instrukcja obslugi do Nokia CR 115 EN

Nokia Holder Easy Mount HH-20
and CR-114/115
Issue 2.0
© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved. trademarks or registered trademarks of
Nokia Corporation.
Nokia, Nokia Connecting People and the
Nokia Original Accessories logo are
The Nokia Holder Easy Mount HH-20 Read this guide carefully before
is a mounting device that allows you installing and using the product.
to attach your compatible mobile
This product may contain small parts.
holder to the windscreen or, using the
Keep them out of the reach of small
optional adhesive pad, to the
dashboard of your car.
General safety instructions
Obey all local laws. Always keep your not interfere with or hinder the
hands free to operate the car while steering or braking systems or other
driving. Your first consideration while systems used in the operation of the
driving should be road safety. Only car (for example, airbags) or disturb
operate the mounting device or your field of vision while driving.
mobile holder if it is safe to do so
Check that the deployment of the
under all driving conditions.
airbag is not blocked or impaired in
When you install the mounting device any way.
or mobile holder, make sure they do
Make sure the mounting device or Never leave the mounting device
mobile holder is not installed where inside the car in direct sunlight or in
you might come in contact with it in excessive heat. The mounting device
the event of an accident or collision. and suction cup may be damaged and
adhesion may be impaired if the inside
Periodically check that the suction cup
temperature exceeds +70°C (160°F).
at the bottom of the mounting device
is firmly attached to the windscreen or When attaching a mobile holder, make
dashboard, especially if the ambient sure the display of the mobile device is
temperature changes a lot. clearly visible for the user. For your
safety, install the holder in the upright
Attach to a windscreen
To detach the holder from the
Attach the holder to the
mounting device, rotate it
mounting device
To attach the mobile holder to the
mounting device, insert the catch on
Attach the mounting device to
the mounting device into the slot at
the windscreen
the back of the holder (see step 1A at
Before you attach the mounting
the start of this guide). Rotate the
device to the windscreen, locate a safe
holder clockwise about 90 degrees
mounting surface on the windscreen,
until it locks into place (1B).
and clean the surface thoroughly with device clockwise (1D) to create a
a glass cleaner and a clean towel. If vacuum between the suction cup and
the ambient temperature is below the windscreen. Make sure the
+15°C (60°F), carefully warm the mounting device is firmly attached
surface and the suction cup with a (1E).
hair dryer to ensure a firm grip on the
To detach the suction cup from the
windscreen. Make sure you do not
windscreen, rotate the ring on the
heat the windscreen excessively to
mounting device anticlockwise (7),
avoid damage to it.
pull the strap located on the edge of
Press the suction cup of the mounting the suction cup (8), and pull the holder
device against the windscreen (1C), with the mounting device from the
and rotate the ring on the mounting windscreen (9).
Attach to a dashboard
dashboard is flat, dry, and free from
Attach the mounting device to
dirt and dust.
the dashboard
Peel off the protective sheet from the
If the product was supplied with an
adhesive side of the pad (see step 2A),
adhesive pad, you can attach the
and press the pad against the
mounting device to the dashboard.
dashboard so that it stays firmly in
Make sure the surface where you
place. When you peel off the
attach the adhesive pad on the
protective sheet from the pad, do not
Attach the holder to the
touch the adhesive side.
mounting device
Press the suction cup of the mounting
To attach the mobile holder to the
device against the pad (2B). Turn the
mounting device, insert the catch on
catch on the mounting device to the
the mounting device into the slot at
desired position (2C). Rotate the ring
the back of the holder (2E). Rotate the
on the mounting device clockwise
holder clockwise about 90 degrees
(2D) to create a vacuum between the
until it locks into place (2F). Make sure
suction cup and the pad.
the mounting device is firmly
attached (2G).
To detach the suction cup from the
pad, proceed in the same way as when
To detach the holder from the
you detach the cup from a windscreen
mounting device, rotate it
(7, 8, and 9).
Place or remove the mobile device
Do not place or remove a mobile charge the battery of your device, use
device while driving. a compatible charger.
To place your device into the holder, To remove the device, hold the device
insert the device into the holder (3), to prevent it from dropping, push the
hold the device, and push the arm (4) release button (5), and pull the device
to lock the device firmly in place. To out from the holder (6).
Taking care of your device
Your device is a product of superior
design and craftsmanship and should be
treated with care. The following
suggestions will help you protect your
warranty coverage.
" Do not use or store the device in
dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts
can be damaged.
" Do not drop, knock, or shake the
device. Rough handling can break fine
" Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning
solvents, or strong detergents to
clean the device. Only use a soft,
clean, dry cloth to clean the surface of
the device.
" Do not paint the device. Paint can
clog the moving parts and prevent
proper operation.


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