consumer behavior on international market placet

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Recenzja: profÅ› dr habÅ› Henryk Mruk
Projekt okładki Aleksandra Olszewska
Rysunki rozpoczynajÄ…ce rozdziaÅ‚y i na okÅ‚adce © Fabian Pietrzyk
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Table of contents
Introduction śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś 5
PART IÅ› Consumer and international market
Chapter 1ś Consumer and decisions making process on market śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Consumer segmentations on international market process and criteria śśśś
Chapter ś Consumer on international market śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
PART IIÅ› Consumer behavior research on international market
Chapter 4ś Process of consumer behavior research śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter 5ś Secondary dates about consumer and their behaviors śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Primary data  methods of research and sampling śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś101
PART IIIÅ› Determinant of consumer behavior on international market
Chapter 7ś Economic determinants śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Cultural influences on consumer behavior śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Social and demographic determinants śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter 10ś Psychological determinants śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
PART IVÅ› Consumer behavior application in international market
Chapter ś Consumer loyalty and dissonance śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Consumer protection on international market śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Chapter ś Future consumer  changes and forecasting śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
References śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Index of Figures śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś
Index of Tables śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś 7
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Issues of consumer behavior not only present an interesting theoretical
subject but also constitute a very important element of practical considera
tions of the international marketingÅ› In the economy undergoing processes of
globalization it is getting increasingly important to recognize the decision
making processes to define roles of different household members and to learn
about conditions underlying these processesÅ› Finding the answer to questions
about consumer need hierarchy and consumer selection criteria on the market
will allow for formulation of conclusions about consumer future behavior
even in times of great economic turmoilÅ›
Consumer behavior especially analyzed from an international and a global
perspective appears to be a very complex and varied categoryÅ› The research
into consumer behavior constitutes a multi faceted and multi dimensional
process which makes it impossible for researchers to describe all consumer
behavior issues in one single research eventÅ› This however should not pre
vent scientists from making attempts at a detailed description of selected is
suesÅ› The collection of such research results will contribute to better
knowledge about the consumer and to adaptation of market offers to consum
er needs and expectations in the international marketÅ›
Globalization processes provide the basis for developing consumer behav
ior knowledge to inform decisions made by companies operating in the inter
national marketÅ› One can venture a thesis that international consumer behav
ior studies are gaining more importance as international and global consumer
behavior concepts developÅ› The expansion of business operations beyond the
domestic market entails making decisions that carry a greater risk compared
to routine decisions in the home marketÅ› The decision making environment of
international business can be extremely different from the one in the domestic
marketÅ› Hence international decisions need to be supported with much more
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information about the differences of consumer needs decisions and behaviors
on international marketÅ›
This book aims to present influence of globalization and internationaliza
tion of companies activities on consumers behaviorÅ› It shows benefits as well
as threats for consumers of contemporary global marketÅ› The asset of this
book is to show a large diversity of consumers based on their culture and
other environmental conditionsÅ›
The entire publication is divided into four parts which include several
chaptersÅ› Part one provides an introduction to the topic and definition of con
sumer behavior on international marketÅ› First chapter presents stages in con
sumer decision making process roles of a consumer in this process and finally
different types of consumer market decisionsÅ› In chapter two segmentation of
consumer on international market was described including criteria and
methodsÅ› Third chapter shows the difference in consumer behavior which
result in the culture origin and level of country s living developmentÅ› Part two
is dedicated to an international research on consumer behaviorÅ› Chapter four
provides an insights into relevant methods of consumer behavior research
and present stages in process of international consumer behavior researchÅ› In
chapter five secondary sources of information about consumers and their con
sumption were presentedÅ› Problems of equivalent were also strongly dis
cussed in this chapterÅ› Last chapter in this part introduces methods and tools
used in primary research of consumer behavior on international marketÅ› The
third part of this book is focused on determinants of consumer behaviorÅ› Par
ticularly chapter seven analyzes internal and external economic factors influ
encing consumer decisions on marketÅ› Chapter eight and nine are focusing on
cultural social and demographic determinantsÅ› Finally in chapter ten
different psychological influences were discussedÅ› Part four which concludes
the book is dedicated to practical issues concerning consumer behavior in
international environmentÅ› Chapter eleven presents effects of consumer deci
sions on the market iśeś consumer loyalty and dissonanceś Chapter twelve
provides an insight into a problem of protection consumers rights on market
and different models adopted on worldÅ› In the last chapter an attempt has
been made to indicate new trends in consumer behavior on international
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Overall author s intention is to combine the latest theoretical concepts
with up to date examples of consumer behavior from different markets and
culturesÅ› To create the book useful for students studying at International
Business Psychological Economy as well as Marketing and Management
courses tasks were added for individuals and groups solved in activity tableÅ›
The book does not cover all the important problems and issues of consump
tion and consumer behavior on the international marketÅ› It allows however
prepares them as full identification presenting the importance and role that
consumers on contemporary global marketÅ›
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Part I
Consumer and international market
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Consumer and decisions-making process
on market
Chapter describes
ªð Notion of consumer and consumer behavior
ªð Models of consumer behavior
ªð Stages in consumer decision making process
ªð Factors determining consumer decision making process
You will be able to
ªð Define consumer need and used it in marketing activity of
ªð Assess risk perceived by consumer on market
ªð Identify sources of information used by consumer on market
ªð Determine role of consumers in decision making process
ªð Characterize types of consumer decisions
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Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior refers mainly to a real dimension of activities under
taken by consumers within this behaviorÅ› The activities focus on means satis
fying consumer needs and needs themselves are defined as indispensable
motivators of behaviorś Accordingly following Jś Szczepański consumer behav
ior is referred to as a whole of individual s activities actions and manners of
conduct intended to obtain means of need satisfaction HKie el IÅ› This
behavior also comprises all possible ways of handling these meansÅ› MÅ›
Pohorille H I defines consumer behavior as a way of consumer need prior
itization a way of selecting goods and services to satisfy the needs and a way
of consumption of possessed goodsÅ› According to EÅ› Kie el H I consumer
behavior is a coherent whole of activities actions and manners of conduct
connected with choices made in the process of consumer need satisfaction in
certain cultural social and economic conditionsÅ› Thus the behavior comprises
a set of activities which are meant to obtain consumption means and to use
them for need satisfaction together with assessment of decision rightnessÅ›
Next to basic components of behavior represented by consumption needs
means of need satisfaction and real consumer activities literature concen
trates on a psychical aspect of behavior during the processesÅ› Although mental
processes related to motivation perception and decision making cannot be
observed directly they constitute an indispensable element of behavior com
plementing the real actions of an individualÅ› Following this approach FÅ› Han
sen defines consumer behavior as a set of consumer actions and perceptions
responsible for preparing a decision of product selection for selection itself
and for consumptionÅ› JÅ› PÅ› Peter and JÅ› CÅ› Olson H 000I maintain that consumer
behavior is concerned with thoughts feelings and actions people take in the
consumption process as well as with environmental factors affecting themÅ›
The most complex definition has been proposed by GÅ› Antonides and
WÅ› FÅ› van Raaij H I who concluded that consumer behavior consists of
ªð psychical and physical activities HbehaviorI
ªð together with motives and reasons behind them
ªð followed by individuals and HsmallI groups
ªð and concerning orientation purchasing using maintaining and disposing
of a product Hconsumption cycleI
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ªð as well as household production HDIYI
ªð enabling the consumer to function to reach goals and pursue values
ªð and thus gain satisfaction and welfare
ªð with respect to short and long term effects
ªð as well as individual and social consequencesÅ›
To cut it short consumer behavior comprises everything that occurs be
fore during and after the act of purchasing HacquiringI some goods and ser
vices HFalkowski Tyszka IÅ›
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR is a coherent whole of activities actions
and manners of conduct connected with choices made in the
process of consumer need satisfaction in certain cultural social
and economic conditions It comprises everything that occurs
before during and after the act of purchasing acquiringI some
goods and services
On the basis of the presented definitions it can be concluded that consum
er behavior should be perceived as a process characterized by change of
dynamics and by occurrence of interactions as well as exchange within
the process itself HPeter Olson IÅ› Consumer behavior is dynamic on
account of changes in consumer thoughts feelings and real actionsÅ› These
changes concern both individual people and consumer groups as well as the
whole societyÅ› The primary cause of changes should be sought in immanent
features of consumer needs themselves  in their capability of revival and in
permanent development of new needsÅ› Consumer thoughts feelings and real
actions being elements of consumer behavior remain in constant interactions
with the environmentÅ› This takes place in the process of market exchange
within which consumers spend their resources Hmoney time knowledge
skills workI in return for means of satisfying their needsÅ› On a microsocial
scale consumer behavior is part of the communication process HSmyczek
Consumer behavior regarded as a process or  to emphasize its circular
HclosedI character  as a cycle HAntonides van Raaij I can be divided
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into several stages including product purchasing product consuming and
product disposing HMowen IÅ› At the purchasing stage the consumer
searches for all available information HAntonides van Raaij Åšwiatowy
I compares it and finally makes a choice and buys a productÅ› The stage
of consuming a product HpossessingI refers to the process of using products
and to consumer feelings accompanying this processÅ› The final stage called
disposing relates to activities and mental processes following the consump
tion which is particularly connected with consumer satisfaction as well as
decisions about disposing of packaging and product leftoversÅ›
Consumer behavior occurs on two institutional plains the market and the
householdÅ› HRudnicki IÅ› According to this division one can talk about
market HbuyingI behavior and about individual consumer behavior at the
stage of consumption of an obtained HpurchasedI productÅ› Close relations be
tween these two sub levels of consumer behavior result in their constant and
mutual interactionsÅ› Although it is impossible to draw a clear cut border be
tween the purchasing and consuming behavior at the consumption stage they
can be distinguished by means of certain generalizationsÅ› Consumer behavior
comprises actions and activities which relate to choices of buying goods and
servicesÅ› These are actions and mental processes before and during a pur
chaseÅ› The behavior at the consumption level mainly consists of activities re
lated to using means HfactorsI of consumption HZalega IÅ› Thus the behav
ior concerns actions and mental processes which appear right after the act
of purchasingÅ› Figure Å› Å› below presents the aforementioned relations in
a schematic wayÅ›
Figure Å› Å› Stages of consumer behavior
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Consumer customer and
In considerations over market behavior special attention should be di
rected towards the differences between the consumer being the subject of the
behavior the buyer as well as the userÅ› The consumer is represented by
a person who has a consumption need who buys a product Hor acquires
obtains a productI and satisfies the need Hconsumes and uses the productIÅ›
Thus this person participates in all three stages of the process HcycleI of con
sumption Hpre purchase purchase post purchaseI HSolomon Bamossy
Askegaard IÅ› It happens though that a product buyer is not always
a product user or else the only product consumerÅ› The user then is a per
son who satisfies his or her consumer needs Huses a productI no matter who
has made a choice or a purchaseÅ› Consequently the consumer category is not
identical with the buyer and has a broader meaning than the user Å› The
consumer apart from the user also performs other tasks makes decisions
buys goods and utilizes the used ones etcÅ› Not every buyer is in turn the
consumer eśgś a social nurse buying food for her patients is a buyer who by
this purchase does not satisfy her needsÅ›
The term customer refers to the purchaser of a good or service
They may or may not be the customer The term consumer re-
fers to the final user of a good or service They may or may not
be the customer
Individual and collective consumer
Notion of the consumer appears exclusively with regard to the so called in
dividual consumer represented by every subject purchasing goods and services
for his her own use for use of others or for their own household HSchiffman
Kanuk IÅ› In this sense the consumer is the ultimate product user and as
a subject of behavior may act both individually Hthe two first situationsI and
collectively Hrepresenting household the third situationI HKędzior Iś
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There is also distinction between individual and the so called institutional
consumers represented by companies non profit organizations governmental
agencies and institutions Hschools hospitals etcśI for whom purchase and con
sumption of products is a prerequisite of their proper functioning HSchiffman
Kanuk IÅ› Here the point is made about products which are consumed
by subjects but not used with the intention of bringing a direct production
effectÅ› This can be illustrated by the use of stationery in schools and officesÅ›
Such understanding of institutional and individual consumers should not be
identified with the notion of the customer where the customer is an economic
subject Hperson company or institutionI who is potentially interested in buy
ing a given product HKie el IÅ›
What do the terms customer and consumer mean
Å› In what ways can the term collective and institutional consumer
be applied Give examples
Decision making unit DMUI
The DMU ensures that the marketer makes a distinction between the people
who are actually buying the good service from the people who are using it the
users and does not confuse the two Halthough in some cases the user decider
and buyer are the same personIÅ› Therefore consumer buying decisions are of
increasingly mutual character with participation of other people Hfor example
other household membersI who have different roles and different influence
over the decision makingÅ› These roles are not assigned for the whole lifetime
and are not contradictory with each other HLachman Lanasa IÅ› The most
popular roles are
ªð Initiator  person who is a process initiator recognizes the need of buying
a product collects information about a product and monitors provision of
the information to the householdÅ›
ªð Influencer  person who provides information about a product whereby
affects a product choiceÅ› They can be inside the household or could be out
side the household Hfor example friendsIÅ›
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