SHSpec 051 6109C07 Reality in Auditing

6109C07 SHSpec-51 Reality in Auditing

Engrams never ran with the PC out of valence. All long engram running
stems from the PC being out of valence. We want him in the body he was in
when the incident occurred. It's not necessarily "his own valence"; It's the
valence he was in when the incident occurred. Being out of valence is the
PC's way of denying responsibility for his part in the incident. Being in
valence just permits him to run the pictures. As long as he occupies a body
and thinks of it as himself, he's not really being himself. When the PC who
is out of valence sees pictures, they are small and thin. They have nothing
to do with him. If the auditor is not aware of such phenomena, he can make
classic errors. The PC sees a picture. The auditor never asks, "Where are
you viewing it from?" or "What body do you occupy in the picture?" Not asking
these things, the auditor thinks it's all going fine, when in fact the picture
is way over there and very thin. You're not really running the picture the PC
saw; you are running a "safe" version, with the condition that he never view
it from the original viewpoint, so it never as-ises. Pc's who are run this
way on any process never get anyplace. Don't pay any attention the PC has
from someone elses viewpoint. It won't do any good.

Conceptual processes have the virtue of moving a PC straight back to the
picture he is in -- that is, of charging up the chain he is stuck in, that
makes him out of valence from that point on. Eventually, he will wind up in
his own valence, in a picture. If the auditor doesn't make him handle it, he
doesn't know his business.

There are several approaches to this, if you understand it. The track is
the series of pictures made by the person from the viewpoint he was occupying
at the time of the incidents on it. Trying to run stuff from other viewpoints
is just running branch lines, And he won't get erasures. His "engrams" are
pictures of engrams, and you're trying to erase a picture that never occurred,
though the engram occurred!

There is a simple method to handle this: "Have you ever seen a picture
from inside the body you were in at the time?" The PC frequently will say,
"Well, yes!" And he tells you about one, or several. Take one of them and ask
if there's anything about the auditing question he answered which is unknown.
Run all the unknownnesses out of the incident. You can find out that the
incident has been with him ever since! There's a fundamental method: find
out if he has been in one and put him back in it.

If he's never been in an engram, you can run, "Recall an ARC break." This
will unstack the track to a point where he'd find himself in the upsetting
incident. Then you can flatten it. Another one which will do it easily: "Get
the idea of action out in front of you, 200-300 ft. away." "Conceive of an
action 200-300 ft. behind you." What happened to the mass? It shifted. You
could follow this through, use processes of inspection at a distance, and
eventually get the guy to where he'd be in the picture he was stuck in. That
peels down the valence.

People like repetitive processes. If the PC has a bad leg but never
mentions it, don't run it, but if he complains about it, there is something
you can run: Ask if he has any odd pressures, which will be his chronic
psychosomatic illness -- probably his hidden standard. Run this vicious
process: "Who would have an unknown motion around the (leg)?" This sort of
question will knock out chronic somatics if flattened. It also works on absence of sensation. Another thing to do is see on the meter if motion, confusion,
action, etc., reads well. Then make a command, "Who would have an unknown
(action, etc.) around his (leg)?"

A PC who will not view his bank has tremendous intolerance of notions and
unknowns. Motion can become intolerable to someone who is fixated on the
subject of pain. He believes that all motion adds up to pain. pain does
involve motion. The strange thing is that someone who is trying to stop
motion to prevent pain is doing the thing that makes pain occur. If the
thetan wasn't trying to stop motion around the body, the body would experience
no pain. Notice, with a pain, how it seems to result from two opposing
motions. As with all things, people don't like it because they haven't had
enough of it.

In handling a PC who has no bank visible, these factors must be present:

1. He has an intolerance of pain, hence of motion and unknowns.

2. He has a fantastic importance attached to motions and unknowns.

We see this but not-is it: people being very concerned about some particular
unknown area. The most unknownness there can be -- the most important one, is
the unknownness of motion. Being hit by surprise tends to give a stuck
somatic because of the unknownness of it. Those engrams which are most
seriously stuck on the track are the ones composed of incomprehensibles. The
PC may keep getting fixed ideas about it in an effort to figure it out.
Pretended knowingness substitutes for a non-confront of unknownness. The
importance of the unknownness and motion depends on the degree of threat to
survival. This goes back to the idea that one must survive, which is the
basic idiocy. Any way of getting a version of "unknown" and "motion"
together, combined with valences, gives you a process to get the PC into his
own pictures.

In space opera, when they're conditioning thetans, there's sometimes a
"tumbler" incident. This is pretty common. He's thrown down a shaft which is
lighted at the top and bottom, spinning as he goes. He gets a lot of pictures
of white spots as he tries to stop himself all the way down. So he gets
bright spots stuck around him, not very far from him at various distances up
to 100 feet. If you tell someone to look closer in than 200 feet, he's likely
to run into them. There are lots of ways to get somebody dislocated.

A delusory bank, like dreams, is an effort to locate oneself. This is
why 8-C and TR-10 make him feel better. Nearly every picture a PC has is an
effort to locate himself at a point where he got dislocated. Unknown time
plays a major role, tool Having the PC spot unknown pictures shakes up all
these efforts to locate himself by means of them. He'll get pictures flying
by in all directions.

A universe could be seen as an effort to locate oneself. Therefore,
because a thetan doesn't have to be located, it's a dirty trick to give him
the idea he has to be located. It's a very senior concept in processing: That
a thetan does not have to

If one could just cog on that out of the blue, he'd be clear. But if you
did begin to have that thought, you'd probably stop, because the thought would
set unknown motions going. Trying to locate another thetan must be a basic overt, but one that is prior to the overt-motivator sequence. You try to get the concept, "I don't have to be located," and you run up against the O/M phenomena. You could run, "Think of locating somebody." This first runs off as good actions. Then it goes over into overts, then into a dispersal where he gets hard to audit. If you clean up motion and unknownness well, which cleans up valences, the PC reaches back and starts changing his mind about these things and we get change of mind processing. The route we are looking for is the route to change of mind, the thetan just as-ising his old considerations.

What booby-traps this is that the PC must have escaped from innumerable
pictures and gone off the track in numerous places . He doesn't have a
concept of where he's been and what he's done, and the unknownness of that is
important because if he's escaped from these things, they must have been
dangerous, A thetan proves that things are dangerous by the fact that he ran
away. People in fact do not escape to the degree that things are dangerous.
They escape to the degree that they are unknown and have unacceptable motion.
Wars are dangerous but known, so people will play that game. In war, there is
an effort to dislocate and locate by the enemy and by one's own commanders,
One could dream up a substitute for war using the principle of locate vs.
dislocate, fix and unfix.

The whole idea of power stems from the ability to hold a location. This
is an idea of thetans which has become actualized in the physical universe.
The ability to hold the location depends in part on one's belief that one can
hold it. The power of a body of troops on a hilltop depends on their ability
to hold their position and to make the enemy hold his position. They have to
take responsibility for holding the enemy where they are, but they usually
don't bother to pin the enemy down. Countries look weak after wars because
one terminal has dislodged the other. You always get generated energy by
thrusting something at something that won't move. This applies in the MEST or
the theta universe, A thetan's friction against life and life's thrust against
him does generate energy. The force of an engine depends on the strength of
the elements that restrain the motion of the piston, eg the bearings, etc.

To the degree a thetan resists a position, he gets a picture. To get a
solid 3D picture in a PC, get him to find a time when there were two forces,
each trying to push the other away. Or find an argument the PC had with
someone. Girls get the idea that they have to know something about
electricity to understand scientology. And, since they've gotten out of the
habit of fighting, holding the front line, etc, they think they shouldn't know
much about power, force, etc. This is not true. Girls generate more power
and sparks than anything else in this society. They will get firmly attached
to an idea and not let go of it no matter how much you argue it.

Banks are charged and bother people to the degree that one has tried to
hold positions and knock people off positions. A bank is like a mold of what
one tried to dislodge or hold position against. When one is dislodged, one
dramatizes with a picture from another position, an out of valence picture.
If you try to force someone into the engram, you only restimulate the forces
pushing him away from it. If you can take him up to it on a gradient, he can
get into it. You take the PC on a gradient of what led up to the incident or
masses, and it will go back, with confront, into "thenness" and no longer
impinge on "nowness".


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