unit test starter b

B Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Starter Unit
Score: ____________________ /50 points
2 I / write / to all my friends.
1 Dopasuj do siebie części wyrażeń.
3 you / drink tea / with milk?
1 video a student
2 first b conference
4 my dad / check his emails / every day.
3 tour c name
4 exchange d cat
5 your brother / buy / some new clothes?
5 local e guide
6 pet f team
6 your parents / go / shopping?
2 Uzupełnij wyrażenia przyimkami z ramki.
3 Napisz odpowiedzi do podanych pytań,
in to by at about for
używając wyrazów w nawiasach.
1 get ready for a visit
1 What time are you leaving? (5.30 a.m.)
2 arrive ______ London
I m leaving at 5.30 a.m.
3 invite someone ______ a party
2 How are your parents travelling? (by car)
4 travel ______ train
5 meet ______ the airport
3 Where are you meeting Paul? (airport)
6 be excited ______ a football match
4 Where is Paul staying? (the River Hotel)
5 What are you doing on the second day? (watch
1 Wpisz w luki podane w nawiasach czasowniki
w czasie Present simple lub Present continuous.
6 How long are you staying for? (four days)
1 My mum often (play) plays tennis.
2 We (watch) ____________ TV at the moment.
3 Sue never (eat) ____________ burgers.
4 I (not do) ____________ my homework now.
5 Uli always (stay) ____________ with us in July.
1 Napisz pytania do Johna, używając
6 What (wear) __________ Mia __________ today?
wyrazów w nawiasach.
7 Wait a minute. My phone (ring) ____________.
8 Our teacher always (give) ____________ us a test 1 (first name) _What s your first name?
on Fridays.
9 (work) __________ your sister __________ today?
2 (old)
10 They (not buy) _________ often _________ CDs.
I m thirteen.
11 What (listen) ________ you ________ to today?
3 (mum)
Her name s Debbie.
4 (dad)
2 Napisz zdania i pytania, używając podanych
He s an artist.
wyrazów oraz going to w odpowiedniej formie.
5 (return)
1 My dad / not spend / any money.
I m returning on the twenty-first of July.
My dad isn t going to spend any money.
6 (going to do)
I m going to visit the Eiffel Tower.
32 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010
Look! 3


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