unit test 1 a

A Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 1
Score: ____________________ /50 points
3 8.30 a.m. / my dad / eat breakfast.
1 Dopasuj do siebie części wyrażeń.
4 10 a.m. / we / take a test.
1 read a your suitcase
2 plan b with someone
5 8 p.m. / I / not do anything.
3 pack c a book
4 get on d to the radio
6 9 p.m. / my parents / watch TV.
5 listen e about your holidays
6 dream f a party
3 Wpisz w luki podane w nawiasach czasowniki
2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach.
w czasie Past simple lub Past continuous.
1 I asked for a single ticket but she gave me a
1 We (dance) were dancing when my mum
r e t u r n.
(open) opened the door.
2 The ticket seller didn t give me my c _ _ n _ e.
2 I (not listen) ________ when Terry (tell) ________
3 You must take your p _ _ s _ o _ _ if you travel us his news.
to the UK.
3 When I (get) ________ to the park, my friends
4 The train leaves from p _ _ _ f _ _ m 2. (play) ________ football.
5 You can buy a ticket at the t _ _ k _ _ 4 What (do) ________ you ________ when your
o _ _ _ c _. dad (come) ________ home?
6 Have you got any soap in your w _ s _ b _ _? 5 (rain) ________ it ________ when Sue (wake)
________ up?
6 Who (talk) ________ Mike ________ to when his
Grammar teacher (take) ________ his mobile?
1 Wpisz w luki podane w nawiasach czasowniki
w czasie Past simple.
Sam What 1(do) did you do last week?
1 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
Chris Last week I 2(pack) ________ my suitcase,
(phone) ________ a taxi and 4(go) ________
change from Here is leaving much
to the airport.
platform return ticket which you
Sam (be) ________ you late for your plane?
Chris No, I wasn t. I 6(arrive) ________ very early,
Boy Could I have a 1 ticket to Newcastle,
so I 7(buy) ________ a book.
Sam What book 8(buy) ________ you ________?
Ticket seller Do you want a single or a 2________?
Chris A book about football. I 9(not like) ________
Boy Just a single, please. How 3________ is
it, so I 10(sleep) ________ on a chair.
Sam (be) ________ the chair comfortable?
Ticket seller That s Ł12.15.
Chris No!
Boy Thanks. 4________ you are. Ł15.
Ticket seller Thank 5________. And here s your
________, Ł2.85.
2 Napisz zdania w czasie Past continuous,
Boy When 7________ the train 8________?
używając podanych wyrazów.
Ticket seller At 10.45.
1 7 a.m. / my mum / drive to work.
Boy And 9________ 10________ is it leaving
At 7 a.m. my mum was driving to work.__________ 11
2 7.30 a.m. / I / sleep.
Ticket seller Platform 7.
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010 3


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