karta kropeczki np z konfetti

Dot To Dot To Dot...
By Lizzi Coope
Materials Required:
Standard hold punch.
Daisy paper punch.
Gold crepe paper CP930, or Gold foil.
Tracing paper and pencil.
Scrap of plain paper.
Photomount and sticky fixers.
P.V.A. Craft adhesive.
Card mount: AP17U-46, Hammer Cream.
To Make The Card:
Using P.V.A. adhesive, glue the card
closed and put under a heavy object until
it is firmly stuck and is nice and flat.
Trace the heart from the diagram, place
the tracing face down, line it up neatly in the
aperture and retrace over the line to transfer
it onto the card.
Stick a sheet of photomount onto the back
of the crepe paper. Make sure you empty the
paper punch tray before starting or the dots
already in there will be difficult to separate
from the ones you really want. I have used
Try using the point of a craft knife blade to
two sizes of dot to fill in the heart and to work
loosen the backing. Hold the dot so you are
the heart border, using one size will look very
looking at it  edge on gently push the tip of the
little different in this instance.
blade into the edge (you will need good eyesight
for this). Push the blade gently sideways towards
Punch out dots all along one edge of the crepe
the backing sheet.
paper and photomount  sandwich , trim the used
edge from the sheet and punch out another row
This just peels the backing away a little at one
of dots. Repeat as required, I haven t counted
edge allowing easy finger access later. Do lots of
how many dots I used but you can always punch
dots in one go so
out more as you need them.
you don t have to
keep picking up
Separating the
the knife. Because
sticky dot from it s
only the edge of
backing sheet can
the backing is
be a frustrating
business, and try- peeled up you
ing to peel them can safely drop
by hand usually the dots onto the
results in a spoiled work surface
or creased edge on without them
many of the dots. sticking on to it.
Once you have a little collection of dots Place a single row of dots all round the outer
ready for hand peeling you can start sticking edge of the card mount overlapping the dots by
them in place. Begin with the centre heart which about half as before.
you pencilled in earlier.
Cut a 2.5cm x 10cm strip off the edge of the
1. Start by placing crepe paper, peel the backing and stick onto a
a dot at the bottom piece of plain paper. Punch out four daisies, the
point of the heart, paper backing will stiffen the petals just a little.
overlapping the line Glue one daisy onto each corner of the mount
by about half of the by the centre only so the petals remain free and
dot. Work up the gently bend them up from the card.
right hand edge of
Stick a little plain crepe paper onto two sticky
the heart laying the
fixer pads and punch out four dots, if you can
dots overlapping the
get them quite close together you may only need
line and each other
to use one pad. Peel the backing from the sticky
by about half a dot.
fixer dots and stick one onto the centre of each
Continue round the
heart until you reach
the start point again. The valentine card below is made from dots
in three different sizes, all the dots are punched
2. Work a row of
from sticky fixers covered with pearly or holo-
dots from the bottom
graphic paper giving the card a very three
most space right
dimensional finish.
up the centre of
the heart, this will The little hearts are made using a heart punch
ensure there are no and plain yellow paper. They are stuck onto the
little gaps as you fill card using dots of sticky fixer made with my
in the centre of the smallest size hole punch.
3. Fill in the heart
working in neat 3
rows from the edge
inward. Break the
line at the centre as
as shown, but other-
wise, overlap the
dots by about half
as before.
4. Try to keep the
rows on both sides
as even as possible.
You should finish
close to the centre
with the very last
Work the outer
heart line by placing
a single row of dots
following the shape
of the aperture. Stick
the dots halfway
across the join
between the card
and it s aperture and overlapping each other by
about half as before.
We hope you enjoy this free project. You may hand make copies of this project,
to give away or sell, as many times as you like. You may not use the pattern,
project, text or pictures for any other purpose nor make the project using
any automated process.
The project was taken from a back issue of the Craft Creations Magazine.
All the articles on our web site are at least one year old. If you want the latest
projects, designer profiles, gallery pages and more, then you need to subscribe
to the quarterly Craft Creations Magazine.
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The details above are correct as of 1st January 2003, but are subject to change without prior notice.
Craft Creations Limited, Ingersoll House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9HD, England.
Tel: 01992 781900 Fax: 01992 634339


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