Trip’s hip,
scooping up toward his ribs, and he finally made his way up to Trip’s
nipples. He wouldn’t touch his straining cock, but he made sure to
tease the rest of his body. Places, in which he didn’t realize were
sensitive, turned out to be hot spots for him, like under his armpits,
his ribs, and his belly button. Everywhere his mate licked and nipped
with his teeth left a hot trail of desire in its wake. Trip was going stir-
crazy. His head thrashing from side to side, incoherent thoughts made
their way past his lips, everything was going dark and only the
brightly lit stars behind his eyelids pulled him from unconsciousness.

Then he had it. A wet heat enveloped his entire cock in one swift

motion. He felt Micah’s nose graze his crotch, and the head of his
cock twitched an involuntary spasm when Micah’s throat muscles
worked his cock for several moments.

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Those few seconds felt like a lifetime to Trip as he felt his

cockhead somehow slip down Micah’s throat to impossible depths,
and knew for sure that if Micah swallowed anymore, his entire body
would end up inside the man. He was on sensory overload as his balls
drew up painfully tight and his release made its way up his shaft.

One swift motion and the cool air wrapped around his cock as

Micah released his cock, but then his heated flesh was squeezed by a
hot, delicate hand. “No coming,” he was told. The order did
everything it was supposed to. It drove his need up higher tenfold and
made his entire body shudder with goose bumps as his need soared
higher than any airplane could go. He needed this orgasm. It was too
painful, as if Micah’s words had frozen his entire cock, and his
release stopped halfway up his shaft yet still refused to dissipate.

After several deep breaths, Trip felt less frantic in his search for

release. He knew his mate would give it to him eventually, but until
then, the man was going to draw his need out as long as possible. He
tried to focus on anything else to calm his raging heart. He thought
about the time, the weather, his pack, but everything came back to the
hot little man towering over him at the moment. He thought about
what time his mate would love to try out the club’s offerings. He
wondered what weather he would fuck his mate in. Fucking his mate
in the snow-covered fields produced an excited shiver throughout his

A fuck session on a hot Texas summer day after a picnic by the

creek drove his ice-chilled veins to now sweat with anticipation. He
even thought about his pack, but he could only come to one
conclusion, and that was how much his pack would fall in love with
Micah as he had.

It was then the cool air dissipated from his cock and the hot

concave of his mate’s hot mouth found his prick again. Need jumped
out of him as Micah let his tight fist release his aching cock. He
needed just a little more pressure to drive him into completion. Then
Micah gave it to him.

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The increased suction on his cock drove him crazy, and the hand

massaging his balls was the icing on the cake. But before he could
come, Micah swallowed his entire length once more, and the throat
muscles around his cock pulsed consistently around his cockhead,
encouraging his cum out of his balls.

The pressure on his balls increased until Trip finally burst over the

edge. His climax released just as Micah moved off his cock slightly so
he could taste the salty semen from the source. Trip came as he
screamed his release, and he tugged and pulled on his bindings
uselessly. He arched his back as his head fell back against the pillow
his head had been resting on.

His orgasm ripped out of him as his voice spoke, “I love you.”

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Chapter 7

The following day, Dark had phoned, inviting both men to a

barbecue at his house. Apparently his alpha had spoken of Micah to
Harry, and that had been it. Harry had demanded a party to celebrate
Trip finding his mate and to introduce Micah to the rest of the inner

Trip walked with Micah to their alpha’s home. Micah wrung at his

hands, obviously nervous to be meeting his friends, but Trip had
assured him that everything would be fine.

As always they stepped into the large clearing behind Dark’s

home to see his friends having the time of their lives. Harry sat on
Kai’s and Dark’s laps, all three men cuddled up together, clearly as in
love with each other as Trip felt with Micah. He saw Paul sitting at
the end of the table with the man he remembered from the previous
day, Damon, straddling his lap. The chair was placed so both men
could see and talk to everybody else comfortably. Jay sat at the other
side of the table, nursing a bottle of beer. When Trip noticed River
sitting there, he couldn’t help but be shocked that his enforcer was
there. He knew the man would be, but rather a large man almost as
big as River himself sat next to River. Trip assumed this was Angel,
River’s angel mate.

The man was more pampered than he had ever seen River treat

any of his pets before. Angel sat comfortably at his enforcer’s side,
curled around his man as River hugged the large man even closer.
Every few seconds River would kiss the man’s pure-white hair in a
loving way. It made Trip wonder what was going on. The collar

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around Angel’s neck indicated he was obviously River’s pet, but the
man was being treated like he was a king.

As the two men reached the party, all voices quieted and heads

turned to them. The reaction of his friends unnerved him. Dark sat
there cuddled up to Kai, both of who wore matching grins. Jay looked
almost annoyed or frustrated, Trip couldn’t tell, but he had a feeling
he knew why his enforcer felt that way. Damon and River sat there
tightening their grips on their mates when it looked as though Damon
would rush up to them, but Angel shrunk back into River. Then he felt
Harry bumping into him just as quick as he heard the man approach.

The next thing he knew was his mate being ripped from his arms,

only to be hugged tightly by his alpha’s twink of a mate. The man
shrieked and for some reason began crying as he hugged Micah to
him. Suddenly he felt himself on the outside as both Damon and
Angel were involved in the hug. All three men were crying all over
his mate, and he felt out of the loop and very confused. River and
Paul looked on with equal expressions of love and happiness,
although River still seemed on edge. Micah looked around before
setting his eyes on Trip. Trip saw the question in his mate’s eyes, but
all he could do was shrug. He hadn’t a clue what was going on, but
damned if he wasn’t going to find out.

Then suddenly, all three men hugging his mate took a step

backward as they glared at one another, and arguments began to fly
around. Before Trip knew what was going on, Dark and Kai stood on
either side of Harry, holding him back, Angel and Damon stood
together, being held back by their mates, and his little mate stood in
the middle of all this commotion. This wasn’t how their meeting his
mate was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a small affair
filled with laughter and embarrassing stories of his past so his mate
got to know who the real Trip was. They were supposed to eat and
have a few drinks before bidding each other good night when Trip
took his mate home and made love to him in their bed.

Instead, they had this going on. He wanted to know what it was.

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“What the hell is going on here?” he ordered in his beta voice. He

stormed over to his mate, who soon held onto his shirt for dear life.
Trip wrapped an arm around his mate’s small shoulders and caressed
his hair with his free hand, trying to sooth Micah into relaxing beside
him as he looked at his friends, who were having difficulty
controlling their mates as they continued to argue.

* * * *

Micah gripped Trip’s shirt harder. He wanted to go home. He had

felt honored when the smallest man of the group had run straight for
him and brought him into a loving embrace, but when the two
beautiful men with long white hair joined in, he went stiff. But it
wasn’t for the obvious reason.

Something had happened when all three men had hugged him.

Memories he didn’t remember having came crashing down on him.
Memories of Micah playing as a child of a small village in what
seemed to be the late 1000s, wooden shacks for homes and fields
surrounding them, assaulted him. It looked a lot like a thousand
flashbacks rolling through one another at a rapid rate. But he knew
what he saw, and these weren’t some doings of a madman. It was
reality. There was no way he could be a thousand years old. Yet he
instantly knew the child in the image was him. Was he going crazy, or
had his brain just imagined all of this and he would wake up in a
padded room somewhere?

“Take me home,” was all he said in a quiet, hushed voice. He

knew Trip would have heard him if all he knew of werewolves was
fact. Luckily for him, Trip did, and soon he found himself scooped up
into Trip’s strong, muscular arms, and the raised voices of everybody
else grew distant. He didn’t pull his head up from his mate’s chest
until he felt Trip lay them both down on the mattress in their room.

He hadn’t eaten for a while but suddenly felt as though he wasn’t

so hungry as he had been not twenty minutes before, and all the

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craziness seemed so far away that he felt himself being drawn into a
deep but unfortunately not dreamless sleep.

* * * *

“He is one of us!” Harry screamed at the top of his lungs.
“No. He is one of us!” Damon shouted back.
It was getting ridiculous. The three men had been arguing for the

past hour. The only thing that had changed was the fact they had
moved from the patio and into the living room. Dark was starting to
get a headache, at least that was until everybody turned to him.

“What?” he asked. Then Harry started sashaying his hips toward

Dark in that predatory way he had grown to love and hate with equal
measure. It was one of those things that guaranteed his release if he
cooperated and sleeping on the couch if he didn’t. Now as alpha, it
was up to him to decide. One problem. What are they talking about?

“Tell them that Micah is a demon just like me,” Harry said in his

husky bedroom voice the man often used on both him and Kai.

Before he could answer though, Angel interjected, “He is not a

demon. He is an angel like me and Damon.”

Dark was suddenly even more confused as to how anyone could

confuse Micah as an angel or a demon. Dark knew demons, seeing as
his mate was one, and demons had a fire naturally built within them,
and it was shown throughout how they presented themselves. Angels
on the other hand were pure ethereal creatures, and the white hair was
a dead giveaway. But what could he say when it was obvious the man
was pure human, well, a human now with immortality.

This time he decided to act Switzerland and not get involved. He

slowly stepped back until he felt himself walk into his second mate,
Kai, where he wanted so badly to shrink into from the heavy gaze of
his smallest mate.

“I think we would know our own brother, Harry,” Angel said.

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“How else would you explain my teleporting to Micah without

Angel or Paul there to teleport to?” Damon asked. Dark really didn’t
have anything to say to that.

Damon would never have teleported to Trip’s home when neither

Angel nor Paul was there in the beginning.

But before he could voice his reasoning to his mate, Harry opened

and unopened his mouth numerous times. That was until he saw a
flame of fire erupt out of nowhere. At first he thought it was his
mate’s doing, considering the man seemed to play brat as often as
possible by creating small fires in the house that never seemed to do
any damage. This one was different though and in the center of that
fire was Micah.

“And I know my brother anywhere also,” Harry retorted.
Dark stood there, numb and speechless. First of all, Micah, the

man who he had thought of as human not five seconds before, had
just teleported into his living room as a flame of fire licked his skin.
One thing he couldn’t get his head around was how it was possible.
Could it work?

Expectedly, his beta, Trip, then ran through his door, looking

frantic as all hell, at least that was until he saw Micah.

* * * *

Trip was panicking. He had just gone to wet a wash cloth for his

mate as the man began burning up in his sleep, and when he came
back, the man had gone, with nothing but singed bed sheets left in his

After looking all throughout the house, he had run to his alpha’s.

Dark would always know what to do, and he had the ultimate power
to call for a pack-wide search. But upon running into Dark’s living
area, he saw his mate was there, encircled in flames. His initial feeling
was to help his mate out, but his mate didn’t appear to be in pain. His
mate just looked beautiful. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel scared for his

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mate but rather shocked at how perfect his mate looked encircled in
flames like that. Although he did feel a lot of confusion at how his
very human mate could have fire encircling him and not be in pain.

Then he saw a hesitant Harry walking toward his mate. When

Harry got within touching distance, Micah held his hands out in
offering for Harry to take them. A quick look to Dark and Kai showed
they didn’t want Harry near Micah, but they weren’t fast enough as
Harry took Micah’s hands and he, too, was engulfed in the flames.

Several minutes passed, although they felt like hours, before the

fire surrounding the two smallest people in the room dissipated before
burning out altogether.

Trip gingerly walked to his mate, eager to touch him and make

sure he was fine but hesitant in case the fire came back. Harry must
have read his indecision because the demon simply nodded and let go
of Micah and let his own mates pull him away. Trip presumed they
were going to check for injuries as he was, but none seemed to be
there on either man.

“What’s going on here?” he asked when everything seemed to

slow down. He pulled his mate down with him to the chair and
arranged Micah onto his lap as he ripped his shirt off to put over his
very naked mate. He hadn’t seen it before, due to the flames, but now
that they were gone, he could see his mate’s clothes had been burned
off. Luckily their differences in build allowed one of Trip’s shirts to
completely cover any and all of Micah he didn’t want anybody to see.

Trip looked at everyone in the room. Jay had changed his beer

from earlier for a bottle of bourbon as everybody else looked frayed,
and not from the flames. Dark and Kai were busy checking over their
mate as Angel and Damon were pulled into their mates’ protective

It was the one person he expected to not reply to his question who


“Maybe I can answer that?” his precious little mate said, but from

the frailty of his voice, it sounded more like a question. He looked at

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his mate with what must have been puzzlement but acceptance before
glancing around the room at the others. Everybody in the room wore
identical looks of confusion.

“Go on, sweetheart,” he encouraged when he saw the nervousness

on his mate’s face. Something in Micah must have agreed because he
took a deep breath and began talking a mile a minute.

“I never knew my parents. Well, I figured I didn’t anyway

because I couldn’t remember a thing about them and nobody ever
gave me so much as a photograph of them. My childhood was rough,
or what I thought was my childhood. But when I met Trip and he
claimed me, I started feeling ill. Not in the typical sense of coughing
or sneezing type of ill. More like headaches every now and then, as if
something was wrong or changing within me. It was as if I was on fire
and it wouldn’t go out. Then the past twenty-four hours I’ve been
having weird dreams, like they’re flashbacks of my life, but I didn’t
know any of it. But now I don’t only know it all, but I believe it, too.”

“What are you on about?” Dark asked, and Trip sent a thankful

nod to Dark for his quick wits when dealing with issues.

“Good question, alpha. But the flashbacks I had have been from as

much as a thousand years ago. But as far as what happened to me and
why now I’ve suddenly remembered everything, I have no idea.”

Trip sat there slack-jawed. Something deep down inside him knew

that his mate was telling the truth, and if he was catching on, his mate
was saying that he was a thousand years old, more or less, and
something happened to him so he forgot what happened to him. He
suddenly felt truly scared for the first time since seeing his mate had
disappeared. Was somebody after him or what?

“I can help him figure all this out.” Kai suddenly spoke up as

everybody turned to him. “I can take DNA samples of Micah’s blood
and try to find out what or rather who he is from that. I have access to
all the council’s medical records, so maybe we could try seeing if
your situation has occurred before,” the man said, looking directly at

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“Thank you,” Micah said as he raised his head from Trip’s neck.
Kai smiled brightly as he said, “It’ll be a pleasure. We will begin

in the morning, but I will also require blood samples from Angel,
Damon, and you, Harry, baby. Okay?” And he looked at the three
men who were obviously a key role in all of this.

“What am I missing?” Trip heard himself growl. He felt his anger

rising substantially. A cool hand to the area of skin above his heart
drew him to look down into the startlingly green eyes of his mate

“Not now,” was all Micah said, and as if by magic, Trip’s mind

went blank.

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Chapter 8

Micah didn’t know what was happening to him, but apparently

Kai did. The man sat at his computer, typing and clicking over and
over before he would turn around to the sample of blood he had taken
from Micah that very morning.

All Micah had ever known was he had been raised in numerous

foster homes, being moved from time to time before he could really
get to know any one family. Then, since he turned sixteen, he had
continued to move while working. Now it was all threatened by some
supernatural thing that was making him actually believe he was a
thousand years old. But what he couldn’t get his mind around was if
he had been alive for over a millennia, then wouldn’t he have known
about it and remember everything he had ever done, every time period
he had lived in? Instead, he could only recall flashbacks so far from
his childhood and earlier on.

And they weren’t easing up, either. Kai had put Micah out for a

few minutes earlier on to do numerous of unpleasant tests, and even
then Micah had dreamt of more flashbacks. Suddenly a noise drove
him from his thoughts to notice Kai standing in front of him.

“How you feeling?” the bigger man asked. Micah just shrugged,

indifferent as he continued his perch on the work surface.

They were in some sort of makeshift hospital room. It had a few

beds, a wide variety of equipment Micah had no idea they were used
for and a couple computers for inputting data. Apparently, upon
arrival, Kai had told him this was both Dark and the high council’s

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“Not long back, we had a run-in with numerous rogues, both

werewolf and vampire alike, and we had a number of injuries to deal
with afterward. Dark, the everlasting worrier he is, with permission
from the high council, brought in all this equipment for me to work on
any future injuries.”

Micah was still getting used to that. Not only did everything he

believed belonged in bad Hollywood movies and fictional books
existed, but also he was actually a part of it all. To what degree, who
knew? Maybe they would find out sooner rather than later. After all,
he was mated to a werewolf over a century old, he lived in a pack
where vampires, demons, and angels also roamed, and now he could
be something else entirely.

Trip had talked to him the night before about everything he should

probably start getting used to. Trip had made him some hot cocoa and
grabbed a bunch of junk food. The bed they slept in had been covered
in cookie packets, chips, popcorn, and the lot. Then Trip had begun to
tell him all about their world, starting with the high council.

The high council was a council made up of twelve different

members—one of each race—ranging from werewolves to vampires
to demons. Anybody who wished to make a major decision in his or
her pack, coven, et cetera went to the high council, anybody who had
committed grave crimes such as killing copiously. The council also
ensured the safety of all races, including feeding sources. Because all
supernatural beings have heightened senses, they also experience
heightened metabolisms, and although every supernatural ate regular
food, they also needed to feed in some way from humans. Vampires,
werewolves, and other shape-shifters fed from the blood of humans or
any other living creatures, although in modern times they fed from
blood banks to save human lives. When a vampire or a werewolf
found his or her mate, they could only drink from their mate. Any
other life source simply won’t do.

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Trip had proceeded to tell him all about the other supernaturals.

Learning about demons, elves, fairies, and many more that had
somehow overloaded Micah’s mind.

When Micah had met up with Kai the following morning, he had

asked the other man, “Why aren’t angels part of the high council?”

Micah had been sure the man would have rolled his eyes and not

answered him. He was pleasantly shocked when Kai had instructed
him to sit, and both with a hot drink in hand, Kai explained all they
knew about angels so far.

“When River and Paul first met their mates, Angel and Damon,

some mad elf had been after them. There is a dark power that comes
with being an angel that an angel will die from if it is used. This elf
wanted that power to bring his mate back to life.

“Once upon a time, angels were free to travel from their higher

plane of existence and into our world, but a lot of angels died from
using this power, and the portals between the planes were closed off,
shutting all angels on the angel plane. The only reason we can think
of as to why Angel and Damon are here is because their mates live
here. Damon faded onto this realm first, a whole ten earth years
before Angel did. The times at which they both faded onto this plane
were the exact moments their mates were born.”

After that, it had all made sense, and Micah felt a little closer to

sharing his mate’s world. Mate. That word had been so easy coming
to his tongue numerous times, he couldn’t believe it. This whole
world existed without humans knowing about it, yet somehow the
supernatural and human coexisted together.

Micah looked over when he heard the door open and close. His

beautiful, strong mate stood there in his typical cowboy attire, and he
looked gorgeous doing so.

Leaning against the wall with one shoulder, Trip stood there with

his faded jeans, ripped and torn across the knee and upper thigh,
showing just a hint of golden tanned skin. He folded both arms so
they crossed over his strong muscular chest covered in brown-and-tan

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flannel. To finish it off, his white cowboy hat sat perfectly perched on
top of his head. The multicolored hair looked surprisingly good with
the cowboy theme.

The man smiled seductively at him as if knowing Micah had been

mentally undressing him and subtly indicated to his crotch. Micah
could tell his mate was hard and obviously hot for him. He didn’t
know though if Kai still needed him or not, and so he turned to the
man who he could still hear typing noisily away.

“Go,” was all that was said, and Micah was stunned Kai knew

exactly what was going on when the man hadn’t even inclined his
head so much as a little.

Micah smiled shyly as if being caught with his hand in the cookie

jar and jumped off of his perch and into the arms of his werewolf.
Living in the south definitely had its advantages. It was 7:00 p.m., and
although it was twilight, the heat from the hot Texas day still lingered.
Trip passionately kissed Micah once they reached the outside of the
building where, after several moments, he was deposited on the grass.

Right there and then, his mate pulled every inch of his own

clothing off his sexy body, in turn handing every article of clothing to
Micah. Micah was stunned. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his
mate’s huge, eleven-inch cock as it filled and stood proud against his
taut abs. He couldn’t believe he had taken that monster inside his ass.
It was thick, and he felt his hole clench and relax in anticipation.

Then, just as swiftly, his mate no longer stood there but rather a

large wolf with red-brown fur. The wolf went down to the ground and
crawled softly to Micah. Once the wolf reached his feet, it rolled over,
showing its underbelly to him. Micah knew enough about wolves that
rolling on their stomach was a sign of submission as if to say it won’t
hurt him. But Micah knew this wolf, he knew him intimately, and he
knew the wolf wouldn’t hurt him. He scratched the wolf’s stomach
and slowly moved his way up to behind its ear when he heard the
huge, almost seven-foot wolf softly growl. He giggled, thinking of
this huge dominant animal growling in such a soft, feminine way, and

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he thought he saw laughter in the eyes of the wolf as a muffled bark
sound came from its muzzle.

When the wolf rolled over, Micah mounted the animal. As fast as

he had gotten on the wolf, Trip began sprinting to the tree line, and
once in the confines of the trees, the wolf continued to run. He dodged
trees and branches with expertise so Micah wouldn’t get hit. Micah
gripped the wolf’s fur in his hands as he laughed. He could never ever
remember feeling this free before, and it was a heady feeling.
Unfortunately the ride was over before he could have enough time to
enjoy it properly, and the wolf lowered to the ground so Micah could
get off safely.

As he turned to the wolf, he saw not the red-brown-furred wolf

sitting there but rather his very naked mate back in human form, lying
on the grass bank next to the pool they had stopped at. Micah dropped
the clothes in his hand and walked over and squatted down over his
mate’s hips.

Trip pulled him down for another of his passionate kisses, but this

one seemed to last forever. Everything was lost to him as he
continued to massage his tongue with Trip’s. Several minutes seemed
to have passed, and when they returned for air, Micah noticed the sky
had turned pitch-black. The half-moon sat high in the black skies,
shining it’s reflected light into the water. It was a romantic setting. A
small natural swimming pool sat surrounded by trees. The moonlight,
casting a glow onto the tips of the water, made Micah want to jump
into it.

Jumping off of Trip, Micah soon shimmied out of his shorts and

loose tee before taking a running start into the water. He dive-bombed
into the cool water, and by the time he came up for air, he noticed
Trip doing exactly the same.

* * * *

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Trip watched his sexy mate reveal more and more of his hot little

body and thought he would definitely get laid. But then the
unexpected happened, and Micah took a running start before jumping
into the small natural pool. He saw red-flaming hair begin to come up
above the water, and that was when Trip decided to join his mate. He
dove into the water, only to come up right behind Micah. He wrapped
his arms around his little mate’s chest as he rubbed himself all over
the other man.

He reached down to grip Micah’s impressive erection. Micah had

to be eight inches long despite his small stature, and it made Trip’s
mouth water.

Turning the man around in his arms, Trip grabbed onto his mate’s

ass, gripping each cheek in one hand before lifting the man straight up
and into air. The man’s cock was now in line with his face, and he
took no time in sucking the member into his mouth. His mate,
suspended in midair, began going crazy as Trip sucked his mate’s
cock deep into his mouth. He alternated between swipes at the slit and
head and full-shaft licks before he sucked the entire thing into his

Micah gripped his hair in a death grip before the man stilled and

he felt cum shoot down his throat. Micah tasted just as he smelled,
amazing. Garden mint rose spread throughout his mouth as he savored
the taste of his mate’s release before releasing the softening cock from
his mouth and lowering his man back into the water.

He walked his mate backward to the edge of the pool and turned

the man to face the edge. The pool had one wall to it rather than the
gradual gradient of the other sides. He slipped one finger into his
mate’s ass and straight away began pumping. He didn’t give Micah
time to adjust to the intrusion. He wanted to sink his cock into the
man’s ass. He knew he wouldn’t last long with the image of his cock
being swallowed by that bubble butt and the taste of his mate’s cum
on his tongue.

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Quickly he stretched Micah, and by the time a third finger went

into his mate’s channel with ease, he pulled out and thrust his cock
straight into the space. He held onto Micah as he started a punishing
rhythm. It seemed he could never get enough of his mate and go
slowly. Micah’s ass threatened to have him blowing his load.

He reached down to find his mate hard once again and smiled

inwardly, knowing he would always drive Micah this crazy with
desire. He made a mental note to one day try to see how many
orgasms he could get his little mate to have in one session.

The idea of his mate coming multiple times in one session had the

familiar feeling of tingles shooting down his spine to settle in his balls
as they drew up tight to his body. Trip picked up the pace even more,
hammering into his mate’s ass as the water around them stirred
vigorously and slapped against both their bodies, creating an extra
sensation to drive them both over the edge.

Trip thrust once, twice more into his mate’s ass, and he came,

with a scream, much harder than he had ever come before as he filled
his mate’s ass with his release. He stilled as the knot at the end of his
cock extended and latched onto his mate’s prostate at the same time
he bit down over his mating mark. He distantly figured out it had only
extended this time because it was the first time claiming his mate after
Micah had claimed Trip. He wrapped his fist around Micah’s hard,
jutting length and jacked him off as both men came for a second time.

The second orgasm, much more explosive than the first,

threatened to take Trip’s consciousness. The sweet blood spurting
onto his tongue kept him coming and coming until he gently licked
his mate’s wound closed, and the knot receded back and his cock

Trip leaned onto his mate, who hung over the edge of the pool. He

couldn’t think, couldn’t see or hear anything besides their heaving

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you home,” he said once he

regained enough strength back. As before, Trip shifted into his wolf

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form and allowed his mate to mount him. It was fun to run through
the woods with his mate on his back, but he knew he had to hurry. His
mate was still naked and very wet, and he wouldn’t have his mate
getting sick. Soon he walked them both through the backdoor of their
home and straight into a hot shower, where they caressed one another
lovingly as they soaped each other up.

* * * *

Dark wandered through the field outside his house. Kai hadn’t

turned up for dinner, and Harry refused to disturb their mate while he
was working. But at 1:00 a.m., it was starting to get ridiculous,
considering the man hadn’t moved since seven in the morning.

Walking through the doors, he saw his mate sipping what he

guessed, from the smell of the entire room, was coffee. His mate
needed food if he was going to work all day and all night.

As he closed the door, Kai’s head snapped up and looked his way.

The smile on his face was tired, and his eyes were red rimmed, but he
had excitement in his voice when spoke.

“I’ve got it. I’ve got it,” he cheered, and Dark wondered if either

of them would sleep this evening. He doubted it. But he could always

“I know, baby. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
“No! I need to tell Micah and now.” His mate was adamant. He

used his Dom voice that he so very rarely used outside of the
bedroom. Kai knew, outside the bedroom, Dark was and always
would be alpha. But it wouldn’t do either of them any good to argue
at this time.

“Okay, baby. How about you feed from me first though?” he

asked tentatively. He knew Kai only ever drank from him and Harry,
sometimes both, unless he was in dire need of blood. But luckily his
mate would never turn down his artery, and he found himself in his
mate’s arms as sharp fangs embedded in his skin.

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* * * *

They had just finished their supper of sloppy joes when a knock

on the back door drew their attention.

“Who’s that at this time?” Trip said, but Micah had a guess, and

as he opened the door, he knew he was correct. A tired yet
surprisingly sharp Kai stood at their door with a wide grin on his face.
It reminded Micah of the Joker’s smile in Batman but quickly
squashed the thought before he burst out laughing. As he allowed Kai
in, he noticed the whole damn cavalry was with him. A glazed-over
Dark walked in with a sleepy Harry in his arms as though Harry was
no more than a child. Two pissed-off betas walked in afterward with a
tired-looking Damon and a sick-looking Angel. At the end of the line
was an annoyed Jay.

“The army,” Micah shouted and distantly heard Trip’s roaring

laugh. When Micah walked into the kitchen, he noticed everyone had
taken up seats and had beers in their hands. The only one who didn’t
sit was Kai, and the smile he was giving Micah showed him the man
had figured what was wrong with him.

He didn’t know if he wanted to know, but something told him he

should have. When Micah thought Kai would begin the explanations,
he grabbed Trip and pulled the man to him. Micah was shocked
frozen as he watched Kai rip his mate’s clothing from his body and
begin inspecting his body thoroughly. After a few moments of
looking, Kai let out what could only be described as a successful
cheer. And he turned his mate round and held up his long
multicolored hair to show him a weird tattoo.

It was designed very intricately with a bloodred M, a white-golden

glow around it, but what drew him was the flames of fire that seemed
to dance on his skin around the entire design as if protecting it. Kai
even reached out to touch the marking, but when his finger got close

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enough to touch, the fire seemed to spark up and cover the marking

Everybody gasped when Kai moved away and held the blanket up

to Trip to cover himself with. Micah, still frozen with shock, was
unable to say a word, let alone voice his million and one questions.
Luckily he didn’t have to as everybody else began firing questions at
the vampire doctor.

Credit to him, Kai didn’t flinch but rather held up one finger to

silence everybody. Everyone was now wide awake and alert at
whatever it was the vampire was going to say. Trip came to Micah
and wrapped him up in his arms from behind as silent support.

“First of all, how would you like to know who you are, Micah,

before I get into the explanation?” he asked as he looked at Micah.
Micah didn’t know what to think or say, so he just reached up and
gripped his mate’s arms and watched his knuckles turn white before
looking up into his mate’s eyes, silently asking for help.

“Go on,” Trip said, still looking at him with so much love and

adoration in his eyes. Micah just wanted to be alone with his mate and
love on him.

“Okay. Well, after I looked at your blood sample and worked on it

with Harry, Angel, and Damon’s samples, I determined what you are.
Micah, you’re a hybrid. Both angel and demon.”

As gasps were exchanged throughout the room, Dark pulled his

mate into the empty chair next to him. Micah stood there. He didn’t
know what to think or say. But to know what he was just created more
questions from what he already knew.

“How?” he asked in a small voice.
“Well, apparently the angel portal was closed little over a

thousand years ago, and to the best of my knowledge, you were
conceived between an angel parent, most likely your father, and a
demon, most likely your mother.

“An angel’s powers, from what I have seen, are strong and

dominant, but then again so are those of a demon. My guess is both

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your angel and demon powers warred with one another, and when it
became too much for your body to take, your mind reset itself,” Kai

“You mean like amnesia?” Trip asked from behind him.
“Yes. Sort of, but rather than his mind going completely for the

majority blank, his mind came up with some sort of background story
for itself while his angel powers momentarily worked alongside his
demon powers to transport him elsewhere. A new start as such.”

“Your’e saying he can teleport wherever he wishes?” Damon


“Yes. But my guess is his extra power from his demon side is also

teleportation, which allows him to travel anywhere he wishes.”

“But why is he only now just remembering his life? And why did

I feel weird when we hugged last night?” Angel asked, and Micah
noticed both his and River’s hands patting his stomach. Micah
wondered why the men did that a lot.

“Again, I can only guess at that, but my theory would be mating

with Trip and both men claiming each other gave Micah some sort of
grounding he desperately needed that allowed his powers to level out
and allow not only his memories but also use his powers to mediate. I
suppose when he teleported to us, it was his body’s way of merging
the powers together.”

As Kai took a couple breaths, Micah looked around the room and

noticed everyone staring between him and Kai expectantly.
Eventually Kai carried on his explanation.

“As for the second question, I’m guessing Micah’s powers felt

like coming home for the very first time around you three. When I
looked into your DNA structures and was playing around with them, I
noticed that Micah’s demon side recognizes Harry as his blood
brother. But at the same time, his angel side also recognizes both of
you”—he spoke to Damon and Angel—“as his blood brothers.

“My guess would be before the angel portal was closed, your

father came to this realm and, for all intents and purposes, slept with

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who would later be Harry’s mother. As far as what actually happened,
I suppose you would have to wait for Micah’s memories to fully

“You mean I will get them?” he heard himself ask. This was

getting completely strange. He suddenly went from believing he was a
twenty-three-year-old human living in a pack of werewolves and
being the mate of one, to suddenly being a thousand-year-old half-
angel and half-demon hybrid who was only now just getting his
memories back and having three brothers, all of whom are gay and
mates to other werewolves in his pack.

Micah looked first at Harry who sat quietly crying into his alpha’s

chest, to Damon and Angel, who sat staring at him with an expression
of shock on both their faces. Angel suddenly stood from his mate’s
lap and walked over to Micah as Damon quickly followed suit.

Both angels stared deep into his eyes and he suddenly felt

something bubble up inside his gut. It churned and should have been
very painful, but Micah couldn’t feel a single spark of pain or
discomfort. That scared him more than any physical pain could have.
His eyes widened as he saw something that reminded Micah of
dawning cross the faces of the two angels as they looked at each

“There’s something else you need to know,” Angel started. “You

have probably seen me and River holding onto my stomach a lot, and
don’t worry, we aren’t crazy or anything, but it is something both you
and your mate need to know. I am a plural. It is a very rare disorder
among angels who in turn have a uterus and ultimately can conceive
children only with their intended mate or mates. This is what has
happened to me now, and we are currently expecting our first child.

“Any sibling can easily tell if their brother is a plural, and that is

how we figured out what was wrong with me. What you just felt was
exactly what happened to me. You are also a plural and are able to
conceive with Trip.”

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Micah swooned. Unfortunately he didn’t faint or black out,

although that would have been better. It wasn’t enough all this had
been dumped on him, but also being able to get pregnant by Trip was
too much to deal with right now.

A deep rumbling sounded from behind him that Micah both heard

and felt as he looked up into his mate’s eyes. Trip looked like he was
angry, confused, annoyed, and frustrated all in one. The man looked
as if he was going to go feral. Micah brushed his hand across Trip’s
stubble-covered cheek and smiled brightly at his mate. He suddenly
felt as if being able to get pregnant wouldn’t be so bad. Being gay had
its disadvantages by not having a child that was both his and his
partner’s by blood, but this, this was different. He could very well
have a child that was half-him and half-Trip.

Trip smiled back down at him and brushed his lips loosely over

his as if to say they were on the same page.

“Is there anything else you guys need to tell us? Or rather

anything we need to watch out for?” Trip suddenly asked, looking up
at everybody in the room, who wore identical expressions of
confusion. He hadn’t a clue why they were confused, but he guessed
it was something to do with the knowledge a part-demon, part-angel
and part-werewolf child could come into the world at any time in the
future. It was a scary thought if one wasn’t used to it like he was

“No,” everybody chimed in quickly, and it made Micah laugh.

The sound became hysterical as he continued, but he couldn’t stop it.
Something in him kept him laughing as he doubled over. He didn’t
even notice everybody leave until he only stood there with his mate,
and they shared a passionate kiss.

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Chapter 9

Two months had passed since Micah found out he was a demon-

angel hybrid, and how life had changed. Every day while Trip, Paul,
River, Jay, and Dark met for pack business, Micah would often meet
up with the men he had now come to think of as brothers, not only by
blood. Angel’s baby bump was also beginning to show, and a number
of tests done to both Angel and Micah showed a special gene that
occurred in their bodies and their mate’s sperm allowed them to
conceive a child together. No other person could impregnate them
other than their mate.

It had also become known that Angel would carry for the standard

nine months, typical of a human. Give or take a few weeks of course.

Trip had also made Micah feel like the most important person in

the world. Although they still weren’t pregnant despite trying at every
opportunity, Micah remained hopeful. They had redecorated their
house to something Micah preferred.

Today though, Harry was due to come round so they could

practice more on their demon powers. Apparently when they were
together, their demon powers were a lot stronger. It had turned out
Micah’s emotion had been fury. So it was often fun when he and Trip
would argue, allowing Micah to feed as such before they had the most
amazing makeup sex. But with his angel powers in play, they had
found out they could mix their powers, allowing Micah to heal small
wounds and Harry to teleport short distances.

Everything was working out, and he loved life with his family. Of

course finding out Angel, Damon, and Harry are all Micah’s half-
brothers and mates within the same inner circle only solidified their

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Christine Shaw

relationship, and they often got together for a movie night or dinner

Micah brought iced tea out onto the porch as he saw Harry

walking toward him. With no problems with rogues over the past
months, the guys actually allowed them all to walk to each other’s
houses unguarded. The small victories were what counted though.

“Hey.” He waved as Harry neared him. Harry teleported the last

hundred yards to appear right before Micah, and as both brothers
hugged, they went up in flames. The flames never caught the place on
fire or caused any damage, but it was rather something that happened
when both brothers were in physical contact now. Kai said it was
perhaps because they had always been separated from one another
due to unfortunate circumstances, and now they were finally together,
the flames were a warning to anybody who came close not to mess
with them.

“Hi,” Harry said back as Micah was released from the brotherly

hug, and the fires died down instantly. They each grabbed a glass of
iced tea when suddenly his two angel brothers appeared out of
nowhere, evidently hoping to join them.

“Come on. Grab a seat.”
Angel took the comfy chair they always left unoccupied for him.

Due to his stomach growing, he had begun complaining about his
back, and if River ever found out they made Angel sit on the plain
wooden chairs, they would be buried in a thousand different places by

That was where they sat all afternoon. Every once in a while they

would refill their drinks or grab food, but otherwise they sat on the
porch until they saw five hunky men walk through the tree line and
toward them. But before they reached the house, Micah disappeared
and reappeared in front of his mate, while everybody else did the

Life was finally perfect.

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Trip’s Fury



Micah walked into the darkened room. He was so turned on he

thought he would come any second. Trip had stretched him out back
at home then inserted an inflatable butt plug in his ass, and a metal
cock ring kept him constantly hard for the entire bumpy ride to the
club. Now he was in one of the private rooms with his mate, he was
practically bouncing with excitement. He wanted to come, bounce on
his master’s cock, and get spanked. He wanted everything his mate
had to give him and more, much more.

Trip was wearing tight leather pants and matching vest, opened so

his incredible torso could be viewed by many. They had gone through
the rules before leaving the house, and Trip had completed it with
giving Micah his very own collar. It was perfect for them.

One half of the collar was white leather, the other red leather to

signify both his angel and his demon heritage. There were numerous
chains on top of the leather, all of which were different colors to show
Trip’s rainbow-colored hair. He loved it.

He walked to the corner of the room where a table sat, and he

removed every article of clothing he wore piece by piece. Once they
were neatly folded, he walked back over to his mate, keeping his gaze
on the floor, and knelt at his feet. The way his head was bent showed
off his claiming mark Trip had given him, and he heard the man
growl until he felt himself thrust in the air and suddenly a metal bar
spread his legs wide open, evidently showing off the huge black plug
in his ass to his mate, and his hands chained to manacles from the

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Christine Shaw

Trip walked around him, humming and awing until he came to his

front. Trip lifted his chin until Micah was looking his mate in his very
sexy eyes. Micah knew what his mate was looking at. It was the
purple eyes he had suddenly woken up with, from the green ones,
saying he was a plural. Then the man’s gaze dropped to his crotch and
his hard cock jerked in response.

The cool metal of the cock ring was pried from his body, and

Micah felt his orgasm begin to rush up his shaft until he felt a warm
hand grip the base of his cock.

“I am going to let you come. You can come as many times as you

like this evening, without punishment. But once you do come, you
will be coming time after time. Understand, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Master,” he instantly replied. He loved calling this man, his

mate, master, and if and when they got pregnant, Micah knew he
wouldn’t get to be the submissive for a very long time.

Trip let go of his cock and continued his walk around of Micah.

Micah knew the man would soon be touching him and making him
scream with pleasure, but the wait was torturous. Everybody had told
him that Trip was the most amazingly cruel Dom to ever walk
through the front doors. Micah was about to find out why.

Then it happened. The crack of the whip on his ass stung him

pleasantly and straight away drove his need higher. He wanted more,
needed it, but when the second came, he knew it wasn’t a whip but
rather something that felt oddly like a flogger. It was still delicious
but not as sharp as the whip, and it drove his need to new heights.

Five more times he was hit, the whip and the flogger alternately

hitting a different part of his aching skin every time until he couldn’t
hold back any longer and he came with a scream of released
frustration. But Trip didn’t relent. Instead he became even crueler
than before and put the whip down only to use the flogger solely. But
this time, his mate spanked his still achingly hard cock and balls
numerous times until he came again, and he continued to come as
Trip kept up his punishment. But Micah’s cock wouldn’t soften. It

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Trip’s Fury


remained perpetually hard and his balls drawn up tight to his

Several more orgasms were forced out of him as Trip continued to

spank his entire body, ass, thighs, cock, balls, and nipples alike,
before he would gently scrape his fangs over Micah’s very sensitive
mating mark. Then Trip gave him what he wanted, what he needed,
and whipped him four times across the back. Each mark was enough
to make him bleed, and they did, but thanks to his supernatural body
would immediately close up afterward until he came again.

“Five orgasms in an hour, huh? Think we can get one more out of

you, sweetheart?” Trip asked in his Dom voice, and Micah weakly
nodded. His voice was sore and raspy from all his screaming and
crying in ecstasy, but now the man was driving him crazy with his
dirty pillow talk.

“I need an answer, sweetheart. Talk to me,” he demanded, and this

time Micah visibly gulped with absolute desire coursing throughout
his entire being.

He nodded vigorously as he weakly whispered, “Yes, Master,” but

it was what he needed when Micah heard the sound of a zipper, and
then the huge plug keeping his ass gaping wide for his mate was
removed and his mate’s thick, eleven-inch, uncut dick was left in its

“Ahhhhh,” he screamed at the punishing rhythm Trip set, and

despite his five orgasms, he felt a sixth approach and then slam into
him as he came just as hard as the first. Finally his orgasm began to
ebb, and he felt his cock finally soften. Trip was still inside him, and
he felt the monstrosity that was his mate’s cock throb inside his ass
before he felt hot lava paint his insides. Trip’s knot latched on at the
same time Trip bit into his neck.

His cock came back to life, and he screamed as a seventh orgasm

was prolonged the longer his mate drank his life essence down. It
drove him wild, and when he felt the knot recede and his mate’s
canines left his body, he started shaking from the loss of contact.

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Christine Shaw

Seven orgasms and he was reduced to a trembling mess all over his

He felt Trip unhook all his shackles and guide him into his mate’s

lap on the floor, which Micah happily sat on. Trip massaged his arms
and legs as Micah began sobbing quietly into his mate’s chest.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Trip asked, and Micah felt his heart

twist at the worry he heard.

“Yes, I am, baby.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”



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As a woman, Christine is the typical romantic. Long walks on the

beach, and a man or men to keep her warm in the cold winter months
of England is her idea of perfection.

Falling in love with Erotic Romance from the first page was a

calling beyond no other and suddenly twenty years of what she calls
an “overactive imagination” finally paid off. Her mind races ahead
two or three books. She always has new and exciting ideas waiting to
be written. She loves the idea of pushing the boundary on the typical
male and female relationship as something new and exciting,
something she will never grow old of.

Still waiting for that Mr. Perfect of her own, she will just have to

sit back and write about others finding theirs. Those select few may
even get lucky and find two.

Christine wishes you will find your Mr. Perfect(s).

Also by Christine Shaw

Ménage Amour ManLove: Dark Times 1: The Dom for His Alpha

Siren Allure ManLove: Dark Times 2: River’s Pet, Angel

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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