quick jump phrases

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Navigation: Quick Jump Phrases

Quick Jump Phrases

Allows the user to quick jump to the site of their choice just by entering the short phrase for that site. It even displays a list of all the sites and the phrases to go there automatically! Definitely a clever way to allow visitors to navigate your site. (Be sure to put this script on it's own page of your site.)

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Navigation: Quick Jump Phrases
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!!!



1. Add the first code into the BODY of your opening page (index.html)
2. Copy the next coding into the HEAD of your popup page (demo.html)
3. Paste the last code into the BODY of the popup page -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->


<!-- Original: Jay Bienvenu (jay@bienvenu.net) -->

<! >
<! >

<!-- Begin
fontFace = "<FONT SIZE=2 FACE='Arial'>";
keyBuffer = "";
var key = new Array(); // Define jump-key pages here
var name = new Array(); // Define jump-key pages here
key['a'] = "http://www.acadiananow.com"; name['a'] = "Acadiana Now/<I>Daily Advertiser</I>";
key['br'] = "http://www.broadcast.com"; name['br'] = "Broadcast.com";
key['bt'] = "http://www.backtrax.com/hear"; name['bt'] = "BackTrax USA";
key['c'] = "http://www.cnet.com"; name['c'] = "CNet";
key['d'] = "http://www.dictionary.com"; name['d'] = "Dictionary.com";
key['gr'] = "http://www.dailygrammar.com"; name['gr'] = "Daily Grammar";
key['go'] = "http://www.go.com"; name['go'] = "Go Network";
key['in'] = "http://info.louisiana.edu/dept"; name['in'] = "Information Networks";
key['jd'] = "http://www.webreference.com/js/"; name['jd'] = "Doc JavaScript";
key['jg'] = "http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/communicator/jsguide4/index.htm";
name['jg'] = "Netscape JavaScript Guide";
key['jr'] = "http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/communicator/jsref/index.htm";
name['jr'] = "Netscape JavaScript Reference";
key['js'] = "http://javascript.internet.com"; name['js'] = "JavaScript Source";

key['k'] = "http://www.keirsey.com"; name['k'] = "Keirsey Character Sorter";
key['ly'] = "http://www.lycos.com"; name['ly'] = "Lycos";
key['l4'] = "http://www.discjockey.com/audio/lost45.asx"; name['l4'] = "Lost 45s";
key['ms'] = "http://www.microsoft.com"; name['ms'] = "Microsoft";
key['p'] = "http://www.perl.com"; name['p'] = "Perl.com";
key['q'] = "http://www.quixtar.com"; name['q'] = "Quixtar";
key['rc'] = "http://www.compaq.com/rcfoc/"; name['rc'] = "Rapidly Changing Face of Computing";
key['rr'] = "http://www.reelradio.com"; name['rr'] = "ReelRadio";
key['st'] = "http://style.webreview.com"; name['st'] = "Style Sheets Guide";
key['tb'] = "http://www.tidbits.com"; name['tb'] = "TidBits";
key['ul'] = "http://www.louisiana.edu"; name['ul'] = "UL";
key['ur'] = "http://www.netsquirrel.com/combatkit/"; name['ur'] = "Urban Legend Combat Kit";
key['v'] = "http://webreference.com"; name['v'] = "WebReference";
key['w'] = "http://www.weather.com"; name['w'] = "The Weather Channel";
key['y/'] = "http://www.yahoo.com"; name['y/'] = "Yahoo hp";
key['yl'] = "http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/Louisiana/Cities/Lafayette/";
name['yl'] = "Yahoo Local (Lafayette)";
key['ym'] = "http://mail.yahoo.com"; name['ym'] = "Yahoo Mail";
key['yn'] = "http://news.yahoo.com"; name['yn'] = "Yahoo News";
key['yv'] = "http://movies.yahoo.com"; name['yv'] = "Yahoo Movies";
key['z'] = "http://info.louisiana.edu/dept/netmon.html"; name['z'] = "Network Monitor";

function getKeySite(keyStroke) {
eventChooser = (isNetscape) ? keyStroke.which : event.keyCode;
which = String.fromCharCode(eventChooser).toLowerCase();
keyBuffer += which;
window.status = "keyBuffer='" + keyBuffer + "'";
for (var i in key) if (keyBuffer == i) {
window.location = key[i];
keyBuffer = ""; // clear buffer
var matches = 0;
var kbLength = keyBuffer.length;
for (var i in key) if (keyBuffer == i.substr(0,kbLength)) matches++;
if (matches == 0) {
window.status = "No match on '" + keyBuffer + "'.";
keyBuffer = "";// clear buffer
document.onkeypress = getKeySite;
// End -->

<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your opening HTML document -->


<form name="openpage">
<input type=button value="Open Quick Jump Page" onClick="window.open('quick-jump-phrases-demo.html');">

<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your popup HTML document -->

<table align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<tr><td colspan=3><font face="Arial"><b>Jump Keys</b> - Enter any key sequence to jump to the page.</TD></TR>
<tr valign="top">
<!-- Display list of Jump Keys
balanceFactor = 15; /* (name.length - name.length%3)/3 + 1; */
document.write ("<TR><TD>" + key.length + "</TD></TR>");
document.write ("<TR><TD>" + balanceFactor + "</TD></TR>");
balanceCounter = 0;
for (var i in key) {
dispstring = "<TR><TD>" + fontFace + i.toUpperCase() + "</TD><TD>";
dispstring += fontFace + "<A HREF=" + key[i] + ">" + name[i] + "</A></TD></TR>";
document.write (dispstring);
if (balanceCounter == balanceFactor) {
document.write ("</TABLE></TD><TD><TABLE>");
balanceCounter = 0;
// End -->

<!-- Script Size: 4.91 KB -->


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