unit test 4 a

A Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 4
Score: ____________________ /50 points
4 Lisa and Cathy / be / to France ten times.
1 Zakreśl wyrazy, które nie pasują do pozostałych.
5 My friend / not do / anything interesting.
1 chicken / pepper / lamb / pork
2 oil / lemon / grapes / strawberries
6 I / never have / a pet.
3 onion / beef / carrot / mushroom
4 lemon / melon / grapes / fish
5 pineapple / mushroom / strawberries / grapes
3 Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi, używając
6 avocado / lamb / tomato / chilli
podanych wyrazów.
1 How many countries / you be to? (twelve)
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
How many countries have you been to?
I ve been to twelve countries.
lamb melon carrot chicken
2 What insects / Mr Smith / eat? (locusts)
tomato grapes
1 Chicken and ____________ are meat.
2 ____________ and ____________ are vegetables.
3 Chris / ever be / to India? (no)
3 ____________ and ____________ are fruit.
4 Which star / Tim / meet? (Bono)
1 Wpisz w luki podane w nawiasach czasowniki,
5 Where / Steve / go? (to the supermarket)
używając ich w odpowiedniej formie.
1 I ve (be) been all over the world.
2 I ve (do) _________ lots of things.
6 you / ever climb / a mountain? (yes)
3 I ve (see) _________ the pyramids.
4 I ve (drink) _________ fresh pineapple juice.
5 I ve (eat) _________ guacamole in Mexico.
6 I ve (have) _________ lots of strange experiences.
7 I ve (meet) _________ some famous people.
8 I ve (be) _________ on TV.
1 Ułóż zdania przepisu we właściwej kolejności,
9 I ve (climb) _________ high mountains.
numerujÄ…c je od 1 do 6.
10 I ve (ride) _________ a horse in Argentina.
11 I ve never (forget) _________ my school friends.
/10 1
First, peel the vegetables and wash them. ____
Pour in two litres of water. ____
2 Napisz zdania w czasie Present perfect,
Stir the soup before you eat it. ____
używając podanych wyrazów.
Cook everything for about two hours. ____
1 Mark / go / to Italy.
Then chop them up into small pieces. ____
Mark has gone to Italy.
Add some meat and mix it together
2 I / not eat / Mexican food.
with the chopped vegetables. ____
3 My mum / not see / the pyramids of Egypt.
14 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010
Look! 3


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