SHSpec 230 6301C15 Dead Horses

6301C15 SHSpec-230 Dead Horses

An emergency is an unpredicted event -- a failure to predict. Anything
else is life.

Dead horses lists are a problem. Often you do a "represent" list, and it
misbehaves. It is hard to complete; it cycles. The essence of a cycling list
is that the needle periodically goes beautifully clean, then dirties up
again. When LRH first noticed this, he didn't understand. It was like a list
wrong-way-to, but how could that be, on a "represent" list? The cycle on a
right-way-to list is: dirty needle, dirty read, rock slam, dirty read dirty
needle, rock slam, rock slam, then needle clean, and it stays clean, unless it
rockslams. On a wrong-way-to "oppose" list, the rock slams increase in
number. The clean needles do, too. You can tell by looking at any PC's list
whether it is OK or wrong way to. You will need to be able to do this when
you are auditing in the field, where you will have to repair other auditors'
PCs. PCs can get sick on R2-12, and you had better know what could be wrong,
so that you can fix it. Compare page two and page five of the list. If there
are more rock slams on page five, it's wrong.

You can list a list each way for a page or two, observing how the PC
looks before you start and when you stop. You will get good at seeing changes
in PC appearance as his bank caves in on him.

Don't let anyone who isn't a real expert do R2-12 on children, because
they won't sit still long enough to be repaired. They are easier to cave in.

So, getting back to dead horses and "represent" lists acting like
wrong-way-to lists: "The flaw in Man is that he does not know himself." He is
"much more [able] to observe enemies than self." Ask a guy to name his enemies
and he will give you a list of names. Ask him to name himself, and you will
get, "Joe". That is why "represent"lists tend to be wrong-way-to sometimes
and to give you oppterms. They are easier to see than selves, and they often
don't rockslam properly. The PC gets a stuck flow of listing oppterms,
enemies, and you must find a wording that causes the PC to list himself, his
terminals list. So the "represent" list is all oppterms, and it doesn't
rockslam, and it gets a clean needle -- dirty needle cycle. If you are lucky,
there will be rock slams on it, and you will find an item. But often the PC
will go greenish and the list is a dead horse. The case that gives you a
wrong way to "represent" list or dead horses, is someone whose next available
item is a terminal, not an oppterm. The more the PC lists oppterms, the worse
he feels. The missed item is the one that the PC is being right there in the
session. This also applies to the "skunk" list, which runs out to no item,
despite rock slams. A dead horse list is a list with no rock slams on it,
even with mid-ruds in; a skunked list has a rock slam, but doesn't go on to an
RI. The PC doesn't know from which point of view to give you enemies, so he
has to give you everything. Say the terminal is "a bad boy". We are asking,
"To a bad boy, what does life consist of?" and we get just oppterms. That is
how you get a wrong-way-to "represent" list.

R2-12 can be run over another PTP and still get good results, although
under these circumstances, the PC gets a bit dispersed at times. R2-12 gets
the big hidden PTP's and hidden standards out of the way, so that goals can be
found. Until these PTP's are out of the way, the PC doesn't have enough free
attention units to do R3-21.

Most people don't think at all. They just feed questions to circuits,
which answer. A special case of this is the PC's hidden standards. "A hidden
standard is a circuit that is telling [the PC] what to think." The PC has a
signal system rigged up: "Scientology works if _______ ." It is quite a
complicated communication system, like an automatic train-stopping system. The
guy who leaps up and says, "Oh, yes! Scientology works!", first had to ask one
of these systems. They don't think at all. For instance the FDA thinks the
whole world is composed of two valences: victims and victimizers. There are
no other items for the FDA. The guy who makes food is a victimizer and the
guy who eats it is a victim. This makes the FDA an enemy of all industry,
since industry emanates, and those who don't are victims. The FDA, lacking
any other than those two terminals and wanting to be Effective, is a
victimizer and can only create victims. This leads to a whole country of
victims, communism, etc.

All do-gooder government agencies fall under this heading: "Life is a
sort of a dreary game that goes on between all of these victimizers, who have
to be stopped, and all of these victims." The government official in one of
these agencies is trying to protect everybody from himself. A do-gooder gone
mad has nothing but victims left. Eventually these boys have no more purpose
in life, because so much is now missing from it. The way to handle this
do-gooder is to sympathize with him. If you do this, he will go right out of
the victim-maker valence and straight into that of a victim. He is defeated

If you like humanity, you will leave that kind of politics alone. In
fact, you will leave all politics alone.

The thing that Man is tuned up to see first is enemies. When they go
batty, they can see nothing but enemies everywhere. "The do-gooder never
recognizes that he is a victim-maker." However, he would never give you
"victim-maker as a terminal. You could ask him, "Who would have your
problems?" and get terminals. [Cf. Expanded dianetics "wants handled"
rundown.] "Nobody recognizes what he is being as easily as what he is
facing.... Terminals are harder to pick up than oppterms at the start of a
case. So you get wrong way to 'represent' lists, dead horses, and skunks, and
that's the source of all of these." You want terminals, and you must phrase
questions to get them.

The last rung of cases is that of PT rock slams. That would be pretty
grim, because now you can't do a "represent" list.

The way to get someone to list terminals is to list, "In PT, who or what
would have your problems?" or "Who or what would live the life you are
living?" or "Who or what do people think you are?", or "Who is looking at me?"
or "Who could be looking at me?", or some such. PCs have items stacked up in
order, as well as packages stacked up in order. The majority of PCs "are a
bit overwhelmed, and the first item [to come up] is an oppterm. They are
being an oppterm." Other PCs, not a few, have a terminal as the first item.
They need a terminal question. If you said, "Who or what are you?" as a
listing question, remember that "you" is undifferentiated. So you should
somehow differentiate it. If you have listed a dead horse list, ask the PC,
"Who or what would oppose all those things?" and get a rockslamming list.


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