48 Gal

1:1 Paul, an apostle not from men nor through a man, but through Jesus Anointed and God a Father of the having raised him out of dead ones;
1:2 and those with me all brethren, to be congregations of the Galatia;
1:3 favor to you and peace from God a Father, and Lord of us Jesus Anointed,
1:4 of the having given himself concerning the sins of us, in order that he might rescue us out of the having been present an age of evil, according to the will of the God and Father of us,
1:5 to whom the glory for the ages of the ages: So be it.
1:6 I wonder, because so quickly you are being changed from the one having called you by favor of Anointed to other glad tidings;
1:7 which not is other; if not some are who are troubling you, and wishing to turn about the glad tidings to you,
1:8 contrary to what we announced a messenger from heaven should announce glad tidings to you, contrary to what we announced to you, accursed let him be.
1:9 As we before said, even now again I say: If any one you addresses with good tidings contrary to what you received, accursed let him be.
1:10 Now for men do I obey, or the God? or do I seek men to please? if for still men I pleased, of Anointed a slave not I should be.
1:11 I make known but to you, brethren, the glad tidings the having been announced by me, that not is according to man;
1:12 neither for I from man received it nor was I taught, but through a revelation of Jesus Anointed.
1:13 You heard for the my conduct formerly when in the Jewish religion, that exceedingly I persecuted the congregation of the God, and ravaged her;
1:14 and made progress in the Jewish religion beyond many of the same age among the race of me more earnestly a zealot being of the fathers of me traditions.
1:15 When but it pleased the God, that having set apart me from womb of mother of me, and having called through the favor of himself,
1:16 to reveal the son of himself to me, so that I might announce him to the nations; immediately, not I consulted with flesh and blood,
1:17 nor I went up to Jerusalem to those before me apostles, but I went into Arabia, and again returned to Damascus.
1:18 Then after years three I went up to Jerusalem, to visit Peter, and I remained with him days fifteen;
1:19 other but of the apostles not I saw, if not James the brother of the Lord.
1:20 (What now I write to you, lo in presence of the God, that not I am speaking falsely.)
1:21 Then I went into the regions of the Syria and of the Cilicia;
1:22 I was but being unknown by the face to the congregation of the Judea those in Anointed;
1:23 only but hearing they were: That the one persecuting us once, now proclaims as glad tidings the faith which once he was laying waste;
1:24 and they were glorifying in me the God.
2:1 Then through fourteen years again I went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas, having taken as a companion also Titus.
2:2 I went up but according to a revelation, and submitted to them the glad tidings which I publish among the Gentiles; by private but to those appearing somewhat, lest for a vain thing I should run, or had run.
2:3 But not even Titus he with me, a Greek being, was under a necessity to be circumcised.
2:4 On account of but the secretly introduced false brethren; (who stole in to have spied out the freedom of us which we hold in Anointed Jesus, so that us they might enslave;)
2:5 to whom not even for an hour we yielded by the submission, in order that the truth of the glad tidings might remain throughout with you.
2:6 From but of those appearing to be something, of what sort once they were, nothing to me it brings; (a face God of a man not accepts;)to me for those appearing somewhat nothing communicated,
2:7 but on the contrary, seeing, that I have been entrusted with the glad tidings of the uncircumcision, even as Peter of the circumcision,
2:8 (he for having inwardly wrought in Peter for an apostleship of the circumcision, inwardly wrought also in me for the Gentiles,)
2:9 and having perceived the favor that having been given to me, James and Cephas and John, those seeming pillars to be, right hands they gave to me and Barnabas of fellowship, that we indeed for the Gentiles, they but for the circumcision;
2:10 only of the poor ones that we should be mindful; which also I strove earnestly same thing this to have done.
2:11 When but came Peter to Antioch, before face to him I opposed, because having been blamed he was.
2:12 Before of the for to have come some from James, with the Gentiles he was eating; when but they come, he was withdrawing and was separating himself, fearing those of circumcision.
2:13 And dissembled with him also the other Jews; so that even Barnabas was led astray of them by the hypocrisy,
2:14 But when I saw, that not they walk straight with respect to the truth of the glad tidings, I said to the Peter in presence of all: If thou, a Jew being, like Gentiles thou livest and not like Jews, how the Gentiles dost thou compel to
2:15 We by nature Jews, and not of Gentiles sinners;
2:16 knowing and, that not is justified a man by works of law, if not on account of faith of Jesus Anointed; and we into Anointed Jesus believed, so that we may be justified by faith of Anointed, and not by works of law; because by works of
2:17 If but seeking to have been justified in Anointed we were found even we ourselves sinners, then Anointed of sin a servant? Not let it be.
2:18 If for what I pull down, these things again I build, a transgressor myself I constitute.
2:19 I for on account of law by law died so that by God I may live.
2:20 With Anointed I have been crucified; I live but, no longer I, lives but in me Anointed; the but now I live in flesh, by faith I live in the of that son of the God, of that having loved me and having delivered up himself in behalf of me
2:21 Not I set aside the favor of the God; if for through law justification, then Anointed without cause died.
3:1 O thoughtless, Galatians, who you deluded? to whom with respect to eyes Jesus Anointed was before set forth among you having been crucified.
3:2 This thing only I wish to have learned from you; on account of works of law the spirit did you receive, or on account of a hearing of faith?
3:3 So thoughtless are you? having begun in spirit, now in flesh are you being made perfect?
3:4 So many things you suffered without cause? If indeed even without cause.
3:5 The then supplying to you the spirit, and working miracles among you, on account of works of law, or on account of obedience of faith?
3:6 even as Abraham believed in the God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.
3:7 Know you certainly, that those of faith, these are sons of Abraham.
3:8 Having before seen and the writing, that by faith justifies the nations the God, before announced glad tidings to the Abraham: That shall be blessed in thee all the nations.
3:9 So that those of faith, are blessed with the believing Abraham.
3:10 As many as for of works of law are, under a curse they are; it has been written for: That accursed every one who not continues in all things those having been written in the book of the law, of the to have done them.
3:11 That but by law no one is justified before the God, clear; because the just by faith, shall live;
3:12 the but law not is of faith; but the one having done these things, shall live by them.
3:13 Anointed us bought off from the curse of the law, having become on behalf of us a curse; (it has been written for: Accursed every one he being hung on a tree;)
3:14 so that for the nations the blessing of the Abraham might be in Anointed Jesus, that the annunciation of the spirit we might receive through the faith.
3:15 Brethren, according to man I speak; though of a man having been ratified a covenant no one sets aside or superadds.
3:16 To the now Abraham were spoken the promises, even for the seed of him. Not he says: And to the seeds as concerning many, but as concerning one. And to the seed of thee; who is Anointed.
3:17 This but I say; a covenant previously ratified by the God concerning Anointed, that after four hundred and thirty years having become a law not annuls, so as the to have canceled the promise;
3:18 if for by law the inheritance, no longer by promise; to the but Abraham through promise has freely given the God.
3:19 Why then the law? The transgressions on account of it was appointed, (to which time should have come the seed, to whom it has been promised,)having been instituted by means of messengers, in hand of mediator.
3:20 The but mediator of one not he is; the but God one is.
3:21 The then law contrary to the promises of the God? Not let it be. If for was given a law that being able to have made alive, truly by law was the righteousness;
3:22 but shut up together the scripture the all things under sin, in order that the promise by faith of Jesus Anointed might be given to the believers.
3:23 Before the but to have come the faith, under law we were guarded being shut up together for the being about faith to have been revealed.
3:24 So that the law a child-leader of us has become, to Anointed, that by faith we might be justified;
3:25 having come but the faith, no longer under a child-leader we are.
3:26 All for sons of God you are through the faith in Anointed Jesus;
3:27 as many as for into Anointed were dipped, Anointed you were clothed.
3:28 Not there is a Jew, nor a Greek; not there is a slave, nor a freeman; not there is male and female; all for you one are in Anointed Jesus;
3:29 if but you of Anointed, certainly of the Abraham seed you are, and according to promise heirs.
4:1 I say now, for as long as a time the heir a child is, nothing he differs a slave, lord of all being;
4:2 but under guardians it is and stewards, till the before-appointed of the father.
4:3 So also we, when we were children, under the rudiments of the world we were having been enslaved;
4:4 when but came the fulness of the time, sent forth the God the son of himself, having been born from a woman, having been born under law,
4:5 in order that those under law he might buy off, that the sonship we might receive.
4:6 Because and you are sons, he sent forth the God the spirit of the son of himself into the hearts of us, crying: Abba, the Father.
4:7 So that no longer thou art a slave, but a son; if but a son, also an heir of God through Anointed.
4:8 But then indeed, not knowing God, you were enslaved to those by nature not being gods;
4:9 now but, having know God, more and having been known by God, how do you turn back again to the weak and poor rudiments, to which again as at first be in subjection you wish?
4:10 Days you watch narrowly? and moons and seasons and years?
4:11 I am afraid you, lest perhaps in vain I labored hard for you.
4:12 Become you as I, for even I as you; brethren, I entreat you; nothing me you wronged;
4:13 you know but, that through weakness of the flesh I announced glad tidings to you the formerly,
4:14 and the temptation of me that in the flesh of me not you despised nor did you spit out; but as a messenger of God you received me, even as Anointed Jesus.
4:15 What then was the benediction of you? testify for to you, that, if able, the eyes of you having dug out would you give to me.
4:16 So that an enemy of you have I become speaking truth to you?
4:17 They show affection towards you not honorably; but to have shut out you they wish, so that them you may ardently love.
4:18 Honorable but the to be ardently devoted in a good thing at all times, and not only in the to be present me with you.
4:19 O little children of me, whom again I am bearing till may have been formed Anointed in you;
4:20 I could wish but to be present with you now, and to change the tone of me; because I am perplexed with you.
4:21 Speak you to me, those under law desiring to be, the law not do you hear?
4:22 It has been written for, that Abraham two sons had; one from the bond-woman, and one from the free-woman.
4:23 But that indeed from the bond-woman, according to flesh has been born; that but from the free-woman, through the promise.
4:24 Which things is being adapted to another meaning; these for are two covenants; one indeed from mount Sinai, for servitude bring forth, which is Agar;
4:25 the for Agar, Sinai a mountain it is in the Arabia, it corresponds and to the present Jerusalem, she is in bondage for with the children of herself;
4:26 the but above Jerusalem, a free-woman is, who is a mother of us:
4:27 It has been written for: Be thou made glad O barren who not is bearing, burst thou forth and shout thou who not is bringing to birth; because many the children of the deserted one more than of the one having the husband.
4:28 We now, brethren, like Isaac, of a promise children are.
4:29 But just as then he according to flesh being born persecuted him according to spirit, so also now.
4:30 But what says the writing? Cast out the bond-woman and the son of her; not for not should inherit the son of the bond-woman with the son of the free-woman.
4:31 Then, brethren, not we are of bond-woman children, but of the free-woman.
5:1 In the freedom with which us Anointed made free, stand you firm, and not again in a yoke of bondage be you held fast.
5:2 Lo, i, Paul say to you, that if circumcised you should be, Anointed you nothing will profit;
5:3 I testify but again to every man being circumcised, that a debtor he is whole the law to have done.
5:4 You are set free from the Anointed whoever by law are justifying yourselves; of the favor you fell off.
5:5 We for in spirit from faith a hope of righteousness we wait for.
5:6 In for Anointed Jesus neither circumcision anything avails, nor circumcision; but faith through love strongly working.
5:7 You were running well; who you hindered in the truth not to confide.
5:8 The persuasion not from the one calling you.
5:9 A little leaven whole the mass it leavens.
5:10 I have confidence respecting you in Lord, that no one other thing you will mind; the but one troubling you shall bear the judgment, whoever he may be.
5:11 I but, brethren, if circumcision still I publish, why still am I persecuted? then been abolished the stumbling-block of the cross.
5:12 I wish even they shall be cut off those overturning you.
5:13 You for to freedom were invited, brethren; only not the freedom for an occasion the flesh, but through the love be you subservient to each other.
5:14 The for whole law in one word is fully set forth, in this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself.
5:15 If but each other you bite and you devour, take you care, lest by each other you may be consumed.
5:16 I say but; by spirit walk you, and a desire of flesh not not you should fulfil.
5:17 The for flesh desires against the spirit, the and spirit again the flesh; these and to each other are opposed, so that not, the things you would wish, these you should do.
5:18 If but by spirit you be led, not you are under law.
5:19 Manifest but it is the works of the flesh; which things it is fornication, impurity, debauchery,
5:20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, quarrels, jealousies, resentments, brawlings, factions, sects,
5:21 envying, murderers, drunkennesses, revellings, and the things like of them; which things I tell before you, even as also I said before, that they the these things practising a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
5:22 The but fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, fidelity, meekness, self control;
5:23 against the such like not is a law.
5:24 Those but of the Anointed, the flesh crucified with the passions and the desires;
5:25 if we live by spirit, by spirit also we should walk.
5:26 Not we should become vain-glorious, each other provoking with each other envying.
6:1 Brethren, if, even should be surprised a man in any fault, you the spiritual ones do you reinstate the such like with a spirit of meekness, watching thyself, lest also thou shouldst to tempted.
6:2 Of each other the burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you the law of the Anointed.
6:3 If for thinks any one to be something, nothing being, himself he deceives
6:4 the but work of himself let him try each one, and then in himself alone the boasting he will have, and not in the other;
6:5 each one for the his own burden will bear.
6:6 Let him communicate but the one being taught the world, to the one teaching, in all good things.
6:7 Not do you mistake; God not is to be mocked at. That for if may sow a man, this also he will reap;
6:8 because the one sowing for the flesh of himself, from the flesh he will reap corruption; the but one sowing for the spirit, from of the spirit he will reap life age-lasting.
6:9 The but good doing not we should reap; in a season for its own we shall reap, not fainting.
6:10 So then, as opportunity we have, we should work the good to all, especially but to the family-members of the faith.
6:11 You see, how many thing to you in letters I wrote with the my hand.
6:12 As many as wish to appear fair in flesh, these constrain you to be circumcised; only, that not for the cross of the Anointed they should be persecuted.
6:13 Not even for those being circumcised themselves a law do they keep; but they wish you to be circumcised, so that in the your flesh they might boast.
6:14 For me but not it may be to boast, if not in the cross of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed; through which to me a world has been crucified, and I to the world.
6:15 In for Anointed Jesus neither circumcision anything is, neither uncircumcision, but a new creation.
6:16 And as many as by the rule this will walk, peace on them and mercy, and on the Israel of the God.
6:17 Of the remaining, troubles to me no one let furnish; I for the brand-marks of the Lord Jesus in the body of me bear.
6:18 The favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with the spirit of you, brethren. So be it.


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