Lekcja 13 Toksyczni współpracownicy

30.7.2014 Lekcja 13: Toksyczni współpracownicy
Lekcja 13: Toksyczni współpracownicy
Większość z nas spędza w pracy niemal połowę swego dorosłego życia, co oznacza, że kilka godzin dziennie
przebywamy w towarzystwie tych samych ludzi. Niestety zazwyczaj to nie my ich sobie wybieramy, a choć zdarza
się, że możecie tworzyć zgrany zespół życzliwych sobie ludzi, to czasem złośliwość losu sprawia, że tuż obok
naszego biurka sroży się prawdziwy potwór. Jak sobie z nim poradzić?
Most of us spend almost half of our adult life at work, which means that we have to deal with the company of the same
people several hours a day. Unfortunately, we usually do not choose them ourselves, and although you may be lucky
enough to enjoy working with a great team of friendly people, sometimes fickle fortune sends a real monster right next
to your desk. How to deal with it?
According to a recent study, as many as 84% of women have a friend who is "toxic", and, chances are, this so-called
friend is their colleague. Obviously, such a person not only makes you stressed and awkward, but also has a
negative impact on your job performance. If the situation gets really serious, you might want to consider changing
jobs, but your career might often be saved just by keeping distance from the wrong kind of people. But how can we tell
whom to avoid?
Some types are pretty easy to identify. For instance, if your colleague keeps criticizing you and your decisions, you are
likely to feel not appreciated, or even insecure, and act less boldly in the future. On the other hand, it's important not to
dismiss all the criticism - sometimes it may be helpful, if only it offers valuable, constructive feedback, insights or
advice. A similar approach may be taken if you have a colleague competing with you - a healthy competition is always
welcome, as long as it doesn't turn into a dog-eat-dog rivalry that must be won at all costs.
Another toxic bunch includes narcissists, who, although, are not that dangerous, if only you don't step on their inflated
ego. The greatest risk they present involves elaborate stories of their quasi-heroic deeds, which of course you don't
have to take seriously. Better keep your opinion about them to yourself, though. We should be more cautious when it
comes to those who talk about our secrets, which we might have inadvertently revealed to them off-guard during a
moment of misplaced trust. So keep your personal stories to yourself, until you know you can really rely on the other
Toxicity may also lurk where you least expect to find it. Remember that guy with whom you often rant over how hard the
work and how lousy the pay is? Be careful - attitude can be contagious. Having a downer of a friend can make you
look at the bright side of life less often, as he or she would drain your time, energy and optimism. Paradoxically, a
colleague who is a fun-loving bon vivant may also be noxious, having too long lasting lunches with you or
encouraging you to have just one-more-cocktail at a company event, or in general helping you develop habits that
would no doubt fail to be appreciated by the boss.
Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl - www.gazeta.pl © Agora SA
http://gazetapraca.pl/gazetapraca/2029020,136051,16077768.html 1/1


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