Automatyka Budynkow MAS28

Micro Application Example
Integration through Communicaton with KNX/EIB
(with LOGO! and CM EIB/KNX)
Micro Automation Set 28
Table of Contents
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
The Micro Automation Sets are not binding and do not claim to be complete
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 the contents of the other documents have priority.
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We accept no liability for information contained in this document.
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Table of Contents
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Micro Automation Sets are fully functional and tested automation
configurations based on A&D standard products for simple, fast and
inexpensive implementation of automation tasks for small-scale
automation. Each of the available Micro Automatic Sets covers a frequently
occurring subtask of a typical customer problem in the low-end
performance level.
The sets help you obtain answers with regard to required products and the
question how they function when combined.
However, depending on the system requirements, a variety of other
components (e.g. other CPUs, power supplies, etc.) can be used to
implement the functionality on which this set is based. Please refer to the
respective SIEMENS A&D catalogs for these components.
The Micro Automation Sets are also available by clicking the following link:
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Table of Contents
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... 4
1 Application Areas and Usage ........................................................................ 5
2 Setup................................................................................................................ 9
3 Hardware and Software Components......................................................... 12
4 Function Principle ........................................................................................ 14
4.1 Recording measured values ........................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Record filling level in oil tank using the SITRANS Probe LU .......................... 14
4.1.2 Record status of doors and windows with GAMMA wave AP 260.................. 15
4.2 Display values measured locally in the LOGO! logic module ......................... 16
4.3 Integrating components into the GAMMA instabus network........................... 17
4.3.1 Addressing inputs/outputs of LOGO! .............................................................. 17
4.3.2 Exchanging analog values between LOGO! and EIB/KNX............................. 19
4.3.3 Addressing of GAMMA instabus components ................................................ 20
4.4 Connecting GAMMA instabus with Ethernet................................................... 21
4.5 Visualizing the measured values transmitted via Ethernet/Internet ................ 22
5 Configuring the Startup Software ............................................................... 23
5.1 Preliminary remark.......................................................................................... 23
5.2 Download of the startup code ......................................................................... 23
5.3 Configuring Components ................................................................................ 24
5.3.1 Installing, wiring and networking the hardware............................................... 24
5.3.2 Configuring SITRANS Probe LU..................................................................... 25
5.3.3 Configure GAMMA instabus components....................................................... 26
5.3.4 Configuring IPAS ComBridge Studio .............................................................. 30
5.3.5 Configuring the Apache Webserver................................................................ 33
5.3.6 Configuring the LOGO! logic module.............................................................. 35
6 Live Demo...................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Testing the communication paths ................................................................... 36
6.2 General operating notes ................................................................................. 38
6.2.1 Simulate filling level in the oil tank .................................................................. 38
6.2.2 Simulating closed or opened entrance door ................................................... 38
6.2.3 Displaying filling level and threshold value at the LOGO! logic module.......... 39
6.2.4 Visualization with IPAS ComBridge Studio at the server................................ 39
6.2.5 Visualization by IPAS ComBridge Studio at a PC in the network ................... 40
6.3 Scenarios........................................................................................................ 41
6.3.1 Simulating and visualizing the filling level of the oil tank ................................ 41
6.3.2 Simulating and visualizing door status (open/closed)..................................... 42
6.3.3 Simulating a plant error at the LOGO! logic module ....................................... 43
7 Technical Data .............................................................................................. 44
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Application Areas and Usage
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
1 Application Areas and Usage
Automation Task
A real estate association manages 20 distributed real estates. Each of
these objects is equipped with a central oil heating system. With regards to
economic purchasing of oil, the estate manager likes to buy large quantities
with high discount rates. A prerequisite for planning the oil purchase is the
central detection of the oil reserves currently existing in the respective real
Additionally, the centrally recorded measured values should have the
following benefits:
" Transparent display and logging of the heating oil consumption in the
" Flexible ordering of heating oil when market prices are cheap
" Filling the heating oil tank shall be monitored locally using a display and
a signal lamp
In this context the following measured values shall be recorded and
monitored via a central control room. The control room is accessed via
Figure 1-1
Oil tank
Apart from detecting, transferring and displaying the tank filling level, an
alarm system is to provide security for the residents as well. The first step is
monitoring the opening and closing of each entrance door.
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Application Areas and Usage
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Automation solution  Set 28
For distributed monitoring of measured values for the real estates, the data
of the individual estates are transferred to a control room via internet. The
control room consists of a SIMATIC Microbox PC 420 with visualization
software ComBridge Studio by IPAS.
The sensor system is connected to a LOGO! logic module. Internal data
communication of each property occurs using the building installation bus
GAMMA instabus. The LOGO! communication module CM EIB/KNX is
used as interface between the LOGO! logic module, and the GAMMA
instabus. The connection between the EIB/KNX components and the
internet is realized by the IP Interface N 148/21.
The visualization software IPAS ComBridge Studio in the control room
enables graphic display, operation and logging of measured values. Using
an integrated web server, internet capable devices such as PCs, notebooks
and PDAs can comfortably access the measured values.
Figure 1-2
Automation system LOGO!
Simple wiring
LOGO! communicaton module CM EIB/KNX
GAMMA instabus EIB building installation technology Ethernet infra structure
-Sensos -Operation
-Operation -Visualization
-HMI -Logging
-Web server
-User management
GAMMA instabus EIB
IP Router N 148/21
Ethernet infra structure
HTML-based operating and
HTML-based operating and
monitoring, mobile
monitoring, internet connection
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Application Areas and Usage
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
A SIMATIC SITRANS Probe LU ultrasonic sensor records the filling level
in the heating oil tank and transfers it to the LOGO! expansion modules
AM2 via an analog input. Three signal lamps connected to the digital
outputs of the LOGO! logic module signal the following status.
" Heating oil tank empty
" Heating oil tank nearly empty
" Heating oil tank overfilled
The heating oil level is indicated by the integrated display of the LOGO!
logic module. The threshold values for the status of the signal lamps can be
changed using the LOGO! logic module.
GAMMA wave door/window contact is used for monitoring the status of
the entrances (open/closed) is used. This door/window contact transmits
the status via radio to a wave / instabus UP 140 coupler.
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Application Areas and Usage
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Application Areas
" In-house installation
" Building automation
" Networking LOGO! logic modules via the GAMMA instabus
" LOGO! functionality can be expanded by GAMMA instabus
" Functionality of the LOGO! components not affected by a failure of the
GAMMA instabus network
" Clock/date synchronization of LOGO! devices via GAMMA instabus
" Favorable sensors for digital and analog measured value recording can
be connected with components from the GAMMA instabus via LOGO!
" LOGO! process data available in many systems (e.g. Ethernet, infrared,
radio, ISDN, PROFIBUS DP, USB, RS232) using GAMMA instabus
" Visualization, logging and archiving of LOGO! process data on the PC
" Configuration of the GAMMA instabus components via internet
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Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
2 Setup
Layout Diagram
Figure 2-1
Line protection switch
Fig. 2-3 r
2 4
6 + -
Close internet connection
8 9
- +
- +
1 LOGO! Power 2 LOGO! Logic module 3 LOGO! AM2 4 LOGO! CM EIB/KNX
5 opt. SIMATIC PXS300 6 SITRANS Probe LU 7 MicroBox PC 420 8 Voltage supply. N125/21
9 USB Interface N148/11 10 Data bus 11 Connector 12 IP Interface N148/21
13 Wave / instabus UP 140 coupler to UP 114 bus connector
Micro Automation Set 28 consists of a LOGO! logic module (2) with relay
outputs and integrated time of day function. A SITRANS Probe LU (6) is
connected at an analog input of the LOGO! AM2 expansion module (3).
Furthermore, the communication module CM EIB/KNX (4) is employed
for providing a connection to the GAMMA instabus EIB/KNX network.
The DC 24V power supply for the LOGO! devices is provided by a
LOGO! Power 2.3A (1). The SIMATIC MicroBox 420 PC (7) is also
connected to this power supply.
The USB interface N148/11 (9) serves as user interface for configuring the
EIB/KNX system. The Gateway IP Interface N 148/21 (12) connects the
GAMMA instabus with the Ethernet.
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Fig. 2-2 l

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Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
The connector (11) connects the EIB/KNX data bus (10) with the CM
EIB/KNX communication module and the wave / instabus UP 140 coupler
(13) and the IP interface N148/21.
The DC 29V power supply for the EIB/KNX devices is provided by a
N 125/21 640mA (8).
Figure 2-2
2 1
3 I8
3 4
I1 5
- +
mA 6
Measuring the filling level in an oil tank requires using the SITRANS
Probe LU, as it is the only sufficiently Ex-protected ultrasonic sensor. In
this case, the wiring must be performed as described in figure 2-2 on the
left side.
If a water cistern is monitored instead of an oil tank, for example, the
more favorable ultrasonic sensor PXS300 can be used. The PXS300 can
directly connect to a 0 to 10V input of the LOGO! logic module. The
LOGO! AM2 expansion module is not necessary here. The inputs in the
LOGO!Soft Comfort program must be adjusted accordingly. The program
is commented at the respective locations. The wiring for the PXS300
ultrasonic sensor is described in figure 2-2 on the right side.
The IP interface N148/21 (12) has no contact system EIB/KNX data bus
(10). The device can be installed directly at the internet connection
removed from other EIB/KNX components.
For connecting the SITRANS probe LU (6) you use two sufficiently long
cables (1 to 2 m) to be able to test the functionality later without
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Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Network plan
Table 2-1
1. Connecting the stations necessary for Micro Automation Set
28 to the internet requires respectively one internet
connection at all objects displayed in figure 2-3.
For safety reasons, the IP interface N148/21 should be
connected to the internet via a VPN connection
2. For testing and demonstrating the Micro Automation Set 28
the internet is replaced by a LAN as illustrated in figure 2-4.
All steps described in chapter 5 and 6 refer to networking
via a local LAN.
Figure 2-3
Control Center
Client (PC)
Real Estate 1
Router at DSL Router at DSL Internet connection
Fix IP / DNS Fix IP / DNS dynamic IP
IP Interface at Ethernet interface at interface at
Router Router Router
IP address IP address IP address
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
Figure 2-4
Real Estate 1 Control Center (MicroBox) Client (PC) Client (mobile)
IP Interface at Ethernet interface interface atLAN W-LAN interface at
LAN (Port1) at LAN IP address Access Point
IP address IP address IP address
Access Point DNS
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Hardware and Software Components
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
3 Hardware and Software Components
Table 3-1
Component No. MLFB / Order number Note
LOGO! Power 24V 2.5A 1 6EP1332-1SH42
LOGO! 12/24RC 1 6ED1052-1MD00-0BA5 DC
LOGO! communication 1 6BK1700-0BA00-0AA1
LOGO! AM2 expansion 1 6ED1055-1MA00-0BA0 not applicable
module when using
SITRANS Probe LU and 1 7ML5221-1AA11 and
hand-held programming 7ML5830-2AH
SIMATIC PXS300 1 3RG6013 3RS00 Alternative to
Probe LU
SIMATIC Microbox PC 1 6AG4040-0AA30-0AA0 See note
Power supply 1 5WG1125-1AB21
N 125/21, 640mA
IP interface N148/21 1 5WG1148-1AB21
USB interface N148/11 1 5WG1148-1AB11
Door/window contact 1 5WG3260-3AB81
GAMMA wave AP 260
with battery
Koppler wave / instabus 1 5WG3140-2HB11
UP 140
UP 114 bus connector 1 5WG1114-2AB02
The listed order number of the SIMATIC Microbox 420 contains the
following system configuration:
Celeron 400MHz, 100MHz FSB; 512MB SDRAM-133; 40GB HDD EIDE;
Windows XP embedded incl. SP2.
The system data can be adjusted under the following address:
There you select your language and select the  Products option in the
primary navigation. In  Product Tree Siemens A&D  you navigate to
Automation Systems > SIMATIC industrial PCs > SIMATIC Box PC >
SIMATIC Microbox PC 420 and activate the  Configurators tab.
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Hardware and Software Components
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Table 3-2
Component No. MLFB / Order number Note
Data rail 190 with connector 1 5WG1190-8AB02
Bus terminal 193, 2-pole, 4x 1 5WG1193-8AB01 25 ea.
Cover strip 192, 242 mm 1 5WG1192-8AA01
Top-hat rail for LOGO!, 483 mm 1 6ES5710-8MA11
LOGO! PC cable 1 6ED1057-1AA00-0BA0
Line protection switch 1 5SX2116-6 1 pole B,
Top-hat rail for EIB/KNX 1 Specialist dealer
components, TH35-7,52
according to DIN EN50022
Bus line for EIB/KNX, Specialist dealer
YCY 2x2x0.8 green R/100
Frame simple for UP140 1 5TG2551-0
Configuration software/tools
Table 3-3
Component No. MLFB / Order number Note
LOGO!Soft Comfort 1 6ED1058-0BA01-0YA0
USB cable (type A  1 Specialist dealer
type B)
ETS3 Professional 1
Version 3.0d
IPAS ComBridge Studio 1
Suite/Core and Webtab
Registration at the  Customer Service
requires the license  Core and Webtab
Services for the following quantity framework
" Routers/Virtual Device: 1
" Client Manager/WebTab: 1
Networking the Ethernet components in LAN requires a switch with at
least 3 ports.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4 Function Principle
4.1 Recording measured values
4.1.1 Record filling level in oil tank using the SITRANS Probe LU
Table 4-1
No. Function Note
1. The SITRANS Probe LU is a
Min. 0,30 m
configurable measuring device for
continued filling level recording
using ultrasonic technology. In this
Micro Automation Set 28 the
measuring device is configured so
that the filling level (not the
distance) is output in relation to a
maximum height of the liquid.
The minimum distance between the
liquid surface and bottom of the
sensor is 30cm.
2. In the 4/20 mA standard the
measured filling level is transmitted
to the LOGO! AM2 expansion
4 bis 20 mA
3. Das LOGO! AM2 expansion module
has a 0/20 mA interface. Das 0-6 Meter
LOGO! logic module scales the
analog value from 0 to 600
4-20 mA
0-600 cm
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4,32 Meter

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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.1.2 Record status of doors and windows with GAMMA wave AP 260
Table 4-2
No. Function Note
4. The door/window contact GAMMA
Radio sensor with
wave AP 260 is a surface-mounted
integrated reed contact
device with integrated radio
transmitter. The device
automatically recognizes opening
Uni-directional radio
and closing of doors and windows.
signals in 868 Mhz
The device must be attached
frequency range
directly at the top edge of the door
or window.
5. The door/window contact contains a
reed relay. It consists of two
contacts sealed within a glass bulb
which close when a magnetic field
is applied.
6. Magnet and radio sensor must be
Max 10mm
fitted at a minimum distance of 3mm Min 3mm
and a maximal distance of 10mm
from each other at the door or
7. On the side of the GAMMA instabus
network, a wave / instabus UP 140
coupler receives the radio signal
and transforms it into an electrical
signal according the EIB/KNX
8. The door/window contact module
" Door/window was closed
GAMMA wave AP 260 distinguishes
" Door/window was opened
three telegrams sent to the GAMMA
" Reporting the battery status
(every 24 h)
9. Using the configuration software Telegrams which are not used can
ETS teaches all available telegrams simply be omitted.
at the wave / instabus UP140
" During sending a telegram, the
LED of the door/window contact
briefly lights up.
" When a telegram is received,
the LED of the wave / instabus
UP140 coupler briefly lights up.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.2 Display values measured locally in the LOGO! logic module
Table 4-3
No. Function Instructions
1. Some message texts have been A message text is permanently
implemented in the LOGO! logic displayed and three messages
module for local visualization of the appear depending on the current
filling level. filling level.
2. Permanent message text
The permanently displayed
message text contains the current
filling level (in meters) of the oil
tank. This message text has the
priority 0.
3. Dynamic message texts
The dynamic message texts appear
depending on the current filling level
in the oil tank. These message texts
<1.50m Prio2
have the priority 1 to 3 and are
displayed above the permanent
message text.
4. Next to the display of the message
Threshold Output
texts, the threshold value signals value
are output at three digital outputs of
0 < 0.20 m Q1
the LOGO! logic module.
0.20 < 1.50 m Q2
4.00 < 6.00 m Q3
5. Several signal lamps are connected
to the three digital outputs, which
gives the person filling the tank the
following information:
" Filling level: empty (1)
" Filling level: almost empty (2)
" Filling level: overfilled (3)
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Filling level

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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.3 Integrating components into the GAMMA instabus network
4.3.1 Addressing inputs/outputs of LOGO!
Table 4-4
No. Function Note
6. The communication module
CM EIB/KNX enables
communication between LOGO!
logic module and EIB/KNX network.
As a bus node at EIB/KNX the
LOGO! logic module is enabled to
exchange EIB/KNX telegrams with
other EIB/KNX devices or other
LOGO! logic modules. M
7. The following resources of the
" Parameters in the user program
LOGO! logic module can be used
of the LOGO! logic module
via the GAMMA instabus:
cannot be accessed.
" Digital inputs
" Access to the LOGO! logic
module by LOGO!Soft Comfort
" Digital outputs
via GAMMA instabus is not
" Analog inputs
" Analog outputs
8. Before the individual inputs and outputs are addressed, the resources must
be distributed. The virtual resources in the GAMMA instabus and the
physically available inputs/outputs of the LOGO! logic module are assigned
using the configuration software ETS and are adjusted manually.
The total of virtual and physically available resources always amounts to
the maximum upgrade of a LOGO!.
8/4 on LOGO! and 16/12 on EIB
12 DO (DO5-16), EIB side
16 DI (DI9-24); EIB side
4 DO (DO1-4), LOGO! side
8 DI (DI1-8); LOGO! side
8/4 on LOGO! and 16/12 on EIB
10. The ETS configuration displayed at no. 4 is used in
Micro Automation Set 28. It represents the following hardware setup.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Function Note
Configuration of MAS 28 with all
physically available
inputs and outputs.
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
Virtually provided
input and outputs via
GAMMA instabus EIB.
DI9 to 24
DO5 to 16
AI5 to 8
AO1 to 2
12. In order to activate a motor
connected to the digital output DO1,
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
a virtual input (here I9) from the
GAMMA instabus must be
connected with the physical output
DO1 in the LOGO! user program.
13. To activate a light in the GAMMA
instabus via the LOGO!, a physical
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
input (here DI1) must be connected
with a virtual output (here DO%) in
the LOGO! user program.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.3.2 Exchanging analog values between LOGO! and EIB/KNX
Table 4-5
No. Function Note
1. Analog values exchanged between
LOGO! logic module and GAMMA
instabus network are, as a
standard, interpreted as percentage
or floating point values. All
measured values have been
parameterized as percentage
values in ETS3. Switching from
percentage value to floating point
value must occur manually.
Analog output used in MAS28 (filling level)
2. For transmitting the actual analog
value, the virtual analog output in
the ETS configuration software
Floating-point value
must be parameterized as floating-
point value.
Percentage value
Not used second analog output
3. The analog output configured as
Analog output at group address (1/1/1)
floating-point value can also be
specified further. Various measured
Data type
values such as temperature, speed,
seconds, etc., can be specified.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.3.3 Addressing of GAMMA instabus components
Table 4-6
No. Function Note
1. A GAMMA instabus network
consists of several areas (B), lines
(L) and nodes (TLN). In this Micro
Automation Set 28 the following L L
assignment is used:
" B: building (real estate)
" L: floor
" TLN: device
2. To be able to uniquely identify each
node in the GAMMA instabus
network, a physical address is
assigned for each device. The
Node 3/ Device 3(LOGO!)
Line 1/ Cellar
physical address can be derived
Function area 1/ Real estate 1
from the topology described at no.1.
This physical address is assigned to
the device via the ETS configuration
3. A device-dependent number of
inputs and outputs is available for
each configured node. The number
of inputs and outputs is
automatically determined and
inserted by the ETS configuration
software according to the specified
device. The inputs and outputs are
referred to as communication
Communication objects
4. To be able to use a communication
object of the node, a group address
is assigned to it.
The group address defines a
function (e.g. switching staircase
light on). The respective
communication objects determine
the stations for this function.
Attention: The group address
differs in writing by the slashes  / in
front of the physical address, which
is written with  . .
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Function Note
5. If only one communication object
(2) is assigned to one group
address (1), the respective
communication object is activated in
the GAMMA instabus. This means,
that the electrical signals are
assigned to the bus line. There is no E13
LOGO! A1 Light1
particular assignment to any other A3 Light5
A8 E3 Shutter3 Shutter8
communication object.
This function, however, is
Comm. objects Grp. Addr.
Comm. objects
insufficient for visualizing, for
2 1
example, the analgog value A1 of
the LOGO! in the IPAS ComBridge
6. If several (min. two)
communication objects (2) are
assigned to one group address (1),
LOGO! E13 Licht1
communication between two exactly
A3 Licht5
specified stations is possible.
A8 E3 Rollade3 Rollade8
EIB! Licht5
Using this function, for example via
Komm. Objekte Grp. Addr.
Komm. Objekte
the input E13 of LOGO!, Light5 can
be activated in the GAMMA
instabus network.
4.4 Connecting GAMMA instabus with Ethernet
Table 4-7
No. Function Note
1. The IP Interface N148/21 serves as
an interface between GAMMA
instabus networks or other data
processing devices using the
internet protocol. The IP Interface
N148/21 offers the option of
visualizing all input/output signals of
the LOGO! logic module on the PC.
2. The IP Interface 148/21 must be In the ETS configuration software
considered as a bus connector. All an IP address is assigned to the IP
signals pending at the EIB/KNX Interface 148/21.
bus-internal interface are converted.
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Function Principle
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
4.5 Visualizing the measured values transmitted via
The visualization software IPAS ComBridge is used for visualizing the
measured values in the control room (SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420). In this
Micro Automation Set 28 only parts of the functionalities are discussed.
Figure 4-1
Visual Director is a complete
Web visualization with user
Visual Director
Director authentication, own navigation
structure and randomly placable
EIB display and control elements
The OPC Service combines the
InfoPoint WebTab e-Mail Database Scheduling
EIB with OPC Client systems
OPC Service
Service Service Service Service
Automation Services execute
Automation functions directly
From the ComBridge Studio
Server PC: time relevant jobs,
e-mails and data base entries
using data analysis and
OPC Engine Automation Engine
Core and WebTab Services bring
the EIB system to the DV network
Core Services
and enables a fast table visualization
Used in Micro Automation Set 28
Tools Application
Table 4-8
No. Function Note
3. All gateways to the GAMMA
instabus networks are assigned to
IP Interface 3
the control room via the
Configuration Manager. In the
Configuration Manager one entry
IP Interface 2
with IP address is generated for
each device.
IP Interface 1
4. The variables are generated via the
InfoPoint Configurator. The path of
the variable is the gateway entry
with attached group address. The
group address is taken from the
ETS configuration.
Gateway address Group address
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CBS Control Center

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Configuring the Startup Software
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
5 Configuring the Startup Software
5.1 Preliminary remark
For the startup we offer you software examples with test code and test
parameters as download. The software examples support you during the
first steps and tests with your Micro Automation Sets. They enable quick
testing of hardware and software interfaces between the products
described in the Micro Automation Sets.
The software examples are always assigned to the components used in the
set and show their basic interaction. However, they are not real applications
in the sense of technological problem solving with definable properties.
5.2 Download of the startup code
The software examples are available on the HTML page from which you
downloaded this document.
Table 5-1
No. File name Content
1 MAS28_ETS3_project_V1d0.pr4 Project file for ETS 3
2 Set28_LOGO!_V1d0_en.lsc Project file for
LOGO!Soft Comfort.
3 MAS28_CBCM_config_V1d0.csl Configuration file for the IPAS
ComBridge Studio
Configuration Manager
4 MAS28_ETS3_project_db_V1d0.esf Data base for the OPC
Server IPAS ComBridge
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5.3 Configuring Components
It is assumed here that the necessary software has been installed on
your computer and that you are familiar with handling the software.
5.3.1 Installing, wiring and networking the hardware
Table 5-2
No. Instructions Note
1. Installing the components from chapter 3
to the top-hat rail.
2. Plug the LOGO! expansion module into
the LOGO! logic module and clip it in (see
3. Wire all components. See chapter 2
4. Wire all components. Using the provided program
components requires following to the
topology and IP addressing from
chapter 2.
5. Switch on the power supply of all devices.
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Configuring the Startup Software
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5.3.2 Configuring SITRANS Probe LU
Table 5-3
No. Instructions Note
1. Ensure that the display at the SITRANS
Probe LU has been activated.

2. Use a hand-held programming device for
programming the ultrasonic sensor. s
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 0 P_ Px
c % 4%
% ź%
3. Leave the  RUN mode and activate the
Step Button Function
 Configuration mode.
1 Start configuration
4. Select the parameter P001. Step Button Function
1 Select P001.

5. Set value to  1 . Step Button Function
1 Value input
2 Acknowledge
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Configuring the Startup Software
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Instructions Note
6. Configure the further values P002 to All parameters are explained in the
P007. Proceed as described in no.4 and manual of the SITRANS Probe LU.
W/view/de/19101050 (German)
" P002: 1
" P003 3
" P005: 1
W/view/en/19101050 (English)
" P006: 6.000
" P007: 5.725
7. Quit the configuration mode and start the
Step Button Function
 RUN mode.
1 Start  RUN mode
After the here described configuration of the SITRANS Probe LU the
current filling level is output in meters as 4 to 20 mA signal. The
SITRANS Probe LU offers a number of further functions such as the
automatic volume calculation depending on the tank shape used. The
parameters required for this are available in the manual (chapter
 Parameter Description ). (German) (English)
5.3.3 Configure GAMMA instabus components
Table 5-4
No. Instructions Note
1. Connect the PC to the USB to the USB
interface N148/21 using the USB cable.
2. Open the configuration software ETS.
3. Import the *.pr4 file via  File/Import .
4. Open the Project Management via
 File/Open(/)Manage Projects .
Select the Micro Automation Set 28
project (1) and acknowledge with
 Open .
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Configuring the Startup Software
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Instructions Note
5. Switch on the power supply of the
hardware components.
6. To follow the steps below, the following
options should be set in your ETS
configuration software under
 View/Project-Views :
" Buildings: deactivated (1)
" All Devices: deactivated (1):
" Topology: deactivated (1):
" Group Addresses: deactivated (1):
" Project Root: activated (2)
The entire project is now displayed in one
7. Switch the access point for the connection
with EIB to USB. Change to the
communication menu
. Open the ETS connection manager via
the  Configure Interfaces button
(1). Create a new connection via the
 New (2) button and select the following
" Name (3):  USB
" Type (4):  USB
" USB Device (5): KNX/EIB-USB
Acknowledge all windows with "Ok".
8. Establish the connection with the GAMMA
instabus network.
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No. Instructions Note
9. Load the physical address into the USB
interface N148/11.
" Select device  1.1.1 Interface N
148/11 USB (1) and press the
 Download button (2).
" Checkmark  Local checkbox (3).
" Now press the  Program
Individual Address button (4).
10. Now load the physical address and the
user program to the remaining stations
Select building  Real estate 1 (1) and
press the  Download button (2).
11. Load the physical address including the
application program (2) into the devices
(3) via the bus (1).
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Configuring the Startup Software
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Instructions Note
12. Then follow the instructions in the IP interface N148/21
program routine.
" The physical address of the USB
interface N 148/11 was already
assigned. Cancel the download
" Programming head at IP Interface
N 148/21 (left top, button at the
indention below the LED)
" Press the programming button at
communication module CM EIB/KNX
(marked as  Prog. ! , second terminal
Wave / instabus UP 140 coupler
from the bottom, second terminal from
the right)
" For the UP 140 coupler, the button
must be kept pressed for 10 seconds
until the LED lights red.
The download of the application program
is started automatically.
13. Close the ETS configuration software.
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Configuring the Startup Software
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5.3.4 Configuring IPAS ComBridge Studio
A correctly configured SIMATIC Microbox PC 420 is assumed. The
license for the IPAS ComBridge visualization software is necessary
for further proceedings. Please use the standard installation paths
in all cases.
The installed Apache web server requires a sufficiently large swap file.
During creating the Micro Automation Set 28 a swap file larger than
400MB was used. Additionally, the swap file was moved to the larger
partition D:\. It is recommended to make the same settings.
The installation of IPAS ComBridge on a SIMATIC Microbox PC 420
using Microsoft XP embedded operating system may cause errors during
the installation of Java RE. In this case you install the current Java RE
version from 1.5.0.X manually.
Table 5-5
No. Instructions Note
1. Install all components of the IPAS The installation file is available at
ComBridge Studio Suite.
A registration at the  Customer Service is
necessary. The license  Core and Webtab
Services is required for the following
quantity framework
" Routers/Virtual Device: 1
" Client Manager/WebTab: 1
2. Connect an Ethernet cable at the Ethernet
port 1 of the SIMATIC Microbox PC 420,
to install the topology described in chapter
2 (green line).
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Configuring the Startup Software
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Instructions Note
3. Set the IP-address as described in
chapter 2.
4. Open the  CBS Control Center on your
SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420.
5. Start (1) all necessary services (2).
6. Start the Apache web server. Click the
Apache icon with the left mouse button.
Now select the  Start option from the
 Apache/Start menu.
7. Open the ComBridge Studio
Configuration Manager via  CBCM .
8. Import the *.csl configuration file via
 File/Import .
Successful connection with IP Interface N
9. At connected and correctly configured IP
Interface N 148/21 the connection with
this device is now established
Successfully started client:
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No. Instructions Note
10. Save the configuration via  File/Save Attention: When closing the ComBridge
Studio Configuration Manager make sure
as and close the ComBridge Studio
to acknowledge the information window
Configuration Manager.
with  OK . The info-window appears in the
background and is mostly covered by
other programs.
11. Open the InfoPoint Configurator via
 InfoPoint .
12. Open the Project Manager dialog.
13. Add a new project with the  Add (1)
button. Assign your own project name (2)
and acknowledge with  OK (3). Mark the
checkbox in front of your project name (4)
and acknowledge with  Close (5).
14. To generate the database for the Micro
Automation Set 28, open the
 Properties Dialog via  Set
Properties .
15. Import the *.esf database in the
 IB Data (1) menu via
 Open Exp. Data (2) and
acknowledge with  OK (3).
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Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
No. Instructions Note
16. Change to the  Web Editor view.
17. Delete all default objects contained in the
InfoPoint via the  Delete Row button
(1). Now add the database of the Micro
Automation Set 28 via Drag&Drop. Drag
the main group  Real estate 1 (2) to the
window  Webtab Editor (3).
The address of the objects (4) should now
have the following format:  IP Interface
N148:1/X/Y . If this formatting starts with
the term  Gateway&  right-click the main
group  Real estate 1 and acknowledge
with the  Reload button in the popup
18. Save your InfoPoint configuration and
close the InfoPoint Configurator as well as
the  CBS Control Center .
5.3.5 Configuring the Apache Webserver
To be able to access the just configured database of the IPAS ComBridge
Studio visualization software, the Apache Webserver must be configured.
Table 5-6
No. Instructions Note
1. Open the  CBS Control Center at the
SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420.
2. Open the  InfoPoint Configurator .
3. Open the Project Manager dialog.
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No. Instructions Note
4. Select your project name (1) and activate
the checkbox  WebTab (2). Press the
 Export (3) button and save the *.js file in
the default directory under any name.
Press  Close (4).
5. Close the  InfoPoint Configurator and the
 CBS Control Center .
6. Navigate to the folder  C:\Program
Files\Ipas GmbH\ComBridge
Studio\Webtab (1). Open the
 WebAccess.html (2) with a text editor.
(e.g. notepad)
7. Replace the default applet names with
those previously generated by you (3).
Save the file and close.
8. Navigate to the folder  C:\Program
Files\Ipas GmbH\ComBridge Studio
Web\__vhosts  (1). There you create a
configuration file. To do this click the right 2
mouse button and generate a text file via
 File\New\Text Document and then
you change its ending to .conf (2).
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9. Open this file with the text editor. Add the following entries to the Apache configuration
" (1): Via this port the Apache Webserver accesses the HTML page with the
integrated Java Applet. (49900  65535). Please note, that the  __vhosts folder
must not contain configuration files with the same port address.
" (2): Here the directory is specified where the HTML page (WebAccess.html) is
10. Restart the Apache web server. Click the
Apache icon with the left mouse button.
Now select the  Start option from the
 Apache/Start menu.
11. Close all opened programs at the
SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420.
5.3.6 Configuring the LOGO! logic module
Table 5-7
No. Instructions Note
1. Connecting the PC with the LOGO! logic
module at COM 1 via the LOGO! PC
LOGO! PC cable
Configuration PC
2. Open the *.lsc file with LOGO!Soft
3. Transfer the project into the LOGO! logic
module via  Tools/Transfer/PC ->
4. Set the LOGO! logic module into  RUN
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Live Demo
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
6 Live Demo
The functions and features of the Micro Automation Set 28 are displayed in
form of an example application for better understanding.
If the components have been correctly configured as described in chapter
5.3, the functionalities and features of program code and hardware can be
tested as follows.
Figure 6-1
Live Demo
Testing the Communication General Operation Notes Scenarios
(Chapter 6.1) (chapter 6.2) (Chapter 6.3)
6.1 Testing the communication paths
The button at the wave/instabus UP 140 coupler serves for a quick function
testing of the GAMMA instabus communication
" with the LOGO! Logic module
" with the IPAS ComBridge Suite via IP Interface N 148/21
Testing the GAMMA instabus network
Table 6-1
No. Instructions Note
1. The button at the wave/instabus UP 140
coupler has been installed in ETS as a
2. During a value change, the status of the
button is transmitted to the LOGO! via the
GAMMA instabus. At a positive edge a
3 sec. 3 sec.
counter starts in the LOGO! logic module,
which appears on the display.
3. The counter appears for three seconds.
The successful starting of the counter is
an indication of the GAMMA instabus
functioning up to the LOGO! logic module.
Counter to 3 sec.
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Testing connectivity of IP Interface and IPAS ComBridge Studio
Table 6-2
No. Instructions Note
1. Open the  CBS Control Center on your
SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420. Enter  cmd
via  Start/Run and confirm with OK.
2. Test the connection with the IP Interface
N 148/21 via the command
 ping .
3. At the IP Interface N 148/21 you see the
respective Tx-LED light up for each of the
four ping commands.
If the LED lights as described, this is an
indicator for a functioning Ethernet
- + - +
4. Pressing the wave/instabus UP 140
coupler button causes the line LED to
light up.
If the LED blinks as described, this is an
indicator for a correct connection of the
IP Interface N 148/21 to the GAMMA
- + - +
instabus network.
The procedure described here can also be used for testing your
client PC.
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6.2 General operating notes
6.2.1 Simulate filling level in the oil tank
Table 6-3
No. Instructions Note
1. To simulate the filling level in the oil tank,
hold the SITRANS Probe LU vertical to an
even base and reduce or increase the
" To increase the simulated filling level,
the distance between base and
SITRANS Probe LU must be reduced
" To reduce the simulated filling lever,
the distance between base and
SITRANS Probe LU must be
2. To provoke an alarm message in the
LOGO! logic module, you simulate a

certain filling level of the oil tank.

" 0.00 to 0.20 meter

" 0.20 to 1.50 meter
" 4.00 to 6.00 meter
Filling height in meter
6.2.2 Simulating closed or opened entrance door
Table 6-4
No. Instructions Note
1. Simulate opening or closing the entrance
door. Remove the magnet from the
door/window contact and move the
magnet close to the contact again.
2. The red LED at the door/window contact
2x blinking
blinks twice and signals, that the
telegrams were sent to the
wave/instabus UP 140 coupler.
3. At the wave/instabus UP 140 coupler, the
blinking of the red LED twice signals that
the telegrams were received
2x bliking
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6.2.3 Displaying filling level and threshold value at the LOGO! logic module
Table 6-5
No. Instructions Note
1. The LOGO! logic module permanently
shows the current filling level and the test
counter level (see chapter 6.1).
Current filling level in meter
2. If a threshold value is exceeded/short of
due to a change in filling level, the
respective warning relating to the
threshold value is indicated. The warning
and the filling level display from no.1 are
alternately displayed every two seconds
Current status of oil filling level
until the filling level has reached the
normal state (filling level meets no
Minimal and maximal filling level
threshold value).
used for this threshold value (m).
6.2.4 Visualization with IPAS ComBridge Studio at the server
Table 6-6
No. Instructions Note
1. To display the measured values at your
server, start the  CBS Control Center on
your SIMATIC MicroBox PC 420.
2. Open the  InfoPoint Configurator .
3. Change to the  Web Editor view.
4. Start the generation of a JAVA applet via
the  Start Applet button.
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No. Instructions Note
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
6. The generated Java applet automatically displays all configured variables and provides
functions for operation.
" (Column 1): name of the group addresses assigned in ETS
" (Column 2): address of the communication objects (IP Interface + group address)
" (Column 3): current value of the configured variables. The display varies
depending on the configured data type. (For a bit-by-bit display: GRAY not yet
updated since the start of the Java applets, BLACK out, YELLOW on)
" (Column 4): Operating elements. The display varies depending on the configured
data type.
" (1): changes the status by pressing the button at the wave/instabus UP 140
" (2): changes the status for opening / closing the GAMMA wave AP 260
door/window contact
" (3): outputs the current value of the filling level sensors in meters. The value is
updated for value changes.
" (4): Here output Q4 can be set manually to simulate an error.
6.2.5 Visualization by IPAS ComBridge Studio at a PC in the network
Table 6-7
No. Instructions Note
1. Open the Internet Explorer at the
client PC. Now you can access the
Apache Webserver via yourlocal LAN. 1
" (1) Access to the HTML page of the
control center with Apache
" (2): Operator view see description
Table 6-6, no. 5-6.
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6.3 Scenarios
The scenarios of this chapter describe how the functionalities of the Micro
Automation Set 28 can be illustrated with the automation task. The general
operation of the devices is described in chapter 6.2.
6.3.1 Simulating and visualizing the filling level of the oil tank
Table 6-8
No. Step Note
2. Bring the SITRANS Probe LU into
position so that the display at the
measuring device balances between
1.50 m and 4 m.

3. The status of the oil filling levis is OK. At
the LOGO! logic module the current filling
level is permanently displayed.
4. Simulate the filling of the oil tank by
reducing the distance between bottom
and sensor. The display at the SITRANS
Probe LU must display more than 4 m

filling level.

5. The status of the oil tank has now
changed to  overfilled . At the LOGO!
logic module, the permanent filling level
display is now alternately displayed with
3 seconds
the warning  Tank overfilled . Additionally,
the output Q3 is activated until the oil tank
filling level drops back down to 4 meter.
6. Change to your Client PC to access the
Apache Webserver via the Internet
Explorer. Now you can monitor the
current filling level via the Ethernet Oil tank fill level in meter
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6.3.2 Simulating and visualizing door status (open/closed)
Table 6-9
No. Step Note
7. Change to your Client PC to access the
Apache Webserver via the Internet
Explorer. Observe the output field  Door
status detection .
8. Remove the magnets from the GAMMA
wave AP 260 door/window contact to
simulate an open entrance door.
9. At the Internet Explorer you can see how
the output field changes from gray or
black to yellow.
10. Move the magnets to the GAMMA wave
AP 260 door/window contact to simulate a
closed entrance door.
11. At the Internet Explorer you can see how
the output field changes from yellow to
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6.3.3 Simulating a plant error at the LOGO! logic module
Table 6-10
No. Step Note
12. Change to your Client PC to access the
Apache Webserver via the Internet
Explorer. Press the  On button in the
 failure lamp 1(Q4) line to simulate a
plant error at the LOGO! logic module.
13. Output Q4 at the LOGO! logic module is
activated. A small clicking sound can be
14. The output area changes from gray or
black to yellow.
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Technical Data
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
7 Technical Data
LOGO! Power 24V 2.3
Table 7-1
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 85 to 264 V AC
Output voltage DC 24 V (setting range DC
22.2 to 26.4 V)
Output current 2.5A
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 72 x 90 x 55
LOGO! 12/24 RC
Table 7-2
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 10.8 V to 28.8 V DC
Digital inputs 8 I5, I6: High-speed counters
I7, I8: also used as analog
input (0-10V)
(I7 = AI1, I8 = AI2)
Digital outputs 4 relays No short-circuit protection,
external fuse necessary
Clock (Time switch) Available (date / time)
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 72 x 90 x 55
Table 7-3
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage DC 24 V
Inputs, max. 16 DE, 8 AE Virtual
Outputs, max 12 DA, 2 AA Virtual
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 36 x 90 x 55
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Technical Data
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
Table 7-4
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 24 V DC For transmission in mA/HART
Measuring range of sensor 0.25 to 6 m
measuring range mA/HART 4 to 20 mA
Precision of sensor ą larger value of 0.15% of the
measuring range or 6 mm
(0.24 )
Precision mA/HART ą 0.02 mA
Temperature compensation Yes, integrated
Protection system Casing IP67/IP68, Type 4X/
NEMA 4X, Type 6/NEMA 6
SIMATIC Microbox PC 420
Table 7-5
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 24 V DC
Processor Celeron 400MHz, 100MHz configuration possible
FSB,Profibus DP12
Main memory 512MBYTE SDRAM-133 configuration possible
Storage 40GB HDD EIDE configuration possible
Operating system Windows XP Professional configuration possible
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 262 x 134 x 52
GAMMA instabus power supply N125/21
Table 7-6
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 120 to 230 V AC permitted range AC 102 to
253 V
Output voltage 29 V DC permitted range DC 28 to
30 V
Output current 640 mA
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Technical Data
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
GAMMA instabus IP Interface N 148/21
Table 7-7
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 24 V DC permitted range DC 12 to
30 V
" EIB/KNX bus terminal
" Supply voltage (yellow-
" RJ45 female connector
GAMMA instabus USB interface N 148/11
Table 7-8
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Supply voltage 29 V DC
Interfaces USB interface
Transmission rate max. 12 Mbit/s
GAMMA wave AP 260 door/window contact
Table 7-9
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Power supply Lithium battery, AA 3.6V e.g. sunshine type SL-750,
life approx. 5 years
Radio range Approx. 100 m open space
Frequency band 868 MHz KNX-RF standard
Dimensions (W x H x D) in
" Sensor: 87 x 36 x 27
" Magnet: 40 x 10 x 10
GAMMA instabus wave / instabus UP 140 coupler
Table 7-10
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Power supply 29 V DC Via user interface of the UP
114 bus connector
Radio range Approx. 100 m open space
Frequency band 868 MHz
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 55 x 55 24
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Technical Data
Micro Automation Set 28 Entry ID 23810653
LOGO!Soft Comfort V5.0
Table 7-11
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Program representation Functional plan, contact plan
Simulation Yes without hardware
Online test Yes with connected hardware
Languages 6 languages (G,E,F,S,I,P)
Required operating system WIN98SE/ Runnable on any Linux
NT4.0/ME/2000/XP,MAC OS distributions, on which Java 2
X,LINUX SDK Version 1.3.1 runs
LOGO!Soft Comfort V5.0
Table 7-12
Criterion Technical data Additional note
Program representation Functional plan, contact plan
Simulation Yes without hardware
Online test Yes with connected hardware
Languages 6 languages (G,E,F,S,I,P)
Required operating system WIN98SE/ Runnable on any Linux
NT4.0/ME/2000/XP,MAC OS distributions, on which Java 2
X,LINUX SDK Version 1.3.1 runs
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