Tłumaczenia fragmentów zdań - Translation

  1. detailed description 31. promised not to open

  2. don't feel 32. will have cut

  3. remind me of 33.1 had been invited

  4. It is said that 34. should he come here

  5. Despite/ In spite of my trying hard 35. the tea was being served

  6. wouldn't have to 36. not to be late

  7. You had better start 37. apologized for being late

  8. blame me for 38. regretted having broken

  9. insisted on 39. you started visiting

  1. due 40. ran out of sugar

  2. you didn't go 41. didn't you tell me

  3. Apparently 42. should have been closed

  4. None of my friends 43. have repaired

  5. But for / If it hadn't been for 44. how old was

  6. he supported himself/ earned 45. warned us not to touch

  7. you should have given 46. will have been saving

  8. whose 47. had been talking

  9. worked 48. haven't you been talking

  10. does he see her 49. had been delivered

  11. whereas / while 50. we have been

  12. she would be informed 51. it stops raining

  13. should have been done 52. are you allowed to go

  14. was painted by 53. aren't

  15. If I had not eaten 54. remembered posting

  16. he will have been painting 55. wouldn't like

  17. he does not come 56. he had left

  18. may/might/could have been taking a shower 57. aren't to be hung

  19. had been cooking 58. so much information

  20. will she be taken 59. wouldn't have been pleased

  21. they were planning to stay 60. I'd rather stayed


Zadanie l.

  1. you have a ticket you are not allowed to come in.

  2. pride in his achievements.

3.1 had sold the house a year ago.

  1. having our roof repaired.

  2. you kept the windows closed.

  3. the fact that he didn't have much money, Mark spent a fortune on new clothes.

  4. nor Bob knows the man.

  5. we started studying hard for the exam.

9. help laughing when I saw Rob in his new shirt.

  1. circumstances should you go there.

  2. was not allowed to go out at night.

  3. you didn't tidy my room every day.

  4. you had put your overcoat on you wouldn't be all soaked now.

  5. does he visit us these days.

  6. been for Harry's help, we wouldn't have been able to lift the piano.

  7. us all in.

  8. have bought such a big car.

  9. that I (should) take a few days off.

19 of these two dogs can bark.

20. for interrupting you.

Zadanie 2.

1. need not have done 21. had to be done

2.1 knew why Tom disliked 22. he forgot (to take) was

  1. long have you been playing 23.1 knew why Mary liked

  2. may/might/could have been murdered by 24. long has he been playing

  3. is not interested in 25. will this picture be painted

  4. is thought to have gone 26. was having his car repaired

  5. are having our house decorated 27. could/may/might have been stolen by

  6. are being delivered by 28. as long as you

  7. have known Mark for 29. is said to have left

  1. may/might/could have been 30. if he had known it

  2. had difficulty in explaining 31. did they give away our

  3. must have done 32. came as a surprise to

  4. if it was not/were not 33. a faster driver than

  5. apologized for forgetting 34. been ages since Dave was

  6. instead of seeing 35. is going to be organized

  7. got on well with 36. so as not to be

  8. have had a cake made 37. had been writing their essays for

  9. will she be taken 38. wished we had not come

  10. must have seen 39. should not have requested

  11. to put up with 40. look it up


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