SHSpec 228 6301C10 R2 12

6301C10 SHSpec-228 R2-12

The only Commonwealth nation that has picked up on the FDA raid was
Australia. This shows the connections between Australia and the U.S.

Routine 2 has an important liability: someone can be put off but good if
you miss an item [e.g. by giving the PC the wrong item], since the missing
item acts as a super-sized missed withhold. You must get the item on the
list, or run into this missed withhold phenomenon. On a certain PC, you may
get away with having an incomplete list sixty to seventy percent of the time,
but the time you don't get away with it makes up for the lot. The PC becomes
unauditable. He doesn't know why, and he will just go 'round the bend further
if all you do is to pull missed withholds, without completing the list. Say
you give him a wrong item. He may not ARC break spectacularly then, but his
session goals in succeeding sessions will get less and less bright. You
should be able to see this as you go over the auditing reports, and pick up
the list where this goof occurred. The PC will also be very massy, ARC
breaky, looking older, darker skin-toned, etc. He may also be ARC broken when
you tell him to complete the list. This doesn't matter. Complete it anyway.

A wrong-way-to list doesn't produce the ARC breaks. Neither does wrong
source. It is just incomplete lists. So watch carefully when you abandon a
list or give a PC an item. If he goes out the bottom, immediately or slowly,
repair by completing the list, even if the PC has been doing lists off the
wrong item for eighteen sessions. On a wrong-way -- to list, the rock slams
keep increasing in frequency. That is a good way to spot one. But beware of
PCs wearing rings. That can cause "phantom slams". On a right-way-to list,
the slams will be less frequent from the third or fourth page on. You may go
another six pages before you get the next slam, before the needle goes clean
and the item is on the list.

If you give the PC a wrong item, he will do a downcurve on the tone
scale. If the PC starts to go the slightest bit BI's on being given an item,
tell him that you are sorry, that is not his item, and that you are going to
extend and complete the list. He should brighten up immediately. That's all
it takes. Don't ever shift a PC's attention immediately after giving him an
item. Watch him. If it is the wrong item, he will age, subtly but
definitively, before your eyes. You can watch his tone level go down by the
second if you have handed him a wrong item. Just tell him, "I don't think it
was your item. We'll extend the list," and he will brighten up.

There are a very few PCs around who are ARC breaky as Hell and have been
for several years. They can get audited, but it is gruesome. What is wrong
with them is most likely an unflat repetitive process. The omitted Answer is
the "missed item". Of course there is no list! A Problems Intensive
approach, sorting out when they were happy with auditing, using the meter as
necessary, can be used in this case. Using "suppress', you can fish up what
process it was. Theoretically, then, you could prepcheck it out. But why not
let him complete the process? So -- when the PC is left ARC broken with the
auditing, the organization, or whatever, find the unflat process and flatten
it. You wouldn't have to flatten everything ever left unflat. It [the unflat
process? a missed item.] could also turn up on an "oppose" list to

But a missed item could turn up on any case that you are doing a list on,
so watch for it.

Another source of missing items is failure to oppose. This especially
happened when the List One item was opposed, but the item found from this was
not opposed, in its turn. The rule is that anything that keeps slamming must
be opposed. So you could get two packages by the time you are through.

An item from a wrong source will slam until you straighten up the
source. A rockslamming item from a right source should always be opposed.

Routine 2 is like a racing car. It gets you there fast, but if you drive
it wrong, you can really wrap someone around a telephone pole. So you have to
be skilled at case repair. This has become an important skill.

The reason the PC gets more upset if you try to pull missed withholds
when it is a missed item, is that the item keeps getting restimulated, but he
can't give you the item, because you are not listing. The PC may not be
enthusiastic about extending the list, but he will do it and brighten up.

Watch out for this situation: If you had two items slamming on the list
and when you null only the second one slams, beware when you give it to him as
an item. Watch his indicators for a few seconds before you go on. Don't
distract him at this point. It will aggravate the ARC break if it is the
wrong item, among other things. If it is wrong, backpedal gracefully and
continue the list "a bit" to get the item. Of course, the list may go on for
pages, also.


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Biuletyn 01 12 2014

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