Napęd hybrydowy BAE

E-X-Drive"! (Electric Drive Propulsion
for Tracked Vehicles)
" Lower mass
E -X - D r i ve"! offers a light w e i g ht, co m p a ct and eff i c i e nt
system co m p a red with co nve ntional tra n s m i s s i o n
" Reduced volume
s y s t e m s .
" Improved efficiency
" Fault tolerant
" Improved acceleration
" Configurable for a wide
range of vehicles and
technology insertion
E-X-DriveTM transmission
E-X-Drive"! offers a compact and " Small  diameter allows installation tracked vehicle configurations founded
lightweight solution for electric drive with compact, light weight inline on a fundamental shift in platform
tracked vehicles based on an optimal final drives design trade space options.
combination of electrical and " Simple electro-mechanical actuated
mechanical components. This is gear change mechanism An E-X-Drive"! based transmission
achieved through efficient packaging, " Twin traction and steer motors package is not only smaller and lighter
mechanical transfer of steer power, provide redundancy, maximising than comparable conventional
range-shift mechanisms and fault tolerance transmissions, but also in a series
permanent magnet motor technology. " Safe, reliable and uninterrupted electric drive configuration it offers the
steering using mechanical opportunity for novel configurations of
E-X-Drive"! is a low risk solution as regeneration power pack design and location to
stress levels are low in the motors, " Integrated lubrication system improve survivability, agility, and
gears, shafts and bearing components. " Integrated mechanical brakes mission success.
" No high pressure hydraulic systems
E-X-Drive"! advantages " Configurable and scalable for a wide Electrical power generation capability
" High power & torque density range of vehicles and capacity is easier to upgrade,
" Control differential and range shift " Modular manage and control for different
minimises propulsion motor power propulsion and new mission system
and torque requirements leading to Enables design innovation requirements and supports simpler
lower power electronics kVA rating The combination of an E-X-Drive"! technology insertion as more energy
" Permanent magnet motors give best transmission and series electric drive dense power sources become available.
efficiency offers the opportunity for innovative
Mechanically regenerative steering Patented QinetiQ Control Differential
The combination of electric traction An innovative part of the transmission
motors coupled with the use of is the central control differential  this
mechanical power regeneration combines steer motor torque and
through the transmission main-shafts traction motor torque to provide
is the preferred alternative to differential steering torque across the
independent sprocket drives. tracks.
For independent sprocket drives to be In addition to minimising motor
able to regenerate steering power the torques, this arrangement eliminates
E-X-DriveTM installed in a typical vehicle
traction machines and associated the bulk and weight of a separate
power electronics must be rated so additional cross shaft required by
that they can electrically transmit the When combined with a three-speed conventional transmissions.
power generated by the slowing inner range reduction, the drive system
track to speed up the outer track in a requires a corner power rating less Technical Specification (45-50t class)
turn. than 25% compared to an independent " Mass ~900Kg (incl. inverters &
sprocket drive system. This reduces brakes)
E-X-Drive"! transmits this  steering the stress on the components and " Volume ~0.45m3
power mechanically without the need therefore the technical risk of the " Nominal input power ~800kW
for a separate cross-shaft, reducing the solution. " Specific Power ~0.89 kW/kg
required motor and inverter power " Power density ~1.7MW/m3
ratings. " PGW Cooling
" Multi-plate PGW cooled brakes
" Quick release electrical/coolant
For more information please contact:
Customer Contact Team
E-X-DriveTM approximate dimensions for 45-50t vehicle QinetiQ
Cody Technology Park
Ively Road Farnborough
Hampshire GU14 0LX
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 8700 100942
Copyright QinetiQ Ltd 2009


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