Vocabulary and key phrases
2%"0W the campsite
lł yng d The campsite has many facilities for children.
2%"0W g_Y?Qze0
lł yng d yu h%1łn duM r tóng shŁ sh%2ł
eLbfŹ the caravan
l xng tuM ch A caravan is more comfortable than a tent.
y%2ł liąng l xng tuM ch b y%2ł dng
zhąng png shk fś duM lio 0
ę%"fŹ the camper van
y%1ł yng ch Camper vans provide transport and sleeping
NN(uZPńN]wQŹSN\O:N accomodation.
y%1ł yng ch bś jn yng zu jio tMng
gMng jł hi k%1ł y zu wi shu jiąo
de d fng 0
^{ the tent
zhąng png This is a two-man tent.
zhŁ sh y%2ł dng shung rn zhąng
png 0
/e^{ to pitch the tent
zh%2ł zhąng png We should pitch our tent under that tree for
bN_(WŁŹ*NhkN/e^{0 shade.
w men d%1łi ząi zhŁ gŁ shł y%2łn xią zh%2ł
zhąng png 0
B\ the flysheet
fng y cng The flysheet covers the tent.
fng y cng zh zhł le zhąng png
noW the groundsheet
fng cho diąn The groundsheet is sewn into the tent.
fng cho diąn bŁi fng jn le zhąng
png 0
$P[ the hammer
chu zi You might need a hammer if the ground is very
Yśg0Wb_lx"vŻ`OO(u0R$P["v0 hard.
rś gu d miąn h%1łn yng de huą n hu
yng dąo chu zi de 0
0W" the pegs
d d%2łng Drive the tent peg into the ground to secure
b0W""0RWęegśV[^{0 the tent.
b d d%2łng dng dąo t l li gł dng
zhąng png 0
^tXQR the Swiss Army knife
ru sh jkn do A Swiss Army knife is useful for many things
Nb^tXQR(W2%"eł[_YNż^ while camping.
8^ g(u0
y%2ł b ru sh jkn do ząi lł yng sh du
h%1łn duM dMng x%2ł dMu fi chng yu
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Kb5u the torch
yng 0
shu diąn You might need a torch at night.
n k%1ł nng hu ząi wn shąng yng
dąo shu diąn 0
̀S the backpack
bi bo My things won't fit into my backpack!
NN@b g"vN
w de bi bo zhung bś xią su yu
de dMng x%2ł
cWS" the compass
zh nn zhn I think my compass is broken; it only points
bó`b"vcWS"OWąN[ęScTSąe0 north.
w xing w de zh nn zhn huąi le
t zh zh xiąng b%1łi fng 0
lW the air mattress
q diąn Inflate the air mattress outside of the tent.
ząi zhąng png wąi g%1łi q diąn chMng
q 0
awW the sleeping mat
shu diąn A foam sleeping mat is very light to carry.
y%2ł gŁ pąo m shu diąn xi dąi fi
chng fng biąn 0
aw the sleeping bag
shu dąi Never go into your sleeping bag head first.
bś yąo xin b tóu zun rł shu dąi 0
ą^ the mosquito net
fng wn zhąng Use a mosquito net if you are camping near a
ą^0 river.
rś gu n ząi h bin lł yng de huą
yąo sh yng fng wn zhąng 0
Ż{kp the campfire
gMu hu You can sing camping songs around the
`OSNV@wŻ{kp1U2%"Lkf0 campfire.
n k%1ł y wi zhe gMu hu chąng lł
yng g q 0
%"p the camp stove
yng lś You can cook sausages on the camp stove.
Np 0
n k%1ł y ząi yng lś shąng zh xing
chng 0
ŻO)nt the vacuum flask
bo wn png You can keep the coffee warm in the vacuum
TaUŻO)n0 flask.
n k%1ł y yng bo wn png rąng k fi
bo wn 0
Qv the cooler
b%2łng h Keep the milk in the cooler; it might go sour in
b[rvY>e0RQvęYbŁŹHNpSżO this heat.
b niś ni fąng dąo b%2łng h l wąi
miąn zhŁ me rŁ k%1ł nng hu huąi diąo
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ŚbąSi the folding chair
zh di y She needs a folding chair because she has a
yYŚbąSiąV:NyỲźu0 bad back.
t xk yąo zh di y y%2łn wi t bŁi
tng 0
ó~"} the rope
shng su A rope is always handy when you are camping.
S_`O2%"e_{Ś g__"^Kb"vó~"}
dng n lł yng sh b xk yąo yu d
x%2łn y%2łng shu de shng su 0
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s)RNŚTŻOW(WĆQYS2%"0 Maria and Paul are preparing for a camping trip.
m l yą h bo luó ząi zhn bŁi qł lł yng 0
Maria: Have you seen my sleeping bag?
s)RN: `Ow0Rb"vawąNT Paul: Yes. I put it next to your backpack.
n kąn dąo w de shu dąi le ma Maria: Great. Thanks. And the torch?
ŻOW: /f"v0bb[>e(W`ÒSeąŹąN0 Paul: I have put it with the hammer and pegs.
sh de 0w b t fąng ząi n bi bo png bin le 0 Maria: Good. Ok, I am going to get the folding chairs.
s)RN: *Y}YąN0"Ś"Ś0Kb5ubT Paul: But we are going to hike to the campsite!!!How
tąi ho le 0xiŁ xiŁ 0shu diąn ne are you going to carry the folding chairs?
ŻOW: ć$P[ŚT0W">eNwćąN0 Maria: Oh, Paul& I am not going to carry them& you
gn chu zi h d d%2łng fąng y%2ł q le 0 are!
s)RN: _}Y0ŁbSbŚbąSi0
h%1łn ho 0ną w qł n zh di y 0
ŻOW: FObNł_ek0RŹ2%"0W`O`HNbŚbąSi
dąn w men yąo tś bł dąo d lł yng d n yąo z%1łn
me n zh di y
s)RN: ćTŻOW""b
bo luó ""w b d suąn w n ""sh n n
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Please choose the correct answer
1. s)RN"vaw(WęT?Q
m l yą de shu dąi ząi nr
a. (WyY"vŚbąSieąŹ0
ząi t de zh di y png bin 0
b. (WQveąŹ0
ząi b%2łng h png bin 0
c. (WyỲSeąŹ0
ząi t bi bo png bin 0
2. Kb5u(WęT?Q
shu diąn ząi nr
a. ć^{ŚTaw(WNwć0
gn zhąng png h shu dąi ząi y%2ł q 0
b. ćlWŚTŻO)nt(WNwć0
gn q diąn h bo wn png ząi y%2ł q 0
c. ć$P[ŚT0W"(WNwć0
gn chu z h d d%2łng ząi y%2ł q 0
3. s)RN`HNbŚbąSi
m l yą yąo z%1łn me n sh di y
a. >e0RyỲSę0
fąng dąo t bi bo l 0
b. yY
t bł n 0bo luó n 0
c. >e0RfŹę0
fąng dąo ch l 0
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Answers: 1(c): 2(c): 3(b)
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