MP 12 Advertising Presentation

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Advertising Media

Advertising Media

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How Many Ads to You See

How Many Ads to You See

Each Week?

Each Week?

The average

The average

person is exposed

person is exposed

to approximately

to approximately

2000 ads each

2000 ads each

week. Do you see

week. Do you see

that many or

that many or



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What is advertising?

What is advertising?

Advertising is any paid form of non-

Advertising is any paid form of non-

personal presentation and promotion of

personal presentation and promotion of

ideas, goods or services by an identified

ideas, goods or services by an identified



The time or space devoted to it is paid for

The time or space devoted to it is paid for

It uses a set format to carry the message

It uses a set format to carry the message

rather than personal, one-on-one selling

rather than personal, one-on-one selling

It identifies the sponsor of the message

It identifies the sponsor of the message

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How does advertising use

How does advertising use

a set format?

a set format?

Advertisements are measured by

Advertisements are measured by

time or space

time or space

A radio spot is usually 30 seconds

A radio spot is usually 30 seconds

long (time)

long (time)

A newspaper ad can be 1/4 page

A newspaper ad can be 1/4 page



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The Main Purpose of

The Main Purpose of



To sell products or ideas by

To sell products or ideas by

presenting its message so well that

presenting its message so well that

the customer will buy the product

the customer will buy the product

or accept the idea presented.

or accept the idea presented.

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Promotional Advertising

Promotional Advertising

Promotional advertising is advertising

Promotional advertising is advertising

that is designed to increase sales by

that is designed to increase sales by

creating an interest in products

creating an interest in products

introducing new products and

introducing new products and



explaining a product

explaining a product

supporting personal selling efforts

supporting personal selling efforts

creating new markets

creating new markets

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Institutional Advertising

Institutional Advertising

Institutional advertising attempts to

Institutional advertising attempts to

create a favorable impression

create a favorable impression

(image) and goodwill for a business

(image) and goodwill for a business

or an organization

or an organization

Purpose is to develop a positive image

Purpose is to develop a positive image

by presenting information about a

by presenting information about a

company’s role in the community,

company’s role in the community,

important public issues and topics of

important public issues and topics of

general interest.

general interest.

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Media are the agencies, means or

Media are the agencies, means or

instruments used to convey

instruments used to convey



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Three Categories of

Three Categories of

Advertising Media

Advertising Media

Print media

Print media

Broadcast media

Broadcast media

Specialty media

Specialty media

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Print Media

Print Media

Print media can include any of the

Print media can include any of the





Direct Mail

Direct Mail



Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor Advertising

Directory Advertising

Directory Advertising

Transit Advertising

Transit Advertising

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Why is Newspaper

Why is Newspaper

Advertising Important?

Advertising Important?

Approximately 55% of adults read

Approximately 55% of adults read

the newspaper everyday?

the newspaper everyday?

Do you read the newspaper?

Do you read the newspaper?

Do your parents or guardians read

Do your parents or guardians read

the newspaper?

the newspaper?

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National, State and Local

National, State and Local

U.S.A. Today

U.S.A. Today

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

The New York Times

The New York Times

The Atlanta Journal/Constitution

The Atlanta Journal/Constitution

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What is a shopper?

What is a shopper?

Someone who likes to shop?

Someone who likes to shop?

A community newspaper which

A community newspaper which

contains no editorial content and is

contains no editorial content and is

delivered free to persons who live

delivered free to persons who live

in certain areas (full of ads)

in certain areas (full of ads)

The Thrifty Nickel

The Thrifty Nickel

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Advantages &

Advantages &

Disadvantages of

Disadvantages of

Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper Advertising

Large readership

Large readership

Known circulation (easy to target)

Known circulation (easy to target)

Low cost

Low cost

Timely and flexible

Timely and flexible

Wasted circulation

Wasted circulation

Disposable (short lifespan)

Disposable (short lifespan)

Poor quality advertising

Poor quality advertising

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Magazine Classifications

Magazine Classifications





National weeklies

National weeklies





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Consumer Vs. Business

Consumer Vs. Business

Consumer magazines are read for

Consumer magazines are read for

personal pleasure or interest

personal pleasure or interest

Reader’s Digest, Vogue, Sports

Reader’s Digest, Vogue, Sports



Business magazines appeal to people

Business magazines appeal to people

with general interest in business or a

with general interest in business or a

particular field within business

particular field within business

Business Week, Inc., Forbes, Marketing

Business Week, Inc., Forbes, Marketing



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Advantages &

Advantages &

Disadvantages of

Disadvantages of

Magazine Advertising

Magazine Advertising

Easy to target your market

Easy to target your market

Read slowly and thoroughly

Read slowly and thoroughly

Good print quality

Good print quality

Longer life span because they are

Longer life span because they are

kept of an extended period of time

kept of an extended period of time

Less mass appeal within a geographic

Less mass appeal within a geographic



More expensive than newspapers

More expensive than newspapers

Not timely or flexible (long lead times)

Not timely or flexible (long lead times)

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Direct Mail Advertising

Direct Mail Advertising

(Junk Mail)

(Junk Mail)

Advertising that is sent directly to

Advertising that is sent directly to

prospective customers through the mail

prospective customers through the mail

(More than $80 billion in goods and

(More than $80 billion in goods and

services sold annually through direct

services sold annually through direct



Have you ever bought anything through

Have you ever bought anything through

direct mail advertising?

direct mail advertising?

What do you do with it when you get it?

What do you do with it when you get it?

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Advantages &

Advantages &

Disadvantages of Direct

Disadvantages of Direct

Mail Advertising

Mail Advertising

Advertiser can be highly selective

Advertiser can be highly selective

Flexible and secretive

Flexible and secretive

Wide choice of formats

Wide choice of formats

Can use coupons or other incentives

Can use coupons or other incentives

Can directly make the sale

Can directly make the sale

Low level of response (-1%)

Low level of response (-1%)

High costs

High costs

Poor image (junk mail) often not read

Poor image (junk mail) often not read

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Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor Advertising

Non-standardized outdoor signs are

Non-standardized outdoor signs are

used by local firms at their place of

used by local firms at their place of

business or in other locations

business or in other locations

throughout the community.

throughout the community.

Standardized outdoor signs are

Standardized outdoor signs are

available to local, regional or

available to local, regional or

national advertisers.

national advertisers.

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Three types of

Three types of

standardized outdoor

standardized outdoor



Posters - Preprinted sheets put up like

Posters - Preprinted sheets put up like

wallpaper on outdoor billboards

wallpaper on outdoor billboards



Painted bulletins - Painted billboards

Painted bulletins - Painted billboards

that are changed every 6 months to a

that are changed every 6 months to a



Spectaculars - outdoor signs using

Spectaculars - outdoor signs using

lights, moving parts and are situated in

lights, moving parts and are situated in

high traffic areas or cities (Chick-Fil-A)

high traffic areas or cities (Chick-Fil-A)

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Advantages and

Advantages and

Disadvantages of Outdoor

Disadvantages of Outdoor



Highly visible

Highly visible

Relatively inexpensive

Relatively inexpensive

Permits easy repetition of message

Permits easy repetition of message

Can be geographically tailored for

Can be geographically tailored for

target market

target market

Short message due to limited viewing

Short message due to limited viewing



Unknown audience

Unknown audience

Government regulations

Government regulations

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Directory Advertising

Directory Advertising

Alphabetical listing of businesses

Alphabetical listing of businesses

Relatively inexpensive

Relatively inexpensive

Found in 98% of households - all

Found in 98% of households - all



Kept for at least a year - not thrown away

Kept for at least a year - not thrown away

Very inflexible due to being printed yearly

Very inflexible due to being printed yearly

Wasted advertising (to non-target market)

Wasted advertising (to non-target market)

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Transit Advertising

Transit Advertising

Using public facilities to advertise - such

Using public facilities to advertise - such

as subways, on buses and taxis, in

as subways, on buses and taxis, in



Reaches a wide and captive audience

Reaches a wide and captive audience



Defined market (usually urban)

Defined market (usually urban)

Unavailable in smaller towns

Unavailable in smaller towns

Subject to defacement

Subject to defacement

Restricted to certain travel destinations

Restricted to certain travel destinations

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Broadcast Media

Broadcast Media

Radio - 6+ years listening to the

Radio - 6+ years listening to the



Television - 10+ years watching

Television - 10+ years watching

television in 70 years

television in 70 years

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Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising

96% of people over 12 are reached

96% of people over 12 are reached

by radio

by radio

Prime time is morning and

Prime time is morning and

afternoon drive times - advertisers

afternoon drive times - advertisers

guaranteed concentrated audience

guaranteed concentrated audience

Ads are available in 15, 30 or 60

Ads are available in 15, 30 or 60

second time slots

second time slots

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Advantages and

Advantages and

Disadvantages of Radio

Disadvantages of Radio



Select and audience

Select and audience

- target their market

- target their market

Flexible - can

Flexible - can

change quickly and

change quickly and



Mobile (can be

Mobile (can be

taken anywhere -

taken anywhere -

shopping, jogging,

shopping, jogging,

hiking or driving

hiking or driving

Short life span

Short life span

Sometimes many

Sometimes many

stations - have to

stations - have to

decide which to

decide which to

use or use them all

use or use them all

(more expensive)

(more expensive)

Distractions - no

Distractions - no

visual involvement

visual involvement

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Television Advertising

Television Advertising





advertising medium

advertising medium

because it can communicate with

because it can communicate with

sound, action and color

sound, action and color

Prime time is 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Prime time is 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Infomercials - 30 minute

Infomercials - 30 minute

commercials (The George Foreman

commercials (The George Foreman



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Advantages &

Advantages &

Disadvantages of

Disadvantages of

Television Advertising

Television Advertising

All elements for

All elements for

creative message

creative message



More personal &

More personal &



Can reach the

Can reach the

masses or target

masses or target

specific interests

specific interests

Adaptable to special

Adaptable to special



Expensive - the

Expensive - the

highest production

highest production

costs - too high for

costs - too high for

small businesses

small businesses

Audience size is not

Audience size is not



Nuisance - channel

Nuisance - channel

surfing - leave

surfing - leave

during commercials

during commercials

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Advertising in U.S. Schools

Advertising in U.S. Schools

Some oppose Channel One because they believe the

Some oppose Channel One because they believe the

station misuses valuable educational time. Others are

station misuses valuable educational time. Others are

offended by commercialization of the school environment

offended by commercialization of the school environment

Advertisers hope students will become more aware of and

Advertisers hope students will become more aware of and

ultimately buy their products. Disadvantages include the

ultimately buy their products. Disadvantages include the

perception that the advertisers are forcing students to

perception that the advertisers are forcing students to

watch TV advertising or use a particular product

watch TV advertising or use a particular product

College recruiters, yearbook ads, candy sale posters

College recruiters, yearbook ads, candy sale posters

Some people may see advertising in schools as forcing

Some people may see advertising in schools as forcing

products on a captive audience or may perceive

products on a captive audience or may perceive

businesses as taking advantage of schools

businesses as taking advantage of schools

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Specialty Media

Specialty Media



useful items with

useful items with

an advertiser’s

an advertiser’s

name printed on

name printed on

them - usually

them - usually

given away

given away

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Other Types of Advertising

Other Types of Advertising



Sports Arena Billboards

Sports Arena Billboards

Movie theater commercials

Movie theater commercials

Hot air balloons, blimps,

Hot air balloons, blimps,

skywriting, banners

skywriting, banners

shelf ads, shopping cart ads,

shelf ads, shopping cart ads,

coupon machines, receipt ads

coupon machines, receipt ads

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Is there anything else we

Is there anything else we

are missing?

are missing?

What about the

What about the



What advantages

What advantages





might there be?

might there be?

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Media Rates - Services

Media Rates - Services



Standard Rate and Data Service -

Standard Rate and Data Service -

gives rates for most major media

gives rates for most major media

according to broad categories (print,

according to broad categories (print,



Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) -

Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) -

Print media use this to verify

Print media use this to verify

circulation figures because advertising

circulation figures because advertising

rates are based on circulation

rates are based on circulation

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Classified Ads and Display

Classified Ads and Display



Classified ads can advertise

Classified ads can advertise

everything from services

everything from services

performed to houses for sale to job

performed to houses for sale to job

openings (costs per word used)

openings (costs per word used)

Display ads are creative

Display ads are creative

illustrations of the product being

illustrations of the product being

advertised. (costs for space used)

advertised. (costs for space used)

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Newspaper Rates

Newspaper Rates

Column Inch Rates - number of columns by

Column Inch Rates - number of columns by

number of inches deep multiply by the rate

number of inches deep multiply by the rate

Run of Paper rate - The newspaper chooses

Run of Paper rate - The newspaper chooses

where to run the ad - you don’t choose the

where to run the ad - you don’t choose the



Open Rate - Basic charge for a minimum

Open Rate - Basic charge for a minimum

amount of space (non-contract rate)

amount of space (non-contract rate)

Contract Rate - Discounted rates for

Contract Rate - Discounted rates for

guaranteed amount of advertising in a time

guaranteed amount of advertising in a time



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CPM is the cost per thousand rate -

CPM is the cost per thousand rate -

the cost of exposing 1000 readers

the cost of exposing 1000 readers

to an ad

to an ad

Cost of the ad X1000

Cost of the ad X1000

= cost per

= cost per

thousand (cpm)

thousand (cpm)



Used to compare the rates for different

Used to compare the rates for different

papers with different circulations

papers with different circulations

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Magazine Rates

Magazine Rates

Bleed - 1/2 or full

Bleed - 1/2 or full

page ads are

page ads are

printed to the very

printed to the very

edge (no white

edge (no white

border) +15-20%

border) +15-20%

Black & White -

Black & White -

Lowest rates - black

Lowest rates - black

& white ads

& white ads

Color - Each color

Color - Each color

adds more cost

adds more cost

Full color - 4 color

Full color - 4 color

Premium position -

Premium position -

ad placement in

ad placement in



Discounts -

Discounts -



commission, cash

commission, cash

CPM - Cost per

CPM - Cost per

thousand in

thousand in



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The Spot

The Spot

Spot radio

Spot radio

refers to

refers to

the geographical

the geographical

area an advertiser

area an advertiser

wants to reach with

wants to reach with

its advertising.

its advertising.

Identify target

Identify target

market & potential

market & potential



Spot commercials

Spot commercials

are advertising

are advertising

messages of one

messages of one

minute or less

minute or less

that can be

that can be

carried on

carried on

network or spot

network or spot



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Different radio advertising

Different radio advertising



Network Radio advertising - a broadcast from

Network Radio advertising - a broadcast from

a studio to all affiliated radio stations

a studio to all affiliated radio stations

throughout the country (Paul Harvey)

throughout the country (Paul Harvey)

National spot radio advertising - National firms

National spot radio advertising - National firms

advertise on a local station-by-station basis. -

advertise on a local station-by-station basis. -

target markets

target markets

Local radio advertising - local businesses

Local radio advertising - local businesses

advertise for its target market

advertise for its target market

Run of schedule - lets the radio station

Run of schedule - lets the radio station

determine when to run the advertisement

determine when to run the advertisement

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Television Rates

Television Rates

Advertising rates vary with the time of

Advertising rates vary with the time of



Prime time is the most expensive - 7-11

Prime time is the most expensive - 7-11



Class AA time is prime time - other times

Class AA time is prime time - other times

are Class A, B, C and D.

are Class A, B, C and D.

Advertisers need to choose the time slot

Advertisers need to choose the time slot

that receives the most viewers in their

that receives the most viewers in their

target market.

target market.

Document Outline


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