unit test 5 a

A Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 5
Score: ____________________ /50 points
4 These shoes are too small for me.
(big) These shoes
1 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
5 Our kids aren t old enough for this exhibition.
1 The sand on the beach / lake / valley was white.
(young) Our kids
2 It was a cold, dark wave / sand / cave in the side
6 This test isn t easy enough for me.
of the mountain.
(difficult) This test
3 The farmer told us that he had three rocks /
fields / waves with cows in them.
3 Wpisz w luki everyone, everything
4 There are trees in the woods / rocks / sea.
lub everywhere.
5 The lake / sand / wave is too hot to walk on.
6 Let s go for a swim in the beach / lake / field.
We went on a school trip to a house of the future.
/5 It was very modern. 1 Everything was really great.
There were computers 2__________. 3__________
2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach.
in my class wanted to live there. The good thing
was that 4__________ in the house worked and we
Last Saturday we took our k i d s to an
could use the computers. 5__________ asked the
_ _ _ g _ _ _ e _ _. It was very modern and the
tour guide a lot of questions. There was a lot of
e _ h i _ _ t _ _ n was very interesting. But the
information 6__________ to tell you about the place.
children didn t like it and started running and shouting.
The manager came out of his office and was very
cross, so we left quickly. So on Sunday we took the
4 Wpisz w luki podane w nawiasach czasowniki
children to a b _ r _ e _ _ e because they love meat.
w czasie Past simple lub Present perfect.
It was in a f _ e _ d near our town. There was a
r _ v _ r and our children jumped in it. It was fun!
On my holiday this year I 1(go) went to the beach.
I 2(see) __________ lots of films and TV programmes
about beaches in my life but they aren t the same
as the real thing.
I 3(met) __________ another boy there. He asked
1 Wpisz w luki just, already lub yet.
me:  4(swim) __________ you ever __________ with
1 I ve just finished tidying my room.
dolphins? So we 5(swim) __________ with dolphins
2  Can you do the washing-up? for about thirty minutes. I 6(have) __________ never
__________ a better day in my life!
 But I ve _________ done it. I did it this morning.
3 Have you listened to your new CD _________?
4 I haven t written to Tom _________. I ll do it later.
5  When does the football start?
 It s _________ started. Roma are winning 2-1.
1 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrazami z ramki.
6 We ve _________ got back from our holidays.
interested That too but not go
Now we have to unpack our bags.
Would to love  d idea
2 Przekształć zdania, używając wyrazów
A: Would you like 2________ come to my party?
w nawiasach oraz too lub enough.
B: Yes, I d 3________ to.
A: Would you like to 4________ to an opera?
1 This music is too quiet.
B: I don t think so. I m 5________ really 6________ in
(loud) This music isn t loud enough.
2 The sea is too cold for swimming.
A: Do you want to come shopping?
(warm) The sea
B: I 7________ like to 8________ I m 9________ busy.
3 We can t stay here. It isn t cheap enough.
A: Do you want to have a barbecue?
(expensive) It s _____________________________.
B: 10________ s a great 11 ________.
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010 15


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