Vocabulary and key phrases
Nwć�^Tm8�0 I wash myself every morning when I get up.
w� m%1łi tin z�o shąng q� chu�ng h�u
x� li�n 0
�_Y�N(WO(u�)R"vjRR"v�eP$O0RąN Many people cut themselves with sharp
ę�ń]0 scissors.
h%1łn duM r�n ząi sh� y�ng fng l� de
ji�n do de sh� h�u shng dąo le z� j�
N�Na"vŻ�b1\Ł~ę�ń]Pogn��e I will serve myself a drink if you don't mind.
rś gu� n� bś jiŁ y� de huą w� jił g%1łi z�
j� dąo bi y�n liąo 0
(f)Yb�N�pą{�ę�S�k("|�"v�eP�p0RąN I burnt myself yesterday taking a pizza out of
ę�ń]0 the oven.
zuó tin w� cóng k�o xing l� q� b� są
b�ng de sh� h�u tąng dąo le z� j� 0
NOę�ń]pć"v� The dog won't walk himself!
zhŁ zh%2ł g�u sh� bś hu� z� j� z�u de �
N�sTyYN4Y=h�Ź�lŃS�ę0 She threw herself on the sofa after work.
xią bn h�u t y%2ł tóu zi j�n sh f l� 0
Ł�ś[Ow1rę�ń]0 That guy really loves himself.
ną ji hu� zhn ąi z� j� 0
b�N;`/f(Wgq\�P[0 We are always looking at ourselves in the
w� men z�ng sh� ząi zhąo j�ng zi 0 mirror.
b�Y�YYeb�Ngq~Ś}Yę�ń]0 My mother taught us to look after ourselves.
w� m ma jio w� men zhąo gł h�o
z� ji 0
NŃnPTd$OąN0 She hurt herself when she slipped on the ice.
t ząi b%2łng shąng hu� d�o shui
shng le 0
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śdfŹ"v�ePbąYąYĄl g�S$O0 My sister didn't hurt herself in the car crash.
zhuąng ch de sh� h�u w� mŁi mei
m�i y�u sh�u shng 0
N��(W�Vś["v�ePpć"NąN0 Don't get lost on your way home.
bś yąo ząi hu� ji de sh� h�u z�u dik
le 0
(f)Y"vZ�O`O�N�s_}YT� Did you enjoy yourselves last night at the
zuó tin de jł hu� n� men w�n de h�o party?
ma �
(Wf[!h�~�~"v�Źłć;m�R-Ni[P[�Nh��s_ The children behaved themselves very well on
�_}Y0 the school excursion.
ząi xu� xiąo z� zh%2ł de yu�n zś huó
d�ng zhMng h�i zi men bi�o xiąn d�
h%1łn h�o 0
8nŚ[ólb;`/f(uNag'Y�k�]�bę�ń]ćdr^ I always dry myself with a big towel after going
0 for a swim.
yóu w�n y�ng w� z�ng sh� y�ng y%2ł
ti�o dą m�o j%2łn b� z� j� c gąn 0
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|__ąQ)YĄl g�]\O��NRR�V0RlQłS0 Peter comes back to work after being off for a few
b� d� j� tin m�i y�u gMng zu� �t gng gng hu� dąo days.
gMng s%2ł 0
Peter: What happened to you? Why have you got
|__: `O`HNąN�:NĄNHN`O��;N�bVg�Kb
N�Ź @w�~&^�`O crutches and a bandage on your hand? Did you hurt
�S$OąNT� yourself?
n� z%1łn me le �wŁi sh�n me n� yąo zh� gu�i zhąng �sh�u Thomas: Yes. I hurt myself when I fell down the stairs
shąng h�i ch�n zhe bng dąi �n� sh�u shng le ma � last week.
Xbl�Że: /f"v0
N�ćNegTd$OąN0 Peter: You fell down the stairs?
sh� de 0shąng zhMu w� cóng lóu t%2ł shąng di xią l�i shui Thomas: Yes. And I fell over my father, who was
shng le 0 talking on the telephone, at the bottom of the stairs.
|__: `O�N|iŻh
N�ćNegfU� He also hurt himself.
n� cóng lóu t%2ł shąng di xią l�i l � Peter: You are so accident-prone. You should take
Xbl�Że: /f"v0b�ŹTd(Wb8r��
N��Nck(W|iŻhNSb5uŻ�0 better care of yourselves. But why is your hand in a
�N_N�S$OąN0 bandage?
sh� de 0w� h�i shui ząi w� bą shn shąng �t zhŁng Thomas: Oh, that is because I burnt myself with my
ząi lóu t%2ł xią d� diąn huą 0t y%1ł sh�u shng le 0 coffee this morning.
|__: `O*Yą[fśQśr�QąN0`O�N"^��f}Y0Wgq~Śę�ń]0FO`O Peter: & &
N:NĄNHN g�~&^�
n� tąi róng y� chk zhuąng kuąng le 0n� men y%2łng gi gŁng
h�o de zhąo gł z� j� 0dąn n� de sh�u shąng wŁi sh�n me
y�u bng dąi �
Xbl�Że: ćT�Ł�/fĘN)Y�e
� �ną sh� j%2łn tin z�o shąng k fi tąng de 0
|__: �"�"
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Please choose the correct answer
1. ��bcknx"v�SP[0
xu�n z� zhŁng quŁ de jł zi 0
shąng zhMu w� cóng lóu t%2ł shąng di xią l�i shui shng le 0
b. b�N|iŻh
w� cóng lóu t%2ł shąng di xią l�i shąng zhMu shui shng le 0
c. �N|iŻh
cóng lóu t%2ł shąng di xią l�i w� shui shng le shąng zhMu 0
2. ��bcknx"v�SP[0
xu�n z� zhŁng quŁ de jł zi 0
a. `O�N"^��f}Y0Wgq~Śbę�ń]0
n� men y%2łng gi gŁng h�o de zhąo gł w� z� j� 0
b. `O�N"^��f}Y0Wgq~Śę�ń]0
n� men y%2łng gi gŁng h�o de zhąo gł z� j� 0
c. `O"^��f}Y0Wgq~Ś`O�Nę�ń]0
n� y%2łng gi gŁng h�o de zhąo gł n� men z� j� 0
3. ��bcknx"v�SP[0
xu�n z� zhŁng quŁ de jł zi 0
a. ĘN)Y�e
j%2łn tin z�o shąng de k fi b� w� tąng shng le 0
b. ĘN)Y�e
j%2łn tin z�o shąng de k fi bŁi w� tąng shng le 0
c. ĘN)Y�e
j%2łn tin z�o shąng de k fi w� b� tąng shng le 0
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Answers: 1(a): 2(b): 3(a)
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