20 be4it synonyms1

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Business English for IT | Topic: Information technology - Synonyms 1
Choose the best response to complete each sentence:
1. Some believe that the open source era is coming to ______________. = Some believe that the
open source era is about to end.
a) an end b) an ending c) a finish
2. Her programming skills are top-_________________. = She has great programming skills.
a) heavy b) notch c) hat
3. We've witnessed some __________________ technological progress. = We've witnessed some
incredible technological progress.
a) reproachable b) ravishing c) remarkable
4. This software is full of ________________ . = This software is faulty; it has defects.
a) bugs b) insects c) headaches
5. I've programmed many sites.= I've _________________ many sites.
a) codified b) give code to c) coded
6. It seems there has been a bit of a __________________. = We didn't properly communicate our
needs to each other.
a) misinformation b) miscommunication c) mist
7. Their website really _________________. = Their website became really successful.
a) took off b) took out c) took away
8. It's a _________________ problem. = It's a problem that happens over and over.
a) reticent b) recurrent c) stagnant
9. You can use this widget on more than one website. = You can use this widget on
_________________ websites.
a) multi-level b) multiple c) multiplied
10. This solution is alright, but it's not the best (one). = This solution is adequate, but it's not
a) optical b) optimistic c) optimal
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Business English for IT | Topic: Information technology - Synonyms 1
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) c


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