Offline Casting Call
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
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This eBook and video course has made every effort for accuracy in the information provided
but there is no liability in what the individual decides to do with the shared content. The
success of any business is the result of action being taken by an individual and results will
vary. We do not guarantee success nor income that could be generated by utilizing these
systems. The results are dependent upon strategies used, work ethic, time commitment, and
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that we do not have any responsibility regarding that.
Offline Casting Call 2 | P a g e
Hello Warriors  it s Shaun here. I m very honored and excited to have you learn another
system I use in my offline marketing business to create a cash sucking wind stream of clients. It
sounds a bit much, right? But it s true. You ll find out more on that later. If you have invested
in any of my previous courses, you know already that I craft systems that are simple, profitable,
and able to scale bigger. The Offline Casting Call is no exception.
Pull marketing always been my #1 strategy for attaining new clients in my business. For me, the
process is much smoother and more enjoyable when I don t have to chase and beg for a
meeting with a potential client. Once I perfected and got this system in place to pull clients into
my funnel, I could control my own reality. It is a reality where I had the ability to take on new
clients when I wanted to or simply chose to pass a referral along to a colleague. Sure, clients
will come and go over the years but with this system you won t have to rely on 1 or 2 big dogs
to collect a paycheck.
Anyone can purchase a piece of software or sift through the pages of Manta and harvest
targeted leads for a given niche. However, one of the most difficult tasks in offline marketing is
establishing rapport and building a relationship with your client or prospect. Regardless of how
amazing your skill set might be and how much money you ll make a company, they ll be ill
Offline Casting Call 3 | P a g e
equipped to fork over thousands of dollars without doing some due diligence. The good news
is, with strategic systems and funnels in place you ll no longer have to spend hours mingling at
the chamber of commerce event or spamming new LinkedIn connections. These clients will
actually be coming to you first without you even having to buy them a drink. Think of this as a
fresh start into offline marketing.
As we all know, there are a million and one ways to  get your foot in the door with people who
need your services. Trust me, I ve either read or tried them all ranging from a free SEO report
to creating custom videos. Break free from the traditional thinking that you ll have to put in
time and work the local market in order to gain any business. This is why we are internet
marketers, to have the freedom and lifestyle without a prison sentence of 9-5 every day. You
don t need to give away a website or provide free SEO service. There s a better way to create
your very own Offline Casting Call.
I just went to a bachelor party recently for a good friend of mine where we took a chartered
boat to go fishing in Lake Ontario. The day was comprised of about two dozen of us hitting the
lake, catching as many fish as we could, and then grilling them up for dinner on a private island.
We had four boats full of guys that were fishing within a few square miles of each other that
Offline Casting Call 4 | P a g e
were reeling in dozens of fish! Sometimes it was the avid fisherman who would catch a huge
bass and others it was the newbie who hadn t fished in 10 years catching a rainbow trout. The
more lines we had in the water, the more fish we caught together as a team to feed everyone.
This is how I run my offline marketing business, by casting as many lines as possible to pull
clients in to see how I can help them with their internet marketing  big or small. Not all of
them will be big fish, but sometimes I m surprised as the old saying goes  you can t judge a
book by its cover. Like with fishing, regardless of your experience level with providing offline
marketing services to clients, with the right team and systems in place you ll still be able to
service plenty of clients.
This is done through a simple process that will take you less than an hour to get started.
Essentially, I provide a high quality, yet affordably priced  teaser service that clients feel
comfortable committing to and investing their money. The service can range to whatever you
are comfortable with as I have provided everything from social media, SEO, video marketing,
graphic design, and the list goes on and on. Keep in mind that I outsource all of this work and
simply manage the work being completed and the bottom line it will have for my client. From
there, they are now in my sales funnel and will become a customer for the long term.
I always over deliver and go out of my way to impress my client with the utmost
professionalism. Everything from my e-mail correspondence to delivery of the finished report is
stellar which solidifies what I am trying to accomplish  building trust and rapport.
Offline Casting Call 5 | P a g e
The most impressive part about this process is that the clients are the ones seeking me out&
I harness the power of websites that simply serve as a platform for people seeking out
services for their business or website to ultimately help their bottom line. Business owners
are either extremely busy or extremely unknowledgeable when it comes to internet marketing
and need our help. It could be an SEO campaign, a logo redesign, or someone who needs a
custom Facebook timeline. Don t worry; this isn t where I tell you to sign up for Fiverr and start
spending hours on Photoshop creating a custom logo for $5. There s far more to this system as
you ll soon see&
I cast my multiple lines that are fishing for interested and qualified clients through major sites
such as eBay and lesser known websites like Task Army. There is a plethora of sites you can list
your services and qualifications on. I always have up to a dozen teaser services at smaller
price points ($20-$60) listed on multiple sites that clients are actively searching for!
Sometimes, I will only get a sale or two during the standard business day and other times I ll
have 12 orders on a Sunday evening. My line is always cast, and the store is always open
making me profit and sending me clients on the front end. The point is, I started small offering
a few services to test the waters and ultimately devised a system that I could scale. This
eventually eliminated the time and heartache out of constant prospecting and brought the
clients and cash to me. It is an ongoing process that I am continually monitoring and tweaking
to make sure my business is bringing in the highest amounts of leads and cash as possible.
Offline Casting Call 6 | P a g e
However, bringing in a few hundred dollars in sales every day and providing the service is not
where it ends. In fact, it s only where it begins&
Once the outsourced service they purchased is completed, the report will contain my branding
along with a link to an opt in page for a freebie that will help their business. But, they need to
provide me with their confirmed e-mail address to access it which builds my list of buyers! After
showing my authority and professionalism with their first service, I promptly provide my client
with some follow up advice and recommendations regardless of whether they opt in or not to
my mailing list. From there, I now have the rapport and trust built to pursue a bigger solution
for their internet marketing problems.
Over time I profit from every single purchase over dozens of websites that adds up to a
lucrative stream of passive income! In the meantime, I am building a relationship and a list of
buyers who know, like, and trust me. They come to me with questions and ask for help, there
is no hard sales pitch; no cold calling& it s all because of the  pull method of casting my line
and seeing who bites.
I am able to easily convert these clients into long term, recurring payments over and over again.
If business slows or I need a quick influx of cash, I ll run a promotion to my list of business
Offline Casting Call 7 | P a g e
owner buyers who happily wire over deposits and it reestablishes my rapport with
I had some of you send comments on the last course saying that I included too many screen
shots illustrating and what exactly I was doing. With the Offline Casting call, I think it s
important to show you how the relationship starts and the lucrative business that continue
every month as a result. An aspect I love about Offline Marketing is that I get to meet and
work with so many businesses across the world. I get bored easily and enjoy the interaction
and culture outside of simply doing business with each other.
The first example is a client that originally purchased an eBay auction for an SEO service for
$29.99 and owns a business in Greece.
Offline Casting Call 8 | P a g e
After being extremely pleased with the quality and results of my work, we began exchanging e-
mails where he expressed a need for ongoing SEO work for his website. He was still a bit
hesitant especially with the distance and time zones between us, so we agreed on a package for
Again, he was impressed with the results and was without a doubt using my services to help
his website and subsequently with all of his internet marketing needs for his business. Take
notice to the dates of the payments sent to me.
Offline Casting Call 9 | P a g e
Take notice to the dates of the payments sent to me.
Offline Casting Call 10 | P a g e
Another quick case study is from a woman named Lisa who runs a website selling gifts for
graduates, weddings, and pretty much any major occasions. She purchased a service from me
to help her with search engine optimization for gifts ecommerce site.
Once I received the links report that was outsourced, I created a professional looking report
with my company s branding and sent her the results along with some advice about SEO. Lisa
responded to my e-mail explaining her frustrations with trying to figure out this whole SEO
thing for her website and how she wasted a great deal of time and money on testing Google
Adwords. We developed a campaign that suited her needs and presented it to her which she
happily agreed to and had stellar results with.
Offline Casting Call 11 | P a g e
Here is another payment less than a month later&
Offline Casting Call 12 | P a g e
I know at this point you re getting sick of screen shots and case studies. But, there is one last
case study I d like to show you that, at the time of writing this, I just closed yesterday for nice
package. A website owned named Pat purchased an SEO service on eBay from me for $39.99 to
help his site selling brick oven pizzas.
Offline Casting Call 13 | P a g e
After sending him the completed report with additional links as a bonus and a few sentences
about the recent Google changes, he replied back with a  Thanks! I ll leave feedback for you
since you did such a great job! I gave it a few days before I contacted him again just to check
in, and then I proceeded to let him know we could continue with a more robust campaign that
would help his site. After exchanging e-mails for a few days, he decided to use my services for
another much larger campaign for his pizza oven website at $750.00 recurring every single
Ok, we re finished with the case studies and I could keep going all day but wanted to highlight
just a few examples for you. With the Offline Casting Call system I have been able to land high
profile clients that pay top dollar for monthly campaigns. Clients are literally falling on my lap
one by one every single day and it s not just someone showing interest, it s someone who has
Offline Casting Call 14 | P a g e
already spent money with me. I m not cold calling anyone or spending my nights out at a
networking event rather than at home with family. I hope you understand the psychology and
power behind why this system is so effective in bringing me cash and clients on a silver
I use a lot of platforms to sell my offline marketing services and bring in new clients every
month. But, one platform that you can t ignore is eBay. Here is a screen shot of sales I
generated for just one month.
So in one month I was able to generate $2,834 in revenue and the majority of it is pure profit
after outsourcing. Consider this - do some simple math right now and round that number
down to $2,000  that s $24,000 a year you will earn without any upsells while
Offline Casting Call 15 | P a g e
simultaneously bringing you hordes of qualified clients in need of your services. You re
getting paid to bring leads into your business!
Another major thing to consider here is that I sold 105 different services in one month. That s
105 opportunities to upsell clients that I already have a relationship with, have paid me
money, and need my services!
And this is only on ONE out of many platforms that you can utilize. This, my friends, is how you
build a massive business in offline marketing without the typical time constraints and expenses.
I hope you re excited right now&
Now it s your turn! Here s where I will walk you through how to replicate my success and start
sending a flood of cash into your bank account. It s incredibly easy for you to set up and once
it s done, you ll be off to the races building your own empire.
While I have had great success with major players like eBay, there are plenty of others that
generate income and leads to add into my funnel of offline clients. You ll want to cast as many
lines as you can to a variety of websites in order to generate as much exposure for your services
as possible. It might seem daunting as first, but start small like I did and scale. Also, don t shy
away from other outsourcing sites where you list what services you can provide to potential
clients and they contact you. Although no money has exchanged hands, you ll get inquiries
about your services. Since they are reaching out to you it takes any pressure out of the
Offline Casting Call 16 | P a g e
situation and gives you a warm lead. From there, you can create a small custom campaign of
one of your services; deliver stellar results, and then upsell for massive recurring income!
A few websites that you can utilize the Offline Casting Call system are: (yes it still brings me business)
You get the idea. Once you start expanding and scaling, do some Google searches to find other
places to list your services. In the next step, I ll show you how to uncover exactly what services
are in high demand so you can craft your own offer. Once you have a killer  teaser offer, you ll
be able to offer it on Craigslist or list it as a specialty on or any of the other
sites that clients are on daily seeking out services. Don t have any services? No problem& .I ll
show you how to find a hot seller that you can profit from.
Even if you ve never had an offline client or sold anything online, finding a service that makes
your money is not as difficult as you think. And as an added bonus, you ll be able to outsource
all the work that comes your way!
Offline Casting Call 17 | P a g e
As a general indication of what s selling well and in demand, I use eBay to gauge consumer
interest on what services I want to offer then casting my lines to all of the other sites to bring in
clients. Start by doing some research to find what items have the most sales, their price
points, and the final service delivered to the client. For example, if you are interested in video
marketing and creation for clients type in a variety of keywords on eBay like  youtube and
 custom videos and look for a hot seller. Here s one I found:
This guy pulled in 39 new clients grossed in $2143.05 in revenue this month creating a 60
second custom video! You can t ignore a money maker like this. You might be thinking  But I
have no experience, programs, or desire to edit video even if it is just for 60 seconds. Trust
me, I am in the same boat but I have a solution for you - Outsource! There are plenty of places
Offline Casting Call 18 | P a g e
to outsource these tasks to, but the main resources I use are and of course all of you
over at the Warrior Forum.
I like to craft my offer to be unique from the competition, give more value, and a better price.
So, instead of 60 seconds of video, I ll offer three full minutes for $10 less and deliver the
finished product with 3 days! Or I ll create 2 custom videos that for lower price which makes
my deal irresistible compared to the seller above. The point is that you be different from the
crowd, and make your offer stand out and the sales will flood in. After doing a quick search
on Fiverr, I found this provider that has over 400+ positive feedbacks and delivers within 2 days
 your new client will LOVE you.
Video marketing is VERY hot right now and getting them ranked within the search engines is
something that s easy to do (or outsource). Having a video ranking on the first page of Google
is valuable for anyone looking to get more business or traffic to their website and is easy to
maintain position. Take a look at this auction I just found on eBay:
Offline Casting Call 19 | P a g e
This seller is crushing it bringing in $4,444.40 in revenue from his eight sales optimizing a
YouTube video and getting it on the first page of Google. Are you kidding me?! There s some
stellar WSO s that cover video marketing and ranking videos on Google and also plenty of
resources on the Warrior Forum that effectively show you step by step how to rank a YouTube
video on the first page of Google for pennies on the dollar. In addition, building some links
using Fiverr gigs has successfully placed many of my videos on the first page of Google. You can
double those orders and make double the money by optimizing two videos on the first page
of Google or even by making a new custom video on top of the optimization.
Here is another example using the platform to find a hot seller. From there you
will make a better offer and bring in new customers and income monthly!
Offline Casting Call 20 | P a g e
This service has 2,187 views and 100% feedback with people commenting on what great job he
does providing 1,000 fans for $65. Who doesn t love recurring income right off the bat? This is
an easy competitor to take out. What we ll do is provide 1,000 real Facebook fans and stress
they are from the United States! As part of the package, we will be adding 3,000 backlinks
promoting their domain for added exposure and value from the free link builder I provided for
you in the previous service. We ll proceed to give a massive price cut and charge a mere $49 a
month for these deliverables effectively winning new business and turning a nice profit after
it s outsourced for $5. Do the math  that s a $44 monthly profit plus a new client! Here is an
example of a provider:
Offline Casting Call 21 | P a g e
After a few months, you might tap out the provider s resources for delivering real USA
Facebook fans. But no worries, you find a plethora of additional providers waiting eagerly to
take your orders. Additionally, there are providers that can deliver far more than 1,000 fans a
month so talk with your client about what their needs are.
I could continue showing you real examples of people crushing it but now you understand the
system and how to find your own profitable service to sell. Start with a few offers and test the
water! The only way to start bringing in the cash is by taking action and capitalizing on this
huge opportunity. This is fun stuff, isn t it?
I don t mean pestering phone calls and meeting for lunches with potential clients. I m talking
about the clients you already have paying you!
Offline Casting Call 22 | P a g e
Once the orders start rolling in, bring you re A-game to the table and introduce yourself to your
new client thanking them for their business and reassuring that they are top priority. This
introduction e-mail is a couple paragraphs long and is meant to build comfort and rapport. You
are immediately leaving a great first impression and your new client will notice.
Here is the exact swipe file that I use as an introductory e-mail:
Hey (Client name),
Thanks so much for your order with!
We appreciate your business and will be sure to deliver the goods. =)
We have received the details for your campaign and have started work on it as our top
Once we complete the campaign, you'll receive a fully detailed report showing all of the links
we have built to your site. Please make sure this e-mail address is white listed for your e-mail
client as the report will be sent as an attachment.
If you have any additional questions or projects you would like some help with, feel free to
get back to us anytime.
Thanks again, and we'll be in touch soon. =)
Kind Regards,
Offline Casting Call 23 | P a g e
Your Name
Your Website Address
Your Telephone Number
Your Social Media Links
Depending on what service you sold your client, you ll need to amend the text in the swipe file.
Make your own swipe file and have it ready to copy and paste when orders come in to make it
easy on yourself. I like to use Google Canned Response which is an app for Gmail that has my
messages preloaded that I can access right on my e-mail message. Be sure to add your own
personality and make your client feel like you two have been best friends for years. I can t
stress building rapport enough and being able to level with your new clients.
So you have successfully sold a service to your new client, collected the money, introduced
yourself through e-mail, and now it s time to deliver the goods. This is where it gets fun!
I like to make the finished service look as sexy and polished as possible regardless of what it is.
If my outsourcer delivers the links for my client s campaign in a .TXT file, I create an excel
report clearly identifying the URL, keywords, and links built for the campaign along with my
branding and contact information everywhere. If I m delivering Facebook  likes or Twitter
Offline Casting Call 24 | P a g e
followers, I ll produce a short .PDF file with my logo and contact information on the front page,
header, and footer along with screen shots with a before and after picture of their campaign.
It s taking the extra 5 minutes to spruce up the report that makes all the difference. I didn t do
any of the work to begin with, and by delivering an aesthetically pleasing report to my new
client will solidify my relationship and professionalism. The e-mail I send to the client will
outline the service completed often with a bonus like additional links or an extra logo, etc& I
will also openly ask for any business of theirs in the future.
You ve heard it a thousand times before, but it s so pertinent I m going to tell you again for the
1,001 time. Build a list! This is true regardless of whether you are an offline marketer or the
business owner. If someone gives me money and is interested in my services, I want to
continue the conversation and stay in contact! I have an Aweber list filled with customers that
continue coming back to me for any and all services internet marketing related.
I also give a lot of value to the list on where to get free backlinks, how to effectively use social
media, and other topics that position me as the expert. Then, I will craft a new offer specifically
targeted to my list of buyers that isn t available anywhere else and send it to my list of
prequalified buyers. It s almost like having a license to print money! To entice them to join
my list, I ll have a link on my reports and e-mail messages bringing them to an opt in page to
receive a free report in exchange for an e-mail address that they ll happily give. It s that easy!
This is not an essential part of the Offline Casting Call and is by no means necessary for success,
but it s a technique that has made me lots of additional income from repeat customers.
Offline Casting Call 25 | P a g e
After you deliver the high quality report with the utmost professionalism, they may inquire
about additional services that you can provide for them right away. Perfect! If not, you ll be
following up with a simple but powerful e-mail message a day or two later. The message is
custom tailored to fit whatever service I provided for them and open a dialogue leading to a
solution to a problem of theirs.
Here s an example: A new client named Jim buys a link building package from me for 200 EDU
backlinks for his domain using 5 keyword phrases. I over deliver and send back a report with
300 EDU links and let Jim know I handle clients worldwide, so if he has any questions or projects
he can reach out to me anytime. But, I don t hear back from Jim or the response is a simple
 Great, Thanks for the report!
A few days later I will follow up with Jim using the same e-mail string that we have been
corresponding with over the course of the first campaign. Doing this small step will
significantly help with not only getting Jim to open the e-mail, but to read it and respond. I ll
send Jim the following message:
Hey Jim,
How s everything going in California? I d much rather be on the beach there than in this NY
Offline Casting Call 26 | P a g e
I just spoke with a few other colleagues about the Google Penguin updates and how the
algorithm is affecting website rankings that s causing massive panic with a lot of people.
It reminded me about your site and the campaign we just finished up. I know we built a solid
foundation of high quality EDU links with a few extras added to the mix, but I ve got a few
other ideas I wanted to discuss with you. When you get a minute e-mail me back.
I ll talk to you soon Jim!
Kind Regards,
Your Name
Your Website
Your Telephone Number
Your Social Media Links
That s it. It s just a simple message that conveys a multitude of thing to Jim. First, he notices
the small details like his name and where he lives. Then, I demonstrate my expertise and
authority by letting him know I am educated and up to date with everything happening in the
search engine optimization industry. Finally, I let Jim know that it reminded me about his
website showing that I care about his business and to get back to me with some ideas. Like I
said, this is not a cookie cutter template and I do take the time to customize each e-mail to my
client because I do genuinely care about their success and you should too. The main
Offline Casting Call 27 | P a g e
takeaways from this e-mail are notice the small details, show authority, and demonstrate
your thinking about other ways you can help your client with their problems and make big
When Jim responds, I ll suggest an SEO package that is $500 a month for three months and
adds additional keywords to the package that builds link to his site every day. I ll also
guarantee he ll hit the first page of Google for at least one of his keywords, even with the
Google Penguin and algorithm updates that will drive organic traffic to his site. This is when
the $40 client converts into a $1500 client with a strong possibility I will have Jim s business
for a lot longer than 3 months provided I deliver results on my end. If that offer happens to
be out of his budget, I ll work with Jim until I can provide a more suitable campaign at a lower
price point.
Regardless of what upsell package Jim purchases, I m not SEO wizard though. I don t manually
build links 24/7 for each of my clients. I outsource it completely to the Warrior Forum. Some of
the most knowledgeable and talented SEO geniuses are there offering their services to me and
doing a simple search provides me with dozens of options, reviews, and price points that will
pad my pockets with profit.
NOTE: You do NOT have to provide SEO services! Think to yourself how you can apply this
upsell process to any service you decide to sell to new clients. If you create a custom video
that brings in 30 new clients a month, don t you think that at least a handful of them want to
make sure people actually watch that video! That s where you come in providing a solution
ranking their video on the first page of Google and maintain it for a monthly fee. Suppose you
sold a logo redesign to several dozen clients, what are the chances the have an updated
Offline Casting Call 28 | P a g e
website that needs to be redesigned or possibly graphics for their Facebook Timeline? Have a
plan in place to deliver a more valuable and profitable solution for their business related to the
purchase the client just made with you. The upsell will change depending on your clients
needs, but there is always something of value you can offer as a solution.
Ultimately, I create a sales funnel starting with a service they purchase from me off of a website
platform that turns them into a long term customer of mine. I never have to worry about
leaving my house to prospect, or if I ll get a new client each month, and the income I earn on
auto pilot does more than just pay the bills. This has been one of the most effective and
profitable way to run my business through the use of systems and funnels. It relives me from
the rat race of traditional sales and creates a lifestyle with no barriers or places.
I ve got the freedom and income  working a job I love which, personally, is what it s all about.
Following the Offline Casting Call system, you ll start to create the same recurring income
pulling clients to you begging for services! There is a lot of money to be made with offline
marketing and by implementing this system even on the small scale, will change the way you
do business. You ll have hundreds of opportunities to help provide a solution to people with
internet marketing problems all while not even leaving your office (or as I prefer, my beach
If you d like to expedite your success and take advantage of the special training and documents
I compiled over the years, you still can through going back to Warrior + and accessing your
Offline Casting Call 29 | P a g e
purchase. I have a substantial list of websites and actual services that are in HIGH demand and
ready for you to capitalize on as well as premium graphics to use to help conversions. You
could start seeing PayPal deposits as soon as tonight.
Please refrain from disclosing information on the Warrior Forum that is privy to those who
have invested their hard earned money in this report. If you run into any problems or have
any issues with the contents in this report I urge you to contact me immediately at my e-mail
listed below and NOT THE THREAD OR PRIVATE MESSAGE. I will respond back to you as soon
as humanly possible to take care of you. Customer service especially to the Warriors is my
number one priority and I will be sure to accommodate you. Send me your questions,
comments, and successes  I d love to hear from you!
Shaun aka SDotSpells
Instant Offline Connection
In addition to using the Offline Casting Call, there is another vital building block to my
business. I'll show you step by step how I developed & use a system to provide a constant flow
of massive checks & clients every single month. This is a MUST have to build your offline
Offline Casting Call 30 | P a g e
No Theories. No Magic Bullets. No Fluff. No BS. Warriors are making serious cash & there is
Anthony said,  I believe you just boosted my income 100% over the next 30 days. $1500+ for
45 minutes of work - Worth $15 spent on WSO? No Brainer!
Discover another simplistic & highly lucrative long term income stream that will pay you for
years to come. I urge you to explore the thread to see all of the positive comments and success
stories. Find out why it was WSO of the Day.
Click here to go to the thread and see for yourself!
Instant Client Craze
Need another flood of customers? Diversifying is the key to success. I have perfected many
models that provide me with cash on an easy and reoccurring basis. It s important that you do
the same to grow and protect your business.
This is no exception. It made a lot of noise from well-respected Warriors back during its
release and was crowned WSO of the Day! This WSO will Inject CASH & Clients into your
Business ON DEMAND.
And guess what? Other Warriors are ALREADY making BIG $$$ with this WSO!
"I just got my first order for 399 of your finest English pounds sterling."
Offline Casting Call 31 | P a g e
 Thanks a mil, Shaun! Great stuff! I can ABSOLUTELY, without an ounce of hesitation call it
This is an original, out of the box method that will make you money  bottom line.
Click here to go find out why before it closes.
Instant Offline Avalanche
The perfect complement and natural synergy with any offline business that has or is investing in
a website is a MOBILE website. This is not a trend, mobile is here to stay. If you want to wait a
few more years to feel it out  you re toast.
My first WSO is called the Instant Offline Avalanche. It has made Warriors some serious cash.
 I have actually been able to complete 5 sales in 2 days since buying the WSO charging $200
dollars a sale. I have never had any kind of success like this before. $1,000 dollars in 2 days!
This, my friends, is a game changer!
 I did three quick cold-calls with his ninja technique. I ended up having one client call me back
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