RS232 interface

Visual Basic & AVR RS232 interface

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500 Development board
Lot of circuit,
with AVR microcontrollers, around the internet are stand-alone circuits.
In this project we will control some AVR microcontroller (MCU) via Visual Basic
The use-range of this
application is very high. You can make, anything you want, that its need control
from PC computer or some circuit that is collect data from somewere, and at
the end, its give this data to PC computer via RS232 port to our software.
As you understand,
this project is in general form, to give you the information for how to control
the MCU. You Can modify the source codes to make your circuit, for personal
use, but you CAN NOT use any part of this project for
commercial purpose,
for free.
For commercial purpose you have to pay some small amount, for the copyright.
infos at:  
My email   

You can use for
the experiments, some AVR development unit like MCU100, STK200, STK500 or
some else that is contain 8 LEDs, 5 switches or more and some RS232 chip like
MAX232, MAX202 etc.
Alternative, you
can build your own board with this characteristically.

of AVR RS232 interface (click to enlarge)

100 Delevopment board
software  named "AVR RS232 interface" its writed in VisualBasic 6. Its constituted by the general mask and "about" mask
At the general mask you can choose the com port that you have connected the
AVR board ( For  deveropment boards I mean the spare RS232 connector,
not the connector that you programming the MCUs ).
the "Switches on interface" frame, have 5 green cycles. If you
press any of 5 switches on the AVR board, this cycle will be red color, the
value of the received character can be viewed in binary format, at the
below textbox .
the "LEDs on interface" frame, you will see 8 buttons with
green color. When you press some button you will see that the current led on
AVR board will be turn-off. If you press again the button, the LED will be turn-on.
The value of sended character can be viewed in Decimal and ASCII format in two
below textboxes.
can exit from this software by pressing "Exit" button.

software, to control some AVR MCU, writed in Visual Basic 6.
executable and the source code of AVR RS232 interface, in Visual Basic 6, can
be downloaded from here: AVR
schematic, HEX firmware and source code (ready for AvrStudio) of AT90S2313
can be downloaded from here: Firmware
of RS232


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