xhtml1 t pe

XHTML Transitional DTD - Parameter Entities Summary  Elements  PEs  Other  dtd2xml 0.1dver. 1999-04-01 SUMMARY:  ELEMENTS  | PEs DETAIL:   | ELEMENTS  | PEs XHTML Transitional DTD   Color legend:   normal  | unused  | empty  | INCLUDE  | IGNORE Parameter Entities HTML.version "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" XHTML.ns "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html-in-xml" XHTML.profile "" XHTML1-frames.module "IGNORE" XHTML.Transitional "INCLUDE" XHTML1-arch.module "IGNORE" XHTML1-names.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-names.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML 1.0 Common Names//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-names.mod" ContentType "CDATA" ContentTypes "CDATA" Charset "CDATA" Charsets "CDATA" Datetime "CDATA" Character "CDATA" LanguageCode "NMTOKEN" LinkTypes "NMTOKENS" MediaDesc "CDATA" Number "CDATA" URI "CDATA" URIs "CDATA" Script "CDATA" StyleSheet "CDATA" Text "CDATA" Length "CDATA" MultiLength "CDATA" MultiLengths "CDATA" Pixels "CDATA" FrameTarget "CDATA" Color "CDATA" XHTML1-charent.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-charent.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML 1.0 Character Entities//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-charent.mod" XHTML1.ents "INCLUDE" XHTML1-lat1 PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1//EN//XML" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-lat1.ent" XHTML1-symbol PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols//EN//XML" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-symbol.ent" XHTML1-special PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//XML" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-special.ent" XHTML1-events.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-events.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML 1.0 Intrinsic Events//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-events.mod" Events.attrib "onclick CDATA #IMPLIED ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED onmousedown CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseup CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseover CDATA #IMPLIED onmousemove CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseout CDATA #IMPLIED onkeypress CDATA #IMPLIED onkeydown CDATA #IMPLIED onkeyup CDATA #IMPLIED" XHTML1-attribs-t.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-attribs-t.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML 1.0 Transitional Attributes//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-attribs-t.mod" Core.attrib "id ID #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED style CDATA #IMPLIED title CDATA #IMPLIED" I18n.attrib "lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dir (ltr|rtl) #IMPLIED" Common.attrib "id ID #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED style CDATA #IMPLIED title CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dir (ltr|rtl) #IMPLIED onclick CDATA #IMPLIED ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED onmousedown CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseup CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseover CDATA #IMPLIED onmousemove CDATA #IMPLIED onmouseout CDATA #IMPLIED onkeypress CDATA #IMPLIED onkeydown CDATA #IMPLIED onkeyup CDATA #IMPLIED" Align.attrib "align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED" IAlign.attrib "align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED" XLink.attribs "INCLUDE" Alink.attrib "xml:link CDATA #FIXED 'simple' role CDATA #IMPLIED inline CDATA #FIXED 'true' content-role CDATA #IMPLIED content-title CDATA #IMPLIED show CDATA #FIXED 'replace' activate CDATA #FIXED 'user' behavior CDATA #IMPLIED" XHTML1-model-t.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-model-t.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Transitional Document Model//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-model-t.mod" Misc.class "ins | del | script | noscript" Inlstruct.class "bdo | br | span" Inlpres.class "tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup" Inlphras.class "em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q" Inlspecial.class "a | img | applet | object | map" Formctrl.class "input | select | textarea | label | button" Inline.class "bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button" Inline.mix "bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript" Inline-noa.class "bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button" Inline-noa.mix "bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript" Heading.class "h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6" List.class "ul | ol | dl | menu | dir" Blkstruct.class "p | div" Blkpres.class "center | hr" Blkphras.class "pre | blockquote | address" Blkform.class "form | fieldset" Blkspecial.class "table" Block.class "p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table" Block.mix "p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | ins | del | script | noscript" Block-noform.class "p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | table" Block-noform.mix "p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | table | ins | del | script | noscript" Flow.mix "h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript" XHTML1-inlstruct.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-inlstruct.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Inline Structural//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-inlstruct.mod" Bdo.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Br.content "EMPTY" Del.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Ins.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Span.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-inlpres.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-inlpres.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Inline Presentational//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-inlpres.mod" B.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Big.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" I.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Small.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Sub.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Sup.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Tt.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Basefont.content "EMPTY" Font.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" S.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Strike.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" U.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-inlphras.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-inlphras.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Inline Phrasal//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-inlphras.mod" Abbr.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Acronym.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Cite.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Code.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Dfn.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Em.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Kbd.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Q.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Samp.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Strong.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Var.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-blkstruct.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-blkstruct.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Block Structural//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-blkstruct.mod" Div.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" P.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-blkpres.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-blkpres.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Block Presentational//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-blkpres.mod" Hr.content "EMPTY" Center.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-blkphras.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-blkphras.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Block Phrasal//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-blkphras.mod" Address.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Blockquote.content "( h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Pre.content "( #PCDATA | tt | i | b | bdo | br | span | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | script | map | input | select | textarea | label | button )*" Heading.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-script.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-script.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Scripting//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-script.mod" Script.content "( #PCDATA )" Noscript.content "( h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | ins | del | script | noscript )+" XHTML1-style.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-style.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Stylesheets//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-style.mod" Style.content "( #PCDATA )" XHTML1-image.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-image.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Images//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-image.mod" Img.content "EMPTY" XHTML1-linking.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-linking.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Linking//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-linking.mod" Shape "(rect|circle|poly|default)" Coords "CDATA" A.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Base.content "EMPTY" Link.content "EMPTY" XHTML1-csismap.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-csismap.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Client-side Image Map//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-csismap.mod" Map.content "(( h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | ins | del | script | noscript ) | area)+" Area.content "EMPTY" XHTML1-object.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-object.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Object Element//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-object.mod" Object.content "( h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript | param )*" Param.content "EMPTY" XHTML1-applet.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-applet.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Java Applets//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-applet.mod" Applet.content "( param | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Param.local.module "IGNORE" XHTML1-list.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-list.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Lists//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-list.mod" Dl.content "( dt | dd )+" Dt.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Dd.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Ol.content "( li )+" Ul.content "( li )+" Li.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" OlStyle "CDATA" UlStyle "(disc|square|circle)" Dir.content "( li )+" Menu.content "( li )+" XHTML1-form.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-form.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Forms//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-form.mod" Form.content "( h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | table | ins | del | script | noscript | fieldset )*" Label.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" InputType.class "( text | password | checkbox | radio | submit | reset | file | hidden | image | button )" Input.content "EMPTY" Select.content "( optgroup | option )+" Optgroup.content "( option )+" Option.content "( #PCDATA )" Textarea.content "( #PCDATA )" Fieldset.content "( #PCDATA | legend | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" LegendAlign.attrib "align (top|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED" Legend.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Button.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | table | ins | del | script | noscript | img | object | map )*" XHTML1-table.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-table.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Tables//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-table.mod" TFrame "(void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|border)" TRules "(none | groups | rows | cols | all)" TAlign "(left|center|right)" CellHAlign.attrib "align (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED charoff CDATA #IMPLIED" CellVAlign.attrib "valign (top|middle|bottom|baseline) #IMPLIED" CaptionAlign "(top|bottom|left|right)" Scope "(row|col|rowgroup|colgroup)" Table.content "( caption?, ( col* | colgroup* ), (( thead?, tfoot?, tbody+ ) | ( tr+ )))" Caption.content "( #PCDATA | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Thead.content "( tr )+" Tfoot.content "( tr )+" Tbody.content "( tr )+" Colgroup.content "( col )*" Col.content "EMPTY" Tr.content "( th | td )+" Th.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Td.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" XHTML1-meta.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-meta.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Metainformation//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-meta.mod" Title.content "( #PCDATA )" Meta.content "EMPTY" XHTML1-struct.module "INCLUDE" XHTML1-struct.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Document Structure//EN" "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-struct.mod" Head-opts.mix "( script | style | meta | link | object )*" Head.content "( title, base?, ( script | style | meta | link | object )* )" Profile.attrib "profile CDATA #FIXED ''" Body.content "( #PCDATA | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dl | menu | dir | p | div | center | hr | pre | blockquote | address | form | fieldset | table | bdo | br | span | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | font | basefont | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | q | a | img | applet | object | map | input | select | textarea | label | button | ins | del | script | noscript )*" Html.content "( head, body )" Version.attrib "version CDATA #FIXED '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'" Ns.attrib "xmlns CDATA #FIXED 'http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html-in-xml'" XHTML1-t.Documentation SYSTEM "/home/altheim/voymod/DTD/xhtml1/XHTML1-t.pi" Summary  Elements  PEs  Other  dtd2xml 0.1dver. 1999-04-01 SUMMARY:  ELEMENTS  | PEs DETAIL:   | ELEMENTS  | PEs Last revised: Thu, Apr 1, at 06:02:43 PM PDT Copyright ©1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.This documentation was generated with a development version of dtd2xml. top


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